#i am simply baffled
etre-grantaire · 2 months
I'm crying I just got my cousin's wedding registry and they have a $150 sugar pot listed. A $500 white bowl. A single wine glass that costs $104. A $1500 coffee table book.
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meanwhileatzafiros · 1 year
Spread the news: When your brain stops forcing you to be productive 24/7 by guilt tripping you into never taking time for yourself, you end up getting more done anyway and you don’t hate yourself in the process! More at 7.
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bookshelfdreams · 7 months
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That is certainly - a statement.
What about Jim, who both metaphorically and literally discovers a path for themself beyond what they were raised to be? What about Pete, who learns to overcome his toxic masculinity, his posturing and self-importance? What about Ed, whose entire story is about deconstructing the performance that is expected of him?
What about, oh, idk, our main fucking character Stede Bonnet, whose arc starts with him literally breaking out from the hetero marriage he was forced into despite never fitting in? Who tries (and initially fails) to build a community where he can be himself? Whose entire story is about discovering his own queerness! He starts out not even able to put a finger on WHY his marriage made him feel so suffocated, and then journeys through s1 until he reaches the emotional climax - "His name is Ed"!
Contrast that with Izzy, who has to be dragged into a supportive community kicking and screaming. Who rejects care and compassion, even at his worst, who has to be forced to accept help. He receives the leg and calls the crew a homophobic slur for it, ffs. Only after that, only when people refuse to let him push them away, is he able to poke his nose into something approaching positive human connections. And that's a powerful narrative, sure, in it's own way; but it's hardly the Ultimate Queer Experience, and it's definitely not the "only queer arc".
And Izzy never lets go of the old ways. He never abandons the Blackbeard-era pirate lifestyle for something more positive, not fully. And that's okay, because ultimately, his arc isn't even about himself.
It's about Ed.
Ed keeps repeating toxic relationship patterns, and Izzy is a part of that. He's linked (on purpose, and I wish it had been done more explicitly) to Ed's father; because Izzy represents the poison that was instilled in Ed from a young age, and that has become so entrenched in his system that he can't imagine a life without it. He keeps Izzy around despite being hurt by him because Izzy is predictable, and in that, is safe, even though he hurts Ed; at least it's a hurt Ed is familiar with and can rely on.
When Izzy slowly changes it's to show that Ed is growing beyond the little voice in his head telling him to reject softness, that he can never be loved, that We're just not these kinds of people. If Izzy can evolve from someone spitting boyfriend at Ed like it's a slur to someone congratulating him on getting laid by that same person, Ed can overcome his inner demons telling him the same thing.
That's the point of Izzy's arc. And this is why he has to die, because Ed can never be truly free as long as Izzy is around. So Izzy goes, quietly, peacefully, and releases Ed of the poison; apologizes to him, tells him I was so wrong, and I am so sorry, because that's what Ed needs to hear to move forward.
And that's such a kind, positive way to end the story of Izzy Hands.
