#i do think that he'd become a vigilante still tho
ekat-fandom-blog · 1 month
Dr Wayne AU
Idea from this post.
Bruce graduated from medical school. He went out and trained to become a vigilante. He came back and things mostly turned out like the original universe does. Until Dick. The stress was getting to him. Gnawing away at his morals and last shred of patients. Mysteriously, the building Tony Zuko was in blew up and Batman wasn't seen again.
Years go by, and more mysterious explosions kill more mob bosses and super villains. No one connects Bruce to the explosions except for a malnourished street kid who caught him in the act. Smart little street rat that is Jason Todd uses this knowledge to get some food. Bruce quickly takes a liking to him and brings him home. Jason starts helping Bruce rig these explosions after a while. While setting up a bomb meant for their slipperiest evil doer, Joker, it goes off while Jason's in the building. Bruce goes a little crazy (or maybe crazier. who's to say) after Jason's death.
He meets Tim Drake at a function being held by Mr and Mrs Drake and notices some things. The first thing he notices is how similar Tim looks to Jason when they met in that dark alley. The second thing he notices is that the Drakes are almost always out of Gotham. The third thing he notices is that Tim seems to light up when Bruce mentions Dick. He'd love to just snatch the kid up and bring him home, but he couldn't. Not without a reason to keep the kid. It was just luck that one of the many villains still populating Gotham decided to target the plane the Drakes were on a week later. In his gratitude for the opportunity to take in the sweet child he'd found, he made sure the explosion he set for them would only maim them instead of kill them.
Getting Jason was amazing and horrible. The sweet precious boy nearly killed Bruce and Tim with the minor explosive he'd put in Bruce's favorite car. But that didn't matter all that much. By the end of the entire debacle, no one was hurt and they'd even managed to clear up some misunderstandings. Bruce had all of his children under one roof again.
He thought he had all of his children under one roof until he learned about Damian. There weren't any words he could use to describe how upset it made him to learn that another of his children were being kept from him. He did have to thank Talia, however. Without Talia slipping up to Jason about Damian's existence he wouldn't have known until one of the Al Ghul's revealed it to him. Tim overheard Jason and Bruce planning to retrieve Damian and revealed that he'd known since he came to the manor what Jason and Bruce did. Told the two that he knew how to help gather intel on the League long term as long as they could slip a microchip into one of the League's mainframe computers. The Plan went well, all things considered. Jason and Bruce came out of it with a few scars and a broken rib, which was less damage than expected. They sadly weren't able to catch many of the assassins in any of their micro explosions, but they overall won the battle.
After everything was said and done, Damian fit in well with their chaotically violent family. Even if he did prefer swords to explosives. It was much less strange than Dick's proclivities to only do harm when he felt it was strictly necessary. He gets it from Alfred, Bruce supposed.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 4 months
31st Story
Part 2
TW: Captivity, implied past torture, blood mention, restraints, mistrust, starvation mention, defiant whumpee, corrupt system, knife
Heyyy! Long-time no see. I blame college 100% because it takes up all my time, seriously. Happy New Year tho 💙
Villain could tell himself he was already used to the cold, hard embrace of the dull rock of his cell, to the claustrophobia-inducing lack of windows, to the fact that the only times he ever got to see the light was when someone walked in to beat him senseless, a feat made incredibly easy with the help of the chains that shackled his wrists and ankles, not allowing for much movement.
He could pretend that being covered in blood and filth, dazed and starving, was nothing to him, that the maddening urge to find out what time it was wasn't gnawing at him torturously.
"In here, wishful thinking is all you are capable of," a sunken-faced, old prisoner had told him before he was thrown into his personal hellhole. He hadn't said anything, but he'd believed the old hag to be weak and hopeless, and thus so was her sentiment.
Right now, all he wondered was if he'd break even faster than that woman might have. The villain screwed his eyes shut, hoping it would stop the chain of thoughts poisoning his mind, but all that did was make him think clearer, every disturbing image he tried so desperately to expel growing clearer and more vivid by the moment.
It was bad enough handling the physical pain, where every time he so much as shifted his form slightly, the tormented muscles in his back would scream in protest. But the physical side was tolerable, compared to being left at the mercy of his mind; a cruel, sinister thing.
