#i decided not to include non-fiction to make it easier
heartofstanding · 7 months
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tagged by @nebylitsa - Nine of my favourite books (well, 13 really since I included two trilogies in omnibus form), in no particular order.
tagging: @skeleton-richard, @oldshrewsburyian, @shredsandpatches @themalhambird @ardenrosegarden @themidnightcircusshow No pressure if you don't want to though!
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dreamlifebunny · 10 months
bunny's ✨digital detox✨ + manifestation challenge!
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hi friends! i've decided to do a little "dopamine detox" so that i can become more present in my day-to-day, connect with myself and my passions, and apply the law. instead of leaving you without any posts, i thought i would turn this short absence of mine into a challenge so that you can join me if you're interested! this is going to be a very simple challenge that mostly focuses on regaining joy in your life, but i hope it can bring you inspiration and peace.
purpose of challenge: to help your brain enjoy simple things again and fill your life with more joy, to get off of social media and apply the law, and to manifest anything you desire. as you can see, this is mostly a challenge to reconnect with ourselves and what brings us joy, but manifestation is the added bonus of this challenge!
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step one:
delete or hide apps on your phone or laptop that involve mindless stimulation. for me, this includes tumblr, social media, checking things that give me notifications like my email, etc. normally, tumblr wouldn't be included in this because i use it for learning about the law, but part of this challenge is about getting offline and actually applying the law, so for now i will be deleting it.
step two:
make a list of activities that bring you joy that don't involve mindless stimulation. here are some ideas of things that i like to do if you're having trouble coming up with your own list:
scripting my dream life and coming up with cute scenarios in my head
writing a letter to a friend and decorating it with my own art or stickers
reading a fiction book and getting lost in the story
reading a non-fiction book to learn things about my passions and interests
singing and playing instruments
journaling or filling out writing prompts
going for bike rides or long walks with music
playing fun video games, but not for hours on end like i normally would heh
step three:
decide what you are going to manifest and choose your favourite methods to fulfill yourself! remember, this challenge is about connecting with yourself and what you love, so pick the methods that make you smile. i really enjoy daydreaming about my desires and feeling every emotion in my body that comes up and knowing that my desire is real.
REMEMBER: this challenge is primarily about doing a digital detox to give our brains more happiness. the main goal isn't to manifest, but it is SO much easier to manifest when our brains aren't constantly stimulated and consuming information. our desires manifesting is an added bonus for this challenge!
step four:
as you engage with your life and connect with awareness (who you are at your core) and as you enjoy activities that bring you joy, remind yourself in whatever way feels best to you that you have all of your desires, and that this extra space you're giving your brain is allowing more space for your lovely desires to show up in your life
step five:
report back during the end of any three-day period from when you start this challenge with your results! results could include how you feel, what you learned about yourself, what you manifested or realized about your manifestation, how your days looked without constantly stimulation, or anything you wish to share!
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important note:
detoxing from constant stimulation is a HARD THING TO DO! they design apps to make us addicted, and your need for constant stimulation is not your fault. if at any point this challenge brings up feelings of shame or struggle due to the addiction of constant stimulation, make sure you are compassionate and loving to yourself; you're doing a wonderful thing as a gift to yourself and are a good person who is doing something very tricky, and you should be proud that you are even giving it a try. you are strong and badass and deserve the world and all of your desires! if at any point you need to dip out of this challenge, make sure to pat yourself on the back and thank yourself for trying it and know that you can always do it again in the future if you want to c:
love you friends! i am so excited to see the results of this challenge. i am proud of you, i am inspired by you, and i can't wait to see you all soon! 🥰
lots of love, bunny 💕
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A little explanation of Metaphor
Link to the fic (nsfw)
A copy of this explanation is pasted as the second chapter of the fic, if you find this easier to digest.
I decided to detail the double meanings I had in mind for this fic. Please read it first, so you can experience it on your own; and rest assured that if your interpretation is different it's not necessarily WRONG, as fiction exists in the eye of the beholder...
Note: The first few explanations are very long but the rest are easier to understand and much shorter.
I was inspired by Neil Gaiman's A Study In Emerald to write a fanfic about Elysia being an eldritch being.
There are three layers I intentionally inserted into the conversation between Elysia and Mei.
The literal layer
The "Elysia is aware of and talking about the narrative" layer
The “I am talking about what happened to Mei and Elysia’s characterization in the main story” layer
I will quote and then explain the text step by step.
“What is nature? The original intent of you, or what is made of you? Does it even matter when it’s all in the eye of the beholder? Nature isn’t meaningful for people like us.”
Literal level
As a non-human being who is trying to be a human woman (much like her canon counterpart), Elysia identifies with Mei's transness: they both choose to be what they feel is deeply right for them, regardless of what seemed to be "intended" by their original identity/form.
Meta-awareness level
What is the nature of a fictional character? What makes them "in character" or not? Is it real? Does it matter, if you consider that the reader is the judge of whether a character is "themself" or not, that they exist solely for the purpose of the beholder?
Elysia argues that there isn't "one fundamental truth", but a truth that is constructed with interpretation. In other words, the author is dead, and what you make of what you read is the "true" character, regardless of intent.
Admittedly this probably shouldn't apply when you're straight up misreading something, balance is important, but I'd say it remains a solid belief to have so long as you're doing your analysis honestly and rigorously.
Commentary on canon level
This line is also commentary of whether the “true” Elysia or Mei are what they were originally intended to be written as, or what they were eventually badly (my opinion, but one I know is shared by quite a few others around these parts) written as, and the answer is neither because the reader is as much a part of their character as the writing.
A fanfiction writer is both a reader and a writer, as well, which means that I am writing the “true” Mei and Elysia just as much as the main story or ER did, because they are fictional characters, their nature is what I see of it.
To briefly go back to the meta-awareness level, they are not real, objective quantities. Therefore, to ask who a fictional character truly is, is not a meaningful question, because there is no objective truth and reinterpretations by authors paid for it, authors who are not paid for it, and readers, are valid (so long as they are honest and rigorous, at least).
“Humans live and die all alone in the world, only able to connect with the world indirectly, through their senses. Because perception is the everything of humans, the changes you choose to make express your nature, so nature can only be what is made of you— and because you are alone, your nature only exists in the eye of a beholder, whether that beholder is you or me.”
Literal level
First, Elysia points out that, unlike herself as an Eldritch being who is capable of perceiving the world in a more objective way (in a sense, she's reading the story too), humans are bound to their senses to experience the world. Therefore, she believes only the "exterior" matters between humans, as it's all they can communicate, including self-perception (which she sees as "beholding yourself").
Following that logic, changing as a person is simply refining and expressing your nature better.
This further uses the fact that Mei is trans in the story as a step-stool to make the point that “nature” does not mean “original state”.
For example, a baby is probably the closest you can get to your "original state", prior to any influence from the world. However, a baby is quite literally an unfinished human, and it has no sense of identity, yes? You grow, change, start having your own tastes and personality, preferring some of your toys, picking your favorite colors, dressing in your own style...
The changes you make to reflect your identity express your nature better than what you used to be. This applies to gender, which is one of the most obvious ways this manifests, but other things, too.
Elysia's thesis statement is that what you become expresses your nature, and it is therefore not a "secret truth to be found at the origin", but the result of your changes that best represent who you are. She's a girl because she chooses to be one, just like Mei.
Meta-awareness level
Because people and especially characters live in the eye of the beholder, their perceived nature is the only nature that will ever be accessible.
Of course it would be a mistake to fall into relativism with this reasoning— there’s always things that people decidedly are not even if “who are you at your core?” is a meaningless question. For example, I'm currently not a deep-sea crab, and you'd have to be lacking in a lot of either honesty or diligence to claim otherwise.
It is not true that a "core" doesn’t exist, but because as humans we only have access to subjective perception, it cannot be grasped as an objective truth, that’s all.
You and I are definitely something, but to be seen a light must be shed on us and that always paints shadows: We will never be perceived accurately in our entirety.
(And that’s okay! That’s the beautiful way humans live in motion, a dance with the shifting lights)
Commentary on canon level
Characters don't have the agency people do— Elysia can't choose to do anything in the writing sense because she is a construct of writers and artists. She cannot express her own nature, and it only exists because we choose to create it.
Therefore, the Elysia that is written and read only exists in the eye of the beholder.
“You relate to me.”
Literal level
Trans women are women, as an act of self-realization and not one of genetics. Simple.
Meta-awareness level
Elysia relates to Mei as an audience relating to a character! She's talking to you!
Commentary on canon level
Mei is pointing out that fans may relate to herself (Mei) as a character in general. I know I do on a number of topics!
“You’re such a smart girl, Mei. Ah… this is why I like you so much already. You’re right. Don’t you think we’re exactly the same?”
Literal level
Trans in this specific story, in their own way (Eldritch -> Human girl counts here).
Meta-awareness level
Both characters in a story, puppets of the same strings.
Commentary on canon level
Tongue in cheek reference to canon getting accused of making Mei a pseudo Elysia lately!
“You could be anything, and you want to be a girl?”
Literal level
Trans narrative. You can be anything you want, but you choose to be a human girl? (Why not an astronaut?) Inviting the question of why people choose to be the gender they are, why it's important (or not).
Meta-awareness level
Mei pointing out you can read to be anything, and you choose to read about the lesbians game!
Commentary on canon level
References the canon narrative of Elysia being a Herrscher who wants to be a human girl, of course. As clumsy as I found it in canon, it's not without interest.
“Aiya, I simply like cute girls too much!”(…) “We are twisted mirror images, flat yet aggrandized, complex yet warped to shadows with the same problems. Despite this, beheld in just the right light, puppet and human, we are one!”
Literal level
Elysia is a trans lesbian eldritch monster in this story, and she relates to the human Mei.
Meta-awareness level
One way of describing fictional characters: mirrors of humans, but flattened and exaggerated, yet simultaneously complex and imperfect systems. Despite this, they are read as humans when written well enough.
