#i am really not looking forward to this streak of defeats but. ugh i have to get better Somehow at Some point
bearsgrove · 3 years
going to try crucible with my fail hunter. wish me luck.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh prompts are back! Okay here's an interesting idea, Mephiles and Scourge both decide they want to take over the dimension and rule as king and also decide they need a queen to rule at their side and they both pick Amy. So they're fighting to rule and also make Amy their bride so Sonic has to both fight them off and protect Amy from them marrying one of them. Extra comfort for sonamy would be great please and thank you!
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I shall do my very, very best.... at the very least lolol
This is gonna be AU as heck.
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN DO NOT SEND ANY. THE TIME TO SEND HAS ENDED. Enjoy the prompts that have already been submitted during the frame that they could be~<3
As per usual, Eggman had conducted an experiment to try and harness the power of dimensions and worlds to his bidding. The result? After a long and tedious feud between the dimensional Eggmans on who was to rule all, the original was defeated by the many Sonics that appeared, and his friends sealed up the holes in the dimensions.
Some individuals didn’t return... scourged by the humiliating ridicule of his universe, one hid to avoid capture and plan his revenge and final takeover.
Another withdrew into shadows,... lurking in wait as he found a way to keep a hole to his dimension open... traversing the timeline by acquiring this world’s Chaos Emerald and trapping his universe in a ‘frozen’ state.
Very complexed stuff, but the leaking of dimensional energy allowed him to pull his Other Half through to this dimension... but something was going horribly wrong.
“No!” Mephiles was trying to use the power the Chaos Energies to combined himself at last with Iblis, but Scourge had found the dimensional leak, and wanted in on the conquest...
He smirked as he gripped the Master Emerald, standing upon it as power radiated through him like electricity. “Woooo, snooze and you really do loose, buddy!” He held his fingers up like he was going to snap, having already seen Mephiles take out Knuckles who was lying upon the ground... “If I’m gonna be king over this pathetic universe, I’m gonna need some of that bodacious power!” he seemed to be purposefully trying to tick Mephiles off, not knowing who the being was, but seeing the flames circling the emerald and his focus in trying to blend his power with it’s own.
“You are useless, and I am not one who takes such inferior taunts!” Mephiles rose the emerald up, deciding to take care of the insect before he lost full concentration and Iblis was released into another form, which would tip off the heroes and led to a continual, strenuous chase to reach and combined first with him before Sonic and the gang defeated him yet again.
“You’re trying to seal those flames inside you, right?” Scourge pulled out a ring, but to Mephiles, he didn’t see the significance of this exchange. Scourge snapped and the ring glowed, “Then I’ll make a wish to have this power in-!”
Before all of this, Tails had been hosting Amy at his house, but the flames of Iblis leaked in streaks across Angel Island and they quickly set out to check it out.
Now, as Scourge was declaring his chaotic and powerful desires, Tails had landed the X-Tornado and Amy rushed to the scene first. “Amy, wait-!” he cried out, but she jumped down and rushed to see Knuckles slowly waking up from getting beaten down, and...
“Sonic..?” She looked horrified up at the Green Hedgehog.
“Erk-!?” He gritted his teeth, seeing another dimensional Amy. “YOU!?”
Suddenly, as though the command already issued, Iblis’s power completely broke it’s ties to Mephiles, spinning wildly out of control like a whipping hurricane of lined flames tumbling over each other to spiral down and head towards Amy.
“WHAT!? No! That’s not my-! Nooo..!!!” Scourge watched as the Ring shook his hand and finally burst, letting it’s power merge with Amy as Iblis swarmed her being.
She bent down and screamed as the flames dried up the gloss in her eyes, the tears from the pain, and then only left her with the seared ground beneath her feet as she collapsed.
“You insufferable fool..!” Mephiles dove down, pausing midway as he saw Tails rush out from the cover of the trees. “My Iblis...” He glared, slowly... down at Amy. He began to form a plan to reunite with Iblis... but it couldn’t be as of yet...
