#i cant decide what i want to say with this post but fallout 3 is so special and dear to me
famousblueraincoatmp3 · 6 months
fallout 3 is great because if you pass a speech check you can just tell the antagonists to kill themselves and they'll do it without hesitating
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thespaceace124 · 3 years
Tv shows I watched this year, my favorite character from each, and why I like each character.
Since my past few posts about Fandom/TV shows have been kinda negative/ criticism, to end off the year, I wanted to make a few posts about things that I like in media. So today we’ll be taking a look at all the shows I watched/finished this year and my favorite characters from each.
Space Force: Captain Angela Ali. Its been a hot minute since I watched Space force, but iirc she’s just… done like 99% of the time with all of her superiors, but in the ten episodes we get, we see some fun little character moments from her. Like in the war games episode where she has to grapple with being an amazing book student, but has a hard time applying some of the stuff she learned at the military academy in a “combat” situation and has to sort of learn and take the lead from one of her “underlings” who is better in that sort of situation. Also, the bonding moments she has with Chan, like when they’re on the road trip, and when she asks him for help learning some science stuff so she can be more useful on missions and stuff. (again, its been a while since I’ve watched this one so my memory of it is a little foggy)
Stargate SG-1: Colonel Jack O’Neill. I like the tope he falls into of the very surface level sort of gruff military man, doesn’t like talking about his feelings, makes smart ass remarks, asks people who talk to much to get to the point, he’s a very fun character, and adds a lot of fun lightheartedness to the show and is generally enjoyable to have on screen. Also tends to get the most character development, at least regarding his past and sort of why the way that he is. (I would say Teal’c gets the second most), also the reason I got into stargate, as my dad showed me a compilation of him being a smart ass and I was like “oh ho ho, I gotta see more of this guy”
Doctor Who (specifically seasons 11 and 12): The Doctor. I like this version of the Doctor, I like that she a little more lighthearted chaotic as opposed to the previous Doctor, who I would describe as dark chaotic, (at least in s11) and just very fun to be around and watch on screen. Also, I think that the rest of the fam is a little bit underdeveloped? Like, we got a lot of fun stuff for Ryan and Graham in the premier with them being a part of a family unit and then at the end of the season we got a nice little scene of them bonding and Ryan calling him grandad and then in s12 there’s like none of that??? And with Yaz we get that she’s kinda got the usual female companion backstory (not a big fan of her job, not happy living with her family, wants *More* out of life) and then we learn that she got bullied as a kid, and at one point she tried to run away, but a kindhearted cop and her sister??? Managed to keep her in Sheffield. So, I feel a little bit like the doctor is my favorite as a default just because we already know the doctors story, so we’ve just pasted a new personality onto a familiar character.
Deep Space Nine (started 2019): Major Kira Nerys. Straight up the reason this character is my favorite is because my dad said I remind him of her and that makes me feel nice. Also, Nana Visitor is very pretty. Also I like that she takes 0 shit from anyone, including Sisko, but we also get to see her learn and grow  from “I will always voice my disagreement no matter what” to “There is a time and a place to object” and also a little bit of learning that sometimes you have to work with people who’ve hurt you and sometimes that sucks. Anyway, she’s a grade A badass and I love her.
Voyager (started 2019): Captain Kathryn Janeway. Like my reasons for Kira, I think Janeway is a badass, and that Kate Mulgrew is very pretty. But also, I think Janeway is a badass in a different way than Kira is, simply because their characters are in very different situations. But I think Janeway is portrayed to be handling things extremely well, and doing what needs be done, obviously that wasn’t super looked at as they did want to keep the tone of voyager relatively light, but anyway, I like Janeway because she’s someone to look up to, to want to incorporate traits of into your own behavior.
Picard: Rafaella “Raffi” Musiker. I like Raffi because she is one of the most consistent characters in Picard. See imo Picard suffers from having too much on its plate, and also it drops/ abandons too many characters. With a show that has only 10 episodes, especially in a first season, you can’t do that. So, with Raffi being in the majority of the episodes, with consistent characterization that makes sense, and working as someone who can actually keep Picard in check? That’s the best character in the show. Also, I think of actors not seen in Star Trek before, she’s one of the better ones and that makes her better.
Lower Decks: Ensign Beckett Mariner. I love a chaotic smartass. Also, for as much as I love LD being a relatively slice of life comedy, I love that Mariner got a ton of characterization in the last few episodes, especially exploring her relationship with her mom, and people who knew her at the academy. She’s super fun, I love how she’s almost always dunking on Boimler, but also really cares for him and doesn’t want to see him hurt. Again, she’s just super fun to see on screen, I love that she doesn’t really like authority figures, and is content to figure herself out while being a relatively low-ranking officer. I like Mariner because she is both sure of herself, but not totally sure what she wants to do with her career, which is something that Star Trek has never explored before, and I think its super interesting.
Discovery: Commander Michael Burnham. I think a trend with a lot of the characters on this list is that I personally find them cool and/or pretty, and once again that also applies to Michael here, but also, I like her because Michael as a concept is fascinating. Like the idea of being a child who goes through a trauma and then is immediately whisked away to a place where she can’t actually process it? And then as a result grows up emotionally constipated and only in her 30s, is sort of finally able to shed that and actually learn how to be healthy with her emotions? Absolutely fascinating, I love that. I also love that we can kind of see that her upbringing and the suppression of emotions as a child still effects the choices that she’s made to this day. Its super cool, and I think one of the best parts of discovery.
Ratched: Nurse Mildred Ratched. I don’t have anything really important to say here, I just tend to like the main characters of tv shows because by default they get the most development/ back story or whatever, and honestly this is one of those shows that I enjoyed enough to watch all ten episodes, and then never picked it up again, so. Ehhh
Dexter: Dexter Morgan. I like Dexter Morgan because he’s a man who has always been told he doesn’t have emotions, but as the show goes on you can totally see that he does have emotions, he just doesn’t know how to handle them, and that they don’t present themselves in the same way that “normal” people’s do. Like, I fully believe that Dexter did actually love Rita, Harry jr., Deb, and Hannah. But I also believe he didn’t fully know how to cope with those emotions, because instead of getting his son help Harry Morgan decided to turn his son into a killing machine, which was a Choice.
Hannibal: Will Graham. I liked watching him kinda fall into Hannibal’s co-dependency trap. Character regression baybee. But like, that’s what happens, I’m pretty sure at one point they both admit that they aren’t healthy for each other, but they also cant live w/o each other. Which is not a dynamic I personally had seen delved into in media before I watched this show. I just think he’s neat.
ATLA: Toph Beifong. I like Toph because I think she provides a nice foil to Aang, whilst also not going too far into the opposite direction. She’s decisive, she knows for the most part what she wants from this adventure, and mostly how to go about getting it, while also discovering a new family along the way. I also just like the way that she can and will throw a boulder at you if she thinks you deserve it.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Sabrina Spellman. Again, sort of falling into the “I tend to like the main character by default folder” It’s also been a hot minute since I watched this show, so I’m just gonna say that I like Sabrina because she is always the one getting her own self into trouble by being Different. And while I’m not saying that it is always good to conform and do what is expected of you, all of the issues in the show are caused by Sabrina (for the most part). Season one is all about shit falling apart if she doesn’t sign the book, season two is her shaking things up at the witch academy and also not wanting to be the princess of hell (understandable, but again, still her fault) and the whole plot of season 3 is the fallout of her imprisoning the devil and then also being too cocky with the guy made of clay. She’s far too cocky, and I think that’s super funny in regards to how it gets her into situations she’s not really prepared for.
The Coroner (BBC): Beth Kennedy. I watched this show with my stepmom, and in this show, Beth tends to be the one who lightens the mood a lot, so she’s my favorite character b/c of that.
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zukkatrash · 4 years
im pretty sure nobody wants this content but:
aged up, no bending atla x fallout 4 crossover!!!
