#i beg of u
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twilightsleepjunkie · 2 months
One Hard Pill to Swallow
Emmett was the most collected of all the Cullen children but he wasn’t calm or collected right now.
Carlisle pressed the phone against his face and stepped out of the Emergency ward, into the hallway. His ears pricked as he listened to her screams in the background. “Is Esme hurt? Emmett, what’s wrong with her?”
“I don’t know,” Emmett spoke through his teeth. “That’s why I called you. Is today special or something?” Emmett could count on one hand the number of times he’d seen her break down. Usually it had something to do with her baby, but Emmett couldn’t think of anything that would have upset her like this.
Carlisle ran through the family calendar in his head, it wasn’t an important day that would set her off like this, it was just a normal Friday. “Where is she?”
“We’re at home, I didn’t want to leave her alone.”
“Stay where you are.” Carlisle demanded, already heading for the locker room, he’d hang up his coat, pass off his patients and be out the door. “I’ll see you in ten-minutes.”
Exactly eight-point-five minutes later, Carlisle’s Mercedes screeched to a halt in the driveway, and 2 seconds after that, he was inside the house. 
Something was wrong. The unnatural, suffocating silence emitting from the house, set him on edge. 
 Of the entire family, Emmett was the least likely to need him for anything, ever.  
“I can’t get her to come out and I can’t get in without breaking the house.” Emmett pointed towards the staircase. “She got quiet and in this house, that’s never been a good sign. She slowed down as soon as I called you.” 
There was always sound coming from Esme’s art room. She played soft classical music on the stereo system while she painted and when she was throwing pottery, 1960s love songs floated through the house. She was never loud, but there was always some level of sound coming from the room.
Then suddenly, there was nothing. No music, No gentle humming. Just silence, deafening and uncomfortable silence. The largest part of her breakdown was over.
Carlisle darted up the three flights of stairs, sliding on his heels when he reached the door to his wife’s art studio. He listened closely, waiting for some indication that she was in there. 
“Esme,” Carlisle called her name softly through the antique door and knocked twice before trying the handle. As expected, the glass knob wouldn’t budge. “May I come in?” 
He waited for a beat and heard the quiet snick of the lock and the door swung open.
Newspaper clippings were scattered across the hardwood floor, Carlisle had to step around them. He stooped onto the floor and grabbed one, but every headline said the same thing. Small Cemetery on the outskirts of Milwaukee: Land Reallocated’
“Oh no.”  
She’d moved to the floor for the extra space to spread out her research. Esme subscribed to all of the newspapers from the various towns the family moved to. It padded the recycling, helping them blend in with the rest of the community. 
What she’d found in Wisconsin, broke her. She wanted the floor to open underneath her so she could drop into the hole, allowing the uncertain aching darkness to swallow her whole and she would disappear.  She would never have to feel this kind of pain again.
When she finally spoke, “He’s gone.”  The hoarse whisper came from the corner of the room. Esme had wedged herself between the corner of her drafting table and the wall. She was hiding and still so afraid to take up too much physical space. Carlisle suddenly remembered the last time he saw her like this. Though it had been nearly 8 decades, the memory burned bright.
A year after her change, on the exact one year anniversary of her son's death Carlisle found her in the small coat closet, knees bent to her chest, dry-sobbing into a pillow so she wouldn’t be heard. Somehow, this was worse. Esme worked to keep the memories of her baby, they were so tightly intertwined with her vile first husband that she couldn’t think of one without the other.
The angular window cast a pathetic ray of sunlight over her head. A broken halo, over his angel. 
“Why are you here?”
“Emmett called.” If Carlisle’s heart could still move, it would have lurched into his throat when he saw her like that. 
He cut off her argument and dropped down on the wood floor beside her. “You’re not alright.”