Commentary on canon level
The canon’s writing problems: flattening Elysia while making her sound perfect, and Mei being a huge mess because the writers have a complex character they don’t know what to do with. Despite this, they are still perceived as people by players, who may even get mad at THEM for the way they’re being written (Elysia especially) although that's absurd since, again, they have no agency.
Elysia isn't responsible for anything because she is a fictional character, and yet, we project onto her, get mad at her as if she were a person. In this way, she did succeed in becoming human?
This also calls back to the earlier point about nature and what you see of it: there is no difference between a character and a person in the "right light", such as within a story.
“Mmm, Mei, Mei, do you think I’m doing a good job being human?” “Not always. Not never.”
Literal level
The, well, literal meaning of the exchange. Elysia's human act is flawed, but she is perceived as a person regardless within the framing of the story.
Meta-awareness level & Commentary on canon level
Characters, Elysia in particular, aren't always written well enough to seem like believable human beings. (but they are not "never" perceived as such, either).
Here are blinking stars and emptiness and yearning and pages and eyes and branches and sleep and teeth and pixels and love, the all-consuming amour of all things—
All levels
Mei realizes (and the narrative points out that) her reality is made of love and words being written and then read on a screen. Literally. I'm doing it again right now, and you're reading it right now. Amour is french for love, it feels more real to me in my mother tongue.
Mei was also created by Mihoyo out of the same ingredients.
Elysia was still there, but the outlines of her body looked faint, superposed with shifting light and darkness that passed through the furniture and Mei’s body like words.
Literal level
Mei starts seeing the world like she’s reading the story instead of living inside of it.
Meta-awareness level
You may be mentally picturing the scene, but you're really just reading words on a screen. This paragraph explicitly points this out.
She could only babble a simple name that could persist in a human mind collapsing on itself, dictated by circumstances— Elysia, Elysia, Elysia…
Literal level
Eldritch influence is literally fucking with her, and Elysia is all she can hold onto.
Meta-awareness level
The circumstances is that it’s an elymei fic! So she really only has Elysia to rely on- there are no other characters that directly appear.
Commentary on canon level
The way the canon handles Mei has her always with Elysia’s name on her lips in Elysium Everlasting and a bit later too. Tongue-in-cheek again, maybe.
The two of them came together, because they had become inextricably tied by a narrative, and the curtain dropped.
Literal level & Meta-awareness level
The story drops any pretense of not being told in a meta way as Mei's perception stops being merely human.
Commentary on canon level
This is a pun— they showed up in the game together a lot, and became tied together in the canon plot, to the extent that one without the other feels more shallow. (Yes, even if you didn't like the arc.)
“...it’s alright. I’ll always be next to you like this. It’s as I always say— I’ll stay by your side no matter how long the road is.” The world and the future had faded into static, blank like an undescribed scene, but hearing Elysia’s gentle words, the prostrated girl felt herself gain substance. Elysia sat down next to her, and the bed she had been sitting on all along materialized.
Literal level
Mei was shaken from having realized she is in a story and the story is ending soon. However, interacting with Elysia brings her back to her senses a little.
Meta-awareness level
Surroundings in a story only exist when described, so the featureless dialogue of this scene did not manifest a room for them to be in, not until it started being described. Mei's perception is the same as the reader's here. No description? She only sees an empty void. Spooky.
Commentary on canon level
At the time, part 1 of Hi3 was not over yet, and the reader may have felt anxious about how it would end. Remember, people used to claim Kiana was going to die (pretty sure that was even the original plan, but they clearly have other ideas now). Elysia's words were also meant as reassurance in that sense, using the same conclusion that she did in the canon, that the story would stay with the reader even with a sad ending.
“Are you scared of our sendoff? I am, too. That’s alright.” Elysia leaned forward until they were forehead to forehead, so gentle that Mei almost believed she was a real human being. “Please don’t be too afraid. There will always be more stories.”
Literal level
Mei is still trapped by the knowledge she’s in a story, but Elysia leads the narrative into a physical description instead of simply speaking her dialogue lines, giving their world and the scene substance.
This way, Mei can feel more real in their last moments.
Meta-awareness level
The story is ending but there will always be more stories for them to exist in, and you can even reread this one! Also pointing out stories humanize the concept of characters via inducing such a perception of them, which is a throwback to the earlier points.
Commentary on canon level
This line was meant to reassure the reader (and myself) about the end of part 1, and writing decisions of the canon in general, because no matter how it turns out, there WILL always be more stories to read or tell. If it sucks, or if it's good, ultimately, life goes on, and that's okay.
Final words
If you've made it this far, I'm thankful! I was planning to post this in JANUARY, but you can tell that didn't happen because it's the first of July for me now.
It was important to me to complete this, though, so albeit late, here it is. This will be cross-posted between tumblr and ao3 for better accessibility.
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thelarriefics · 2 years
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FAIRY TALE FIC REC: Below you’ll find fics that have fairytale elements to them. 
📖 Collision by @tequiladimples (226k)
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
📖 into that goodnight by @thedevilinmybrain (62k)
Once upon a time, there was a boy. But not just any sort of boy. This was a clever boy, the cleverest of them all.
📖 take my hand, wreck my plans by @daggerandrose (38k)
a cinderella abo au with a twist 
📖 Under The Waves Is Where I Am At Ease by @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk (35k)
They're all mermaids. Harry gets taken. A rescue operation includes mermaids, sea witches, pirates, mere mortals, and so much more!
📖 chances under the purple sunrise by @wlwmermald (28k)
Or the one where Harry is a merman, prince of the Atlantic Ocean, whose curiosity and healthy envy takes over him and he steals Louis' shoes every time he fishes
📖 The Prince and the Thief by @jaerie (19k)
Harry is an omega prince locked in a tower and Louis is the thief sent to kidnap him. Nothing turns out as planned.
📖 So familiar a gleam by @softfonds (18k)
Harry has spent all his life moving from village to village with his aunts, never really feeling like he belonged in one place. But when he ends up stuck in an enchanted castle with a mysterious owner, he doesn't expect to find out secrets of his own past and just what home means.
📖 True as it Can Be by @beelou (11k)
a Beauty and the Beast au, but make it girl direction
📖 You Make The World Taste Better by @loveislarryislove (10k)
Or, a story based on Hans Traxler’s fictional non-fictional text, The Truth About Hansel and Gretel, which is based on the Grimm fairy tale Hansel and Gretel.
📖 Aeon of Sacred Souls by @thehltwoghosts (9k)
You’re the soul mine’s awaiting, the miraculous match in a sweet symphony
📖 The Bandits of Sherwood Forest by @chaotic-bells (8k)
A Robin Hood AU
📖 Someday My Prince Will Come by @princelyharry (8k)
A handsome boy named Harry Styles, takes refuge in the woods in the little cottage of the two dwarfs with his beloved Huntsman to hide from his father’s brother, King Simon. The evil King is jealous of Harry’s youth because he wants to be known as “the fairest in the land” and Harry’s beauty surpasses his own.
Or an AU based on Snow White.
📖 Set It Up, Spin Me Round by @becomeawendybird (8k)
When a new sex club opens up in downtown Boston, Louis decides to check it out. She's dabbled in the scene before and is always down for a good time, but she never expects to make such a strong connection with the mystery woman sitting alone at the bar.
📖 This Could Be Something by @vintageumbroshirt (6k)
After a hookup gone wrong, Harry keeps getting sick at random times without reason. That is, until Louis shows up at his door with a wild explanation.
Sometimes, "happily ever after"s come in the strangest forms.
📖 been lost for too long by @lookslikefairytale (6k)
or, the one where Harry gets kidnapped and Louis rescues him. Kind of.
📖 Live Like There Is No Midnight by @sarahswalls28 (5k)
A modern-take on the well-known fairy tale that touches all of our hearts, Cinderella. This incorporates a range of modern and social acceptance themes.
📖 Melancholy by @louistomlionson (3k)
After waking in a stranger's bed, Louis tries to piece together what happened under the light of a full moon.
Or: An Early Victorian AU.
📖 the most fantastic things by @greenblueish (2k)
When he reads a fairy tale today, and it’s one about love, Harry will find himself in it. Because in all the fairy tales about love that exist in the world, he knows that a little part of Louis and him is written in between the letters, hidden between every page that curious fingers turn.
or, Harry's version of the fairy tale Thumbelina, minus marrying toads or moles, plus waxing poetic about Louis.
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cloudycleric · 5 months
I saw your “how the byler community decided to handle the situation” post and while I agree the fandom handled it (and still is) terribly and so wrong, I have to be honest, things like the recasting will jokes - or even others being serious about it - really didn’t help the situation as a whole. even if it was just shock of the moment coping with it. it just amplified immaturity and furthered inability for people to separate character from actor because it makes them think recasting is something that has to be done or is expected for you to follow. when the truth is a large bunch are happy to continue on business as usual knowing we’re only interacting with the fictional characters and show but feel pressured, or hold back from posting in fear of being attacked for doing the very normal thing of separating. but yeah, all this to say I hope there isn’t another wave of fancasting jokes or serious replacements because no one a) looks even close to as good or b) has the sweet baby will vibe, it’s just not necessary to do… if people can’t look at will’s face maybe step back for a bit yeah? thank you for speaking up about how awful the fandom handled the situation though, you were real for that!
the aim at the time was to kinda do a twist on the miku thing that people do sometimes, like “miku wrote harry potter” stuff. i didn’t think about it this way though, good point, it was all just for goofs & i can see how i was a bit hypocritical. but yeah they were only trying to be my twist on the miku jokes but i understand what you mean & now that it’s been a bit since the situation i’m sure it’s become easier for everyone to separate the actor from the character.
plus there’s the whole situation of growing up with your whole life influenced by your religion & having little to no understanding of actual events due to that. & i’m not saying that completely excuses him but i grew up very close to two different cults so . (not saying judaism is a cult, i very much identify with being jewish culturally, i’m just talking about the sort of non-questioning nature religion can influence.) maybe if everyone had more sympathy in the situation, including me, we wouldn’t be here!!!
