#i cannot believe the nerve of some people in this fandom
herteardrop · 2 years
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elliot tittensor (ser erryk cargyll) on his insta story
i need a gun.
are y’all not embarrassed??? the way i’m feeling secondhand embarrassment right now, he had to CALL EWAN TO KNOW IF ITS HIS ACCOUNT OR NOT. Ewan now knows the shitstorm of fandom craze that’s happening now. I CANNOT BELIEVE-
i also heard some people are trying to find out where he lives?? STAY IN YOUR PLACE AS A FAN. like bffr, i hate the new GoT fans on god
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upsidedownwithsteve · 4 months
A message.
I’d like to start by saying once more (due to it being the cause of so many hateful messages) that I support Palestine.
I donate to charities that fund several of the organisations that help and I use my business in the best way I can to give my services for free to fundraisers that also raise money for these causes. Shy of showing you my personal bank statements and private emails between myself and my clients, I don’t have any ways of showing this on tumblr.
I have several social media platforms, I have a business that I run, I have friends and family I talk to, I have an entire life off of this website. I choose to use tumblr to post my writing and for the most part, it’s become a really important space for me. Writing is one of the few things I truly do for myself. I enjoy it immensely and it can really bring me a lot of peace.
I choose not to blog anything other my writing, other people’s writing and general fandom related things on my blog because I like to keep it as that small space for myself and one of the things I love most. I understand wholly that that is a privilege in itself and I will not shy away from that fact.
However, I will not condone being hunted for the choices I make. For the vast majority of you, I am a stranger online and no one, absolutely no one, knows what I do off of this website. I won’t allow anyone to judge me on what they don’t see and don’t understand.
The size of my following was not a choice I made, it was not something I deliberately aimed for and it was not something I tried hard to make sure I achieved. It wasn’t the goal of this blog. I don’t deem myself capable of “influencing” anyone in anyway. I’m a fanfiction writer. I’m not a politician, I don’t claim to be the most educated person on political and worldwide matters. I simply would like to believe that everyone tries to help in anyway they can. I know not everyone has the financial means to donate and instead they choose to raise awareness in other ways - that’s absolutely okay.
But I - and others - do not have to follow the rule book someone else deemed law. You see, I gave my views and reasons and it wasn’t good enough. And now, if I chose to reblog certain things, I’m pretty sure I’d be dragged for being performative, or “back tracking.” I fear that with some people, who like to hide behind an anonymous button, I cannot win. Despite an argument revolving around real life issues, I think I can safely say it came across as a very personal attack.
As other people have mentioned before, I also don’t enjoy the idea of writing smut and happy ever after’s about our favourite fictional men and then reblogging the death of others in real life straight after. I know that’s the world right now. I’m aware. I read articles, I watch the news, I follow accounts on Twitter, on Instagram and I try and keep myself as up to date and as educated as possible. I just don’t show that on this one platform.
As many of you know, I do run my own business. I’m also five months pregnant. I’m definitely experiencing more stress than I usually do. I’m very happy and enjoying my pregnancy immensely but I struggled with sickness and tiredness for the majority of it so far. Whats to come in the next four months and beyond fills me with excitement and anxiety and nerves. Coming onto tumblr and writing about fiction is a little reprieve from that - again, a privilege I am so aware of.
But I won’t be tolerating any more hateful messages, I won’t be arguing with anyone. I’m not lowering myself to it. You can talk about me passively aggressively, you can choose to hate me, that’s fine. I’m happy blocking people and moving on. Anons will be off indefinitely, it’s been proven that too many people are willing to hide behind them. After the messages regarding myself and my unborn child, quite frankly, there’s not a lot of trust left when it comes to knowing how far people will sink.
I’ve said all I’d like to say on the matter, I’ve told people where I stand, my views on the genocide that is occurring, what I’m able to do about it in my personal life and why I choose to keep this particular space the way I do.
I hope everyone can try to understand and respect that. If you don’t, that’s fine, that’s your prerogative. I don’t go out of my way to challenge, or police, or demand things from people I do not know. I hope that no one thinks that they have the right to do that to myself and others. I’m under no obligation to follow someone else’s rules.
I don’t know what the future holds for this blog, pregnancy and real life is very much taking priority over writing at the moment, but I do like to try when I can. I can’t lie either, the messages and their content that I received really left me feeling dejected and frustrated, this fandom really has turned into something rather poisonous. I’d like to be able to rise above it and in the mean time, even if I’m not always present, I’d like people to be able to access the stories I worked really hard on.
Thank you for reading,
Emmy 🧡
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why do so many people keep calling ed izzy's abuser? I thought it was kind of funny how wrong they were at first because I love being right but at this point I feel like, if you really believe that why do you even like this show? where the main love interest is a violently abusive indigenous man? that sounds boring as shit. what would possess the writers of the show for them to make such an awful decision?
but then I think, if this many people believe it does that mean I'm the one who's wrong? or is it that the creators fumbled that storyline when they should have been clearer about it? or maybe it's just that most people on here have had their reading comprehension scorched away by Sherlock Holmes conspiracy theories and Steven Universe discourse. I can't tell. sometimes I think the internet may have been a mistake.
No they're wrong here's what's going on. People all read this shitty fic called Hell or High Water where Ed was everything the Izzy stans say he was and then instead of realizing that Ed is sad everyone regressed into thinking that the Kraken Era TM was going to be incredibly violent, like serial killing blond men because they look like Stede levels of violence. Even if you didn't read HoHW you saw art or read fic from people who had engaged with this fic and succumbed to it's premise. So there's been this background radiation of misunderstanding what the Kraken is on the fandom for several months. So inevitably when Ed did some mild violence and then attempted suicide by threatening murder until the crew took matters into their own hands, which is not abuse or torture by any stretch, btw, it's a murder-suicide at worst (I say at worst because I consider it fuckery-suicide I don't think Ed was trying to kill people I think he was trying to force them into a situation where they thought it was kill or be killed so that they would choose to kill him, but that is my interpretation and you are free to think it's a botched murder-suicide I have no problem with that), which, murder is something the show has never condemned and if it did it would be horribly inconsistent. So anyway, Ed's whole Kraken Era was categorized in the show by him being sad and doing so many drugs and begging someone please god anyone to kill him and trying to break Ned Low's record out of the evil boredom, but because it had a murder-suicide element to it and Izzy's toes were getting removed and he waved a gun around at everyone once (in a way that felt to me like he was trying and failing to work up the nerve to blow his own brains out but I digress) people who liked HoHW and were mad that people had called it out were like "see hes being violent HoHW author vindicated" as if anything Ed did rose to the level of that fic
And you want to know how I know this read is bullshit? Because when I watch the show with people who don't read fic or interact with the fandom and then I gauge their reactions without showing my hand they all implicitly understand that Ed is reacting to Izzy in a way appropriate to how pirate captains react to threats from subordinates. The spectrum of reactions has been from "hey isn't it weird how Ed was the Kraken because his dad was abusive and now he's the kraken because of Izzy? Maybe there's something there but idk" to "I don't think you can apply the logic of domestic abuse to a pirate captain and first mate but also Izzy had it coming" to "I cannot feel bad for Izzy after last season, I'm sorry." To "lmao Izcel" and I've showed this show to roughly everyone I know. The only thing I can conclude from the fact that people who don't engage with OFMD fic almost unilaterally thinking that Izzy is in the wrong and then coming online to see people thinking the opposite is that Izzy as victim and Ed as abuser is pure fanon, like how Stede is a cinnamon roll who talks like Azeriphael.