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mumblesplash · 1 year
might be swinging a bat at a hornets’ nest here but how are some people out here getting real life angry at fictional characters and then sticking around to hate on them. it takes like 2 mildly upsetting writing decisions max to make me abandon media entirely where are you guys getting the tenacity
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hybbat · 8 months
Honestly, figuring out I'm aroace explained a lot more to me about other people than it did about myself
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permanentreverie · 3 months
#ok so mini rant session#i am doing a bit better today - little less distraught over getting fired from a job i thought i was doing pretty good at and i was trying#really hard and genuinely enjoying#and just more baffled because truly i had no warning and i was completely blindsided#i was in the middle of a 3 month trial and i would have a review at the end in which i would be offered a permanent position if it went well#and i thought i was making my way towards that! granted i was still making mistakes but genuinely not of such a great scale i thought it#called for my immediate dismissal#that being said i was still VERY MUCH IN TRAINING. i had only been there A MONTH AND A HALF learning COMPLETELY NEW SYSTEMS#and i was told that i had been there a few weeks already and that i wasn’t catching on quick enough. that there were some areas i was#understanding and others i just simply wasn’t#and i asked what areas specifically so that i could learn more and try harder#and they didn’t give me a specific answer.#ok and so. so. i have this insecurity.#that at first impression people will like me. that they may think i’m pretty or kind or funny or whatever#but then they spend time with me or get to know me and realize that that’s all bullshit.#that i’m actually not pretty and im mean and loud and selfish and lazy and rude and etc etc etc#MASSIVE fucking insecurity in that like that’s why i genuinely don’t have friends or a significant other#and that genuinely i’m just a Bad Person#and when i was fired? i was told ‘a persons true colours show after a few weeks’#so that’s MAJORLY fucking me up.#when i was hired i was boasted to about my boss’s hiring process and how she’s ’only been fooled twice’#and the morning before i was fired in a meeting my supervisor told everyone that i was doing quite well.#so yeah i truly had no fucking warning. at fucking all.#hurt and confused and angry and baffled and did i mention hurt#anyways if you’re still here i’m sorry i know this is not a good look for me
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racing-stripes · 1 month
i love peaky blinders but the fact that it has a fandom at all is so unserious to me. like wdym tommy shelby x alfie solomons coffee shop au? those two men have tried to kill each other and Not in the sexy way
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robertdowneyjjr · 7 months
how do you politely ask someone you work with whether they have brain damage
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arsenicflame · 8 months
izzy haters
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theheadlessgroom · 2 months
"If you need to eat, Emily, you should eat."
It felt wrong for Randall to be the only one eating, especially now that he knew the truth about her diet-he could understand why she wouldn't want to eat (drink?) around him, of course, but nevertheless, it just felt wrong for him to have breakfast while she didn't. If he hadn't known about her vampirism, if he was still in the dark about it last night and this morning, he may have been able to play off her lack of eating as simply nerves or something like that, but now that he knew, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern for her.
Gratefully accepting the eggs and bacon and coffee, he took a seat at the kitchen table, his tone gentle, and yet firm, as he continued, "You told me last night that, despite everything that's happened...you're still you. And I believe that, and I don't think there's anything on this Earth that could change that, or the way that I feel about you, Emily. So, if you need to eat, please do. It doesn't frighten me."
He gave her a gentle smile as he said this, before taking a little sip of coffee-it would still be a touch jarring, to think of his beautiful, sweet, gentle angel drinking blood, he was sure, but he knew that was what she needed to do to live, and accepted that. She did what she had to do, and he didn't want her to hunger on his account, least of all when he himself got to eat. It would mean he'd have to leave sooner than later if she was going to eat-and he didn't want to leave, not so soon.
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boiled-dennis · 2 years
i'm just so tired of people in fandom making art of fat characters, but not even bothering to try to properly draw fat people. people gush about these characters but then draw them having thin faces and defined jaws, double chin magically gone. not to mention limbs (most often arms) and hands being really disproportionate and looking like they belong to a thin person.
practice !! you don't have to post all things you ever draw. you can practice drawing fat people and it's okay if it looks bad at first. but it disgusts me so much to see people talking about loving a character so much, and then not even properly drawing them. consistently. it's disrespectful as hell.
and then with art that intends to portray the fat character in a sexy way, the waist is often narrowed for no reason at all. i've seen many people act like it's more 'tasteful' to draw fat people as "thicc" rather than just.... fat.... like do you actually care about the character? is the reality of the character something that is important to you? do you care about real human beings? it sends a message when you draw characters this way. other fat people will see the art and think "wow yet another person in this community who doesn't give a shit about fat people". not to mention how it disrespects the actual actors.
also using the word "chubby" is not as neutral and Kind as you seem to think it is. it feels infantilising and like you're too scared to admit you're attracted to -gasp- Fat people so you have to use a playful word that implies not a great amount of body fat., dont call people squishy. and there feels like a specific trend of saying fat people look kind and like they'd give nice hugs can i just say that feels very dehumanising and kinda objectifying .
