#i dont want to post a picture and show you all PRECISELY where i work but jt looks beautiful
greppelheks · 2 years
My boss mischievously took me outside today at work, walked 10 meters from the building with me and pointed at the top of the building and said 'look, for you because you're a dyke!' and he had a 4 meter big pride flag placed on the rooftop
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forlorn-crows · 11 months
What is it about mountain/Hayden that you like so much? I agree because 👀 but I'm curious what it is for you.
oh anon. you've activated my trap card. where do i begin about this wonderful man/ghoul.
this will be long. i will save your dash by putting it under a cut:
firstly. who is the backbone of a band if not a drummer. he is the literal rock of the group besides papa himself. ive always liked percussion, especially the precision you need in order to play the instruments well. hayden is such an accurate and well-versed drummer, in my opinion. does he play the most complicated songs? no. (i mean, look at II of sleep token, that man is c r a z y) but he's talented and has variety in his musical repertoire.
did you know he can play guitar too? and he composes music. he has an entire soundcloud of scores and works with his friends on their projects (jutty w/drag talk, dylan w/into the vortex). so not only does he play the music, he can write it too. which, i think, is crazy talented. not everyone can do that---everyone in ghost is crazy talented, in general, and its gonna be hard for tobias to keep people like hayden around for a super long time.
i dunno, hayden as a person just seems super sweet, someone who's happy to support his friends and also do cool things for himself.
he's got some cute lil doggies too. and i, as a dog person, appreciate that he dresses his dog up all cute, poses her for a picture, and posts it for her birthday klsfdj
so uh, in terms of looks . . . i mean, this man is fucking fine and i will NOT hear hayden slander. i dont care that he's a tall white beanpole of a boy, he's cute. he's just a big cute nerd. and you know whats weird? i dont normally like tall men. but something about him makes my brain go...hhhh t a l l.
his nose? his eyes? his cute fucking smile? even his stupid expressions when he drums, he's so into it. i love it. apart from his face his...his hands oh my fisdjkkd. his big hands. i want them on me. pls. and his tattoos??? lskjdfsd his tatTOOS. some of the pictures of him with his forearm ones showing i cant even breathe i stg.
uhhh fun fact he's a taurus. his birthday is 4 days before mine.
i dont know. hayden just seems like a warm, kind person. which is probably the biggest reason i like him as a person.
okay wrapping up with hayden, onto mountain. i will try my best to keep this short but i really truly feel i could go on about him for a g e s.
first of all. as previously mentioned, i am a taurus. and, true to that, i am earth aligned myself, always have been. obviously, anything that i think of mountain is my own and common fanon. but earth is calming, it feels like home to me. that connected feeling you get when you get your hands in the dirt or that wash of satisfaction you get when its perfect weather outside. earth is strong, hearty, resilient.
he's a grounding presence, one of the backbones of the pack (aside from being the backbone of the band). and you know what i think? i think he seriously doesnt get enough credit or attention. and maybe he feels that way too, at the very least, alone on his podium up there on stage. and maybe its me projecting onto him, but, you know, i know how that feels. to also be relied on to be that grounding presence (like aether too) constantly, even when going through turmoil personally. so i connect strongly to that. to be the one, as harsh as it sounds, taken for granted.
on a lighter note, i just know hes such a gentle ghoul. of course he has a harder side, but it takes a lot to get him there (unless you ask of course). hes sensitive, loving, thoughtful, just the real definition of a gentle giant. a giver, more than anything. wants the best for his pack, in every aspect. is always looking out for them and finding ways he can show his love. big on gift giving, i bet, especially handmade things.
i dont know if this sounds weird, but mountain seems to lean more into the feminine energy than say a ghoul like omega or swiss. less of a 'big' presence, despite his size. fits in well with the girls, prefers quiet company. and thats something i always lean into, regardless of gender. not to say there's nothing masculine about him, but i think y'all know what i mean. his ideal day is probably sitting with like-minded company, maybe outside, enjoying a book or working on plants or doing some sort of craft or baking.
it also doesnt help that mountain essentially looks like a ghoul-ified hozier in my brain slkdflj. long mousy brown hair with auburn tones, proud nose, deep green eyes, warm olive-toned, medium gray skin, super freckly with soft patches of hair on his tummy, his sternum, his legs, his balls, you just look at him and want to hug him. want him to pick you up and carry you to a secluded meadow somewhere and for him to ramble about the plants you see along the way in that deep, rumbly voice of his.
and dude dont even get me STARTED on mountain as a lover. holy hell that ghoul can FUCK. always focused on his partner, so fucking sensitive, will worship the others body/bodies for as long as they'll let him. big on praising. soft. so fucking soft (but you know, he's got that HOT AS FUCKLSDJLFJ possessive side. that all consuming 'i need to have you' side. and a lil bit of a heavy hand, if they ask) and the NOISES I KNOW THIS GHOUL FUCKING MAKES IT PLAGUES ME EVERY DAY. the softest of groans, the breathy moans, *bangs fist on the table* the WHIMPERING. listen, y'all know how i feel about puppy mountain. that ghoul fucking WHIMPERS okay?! i need him. SO fucking bad. you already know how i write him. you know what i like. you know how it is. you know how i turn him needy 50% of the time, the ghoul you think has a giant dick and tops everyone? nuh uh. that boy is BOTTOMING a good chunk of the time too.
okay im rambling. im sure you can understand why i love hayden and mountain so much. sigh. he's the one for me. theres a lot of things that do it for me. you can count on me never shutting up about him.
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How to have mismatched eye color in any picrew: a tutorial
At the bottom I give a quick overview (but not a specific tutorial) of how you can also make various other things that are almost never available in picrews, some of these are harder than others: Other forms of Heterocromia, Inner eye ring colors, Custom scars, Custom skin tone variations (can make vitiligo, granted the picrew creator added enough skin variations), Custom hair color streaks
Hate when you choose the perfect picrew, but your oc has some form of heterocromia and the picrew won’t let you show that?
Here’s a quick trick to fix it, with zero artistic talent required.
Everything we need is already in the picrew! We’re just going to use a simple layer trick to merge 2 of the same picrew
This will be user friendly for people who have no experience with digital art and will be done using a free mobile app. (Since most people don’t have computer drawing apps if they aren’t into digital art)
Needed: a picrew you like, a free digital art app (I’m going to use ibis paint X for this tutorial)
The link to the picrew I’ll be using for this. No orange eye color though, the one thing I needed lmao
Step 1:
Save two versions of the same picrew with differing eye colors in each as the only difference.
In my experience, the picrew stays built when you re-enter the link. So, just build it and save it as normal, then it will still be there and you can change the eye color before saving the second copy.
Your copies should look about like this: it’s important to keep the rest of picrew as a copy except for the eye color. The fewer differences, the easier it will be.
Tumblr media
Step 2:
Ok, now the hardest part is over! Drawing apps can look scary if you’re not used to them, but it will be ok.
When we open IbisPaint X it will look like this:
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You want to select ‘My gallery” and then hit the plus sign at the bottom left hand corner. You’ll then be given this menu:
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Now this looks like a mess, butttt you’re just going to ignore it all and click import picture. You can then choose 1 of the picrew’s from your gallery. Don’t worry it doesn’t matter which you choose.
You will be prompted with this notification:
Tumblr media
Cancel this. This will turn the work into lineart or something I’m not sure tbh. Not familiar with this app. But it will mess up our picrew. Accidentally did it? No problem! Just close the app and go back through the menu
Step 3:
So, now you have this:
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We’re ready to overlap it with the other picrew we made!
I’m running out of the 10 photos per post, I’ll try to still give a visual for each step though. Hope it’s not confusing
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1- First we’re going to hit the ‘layers’ symbol at the bottom right
2- here we can see the layers, this app seems to automatically make a new layer for a new picture, so don’t worry about any of this! Select the add photo button and choose your picrew with the opposite eye color of the 1st
3- Dont mess with these settings, just push the green check! We don’t want to move the picture since we’re relying on them being directly on top of each other
4- cancel the lineart thing again
5- Now we have 2 layers, each with 1 version of your picrew
6- you can just tap above this menu to close it. It should appear as though our picrew has changed eye color.
Step 4:
Now for the fun part! We’re going to erase one of the eyes on this top layer to reveal the other color underneath!
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1- We’re going to switch from pen to eraser using this button in the bottom left hand corner.
2- For the best precision, we’re going to want to zoom in towards the eye that isn’t supposed to be the current color (we can zoom in by placing two fingers on the canvas and pulling them apart. Idk what this is called. Reverse piniching?) The other thing we’re going to do is make the eraser smaller by sliding the top slider to the left.
3- Now we’re ready to erase! Carefully erase over the eye and it will change color. Be careful not the erase the other eye, or it will change color as well. If you make a mistake, the undo button is towards the top of the canvas
4- all done! Just gotta save it now. Push the button in the bottom right corner
5- When the menu comes up, you want to save as a normal PNG. Now it’s in your gallery!
Step 5:
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It doesn’t look edited at all! Because it’s really not, we just combined two of the same art in different colors. No one would ever guess. It still has the same dimensions and everything!
Other stuff you can do with this trick:
Although some of these take a lot more careful erasing, these shouldn’t require any actual drawing. You can use these basics to experiment with this stuff as well:
- A different colored ring around the middle of the eyes: put the middle color on the bottom layer and erase around the pupil carefully in a circle with a very small eraser brush size.
- eyes that are half colored, in a line down the middle (a form of heterocromia): layer order doesn’t matter, erase half of each eye carefully, depending on which color should be where.
- a color streak through the hair: this one will require careful erasing to look good. You’ll need a picrew where the hair is entirely the color of the streak, and a picrew with the surrounding hair color. Put the color streak layer on the bottom layer. Erase the top layer in the shape of the streak you want colored. You can place it anywhere. You can do this with faded hair tips as well, but how well that turns out will depend on the color difference the creator had between similar hair colors... in other words, if dark and light brown are closer together in color value, it will look more natural when you merge them. I would recommend putting the lighter hair color layer on the bottom. When you erase, you’ll be drawing where the highlights are, functionally the same as the color streak.
- you can make uneven skin tones or vitiligo if the creator has added enough skin tone variations to the picrew: to make vitiligo you’ll make a picrew with your lightest skin tone and a picrew with your darkest skin tone. You’ll put the lightest skin tone on the bottom layer. Then you’ll erase the top layer in the pattern where skin pigment has been lost. You’ll be able to control the pattern of color loss like this, and make any pattern you want! This layer order works best for putting light patches on darker skin. If you want to darken an area you’ll put the darker layer down first and erase the top layer with lighter skin into the pattern you want. Essentially: put light down first if you want to put a light pattern on dark skin. Put dark down first if you want to put a dark pattern on light skin
-custom scars if the creator has added enough skin tone variations to the picrew: this is the same idea as skin tone variations. This time though, we need a picrew with a pink tone skin color choice, a lighter one than the character’s skin tone can also work if you want silver scars. Make a picrew with normal skin tone for the character, and a picrew with the scar color. Put the scar color picrew down first, then add the normal tone one. Now when you erase it should make scars in any pattern you want!
If you’re having trouble erasing neatly, the answer is always to zoom in on the canvas and decrease the eraser brush size! Also you can undo and redo until it looks how you want!
That’s all I can think of right now! Hope everyone has fun making those OC’s that the picrews always seem to forget. And especially anyone who’s been left out themselves!
I have on anon asks if anyone has questions/problems using this tutorial! Or any questions about how to do something similar
Feel free to add other tips to this post as well!
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bananaman-mp3 · 2 years
hey uh… sorry for being gone so long i had a LOT of shit to do and im very weak so sacrificing my sleeping hours is unadvisable and detrimental to me. so i have a plan to read in a lot and then queue the posts to 1 every three days or so, to try and keep some consistency… idk if itll work well though, so well see.
also! i have the rest of the books, so i dont have an excuse not to finish this anymore. lets see how it goes. hopefully i dont abandon this.
chapter 10, according to my calculations, around the first quarter of the way through.
we start out with our darling mare, here, thinking about how theres nuance to the red/silver division and shes right in the middle of it, which is a great way for me to bring up something that ive wondered and i think i havent rambled about yet.
is mare really the first red that differs from the norm, like, ever? because that sounds unlikely. theres mentions of other kingdoms in this book, and even then, kingdoms are usually big. whos to say there arent any other powerful reds hiding because they knew as soon as they found out, theyd be persecuted for being different, even if they arent at fault. or hell, how about a silver with no powers? has that ever happened? i bet their families would try to hide their existence from the rest of the world or outright execute them. i dont know which ones worse. maybe theyd be disowned and sent to live with the reds. all of these are great book worthy ideas as well.
i have the feeling that there might be more reds out there with powers too, and the story will head that way. for all i know the scarlet guard could be precisely this! maybe a new generation is born with powers through evolution, because it hasnt been explained yet if in this universe theres always been reds and silvers or if this was the product of evolution or even of genetic alterations. theres so much to talk about here, like, what if a silver and a red have kids? what are they like? are they powerful reds or powerless silvers? only reds or silvers? can they even have children together? is mare secretly the product of one such union? who knows. not me, thats for sure.
mare attempts to get into character here. also- is mareena pronounced as mare-ena or marina? cals joke about mare being a good nickname hint towards the former, but who knows, maybe this is a heavily debated topic in the fandom. whats the general consensus, here? comments are appreciated. well, back on the story, mareena seems to be a cold unimpressionable girl, for mare.
people are talking about her, and tiberias (is it ty-berias or tee-berias?) and elara stand above everyone else. as our girl here said “To look powerful is to be powerful.”
cal is seems displeased and maven absolutely pissed. damn. these two seem interesting, but i sense their dynamic is gonna be one of those “noble and kind older brother, resentful and selfish younger brother” which hm. i dont know if i like that. but i dont wanna be cynical, maybe this will better than just that.
