#i am shipping trash
phynali · 11 months
Shipping definition poll
Asking because I've noticed people use it in different ways, and I suspect a lot of confusion and disagreement happens in fandom because we need more words to discuss what we mean, instead of lumping it all under the single word "Ship".
*For "want to explore an aspect of the ship's dynamic", this means exploring the characters together romantically or sexually, without any implication of seeing it as healthy or wanting the characters to get together / be in love long term, and without any implication either way of wanting it to be canon. Wide umbrella that includes wanting them to be together and in love through to thinking they are toxic or wanting to see one hurt the other for id-fic and darkfic type purposes.
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sparkymalone · 3 months
So I'm playing DRV3 for the first time, because I'm chronically late to everything, and I'm right at the end of chapter 6.
My current issue is that I'm a fuckin SHIPPER, through and through, but I can't figure out what pairings I like yet, and I feel like I can't investigate more thoroughly until I finish the game, to avoid spoilers. (I already had most of the game spoiled for me, honestly. I didn't expect so many DRV3 spoilers just existing in the SDR2 community, but here we are.)
This post is pretty much just me complaining for no reason, lol. But I'm curious to know what pairings my mutuals like?
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As you take kindly my every truth in return
sjcasbahsthis one got long for some reason RIP now off to bed oh god my poor sleep schedule-
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tangledfate · 2 months
not me thinking about how Stella is probably so touch adverse and sex adverse after being married to Stolas--like she went the total other end of the spectrum than he did to cope and Striker just slowly romancing her (which completely sneaks up on them btw) without any expectation of sexual activity and it's just nice…
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Also yes, my username is actually a multi-tier pun on Libera and Boundshipping. This is literally the only reason I chose it. You can feel free to laugh at me. I laugh at myself pretty often.
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capsensislagamoprh · 2 months
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The oracle was not such a mystery. The korrid was a small being, looking nothing so much as a short, slender young man with messy, light brown hair, and maroon eyes looking dully up from a tome. His face was slack, as if pulled from a deep commiserating with the words before him, confused as to what could pull him away from his beloved secret tombs. "Can I help you?"
"Ji," Emil smiled. "How long have you been cooped up in here this time?"
"Eh? Well," he answered, hand flailing about, searching for something. Pulling up a his cell, the glitter jell case sparkling as it tilted, illuminating the room as it came to life. "Hum. Maybe three hours."
"Three hours, or three days?" Emil smiled, throwing open the curtains to the cylindrical room. Towers of books, trinkets, and treasures lined the walls, covering surfaces as if dropped by a forgetful hand.
"Days? No, couldn't be." The phone was unlocked, Ji's eyes wide with shock. "Not again. Māmā will be furious." As he made to move he caught sight of Christoph. "Oh. Hello."
"Hello!" Christoph returned, a small smile dancing on his lips.
"Ji, this is Lord Giacometti. Christophe, this is Guang Hong Ji. The oracle."
"Ah! Yes! You. Not until you're twenty four, near twenty five, if I'm being more accurate," Ji said with a shy smile. "Even then, it will take some time before things right themselves. There will be turmoil, but it will right itself again."
"I, uh... what?"
"Oh, was that not what you were here for?"
"...no?" Christoph shared a glance with Emil, not at all understanding how to navigate this strange little beings mind.
Oh indeed. Christoph cleared his throat as Emil smiled benignly, amused by the flustering of the spring fey. "I need to ask you about -"
"The Hero? Or his cat?" Ji asked as he shoved things into his backpack. "They are here. Well not here- here, but here. Is that what you need?"
"That is helpful, but I need to find them."
"Oh. Well, I can't get more specific. Rules, you see."
Christoph's eyes narrowed. Rules. Korrid were known for needling, hiding secrets, keeping things important away from those in need. They had reasons, those reasons were never explained. Time to turn on the charm and bluff. "Ah yes, the rules. It's a tragedy, the rules. So violated. So disgraceful."
Ji looked up, his movements paused as he considered. "Rules are never a disgrace."
"Of course not. They are a time honored tradition." Ji nodded, his back pack stuffing resuming. "We must honor our traditions, must we not?" Christoph continued.
"Not necessarily," Ji rejoined. "Some things are not meant to become permanent measures. They need rethinking."
"How forward thinking! I quite agree. Now, see, that's my quandary."
"Quandaries come and go," the small man said, maroon eyes sharper than his features suggested. Christoph could feel his interests peaked. He meant to take advantage of it.
""They do. Until they stay. Become quarries. Of thoughts. Expression. There's a lot that goes on in a quarry. Dangerous things. Stagnant things. Things of dust and stone, earth and dreams..." He could feel the oracle's interest become focused, trailing down the words as they were forged, reading deep magic in them.