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strixhaven · 3 months
discord servers love having a thousand channels both vague enough to be incredibly confusing in what you’re allowed to post where and hyper-specific enough that you’ll get yelled at for posting the “wrong” thing in place where any reasonable person would think it belongs
#i do not understand why so many servers are so rigidly structured. this is needlessly difficult to moderate#and if the amount of people “accidentally” posting the same similar kind of wrong stuff in specific channels is any indication#is clearly confusing and ill-designed for any regular members.#i wish i could reorganize so many servers y’all NEED to cut down on and combine at least half the channels#rewrite the channel description and also my god you do not need twenty pages of rules#nobody i mean Nobody is reading all that and that is 100% why people are consistently baffled and confused when you tell them they’re#violating a much more niche rule. because nobody is remembering every single facet of that wall of text#brother i don’t think YOU are either.#this bugs me so much. i’m not a neurotic control freak (<— liar) i’m just a regular guy who knows that this is#obviously inefficient poorly-designed and difficult to actually follow even when people are trying to act in good faith#and abide by the server rules and structure. this is to say nothing of anyone that wants to be malicious about it#because it being this confusing and ill-constructed means there’s a lot of opportunity for abuse and things to fly under mods’ radars#like you have to have a huge staff to be able to moderate all these channels and remember actually harmful rule violations#it’s completely infeasible unless you have a Massive admin structure and lots of mods with lots of time and care#rant over i am simply annoyed at any server i enter that’s like this and is only a few hundred members large at most.
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piplupod · 4 months
mother: "theres this great job where you'd be on-call to come in!"
me: "ahhh i don't really want to be on-call, that would stress me out a lot because I'd always be on edge,,"
mother: "no you wouldn't, you could make it your thing!"
me: "...my thing?"
mother: "being on call! it'd be great! :)"
me: "i would probably be crying like... a lot ahaha. because I would always be on edge never knowing when to expect having to go into work, yknow?"
mother: "nooo, you could just make it a thing!"
me: "sorry, what do you mean by thing?"
#i feel very ill fdsjkl tonight was ... not good#not the worst definitely not the worst#just. a lot of diet talk and making fun of other ppl that she expected us to all laugh at (and we did. idk if they found it funny.)#and brother labelling some influencer having rape charges against him just ''internet drama''#number one: i dont want to hear about that. number two: that is not just ''drama'' that is like. serious. what the fuck is wrong w youuuu#my mother will say that all the food i eat is very bad for me and do that while knowing full well i struggle to eat Anything#and say that simply Adding things to the diet is pointless bc ur poisoning urself still! u have to Take Out things! i cant fucking do that!#im still baffled that two years ago when i tried to go to them for help when i was almost fainting from not eating they just shrugged at me#''okay? why are u telling us this?'' BECAUSE YOU ARE MY PARENTS. AND I AM TRYING TO GET HELP.#i should've known better than to try tbh but like. its so hard to completely let go of every sliver of hope that they'll... be kind#like me saying i was feeling suicidal a few yrs ago just garnered a ''oh don't start this again. we're not doing this again.''#and me admitting my own damn self to the psych ward just had her telling me ''i dont think you actually needed to go :/''#mother dearest if it werent for the other fuckers in the brain (caused by you abusing me) then i would've been dead several times over#i am so fucking tired i am so sick of these ppl it is so incredibly painful and terrifying that this is supposed to be my family#this is the one support system i get in life. and it is no support system at all. i am fucked !! i am so unbelievably fucked!!!#i know other ppl make it thru but they are much stronger than me. i am lacking something that they all have lmao. i am cowardly and weak!!!#i have been trying so fucking hard to figure out how to like. make this work. how to survive in this society and its just. impossible#i think we're back to the clock ticking down as my bank account runs out#i cannot be employed and ppl keep telling me disability won't accept me so i am just. unanimously fucked over i suppose#i have two years !! two years until i run out of money!!! thats a lot of time!! to make all the art i want to make!!