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darlingpoppet · 1 month
What inspired you to start Where The Dead Forget? Also can you tell us some more about your PZA Dreamers AU? (e.g. what your favourite thing to write has been so far, things you look forward to or struggle with, or anything else you like). Thanks!
As for WTDF, honestly it pretty much all started with this tweet where I expressed interest in the concept of Patroclus Hadesgame losing his memories. I had seen such fanarts already so I was curious if there were fics out there too (there are of course! I have since found some, lol!) But a friend in the comments was encouraging to the notion of me writing one myself and I pretty much immediately began spiraling from there (I tweeted this the same day I posted Once More and also about a week before I posted Upon A Lazy Bed, so at the time my brain was on fire and I was constantly brimming with ideas!) The entire story from beginning to end pretty much came to me immediately and I’ve been expanding on it ever since! A lot of my inspiration has been fueled by the experience of consuming every depiction of Achilles & Patroclus I could get my hands on, as well as countless academic writings with various analyses on the characters. Also just the entire meta tradition of storytelling with folklore characters in general, where there’s no one “definitive version”, and thinking about how that might work in-universe where things like memories, bias, human fallibility, etc make objective truth difficult or impossible to obtain. Films such as Rashomon and Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind that explore similar concepts to WTDF also inspired me!
As for the PZA Dreamers AU!! I can’t remember if I’ve ever properly explained the concept in a public post but for anyone curious: the whole thing was born out of me seeing a parallel/synergy between the themes of the film The Dreamers and certain interpretations of the Iliad (the Homeric version itself ofc but also particularly Shakespeare’s Troilus & Cressida.) The characters in these stories exist in this symbolic & narrative liminal space where they’re shutting themselves off from the outside world so they can Live Laugh Love—and in all the stories, reality catches up with them eventually, usually in tragic ways. I’m making it a modern AU (a vaguely 2010s period piece?) because as a millennial I also see parallels to my generation (& Gen Z) where as a whole our own lives also seem to be stuck in a figurative liminal space academically, economically, socially (especially in the era of covid where we were all shut-up in our houses finding there was more to life than The Grind, simultaneously reveling in simple pleasures & also going insane until we were all forced back out again) And at the same time our generations have this fascination with liminal spaces as an Internet meme (including vaporwave which also coincidentally appropriates classical Greco-Roman imagery in its aesthetics.) I’m reading serious non-fiction books like Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher and Retromania by Simon Reynolds in service of what at the end of the day is just a horny fanfic LMFAO.
Because getting back on track to what you actually asked me: I’m not gonna lie, my favorite parts of writing this story so far have been the sex scenes, haha. Like the whole vibe of the story is supposed to be just this completely unfettered dreamy indulgence, and even things like sex have a liminal quality to me (where time seems to stand still and people are joined together transitioning through several physical states) hopefully I’ll be able to pull the whole thing off the way I’m envisioning it! The fact that it’s a modern AU is probably what makes this both easier and harder to write—things like dialogue can have a more modern sensibility but it’s probably the more flowery prose that’s giving WTDF its own dreamy, liminal quality so it’s tricky figuring out how to balance it. I’m also having a hard time deciding whether I want to dump this entire high-concept, novella-length story as a one-shot (or at least split up into 2-3 parts that are published all at once) or if I should stick to a more traditional (for fanfic) serialized publication schedule ahahaha. I guess if anyone reading this has any preferences or insight feel free to let me know your thoughts!
Oh and as for the PZA of it all: writing Closest To My Heart was probably what reminded me of the existence of The Dreamers in the first place (I had seen it years and years ago) because I realized that film has a similar dynamic of an “outsider” falling into an erotic triangle with a pair who are essentially soulmates, and ends up biting off a little more than he can chew in keeping up with the two of them… I decided I wasn’t quite done exploring that dynamic and I wanted to write about it more! Though don’t worry, I don’t think this story is gonna be quite as dark as Closest (uh oh wait this might be a lie actually), and also Patrochilles are MUCH nicer to Zag in this story ;)
(Also I didn’t even mention Hadesgame itself where the entire underworld is a liminal space Zagreus passes through to reach the surface/self-actualization and how he is constantly dying/resurrecting… Zagreus is a very liminal character! But this is already an ETA so I shall leave my thoughts there for now, lol.)
Hopefully all that answers your questions, anon! Thanks so much for the ask <3
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itsdark0ut · 11 months
„No One Sleeps At Night”* [Info panel]
[*or „It’s Dark Out”]
Mcyt AU by: @littlescammer & @pvmpkim
Ilustrated by: @pvmpkim & @ari-axis
Basic info:
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What caused the apocalypse?
Due to unknown reasons Earth has stopped moving around its axis. It caused half of the globe dive in non-passing night while the other half become dry and burned because of the sun.
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Why is the action taking place only on the non-passing night side?
Despite the darkness, most of the survivors decided to fight for their life on the night side, because it is easier to find water there. It is also possible to grow plants in greenhouses thanks to that. You only need to find a good source of energy (other than solar energy).
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Is this world build more in Minecraft world of more classic postapo world realities?
Due to the fact that postapo is a science fiction sub-genre and the situation with the Earth just stopping is unlikely to happen, we decided not to include the classic mobs that can be found in Minecraft as an everyday element, so that we can get closer to real life world. Therefore we will put redstone connotations and the story will most likely include [SPOILER ALLERT!]:
- minecraft origins (or at least those that managed to survive ehe) which will be refereed as “hybrids”* and “races”**
- Warden (:D), Ancient City and Deep Dark stuff
- overgrown spiders, phantoms and new additions to the Earths fauna and flora. 👽👍🏻
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Hybrids and Races case
For example - Jimmy is a hybrid because he has human and non-human genes, but in reality he is a different race because he is an so called avian. He has many changes that make him unlike a human, despite having a partially humanoid appearance.
Races that have human genes in them can be called hybrids (although some may be offended), but not all hybrids can be called a race. There are cases of mutations that are too few to be passed on to offspring, or to create any at all. Changes to the appearance or function of a hybrid that is not eligible to start a new race are lost with them upon their death.
It's too early to tell yet, but it is suspected that by stopping the Earth, hybrids' ability to procreate has decreased, thus preventing races from settling, which may explain why is it easier to meet a one-of-a-kind hybrid than a representative of a particular race.
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Who will be included in the ido/nosan series?
Minecraft personas mostly from so called Hermempires (Hermicraft + Empires), maybe NewLife SMP, don’t know yet. I don’t plan on adding anyone from DSMP or QSMP.
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How will the series begin? How will your posts look like?
I ( @littlescammer ) will be posting here something similar to chapters or diaries if I feel a need to show you how a single situation looked in mind of a character. The “chapters” will mix of different POVs of various groups or duos starring in the series and I will be using omniscient narrator for that. Diaries will be posted as 1st person narrator, obviously.
Also sorry for my mistakes, this is my very first time writing something like this in English which is not my native language. 🙏🏻 Fell free to correct me. 🧍🏼‍♂️❤️
So I am the writer and @pvmpkim & @ari-axis are illustrators. 🤝
Btw we are starting with ranchers POV, because the illustrator 1 said so. ;)
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How should I call the series? “It’s Dark Out” or “No One Sleeps at Night”?
Well… First name for this AU was “No One Sleeps at Night” and it was my idea. I liked it, because it sounds nice and poetic in my native language and it was pretty spontaneous. Also the acronym for this in English translation is NOSAN which sounds like “no sun” which is… Correct. XD But before I noticed that @pvmpkim decided to call the AU “It’s Dark Out” (instantly in english) because it’s more clear and plain. So yeah…
I guess we will be using two for now and we will se which one will work better in future. Maybe I will make a pool if the series would gain more attention.
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This post will be edited to add more info! :D
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cripplecharacters · 2 years
hello! currently working on a disabled character who uses a cane because of a disorder that weakened the joint on his left knee. i didn't really give a specific term because this is a completely fictional alien world but i did base it on a form of osteoarthritis after doing some research
i wanted to give him more of an active role so i decided to make him the group's resident sharpshooter/sniper and gun expert. however in some situations he might need to book it or be generally physically active and while he can walk and stand for a bit without his cane that wouldn't necessarily translate well or at all in fast paced action scenes since the character is disabled and normally can't move super fast.
i thought of giving him extra gadgets that would make it easier to get him around in these types of scenes, such as a hoverboard, or even giving him leg braces, but i also just wanted general advice on what to do or what is okay because i don't want to make it look like this disabled character "suddenly recovered" when the situation calls for it and then going back to the usual. thank you in advance!!
Hey, anon! I think giving your character gadgets and tech would be a logical response in this case-- characters who are doing a lot of fighting tend to have specialized gear (and the funding it requires). If your character’s knee joint is weak, it would also make sense for him to use a knee/leg brace to stabilize his kneecap and/or keep the flexion (bending) of the joint within a safe and non-twisted range of motion. Depending on your character’s balance and lower body strength, a hoverboard could be a cool futuristic idea! Additionally, you could have your character choose to use the environment to his advantage, rather than running, such as climbing objects or hiding-- both things I personally find easier than running. Finally, when/if you do have your character run, including the recovery/aftermath of a physically taxing experience (for example, being out of breath for longer, experiencing more pain/weakness than usual in his knee). Happy writing!
- Mod Teeth
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beautifully-lumpy · 11 months
introducing my new AU...bricks and border!