(spoilers for some atla and fo4 stuff obviously, and in sukis part i rant abt the ending where ur against the brotherhood, so major spoilers for that too)
lets start with katara
katara is a minuteman, no lets be real shes the goddamn general, preston took one look at her and immediately knew she'd protect the people of the commonwealth with all she had
elder maxon is actually scared of her, which is why he refuses to let her on the prydwen so none of his underlings see him fold under her stare
shes probably the first minuteman that hancock like actually truly respects bc he knows shes 100% abt the ppl and goodneighbors motto is literally "of the people for the people"
katara is a probably a bit conflicted about him at first bc u know hes a bit ruthless for her taste, but she can see his heart's in the right place
she definitely helped marcy long with her grief and turned her anger into smth productive, aka marcy is now probably a high ranking minuteman
def a railroad agent (i read alchemy, sue me)
him and tinker tom are the best buddies and yes sokka got convinced to drink his weird serum thing, stop bringing it up!!
god just the crazy inventions those two would cook up, they'd probs scare the shit out of the institute
on topic of the institute, theres probably like at least one abduction attempt from them a month but hes not only smart but a badass too
hes also one of the only people dr. amari is actually nice to and will routinely rescue him from irmas relentless flirting
he definitely fanboys with kent collony over the shroud
i feel like deacon would drive him mad, because on one hand he gets the secrecy and that he doesn't want anyone to get too close but also deacs, my man u cant shut everyone out with ur lies
okay now im thinking abt them bonding over their dead gfs and am sad
when he meets nick he has to hold back soooo hard to not ask invasive questions, bc nick is basically a walking insight into the institute, but hes alao a person who sokka respects and really doesn't wanna be an ass to
also with the railroad(but shes a heavy ofc), probably mostly bc shed get more action there
sokka and tinker tom def made her some really cool gadget à la seismic sense so shes still a BEAST
she can also hear a raider ambush/lurking wildlife before anyone else and if shes not with anyone who needs to avoid that kinda stuff she pulls out her trusty missile launcher and makes quick work of her enemies
probably participates in cage matches at the combat zone and raiders shit their pants when they see her
toph is either dating glory or cait or both, cant decide, just badass wlw
or maybe fahrenheit 🤔, i mean the only refrence of tophs type we have is that she mightve had a crush on sokka who is not only strong but smart and u cant tell me fahr isnt smart, she might only have like 5 lines but at least one of them is abt chess which is a common shorthand for intelligence and she is undoubtedly a badass so yes toph and fahr! never thought id think of those two as a ship but here we are haha
is the silver shroud, you can't change my mind he's a righteous theatre kid ofc he's the shroud
also a minute man, probably kataras second in command
shes the one training the minutemen at the castle
danse tried so desperately to recruit her but suki is too smart to fall for the bos' bullshit
probably plays into his whole spiel tho to get an inside look at the bos and takes them down from the inside
and not by blowing the ship up wtf there are kids on the prydwen what the fuck why cant u get them out beforehand??? why is that the only option to get the bos out of the commonwealth???? they steal poor farmers crops ffs i want them gone! WITHOUT killing innocent children that are being indoctrinated what the fuck
im actually having a really hard time to imagine aang in fo4 bc u know its a biiit violent for a pacifist monk but i really dont wanna just make him a farmer or some boring shit, its just that stuff usually needs killing in some way in fo4
okay nvm i can def picture him on the island mediating that whole conflict between arcadia, the children of the atom and far harbor
oh god aang finding out how dima kept the 'peace' would be a brutal fucking scene, i dont wanna spoil too much if possible but aang would def feel really betrayed by dima
i can see aang arriving at the island and really trying to make everyone understand that dima only wants arcadia to be safe and left alone and i have no idea how he would actually deal with dima once the truth comes out but fuuck, bending or not aang def entered the avatar state there
but just to be clear he still protects arcadia, just bc its built by smn who thinks the ends justify the means doesnt mean that synths dont deserve to live in fucking peace for once
also aang would absolutely adore erikson and his puppies ^^
but back to the commonwealth
aang would for sureee advocate against the mind wipes the railroad makes and try to find other ways to help synths
he probs cannot deal with desdemonia saying that erasing the synths memory and identity is the only way to keep them safe, aang knows what loss means and he wont stand for it
and i can see him do a lot of the actual building in the settlements and helping all those small communities to flourish
now for the crack, as in i dont think this is in character but i thought of it so now yall have to read abt it:
the fire nation is in nuka world, also there is no overboss per se bc except for like 3 lines we know nothing of colter
ozai leads the operators, but also kinda everyone, so basically the overboss
post breakdown, pre redemption azula leads the disciples
zhao leads the pack bc like mason hes an animal and i hate him ^^
gage is dead bc unfortunately ozai isnt dumb, altho ozai was dumb enough to underestimate zuko when he literally told him his plan to join the gaang, but then again gage didnt like colter bc he didnt get shit done and unfortunately ozai does get shit done so gage is probably delighted :(
if anyone actually read this and wants to add on pleaseee do!!!
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wiiwiisims · 6 years
sadly, a callout post that i really didnt want to do but eh
just a forewarning, if you’re cool with pixelatedmuffins (lyn) thats fine with me... if not, just dont... bully her even though she lied... not in the mood but this was necessary. this her discord btw for the people confused lowkey -> Ms. Alpaca#4911
just a small summary of what im about to cover in this post:
how she’s putting words in my mouth when i aint say none of those things
how she knows what she is doing
and how she keeps talking and bashing my name behind my back yet i havent said a damn thing about her
enjoy the tea my friends
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okay first off, hello hey. 
welcome to sipping tea with me 
imma summarize everything as best as i can so this post wont be long af (its still long af)
okay... this all started over a fallout between her (pixelatedmuffins/lyn) and my girlfriend... a ship breakup to be specific. lyn wasnt listening and was putting words in my friends mouth yada yada. yeah... so she decides to message me to see where me and her stand for some reason
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then she left our ship channel that she made...
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ngl i was irritated at the fact that she still kept... assuming things. its a pet peeve of mine (fun irrelevant fact). it got annoying and i ended the conversation tbh. 
theen she messages me
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and i texted this back
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i realized she blocked me after i was being honest about how i felt and yep.
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so i was like fuck it. she’s mad.. ill let her calm down. then i got a notification from her tumblr saying that she made a post (its deleted now). she pretty much was subbing me... i didnt get a screenshot of it before she deleted it but it pretty much was about “you cant be a people pleaser when the people dont appreciate getting pleased” or whatever. so i confronted her because she was honestly talking about me.
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i sent that. kept it real af. (imma get to the tea soon. i promise) but remember this post above. just keep it in mind
anywho... so i went on twitter and shit right, to check if she was still talking about me... and she was
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so i confronted that ass again because ion play that
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petty ik but it was how i felt. the next morning i got check to see if she replied
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mhmm...so i was over it completely. moved on and blocked her ass back on all her accounts with no hesitation
then my lovely... best friend came thru and told me some shit that irritated tf outta me... the girl talking shit about me... lies at that
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she straight up was talking about me and said straight fucking lies...
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so let me point out the bullshit she was typing
number 1: i never called her out of her name (look at the screenshots yourself) nor have i talked about her.
number 2: this gone be an interactive game lmao (the tumblr message yall) where... in the living fuck, did i call her a bad mom?? or!! did i say that “i hope your baby live”??  maybe im blind like dora football head ass because i cant see it anywhere.
im just saying... but thanks to my best friend again, she help snoop and found some more bullshit
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imma address every muthafuckin thang wrong in this shit
number fucking 1: she highkey called me a pedophile when she knows and all my motherfucking friends fucking know that im not. me and my girlfriend(16) got to-fucking-gether when she was 16 and i was 18. thats honestly normal (and i should out her fucking age gap with her fiance but im nice) and on top of that, me and said gf never did anything sexual or anything of that nature. dead ass. me and her live in two completely different states and i never visit nor has she.
number fucking 2: she did put words in my mouth (look at the screenshots yall) and i never said that she was doing that for that reason. she keeps switching shit up and removing evidence. point blank obvious
number fucking 3: i never call her ass a liar. i called her immature for subbing me instead of talking to me like a grown adult she’s supposed to fucking be. (twitter screenshots)
number muthafuckin 4: where in the flying fuck did i say “i hope your baby lives” ???? like bitch where
anywho, i got irritated lmao my bad. my friend then exposed lyn on them lies because i showed her screenshots. keepin it 100. (note: lyn did  not have screenshots. just saying) so after my friend exposed what she was doing, this is what lyn said
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pretty. much. saying. that. shes. fucking. lying. 
she has no receipts, no evidence, not a damn thing but her pity party craving ass imagination. 
im done... imma say is this, if that immature ass adult talks about me again, its on and popping. idgaf. she keeps trying to ruining my name and reputation for no reason.
but thats the tea. sorry for the long ass post yall.
enjoy yall’s day/night 
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Dave Filoni Quote about how Lucas felt about the Expanded Universe on video.
