#i appreciate the commitment to the shitpost
victorian-nymph · 1 year
Saw someone in a tiktok comment section saying they got their sexual awakening from Kurt Russell in The Thing (1982) which is absolutely hysterical to imagine trying to watch THE THING for the first time and then all of a sudden your brain starts doing this:
Relatable ngl I do this when I watch the thing
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varians-goggles · 10 months
the reason ive become an extreme wet cat hugo truther is because back then i was still reading on wattpad and all the 7k fics depicted varian as a shy uwu flustered boi who turned into a tomato when hugo called him a babycakes pookie pie smth smth i forgot. with hugo being a muscular alfa male. and it didn't sit right with me but i wasn't gonna hate on it obviously.
but now the truth(/hj) is reaching us and it's that hugo's a sopping boyfailure wet cat and varian literally committed more crimes than he did at 14. it has fullfilled me. the edits that blur hugo's face and add a tw at the beginning and stop putting him on this "hot badass" pedestal. he has been microwaved to hell and back in people's brains. couldn't be happier.
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mazojo · 11 months
I knew when choosing tumblr as my platform I chose the path of exellency
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look i may be a gideon nav appreciater but that doesn’t mean that the only reason i am not a full-blown Ianthe Tridentarius apologist isn’t that i think she would view me insinuating that she wants, or in fact cares, about people’s forgiveness as an insult and immediately turn me into a corncob made out of bones
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larptrash · 2 years
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I'm not impressed with the fact that you take your coffee black.
I'm concerned.
Do you need a hug?
Is there someone I can call for you?
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bigbigtruck · 1 year
i deeply appreciate the commitment to quality in Tumblr's Star Trek DS9 Shitposting Department
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writing-for-life · 4 months
for the love your fandom asks: 10, 11, 25?
Oh, they’re all such good ones, @stellerssong
11. If you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
I’m both, although my art usually flies under the radar because I have hang ups about it, hence hardly ever post it, and if I do, I usually attach it to something else. But I’ll post it separately this time because this is actually one I can sort of appreciate (sorry for the low quality, lifted it off a Tumblr post because I’m on my phone and the hi res is on my desktop):
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Writing I’m proud of: The Light of Stars, simply because the feedback I got meant so much to me. If several people tell you it helped them with processing grief, or thinking about their own death with less fear, you know you’ve done something that went beyond a silly little fanfic (I mean, I’m totally committed to Muhulhu of course 🤣), and that honestly mattered in ways I can’t even begin to explain.
My Sandman Haikus, simply because I stuck with them, and they were for the first fandom event I took part in.
I’ll do the other two as well:
25. A piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
Not so much advice rather than what I try to do myself (and since I’m human, I sometimes fail):
Stop engaging as soon as you sense bad faith takes and reactivity. Remember they come from a place of being human or being hurt, and keep that in mind. But it serves no one and will usually create more hurt if at least one, or even both sides, are not in a space to listen.
Have a close circle of mutuals who get you, but beware of echo chambers.
Step back when things stop bringing you joy.
Regularly do something with your hands or your body if you can (you can interpret that in any way you like 😜), and get off electronic devices and social media.
10. A blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
All blogs I follow make my fandom experience brighter, otherwise I wouldn’t follow them. So if I follow you, or regularly engage with you even if I don’t, you can be sure you make my fandom experience worthwhile, and I always hope I can give back a bit.
I find it impossible to choose, hence I won’t, but I’m leaning towards blogs by people who share my passion for deep (over🤣)thinking and meta-analysis.
But I love all my mutuals, and each of them enriches my fandom experience in unique ways through either friendship (and that has nothing to do with what they do with their blogs), art or story. Or just unhinged shitposting. And sometimes all four…
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mysterypond · 9 months
Going through and choosing my favorite fics for that ask meme made me think of what I would put as my least favorite fics…
This isn’t a self depreciation thing more of a reflection, which for me is easy because 1) I haven’t written hxh in like half a year and 2) I have 69 fics to choose from. So. Would not particularly reccomend doing this if you don’t have a whole library of fics to choose from.
