#i blame Birb
f1-disaster-bi · 1 month
Should I bring back Brothers au?
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angeart · 3 months
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a cuteguy design
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prince-kallisto · 10 months
Cause of Overblots, Rollo, and CROWLEY
My brain cells are trying so hard…but thinking about it, the Glorious Masquerade may have more significance than meets the eye (even if the canonicity of it is dubious).
Through the main story of TWST, we’ve all reasoned that the Overblots happened because they did all go through different forms of trauma, years of bottled up emotions, and sometimes overuse of magic. It makes sense, yet at the same time it doesn’t. As Idia stated in Book 6, in the past 100 years, NRC overblots never even reached the double digits, yet 5 (now 7) happen in the span of 6 months. No matter the trauma the students went through, it’s still incredibly unusual for this to happen.
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Now let’s look at Rollo, the short king (in my imagination) of Noble Bell College. Let’s see, he: witnessed the traumatic death of his brother who was burned alive, no one could save him, blames it on magic despite being a mage himself, his own Unique Magic is a manifestation of his trauma and is literally powered by negative emotions, and has carried about a decade of extreme guilt and hatred due to his trauma that led him to lash out at others.
Of course, I never like to compare the backstories of the other Overblotters, but looking at the other backstories, Rollo had a VERY valid reason to Overblot considering the patterns we’ve seen. “Arguably,” Rollo’s backstory is worse than some of the Overblots (but again, they all experienced trauma in their own ways, no comparisons!)
And yet, he never Overblotted or showed signs of blot, despite meeting and surpassing literally all the criteria for an Overblot. Coincidentally, Rollo is NOT at NRC.
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And isn’t that weird?
It’s just proof that despite all the bottled up emotions and overuse of magic DOES NOT automatically mean Overblot. NRC presents it in a way that feels organic and ‘normal,’ but it clearly isn’t. So many people go through awful things and life and bottle up their emotions, but never to the point of Overblot.
Since I don’t think anyone could have the ability to manipulate the Overblotter’s backstories (again, not the automatic reason for an Overblot), I think what Idia suggests in Book 6 is right on the money. Both of the things he mentions has merit.
Powerful curses- The Shroud family and Grim have their curses manifest through the blue flame, but as far as I know, it isn’t the only indicator of a curse. Vil has shown that items can easily be cursed as well, without anything looking out of place. As usual, I will be blaming Crowley for this haha. But think about it, he is the one who unlocks the gates and presents the Magestones to every student. What if he cursed specific magic pens that take up an absurd amount of blot? Because even though us, the player, can see the blot puddles getting bigger, it doesn’t darken the magestones until right before Overblot.
Edit: want to add that about how Crowley gives the magestones. In game, although he was planning to throw Grim out, he still had a custom-made magestones collar for Grim. In the novel, it’s described like the magestone collar appeared out of thin air from Crowley’s magic. Does he make the magic pens himself some how?? If so, doubly sus
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Sealed Phantoms- I find it very interesting how all the Overblot phantoms from the NRC students have taken the form of the Great Seven. NRC clearly respects the Great Seven, from the dorms to the statues to the paintings in Crowley’s office. It’s to the point that in one of his voice lines, Crowley says he cleans the Great Seven portraits every single day. So what if he managed to seal phantoms that look exactly like the Great Seven (or blot) until they could “attach” themselves to the students that meet their image?
I think it’s plausible, because remember in Book 5, NO ONE, even Malleus, knew that Vil Overblotted because of the magic barrier in the colosseum. I don’t know about you, but why would the faculty make such a powerful barrier for an arena that used for student exams and sports events? Overblot magic is extremely powerful, yet it didn’t break the barrier.
Edit: In the Heartslabyul manga, Crowley made a barrier to protect the students 👀 coincidence? I think not!
If such a barrier is possible, it is reasonable that even STYX wouldn’t have known about hidden blot or phantoms.