So consumed he was in his own reverie, he hadn't even noticed as the door to his cell was unlocked, at least not until the light skirting around the corner had him snapping his eyes open and sitting up.
"This doesn't look good on you," a silky, almost serpentine voice called out.
"Superhero?" he asked, despising the note of trepidation in his voice.
"No. Just her lacklustre twin," she scoffed.
"Vigilante," he deduced with a slight fall of his shoulders in relief. It's not that he believed Vigilante would treat him well, it's just that no one could rival Superhero in cruelty.
"Still ever the genius," she responded dryly.
"What do you want?" he asked, almost desperate. If she was here to torment him, he wanted her to get over with it. It was becoming progressively more difficult to bear the state in which he was in, the one chock-full of waiting and thinning patience, of hoping the pain would start so it could end, that this time would pass faster.
Except it never did.
"It's strange seeing someone normally so high and mighty like this," she attested, dodging his question.
The older version of him would have let out a frustrated snarl and cussed her out for annoying him, but now all he could do was bite his tongue and stare at her with his new resting face, broken and defeated.
"Well, I'm not here to hurt you," she said, folding her arms across her chest.
That was a response, albeit an indirect one. And of course, she wasn't here to hurt him. She was here to make sure he was comfortable, that he was enjoying his five-star stay in this resort in hell.
Sucks to have an army of enemies and not a single semblance of a friend.
He and Vigilante hadn't really had any direct bad blood, but he was a villain locked up in here, so by default, he was supposed to be her enemy, right? It didn't matter who walked in here or whether they knew him or not. They just loved to see him break, to see him, once so relentlessly powerful, reduced to less than nothing. Perhaps it brought them a sort of sick satisfaction, but he didn't know much about satisfaction anymore to judge.
"I'm going to get you out of here," she said casually, like promising him the impossible was some sort of small punishment, nothing to tear himself up about. Maybe she could rival her sister in cruelty.
Without warning, a hysterical laugh escaped his throat, only for him to bite his lip and stop abruptly, trying to clamp a hand over his mouth only for him to remember he was chained up.
Vigilante's face fell, and his own had silent tears streaming down it. He felt as though he couldn't breathe, as though bricks were raining down on his shoulders and crushing his bones into nothing. His whole being seemed to itch with dread.
"Villain?" Vigilante called out, looking a mixture of confused and horrified.
"Just get over with it! Torture me until the floor runs red with my blood, tell me how death is a mercy above vermin like myself, and tell me to take it with a smile. Hit me harder when I can't bring myself to do it. Hit me until I feel all the pain of death but never attain it. Remember my current words as defiance, as another crime I've committed. I think watching me be humbled to the nothing I truly am will entertain you as any show would," he spat, only for regret to colour his features just as fast.
"Damn it. Villain, I don't want to do. . .any of this to you," Vigilante started, careful, trying for a semblance of gentle, something she was never particularly good at. "Like I said, I'm going to get you out of here," she continued again, hoping the stern tone indicated she was serious and not somehow going to torture him.
She'd never particularly liked him, mainly because he'd always been ice-cold, calculated to a point he seemed inhuman at times, no emotion whatsoever showing up on his face, besides a cool smugness. And by virtue of all the terrible things he'd done, all the blood on his hands. And yet, he was far from the worst thing out there, and most definitely not the villain in her story.
"And let's pretend you're telling the truth, which is completely fine by me because any mercy I've ever had here has always been a pretence, a figment of my imagination, you know. What could you possibly gain from this?" He raised an eyebrow, bearing a small resemblance to his usual self. Well, at least there was a slight amount of fight left in him, even if he was clearly holding back tears now.
But the villain's question wasn't completely outlandish. Vigilante did want something from him, but it wasn't a favour he would ever come to hate. "I need your help. My sister may seem like the goddamn tooth fairy to those who don't know better, but we know what her regime is really doing. This isn't about fighting crime, it's about her insatiable addiction to power."
"And where do I belong here?" The villain's voice still held the same disbelieving tone, his shoulders managing to tense even further.
"You're one of the few people who challenged her, Villain. And as much as it pains me to say it, you're a good strategist," she explained, even though she knew she'd barely convinced him in the slightest.