“At least I won’t have to deal with a good liar.”
is anyone else smelling that? its the wonderful scent of a good roast.
king tiberias anounces this queenstrial brought more than a future queen and tells us more about her “origin story” , where we learn that ethan titanos was killed by lakelander spies. i dont recall who they were though… >:/
the king and queen make a big show to, as mare kindly puts “slip a Red girl into a crown without anyone noticing”, which yeah, you gotta take measures because people are sure to complain about it. im sure they still will even with this whole sob story.
props to miss aveyard for writing future queen evangeline as having horrible fashion, pretty accurate to irl rich people. what the fuck is a “dress of interlocked metal rings”??? im picturing it and it sucks, sorry.
hdjfkgk ofc the king says he will “atone for [his] ignorance” bitch you people hate reds, stop clowning.
evangeline punching air mentally rn. girl just wanted that calore ass (its funny bc calore means hot get it. get i-)
maven proposes as scripted and mare has a short moment of consideration. who would she have chosen if things were different? kilorn, obviously. i want to point out maven seems to be kinder but idk it could be his act.
cal gives his gentle king™ speech and obviously chooses evangeline. also this girls has some azula vibes im telling you. maybe that is her whole thing. i just hope hes bullies her brother too because fucking ptolemus??
she radiates the same evilness as queen elara, but i wish she could be like a subversion of that trope. evil step-mom and now evil technically-step-sister. what if they become besties instead. would be wild right.
on another not im still wondering if shes genuinely into cal or if shes more of power-hungry #girlboss. maybe its both.
nvm evangeline fucking hates her i dont think this is anything short of a potential slowass burn friendship. mare also hates evangeline. sigh. i know this was written back in 2015 but i can dream.
as expected, they bring back the scarlet guard issue. something something we want to breed the most powerful children possible to keep our power over the reds and other kingdom, especially now that there are some rebellious reds out there against us.
damn i wish we could see what farley was up to. lowkey really liked her.
maven speaks to her reassuring- cool, nice to seem him warm up -but mares too preoccupied feeling guilty about having a great feast while her family likely wont be having a good meal. holy shit gisa was supposed to work to get them out from the stilts… they are probably worse off now. they dont even know that she is supposedly never going back home. her guilt is completely understandable.
oh- she was getting drunk to cope- yeah probably for the best that maven stepped in. also he apparently was a dick because he wanted to choose his wife. i mean, kinda understandable. and hes not one of the worst people mares had the displeasure to face so far. ill stay on alert for any potential friendship.
he didnt even have a girl in mind but he still wouldve liked to have that choice- i kinda resonate with this so he gets extra points. but obviously mares irritated because she doesnt get the luxury of choice. or anything, really. she never has. understandable, girl, vent all that shit before it consumes you. but also. maybe. not. in public.
aw damn, maven is the unseen brother, hes jealous but also… lonely. i think. yeah, poor kid. i mean hes still rich though.
lets talk about that though. mare rolling her eyes out at every person here complaining is such a mood. yeah their all rich and privileged what have you got to complain about bitch. but yeeeees i knooooow that they have their other, non-money-related problems. its just kinda funny. this girl has suffered hunger, trauma and constant distress and shes listening to a prince complain about not getting to choose who his wife will be.
ok thats it for now. ill try to read more often, or at least have some chapters queued.
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lovebtsfanart · 7 years
BTS and the Photographer (Part 4)
A/N: Hey I started writing fanfics just recently on wattpad. Feel free to follow my account Kpop_Fangirl_17 as i post my work there first before here. I am new at this so if any other writers could give me some tips I would appreciate it.
Pairing: Jungkook x Y/N. +BTS members
Genre: fluff, smut(Maybe in the future?)
Words: 2.7k+
Warnings: panic attacks, anxiety, sensitive topics, depression.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Synopsis: You are a photographer who lived and studied in London until you are given an opportunity to go to south Korea and work for BigHit Entertainment. You find out that you will be the personal photographer for BTS and will be working with nearly everyday. CEO Bang Si-hyuk had set this up and lets the rest unravel. He hopes the boys learn from the experiences you and them have and that will influence their music as well as help you. You see them all as your older brothers but you can’t deny that you feel something for the youngest, Jungkook. Both of you being shy, neither of you say anything but that does not stop you two from having little moments. Read to find out what adventures you have with the boys and love blossom between you and Jungkook.
As a person who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks I request everyone to be respectful and mature about this. If anyone wants to talk to me feel free to message me.
“Wait, what?” You said in disbelief.
“We are neighbours!” Hobi cheered.
You did not know what to say. The boys copied your shocked face by opening their mouths and making their eyes wider.
“Yah, stop it” you said giggling now.
“Jungkook whats the spelling?” Jinnie said to Kookie.
“Aish, not again” Jimin said annoyed. The other members shaking their heads.
“S-T-O-P. I-T! Whooo! Yeah!” They said in unison, breaking out in a fit of laughter
The other boys looked like they were about to knock the two out.
“You will learn to live with it, we have to” Joonie said.
“How about you come over for dinner?” Jin suggested as his laughter slowly died down.
“No, no i cant. I have caused enough trouble today as it is and you all must be tired” you replied
“You have not been any trouble Y/N, honestly we had a lot of fun!” Hobi said reassuringly.
“We have not laughed this much in awhile” Jiminnie added.
They all agreed with Jimin.
“Come on Y/N, you don’t even have any food yet” Tae said.
You thought about it. He was right, you needed to go food shopping and you were feeling tired. You too had to accept that you had not had this much fun in a while.
“Yes! Eomma, movie night! movie night!” Tae started to plead. “Pleeeaaase~”
“Aish. Fine. What do you say Y/N?” Jin asked you.
“I’m down!”
“Good, lets say in about an hour. We all probably want to have a shower first and then i will start cooking”
You all nodded and headed back in to your rooms.
“An hour” you said aloud to yourself.
You decided to unpack some of your essentials. Your living room had boxes laying around as well the kitchen and your bedroom. You thought that Uncle BamBam probably made sure the boxes were put in the right place. Since you clearly labelled them, finding what you wanted was not too hard. You found some shower gel and shampoo as well as some clothes to put on before heading for a shower.
35 minutes later you had washed your hair, had a nice long bath, got dressed and partially dried your hair so that it was not dripping. You sat on the couch and just stared out the windows on to the city. It looked so pretty with the lights so you grabbed your camera and took some photos. 10 minutes later you decided to go to their apartment. You dried your hair properly, your hair had soft natural curves which fell past your shoulders. You were too lazy to do anything with it. You put on a little bit of powder and looked for your shoes, timbs to be precise. You loved them as they were so comfortable. Eventually finding them 10 minutes later, you grabbed your phone, camera and iron tablets, that you needed to take after eating, and left your apartment.
You stood outside their door feeling weird, but not in a bad way. This felt so natural and comfortable to do, you would never have done this before. You rang the buzzer to be welcomed by a sleepy Yoongi.
“Wow! An hour exactly” he said looking down at his watch and letting you in.
Jin, Rapmon, Hobi and Jiminnie all came to welcome you as well. They laughed amongst themselves as they watched you take off your shoes.
“What?” You said confused.
“Lets just say you and Jungkook have more in common than you may think” Jimin said in between giggles.
They led you inside their apartment, the layout was similar but it was bigger. They told you that they had two apartments combined due to the number of members. They could have had two separate apartments but they all wanted to live together so they made a request to Bang PD-nim and he agreed.
“Where is Kookie Oppa and Tae Oppa?” You asked the boys.
“They were the last to hit the shower so they should be down soon. Why? Missing ‘Kookie Oppa’ already Y/N?” Hobi teased which made you blush slightly.
“Ani! I was just wondering where they are” you replied shyly before going to the kitchen to help Jin.
“Whatever you say Y/N” Hobi called after you.
You peered over at what Jin was cooking.
“Oppa it smells good. Can i help with anything?”
“No, no. I’m cooking for you so i dont want you to do anything but sit and relax” he said dragging you over to a tall stool at the island.
“Oppa please let me do something. How about i do a fruit salad! We all need to eat healthly.”
Jin agreed and let you chop some fruit up. You washed some apples, grapes, strawberries and blueberries before sitting back at the island. You started cutting the fruit when Jimin came and sat next to you.
“Your very skilled with a knife” he said “can you make the bunnies with the apple?” He asked
“Yeah, sure. I can do something with the other fruit as well” you replied.
As you chopped the fruit Jimin watched you. A small smile rose on his face as you handed him a bunny apple. Unfortunately Jin was quick to take it away.
“Not before you eat, you will spoil your appetite!”
“Eomma~ pleeeeeeaase~” Jimin pouted.
“Appa!” Jimin called to RapMon sitting on the sofa reading the news paper.
“Ne, Chim Chim” he replied, not looking up from the newspaper he was reading.
“Can i have a bunny apple, pleeeeaase~”
“Ask Eomma”
Jimin sat and pouted until you finished chopping. He looked adorable with his cheeks puffed out and his arms crossed
“Okay i’m done Eomma! Can i do something else?” You asked Jinnie.
“I’m done too” he said switching off the stove, before he placed the food on the table.
You also went to put the fruit salad on the table and helped get the plates and cups.
“Aish those kids have they not come down yet?” Jin said looking around the room for Jungkook and Taehyung.
“Jimin go and get them!” He told him a little annoyed.
Jiminnie quickly grabbed a bunny apple before running off pulling faces at a very angry Jinnie Eomma.
“Aish, that kid!” Jin said taking off his apron and before calling the boys overs from the couch to come and eat.
Jimin came back down with Tae and Kookie following behind him.
“Ah hyung why did you stop us? We were about to kick their butts!” Junkook mimicked with the rather large teddy bear in his hand.
“Ah Y/N your here already!” Tae said.
As soon as Kookie heard your name he dropped the teddy on the sofa so you could not see it. However when you turned around you caught a glimpse of him doing something.
“Jungkook Oppa, what did you put on the sofa?” You said curiously.
You could here laughter from the others as they knew.
“Nothing! Nothing, lets eat” he hurriedly said walking towards the table.
You all sat down after taking some food into your plates. You and Jin sat on the ends of the table leaving the other six to separate into hyung line and maknae line. Jimin sat on your right with Tae next to him and Jungkook on the left of the eldest. On your left was Hobi, followed by Joonie and Yoongi. While you ate you talked, mainly the boys, about the concerts in the US that they had just returned from. The look on their faces made it impossible for you not to smile. They felt relieved that their fans, ARMY, enjoyed their performances and were overwhelmed by what they did for them. They showed you pictures that their fans have uploaded to social media and videos of fan events they had done for them. For example the rainbow sea of ARMY Bombs and their fan chants.
They could not stop talking and you wanted to capture the moment so you quietly got out of your seat to grab your camera that was on the kitchen counter behind you. You took a couple of photos without the flash so they would not notice before turning it on to get better quality pictures. They realised when they saw the flashes of light so they started to pull funny and derpy faces. You could not help but giggle at how these handsome men could change into little kids so quickly!
You sat down again and showed the boys the pictures to which they also laughed and joked about. You went a little too far and they caught a glimpse of the photos you took from your room. You quickly hid them causing a fuss from them.
“Lets see them Y/N, lets see!” Tae urged you along with the others.
So you did. They admired them and complimented your skills. They even asked you to teach them and show them the different filters you used. You agreed and carried on showing them until you landed on the picture your brother took.
“Who are they?” Yoongi asked
“Thats my mum and brother” your faced had dropped to a frown but quickly tried to replace that with a smile but the boys were quick to notice.
“My brother must have taken my camera before i left” you felt you had ruined the good mood so you told everyone to carry on eating which they all happily did.
You took a few more photos of individual members, telling them to strike a pose and they did their best poses, using props or other members. You sat down again to carry on eating.
Jimin was the first one to finish and asked if he could use your camera so you let him. He took pictures of you and the boys, you giving your best eating pose.