There is a quote that has been going around for a bit now, that I found the original source of. He said during an interview on “The Star Wars show”. There is a part of the quote that isn’t in it how it has been written, I can see why they left it out because you can’t quite understand it’s significance unless you actually see Filoni say it, his facial expression and his body language. The quote as written now is -
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When I saw the video I noticed this small part of the quote that wasn’t included, it doesn’t change the message of it, it actually makes it more meaningful. The entire quote with the previously left out part is -
"There's this notion that everything changed when everything became Legends. And I can see why people think that. But, you know, having worked with George I can tell you that it was always very clear -- and he made it very clear -- that the films and the TV shows were the only things that he considered Canon. That was it.*
"So everything else was a world of fun ideas, exciting characters, great possibilities, the EU was created to explore all those things.  And I know and I fully respect peoples opinions about it that some of the material said 'the next canon part of it' <wink,wink>.... But from the filmmaking world I was brought into, the films and TV shows were it". ~ Dave Filoni speaking about working with George Lucas
Explanation -
[The 'wink, wink' part of it, you can't fully understand it unless you see the video and see Filoni's face and his body language, what he’s indicating here was essentially saying, yeah, Lucas Licensing did try and fool people and they outright lied at times, they were concerned that if people knew that the EU was literally a separate universe and not canon, that they would be less likely to spend money on it, because 'it didn't count'. ]
This is the actual video of when Dave Filoni said the above quotes during an interview on 'The Star Wars show' [41.40 mark] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcNXPNXOv2A&t=16s
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Leland Chee and Howard Roffman,they both acknowledge that wasn't true, and have made public quoted statements in that regard. After the fact tho. Leland Chee didn’t get caught lieing to 2012. And most of his ‘atonement’ statements they came years later.
Roffman didn't keep his part of the deal with Lucas, who insisted that the only way he would allow the EU to exist at all was in a completely separate parallel universe to his, which ironically enough was Roffman's suggestion because at first Lucas said "Stop right there, there is no way I am letting anyone else say what is and isn't Star Wars', so that was how Roffman made the deal. Roffman tried to convince in subsequent talks to make it all one universe, but Lucas was adamantly against it and he adamantly refused. He gave them a seperate sandbox to play in and this is exactly why you see the things Lucas was saying and the things Leland Chee were saying were incompatible. - That's also the reason they stopped using the term 'canon' and  only used 'continuity' trying to make it out like they meant the same thing, when they didn't. This was their duplicity, not George Lucas, Lucas was always honest about whenever he was asked in interviews. Separate universes.
Roffman comes totally clean about it in an 2017 interview about the whole thing. Which I have mentioned in two of my previous posts and promosed to share. Now is a good time to do that as it will help make sense of this part of what Filoni said.
Why did Lucas allow to go on than? Fair question. 3 reasons.
One, he told them from the get go he didn’t want to have to get involved all the time, he had his own projects and stories to work on, and he didn’t want to have to keep looking over their shoulders.
Two - He knew he couldn’t keep up with the fans hunger for new Star Wars and he thought this would keep them occupied in between his movies, bare in mind, he didn’t have any clue how big it would actually get. No one was expecting how good it would end up doing in terms of making money.
Which segways very nicely into the Third and final reason.
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Lucas wasn’t about to deal with their duplicity by hurting himself on the process. He was making so much money off it, and he didn’t write a word of it, you can expect anyone to be that ‘upstanding’ so to speak. So he decided he’d handle it the same way they were, by making public statements, and than let them have to deal with the fallout because Lucas was being honest anyways, it was them who were doing wrong.
"And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married..."
~ George Lucas, Flannelled One, 2008
[Quotes like this were problematic, because if as they were saying “It was one universe” “One canon”, than how the hell could Lucas say The Emperor doesn’t get cloned and doesn’t get married??” heh]
”The novels and comic books are other authors' interpretations of my creation.  Sometimes, I tell them what they can and cant do, but I just don't have the time to read them all. They're not my vision of what Star Wars is.”
- George Lucas 2004
"I like to refer to the Interview with Lucas in the Special Editions.When asked about the novels and what not, he simply says:
”Those are another author's interpretation of what I've created, and not to be taken seriously, as far as what is really going on in the Star Wars world.”
~ George Lucas
[These are statements being made in response to live interviewers questions, so as you can see, this is how he dealt with it and let them deal with the fall out.]
Back to the Filoni quote discussion -
Roffman admits later on that it was separate universes, Lucas did not consider the EU canon ever. Lucas just wasn't interested in it, he was only interested in his Star Wars. That's why there was so many retcons. It was all Lucas.
[I’ll be sharing the quotes from Roffman’s 2017 interview following this. This just helps set it up and bring it all together]
Not suggesting Lucas did anything wrong, he didn’t, he made it clear from the get go that was the only way he would allow it. It also makes some of the other Quotes from Lucas even more understandable than they already were.
Just for context and reminders -
STARLOG: "The Star Wars Universe is so large and diverse. Do you ever find yourself confused by the subsidiary material that's in the novels, comics, and other offshoots?"
"I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world.... When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions.
“There are two worlds here,” explained Lucas. “There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe – the licensing world of the books, games and comics.”
[The things that happened in the Expanded Universe happened in the Expanded Universe universe, but they didn't happen in George Lucas' universe.The things that happened in George Lucas universe, They all happened in the Expanded Universe' universe. That was part of the deal, they had to have all of his stuff happen there exactly the same. If that conflicted with things they did before or after, didn't matter, they had to change anything that contradicted anything he did. [Retcons].]
"Q: What do you think of the Expanded Universe of books?
A: "The books are in a different universe. I've not read any of them, and I told them when they started writing I wouldn't read any of them and I blocked out certain periods [they couldn't touch where the real story happens]."
- George Lucas 2003
"The question selected from The Furry Conflict poll was: How much does the Expanded Universe influence the movies?
As I asked him, Lucas leaned back a moment and said to me “Very little.” When he first had agreed to let people write Expanded Universe books, he had said “I’m not gonna read ‘em” and it was a “different universe” and that he wanted to keep away from the time period of his saga. He jokingly complained, however, that now when he writes a script he has to look through an encyclopedia to make sure that a name he comes up with doesn’t come too close to something in the EU.He later commented that the future of Star Wars may lie in other venues outside of feature film."
- "Marc Xavier", November 2003, "The Furry Conflict and the Great ‘Beard‘ of the Galaxy"
 (report based on a Q&A session with George Lucas which occurred at USC on 11-19-03)
"Howard Roffman [President of Lucas Licensing], He once said to me that there are two Star Trek universes: there's the TV show and then there's all the spin-offs. He said that these were completely different and didn't have anything to do with each other. So I said, "OK, go ahead."
- George Lucas 2008
When Lucas use the term “We decided”, “we would have two universes”, he was referring to himself and Roffman and the deal with Roffman mentioned here in this above quote.
The Expanded Universe was Howard Roffman’s idea, he brought the idea to Lucas. He was in charge of it the entire time Lucas owned Star Wars.
Now it makes why Lucas hated Mara Jade so much understandable. Lucas wasn’t involved in their stories. He didn’t approve concepts, he didn’t read the books, he didn’t deal with the book people personally, he had a liaison group.
“Well in George, George couldn’t stand Mara Jade, well he just couldn’t stand, couldn’t deal and they went out and got some sort of person who looked like she’d stepped out of a Cosmopolitan to be the model Mara and he just thought the whole thing was so not Star Wars and not his vision of Star Wars and once, I forget, I think Sue Rostoni between the novels told me or anyway told me they were killing off Mara Jade and I said ‘Do I get to tell George?'”
– J.W. Rinzler, Lucas Licensing and Author
As far as I know, George Lucas himself is not involved. He has a liaison group that deals with the book people, the game people, etc. They do the day-to-day work. Occasionally, he will be asked a question and will give an answer."
~ Timothy Zahn
"George knows more about Star Wars than we do. He doesn't see the Expanded Universe as ”his” Star Wars, but as ”ours.” I think this has been mentioned previously, maybe in other places, but it's not new info, as far as I remember."
~ Sue Rostoni, Lucas Licensing (LLP Managing Editor),2004
[This was when Leland Chee got caught lieing during a live interview from an Audience member question in 2012 ]
But just to give the context of how widespread this deceit and outright lieing had gotten to let’s look at the kinds of things Leland Chee had been saying for years first, and this is just the tip of the iceberg -
"The thing about Star Wars is that there's One universe..." ~ Leland Chee 2008
"Holocronkeeper does not support the notion of SW parallel universes."
~ Leland Chee 2009
"Everything outside the films was collectively known as the Expanded Universe, serving as an extension of the same universe in the films."
~ Leland Chee 2012
[Even though Lucas had said in 2011, that he makes no distinction between the movies and the Clone Wars series.]
"This is Star Wars, and I don't make a distinction between [The Clone Wars] series and the films."~ George Lucas, SciFiNow, October 2011
"Unlike other franchises that reboot with almost every incarnation, Star Wars has proven itself to be a singular universe."
~ Leland Chee 2012
[Bare in mind that Lucas ruled by decree and anything he said was instantly canonical anything that might contradict it, was nulled and voided on the spot, also, note the year on these last two quotes, 2012]
Now watch this...