"Dreams that are quarried are dreams that are torn from their place of sleep, not yet ready to be seen," Ji answered.
"Indeed, and yet if we do not dig for dreams how can we find ourselves under the layers of mortality that cling to so many?"
Ji paused, back pack half on. "Mortality dose not cling."
"Correct. It lays like a barrier, a cloak against a storm."
"Storms come and go."
"Unless there is no one to drive off the storms."
Suddenly the oracle's eyes lit up in golden fire. His mouth hung open, his body stiff and unnatural as the bones cracked and snapped, pressure leavening from unbending joints. Christoph started to back up, stopping only when he caught Emil's eye, the autumn fey conveying he should not retreat.
"Dōngtiān láile, yīnghuā dū xièle méiyǒu shuǐ dàodá bùliǎo dì dìfāng dōngtiān, zuì hánlěng de shēn chù, shīqùle jiā de wēnnuǎn, lǚxíng dào yuǎnjìn dì dìfāng, zhídào chéngzhǎng de shíkè línjìn, rúguǒ wǔdǎo wàngjìle tā suǒ chàng de gēshēng, nàme zuì gǔlǎo de gùshì jiù tīng bù dàole, yīdàn wàngjì, zhè bùshì suǒyǒu liànrén de jiéjú yǐ péngyǒu kāishǐ..."
The small body suddenly slumped, held mid air by something unearthly, then it cracked and twisted until the eyes regained there maroon hew, blinking as if their owner had merely fallen asleep. Ji dropped to his feet, clearly accustomed to these happenings. Grabbing his cellphone, he raced past Christoph, thrugh the mirrored door, and into the night.
"Did you get what you need?" asked Emil.
"I can't tell."
"Ah well, these things can be hard to interpret."
"Oh, it's not that."
"What is it then?"
"I don't speak Chinese."
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19
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murasaki-cha · 11 months
My fever fried brain, nauseous, bedridden self to my sister
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foreheadcake · 1 year
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upolading this from my tablet hayy did i mention i love zane
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sunnibits · 2 years
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this is so messy and self indulgent but I was thinking… like obviously every steddy hands fanfic heavily features the idea of forcing Izzy to accept affection and talk about his feelings but please consider: what if eventually something in him just cracks and Izzy Hands suddenly becomes the most insufferable, affectionate, clingy little menace ever to sail the seven seas
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skymagpie · 8 months
I am obsessed with Davy Jones and Calypso because of how Greek tragedy-esque their story is, where neither is clearly right or wrong in what they did, they both acted as best as they could due to their nature and in the end, their worlds clashed and tragedy was unavoidable.
Calypso didn't leave him waiting because she didn't care about him, she loved him and she still does in her own way despite everything, but it's in her nature to be unpredictable and she can't change that, even if she wanted to. Davy Jones did not realize what it means to fall in love with something above human, with something so vast and powerful and he thought that he would be the one who could play with fire and not get burned - and he was wrong.
But on the other hand Davy Jones behaved the way that was fitting to his human nature too - he felt used, betrayed and tricked into what is essentially torture for all eternity. And in turn, he wanted to retaliate in a way to make her feel the same, make her feel trapped in mortality the way he was trapped in immortality. It's a common theme with him to try and make other people suffer the same way he does so he won't be alone in his misery. But he still didn't do anything to force her to love him or to force her to be with him, he just wanted her to feel what he felt when he thought she betrayed him.
What he did is still inexcusably terrible and he knows that, that's why he ripped his heart out, but that is also part of his human nature - he regrets it and he regretted it right after he did it because he loves her. And love is just not enough sometimes. Calypso does not regret not showing up because she is not human, to her one day in ten years means nothing, she expected him to understand that. And probably Davy Jones's biggest crime is that instead of fixing the problem once he realized he hurt the person he loves, he doubled down in becoming a monster (literally and figuratively) and basically accepted that the only way this will end is in his death and that he will be cruel and vile up until that point. He wouldn't dare ask for forgiveness and redemption after what he did, but he also wouldn't apologize and try and mend it. Because he couldn't face her anger. Because it is in his nature to be this way.
This story is such a small part of the series, but it's written so beautifully and so well that it's the only thing that I've been thinking about since I watched the films.
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since apparently there's no ship name for these two (that i've seen) i would like to perhaps propose either prospresor or masque of amontillado
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phynali · 1 year
For the shipping ask box game: what's your take on Sam and the witch of your choice? (SPN, obvs :D)
Oooh very fun.
I'll have to talk about samwena because ❤️❤️❤️ but tbh I'm a big fan of shipping Sam with pretty much every witch who has come his way, including Ruby and Patrick.