“Jungkook eat your fruit as well” Jin said passing it to him.
“Ah Hyung we said we will not do the bunnies any more. You promised!” He said pouting at the elder.
“Oh, do you not like it?” You asked a little upset
“Ah, oh, no its not that…..” he scratched the back of his neck embarrassed  
“I will eat them, thank you” he said before eating the apple as well as a hand full of grapes.
“Our fans think that Jungkookie eats like a bunny. They made clips of them side by side, its sooo cute!” Jinnie said stroking Jungkook’s hair.
“Ah hyung! Hajima!” He retorted swatting the elders hand away.
“But it seems since he has become an adult he does not like it when we tease him. I will show you the video after, he still does it!”
You giggled as Jin tried baby Jungkook again but was returned with a rather angry baby.
Jimin took a couple of pictures of the eldest and youngest before sitting down to wait for the others. You finished so you placed your plate in the sink and washed your hands. The boys were busy eating so you went over to the couch.
“What is it Y/N? Hobi asked
“Its a cute teddy!” You squealed like a little kid, picking it up and hugging it tightly.
“Is this yours Kookie Oppa?” You said tilting your to the side slightly.
“Cute” he replied under his breathe. It was quiet so you could not hear but the boys definitely did.
“What did you say Jungkook?” Tae teased along with the boys egging him on
“You can have it if you want” he said rubbing the back of his neck again. He had decided to ignore the members little teases.
“Jungkook I thought” Yoongi said motioning to the bear you were holding.
“Its okay Kookie Oppa, I don’t want it” you said placing it back on the sofa
“No i insist, you looked really happy”
“You sure Oppa?” You asked him
“Thank you!” Your faced lit up like a little kids again.
You helped clear up and do the dishes. Jimin had picked you up and placed you on the counter. He told you to dry the dishes and pass it along so they could put it away while Jin washed. Namjoon and Tae cleaned the the table and set it up nicely with some flowers that made the room smell nice. Within no time at all you were all done.
“Movie time!” Tae called running over to the couch and searching for a movie.
The others followed while you stayed in the kitchen with Jin and Jungkook to make popcorn.
“I hope you don’t find us weird Y/N” Jin said while putting some popcorn in the microwave and turning it on.
“No, actually it has been a fun first day here, eventful but I think im really going to enjoy being with you guys”
“Thats good to hear” he replied while putting another bag of popcorn into the microwave.
Jungkook was sitting on the island counter eating some grapes.
“Did we just not eat?” You asked Jungkook
“Yeah! But who does not like grapes!” He said throwing one up and catching it in his mouth
“True, you have a fair point” you said smiling.
“Want one?” He said holding up a grape
“Yeah, give me your best shot!”
He tossed you the grape and you effortlessly caught it
“Good catch!” Jungkook said impressed.
“I try” you said doing a sassy hair flick before both of you started laughing.
All this while Jin was putting multiple bags of popcorn into the microwave and pouring the contents into big bowls for the boys to share amongst them selves.
“Are you two going to have popcorn or grapes?” He said raising an eyebrow up at the two still throwing grapes at eat other.
“Grapes!” you both said at the same time which made you look at each other and smile
“Okay, well give me a hand and take these bowls in for the boys”
You both picked a bowl each and gave it to the rest of the members who could not chose a movie. You and Jungkook sat together on the two seater closer to the window, he held the grapes while you cuddled the bear.
“Hyung have you still not decided?” Kookie asked Tae
“Its harder than you think! There are so many good movies that we have not seen because we were touring”
Just then your phone rings, its your brother face timing you.
“One of us is going to die either him for lying to me or me not calling him back!” You said almost as a whisper but Jungkook heard.
“Hi~ Oppa~” you said trying to act cute and innocent
“Yah! Don’t go cutesy on me, its not going to work this time missy. Do you know how worried i was, i called and texted but nothing. I was getting ready to leave for Korea!”
Your brother was loud enough for the members to all hear and so they went a bit quiet but whispered to make out that they were not eaves dropping.
“Now you are just exaggerating! Well, is it my turn?”
“What have i done wrong?”
“Hhmmn, lets see shall we. Lets start with HOW YOU LIED TO ME!” You said emphasising the last part.
“Lets talk about this some other time, you are probably tired and Uncle BamBam told me what happened at the airport. Are you okay?”
The boys had fallen silent
“Yeah I’m fine, the boys made me feel better”
“Boys? What boys!”
“These ones!” you said turning your phone around to reveal the boys scattered on the sofas.
“Hi” they all waved
“Hi, you must be BTS. Sorry for any inconvenience my little sister has caused you”
“No its fine” Namjoon said
“Its a pleasure having her hyung” Jin followed
“Oh hey Seokjin-ah, its been a while”
The boys looked a bit shocked
“You guys don’t have to look that shocked. I’m only a year older!” Your brother said laughing.
“Oh, i just remembered. Y/N have you taken your iron tablets?”
“I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me Oppa~”
“Just go and take them pabo”
You got up off the sofa and was about to head to the kitchen to get some water when your brother stopped you
“Leave you phone with Seokjin”
“How do you know Jinnie Oppa?” You asked your brother
“I just do now go!”
You gave your phone to Jin and went to the kitchen.
“Is she gone?” Your brother asked Jin
“Yeah hyung”
“Okay, i need to talk to you all”
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Law Firm Marketing Fail (2019)
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/law-firm-marketing-fail-2019-2/
Law Firm Marketing Fail (2019)
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I received a section of mail from an lawyer on Saturday. It can be a publication type of and that i wanted to head through it when you consider that I believe there’s various things that we are able to gain knowledge of from this. I think that this piece of mail particularly misses the mark and that i need to show you maybe some matters that I believe that they did improper. So if you are going to be doing physical mailers which honestly i am not a significant fan of, I consider within the internet that you would be able to get much more bang for your buck but when you’re enthusiastic about doing bodily mailers I want to exhibit you some suggestions that possibly will make it hit the mark just a little bit nearer on this guy did, determine it out. All right, so that is what I acquired in the mail. That is from Michael T. Gibson PA, he’s a, it says auto justice legal professional, i am assuming that is a private damage attorney, automobile accident attorney. Now the very first thing that doesnt make numerous feel to me is he is located in Orlando, Florida, now, i’m placed in Mulberry, Florida which is ready an hour and a half away.So i am now not precisely definite why or how i finished up in his mailing record. Orlando’s a really giant area so I dont know, you know, i am not rather sure of that however just form of, very first thing i’d look at it and say, why am I getting a flyer from an attorney in Orlando? So that is some thing you dont necessarily need humans right off the bat style of questioning why they may be getting what you are getting. Now, the opposite factor about this flyer is it’s sort of a publication, I need to exhibit you the structure of it.So they’ve bought an auto justice group hero application and it looks like they’re giving award and sort of spot lighting anyone whos accomplished some thing good locally and that i think that is nice. The difficulty i’ve with a variety of that is the formatting. I have no suggestion who Michael T. Gibson is, I didnt sign up for his newsletter but he sends me, he despatched me a e-newsletter. Now I nonetheless open it in view that I was once type of occupied with what it was but seem at this massive block of textual content right here. I’ve been watching at this factor, for this matters been sitting on my desk for a couple of days now and i’ve on no account learn it, it can be simply there’s too much textual content, i’m just now not fascinated about reading it. Now, let me exhibit you going further seem in any respect this text in here, it’s simply no one’s going to learn that, you understand, and it can be just not a excellent structure. No person’s going to read this, I recognize what he is seeking to do, he’s acquired, you realize, he sincerely wrote a weblog publish that he sends out and it’s 20 years later and the lessons I desire I knew.Now, this is the intriguing thing about this. He’s a personal harm legal professional, this web publication is set divorce and that’s kind of what he learned about with divorce. I dont realise, you recognize, lesson one, your loved ones and your children will not be valued at it, it is kind of about classes learned as he went by means of divorce or as he, you know, actually, i’m going to be sincere with you, I dont recognize precisely what it can be about on the grounds that i haven’t read the entire thing due to the fact that I just, I mean look at it that is giant blocks of textual content no one’s going to read this kind of thing. So, you know, so lesson two, divorces are zeros, some fiscal achieve, dont blow keen on nothing, I accept as true with all this form of stuff, limit the collateral damage, I agree but I dont believe any person’s going to learn this and i’d be very surprised if that is virtually effective for him.Particularly due to the fact that he, you realize, the day he’s a private injury attorney and we’re reading a good no longer even studying we’re kind of simply looking at a giant block of textual content that’s all talking about divorce. Now, what i’d advise, if you are taken with doing something like this I think that this is kind of a lesson in a method that it’s no longer going to work. You realize, what i might recommend alternatively is do anything that is particularly appealing, that is truly designed by a photograph fashion designer and may be very handy to digest. So what i would advise is take an information graphic and put it in a e-newsletter. So, for illustration, let me show you on my computer reveal right here, these are some info photos that now we have created for our clients.This one is driving security in big apple and basically what we did is we did some study, let me see if i can zoom in so you can absolutely see what is on here. See, you realize, we did some research, we had a graphic clothier do this and this factor bills us $forty, it didnt rate us that much but whilst you look at matters like this, it looks first-rate it is obtained fascinating knowledge in it. This may be much more mighty than a large block of text, , I imply these are simply far more appealing. Here is an extra one we did. Bad climate and teenage drivers, vehicle accident information, young adults and using, you know we now have images and its now not fancy portraits. I mean these are typically icons however what we did is we went to a website called upwork.Com and we discovered a photograph fashion designer from overseas.I think this guy is in, I consider he’s in India simply and, you already know, they devise these photographs for us. This is a further one, that is where I did this one, this one is, our client additionally does a police brutality, spoil down of citizens killed by using police in the us as of July, 2016. So we simply did some research and we created this fairly great picture and it appears way higher than anything like this and we certainly get plenty of shares and a variety of feedback on this sort of thing. So, take a appear at this, let me know, I dont recognize if i’m being somewhat harsh on this man, you know, let me understand, would you read this? When you received a section of mail like this, would you learn this? Do you suppose that he’s doing a just right job? Do you believe that perhaps he can do some thing new? And, you understand, what truthfully I’ve certainly not sent a section of mail that appears like this.So might be there is anything to it, I can’t imagine that there’s but what’s your experience been? Have you ever had special good or dangerous experiences with the bodily mail? Let me comprehend. .
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comicteaparty · 5 years
April 29th-May 5th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from April 29th, 2019 to May 5th, 2019.  The chat focused on Catcha by Anko.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Catcha by Anko~! (http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until May 5th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Do you feel that Myouki and Yumi will be able to get along in the long run? What sort of obstacles in their relationship do you expect? What sorts of things might bring them together?
1. I have two picks for this one! Myouki transforming, even though I was expecting it from the synopsis, was a big 'ooh yesss' moment. Magical cat transformation is inherently exciting! Plus, it felt like a gear shifting moment for the story. Second one isn't really a scene, but the one panel where you see the framed picture of Yumi and her mom(?). While it's a fairly normal thing to have, it still shows that her parents are real, that her relationship with them isn't just a plot device. It also made me wonder if there's something special about that relationship that we will be learning in the comic later on.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Why do you think that Yumi is so determined to save the cafe? Ultimately, do you feel that she will succeed? How might her goals change as she continues to pursue her dream?
@keii4ii Myouki transforming was something I was looking forward to drawing for so long after I started Catcha! It's still one of my favorite scenes. I'm really glad you're picking up some of the smaller details as well! Family is important to Yumi for sure!
1) my favorite scene, or i guess more the panel, is where they shake hands. i really adore that hesitation cause i think it helps visually kind of express how theres going to be struggles but theres also hope to be had that theyll manage to work together. so emotionally i think it just really works for the moment and the entire panel flow. 2) In the long run, yes I think the two will find common ground. But emphasis on long cause I think it's gonna be a while. I think the biggest obstacle for their relationship is just how out of touch Myouki might be with humanity. Cause I feel hes not going to understand why humans do the way humans do. Like why theyre staring at their phones all the time or why they dont worship at shrines like they used to or something. and i feel this is gonna cause him to butt heads and make yumi have to cover with customers, leading to many long structures and them having to teach each other about themselves and about how they can make the world work for them. as for bringing them together, cats. definitely cats cause at least thats the one common ground they can really share. 3) Myouki for the shallow reason hes a cat and has two colored hair. Two things I like. Hes also grump boy which I also like. 4) From the impression I got, I assume Yumi has fond memories of someone who probably died or something tied to that cafe. And it's kind of like her last place to remember them by. Or said person also believed in her or something like that. I think there's also just a little bit of stubbornness in there too cause she already made the bet. So it's kind of too late to back out now without taking an ego punch. I think she will succeed, but I think her goals will shift slightly in perspective. Right now I feel shes mostly about saving the business, but when it becomes not about saving the business I think shell really dedicate herself to making a true place for cats. Like giving them a home without it just being a gimmick.