"I can't be the only one fitting that description, but I can be the only one owing you a favour too," he answered. Even if he didn't look half as confident, half as untouchable as before, the criminal was still just as clever. But it also meant he wasn't believing her anytime soon. Still, he wasn't wrong. The villain may not have smelled like roses all the time, but he'd be loyal to make sure they were even; a man of his word.
"What's it gonna be, Villain? Come with me or stay here?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest, growing impatient.
Well, it didn't make sense for her to give him a choice if she was going to torture him, but sense no longer governed things in his mind, letting a fearful apprehension replace it, no matter how humiliating. The choice could easily be an illusion, another cruel joke in this comedy skit from the filthiest parts of hell.
But it could be a chance, and he was desperate. So desperate he'd risk feeling even further degraded when she laughed in his face and put him through whatever torment she'd have planned.
"Fine," he answered, looking up at her with trepidation in his eyes. He could already feel the regret tasting like salt on his tongue and the burn of acid at the back of his throat he recognised as shame.
So when the sound of his chains being unlocked rang in his ears, and the vigilante helped him up, the feeling of surprise was palpable.
"I just need to handcuff you while they can see us," she explained, noticing how slowly the villain nodded, mistrust still burning in his eyes.
She didn't like how weightless he seemed against her, barely able to walk. She hadn't fought him much, but she clearly remembered that while his frame was somewhat slender, the villain's build still used to be athletic. It was no surprise he'd deteriorated, but that didn't make his fate any less cruel.
"I'm moving him to the other facility," she announced, practically dragging the half-starved villain with her, the only response being curt nods from the guards.
They were lucky that no one here would dare question Superhero and by default, her sister, if they could even tell the difference between both.
And sure enough, there was an entry documented into the other facility, done with the help of a few handsomely paid workers. And while Superhero wouldn't buy into the lie for long, it would at least make sure she didn’t notice immediately that something was up.
The drive to Vigilante's house was almost torturously long and reeking of the tension of two people who weren't used to each other. The villain ran his fingers over his wrists, now free of handcuffs, but they still hurt. All of him hurt, a constant, dull pain that he was almost used to, but that didn't mean he didn't miss the times where he could remember moments without aches all over his body.
That was only the least of it anyway.
"I think you'd want to clean up," the vigilante had suggested when they'd got to her house.
Instead of an off-hand "yeah" like he'd meant to, the first words that foolishly came tumbling out of his mouth were: "I can?"
This wasn't an option they gave him back there, and soon enough he'd stopped caring entirely.
"Oh," Vigilante had responded, giving him a solemn look. "I mean, yes, of course you can," she corrected hastily.
He nodded, quite literally shoving himself into the bathroom and swallowing down the awkward shame in his throat.
He'd grown so accustomed to pain that he'd barely even noticed the sting of the hot water on his open, practically fresh wounds, or how the shower water underneath him turned a dull pink. He was a lot more focused on how his sore muscles relaxed with the heat, how he seemed to get lighter with all the dirt off him, good sensations having become foreign to him in the time of his captivity.
He walked out to find a change of clothes (his clothes) on the bed in the room outside, catching his reflection in the mirror, bruises lining his cheekbones and jaw and heavy, dark circles underneath his eyes. The villain simply ignored the old memories of himself taking the time to style his hair and care for his skin, his mind hardwired for survival, looking around the room for anything he could use in case he had to defend himself.
Not that Vigilante was stupid enough for that.
Still, if she wished to hurt him, she could've done it faster, could've done it earlier. Maybe the villain wouldn't trust her blindly, but so far, he hated her less bitterly than he hated everyone else.
"How'd you get these?" he asked, walking out, looking down at the black zip-up hoodie and black sweats.
Vigilante shrugged. "From your place."
"You broke into my- whatever." It wasn't the strangest part about the situation now. "What are we supposed to do?"
"I think you need to rest," she suggested.
And she was entirely correct, given his exhaustion and how the shower had made him somewhat sleepy, so he nodded his head, walking into "his" room and waiting until she walked up to her room, waiting until he could walk out and check if she'd slept, and once he was sure, he walked into the kitchen, picking up a knife and bringing it to his room.
The villain knew it was scummy, but he wasn't about to risk being hurt again, and if the vigilante truly had good intentions, the knife would never be put to use. Still, the villain had managed to fall into a fitful sleep, still better than any night he spent curled up on a cold, hard floor.
