#i don't have the heart to draw him all creepy n shit
the-dance-of-italy · 1 year
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Summer Wally.
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mrstsung · 2 years
Some random shang tsung self ship otp asks.
Cw: none that I'm aware of this may contain fluff tho. Also these are very random too. Its a bunch of random asks i found.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?: probably shang. He's kinda like that. Regardless of our relationship or not.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?: me. I mostly sleep in shangs lap. But sometimes he sleeps in mine.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?: shang does. Gdi. I yell at him. Shang, honey ,plz!
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?: shang yells at me to go to bed.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?: neither we both cook for each other or have any servents he has make us something.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?: i say its us. Shang looks at me shaking his head.
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?: i wear shangs clothes once. He never stops making comments the whole day.
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”: we yell at any servents if they forget something. But before that shang would ask me if i remembered.....i did not.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?: well we don't travel much but shang would someone else drive tbh.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?: shang poses. This bih i swear. Its ok tho i love drawing him.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?: shang wpuld disguise as a guard lets be real. But he'd make me do jumps n flips. Just because.
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?: maybe me  i dunno.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?: shang surprises me with gifts all..the...time.
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?: i do. Jokes on me tho because it eventually became my actually last name. Maybe he took that a little to much to heart.. oof.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?: oh that? That's just d'vorah. Creepy ass bih.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?: shang gives me his jacket.
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?: well does fujin or raiden count?
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?: i may be the one but i feel shang would show it first. But I'd say it first? Still somewhat mutualish. (Not that shang tsung don't say i love you. He does. He was just trying to observe me and understand my ticks and get a feel for me is all)
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?: decent as we can be i guess. Shang tsung,papa shang is actually very protective and sweet. Fight me.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?: we both type good. But i am more likely to use slang.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?: what bully? Shang tsung took their soul and spat it out.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?: shang falls for the puns. Every,single,time.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?: well it could go either way. Either shang tsung went off to do well evil sorcerer shit and came back only to find his island palace filled with fluffy creatures. Or shang surprises me with a kitten because he's extra af.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?:
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?: i do the cheering. But sometimes shang will.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?: me
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?: shang funny enough don't mind doing my makeup. But more so if it's traditional theater/opera makeup. But that's more so of him loving to share culture and history. But for the most part i do my own makeup.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?: shang more likely. But we don't count d'vorah or reptile. Maybe kollector but you know. Lmao.
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?: shang
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?: well its hard when your husband is under house arrest on his evil island(tm) but if we would it would be probably a nice place. Maybe historic.
• Which member would be shy about dancing in public and which member would try to coax the other into dancing with them?: honestly i feel shang would be the shy one. Tho I'm flustered easy and not likely to dance around like a fool often. I still would do it more than him. Unless im drunk. Then i get crunk af. Lmao.
• What TV Trope would best describe your OTP?: Big bad and smol sweet wife.
• Which one would hold an umbrella over the other when it rains?: shang
• Which one fixes up the other one’s outfit in the morning (adjusting a tie, putting hair in the right spot, etc.)?:we both do but i love doing it. Our servants usually do this tho. But we do love pampering each other like this too.
• What pet(s) would your OTP get?: a giant snake or a tiger. Shangs extra like i said.
• If one was a magician, would the other be an assistant or a rival magician?: well shangs already a sorcerer. I'd be his assistant or apprentice.
• If one has a health issue and/or disability, how does the other member help the first one out?: the best we can? I mean its rare shang lets himself get that hurt. But i would definitely help him if i needed to. And he's the same but its more likely with me than him.
• What sorts of things would they give each other “just because”?: shang. Sometimes me.
• Which member is more likely to fall asleep on the other member?: me
• Is any member extremely (maybe even violently) protective of the other?: shang definitely. Im protective but he's very protective. Like anyone breathes wrong around me. He's down to murder them. Fr.
• Which member would draw on the other when given time and a marker?: me
• How would each member react to seeing the other in a bathing suit?: shang definitely has seen me. And he's eyeing me up n down like he's dehydrated af. As for me,i smile n giggle. Flustered to all hell. But i stare too. But im more subtle.
• Does anyone in your OTP/OT3 have seasonal allergies that kick up in the spring? How does the other member(s) help?: i mean i do but not that bad. But shang gives me special tea for that.
• Where does your OTP like to go walking when the weather is warm?: the beach
• How would your OTP handle it if one of them became a bee?: wtaf d'vorah? What did you do to shang?! Or me
• Does your OTP plant flowers/tend to gardens?: yes we have a garden.
• Does your OTP like the beauty and new life of spring, or the cold winter?: we love all seasons
• Does your OTP celebrate any holidays during the spring? How?: kinda
• Which one of the members of your OTP has trouble getting an egg to stand upright during the equinox?: huh?
• How does your OTP spend their spring break?: we just chillin on our island bro
• If your OTP were to go on vacation during spring break, where would they go?: depends. Where can we go without our enemies bothering us?
• What sorts of spring sports does either member of your OTP participate in? Does the other member cheer their lover on?: does mortal kombat count?
• If your OTP watches anime, what shows would they be looking forward to this spring season?: i watch that. But he has no clue.
• How would your OTP react if it started to snow during spring?: sub zero is here?!
• Which member of your OTP accidentally wears an outfit too warm for the weather?: take a layer off?
• Which member of your OTP accidentally wears an outfit not warm enough for the weather?: oof.
• Does your OTP have any special memories associated with spring?: our first kiss. *blush*
• What kind of flowers does your OTP give to each other?: well he has a whole section of the gardens for me.
• What would your OTP do if they had to supervise a children’s Easter Egg hunt?: shang would put the kids he likes really good candies. Like really good stuff. And the kids he dont like,horrible jumpscares like skulls popping out and scaring kids because he's an ass.
• Which member of your OTP freaks out when they hear an ice cream truck pass by?: me. But how is one way out in the middle of an island?
• Does your OTP care about how green their lawn is? Do they even have a lawn?: no. And its magical so whatever. Even if he did he wouldn't give a damn.
• If your OTP starts school in spring, where do they go to get supplies? Do they end up sharing any classes?: this don't apply to us.
• Who would surprise the other with flowers?: shang.
• Who’s more likely to make a flower crown for the other?: me
• During the first rainfall of spring, would your OTP try to share an umbrella? How would that go?: shang would share the umbrella.
• Does your OTP prefer to go outside during the spring, or do they prefer staying inside and cuddling up on a couch?: both
• If your OTP went out to have a picnic, where would they go? What food would they bring with them?: just a light lunch and some snacks. uwu
• What sorts of wildlife would your OTP like to see? What kind of wildlife would they not like to see?: he loves butterflies i hc. But maybe big bugs like d'vorah. He kinda doesn't like those. But he also doesn't care for rats either. But that's due to other traumas.
• Which one would surprise the other by taking them to the beach before the summer crowd comes?: shang would
• Which one starts wearing short sleeved things first and which one starts to wear shorter sleeves only because the other is?: well we both dress appropriately.
• Are there any local festivals that your OTP would go to during the spring?: we would more if he wasn't in big trouble with the gods of storms. Lol.
• Which one’s hat would blow away in the wind and which one would go after the hat and bring it back?: my hat would blow away and shang would cuss at fujin.
1. Who makes the other hot chocolate?: i do or one of our servants.
2: Who knits the other a seasonal sweater?: maybe me
3: Who’s family hosts a bigger holiday gathering? What’s the gathering like for your OTP?: ok if shang were to have one. It would be extra af.
4: How would your OTP react to having a snow day?: i would throw snowballs at him. Lol. He'd get me back tho.
5: Who offers the other one their jacket?: shang
6: Who makes a snowman that looks like the other member of your OTP, or do they both do this?: i mostly do this. But sometimes shang would.
7: Does your OTP ever have snowball fights?: yes. Again sub zero would have to be visiting for that. Or shang would have to cast something for it to do that. Otherwise its tropical climate for the most part.
8: What gifts would they get each other for the holidays?: shang would get me lavish shit. I would just give him simple things he needs. Nice stuff but very simple gifts. He loves them anyways.
9: How do they spend their winter holiday? Do they even celebrate the same holiday?: sometimes. But he doesn't celebrate much but only for me.
10: What sort of seasonal treats does your OTP like to eat?: he loves my Christmas cookies ngl.
11: How do they spend New Year’s Eve?: same like we do lunar year. Drink,eat a ton and sleep it off. Then the day after that we clean.
12: Who initiates the New Year’s kiss?: me sometimes shang.
13: Who tries to get a secret gift for the other one for Valentine’s Day?: shang
14: Would your OTP take a walk together in the snow?: yes
15: Which one gets more excited over the first snow of winter?: me
1. Is your OTP into pumpkin spice lattes?: i am. But shang doesn't mind. He's more of a chai or oolang man.
2. Would they prefer to go outside and walk in the brisk air, or would they rather stay inside and keep warm?: either one
3. Which one says it’s too warm to wear a sweater in early September and which one wears the sweater and gets overheated anyway?: both of us
4. Which one would be excited for school and which one would dread going back?: this don't apply to us
5. Which one would knit a sweater for the other?: i would tho shang could too.
6. Would they wear a couple’s costume for Halloween? If so, whose idea would the costumes be?: maybe. But shang would totally make me wear the sexy version. But maybe he would too. Lmao
7. Which one takes dozens of pictures of anything remotely fall-related and which one says “Would you please get off Tumblr?”: shang tsung would yell at my ass for this.
8. Would your OTP go apple-picking?: maybe
9. Which one of them makes better Jack-o-Lanterns?: shang because they glow and scare people. Lmao
10. If your OTP were to make a Thanksgiving dinner, what would they cook?: well tbh shang wouldn't celebrate but we'd make a nice meal tho.