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. Who exactly is the person who introduced Myouki and Yumi? What is her end game in helping Myouki to not be forgotten? What do you see her role in the story being later on?
5) actually my favorite illustration is the most recent page: http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2782734/page-18/ theres a great level of precision and detail in the cat related objects that i really appreciate, and you know 1000% what they are at first glance. I also enjoy the overal page composition cause it really has this nice montage feel that really helps showcase the changes that are going on with the cafe and how they really do create a nice atmosphere like is the characters' goals. 6) I assume she is some higher up in the food chain deity that is responsible for Myouki in some way. Possibly also a cat cause her eyes were kind of cat like. But going on this wavelength of course she doesnt want myouki to be forgotten cause thats how you get demoted. i do think shell appear later on to check up on them and give some sort of assessment. which will cause conflict between myouki and yumi as they try to impress but havent worked out all their relationship kinks yet.
5) There's a lot to like throughout the comic. I appreciate the creator doesn't shy away from drawing the environments, showing unusual angles (even for non-dramatic moments -- e.g. bottom left panel here http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2737479/page-25/ ). If I had to pick one..... I'd go with this one. http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2776781/page-17/ The environment is very simple and understated, yet it gives a sense of a fully 3-dimensional space. I also like the contrast between the busy hatching vs the simplicity of the rest of the image!
Just caught up with this one, such a cute story so far!
5. I liked this. I enjoy small, organic moments and the kittens are a fun bonus. http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2727534/page-06/
My favorite scene in the comic so far is Yumi going out and feeding the cats. She just looks so happy and it's so sweet! http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2727534/page-06/
It was KITTTEN O'CLOCK apparently!
Myouki definitely seems to have a big chip on his shoulder and I think a lot of their obstacles are going to be him learning to be tolerant and understanding (especially in a customer service context), and Yumi being veeeerrryyy patient with him. Beyond the typical café trials of running a business and literal cat-herding, I would love to see more gods or supernatural/dangerous things happen because of Myouki's involvement and how Yumi rises to the challenge of handling that (or brings her human perspective in, a la Natsume Yuujinchou).
I think my favorite character so far is the Mystery White-Haired Lady. She seems kind but also mischievous, and I want to know what kind of relationship she has with a god to tease him like that. Like Rebel said, I think she's higher up in the deity foodchain and could either be looking out for Myouki OR wanting him to fail spectacularly. But she seems to appreciate Yumi so I'm leaning toward a more kindly sort.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What do you think Myouki’s backstory is? Why is Myouki so out of touch with the human world to the point he’s no longer believed in? Do you think he will come to accept humans by the end of the story?
Author swooping in to let you all know I'm SUPER excited to read your thoughts, and my heart is so full right now! @RebelVampire I'm never quite confident in if I'm getting feelings across when I try and slow down scenes with moments of hesitation and such, so I'm really happy to hear that the handshake read clearly and you enjoyed it! Haha, Myouki would certainly be baffled by a lot of modern human quirks, like people staring at cellphones. Cats are definitely always the answer though! (>w<) I'm really happy you like Myouki. I love him for shallow reasons too, haha! Hummmm, I gotta say, you seem to understand Yumi really well! <3 The page you choose as a favorite illustration is one I put so much care into, so I'm really happy! I know there's not much that actually happens in that page, but I'm trying really hard to create a sense of space and atmosphere in Catcha! It means so much to know that's appreciated! And oh ho ho, your guesses over the mysterious woman who visits the cafe got me grinning. She's gonna keep everyone guessing for awhile soon as to who she is!
@keii4ii Oh man, I had so much fun with that picture of Myouki. It's such a simple little illustration, so I wanted to add lots of delicate details when inking it to add more depth!
@Desnik and @Delphina That page was such a fun excuse to feature some kittens at last! I felt kind of guilty before then about what a lack of cats there were, lol.
@Delphina Myouki being a deity will certainly add another flavor of challenges to their partnership! (Yumi already had bitten off more than she could chew with trying to start up her own business, but now she's got a cranky deity to please on top of everything else!) I'm so happy someone likes ~ Mystery Lady ~ ! She's really fun to write, and I feel like she hasn't had much opportunity to shine yet. I hope you look forward to more scenes with her~!
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. How do you think Yumi will get along with the cats that Myouki winds up bringing? Will she be able to care for them all? Additionally, what sorts of personalities do you think the cats might have?
7) Yumi and the mystery lady atm. Mystery lady is just so weird so it's kind of hard to anticipate where she's gonna go in a convo. So it makes their interactions kind of compelling. I also feel like mystery lady offers a great way to see into other side of Yumi that arent immediately present just cause of how she is. 8) I feel like Myouki probably got hurt by some humans and then it snowballed. So basically he cut off contact, and because he wasnt contacting humans as much they just went "cat god? maybe on the internet." not to mention myouki doesnt seem to be the type to like change, so aas the times progressed i feel like he just naturally remained stubborn and complained that the humans were changing and no longer respectful. basically old guy stuff. but eventually i do think he will accept humans again when he learns to open his heart. also when he learns how popular cats are on the internet. 9) the detail i want to appreciate is the cat coat patterns. They look very realistic to actual cats, and i love how theyre all varied. You'd be surprised how many ppl just make plain colored cats (which is fine cause i love all cats but i digress). Thus, I can appreciate the thought put in to making sure the cats weve seen are varied in appearance. 10) I think Yumi will do fine but i also would kind of like to see her interact with a cat that is legit the biggest asshole. And see her challenge herself with patience with trying to let the cat warm up to her rather than forcing herself on the cat. I think at some point the care might wind up jeapordized too cause they can only take in so many cats and...yeah, i dont think theyll put a hard limit on everything at first until they realize how much work is involved. as for cat personalities, besides the one i mentioned i also hope theres the cat who just sits everywhere theyre not supposed to be musing how if it fits, it sits.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What sorts of obstacles do you think Yumi will face business wise when it comes to running a cat cafe? Will the gimmick and renovation be enough, or will Yumi still have other challenges ahead of her?
12) I was actually mildly surprised that she had the funds to buy all those things for the cats? (Though I guess second hand market and thrift shopping may have been involved!) Funding can be a problem, possibly vet bills in the future. I wonder if Myouki has any helpful powers in the cat health department.
“1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?” http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2734702/page-20/ At first, I really thought that this was going to go... differently (because I didn't read the synopsis), and that this was gonna end up being a tale where the main character gets turned into a cat. I am admittedly quite pleasantly surprised by the fact that... It's not that. I'm 100% into the whole cat cafe idea~ “2. Do you feel that Myouki and Yumi will be able to get along in the long run? What sort of obstacles in their relationship do you expect? What sorts of things might bring them together?” Ahahahaha. Grudgingly, yes, I think. Myouki's a very rare type of cat, isn't he... I think, if anything, we're going to see him being aloof... continually. There's going to be a lot of stress, and maybe eventually Myouki'll have to understand that he can't just be a jerk if he wants to have his shrine...
“3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?” Myouki. He's a cat. I like cats. It's pretty simple. “4. Why do you think that Yumi is so determined to save the cafe? Ultimately, do you feel that she will succeed? How might her goals change as she continues to pursue her dream?” Admittedly, I'm not sure I have enough information to go off of to answer this question! This comic is very cute, but it's challenging to come up with theories that I can back up with evidence quite yet... But I would assume that Yumi's interested in keeping the cafe because it was in her family for a while. Probably a grandparent owned it, and it was the place of many nostalgic memories? Hmmm.
“5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?” Hmmm, that's hard to say! I think I actually like the latest page a bit -- the middle shot with the cat supplies has a good sense of depth and business. You get a good feel for how much work has been going into prepping the space. http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2782734/page-18/ “6. Who exactly is the person who introduced Myouki and Yumi? What is her end game in helping Myouki to not be forgotten? What do you see her role in the story being later on?” If she's not Myouki's mother, she's another kami with her own interests in seeing Myouki succeed... Maybe she's from Tashirojima. “7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?” I'm actually the most curious about Yumi and our strange disappearing magical lady. I'm just curious to see how that appears... “8. What do you think Myouki’s backstory is? Why is Myouki so out of touch with the human world to the point he’s no longer believed in? Do you think he will come to accept humans by the end of the story?” Myouki... Hm. I feel like he might just be a rural kami or something -- from an area that used to have people, but not so much anymore? And maybe his shrine was out of the way. I think he's just lonely, honestly. Maybe he sees the kami in town who have these huge shrines and is just like T_T about it.
“9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?” I actually really appreciate the attention to Myouki's hakama. Thank you for paying attention to that! “10. How do you think Yumi will get along with the cats that Myouki winds up bringing? Will she be able to care for them all? Additionally, what sorts of personalities do you think the cats might have?” Myouki's gonna bring a bunch of different cats, probably more than a few need some sort of treatment from the vet... They are the cats he needs to get homes, I'm sure. I, too, want to see her handle the biggest asshole of a cat, like Rebel does. :'D “11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.” The screentones are well done, I think. It gives me a nostalgic sort of feeling... Kinda like some of the webcomics I used to read back in the day. It's a very nice feeling, honestly. “12. What sorts of obstacles do you think Yumi will face business wise when it comes to running a cat cafe? Will the gimmick and renovation be enough, or will Yumi still have other challenges ahead of her?” ...Health inspections and food regulations. There's sure to be a licensing issue or something... bureaucracy!!!
I enjoy the overall premise of this comic though... It really makes me wanna go to a cat cafe for real
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. What role might Yumi’s friend Mayu have to play in the course of the story? What other sorts of characters do you think we might meet given the premise?
11) i think the comic's strengths are the attention to detail on the cat related objects. like not just the cats themselves, but the water fountain, the scratching post, etc. it really helps sell the cat aspect of owning a cat cafe and ya, as a cat lover just immediately attracts me as i scream yaay cats. 12) I agree with Kabo that food regulations is gonna be a huge one. And there's probably also other things to consider. Like some cat cafes let ppl adopt the cats from there to give them homes, but that comes with its own legal requirements and such. i also agree with keii that vet bills are gonna factor in too as a business expense. especially if myouki is bringing in strays cause at the very least those strays should probably be neutered and spayed. but the third option im going to add is marketing. cause you can have the best gimmick in all the world, but if you dont work out you marketing plan youre just going to wind up with 0 customers since theres no brand awareness. 13) im just most looking forward to the cafes opening day right now just to see which of these theorized issues is a thing and which arent. and also just to see whether its a big success or a huge failure. cause like i said, marketing is a necessary thing. 14) I think Mayu is going to be a force of support for Yumi, but I also think shes going to be sort of a representation of what can happen to relationships when you focus too much on business and dont find a good life work balance. down the line of course as yumi buries herself more and more into work. as for other characters, i do kind of hope we might meet a grumpy health inspector who hates cats and is just flat out awful to myouki cause that sounds like a challenge of character growth
YEAH. And then Myouki has to learn how to be nice to people in order to get what he wants/needs out of the system... That would honestly be kinda funny.
As far as question 13 -- I think I look forward to seeing all of the cats that show up. :D 14. Mayu... well. I don't know. Maybe eventually she will do something like... help in the cafe? Maybe she ends up being allergic to cats and can't help out. You know, one thing they do around here is they have the cafe part of the cat cafes separate from the... cat area. So you get your food and drinks made, and then you go join the cats afterward, knowing that not all cats are super clean.
I could see Myouki being EXCEPTIONALLY OFFENDED that humans don't think cats are clean
Oh, of course he would be! XD "What do you mean, you don't want my friend here dipping his paw in your tea? He cleaned up after the litter box!"
If these cats are anything like mine, it'd be like "NOPE YOUR DRINK NOW, CAT"
As far as strengths, I really love the gentle shoujo manga style with the screentoning, it definitely puts me in the frame of mind as to what genre of story to expect and I can tell that's a big inspiration here. I'm not sure what the artist is using to make this or if she's working with a pressure sensitive stylus, but I can see hints of spot blacks and line weight variation on different panels creeping in http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2749987/page-13/ and I'd really love to see more done in that direction, because I think line thickness and variation is pretty important when you're working in greyscale.
Ahhh, I've been intending to add some responses to all the wonderful discussions going on here, but was having some computer issues over the weekend! Finally got that figured out so here I go~!