Anyhow, I won’t be counting any crack/shitpost fic because I want to focus on what makes a fic one of my “least favorites” in my eyes, which I would boil down to a botched execution. A lot of the fics I dislike of mine had ideas I was really passionate about, but somehow I didn’t end up writing them in a way that really pleased me. This could be for a variety of reasons, be it issues with tone and pacing, to a lack of technical skill at the time, to getting my themes and messages mixed up. Absolutely no shade to anyone if you like these fics, I don’t doubt people do as some have the stats to prove it. This is just my reflection of author intent vs what actually comes across in the fic.
So read on if you’re curious, if not, well, it can remain a mystery.
5. Ging x Gets x Cucked - honestly this one doesn’t truly deserve to be on the list it’s just a bit… dated lmao, I feel like my sense of humor has evolved from here so reading this makes me cringe at some of the jokes I put in there. But the real reason I’m adding it here is because I think it could have been an interesting concept had I not committed solely to the humor aspect of it.
4. I, Scream - This was during my experimental phase pt. 2 and this phase was significantly less appreciated than phase 1 (2021) and I think it was because I tried a lot weirder stuff with my writing in 2022, especially with the AITAs and short shitpost fics. This fic is the tail end of the surrealist era of fics I wrote, and it quite frankly is just not good. I don’t know how I would improve it, but essentially the gag is that there is green bean ice cream and Beans is nowhere to be found, prompting the reader to assume Beans is going to be eaten, which in turn it’s revealed Beans himself is eating the ice cream. Cannibalism? Not to mention, the fic itself is a poem with a bizarre line structure, making it hard to read. While everything I did with this was a very purposeful delivery I feel like it’s lacking that “so what” of “why should I care about this?” Like sure, I can write something like this with my technical skill but emotionally it really falls flat.
3. between me and you (and everyone I've spilled my heart to) - I took the idea of “what if a drunken confession didn’t lead to a love confession, but was a confession of some sort of crime” and then did absolutely nothing interesting with it, nor were the relationships portrayed here particularly done in an enticing way. I don’t have much to say about this fic because I didn’t have as high expectations for it as I did some of the others.
2. Snapdragon - fun fact I deleted chapter 3 and reposted it randomly, no idea who remembers the first version of chapter 3 because I sure don’t! What I was going for with this fic was a love tragedy of many angles. What I got was… boring. The fic was supposed to tug on the heart strings, but I find it merely grazes them. I think part of it was the format I chose, focusing on 4 different narrators to give perspective to the situation when two of them really didn’t add much to the story. I like poly!zodiacs, and I feel I didn’t lean into that enough to really justify cheadle and mizai being there. They feel… Kind of thrown in. Anyhow, I fell out of love with this fic by the time I finished my 2nd chapter, so I suspect that’s why 3 and 4 were so hard for me to write. The spark was gone.
1. Judgement x Day - In the defense of this fic, I will say that the concept is still interesting to me: If Killua had to force a choice to save Alluka or Gon, who would he pick? - Which then translates into a moral dilemma. The fic idea came to me when I was watching a Voyager episode “Tuvix”, basically a plot where 2 crew members get into a transporter episode and fuse into one person, who exists for a few weeks before Captain Janeway essentially orders the doctor to split him back into Tuvok and Neelix, thus killing him. My irl friends and I talked about this episode a lot, and I thought I could write something that took a similar concept and did it better. I was wrong. I think the fic itself would have been better with much more nuance to it, but it ends up feeling so flat and as if Killua’s decision is less of a dramatic tragedy and more of a plot point. It just doesn’t feel human enough. It’s sad without enough breathing room to really care about what’s going on, if I had to write it all again I’d change the tone to make it more bittersweet and less “sad”. Anyhow, this is actually the fic I’ve gotten the most negative comments on! I actually temporarily turned commenting off because of this, but it’s back on and all the bad ones have been purged. I’ve thought about deleting the fic, letting it fade into obscurity, but I feel like I should keep it up.
Anyhow, again don’t worry if you like any of these fics! I think if I wasn’t the writer and didn’t know what I was going for I might enjoy a few of these, however this is more my thought process for why I’m not satisfied with any of them. Hope it was interesting to read at least :3
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artisticrandomness · 2 years
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Hi, welcome to my trash heap! This is where I post my art (generally deltarune related) and say random shit to concern random internet users /hj
My requests are nearly always open, so feel free to drop an ask!! Only deltarune related stuff though
I will try my best to keep my blog organized! Tags along with my BYI and DNI below!!
sammie committed a felony - art tag
sammie spoke shit - textpost
-and has a life sentence for it - shitpost, follows the other two tags
I am a minor!! Please keep that in mind when interacting
Tone tags are greatly appreciated when interacting!