Trust is never easy, especially for those who have been hurt one too many times. But people were not made to live forever encased in solitude, a safe option to the blind and foolish, but never a permanent solution. And while taking a risk in times of suffering might seem like a wretched fate, sometimes it is the lifeline you need to breathe again.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
(inspired by. batman. lego batman specifically. thanks will arnett)
okay uh how to format this 😭
basically this world is full of different heights, it's pretty comfortable for each too. there're a variety of different cities accommodating those tiny all the way to giants.
technoblade is the local vigilante, batman >:) he is just slightly taller than the average human, standing at about 8'3
phil is the stand-in for alfred, and he is tiny, like 3.8 inches
emduo are like the main focus of the au, then there're other people for other characters in the batman movies.
tommy kind acts as robin,,,, he's a mini-giant standing at 20'3. techno was fighting at an orphanage once and techn made tommy (local orphan) help him with something. tommy took that as his cue that he was adopted and just started following him around dsfhdj. he's like those really big dogs that accidentally breaks everything he touches 😭
and i really. really. really want to make wilbur catwoman (cat...man now.) REALLY badly. obviously a platonic role instead but i love them starting out as enemies and becoming close allies, i think it could kind of fit lore,,,, also wil'd be a human i suppose. 6'6 height. boring guy.
and HMM quackity as joker i'd say. preyduo on TOP ,,, he'd be tiny, a bit shorter than phil. that might change tho unless i make quackity like the mastermind behind a lot of plans so techno is fighting more of quackity's mind than anything else,,,,
i still need some more roles (i would like to include dteam at some point and beeduo, maybe some charlie too :D) but i need to watch the batman movies again for the relationships between characters,,, anyway YEAH have this >:)
PLEASE do asks for this au. it's just a normal superhero au i'd say, kinda following the plot of the batmans, dsmp lore and some other stuff i'll probably make up,,
au is "vengeance in the night" and i think it's nom friendly? more comfort noms between techno & phil probably,,, maybe punishment noms for preyduo just like "you're annoying me, i swallow you and problem solved! :D"
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f4nd0m-fun · 5 months
Batfam Mafia AU
Not that the fam themselves (most of them) are in the Mafia tho, I just don't have a better name.
@hallowsden helped me with this a while ago but this is the expanded version.
Essentially, you've got bronze age Joker as a Mafia boss who has a penchant for cruel jokes and unusual punishment but he's a lot more moral in this than he has been in the past, partially that he doesn't target children anymore.
Harley used to work at the local prison, essentially her job was figuring out if the inmates got worse while there or were sent there wrongly. People didn't like how good she was doing with her job (plus that's where she met Joker, tho she was hiding there relationship) so she got sent to work at Arkham in hopes it would break her or something (it slightly did but she's not as unhinged as a Jokered Harley)
Joker is like a step-dad to the batkids and Pam is like a step-mom in the same dad way, but the kids more or less fight over who the best mom-mom is.
Jason still died because a rival of Joker's found out he was working with the vigilantes and took it into their own hands to remedy that and tried to pin it on Joker, not realizing he was technically family with them.
Anyway, Talia gets back from a trip, finds out, and takes Jason's corpse to LoA. Jason ends up considering her 'best mom'. Then Harley becomes 'Second Mom' because he decides to take Joker's old name and try and weasel his way to working under his step-dad (Joker finds out almost immediately)
Anyway, besides Jason, here's what Mom(s) I think the kids would gravitate towards the most (I consider Ivy a mom-adjacent dad/wine aunt combo because of her vibes)
Dick is the kid who thinks Selina is Best Mom. He'll sometimes join her heists when he wants to destress, especially since most of her heists are only harming the rich idiots and museums, the latter of which gets sent to their home countries. He spends all much time with her a lot of people think she's his actual mom (not that Egyptian and Romani are the same but most people can't really tell the difference plus Bruce is pale as fuck)
Cass has too many bad memories and trauma from assassin days to really see Talia as a mom figure but she does call her aunt from time to time (unless Talia spent time overtaking some of Cass' training and used that time to make things better where she could).