Q “Hi Mr Chee! I’ve got a question about continuity – are all the various different media of Star Wars (the films, TCW, the video games, the EU) intended to form a single universe, or is the EU intended as a parallel, alternate universe (like, for example, the different continuities between the various Batman comics and films)? I realise that fans tend to each have their own personal preferences, but I was wondering what the official Lucasfilm company policy regarding this was? Many thanks!”
"The dual universe question comes up often. I know George Lucas has mentioned it being two universes , but that’s not how I see it. His vision is definitely not beholden to ours, but ours is definitely beholden to his."
~ Leland Chee 2012
Same year, 2012. The last quote above he made one month before getting caught and admitting that Lucas said it was two universes.
It gets worse.
Knowing full well that Lucas had said it was two universes, Leland Chee had said this -
"And then there's the very top level of canon, the inviolable, infallible level of Truth, marked GWL—George Walton Lucas. It's the divine word of the Creator who stands outside his universe and is not subject to the rules that govern it."
~ Leland Chee, 2008
[Actually, Leland was standing outside of his Universe.]
and this
"George's view of the universe is his view," Chee says with a slightly grudging tone. "He's not beholden to what's gone before."
~ Leland Chee 2008
grudging means he was pissed and he resented it.
[Lucas said in 2005 it was two universes in a magazine interview. Wasn’t the only time he said it either]
You wanna see this get even worse?
*"The G/C/S-level canon stuff is a construct specifically for the Holocron. Non-Holocron users would have no idea what this stuff even means* and I would say most of the people who use the Holocron don't use the field, instead looking specifically to the source of the material. Individual entries are not broken down by canon level."
~ Leland Chee 2005
"...applies only to the Holocron, but is not the same as their standing in LFL's canon hierarchy.“
“Understand, that the Holocron's primary purpose is to keep track of Star Wars continuity for Lucas Licensing, and to some degree Lucas Online. To my knowledge, it is only rarely used for production purposes.“
~ Leland Chee
[What this means is that whole 'canon tier' he made up, that wasn't policy that was a filing system protocol for the Holocron like the Dewy Decimal system. It had no baring on actual canon or anything outside of his office.]
~ Leland Chee
Wanna see it get even worse?
"Star Wars continuity, even EU continuity, does not rest on my shoulders.  Our licensees submit product directly to either our editors or our product development managers. The Holocron serves as a tool for them to check any issues regarding continuity,  and after that, if the editors or developers have any questions, they pass it along to me to check for continuity. At the same time, I am constantly on the lookout to make sure that any new continuity being created gets entered in the Holocron. With regard to the the films and The Clone Wars, I am not involved in continuity approvals* though I have often been asked to provide reference material."
~ Leland Chee
[And they would have us believe that George Lucas let them do all of this on their own, and he had no say in any of it. He’s letting them say what is canon carte’ blanche’ They did say that, wanna see what Leland also said about declaring things canon?
Lucas is quoted as saying they don’t follow his guidelines.
This one’s the dozy.
As far as LucasBooks and Lucas Licensing are concerned, of course it is. LucasBooks and Lucas Licensing hold sway over the content and storylines of the Expanded Universe, and thus have every right to declare a canon of those materials. Whether this internal declaration is subscribed to by parent company LFL or Lucas himself is another matter, one which, though interesting, is outside the scope of this Holocron-oriented thread.
~ Leland Chee 2004
This is exactly what Dave Filoni is referring to. Them declaring certain things canon and writting on some [it wasn’t all, just to be fair, just some] EU products that their story is a canon continuation, and they were doing so without permission from parent company and George Lucas.
It get’s worse. heh
Turns out, Mr. Leland Chee, he never met George Lucas, he never spoke to George Lucas, not even on the telephone, not even by mail. Complete and total strangers.
"I didn't have any direct contact with George about Star Wars. - I would see some notes based on the interviews or the meetings. But I did not have direct contact with George about Star Wars continuity."
~  Leland Chee 2018
“I did not have direct contact with George about Star Wars continuity. Dave Filoni, who worked on Clone Wars, definitely did. So for me, the spirit of George’s work is what’s in the films, and it doesn’t go too far beyond that.” ~ Leland Chee 2018
Only took him about 4 or 5 years to fully come clean
"What George did with the films and The Clone Wars was pretty much *his universe ,” Chee said. “He didn’t really have that much concern for what we were doing in the books and games. So the Expanded Universe was very much separate."
~ Leland Chee, 2017 - SYFY WIRE
“Lucas’ canon – and when I say ‘his canon’, I’m talking about what he was doing in the films and what he was doing inThe Clone Wars* – was hugely important. But what we were doing in *the books really wasn’t on his radar.”
~ Leland Chee, 2018
And to top it all off, he said
"Dave Filoni is better equipped to relay Lucas’ true feelings about the EU." ~ Leland Chee
So every single on of those things he said about it being ‘One Universe’, One Continuity’, ‘A singular universe’, ‘same universe as the films’, ‘what is canon’, what’s continuity’, all of it, he did so without having a clue with how George Lucas felt.
But wait....there’s even a problem with that.....when he said Dave Filoni is the one to relay about Lucas’ true feelings, which is is in part true, it doesn’t take into account the fact that he did know Lucas said it was two universes.
He says G-Canon -
G-canon was George Lucas Canon; the six Episodes and any statements by George Lucas (including unpublished production notes from him or his production department that are never seen by the public).
Given the fact that he is the only who made that Tier thingy  for the Holocron, I’m kinda guessing he knew that statements from Lucas were canonical.
He heard Lucas say it was two universes, should we really assume all the other quotes from Lucas he never heard them?
Not only did Leland Chee lie, he knew full well what George Lucas was saying and it’s significance and it’s canonicity.
He’s not only a liar, he’s literally a canon breaker.
Leland Chee said Dave Filoni could tell us Lucas true feelings on the EU.
Which brings us right back to where this post started.
"There's this notion that everything changed when everything became Legends. And I can see why people think that. But, you know, having worked with George I can tell you that it was always very clear -- and he made it very clear -- that the films and the TV shows were the only things that he considered Canon. That was it.*"So everything else was a world of fun ideas, exciting characters, great possibilities, the EU was created to explore all those things.And I know and I fully respect peoples opinions about it that some of the material said 'the next canon part of it' <wink,wink>.... But from the filmmaking world I was brought into, *the films and TV shows were it".* ~ Dave Filoni speaking about working with George Lucas
He was talking about Leland Chee and Howard Roffman, They both knew the truth of it. They had co-workers who wouldn’t agree with them on what they were saying because they refused to lie about George Lucas.
"Within the issue of Starlog magazine with the War of the Worlds cover is an interview article with George Lucas. He stated something which he had said before, which is that he doesn't follow the SW EU, he doesn't read the books or comics. He also said that when they started doing all this (which is allowing other storytellers to tell their own SW tales), he had decreed that the Star Wars Universe would be split into two just like Star Trek (I don't know nuts about Star Trek, so don't ask me about that), one would be his own universe (the six episode movie saga), the other would be a whole other universe (the Expanded Universe). He continued to say that the EU tries as much as possible to tie in to his own universe, but sometimes they move into a whole other line of their own."
~ Confirmed by Sue Rostoni, Lucas Licensing Publishing, 2005
"Does the main storyline for books and comics go through Lucas to make sure it isn't going to conflict with future movies?
No. George doesn't give us much information about his future movies until he's making them. In general, George does not take the EU into account when he's making his movies.”
~ Sue Rostoni, LucasBooks/LL Managing Editor, 2003
"I know that GL doens't create the storys and concepts for the SW novels, but does anyone know if he approves overall story ideas?
"George doesn't see the overall story ideas or concepts. If there is a sensitive area, or if we are developing backstory for a character he's created or mentioned in an interview, we can query him to get more information, his approval, or whatever. And yes, we always query him if we're doing something drastic to a film character. I believe he does read the concepts for the games though."
- Sue Rostoni, Lucas Licensing (LLP Managing Editor), Jun 2004
"The books have to follow the same continuity the films do, as they are an integral part of the overall story of Star Wars that Lucasfilm LTD. recognizes as a legitimate continuation of the films, right?
Yes, the books follow the continuity of the films as best we can taking into account that George follows his own continuity, and rightly so. He's the filmmaker.
As far as ”legitimate continuation of the films” -- If George had continued making SW films past Return of the Jedi, I don't think they would have reflected what the SW authors have written.
[This proved to be true. Lucas wrote his own Sequel Trilogy in 2011. The EU did not exist in his sequel trilogy. He was already in pre-production for the movies himself before he sold to Disney.
"Fast forward to 2012, when we hear George is looking to make SW movies again, I thought 'I wonder what next Mon Calamari's gonna be.' And it turns out, the Mon Calamari this time was huge swaths of the EU. There was no Jacen, no Jaina. No new Jedi Order. Chewie lived. Not suprising, but there it was.    
