#i apologize for bringing this image into existence
defenestrationtactics · 7 months
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tuffnut just agreeing to be sacrificed brings me such unexplainable joy
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nanamikeento · 2 months
s.: "I have nightmares about your limp body being wheeled into the emergency room." (or: Harvey wakes up from a bad nightmare, but you're there to comfort him.) - Harvey (stardew valley) x gn!reader
w.c.: 1.3k (short but sweet)
read on ao3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
A panicked call of his name echoes through the clinic. Faceless people surround him in a circle as he approaches the table; cold metal digs on his skin as he presses his palm on its surface. The familiar scent of your perfume reaches his nose and his stomach drops. Please don’t be you, he thinks to himself as he takes the white sheet off the limp body.
He knew it would end like this, deep down he knew it. You went to the mines almost every day, never listening to his pleas. But as he lifts the white fabric, he prays to whatever god exists that it’s not you. The color of your hair comes into view and his world crumbles.
When he opens his eyes, sucking a sharp breath in, he immediately sits up on the bed and tries to remember where he is. The darkness in the room suffocates him a little, the blurriness of his vision makes him panic for a second.
But he's home. In your shared bedroom, in your shared bed. You sleep peacefully next to him, oblivious of his outburst. The day was long, the weather was impossibly hot, so it's understandable you passed out after working on your farm. Your face is an absurd contrast to his dream, the color in your face brings him the breath that was escaping from him.
Harvey's heart is still beating fast, however. He brings a hand to his chest, clutching his sleep shirt, the pendant you gave him underneath the fabric brings him some comfort.
Lying back down, his arms snake around your middle as he buries his face on your hair, the scent of your homemade shampoo lingering on him. It reminds him of his nightmare, where your hair was flat, cold to the touch, underneath the sheets. The image of your face, deprived of all blood, lifeless eyes, makes him tighten his grip on you, as a reminder that it was just a dream and you're still here.
Harvey doesn't notice you're awake until a strangled whimper comes out of you. He squeezed you too hard, he thinks, waking you up and ruining your night of sleep. Pulling away, he looks down at you, who rubs your eyes as you turn around to face your lover.
“Harvey?” You ask, voice laced with sleep, “what's the matter?”
“I'm sorry, sweetheart,” he replies, pressing his lips on your forehead, “go back to sleep.”
“Hey, what's wrong?” You sit up and reach beside you to turn the lamp on. “Why are you crying?”
Harvey doesn’t notice the tears in his tears until they run down his cheeks as he sits up. And it’s like something snaps inside him. A sob escapes his lips and then another, a guttural sound, making your heart break. You lunge forward and pull him into an embrace as he cries, sobbing and mumbling about a nightmare he had.
“It was just a dream,” You say softly trying to comfort him, “just a dream, baby, it's all right.”
“You were– you were so cold and– I couldn't… I–” He tried to speak, face buried on your neck, wetting your night shirt with his tears, “I'm sorry, I just–”
“I’m okay, see?” You cup his cheeks, thumbing away the thick tears, “It was just a nightmare, I’m right here.”
With that, Harvey feels his heart slow down, the tears stop. Suddenly, he feels stupid, like a little kid that runs to their mother when they have a bad dream. Rouge paints his cheekbones as he reaches up to wipe his face clean.
“I’m sorry, I–” His voice is rough, thick with embarrassment, “I woke you up–”
“Don’t apologize. I’ll always be here for you.”
Your words only make him blush more, “Still, I– I know you had a long day and…”
A smile spreads on your face and you shake your head, bringing your lips to his in a sweet kiss. “You would do the same for me.”
And he realizes that, yes, he would do the same for you. If you had a nightmare and woke him up, he wouldn’t think you were a child, or stupid. He would comfort you, just as you did to him. It brings him back to the first night he spent at your house, when he was constantly bringing himself down as you brought him to bed, saying that it’d been a while, or that he didn’t have time to groom himself.
“I love every bit of you,” you said back then, “Why can’t you?”
Harvey watches as you get out of bed, taking his hand and urging him to get up too. He glances at the bedside clock and frowns confused. It’s three in the morning.
“Come,” you whisper, “I’ll get you some cold milk.”
He complies when you guide him to the aquarium room, where, besides the huge fish tanks, there’s a comfortable couch that you sometimes rest on. You have him sit down and leave for the kitchen, but it doesn’t take long until you’re back. A glass of cold milk, as promised, and a plate of homemade cookies.
“There were still some from the batch I baked this morning,” you say plopping down beside him, “and I don’t wanna hear about them not being healthy. Eat up.”
Harvey laughs softly and takes a sip from the milk, plucking a cookie from the plate right after. He looks at you, the soft blue light from the fish tanks illuminating your face in a different light. Your eyes move with the fish you keep as they swim inside their own little world.
“I love you,” Harvey says with a small voice. You look at him and notice he’s still blushing a little. “I feel like a kid, but… thank you.”
“I love you too, but you’ve got to let me take care of you, Harvey.” You smile, scooting closer to him. He automatically embraces you, putting his arm around your shoulder and relishing on the warmth of your body. “Do you want to talk about it?” you ask after a moment in silence.
“Actually, yes.” Harvey rests the glass of milk on the coffee table in the middle of the room and turns his whole body towards you. “I… I dreamed you died.” 
There’s no surprise in your eyes, but there is a hint of sadness in them. And when you don’t say anything, he continues.
“I remember your body being wheeled into the emergency room and… and…” His eyes water and he looks away, not wanting to cry any longer. “I just knew it was you, even though I didn’t want to believe it. I just…I love you too much to let you go, I can’t– I won’t be able to live without you in my life, and I–” 
“Hey.” You gently interrupt him, touching your forehead with his and cupping his face. “Don’t go down that rabbit hole. You’ll get paranoid.”
Harvey takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
“I know it’s easier said than done, but I know how much you worry about things you can’t control.” You continue. “But if you keep thinking that way, you won’t be able to… live.”
He stares at you and then pulls you into a thigh hug, “What would I do without you?”
“I know, right?” your voice is muffled by his shirt as you say, smiling. Then he pulls away and kisses you.
“I love you.”
“You say that a lot.”
Harvey snorts, “Please, if I ever stop, call an ambulance because I won’t be well.” 
You laugh, carding your fingers through his hair. “Ready to go to bed?”
He nods, “Let’s just brush our teeth first.”
“Yes, doctor!” You stand up and pull him by the hand.
Harvey watches as you walk to your shared bedroom and thinks the best decision he’s ever made in his life was to marry you.
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dollypopup · 11 days
Today I'm thinking about how so much of Colin's narrative speaks to the neurodivergent experience of having to pretend to be someone else as a survival mechanism. Of the pressure in masking because your real, authentic self is rejected or ignored: too weird, too quiet, too loud, too gullible, too soft-heart, too. . .everything. Too anything. And at the same time, not enough.
Colin gets excited about his travels, about his hyperfixations, talks and talks and talks about them, and no one cares. So, Colin shuts up. Colin writes letter after letter, and gets no reply. So, Colin writes in a journal just for himself. Colin tries and tries to make his family proud, tries to marry, tries courting properly, and it blows up in his face. So, Colin chooses not to date, to become a spectator. Colin is yelled at for trying to invest, so he no longer asks or talks about money, doesn't try to rock the boat in his city. Who Colin is, what he wants, ceases to matter, the fabric of him folded smaller and smaller- instead he focuses on the shell. Builds it in image of his older brothers, of the men around him. Mirrors them.
Anthony says he should have taken Colin to brothels, that he's a fool for trying to marry and his engagement blows up- Colin thus goes to brothels. Colin hops from city to city, trying on new personas like outfits, fine tuning each one. Is this it? Will this be what finally makes them accept me? Colin's appeal to the women of the ton is that he does not talk about himself- but about them. That they're wearing beautiful dresses, that surely they'll find husbands. Separating himself from them- cannot tell them of his travels, that he's not the brave one, it was everyone working together to help with the balloon.
Deflect. Never centered. Colin exists on the outskirts as Pen does, he's just hypervisible for his exterior, and invisible otherwise. His charm is that he pleases those around him. His wounds are that the truest version of him cannot accomplish that. Thus, he becomes hyperaware of what his impact is, first to apologize and last to be forgiven. Living for the approval of others is a trap. He knows. He's fallen into it, a bear claw around his ankles.
He feels like the only way he's worthwhile is if he's providing something for someone. An apology, or comfort, or ease, compliments or winks, a laugh or a distraction, good looks or a fantasy. Providing a happy life for Pen by stepping out of the way, his own needs secondary. It's being there for his mum for an escort or a soft heart to heart. It's taking Anthony's disappointment in him and being indulgent to Eloise's insults. It's giving Benedict his special tea and saying hardly anything about why he bought it in the first place. Bringing gifts to family members who did not write back to him as he wandered the world, alone. It's sticking his neck out for Penelope with Jack, it's providing a dance or a rescue or a good time, checking on Marina to make sure she's alive and okay, listening to Phillip. Colin isn't at all comfortable being himself, the himself that is messy, so he covers it in the himself that is useful.
But what he does, what he provides other people, is not his actual worth. He thinks he's being altruistic by stepping aside and languishing in his feelings for Pen, believing she'll be happier in the future with Debling, waiting and waiting and waiting, until that candle burns out and he's at the 11th hour- and when he snaps and goes after her, when he cuts into her dance, when he runs for her in that carriage, he makes a choice for himself that he thinks, in some way, is selfish.
But it isn't. It's what she wants, too. And there's something beautiful in the fact that with Penelope, his being real, what he thinks is so difficult and unwanted, is actually giving her what she has desired all along. They both find fulfillment and contentment in his unmasking. Penelope never wanted the shell. She saw what was beneath it. She loves what's beneath it.
And I think there's something. . .healing, in that narrative. That us ND peeps who mask as a means of fitting in- that will never bring us happiness. Not really. That it didn't bring Colin happiness.
His arc is realizing that he should be his true, authentic self, and that love will bloom from it. And it does.
I don't know. I think I can learn something from that. I think I'm going to carry that with me for a while.
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jinwoosungs · 1 month
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- musings for yandere! sung jinwoo -
disclaimers: dark content; manipulative behavior; mentions of m*rder; i do not condone such behaviors in real life, but this is a work of pure fiction, so anything goes.
DEFINITELY the type to fall hard at first sight for his darling. you can be a hunter, healer, or a mere civilian- it truly doesn't matter to him. for if you are unlucky enough to catch his attention, you will be subjected to his obsession and love- you will not escape from his love unscathed.
the day had been so utterly ordinary for sung jinwoo when he accompanied cha hae-in on what he assumed was her poor attempt at asking him out on a date.
he notices the way she smiles at him, appearing very much like a bright sunflower who's smile can match that of the sun's.
jinwoo was very much aware of her awkward kindness and beauty, yet what he felt for her was nothing more than a mere fondness. if such fondness were to ever grow into love, then he felt certain that such feelings would amount to nothing more than a familial type of love.
and despite how he knew hae-in was considered to be the perfect woman by many-
jinwoo's heart simply didn't burn for her.
after making some small talk, jinwoo waits patiently by hae-in's side for the light to flash, indicating that it was safe to walk across the street. he truly was not expecting for his life to change at all-
and oh, how wrong he was!
for once the light changed and he walked across the street with hae-in in tow-
that was the moment he saw someone that took his very breath away.
that was the moment he saw you.
as jinwoo appeared rooted on the spot, you remained blissfully unaware of the inner turmoil you had caused within the shadow monarch's heart. never once did he blink when you walk past him, eyes eagerly drinking in the sight of your hair and the way your eyes shone with amusement at your phone's screen.
even when you reached the opposite end of the street, jinwoo just couldn't bring himself to look away from you, doing all that he could to burn your image into his memory when he was suddenly pulled away from you and into the sidewalk once more.
the distance between you and him had gotten much farther, and jinwoo could feel his fists clenching in response. feeing annoyed and upset, his eyes began to flash purple in response, glaring down at the blond hunter who's eyes suddenly became wide with fear.