Tim blew up the LoA, I'm not sure how fond he'd be of Talia unless she helped him do so but still. Plus, imagine if he just went 'Sike I'm going with Joker and Harley' either when Bruce tried to adopt him, or maybe willingly becoming Joker Jr. when Damien took over as Robin (Damien was still raised in the LoA but Talia did better this time with him). I feel like he'd still have somewhat of a Hero getup tho for outside of Gotham since Joker is considered a villain, so he takes on 'Red' after his step-dad and his big brother, and 'Robin' from his old role.
Steph I'm not sure but I feel like she'd get along with Harley. Be funny if she and Tim would be all 'Jokerina and Junior' creepy twin shenanigans, but she'd still be Spoiler as well, kinda depends on how much she wants to annoy Bruce at the time. Or maybe she goes for a Harley-look-alike - 'Quinnie and Junior'?
Duke is a kitty kat kid most of the time. He's a street fighter, as much or more than Jason, but while Jason later got trained by Bruce then Talia, Duke got his training from Bruce and Selina.
Damien, as mentioned before, was raised by Talia, but he also grew up with Jason for a bit, and maybe Tim babysat him as well from time to time when he was at the LoA (they have a better relationship than Canon). Not much changes but he isn't at murder happy.
In terms of non-platonic relationships, you have...
Brutalina, BatJokes, Jarley, and Harlivy
Also, depending on how you want to drag things, Ras is either redeemable or he's that grandpa you're not a fan of who keeps inserting himself into family functions and it's not like you can kill him right? Or both, both is good. 😂
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imagine-shenanigans · 4 months
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ouhasgdkl;asjfklajoughoughough anon ty for the compliments ily <33333
You said this was like "strange friendship" but idk if you're going by way of platonic or romantic end goal so I'll have endings for both <3333 I'm also assuming you meant a Vigilante reader?
Also side note but dear dear followers and people perusing the tag who found this, how are we feeling about Jon Bellion's song Guillotine when paired with Miguel/Reader because it came on while I was writing this and I'm feral
Side note, I wrote this awhile ago before I changed the way I write, but I'm going through my drafts and I guess i'll just drop this while I write more for tptbp, since I don't think I'll return to it, at least for awhile
Miguel O'hara Police AU x Vigilante Reader (Friends to Lovers) (Unfinished)
Rating: T for Teen (Minors Still DNI tho please)
Miguel has always had a strong sense of right and wrong, and he's always wanted to protect people. As a child, this was a strong sense of justice that manifested, and although now that he's older he sees it from the lens that the ends justify the means, at the end of the day all he wants is to protect the city.
Became disheartened with the police force overall after he'd been in it for a few years, his bright-eyed enthusiasm tampered by years of seeing the worst of Nueva York, both in and out of the police force itself. He's dedicated to reform in the system, and he's stubborn, and that's the only reason he takes the detective position. It's a step above the meaningless work he felt he was doing before, and at least this way he has some say over who really gets the hammer.
In any other world, he thinks to himself, maybe I would be like those vigilantes.
They're all over the news - villains (criminals, he often reminds those who use the term) that fill the streets of Nueva York like filth. Above the petty threats he and the other officers typically get slammed with, real, genuine threats that he should be investigating. Biochemical warfare, robberies that span several city blocks, bombs, and genetic testing that alters the very DNA of the other humans in the city. It results in a frankly concerning amount of human-animal hybrids, and that makes his job narrowing down vigilantes even harder. Between the genetic testing and the well-known phenomena of superpowers, Miguel is up to his eyeballs in (figurative) red yarn and pushpins.
Surpsingly, he doesn't hate the vigilantes for their work. Sure, it makes his own job harder, but if he were a little younger, or if he'd been gifted with powers, he'd have been right out on those streets with the best of them.
But he only has mercy for the ones that pass the extremely high standards he sets. He promised to uphold right and wrong, and while he'll often give the vigilantes a head start, he's never actually worked with anyone... until you.
He'd heard of you, infamous in the media, even for a vigilante. Kids want to be like you, adults are torn between wanting you brought to justice and wanting you pardoned. Villains/Criminals pray for your downfall - most willing to go to great lengths for just that (other than unmasking you - villains and criminals may be just that, but there is a certain code of ethics still upheld, and unmasking someone on purpose is a huge breach of the larger game at play.)
He becomes... just a bit obsessed.