“Uhh... I have a feeling this makes that annoying pest somewhat valuable now...” Scourge bit his teeth down as he spoke, raising his head up as though also trying to figure out what to do now.
“I must reunite with... her now.” Mephiles hunched his body forward, as ghostly shadows started leaking from his being, crystalizing himself as though outwardly showing his resolve.
“Unite with... Woah! You sayin’ the only way I can get that power out of her is to-!?” Scourge looked aghast, as though that was the last person he’d want to ‘have fun’ with. He looked to the camera with a face that was clearly disgust, but also extremely agitated. “Ugh... If I have to... might as well let it burn.” a slow rising smirk spread across his face as he looked back at Amy.
Tails looked to the waking Knuckles and then the fainted Amy, before his eyes shook at the strange figures above him... One standing with his arms folding in secret delight at the prospect of conquering more than a new dimension... and the other looked ready to fight anything and everyone to secure himself to the new host of his full, undefiled power source once more...
“Sonic’s gonna hate me, which makes that a bonus, right? Taking his little wench in this dimension and killing off the rest of practically anything else with those flames will make for one heck of a wake-up call.” Scourge pulled his glasses down to cover his eyes, “So... Looks like you’re first, little cinders.” he teased, his glasses reflecting Amy in them... “Sadly, something’s gotta fit.”
After a terrible defeat from an already wounded Knuckles and an unexpecting assault that Tails didn’t plan for, having nothing but his flying-abilities to fight back with, Amy was abducted briefly before Mephiles and Scourge started playing tug-o-war and keep-away, trying to keep the ‘host of Iblis’ so they could harness it’s power by unleashing it again... Sonic had finally found them.
They didn’t get too far, the two were dueling each other as Amy was told her friends had died trying to destroy the flames inside her, and that they thought of her now as a ‘sacrificial lamb’ to save the world.
Hoping this would make Amy cry, Mephiles and Scourge were amazed to discover her resilience. She wouldn’t yield to their lies, and kept trying to flee as she was tossed back and forth between the two.
“Iblis, you must rejoin with me!” Mephiles, through the power of the Chaos Emeralds, was able to summon Shadows and large beams to strike at Scourge, who expertly dodged and weaved through them, taking out the Shadows and grabbing Amy around her waist. “Solaris is our destiny!!!”
“You’re not hot, and I can barely stomach calling you ‘Babe’, but there’s a fire in you that I just gotta taste.” Scourge tilted his head enough for her to see his eyes under the sunglasses, but she was more confused since he really did look like the spitting image of Sonic, just... different colors.
This wasn’t like her mistaking Shadow and Silver for Sonic... this really confused her.
“You... Who are you people!?” She kept pushing against him as he kept trying to bring her closer. “Let me go, you creep!”
He scaled his hand up her bare back in a weird, perverted crawl. “Now, now, the time for cute nicknames can wait, Babe. First, let me get rid of the audience...” Scourge had a wicked sense of delight at spooking her like this, but his attention soon turned to Mephiles, who didn’t realize Scourge’s error in not understanding what he meant by ‘reunite.’.
“If she doesn’t release the flames willingly... I’ll pull them out of her...” He reached out for her as Scourge threw her up on his shoulder, getting ready to fight and depart. “Along with the last breath she’ll ever take...Hahahahah!!!” Mephiles rose in the air before Sonic spin-dashed in a wild stream of light into Scourge, slamming into his gut as Amy was flung from his arms.
“What’s this?” Mephiles curled his fingers and watched as a more ‘familiar’ Sonic uncurled and raced back into the scene.
“I don’t know what you two weirdos want with Amy, but it’s not happening!”
“Sonic!” Amy cried out but some Shadows caught her and started hauling her back as Mephiles hovered down to her.
“So... this is your universe’s hero...” He glared deeply, “Another Sonic...”