~ Pablo Hidalgo, 2016, speaking on Lucas' ST treatments he wrote in 2011 https://ibb.co/nmjWcBM
He said it was not suprising because he had know forever already that it was two seperate universes and Lucas did not consider the EU canon ever.
"In the old days, George Lucas saw his universe as separate from publishing [EU]. He wasn't at all interested in connecting."
~ Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2016 http://i.imgur.com/6ZOkAau.png
"He [Lucas] only considers his movies and TV projects as his universe, and told the Clone Wars writers to only worry about those."
-Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group]
[We know a lot about Lucas Sequel Trilogynow. Links to that at bottom.]
Sue R Quote continued...
The books, comics, etc., are a ”legitimate continuation” of the Star Wars saga as we [Lucas Licensing] define it. I'm not certain of the context of your question -- somehow I feel like I'm walking into something here...."
- Sue Rostoni, Lucas Licensing (LLP Managing Editor), Jan 2005
[At first Sue Rostoni was lead to believe what Chee and Roffman were saying was the case, but she found out that that wasn’t true, and she had met Lucas and she had been working at Lucas Licensing longer than anyone, and she refused to take part in any duplicity especially when it came to Lucas himself. She was a real class act and I have a ton of respect her. That couldn’t have been easy for her. She retired in 2011]
So there we have it. So many things going on behind the scenes, so much misinformation on the internet, so many people lieing as it suits their personal wants and narratives.
This is about one thing for me and one thing only. Honoring the gift George Lucas gave us all, Star Wars.
I want his legend and legacy remembered truthfully and for what it really was.
His words matter. When it comes to Star Wars Lucas is God.
George Lucas’ Episode VII - https://medium.com/@Oozer3993/george-lucas-episode-vii-c272563cc3ba
George Lucas' Ideas for His Own Star Wars Sequel Trilogy - https://io9.gizmodo.com/george-lucas-ideas-for-his-own-star-wars-sequel-trilogy-1826798496
STAR WARS: The Original Plans for the Sequel Trilogy - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1dM9qFe4p0
0 notes
11 questions game
I was tagged by @thesuperwhovian thanks for tagging me my friend sorry it took so long to do this its been a busy week at work. Rules. 1. Always post the rules
2. Answer the questions given.
3. Make 11 questions of your own.
4. Tag 11 people (or less )
1. What was the reason you decided to join tumblr? I found a bunch of funny tumblr posts on Facebook and decided that this was the place to be.
2. What are your top five musical artists? 1. Green Day Ive loved them ever since the first time I listened to American Idiot. 2. Fallout Boy they have so many awesome songs. 3. Hank Green he speaks to my nerdy soul haha i got to see him in concert once with two of my best friends it was a lot of fun. 4 Aurelio Voltaire another good nerdy guy he has silly songs about vampires cannibals star trek doctor who and more his music is always fun to listen to and he has an amazing voice. 5. 30 Seconds to Mars Jared Leto was a terrible joker but hes an awesome singer.
3. What was the first tv show that changed your life? Supernatural definitely ive made some of my best friends by talking about Supernatural with them
4. If you could wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be? Well ive recently bought a pair of Captain America pajama pants that are so soft and comfortable (because I am an adult who makes sensible shopping decisions) so I would wear those and my big Doctor Who shirt if its only one outfit for ever i might as well be comfortable.
5. Marvel or DC? Marvel is far superior to DC when it comes to movies Wonder Woman being an ovibus exception. I will say in Dcs defense that it has excellent tv shows I love Legends of Tomorrow, Gotham, Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl.
6. Do you have any hidden talents? I wish
7. What's your number one ship? And Why? Mulder and Scully they clearly belong together i could see it from the fisrt episode of the x files
8. What's your dream job? I would very much like to own a fandom hotel every room would be decorated with a different fandom.
9. Dinner and a movie or takeout and Netflix? Take out and Netflix is just another Tuesday i would rather go out to dinner and a movie
10. Android or Apple? I have an android phone
11. When are you the happiest? Sitting around my dinning room table with all my friends playing games talking and laughing and just having a good time.
My questions
1. What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?
2. Who is your favorite superhero and whos your favorite supervillan?
3. If you could only read one book/ book series for the rest of your life what would it be?
4. If you could pick one celebrity to be your best friend who would it be?
5. Do you prefer Syfy, Fantasy, or Horror?
6. What is your favorite food?
7. Do you have any pets?
9. What's your favorite game?
10. What’s your favorite Disney movie?
11. What's your favorite tv show or top five uf you cant pick just one?
Im gonna be lazy here if you want to answer these questions consider yourself tagged if you don't want to thats cool too
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ange1kth · 7 years
1-5, 7-19, 21, 23, 26, 28-32, 34-43, 45, 48-53, 56, 60(u better nOT YOUNG LADY), 63, 71, 75-77, 87-95
lol sorry this took so long to answer alpha bean
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?closet doors closed cuz i have a small room
(2) Do You Have Freckles?yus but only rlly smol ones on my nose
(3) Can You Whistle?lol no probs never will
(4) Last Song You Listened To.listenin to on melancholy hill by gorillaz rn
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?rlly rlly light pastel pink
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?77 degrees (fahrenheit)
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?nooo, i woke up sad
(9) How Many Followers?36 (thx all u peoples who followed me even tho I’m not popular)!!
(10) Zodiac Sign.gemini!! im a ram if ur talking chinese zodiac!!
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?hazel unlike anybody in ma family
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? noooo lol what’s health??
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? ya when im listening to some good bops
(14) What Books Are You Reading?i just finished the color purple and something bout suffragettes, now im on a percy jackson one
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.specific, here it is!! “‘But you did doooo it,’ the spirit growled.” - The Trials of Apollo
(16) Favourite Anime?yuri on ice im ur classic gay, hxh tho too i cant decide
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? mmmmm, probs my older sister (last time i cried tho was this morning lmao)
(18) Do You Collect Anything?nah, i have a few old timey cameras but that’s about it
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?a sandwich lol, just with some lettuce and tomato on it
(21) Favourite Animal?pupper cuz im basic as heck
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?like 11 now my schedule’s messed up
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?probs my sister’s @kohoa even tho i don’t go through it often lol
(28) What Makes You Happy?ma dad, ma sisters, rabbits, video games, puppers, reading sometimes, etc etc
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.she would but she’s on mobile rn •-•
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? what’s studying lmao, probs with music anyways
(31) Dogs or Cats?i did say dogs are ma favorite animal but tbh depends on ma mood, dogs when im happy, cats when im sad and i need a pet to cuddle
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? i think a light green?? or grey lol im boring and sad
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? ocean, i live right next to a lake in michigan, ocean 100%
(35) Do You Believe In Magic? i want toooo, but there’s no proof of it in ma sad life so far, so nah
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?not wearing a shirt, a dress, guess you dont get to know!! :3
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? NO U ARE WEIRD IF U CAN
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? save it for a bit, then spend it on something stupid like pizza
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? my teeshirt that I have to wear to Chicago tomorrow for end of the year field trip, ma socks and ma purse in ma closet
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? don’t think so, if anything video games cuz she is a nerd
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? i don’t think so???
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? ya ya ya
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? not any i remember!!
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. hope, it’s the worst and best movie I’ve ever watched it’s on netflix if ur feelin sad, (might not want to tho if u have triggers about sexual and/or child abuse)
(48) Are You A Picky Eater? sometimes??? idk
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? yea when im sleepin in a comfy place
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? noooo
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?reading yea, writing when it’s not for an assignment
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? if it’s music that’s better listened to loud!!
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? idk, wrap presents since i always cut myself when i carve??? i like both tho tbh
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now? egg rOllS
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?heh heh, exams studying all that jazz
(63) Favourite Pokemon?leafeon probs?? i havent played pokémon in forever
(71) Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? uhhh, idk that one cute kids movie bout the bull
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? yea, and nah
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? a sandwich at lunch lol
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?choices which is one of those choose ur own story things cuz i like my gf in it, she’s cute, and a magikarp thing cuz my sister thinks it’s good, i haven’t played it at all rlly
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?night??? and day????
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.everything in question 77, overwatch, the last of us, fallout 4, rise of the tomb raider, until dawn, minecraft (what a nerd), just dance, the last guardian, uncharted 4, life is strange, idk if there’s others I forgot
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.ooo a while ago when I was rlly smol is the last time I remember having a dream!! k so if ur my age u should remember the kids show yo gabba gabba, and I freakin hated that it was so spooky to my smol 8 yr old mind. so, I had a nightmare I lived in a town and went to see the orange one, and then I somehow accidentally stabbed him with a needle??? and purple juice exploded from him flooding the whole town and i cried after I killed everyone!! what a dream lmao
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?pepsi or coka cola idk
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?waves at the beach, soft wind, other stuff too but i dont remember
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?sweats what are jEAns??