My art can be used for icons/banners on site, but nothing else!! Credit must be given, and preferably the art isn’t edited
Please do not steal, repost or heavily reference my art. You may trace my art, however, as long as proper credit is given
Colourpicking and straight up using my deltarune designs are grand, the characters don’t belong to me. If using my design, credit isn’t needed (but preferred), but don’t claim that you designed it
Please avoid DMing me for no reason, it’s very stressful for me. If you have a request send it through my askbox. It’s nearly always open
Standard DNI criteria. So homo/transphobes, terfs, racists, ableists, etc
Proshippers/Comshippers/whatever you people go by
NSFW blogs
If you sexualize any utdr characters. It makes me uncomfortable, and its just fucked up if your doing it to character that is a minor
Other things I can’t think of right now
Oh, and one more thing;
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PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ME TO DRAW KRIS!! I absolutely adore drawing them, but sometimes I struggle to think of ways to draw them, so feel free to give me prompts!! And I with most definitely draw au krises, and I’d love to draw other peoples interpretations of them!! Just please provide a coloured reference, thanks. Like even if my general deltarune requests are closed, I’ll probably still make you a lil kris doodle unless there’s something really wrong with me
And with that, please enjoy your stay!!
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roipecheur · 1 year
2022 fic year in review
Total number of completed works: 12
Total word count: 222,173
Fandoms written in: Marvel (Daredevil, Punisher, and Black Widow both MCU and comics, mostly MCU and comics fusion), DCU comics (Deathstroke and Nightwing + adjacent bats and birds) and Peacemaker (HBO series)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?  I figured I would write a little less than what I did in 2021 because I got kinda burnt out by the end of the year. I wrote about 60k less, so I think that’s about what I expected.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?  A toss-up between mapped out and blind date, they were both really fun to write.
Did you take any writing risks this year?  I signed up for two bangs and one exchange, so there’s always the risk I won’t finish in time. (I didn’t for one bang and the exchange, but got everything posted a couple weeks late.)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?  Yes, I have three sladick fics I want to write for sure: a fantasy/royalty AU, one where Slade keeps restraining Dick and accidentally gives him a bondage kink, and one that’s a time-travel Blüdhaven fix-it fic (but not in the way you think). I also have tentative plans to write chapter twos or part twos for some of the sladick fics I did last year. I’ve had a Leota/Keeya (from Peacemaker) idea bouncing around in my head for awhile (featuring Adrian committing chaos in the background), so I will try to get that out by February because I like to do femslash February. And I got 15k into an obikin fic I had to set aside due to other fandom events that I would like to finish by the end of the year. Fratt is on a bit of a backburner for me, but I do still have ideas and would participate in fratt weeks and DDE if that gets scheduled. Basically, I will still be on my bullshit.
Most popular story of the year? By kudos, it’s scientifically sound, with muscle memory as a close second.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: wolves and girls for sure. It’s a nearly 40k fic for a pairing (natelektra) with 15 works on AO3, one of which is the art post for this fic--I used it for the Marvel bang. I didn’t expect it to get much traction, but by god this pairing deserved at least one bang-length fic, and if I cannot find it, I will create it!
Most fun story to write:  Maybe scientifically sound? It was 2k and I wrote it in one sitting, which was a first for me, as it’s usually a struggle to keep any of my ideas under 10k. I also had fun writing all the sladick fics I did for the sladerobin weekend/mini event back in April--I had a bit of time off, so I was able to crank those out much faster than usual. (Those are mapped out, a pound of flesh, and one for the road.)
Most unintentionally telling story: Tbh it’s probably wolves and girls for the same reason it was the better half last year. I again romanticized the ability to travel and spent an inordinate amount of time describing the scenery. 
Biggest disappointment: Lack of time, more than anything. Real life kicked my ass this year, and I didn’t (and never do) get as much writing done as I wanted. I also really wanted to finish that obikin fic before I started my next one, but that didn’t happen, and it is now languishing in WIP land.
Biggest surprise: Going feral over obikin like I’m in middle school again.