But anyway yeah you're completely right about the fact that this would be a bad show if they decided to make Ed into a domestic abuser. I don't want to watch a rom com about a domestic abuser falling in love and I don't want a show that decided to make it's indigenous lead abusive when the stereotype of indigenous men as abusers is still to this day used as an excuse to separate indigenous children from their families and put them with white Christians in order to erase their culture. Good thing OFMD didn't make Ed abusive, so I still like the show.
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sgiandubh · 1 month
Oh, Marple...
You 'don't want to attack me', eh?
You don't say:
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That being said, this is exactly what you abundantly do, in your last post.
Where you do lie in plain sight, just because hey, why not?
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This is what I wrote in another post that triggered that particular nasty Anon. This one, to be exact: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/749135029068759040/charities-and-politics-the-thin-red-line. You can re-read it in context and make your own idea, people:
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I cannot believe that a person who manages to find SRH jogging in London on a damn timelapse video is unable to find the obvious connection between that post, the Anon and my obvious correct take on the matter.
But it did not serve your manipulative and denigrating (at all costs, even the ridicule) agenda, did it?
Also, my take on Norouzi is legally correct. He has been involved in that LLC business project way before its incorporation, as you painstakingly try to prove at length. You say it yourself: MPC was incorporated as an LLC in 2017, he's been around since 2016. Some former members of this fandom might even have a couple of not very nice things to add about his appropriation of their own MPC-related ideas, but let's not dwell too much on it, shall we?
Here is what you write:
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And, unlike many Anons, you do know the difference between a collaboration (informal) and a company (legally enforced business project). You even have the nerve to write:
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Eh: law is seldom made with sentiments, of course. Very often with opportunities and interests. You are not sloppy, that being said. You are a damn manipulator of the first order and you know exactly what you are doing.
In fact, why don't I just repost that Anon's submission, for everyone to see? It was full with crap and insinuations - something you know very well, too:
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But you just wanted to make me look like a fool, didn't you?
About the demented Asian astrologer, well. There is your explanation. You must not be familiar with Burmese recent history, either:
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Ne Win was the Burmese military dictator from 1962 to 1988, for your information. I was just joking - but I think you sincerely believe you are the only person on Earth to have that privilege. It was very daring of me to bring my cheap humor in here and derange your over-inflated righteousness. I am not even sorry.
Coming from a retired (?) music teacher with a degree in business, your claims to legal proficiency make me laugh, Marple. I wonder what else do you need, my scanned degree on a plate?
PS: don't even get me started on your pale attempts to copy me. It would be childish enough. Sentiments, though, as you say.
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utilitycaster · 22 days
Hi! This might be a bit of a weird ask (and a rambly one - sorry!) but you're one of the most level-headed and rational fandom members I know and I might need you to slap some sense into me, so to speak, especially considering you've been vocally critical of Marisha's choices for Laudna before. Now I loved the episode and the inner-party conflict in this episode. It was so fun and investing and tbh I've never been as interested in Laudna as a character as during last episode (she just doesn't work for me on several levels) and I do think Marisha did a stellar job RP wise. But something grated against my nerves about how she said OOC that Laudna hasn't lied. Because Laudna has lied. By omission, deflection or otherwise. It cannot all be attributed to Delilah being the pushing force of that. And I feel weird about Marisha (afaik) not acknowledging that. If she said "Laudna feels like she hasn't lied" it would probably be different but the "I still maintain: Laudna hasn't lied. It wasn't Laudna." at the end of the episode after Laura calls Laudna out for the direct lie about the harness feels kinda trying-to-have-my-cake-and-eat-it-too in this regard. I know that Marisha can make decisions that I don't gel with and make characters that can get under my skin in specific ways (and I enjoy that about her!) but idk maybe I have difficulties putting my trust in her with this because I didn't like a lot of her choices for Laudna so far. Anyway. Maybe I just need to hear from you that I'm being stupid about this and that Marisha is going to handle this in a differentiated way. (also highly unrelated but to end on a more positive note I'm excited for you to catch up on fhjy!)
Hey anon! Thank you for all the kind words, and good news! On CR Cooldown Marisha does clarify she means this as "Laudna is not lying because, whether or not it is correct, this is what she believes". I'm going to talk more below, but hopefully that helps.
For what it's worth, I tend to not put a huge amount of emphasis on things the cast says OOC as compared to what's happening in game, for a number of reasons, and advise others do the same. I think it's really easy for those statements to become outdated or outright contradict the text (remember when people kept bringing up Laura on like, one of the first 4SD episodes saying Imogen tries not to read people's minds and it's like. ok but in canon, she does this ALL the time so this is a useless argument?), the cast is working off more information than we are slash might deliberately be hiding info from each other, and also anything said right after they break is often a really emotional statement that they, as Marisha did here, will immediately either clarify or recant after a few minutes to, well, cool down.
The lies of omission thing is also incredibly rich as a source of conflict here, particularly between Imogen and Laudna, which, as someone who's been very frustrated with a lack of conflict on that front, is very exciting. What happens when you have someone who, in classic warlock fashion, hews to the law of lying (I didn't say anything literally false!) and not the spirit (lying by omission that Delilah was the cause) and who also makes promises she's unable to keep; and she's in a relationship with someone who is exceptionally sensitive to lies by omission, lying in general, and kind of has trouble with people simply not revealing their true intentions? I think Laudna is so suggestible that she's a liability, and the party just found out, and that's the dangerous thing - if she were malicious and lying maybe they could pick it up and this would have an easy fix, but she really does believe it will be different this time and Delilah isn't misleading her for power (Delilah is 100% misleading her for power), and that makes it much more complicated. It's very juicy.
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thegeminisage · 26 days
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. we have finally watched the voyager pilot! short verdict: nothing will ever be as good as ds9 but i enjoyed it!!
longer verdict: i will go through it character by character, in order of appearance, saving the maquis crew for when they have more than .5 seconds of screentime in the little opening. this feels like a REALLY big cast, by the way?? am i counting right? 11 recurring characters and we don't even have seven yet? tos has 7 with chapel and rand appearing sometimes, tng had 8 with o'brien and guinan sometimes, ds9 has seven with...man, jake nog rom garak AND keiko as recurring extras, and we don't even have worf yet. so i guess ds9's is technically bigger! anyway.
JANEWAY: i was surprised at how janeway sounded...her voice is different than i expected even though i've heard her be flemeth in dragon age. i was also kind of surprised to see her in the bun and her head looked So Big. like dax's in season 1-2 of ds9. i'm used to seeing her with it down in gifs which looks better but personally i also think she could have rocked the kira cut. that said, i like her so SO much. she has a couple of speeches that remind me VERY strongly of kirk - when she's lamenting harry left his clarinet behind and not getting to know him, when she decided she couldn't sacrifice an entire people to get one ship home. she's got the kind of compassion kirk did - when she pulled up a stool to listen to the caretaker's troubles, when she held his horrible little corpse, she was genuinely filled with real sadness for what had happened there. (as a side note, speaking of tos, the ship voyager also reminds me of the original enterprise WAY more than the tng enterprise was - especially their little cafeteria.) i was really surprised she had a boyfriend, because i feel like i've heard she gets with chakotay! sorry to her bf, she is gonna cheat on you (and i support women's wrongs), but the worst part is the dog. if they pull some odyssey shit with the dog i'm gonna be so upset. ALSO, i love that she insists on "ma'am" instead of sir (that always bugged me) and even that will only do in a pinch. YOU WILL ADDRESS HER AS CAPTAIN. even when her hair fell down she fixed it on her way down the hallway. she's such a badass. when she says she's gonna get them home I BELIEVE HER. she's got an iron fucking nerve and balls made of titanium.