Who knows, it could even be both reasons combined. Perhaps Crowley cursed the magestones to attract specific phantoms or blot, slowly infecting the students until they Overblot. Why??
I have no idea lmaoo. But I think Idia was on a strong track to figuring it out, and Glorious Masquerade is proof that the NRC Overblots are indeed purposeful
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f1-birb · 3 months
and considering this is a track lando has never vibed with while it's literally oscar's favorite track and one he achieved a lot of success on in junior categories, i'm happy with this result versus a 2023 repeat. frostytill said on reddit jeddah is to oscar that imola is to lando and that's true. if we're expected to believe oscar is this generational talent, people have got stop reacting like this anytime he finishes in front of lando in any session. lando outqualified carlos in 2020, and their points h2h even went into the final race, yet nobody was calling carlos washed over less than .100 second 🤔
Jeddah to Oscar = Imola to Lando is so apt
saw someone use the word "dominated"
there was at most a tenth and a half between them across the 3 sessions, if we're getting specific: 0.150, 0.136 and 0.043....
Mercedes had a similar gap and more between them across the sessions, are they going to say George dominated Lewis?
this narrative is so fucking old and boring, it's a GOOD thing McLaren has two drivers who qualify well ffs
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onedaughterofman · 1 year
Copia sending pics of his rats be like:
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cyberbirb-arts · 1 month
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Haven't been feeling well. Please accept this birb art. 🐥💕
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halfapersob · 1 year
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I started reading the rift au and I love it. When I read about the work skirt my brain said, yep, your drawing that
And then a sketch from the first part. (Idk how to draw windows)
I also don't know exactly what grians tail looks like so I just guessed.
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For part 4: I've got this idea of mine where Thena blaming Minerva for what happened to Gil and she ordered her that he wants Gil back under her after this mission.
I want you to decide for the rest! I know this is a lot and I am sorry TT, I just wanna say again that your works are beautiful and so are you. Thank you! xoxo
"How'd it go?"
Thena closed the passenger side door with a huff, clipping her seat belt rather aggressively. "It could have gone worse, I suppose."
"So you didn't mouth off and get fired?" Kingo asked as he pulled out of the lot of the agency office building. "I would say I was impressed if you weren't already on suspension for it."
Thena just shrugged. She didn't much care about the suspension, even considering she was a senior agent, and this kind of thing would reflect on her for a very long time to come. It was a well deserved suspension, given how she had screamed in the face of not only Minerva but the Section Chief as well.
All that having been said, Gil had almost died.
The recovery operation was a success. Thena was the best when it came to infiltration, especially after things had already not gone to plan. She and the rest of Special Ops had arrived at the scene and cleaned things up concisely and without mercy.
She had gone further in with Kingo, intent on finding Gil. At the very least they had confirmed that he wasn't one of the reported casualties, but that still left him as potentially injured.
Thena had found him in one of the back corners of the labyrinth of storage lockers. He was barely breathing and there was blood everywhere. If they had been any later, he probably would have...
She had gone in the ambulance with him, Kingo having covered for her absence, with Minerva's help to corroborate Thena's definitely-good-enough reason for leaving the scene.
She owed that much to Minerva, and after she had gotten in her face about the whole thing being her fault. That was unfair of her, and Thena knew it. She knew what being a team leader meant--what it meant to have people's lives in their hands and be solely responsible for it when things went bad.
She was feeling...fragile.
Minerva had taken it like a champ, because of course she had. She didn't reprimand Thena for it, didn't shout back at her, didn't even demand an apology for it later.
The Chief still had her suspended for her behaviour but Thena hadn't cared then and she still didn't, now.
"Did you do what I told you?" Kingo asked as he drove, letting Thena take it easy in the passenger's seat.
Thena crossed her arms, "I displayed...appropriate remorse."
Kingo rolled his eyes, "come on, Boss. I can't do shit with both you and Gil out of commission."
"I know," she mumbled, looking down at her bag on her lap. She really had attempted to appear apologetic for her actions. "I did offer my apologies for it."