"i-i'm sorry, but i didn't wish for you to get run over." hae-in meekly gestures to the sight of incoming traffic, making him calm down almost immediately while unclenching his fists.
he supposes he should spare cha hae-in after all, since if he had been harmed or run over by a vehicle, then he would further delay his inevitable meeting with you.
looking away from her, he mutters a half-hearted 'thank you,' before shoving his hands within the pockets of his coat, counting down the minutes until he could end this outing with hae-in and bask in his thoughts of you.
no longer will gravity be the one keeping him grounded to the earth, but rather, YOU. it is your mere existence that will serve as jinwoo's purpose in life. YOU will be what keeps him grounded. as if you were a beacon of light that shone a path within his dark and cold world, he would become obsessed with you almost immediately, meticulously planning the day where you would be his while stalking your every movement.
the day he had ran into you, his shoulders harshly bumping into yours as he sent a plethora of his soldiers rushing into your shadow wasn't enough.
it was never enough.
when he purposely collided with you, he had watched you through glowing, purple eyes as you remained slumped against the sidewalk for several seconds from the impact. your eyes had watered a bit as unshed tears were seen glimmering within your gaze in pain-
the sight of it all nearly made him come to you and apologize while comforting you-
but jinwoo held back those urges, watching with pride when you slowly stood back up on your feet. you dusted off any stray dirt that remained on your outfit before walking forward with your head held high, going on with your day as if nothing had happened,
he deeply admires your strength, feeling his heart melt at the sight of you as his world was now bathed in a rose-colored hue.
even knowing that he could simply watch you from a distance, using the soldiers he had placed close to you as his eyes-
jinwoo still wanted more.
even when he spent hours upon hours looking through the eyes of his soldiers to keep track of you-
it wasn't enough.
instead, he uses his loyal soldiers to memorize your schedule, down to the very last second as he wrote down every single activity that you did.
[ weekdays ]
0800: my lover wakes up and gets ready for the day, sometimes making breakfast; sometimes skipping altogether.
NOTE TO SELF: cook for her a balanced and delicious breakfast every single day. it's what she deserves.
0915: darling leaves the apartment and heads to the station for work.
NOTE TO SELF: obtain a copy of her key soon.
1000 - 2100: darling works hard at her job before going home at 2130.
NOTE TO SELF: spoil her well with lavish gifts that she will love.
2225: arrives home to make a late dinner.
NOTE TO SELF: cook all her meals.
[ weekends ]
my darling has a very spontaneous schedule. sometimes she sleeps in; other times she wakes up early to explore the city. i am always trailing behind her, never too far, but never too close, either.
if she buys a ticket to a movie, i'll buy a ticket and sit behind her.
if she enters a restaurant and enjoys her lunch or dinner by herself, i'll pay for her bill with no questions asked.
at the end of each page, he would continuously write your name over and over again, eyes going hazy the more he continued to write your name endlessly before it became nothing but scribbles against his page that looked oddly like a heart.
only when he was certain he knew every aspect of your life did he finally make his appearance, allowing himself to be placed directly before you as he began the process of making you belong to him and him alone.
jinwoo had waited tirelessly for this exact moment.
he spent at least 8 months getting to know each and every minuscule detail about you, forming himself into your ideal man.
when your nose bumped into his hard chest as you 'accidentally' ran into him, jinwoo swore that he could feel his heart racing in response. his arms nearly came around you, trapping you in his tight embrace-
but he had to fight back such powerful urges.
instead, he allows your hands to rest against his chest, pushing yourself slightly away from him. it takes jinwoo a herculean effort to not crush your frame to his chest, hiding his desires with an easy smile when he sweetly asks,
"are you okay?"
jinwoo swore that he could feel his heart soar with happiness at noticing the shift in your expression, turning more shy and embarrassed as you attempted to move away from him.
naturally, jinwoo stops you from going too far, resting the palm of his hand against your back while maintaining the unassuming smile on his face.
jinwoo basks in your voice as you murmured saccharine sweet apologies to him, managing to elicit a delightful chuckle from him as he leads you away from the street.
"if you're truly sorry and wish to make it up to me, then i suppose you can do so by joining me for dinner, right?"
jinwoo finds your stuttering voice and flustered expression to be extremely cute when you manage to give him a nod at his proposal.
now that he's had you where he wants you (hooklineandsinker), jinwoo places a possessive arm around your shoulder,
ready to wrap his tendrils of darkness around your heart-
ready to completely OWN YOU.
the days spent courting you while remaining by your side was such a blessing to jinwoo. never once did he get tired of your mannerisms and quirks, basking in them while spoiling you with his pure love and affections. when he had been with you for close to a year now, THAT was when he slowly allowed his true personality to show, preventing anyone from contacting you to ridding you of the males that dared to look your way...
jinwoo couldn't have been happier with his first relationship-
for it was simply so utterly perfect for him!
with you being so innocent (so trustworthy) of him and his undying love and devotion to you, it had left you blinded to the numerous red flags that surrounded his actions-
which was exactly where he needed you to be.
while you remain asleep in his arms, you were still aware of many things-
like how your cellphone had a strange, blue light hidden within the depths of your camera...
or the sudden disappearance of the male coworker you were assigned to do a project with...
and how the shadows seemed to grow deeper and stronger as what seemed like hundreds of eyes were watching your every move.
jinwoo lets out a low chuckle while whispering longingly to you, "i did it all for love."
as he presses a kiss against your temple, the powerful hunter leans back to reveal something shiny hidden within the palm of his hand. taking a hold of your left hand, he finds your ring finger before sliding the gorgeously crafted ring against it.
jinwoo takes a moment to admire the ring on your finger, in complete awe of it as it remained the sole proof that you now belonged to him.
happy with his surprise for you, he places your left hand back on the bed, falling back into bed with his arms wrapped possessively around you. letting out one last yawn, jinwoo allows himself to slumber as he waits for you to awaken...
once the morning came and you noticed the glittering ring settled against your finger, your heart became filled with love for him, making you awaken your lover with a series of kisses against his perfectly sculpted lips.
sung jinwoo ends up smiling against your kiss, being filled with joy as you remained completely and blissfully unaware of how the ring was simply a thinly veiled chain in disguise, forever tying you to him for all eternity...
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a.n. - i have a little bit of a writer's block, but had some brainrots pertaining to yandere!jinwoo... this man is too beautiful to ignore, and i lowkey find myself not minding this darker version of jinwoo... 😭
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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cottonlemonade · 2 months
heyy. New to your blog and I think your writing is just so cute!! If you're still taking requests I'd really like a strawberry with slice of cucumbers for Tobio. If not then please feel free to ignore!
How You Met
word count: 1288 || avg. reading time: 6 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Kageyama x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: spoilers, the tiniest pinch of suggestiveness
request: fluffy-spicy, forced proximity, pining Kageyama
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Tobio rushed out of the locker room.
Wakatoshi didn‘t even bother anymore to ask him if he wanted to stay after practice to work on perfecting their attacks. For over two weeks the setter had always left at 7.32 p.m. on the dot, hurrying to catch his train.
Wakatoshi applauded his seeming dedication to work-life-balance while Hoshiumi just looked up at his fellow spiker with an annoyed crease in his brow, “That‘s great and all, but who is gonna set for us now?“
Truth be told, Tobio could have taken any train home. It was all the same to him. There was nothing in his apartment that needed his urgent attention and having Ushijima-san ask him for more spike sets sounded like a great night but somehow volleyball had recently taken a backseat for the most peculiar reason.
His strides lengthened as he ran to the train station, his breath steadily forming little clouds in front of him.
Arriving at the platform, his eyes tried to find you in the myriad of commuters for those precious few minutes in his day. Every morning and every evening for the last couple of weeks you had taken the same train as him. You had caught his attention when you couldn‘t hold back a cheer in the crowded train as your eyes were glued to your phone. When he had glanced at the screen he saw a live stream of a volleyball match of a rivaling team. At first he wanted to move closer to watch along but then he actually noticed you - apologizing profusely to the people around you who had thrown you dirty looks upon your outburst. You had tucked your phone into the pocket of your blazer. Your hair was put up to a somewhat tidy bun, a few strands loose from what appeared to have been a long day. A lanyard around your neck held an employee ID. All together with the pencil skirt made him certain you were some kind of office worker. He had seen you knead the strap of your bag and chew your bottom lip, looking impatient at every stop the train made until yours came and you practically jumped outside to bring out your phone again. You seemed to have checked the score and did a little dance when the doors of the train closed and Tobio was left with the rapidly disappearing image of you excitedly greeting a friend at your platform before the train picked up speed again.
So he just kind of started keeping an eye out for you.
You got on in the morning, calm and composed, maybe looking over a file in your hand or tapping around on your phone sifting through emails, while in the afternoon a much more relaxed version boarded the train, rolling your shoulders and stretching your neck.
And it didn‘t take long for him to drift off whenever he saw you, imagining where you worked, wondering if you had a boyfriend, if you would consider getting rid of the boyfriend if one existed, which volleyball team you supported, if you had played yourself, what your favorite volleyball position was and so on.
The first time you had spotted THE Kageyama Tobio on your train your heart had stopped and your brain almost gone into fangirl-overdrive. Not only were his gaming stats absolutely insane but then he also had to go and look like that! A couple of times you had let yourself live in a little daydream where you were absolutely sure he was throwing shy glances in your direction and you had checked your hair in the reflection of the train window before scolding yourself for such an absurd thought. Chances were slim to none that he would notice some chubby intern, blending in almost too well with the rest of the business crowd.
But that didn‘t stop you from looking forward to your commutes more than ever. How lucky was it that his training always ended perfectly with your workday! It was about time something good came your way.
Today however, you were late and were already worried you would miss out on your evening fix of his striking features. The commuter-packed train was still in view when you gathered every last ounce of strength and sprinted towards the closing doors. You made it just in time, feeling sweaty but accomplished - and were now face to face with Kageyama Tobio.
His last two functioning brain cells started screaming in panic because you were so very close. Great, you were even prettier than he had originally assessed. He remembered that Hoshiumi told him on a few occasions already not to stare at people but… how could he not?
The commuters behind him pushed when the train shook a little over an uneven part in the rails and he stretched out his arm to catch himself. His hand was pressed against the window of the door a couple of inches next to your ear. (Oh, was this one of those Kabedon-things Hoshiumi had talked about a while ago?) There was about one regulation-conform volleyball’s size space between you and him now. His eyes almost automatically darted to your lips and his breathing became shallow. When he managed to bring his gaze back up, your eyes met and he was sure that this was what a heart attack felt like. His cheeks were burning.
How could someone‘s eyes be this blue, you wondered. He was so close, the smell of his aftershave made you dizzy - in a good way. More than anything you would have just loved to ask for his autograph or talk to him. You also would happily invite this man for a coffee … and then bang him like a church door on Sunday. Gosh, he really was so pretty. Okay, pure thoughts.
With another jolt the train soon came to a stop and a new mass of people piled in, sardining everyone all the more and ensuring that Kageyama moved in even further. His profile must have lied, you decided. He must be taller than 1.88m the way he towered over you. The large hand that was still right next to you with those long fingers made you speculate how he would- Pure thoughts, pure thoughts, you reprimanded yourself. But it wasn‘t easy - his body radiated this incredible heat, no doubt a remnant from the certainly rigorous training he just had. Your face was all but pressed to his chest now and you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to focus on a report you had to write for your boss. He smelled like fresh laundry, oh no. God, please don’t ever let this train ride end.
You didn’t hear the melodic voice overhead announcing your stop and so when the door opened behind you, you lost your balance, seemingly stumbling backward in slow motion. And a hand shot out. A muscular arm wrapped securely around your waist and you just knew you had died and gone to heaven when you looked into the startlingly beautiful eyes of the Kageyama Tobio. The grumbling and annoyed mutters of the people having to swerve around you two didn’t even register because he was still holding you, in a sort of dip like you would see on the cover of a romance book.
“Thank you.”, you said breathlessly, amazed by how strong he must be to hold you so casually.
You waited for his response. Your heart pounding in your chest, imagining 10034 different ways he could react right now from swooning one liners to scandalous remarks that would leave you blushing and melting in his touch.