@RebelVampire -I'm never sure which characters people are going to respond to, so I'm really happy to hear people are intrigued by the mystery customer. I can't wait to hit a chapter where she gets to return and shine! -You understand Myouki really well too! -I've had lots of fun looking up different cat breeds to add variation to the cats that will be joining the cafe. I agree that all cats are great, but it's also nice to stray away from the ones you usually see. -Poor Yumi already has Myouki to deal with, but who knows, there may be a cat out there that causes her even more grief! -Designing all the cat themed things has been so fun! It's basically just an excuse for me to design things I wish I owned, lol -There's def a LOT more that goes into running a cafe than just showing up to work, and I'm glad people recognize that! Yumi does her research and prepares best she can, but this is new territory and she's on a time limit. Bounds to be a few hiccups as things progress! At least one of the things you mentioned will be popping up within the next couple of chapters! -Yumi's nervous and anxious about opening day too! -Mayu and Yumi's relationship has definitely shifted since they graduated high school. The current story doesn't highlight much of that yet, but we may get more notes about some of Yumi's friends as things continue... <3 -A grumpy health inspector would be hilarious!
“It's basically just an excuse for me to design things I wish I owned, lol” Are you secretly a cat
@keii4ii -Funding is huge issue, and the cafe was losing profits when the story started! Yumi would never have been able to do something like this without help. The mysterious customer is helping her pay for this, but that's only mentioned briefly here: http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/comics/2735609/page-21/
lol, I'm a lover of cats (>w<)
Also I enjoy spoiling my own kitty
@Kabocha -Oh man Yumi getting turned into a cat would be fun though. She'd probably be adorable! -Yumi and Myouki need a get-along sweater, haha. At least Yumi is trying her best. -Y'all are boosting Myouki's ego way too much, lol. He's going to feel honored to be so many people's favorite. -The cafe is def a source of fond memories for Yumi. Sometimes it's hard to let go of the past. Like moving out of your home, and seeing it turn into somewhere you don't even recognize anymore. It's kind of a sick feeling. Yumi's not ready for that. -Gosh I'm so happy people like the latest page. There's a lot of panels coming up where I poured in hours of work just to try and level up the art in the comic! -TASHIROJIMA! It' a dream of mine to visit there someday, haha. -Clearly I need to bring back our mystery lady sooner rather than later~ her interactions with Yumi are really fun. -I think he's just lonely, honestly Aww, this pulled on my heartstrings. Myouki's definitely struggling with the grief of being forgotten by humanity right now. -Thank you for noticing Myouki's hakama! Not many people know about them I think, haha. I've always wanted to own or wear one. (Maybe I should make purchasing one a goal for this year!) -lol looks like "asshole cat" is gonna need to be a thing! -I feel like I'm failing to use screen tones well lately, but knowing people appreciate them is so encouraging! I'm gonna try and study more techniques and up my game! -Oh the bureaucracy of it all~! -More cats more cats! -Mayu coming to help out in a cafe would certainly be adorable~! We'll see how things go! Also please go to a cat cafe if you can, they are so much fun! And haha, Myouki would get VERY offended if people suggested his cats were too dirty to be in the same area as humans who are eating. Human's are way less clean than cats are.
Hey, as a fellow screentone user, I definitely appreciate when they're used effectively by other folks!
Also, regarding Asshole Cat being a thing -- YES Even if they're a friendly sort of jerk of a cat... You know, the sort of cat who has to lay on your favorite coat as you're getting ready to leave... and put hair all over it... Or, they eat a treat, only to get sick all over the rug you just cleaned OR, the perennial favorite: Knocking stuff off shelves.
@Delphina -Myouki will challenge anyone who calls his cats dirty. How dare they! -I'm so happy the shoujo feel carries through! I ink everything by hand using a maru pen. (That's also why there's sometimes spots or grit stuck on the page, haha. So hard to keep it clean!) Right now I've been focusing on getting really thin, delicate lines, so there hasn't been a ton of variation, but I hope once I master that gentle look I can ease back into more variation on line widths!
@Kabocha I used to tone by hand, so getting to play with it digitally is so much fun! But I also sometimes get stumped as to how to approach things, lol. Knocking stuff off shelves is the best asshole cat move, I love it so much.
Oh gosh, I can't imagine toning by hand in this day and age. T_T It's so expensive... plus it's like AAAAAA ALL THAT TIME But it can be a challenge to figure out the right approach. ...Gradients. Gradients are very helpful for this. XD
When in doubt, slap a gradient on it! (don't actually do that, it's bad advice) Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing where Catcha goes -- it's very cute!!
lol it's bad advice but I def am guilty of it!!!
Me toooooo
And thank you! Going for that cute factor >w<
As kind of a final word... I wanna tell you, Anko, to keep having fun with this! I think your enthusiasm really shines through, and it's heartwarming. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future with this comic, and any others you choose to work on!
Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! This whole chat has been really encouraging, and those words mean so much to me! I want to create something that is just fun and calming to read, and heart-warming for anyone who enjoys it. I'll keeping working hard to achieve that!
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Catcha this week! Please also give a special thank you to Anko for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Catcha, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://catcha.smackjeeves.com/
Anko’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ankoart
Anko’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnkosArt
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kkukkung · 7 years
"kiho is... fascinating rly" what do u mean 👀
their relationship dynamic is v fascinating and fanfic fuel.. lov the way kihyun... needs to win... and wonho kind of lets him........ but also they’re v tender idk LOV this photoset... ykh is always 100% serious when he attacks ??? but then he’s a very... aftercare guy.... bye
more asks under the cut (dated newest to oldest)
u kno that thing kihyun does when he has the camera where he like...tilts his head back a lil and shakes it a bit. it cute
hate 2 admit this but he rly is.... v c*te... v sexy 2 when he’s BEHIND the camera and he squints and grits one side of his teeth... ok ok ok ok alright alright alr
i dont rlly think hoseok is bi i think hes pan like if hes in love he doesnt rlly care what gender they are
mmm i use the two v interchangeably bc currently i don’t think there is a clear distinction between them? what u said is the traditional dictionary difference but a lot of bisexual people identify with that too and a lot of pansexual people don’t? like from what i’ve been observing, the bi = binary genders/more than one gender, pan = all genders thing doesn’t rly seem to help that much in establishing the difference btwn them? for example........ i usually say im bi irl and pan on tumblr just bc of the difference between levels of lgbtq understanding under varied contexts... but that obviously doesn’t apply to everyone... so yeah frankly i’m still confused abt the difference between them and i guess... just letting ppl fall into whatever they think is right for them is the only way to go? but like tell me if i’m getting smth wrong here lol. also i saved the url pansexualwonho shfjdkgj
hello bunny do u have a wishlist
no and get off my blog stinky
leave ur gf for me
what does it mean when ur gf has a bf and ur also kind of seeing kakashi hatake?? :/ are we all dating by association??
wonho looks like jooheon and IM sugar daddy in that picture or something....
jshgjfk i think this was abt the units teaser photo right? (x) tbh i feel like jooheon looks more sugar daddy here but wonho has a lot of potential... he’d definitely Spoil the person(s) he’s dating :/
I just checked and the members of that new variety show minhyuk will be in are all giants, they are all above 180cm, well besides actually minhyuk lolz it's kinda funny, but I guess he won't need to make himself seem smaller since he's the tiny one this time
my breath hitched when i read this ??? aaa ur right... tbh i don’t know how im going to... survive this show bc it’s... so blindingly... visual?? have high hopes for it i know he’s going to do so well... and ummmmmMM imagine him... making himself XXXXXXXXXXXXXS precisely bc he knows it’s going to b cute n like... tucking himself against eunwoo or smth i might die
THANK U?????? 💖💖💖💖💖 cute anons make me happi :’0
to reaffirm you as a wonho stan: you have 149 pages filed under wonho on your blog but only 118 under minhyuk. however i believe recently 3/5 of your posts are minhyuk posts.
this felt like it was heading somewhere but the second half jfkhgsj i mean,,
do you know where that picture of kihyun and the join forces with communists or end star wars picture is from with his hand up on a bluish greyish wall i rlly like his hand there u know and I think that we sHould join forces with him and he's right we need to make a stand for it but anyways if u know where the pocture is from may u pls share it thnx I lov ur blog lots
[nsfw text warning] i was reading this wonhyuk fic and thought of u immediately archiveofourown org/works/10314092 mostlytop!mh slight daddy kink mh takes extra care of wh :') enjoy
UH ANON................ HOW DID U KNOW....... EXACTLY WHAT I LIKE...... AND THIS LINE... THIS LINE... “He likes Hoseok, but he likes when pretty girls tie him up and sit on his face too”,,,,,,,, rly the best lmh characterisation i’ve ever read sdjkfgh gbye this was rly sweet and well-written and realistic and i think??? i lov u?? and i lov my poly + bi boyfriends :(((( thank u sm for the rec i rly enjoyed it
i'm east asian too and non-asian ppl keep telling me that "rat" and "snake" are racial slurs and i've never heard of such a thing until i joined kpop fandom (rly recently). if you want my honest opinion it's another one of those things where like... overzealous SJWs nitpick terminology and project on POC even tho they have never experienced it themselves... idk. i rly have never heard any of those terms used against asians before as racial slurs...i've seen other asian fans also question this
(regarding this ask) yeah lmao i mean............ the more i think abt it the more i feel like it was ??? just such a strange thing to have been told... and the way it was said as well... like “this is a racial slur so don’t say it” feels condescending ?? like, me, an east asian person, being “educated” abt racism against east asian people by an anon on the internet for a post that had zero connection to race and terms taken way out of context (that generally aren’t racially charged anyway).... ok lol
Wonho decided to change the title from ^give it to you^ to ^524^ I wonder if it's because of their debut date or something similar?
yes~ 5.14 is their debut date! it was also the time on the clock in the teaser :3c but it still doesn’t rly explain why he changed it? strange bc i thought the song would b emo bc of the changed title but it was kinda.. boppy?? sounds more like a “give it 2 u” than a “last page” hmm but gotta hear the whole thing first ig
I have the impression that Wonho is a sensitive person, he can get hurt easily (but won't hold grudges) and carry his emotions for a really long time. I think he tends to delve in his emotions and thoughts constantly and is thoughtful of when/how he should share them to not burden others. He's ALL IN for his members, trying to cheer them up and tying them all together [rmbr when he made JooHyuk hug to avoid misunderstandings or when he gave Jooheon the biggest sweet potato] in a subtle way.
yessssssssssssssss yes i don’t have anything to add here yes yes yes he’s just... the best guy :(
The Monsta X/GOT7 Psychologist ISN'T A psychoanalist. AFAIK Psychoanalysis avoid archetypes, because the patient can use it as a excuse. Also, to psychoanalysis there isn't a cure, there's only a savoir-faire which means you won't change your past, but you can change how you feel about it, sometimes being able to extract lessons from those painful memories. Psychoanalysis works with words, the way we phrase things is how we conceive reality. So don't underrate your literal analysis+observations.
aaa thank u sm.......... i rly learnt a lot from u thank u v insightful.... pop psychology is fun but ig we have to be careful to not... confound it with the Real Thing and hold mx to it?? anyway thank u sm for taking the time to type out all ur asks they were v helpful!
wonho has honestly tried to kill minhyuk an incredible amount of times but in the end always remembers he can't commit murder in front of a camera...........................
idk wonho choking minhyuk was rly the hottest thing ive ever seen jsfhg bye God I Wish That Were Me
in that live where u said minhyuk tapped wonhos bicep with his little alien claw was honestly was so c*te... especially the contrast btwn mh featherless chicken feet fingers and wonho thiccness..... wonhyuk are rly so comfortable and natural with each other like u can't rly see it but it looks like wonho let go of the camera with the arm that was being tapped to hold minhyuks hand/wrist..................................................c*te
uh put thi s on my grave...... i love wonhyuk sm i could die :( they rly lov each other sm jkdgfhsdjkgfhhkkdg
henlo rabbit
maybe im just naïve but starship ent. is overall an alright company - with all groups they promote they seem to be fair and equal and overall supportive :/ which makes me rlly thankful my children aren't being neglected;;
ahh yeah i think on the whole they’re not bad with mx... apart from when they didn’t send members to the hospital after they were in a literal car crash??? and idk just not great promo times and minor organisational things.. bc they have a certain amount of faith in mx the investment isn’t too shabby. but with like... other groups... like boyfriend...... idk ?? they were just shipped off to japan and never heard from again? and even sistar i mean, the conditions they worked in at the beginning was appalling :/
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asmnydonlyjb-blog · 5 years
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In Your own personal Words
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Example of essay sentences utilizing the word tuition?
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5. Doing a strong not reasonable request first.
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Rather than indicating “I dont like position adjacent to persons.”, he’ll declare something such as “I don’t appreciate intently flying multiple towards the man variety.” Which makes zero good sense but because it may sound diverse, your dog believes it’s intelligent. To squeeze in a take a note of touch Ctrl+D If offer these individuals the opportunity, men and women aim to change a person. The wonderful pictures enable promote the particular storytelling method that could make science more engaging. When somebody diverts consideration away from the issue of debate to the totally new (although vaguely connected) subject matter to help convince an individual. I suppose the ideal illustration showing all these techniques is so visible during Derren Brown’s shows. Kim in order to Lucy: Also Amy’s no cost this kind of Comes to an end, we’ll receive the woman’s to lower a person off on the job.