Scourge was fuming with leftover hate for the other dimensional Sonic in his universe, and decided to take it out on this one. “Do me a favor, just act like you know me and don’t like me, then I can make this fight reaaaaall satisfying!”
“That shouldn’t be too hard.” Sonic smirked, charging into Scourge who speedily dodged and rammed a punch into his face. ‘What!? He has my super speed!’
“HAHAHAHA!!! You’re even more lamer than that Other Me!” Scourge adjusted his jacket and pulled out a pocket-knife. “No offense, but this is entirely personal...”
While the two were distracted, Mephiles turned to Amy and his minions held her up in the air, “Ah! H-hey! Why am I such a big deal all of a sudden!?” She tried to summon her hammer, and did in fact beat two away, but Mephiles grabbed her hammer and sent a crystalized clawed hand up to her chin.
“I can see them...” His eyes reflected her own... and like flickering flames, she gasped at her reflection. “If you won’t submit to your hopeless fate... then I shall destroy this husk that prevents me from joining into my true self!” he swiped but she bent her head back and dodged, but now... she knew what he meant.
“You’re both trying to kill me... for those flames that encircled me!?” She felt genuine fear then as Mephiles threw his energies into her shadow, causing her to cry out before he lifted her up and and held her in place. “Finally,... I shall have Iblis... And you, Amy Rose, will have some unparalleled significance... For a brief moment after your heart is burnt to a crisp, HAAHAHAH!!!!” He pulled his hand back to power up an attack, similar to the same beam he had used to once destroy Sonic, but Scourge threw his knife and it ‘tink’d off of his head.
“Now, who would be so stupidly ignorant of their own mortal ficklety?” He pivoted in the air as Scourge had gripped Sonic’s head to stop him in-battle... and clearly had thrown the knife.
“So, you lied to me?” Scourge laughed, “If I knew all I needed to do was strangle the girl, I wouldn’t have bided my time having fun with her first!” He laughed, “I’ve still promised the ugly trash a date, kinda hard to please a waiting corpse. Plus, I know that’ll just tick you off in the end anyway...” He turned back to Sonic, who kicked his hand away and looked up to Amy, shadows keeping her up in the air as she struggled and tried to use her hammer to give her some space between the ghostly vines that held her.
“Urk! What the-!? Weren’t you the ones who threw this thing at me in the first place?” Amy kicked her feet as the shadows kept crawling to reach her below. “Ah!”
“Oui, I called first!” Scourge grabbed Sonic’s raised leg and thrashed him with a mighty swing into the shadows.
Mephiles shot beams and hurriedly secured Amy to him, gripping the back of her head so she wouldn’t struggle anymore.
“Ahh!” She cried out as Sonic spun and threw Scourge to the remaining Shadows, who slowly overwhelmed him like zombies...
“No, quit it! Get your hands off the merchan-Nooo..!!!” He was enveloped by them as Sonic turned to Mephiles.
“Whatever thing you forced into Amy’s body... get it out!” Sonic pointed an accusatory hand to Mephiles, before swinging his arm out wide.
The two fought, but all the while, Mephiles was using it to get Amy to see Sonic suffering.
On the verge of crying, seeing Mephiles overtake Sonic and about to jab his sharpened crystalized hand through him, Amy cried out and the Flames encased the sky...
“At last...” Mephiles still went for the kill shot, but something strange happened, Scourge jumped to Iblis, trying to absorb the flames that would not accept him as a host.
“Darn! He’s still connected, huh!?” Guessing it was Amy, he grabbed her and the dark, ghostly flames around her released her from their hold.
Sonic shook his head away and grabbed Mephiles’s emerald, “NOO!!” the shadows all dissipated to the ground as the sound of a plane suddenly threw everyone down slightly as it passed towards the flames.
“Now, Blaze!” Tails cried out as Silver lifted Blaze into the spiraling flames.
The flames joined with her and she disappeared from his world, but the two emeralds she carried fell to Sonic, who finally had enough juice with all seven Chaos Emeralds to go Super Sonic.