His mouth opened. This was it. Oh, Kageyama-sama…
“… Do… you… like volleyball?”
a/n: thank you for your sweet words! I really hope you had as much fun reading this as I had writing it. This was such a passion project cause I have been dying to write a “close proximity pining” for a more stoic character this whole time!! I wanted this to feel like a silly romantic comedy anime.
Special thanks to @makkir0ll for unraveling my ramblings and helping me keep my thoughts coherent ✨
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welldrawnfish · 2 months
How do I know if I'm plural?
I recently started talking to myself as like, a way to reassure and encourage myself and stuff. Saying stuff like "you're fine, you didn't do anything wrong" or "Do you want to do X, Y, Z... Z? Alright, let's do Z then." And now I'm not sure if it's just a good coping strategy for me or if I might be plural?
Like I'm not sure sometimes if the person doing the reassuring and the person being reassured are the same person, y'know? And sometimes it feels almost like a kind of dialogue, but other times it just feels like I'm speaking into a void? Are we median? Am I only one gal? Dunno!
And idk what if I'm just trying to like. Appropriate plurality because I think it's neat or something. I know and see a lot of systems and genuinely do think plurality is rly cool so what if I'm just trying to be plural on some level. It always feels kinda deliberate when I talk to myself
Needless to say I am very lost and thinking about it is making my head hurt and my chest tighten. Sorry if this is a bit of a long ask you don't have to respond I'm just trying to find answers however I can
I'm a bit under the weather rn im sorry if this is loopy so I want to make a comic on this eventually, Im just no good at general infographics Plurality is vast, complex, and varied. So its hard to say yes or no based on this But heres the three rules I'll follow looking for plurality without typical DID/OSDD redflags 1. If you have opposing thoughts or morals appear in your thinking process, particularly after a stressful event. 2. If you have names, images, or other things associated with these reassuring voice 3. If people say you have different "modes" or literally say you act like a differnet person sometimes and its confusing. 4. If these voices in your head arent... yours. Its hard to explain, but I feel like those with plurality could explain. --- Ultimately if you want to find out if your plural, 1st.
Be ready if you are scared, might freakout, or are actively angry or upset at these thoughts, understand that if an alter can emerge, they wont if they are under threat. You have to be kind, ready to accept them, and most importantly ready to apologize the them if you were toxic before. They can tell if you are sincere. 2nd.
Look yourself in the mirror, ask to meet anybody in there, tell them Thank you for existing.
Imagine yourself a headspace if you don't have one. This is an imaginary world that can be anything you want from vast universes to an empty void. But create a place to meet.
Meditate, create a place to see them, to meet them, to speak with them. Be patient, focus on breathing, focus on visualizing the space. Try to exist solely within that space. Invite them there, they might show 4. Be Ready. Plurality cannot be unseen once you see it, your life will never be the same. And ultimately it could be the best thing ever, but it can be incredibly hard, rocky, and bring up alot of trauma in your life. Be sure you want to explore this and are in a point of your life you are able to handle it.
-- If theres any advice from more educated systems let me know, im not the most educated here, these are just whats worked for me.
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seroh · 4 months
something old
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suna, f.reader. angst.
in which suna is a cold-hearted cheater.
words: 1.4
notes: i figured it was time to see suna's point of view. spoilers alert: you will hate him even more.
something old | something borrowed | something blue
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TAGLIST: @captainchrisstan @iknowhistouch3
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Suna Rintaro was a simple man. What he wanted, he took. What he desired, he got. He didn’t deny himself the pleasures of life, didn’t pay any mind to the small obstacles in his way. He didn’t care if his wants and needs got in the way of someone else, didn’t care if anyone's heart broke. He'd lie and hide and pretend only to avoid being inconvenienced; and if you started doubting him, with a sweet smile he'd claim to be protecting you and your emotional little heart.
You got hurt by the littlest, most insignificant things and he just knew you'd react this way. You always blew things out of proportion, so of course he would be wary of telling you some things. You were so insecure and jealous over stupid things–he couldn't even say "hi" to his best friend without you overanalyzing the very look in his eyes. How could you expect him to trust someone like that?
He loved you. Could you blame him for trying to keep things nice and happy between you two?
He loved you, and he was tired of the nagging and fighting.
He said he loved you, and you fell for it every single time the same way you fell for it the very first time.
The words had slipped past his lips almost accidentally, that first night in October where he said he loved you. You had been ready to walk out of his life, questions of “what are we?” and “do you even care?” slicing the quiet evening he had hoped for. Suna hadn’t been ready to give you up just yet. It felt good, having you by his side, better than any woman’s company ever had, and he would’ve had to be a fool to let you walk out the door without doing anything to stop you.
His promises and feelings might have been real then, but with time he had come to resent you for the love you gave him and the love you expected back. With time, the rush and intensity of your love had become part of the monotonous backdrop for his newer adventures. 
Excitement, that’s all Suna cared for, and you had long ceased to become a source of it.
Still, there was something comforting in knowing that no matter what he said or did, you would always go back to him. Although “back” wasn’t the right word, he thought. For you to “go back” you would need to leave him first and Suna knew you never would. After all, it was you who bent over backwards trying to apologize whenever he messed up.
All it took to regain your trust were a few sweet gestures. Some flowers after an argument, chocolates when he said something harsh. Romantic dates and getaways when you started getting suspicious, maybe even a several-karat ring…
You had been so happy when he gave it to you, showing it off to anyone who wanted to hear about his oh so romantic proposal. Even on your wedding day, you couldn’t stop bragging about it. Earlier that day you had posted an image of your hands intertwined, your ring right in the spotlight, and the caption read “Today we finally make the promise a reality. I love you, Rin”
Haru laughed as she read it, making a show out of clutching her stomach and wiping non-existent tears out of the corners of her eyes. Your post was displayed on the screen, the little heart under it a bright red.
“Look at what she wrote. I can’t believe she’s so stupid.”
Suna chuckled but didn’t reply, too busy fighting with his tie to do so. Haru, her little act forgotten at the lack of attention, approached him from behind. Her eyes scanned his body. Her hands found their way to his back, his shoulder, his chest. Slow, intimate, her touch reached every part of his body and soul, reached in to bring his desires to the surface.
“Truly, Rin, I don’t know why you still bother with her,” she whispered against his back as her hands pulled his jacket off his shoulders. “You do nothing but complain about her.” Tenderly, she started pressing kisses on his back. “Why’d you have to propose to that… that bitch. Why do you even want her around?” The venom on her tongue was a stark contrast to her loving touch.
Haru slipped her hands inside his trousers as she spoke. An amused smile formed on her lips upon meeting his hard cock. Teasing words bubbled in her throat, yet she never uttered them. The bitter taste of where they were, and why they were there, was too much for her to put on a playful mask.
“Is this… Am I not enough?”
The room was quiet for a moment. Her voice had been so soft, so meek, she thought he might not have heard her. The fear of repeating herself was so strong she did not dare to do so. But her heartbeat, frenetic, must’ve surely given away the way she felt.
Suna turned around, eyes fiery with desire. His lips met hers with a burning passion, and Haru forgot about every doubt she had. He pulled her closer with strong hands, closer than she thought possible, and the little speech she had practiced to convince him to leave you was completely erased from her mind. Long-forgotten, along with the memory of every night she tried to get him to break up with you, every night he managed to turn the conversation around.
The thing was, Suna might not love you, but he didn’t love her either. Regardless of what he might say to her, Haru was still nothing more than another warm body in his bed. No matter how much she wanted to convince herself that she was better than you, more important to him than you, when all was said and done she was nothing to him. An object of his desire, something he wanted.
Like you, Haru mourned the love she would never get.
Like you, she built an armor around her heart out of Suna’s pretty lies.
Unlike you, she would never get the benefit of being shown off with pride.
All she had were furtive dates where nobody could see, stolen kisses in the dark, love confessions meant to be deleted. Meanwhile you, who couldn’t keep him away from her, who was naive enough to think of her as your friend… you got a big white wedding, hand-written vows, a ring to mark him as forever yours in everyone’s eyes.
Nevertheless, Haru liked to think he was hers and would always be, no matter how many big milestones your relationship hit. It was your wedding day, and your husband-to-be had his dick deep inside her. Suna was fucking her senseless, suit still on and trousers around his ankles, as you put on the beautiful dress your mother had gifted you. You were probably gushing about how wonderful and perfect he was, and all the while he was kissing her like a starved man.
You would never measure up to her. He would always go back into her arms.
A knock on the door came and someone called for the groom to make his way to the altar. It was time for the wedding. Suna yelled a strained “coming” and fucked her harder still, desperate to reach his release. Haru dug her nails on his back and whispered in his ear the dirtiest things she could muster, anything to push him closer. She knew every dirty trick to arouse him past delirium, and proved herself right when he moaned in her ear as his orgasm hit. Her own orgasm was pushed aside right that second.
“Thanks sweetheart, it was good.” Suna mumbled as he kissed her on her cheek, and just like that he left her all alone. He didn’t stay to hear the reply that would never come, didn’t even bother to help her wipe the cum off her thighs and cunt.
Later, he would kiss her hard in the men’s bathroom while you danced with your friends. He would mutter a half-assed apology before making her kneel on the dirty floor. Haru would have to fix her makeup after he came all over her face, while he left to play the role of the doting husband.
And you, none the wiser, would go on to believe he was the best boyfriend—the best husband—you could wish for.
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SEROH 2024
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yourheart-inmyhands · 7 months
I’m here to add onto the idea/request of a previous fic with the archons with a reader who is a fallen god/archon. So instead of reader being banished or overthrown like how the archons may think.. turns out reader/old text books were keeping something from them. Reader faked their death (like another certain archon *cough* *cough* zhongli) and when pressed into why they faked their death. All that reader says is ‘I fell in love with a human centuries ago yada yada and gave up some of my powers and status’ yeah turns out they’ve been human for a couple hundred years and still held onto their god like powers and life span😭. So reader is all like ‘I can be an archon if I do desire again. BUT I grew used to living as a human and I’ve gotten used to you 🫶’ (totally not because they don’t want to resume their duties and explain to their citizens why they were “dead” for a couple centuries) 
hi i only did venti and zhongli for this because i'm trying to cut back to 2-3 characters per post so if you want to see the other two feel free to requests them! i'll be sure to attend to it quickly since i technically shorted you on this one, which i apologize for, i hope you still enjoy it :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behaviors, obsessive behaviors, mentions of implied violence, mentions of nations being destroyed, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti feels jealous at first, you had loved someone else? But he quickly gets over it, focusing on the fact that you were in fact, technically an Archon. He couldn’t guess which one you were, so you’d have to tell him, but he’d be fascinated to hear about the stories of who your people used to be. It’s pretty clear that wherever you used to is no longer an existing place, the Archon war having wiped out any nation and their God that could not hold themself up against the powerful beings. Venti feels a sick satisfaction at the idea that he may have been responsible for destroying your previous region, he thinks it’s funny.
Venti listens as you tell of your previous home, your people and their land, your first love. He doesn’t care to think of who your first love was, praising the fact that they were dead right now and he was alive and here with you. He tries to remember back to the Archon War, trying to think of who had been responsible for wiping out your nation. It was a long time ago and with many smaller gods culled so that the strongest seven could remain in control. Venti hopes it was him who had the pleasure of destroying your lands, he thinks it would be a cute little coincidence that he had destroyed your people whilst you pretended to be mortal and ran around with a human man. He tells you that you don’t need to return to Archon status, that no one was waiting for you, and if you weren’t careful one of the others might step out of line and execute you. He would never let it happen, but he uses it as a scare tactic, wanting to keep you weaker and more human, below him.
Yandere!Zhongli would find it curious, his extensive memory bringing back the exact playthrough of what had happened back then. He remembers hearing of a lesser god passing, he remembers smiling, taking advantage of your ‘passing’ back then to overtake your land. He doesn’t bring it up to you, not wanting to tarnish his perfect image of himself in your mind. 