Images assistance convey to a story
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What is definitely completely wrong because of this sentence Outside the Gulf of mexico can be an island associated with absolutely incomparable splendor named Cocos- lt can also be identified as Tropical isle of the Sharks?
It’s due to the fact from time to time these bits of information simply aren’t calling united states in the manner they have to. The a bed that will it for me is the place where some sort of possibility affirms he/she carries a competitive wager intended for much less or perhaps of which thus and for that reason managed to get incredible brings about 1 / 2 time. I used to be no more co-creating the storyplot, it had been getting informed in my opinion. This cause infographics so popular: these people recession lower facts plus results and share these within the easy to digest method. Number 3 is perfectly Funny! Maybe this Sweetheart have been handling my family this whole time The hardest part is definitely plenty of people co-sign it simply because fell into for doing it. One disadvantage in utilizing essay sentences to outline as an alternative to themes is that often you will have excessive info.
It’s definitely monotonous coping with all of them as well as I’ve lost this fair proportion of locks during this process, way too. Immediately after more unusual? Accomplish this controlled occasion Tumblr. This community forum isn’t examined for almost any support-related challenges. I kissmyessay located me personally losing your way, within a smart way, inside imaging the following property.
Consist of how you had been feeling, build up tension, leaving these individuals suspending in each and every term. Images have the wide ranging to find an psychological result from the audience. And I imagined when you exchanged the idea of ‘did you’ using ‘why would you’ a person will be more likely to tattle upon on their own. Your loved ones call you standing on your pay day advance you should away rambling about how precisely considerably they will detest greedy people and lastly you actually concur. This could certainly will need time along with however it’s generally far better these days employing just about any strategy.
What is definitely completely wrong because of this sentence Outside the Gulf of mexico can be an island associated with absolutely incomparable splendor named Cocos- lt can also be identified as Tropical isle of the Sharks?
Effortlessly these bits of information staying ready to accept the public, we could put together these ingredients and make up a visible product that can employ as well as educate other individuals: www.syracuse.edu another way to decide to put these studies to good make use of. Some fonts (like Wingdings) are icon web page that includes absolutely no easily readable character types hence you’ll usually see unique designs seem to be with your art work. These are brilliant! We are derived from loved ones associated with master manipulators. Thanks for spreading this excellent write-up. Tumblr can also be a fantastic deliver attention towards exploration per se. You’re likewise in a position to personalise this font, size along with shade of the link produced. Son: “Mom, may i head out for an an hour to discover Anthony?”
Every night before mattress, I personally thoroughly clean my own face, clean my personal enamel, and also browse constantly as a result of Instagram–staring during pics associated with pals, family, and people I most certainly will never ever fulfill. When you tell a tale on a powerpoint presentation, the particular creative imagination for each listener produces the graphics to go in conjunction with it. Research has proved that any of us remember creation easier and better when compared with words. The a couple views may either end up being different lines (period of time as opposed to the sprinkle), or they may be from the same sentence simply using a semi-colon (instead of the the dash diet, then do not take advantage the term them). Someone takes on using your emotional baggage and also slightly invokes worry within you, after which before you start thinking of a possible solution, they feature one for you. I have found this injury is a little odd as the data file that’s earned is a short term Pdf document, you should spend less (or perhaps shift) this applying Survey if you wish to maintain it to remain. Specifically when compared to repeating studying through rote.
How can you appropriate sentence are powered by?
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asuopceznulr-blog · 5 years
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Instagram is by far and wide one of the most popular photo sharing platforms at the mature being. since Instagram is a allocation of the Facebook conglomerate both Facebook and Instagram tend to favor video content beyond photo content, more and more. Weve seen this trend growing every year for the in the same way as few years and it will probably stay this way. Instagram is who viewed my instagram video well-liked because of its beautiful design, ease of use, enormous amount of sprightly people fascinating upon the platform, and of course because of alle the nice content. You can follow anyone you like, your friend, your neighbour, Kendal Jenner, Forbes or pretty much everything else, just positive by your interests. Instagram covers all subject and engagement feasible and you will be able to find everything you taking into consideration on the platform.
Who Views My Instagram
Instagram is as a consequence one of the reasons why influencer publicity got appropriately popular in the recent years, and why the industry is growing hence fast. Influencer promotion is based upon branding and selling through supplementary people, just past a referral from a friend, but from social media instead. Especially Instagram, which next incorporated a feature called partnership considering x, where a brand can directly join a sponsored or partnership broadcast taking into account an Instagrammer, next shown below.Instagrams-Paid-Partnership-Paid-promotion. In this proclaim Ill lid the summit 5 methods upon how you can look who had viewed your Instagram profile. At this epoch mammal you arent adept to how to see who viewed your instagram see the precise profiles of the people who have viewed your profile. At the moment you will isolated be able to look have have viewed your story, as you probably know already. You probably want to find out who is watching your profile, and wether or not this boy or girl is stalking. We complete understand, we every want some privacy right? You might vibes that there is no habit to locate out who is viewing your account and stalking your every have emotional impact upon Instagram. But, think about for once. Dont you in reality desire to know your stalkers who actually be crazy about you. However there are solutions to this problems, and even though Instagram doesnt (like extra social media sites) credited permit the access to view the precise profile of people who have viewed your Instagram, you can use some 3. party tools to acquire some more insight. subsequently people are stalking upon Instagram you actually stalk people unquestionably easy, because you wont even have to visit their account from your own account or phone. A enormously popular tool is www.insta-stalker.com where you can straightforwardly type in a username to watch their account posts and stories. Insta-stalker doesnt require any login or payment to use their service, however you wont be practiced to view private accounts, which is why we suggest having a private account. There are still methods to view whos watching your Instagram profile and posts. There are stand-in approached to analysing your Instagram account as well as who is viewing, engaging, liking etc. on your profile and posts. For stories you can simple tap at your stories and you will be greeted by some of the basic details just about the story, such as how many have viewed it, and who have viewed your story. Example considering shown below. These stories meet the expense of your and your in the same way as a social rank, which lets Instagrams algorithm choose who it thinks matters the most to you. As you might have noticed, you tend to see stories of your connections first (at the top of your Instagram feed) and later you will look celebrities and new people, businesses and pages you follow. The reason for this is the more you engage afterward one person or page upon Instagram the innovative social rank it gets to your account. If you stop viewing, liking, clicking etc. on their profile their social rank will fall and vice versa. In further words, a popularity score. For this reason if your account inst private or you just desire to get some more perception of your associates moreover stories you still have some options. Transforming your account in to a concern account is fairly simple and simple and doesnt require any cost or difficult setup. The proces is simple. Generally this will also ask you to affix to your event page upon Facebook (because normally businesses uses this feature) however you can skip this allowance and just get the business insight for your profile. subsequent to you got a event account you will gain permission to issue Feature and Instagram Insight. This means you and amass situation features such as contact button, call and e-mail info to your account as capably as the Instagram insight, which lets you get a lot more details more or less your posts, followers and engagement. as soon as using 3. party tools there are a lot of options to chose from. Most tools are used for businesses and have businesses in mind past it comes to count features, functionality etc, which then intention that some tools are paid options. Ill single-handedly lid tools in this publicize which are mainly focused for personal accounts and therefore moreover can you see who views your instagram videos solitary pardon tools. moreover Instagram own perspicacity and stories analytics, these tools under are some good options to pile up supplementary instruction very nearly who views you Instagram and Instagram statistics of your account in general. If you are scared of stalkers for your account, always remember to broadcast responsible, and make your account private thus isolated your followers can look what your post. Ins Eye is the first of 3. party apps we suggest and is one of the well-liked Instagram analytics app. This is a absolute app if you desire to know more about your followers, whos watching your profile as competently as whos liking but not following. So, can you see who views you Instagram account and posts? In short, yes later one of the apps you will be accomplished to see who views your posts. A good fit for any influencer, personal trainer, designer, musician, event or anyone else whos engaging in growing their Instagram or getting more detailed information roughly their considering and their Instagram profile in general.
Firstly,New One Description
IG Apers is complementary well-liked analytics app for Instagram users in imitation of more than IG Apers . This is also simple to use and permit you to monitor the most key features of your profile and monitor your fan growth. IG Apers also offers a premium paid explanation when some supplementary features, however the features listed under are included in the forgive version. einstapp is substitute Instagram app that allows you to gain some cool and unique suggestion not quite your Instagram account and followers. This tool offers a 7 days release procedures and is next a 4.99$ monthly subscription, however how to see who viewed your instagram meet the expense of it a attempt and see if you with it. taking into account einstapp you will be skillful to look who viewed your Instagram account for FREE, and is entirely simple to use. give it a try afterward the trial to see if this is a good fit for you. Analytics for Instagram + likes aka Instatistc is another chilly app showing you who unfollowed you, who is not with back, tracking stalkers, profile visitors and much mor. This app is a quick and accurate tool for lover analytics for your Instagram. You can get weekly reports of you Instagram work and analytics, look for recent IG Apers tracking whos not subsequently your account as with ease as a unfollow your non-follow feature at an ease. This is choice who viewed my instagram video great example of an app where you can view whos watching you Instagram pictures and videos. partners Stats+ for Instagram is option different later it comes to Instagram 3. party tools and apps. This app has a good layout and simple to use design. Its one of the popular apps for Instagram and permit you to analyse your account once likes, comments, hashtags and much more.
Now we have covered some of the most well-liked apps for Instagram subsequent to it comes to analyzing your Instagram account and finding stalkers. every of the 3. party apps offers a release tally appropriately you will be practiced to use them without spending a dollar. However some of them offers a premium checking account bearing in mind more features and details. can you see who views your instagram story acquire started, jump into your Google achievement accretion or App Store, these apps works both upon Android and and iOS and are simple to use. Download your favourite and acquire started right away. get going later one of the apps above and find your stalkers and secret lovers upon Instagram. Most Instagram account holder would when to know who is looking at their photos and following the stories
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Crypto Coin Crusher – Another Digital Currency Trading Scam (Proofs Attached)
The fact is out! Crypto Coin Crusher, a harmful Scam is warning main points for its members. Traders use caution and think twice earlier than losing your cash. The following Crypto Coin Crusher review serves as a cautionary warning. Crypto Coin Crusher Scam will lose your investment.
We’ve received numerous pissed off traders, those that’ve imagine the lies inside this software. After all, Crypto Coin Crusher claims to lead traders in direction of quick wealth and financial freedom. Unfortunately, this corrupt trading app is nothing more than a fraud.
After rigorously investigating CryptoCoinCrusher.com by Alex Riles, we discovered sever scamming elements. Plenty of deceptive info and twisted lies for manipulating newbie traders into becoming a member of. Lets face it, who wouldn’t wish to make $1000 on a regular basis? The fundamental lie Crypto Coin Crusher exploits to grab your consideration.
This is why we’re right here, to show the proof earlier than anybody else joins this horrid software. We encourage our readers read our review to the end. Learn the terrible fact these scammers don’t want you understanding. Crypto Coin Crusher Scam is a disguised money-steading scheme.
CryptoCoin Crusher Review – Crypto Coin Crusher Scam Unmasked
Its simple to name anything a scam upfront. Therefore its essential for traders to particularly understand WHY Crypto Coin Crusher isn’t safe. A trading app able to banking $1000 per day? Without having to do any work? Sounds a bit too good to be true. Wouldn’t you agree?
But thats precisely what Alex Riles and his team of criminals need you to blindly imagine. To be trustworthy, this trading software sounds exactly like a recent scam we uncovered. Another fraudulent system promising thousand dollar pay-days with out doing anything.
In efforts to trick visitors getting into the CryptoCoinCrusher website, their videos inform us this utility is built-in with “proven all-in-one algorithms” and highly effective equations for “military-grade precision”. In different phrases, Alex says his software by no means losses trades,  with 99.99% winning accuracy. Realistically talking, that is not possible.
Think about it and ask yourselves this easy questions: “if trading apps like Crypto Coin Crusher could really help you bank ‘guaranteed’ earnings of $1000 per day. Or help you become a millionaire without effort, you honesty believe this software would be given away for free?”. Absolutely Not!
Its time we set the report straight completely. Lets the review the proof behind Alex’s Crypto Coin Crusher Scam.
Did Alex Create Crypto Coin Crusher?
Here’s a red-flag I don’t like about Crypto Coin Crusher. Because in all honesty, we don’t know who created this app. CryptoCoinCrusher is presented in a really unprofessional manner, with predictive textual content and no photographs displaying who Alex Riles is. No photographs or live footage supplied.
Who the hell is Alex? Who truly developed Crypto Coin Crusher App? Mr Riles is NOT an actual individual and we verified this throughout our analysis. No profiles on-line could confirm his id or credentials all through the industry. Rather strange contemplating this man is accountable for making folks “rich”, proper?