Samwena: Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
I don't remember how I stumbled across it, not because I was in the ship tag because I wasn't there yet (likely the episode or season tag?) but I read a short fic about the late s10 arc with her in chains, translating the book of the damned. In the fic she talked Sam into, ah, motivating her to work harder 😳 it was hot and made me see the potential of the ship, so I was on board before I even got to season 11.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I'm still honestly so blown away by how much emotional development and depth we got between these characters. From Rowena in shackles to holding Sam's hands and sacrificing herself, and so many stops along the way where she changed and grew through her connection to him, and the insights we got into him through his conversations with her. I legit would have been okay with them being endgame and I don't feel that way about any other canon ship in the show (or most fandom ships lmao).
(I also love their flirting and Sam's obvious crush on her but anyway)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Soooooo I'm not too into the whole "Sam is Rowena's apprentice" and "witch!sam" of it all, although I interpret that as a fully fanon take anyway.
She doesn't leave her witch cache and grimoires etc to him because he's following in her footsteps and developing as a witch, let alone identifying as one (canonically he rejects the label). She leaves it to him because he's the one she trusts with all those dangerous goods, he's the one she trusts with her legacy, he's one of the very few people she even likes (I'd go so far as loves, in whatever way we want to read that). She doesn't want or expect him to be a witch, even though she leaves the resurrection spell for him specifically. Rather, Rowena understands that Sam's needs and aims with respect to magic are distinct from her own and respects that for him, wants that for him.
They're not each other's student, either of them, they are two equals on separate but sometimes parallel paths, who respect the incredible and unique gifts and abilities of the other. That's what makes it sexy.
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its-the-sa · 9 months
Here's another giant ask because I've been thinking about this for a while and I needed to share it with somebody.
The scavenger chieftain is really merciful towards Arti, given the circumstances. When I first reached that part, I was expecting to be sniped by a spear from across the map. But he doesn't attack you, despite having every reason to. Like, the Metropolis scavengers most likely have literally nothing to do with the scavengers that killed Arti's kids, and it's not like they understand why Arti is doing what she's doing. The scav king knows Arti has killed countless members of his group, probably people he knew personally and cared about. Maybe even his family.
But he doesn't attack you. You have to start the fight. He just points to the exit. He wants you to back away, to stop before you take this final step and seal your fate. He should have all the reasons in the world to want you dead by now, but he gives you a final chance to walk away.
It's what made me interested in the scav king as a character. For some reason, he doesn't want to fight you. One idea I had is that he's well aware of Arti being trapped in a cycle of violence, either due to having experienced something similar or his understanding of karma. (He has the mark of communication and I'm willing to bet he's met the Metropolis echo, who was also trapped in a cycle of violence. He's probably heard an explanation of the cycles and karma from Five Pebbles as well.) So, he knows very well what Arti is getting herself into and hopes that maybe she can still see reason before it's too late.
Another idea I had, and this is totally fanon and not supported by anything in-game but I thought it sounded fun- what if they knew each other before? Like, what if they were friends all the way back when Arti lived in the Garbage Wastes and wasn't hostile to scavengers, and the scav king was just a normal dude. Just a regular John J. Scavenger. Eventually, he finds the citizen ID drone and brings a bunch of his friends to the Metropolis, gets the mark of communication from Five Pebbles (who, I imagine at this point, doesn't really care that much if the scavengers live in his city and only gets mad at them once they start ripping out bits of his can). Flash forward years later and this normal scav is now a chieftain with a prosperous tribe, and he's wondering what happened to that weird red slugcat he met all those years ago when they re-appear out of nowhere and begin violently murdering his tribe members. That would be A Little Awkward Huh.
That's just my silly little headcanon, I'd love to hear your thoughts though. How do you interpret the scav king's actions here?
bro, you pretty much just summed up exactly why i ship them lol.
the scav king is the ONE person who refuses to treat arti like a monster, even when she's so far gone that she even disgusts and horrifies herself. he's the one person who will not feed into her spiral of self-loathing, no matter how hard she tries to earn his hatred. he refuses to strike first no matter how many times she tries to kill him. he always tries to reason with her. he always fights one-on-one, even though he has an entire kill squad ready to back him up.
but he doesnt let her victimize him, either. he gives her a choice, and he respects the choice she makes even when it's the wrong one. he kills her without hesitation when she forces his hand, but then he's always ready to offer mercy again, always ready to give her another chance.
and i just feel like that's exactly what arti needs. someone who is both compassionate enough and resilient enough to weather the storm of her rage until it burns itself out, and still be willing to offer mercy when she's finally ready to accept it.