It was kind of sickening, that Zhongli could remember way back, back when he still went by Morax, back when killing off weaker gods was something more commonplace. You had passed mysteriously, leaving behind a godless nation with no one to protect it. And Morax was all for having the upper hand. He didn’t bring it up as you reminisced about your days in power, contemplating about returning. “Who left is there to return to? In this day and age you couldn’t gather a following without it being seen as a declaration of war to one of the currently throned seven, me included.” It’s a subtle way of putting it but Zhongli made it clear that it was best you continued to lay low, lest physical action need be taken, Zhongli included. The man much preferred that you say weaker and below him on the food chain, in your place, where he could easily assert his control over you.
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flordeamatista · 4 months
𝗜'𝗺 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀
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pairing: boudoir photographer!ari levinson x reader
concept: You're so pretty, I'm all yours
word count: 1.4k
warnings: new year feels, soft grey! reader, soft kisses, allusions to bj, 
a/n: daydream written for the @writerscafehub writer's cafe secret santa exchange. prompt: “Character is a photographer. Reader wants to do a boudoir photo shoot for Christmas.
I appreciate the love you both gave me when I first wrote the first draft and ideas in December @targaryenvampireslayer @navybrat817
lovely beta: @/navybrat817
line divider by the lovely @s-tarksintern / the cute gif and moodboard made by me
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It was an image of you that sparked my desire to see you.
It was impossible not to admire your own reflection as you gazed into the large vanity mirror. Expertly applied makeup highlights your attractive features, giving you an air of magic and allure. You hadn't felt this confident and energized in a long time.
Ultimately, today was the day she returned to you.
There is a charred, hollow space in your soul where the flame of your soul once burned fiercely. The time is now to reignite that flame and let it spread throughout your veins, consuming all doubts and fears.
It's time to reclaim yourself, step back into your true self, open your heart and let her back in. After years of waiting and walking through the dark, she is coming through the day and the time for hesitation is over. 
Set that flash ablaze and watch it turn into an inferno of passion and strength.
The silk robe draped smoothly over your body, providing comfort and a soft barrier as you prepared for the photo shoot. Often, a photo can convey a thousand words about a person, and your photos conveyed intensity and fierceness.
Little did you know, the man behind the camera would become the perfect match for your fiery energy. You had seen his work online, attracted by his talent and unique style. A face-to-face meeting with him, however, was a whole new experience. Your spine was tingling from his presence. The piercing blue of his eyes and the chiseled features only added to his allure. Billboards were the right place to advertise his face, not behind a camera. 
Faced with his blazing inferno, you couldn't help but feel like a mere flicker.
As the light from the camera engulfs your eyes, primal desires ignite in your mind.
The heat radiating from it beckons you closer, enticing you to grasp its alluring power and reach out and grasp it.
As you step toward the camera, your heart pounding with anticipation, you repeat like a manifesting prayer, "She will burn, she will be loved."
This new year brings you closer to achieving your deepest desires.
You breathe deeply as you step in front of the lens and release any inhibitions or doubts you may have. Hearing the air rush into and out of your body, you become aware of your own existence.
Now is your chance to shine without apologies or hesitation.
Embrace your true self and ignite it before Ari Levinson's eyes.
Feel the flames of passion and authenticity dancing within you, pleading to be released.
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Making your own ambiance of beauty.
A sense of anticipation tingles your body as you lie on the crisp, white sheets. There's something unmistakably sexy and inviting about the way your legs are spread apart.
Your bare skin shivers as cool air blows over it, both excited and nervous.
Standing before you is someone who has witnessed your most intimate and sensual moments.
Through the eyes of his high-quality camera, he captures each curve and angle of you, gently guiding you so that you feel more at ease and desired.
Praise and compliments from him ignite desire within you.
He is telling you to move slightly to the left, so he can see your pretty eyes. With each shot he took, his flattery stoked the sparks of desire within.
You're so pretty, I'm all yours.
Ari emerged from behind the camera and slowly approached you, getting down on his knees in front of you. You held your position, trying to maintain composure as his fingers danced across your skin.
The tension in the room only grows as his intense gaze and heavy breathing intensify.
Inhale and exhale, you remind yourself as Ari's touch becomes more daring and electrifying. In the midst of all this intensity, he gently turns your face towards another light source.
More of this touch. It will make you want to burn with him and feel his touch. This time, more. 
Your mouth dropped open as he reverted to his vision.
An intense spark lit his cyan eyes, and he quickly grabbed his camera, eager to capture the raw emotion emanating from within you. Standing before him, you radiated fiery passion. With each click of the shutter, he immortalized your essence, capturing every detail, every surge of energy. The final click, the room reverberated with unbridled passion and boundless creativity as one, sealing the moment in time.
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Your adoration grows in me, and I’m thrilled to be able to share mine with yours.  
When you look in the mirror, your lips, covered in a rich crimson lipstick, press together. You give the mirror an air kiss. A kiss to seal this moment. A moment that you achieved. 
She is getting what she was made to get on this very night.
Behind you as the sun sets, your lover now lies a peaceful state, his hands bound by metallic handcuffs under the low light. You move fluidly and seductively towards him with a mischievous twinkle in your eye. Your lips leave a trail of bold red kisses along his bare chest, each one expressing your passion and desire for him.
You are enthralled by his skin under your touch, igniting an inner fire that cannot be quenched. 
It is a man who sees your vision and your vision sees him as your own.
An abrupt blinding light breaks through the darkness as he stirs from his slumber. Trying to adjust his blurry vision, he hears soft moans escape his lips. A sudden sense of urgency arises in him as he notices your piercing eyes and your body hovering over him. Seeing your fingers clatter against his belt, he weakly grunts and asks what you were doing. 
“Shhh. I'm just pleasuring my man," you declared boldly. "It's only moments ago that you were taking my pictures and now I'm fully taking you." 
You felt your breath tighten as you looked at him. Seeing his body under your touch was a release because this connection is real.
Curling your lips into a sensual smile, you knew his body was yours to possess.
After having been his muse during the photoshoot, now it was your turn to capture every inch of him.
The love you shared simmered between stolen glances and yearning gazes. You glide down his zipper as his eyes widen, unable to resist your intense pull towards him. 
In your arms, he belongs. 
Since that first snap with his camera captured your heart, he's yours entirely.
Our connection, strong and deep, breaking through.
Despite trying to contain his moans, they escaped as he gazed upon your completely naked and flawless form. The sensation of your fingers around him was stronger than any flash in the world. 
"You're mine," you declared, locking eyes with Ari in a passionate stare. "You belong to me, Ari Levinson. Only me. "I've been searching for you" With those words, you took him into your mouth, teasing him with your tongue and igniting a fire within him.
Despite trying to contain his moans, they escaped as he gazed at your completely naked and flawless form. The sensation of your fingers around him was stronger than any light in the world. 
"I'm yours," you said, locking eyes with Ari. "I belong to you, Ari Levinson. Only me. You've been searching for me, and now we have found each other." With those words, you took him into your mouth, teasing him with your tongue and igniting a fire within him.
You are Ari Levinson's perfect picture.
This flame is back, and let it spread throughout your veins as you go into the flare of flame, ultimately winning the light, consuming everything you touch.
Embracing each other, two souls seeking comfort found they were not themselves completely, until they descended into lust, an intense desire that devoured their muses.
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imdoingaokay · 6 months
Romanced!DAI Companions and Advisors (+ Platonic!Vivienne) when The Inquisitor returns to Skyhold late
(A/N: Heyyyy guys... I've missed you :) This past few months have been awful for me... but I'm back... teeheehee
I think this is gonna be really niche so I feel a need to explain what I was thinking??? Basically, The Inquisitor has been on a mission for a while now and they're returning extremely late at night.
Apologies for the inaccurate lore stuff, I don't think hours exist in Dragon Age because they don't have clocks? Or they do??? I dunno man I got a final tomorrow and I don't know if I'm gonna pass
Just know that the whole reason I got inspired for this was because it was late and I was imagining Vivienne watching The Inquisitor come back and her wrapping her robe around her waist like a mom watching their grown child come home from a rave or something
Once again, no beta we die like men
And happy late dragon age day, love y'all)
TW: Mentions of death
Blackwall/Thom Rainer: Unable to sleep. He’s waiting, whittling at the griffon he keeps. He doesn’t want to sleep anways, who will greet his lover? The wind? No. He’ll stay up, just for a few minutes longer, he tells himself… But soon he finds himself whittling into the early hours of the morning. That’s when there’s a stir of the guards, the whispers, and alerts are quiet, as to not wake up the many souls sleeping, but the message is clear.
His love has returned. And he will wait by the gate, a grin on his face and sleepiness in his eyes. He greedily hopes his lover may wish to sleep a few hours before the rest of Skyhold truly awakens.
Cassandra: She’s in bed, but not sleeping, reading a book. She’s trying to sleep, but her anxieties are getting to her. Somehow, ever since she got the letter saying that her love was returning, she fears even more. Her mind is plagued with images of an assassinated Inquisitor on the way back to her. Maker! Why didn’t that fool just bring her? 
Just as she scoffs, she hears something of a commotion outside. She prays for a moment, the news is good, and she throws on her armor, knowing better than to leave her room without it, and rushes to the gate. This is where her fears are put to rest as she greets her lover, a relieved smile on her face. And it is with this her sleepiness finally settles in. after a quick word, she urges her lover to rest, with or without her. All that matters that they returned.
Cullen Rutherford: He hasn’t slept since his lover left. A few moments where he stares off into space, drifting off before yanking himself back into consciousness. So it feels normal for him as he scribbles away the missives on his desk, being sure to double check each one so he didn’t accidentally write something foolish in his sleep deprived state. Somehow, in this half-dead state of his, he can hear the murmuring of guards outside of his door, and one enters. 
The guard has been ordered to inform Cullen of when they see The Inquisitor, so when they enter, Cullen knows what it’s for. And somehow, the sleepiness Cullen once had disappears, replaced with a drive he always feels when his lover returns. He rushes down the battlement steps, sure to not seem too desperate to his men. And in his excitement, he quickly meets his lover halfway on the bridge. They may be on their horse, but Cullen will happily walk back with them, looking up at them like they hold his whole world in their hands. When his lover gets off their horse, however, that is when he embraces them, a chaste kiss pressed to their cheek. This is when he finally asks them to rest with him, as his exhaustion is coming to bite him in the ass.
Dorian Pavus: Dorian has lied to himself multiple times throughout the night. He lied to himself claiming he didn’t care if he was asleep when his amatus returned from their very dangerous mission. So he lays in his bed for hours, trying to sleep. And when he can’t? He lies to himself, coming up with some excuse as to why his mind will not rest. So he waits in the library, sipping a glass of wine while attempting to read nonchalantly. Of course, he seemingly can’t. So he decides to wait on the battlements, claiming he must need some fresh air. Even though he despises how cold it is that night. 
But, somehow, without meaning to, he notices the small group of people making their way across the bridge. And, without a reason at all, a huge weight is lifted off of Dorian’s shoulders. 
He lets out a sigh and returns to the warmth of the library, happy to wait for his lover to come to him. And when he does, only then does Dorian finally agree to go to sleep. 
Iron Bull: Doesn’t sleep, but this is because he knew his lover was coming back tonight. So he waits patiently in the tavern, a ear out and ready, waiting for murmurs of The Inquisitor’s return. And when he does hear, he happily shoots up from his chair and makes his way to the gate, happy to greet his lover.
Bull was only slightly worried to be away from his lover, he knew they could handle their mission without him, but still, who knows what could happen? But the news that The Inquisitor was coming back? That was enough to settle his nerves. But seeing… and feeling his lover in his arms? That is what truly relaxes him.
Josephine Montilyet: Josephine is the only one who is asleep, she was corralled to his bedroom by Leliana, who told Josephine that she would wake her up when The Inquisitor returned. True to her word, Leliana gently shook awake a sleepy Josephine who, wrapped in a robe, quickly made her way to the empty Great Hall. She situated herself onto Vivienne’s balcony. She happily watched her lover pass the gates a promptly made their way to her, greeting her with a gentle kiss, which Leliana thankfully turned away from. Afterwards she’s happy to lead her lover to bed, as the second the pair’s heads hit the pillow, the pass effortlessly into a dreamless sleep.
Sera: Sera’s mindlessly making arrows, her door is locked, as she grew tired of Cole trying to make his way into the room to encourage Sera to talk about her anxieties surrounding her Inky leaving without her. She doesn’t even know her lover has returned until she hears the door jiggle a bit before her lover’s voice calls, “Sera, I saw the light was on, are you awake?”