Though there were no tears, dark makeup smeared on her face and her hands. The collar of her shirt was torn and shallow pale lines marred her chest where she so clearly aimed to claw out her own heart. Folding himself into the small space with her, he pulled her into his lap and slid his hands over hers, holding them in place so she couldn’t reach for her chest again. With vampire strength, and Esme’s pristine manicure there was a real danger of her hurting herself.
“The city.” She choked out into the side of his neck. Chest heaving, hands shaking against him.
“Shh…” He stroked her back. “I got it, now.”  The evidence on the floor was all the information he needed.  
“They turned my baby’s grave into a parking lot!” The words tore out of her mouth in an angry hiss. Saying it aloud cemented the fact that her child’s final resting place was gone. She’d outlived her son, twice. 
The desecrated grave stood as a tangible reminder that in this semblance of a life, there was no place for fairness. Their never ending existence meant that they would always be the last people standing, while everyone around them died. It was the curse that came with immortality. 
Carlisle pressed his wife against his chest, helpless as she convulsed in his arms. Her hands clawed at her chest, screeching like steel on granite. 
“Stop trying to hurt yourself.” Carlisle locked her hands in his keeping them still. “Hold me,” he guided her hands to his shoulders and curled her fingers around either end of his scarf.  
 He held her tight as apologizes and pleas for forgiveness slipped through her sobs as she gasped for air and trembled.
“I left him there-”  
Carlisle knew there was no sense in reasoning with her, she didn’t need to be told that staying in Milwaukee would not have helped her son. Esme’s anguish couldn’t be reasoned away, it bubbled up like a pus infected boil needing to be lanced. 
“You’re forgiven.” He whispered into her hair, “I promise he forgives you.”
Sitting up slightly he grabbed the handmade quilt from the desk chair and covered her with it.  “Jasper.” Carlisle depended on Jasper’s enhanced hearing. “Help me.”  
 Carlisle kissed her hair, bereft of anything useful to do. All he could do was try to offer comfort. “I’m very sorry,” his words were not hollow, but she couldn’t hear him. Not really. “Both of you deserve better than this.”
 After nearly 80 years of marriage, he’d learned that sometimes all he had to do was shut up and hold her. Today was one of those days. The long-buried pain ran bone deep and he had no hope of ever truly alleviating her suffering. 
Her voice was frail when she could finally speak again. “My poor baby. I’m sorry.”
Carlisle, for the first time in a century, wished he could drug his wife. As a doctor he would’ve given her a xanax and put her to bed. But she needed this release and drugging her because it broke his heart seeing her so upset, would be selfish.
A minute later, Jasper was in the doorway. “You rang?”
“Can you make it easier on her?” She needed the release, he didn’t want to take it from her completely. “Calm her down gradually?” 
“I’ll try.” Jasper sat on the floor in the doorway, concentrating on Esme. A few seconds later, her breathing slowed and she’d stopped shaking.
“Breathe,” Carlisle pressed his palm against her chest, his fingers smoothed over her sternum as her eyes fluttered open. “Nice and slow.”
“He’s gone.” She blew out a breath, the hollow feeling in her chest weighing her down. “For real. He’s completely gone. What am I supposed to do, Carlisle? Leave flowers at a truck stop!”
“We’ll find another way. I promise, we will find a way to remember him.”
“That grave site was supposed to be permanent–suddenly–it’s not. He’s not here anymore and I don’t know how to do this.”
  “We’ll just  have to find another way…” he insisted,  but he couldn’t come up with a solution at the moment. The Cullens rarely stayed anywhere longer than a few years. Who could have foreseen that the little gravesite with the stone placard and  concrete angel wouldn’t be around for the next hundred years? 
He lifted Esme into his arms, letting her head rest on his shoulder, her breath tickled the side of his neck.“Mind your head, My Dearest,” he gently extracted her from the small space and held her against him, his long legs eating the short distance to their bedroom. 
“My poor boy,” the whispered words faded into the low light of the bedroom. The plush mattress dipped when Carlisle sat beside her, moving her hair out of her face. One finger ran back and forth against her cheek.