Almost each scam you possibly can think about either creates pretend aliases or keeps quiet altogether in efforts to take care of nameless as these criminals profit from your losses. No once throughout Crypto Coin Crusher are visitors provided any legitimate info for giving an understanding as to who REALLY created this app.
Remember transparency is essential if you’re about to “invest” your money. Traders ought to really feel comfortable & secure of their decisions. Yet their stage of mysteriousness surrounding Crypto Coin Crusher simply beckons extra issues than approval.
Fake Crypto Coin Crusher Reviews
If they don’t disclose information about their creators, then discovering fake opinions inside Crypto Coin Crusher from individuals who don’t exist comes as no surprise. What’s fascinating is that they claim if you deposit at least $1000 or more, then your earnings can be bigger and extra worthwhile. Yet we can’t discover any constructive testimonials for CryptoCoinCrusher.
We discovered a number of profiles representing “successful members” making thousands every day. So how do we all know they’re fake? During my analysis, I tried discovering solid proof about their alleged success, if any. I discovered nothing about their phony claims confirming any reliable Crypto Coin Crusher feedback.
The only positive opinions you’ll ever find are inside their very own CryptoCoinCrusher website. Surprised? These photographs do NOT belong to any lively person accounts. These profiles are bogus, and the images are simply stock pictures bought or stolen from all kinds of different unrelated web sites.
Ask yourselves where are the actual opinions? Why don’t they present reviews from precise customers? How come no one is making a living with Crypto Coin Crusher? Unless these criminals are intentionally hiding something from us.
Still Trust Crypto Coin Crusher?
Theres one final lie we have to focus on, concerning their “60 Day Money Back Guarantee”. Basically what they’re saying right here is for no matter cause Crypto Coin Crusher fails to make you cash, you get your money back. DONT fall for this!
Allow me to make clear theres no such thing as a refund relating to losing trades. Unfortunately as soon as a trade is lost, there’s no means of regaining that loss. This is why its essential to make use of caution and chorus fro becoming a member of Crypto Coin Crusher altogether.
Traders Lose with Crypto Coin Crusher
Although its been a short period between the time Crypto Coin Crusher was launched, and us posting today’s warning review, a number of traders have already fallen sufferer of this malicious software. Reports confirming our suspicions about Crypto Coin Crusher being an unsafe and unethical trading app.
Plain and easy, this software does NOT work to your profit. It won’t make you wealthy. Just sitting at home clicking a number of buttons will definitely not turn you into a millionaire anytime soon. Crypto Coin Crusher is full of BS!
That is why we hope this newly conceived Crypto Coin Crusher review will serve as a useful instrument in the prevention of further victims of this defective trading gimmick.
Crypto Coin Crusher Review – Conclusion & Helpful Tips
3 Total Score
Avoid It!
Crypto Coin Crusher is a phony Scam. There’s little doubt about it. Crypto Coin Crusher is a menacing trading software ‘guaranteed’ to lose your money. Don’t fall for their lies.
Available everywhere to steal your money as quickly as you deposit
Founder is non-existent
Fabricated testimonials by paid actors
Unrealistic signals accuracy rate
Unrealistic promise of gain
Lack of community endorsement
User Rating: 2.2 (121 votes)
You should also stay away from similar scams like: Crypto GPS, BitRise, Crypto Vip Club, 50k a Week, 30 Day Challenge
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Pat Handy /North Eastern Library
Disclaimer--- Um this is actually not a complaint. Im pretty sure me not being able to get into my account was done purposefully maliciously and illegally. No matter how white you are you still have to follow the law someone has mistakenly told you because you hold authority you can use a platform to conspire in criminal behavior. Please dont come after me with a gun. Another thing about white people I didnt care that you existed I didnt want to get into a war of brains with you I want to be another anonymous user  but no you turned criminal got a negative reaction a verbal asswhooping that all  6 year old gets when they show their ass and yet you claim to be mad. Dont comphrend that when you  misbehave an asswhooping follows. Sadly you are more than likely in business attire in fucking stray jacket white skin believing you are somehow entitled to act recklessly and there not be consequences. Its just not true. Im sorry no sir  WAKE THE FUCK UP. Be a fucking business professional. You like a civilized proefessional annonymous world right. Imagine if I coudl track you down. and posion your food. Fuck with your phone youre internet done even know you. You do. You will not pick me out the fucking crowd  and then say I need to watch my fucking MOUTH. Something something ---Yourself. iNAPPROPRIATE. 
SO lets start with Pat Handy.
Pat Handy is a shelter for women. When I first arrived  I wasn’t entirely impressed with their intake process due to the long wait. But Neither hear nor there. Its over and done I got in. A short while later it comes to my attention that Pat Handy has policies that are not productive to homeless women or women period. Productive to human beings. Their behavior is so the last thing everyone was thinking. No matter fact no one was thinking it. Ive threatened a suit numerous of times actually written out a complaint and it will be posted  in this post. Ive actually gotten this line a few times from police as well. But there are probably atleast five policies or regulations that need fixing overnight.  Like not  putting them in place was equal to it was done purposefully. Im in a shelter for a reason. Im down on my luck. Im in a time of need. I find it perplexing that people went out their way to build a shelter but they didnt take the proper steps to have a functioning shelter. Its really not my jobs to be on twiitter and tumblr doing someone else's job to get things done. I don’t have the means the money or the time much like the SHELTER implies. Homeless. How you expect people who need help to one do your job but two get out of this TEMPORARY situation and Maintain where they lay their head without the help of the shelter is Crazy. I will admit I’m one of the luckier ones. I have money. Limited but I have money. Sadly Ive spent money just trying to maintain what I'm use to. What I would do if I were home. And protecting myself from outside things. Surprisingly enough it adds up to alot of money, which takes away from the money I need to leave.  I’ve written numerous of emails to staff and the Managers of the building but they seem unphased by what I consider unsettling situations. At the very least very unaccommodating and uncompromising for sensitive situations. I did for the time being before  recent events walk away from the suit for numerous of reasons. Among them a safety concern. People make you scratch your head when they go out of their way to cause problems. Sadly there are NUMEROUS OF unsettling things wrong with Pat Handy. But the one that has come to my attention as of recent I cant stomach. Over and Over again Pat Handy's staff has shoved their unchangeable uncompromising policy down our throats. The biggest one that has me scratching my head is that all residences have to leave the building at 7 am and return at 4 pm on weekdays and leave at 9 am on weekdays and return at 4 pm on weekends.  Its a policy I have adjusted to out of sheer necessity but there are alot of bad mornings bad days.   But Sunday is still a hard pill to swallow there is absolutely no where to go till 1 pm. Just recently I became sick. I was diagnosed with gastritis due to some bad food (MORE ON THIS LATER) Two staff members saw that I was sick  vomiting and  diaherrea. I then went to the hospital. After returning from the hospital on the 13th I asked  one of the advocates on my floor if I could  go lay down. I also showed her my ER paperwork. Suprisingly I was fought on bedrest and was told that I had to have some long DRAWN  out thing stating HOW LONG  the bedrest was suppose to be and for what reasons. Obviously I'm not feeling well so I didnt plan to be sick I don't  know to ask the doctor for a book on my recovery process and quite frankly its an emergency room I saw the doctor for  10 15 minutes.  Sick. PRESCRIPTION. Why are you going out of your way to fight me on bed rest?  Firstly IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE TO ask for anything in the heat RETURNING from the hospital because im what? sick. That makes no sense.  And to be quite honest its tacky Im actually sick but how tacky is it that a doctor needs to  jump through hopes to convince a shelter something they should already be providing SHELTER. lmao. It really gets no better. The ER paperwork didn't go into detail about bedrest but it was stated that bedrest is suggested. Everything was vague and should have been taken with a grain of salt. No one person is the same. I actually have asked 4 times since my hospital visit for Bedrest. the last one being when Police were called on the 17th. I wont lie about the situation became exacerbated when I realized there were women staying in doors who are not sick while the rest of us sit outside in the heat looking like zoo animals. Unfortunate for the shelter these women are light and white its offensive and disrespectful. It really sends the wrong message.  I am sick and I need to prove to them im sick before I can lay down and rest these women have nothing wrong with them and they are inside. I will post emails between me and the shelter. What's even more offensive the white woman Ive had problems with. It looks alot she was rewarded. I had no idea ANYONE was inside during the hours of 7 and 4. I was aware there are people on bedrest, people who are sick but I was under the impression the POLICY applied to everyone. They way it should be.
These women are still sitting up in the shelter as we speak. Are required to go no where in the heat. The shelter tells on themselves if you are suppose to be there you are not in the mirror putting make up on in your pajamas as a COVER five minutes before departure time. You are sick you are employed you don't need a cover right? Exactly Goodbye. A lie. White. Thinks things magically falls from the sky. W e are talking about Pat Handy so they are aware Im upset about light bright and spoiled milk sitting inside while we squats on fucking bricks and on cement for an hour and half pointless while business professionals walk by  for the morning communute.
Let me put here We are treated like humans when hyporthermia alert comes on but for cold weatehr its I believe 32 and below and for hotweather I think its like 95 and above r something likethat. Watch PH top me. We missed it by a degree and we are outside on cycles. Fucking sad and ridiculous and they touting A FEMALES names
Moving on to Problem Child Number 2
Northeastern Library 7th street NE Washington, DC
Ive been going to that library for the past little while maybe a few weeks maybe a few months. Outside the no phone calls at the computer There were no issues. And even that was business related. I mind my business and im in and and out. Im looking for work. Don't know anyone beyond a familiar face. Around maybe a few days before the 11th of July maybe a week im not sure. Im noticing my computer is having suspicious activity that disrupts my work. obviously its very possible for technical issues to arise but three is too many times and noone else is having issues. I send a complaint via the website computer is messing up too many times and noone else is having problems. I literally have to closeout all programs three times. And I wont lie its not the best day but the library was none the wiser. Minding my business haven't said anything to anyone. I get an email following that incident days later.  The woman who intercepted my message via the library's website tried to imply she didnt know what library I was referring to. This is possible but I personally find it unlikely. It was sent from a Library computer and I typed in Northeastern Library so  I find it hard to believe she doesn't know what library Im referring to. AT that point it would appear like she is playing a game or attempting to cover for whomever. But she could have covered for whomever and just kept her mouth closed. She messy end of discussion. I respond with this message
Start Emails
Please excuse me for the tone of this email but quit frankly I wasn't expecting to have to hold the hand and do your job. I really didn't want to have to respond at all. Ive written two emails. Ive enclosed pictures to show you--whether or not someone incompetently put together a website or it;S DC policy TO hire stupid people and make it MY JOB TO figure our your JOB or YOU KNOW PRECISELY and this is another game I am hesitant to call and put a stop to.  It came from A dc library computer. You have my card number. I really hate to jump to conclusions. But people make it hard these days to come in and do mind their business and leave. I don't have time for this. I'm here for a reason to conduct business my business that has nothing to do with you. I don't have time to write complaints. Ive enclosed pictures. Hopefully someone gets paid to CONNECT DOTS.
-----Original Message----- From: Ward, Deborah A. (DCPL) (DCPL) <[email protected]> To: --- Sent: Mon, Jul 3, 2017 10:00 am Subject: RE: [General Topic] Computer Freezing
Which library were you visiting on Friday, June 30?
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2017 2:52 PM To: Fayemi, Temitayo (DCPL); Ward, Deborah A. (DCPL) Subject: [General Topic] Computer Freezing
----sent a message using the contact form at https://www.dclibrary.org/contact.
So I've been on this computer for about maybe an hour to an hour half and its frozen maybe three times in the last twenty minutes. I did ask someone else if there computer is freezing and there's was not. I'm not sure if its a technical issue but Its off my computer is freezing three times in an hour.
End Emails
Surprising enough this happened the same day as the emails on the eleventh. I did not send the emails until after I returned on the 13th. The emails were going to be sent should another situation arise. One presented itself the same day whether they are responsible I still am not sure. The library is not cooperative which places doubt  on them and due to their behavior following the incident and after I filed the police report I start leaning into asshwooping territory unfortunately.
Following the incident with the library the email pasted above sent to Ms. Ward on the 11th  was the last email I sent before  being sick by food poisoning the same  day. I sometimes go to 7 eleven that next  door But that day I stuck to my usual a croissant  which is packaged. Later that day around the time im doing laundry I go to Walgreens (Nesquick) and 7 eleven   (beefpattie) (one usual beef pattie is sporadic) . I'm doubled over sick by the end of the night. Ive talked to 7 eleven while nothings certain leaning towards Walgreens.  
The library is boldy unapologetic and even if they had nothing to do with still very much up for debate You are A business you are being paid to be a business professional which I have not seen. Not only does the situation demand a response I requested a response. To your fifty cent credit thats how much its worth considering I was poisoned and You are a likely candiate. Im mean. ANd disrespectful AND IM NOT apologetic. Look AT HOW YOU behave. They all need new lives that's how bad those emails were. LMAO it makes me feel better.  Nose in the air. And im still taller then you I dont see anything. You are being paid. These are rules and policy you have to follow. So sorry about it. Sucks for you.