11. Would your OTP miss summer or be looking forward to winter?: either one.
12. What fall sports would your OTP do?: same as we always do.....MORTAL KOMBAT!
13. If your OTP were in marching band, what would they play and how well?: agskkglhllh shang would be flag girl.
14. Which one offers their jacket to the other when they complain they feel cold?: shang
15. Would your OTP be excited for any early snowfall?: kinda. Depending like i said. Sub zero must be visiting.
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mindninjax · 3 years
Bakugo x Reader (duh)
wc: 1.7k
A/n: Had a full on mental breakdown yesterday. Tried to sleep tonight. Couldn’t. Wrote this instead. I listened to Rain Clouds by The Arcadian Wolf while writing it and it’s the song that’s referenced in this. I could link it but I’m lazy and depressed so I’m not gonna *dabs sadly*. Anyway here’s a comfort Fic I guess.?
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Bakugo: Hey
(2:38AM): uh…hey?
Bakugo: You up?
(2:39 AM): clearly… clearly I’m up Bakugo. Why are you?
Bakugo: Can't sleep.
(2:39 AM): oh. I’m sorry.
Bakugo: Come outside?
(2:40 AM): like outside outside?
Bakugo: What other outside would there fucking be?
(2:41 AM): don’t curse at me stupid. I meant the balcony? Or are we going for a walk or something?
Bakugo: Fine. Nevermind. Forget I asked.
Bakugo: Balcony.
(2:52 AM): gimme five to put on pants.
Bakugo: Ok
(2:52 AM): folk or classical?
Bakugo: Ugh neither.
(2:53 AM): neither wasn’t an option shit head. Pick one.
Bakugo: Whatever you played last time. It helped me feel far away.
(2:54AM): Folk it is.
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You put your phone down, the light dying and drawing you back into the darkness of your room. It’s quiet, you can hear him rustling on the other side of the wall, hear the balcony door slide open in his apartment next door and then shut.
You sit in bed for a moment, your heart the only thing thrumming in your ears as you take a deep breath. The city is quiet for the first time in a long time. There are no cars on the street, no sirens, just the sleepy lazy sound of the wind blowing and alley cats slinking through the garbage filled alleyways.
Then you get up, grab a pair of sweatpants and exchange the large holey t-shirt you’re wearing for a comfy but secure cami top. You search around your room for the little Bluetooth speaker and pause when your eyes fall on your acoustic guitar. You smile to yourself, it's perfect. You’ve been thinking about the song, the chords should be easy enough to grasp, and the words have been drifting around your head for days now.
You grab your phone to send him another quick text.
(2:58AM): Change of plans. The roof.
He doesn’t hesitate.
Bakugo: Ok.
He’s up on the roof of your city apartment building before you are, gazing out at the city lights , the moon in the sky blazing white shimmering light through his ash blond locks. He doesn’t turn around or acknowledge your presence when you land delicately on your toes and deactivate your air quirk. He’s wearing a red tank top, must’ve had to change out of the usual black one he wears to bed from all the sweat. His shoulders look broad and you can see the scars rippling down the muscles of his arms.
“Took you long enough, even with your floaty little air quirk,” he taunts, back still to you.
“And yet you’re still here,” you quip back, rolling your eyes and grabbing a crate to sit on. You pull another over and plop it down across from you the same time he turns to join you on the other crate. He has dark circles under his eyes, there’s still a gleam of sweat shimmering on his jaw and neck. He watches in anticipation as you ready the guitar on your leg and hook your arm over it, expert fingers finding the correct chords to strum a lovely tune.
“What’s the occasion?” he asks, gesturing to the guitar. You smile down at the guitar, concentrating on the correct note in your mind to start the song.
“It’s a nice night,” you murmur, eyes still focused on the instrument on your lap.
The muttered “It is now,” is swallowed by the sound of you strumming the strings softly diving into the tune as you rock back and forth. You close your eyes and hear Bakugo take a deep calming breath in and out before you start singing the lyrics.
I'm being frightened by the people
They look at me like I'm a scar upon their perfect skin
Perfect to only them
I'm being shadowed by my past
Reminding me of what I was and what I could become
My sins should stay where they belong
The wind is blowing gently and you can smell Bakugo’s sweet scent on the breeze. His crisp pine scented body wash mixes with his smoky sweet scent and it almost feels like the two of you are sitting around a campfire. Your voice drifts dreamily over the lyrics, enunciating the words and basking in the ease of the notes while putting your own lovely spin on it.
Listen to my voice
Close your frightened eyes
Hide behind my love for you
Fear's only a choice
One that we all must make some day
So know you're not alone in this
It’s clear and strong like a bell, punctuating every phrase with meaning that sits in Bakugo’s core and makes his heart do that weird thing where it’s fluttering but also extremely tranquil at the same time. When you end the song and finally open your eyes, he’s looking at you incredulously.
“How do you do that?”
“Hmm?” you say, placing the guitar against a huge wooden pallet gently.
“How do you fucking do that? Every time. It’s fucking creepy.”
“You mind elaborating, dummy? I’m not a mind reader.”
“Coulda fooled me,” he grunts, rolls his eyes and folds his arms, pouting.
You roll your eyes before chuckling and answer the question you already know he’s asking. “Somewhere out there. Someone has made a song for every feeling you’ve ever felt. So I won’t take credit for that.”
“But you show them to me.”
“Yes,” you say this as if it’s an obvious statement.
“And play them for me.”
“Yes.” Again, another obvious statement. Why wouldn’t you play them for him. It’s why the two of you are here. Right?
“And make them….ya know… sound good and shit,” he says, stuttering over the words as his cheeks and ears start to turn pink.
You smirk, “You can say I sound pretty. I won’t tell anyone you said it,” you tease.
“Tch. Idiot.”
There’s a beat of silence, you’re lost in your thoughts staring up at the starry sky before you look at him again.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You’re going to even if I say no.”
“Correct. Why do you text me when it happens? Why me?”
He shrugs his shoulders, looks away sheepishly and doesn’t meet your questioning gaze. "Don't know.”
You raise a suspicious eyebrow, “Yes you do”
He sighs, holds out a hand to gesture as if it’s obvious. Why would you be asking this? Especially after the many nights the two of you have done this. “Just feels right I guess. And after we talk I can go back to sleep just fine.”
“You realize what that is right?” You lean in closer to him, elbows on your thighs, chin in your hands. “That’s called trusting someone.”
“Sure I guess.”
Another beat of silence and then a long winded sigh from you, one that definitely says “I’m tired of this” and it makes a shiver of fear run up his spine.
“Look Bakugo. I’m not usually one that skates around feelings. And as much as I enjoy late night jam sessions or sneaking out and gazing at the moon with you until you feel ok enough to sleep, I…”
He holds his breath, “What?”
“Hmm…” you have a finger up to your chin in the universal thinking pose.
His heartbeat picks up and his fingers start to fiddle in the pocket of his sweatpants. “Fucking what? You just said you don’t skate around feelings so what?”
You frown at him, “Hold your flippin’ horses I’m thinkin’ first.”
“‘Flippin’ horses?’ You’re such a weirdo.”
And now you’re glaring. "Speaking of thinking before speaking. You should try it.”
“Fuck you.” There’s no hostility to it and he knows you know it.
“Very original. ANYWAY, I was going to say despite your constant attitude and constant shouting, I still really like hanging out with you. So I’d like to not only hang out at…”you pull your phone from your pocket and gaze at the tiny blue screen, “4 AM”
Another pause as he processes his elation. He’s happy you’re not telling him this is the last time. But this isn’t the hard part. “Ok.”
You squint suspiciously. “I mean it.”
“So do I.”
“Then say it aloud to me,” you challenge.
This is the hard part.
He takes a few deep breaths and then… “I don’t wanna be just friends with you. I don’t know what any of that shit even means. All the stupid lovey dovey shit Raccoon Ey-”
It’s his turn to glare. “Fine, Ashido talks about all the time. All I know is no one talks to me the way you do. And I always feel calm around you. Calmer than usual. I always wanna hang out more with the idiots when you’re around to hang out with them too.”
You smile but hide it behind your fingertips. He doesn’t look finished so you nod to encourage him to finish.
“And I don't know what it is. But whenever I wake up from the fucking …” He doesn’t say the word “nightmare”. He struggles with it like if he says it he’s surrendering to weakness or something. “Whenever I wake up the only thing I think of is you. Wishing you were there, like a fucking idiot. But it never goes away, not until I text you and I see you and I hear your voice.” His head is in his hands, like he’s ashamed to admit this to you.
It’s quiet again, some cars from below have started bustling on the street. The morning wind carries his scent and the city's waking smells of coffee and fresh baked bread. You stand quietly and walk over to him, head still hanging in his hands as he crouches over on the crate.
You hug him, force yourself between his legs and wrap your arms around his head. And at first he stiffens but he doesn’t pull away from you or move out of your grasp. He just sits there with his arms hanging limply at his sides,eyes wide, and your arms wrapped around his head. His ear is pressed against your chest, listening to the city waking around you. You're warm and you smell impossibly good and he knows this is what he craves when he wakes up from those terrifying nightmares. Your embrace is the cure.
“I like being here. I like being there for you.”
Then his arms move up to wrap around your waist and he hugs you back and sighs into your chest. He stays there for at least 10 minutes listening to the steady beating of your heart.
And then he quietly mutters, “Thanks.”
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kittyymew · 3 years
Accidental Surprise
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Story Summary- Levi walks in on you pleasuring yourself. You, the Reader, and Levi are not a couple in this scenario, however, both of you like each other romantically without each other's knowledge.
You groan as you enter your room after a long stressful day, plopping down on your bed. You were tired, annoyed, angry, and frustrated. Hell! Why wouldn't you be? Another failed mission, and the worst part of it all? You were blamed for the unforeseeable factor which caused the mission to fail. Well, at least there wasn't a single casualty. A rare occurrence.