My favorite part of fandom this year: I always like working with artists for bangs and events, and @flamebird-j created a lovely piece for muscle memory. I also met some cool people through the DC fandom and read just enough comics to appreciate the excellent shitposting potential of batfam shenanigans.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it 💕
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locatellini · 2 years
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On a hot summer night in Italy last September, I decided to make a new side blog - one year later, it’s still going strong. When I started this blog, I never expected to keep it alive for this long, but I’m committed to keep sharing my shenanigans and I’m grateful for everything that’s happened over the past 380ish days. It’s been a lot of fun to share my favorite sports moments with everyone who’s stumbled across this blog, and I’m excited for another year of yelling in the tags, clowning on the dashboard, and creating special memories.
Thank you to everyone who’s accompanied me along the way, who witnessed sports history and weekly meltdowns with me, who engaged with my posts and made me smile with the occasional funny tag. Thank you to the people who have left questions in my inbox and the ones who read and requested my fanfics, and thank you to everyone who’s shared my content with their friends and followers - I certainly wouldn’t have made it this far without you.
Thank you especially to my mutuals and the people I see in my notes regularly, you guys (probably) know who you are. Thank you for the joy I’ve felt seeing your interactions with my work; I read and see every single one of them. Thank you for making my world a little brighter, even on days when it feels impossible. Without you guys, I probably wouldn’t enjoy all these sports even half as much.
I’m eternally grateful for everything I’ve been able to experience over the past year. Seeing people enjoy what I share and reading the positive feedback makes sleepless nights of transferring video material and color grading gifs worth it. I appreciate every little notification, and the respect and mutual support I’ve experienced makes me proud to be part of this community. Thank you for joining me on this journey and for sharing my passion for sports.
To another year of shitposting and mindless yelling, of video edits and gifs, of experiencing let downs, history, and big emotions together. I can’t wait to see what this year has to offer for us! Cheers to everything that's yet to come, and cheers to the best group of people I could ever share it with.
- Clio <3
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rainee-da · 4 days
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🍀 rainee's info desk — this will include my blog rules, writing rules, request rules, and general faq that people often send me.
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blog rules — what you need to know before you interact with this blog
❥ this is all-in-one blog — If you decided to follow me, that means you also consented to see a huge chunk of spoilers, ranting, shitposting, or post/works for other fandoms in your timeline. ❥ minors (except already mutuals) please do not follow — Because I might post/reblog NSFW content that is not safe for your consumption. If you want to interact with me, please put your age in your bio or I might block you. ❥ read and interact in good faith — I assure you that I'm doing the best that I can and everything I said in this space is made with good intentions. If you find me to be hurtful, politely let me know! ❥ be respectful and polite — I'm just a single human being behind this blog and and I have other life commitments outside of internet that will result in me taking a while to post some works, respond to notification, or react to your asks. I made this as a place to recharge and I tried to not put pressure on myself to do everything quickly. ❥ do not DMs me if you're not my mutual — If you want to interact with my about various topic or send some request, please use my ask box or the comment sections to do so.
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writing rules — what you need to know before you read any of my works
❥ do not copy, translate, plagiarize, or put my work into any ai interface — I'm really happy that you love my work, but please respect it enough to not make it your own by any means. If you want to write something inspired by one of my works, I would be honored but some heads up would be appreciated! ❥ read the warning carefully — I put all you need to know (age rating, trigger warning, everything) in the very beginning of my work, thus I will not be held responsible for any discomfort that might happen after that. If I missed an additional warning though, kindly let me know through comments/ask box. ❥ request will be slow and my own idea will be prioritized first — I will write stuffs if I found inspiration for one, but I assure you that everything will be done based on its queue! ❥ I can't guarantee that I will maintain available tag list — because my brain is as good as a goldfish lol. I recommend to look at my masterlist if you want to find my work because I will keep everything updated on there!