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back in april, jetpackbraggin's thumbnail image for caddicarus' resident evil 4 remake stream series sparked something in me - i started developing an idea for a cartoon series about the personas of online reviewers living in a large city. this idea eventually evolved into bricks and border!
bricks and border follows the escapades of the nintendo-obsessed scott (the woz) - an ambitious guy from the midwest who just so happens to be the younger cousin of the hot-headed mayor, and "laz" (caddicarus) - a brit with a mysterious past who is only known by his nickname. together they solve mysteries and get into other shenanigans in their city of oaksport. nothing is off limits!
this is basically a love letter to the entire comedic review genre on youtube. i'm super excited to start working on this!!
more info about the world and its wacky cast of characters will be revealed soon, but first we need to get into some format/release/disclaimer talk...(some of it's pretty important!)
this project will be written in prose format. i'm still deciding whether it will be in first person with the chapters alternating between scott's and laz's viewpoints, or just in third person. i know first person is looked down upon in fanfic, but that's just what my mind immediately goes to because they're youtubers who review things, and it's easy to imagine them narrating their points of view. i'm still deciding that though.
i will draw a lot for it as it's meant to be imagined as a cartoon series - and just like my previous major fandom project (onward the fanmade series), i will be drawing stills to accompany each chapter/episode! and i will gladly negotiate with any lumpy germ or wozzer who would like to contribute a guest still! and yes - you absolutely CAN create fanart/edits/etc. based on this AU! i would love to see them!
the big differences between this and OTFS are that B&B will not be contained in one book/AO3 work. OTFS episodes were written in script format, and episodes were released as one whole chapter. however, for B&B, "episodes" will be separate stories that could range from 3 chapters to 15.
as to when the first story will come out? i can say maybe soon, but i can't say the exact date and time. i'm gonna be a bit easier on myself with this one - as in, i won't be busting my ass to get a chapter out every single week. not only will i not be able to accomplish that with both my summer job consistently exhausting me and my senior year of college on the horizon, but i also don't want to burn myself out and not want to produce anymore content for the project. that's how the original caddicarus show died.
also, just a little disclaimer - this is not RPF. these are heavily fictionalized versions of the youtubers' already exaggerated personas - i mean for god's sake, B&B!scott is the younger cousin of B&B!AVGN, who is the mayor of the fictional city oaksport. lore from scott's and caddy's shows is referenced, and private people in their lives are absolutely not included in this (for example, cerys and the kids will not be mentioned). however, caddy's sister may be included, as she's a public figure.
with all that being said, i'm doing this as responsibly and cautiously as i possibly can - trust me, i previously wrote realistic non-AU caddicarus RPF and i almost got in trouble for it in 2017 when i was a stupid 15 year old who didn't know better. i know the harm RPF can do, which is why this is strictly being labeled as an AU. also i'm just gonna go ahead and say i won't be shipping characters in this. even though they're fictionalized AU versions of the youtubers, i feel uncomfortable shipping them. if you would like to create your own fan content of this AU where you ship the characters, i can't stop you. but i'm not gonna make it canon or anything.
that's pretty much all i have to say, i think. i hope that the caddicarus and scott the woz fans of tumblr will take interest in this!
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chacusha · 26 days
One year of my Quark-x-Odo dA art group
It's been just over a year now since I created a fanart group on DeviantArt, so I wanted to give an update on how it's been going.
So one thing about trying to run an art group on dA is that, if you want to add other people's art to your galleries, you basically need to send a request for every piece of art every two weeks, because requests expire and become non-actionable after two weeks have passed... Not only that, but it seems like after some unknown longer amount of time, dA actually removes the expired request from an artist's notifications entirely, so a user may not even be aware that a group has asked in the past to add their art to its galleries. dA sends no email notifications for gallery add requests, so as you might expect, most people don't realize they have requests that need their attention and often have no ability to even follow up either. I'm... really not sure why dA makes you jump through so many hoops for what is essentially just free publicity/a fancy labeled hyperlink that doesn't actually affect the artist or original art in any way, but... well, that's just how dA is.
Anyway, so I've been resending these requests every two weeks, and sometimes people accept, occasionally someone rejects, most just don't respond either way. The result of this regular renewal of requests has been that gradually people add their art to our galleries. To give you an indication, this was our status after about 3 months of the group running:
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Right now, having run for a full year, those numbers are: Total works: 134. Total artists: 69 (nice). Total pieces requested to be added: 328 (note: these numbers don't include rejected pieces). Response rate: 41%. By folder: Quodo: 46%. Quark: 44%. Odo: 35%. Ensemble: 39%. Fiction: n/a. Miscellaneous: 0%.
As you can see, the longer I keep these requests active, the more likely it is the artist will eventually respond accepting the request.
However, without going into too many unimportant details, dA has recently updated their groups functionality so that it is no longer practical for me to tell when someone has rejected an add request. So rather than risk pestering artists who might have rejected add requests, I think the best thing to do here is for me to just stop doing this thing where I renew requests. It's been a year anyway -- it's a good timeframe to decide that if an artist hasn't responded by now, they're probably not going to show up. So from now on, I will only send out a request to add a piece of art once, and if it expires, it expires.
It is a shame, though, as it means that I have much less ability to showcase older art that still exists on dA, especially since dA also removed the ability to have group favorite galleries (which are ALSO basically just fancy labeled hyperlinks, just ones that DON'T require artist permission for groups to curate art in galleries -- what's the difference, you ask, and why wouldn't you just keep the favorites functionality over the gallery functionality then? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). But I guess this is fine -- the focus of this group will just have to pivot from trying to archive all the Quodo art that exists on dA to highlighting the art of artists who are at least somewhat active on the site. So far, I've been getting a decent amount of response to my requests to add newer art, so maybe in ten years' time, this group will actually function as an archive of older art! But for now, I will just focus on making it a place that encourages artists to make Quark/Odo art and provides them a place to showcase it.
On the plus side, the update to groups did make our front page snazzier and more customizable. Here's what our group page looks like now after I've fiddled with some of the options:
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It's not bad, and I'm able to highlight important information easier. Also, I can actually randomize which art appears on the main page, which is something that just wasn't possible before! (Because... dA has always been kind of broken...)
As you can tell, the main thing missing from the page is a cover/banner image at the top. I would like to use that space to highlight either some fanart or screencaps from the show. If anyone has art they would be fine with me using (preferably in a darker color palette to match the general dark mode of the page), I would love to use it!
Anyway, happy 1st birthday to this community! Even though I feel like not many people really appreciate using DeviantArt as a fanart platform, this group has kind of been my baby for the past year, and I've been enjoying maintaining the galleries and regularly updating the group despite dA's efforts to thwart me at every turn. It's been nice having a little space I can putter around in. This dA group almost feels like having a Neocities page(?) but with simpler functionality and easier to use.
(Sometimes maintaining a Tumblr blog feels a bit to me like a rat race, like I collect all these shinies and then they're gone and I never see or think about them again, and you go away from the site too long and you've missed so many shinies, and I don't know why I'm doing this. But this dA group has felt more like having a little virtual house that I gradually decorate and add more things to each time I visit to make it feel a bit more welcoming, which is very satisfying. And maintaining a Dreamwidth comm feels a bit like editing a wiki: fairly easy to do, SO much writing involved, results in an incredibly organized set of resources afterward.)
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freya-development · 7 months
Character Design
Our first Games Art assignment of the year was to begin to develop designs and worldbuilding for a basic platformer video game which we will be reskinning.
The first thing that I thought of was a basic concept. My favourite genre is high fantasy closely followed by sci-fi, which I wanted to lean into. My initial idea followed a non-magical protagonist in a magical world, in which the world's innate magic had gone wild for an undecided reason, spawning monsters from non-sentient things with magical properties, such as slime, enchanted trees and so on. At this point, I was still unsure as to how I would incorporate sci-fi elements.
Following this, I started making some basic silhouettes for body types. I didn't go through too many iterations of this as I found one which I was happy with quite quickly.
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Next I moved onto some more more complex silhouettes in which I experimented with outfits without too much regard for detail. At first, I started experimenting with more modern clothing styles, as I still wanted to leave room for science fiction within the world. As I continued, however, I found I was more drawn to the fantasy elements and was struggling to incorporate a second genre, therefore I opted to lean into the fantastical armoured designs instead. I also added small horns to the silhouettes during this, as I found I liked the shape of them alongside the longer ears.
My original idea for the story evolved as I was designing outfits and their silhouettes. I knew from the start that I'd wanted the protagonist to have rocket boots, as the jumps in the platformer game went very high with not much attention paid to gravity. As I'm not a programmer, I decided to lean into it and incorporate the long jump time into the character design.
Adding bags to some of the basic designs gave me the idea of a postman or delivery person due to the envelope-shaped pattern I added for the flap of the bag. I quickly decided that this was something I was set on as it inspired further ideas for what the overall concept of the game could be.
I went through several iterations of potential outfits before deciding, which I did through process of elimination. 1 and 2 I decided against due to their more modern looks, which I didn't think would fit the setting very well. 5 was because the design was too angular and almost spiky, connoting hostility, which was not what I wanted. 6 I liked a lot but had concerns about how to animate the skirt for a character that would be descending mid-air from a tall jump, so I decided against it. This left 3, 3.5 and 4, which I was really torn between. My reasoning for picking 4 was because of the supposedly hazardous world that the protagonist lives in, a more armoured approach would make sense.
This then helped me develop my concept further, in which the protagonist shifted from a generic hero character to a very dedicated postmaster whose job is to deliver letters and parcels despite the dangerous state of magic throughout the world. I also considered giving them two prosthetic legs with rocket boosters built in instead of just boots, which they have due to a previous accident on the clock. I still like this idea, however including it depends on how clear I am able to make it in the sprite.
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I then went through a few quick hairstyles. These were easier to narrow down - I decided against something long and flowy, such as long braids or loose hair, both due to animation capability as well as practicality. Somebody with a dangerous job would not have loose hair in case it should get in their eyes, caught somewhere or pulled on in combat. This left tighter updo styles. My current favourite is 3 as it still has shape whilst keeping out of the protagonist's way, though I also like 4 and 5, so those two still have the potential to be part of the finalised design.