You've got a code of ethics, a moral compass, and you yourself are willing to go to great lengths to protect the city. You're kind, and you're smart, a clever thing that is constantly evading his grasp. As much as he admires you, it's infuriating at the same time how much he hates you. You let criminals off the hook for reasons he can't comprehend, you put yourself in danger to such great lengths that Miguel isn't certain how you quite survive most of the things you do. You're snarky, and kind of an asshole, and you also commit strange, petty crimes, and while he doesn't really care when you punch one of his fellow officers and beat him bloody when you find out he was being a creep to a young girl, Miguel is still forced to at least try to bring you to justice.
But you're a fucking enigma.
If you live in Nueva York proper, he'd never know it - you don't show up on any scanners, your bio-signs are unique in costume, but the moment you're out of his line of sight he couldn't pick you out of a crowd for the life of him. No paper trails - if you're buying anything in the city, it isn't with anything but cold hard cash. He can't tell if you're living hand-to-mouth, and the system itself is hiding you from him, or if you're just clever enough that you're constantly three steps ahead of him.
Maybe it's both.
Miguel gets obsessed, quite frankly, and it's a good thing that he's better than his fellow detectives three times over, because otherwise he'd never get anything done in the long hours away from home. The only thing that keeps him from delving straight into madness is Gabi, and her needs. After she'd developed nightmares a couple years ago when he'd been absorbed in his work, he refuses to put in overtime more than once a week, and even then it's only on days that Gabi would be over spending time with his family anyway.
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!! for the character intro game
Tysm for the ask!!!
This definitely didn't take me over 10 days to get to lmao
From this ask game <2
Name: Zachary Chang
Pronouns: He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️
Zach!! He's my first ever whump OC and also, I love him cuz he sucks so much <2 my favorite OC with problems :D He's appeared in this drabble which you could read. if you want. it's a little old I'm prolly never gonna continue it so
Zach has like, three main traits I would say? Overwhelming arrogance, yet also deep rooted self loathing. An extreme reluctance to make friends or any meaningful connection. And boredom. So, so much boredom.
Pretty much he had a kinda shit childhood. Manipulative parents + a pervasive feeling of otherness growing up kinda turned him off from desiring any sort of meaningful connection because whenever he was vulnerable, it was used against him. Also he developed a lot of self loathing issues, and to cope with that he leaned into ego. He's not better than anyone else, in fact he's rotten to the core, but he's the only one who sees the world as it really is, in his mind.
And the world is not only cruel and selfish, but it is deeply, utterly, boring. And Zach truly thinks he's tried everything (he hasn't), and nothing is fun to him. Nothing has brought him joy. I will say tho, he is the type of guy to try a new hobby and give up when he isn't amazing first try. Zach also has a lot of overconfidence in his prediction skills- and he's not right 100% of the time, but he's right enough of the time that he believes his prediction ability is practically infallible, and he takes that as further proof that everything is too boring and predictable.
Most of the time he's looking for something new to do, for temporary excitement or serotonin. The thing is, he's quite callous, and he doesn't really care about people or their happiness. He's a bit nihilistic, he thinks that whatever he does, it doesn't really matter in the end because everyone will be dead, eventually, and the universe will move on like nothing happened.
And then that's how he decided that becoming a villain might be fun to try. So he decided to start by majorly fucking with a random person of his choice! That person was Tào Lan, and her friends, Grace, Amir, and Declan. They formed a vigilante group, so Zach thought it would be fun to mess with them.
He started by like, kidnapping Declan and sending a letter and a videotape to the group like "hey I kidnapped your friend, if you don't rescue him by this date, I'll kill him!"
From then on, he had like a couple skirmishes with the group as they tried to rescue Declan and defeat him. First one was at an abandoned warehouse, and he set it on fire with everyone inside, and Amir ended up dying in that. Which was extremely traumatizing for Lan and Grace. To the point that neither of them could organize another rescue attempt. They tried, but most of their attempts ending up being fruitless very early on.
And then the date passed, and they got a picture in the mail of Declan's corpse.
That made Lan and Grace decide that they had to do something immediately. They were gonna kill Zach, for everything he'd done. But that fight didn't exactly go well, as it ended in Grace's demise.
Which only left Lan. And she used to be happy, you know? She had her best friends with her, and she felt like she could do anything with them at her side. But now she felt horribly empty and hopeless, though she was learning that she could do still anything, in their memory.