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?the same way i looked when i got home from school?? ma hair’s pulled up, glasses on, pretty basic stuff
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.BEING AWAY FROM MY MOTHER LMAO
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?probably just two small female signs crossed together on my wrist cuz im gay as heck
this was fun, feel free to send me some others that I didn’t already answer!!
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So like I promised I’d say this as well and basically to get to the bottom of that we have to go back to my Fallout 3 muse. John Hudson, a Lone Wanderer blog I made cause damn I love Fallout. 
Rest is under a readmore this is also long 
Somewhere down the line I decided I’d try something, and basically ended up doing a crossover with a bunch of dbz blogs, some of you are still around C:
It was fun honestly playing as this normal human who yes is very strong and powerful, in his own world. But bring him into the DBZ side of things and even people like Yamcha can probably beat him up tbh. Unless he gets the drop and a laser rifle can actually kill someone in this universe. I guess it depends on if the laser rifle is as strong as like that beam gun that Frieza mook used. He had a name but I can’t remember.
More importantly though he’s also in a world that never suffered like his, his world has basically nothing green left and tbh? You could consider it a dead world. Meanwhile the Earth in DBZ is very alive, very very alive. It even has fucking dinosaurs so there’s that. Mass Effect was another neat crossover for the possibilities cause Earth is doomed in there too. But MOVING ON
I can’t remember when but somewhere down the line I totally read Dragonball Multiverse and also wanted to do a DBZ blog. My first idea was an oc from the DBM. I wanted to make an Earthling from that one Universe 9, cause I really loved the idea behind it. It was the one with the really strong Earthlings and like Videl had a Z-Sword and all that. I had nice little thing going that he was the youngest and so definitely not the strongest there, but had been training and all that. Basically he saw the Z-Warriors or whatever the hell they call themselves as like... idols? They were so strong and saved the world so many times he wanted to be just like them. He also had a crush on Videl cause damn she tough. ANYWAY somewhere down the line I decided, maybe I could do 3 blogs I don’t know. So yeah, Gohan happened. Well next I had to decide on a main verse and there was at that time a LOT of pre-teen Gohans and so I wanted to do something more rare cause it could be fun! So I chose Gohan from Super. Most of my first icons are all from like RoF since he pops up in it so much and DAMN is it nice looking. It was just a test and very quickly I found out I REALLY REALLY love rping as Gohan and the oc got abandoned. Sometime later I also added the high school verse cause I needed icons for that Danganronpa crossover. 
I just remembered yeah I had two choices I was thinking of either doing an OC or Gohan and I wasn’t sure which cause I was VERY nervous about doing a good job with Gohan, like I’m not even kidding on how nervous I was since he is a canon character and I can’t help it I want to make sure I do justice. The Gohan thing I’m 90% certain started out as a test and uh let’s just say it turned into what you see now. But back onto this history lesson.
Somewhere down the line a certain Videl popped up, and heey our first thread and it ended up being in the high school/buu verse and is a training thread that’s still going now. Well now I started getting questions aimed at that verse and so I gathered more and more icons for it. I also of course got the asks for Super related stuff and so I kinda had a split between stuff for Super and stuff for Buu saga.
Oh and then comes the Great Saiyaman threads and I gathered tons of stuff for it, this is where that one moment with a Jaco pops up where they get into a posing competition and aaah such a good memory! Around this time was lots of dash silliness tbh.
But yeah I did a lot of Buu saga stuff with Gohan, especially pre-Buu. 
OH and somewhere down this line I also did a thing with kid Gohan and when I say kid Gohan were talking like before he even fights Nappa and all that cause he was such a little cutie. I haven’t done it in forever, that verse, but it was fun.
Once again you can blame ferocitus, heartyrice aind winny for this. Those nerds are part of who definitely convinced me to go through with this B)
I’m also throwing love at chiaki-mun littlegxmergirl who i know disappeared or well the blog I mean, but yes cute af ship but also for opening my eyes to an awesome setting in DR. The crossover (although I’ve been lazy ;-;) has been amazing. <33
ALSO YOU vIDEL YOU KNOW HWO YOU ARE stxbbornwarrior I grabbed so many icons in part due to our threads I’m sure and it definitely jumpstarted my high school verse stuff <3
Adding to this also sweetgokuroll and genkixdama as well as chichisboobs and oxdriven like you guys were/are great okay. I loved the interactions when I first started out <33 :)
Literally have been droppin urls so i might as well continue hahaha but aah I’m drawin blanks im sleepy er... god i cant think of anyone else and this is already long af I hope this all covers it :)
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rebeccahpedersen · 5 years
Quick Hits!
What’s Up WIth The Abbey Lofts?
Remember back in 2011 when I wrote about the Foundry Lofts at 1100 Lansdowne Avenue, comparing to Alcatraz?  Remember the fallout thereafter?
It seems as though any time I write anything negative about a building or an area, residents decide that opinion has no place on the Internet, and that a corresponding legal action would be celebrated worldwide.
In any event, I want to discuss 384 Sunnyside Avenue, and try to determine why this building doesn’t sell well.
On paper, this should be one of the most sought-after lofts in the city.
It’s a converted church, so units are full of unique features, from exposed brick, to stained-glass, to timber beams.
It’s in Roncesvalles, which is an awesome neighbourhood.
And it’s only 24-units, so the basic tenets of supply and demand would tell us that these units are exceptionally rare.
But all the while, I continuously see units in this building hit the market, and then sit.
There’s a unit currently listed for sale that has been on the market for 20 days.  It has previously been listed five times for 41, 30, 20, 20, 20, and 29 days respectively dating back to June of 2018.
In between these listings, another unit sold after only 9 days on the market.
Previous to that, another unit sold after only 8 days on the market.
But then we have another unit listed for 33, 61, and 54 days before it finally sold.
The listing history in this building is very, very odd.  This is the very definition of “hit or miss.”
Here’s a photo of the last listing I mentioned, which was on the market three times:
This might seem familiar to those of you that read my blog post last week on square footage, and of course, you can see how I mentally filed this away under, “How come these units don’t sell very well?”
You would think that a unit with all this original character and charm would do well, but it didn’t.  And price was only part of the issue.
I’ve come to the conclusion that some of the units are absolutely gorgeous, and others suffer from design flaws that are bound to be present in any conversion.
I was in a listing up for lease last year that was so dark, and with so few windows and natural light, that it was a “no” within about ten seconds of walking in.  Have a look at the living space:
There’s one small skylight above the TV area, and then to the right of that skylight, above the beam, there is what looks like another window, but that’s actually natural light coming from the second floor.  Then the two stained-glass windows behind the dining room are poorly-placed, since they’re basically cut in half by the level separating the 2nd and 3rd floor of the building.  Those windows don’t open, and you can’t see through the glass.  So in the end, you can’t go outside, or even see outside.
“I would never live in a condo where I don’t have a glimpse of the outside world,” my client told me.
And I realized that I think this is the only condo I’ve ever been in without an actual window you could see through.  It was like a solid box.
This is a bad example of a unit in the building, but there are plenty of good ones.
This building is actually one of my favourite hard lofts in the city, and it remains my favourite church conversion.  I love the location of 660 Pape Ave, but for character – I would choose the Abbey Lofts.
It’s just odd how well some units do, and how poorly do others.
Land For A Loonie?
If you didn’t hear about this already, you’re clearly not in tune with real estate in New Brunswick!
What do you think would happen if a town, say, somewhere in North America, was offering land for $1.00?
Do you think most people would assume there’s a catch?
Would anybody bother inquiring?
It reminds me of that old joke…
A man is reading the newspaper, and sees an ad for a Ferrari for $2.00.
He mulls it over, and finally figures he has nothing to lose, so calls the number, and sets up an appointment to view the car.
He arrives, sees the car is for real, meets the seller and sees that she is for real, and offers $2.00 for the car.
The seller accepts.
So the man asks the woman who just sold the car, “I have to ask, how come you’re actually selling me this Ferrari for two bucks?”
The woman responds, “Well, last week my husband called me and said that he had run away with his secretary, and that he was never coming back.  He said he needed money, so I was to sell the car, and send him the cash.  And that’s what I’m doing.”
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Well in McAdam, New Brunswick, population 1,225, plots of land really, truly are for sale for $1.00 each.
And guess what?  They received over 600 inquiries!
Sixteen plots of land, ranging in size from 7,100 square feet to just under 12,000 square feet, are up for sale in efforts to boost the town’s population.  The town has selected a handful of applicants already, primarily retirees and families.