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Lastly, I drew a quick portrait of the character combining some of the parts that I'd drawn, including armour and hair. I drew facial features based on what I thought could match their personality, so I opted for softer, rounder features to come across as friendly and outgoing.
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This isn't necessarily the final design for my game's protagonist, however I wanted to come up with a first iteration to have somewhere to go from.
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datcammi · 1 year
About Me 2022
Hello Traveler, and welcome to my little slice of the internet. My name is Cammi, I’m a nearly 30 demigirl (AFAB; she/her or they/them). Honestly this blog is for my benefit as a place where I can work through my thoughts, as it’s easier for me to process things if I feel like I’m talking to someone. That said, this is my space and I will work in it in the ways that are most beneficial to me.
I'll update this as I think of relevant things, or things change.
Starting with some key things about myself
I'm an 'elder' emo with strong yallternative leanings. I've been identifying as emo since the early 2000s. I've been identifying as goth since the 2010s.
I'm a pagan witch and my practice is solitary. While I can appreciate the benefits of a coven, it's not for me. The things I work with are often considered taboo, dangerous, 'dark'. I am not love and light. I do not follow the Wiccan Rede. I do not believe in the so-called '3 Fold Rule'. My practice is eclectic but is based in personal experience and ancestral work. The individuals I work with and honor are minimally documented if not undocumented.
I am mentally ill/unwell and neurodivergent. I've struggled with ADHD-C my entire life and was part of a case study for what it looks like in girls in the late 90s. I was then diagnosed with BPD at 19, received a C-PTSD, OCD, and MDD diagnosis in my mid-20s, and at nearly 30 have additionally received a GAD diagnosis. Recently learned that I'm probably autistic, so tests for that will be coming soon.
I cannot remember the majority of my life before age 14 sans a small handful of things. I've recently begun remembering more through intense shadow work and different types of therapy, including hypnotherapy.
I do believe there can be benefits to medication and have been trying to find the right ones for me for the last couple years. Unfortunately I have been unmedicated since October 2022 due to negligence by my previous doctor who decided to abruptly stop filling my medication. Checked myself into an in-patient Behavioral Health Center (BHC) for nearly a week in early to mid December 2022. I got a new cocktail of meds, so we'll see how this goes.
I partake in psychedelics and identify as both a pothead and a psychonaut. I strongly believe there are great benefits to the proper use of both.
I'm a psychology student with a focus on the use of 'alternative' forms of therapy and medication, such as psychedelics, and their use in long-term growth and healing.
I'm an extrovert and love being around other people, unfortunately the feeling is rarely mutual and as a result I have spent a long time alone. I have no friends from childhood or highschool, and my online group has long since abandoned me after I chose to leave my abusive ex-husband. Now, I am overly independent, cynical, and untrusting of other's intentions. I refuse to be the only one putting in all the work again.
I pretty much constantly have music playing. I had 40,000 minutes of listening time just on Spotify in 2022. I listen to all genres and a multitude of artists.
I don't believe sex and romance are mutually exclusive. I am of the belief that the parameters of one's relationship(s) are defined by the individuals directly involved, and no one else. For some non-monogamy is what is healthy and happy for them, and for others monogamy is their thing. I don't think there's anything wrong with either, as long as the individuals are happy. I, personally, practice non-monogamy.
I love, love, love to read, write, and worldbuild. It keeps me sane, honestly, and I believe every work of fiction has a grain of truth to it.
I'm obsessed with my hair, it's like the one thing about myself that I am genuinely proud of. I do intense research on all products I use on it and do strip testing before using it on my whole head. "It'll grow back" is genuinely something I HATE hearing and makes me incredibly, intensely angry.
I do not tolerate liars, ever. Just be honest, it's not hard. If you can't be honest with someone then you don't respect them or care about them. Also, lying by omission is still lying.
I make lots of vague references to little things I've come across that give me the happy chemical.
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interact-if · 3 years
goodday! I was curious if there are any IF that features a disabled mc? this might be odd but as a physically disabled person, its always nice to see some representation :)
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[ID: Anonymous ask that reads: “Hello! Thank you all so much for taking time to run this page. Can I ask if you have any IF recommendations that has representation for people with disabilities? Can be ROs or customizable MCs. Thank you! :)” /end ID]
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[ID: Anonymous ask that reads: “any if with a disabled mc?” /end ID]
Hi! since the definition of disability is rather broad, we decided to take this opportunity to turn this into a master post encompassing both physical, mental, and neurological disabilities. We will divide everything into subcategories so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for!
and remember, if you find that any work of interactive fiction is missing from this list, please, let us know :)
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[ID: Anonymous ask that reads: “Hey, do you know any IF where you can romance a deaf character or where the MC can be deaf? I’m craving the representation but I can’t find any :/” /end ID]
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[ID: Anonymous ask that reads: “Are there any IFs that you can think of that let you play as Deaf/HoH or have a Deaf/HoH RO? Thanks so much!” /end ID]
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[ID: An ask by user p-e-a-r that reads: “Hello. Do you know if there’s any IFs where the MC is mute and/or deaf? Or just uses sign language?
If you know any if a mute of deaf IL that’s also good” /end ID]
180 Files: The Aegis Project (optional) by Karelia Hall
Remembered: The Past (optional) by Kristin Jahu
The Eight Years Revolution (option for hearing aids) by @eight-years-revolution
Varðir (option for hearing aids and option for communicating through sign language will be included in the next update) by @vardir (discontinued)
When It Hungers (upcoming option to be HoH in rewrite) by @roast-ifs
Fields of Asphodel (Alekto) by @asphodelgame
Hollowed Minds (Alonzo - not specified in the demo yet) by @shai-manahan
Powered (Simon) by @powered-if (no demo)
Project Hadea (Ki-Ha) by @nyehilismwriting 
Twin Coves (Lir ) by @twincovesgame​
When It Hungers (Nico) by @roast-ifs
You Live And Fern (Char) by @beetlebethwrites
Other characters:
The Brighter the Dawn (MC’s father) by @dawning-games
The Northern Passage (Branwen) by @northern-passage​ 
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[ID: Anonymous ask that reads: “Hi :) I was wondering if youse know of any stories where the MC can be non-verbal/silent? If not all then time then partially? If this is too niche of a request please don’t feel pressured to answer. Thank you for all the hard work youse do for the IF community, it’s so awesome <3” /end ID]
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[ID: Anonymous ask that reads: “Hi! I know this is sort of a niche request, but do you know of any IFs with a mute (any kind) MC? Or IFs where there are options to make the MC respond non-verbally and it’s something the game keeps track of? I’m not sure if I’m describing the second option well, but basically, if we’re regularly choosing ‘silent’ options, it actually makes a difference” /end ID]
Hollowmoon Valley (option available to be silent) by @hollowmoonvalley
Legend of a Savior (One of the planned routes is an MC without a tongue) by @legend-of-a-savior-if (no demo)
The King’s Hound by @the-kingshound (18+)
Varðir (option for communicating through sign language will be included in the next update) by @vardir (discontinued)
The Twilight Order (Désiré) by @exn0bisstudios (18+, no demo)
Wolfwater (Lux) by @carrs-universe
Other characters:
All Paths Lead to the Underground (mute secondary character) by @pol-writes​
Crimson Rose & White Lily (mute secondary character) by @manonamora-if​
Lost Birds (Ghost) by @if-lostbirds
The Brighter the Dawn (Ranada is selectively mute) by @dawning-games​
Other physical disabilities
Event Horizon (MC experiences psychosis) by @if-eventhorizon​
Greenwarden (Options of giving the MC albinism and astigmatism, and making them diabetic or celiac) by @fiddles-ifs
Hollowed Minds (MC will have more frequent migraines over time) by @shai-manahan​
Lost Birds (Prosthetic arm and leg) by @if-lostbirds
Remember, You Will Die (Prosthetic options for MC) by @vapolis 
The Ballad of Devil’s Creek (Option for MC to be missing an eye) by @devilscreekballad
The Brighter the Dawn (Malcolm is missing an arm) by @dawning-games​
The Eight Years Revolution (prosthetic option for MC) by @eight-years-revolution
The Floating City (MC has prosthetic legs) by Felicity Banks
The Twilight Order (MC can have prosthetics and/or be blind in 1 eye) by @exn0bisstudios (no demo)
Twin Coves (Lir deals with chronic pain, Eli is an amputee with a prosthetic, Azriel has very poor eyesight ) by @twincovesgame​
Until the Colors Bleed Gray (blind MC) by @until-the-colors-bleed-gray
Varðir (MC can chose to wear glasses, use a walking cane or have a prosthetic) by @vardir ​
WALL (MC can have a prosthetic hand or leg) by @notesfromwall
All Paths Lead to the Underground (Balzac, blind in one eye) by @pol-writes
Body Count (Ellis has EDS) by @bodycountgame (+18)
Digital Drive (Isa has a prosthetic arm, Vic has an artificial eye) by @pol-writes (no demo)
Event Horizon (Eris has one arm) by @if-eventhorizon​ 
Herotome (Griffin uses a wheelchair) by @herotome
Magician’s Voyage (Luc has prosthetic limbs) by @magiciansvoyage
Nevermoore (Sterling is blind) by @asteristories  
Perfumare 2 (Alan has glaucoma) by @pdrrook​ (no demo)
Peripety: At Its Essence (Dominik is fully blind) by @gamingperipety​ (18+, no demo)
Sentinel (Amari has a prosthetic arm) by @nyehilismwriting
Serpentine (blind RO) by @serpentineif
Snakeroot (Mal has a prosthetic leg) by @cerberus-writes  
The Ballad of Devil’s Creek (Charlie is missing an eye) by @devilscreekballad​
The Everheart Thief (A is paraplegic, uses a wheelchair) by @everheart-if (discontinued)
The King’s Physician (Lisandro uses a cane, Tesias has chronic pain & nerve damage) by @fiddles-ifs
The Nameless (Magesmith has a prosthetic arm) by @parkerlyn