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request rules — what you need to know before sending me your request
❥ I only accept headcanon requests — if you want me to write one in oneshot form, I might decline since those will depend on my mood and it's rare for me to get in the mood to write for that lol. But if I found your request to be interesting, I might put it on my back burner! ❥ request gender neutral/female reader only — I'm not confident nor comfortable in writing requests for something other than those since I'm mostly familiar with and identify with those terms, and I didn't want to accidentally mischaracterize others with my work! ❥ request 3 characters at a time — I might include some bonuses if I feel like it, but there's no guarantee. If you didn't specify which character that you want, I will choose one randomly. ❥ don't spam — just send me one time, and I will put it on my queue list. Also; don't send me another request until I've done your previous request! (there's no way for me to figure this out since I turned on the anonymity, so this will depend on your own conscience) ❥ elaborate your request — just in case I didn't understand any of your jargon/terms/references, please do describe it as detailed as you deem necessary in your submission! ❥ I don't accept requests for 'canon x oc' OR 'canon x canon' — there's a chance that I would made canon x canon in this blog, but that doesn't mean that I accept those kinds of requests! so any of the requests would be canon x reader only. ❥ nsfw requests will be slightly restricted — this means that I might decline if it contains any of the following tropes that I banned (list is down below), and I will put those types of requests in the lower priority so there's no real guarantee that I will finish your request fast. ❥ I don't write for any of the following tropes — cheating, polyamorous, love triangles, incest, dom reader, rape, gore, blood, pain kink, piss, scat, vomit, kink involving bodily functions in general, pet play. ❥ I might not write for all characters in the series! — If you want to know what character I'm willing to work with, check my fandom list.
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general faqs — I got sent these a lot in my box & dms, so I'll answer it all here
❥ Is it okay to submit ask just to chat? — absolutely! feel free to send me ask about anything! whether it's just some general question or your ramble about our favorite fandoms! but one note that I would like to add is; please don't use my box as a place to vent or do some trauma-dumping. I didn't know what to do with those... ❥ can I be your mutual? — please don't ask me to be your mutual if you're not writing blog or those I've personally interacted with often in this space. No hard feelings though! It's just awkward is all... ❥ what do you think of <insert controversial topics here> — I will not answer this kind of question. I made this a safe space for me (and others, hopefully) to escape from difficult stuff that might be found outside of my space, so I'll do my utmost best to keep these spaces discord-free! ❥ where do you get themes/layouts/edits? — I made them myself, and I thank you for liking them! though for those reasons please don't steal or copy any of my themes in this blog. ❥ what type of request will you reject? - I will instantly delete requests sent when the request box is closed, and those with mentions of certain tropes (list is above!) but I would like to highlight that I have the right to refuse any request for whatever reason and I will not be forcing myself to write if I don't vibe with it! If I rejected your request for reasons other than above though, I'll DM you!
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spinogreen0iq · 1 year
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Sharks, a 4 panel shitpost
Yeah I’m doing this again, listen, it was just so fun to make last time idk why, but yeah, I got inspired to do this again.
This is just a more or less dumb meme about Odons love for his sharks.
They are his children, well not literally, like in the way some ppl call their dog their kid.
But he would definitely be the kind of parent who would relentlessly defend their child no matter what atrocities they committed.
And something about francis, he actually just wants to play, so he’s a good boy.
Jonny sadly doesn’t appreciate this tho, I wonder why…
Anyway enjoy this dumb comic, cause I for sure enjoyed making it for some reason :>>
ps: I’m still working on the tavern scene, we’re making progress!!!
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dontsteponthatfish · 4 years
Mr. Davidson: "What's in your soul?"
Carol: "mold"
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4., 6., 7., 12. for the end of the year meme
4. Did your appearance change in anyway?
Not in any way that was really observable to me? Hair got a bit longer, gained a couple of scars (random injuries from being careless and a really sick one on my forearm from an infection)--oh! Two new tattoos! It's my sincerest hope that I'm developing laugh-lines as young as possible, though. :)
6. If you traveled, where did you go?
I stayed in-country! Within here I traveled to some touristy spots that I haven't gone before, though, and it was cool to experience a different side of the country, especially since in a lot of ways I received more local treatment for being more fluent in the language and culture than the average tourist. ;)
7. Which fashion trends did you love?
Ummmmmmmm...my country (and more specifically my village) is somewhat out-of-touch with popular fashion trends. ^^; I am proud to announce that my wardrobe has become, at minimum, 200% more queer, which I am extremely excited about.
12. What was your favorite movie of the year?
Song! Of! The! Sea!!! If you've never seen it, I highly recommend you go out and ruin yourself for all other animated movies, stat.
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quinn-fucks-shit-up · 2 years
phrase of the day:
Would that be fucked up or what?
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