TOM PARIS: i hate this man so much it's insane. i googled to see whether he died and found out he was played by one of those cadets wesley got in trouble with...girl, he was in prison, why not just make him the same guy?? anyway, he was kind of shitty to both harry and chakotay (oh boy we are already being racist to chakotay) and i cannot believe THIS is the man janeway is gonna have salamander babies with. he's extremely obnoxious all the time (him harassing that betazoid lady...fuck off lol) and i just KNOW people are writing paris/chakotay slash because of their whole deal which makes him more annoying. the "your life is mine now" thing is racist as hell. i'm not prepared to sympathetically see this man's hidden depths bc i know that as a snarky white man he already has half of whatever voyager fandom happens to exist doing that for him already. sadly, we will have to put up with him for all seven seasons. LUCKILY, aside from the racism, half of which came from this guy anyway, he was my only real sour note.
HARRY KIM: love this dude. i like how he managed to talk sense into b'elanna when she was wigging out and despite my wishing he didn't have to be friends with tom paris him going "i can pick my own friends" was a great way to show that he's not afraid to stand up for himself. i wish i wasn't feeling so anti-quark lately bc otherwise his scene in the bar with quark (and why is it always quark doing these surprise cameos!!) would've been pretty funny. i think it was a nice touch that harry, on his first EVER mission, got to be the one to deliver the news about how far from home they were. i absolutely love his whole deal of being completely green and meeting everything head-on anyway, he is so brave. as i said before, the way he is just charging through despite being out of his depth reminds me a little of chekov, if chekov had brain cells. he's very charming. i think he and b'elanna could get it also.
HOLOGRAM DOCTOR: he is so funny, i love him. like, i don't really know how he works? is all of medbay a holodeck? but it's kind of hilarious that he's sentient enough to get annoyed when people are randomly beamed away and when people forget to shut him off (he needs a nap!)
CHAKOTAY: oh i am already feeling how rough this is going to be. that "can't you use some magic to turn into a bird and fly away" and also the "your life is mine now" were rrrracist. (that said, "you're too heavy" was a really good comeback.) can we please be normal. that aside: i really like him. i like how quickly he came to grips with the situation and i like how much he hates tom paris (NOT SEXUAL!!! NO!!!!!! i just agree with him) and i especially like that he has a set of titanium balls to match janeway's like did we SEE that doomsday machine-esque suicide run he almost went on? he cut it even closer than kirk did and kirk cut it that close ON ACCIDENT chakotay was yelling at them not to beam his ass back until his ship was already on fucking fire. also, he's very handsome. ALSO, when tom paris asked him "you'd rather die than let me rescue you?" i had to laugh because quite literally 10 seconds prior out of mine own mouth was "if it was death or tom paris i might let go." i really hope there's more to chakotay than "tom paris's antagonistic buddy" because 1. a fate worse than death 2. this is not humans and vulcans this is real life racism you cannot spock and bones this. STOP THAT.
TUVOK: ALSO VERY HANDSOME. very like. he reminds me of spock so much because he's extremely bitchy but also very dialed down about it. i like that leonard nimoy was like yeah im gonna go stupid crazy and all vulcan will be like this from now on, including my funny little eyebrow thing, in which girlies will still see spock long after i'm dead. like what misha collins tried to do with cas but it actually worked. tuvok strikes that perfect balance of dignified and kind of above everyone else without feeling stuck up or prissy (though his scene where he tries so hard not to look at neelix's junk was great, he was justifiably a little prissy there), and with that undercurrent of wryness that nevertheless doesn't truly betray any emotion - you don't get the same sense of repression/unease with the self from him (at least in the pilot, who knows what will happen later) that you do from spock so it doesn't feel like voyager is copying tos's homework, and it feels nice to get to know another vulcan who's gonna be a main character instead of a one-off. i hope they are more normal about a black vulcan than they have been about chakotay so far bc we have got to get out from under all of that. i am a little worried janeway might kill him. i feel like i see people on reddit criticizing her all the time for killing some dude who i am pretty sure is tuvok and like. can someone tell me if he dies if he dies i will be SO mad
B'ELANNA TORRES: she is stupid hot. i'm a little "lol" when she's like yeah my klingon half is HARD TO CONTROL!!! (super saiyan scream of rage) bc like worf does fine (most of the time...) but i will never turn down a chance to watch a beautiful woman be insane with rage. i like how she calls harry kim "starfleet" derisively and then goes out of her way to give him breaks when he needs them and help him up the stairs when he can't make it. big tsundere energy. also like that she was questioning janeway's decisions. not that i disagree with janeway's decisions necessarily i just like that janeway will have to earn her respect from some people the way any male captain would. equality. also, potentially, girlfights.
NEELIX: i forgot to add him to "the things i know about voyager" post because i had only heard him mentioned a couple of times and got the idea he was just a horrible little gremlin there for comic relief. a rygel, if you will. a quark, if you won't. was pleasantly surprised to like him better than rygel and quark combined, though that's a pretty low bar. not only is he clever enough to outsmart the slavers, he was brave and caring enough to go back and rescue his girl. HE RESPECTS WOMEN. also, his water indulgence was pretty hilarious, as was, again, his scene with tuvok. i feel like those two could do straight man funny guy all day long. a dynamic duo. i hope they wind up having screentime together. i don't mind horrible little gremlins so much when they're charming and when they aren't trying to take holosuite videos of kira.
KES: i feel like kes hasn't done much yet except lecture her people on the dangers of having a cult-like mentality. but i like her! she's sweet and compassionate and pretty brave. she does a lot to humanize neelix, at least! maybe it's just me but i feel like she was barely in this. for now i am trusting that they do more with her later. or, idk, maybe they don't. we DO have janeway AND b'elanna AND seven eventually so i can't be too mad about it as long as they're not turning her into a holodeck sex toy like poor deanna
other things of note:
BANJOS? i counted three different southern accents in this section. it would have been offensive if it wasn't so funny. the people holding hands and jumping around in a circle like animated robin hood characters was a great touch. so was the corn on the cob. the emotional whiplash from an otherwise very serious episode was. certainly something.
the empty barn reminded me of this side of paradise <3 i love, in general, how voyager just FEELS a little bit like tos. certainly more than tng did, even more than ds9 does. like this FEELS like it's set in the same universe, it kind of bridges a mental gap between ds9/tng and tos for me, worldbuilding wise.
water thing reminded me of mad max. really good.
slaver aliens.......are these guys really our antagonists?? i thought our antagonists were the borg but maybe we don't do that until seven gets here. i feel like possibly a bunch of semi-primitive people in the desert who enslaved and beat (potentially raped, depending on how you want to interpret that dialogue) a pretty blonde girl is maybe um. not the best idea. maybe they'll get written down into side villains and eventually just guys. like the ferengi. siiigh, the ferengi.
that said, i kind of loved the story of the caretaker and the ocampa, enough that i almost forgot the caretaker was choosing to appear as a banjo-playing hillbilly. i like to think him and his wife were from andromeda like those guys from tos...and it's very nuanced that even after he fucked their planet forever he still didn't really learn to value life because he's kidnapping people and letting them die or stay stranded in order to attempt to procreate. NONETHELESS he is filled with remorse, and janeway's scene with him, comforting him that children could learn to grow on their own, was really sweet. i also like that when he died his little horrible goop body shrank down until it looked like a hunk of dried snot. do not take that to the ocampa.
i just like the PREMISE of voyager. a 75-year journey that they have to cut down by any means possible...it's like the odyssey, but it space. in tos and tng they wandered from place to place but always over the same stomping grounds in general. we have the same old players, like klingons and romulans and vulcans and andorians etc etc. in ds9 we stay in one single place and it's to our benefit because we get deep character work. but voyager is going in a straight line back to earth, and we've never been out here before, so whether or not it lives up to the potential right now it feels like anything truly could happen. we don't be running into the neutral zone and we can't call the klingons for help or stop by quark's for another cameo. we are just out here. it's VERY neat.
major concerns so far include of course tom paris and potentially him being handcuffed to chakotay as banter buddies. racism in general but also with chakotay in particular. and perhaps a lack of interesting points re: kes. rip girl.
stuff i'm looking forward to is janeway getting to be a person instead of A Woman, seven eventually, getting to know chakotay and tuvok better, and the salamander episode, someday.
okay. this concludes my voyager pilot write-up. TONIGHT: "parallax" and "time and again."