Once she recuperated physically from her last fight, she was determined to finally kill Zach. And this time, she succeeded.
Well, almost. At the last minute, she changed her plans. She wasn't going to kill him, but she was going to make him regret being alive.
Zach planned for a lot of things, but he didn't exactly plan for being tortured. He didn't think Lan would go that far! But she did, and he suffered for it. He was suffocatingly trapped in a cycle of suffering, and no matter what, Lan just wouldn't let him die. He knew he'd die eventually, but it was taking too long-
And then someone saved him. An old classmate, Erika Sanchez, found him and got him out of the abandoned prison he was being held captive in. And now he's crashing at her house :) She doesn't know about his crimes, and he's not about to tell her. There's a bit of an angsty half recovery arc <2
(Zach on the left, Lan on the right)
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@whump-queen <2
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What if Tokoyami and Overhaul were related?
Overhaul is one my favorite villains! (My actual favorite is Chronostasis aka Kurono)
Okay so now you’re probably wondering, “Mono, how are you going to relate these two?”
Well I’m a Tokoyami/Overhaul encyclopedia and happen to know how to do this <3
Okay so starting off going off of cannon, these two could likely never be related. I imagine both were taken in by the Yakuza boss. (Assuming that Kai is at least 22 like Hawks, there’s a 6 year age gap) Based on context clues from the manga, Overhaul was found by the boss at age 6-10, so Tokoyami definitely would have been adopted later.
I certainly don’t think that Kai would have wanted to to speak to Tokoyami initially(due to his obvious “sickness”). Kurono is likely the one that got Kai to engage in a small conversation. Once he saw Dark Shadow though, Kai was definitely a lot more interested. He tried to get along better with Tokoyami just so he could study and speak to Dark Shadow as well. (he still thinks of DS as a parasite tho)
Tokoyami likely wouldn’t attend UA, but rather a school with Yakuza affiliation. He may still interact with some UA students like Midoriya, just because they live in the same province. I also doubt he would want to become a hero either. He would still receive training for his quirk due to his place in the Yakuza. I think Kai would try to train him in order to best utilize Dark Shadow’s ability. (I think Kai’s main goal of training him would be to see if they could separate)
When it comes to Eri, I don’t think Kai would let Tokoyami around her. Toko would likely know she lives somewhere in the base, but not exactly where. All of Tokoyami’s contributions would have to do with checking in with clients and taking care of meetings. When Kai decided to begin working with the League he knew it would be more dangerous for Tokoyami to be around. (He wanted at least one “heir” to be safe, but he knew he couldn’t leave himself or send Kurono off) He decides to send Tokoyami off on a “long-term surveillance job”. (It was literal bullshit but he wasn’t going to tell Tokoyami that)
So long story short, after the Yakuza arc Tokoyami becomes a vigilante(kinda). He won’t allow himself to align with the heroes or the League because they both disrespected his family.
Now if we weren't to go off of canon and just make these two brothers
Fumikage would probably have a different quirk. I imagine he'd be able to reconstruct things like Kai, but to keep some of his original quirk, lets say he can reconstruct shadows into different forms.
I think Kai would actually be a good brother. He'd want to make sure that Fumi stays clean and would shelter him from disgusting quirks. Even though Fumi does have a quirk, Kai doesn't think its as dirty as the rest of the world's since it doesn't deal with physical matter.
Fumi would still prbably attend a Yakuza affiliated school and all that jazz. However, Kai would likely not let Fumi interact with those outside of the Yakuza, and he would instead be tasked with taking care of Eri while he was home.(They run experiments while hes at school) He doesn't know the full extent of whats going on with her, but he knows better than to ask. He helps to educate Eri and acts as her older brother/tutor.
Once Kai starts working with the League he wouldn't know how to keep Fumi away from the situation. He knows he has to keep the League away from him, but hes got no good excuse to do so. So he just doesn't, one day he straight up goes "You're going to boarding school, pack ya shit" and sends Fumi off.
And once again, after the arc Fumi finds out the truth, becomes a vigilante, and now seeks to reunite with Eri.
Thats all I've got for that! Aaahhhhhh I really wanna make this into an AU! I might draw up some art one I've got the time.
See ya!