This is when Sera happily throws the door open and grabs her Inky and drags them inside her room, into her arms. The two were eventually found the next morning by a messenger, who reported The Inquisitor and Sera were fast asleep in a pile of various blankets and pillows.
Solas: Solas isn’t sleeping much either, somehow he can’t take his mind off of his vhenan. He completely understand why his lover would take another person on their adventure, potentially a different mage than him. But he worries when they’re away! And there’s not much to do in Skyhold when The Inquisitor is gone. Most servants and nobles steer clear from him. He busies himself painting the various frescos in the atrium. He’s just taken a break and decided to walk along the battlements, and that’s of course, when he sees his beloved. He’s happy to walk down the stairs of the battlements and meet his lover at the gate, awaiting them with open arms. He happily leads them away, whether to their bed in their room, where Solas will leave them to rest. Or if they prefer, they can spend a bit of time in the atrium alone, Solas would be happy to hear the stories of his vhenan’s journey. 
Varric Tethras: Varric is rotating between the tavern and The Great Hall. Ever since he first got the letter from his lover, happily informing him of their return, he’s only been more nervous. Like Cassandra, he fears the image of a truly tragic hero, beaten down on the way back to the arms of their lover. 
He thinks he’s been writing too much tragedy when he firsts gets that mental image
Nevertheless, he pushes through the night.
Eventually, he’s sitting at his usual spot near the fire, unhappily grumbling to himself, sounding like a real dwarf. His mind is racing, and he can’t seem to get the thoughts to stop. So, for one last time that evening, he walks out of the hall, preparing to return to the tavern for a drink and a song from Maryden. That’s when he sees his beloved standing by the gate, quietly talking with a solider who leads their horse away. They’ve returned and they’re safe, that’s all he needed to know.
When The Inquisitor finally catches a glimpse of their lover, all they see is a bright grin spread across his face.
Varric is happy to go along with whatever The Inquisitor wants, bed, a drink, a tale by the fire, he’s just relieved they’ve returned.
Vivienne: Vivienne lies to herself. The day that she hears The Inquisitor will be returning that evening, she nods and nonchalantly walks away. Yet she finds herself constantly checking the gate everytime there is movement in that direction. She has no idea why, however. Her friend, whom she doesn’t really call friend, is taking an awful long amount of time to just get back to Skyhold. 
She justifies her musings on The Inquisitor’s safety as rationally as she can. If The Inquisitor dies, Thedas will be lost. If The Inquisitor dies, her position in court may affected. If The Inquisitor dies, she will be sad-
That is what gives her pause. She straightens her back, hands quickly going to her face as if to smooth out her frown that was previously there, and then she turns on her heel and returns to her sofa. She attempts to swallow down her fear the entire day, but as the night swiftly covers Skyhold, she finds herself unable to sleep. The moons is high in the sky when she emerges from her room, robe tightly wrapped around her. She is sure not a single soul will see her in such a… vulnerable state. She quickly makes her way to the balcony again, and stays there for what feels like an entire age. But just as she gets ready to sigh and return to a sleepless night in her bed, she hears a disturbance coming from the gate. That is where she sees The Inquisitor, alive and perhaps wrapped in the arms of lover. And with a sigh of… relief? She quietly returns to her chambers. Never speaking of this again.
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parvulous-writings · 5 months
no idea if nail polish exists in the 5e world, but it does now. how about a chill day for the companions where everyone does their nails? or is tav/durge doing the painting for everyone?
Summary: Camp has a nail day!
Warnings: Minor spoilers for Shadowheart's various arcs, same for Karlach. One swear word.
Notes:  if it doesn't exist, it sure as hell does now! Also apologies that this took so long - New year is a busy time at work, and I've got a minor injury with my hand, so I'm working as fast as I can, but it's a little slower than normal!
I've included all the recruitable companions, besides Minthara, who is not included purely because I cannot accurately write for her just yet!
My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Not my image
Time on the road where everyone is able to relax is very scarce commodity, so when it does crop up, you're always the first to suggest grabbing it by the horns and making the most out of the day - not by training, or planning your next moves, but typically with something more laid back.
You're camping close to Rivington when you get the first day-long break in weeks, so that morning you venture into town to have a quick browse of the stalls; perhaps you can find some food that will remind the various Baldurians in camp of their home? As you're starting to make your way back to camp, something catches you eye - a nail polish kit, going for quite cheap. You can hardly restrain yourself from buying it- you already know that it will bring a lot of much needed joy into camp.
Astarion is quite intrigued when you announce the spoils you've returned with. For too long he's craved petty vanity again; and even if he can only get it from painting his nails, he's willing to grasp at that chance. "What's this?" He hums, peering over your shoulder, trying to get a good look at all the colours that the kit contains, as well as the equipment. The first thing he does, given the chance, is start tending to his nails - cleaning under them, pushing back the cuticles, trimming and filing them into shape, the works. He spares no time making sure that everything is as he envisions. Sure, the colours he eventually settles on may not match the rest of his armour, but his new manicure matches his more comfortable clothes, so that's good enough for him.
Gale is... Unsure if this is the right kind of thing for your journey. "We have many more pressing matters to worry about, besides our appearances." He practically grumbles to you. "Might I suggest actually focusing on planning our next move?" It doesn't actually take a lot to convince him to sit down and let him do one hand of nails on him. You paint his nails a lovely shade of dark navy blue, which looks black in the shade, but blue when hit by light. You start speckling dots of white here and there to make them mirror the night sky, when Gale tells you he'd like to do his other hand himself. Of course, you let him, and about twenty minutes later, he's back to proudly show you his work. It's a lot shakier than the side you had done, but he looks so proud of himself for being able to emulate your skill even a little bit, you don't even nitpick in a teasing way. When it inevitably starts to chip away, he's absolutely devastated, but doesn't say anything until you all get an opportunity to rest properly again.
Justiciar!Shadowheart instantly dives for the black varnish. Nothing more, and nothing else. She doesn't dwell on it, but in some vain way, she feels like she's carrying a part of her goddess' revered darkness with her, even if it will chip away eventually. That just reminds her that everything on this plane is fleeting, and finite, always eventually consumed by loss. Selunite!Shadowheart adds a little more colour to her nails - dots of white, or purple are incorporated, intricate little designs that pay homeage to both her life as a Sharran, and her family heritage as Selunites. She takes great pride in the designs she makes, and often spends a very long time making sure that they are just like how she imagines in her head.
Lae'zel doesn't particularly like painting her nails - she feels it takes away from her aura of formidable warrior. She will, however, sharpen her nails on a regular basis - just as a back-up plan if she loses her weapon, or perhaps gets caught by surprise and needs to scratch out some eyeballs.
Karlach pre-upgrade loves to watch you do your nails. As in, she will actively sulk if you don't let her watch, or have some tiny level of input. She'll huff and pout, but eventually goes to sit elsewhere with a quiet "fine, whatever.." Post-upgrade Karlach is so eager to have her nails done, she's bouncing back and forth on her feet. She can't decide on a single colours - especially not by herself. "They all look so pretty!" She exclaims, waving her hands about in glee. So, unable to make a decision, she takes her favourite colours, and has all of them on her fingers - repeating a similar process on her toes with her second favourite colours. "This is the best thing we have ever done! ... Besides beating the shit out of Thorm... so, the second best thing!"
Wyll tidies his nails - similar to Astarion. He wants them to be a much nicer shape than they have been up to this point - makeshift files had not been too kind on his nails, and he was tired of catching them on things. He takes great care in shaping them and removing any chips or quicks - it's an activity he takes great pride in, and he'll happily do the same for you if you ask him to! As for colour, Wyll likes to go for a clear coat, purely for protecting his nails; though he has been known to paint his nails black, for dramatic effect. He loves his nails - not to the point that he preens them at any given moment, but enough to give them the time and care they need to keep healthy.
Halsin doesn't particularly like the idea of polish. Sure, it looks pretty, but he'd rather not wear it himself - there are other ways, he's found, that you can change the colour of your nails. (When you ask him what he means, or even to just elaborate a little bit more on how he knows this, he simply replies with "I once had a... Somewhat rebellious streak in my youth.") So it's likely that the only thing that he uses in this particular kit is the file and buffer - which looks absolutely tiny in his hands, it's quite funny.
Minsc doesn't do his own nails - at all. He won't even file them, he just either bites them or they snap off (usually it's the former). Instead, he takes care of Boo's claws. "Now, now, my friend. Do not call me strange - if I do not care for Boo's mighty claws, then who will? The paws of justice must be well cared for!" Insists that every few days he must re-file and re-buff Boo's nails, and will not take no for an answer. He also tries to convince you that Boo is trying to tell you the same, but by the way the little rodent's head shakes when he sits on Minsc's shoulder tells you otherwise.
Jaheira almost laughs when you suggest doing her nails. She wants to them herself, but, eventually she does ask you to help her. "It seems I'm a little out of practice.." She chuckles. "Perhaps some company wouldn't be so bad... If your offer still stands, of course." She LOVES having green nails. Sage green is her favourite, but she likes all of them really. Sometimes, if she's feeling particularly happy, she'll let you paint little golden leaves on her thumb - but that can be a rare occasion, because she doesn't want such skill to always go to waste.
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anzulvr · 7 months
Hiii! Could i please request a karma x reader where reader is a crybaby and really sensitive but also super sweet to everybody no matter how mean they are?
Karma x sensitive reader // <3 // fluff, hcs.
In which Karma catches feelings for a crybaby.
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— ୨୧ first meeting.
Karma and you get along well from the start, unlike most people in the main campus you don’t talk badly about E-class and you don’t make any judgements towards people without getting to know them- that’s especially important to note because Karmas never had the best reputation. Even so, you didn’t judge him based off rumors and comments made about him behind his back, earning you his respect!
— catching feelings.
Karma is the last person to be interested in dating, so whenever he starts getting all nervous and flustered around you he thinks he’s nauseous. He only realizes hes into you when he sees he’s sort of defensive over you, definitely brought to his attention by Rio(meddler) or Nagisa (He just wants to help).
✦ any time you’re upset he’s the first to ask who did something, super ready to fight anyone.
✦ He realizes he’s never wanted anyone to stick around as much as you.
—ʚ[End Class]ɞ
(If you were to drop to end class for whatever reason)
// first time meeting Korosensei you’re a sobbing mess.
Even then you’re trying to be nice telling him he’s not that scary (in reality you’re terrified because why is he like 10 feet tall..)
Korosensei frantically tries to get you to stop crying. “I promise I would never lay my tentacles on a student- I wouldn’t hurt you!! You can ask anyone in here I-”
Karma is laughing his ass off to the point he’s gripping his sides cause they hurt.
You get to sit next to him. Lucky (???) you.
The rest of the class is quick to warm up to you, if you’re not already friends that is.
— When you’re officially together.
Hes the biggest tease in existence, he can’t go 20 minutes without poking fun at you.
Has so many pictures and videos of you happy crying. (He will not let you live down.)
Also has a folder of pictures you send him whenever you’re crying over small / dumb things you find funny when you realize what you’re crying over.
(cause literally me too?? I’ll cry and laugh mid way when I realize how stupid it is 😭)
[Name]: we’re out of cookies.
[Attached image of you crying]
lmfao I’ll buy you some calm down💀 :[Karma]
[Name]: NVMM.. false alarm we have another box 😆!!
don’t care I’m at your doorstep with 5 boxes open up :[Karma]
[Name]: Wow you’re fast it’s only been like 3 minutes..
— <3 —
He brings up moments like that anytime he has the chance to embarrass you.
“Remember the time you cried cause you found out chickens live only like seven years.”
“Shut up it was really sad.”
“[Name] we had fried chicken like 20 minutes later and you devoured that shit.”
“That was so good, we should go again.”
No one is allowed to make you feel bad though, Terasaka is extra careful not to say anything to make you cry on days where he doesn’t want to end up on the ground.
You’re his go-to for advice. Especially if he’s ever arguing with anyone like his parents or his friends because you know more about emotions than he does.