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ticklishraspberries · 11 months
tl;dr - Please read content creator’s information - their pinned posts, bios, carrds, whatever, and start actually respecting their boundaries. If there’s anything that I or others can do to make this info more accessible or easy to understand, please let me know.
Okay, you know this is serious because Razz is actually using capital letters /lh. But seriously, I hate being a dick on here, but the genuine lack of etiquette and kindness towards fic writers has been getting on my nerves for years, and my annoyance has hit another peak. Rather than going off on the people who sent me the specific messages that triggered this, I’m just going to delete the asks and make this post instead.
If you want to send a writer a prompt, please, I’m like actually begging, take a minute to read their information. My pinned post has a link to my carrd, is that not clear enough or easily accessible? /gen like if it isn’t easy I will find a new solution, I want this to be mutually beneficial. I get less asks that make me want to rip my hair out, you don’t get snarky replies to your prompts, LOL.
Some writers have a pinned post, a link to a fandoms list, a carrd, etc...Is it actually that complicated to just check that someone likes the fandom you are asking for before you send them a prompt? I received an ask asking for a fic between two characters that I have never even heard of before, and I still can’t figure out what the source material is. I cannot write for fandoms I’m not familiar with, and I will not write for fandoms I don’t specifically list as something I’m comfortable writing.
Also, maybe I should put my fandoms list and boundaries on the same page? Because the amount of people that still ask for things that I have stated multiple times make me uncomfortable (parent/child tickling, bellybutton-focused stuff, “cheer-up” tickling, etc) is honestly insane, like I’m not sure if my boundaries aren’t clear enough or if people just don’t care.
It’s really discouraging to open my inbox and see it full of people who have no respect or regard for my rules. And oftentimes it will be followed by “I love you/your blog/fics” and, I’m sorry if this is mean, but I don’t believe the compliments when they are coming from someone who can’t even be bothered to check if I’ve watched a TV show or not.
Of course, whether or not I write something is not going to depend 100% on the fact that you ask for a pairing that I like or that you’re polite, but if you’re rude or ask me for a fandom I’m not familiar with, I’m not even going to publish those asks anymore, I’m just deleting them because I don’t want to argue with people. Plus, this isn’t just a writer’s issue, I see it happen to artists, too.
If there is anything that I can do to make my fandoms, rules, boundaries. etc. more clear and accessible, PLEASE let me know /gen. It is so discouraging and irritating for me and I’m sure that people who are innocently just making a mistake feel upset when I get frustrated with them, and I don’t want that to happen at all. I want this to be a fun, safe space for all of us, and a place where we can share ideas and be creative. I just think we could use a little more cooperation and kindness when it comes to interacting with content creators.
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p-receh · 3 months
Hi! No neg to you at all but i really need to get this out so feel free to ignore :D
I feel like fandoms as a whole has started to become WAY too comfortable in telling their creators what to do. The drama, complaints, and overall neg that i've seen people spewing to monsta is disheartening.
Critics are fine here and there, especially when mentioned in a respectable way. But people seem to forget that nothing is perfect, they see a flaw and just... zero in on it
Monsta can't satisfy everyone. Heck NO creator can satisfy everyone, but complaining about the thing something is lacking and saying negative things about the creators is helping absolutely NO ONE.
If anything it makes the creators ignore you, at worse double down or get disheartened and stop creating as a whole. Other than that it creates a negative sphere that makes some people (who were fine and enjoying this thing they like) to also feel unsatisfied or be negative as well.
I feel like these people don't realize how HARD it is to create let alone make a show.. its actually something i've realized in media consumption over the years; people have consumed so much media that they believe they "know whats best" or "understand better how to create this and that"
Creating is not easy. It takes time. It takes skill. WRITING isn't easy. ART isn't easy. ANIMATING isn't easy.
You want a specific episode that cater to what you like and how you want the characters to be? Write it. Genuinely write it.
Thats what fanart is for, fanfiction, fananimation.
Want something? Make it yourself. People have been spoon feed with free content that includes 3 seasons worth of a show, 2 seasons of its sequel show, 2 movies, AND comics.
People do not REALIZE how privileged they are.
Do you know how many content now that is under a paywall? Do you know how incredible and generous it is to be given free content of an animated show for years?
To be given a show that is so obviously made with passion and love?
And still having the nerve to complain that its not the way how some people want or like it to..
Write it. To those who fully believe they know how things should be created, then do it yourself. Make a script and give it to them. Make a fanfic. Make an AU. Make art. MAKE WHAT EVER IT IS YOUR COMPLAINING ABOUT OR MADE YOU DISSATISFIED
Sorry about the long rant, this is in no way directed to you, been really peeved with how ungrateful people have been (getting that much free content in anything is a privilege some do not realize). Thinking its so easy to make a free show.
Anyway can't wait to see the continuation of your AU :D
Allahuakbar—THAT'S A LONG TED TALK wwwwwwwww X'D
Lmao I was not ready for a minute with how long your ask was, so of course I couldn't ignore this! wkwkwkw
Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 100%!
I am new to this fandom but it genuinely got me a headache. Even with the recent drama "Boboiboy is more likely a fan service franchise now!" or "Why monsta always treat Boboiboy only and abandoning their supporting characters? This is why Ejen Ali is better!" and many other drama that I don't need to know in the past.
Like... Puh-lease. Don't you guys know how much it blessed that they released their show full HD on YouTube? Both TV and movie series? Released their comic on webtoon for free?
Maybe you guys didn't realize how illogical that sound for outside of... I dunno, maybe from sea countries. Like Japan with their infamous strict rules for any franchise when they promote their products.
(and with how ridiculous what had westerns entertainment corporations did to consumers, so pirating on us and Europe almost became a norm?)
Monsta I'd say is genius. They knew they cannot apply the same way with how the Japan did, and thus they find a way to make their show release without losing any money. Even me personally still find that strategy is "somewhat" illegal. But for SEA countries? I can understand why they choose this path. Because that's how The some of franchises from my country did that too to promote their products.
Buuuut does it make the corporate go impecunious?
Now that my friend, it all comes down with the quality and the general public reception themselves.
(I can give you examples buuuut it gonna be longer and might subjective since I don't have any uh... Marketing background knowledge)
Therefor Monsta creatively managed to survive that obstacle. Their shows already big enough across the SEA nations and beyond; their comics and card battle themselves are heavily sold out, and even managed to release on theater in Japan!