“Heheh...” Scourge still knew he had the power of the Master Emerald, he could take on Super Sonic, “A kiss of death for the road?”
Amy was jabbed with a knife and fell to the ground... having Scourge’s lips still lingering on hers.
He stuck out his tongue to Sonic and then wiped his mouth as he dropped her down, “Not really my type.” He joked, as Sonic’s color turned darker and he suddenly cried out as he transformed into Dark Sonic.
Mephiles’s eyes twitched at Blaze uniting successfully with Iblis, “But... how!?” before a shadow touched his own. He flinched, turning to see Shadow, Rouge, and Omega behind him.
He slowly began to laugh at the irony... then his laughter rose as he unleashed an all out attack at them.
Silver followed Blaze’s trail, but the universe was becoming unfrozen, and soon... that time-collapse ability was being to rewrite everything back to what it was.
With a flash of light, Amy was back at Tails’s home. She touched her lips and then her side... felt shadows and flames lick at her skin... and the cold, crystalized fingers piecing into the back of her head...
She looked up from her teacup, shaking her head like nothing was wrong. She looked out the window, seeing nothing strange on Angel Island...
She felt a jab in her side and what felt like a cramp and gripped it tighter, then felt something soaring in her heart as though a beam of darkness binding her back to that timeline...
But she wouldn’t yield to it.
She wouldn’t cry.
She let the pain carry on till the leaking was done and the event... never happened...
“You seem kinda spacy.” Tails made a face and she assured him.
“Come on, you know I daydream constantly.” but she was sweating... she could feel ice tickle under her neck and chin where Mephiles had threatened her, she looked down into the reflection of the teacup... and saw his eyes reflecting flames in hers.
The teacup broke and she covered her mouth, racing out as she remembered a forced, smelly kiss and then the blood from the knife...
She remembered the black... then a dawn of light... and the flames blazing through her.
What she didn’t know... was it was the residue of the timeline that had just occurred, still lingering... almost passed...
She fell to the hill of Tails’s home and gripped the ground, shaking as she forced herself not to cry.
‘If I cry... then that other timeline will exist again!’ she felt her shadow suddenly pull from her, and with terrified eyes, saw Mephiles form out of her elongated silhouette.
“...You saved me...” He gave a low, billowing chuckle that rocked her entirely. “How unfortunate... for you...” He slowly moved towards her, and as she backed away, suddenly felt herself freezing.
“Wha...What’s happ-...” she couldn’t even form the words right, as she felt a chill still her entire being.
He rose his hand and gripped her mouth gently, but with enough force to make it feel like he was going to suffocate her, and looked deep into her eyes again.
“Shhhh... You’ll be dead soon, anyway. Struggle... cry beneath me... it won’t matter if you shout now... Your friends failed to completely remove that timeline from existence. Silver... His accomplice... Their plan has failed you.” He moved closer, a zombie-like head wobble as he looked like the spitting-image of Shadow now... but dulled colors, and she couldn’t figure out why.
That other man... looked like Sonic.
Now this man... looked like Shadow.
What on earth was going on!? Were these beings... forms of other Sonics and Shadows!? How could that possibly be!?
She couldn’t close her eyes, his power in freezing his own timeline failed, but he had joined with her own to preserve himself as a last resort.
Which meant she was the flickering flame... if he blew her out, she really would reset time and he could try all over again.
She didn’t know what to do... Time was jumbled within her core, she was the bridge to multiple timelines and intersecting universes...
“Shh... Just bend to Time’s will... I am infinite... inevitable... you cannot hope to prosper and win this time...” he slowly pulled her down, as though pushing her into the darkness of her own shadow. “I’ll steal your time-energy... take it as my own... and as Time resets, I’ll anticipate those annoying headaches you call ‘Sonics’ and become the destructive force revered as Solaris! I’ll be a God again-!” as though growing impatient for that time, he began to slam her into the darkness where she honestly couldn’t breathe now.