"Urgh fucking great! Of course, it's my fault! I mean yeah I controlled the titans who made us break our formation!" You let out in an exasperated tone, sitting up on your bed as you start undressing out of that stupid, uncomfortable uniform, tossing it all in a corner.
""Y/N! WhAt aRe yOu dOiNg WhY aRe tHeRe sO mAny tItAns? WhY DiDn'T YoU TeLL uS thErE aRe gOinG To Be sO mAnY aBnoRmALs iN oUr wAy?!"", you mock Levi's words as you get up from your bed and make your way over to the closet to get a change of clothes. He's been like this, blaming you for the most irrelevant things, ever since you were assigned a squad leader yourself. You tried ignoring his condescending remarks, illogical arguments, and wrongfully placed blames in the beginning but it's getting more and more unbearable with every mission you go on.
"Um... I don't know... MAYBE THE FACT THAT THERE WAS NO WAY I WOULD'VE KNOWN!" You yell out in the empty room.
"I can not believe I used to like-like him. Who am I kidding? I still like that stupid ass head! URRRGH WHY DID I HAD TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?!", you shriek out in an irritated tone, opening your closet door with such force that a box tumbles down from the top shelf, spilling its contents on the ground.
You sigh, closing your eyes and massaging your temples in an attempt to calm yourself down. You glance down at the box that had just tumbled out of your closet, seeing a pair of cuffs and a collar that had fallen out of the box. "Oop," you think as you realize it was your sex-toy box that had fallen out of your closet.
"Oh... I forgot I even had these things..." You mumble, bending down to pick up the items and the box, making your way back to your bed and emptying all the contents on the mattress. The collars, handcuffs, vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, ropes, etc. You had bought most of these items when you were with your ex.
Amidst the breakup and you gaining more responsibilities in the scouts, it's been a little over a year since you've used any of the items inside the box. Hell, you barely have any time to pleasure yourself with your fingers, let alone have sex with someone or have the luxury of using all these toys on yourself.
You pick up the pretty pink coloured wand-type vibrator, pressing down on the power button, the vibrator buzzing to life. You didn't think it was even charged. Well, at least you hadn't ran out of luck... yet. You turn it back off, biting down on your bottom lip, contemplating whether you should use it on yourself right now or not.
You quickly get up and get rid of your panties, climbing back on your bed as you crawl to the center, propping the pillows against the headboard, turning around and leaning back on it, spreading your legs.
Your mind automatically travels back to the one person you've liked for so long. As creepy or weird as it may feel, you can't help it. How his lips might feel against yours, or his hand wrapped around your throat, his fingers tangled in your hair tugging on it, or how his fingers would feel inside you... or even better his d-
Taking a deep breath to relax, you trail your fingertips down your chest, stopping at your nipples to gently squeeze and tug on them.
"Maybe this is how his fingers would feel..."
You bite back a small moan at the sensation, it's been a while since the (Y/N/C) buds received any attention.
You take your sweet time to rile yourself up, switching between squeezing your boobs and pinching and tugging on your nipples. Your mind clouding up with all kinds of inappropriate thoughts and you can already feel the heat pooling between your legs by just stimulating your nipples and by the thoughts of how Levi would fuck you...
You keep your left hand on your left boob and trail your right hand down until your fingers touch slick folds, your fingers rubbing up and down, spreading your arousal. A small, almost inaudible whimper falls off your lips as your fingers finally connect with your throbbing clit.
In the blink of an eye, your fingers are moving in a circular motion over your clit, applying just enough pressure to have you squirming and moaning. It's been so long, even the slightest touch has you going crazy.
You begrudgingly disconnect your fingers with your clit, just for a few moments until your fingers were replaced with the head of your wand vibrator, your other hand spreading your folds as you press down the vibrating head against your clit. You throw your head back, moaning loudly as pleasure spreads through your body like wildfire.
"O-oh... fuuck..."
You moan out as you apply more pressure, moving the vibrator up and down your clit slightly, the movement combined with the intense vibration causing your toes to curl and your eyes to roll at the back of your head in pleasure.
Sliding your fingers down towards your entrance, you push a finger inside your wet cunt that slides in with ease, and curl it upwards in a come hither motion, with your walls clenching around your finger as the tip rubs against your g-spot and the vibrator's sweet assault on your clit, it doesn't take long to feel the knot in your lower stomach tighten.
Throwing your head back in pleasure, small moans and whimpers fall off your lips, quickly adding in another finger inside, plunging them as deep as they can go, the tips rubbing against that sweet spot inside your tight pussy, as you draw your orgasm closer and closer with each thrust and movement of your fingers against your g-spot, combined with the intense vibration against your swollen clit.
"Fuck fuck fuck... oh... god... L-Leviii fuck...!"
You scream out in pleasure, applying more pressure on your clit with the vibrator, your fingers halting their thrusting movement as your cunt clenches around them, your lower stomach fluttering, your toes curling and back arching, as the euphoric sensation takes over your mind and body.
Pulling your fingers out of your throbbing pussy and turning the vibrator off, you try to catch your breath, still coming down from the high of the orgasm you just had.
"I- uh... *ahem*..."  Your head snaps up towards the direction of the door, the moment you heard someone clear their throat, and there he stood in your doorway, in all his red-faced glory, your soul leaving your body when you see his face.
It takes a moment for your brain to register, but you snap out of it when you see Levi take the tiniest step forward.
You yell as you jump up to cover yourself with the blanket and hastily trying to hide the multiple sex toys that were splattered all over your bed.
"I- uh...." Levi opens and closes his mouth, failing to realise that he's gawking at your naked figure. He averts his gaze only after you pull the blanket up to your chest and awkwardly try to hide his hard-on. He quickly turns around, his mind finally processes the situation, but not before you catch a glimpse of his situation down there.
"I just... came here to apologise for how I had been acting towards you over the past few weeks Y/N," Levi says, trying to make everything less.. awkward?
You just stare at the back of his head. You're way too embarrassed to even breathe at this point. How long was he standing there? How the hell did you not hear him come in? How did you even forget to lock the door before your genius self decided to masturbate?
Levi breaks the silence when you don't say anything. "Y/N...? I'm sorry the door was open and I-..."
"How long were you standing there for?" You ask.
You'd much rather die of a heart attack or something at this moment instead of having to face him. It'd be much easier than having to go through this.
"A while I guess...." He replies, scratching the back of his head.
You throw the first thing that you could reach. It was a purple dildo.
"Hey, Ow!" He mumbles, rubbing the spot where the dildo just hit him.
"AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE WATCHING ME INSTEAD OF LEAVING OR AT LEAST SAYING SOMETHING?!?!" You yell at him, throwing a pillow at his head this time.
"Well, you did moan my name brat!" Levi sasses in response when the pillow hits him.
"Stop throwing things at me brat!" Levi says, turning around on his feet to face you with a glare until he catches the sight of the purple dildo lying near his feet. He bends down to pick it up and smirks at you.
"Or I can just remind you whose name you were just moaning..." He says as he dangles your purple dildo in front of him
"LEVI!" You yell at him again, moving forward and attacking him by throwing everything that is within range at him.
"OKAY SORRY! SORRY!!!" Levi laughs as he dodges everything that's plunged in his direction and he's on the bed in front of you, holding your wrists down.
Your breath hitches in your throat at the close proximity between the two of you and you freeze up.
"I never said I was complaining about it. If anything it's nice to know that you think of me when you touch yourself. Because it just means that I wouldn't have to worry about you liking me back when I ask you out tomorrow" Levi says, letting go of your wrists and booping your nose with his stupid cocky grin before turning around and leaving your room.
"What just... happened..."
You think to yourself as you're left alone in your room, dumbfounded, to say the least.
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
Hi yes hello I just got away from someone who I think was stalking me and I am freaking out and know I will continue freaking out for several days. Would you kindly write something where MC is in the same situation and Jake helps them in some way? He doesn't have to physically show up if it doesn't make sense storywise he can just talk to MC and tell them to go someplace public or whatever and help keep them calm. I don't know. Thank you.
Take you home.
>Part 2
Summary: Jake helps you when you’re being followed by a stranger on your way home at night.
Words: 2,3k
Warnings: MC is being persecuted and the person has no good intentions / Light swearing.
⚠️A/n: Okay, first of all, I’m really sorry you had to experience this. I very much hope that you are well / that you are better and everything is okay. If you want to talk to someone you don’t know, feel free to write to me.❤️
>>So, then, of course, please take all care of yourselves! Be careful and when you get into a situation like this, find someone who can help you quickly. People on the street, ring a bell even if you don’t know who lives there. Ask for help and draw attention to yourself. If you are alone, there are almost now numbers everywhere you can call if you happen to be on your way home or wherever. Save this number to your phone and get help there. Or call the police, even if it seems exaggerated to you, but at such moments it is not exaggerated.<<
To the Story: I started writing this but realized in the way I wrote it that I didn’t feel good about it. So I decided to write another alternative. Alternative 1. I have left both alternatives there, it is marked. The beginning and the end of the story are for both alternatives. However, Alternative 2 is a little more fictional, while Alternative 1 is a little more serious (if I can say so). I just felt Alternative 2 wasn’t serious enough for this really serious subject. Nevertheless, I left alternative 2 inside to maybe / hopefully leave a little bit more good (more cute etc.) feeling.
So, and at least: In this story, the perpetrator is a man. But I would like to point out that it is not only men who do this. This can happen to all genders and all gender can be perpetrators!
Now, I hope you will like it and I can help you a little bit with it or that it will calm you down a little. Thank you for your request and always be careful. Stay healthy.
Sorry about the mistakes.