“His poor mother, too.” He kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger there.“I’ll be right back.”
Before she could ask where he was going, Carlisle was at her side with a warm, wet washcloth in hand. Carlisle was no stranger to washing wounds and all he could do was hope that Esme’s would start to heal.
“What are you doing?”
“You have makeup all over your face,” he explained, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear where it had slipped from her ponytail.
Carlisle washed the makeup from her eyes, he moved down the bridge of her nose and  droplets of water drifted down her chin were the closest she would get to real tears.
“Does it even count?” A shy, timid question that Esme didn’t want to hear the answer to.
 “Of course he counts.” He moved the cloth down her cheek, ever so gently;  slowly chasing the dark streaks of makeup that melted off her face. “You held him in your body, kept him warm, safe and well fed. You loved him because that’s what a mother does.”
“Not well enough.” She choked, still teetering on the verge of emotion. “Not long enough.”
“It’s not your fault.” He didn’t know what happened to her son, but he knew Esme to be certain that she’d had nothing to do with his death. 
“It was only three days.” There wasn’t enough time, she didn’t kiss her boy’s face enough times or watch his feet draw up when he slept. She didn’t get to read to him or even take him outside and let him feel the sunlight on his face. It wasn’t enough time, enough life to count herself as his mother.
“Joseph is your little boy. You nurtured him and loved him for as long as you had him, that doesn’t change.” He’d moved to her hands now, tenderly washing between each of her fingers and across her palms.
His hands slipped down her neck, barely grazing the nearly invisible self-inflicted wounds across her chest. 
“Let me take a look.”
“It’s fine,” she tried to pull away but his hand on her shoulder held her in place.
“No, Esme.” He turned on the bedside lamp and retrieved his doctor’s bag from beside the bed. “It’s not fine.” He insisted, angling a penlight so the light shone across her chest.  
“Carlisle please–”
“Answer the question, please. Does it hurt whilst I touch it?”
“N–” She sucked in a breath when his fingers prodded against her collarbone and down her chest.
“That would be a ‘yes’” He answered his own question, continuing to palpate the area.  “Please stop trying to hurt yourself.” There was no question she’d cut herself. A long jagged line stretched across her breastbone, over her unbeating heart.  
She didn’t deserve the pain and trauma of her human life. Now, her only tie left to that life was gone. 
When he was finished and the ruined makeup had been washed away, Carlisle laid down beside Esme, holding her close.  Her tangled curls falling across his chest. It was his fault for not keeping up with the gravesite. Carlisle knew he should have made it a priority to take Esme back to Milwaukee. The harrowing arrival of their grandchild and subsequent need to gather every vampire they’d ever had contact with; to confront the Volturi, took priority. Still, he should have made more of an effort to preserve the cemetery. Esme and Joseph did not deserve Carlisle’s negligence.
 Mere words of apology couldn’t fix this, she would tell him that it wasn’t his fault. Without another comment, she’d kiss him, comfort him while she was the one in dire need of tenderness, and drop the subject completely. Esme wouldn’t hold a grudge, she didn’t have a mental rolodex of his mistakes filed away for ammunition to use later. She would just forgive him.
Carlisle didn’t want to be forgiven.
“Lay back,” he pressed one hand behind her head, angling her face away from his, giving him a clear look at her chest. 
The venom washed up his throat, coating his tongue and he bent forward, sealing her wounds with his kiss.
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bellzsad · 5 months
i wish i could create collections on tumblr (like on tiktok, instagram, etc.) because it would be so fucking useful. like people could see all my miraculous posts, or all my maze runner posts, or all my random posts—and everything would be really organized because i cannot stand tumblrs layout.
tumblr pls do this‼️
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Hey! For comic reasons does anyone have any fucking clue what Schedar is even wearing? Or like, any suggestions for the NPCs clothing, like Rigel, Cas, Giana? We only get headshots and that's fine for the game, but I want more so shoot me with ideas please!