They don’t want developers to build, and/or flip; they want residents who will add to their community and economy.
It seems this once-proud railway town has fallen on hard times, and instead of licking their wounds and lamenting their misfortune, the folks in McAdam decided to get creative, and actually do something about their problem.
What a novel idea!
It might work, and it might not.  Hey, it’s only sixteen plots of land, after all.
But the story itself sure got the town publicity!  And you know what they say about publicity.
Read the full story HERE.
Diminishing Returns?
What’s four times fifty?
It’s two hundred, right?
But what if it wasn’t?
What if we could find a way to really, truly prove that two plus two isn’t four?
A colleague asked me to help price a condo the other day, and address the massive discrepancy between the $1.4M she felt the property was worth, and the $1.7M the sellers sought.
She gave me the rundown of the property, and one thing really stood out for me: the condominium came with four owned parking spaces.
Four!  Who in the world needs four spaces?
You might ask, “Need, or want?” and that’s exactly the theme here.
I told her, “Those parking spaces are worth about $75,000,” and she said, “No, they’re actually about $50,000 each.”
I told her, “No, what I meant was that in total, they’re worth about $75,000.”  She paused, and looked at me a little confused.
“Nobody out there wants four parking spaces,” I explained.  “I mean, they would want them, if they were free.  But nobody wants to pay $200,000 for all four parking spaces.  It’s not worth it to them.”
Then we started to talk about “cost” versus “value.”
If these folks purchased four parking spaces in pre-construction for $50,000 each, it does NOT mean that when they go to sell the condo in five years, the spaces are worth a sum of $200,000.  In fact, because every unit in the building has a parking space, and many owners already have two, you might figure that spaces #3 and #4, in the context of this particular condo sale, are worth exactly zero.
Worth zero?  Really?
Yeah, I’d argue as much.
On paper they’re worth $50,000.  Just like when you buy stock for $50 per share, and hang on to it.  When the stock hits $20, you haven’t lost anything, at least not yet.  We call this a “paper loss,” since the loss isn’t realized.
The same is true for these extra parking spaces, in a building where there is no need, and no demand.
So for the seller to suggest that their extra three parking spaces add another $150,000 to the value of the condo simply confuses “cost” with “value.”
The agent I was chatting with went on to explain, “They put $200,000 in custom upgrades into the unit,” and once again, I said that what they paid doesn’t necessarily equate dollar-for-dollar into value.  I’d like to think that it does, but without having seen “custom upgrades” in a building with an average age well into the 60’s, I would hazard a guess that these might not be everybody’s taste…
Video Killed The Radio (Blog?) Star
As I alluded to above, I’m always amazed at how some people in society view the cans and cant’s of life, especially when it comes to sharing thoughts and opinions.
I filmed a video of a unit I owned in 150 Sudbury Ave almost a decade ago, and that video remains in the annals of the World Wide Web for anybody to see.
In the video, I lambasted the developer, Urbancorp, as a prelude to several more years of critiques, before they finally declared bankruptcy, further justifying everything I had ever said about them.
That video, I would like to think, helped dozens of buyers avoid not only the pitfalls and risks associated with buying from Urbancorp, but also buying in pre-construction in general.  Many people make money in pre-construction, but many people get burned beyond recognition.  “A fool and their money are soon parted,” and developers prey on stupid pre-con buyers.
I recently received a page from my office to call John So-And-So, with the reference “your blog.”  This could mean a lot of different things, as I’ve learned over the years!  Sometimes, it’s a new client.  Sometimes, it’s a sales call.  And sometimes, it’s a complaint.  This story involves one of those times.
I called the man back, and he was cordial.  He told me that he lived at 150 Sudbury Avenue, and that he had recently stumbled upon my video.  We chatted briefly about the video, the teachings, and the history of the developer, and sensing that he wanted to get to a point, I simply asked, “What is it that I can do for you?”
He said, “I’d like for you to take that video off YouTube.”
I told him politely, “I’m not going to do that, just so you know.  But I’m willing to have a conversation with you about why you’re making this request, if you’d like.”
He proceeded to tell me that he owned a unit in that building, on that floor, and wanted to sell.  He said that in multiple YouTube searches, this video, or links to it, had come up.  He felt that the video could have a negative affect on the value, and/or marketability of his unit.
I said, “I don’t follow.”
He explained his situation again, and I interjected and said, “I understand what you’re saying, but why do you think I need to, or should take this video down?”
He said, “Because a prospective buyer could see it, and decide not to buy my unit.”
“But what about the hundreds of people who watched the video over the last decade and learned from it?” I asked.  “What about all the people who learned that developers aren’t your best friend, or that Urbancorp were awful developers, or that pre-construction ‘investing’ isn’t as simple as it sounds, and comes with all kinds of risks?” I asked again.
That’s when he said, “You don’t live there anymore.  You can’t have that video up now that you don’t live there.”
I told him that I never lived there, and he said, “I meant you don’t own there anymore.”
I sighed, and wondered why people think the world revolves around them.
He grasped at one last straw, making some weak attempt at a legal argument, and I told him that I had to take another call, but to keep in touch if he had any questions about the building, or if there was anything I could help him with.
I don’t understand people out there.  He didn’t just want me to remove this video, he really, truly felt that it was unjust.
Every year, thousands of movies are made in Hollywood, and thousands of critics give their reviews, and opinions.
Food columnists dine out at restaurants, and write about their salads.
And nobody threatens to sue them for expressing their opinion.
But if I wrote that I don’t like a certain building, people send letters to my brokerage.
My inner old man is shaking his fist at an imaginary hooligan skateboarding by…
Let It Snow!
Do you remember what real estate was like before DocuSign?
On the night of the huge snowstorm a couple of weeks ago, I was working on an offer for a buyer-client, who asked, “Do you think maybe this snowstorm might render a few buyers unable to present offers?”
At first, my ears piqued up, as I thought of previous snowstorm-related-deals, and smiled at the prospect of another.
But then I remembered that we were in 2019.  And I remembered that we had this novel thing called “DocuSign.”
As amazing as DocuSign is, and as many hours as it has saved us Realtors, for a moment I felt a sense of loss.  Because never again will I be on the receiving end of an amazing deal because I was able to trek through the snow and present an offer to a seller who’s scheduled “Offer Night” was brutalized by the weather.
The last time this happened was on Cranbrooke in March of 2016.  You guys know who you are!
The TREB numbers are out on Wednesday.
Any predictions for January?
I have a prediction for you – the media will make the story about sales plummeting, when all the while, the true story is lack of inventory, and sales dropping is merely a by-product of the true issue.
You’ll see!
The post Quick Hits! appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
Originated from http://bit.ly/2MTG2F3
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sarahburness · 7 years
6 Things My Heroes Taught Me About Overcoming Hard Times
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” ~Christopher Reeve
It all happened so suddenly that it felt just like a flash flood. One minute the road was clear and drivable, and the next it was a raging river. Before I knew what happened, my life went from being only slightly a mess to being a complete mess, my car teetering on the edge of the water, ready to go for a swim at any minute.
I had left a job I liked and found a job I thought I would love, but didn’t end up loving at all.
I had hurt a good friend who was extremely important to me, and is now out of my life for the most part.
I felt like a financial mess from constantly playing catch up and living paycheck to paycheck, and I was going to have to move out of an apartment and town I really loved.
It’s funny how when even just one thing is going great, all the other things that aren’t going so hot are manageable. But if nothing is okay, then everything seems insurmountable and completely overwhelming.
Faced with more doom and gloom then I could stand, I wanted to melt into my bed and never get back up. And honestly, for a few days I did.
I didn’t want to talk to anyone about what was going on. I didn’t want to admit defeat or ask for help. Even my very best friends only knew bits and pieces of what was going on inside my head. And honestly, the one person I would have bared my soul to, the person who I always ran to with stuff like this, was no longer speaking to me.
So now what? I realized that if I didn’t want to talk to the people who inspired me most, I could still apply what I had learned from them. They had taught me so much over the years through their advice, and their example, that through them, I found my way.
1. You can cry for five minutes and then you have to put your big girl pants on and deal with it.
One of my best friends, and someone whose strength I really admire, taught me that life isn’t going to wait for you to have a pity party; it’s going to go on without you.
She always says to her kids and friends, “Where does crying get you? Nowhere.” So, while it’s okay to cry a little and allow yourself some much-needed time to wallow, eventually that has to end.
Spend a weekend in bed with some feel-good movies and junk food, journal your feelings, take a long hot bath, cry and scream into your pillow, and indulge in some self-care and pampering. But don’t get stuck there. It is so easy to get stuck there.
Give yourself a cut off time to pull it together and start to figure out how you are going to get through this bump in the road. Becoming a blubbering mess isn’t an option, as tempting as it is.