Cannot handle seeing you upset because of something he does, the second your eyes even get the littlest misty he’s apologizing with food and flowers.
You hold a special place in his heart because often times you’re the only person he’s comfortable opening up to.
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A/N: im behind on like 30 requests IM SORRY 😪😪😪
Also I didn’t really check for spelling errors for this one so tell me if you catch any pls!!!
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cheeseceli · 2 months
House of Cards
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Pairing: Kim Hongjoong × Gn!reader
Genre: angst, idol!au, short drabble
Prompt: "A house made of cards and stupidly us inside. Even if you say it's a useless dream, just stay a little more like this"
Warnings: no happy ending
A/n: this was enough to break even me who was writing ngl. I really hope you like it <3 | join the 1k event
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When Hongjoong first met you, he thought he created a palace.
You were each other's safe place. No matter what in the outside world could break the walls of said palace. And it was beautiful. Your love would remind him of gardens full of life, of ballrooms filled with music and laughter. It was a love all yours.
However, time would soon show Hongjoong that what he thought was a resilient castle was actually a house of cards. No matter how incredible it looked or how big it seemed to be, it would be fragile no matter what.
He should've been more careful. He knew that even the weakest of breezes could bring his house of cards down, but he forgot it. It looked so great, so permanent, that he didn't look around for any threats, and neither did you.
That's how they found out. The media, the company, the fans... Suddenly everyone knew that the idol Y/n was dating the leader of Ateez. Photos leaked, by God knows who, of you and Hongjoong going out on dates. Without masks, not worried about the surroundings and clearly in love. Sadly, no one cares about that last part.
The talk of the town was about how the couple, the very one Hongjoong considered to be grandiose and marvelous, should not exist. You were in the very beginning of your career - a dating scandal being the last thing you could afford. And he? He was the captain of his team. His life choices could and would have an impact on the rest of his members, wrongfully so.
After a few hours of talk with both his and yours managers, almost everyone came to a consensus: you both should break up. "Fans" were getting angrier by the minute, the gossip was escalating. Neither of you were on top just yet - both were stars ascending. It took little to nothing, a small mistake, to cause you a downfall. He was forced to agree on the end of your relationship.
Now, you were waiting. Waiting for dispatch to tell the media that you were now broken up. Waiting for the managers to post the apology letter - the very one neither you or Hongjoong were able to write as you do not regret falling in love - so the staff had to write the lie themselves.
You were waiting for the house of cards to fall with you both inside of it, as none would willingly let the other behind. Hopefully, one day you'd be able to go back to each other's embrace without hundreds of cameras and commentators around. For now, you hug your love while the tears fall down and the words "I love you" get out of your mouth like a promise.
And you watch as the breeze becomes stronger and takes down the last standing card.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when I was your man
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans
Credits for image 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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readychilledwine · 27 days
Flight Patterns pt 5
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Summary - After years of hushed whispers and leads, Azriel has finally found Cassian's lost sister, Aerilyn. What he found with her was unexpected, though.
Warnings - injury, mention of Azriel's job, Amarantha, story takes place pre-UTM, loose editing (aka my friend who does my edits is currently arc reading for someone so I am not bugging her until she is done. Liz will catch uncaught errors as she looks with fresh eyes later)
A/N - Did I change how I wanted something to go in this story? Yes. Was it so I could include a starfall scene where *other things* may happen? Also, yes.
P.s. Pieces of You will be out later tonight still. I apologize for the delay. My tiny human was super snuggly last night and today, so her and her many rolls won.
✨️ Series Masterlist ✨️ Rhysand Masterlist ✨️ Master Masterlist ✨️
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Aerilyn felt like she was floating. She wasn't sure what she had been given, or if something had coated the arrows that struck her, but she felt as though she wasn't in her own body, let alone this plane of existence.
She could hear him, though. Hear him whispering to her. It was like he was calling her home, calling her back to him. His voice felt like a tether, pulling her from a pit. “Come back to me,” Aerilyn felt that tug at her heart, felt him in her mind. “Come home to me.”
Mor watched as her fingers twitched, sending the image to Rhysand. “Keep fighting, Ari,” she took Aerilyn's hand in hers. “Come home to us.”
Rhysand watched the red-haired general as she studied the male he currently had on his knees. “I do not recognize him.” Lie, Azriel's voice rang through his head, echoing in anger and promising death. She lies.
“Odd,” the High Lord said slowly, “He sang your praises when I asked what he was doing in my court, and all the way up in the Moutains.” The attack leading to Aerilyn's injury had been enough for the High Lord to have Amarantha stopped and held in Hewn City.
He refused to risk her getting beyond that point and restricted her access any further into Night. It had been met by a pout from the general, claiming she was being held despite her being there to bring a message of peace.
Now, her face was a mask of calm and seduction, one Rhysand saw straight through as her shields temporarily dropped in anger of her spies' treason. “I can assure you I do not know who this is or why he had bloodbane weapons with symbols of Hybern.”
Rhys didn't allow his face to shift from the look of indifference he had. She had unknowingly given him knowledge in her slip up, and he sent it immediately to Madja. He, however, didn't give her a single drop of knowledge as Azriel in his shadows swept the spy from the room, dragging the poor male to whatever holding cell Cassian was waiting in.
Cassian had been feral when they came back to Rhys and Amren holding Aerilyn down as she shook, blood pouring from her mouth and nose. Cassian wanted blood in turn for what happened to his sister, and this male would be the last to deliver. “As much as I doubt that to be true, it would be wrong of me to turn you away if your intended purpose is peace negotiating,” Rhys paused as 5 guards appeared. “They will escort you to your chambers for your stay. Until I know for sure there is not someone with alternative motives in your travel party, they will stay where they are.”
Amarantha seemed to smirk with something Rhys figured was glee as she studied his body and face, “Who knew such a pretty thing could be so cruel.”
“You have no idea how cruel I can be.”
Mor had brought Aerilyn to Rhysand's room at the Moonstone Palace. The illyrian female had tucked herself into his bed instantly, curled up and asleep under the power of one of Madja’s tonics to aid with pain. She hardly felt Cassian beside her, plaiting her long dark hair into braids to protect it as she slept. Not that they knew what was in her system, everything clicked into place, allowing Madja to properly treat her.
The inner circle was gathered in the room, discussing the best course of action. Aerilyn would be upset the conversation happened without her again, but it was a risk Rhysand was willing to take to protect her. “I do not want to risk her knowing about my family, especially Aerilyn and the dragons,” Rhys looked towards the window, sighing as he did. “But Keir will quickly reveal the existence of all of you, minus her.”
Rhysand's eyes were locked in his mate's sleeping form, the soft rise and fall of her chest as she took clean deep breaths for the first time in 3 days. He'd sooner sent Aerilyn and her dragons away. Risking Hybern getting to her somehow was too dangerous. Mor sipped her wine, clearing her throat to pull Rhys from his thoughts. “She already knows about me. She knows we are family and I helped the Night Court armies. I can safely go with you.”
Rhys nodded. “Azriel can hide in the shadows.” Az nodded, still wiping blood from his hands as he did. “Did he say anything else?”
The spymaster shrugged. “He cried for his mother,” Azriel felt his lip twitch up slightly, “Nothing has broken him yet, but we know how Hybern tortures their spies to prevent that.”
Rhys nodded, his eyes meeting Cassian's. It was an unspoken command, one that led to Amren and Cassian glancing at each other. The ancient being moved to the other side of Aerilyn. “We will protect our future lady.” Cassian watched Aerilyn's soft smile appear, then the ghost of a whisper of Rhysand's name. “You should spend some time with her, Rhys.”
Rhys shook his head. “I will not risk her scent on me before dinner.”
Cassian held Aerilyn while Rhys entertained the Hybern general. He had no interest in politics or the games right now. His only concern was his sister. He had her tight against him, telling her her favorite bedtime story of a princess who couldn't sleep due to a pea under her mattress. He could remember her laughter, the squeals of delight, as he and their mother would reenact the story to her. It all seemed so distant now. Like memories of a past life.
A defenseless boy stripped from his mother. A girl, barely more than a babe, ripped from her home and left for dead. Had he left a single person in that village alive, it would have felt like poetic justice to him. He would be their commander and general, and his sister Lady Night.
He knew that day would come, the day his sister would have command over him. He was watching her and Rhysand, watching that instant chemistry and attraction blossom. Rhysand loved her at first sight, Cassian and Azriel both knew that based on his anger.
Hybern had been sniffing around for awhile, and Aerilyn appearing when she did complicated things for Rhysand. He now had more than just his court, more than his family, he had a mate. A powerful mate with weapons they would not even be able to use without risking war with the other courts. A mate capable of carrying an illyrian babe. Aerilyn's eyes were no longer hardened when she looked at Rhys. Instead they had softened and were filled with wonder and affection. He had also noticed they were touching each other more. Cuddling in Rhysand's office from time to time.
It was odd how his intuition as a brother should have been to fight Rhysand, to threaten him, but instead, Cassian found himself praying that Aerilyn accepted the bond soon. If she accepted the bond, Cassian would never lose her again. And who better to be her mate than the one male capable of misting armies away to protect her.
Rhysand entered the room late into the Night, sending Cassian and Amren away as he did. He was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to get out of his fine clothing and hold Aerilyn.
He winnowed them back to the cabin, knowing she preferred the Forest to the stonewalls. He prayed the mountain air would help her heal. He began his mission again, wiggling into her dreams and whispering to her, calling to her. He had hoped the command of her high lord would pull her soul back from wherever she was.
The whispering began again in Aerilyn's mind. That pulling being came insistent, ripping her from the darkness she was in into a starlight bathed flower field. Rhys was there, waiting for her as she walked to him, settling next to him among the wildflowers. “Where are we?”
Rhys shrugged, finally looking at her. “I was hoping you could tell me. You created this place after all. It's in your mind.”
Aerilyn looked around, admiring the overgrown grass, the tall florals in bright reds, blues, purples, and whites. She deemed it her safe place. Somewhere she must go in her dreams to relax. She watched the stars racing across the sky, glittering in greens, teals, and soft pinks.
“I did not realize you had witnessed Starfall before,” Rhysand laid back, pulling her with him. “It is my favorite holiday.”
Aerilyn placed a hand on his chest, huddling into his warmth. “I have only read about it.”
“If you wake up, you will see if soon,” he tilted her head towards his, “you have to wake up, though.”
Aerilyn shot awake, hand on her chest as another rough tug rattled her body and mind. Rhysand sat shirtless in front of her, whispering a soft thank you to the Mother. Her hand was instantly on Rhysand's cheek, hazel eyes meeting his as he came closer and put his forehead to hers. “Good morning, Darling.”
What happened next was the last thing he expected, the last thought in his mind. He hardly even had time to react. Aerilyn's hand moved to the back of his neck, pulling him down to her before crashing their lips together in a heated kiss.
Home, she whispered into his mind. You are home.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson
Flight Patterns:
@kemillyfreitas @jesssicapaniagua @elijahssuit @biancabldss @hellwantfuckme @justdreamstars @sidthedollface2 @mis-lil-red @lovemesomevesey @coisas-da-dani @anuttellaa @sweetcarolina-24 @ghostgirl-207 @cuethedepession @wistful-night-drives @ladybirdbeetle7 @morganwdarius @fxckmiup @mybestfriendmademe @lilah-asteria
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qawcamiz · 1 year
Zhongli x fem reader where zhongli is working all week and can barely spend time w yn so when he got free time yn tried to lead him to 'it' but zhongli won so he got to eat her out instead ☹️☹️☹️💖💖💖 I can't see any zhongli smuts 💔💔💔
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(NSFW): angst & smut, oral sex/f receiving (no proofread as usual :sadface:)
a/notes: I can't believe y'all... it's almost week for uhhh and yall r asking for these 💀💀 ANYWAYS I've been so busy, my apologies for not updating for like weeks idfk TT, I'll try to be more active now, I'll be doing the requests !!
notes: if there r mistakes, MY BADD!!! I'm writinf this amd irs like 5am rn 🔫 ILL B FIXINF IT TMRRRWWW 🙌🏻😭😭😭 IM SO DLEEPY RN
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Zhongli puts his career first, which is tough, considering his job entails a lot of work and a very short rest. He barely even spends his time with you, he just has to commute to work every day. Every morning you wake up without Zhongli by your side, heck it's indeed a miracle you can fall asleep without his presence, but that's all there is to it. It's not like Zhongli doesn't want to be here at home with you, it's more like he has to get to work early every morning and is only able to come home late at night because his boss won't let him go home yet, which means he'll never get to sleep properly.
every time Zhongli comes home he sees that you fell asleep on the couch, reading a book you've borrowed from his bookshelf. You always read whenever you're tired, it seems like your dearest thing to do. So it isn't odd seeing you curled up on the couch while reading the same book over and over. Zhongli realized that you tried to keep yourself awake to wait for him to get home from work so you could cuddle in bed before going back to sleep. he feels so bad about it, you're always tired after the long day you had and he couldn't even spend some quality time with you. but one thing is for sure, Zhongli loves how peaceful you look when you sleep.