"Did you seem sorry?" Kingo looked over at her as he slowed to a stop, "really?"
Thena rolled her eyes and shook her head, "sorry enough."
"So, no," Kingo scoffed and shook his head as well. "If you and Gil get fired, I've gotta get out of this line of work."
Thena smiled, "we're not fired, Kingo. Not yet, anyway."
"Yet," he huffed as he started driving again. He glanced at her, "the transfer?"
"I said that even if I was fired, Gil would be back on Special Ops in exchange."
"It was the only way I'd go peacefully," she shrugged, repeating it exactly as she had stated it in her probation hearing. "That's all that matters."
Kingo snuck his eyes over to her as she toyed with the bag on her knees. She was fidgeting. "You really think Gil is going to still work here if you don't?"
Thena ignored him. "It's just one more week."
Kingo made a grand show of rolling his eyes at her as he pulled over, "I don't know, Boss. I've already neglected all the paperwork I can. They're going to start asking me to actually do it instead of waiting for you to get back."
Thena gave him a smile as she gripped the handle of the car door, "serves you right."
He leaned down to look at her even as she got out, "just come back soon, please? And tell the big guy I want him back even sooner!"
Thena waved to him as he drove off again. She had to admit, Kingo didn't drive as much like a hellion as she had initially expected he would. And he had very helpfully given her a ride whenever she needed it during her suspension period. She turned, letting herself into the apartment with her key.
"Hey," she smiled as she walked in, kicking off her shoes by the door and walking into the kitchen. "I'm getting a little too used to not having to wear heels."
"Well, it's not like you need 'em."
Thena rounded the corner, leaning against the wall as she admired the sight of Gilgamesh in the kitchen, on his feet, alive and well. Moderately well, "what's on?"
"Just some easy pasta," he smiled at her from the stove, stirring it with his left hand while his right remained in a sling. She gave him a look and he laughed outright, "relax, nothing strenuous involved."
He had taken a bullet to the leg, as well as endured a shattered clavicle that would have him in a sling for two months. He would still be on desk duty even by the time he was cleared to return to work.
Thena wandered closer, inhaling the delicious smelling sauce. He really was a surprisingly skilled home cook.
He looked over at her, the sizzling of pasta underscoring them. "Get fired?"
"No, but I think Minerva vouched for both of us," Thena sighed. She didn't love the idea of being indebted to her old comrade, but she had to admit that she owed her quite a lot, at this point. "They said that the suspension will be over next week, and after that they'll 'keep an eye on me', so... "
He nudged her with his good elbow gently, "I told you not to speak your mind. Just tell them you're very sorry for what you did and move on."
She raised a brow at him, "is that what you said at your probation hearing?"
"No, I told them that they were old bastards who could go to hell."
Thena laughed, partly from the joke, and partly because it probably wasn't that far from the truth, knowing Gil. For all the shit she got for not minding her manners around their superiors, Gil was a pretty honest guy, even in the worst scenarios.
Gil turned off the stove burner and turned to her, "you were pretty hurt, after that op. I couldn't just let that go."
She looked up at him too, her eyes drifting over the sling holding his arm and then down over the extensive bandaging he had received in the hospital. Even a week after being released, some of them still had to be maintained regularly. "How do you think I felt?"
He smiled, giving her shoulder a squeeze before moving to the cupboard with the bowls, "hey, we got through it--both of us."
Thena moved faster, bumping him out of the way with her hip to reach them before he could, "barely."
He smiled, letting her reach them for herself, instead moving to get them both water glasses. "But we did."
Thena set down the bowls beside the pan of pasta. She had apologised plenty already, and that was after Gil had awoken and told her he didn't have any clue what she was apologising for (and telling her to take it back, too). But seeing him more in the past week than she had in the past month still made her heart clench in her chest.
She smiled, spooning out plenty for both of them (although that meant that his serving was double the size of hers). "Sit down, Gilgamesh."