#i will make this work for these two years i will cope and make my art and disconnect and daydream through the intolerable parts#i will make these two years so good sdfjkl im gonna make it to the end of them#sorry this is all coming flooding out fsjdkl i've just tried so hard to be like. positive abt things and laugh abt things and be okay#im tired of trying to make it okay fdsjkl i am wallowing tonight i guess. boohoo poor little me fdsjkl i'll probably get over it soon#just need to like. let a little of the pressure leak out so i don't completely crack and do smth stupid#it will be okay !!! or as okay as it can be !!! this will be blocked out by tomorrow morning probably!!#or it'll have to be LMAO i have my silly old lady yarn group tomorrow and i need to be Normal for that#suicide tw#abuse tw#ed tw
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definegirlfriends · 6 months
You bought pleasing products as well, and we have known for years that the people around Harry aren't good people. You're a hypocrite
I have bought pleasing products in the past, you’re correct and we have known for years that the people harry surrounds himself with are horrible at best, however harry has still ALWAYS spoken about his stance on global issues and his silence now is deafening. You can call me a hypocrite all you want but the point I was making is, how can anyone now, with the knowledge that jeff and irving signed that stupid letter and jeff’s sister has a whole highlight about the war in israel, AND with harry’s cricket mentality while still pedaling a new pleasing collection at us, in good conscious, decide that’s where you’re going to spend your money ??? I don’t know about you but I don’t have money like that to throw around let alone to businesses that don’t align with my morals. The fact of the matter is the girlies are shoved so far up harry’s asshole sometimes they don’t see an issue with continuing to support a company like that, who has a mission statement on their website portraying the exact opposite ! promote your new collection, have your mom post about your haircut, I do not care but it is laughable that they’re pretending at best not to see what’s going on and not caring at worst ! I’m always of the belief celebrities should say less about politics but harry has already put himself in the position of being someone that speaks out for what is right, and it is OKAY for me to expect more from him, let alone his company. Pleasing will not be receiving a single dollar more from me unless they make a serious change, and even then the knowledge that they have seen what is being asked of them and every day are deciding to stay silent, is extremely disheartening and will take me a long time to ever come back from, if at all. The only people upset about what I said are probably guilty of doing the exact thing that they have enough knowledge and chronically online hours to know what was going on, and decided it didn’t matter enough to them to care otherwise. If the shoe fits 🤷🏻‍♀️ It is not hard to boycott a company let alone one that is charging $85 for a beach bag and $135 for a perfume, that will not cause you a single inconvenience if you do not own, I need y’all to be fucking for real
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I love fics where Peter is actually a little shit cause most writers write him as a sweet cinnamon roll. And sure he is that when it comes to morals, but have you guys met a 14 year old? I am the oldest sibling and i promise you I have met every version of a shithead teenager under the fucking sun. And yes ALL of them are shitheads who WILL lie if they think it's funny or just for the kicks of it to any and all authority figures (i still do it and I'm 16)
In response to the Bernie's fic
he really gets the sweet summer child treatment in fandom and it really shows that a lot of fic writers have never spent extended time with a teenager in their life. like, i was a math tutor for a while, and like. a teenager myself for a FEW years, and you will NOT find a demographic more down to commit felonies for shits and giggles. i can't even say that he reads like a much younger kid, because honestly, fandom peter doesn't really read like a real person at all to me. like, he's insane. he's a good person. but he is insane. this is fundamental to him.
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goldiipond · 1 year
it is imperative to me that my non-mario followers know that that image is not a silly meme edit and is in fact an actual screenshot from an officially licensed mario game
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