One night, Zhongli informed you that he would be able to go home early tonight and you immediately brightened up. You were so delighted to hear him telling you that he was coming home later than expected. So you made a bunch of dinners as quickly as you could to make him feel better about leaving early. You were so happy with the news to the point that you imagined what tonight would be like with him finally by your side.
But all of those images shattered when Zhongli went straight to your shared room, Not even bothering to close the main door behind himself or even share you a glance. He looked as if his whole world had crumbled down around his feet and you felt so helpless, but it was too late now, he already went inside and closed the door softly behind him. Although it bothered you, You soothed yourself that it must probably be because he was just drowsy from working hard all week, but deep down you knew that it wasn't just that. The fact was that both of you barely talk considering his occupied schedule, you know you shouldn't pressure him or expect anything in return for such a short amount of time together. But still, you can't help but miss him, so you waited anxiously until his eyes landed on you.
Looks like, for you, The fascination he had been feeling towards you all this time had dissipated completely in an instant. Like he didn't feel anything anymore, it was as if everything he had felt about you before disappeared overnight. Now, it felt empty, void, almost as if you were a spirit, and nothing could bring you back into existence again. Even worse, you felt lonely without your boyfriend.
Was he seeing someone else? Did he find somebody else better than you? Many questions lingered inside of your mind and you wanted to resist the urge to just shout out all these questions, but all that came out was your heartbroken cry. You were so hopeless, so frustrated that you felt like crying tears of blood. But somehow, you managed to hold them back. Your feelings mustn’t affect him any further, he needs to take care of himself right now and you’d rather give him space than force him. If he wanted to spend the rest of the night with you, He would have done it by now...
When you finally got the courage to go and see what had happened, Zhongli was standing in front of the closet, staring blankly. His back facing you and his left arm hanging limp at his side as if he couldn't muster up any strength to move. Your breath hitched as a tear fell from your eye and your body moved forward automatically, without thinking. You weren't aware of what you were doing but what you know is how it felt so good to finally have your arms wrapped around him. You buried your face in his back and held him tight as if trying to keep him from vanishing into thin air.
He stayed silent, unmoving in your embrace, and you were about to break down completely when he suddenly turned around. His head rested against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms tightly around you, holding you tight too. Your eyes teared up even more and you sobbed openly, clutching onto him as if you'd never seen him for decades. You were so terrified, but you also felt like laughing hysterically. The relief, joy, and satisfaction you felt were overwhelming, it took a second for you to calm down enough to breathe properly. But you didn't let go of him either. As if you needed to reassure yourself that he was there. That he was there. “I miss you... so much... Zhongli..." you cried into his shirt, still clinging to him as tightly as possible.
"I miss you a lot too, I'm sorry..." he said softly, rubbing circles in your back to calm you. You knew Zhongli wants to say something, but all of his words failed him and you could tell he was struggling just as much as you are. After several minutes, when you calmed down a bit and your breathing returned to normal, "Y/n... I—"
You cut him off by pressing your lips against his, silencing him instantly. You didn't care, all you cared about was making up for the lost time. You kissed him like you meant to kiss him forever and you weren't willing to let him go even for a single minute, And Zhongli noticed how fast and frantic your kisses were getting, but he didn't complain at all. He just held you tighter and deepened your kiss, letting himself forget how hard he had worked today, how tired he felt, and most importantly, he forgot that you were waiting for him. All he know was he wants you, and you want him, so what was stopping the both of you from doing this?
His kisses were soft and gentle, but it wasn't long before his hands wandered under your shirt, running across your skin teasingly, making goosebumps appear on your exposed skin. Then they traveled southwards, caressing the curves of your stomach, then moving downwards. And all of a sudden you found yourself gasping for air, feeling so overwhelmed and breathless by his touch, but at the same time, he continued kissing you as if he hadn't done that in months, which he did.
Then, he unbuttoned your shirt and began kissing all along your collarbones and down to your chest, sucking on the spot where his thumb had just touched moments before. You whimpered softly, wanting nothing more than to feel his mouth on yours again and again, to melt into him, as if your bodies were made to fit perfectly together, like pieces of the same puzzle. You grabbed onto his hair, pulling him closer and deepening your kiss. Zhongli groaned and pulled away slightly, his lips brushing against yours once more.
You felt Zhongli's large palm against your breasts, you kept quiet, you didn't want to ruin this moment. Instead, you just leaned into his touch and allowed yourself to relax and enjoy his warm mouth on your skin. But Zhongli was relentless, he loved playing the seductress whenever he felt like it, so he proceeded to push you back onto the mattress and straddle you in one swift movement, pinning you down to the mattress with his strong arms as he kissed you again. You wrapped your legs around his waist, holding him tighter, craving his kisses and touches.
Suddenly, Zhongli's hands started roaming all over your body, and you could barely even breathe, he was touching you everywhere and you wanted nothing more but to let him touch you even more. You looked away as you felt yourself growing wetter when he pressed his body against yours, and soon you could feel how hard he was becoming against your abdomen. It made you feel so divine as if he was your heater and you just wanted to snuggle up closer to him, so you did. You let yourself fall deeper into his kisses as your hands ran through his hair, gripping the strands, he started grinding up against your crotch, making you moan and gasp out loud.
You took off his tie and loosened his suit jacket, pushing his shirt down to reveal his toned torso underneath. You started tracing circles on the skin below his chest with your hand, trying not to think about his bulge pressing against your stomach. Just then Zhongli's hands reached up towards your bra, undid it, and pushed it aside. Your breast tingled painfully as he sucked the sensitive flesh, and before you knew it you were squirming beneath him and reaching down with your free hand to unbuckle his belt. You tugged at his trousers impatiently, you needed him to get rid of them so you could feel him inside you again.
Zhongli seemed to have understood what you were hinting, However, he wanted to tease you a little first before he gave you what you wanted, his fingers fiddling with the zip of his pants, you were waiting for him to open it, but he suddenly stopped, looking at you with lust clouding his gaze. He was aroused to see you beneath him, after the exhausting day, you could see it clearly, but instead of saying it aloud, he just stared at you for some seconds longer, He slowly leaned forward again, kissing you deeply, and he started sucking and nibbling at your lower lip, while his other hand stroked gently down your thigh, grazing against your inner thighs. he took off your panties slowly, making sure to take his time to tease you, teasing your clit with his fingers before sliding his finger inside. Your back arched as you moaned softly, he placed another soft kiss against your neck and trailed down to your collarbone, leaving hickeys in his wake. You gasped loudly as his tongue entered your mouth, taking his time to taste every part of you.
After a while, he pulled away and removed his finger from your cunt. You panted heavily and looked at him, "W-Why'd you stop...?" you asked, your voice laced with disappointment. Zhongli didn't answer and continued on his way down to your stomach, trailing kisses along the length of your belly button. When he was close to you, he stopped and raised his face again, giving you an enigmatic smile as he gazed at you with burning eyes. Your hands instinctively reached his hair and tangled your fingers in it as you felt his tongue on your clit. The heat from his saliva seeping between your folds was almost unbearable and you gripped his hair harder, needing more of him.
Zhongli licked up your clit and you clenched your teeth when his warm tongue swirled around your clit, circling it delicately as he suckled your clit harder. Then he slid his tongue slowly between your folds, swirling it around delicately as he teased you relentlessly. You could hardly stand it anymore, you clutched the sheets and tried your best to remain quiet, hoping Zhongli wouldn't hear you. Fortunately for him, he did, because he smirked evilly and slowly moved his tongue inside of you, slowly pumping your clit, driving you crazy.
Your whole body shook uncontrollably with each thrust his tongue gave, your body twitching and tensing with pleasure now and then. He was relentless and merciless with his tongue, sucking on your clit faster and harder, driving you insane until you couldn't stand it any longer. you broke out into a string of incoherent sounds and moans as he continued to pump his tongue furiously inside of you, sucking harder and harder and making you lose control of your body.
"I-Im close..." you whimpered in pure ecstasy, grabbing tightly onto his hair, digging your nails into his scalp painfully, and Zhongli smiled wickedly, knowing he was going to drive you to insanity until you couldn't handle it anymore. His tongue went faster and faster, thrusting in and out of you with fervor, and before you know it, you were coming. He watched with satisfaction as your whole body shuddered violently and you came undone around him, cumming all over his tongue.
When you finally came down from your high, you were panting harshly and covered in sweat, your head resting against the pillow as you waited for your breathing to settle down. you released Zhongli's hair from your grip and sat up, wrapping your arms around your midsection. He watched as you adjusted yourself, and then turned to look at him, still a little out of breath.
"sweet as ever... do you want to keep going?"
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daysofyellowroses · 2 months
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david von erich x reader | 3.3k |inspired by this absolutely wonderful request - apologies for the delay, i just loved writing this! | warnings: allusions to depression
this story is brought to you by my menstrual cycle, copious amounts of sweet treats & the music of neil young, enjoy 🌼
It was honestly a miracle that you didn't faint when you were told the news. The shock had you reeling, your head feeling light as your stomach felt tight and heavy. Part of you wished you had just passed out so you wouldn't have to process the information. 
Everything you'd worked for, trained for, given up, all for nothing. The blood, sweat and tears, hours upon hours of constant training, the deep bruises that marked your body, all just made pointless with one sentence.
“We're not going to the Olympics.”
Words had never stung so much. It felt like a horrible joke. You had been training since you were a little girl, being told to keep a vision in your mind of you on the platform accepting the gold medal in Moscow. 
Your entire life had been dedicated to gymnastics, it was what you knew, what you excelled at. When you'd left home to go train in Dallas it had been daunting, but at least you were only a few hours away, you didn't have to leave the state like some of your friends. 
When you would have low moments, missed your family, your friends, and particularly David, and it felt like you were missing out on the typical teenage experiences, you tried to remember it would all be worth it one day. 
Not anymore.
What did you have to show for all the years of sacrifice? You don't train for a race and then not run it. That gold medal was yours, you knew it. The thought of it had kept you going, that image of showing it to your loved ones, celebrating with them. Showing them all their sacrifices were worth it too.
All you wanted was to go home and curl up in your bed, forget the world existed. You just felt hollow inside, numbness had taken over your body. When you called home, you could tell your mom was trying not to cry. You couldn't cry, even if you wanted to, you just felt like you were on autopilot. You wanted to call David, but you couldn't bring yourself too. It wasn't like the two of you were in a relationship, it was..complicated. 
You insisted to your parents that you were fine getting the bus home, but your dad came to pick you up. When he hugged you it had you almost breaking down, but you had to stop yourself. You just clung to him and let him guide you into his truck.
When you arrived back home, you hugged your mom for what felt like hours. You finally broke down and cried when you went to your bedroom, laying in your bed and letting the tears flow freely. You wanted to be strong, to just accept your fate and keep going, but you couldn't. Not yet.
You stayed in bed for a couple of days, unable to face the world. Your mom would come in with a tray, try and get you to eat something. Your dad would come and read the newspaper aloud to you, the mundanity of life around town feeling soothing.
By the fourth day, you were starting to become one with your bed. You dragged yourself to the bathroom, taking a shower and trying to revive yourself. The whole thing kept playing over and over in your mind. It wasn't like you were disqualified or kicked off the team, forced to leave because of your own actions. It was a noble cause to withdraw, and you had no control over it. That being said, it didn't make you feel any better.