The Northern Passage (Merry is blind in one eye) by @northern-passage​ 
Tournament of Souls (D is blind in one eye) by @maxdes
Varðir (Vígríðr has a prosthetic arm) by @vardir​
Wayfarer (Calla has a prosthetic arm) by @idrellegames 
Witches of Ferngrove (W has a prosthetic arm) by @witchesofferngrove
Other characters:
All Paths Lead to the Underground (the bishop is blind) by @pol-writes
Attollo (Deadlock has migraines) by @attollogame​
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[ID: Anonymous ask that reads: “Hey! I was wondering if you knew of any IFs with neurodivergent (preferably autistic or ADHD) MCs or characters, other than When Twilight Strikers. Thanks in advance!!” /end ID]
Mental disabilties and neurodivergencies
Greenwarden (the MC has C-PTSD, and experiences panic attacks, paranoia, dissociative episodes, and suicidal ideation) by @fiddles-ifs
Our Life (option for MC to be on the spectrum) by @gb-patch​
Peripety: At Its Essence (MC has migraine) by @gamingperipety (18+, no demo)
The Twilight Order (MC can have dyslexia and/or dyscalculia) by @exn0bisstudios (18+, no demo)
Twin Coves (MC has PTSD) by @twincovesgame​
When it Hungers (MC has migraines, insomnia, and PTSD) by @roast-ifs
Ace of Spades (A is on the spectrum) by @steph-writing
Advenio (Sifra has ADHD) by @adveniogame
An Angel’s Song (Saori is autistic) by @melkstudio
Diaspora (Sangarinus) by @diasporatheblog
Fields of asphodel (MC and other important characters) by @asphodelgame
Greater Than Gods (Evan has ADHD and Wyatt is autistic) by @technicangels​
Greenwarden (Bautista, Nazeri and Devin have C-PTSD, the later has also depression) by @fiddles-ifs
Hollowed Minds (Alonzo has PTSD) by @shai-manahan 
Our Life (Cove is autistic) by @gb-patch 
Perfumare 2 (Flavio has insomnia) by @pdrrook (no demo)
Powered (Daniel has ADD, Ilide is autistic and Jake has ADHD) by @powered-if (no demo)
The Brighter the Dawn (Lichtenberg and Twelve are autistic) by @dawning-games
The Golden Harp (Gray is autistic) by @thegoldenharp​
The Hunt: Demon Eyes ( Theo (Depressions) and Lupita (ADHD) by @thehunt-if
The King’s Physician (Sibir is autistic and Tesias has PTSD) by @fiddles-ifs​ (no demo)
The Northern Passage (Clem has ADHD) by @northern-passage
The Starless Throne (Quill is autistic) by @illonius-if (no demo)
Twin Coves (Cass has ADHD) by @twincovesgame
When it Hungers (Nico has ADHD, Isla has PTSD) by @roast-ifs
When Twilight Strikes (A has ADHD) by @evertidings
Witches of Ferngrove (Jules has PTSD, C is neurodivergent) by @witchesofferngrove
Other characters:
Hollowed Minds (Raine-ADHD; Vincent-OCD) by @shai-manahan
Fantasy/sci-fi disabilities
Hollowed Minds (recurring hallucinations that may worsen over time depending on decisions—partly involves science) by @shai-manahan
Project Hadea (Imxa has missing limbs) by @nyehilismwriting 
The Chosen One [Italian demo] (Rascia is completely colorblind) by @kal-writesif
When it Hungers (Danny) by @roast-ifs
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
❄️ The Home of My Blog ❄️
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Welcome everyone!
I decided to make a nice, big post regarding everything on my blog. I figured I would stress myself out and take the time to make this for your guys ease and comfort.
Everything you could ever possibly find will be on this page, anywhere from my masterlist to my DNI list.
I want to take full advantage of this blog and use it for multipurpose reasons, the biggest percentage of it being dedicated to writing (duh).
Happy browsing and don't forget that my mailbox and ask box is always open to those with questions, taglist joiners, concerns, ideas or one who's in need of advice.
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List of Works: Blurbs, one-shots, multi-part works, and everything in between. This will most likely be updated on a regular basis, every few days, twice a week sometime around that time.
Prompt List: This is a list of different quotes and different situations/tropes that I created for you guys to pick from to hopefully make requesting things easier. All you have to do is copy and paste the quote and say with what character you want or you can just put the number next to the quote or situation.
Character List: All the people I write for, fiction and non-fiction from all types of works and genres. This will most likely be updated on a regular due to my fascination of new books, movies and television shows.
Little Bit About Me: This is just a little thing about my past with writing, my past in general, my pronouns, my relationship status. Things that if you wanna know, it's here, if not, I don't mind either.
Instagram- @ elizabeth.a.scott
Back Up Account- @sublimecatgalaxies
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Do Not Interact List:
Hello! Below you will find a list of things that I will not write, no questions asked. Please read this carefully before making requests.
Negative sexual situations- This includes rape, non-con, or anything revolving around mean/angry sexual situations, it's extremely triggering. Occasionally I will get bothered with writing smut as I am a victim of rape and sexual assault.
Anything too dark or bordering on abusive.
Threesomes- The only three-way/polyamorous relationship I write is steddie x reader.
Self harm, addiction or active eating disorders- I don’t have to explain this, it’s triggering and something that I, and a lot of people, struggle with. I don’t want to romanticize it by making an “x reader” revolving around an eating disorder, addiction or self harm. This will depend on how I'm feeling and what I'm experiencing so bare with me.
Suicidal ideation and/or vivid thoughts of suicide- I'm not in the right state of mind, ever, to write this so please do not request it. It makes me severely uncomfortable.
Anything yandere related
Cross Fandom Fics: Even with AUs, I like to stay wuthin the fandoms so this includes mashups of different fics.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Request List Information:
Requests will close after my inbox has reached thirty requests. Even if that means requests are open for a day and a half, if it hits thirty, I will be closing them.
Do not send me a book of a request please. I like to have wiggle room to actually be creative but if you guys just send me paragraph after paragraph, it's hard to actually do anything with it, expand upon anything and it's so overwhelming.
Have your ideas ready to go when they're open and I will put out a notification telling everyone that they're back open when they are!
Please be patient with me in this realm, my life is very up and down and I try to keep up on it as best as possible.
Also. I don't do shoutouts.
• • • • • • • • • Helpful Links • • • • • • • • • •
Crisis Text Hotline: Text HOME to 741741
Alcoholics Anonymous: Website Here
Narcotics Anonymous: Website Here
National Domestic Hotline: (800) 799-7233
National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-4673
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (deaf or HOH): For TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 1-800-273-8255
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blindbeta · 3 years
Hi! I'm writing a blind character who uses (among other accessibility aids) a seeing-eye animal. This is science fiction, and they're on an alien planet, so I don't want it to be a dog exactly, but I also want to make sure it could conceivably fill the same role. My ideas are ranging from "generic four-legged mammal" to "scampering lizard beast" to "literal alien bird." Is there anything I should avoid? Anything I should be sure to include? Any tips are welcome!
Title: Creating a Guide Animal a.k.a. Way More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals, and Guide Dogs and Guide Horses Specifically
Hi! Thanks for the fun question! I wanted to apologize for the length of this answer. Take your time with it. Even if you already know most of the extra information I provided (which you probably do), I hope it can give you some idea of what might need to be emphasized or explained in your story. I wanted to be as thorough as possible for you and anyone else reading. Understanding more about guide animals will help you create one for your story.
Note: I use Service Animal and Guide Animal in this post. All Guide Animals are Service Animals (they are trained to provide a service to disabled people), but not all Service Animals are Guide Animals.
Okay, as always, this is going to be split into parts for easier understanding. Also, note: This is the perspective of someone who does not use a guide animal and is from a Western country. If someone who uses a guide or service animal AND is from a non-Western country with different laws, feel free to share them. Due to the nature of this question, I only want other blind people and/or service animal users to reply with information. I mostly focused on Western links and laws, as I feel these were easier for me to find sources for when I searched.
The Seeing Eye (trademarked) in an Alien World?
Fun fact! Seeing Eye dog is a specific type of dog trained in The Seeing Eye Inc in New Jersey, USA. The generic term is guide dog or service dog or service animal. I would stick with one of the generic terms, as Seeing Eye dog is specific to Earth. Not all guide dogs come from The Seeing Eye Inc. It would be inaccurate, possibly culturally strange, and take viewers out of the story if you use it. Unless you want someone to establish a Seeing Eye Inc on the new planet, although you could call it something else to avoid confusion, or address it in the text. The Seeing Eye is, thankfully, not the only training school for guide dogs. Although Vision Australia does call them “seeing-eye dogs”, I wanted to include this just in case it tripped a reader up. People will recognize the “seeing-eye dog” term if you decide to use it.
Question 12 on the Seeing Eye website says:
Only dogs trained by The Seeing Eye, Inc., of Morristown, N.J., are properly called Seeing Eye® dogs. The Seeing Eye is a registered trademark. The generic term for dogs trained by other schools is "guide dog."
Guide Dogs and Canes
This may not seem as fun to readers, but your character should follow most Earth rules when training. This is to avoid confusion for a public that tends to know little about service animals. You specificied the character would use other aids, which is great, so I’ll assume you already know this. Your character should already know how to use a cane before getting their guide animal. They will need to use these navigation skills because while the animal can help somewhat, they cannot replace the ability to navigate. For example, when crossing the street, the guide dog waits for the owner’s command to cross. In order to do this, the person must have experience with crossing safely.
Guide animals are also more expensive than canes, which can be free and easy to replace. Animals require food, toys, medical bills, and time.
My source on this is also the Seeing Eye website, which you’ll want to peruse because they have helpful information.