She struggled, swinging her hammer in pitch-blackness, grabbing his unwavering hand and arm in hopes to break free of his hold on her.
But the darkness was draining her time-energy... soon... she would disappear.
‘Sonic...’ she thought to herself, ‘He’ll destroy you... and if I’m connected to the other worlds... he’ll try and use that power to destroy you too... I can’t allow that... I can’t... breathe...’
Then the flames of Iblis burned a light into the world, and swallowed Mephiles in it’s wake.
His eyes widened, “Yes...” he cried out, “YYYEESSS!!!” but just as time was about to be conquered by Mephiles... He let go of Amy as she sunk into the darkness... and another gloved, white hand reached in and pulled her up.
Mephiles was back in his time, it unfroze and he was defeated and erased just as like the first time.
He couldn’t change fate.
But Sonic did.
Sonic pulled Amy up to him, his blackish-blue body encasing her in his own darkness.
A flickering darkness... to match her flickering flame of light.
With Iblis now out of her body, he threw her through a portal made by his uncontrolled Chaos Energy, speedily making it time for her to breathe again,... this time, back at Tails’s house again.
“Amy? You seem kinda spacy.”
Tails’s voice pulled her out as she gasped and the teacup broke again.
“Ah! Hey! Are you okay!?” Tails rushed to her but paused as she darted to the door. “Amy!” he cried out, reaching for her but she had already bolted down the hill.
“Sonnniccc!!!” she cried out, tears bursting from her eyes as the memory she had of that other timeline was quickly being erased from her.
She stopped suddenly and turned to her shadow... seeing Dark Sonic’s glowing white eyes in it.
“...Sonic...” she bent down to reach him, and he matched her action, but her shadow wasn’t of her, it was his own form...
“You’re safe now... Amy.” His eyes bent slighlty, “Time can’t hurt you now.”
“Sonic...” she dug through the earth, wanting to be with him, “What about you! You’re from that time! You’ll fade away!”
His eyes closed and his form turned from her, “That time shouldn’t exist... anything from that time shouldn’t... a world without you... is a world I choose to destroy.”
“Sonic!!!” she watched as her shadow faded in the light of the day... and her tears seemed to ripple into the dark-world she had almost fallen too...
Then Sonic’s silouette appeared coming from behind her and she turned to see Sonic holding three chilidogs. One in each hand, and one sticking out from his mouth.
“Whahh hapahpan?” he spoke with it in his mouth, blinking innocently at her tears. (What happened?)
She tried to hold it in, but dashed to him, hugging him as he struggled to not drop the food.
“I-!” a flash of light... and when she opened her eyes.... she couldn’t remember why she was crying. “I don’t know... I can’t... remember...”
The pain in her side, the fire in her soul, and the cold icy spikes on her face were... gone.
“I guess... I just missed you.” she pulled away then, “Are you okay?”
He blinked, raising an eyebrow. “Yah’re wahrd.’ He answered back, then saw Tails flying towards them. (You’re weird.)
“There you two are!” he waved, having also forgotten everything as in that flash, the teacup was still upon the table, undisturbed...
They waved back to Tails and it appeared to be another normal evening...
(I hope I did alright XD Not as evilly romantic as you may have wanted it to be, but I felt it fit their characters more this way..? and yes, Timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly logic that makes this perfectly in line with Sonic 06 logic >u>; )
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They’re Funny That Way
Chapter 3
A/N: Hello, lovelies, I’m rolling out this chapter about a month after I had originally planned to! Wonderful!  Honestly, though, I’m really happy with how this one eventually turned out, and I hope you all enjoy it.  We’re gonna be getting to that good shit soon, y’all, I promise.  What can I say, I love me a good slow burn.
(cross-posted to my AO3 @ marie_deneuve)
Summary: Emma finds herself locked out of her apartment, leading to an unexpected meeting with her next-door neighbor.
Arthur's mission to conveniently bump into Emma again is proving incredibly difficult.