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"See you tomorrow" you call laughing and wave goodbye to the others once again. You put both hands deep into the pockets of your jacket and make your way home in a good mood. You and the others have all spent a nice evening in the Aurora. Actually, the others wanted to drive you home but you said that the fresh air will do you good because it is always very warm and stuffy in the bar. "Good night, MC" says a friend of Phil who is coming toward you and only now enters the bar. "Bye" you smile.
You breathe deep in the fresh night air, which is more than good for your body and your mind. You close your eyes and enjoy the silence for a moment. Nothing can be heard far and wide. No cars, no people, not even ravens crowing. A beautiful and clear night in Duskwood.
Your way home is fortunately not so far. From the Aurora about 15 to 20 minutes walk. Quietly you mumble your favorite song and whistle the music in some places. Until you see a black shadow across the street.
You turn your gaze there and see a man, dressed in dark, looking around. His eyes are flashing in the light of the street lights and you quickly turn your gaze away again. From the corner of your eye, you can see that he’s moving across the street to yours. You’re twisting your eyes, not pleased. Of course, you don’t want to say right away that this man is a bit weird just because he changes sides of the road but nevertheless you have a queasy feeling. It’s no secret you have to be careful.
Just for your own safety and to calm your mind, you turn left on the next street. It is not really a shortcut, the way remains the same, but enough to avoid him. But when you notice the quiet steps behind you also turn into the alley, you become really uncomfortable. You are getting closer to your apartment and thus to the edge of the forest.
Not many people live here anymore. After Hannah was found and the case solved, many people moved away from here and when you moved to Duskwood, you found your apartment in the edge of the forest.
Since there are really not many people living here, you also know that the probability that the man has to go exactly this way is low. You try inconspicuously, turn your head backwards to look over your shoulder. It seems to you that the man has accelerated his steps, which automatically makes you run a little faster too. Of course he notices your look.
"Wait a minute," he calls and your heart stops for some knockers. Quickly you look straight again. Speed up your pace again. Don’t want to get panicked and hectic, yet you can’t resist your mind that immediately tells you 'run' "You don’t have to be afraid," he shouts behind you. A goose bump spreads on your body and a wheeze leaves your lips.
Your mind goes crazy and your body immediately enters survival mode. You’re starting to go faster, panicking of the strange man.
You thought Duskwood left those dark days behind.
"You don’t have to run away!" he calls again and you tighten your jaw muscle. It’ll still take a little to get to your apartment. Again you look back, see that the man has come even closer, also runs very fast. The houses and apartments around you are all dark, people are sleeping, no one would wake up. And then you get the idea.
Jake, the only one of the others who lives near you is Jake.
When he moved here, he moved into an apartment about four blocks from you. Further downtown, it has become difficult to find anything. You pull your phone out of your pocket and open the phone immediately. You always have Jake on speed dial, so you can call right away. Afraid, you press the phone against your ear. Your other hand wraps tightly around the pepper spray you own since there was the Man Without a Face.
'Pick up, pick up, pick up'
"I just want to talk to you!" calls the creepy man from behind and this time you can not hold back and the first sob leaves your lips.
"Hello, MC?" you hear Jake’s astonished voice. Of course, he doesn’t expect you to call him at 2:00 a.m. "Help me" you whisper quietly, your voice is a squeak, panicked, anxious, desperate. "What’s going on?" Jake immediately sounds alarmed. Immediately notice that the situation is serious. "A man has been following me since the Aurora, he wants me to stop," with deep sobbing you explain the situation. "How much distance is between you?" Jake asks calmly. "About 7 or 8 meters, but every time I run faster, he runs faster too!" you answer. You hear loud rustling from Jake. "Okay, MC, you just have to stay calm, don’t hang up, I’m already on my way" You agree, mumbling. "It won’t be long before I’m with you," insured, and you hear fast paces echoing through the phone.
"Stay now!" the man shouts loudly and you flinch. He sounds much more aggressive than he just did, impatient and annoyed.
>>Alternative 1
"Hurry up, please," you beg Jake.
"Stay calm, okay, MC? Put me on speaker" he orders and tries to keep his voice relatively quiet so as not to make you more nervous.
You do what he says and unlike what you expected, he makes a request for a video call. You take the call and put it on speaker.
His face appears and you immediately feel a little more safe. You keep the phone further away from your face so that the man behind you can also see that at least someone is there who can see you." I’ve got your location, I’m on my way to you. It’s only two streets away," Jake says aloud, briefly holding a second phone in front of the camera where your location is displayed. Even if your pursuer may not be able to see it, the gesture counts.
Carefully you turn back and take a look again. For your joy, his steps have already slowed down and a little more distance is between you.
"I don’t need a minute until I’m with you, MC," Jake informs you and you nod relieved. You wipe the tears from the cheeks that have calmed down a bit and breathes trembling deeply before you look behind you again.
The man changes sides of the road.
"It works" you breathe and nod wildly with your head, in relief.
You see the man walking the other way, in the opposite direction of you. He has given up, seems to have noticed that you're safe now.
"Stay there," demands Jake, "I can see you," he informs you, and you look to the right, into the street next to you. In fact, you see the hacker running towards you, but now also slowing down his steps.
"Oh God," you croak relieved, lowers your phone and run towards him. From afar he stretches out his arms and you throw yourself into his embrace. <<
>>Alternative 2
"Hurry up," you plead. You’re accelerating your steps more and more. Jake answers something, his voice is blurry, choppy and distorted.
Quickly you look at your screen. No signal. Your phone has no signal. It’s a dead zone.
You hear as Jake asks about you, also difficult to recognize. The first tears run down your cheek and burn into your skin.
Slowly everything starts to turn, from the panic in you. It all feels blurry, imaginary and not real. But unfortunately it is real. "Shit!" you hiss as your screen turns black. Jake has to hurry!
"Stop!" the man calls again and suddenly you hear firm and fast steps behind you. Without looking, you know he start running. And without hesitation you start running as well. It feels like there’s a loud sough in your ears, like an old radio is losing the signal.
Your surroundings become blurred, out of focus and you feel as if everything is pulsating around you. The houses are getting closer, it feels like it’s getting darker around you, It’s like the sky is getting even blacker. And the only thing booming in your head is 'run, run for your life' You can’t prevent a weepy whining from coming out of your mouth followed by a loud sob. You try to blink the tears in your eyes away to see something but it doesn’t work. The more you try, the worse it gets.
Your lungs are starting to burn. Stitches in your sides make this run unbearable. You lift your legs higher while running to reduce the risk of stumbling. Just focus on running and breathing. The steps behind you are not to be heard, like this mute everything feels. "MC" you hear it calling from somewhere, can not arrange the voice, your mind imagines that your persecutor knows your name. But then, suddenly, you see, out of the alley next to you, an arm coming out fast. He’s reaching for your upper arm. It’s so fast, you don’t even have time to scream. You get ripped around and hit against a back hard.
In the first moment you want to fight back, defend yourself, to kick around you but you quickly recognize the voice as Jake’s when he says "I’m here, MC, everything is good". Full of pure relief, you wrap your arms around him from behind, "Thanks God" you sigh and press your face into the soft material of his sweater. Jake’s hand reaches for yours and puts it on it calmly as he builds up tall in front of the man. You don’t want to look at this guy, you don’t want him to see you.
"Can I help you?" Jake asks in a deep and dangerous-sounding voice. You never thought he could speak like that, so angry that his voice is almost shaking. You hear how the other man’s steps have finally stopped, "No, everything is fine," he grumbles.
"Then fuck off now" Jakes hisses aggressively and takes a step forward. You will be pulled along and wrap your arms even more tighter around him.
"It’s all right, man," the other one grumbles and really seems to turn around to leave. Jake doesn’t move a bit, his whole body is tense, he is under high tension, you feel how tense his muscles are. Feel how trembling his breath escapes.
When your persecutor finally disappeared, Jake takes your arms off his belly and turns around. Without a word, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you tightly against his body. Your mind finally realizes that you don’t need to be afraid anymore, you start crying again, but this time out of relief and happiness.<<
You start crying hard, crying against his chest, his arms holding you tight, protective.
"It’s all good, MC," he whispers, and his voice sounds like he’s about to cry too. You’re pressing so tight and close against him that you’re afraid you might crush him, but you have no control over it. And he doesn’t seem to mind.
"It’s all good, MC, I’m here now, you’re safe, I take care of you. He can’t hurt you anymore, and he’ll never be able to hurt you," he whispers, pressing his lips on your forehead.
"You’re safe," he keeps confirming that everything’s okay now. Does not let go, holds you and gives you stability and safety.
"Thank you" you whimper and bury your hands in the fabric of his sweater.
"Don’t thank me, there’s no reason to thank me, everything is fine," he easily walks away from you to look at you. Lovingly and carefully he puts his hands on your cheeks to wipe the tears from your cheek with his thumbs.
"You’re safe, okay? I’m here"
You nod, try to calm down and stop your tears." You’re coming with me, all right? You’re sleeping in my apartment today. You don’t have to be alone right now. And you can stay as long as you want," he suggests, and You exhale with relief, glad you don’t have to be alone.
"Thank you" you croak again and again he kisses you lightly on the forehead.
"Shall we go?" he asks cautiously and you agree.
Jake takes your hand into his, and slowly you start on the path that luckily is not far.
"You never walk home alone again, all right? You can always call me and I’ll pick you up. And if you want to walk, then I’ll come and we’ll go home together"
You don’t contradict him, you’re happy about it. Never want to walk alone again.
"I got his data from his cell phone, and we know who he is. Tomorrow we’ll see what we can do," he tells you, and you try to smile a bit.
When you two gets home, he picks out some of his clothes for you, a shorts and a T-shirt. You take a warm and soothing shower while he makes you a cup of tea.
Together you lie down, he holds his arms open for you and holds you tight and takes care of you until you fall asleep.