Other Helpful Research Tips
I have two links below about choosing to use a cane vs. a guide animal. They will provide you with information about the advantages and disadvantages of a service animal compared to using a cane. As I said before, blind people must know how to use a cane in order to qualify to get a guide dog. Therefore, it would be appropriate and helpful to have your character also know how to use a cane and to keep a cane on them often, such as in a backpack.
Reasons one might want to use a cane while having a guide dog include:
They want to interact with their environment more, particularly if it is less familiar or has changed
They don’t want to use the guide dog that day because it is too hot, the dog is sick, they don’t want to have to clean up after the animal, etc
They are between guide dogs
Those are some of the reasons someone who already owns a guide dog may want to use a cane. Some people even use a guide dog and cane simultaneously.
For more information about the pros and cons of getting a guide dog, read these articles, one of whom is by a guide dog user. You’ll want to keep these advantages and disadvantages in mind while writing.
White Cane vs. Guide Dog: Why or Why Not?
Guide Dogs vs. White Canes: The Comprehensive Comparison
Things Your Guide Needs
This is not a comprehensive list, but I wanted to include things your animal needs and general tips on how to treat the animal in the story.
1. It needs the ability to follow commands. How you do this is up to you. For research, watch YouTube videos with service dogs. Pay attention to the commands they give.
Here is a list of some commands taught by a school for service dogs, which you can probably use as a base.
Command Central: Guide Dog Commands
2. It should be trained to avoid obstacles, like benches or people
3. It should not be touched or distracted by other characters or animals - people will probably try to do so, and your character should explain that the animal is working and should not be distracted
4. It should be taken care of an given time off-harness, such as at home. It should be well-behaved as well.
5. It should be able to go anywhere. Transportation, hospitals, royal courts, sports centers, whatever is on this planet. Service dogs can go anywhere and saying they aren’t allowed somewhere in a story would be a problem. Some people do try to bar service dogs, such as restaurants, but they do so out of ignorance and not because the law is on their side. Some countries do not have protections in place, true, but because you are creating your own planet, service dogs— or in your case service animals— being allowed anywhere should hold true no matter what. Why? Because even in Western countries where dogs are seen as culturally favorable, service animals are turned away illegally, particularly at restaurants, hospitals, doctor’s offices, and public transport. This differs from an Emotional Support Animal, who are allowed only in housing, dorms, and airports. For more information on the differences between where Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals can go, read the article below.
Where Can I Take Emotional Support Animals?
Who Can Be a Service Animal?
I wanted to discuss this as well. Again, there is a lot of misinformation out there and this leads to a lot of anger directed at people with service animals.
Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals are not the same. They do not serve the same purpose, cannot go to the same places, and are not bound by the same rules. You have probably heard at least one irate person claiming someone tried to bring their service monkey into a restaurant. That person is misinformed.
To start, Emotional Support Animals can be any animal. A dog, a cat, a bunny, a bird, a turtle. There is no limit as to what the animal can be, although it must provide comfort and be beneficial to your mental health. It should be easy to train and not harmful to others. It should also be able to live in a house or be otherwise domesticated. Emotional Support Animals need a letter from a Licensed Mental Health Professional in order to qualify as an Emotional Support Animal, which should hopefully keep people from trying to keep wild or dangerous animals as pets and claim them as Emotional Support Animals.
Here is an article that goes over things what an Emotional Support Animal does, what qualities and qualifications it must have, and examples of good ESA’s and what they can do for you.
Types of Animals As ESA’s and Their Benefits
Remember, Emotional Support Animals are only allowed in any kind of housing (such as apartments or dormitories) and airports. They are not allowed in other public places where animals would not otherwise be allowed. ESA’s also need to be registered through a letter of support by a mental health provider. This letter should be shown to a landlord, as Emotional Support Animals require proof.
Next, Service Animals. Let’s get it out of the way. Service Animals (usually dogs) provide services to people with disabilities. This means a guide dog, medical alert dog, psychiatric service dog, etc. Service Animals are owned by individuals and are not therapy dogs or other working dogs. For example, dogs you are providing therapy to children in hospitals are therapy dogs. Search and Rescue dogs are working dogs. I don’t know much about either of these, but here is an article that goes into more detail about the differences.
Service Dogs, Working Dogs, Therapy Dogs, Emotional Support Dogs: What’s the Difference?
Dogs and Miniature Horses
Service animals can only be dogs OR miniature horses. Many people only think of dogs, as dogs are more popular and common in public than horses. However, a miniature horse has the same rights as a dog when in a service animal role. In the United States, Federal law recognized miniature horses as accepted service animals in 2011.
Service dogs or service horses can:
-enter any public place dogs and horses are not usually allowed
-can be trained to guide the blind or provide services for other disabilities
-can go on planes without a pet fee (provided they can fit by the owner’s feet and not block the aisle)
If we take a look at this article again:
White Cane Vs. Guide Dog: Why Or Why Not?
we’ll notice that “being denied access” is not under the disadvantages of a Guide Dog section. I think it should be. Is denying access illegal? Yes. Does it still happen? Yes. And it would probably be even more likely when someone is presented with a miniature horse - at least in countries where dogs are more popular. On top of lack of knowledge about service animals, people are not often aware that miniature horses can serve in these roles as well. Vision Australia discusses this denial of rights and laws protecting blind people with service dogs.
However, The Guide Horse Foundation reports that many people expirience better acceptance of horses as opposed to dogs. This is because a dog may be perceived as a pet or be an animal that was denied access before. A horse may not have this problem.
Some Places Service/Guide Horses Are Recognized
Canada - with laws and protections varying by province and definitions differing slightly from the U.S and Australia. However, this site specifically mentions guide horses as service animals.
Australia - with laws varying by state, but wider protections in place, which you can read more about at Vision Australia and Australian Human Rights Commission. Australian Human Rights Commission also defines a service animal as a dog or any other animal, leaving horses as an option. According to this page, miniature horses are catching on in Australia, where people generally prefer dogs. The page lists similar reasons to those I included below that someone might want a miniature horse over a dog.
The U.S - According to this page, miniature horses are the one animal that is allowed to be a service animal other than a dog. They are required to be trained and are expected to behave as well as a service dog would. The requirements listed differ little from those required of service dogs.
The U.K - This page reports that miniature horses are making their way as service animals, but I could not find any other sources about this topic, such as official recognition.
I tried searching and could not find proof that miniature horses were catching on in other places, though I found many, many places where guide dogs were popular. The point is that guide horses exist as well, and I think this can help people understand what makes a service/guide animal with more clarity.
Why a Miniature Horse?
Here is an article that discusses this in detail:
A Brief History of Miniature Horses And the ADA
According that article, a major reason people might prefer a horse to a dog is for balancing purposes. The DeafBlind community often includes people with balance difficulties (which I discussed a bit in my last ask) and miniature horses are better able to provide support, having more strength than a dog. They can steady someone when walking or help someone stand from a chair.
Other reasons someone might prefer a horse:
They live in a rural area
They or a member of their household are allergic to dogs
They live in a place where dogs are not favored, seen as dirty, or religiously unacceptable
They or a member of their household has a fear of dogs
They want a guide that lives and works longer than dogs (who work for about 6-8 years)
According to the website for The Guide Horse Foundation, horses have high stamina, do not get fleas or shed as often as dogs, and are conscious about safety.
Qualities Your Guide Animals Should Have
Using the dog and horse guides as references, here are some qualities I think your creature should have:
Trainable, both for commands and so they don’t pee where they aren’t supposed to
It should be specifically trained for this purpose, preferably by a group of some kind - this is your equivalent of a guide dog school
Good eye sight, good hearing, and strong memory at least
Relatively small, but not too small (you can use Labrador dogs and miniature horses as a reference
Good stamina for walking
Not territorial, aggressive, or dangerous- dogs can possess these qualities so I think it is okay if a wild version of your guide has these qualities. However, your guide specifically should not have them. For example, wild dogs may be aggressive, but a trained guide dog would not be.
Your guide should not be used for protection, hunting, or attacking others who may be a threat. While the presence of the animal can certainly act as a deterrent in real life and in the story, that is not the animal’s function.
Your guide should be calm, docile, and able to bond with your character
Your guide animal should generally not be seen by the people in your world as frightening, dangerous, or religiously unclean. Note that sometimes guide dogs fit these qualities in certain cultures and so they are not used there. If possible, give your world and its cultures a good working relationship with a few different animals. Pick one or two of these as possible guides people can choose from. You can possibly draw from your own culture and history for this if your culture has had good working relationships with animals.
Your guide animal should be able to be harnessed (a leash is not enough) and possibly wear something that alerts others that they are working (such as a vest)
The animal should have good navigation skills and possibly natural guiding skills. Because you are creating a species, you can possibly make these qualities innate. From what I read, horses guide by nature, able to act as guides for other horses in the herd if they are blinded.
Your guide animal should probably not fly, unless people fly or float in your world. Since it should be small enough to enter buildings and not accidentally crush children, I don’t know if having it be big enough to fly on would be a good idea anyway, as fun as that sounds.
Small enough to enter buildings and sit at the character’s feet, such as at a restaurant if your world has those
It should be able to be trained in “babyhood” and work into adult life. Dogs typically work 6-8 years and horses have a much longer lifespan and thus work longer. Create an animal that can live at least as long as a dog and thus work for some, but not all of that time. Give it a retirement phase in life, if your book ever got to that. Basically, use dogs and miniature horses as a base and work from there.
The animal should be domesticated on your world and not strictly wild (such as a lion in our world).
The animal should be comfortable on land. The ability to swim is fine, but it should of course be primarily a land animal.
The animal should have a common, available food supply and vet care even if you don’t go into this. If your guide is domesticated and possibly kept as a pet in your world (or a neighboring world, however your story is structured), this will be much easier and being easy to care for will probably be implied.