He chuckled, obeying the order with a big grin on his face, "yes, ma'am."
She let him see her rolling her eyes at him as she came over with their lunch. She sat down, leaving her suit jacket on the back of her chair. She kept forgetting things at Gil's place, being here to help take care of him so often. She had reminded herself plenty of times already not to get so comfortable here.
Thena looked up, already smiling because Gil was. He twirled some pasta around his fork from his bowl and held up the bite for her. He was cute; she shook her head at him. "I have my own."
Gil shrugged, "you need more. This is why you're so skinny."
Thena's jaw dropped, although it made an opening for Gil to poke at her lip with the pasta fork. She huffed before biting down on it with a glare. "You are still my Agent, Gilgamesh."
"Sorry, sir," he laughed as he pulled the fork back. "Y'know, I thought you were kinda skinny for an Agent when you first recruited me, too."
"Oh, did you," Thena scoffed as she took a bite of her own lunch. "What else did you think?--since you're feeling candid?"
Gil shrugged, his shoulders still moving with his barely contained laughter, "that you weren't nearly as hard to read as everyone said you were."
She rolled her eyes again.
"And that you were kinda pretty, too."
She stopped in the middle of bringing her fork up to her lips. She looked over at him but he was shovelling in another bite, as if he hadn't even heard what he'd said.
"This is isn't bad for only having one hand," he commented as he took a massive bite for himself.
Thena just sighed and took another bite as well. It was moments like this that made her not want her suspension to actually end.
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cryo-locket · 2 years
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Fuzzy duck
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 year
Not me listening to a song and now having an entirely new au....again 😭
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phoenixiancrystallist · 10 months
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Month 8 day 5, supposedly. Idk, it's after midnight, I'm am the sleepy tireds, and I arted so hard tonight my iPad died :D Just the battery, my baby is charging now, but still. 0% battery in the middle of me erasing a line. Very rude.
Anyway, I tried to get Cuff looking more like his beautiful canonical self (with exactly zero reference because there's something wrong with me). Also cleaned up the colors on Frey so they actually filled in the lines and didn't bleed over, not to mention getting her to look more canonical, too.
Unfortunately (fortunately?) because I'm redoing the colors to be tighter and cleaner, and also redrew Cuff and the hand he's on, I'm gonna need to redo ALL of the shading. All of it. ohgodhelp
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lizard12323 · 4 months
So first I made crow noises now I make pigeon noises!??!?
(Idiot annouces a MD species fr?)
Check tags btw
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f1-birb · 10 months
a new something I am blaming entirely on @f1-disaster-bi
A peek around the bottom of the staircase shows him his husband curled up in one of their large armchairs, legs over one armrest and three cushions shoved behind him as he leans back against the other. He's looking out the window, the mid afternoon sun only just starting its slow descent, and the lights bathes him in a golden glow that stops Jenson’s heart momentarily.
He sits down on the bottom step and listens, biting his lower lip almost bloody with how nervous he feels.
“We've had the twins for eight months already Kimi, can you believe that?”
Despite the sick feeling, warmth blooms in his chest. He really can't believe it either. Getting Lando and George, the two little boys so different from one another and yet at times exactly the same, had been one of the best days of his life, tied only with the day he and Seb signed the certificate to confirm their marriage.
“I know, and he's such a good dad-” Jenson tunes back in, feels a blush rise in his cheeks at the compliment, “- it does feel like we’re playing happy families. I'm starting to think he might actually be gay.”
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ormspryde · 1 year
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Today's Pagan December drawing, the prompt is 'animal companions'. Nothing like going into trance and waking up with art lol.
[ID: A digital painting of the head and upper torso of a raven. The bird is facing to the viewer's right; there is mist coming from its mouth. /ID]
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gojosatoruwifey · 3 months
ㅡglub glub glub glub glub
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✑ happy happy happy birthday to our red fishie ♡(◕ᗜ◕✿) as usual, this fic is written the day before my finals exam (・ω ・✿)
✿ warning/s: fluff, short, blushy! rafayel is the best rafayel, simps, let me know if i missed something!