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Call if You Need Me - cth
part of nation of two
summary: We meet Petra and Calum. Two souls who keep running into each other. The beginning to a nation of two that brings Calum and Petra to realize how much they love the sun on one another.
author’s notes: Welcome back to Nation of Two! Thanks for your patience with this series! I’m very excited to be sharing this new version of it with you and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do!
warnings: Brief mentions of sex
masterlist || request || read it on AO3 || next part
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When Calum first met Petra, his life seemed to look brighter. Days were warmer and the birds sang a little louder whenever he walked outside. It was as if everything used to be in black and white and Petra brought the color. It was as if some higher power above Calum brought him to a random park in LA and his life was forever changed. He'd never seen her before, which wasn't hard to do since LA was filled with people and the chance of seeing her again was minute. 
Okay, maybe that was a lie. Calum had seen her before. It was like fate had been playing jokes on him. 
The first time he'd seen Petra, he didn't even know her name. She'd been ahead of him at the grocery store. She'd been unloading her groceries onto the belt, colorful fruits, and vegetables that made Calum's basket seem dull in color, the cashier and her both chatting over a drink Petra had been excited to try. Calum had been watching, and listening, to her absentmindedly. He'd stopped by to grab a few snacks and drinks before the band's slot at the studio began. 
Calum liked her smile. He liked how she was polite and didn't interrupt the cashier when she told her about the other flavors of the energy drink that Calum was making a mental note about getting next time around. He also liked, and he might've chuckled he doesn't remember now, Petra's reusable bags which were a mix of tote bags that had different patterns on them. His favorite had to be the canvas bag that had been stamped with a drawing of a corgi with an umbrella. 
Calum had never been one to approach people he didn't know in public, especially pretty women who took his breath away, so it was no surprise when he watched Petra walk out of the grocery store with her bags as he waited for the cashier to finish ringing up his groceries. He wouldn't even know what to say if he had gone after her. He'd probably just make a fool of himself and end up with flushed cheeks at the studio as he thought back on the moment. So with his snacks and non energized drinks in a plastic bag, Calum made his way out of the grocery store, his eyes searching the parking lot in hopes of seeing the woman with the bright smile and colorful groceries. 
The second time Calum saw Petra, he thought he'd imagined it. His hands were full with his laptop, journal, and the iced coffee he'd been nursing all morning in the way of him opening the door to the record shop he was meant to meet Ashton at. Looking helpless, Calum tried to figure out the best way to open the door, until his savior showed up from inside the store. 
"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there," Petra laughed, her eyebrows raising as she noticed the confused look on Calum's face, "Hands full?"
"Huh?" Calum mumbled as he looked at her in somewhat awe, "Oh, uh, yeah. Thank you," he chuckled before stepping into the record shop, his head nodding at her. 
"Don't worry about it, have a nice day! They have really good records today," she said and waved, giving him a bright smile before she continued on with her day. 
Calum would've been lying if he said he hadn't felt his heart race and his palms sweat as he talked with her. It might've even been embarrassing if he thought too much about it, how a short and polite conversation between two strangers could rile him up this much. But with a deep breath and another sip of the now watered-down coffee, Calum walked around the store, trying to find Ashton and wondering if he'd ever see Petra again. 
"Oh, it's you again. Are you sure you're not stalking me?" Petra's voice broke Calum out of his gaze, her laugh warming his skin as he tried his best not to blush. 
Calum was used to his fans following his every move. He was used to them knowing where he was before he even knew and it had gotten to the point where he'd rarely want to leave the comfort of his home. But this was just strange. In the past two months, Calum had seen Petra a handful of times. Since their initial two meetings, Calum had spotted her at the same brunch spot that Michael had taken him to on a sunny Wednesday. He'd also seen her at the beach when he'd taken Duke after a stressful studio session. It seemed like everywhere Calum went, Petra had beat him to it. And even now, as he'd stopped at the flower shop down the street from the grocery store, Petra was strolling through the aisles of vases that Calum just so happened to walk into. 
"It would seem that way, huh?" Calum said with a nervous chuckle, "Guess we just keep on meeting,"
"Some people would call that fate, you know?" Petra teased, her eyebrow-raising as she stuck her hand out for him to shake, "I'm Petra."
"Petra. Nice to meet you again," Calum laughed and took her hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze as she shook them, "I'm Calum."
"Yeah, I know," she mumbled, her eyes widening a bit, "Shit no, that sounded creepy. I just meant that-"
"Are you sure you're not the one who's stalking me?" Calum asked, no malice in his voice, and the smile he was trying to hide gave way to his teasing.
"Haha. I'm just a fan of your work. Who wouldn't be, you guys are changing the music scene," Petra nodded and shrugged, her addicting smile once again blessing Calum's presence. 
"I appreciate that Petra, it means a lot," he nodded, "So you're buying flowers for someone special?"
Petra laughed at that, her eyes looking past him before making their way back to meet his. Calum felt the familiar warmth that spread over his body whenever he'd seen her in the past two months, the feeling that something was meant to happen. Calum couldn't deny that she was beautiful, besides her smile that always seems to be on his mind these days, Calum found himself looking over her as well. Watching the way her curls bounced on her shoulders and the way her sundress seemed to match the warm weather and warmth he felt inside. 
"Uh, no. Can't a woman buy herself flowers something?" she asked, "Are you?"
"Can't a man buy himself some flowers?" Calum returned, his chuckle soft as he shrugged, "I guess I should go pay for these then. It was nice to properly meet you, Petra," 
"Calum," she said with a nod, "Have a nice day. Maybe fate will have us meet again," she teased and with a wave, she was walking back down the aisle. 
And Calum really hoped that this time, fate would be on his side. 
"Morning," Petra's soft voice broke Calum out of his early morning thoughts, "Have you been awake long?"
Calum's head turned to the side, the breath he'd been planning to let go of getting caught in his throat as his eyes landed on Petra. Her room was the perfect representation of who she was. The plants that adorned the window left the smell of rain in her room almost constantly. The soft covers that Calum found himself under the majority of the time he'd spent with her reminded him of clouds. But his favorite part of Petra's bedroom was the giant window next to her bed which let the sunlight filter in and land on her in the mornings. She always looked ethereal in the mornings, her soft skin glowing under the sun as her curls covered her eyes. It was Calum's favorite way to wake up, with Petra by his side, her soft breaths against his shoulder. He loved waking up next to her almost as much as he loved falling asleep next to her, watching how the moonlight illuminated her as her thoughts drifted from coherent to a mumbling of words. 
"No, just a few minutes, how'd you sleep?" Calum mumbled, sleep still evident in his voice as he cleared his throat to try and chase it away. 
"Extremely comfortable," she mumbled, her lips pressing a soft kiss onto his shoulder, "Slept next to the man I love, couldn't ask for anything better than that, huh?"
Calum's sleepy smile matched hers, his body turning onto its side so he could pull her close to his chest. It had been six months since Calum had bought her those flowers she'd been holding. Six months since he'd asked the cashier to slip the little white card with his phone number into the bouquet. Six months since Calum had picked up the phone on a sunny evening and listened to Petra tease him over the cheesy message he'd left her. 
“Pretty flowers for a woman who deserves them, that’s pretty cheesy, don’t you think?” Petra had asked, her voice soft as Calum’s cheeks flushed. He’d been sitting on his couch, his hands sweaty as he tried to excuse the action but it didn’t matter, Petra had already fallen for him and his cheesiness, “You have a way with words, Calum.”
“Maybe I can make up for the cheesiness soon?” Calum asked, trying to keep his voice steady as he ran a hand through the curls that had been long for too long and ached to be cut, “Maybe I can take you out sometime soon?”
“I’d like that a lot,” Petra mumbled, hoping that Calum couldn’t hear her giddiness or the smile that was adorning her face, even over the phone, “Throwing fate into your own hands?”
“Of course, we have to do that at some point, don’t we?”
And after last night's confessions, when both were too lost in one another's bodies and lips to hold back their emotions for any longer, their night together went from a simple date to a confession of love. It was something that Calum had put off for so long in his life, something that he'd tried before and failed. Something that had broken him so badly he'd shut the world out for so long. But with Petra, loving her was nothing more than common sense. It was wanting her by his side and buying her pretty flowers whenever he passed by the flower shop. So when Petra whispered those three little words to him in between moans and kisses, Calum never hesitated to say them back because he'd known the truth for months. He loved Petra and she loved him. 
And he couldn't ask for anything more. He loved Petra on her good days and on her bad days. He loved Petra when it was raining outside and her pout hid away the beautiful smile Calum had fallen for all those months ago. He loved her in the supermarket when they were the only people walking down the fluorescent-lit aisles in the late hours of the night. He loved her when they were in the darkness of his living room, talking into the morning lights about everything and nothing. 
If you asked Petra, which her parents did a lot, she'd tell you the same things. That she loved Calum to the farthest galaxy and back. That the moon and the stars could never shine as bright as he did and that the sunlight on his golden-brown skin was something she could study daily. She loved Calum even if he preferred rainy days over the sunny ones she loved so much. Petra knew he'd been hurt before, that he'd hidden his heart behind a wall of ice and that it had taken a lot of time and working on himself to get to where they were. She knew that Calum could be like the bird his name was meant for, that he could get spooked and fly away at any moment. But Petra loved that even with all the fears and the doubts his mind gave him, he'd whispered how much he loved her the night before, his breathy moans in her ear as he confessed how he'd felt. 
It was a sunny afternoon when Petra first saw Calum. He had his hands full and was struggling to open the door of the record shop that her friend had recently started working at. Petra had promised to stop by and maybe buy a few albums to boost her friend's sales for the day. She'd just finished checking out and was on her way out when she'd spotted him. She recognized him immediately, the pink pressed vinyl in her bag had his face on it, and so she opened the door for him. She liked his eyes, how they widened when he realized he wasn't going to have to drop his coffee or laptop on the ground in order to open the door. She liked the breathy laugh he gave her before walking into the store and the way her heart raced once she had walked back to her car and had a mini freak out over meeting one of her favorite artists. Had she regretted not saying anything else besides a joke? Of course, she had, she could've asked for a picture of even for him to sign the vinyl she'd just bought, but Petra had decided that if it was meant to be, she'd see him again. 