Aaaaaaaaand then again, anon. This is internet.
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Sometimes criticism could cause endless of drama that never ends. And it's absolutely unhealthy. Uurggh..
Yet in rare occasions, consumer criticism had their own benefits. Like the infamous Gremlin Movie Sonic before Paramount had to change because of the internet. (HUGE internet criticism If you guys don't know)
It really is a gamble to take any discourse if their take was supporting and even disowning some product. Especially on the internet where you could freely critics without hearts content.
I admit I myself have my complaints but tbf, at the of the day I don't mind with what Monsta give to their product. In fact, I respect with how much they take risk to correcting their mistakes from the very first Boboiboy Series up until now.
Nobody's perfect anyway, so I highly appreciate it they way Monsta tried to please anyone.
But that's the beauty of the Fan Art. Whether in form of music, visuals, literary, and any kind of medium to ensure that franchise still has an active community with tons of new ideas to share for their franchises. Big or small.
Fan art for me is a clarification whether the franchise is acceptable to their target market or not. If no one creates it, I consider that franchise is failure and not exist.
"The difference between fanfic and a "real" novel is that fanfic is honest about its inspiration."
-Mary Robinette Kowal
"There's a time and place for everything, and I believe it’s called 'fan fiction'."
-Joss Whedon
Why would someone would want to waste their talents for creating fan art that they didn't even like it at first?
I specifically refer to people who made fan art clearly for hate or trigger people who liked it, not for earning money(that's another story to tell)
What a pity to waste time, ya know?
Like, touch some grass dude :/
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yaminerua · 1 year
I once read a soulmate AU for a different fandom where the way the connection eventually manifested was that whatever someone wrote or drew on their own skin, it would transfer to their soulmate’s. And I was thinking of the applications of it for Rimster given that time Rimmer resorted to scrawling revision notes on his arms and legs.
Like, Lister’s probably used to occasionally seeing some exam notes and other things pop up on his skin from time to time given how often Rimmer takes exams but usually it’s been within relatively normal boundaries. He’s not gonna judge. He doesn’t know much about the person on the other end of their inked connection but he hopes with all the tests they seem to take that they’re doing well. Sometimes he’ll even scrawl a little ‘good luck!’ on himself as a kind of encouragement to them.
The very first time something like this happens, Rimmer freaks out. Because oh holy smeg he has a soulmate! There’s someone out there for him! A real honest to god person!! Meant for him!! All the years of his brothers teasing him, acting like the universe would just skip bothering to assign him one, are washed away to be replaced by an initially heart-bursting glow of elation, but it’s followed swiftly by a deep-seated dread. Because oh god anything he writes on himself will be seen by this other person. What if he smegs the whole thing up!? He’s already caught their attention with his revision scrawlings, he’s going to have to tone it down to something that won’t be off-putting…
Fast forward and Lister has joined the Red Dwarf crew and it’s like any other day. He’s left his annoying bunkmate to stew in pre-exam nerves and he’s out and about on the ship, maybe trying to flirt with some of the lady officers when suddenly he notices his hand rapidly becoming covered in words, scrawled in a panicked frenzy, first across his palm, then the back of his hand and down onto the forearm. And yeah, sure, this has happened before, it’s no big deal. Except this is the most chaotic it’s ever been, especially since it’s now trailing right up his arm and if he doesn’t get out of public view people are going to notice.
So he runs back to the bunk room, hoping to grab a jacket or something to cover it up but he freezes as soon as he’s half-pulled it on because he spots Rimmer. Smeghead Supreme, Arnold Judas Rimmer, sitting with a textbook on his lap and his shirt sleeve rolled up, utterly engrossed in his pre-exam stress-induced frenzy of copying as much of the text from the book onto his own skin as possible.
The realisation hits like a truck and Lister cannot believe it. He refuses to. It’s gotta be a coincidence. Rimmer wouldn’t be the only person in the universe cramming for an exam, surely! Just because he is doesn’t mean what he’s writing is the same as what’s still being hurriedly scrawled up the inside of his left arm. The universe wouldn’t play that cruel a trick on him! Surely!
Rimmer hasn’t even noticed him come in and he’s muttering out loud each word as he copies it out from the book and Lister can only watch in horror as he sees the exact same words blossom across his own skin and oh this CANNOT be happening!!
So now you have Lister knowing that the universe has somehow, bizarrely, chosen to pair him up with Rimmer, and Rimmer blissfully unaware of the fact that the soulmate he’s yearned for his whole life is the lazy gimboid who just interrupted his revision by tossing an unwashed shirt at his head.
#Rimmer becoming a hologram after the leak makes the AU a bit odd bc why would it still work on him in that form#but suspending disbelief and allowing it to happen that way allows for some fun stuff#where Rimmer is bemoaning the fact he never got to find out who his soulmate was supposed to be and Lister is there awkwardly like oh boy…#last two people in the universe and they’re soulmates and he still hates the idea but it’s really starting to look like it was always meant#to happen this way so he grabs a pen and writes Smeghead on his arm and Rimmer watches in HORROR#just absolute horror and then he goes full on into denial like no this isn’t right#it can’t have been you the whole time! You’re a man (he’ll figure out how he feels about that later) and also I’d have known if it was you!#he tries to convince himself the universe just reassigned them each other bc they’re the only two left#but lister has to reluctantly tell him about the exam revision notes and that he knew it was Rimmer since before the accident#also this only works in ur own dimension so Lister writing on himself will only show on his Rimmer but not Ace bc Ace has his own back home#But it means that lister is able to confirm that it’s HIS Rimmer returning from being Ace by seeing the text he writes appear on his skin#Rimster#Or it could happen during the exam where Rimmer has his I Am A Fish breakdown#lister just sees I am a fish appear on his arm repeatedly and only finds out later#when he gets told about Rimmer’s exam incident#red dwarf
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maoam · 1 year
I'm just amazed by the huge anger of ss fans, it would seem that I should have gotten used to it a long time ago, but they climb literally from everywhere. They are so offended and unhappy people that they need to assert themselves regularly by insulting others. But don't they realize that nothing puts them in a more negative light than insulting an apponent?? I never go to write angry comments under ss posts, I know about the existence of the "not interested" button, I know that there are people who like it, well, let them like it, it doesn't concern me in any way, but these desperate people apparently believe that the whole world revolves around them, they absolutely need to write nasty things, even if it does not apply directly to the SNA or to other peirings that they do not like. "I need to assert myself faster before I cry from the realization that my ship is terrible" - that's what's going on in their head, or why else are they doing it? Do you like this novel so much, do you build fan fiction into a canon and shout about it on every corner, but still feel an urgent need to write angry comments and offend the feelings of other people? Have you ever wondered why? Usually, if I argue with them, I try not to insult their ship to the last, I can't stand ss, but I understand that I will cut off another nerve cell in the head of an already deeply unhappy person, and I still feel good, even if I don't write threatening letters to a fan of the SS, which cannot be said about the SS themselves. How did it happen that all the deeply unhappy and insecure people gathered around one ship? The SS attracts the most evil people. Even NH fans aren't that toxic, although there are some among them, but at least I don't see them that often.
They are insecure, they know majority of the fandom considers SS a joke and Sakura's character poor. They spend a lot of time attacking other parts of the fandom when they point out how bad their ship is. But they relate to Sakura and have invested so much on the ship they can't just quit. But they will also never be satisfied because their ship content is not from the actual creator, which makes it easy for other people to dismiss it and laugh it off as ooc.