After you showered and dressed, you joined your parents for breakfast. You could see the relief in their eyes, the delight radiating from your mother. You didn't have much of an appetite but you forced yourself to eat something. Hell, you could eat whatever you wanted now. 
Your father informed you that he'd be going into town later, making the mildest of suggestions that you could join him. The thought of the pitying looks had you wanting to retreat back to your bed. Everyone in town would know. They would give you the look. The ‘poor you, what a shame’ look.
But they were going to look at you eventually, and you had nothing to hide. So you told your father you'd join him, wanting to rip the band aid off.
As it turned out, it wasn't the worst experience ever. You did indeed get the look, but people refrained from commenting. They knew the situation, you knew the situation, there was no need to rehash it. 
While your dad was in the hardware store, chatting to the owner, you wandered around, enjoying the peace. As you were wandering around an aisle you bumped into a very familiar blonde, craning your neck up and letting out a soft sigh as you met his eyes.
“You live two minutes down the road and I bump into you here?”
“The mysteries of life at work I guess.”
You smiled a little, glancing around before looking back to David. You could see the guilt in his eyes, tell he wanted to say it. Tell that he wanted to say it was a damn shame. But he didn't, and you found yourself wanting him to. 
“How've you been?” You asked, resting your hands on your hips. “My dad tells me you're involved with wrestling now?”
While you could tell David was a little caught off guard, he gave you a polite nod and cleared his throat. 
“Yeah, yeah I just kind of..fell into it.”
You knew for a fact that couldn't be true, but he hadn't pressed you, and you weren't going to press him. Not in the middle of Earl's hardware emporium anyway. 
“Enjoying it?” 
“So far so good.”
You nodded softly, taking a deep breath as you slowly folded your arms. 
“Could we..get together later? I feel like we need to catch up properly.”
The look of relief in David's eyes had you feeling at ease.
“Of course,” He nodded, giving you a small but reassuring smile. “Why don't I pick you up around six?”
“Sounds good,” You smiled, for what felt like the first time in weeks. “I'll see you then.”
As much as you had tried your best to look casual when David arrived at the house, you couldn't deny that you'd spent a fair amount of time perfecting the casual hair and makeup look, planned your outfit carefully to look as though you'd just thrown it together. 
“You look great,” David smiled as you hopped into his truck. “Where do you wanna go?”
“I'm pretty hungry, we could get something to eat?” You suggested, your appetite coming back to you. 
“Sounds like a plan,” David nodded. “Let's do it.”
Before you knew it you were in the diner you'd spent so many nights dreaming about while you were training. On your brief visits home, you and David would spend hours there, chatting and laughing and occasionally holding hands across the table. You'd feel guilty for ordering a milkshake and David would insist he'd take the blame, putting on a ridiculous accent and pretending to be a coach to make you laugh til the glass was empty. 
It was actually a nice feeling to order a burger and fries, along with a large milkshake you refused to feel guilty about. When you looked back at David and found him smiling at you, you rolled your eyes with a grin. 
“Something on my face?”
“Not yet.”
You laughed as he winked at you, shaking  your head.
“Your jokes ain't changed then.”
“Course not,” David shrugged, leaning back against the red leather booth. “have to remind you what attracted you to me in the first place. Aside from this,” He swept his hand down his body. “obviously.”
“Oh obviously,” You nodded, a serious look on your face for a moment before you both laughed. 
“Just feels nice being here with you again,” David sighed softly, resting his hand on the table. “We never really got much time before but..I'm glad we do now. Obviously it's not the best circumstances but..”
“But it's fine,” You smiled, sitting up and resting your arms on the table. “we’re here now.”
“Indeed we are,” David smiled, glancing around for a moment before looking back at you and clearing his throat. “listen, I don't know what your plans are but if you're sticking around then..I'd love to ask you on a date.”
“You..wow,” You raised a brow, looking over to David with a smile as you rested your head on your hand. “We're kinda just doing things in reverse I guess.”
“I guess so,” David nodded, a slight flushed red coloring his cheeks. “I want to do it right.”
You admired his sentiment, it was sweet. The two of you had never really had a real relationship, or been on dates, with you being away in Dallas it didn't make sense. But you always hung out when you were home, whether it was in the diner or driving around in David's truck. On more than one occasion he'd snuck into your room (at your encouragement) and the two of you would try to stay quiet as much as possible. 
You'd never really thought about how a relationship would look, that was supposed to be in the next chapter of your life. But the book was evidently going to be a little shorter, and a relationship with someone you truly cared about and loved was certainly a fair compromise. 
“I think you doing it right won't be a problem,” You grinned, sitting back as your drinks were brought over. You looked at the glass in front of you, the red and white straw poking out of the pink milkshake. 
“Thank you,” You smiled at the waitress, easing the glass closer to you. You lightly swirled the straw before taking a sip.
“Hm,” You sat back and glanced over to David, lightly tapping your glass. “You may have competition. This milkshake is close to stealing my heart.”
“Oh really?” David grinned, reaching across the table to gently touch your hand, your palm turning to touch his. “Bring it on.”
A couple of days later, you were starting to feel okay again. Your parents were incredibly supportive and loving, making life at home feel easier. David honored his promise and asked you out on a real date, which was very cute. He came and picked you up, took you to a nice restaurant, made you feel like nothing else in the world mattered but the two of you. After dinner he took you home, walking you to the door and kissing your cheek like a gentleman. You told him that he could come in, but he told you that he was leaving while you wanted more, and you knew where he was.
As it turned out, David's parents were away at a funeral, and you were able to walk in the front door rather than risk breaking your leg using the drain pipe. Kevin was out on a date, and Kerry and Mike were watching TV when you arrived.
You gave them both a hug, wanting to stay and chat but finding it adorable how many excuses David made to lure you away. In the end you grabbed his hand and led him upstairs, wanting to make the most of an almost empty house.
When you woke up in the middle of the night, you smiled as you realized where you were. David's arm was wrapped around your waist, his face buried in your neck. The need for water outweighed your need for comfort, so you carefully slipped out of bed, grateful you'd thrown on one of David's t-shirts before going to sleep. You found your discarded panties on the floor, slipping them on. Kevin's bed was empty, and you presumed his date had gone very well because none of the boys ever slept on the couch. 
Making your way down to the kitchen, you were surprised to find a light on. Kerry was sitting at the table, and you gave him a smile as you walked in.
“Couldn't sleep?” You asked, going to the cabinet to get a glass. 
“Nah, just tossing and turning,” Kerry sighed softly. “figured I may as well just get up. You?”
“Wanted water,” You explained, taking your glass to the sink and filling it with water. “I know I won't be able to sleep again now. Never can when I wake up in the middle of the night.”
“It's a pain in the ass,” Kerry nodded. “I'm the same. If I'm awake that's it.”
You took a sip of water, standing by the sink for a moment before walking over to the table and sitting across from Kerry.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked, your hand lightly gripping your glass.
“Of course,”  Kerry nodded. You suspected he knew what you were going to say but you felt the need to say it anyway.
“How have you been handling it?” You asked, your stomach feeling tight. “Since we were told?”
Kerry was quiet for a moment before he let out a breath and rested his arms on the table. 
“Better than I expected,” He told you. “At first I thought..this is it, the end of the road, what the hell am I supposed to do now you know? But since coming home it feels like the world opened up again. I got my family, a roof over my head, it could be a whole lot worse. How are you finding it?”
You took a sip of water, lightly pushing the glass away when you set it down on the table.
“I'm finding it easier now,” You nodded. “I really couldn't handle it at first, I just stayed in bed for days. I'm still amazed I managed to drag myself out, I was just miserable. But my family definitely helped too, and David,” You smiled, glancing up for a moment. “I don't know what I'd do without him. Without all of you,” You looked back to Kerry.
“You know this is the first time I've really talked about it, I've been avoiding the subject.”
“That's understandable,” Kerry sat back a little, lightly tapping his hand on the table. “Most people are sympathetic but they don't really understand how it felt. I just can't stand that look people give you, like you're a kicked puppy or something. I'd rather just not talk about it if they're gonna start pitying me.”
“Exactly,” You nodded. “Obviously it's normal for people to have sympathy but it just..feels different when it's actually happening to you.”
“Well you can talk to me about it anytime,” Kerry smiled. “About anything.”
“I know,” You smiled, getting up from the table and walking around to Kerry. “I really appreciate it.”
He stood up and you wrapped your arms around him, feeling another weight lifted off your shoulders as he hugged you back.
“I'm gonna try and get some sleep,” You sighed softly, pulling back and gently squeezing Kerry's arm. “I'll see you in the morning.”
When you got back to David's room, you slipped back into his bed as quietly as possible, smiling when his arm immediately wrapped around your waist. 
“Where'd you go?” He murmured into your neck, his voice addled with sleep you wish you could borrow. 
“Just wanted some water,” You told him, turning around and looking at his perfect face, how peaceful he looked. “Go back to sleep.”
He didn't need to be told twice, and while you found sleep still eluded you, you felt more content as you nestled into him.
A couple of days later, while the sun was splitting the rocks, you were relaxing in the Von Erich's backyard, the smell of barbecue wafting through the air. You were sitting beside Kerry, beer in hand and feeling pretty relaxed.
“Oh, did I tell you the news?” He grinned, taking a sip of his beer.
“Absolutely not,” You raised a brow with a grin. “Tell me immediately.”
“I'm joining Kev and David in the ring,” Kerry told you. “got my first match on Saturday.”
“Oh..that's..that's so amazing,” You smiled, giving Kerry a hug. “Wow, how cool is that?” You pulled back and gave him a smile. “You better believe I'll be in the front row.”
“I hope so, I need the support,” Kerry laughed softly. “Feel free to make a banner.”
“You think I wasn't gonna make one?” You teased, taking a sip of your beer and watching David approach you from the corner of your eye.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Me?” You looked over at him. “Yeah, of course.”
You got up from the table and followed David into the house, sitting down beside him on the couch when you got to the living room.
“What's going on?” You asked, trying to ignore the tightness in your chest.
“It's..it's stupid,” David sighed, sitting back and resting his hands over his thighs. “But I just need to get it out.  Because..if you want Kerry instead of me I'd rather just know about it now than be dragged along and made a fool of, and yes it would be hard to deal with but if it would make you happy then-”
“David,” You gently touched his arm, turning towards him. “I'm with you, and that ain't gonna change. If I wanted to be with anyone else I would be, but I'm not because I want to be with you.”
“You don't have to spare my feelings,” David looked over at you, and you gently squeezed his arm. “I can handle it, I promise. I see how close you two are.”
“Because we're friends,” You sighed softly. “And we've been through a shared experience. I know that I can talk to you about anything, but Kerry has had the same thing happen to him. And now he's moving on and I'm..”
You took a deep breath, looking down to David's arm. “I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I mean, I know what I'm doing today, but..what about the future? I have nothing, I don't have a job, or a degree, or..anything. Everything I knew is just..gone and I..”
“Hey,” David sat up and moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around you as you buried your face in his shoulder. “you got so much going for you, alright? And a long old life ahead of you, so don't waste it getting stressed out. Your life hasn't taken the path you expected but mine hasn't either. I didn't think I'd end up doing what I'm doing, and I never even dared think I'd be lucky enough to get you back, have you here with me. But it's turned out pretty damn great, and I promise you that what's in store for you will be so amazing. You don't need to figure it all out right this second, you got time.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” You smiled softly, looking up to David and feeling yourself breathe again. “I just need to know so I can make sure I keep doing it.”
“It's me who should be asking that,” David smiled softly, his hand gently stroking your back. “Whatever I did I'd do it a million times over.”
“Well before you do that, maybe you could do something else first,” You smiled, softly biting your lip.
“Oh yeah?” David grinned, raising a brow. “What's that?”
“You could go get me a burger,” You teased, laughing softly as he rolled his eyes with a grin. “or just kiss me, whatever you feel like doing first.”
“I'm on it,” David smiled, standing up before leaning down to kiss you, his hand gently stroking your neck, your hand moving over his as you kissed him back, feeling truly content. 
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