#i certainly appreciate it
minecraftdog · 4 months
the way he looks at her as she makes him drink juice oh my god toosh pls
toosh moodboard 😭 I can't handle that, too much for my system, too tender
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tariah23 · 4 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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angel-syzygy · 3 months
husk: are you seeing a therapist ?
angel dust: no, why ?
husk: you should
angel dust: why
husk: you don’t talk to anyone about your problems
angel dust: that’s because i don’t have any
husk: and you gaslight yourself all the time
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
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the way Stede drums his fingers on the back of the chair
also: how he lifts his robe while walking on deck
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kindahoping4forever · 1 month
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📸: Emilia Staugaard for Behind The Blinds magazine
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pro-sipper · 5 months
"Dead Dove: Do Not Eat"
About the tag, the origin, and why I think no one on either side of the fandom divide knows how to use it
First of all, I'm crosstagging because I think it's a general issue, not just something for pro or anti shippers. I see the tag get misused on both sides and I just wanted to throw my two cents in
So, where did the term originate? Like all culturally significant things online, it started as a meme. More specifically, a meme from the television show Arrested Development. Character A has put a dead dove into a brown paper bag to store in the family's fridge. On the bag, he has taped a sign that reads, in big bold letters, "DEAD DOVE. Do Not Eat!"
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Character B comes across the bag, reads the warning, and opens it anyway. When he's met with, you guessed it, a dead dove, he proclaims "I don't know what I expected".
This is an example of (and has since basically become the spiritual successor to) the "Exactly What It Says On The Tin" trope.
If you want to check out the full history and countless examples of the trope, please check out the page on tvtropes. But for a slightly shorter history - it originated in a British commercial for Ronseal's Quick Drying Woodstain, which the tin claimed "dried quickly". And in the commercial they told you "It does exactly what it says on the tin!" So, the tin says what the product does, then the product does it. You get the idea.
In fandom spaces, the trope just means that the title of Thing (be it movie, show, fanfic, etc) tells you exactly what happens IN Thing. If a show is called "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", you already know it's about a girl named Buffy who slays vampires. If the movie is called "Cocaine Bear", you can bet a bear will get into some cocaine at some point. If there's a fanfic called "Fluttershy Has Tea With Jesus"... you get the idea.
While both tags started out with the same intentions and meaning, I don't think it's any wonder that "dead dove do not eat" has been so easy to misinterpret. For one, "exactly what it says on the tin" sounds more straightforward. You don't have to understand the specific reference to infer it means to check the label (in this case, tags) before purchasing (opening) the product (fanfic)
But dead dove is harder to understand if you don't know the reference. And at a glance, it sounds much darker. Doves have symbolism in multiple religions, and are seen as a symbol of peace. A dead dove evokes images of gore, violence, general unpleasantness. It must only apply to something sinister, right?
The thing about "exactly what it says on the tin" is that the tin needs to say something. You can't point at a blank label and say "here's what you can expect". People would be much less likely to engage with your product if that were the case
In the same vein, slapping "dead dove do not eat" on a fic with no other tags can lead to confusion. In this tag's case, it's a warning. But what are you warning about if you don't also put it in the tags? It leaves people's minds to conjure up only grim and upsetting images of what might be in your fic. Especially when, as it's also common to do, the tag gets shortened to simply "dead dove".
And while, yes, the tag is most likely to get slapped onto fics with dark or upsetting subject matter, that means something different for everyone who comes across it.
Most people seem to think it only applies to inappropriate relationships (age gap, incest, etc). But I've seen it applied to a variety of things, from potentially triggering material (like suicide) to things that simply may not be everyone's cup of tea (like excessive gross-out toilet humor).
In the end, "dead dove do not eat" is a tag that, in my opinion, should not be used as a descriptor as to what type of content your story contains. But rather, a gentle warning to say "hey, I'm specifically telling you what you're about to encounter, so whatever happens next is up to you".
After all, if you read the warning and still open the bag to find something you don't like...
I don't know what you were expecting.
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figureskatingpenguin · 4 months
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Cha Junhwan (KOR): Masquerade Waltz | 4CC 2024
happy he was able to make a comeback! congrats on bronze, junhwannie! 👏🏻
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thefrsers · 1 year
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acetier · 2 years
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Thank you for so many good years!
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galoogamelady · 10 months
What was it like first getting into freelance art as a career? Do you have any tips/tricks/advice for people who are looking to pursue this particular field in the near future (aka me...................)?
This might be depressing to hear but my personal and short advice is: don't expect to live off of it. Certainly not in the US. I moved to this country because my husband lived here and thankfully he is able to support both of us with his (not art related) full time job. If it wasn't for him, I don't think I could stay afloat in the US from my current freelancing. I could make due back in Hungary where I'm originally from, but I'm not quite sure how people over here do this all on their own without any sort of support or at least a 50-50 with a partner, friend or family. Again, I'm sorry if this is disappointing but I also don't want to lie and make it look like I'm some bigshot bringing in mad cashmoney by doing whatever I want. Most of the things we have are possible because my husband is a hard worker and we're fairly frugal and conservative with our spending.
I assume those who live off of freelance by themselves work way harder than I do and sacrifice a lot of their personal lives and health to being able to do so. I think it would be smart to ask people who have a more focused path, like animating for indie series, live off of their comic work or mainly illustrate books and covers. They probably have a much more solid advice and plan to follow.
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aroaessidhe · 1 month
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2024 reads / storygraph
Compound Fracture
YA thriller set in rural West Virginia
follows an autistic trans boy who survives being almost killed by the Sheriff’s son after a party, and accidentally kills one of the boys who hurt him when he tries to get back at him
and is pulled head-first back into the 100 year old feud between his & the sheriff’s families, that began when his great-great grandfather was executed after inciting a miner’s rebellion, the grandfather whose ghost has started to haunt him
community & family & socialist revolution
aro-questioning MC
arc from netgalley, out september 3
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
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📸: Ryan Fleming
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
who's your favorite character to draw? (doesn't have to be only mdzs characters)
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I'd have to go with...Little Apple and Wei Wuxian!
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warabola · 4 months
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I was ready to disagree, but honestly, no, I get it. The Piebald Dreamer is my best friend.
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anyway fun fandom website, started a reread of Inkheart on a whim and this is my first read-through as an adult and damn, Mo and Staubfingers truly are capital-D Dilfs
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marleneoftheopera · 3 months
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Chandelier in Vienna, now featuring an extra piece up top?
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