It should be allowed anywhere, including hospitals, and it should be well-behaved in those areas
It should not run away from your character and leave them alone
That’s all I can think of at this time. Generally, I think if this were set on Earth or an Earth-like fantasy place, I might suggest creating a dog- or horse-like creature, or possibly another domesticated animal that the culture favors in real life. However, since this is on another planet, I feel okay with getting creative with the type of animal, provided it has the same qualities and can serve the same purpose as a real-life equivalent. Some of this you can create with your world-building and some with research on real-life animals to use as inspiration. If anyone with a service animal disagrees, please add your opinion. It would be beneficial to me and hopefully to the asker as well.
Thank you again for the question and if you need more help, feel free to send me another ask or a message. I hope this can benefit you in some way. Good luck with your story!
Edit: I wanted to add this sensitivity reader, who can read for working with guide dogs and other blind stuff.
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ctl-yuejie · 3 years
How the diverse world of the addictive tv series “Cherry magic” got made
(interview with scriptwriter Yoshida Erika by Yokogawa Yoshiaki)
沼堕ち続出ドラマ“��ェリまほ”の多様な世界はどうやって作られたのか【脚本家・吉田 恵里香さん】2020.12.22  横川 良明
for @howdydowdy because we were talking about what a fantastic character Fujisaki is and the notion of consent when it comes to reading someone’s mind
Currently, societal values continue to change rapidly. On one hand the movement of respecting each other’s diverse individualities and making it easier for each and every one to live in society has become more active, one the other hand it is not a rare occasion to be lost for words when suddenly unconscious discriminatory biases – derived from not being able to cut loose old values that are rooted deep in oneself – raise their heads.
How should we exist within this period of polarization? This series is to create the opportunity to think about this topic by having discussions with the toprunners in the entertainment world. The person I am introducing for the first edition is screenwriter Yoshida Erika.
She is behind the script of “Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!”, the tv series that has grabbed the first spot on the oricon satisfaction ranking for 4 weeks in a row, and has gained fast popularity despite its late-night spot. The enthusiasm for the show can be attributed to the soft view Ms. Yoshida has on the world.
Yokogawa Yoshiaki (YY): I am happily watching the series. I really liked the original work, however the way it was adapted to a television format has been brilliant. One big thing is the making of the character of Kurosawa played by Machida Keita. By Adachi’s magic (played by Akasouji Eiji), the voice of Kurosawa’s heart spills out, and while the original text had him be quite blatant in his expressions overall, the drama carefully examines them.
Yoshida Erika (YE): That is definitely where there is a difference in depth. The original has the premise of a work in the BL genre, readers are expecting a BL-like development, so they can take such things in stride, but the viewership of the tv series is more varied. Under them there might be people who do not like BL. That is why I was conscious about how different people from different backgrounds might watch this show.
It is not okay to assault someone just because you were invited to their house, kissing or touching without consent is not okay and being of the same or different sex makes no difference in this. Treating such things as okay because it is BL would be rude to the parties concerned. Because we are using the BL genre, we want to specifically protect the “firsts” of the parties concerned. That is something the producer Ms. Honma Kanami and the director agreed about and I therefore paid extra attention to.
YY: Adachi himself, as he is about to step into Kurosawa’s house thinks “Not that I might possibly get assaulted?!”, and is very vigilant, but with some soul-searching realizes that that is rude towards Kurosawa. To say it briefly, you can feel the probity of the creators.
YE: I thought that a main character that thinks that he will get assaulted when he steps into the house of someone will not be loveable. No matter how well received the person is who acts it out, if we cannot love them on a human level, this drama will not work. Adachi’s power to read people’s hearts is also the action of seeing people’s darker sides on his own volition. That’s why a character we cannot love as a person will receive push-back by the viewers.
YY: Just like you said, the act of reading peoples’ hearts includes great violence. That is why I think that when he realizes that Kurosawa has fond feelings for him, unlike the original where he reads Kurosawa’s heart on purpose, the drama treats it as an accidental force. Over the whole series, it is of focal importance that Adachi doesn’t overuse his magic.
YE: That is where we were extremely careful. In the manga easy comprehensiveness is important and that type of suspense is interesting - and we don’t intend to deny that - but if you do it as a drama, I didn’t want to make him into a young man using his powers at ease. That is why, especially in the first half, he decides and tries very hard not to use his powers when possible. The scene where he reads the CEO’s heart appears in the first issue of the original, but in the drama we pushed it back to the 5th episode. We made it a point to illustrate how Adachi is filled with the emotion to help Kurosawa and that is why he uses his powers.
That what I don’t want others to do unto me, I do not want to inflict on characters.
YY: His colleague Fujisaki (Satou Ryo) is a Fujoshi in the original and that premise was cut from the series. If you decided to have a Fujoshi character on a prime time show, did you think that misunderstandings might arise easily?
YE: That was definitely a thought. In BL as a genre it is not an issue that a character exists that takes the same viewpoint as the reader, and I love Fujisaki in the original, but the people who are acting it out in reality are real people. At that point, loudly fawning about someone else’s’ love life is not perceived as good conduct. At the least, I thought that I wouldn’t want to be treated like that.
YY: It is fine to envision fictional characters as romantic partners, but it is different when you make a real acquaintance the target of that.
A thought we had was that if Adachi and Kurosawa were to really date it would be one thing, but grinning at someone - who might even be heterosexual – because you inflate your own BL adjacent delusion isn’t much different from a man grinning at a woman with big breasts and calling her sexy. I wouldn’t want to get treated that way, so I didn’t want to inflict that on the characters in the story as well.
When it comes to Fujisaki it isn’t like she isn’t a Fujoshi. We do not clearly state it, but I thought there was no reason to show it in the drama. 
YY: You are saying, that it is fine that people might interpret Fujisaki as a Fujoshi when she is smiling at Adachi and Kurosawa.
YE: Yes. That is where you are free to imagine (laughs).
YY: What I thought was very fresh is that instead of proclaiming her to be a Fujoshi, Fujisaki is turned into someone who “is happily living her daily life even without romantic love”. We don’t often get characters like that in Japanese tv series.
Personally, I also like romantic tv series, but while feeling venerated when the main characters have realized their love in the final episode, when trying to build a romantic connection to someone else in real life it might not go well and beyond that, it is not that it never happens that I, who also holds interests in other things than romance, end up feeling empty because of the lonely feeling of having been left behind (when watching a romance on tv unfold).
But with having Fujisaki appear, it felt like I got rescued.
YE: Until now, for several projects I made the suggestion of a character that is not interested in romance, but I wasn’t understood. “Is it necessary to do that?” “Aren’t you overthinking it?” were things I got told often.
But with this production, when I said that I wanted Fujisaki to be asexual or aromantic, no one denied me. From that stage on I thought that this place was a good one, and thanks to the original writer giving her agreement it got turned into reality.
YY: Since this kind of character hasn’t really appeared in a tv series, it felt like people like Fujisaki were assigned to be non-existent in this world. But thanks to you envisioning her like this, seen from a person that like Fujisaki might say “I got used to acting “normal”” and feel a notion of despair when confronted with people not understanding them, it felt like it got emphasized that people like her also exist in our society. Picking such little voices feels like it is one of the purposes of entertainment.
YE: If that could become the case I would be glad about it. 10 to 20 years prior, a “fairytale gay” (describing the flamboyant gay friend, that mentally supports the heroine by giving some harsh but accurate advice) often appeared in tv series from abroad, but this portrayal slowly changed, finally it has reached the point where the view point that being gay isn’t something special has penetrated the public.
So this time, I believe that one of my duties was to tell the story of people that are not interested in romance or people who do not only love one person, not from a standpoint that is convenient for consumption, but to have properly realized characters up to their individual backgrounds.
I hope the time comes where it isn’t necessary to especially say “This is a BL series”
YY: Please let me speak on something that has confused me this far. Prior, when you explained Fujisaki in context of the script, it felt like it wasn’t okay to call her asexual or aromantic because she herself doesn’t use any of those labels. I was somewhat afraid that an outsider would just selfishly declare that “you are asexual, aren’t you!?” in regards to someone who hasn’t professed anything.
YE: There is the point of both of the terms asexual and aromantic not being widely known in Japan as much as compared to overseas and I also think there are people who just wouldn’t use these words. Even when you think you are not interested in romance at the moment, it could also be that you just haven’t found the person that makes you feel that way. That’s why I can understand how labelling someone has a violent notion.
YY: My next question is also relating to that: This applies to Cherry Maho, but generally when I write about over works that feature a lovestory between men I try not to use the word BL.
This is my own opinion but to me it feels like the term BL has too much of a sexual image.
In private I casually use the word BL. However, for the content of an article that is read by an unspecified number of people, I remember stumbling over labelling something as BL. Using BL as an easy genre specifier has the effect that there will be a layer that won’t get looked at. I simply want to have more people enjoy a piece of work. I don’t object to the editor using BL in the title but in the content I write, I try not to use the term BL story but simply “love story between two men” and keep it close to how you’d address it in reality.
YE: I understand that. Obviously, I don’t intend to shame the taste of people that like BL. However, I understand that there are people that feel a sense of resistance towards BL as a genre. That is why I also don’t use the word BL when I promote on twitter. I do think that it would be great to have a new word.
Just like women have things they don’t want to be subjected to, men also have things they don’t want to be subjected to. This kind of awareness has become more broadly spread bit by bit. However, in order to have it really penetrate society it needs for the voices of the affected people to be heard. But it is also the reality of today’s society that violence is directed at people that raise their voice. That is why I feel like it is the job of the people that create tv shows to speak up instead.
At the least, that is how I want to straightforwardly create the world, so that in 10 years without directly stating “this is a BL series” we have a society that takes it in as a “new cool romantic drama beginning” with “the leads being actor x and actor z” and as nothing unusual.  Now we really have such a transitional period, and as a writer I want to build the steps towards it.  
original article: https://mi-mollet.com/articles/-/27045?page=3&per_page=1
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