"Oh, I don't know mom, it's weird! I've only seen him in passing! I've said maybe a handful of words to him and to make matters worse he's a famous musician who will probably never know my name," Petra huffed as she got back into her car after once again seeing Calum at the bookstore she visited every once in a while, "What if he thinks I'm just a crazy stalker fan?"
"Petra, darling, you're a beautiful young woman. He'd be a fool to those harsh things about you. Maybe you've already caught his eye and he's the one who's nervous to say anything to you." Petra's mother said over the phone, the evident noises of cooking in the background, "Next time you see him, you should talk to him. You can't get struck by lightning if you're not standing in the rain."
"Mom, that is the most terrifying metaphor you could've used. I hope you know that," Petra mumbled as she laid her head back against her headrest. 
"I love you Petra, be safe," her mom chuckled, "Go dancing out in the rain for a change!"
Petra had known her mom meant well. She'd been living in LA for almost a year and she had yet to put herself out there. Sure, she had friends and her coworkers were always inviting her out to bar nights and social events. But Petra craved the attention of someone. She'd been single for years now and moving to LA had been a step towards changing that. She was meant to find herself and what she wanted to do with her life here. She knew meeting Calum in multiple places around this giant city hadn't been coincidences, she knew that fate had a funny way of playing with her and she was just supposed to take everything thrown at her with a grain of salt. 
Petra smiled as she listened to Calum talk over the phone, he was chatting about the latest city the band was in. He'd been gone for a few weeks, living his life and playing shows every night. Sure, Petra missed him, she missed him like crazy every day whenever she woke up in an empty bed and when she ate breakfast alone. But she knew that Calum had missed being on stage and missed singing in front of a crowd. Even if that meant that Petra and Calum couldn't be together for a while, it'd be worth it. 
"P, you there?" Calum asked, chuckling quietly, Petra could hear the smile in his voice, could see him leaning against the tour bus with that soft smile she loved so much, "Or did you disappear on me?"
"Sorry, yeah I'm here." Petra laughed quietly, "What were you saying?"
"I'm coming home, babe," Calum said happily, "We've got a break and I'm gonna fly out to spend time with you."
Calum was packing up his bag on the counter of her bathroom, the glass wall of her shower made him look like a blur. The warm water from the showerhead was hitting her body, soothing the aches from the night before as she listened to Calum talk about his most recent trip. Her eyes were closed as she massaged shampoo into her hair, but she could still picture Calum, his hands above his head, or playing an invisible bass as he told Petra about the moment he and the band knew they'd cracked the code on their latest single. 
"So do I get a sneak peek of it?" Petra asked as she finished shampooing her hair, her eyes opening to meet Calum, who was standing next to the entrance of the shower. 
"You wish," he laughed and shook her head, "Gotta wait until we have the master done, lovebug."
"Ugh, I thought dating one of your favorite musicians meant you got to listen to new music first?" she mumbled in fake annoyance, her hands moving to splash Calum with water. 
"Oh you're gonna pay for that one," he laughed and before Petra knew it, Calum's arms were wrapped around hers and the water was splashing them both. 
"You're supposed to be packing, dork. Can't leave if you don't have a suitcase packed," Petra mumbled against his lips, her thumb stroking his jawline.
"Stop revealing my plans, honey," he whispered and pulled her into another kiss, "You forgot an important part of my plan though."
"Oh yeah? And what would that be, Dove?" she asked quietly, the familiar nickname bringing a redness to Calum’s cheeks, and smiled as she followed a water drop that rolled down his forehead to his jaw. It rolled down slowly, almost as if it too was taking its time enjoying the feeling of Calum’s skin against it.
"You're coming with me. Taking you home with me this time." 
taglist: @hoodhoran​​ @moonlightcriess​​ @mxgyver​​ @calpops​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @notlukehemmo​​ @calumrose​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @lowkeyflop​​  @notinthesameguey​​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​​ @ashtonsunflower​​ @2fangirl4u​​ @multistann​​​ @wiiildflowerrr @himbohood​​ @in-superbloom​​ @ashtonsunflower​​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @killmywildflower​​ @sebsbrokentoe​​
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derekgoffard · 3 years
If you are comfortable with it ( and ONLY if you're comfortable DO NOT do anything you DON'T want to do) but 😶 can we get nsfw alphabet for Colin maybe????? Mayhaps
(Again if you're not comfy DELETE THIS ASK no one will know 🤫)
UHAUHS Thank u for ur ask aguuhs!! This was such a nice way to word this I'm- 🥺🥺 thank u for being so nice about this ask this is honestly so sweet 🥺😭😭😭❤️❤️
ALSO Im very very un-practiced in writing nsft stuff so this is more jot notes then atcual writing lol,, ( nsft under cut , tw drugging ) Gvvyvh gghh
NSFW Alphabet:
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Hes pretty good!, if he's not too exhausted himself he'll run around his apartment grabbing blankets and pillows for his partner lol! He'd ideally love to cuddle up with them after sex and watch a movie or smth but he will do whatever they want generally lol, he probably doesn't wanna leave them alone tho- hes real clingy afterwards 😔
B = Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He will tell them their hands if they ask BUT THATS A LIE LOL his favorite area of their body is probably their waist lol,,,,( if his partner has breasts it might be them too😤) his favorite part about himself is probably his hands; hes not a suppper confident guy but he likes how his hands are shaped and he loves how his fake nails give his fingers a longer look lol.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Very average, probably cums a little less then most people LOLGYD
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
HE SECRETLY WANTS TO SLIP THEM AN APHRODISIAC OR SMTH H H H HH he would never do that ESPECIALLY if he's built an atcually genuine relationship with them BUT. The idea just gets him goin vvf hhh he also probably would want to record it too, like one of those pov blowjob kinda things HHHHHH vhubbu
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
HES A VIRGIN 😭😭😭😭😭 hes had alot of practice on toys and he's watched alot of porn but with irl experience,,,he got none 😔
F = Favorite Position (this goes without saying)
Ye old doggy style and pretzel dip... He'd prefer to be on top but he's a true switch at heart,, he's also into cowgirl ( bottom ) if his partner is smaller and cowgirl (top) if his partner is bigger/has a dick/strap on
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's not serious at all lol! He might get kinda ? Creepy tho?? As in he might go real quiet and feel them up a bit but in general he's super nervous abt it so he appreciates a partner who makes light of the whole thing! It'll make him feel better 🥺
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He trims often!, He has a tuff of hair down there but in general he's pretty well groomed, he would never have the balls to try and bleach anywhere near his dick so it's his og hair color ( brown )
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can get pretty intimate/romantic if his partner is! For him to even have sex he would probably need a good relationship with his partner; he's been lonely for so long and for him to finally have someone who he can be romantic with makes him very emotional lol!! If he gets romantic during sex he'll go really slow and probably would want to hold their hand during it lol
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
Jacks off a moderate amount; at least once a day;....he watches alot of hentai and cosplay pornos,, he also reads alot of smut lol
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He's pretty kinky in general but his big ones are cosplay , bondage and overstimulation 😔😔😔 ideally he would like to do them all at the same time LOL. he's really into overstimulation with toys in particular 😡😔 he definitely has a thing for leaving his partner tied up the whole day on a vibrator while their in some skimpy outfit or smth hvqvyq H H😔😔 when he gets back he might wanna take a picture of them all exhausted to jerk off to later ygyvvggggg 😔😔😔😔😞😞😞
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Da bedroom..., he's pretty nervous and insecure abt this kinda stuff ( especially in the beginning) so he'd feel best somewhere secure and private; ...he's secretly got a thing for a blowjob in a public area or smth tho lol
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Colin is a simple man at heart; skimpy/sexy outfits turn him on alot, especially if it's smth he made/picked out for them 😞 showing sexual interest in him will turn him on too, aka just flirt with him LOL
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
degradation of any kind; he might be able to degrade someone if they asked for it but in no circumstances will he ever want that for himself lol,, it completely shuts him down
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
FFFFFF HAS A THING FOR FACE FUCKING LOL he would give his right arm for someone to give him oral 😭 it's a super big turn on for him and he probably fantasizes abt it alot😔 I imagine him being really into trying to give oral too; his braces will probably fuck it up alot tho 😔😔
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
His pace really depends on his mood lol; if he's feeling romantic he'll go slower and won't use any toys or anything; however 90% of the time he's gonna spend most of the duration on foreplay which gets him all riled up so when he atcually stars da fuckin he'll be pretty pent up and desperate about it😔 so on average he's going pretty fast hhh
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Likes them in concept but not in practice; he fantasizes alot about a quickie some public space like a bathroom or smth but in reality he could never do smth like that HA😔
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He doesn't take any TRUE risks, he's open to try basically anything but he won't do anything where someone could catch them in the act
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last for a while! He has a bit more stamina then an average person I'd say, however he crashes hard after pushing himself that far lol,,
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
HAS A LOT OF TOYS LOL, he has at least one of any toy that's on the market basically LOL😭😭, he bought them all in the cutest colors they were available in so they still fit his asthetic lol; at first he only bought a few ones for himself but owning so many made him feel really cool so he just kept going LOL
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Likes to tease alot; really into the whole bondage, vibrator torture, orgasm denial thing lol,,,hes not really into being teased himself tho😠 ( he is selfish 😠😠😠)
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's atcually pretty quiet! He yelps a bit mabye ;
W = Wild Card (a random headcanon for the character)
He can space off sometimes during sex and will start doing weird creepy shit lol, (especially if their wearing an outfit) he might start drawing his fingers up their chest or leg or smth 🤮😔
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It's a bit skinny but it's average! About 5.2in
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He can be flustered/turned on pretty easily but with no influence his sex drive is on the higher side;
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
That depends on how far he exerted himself ; if he didint go too far he'll have a good amount of energy left, but if he really exerted himself he will be sleeping before his head hits the pillow LOL
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with Neron ‘Creeper’ Vargas.