✿ character/s: rafayel, fem! reader
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it’s his birthday so you follow what he does that makes your heart skip a beat
rafayel is in for a surprise.
he already suspected that you’re doing something fishy behind his back, especially the date in the calendar that tells him that his birthday is around the corner. a good boyfriend that he is, he will just let you do your thing.
rafayel didn’t, in fact, see this coming. 
the smooch landing on his cheek was so swift that if he didn’t know you’re standing before him, waist bent down as you put your weight to your one arm and the other retrieving a small pillow beside him — he is thinking to check himself into the mental ward, complain to the doctor there that he is having a hallucination of you kissing him randomly and so suddenly at that as he lazily sprawled to the couch, phone in hand.
you, with all your might, maintained a composed face as if you didn’t just copy one of your boyfriend’s cute antics that he is unaware makes your thoughts haywire. rafayel’s gradient stellar eyes stare wide at you, perplexing surprise swirling behind those beautiful pools as he looks up at you from the couch.
a successful cheer erupted inside your mind. satisfied with his reaction, calling forth every cell in your brain to commit his face to memory. rafayel’s reddening cheeks all the way to his ears, doe eyes round and shiny. 
turning on your back with the pillow hugged by your arms, you act like you don’t mind him and continue on your way.
to be honest, when rafayel gets whiny, begging for attention or dragging you to a spontaneous date, it awakens a dormant beast within you.
so, when it’s your turn to act cutesy around him, you’re looking forward to it.
internally, rafayel is losing his mind. whose fault is it? you, who else. what in the world have you been up to? your recent actions have become unpredictable and difficult for him to anticipate.
you're doing it again! he bit his lower lips he’s afraid blood would soon appear as you had a python grip on his arm, pouty and sulky dripping on your voice, “i want that one, win me artsy birb plushie! please? rafayel?”
“i…” where did his usual nonchalant of a bodyguard go.
he felt you get closer, “i will! i will!” rafayel maneuver the claw, his arm still pressed to your body, clinging to him. oblivious to the grin curled on your lips. the heat on his cheeks and ears hasn’t gone away, staying there much to his chagrin.  if he were to glance at the couple in the reflection of the claw machine plush’s glass, he might have not missed it.
another success!
now, onto the last one. you are not so sure how to proceed with this one. it’s not that you’re not confident to pull this move to him but rather, how to make the timing right. should it be on the day? to have better lighting? what of the place? should you hold this in the destiny cafe or at his home or yours? a date is a go-to since you can create a more romantic atmosphere so a date it is, then. you nodded to yourself.
on the other hand, rafayel’s heart will explode the more he lets you hold the reign. it's bad for his health. what will happen to linkon were their precious artist gets sick? he will blame you, really.
if you pull another one…
shit, he curses. it's late morning, brunch, unoccupied second floor with just the two of you, the muffled tappings of laptop keys below, the occasional bell ring when a customer enters and the staff greeting them, the beeping indicator of the hot water in the kitchen, the sound of beans hitting the bottom of the container, the rush of coffee cascaded in a cup.
and the warm sunlight pouring into the table where you two are sitting.
a finger lightly brushed the strands of his hair near his eyes. rafayel watches mutely. the words he has been practicing and the dramatic actions he thought last night are gone in an instant. you move away from the strays as you make eye contact with him, muttering, “there. i can see you better. don’t look down like that or you will hurt your neck.”
red bursts completely all over his face. steam coming out of his head.
“what’s the matter with you? you look like reddie.”
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tcustodisart · 2 months
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Late night birb posting, woo hoo! I wanted to just doodle Faust like a normal and sane person, and it ended up in a place I didn't expect. I'm blaming it on being sick tbh. Anyway, it's not always easy to be an immortal bird. I guess.
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