I agree they are the most unhinged and toxic part of the fandom. I have seen toxic NH as well, but I feel SS are more confrontational. There are death threats, suicide baiting, homophobia, misogyny, anon hate and trying to get people banned. There's attacking the official staff as well. Even their precious Jun Esaka acts like them, trying to do the whole "best girl" debate by liking bash tweets about Hinata and tweets calling Naruto a third wheel. Of course she also likes tweets begging her to write a SS smut novel because just like SS all she can think is sex despite the fact her audience are teens so she should know to keep a low profile. Lol. But when you're shallow and dumb it can't be helped.
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gvftea · 4 months
I've recently gotten back into reading fanfiction after about two years of not doing so and this is aimed toward no one in particular, but I really cannot believe that this fandom has reached a point where people are literally making authors constantly conjure youtuber/influencer-like apologies for the content they create. You really can't scroll through an author's blog these days without stumbling upon a "First and foremost I just wanna say I'm deeply sorry for yadda yadda yadda" type of post at some point and I find that sad, honestly. First of all, are y'all seriously stupid enough not to understand that fiction is fictional? Second of all, are y'all seriously stupid enough not to understand that trigger warnings and tags are there for a reason? Like, y'all really see an author explicitly warn that their fic includes sensitive topics and then go and read it anyway just so you can find something to be mad about and then have the nerve to force said author to apologize? For creating art for you?? For FREE??? When you could simply block them or scroll pass their stuff? Dude.
P.S.: To anyone about to say "oh but it's weird to write about actual people in such compromising positions", "if you write about x or z topic you're probably into x or z in real life" please shut the fuck up, I don't care to argue. Fanfiction has existed for far longer than some of you have been alive.
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admirableadmiranda · 1 year
Hello ladypfenix I’m sorry to bother you. My main account seems to have been blocked? If that’s your choice I respect it but I would like to know why? And if I change my behavior if I would be able to be unblocked? You were my favorite and primary blog to check everyday and I was very confused and concerned when I went and it said your page didn’t exist.
No matter the reason I will respect it and not bother you again, I would just like a chance to know what I did and if I can make up for it
Hello. Yes I did block you the other day, mostly for getting on my nerves with a bunch of small things. It wasn’t the volume of likes or reblogs, but mostly fandom opinions that I have otherwise curated my dashboard so as to not deal with. Fandom can be an exhausting space and I have blocked for less. However I was able to ignore that until the other day.
Since you want to know what the reason was, it was the post about the word queer. I have used it for myself for years, I believe strongly in it as a word for our community and I wish to stop it from being reclaimed as a slur when for decades it was a word for us, when it’s still a respected term in academics and collections because it has such a long, positive history. I do not approve of the idea of discarding it, nor that it should be dismissed as a slur. There is no word for anyone in our community that has not been a slur at some point, and it is the most inclusive, general word that exists. It is a word that is currently being attacked as a slur because it is inclusive, non-specific and offers the freedom to just say “whatever sort of identity I may have is actually none of your business and I don’t have to explain it to you,” and a large portion of this attitude comes from terfs and their other transphobic ilk attempting to twist a word that includes trans and non-binary and genderfluid and everyone else who I may not remember at this hour if the night into a slur so they can push them out of the community. To me, saying that it is a harmful word that should be left behind is saying that the further splitting and segregating of our community is correct and leaves us more vulnerable, not less. Queer being nonspecific is a function, not a flaw.
You want to know what you can do to perhaps be unblocked? Think on my words, and reflect on the intent and respect you give to those in debates. What am I trying to say? What are they trying to say? Who benefits from your opinions? Cause while you may have not meant it that way, your words smelled terfy and I cannot have that in my life and around the people I love. I blocked you because you posted that as a direct reblog from a post I agreed with on a bad day, and I do not always have the time nor energy to walk everyone through why and wherefore. I will not currently block this blog, I may unblock your main blog in the future. But I’m not unblocking it right now.
But you followed me for a reason, so I encourage you to consider, if you want to follow me again from your main blog, just why such posts as that may not be very welcome.
Also block circumventing is a very bad look. Tumblr can actually ban all of your accounts for block circumventing. I am not reporting you for this, but you should really be aware that when you’re wanting to understand what’s going on, creating a second account to ask the person who blocked you why they did it doesn’t exactly encourage them to change their minds.
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Hello how are you? I follow several shippers' blogs and I noticed that every now and then some bloggers publish hateful messages they received. My question is about mental health: how do you deal with it? I understand that your presence here is relatively recent, but have you ever regretted something?
Dear Mental Health Anon,
This is the kind of submissions I welcome with all my heart, because they are benevolent and witty. Forgive me already for what I suspect will be a long answer. It is not the pleasure of hearing me talk that prompts them, but the sincere intention to answer deserving asks as clearly, fully and honestly as I can.
The short answer is : I am fine, Fall is slowly coming and nights are starting to be really chilly. There's some light rain tapping on the roof of my flat and I will spend my week-end wandering around some of my favorite places on Earth. And now, onwards to the consistent and interesting ask of yours...
The worst trolling message I have ever seen in this fandom is the one I am immediately going to post below, because I think it should serve us all as warning and reminder. It was posted on a blog I have been reading from the beginning of my long lurking days on Tumblr: @cb4tb is one of the most balanced and articulate people in this corner of the Internet. I remember being shocked by its cold and very coherent violence. The feat of a casebook sociopath, who thinks her asks in Spanish (I am 200% certain about it) and who has an appalling command of English grammar. Written on Christmas' Eve and on purpose:
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Compared to the alarming slander @cb4tb got (whatever for is a mystery, she is non conflictual and posts very witty business insights) on a day that should be completely taboo for every civilized human being (you don't need to believe in God to respect one of Christianity's most important celebrations), whatever hate I could get in here is definitely subpar. Most of it did not make it on my page and went straight to the bin. But it's not always easy: I am as human as you, Anon, and sometimes I feel personally insulted and revolted by the smugness and pettiness of it all. However, I must immediately add their hate never made me give up an inch of my convictions. They are the result of a long interval of watching and pondering, coupled with my own observations I gladly share with like-minded women all around the world. That often hits a nerve or bruises overinflated egos on the Other Side. So be it: I am not here to be meek and obedient, if I never was meek and obedient in real life. I am here to bring clarity and build trust, which incidentally resonates very closely to what I do for a living. That probably rates me as a moderate on the shipper spectrum, in the sense that by complete design I put aside some divisive topics I firmly chose not to discuss. I am not interested to bring attention on me, in here, and the least thing I'd like is to be a vector of discord. So that would also rate me as a peacemaker of sorts - and yes, that sounds perhaps pretentious, but I believe it is needed, especially now.
I only felt a clear intention to threaten me twice, both in DM. The first time it curiously came from one extreme fringe of the shipper community and I brushed it off, because it was an empty, almost ridiculous threat. I politely denied and that was it - two persons blocked me and there were no other consequences to it. The second time, an anti came to confront me on an irrelevant point, with a very aggressive undertone. I blocked and almost forgot about it. If you have it clear enough in your mind that such things cannot be avoided and, at the same time, you know that your own moral compass is not compromised, these details will not affect you. At all. I confidently promise you that. Last but not least: if you are not great with compartmentalizing, don't step in the arena. It can seriously ruffle your self-esteem and it's not worth it.