Request: Oooh yes yes yeah 😁 I show u take request 🙈 I would read something with Creeper dates a girl who already have 4/5 sons of a precedent relation. Maybe about how he create relationshion with their ? Like one love bike, another by playing football ? An the older is septic but one day he understand have Creeper for stepfather is having all Mayans for family. Sorry if it's sound to specific.
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 1.3k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author, I found it on Google.
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Creeper couldn't believe you were alone in charge of three kids, when you moved onto his neighborhood. And he knew you didn't have a husband around because he had never seen him.
The problem was when he realized he was in love with you, with your scent, with the sweet tone of your voice and with that smile which could stop a war.
“Wait, wait! Lemme help you, mama!”
You hear a voice behind you, making you turn around from the trunk of your car full of bags. A man covered with tattoos and a helmet hanging from his forearm, is walking towards you.
“Oh, no, no. Don't worry. It's okay”. You mutter somewhat ashamed with a fleeting smirk on your lips.
“Nah, ain't nothing better to do”. He just shrugs his shoulders, grabbing three bags in every hand and greatly surprising you of his strength.
“Than—Thank you…” You just say, taking the three left, before closing your car.
Walking in silence straight to the porch, you open the door with some difficulties making you both laugh until it finally opens. Following you to the kitchen, he leaves the groceries over the counter, having one quick look but without wanting to look like a creepy stalker.
“I'm (Y/N), by the way”. You say then, raising a hand at him hoping it's enough for a formal greeting.
“Neron”. The man answers, narrowing it softly, a little bewitched by your touch.
“Can I… maybe offer you a coffee or something…?”
Whenever you two were free of responsibilities, you used to sit on your porch to share some drinks and talk about work, or about your lives in general. And only when he knew that it could be something serious, he just talked to you about what he really does, one bit at time.
After some months, more or less, hanging out, you two decided to introduce him to your girls. Two twins of six years old and a pre-teen of fourteen. You were aware that he wouldn't have any problem with Lia and Marta. But Carlota was another history.
Since Creeper has sat at the table, after helping you to settle the table, you can see the younger whispering and chuckling with that kind of gesture that they use when they want to ask something, but they're too ashamed. Narrowing your eyes, as the man does, you look at them.
“C'mon, girls, spit it out”. You say with a funny smile on your lips.
“Can we color your drawings one day?” Marta and Lia ask in unison, pointing at his bare arms.
You can't help but laugh rubbing your faces.
“Sounds like a cool plan”. Creeper nods pretty convinced.
“Fuck this shit”. From her silence, Carlota drags backwards her chair, getting up to step out of the living room.
“Hey, mama”. Neron says grabbing your left wrist, when you're about to follow her. “It's okay. Give her time”.
“I can't let her behave like that”. You grunt sitting down.
“She is fourteen, baby. We both know what her father did. And probably she thinks I want to replace him, but it's not. She will see it, okay?”
The months kept passing by, taking the next step when you decided to live together. At this point he has already introduced you to his brothers, being more kindly than you thought. At least, they didn't thought that Neron was fucking out of his mind, for getting related with a woman with three kids.
Lia and Marta were delighted having him at home, playing with them whenever he had five minutes, or cooking pancakes on Sundays. And of course, letting your girls color all his tattoos.
Carlota, by the other hand, started to be hard-nose. Always locking herself in her dorm when she was at home. And it was breaking your heart, trying to talk with her about what was bothering her, even if you already knew. But the worst part was when the principal of his highschool called you to tell you about a fight that involucred your daughter with another three girls.
“Hey, mama, I got this, okay?”
What you didn't know is that Neron was already conscious about what was happening. So he was to take care of that business.
Your daughter was sitting on a bench in the peak time of finishing classes, crying unconsolable with her hands covering her burning face. She wasn't expecting the loud buzz coming closer, raising her blurry gaze to the road. Nine motorbikes made their appearance, getting parked backwards next to the sidewalks. The whole student body with their parents and some teachers turned at them, mostly whispering about how good those nine men looked. Taking off their helmets, Neron's brothers waited for him, having some cigs, while he started to walk towards your surprised daughter.
As soon as he was able to kneel close to her, he knew by just one look who were the other girls. He didn't say anything, standing up to lead his steps to the three families with their eyes fixed on the man.
“I know that your daughters are teasing my kid about me, about my club and about what we do. So, lemme tell you something, as parents you are, the only thing you want is the happiness of them. Keep it in mind. Because next time my kid comes back home crying, I will not be this… polite”.
The girls were trembling, hiding behind their parents who were terrified too because of his words. Showing them a fake smile, Neron turned around to your daughter to make her a sign.
“I want you to say ‘sorry’ to her, and promise that you will never gonna fuck her up again”.
“Sir, yo—”.
“Shut the fuck up, man. I'm talking to your ill-bred kids”.
“We… We're so—sorry, Carlota”.
Your daughter looked at him, clinging to his arm, pouting a little and pulling him back.
“Good. Never forget to be kind”.
That night, Carlota didn't stop talking about how scared everyone was because of Creeper, totally freaking out too about when he appeared with his brothers in such cool motorbikes.
It was almost two am when your boyfriend came from the clubhouse, a little tired and needed for a cold beer. Taking off his boots at the entrance, to not be noisy, he walks straight to the kitchen to grab one from the fridge. Opening it with not much difficulty, he has a sip turning to the island in the middle of the kitchen.
“Jesus fucking christ, Carlota…” He whispers with his heart racing. “What you doin'ere?”
“I couldn't sleep”. She just says, having another spoon of ice cream.
“At least, turn on the lights… You're gonna gimme a heart attack, kid”.
She laughs low, shaking her head, before getting up from the stool. Walking towards him without saying a single word, your daughter hugs Creeper wrapping his waist with both arms.
“Thank you for today”. She mutters resting her cheek on his chest.
Your boyfriend doubts for a second, not knowing if it's real or an illusion, but it feels so good that he could help her somehow. Hugging her back, the man kisses her head, smiling like a fool. Being happy to see that she's finally accepting him in her family.
“Listen, Carlota…” He says then, pulling himself away to leave the beer over the counter. “I don't wanna replace anyone, okay? We don't have to play this dad and daughter game. I wanna be your friend, I want you to trust me and talk to me about your problems, if you have some, okay?”
“Okay”. She just says. “I'm sorry if I hurt you ever”.
“Nah, it's okay, kid. I just want you to be happy”.
“I am, Creep'”.
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✨ Tag list:
@starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @jadesamhart @mycupoffanfiction @claytoncardenasbabymama @thesandbeneathmytoes @phoenixhalliwell @thewarriorprincessxo @sugary-x-sweet @multiyfandomgirl40 @imanerdychubbyqueen @iambabyharry @firebenderwolf @itsanofrommesir @noz4a2 @peaches007 @edonaspanca @irenne-stans @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes
If you want to be tagged, send me a message!
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panicinart · 3 years
A nanny to replace with someone new part 1
Brahms x transman/transmasc reader
Please take my writing privilege away when it's past midnight
There arnt any trigger warnings here and at the moment no gendered words or pronouns is used! I guess there is a bit of queer coding(???) if you squint but nothing to serious or specific
Your phone vibrated with a new message send to you. Scrambling it out of your pants with hasty and shaking fingers while the other hand tryd it's best to not let the travel suitcases fall on the floor. Giving it a quick glance your lips curled into a smile, it was your best friend asking how the flight into the UK was.
So you gave her a quick message on how you got the worst seat imaginable. The guy next to you constantly gave you weird glances, he tryd to be sneaky about it, looking at your way when he thought you were asleep or occupied with something else. The smell that receded from him wasn't pleasant either, betting your left arm that he didn't shower for at least 3 weeks straight.
A few seats away was a couple that constantly started a loud argument with each other about the most random and unimportant things imaginable. When the fly attended tryd to calm them down the whole scenario got even more chaotic, making a kid that was another few seats away cry loudly. You would feel bad for the child if it wasn't for your enormous migraine building up. The only good thing out of the situation was when a bag of salted snacks got accedntly thrown to your way, giving you a free extra snack.
As you clicked send an announcement made it's self know with loud static noises. The train had a one hour delay. At this point your nerves were on edge. With a heavy sigh you walked out of the airport to the underground, at least there was now some time to look at the airport stores. Buying a few snacks here and there and seeing the cute souvenirs lighten up your mood a bit, and you even found a pharmacy!
Munching at your last chocolate bar and swallowing the pill for your migraine as you clumsily walked down the stairs to the subway, you eyes skimmed for a clock, and there it was, old and a bit rusty but it worked just fine showing that it's currently 7:43 pm.
'20 more minutes'
you thought, as you gave it a quick glance with a groggy look,
'Might as well give her a quick text'
•hey,sophie the train has a delay probably will come in like an hour late if everything goes well.
It took a few minutes until she texted you back
▪︎Yea I already thought that, can't have shit in public transport >:/
•yea,,, so,,, how is the babysitting going? Is the kid as bad as the last one you took care of???
▪︎Nope! How should it when it's a doll :)
a what???
▪︎A doll! It's one of those weird porcelain ones that look like a small child. It's even live sized! I was already weirded out that a couple this old would have small children of their own but that? A whole new level of weird
•,,,,what are you doing with it????
does it just hang around or do you actually take care of it??
As you waited for an answer another announcement was made, the train that should come in now 15 minutes should be here earlier.
You would have made a small victorious smile if the question didn't come crashing down like an avalanche.