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solasan · 2 years
Dora + Daredevil's ghost after he dies tragically? 👀
(also, Vanja + Hanako b/c i love trainwrecks)
send me an OC + an alternate love interest for them!
vanja radovic + hanako arasaka:
i'm gonna do this one first bc anon i think u severely underestimated how bad my daredevil brainworms are atm shjsdjkdsjk.
so alright! there's no way vanja and hanako would work well together; vanja just hates arasaka so much for kicking her to the curb and essentially ruining her life like they did, after she worked so hard to claw her way out of the streets. i think also she doesn't think too highly of hanako as a person; thinks she's sorta cowardly, for being so determined not to fight her brother in the beginning, and also kind of expects hanako to stab her in the back as soon as it's convenient for her, since that's the corpo way. on hanako's end i don't think she's too fond of vanja either; she's a catty little shit-talker, and honestly i think hanako thinks she's a little... jumped up, shall we say??? this streetkid trash playing at being a corpo, making life inconvenient for her. maybe some hate sex is on the cards tho??? in which case good for them tbqh
dora penrose + (dead) matt murdock:
the way thinking abt this has consumed my entire day oh my god. alright. OK. so. obviously there's that period post-defenders where everyone thinks matt's dead (and dora kinda goes off the deep end trying to resurrect him, because if the hand can do it, why the fuck can't she?), so that'd probably be the most convenient way to go about killing him off, but i have...... another option.
alright, so. say matt gets his ass kicked at the end of season 1 in the kinda way there isn't any coming back from. say fisk gets in a lucky shot or one of his henchmen fires at him, and matt goes down like a pile of bricks. angry and grieving, foggy makes sure fisk goes away for it, but that doesn't bring matt back, and without daredevil, the streets of hell's kitchen are starting to look a little darker now. enter: the mystic, hell's kitchen's resident medium slash avenging angel, who's getting a little sick of all the ghosts popping up in her city.
matt obviously sticks around haunting the place bc he's incapable of letting new york go, but he can't exactly do his whole..... beating bad guys up thing, being dead and all. but dora can do that for him. idk how exactly they'd meet but probably it would be while she was clearing out some criminal hideout or something, and the moment it becomes clear that she can see him, all bets are off. he starts calling out warnings to her whenever there's someone coming up to fight her that she hasn't noticed, and by the end she's like ok. thanks, dead guy. arent u the devil of hell's kitchen, though??
after that, he kinda starts hanging around her a lot, much to her displeasure, bc there's rly not all that much to do when you're dead, and even if he'd never admit it, he's lonely. he can't figure out why he's still around (is this purgatory? is this his punishment?) but dora at least can see him, maybe answer a few of his questions, even if she's pretty reluctant about it. she mostly ignores him in the beginning, bc she has a life, unlike some people, and she's trying to juggle that and her nighttime activities. matt's stubborn, though, and he has literally all of eternity to bother her, so eventually she caves n starts talking to him. slowly at first, making small talk w him while she makes her morning coffee or bitching to him under her breath about her boss, but eventually, they start having actual conversations. and he irritates her and she irritates him but she's all that he has, and he's the only person who could even come close to understanding her life now that she's a vigilante, so a bond forms between them.
she starts trying to help him figure out how to move on; they spend a lot of nights she's on patrol or fighting tossing ideas back and forth as to what his unfinished business is. he thinks maybe it's something to do w foggy and the argument they had abt daredevil, so dora goes outta her way to get in contact w him, but she can’t exactly explain what’s going on, unless she wants to out herself as the mystic. foggy is very suspicious about this strange lady who he once catches muttering to the air angrily, n he’s not happy abt her intruding on his life. 
n also i think as they start making more progress in their quest to help matt move on, dora realises that she doesn’t want him to go? n actually she quite likes having someone around who knows everything abt her n talks to her n makes her feel less lonely?? and on matt’s end he’s a bit scared about the idea of moving on bc he doesn’t know what the afterlife holds for him n genuinely thinks he might end up going to hell for what he’s done, plus he’s starting to really like dora n her dry humour n the way she understands what’s going on w him, so they both kind of. dance around the revelation that they might be more than friends
idk maybe she starts trying to get into resurrection for him the way she does in my canon??? WHO KNOWS HOW THIS WOULD END i just like thinkin bout it <3333 thank u for this question anon pls feel free to kiss me on the mouth
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