So this is how I deal with it: I focus on what I have to say (does it bring something new? interesting? positive? thought-provoking?), on the way of saying it (above all, be kind and gracious to every other shipper) and on the right moment to say it (only when I am honestly sure I can do it with no unwanted consequences). But I will stand in solidarity with any shipper (any single one of them) who is humiliated, belittled or disparaged, with not a single shred of fear in the world. And I would also fend for myself if necessary, if I am getting over-the-top slander: all the other yapping, I ignore. Sometimes (often, even) it's more interesting to watch.
And if anything else fails, I go for a long drive and have a coffee at the seaside or simply open a book or listen to some Bach or call Someone. Or take this little big guy out for a lazy walk in the park:
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You ask me if I regret anything. Absolutely not. I have received more than I could ever give, in here. I have met spectacular women and men, I have grown very fond of and feel very close to. I have had the immense satisfaction of sharing their secrets, their worries, their plans and this means trust, in my book, for which I will never tire saying how grateful I am. I also strived to respond in kind and I mean to honor this unwritten contract. Last but not least, I have watched this community slowly dusting off months of sadness and perhaps starting to open up again.
And all of this makes me damn proud of who we are, Anon. Thank you for dropping by! You are always welcome on my page.
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(spoilers for omori)
omg omg can you do a omori fanfic? like heromari where mari loves both hero and Y/n? like, they're 14-15 and mari is still alive? sorry if this is too specific but it can be fluff or angst ❤️
Don't apologize, this is the most wonderful request I've ever gotten! I will be glad to write it! I went for fluff, because I have such a soft spot for it. And I wrote this in Mari's POV, if that's okay. I hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Omori | Pairing: Genderneutral Reader x Real World Mari (Omori), Real World Hero x Real World Mari (Omori)) | Characters: Mari (Omori), Hero (Omori) | Timeline: 14-15 years of age, Mari lives | Word Count: 1,415 | Warnings: None
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Composing was a lot harder than it looks.
Mari expected that going in, of course. And she knows this is for fun, but composing is almost as hard as actually playing the piano. And she’s scared to mess it up tonight. But, she is determined to see this through and is quite confident in herself! After all, she’s been flooding with inspiration because of… certain people.
She smiles as she thinks about it.
This piece she was writing was dedicated to them.
She then heard a knock at the door, she turned to see her little brother Sunny. 
“The others are here..” Sunny tells her. Mari smiles excitedly. They’re here! She excitedly gets up and heads to the living room with him to greet her friends.
“Mari!!” She hears a chorus of her name being yelled in happiness, there was Kel, Aubrey and Basil! “Hello everyone!” Mari grins at the younger kids happily.
“Hey, Mari,” someone says. Mari looked over, and felt her heart skip happily. You and Hero stood by the door, smiling those smiles that made her stomach do flips. She smiles back, “Well, hello, you two!” 
You told her you heard piano on the way here, and asked her if she was practicing something. She giggles a little, winking at you, “You’ll have to find out~ I have a special surprise tonight, so I can’t spoil it!” 
Kel gasped behind her, “Are you gonna play for us!?” 
“Oh my gosh, that’ll be amazing! I can’t wait!!” Aubrey chimed in, bouncing in place.
“What are you playing?” Hero asks. Which gains a gentle flick on the nose from Mari, a very quiet “Hey!” could be heard from Hero.
Mari puts her hands on her hips, “That’s a secret! I told you, it was a surprise!” Mari says as if she’s scolding him, even clicking her tongue.
Hero rubs his nose, “Oh, okay then?” he says, a little confused. You laugh softly at their banter, then you tell them you and Hero brought some snacks to eat while watching the movies. Hero nods, holding up a bag of chips and snacks. 
“That’s perfect! I made some cookies earlier, too! Don’t tell my mom though~” Mari whispers, wiggling her eyebrows with that mischievous look of hers. 
“Oh heck yeah! Cookies before dinner!!” Kel said, running to the kitchen, “I’ll be first!”
“Hey, no you won’t! Get back here!” Aubrey ran after him.
“Guys.. Please don’t break anything again-” Basil says worriedly, following them along with Sunny.
Hero sighs at all the instant commotion, “You really have to stop making them cookies before meals…” Mari smiled innocently, “Oh, come on Hero! Let them have a little treat!~”
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“I cannot believe that twist! I knew he’d save her in the end!” Aubrey grinned, squeezing Mr. Plantegg in her arms. 
“Well, I thought it was lame. She was a jerk! He could do better.” Kel crosses his arms, leaning backwards onto the couch. Earning him a Plantegg flavored smack to the head from Aubrey.
“People change, Kel! You just don’t get love! You are so dense.” 
“Hey! Why you-”
As they argue and the credits roll, you sigh in content. Glancing at Mari, you notice she’s fidgeting. You ask her what’s wrong. She snaps out of her thoughts and turns to you, “Sorry! Haha, just a little nervous for tonight..” She’s thinking about how she’ll be performing, not just in front of her friends, but for the two people she has feelings for! With a song she wrote FOR them! It was kind of nerve-wracking. 
You place your hand on hers and smile softly at her. You tell her she’s going to be amazing, because that’s just how she is, amazing in everything she does! You say you know it will be incredible. 
Her face blushes lightly, “Oh, you.. You always know just what to say, you softie.” She giggles slightly. 
Hero stands up, “Alright everyone. Time to clean up, remember to bring your dishes to the sink!” he tells them. Kel grabs his bowl, blows raspberries at Aubrey and runs back to the kitchen. This gains a growl from Aubrey who chases after him with her own bowl in hand. 
Basil looks over at Mari, “You’re going to be playing for us tonight, right Mari?” he smiles at her, “You’re going to do great, I just know it’ll be amazing!” He takes his bowl and stands up, along with Sunny, “Come on, Sunny!” The two disappear into the kitchen.
Mari knew she had to prepare, so she stood up to head to the piano room, but not before taking her own bowl and handing it to Hero, “Could you please take this too, thank you Hero! My hero~” She winks at him teasingly before skipping away, leaving Hero blushing and flustered, as per usual. You giggle at his reaction.
Mari takes out her notebook where she’s written down the song, simple but perfect, the title scribbled neatly in cursive. She runs her fingers onto the letters and smiles to herself. An image of you and Hero flash in her mind. “I can do this. For them.” She places the notebook on the music rack.
Kel runs in, “PIANO TIME PIANO TIME PIANO TIME!!” he exclaims, and immediately takes a seat, grinning ear to ear. 
The rest of them follow, Aubrey, Sunny, Basil, and finally.. You and Hero. You all take a seat and she smiles. 
She looks over the small crowd sitting on the floor, her special little audience, ready just for her. “So.. I’ve taken up composing.. And I made my very first piece here. It’s very short, and probably amateur, but I tried my best.” She exhales, “I’m getting a little nervous here-” she follows with a nervous giggle.
“You’ll do amazing, Mari!”
“Yeah, Mari! You got this!”
“We believe in you!”
She meets your glance, and then Hero’s. 
“You can do this.” 
She breathes in. And then out. Okay. She’s ready.
“This piece is called, ‘Love Under The Moonlight’,”
And with that, she starts playing. 
Her hands run through the notes like second nature, she had been practicing this for a while now. Every chance she can get. Hero might have heard bits of it from his house, but hearing it here and now… felt real.
Mari had poured her whole heart into this small piece, letting notes flow like her feelings, like her love. So that even if she can’t say them, she can play them.
You listened intently, from the soft melodies, to the quick paced beats, like your heart. Listening to this made it feel like… you were the only one in the room. Like this song was just for you, playing for you, playing for your very heart and soul.
Hero was just as mesmerized, like his whole world just faded away, and all that was left was Mari, her piano, and this beautiful tune.