Why do they keep it? Why do they need a babysitter when it's just a doll? Why is it live sized? And most importantly, how in the fresh fuck did they managed to let the train come earlier the thought. While being lost in your mind with questions your phone took you back into reality when it vibrated.
▪︎Nope! I just let it sit in the corner, sometimes I put a towel or blanket over it. It's stare is really fucking creepy....
•oh,,, so free money I guess, pretty cool.
hey sophie what was the name of the family??
Something with shire right??
▪︎Heelshire, why do you ask?
•just out of curiosity, maeby there is an article about them and the doll.
i mean they are a well know family so I can imagine there is something out there about them. also my train is coming later then planned.
they made an announcement that it should come earlier the thought but,,, I think I won't come over today for the sleepover, I'm just too tired, sorry for the late cancelation
▪︎It's fine (Y/N)! You had a shitty flight so I can understand that! So we see us tomorrow :) ?
▪︎Awesome, can't wait to show you the creepy doll!
And with that the chat ended, your train already making a big entrance with the loud hald of it's heavy metallic wheels.
You took the suitcase back into your hands and tumbled your way into the train.
Looking around, you accepted defeat that there was no seat left for you, your mood slowly dipping from tired annoyance to about to having a small fit. But that wouldn't help your progress, so you swallowed your anger down and leaned to one of the metallic poles. Wobbling a bit from left to right and needing to catch your suitcase to not let it roll over a passengers feet as the train started moving again.
You grabbed your phone, hesitating for a bit
'Do I really want to know what the fuck is going on or???'
You just shrugged your shoulders and gave it a go, the heelshire family is a rich pompous family you're sure there is something about them on the internet.
Aaaaand you were right, it didn't even took a second when hundreds of articles pooped up with dramatic headlines.
Terrible fire at the Heelshire mansion
Mysterious fire in Heelshire property
Heelshire, how their live turned quickly into a nightmare
These were the few that caught your interest.
You gave the articles quick reads, your tired eyes switching between almost falling shut from tiredness and going wide at the gruesome details on the tragedy.
Well that gives you a few indications on why they keep it.
'It's probably some kind of coping mechanism....'
You don't really see yourself as someone who's heart gets torn apart everytime you hear a sad and tragic story, but you still can't shake the heaviness off it all, a family losing their only child in an enormous fire that up to this day nobody knows were it came from.
Too keep your mind off the whole thing you looked outside, still having a bitter expression of the new info as you admired the houses.
It looks like your heading towards a more suburban area, making it look like one of your old English telenovela that you watch every now and then.
As the sun slowly goes down and engulfing the area in beautiful colors was quite a bit breathtaking, infact so breathtaking that you almost missed your station.
In a moment of panic you pushed yourself out of the train almost dropping a few things in it, but luckily you had everything with you.
With lazy steps towards a billboard your eyes scanned the map for the area, the bus stop wasn't far away, just a few minutes walk, but your heavy arms slowly giving up and your feet starting to hurt didn't really help.
You got your headphones out in hopes that listening to your favorite music makes the whole thing a bit more bearable.
Even tho it was just a tiny bit left until you arrived at your destination, somehow everything went wrong one way or another. You almost missed the bus and then one of it's tire pooped, making you wait for the next one that came in like half an hour.
Then one of your water bottles wasn't closed properly making some of your stuff soaked in it, destroying your notes, drawings and a few comics you had with you in the process.
When you arrived in the small but cozy hotel a woman had a giant fight with the manager. One of her kids didn't stop bothering you with weird and uncomfortable questions about your appearance. While the other didn't keep their grabby hands off of you. Then when she finally finished her rant on how the room service didn't left a small piece of chocolate for her children like always, she had the audacity to give you a 'tch' when she walked passed you with a slightly disgusted expression. The manager and her assistant apologized for the inconvenience and offerd you some candy as a sorry gift for the inconvenience, you don't want to sound like a glutton, but it did make you forget about the whole thing for a bit.
Finally you managed to get your keys. On the way to your room you almost dropped all your stuff becoming a clumsy mess that just wants to sleep.
As you opend the door impatiently you more or less threw your stuff on the chairs and floor quickly unpacked your pajamas and hastily puting them on. Dropping your body on the softest bed you ever were able to sleep in like a rock. To say that you were happy to finally be here is taking things way to lighty. With a happy sigh you closed you eyes for the well deserving sleep.
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Last Christmas
Word Count: 1100
Warnings: some language but none really
A/N: And so our story comes to an end, for now. Our handsome Irish anti-hero and head-strong Lady Lawyer will return in the spring for an all new Misfits!AU sequel inspired by conversations with @robertsheehanownsmyass 🤨
Tag list: @joz-stankovich @badsext @elliethesuperfruitlover @nightmonsters @bisexualnathanyoung @magic-multicolored-miracle @immortalled
Chapter Five: Last Christmas
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When Violet turned 35, she changed her entire life. Everything she set out to do as a Public Defender was always overshadowed by just how many shitty people needed legal aid. The one or two kind, desperate clients a year just never stacked up to or made the other 100 worth it.
So Violet packed up all of her things, bid everyone a fuck you and cried in her dark apartment for a week. No prospects or experience with anything but law, it frightened her how easily she dropped everything to just do.. nothing. She ignored her sisters, “Why don't you go back to New Orleans? Or back to school!” And the calls from Tony “Come back to the firm!” Then one day.
There was a knock on the door that startled Violet from her misery. She didn't care how she appeared to the courier who handed her a rather monstrous package. She signed and tore into it revealing a thick release form and three proofs of graphic novels. Then her heart leapt into her throat.
Lanky with a devil’s smirk on his face and a cocky stance in jeans and black jacket with the collar turned up. The indentation of a dimple Violet had found herself touching as he died or slept. They somehow found a way to capture the unusual green that could have easily ruined her. And even though it was just a drawing, she could hear Nathan’s smart mouth.
Beside Nathan on the cover was a shorter, almost creepy but not unattractive guy. He donned a black sweatshirt, hood pulled up and Kevlar body pads. In the background an array of others in orange jumpsuits. Simon, she knew from her own masochistic research, and infamous remaining ASBO 3.
“Captain Invincible and The Super Hoodie: The Misfits Tales,” Violet snorted. “Huh.”
Still she sat down and flipped through it. Each section more absurd yet somehow believable than the next. Nathan impaled on a metal fence. Simon stuffing a female probation worker in a freezer. Alisha using touch to elicit the most perverse filth from men’s mouths. Curtis and his ability to rewind time reliving the night they all got busted a hundred times. And Kelly, having sex with a guy that was a gorilla. It all converged into the final book, “Vegas Baby.”
Violet held her breath as she moved towards the end. The parts where she didn't expect to exist. That she even came across Nathan’s mind all these years later was curious to her, as was the version he came up with. All she could do was laugh and cry simultaneously.
There she was, more of a sexy librarian in a porn than a lawyer. Her skirt (she normally wore pants during trial) a bit too short, and her boobs far too large. Her cleavage out of control through a low cut dress shirt. She had her hair twisted up (which was true) and glasses (really?!). Nathan in that fitted suit looking more like an Irish mobster than the nervous man-child who chewed his fingers until they bled. A panel with Violet leaning, tits out, towards him as she questioned him before an explosion of rabbits.
Here was the story. It explained this fantasy of Violet, sexy porno lawyer, that's how Nathan saw her. He admitted she was rather plain and stuffy when they first met. Though by the end of their visit, her cheek and determination and inability to put up with his shit became a turn-on. How she played him on the stand and found a way to instill reasonable doubt by throwing Marnie under the bus in his defense was something no one had ever done before. Weirdly encouraged his arrogance, showed cool indifference to his charm, yet never gave up on him no matter how exasperated he made her. All of this made her “the sexiest bird I’d ever seen. I had t’be with her.”
Violet continued to the bits after the trial. The club, Nathan handing some meathead his tongue that had literally fallen out of his mouth. It wasn't even in Nathan’s head how drunk they were that night, their illustrated bodies simulating sex on the dancefloor or when she called him Irish Eyes in the back of a black cab. His insistence that the way she dodged his kisses, actually ducked like his lips were a dodgeball, made it “difficult for him to walk.” Violet rolled her eyes. A deep crimson still crept across her cheeks.
Then that night. That messy surprising night when her knife fit so perfectly in Nathan’s flesh and right into his heart. Sometimes Violet didn't know what haunted her more: the amount of blood he shed or the utter disdain in his eyes as the door slammed behind him.
As Violet ventured to that page, a perfect drawing of them on her hallway floor. Nathan’s head in her lap as she stroked his hair while he died. The air in her throat choked her as she read the panels.
“I forget hardly anyone knows I'm going to live forever. It hurts t’die with a butcher knife in your chest. Not as much as a sewer pipe or metal fence, mind ye. I don't always like the idea myself. But I did like the idea of our handsome hero being comforted by his own Lois Lane.
Kelly and Simon used t’drag me up a flight of stairs and toss me on my dirty mattress at the community center. Waited about like I was late for a concert. Kelly took the piss, didn't she?
Vi held me as I ruined her floor. No one’s held me while I've ruined anything. Wait till she finds out I'm such a selfish prick that I destroyed time just to get back a mate who didn't even like me to start.”
Violet didn't even have time to cry the tears that stung her eyes. Or think about what those words really said between the lines. Her cellphone rang making her scream a bit.
“Lettie you ok?”
“Just a bit shaken. I have to go through a release form to agree to my likeness being in both graphic novels and apparently the chance to option a film based on them.”
“Nevermind, what's up?”
“Claire got a job in London at Burberry. Could you sell your apartment? Move with us and be Marigold’s nanny? You could look into getting back into law over there somehow. Eventually right?”
Violet laughed. From a lawyer to a nanny. “Why the fuck not? I know an Irishman over that way.”
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