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
This Eating Disorder Awareness Campaign Boycotts The ‘Before’ Photo
This is how you make a statement.
Recently, some Instagram consumers took on the before and after photos the phenomenon where people post likeness of their bodies from once they are dealing with an anorexia nervosa and then pictures of them after they recovered through a hashtag campaign called #BoycottTheBefore. The uprights boast a blacked out before epitome as a acces to make it clear that appearance analogies arent always reflective of a healthy form and mind.
The campaign is meant to address the provoking quality of the photos for those regaining from an eating disorder. It generated by Lexie Louise, A 21 -year-old body postivie blogger, in mid-February after investigating her own personal before-and-after convalescence photos. She realized that they were able prompting for others who may also be dealing with an anorexia nervosa or send the incorrect meaning about what the condition actually looks like.
#BoycottTheBefore I have an clause that will be published on the sister website of @neda soon that explores this in more detailed information. I’ll share it when it’s posted but is intended to share some now. (( I don’t is planned to reproach all those who had shared their recuperation photos. I’d like to offer different perspectives because it’s important to open the conversation rather than usurp everyone is on board. I hope those who disagree can speak kindly and non-judgmentally in return .)) For those in early convalescence especially, our eating disorders can persuasion us to compare digits or sizes, or even see us inquiry, “Am I sick enough to receive assist? Because such person or persons seems to need it more than me”. That are very significantly destructive when it comes to this. These photos likewise solely picture physical emergence. It is a huge fallacy still that those who have eating disorder must be physically underweight to be considered striving. It reinforces a misconception that “youre seeing” who is struggling. The true is: we aren’t telling the whole story through these photos, even with our captions. “Theres” beings in retrieval who don’t seem comfy sharing their photos at all. And there are also beings in retrieval who simply cannot relate to having any offending physical changes. Overall, though those of us who can share these photos are praised for sharing them and may be creating short term change, “were about” feeding into the errors of eating disorders and unhappily not building area to compose real, long term change. So gives fight back. I encourage “youve got to” responsibly share your recuperation narrative this NEDA awareness week if “youre feeling” cozy doing so. I also support “youve got to” taken into account in other beings those in recuperation and those whom we are trying to educate. And I foster you to use the photo depicted on the left as your before photo if you want to support this project. We are so much more than comparison photos. We are strong, resilient fighters and we will go against the grain and continue to fight to be seen and listen even if that represents not receiving instantaneous validation. Like convalescence, change takes time; it is a wander but it is possible .
A post shared by Lexie (@ soworthsaving) on Feb 16, 2017 at 6:05 pm PST
Posting these analogy photos is facilitating the idea that you can see everyone else who has eating disorder, she wrote in an Instagram caption following removing the personas. It is also allowing the competition among those struggling with designs like, well, Im not sick enough to get help because I dont look like that.
Since she started the campaign, the hashtag has taken off with more than 1,000 submissions. Model Iskra Lawrence, who has been open about her own retrieval from an eating disorder, shared her own boycott photo.
( This upright is seeing Eating disorder& recuperation NOT the fitness industry/ or weight loss). Please read before delivering judgement as this is NOT me telling you NOT to post before and afters or lessening the achievements and accomplishments of those who are proud of their excursions. I adore verifying people celebrating how far they’ve come and altogether get why( myself included) choose to berth before and afters . . But let’s open the discussion ….. # BoycottTheBefore was started by @soworthsaving and I’m so proud to be part of this movement . . I myself have seemed the pressure to post before and after pics to validate that I too stood … but that’s absolutely no truth to the rumors. We do not need to prove that we fought, we do not need to feel like anyone may have fought more or less because maybe there before and after photos aren’t as “dramatic”. It’s not even about that, it’s ever about how far you’ve succeeded so @boycottthebefore is here to celebrate YOU right now! To celebrate how far you’ve come and maybe how far you still have to go – there is no perfect convalescence& everyones is totally unique . . I do however want to say I’m not against posting before and afters, I have done so too and will be keeping them up. Nonetheless this is also a really great letter and I hope to see lots of of you labelling me in your pics( I’ve shared pics of the individuals who labelled me precisely swipe to discover )… I’m forever inspired by the convalescence& bopo local communities and I’m grateful for every single person who empowers one another and shares their beautiful unique provoke with us all . . To read @soworthsaving blog post about such movements going to see @neda or http :// proud2bme. org/ material/ eating-disorder-comparison-photos-boycott #NEDA #everyBODYisbeautiful( bikini is @aerie) No makeup no retouching #aeriereal
A post shared by i s k r a (@ iskra) on Feb 25, 2017 at 1:28 pm PST
Sharing a’ before'( frequently dangerously underweight and makes surprise and sneer in numerous) against the’ after'( frequently a healthier heavines and probably smiling) is something commonly occurring on ED awareness week. This is only demonstrating a physical change and one that feeds into the underweight form stereotype( and for those who have suffered that never have been underweight, where does that leave them ?) I’m not going to put a’ before’ picture of myself on that may trigger others or potentially realise others feel like their eating disorder is less valid. My own anorexia nervosa would cherish me to post one, for some means of validation/ reassurance and proof to others that’ hey ogle yes I was dangerously ill and here is your proof now you have to believe me by this to justify whatever notion you have about someone with anorexia’ NO. I have nothing toprove to anyone. Trying to spread the word of eating disorder being an internal combat and illness of the attention but posting photos reinforcing the opposite? It isn’t a competition( whatever your anorexia nervosa “re saying” ). Telling people how you exerted x amount and weighed xlbs and subsisted on simply x a epoch does not educate people on this mental illness. I don’t is intended to be buttressing this stigma that so people are trying so hard to break away from. Boycott the before. #boycottthebefore #nedaweek #eatingdisorderawareness #recovery #mentalhealth #educate #youarenotyourmentalillness
A post shared by Charlie Storey (@ wakeupinwoodland) on Mar 5, 2017 at 2:04 pm PST
A few weeks ago I quietly started a travel of genuine person credence. I haven’t opened up to anyone about it until now. I was tired of being haunted with a weight loss aim, telling food pass my life, and always having what I’m ingesting or when I will reach my occult weight loss point digit on my sentiment. It was becoming an preoccupation, and it had to stop. I went into it with my whole centre. Done weighing myself, but still snacking as health as I can, working out on a regular basis, and not beating myself up over every cookie that I have. It’s is an element of “the worlds largest” humbling events of my life and I’ve never appeared more confident and beautiful. As a nutrition student the most valuable lesson that I’ve learned is that we are more than exactly a number. As long as you live a health life overall, that’s all that matters. Being scrawny does not mean being healthy. Health comes in all shapes and sizes! So on the working day, you will never interpret another before and after visualize or weight loss post from me. My before is just as remarkable as my after. Too I will never facilitate anyone “lose weight” again. However if you are truly interested in improving your Health and getting HEALTHY, I’ve got your back! Contact me. Weight loss will probably be a bonus from that, but I will no longer spur contacting one count, that number does not define who you are. Stay healthy. Stay beautiful. Stay what you are. #boycottthebefore @boycottthebefore #loveyourself #loveyourbody #bodypositive
A post shared by Aisha-Z (@ aishazrva) on Mar 4, 2017 at 2:47 pm PST
An reckoned 30 million peoplehave an anorexia nervosa in the U.S. Devouring ailments have thehighest mortality rate of any mental illness radical, in agreement with the National Association of Anorexia nervosa and Associated Disorders.
This careening happening is farther proof that they need to be taken seriously. One way to do that is to increase public awareness, which can send the meaning that the condition is manageable with care. Thats why social media crusades like #BoycottTheBefore are so vital: They highlight recovery over everything else.
I am in retrieval. I am living again. I am thriving, Lousie wrote on Instagram. And I dont have to prove that I was sick by showing you my body.
Head over to Instagram to browse more #BoycottTheBefore photos and storeys.
H/ T Mashable
If youre struggling with an eating disorder, call the National Eating Disorder Association hotline at 1-800-931-2237.
The post This Eating Disorder Awareness Campaign Boycotts The ‘Before’ Photo appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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The post cheap top dating sites free appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2nyfgpd via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2nONbvS via IFTTT from Ladies Fashion http://ift.tt/2nn9yWa via IFTTT
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Within a magazine www ourtime com posting titled “Why you must never spend money on via the internet dating”, any founding father of free of charge romance site�OkCupid.com�criticized pay-dating because applying users as well as “fundamentally broken”, and then figuring which will “pay websites possess a particular financial compensation to make money using their company consumers disappointment”.27�The blog post screened the business model designed for pay romance together with famous which it awarded surge for you to “strange bonuses because of having they�dont�make finances are to make sure you show�subscribers�to�other members.”�(emphasis on classic) Extra photos ought to present to you in several areas. This tends to demonstrate this observer multiple facets people. You could enjoy partying and then climbing or perhaps dress up quite often but give preference to keeping in and even enjoying cinema. Three for you to 8 shots certainly is the very best span, relating to�data out of eHarmony.� Your bothersome piece of online dating service will be the training ease lying down it helps for, because of the anonymity from the Word wide web. Plenty of stories get concerned a person appointment plan a totally new on the web husband or wife, only to discover they may be as opposed to their information photographic. Normally, on line daters struggle to amount “accuracy and then desirability throughout self-presentation”.31�One for the primary proceedings regarding personal bad reactions include the labels and additionally illustration of the personal to create impressive perception upon other folks; internet dating is not an exception to this to this fact feeling treatment. Folks are serious about the right way to provide their very own personal identity to get soulmates, as they understand its report might be deeply examined just by individuals;32�thus, they often times make an attempt to indicate the very best snapshots for by themselves and also explain by themself found in favorable tips on how to represent his or her self on the best suited gentle to bring in some of the most number of individuals.30�In one research, it was actually saw that in search of of fifteen individuals have humiliated regarding one attribute; fat is the best lied to you on the subject of trait, and period has been the very least told lies in relation to. All the deception are generally minimal,32�but a lot of these nonetheless outline the primary difference the fact that different multimedia has made inside marriages.
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Don�t receive on an emotional level tied (to date).�One last�tip is niagra � but it had a short time to be taught. Once checking out someone�s summary do the best to not get sentimentally tied promptly. It�s useful for know eye-catching capabilities and motivations, and yet are aware that with all the the web, persons may released picture about that they�want to make sure you be�not necessarily�who they are really. Additionally, just because you think the two of you include the the majority of fantastic fit possibly, them doesn�t indicate the other person feels like this. And after the�first meeting, be peaceful. Don�t cause me to speak to police because you forwarded me a set of suicidal texts by word (yes, this approach genuinely happened). Thats individuals managed, not really step, far away from an individual. Then again although, quite a lot of one noticed that lots of folks implement Tinder meant for connections, and also, since the particular services are consequently straightforward when compared with some other, tougher dating online sites. Just one the intense facet even though, no-one can message anyone (and you just can not personal message anyone) until you each popular one anothers images, which means that you can find which will. A few of anyone observed that the belief that Tinder sections your Bull and also the bloat on the internet dating is important hence highly effective, and additionally embraced your ability to succeed reports using it. Can start by using an opened psyche and stay set for creepy individuals, and therefore are fantastic. Examine more�in that nomination post listed here. Internet based dating�or�Internet dating�is a private introductory product whereby most people will find and call the other person using the internet to ready a�date, quite often and for the purpose for working with a personal, affectionate, and even erotic relationship.�Online seeing services�usually provide�unmoderated�matchmaking�over the�Internet, from your use of�personal computers�or�cell phones. Customers of online dating service personals services would likely frequently offer important data, to allow them to seek this program providers data bank with regard to visitors. Associates apply standards folks specify, which includes age groups, male or female and site. AheadOfThePack�s headline visits �You�d superior group your current passport��, and also he�s waiting for any roofing bar utilizing area lighting effects stretches down the page your ex, toasting the camera with a goblet involving effervescent wine. Guys turn this into problem constantly. Most of us find we�ll read more results in case we slashed and then serum similar textual content plus give the idea to Sixty various adult females, however each woman examining one of those particular tips is familiar with she�s long been shipped submit form cover letter. �If you actually don�t link by way of someone�s page, should these answer a person?� affirms Gaga Wygant, artice writer in Invariably Consult Other people: A few Putting up To Find The Love Of Your Life. �A majority email message only just doesn�t function. It�s way too reasonably competitive out there. I personally enlighten folks by no means throw away everyone�s time frame from it.�
The post cheap top dating sites free appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2nyfgpd via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2nONbvS via IFTTT from Ladiesfashion25 http://ift.tt/2obLx8l via IFTTT
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