2. Laughter is the best medicine.
You have to have a sense of humor about your situation. Laughter can bring down blood pressure and relieve stress. You’d be doing yourself and your health a favor to find some humor each day in the ridiculousness that you are going through. There’s even something called laughter yoga, which in and of itself is funny, but honestly, they are on to something. Have you ever felt bad after a good laugh?
If you’re so miserable you can’t think of anything funny, don’t go it alone. Hang out with a friend who can usually make you laugh, or call someone who does the same. I usually call my mom because she inspired this advice, and every time we talk about the crazy stuff going on in our lives, we always end up laughing about it.
3. What you did before won’t work now if you want a different outcome.
These next three pearls of wisdom, about taking action and setting goals, come from a mentor and dear friend who’s advised me over the years.
You have cried, you have laughed, and now it’s time to think about how you got here.
True, some situations are completely unavoidable, and life can deal us some horrible blows we could not have anticipated. However, if you contributed to your current situation, even in the smallest way, you have to reflect on what got you there.
That shouldn’t take long—it should be glaringly obvious where you went wrong—but the key here is to actually change that behavior. That’s the hard part, and honestly, something that has to be continuously worked on.
I eventually realized that I needed to change my impulsive decision making after it caused me to lose a relationship that was very dear to me, among other things. Consciously making the decision to work on it daily, and seeing the change that choice has made in my life gave me back a sense of pride, and makes the sting of that mistake more bearable.
However, it’s easy to do this while in the midst of dealing with the fallout of a miscalculation or mistake. You think, man I’ll never do that again, what was I thinking? I’m going to change! But then when all is right with the world and these troubles are a distant memory, you can slip back into old habits.
Unless you make a commitment to stay aware and work daily to change, and stay changed for the better, you will find yourself back here again, and again, and again.
4. A plan is only good if it is actionable, and you take action.
As you start to feel better, you will want to come up with a plan. It’s amazing how empowering it is to tackle the problem head on and figure out what outcome you want and what you need to do to get there. But is it realistic? Is it something that will make your current situation and your future better?
Here’s a tip: It shouldn’t be the first plan you think of. Usually that one is the easiest, “the quick solve,” and it won’t get you where you want to be in the long run. You have to think long and hard about what you really want, how you feasibly can get there, and if it is doable at this time with the resources you have.
Make sure your working toward what you want every day, and tweaking as you go if it starts to look like you aren’t making any headway. Checking in with yourself and staying grounded will help you stick to the plan and see success.
Usually when I make a plan I think a lot about what I want, not necessarily what I need. I decided to keep my head out of the clouds this time, and made a more realistic plan then I usually would have.
I had to accept some unwelcome changes (moving, new financial situation, loss), but knew those things were necessary to be successful this time around. In the process I found a new career I love, and am on my way to overcoming months of remorse over past situations.
5. Suck it up and do what you have to do to get where you want to be.
A few years ago, the good friend and mentor I mentioned earlier suggested that, to catch up on bills and get out from behind my current financial situation, I should give up my car. That way I would save money by not having a monthly car or insurance payment. After a few months of saving and catching up I could buy a used car outright. She suggested taking the bus and getting rides from friends when needed in the meantime.
Aghast, I told her there was no way I could do that.
“Why not? Because it would be too hard?” she had pointedly asked.
I just told her I wasn’t willing to give up my car, and instead, decided on a quick solve that fixed the problem for the moment, but not in the long run. I never got to exactly where I wanted to be financially.
Now looking back, I see the wisdom in what she was suggesting. Sometimes we need to make a sacrifice and do something unpleasant to get to a better future.
Nothing worthwhile comes by walking an easy, breezy path, and it shouldn’t. I thought about this a lot when recently deciding to move somewhere much cheaper so I could save money and catch up. Sure, it wasn’t what I wanted to do, but it was necessary to get on the right track.
It can be really hard to decide to bite the bullet and do something difficult that you really don’t want to do, but once your through it on the other side you will be glad, and proud, that you did.
6. Keep believing that the best is yet to come.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how wrong things have gone, there’s always potential for a better tomorrow. It’s not going to stay this way forever; it can’t. Don’t get so bogged down in the misery of today that you forget to get excited for the future, and what you’re doing to make it a good one.
A close friend and soul sister of mine had a bumper sticker that read: Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen. She helps remind me that you have to keep the hope inside you alive, because nothing is so far gone that it cant be fixed, or grow into something new and better. In the meantime, life is passing you by.
Find some good in your day and appreciate it in between all the wallowing, planning, and doing. You don’t want to miss out on months of your life because something bad happened and now that has become your entire focus.
It could even be something as small as a walk with your dog, or the smell of fresh air blowing in through your window. Every day has something to enjoy, even for a moment, before we get back to going hard after our goals.
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The post 6 Things My Heroes Taught Me About Overcoming Hard Times appeared first on Tiny Buddha.
from Tiny Buddha https://tinybuddha.com/blog/6-things-my-heroes-taught-me-about-overcoming-hard-times/
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tavoriel · 7 years
Sorry to bother you, but i have no one else to ask and you seem like the best person to. I want to start playing Fallout, but I cant decide what to choose first- FO4 or FO:NV. I reaaaaally want to play 4+ the grafics are good, but will i be too out of the story without playing previous games? And i know how much you love NV (and i love it too already), but the grafics are meh and i heard it's really long..or smth. Any advice?...
Hello anon!  I will post your question & invite my followers to chip in with advice also!  readmore cos I was talking about Fallout and it got long P:
I picked up Fallout New Vegas because I played Mass Effect and started following blogs that posted Mass Effect and people who like Mass Effect seemed to like Fallout too.  I wasn’t even looking for Fallout info and I kept stumbling across surreally positive praise for New Vegas... then Steam had a random sale and let me STEAL the version with all the dlcs for close to $10.  Then I got Fallout 4 because I told my brother I liked Fallout New Vegas and he got it for me for Christmas completely unexpected.  
Which is a really long way of saying that I had no idea what I was doing when I was deciding which games to get and Fallout is really good and if it turns out to be your thing you’re going to love it!
Fallout 4 happens in Massachusetts all the way on the east coast and Fallout New Vegas happens in Nevada all the way near the west coast and the stories don’t intersect except for the backstory about the world falling apart.  My brother explained it like, Cold War America kept the same cultural vibes up to the year 2077 or somewhere around there, and then the countries of the world finally did it and destroyed everything.  So the music and art and architecture left over from before the war comes out of a history book; and there’s also robots and other futuristic things to account for divergent technological progress.  Aside from that the games are separate stories P:  I haven’t played other Fallout games yet, so if there’s something else you’d miss by not playing the other ones, I missed it too haha.
If you want to play Fallout 4 more than you want to play New Vegas, follow u DREAMS friend, Fallout is Good and you can’t go wrong!
What I really like about New Vegas is one hell of a good balance between stoopid and dark/serious.  One moment you’re running into a dead Indiana Jones in a refrigerator joke, and the next you’re listening to escaped convicts explain how the “basically good guy” faction New California Republic forces prisoners to work on the railroad, and it’s the same as slavery, and you’re sitting there like WOW looks like you can’t truly “fix” the world no matter which faction you support.  You meet Dr. Fantastic at an NCR controlled power plant pretending to be a scientist (he has a “theoretical degree in Physics”) and he’s really funny to talk to and all; but then you keep exploring the power plant and get the power to decide whether to use a hidden super weapon to kill all the NCR soldiers there.  Not afraid to be silly, not afraid to be serious, and the balance is So Good.  It is a long game, but for me that’s been a selling point because it’s not only a super good game, there’s also a lot of it to play.
What I really like about 4, meanwhile, is that you can sort of sit down and embrace infinity; there’s always stuff to do, whether building settlements or finishing up quests or just exploring, and there’s no huge pressure to complete the main quest or to complete the side quests in any specific order.  You make your character, your character lives in the world, and playing the game kind of feels like living in the world too, more so than Completing a Linear Series of Tasks because this is a Video Game and you Complete Tasks.  Very immersive.  It’s not that New Vegas doesn’t have an aspect like that too, but Fallout 4 does it better.  Your character in New Vegas is kind of a drifter; your character in 4 is a community leader.  You build settlements and help people.  You’re part of something.  You don’t just explore the wasteland and meet people; you live there.
When Steam has a big sale, the basic game for Fallout: New Vegas seems to go down to $3 and the deluxe version seems to go down to not much over $10 (and I think the basic game is $10 anyway when there’s no sale); I’m very very biased because I love both of these games but I guess my advice would be to get both if you’re already prepared to get Fallout 4 :3c because if you’re already committed to paying for 4, it’s not that much extra to just make Fallout Christmas happen :3c 
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