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andyclutterfuckme · 1 month
TOWL Ep 4 *fans self*
They already got me blushing just thinking about how they gon keep undressing each other with their eyes... before actually undressing each other... and they better not give me those quick cutaway/fade to black scenes when things start getting hot & heavy, I'm still not over the way Andy talked about their van scenes together in season 7 and how fun they were to film when they just improvised and were led by their natural chemistry, but it's an American TV show and the execs said it showed too much skin below the waist so they couldn't use those shots... UGH, I'm tired of just using my imagination. GIVE US WHAT WE WANT. PLS, DANAI!!! (also, if there is a God above, someone will leak those unused scenes from season 7)
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adam hann wear makeup again challenge
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jkgnggj · 25 days
ฅ/ᐠ˶> ﻌ<˶ᐟ\ฅ
I have been booped
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racheldowneyjrr · 11 months
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Okay so now that we know Greg apparently studied zoology, who’s gonna take one for the team & write a fic where he’s a zoology major with a crush on his mentor and professor, Tom???
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moremaybank · 8 months
hi so i’ve been working on sum ceo!rafe shit but for a COMPLETELY diff smut…what are some instances rafe would punish you for?? i feel like everything i think of is so repetitive m
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fleshlemon · 10 months
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metal hellsinger's a good game i had to draw stan as unknown
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jelliclekay · 3 months
Having a very slow afternoon shift, please send Cats asks I am so unbelievably bored
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iobartach · 6 months
mig rly be out here picking on those of shorter stature and I'm livinggg for it 🤭
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kagdowo · 7 months
girlfriends i have a question. what the FUCK is this song. its so cool and funky but i can’t understand the mumble rap to look up the lyrics !!!! plz…. i am so hungry and lost. look at that purple bitch. he’s so happy. he knows the name of the song, and he is free.
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cxrsedboo · 9 months
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is it obvious i dont know how lighting works? CAUSE I DONT!
pidge and hunk are such an adorable duo to me, especially in vf with their already established relationship i love them sm not to mention how protective they are of eachother, i mean sure the vf cast is protective of everyone but i mean have you seen the way hunk called out to pidge once wade’s lions got a hit on him? not to mention when the man got ELECTROCUTED, hunk was on him asap (i refuse to believe pidge walked away from that instantly, check my buddy’s @toasthoneyandstardust rant about it if i were to start ranting, i dont think i’d stop)
they’d do basically everything together early on like train, clean up the lions, work on maintenance together but also on their days off they’d just talk and talk about literally anything and turn it into a 5 hour rant like how penguins can’t fly to keith’s new haircut (im sorry love but the mullet was NOT it) and if they were too busy saving the world from lotor or wade then they’d spend nights reading or watching movies to catch up for lost time
keith lost count how many times he’s had to wake both of them up from the couch the morning after and has plenty of photos of the cadets joining them in on their nightly movie or game night sessions or even as far as late night reads (but also can you really blame them? hunk has the best narrator voice and can imitate almost every accent at least somewhat decently, ignoring how everytime he does it his voice cracks so badly it sounds like he’s a teenager again)
this art is more messier than the other ones since 1, i dont know how to draw couches, and 2 lighting can suck my dic- but its punk so therefore i love it, did i mention how much i love these dorks?
i would’ve drawn hunk with a tattoo but i got lazy so just imagine he has one on his shoulder hidden away underneath his shirt okay
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shubblelive · 9 months
please god someone send me some wilbur reqs i’m dying to write
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chris-continues · 1 year
Ok so I used to be like obsessed w dr strange when I was like 11 because he’s so incredibly fine SO HEAR ME OUT MARVEL AU W KNIVES AS DR STRANGE
The cocky know it all personality and intellect is there. Knives isn’t as extroverted as Tony so hmmm
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