You didn’t even realize when Mari played the last notes. She called it a small piece, but that felt like it lasted forever and ever, but at the same time too short. You were the first to start clapping, and immediately followed by everyone else. 
Mari let out a breath of relief, happy that she flew through that smoothly. She looks at you and Hero and smiles.
After they had finished clapping, Mari was met with the whole lot screaming compliments.
“You wrote that!? That was so COOL!”
“It was so soft and romantic! You could write for romance movies!”
“That was amazing, Mari! We knew you could do it!”
Hero walked up to her, “Mari, wow.. That was.. incredible! I can’t believe you wrote that. You’ve become so talented!” He takes her by the hands and smiles widely at her, he was in so much awe of her. You walk up next to them and agree wholeheartedly, telling her it was absolutely beautiful. 
Mari felt heat rush to her face, “Aw, I’m so glad you two liked it! I worked very hard to write it. And.. it was inspired by some special people,” she says,  as she smiles up at you two. 
You and Hero glance at each other in silent understanding. You tell her that it was incredible in the end, and you couldn’t be happier. “Yeah, Mari,” Hero says, still holding her hands, “You’re incredible.”
To Mari, it was like that moment could last forever. It wasn’t much, but having you both here, and with her friends too, it felt like it was enough. 
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Art from the Omori Calendar
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insertpoetryhere · 2 years
Cannot believe there's still Ouran blogs out there...it's been 84 years...anyway I love all your hc posts and your appreciation of our favourite fucked up rich kids the Ootoris. What's your take on the infamous slap scene at the end of the anime? I remember opinions on that being really divided back when I was still active in the fandom (600yrs ago).
Ok so I have spent a very long time mulling this ask over in my head because my feelings on it are… complicated. One thing I know for sure is that it was an unnecessary add on and is completely out of character for Yoshio specifically.
Let’s start off with the fact that Yoshio Ootori had no problem with the host club in the manga. In fact, he seemed proud of the way Kyoya was organizing it and actively praised him for it. Let me be very clear that I’m not sure if that’s necessarily a good thing as, for as much as I love Ouran, minors probably shouldn’t be in a host club at all. Especially since some of the host club activities and marketing (the physical exams, partially nude photos, risqué costumes, etc.) weren’t always completely safe for work. Between that and the competition he placed amongst his sons (which Kyoya in the very same arc acknowledges in one of the most heartbreaking parts of the manga) there’s already plenty of reasons why he isn’t the best father and doesn’t always have Kyoya’s emotional and Psychological well being in mind.
Physical aggression is also not his pre-established form of discipline. Both the anime and manga imply that Kyoya is actively seeking out his fathers attention because when Yoshio’s sons don’t meet his expectations, he treats them like his daughter. Fuyumi and Kyoya are as close as they are because their father ignores both of them. The manga seems to imply that Yoshio doesn’t see much reason to waste effort on his children if they don’t meet his expectations. It’s irresponsible at best and neglectful at its worst, but definitely a very different style of discipline than pimp slapping your son in public.
SPEAKING OF PUBLIC, Yoshio’s biggest concern in both the manga and anime is the preservation of the Ootori name. You know what stuffy rich people don’t tend to look on fondly? Emotional outbursts that lead to violence. And then they had the nerve to have him call Kyoya and embarrassment to the Ootori name when Kyoya isn’t the one who just caused a scene in the middle of this high school event.
And my fourth and final point; they could have made this work. If they desperately wanted someone to bitch slap Kyoya, there was already and Ootori who fit the bill perfectly. Akito Ootori’s only established traits is that he is verbally aggressive, hates the host club, and loves his little brother a lot but has no idea how to express it. Not to mention that Kyoya’s brother slapping him has a very different, less “someone call cps” tone to it than his father slapping him. It would have served a similar emotional beat while also not butchering a character that used to be complex and interesting.
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Fuck it friday
tagged by the wonderful @monsterrae1. Tagging anyone who’d like to play along.
Title: Sleepless in LA, Chapter 11 (why will this fic not stop growing chapters???)
Fandom: 911
Pairing: endgame buddie. Have some side Lena/Lucy
Tags/warnings: first draft. Eddie needs to grow a pair. Lena is a good bro.
“Did you get her something for Christmas?” Lena asks, already knowing he’d been staring at all the displays in the mall, trying to get inspiration before their talk.
“I’ll bet she got you something. So what are you going to do with that when she hands you a box with a perfectly tied bow on it? ‘Sorry Ana, I’m an asshole, and I think maybe we should see other people?’”
Eddie realizes that he is digging himself into a deeper hole but can’t seem to stop. “I could get her something small?”
Lena does actually kick him under the table for that one, and he yelps as her boot connects with his shin. Her boots are steel-toed. 
“Okay! Um… maybe I could text her?”
Lena looks like she’s about to throw her coffee mug at him. “Grow a pair, Edmundo.”
“I’ll ask her to meet me for coffee sometime this next week.”
“You better,” Lena grumbles. 
He does so and gets an immediate reply. Under Lena’s unnerving stare, he gets Ana to agree to a meet-up at their usual coffee spot tomorrow. “I still think it’s the wrong time of year.”
“You should not put this off,” she argues. “That’s crueler than letting it fester.”
“I guess…”  
“It is,” she insists. “Plus, then we can get looking for your Bucky.”
“He’s Christophers’, not mine.”
Lena glares. “If Christopher has his way, he’ll be yours too.”
“I’m just getting out of a relationship!” 
“That you are not invested in. It’s not like you’re heartbroken over Ana. Do you think she’d be open to trying women?”
“No.” He’s almost definitely sure that Ana will not be interested in rebounding with Lena. 
“Well, she obviously has a thing for firefighters,” Lena argues. “I’m just saying, is she flexible? I’ll take curious, even. I’m not looking for the brass ring—I’ll take a right now or friend’s with benefits.”
“Oh god,” Eddie is burying his face in his hands. He cannot deal with the idea of Lena hitting on his not-quite-ex-girlfriend. 
“Never mind,” Lena suddenly stops talking, and Eddie drops his hands to see what has changed. 
Lucy Donato—one of the floaters working with them--is at the coffee machine. Lena has the biggest crush on her. An embarrassing goes beet red every time she sees her kind of crush. 
Eddie’s pretty sure that Lena will never get up the nerve to ask her out. 
“Hey,” Lucy says as she joins them, sitting beside Eddie.  
Eddie sees an opening and takes his chance for revenge. “Lucy, have you ever dated other women?” He quickly spreads his legs so Lena’s kick hits the chair leg instead of his poor, abused flesh. 
“I’m an equal opportunity pansexual, so yeah, I have. Why?” Lucy asks, cupping her mug of coffee. She’s deliberately looking at him instead of Lena, but her cheeks are pink, and her fingers twitch toward Lena’s side of the table. 
“Well, my friend Lena here would love to take you out for dinner sometime.”
Lena is speechless, and Eddie knows she’s about two seconds from yanking him over the table and putting him in a headlock for being a brat. He’s saved, however, by Lucy.  
“Sure. You look like you could be a lot of fun,” she’s eyeing Lena up and down, biting her lower lip and smiling while a blush spreads down her neck. “Name the place and time, and I’ll be there.”
“You will?” Lena is cautious, like she can’t believe her luck. 
“Yeah, gorgeous,” Lucy winks at Lena and then sips her coffee. “What were you guys talking about before I got here?”
Lena’s smile is vicious. “Well, Edmundo here keeps dragging out breaking up with his perfect Latina girlfriend, who his mom loves.”
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