... what was this ask about again? lol
RIGHT, ok. so. motivation. lets do this.
first of all I love the idea that they knew each other in the past. it would make a lot of sense, and it'd fit perfectly with my headcanon that arti used to be friends with the garbage wastes scavs before everything went to hell. and I love the drama that would come from two old friends having to fight each other to the death.
it's not the case in my personal headcanon though, just because I already have a backstory fleshed out for the scav king that would make it pretty much impossible for them to have met before.
however, i DO think that he sympathizes with arti because he's been though something similar. I think he lost someone very important to him when he was young, and just like arti, he also threw himself into a futile quest for revenge because he didnt know how else to cope. but instead of going on solo rampage, he raised a whole ass army and started a war.
he got to where he is through sheer spite and thirst for vengeance. he never really wanted to be a leader; he just wanted manpower to throw at his enemy. but after seeing his people get killed in service to him, he realized he is responsible for them now, and he needs to put their safety and wellbeing before his vendetta. so, while he is still angry and he does still carry his old grudge, it no longer consumes his life. he's learned that there are more important things to live for.
so, yeah, he definitely understands arti's rage. and he sympathizes with her, because he has his own people's blood on his hands, too. but he's learning, and he's trying to be better, and he believes that arti can be better too if someone gives her a reason to try.
...also, his default personality has 0.00 aggression and 0.99 sympathy stats, so he is arguably just wired to be Like That, lol
(i say 'default' because technically his stats are randomized each time you fight him, but he always uses the same sprite, which is scav king ID 8875. so to me that ID's stats are the canon ones, lol )
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
just remembered how megfitz made tim think about how bernard is so much better than all the other relationships he'd "settled for" and was once again briefly consumed by rage. meghan you apologize to zoanne wilkins right the fuck now
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
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prototypelq · 3 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
This has always been on a "maybe" list of questions I'm not really sure if I actually want to ask or not, but decided why the hell not with Valentine's Day around the corner (I would ask on Valentine's day, but with my at least ten days between questions thing (which I still might be a teensy bit flexible with) doing that would mean I wouldn't be able to ask another question I want to ask when I want to ask it).
What are all your Devil May Cry ships? Which one is your favorite? Which do you think about the most?
Hi Ember, thank you for the ask! It's Valentine's, so I think I have a kind of obligation to answer this one today xD Sorry for being less active lately. However, I'm not out of the DMC woods yet, and I will try to participate in fandom week however I can.
Now, for the ask itself - I think the answer is rather obvious. DMC is primarily a family of losers drama, and I'm all here for it. Except NeroKiri and Sparda/Eva, those are adorable and we should appreciate them more)))
That being said, in a safe space, far far far away from canon, I really dig Dante/Lucia and Vergil/Lady*.
*Actually I think Vergil/Lady could be a possible post-dmc5 development too, or at least, I see their personal arcs aligning a bit past that point, cause both will need to adjust to 'normal human life', maybe they can go through that journey together. sadly the same cannot be said for Dante/Lucia, I think their opportunity in canon is far gone at this point, still I imagine they have nothing but respect for each other
Both of these will be adorable, also I can only envision the extreme 'double date' shenanigans, or, lord forbid, 'date advice' for or for twins. The romantic comedy potential in this far-far-far-away-from-canon scenario is completely off the charts. I'm surprised we're not talking more about this tbh.
Here be some date ideas, because I can be a shipping mess and I am legally allowed to today:
Sparda/Eva went to concert dates. I am all hands down for 'weird girl' Kyrie headcanons, and I am also both hands down for the same for Eva. She was a metalhead, maybe even a singer in a band. Even if she wasn't, you can pry my headcanon that she's the origin of the twins' musical talent out of my cold. dead. hands.
NeroKiri should go to a concert date too, for sure. But I think a sunset walk around the city, or maybe a fair would also be a good thing for them. Definitely cinema dates for these two. In general, they're probably good with any time spent together.
Dante/Lucia - Prime Soft Material TM. Dante is a prime gentleman when he wants to be, also Lucia is quite tender by nature. I imagine they'd have a good time on a botanical garden walk (Dante's okay with pretty much anything, Lucia would like something beautiful and educational). Maybe a picnic.
Vergil/Lady - wohooo these two are explosive. I imagine half of their time together is spent in a competitive mood, as both crave and thrive in it, and the other is them just... relaxing together somewhere, probably somewhere expensive, these two are classy. I feel like they'd be at each other's throats and head over heels almost in equal measure. If we're talking post-dmc5 scenario, then it's much more timid for them. At this point in their lives both are kind of tired of constant danger, even if the hunger for adrenaline will forever remain. It'd be a much slower and gradual process for them, likely developed over casually meeting or going on missions together. (Dante and Trish sniff them out miles away and squeal in true shipper glee on the inside) As for date ideas - vinery trip, maybe a literature evening (if Lady has it in her) or a theatre date. Last one seems the most likely to me.
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