It's hard enough simply pinning down her schedule, with how sporadically she must leave the apartment. However, luck is on Arthur's side today, and he spots her in the hallway as he is leaving to run some errands that morning. His heart stutters as he recognizes her figure just before she reaches the stairs and descends out of view.
Heaven help him, she's even more beautiful than he remembered. He hasn't seen her since that time in the elevator - well, not in person, at least.
She has visited him every night in his fantasies - watching Murray with him while resting her head on his shoulder. Comforting him when harsh nightmares jolt him awake. Telling him that she's proud of him in that soft, melodious voice. That voice that's been echoing in his head and taunting him, driving him mad because he can't recreate her tone exactly, can't match her precise cadence on his own.
Last time they met, she had shaken his hand without a second thought. Arthur had been wearing gloves at the time as part of his work attire, and he'd been kicking himself for it ever since. She reached out and touched him, and he didn't even get the benefit of feeling her hand against his! Pressing that glove to his face as he slept that night had been mildly comforting, but it was no substitute for the real thing.
It's his one day off this week; he definitely has time for a little detour. Maybe if he runs into her somewhere along her way, makes it seem natural, she'll touch him again? He imagines how soft she must feel, how warm. He wants to pull her into his arms, tangle his fingers in her blonde waves, bury his face in the curve of her neck.
Those are the thoughts propelling him forward as he accompanies her through the streets of Gotham that morning, hood of his tan windbreaker up and obscuring his face. "Accompanies" may not be the correct word if one person is unaware of the other's presence, but Arthur isn't too caught up in semantics at the moment. No, he's much more preoccupied with following that streak of golden hair weaving through the foot traffic at a frustratingly quick pace. It's a good thing Emma doesn't share Arthur's talent for disappearing into crowds, he thinks to himself.
If anything, it's the opposite. Gotham City has a perpetual storm cloud hanging over it. Or perhaps it would be more apt to say that Gotham City is the storm cloud. Everything is a different shade of gray, the streets, the smog in the sky, even the people. She is the only splash of color for miles - all reds and blacks and spun gold, shining despite it being overcast.
He maintains several yards between them, knowing that if he gets caught prematurely, he risks scaring her off for good. The last thing he would ever want is for Emma to feel unsafe around him, and there is really no explaining this one away. Hi, I know this looks bad, but I'm that clown you were really nice to on the elevator a few days ago. Anyway, it's been a few days, and I just had to see you again because I can't stop thinking about you, even though we barely know each other. Have coffee with me?
Yeah, real smooth.
His insecurity is gaining on him, when suddenly, Emma slows in front of a store window - Cypi's Bakery, to be exact. Arthur swiftly ducks into the nearest alleyway, poking his head out to see what it is that captured her attention.
Her gaze is fixed on a chocolate croissant on one of the display shelves. She steps right up to the glass, transfixed.
It's the perfect opportunity to approach her. She's so close, it's nearly impossible not to make himself known and reach out to her. It's like the universe is dangling her right in front of his nose, teasing him. Look! She's right here! Come and get her!
What would he say, though? Scratch that, what would a normal person say? Try as he might, he can't quite find the words.
Seconds tick by, and Emma finally checks her watch, rolls her eyes, and with one last forlorn glance at the pastry, continues down the sidewalk. Several feet behind her, Arthur is rolling his eyes as well - he dawdled too long and missed his chance.
She has already rounded a corner by the time Arthur trudges out from his hiding spot, defeated. He tugs his hood down and attempts to straighten his ruffled hair with a sigh, Gothamites shouldering past him without so much as a glance.
Oh, well. Like he could have held the conversation without royally fucking it up anyway.
Perhaps this isn't a total loss - he can still buy her a gift. He knows what she wants now, after all. It will stretch his budget a little - unless he can ration out his cigarettes until the end of the week - but if it will make her smile, it will all be worth it.
He decides he'll wait a little while after she returns home, and then leave the box on her doorstep. With an anonymous note letting her know it's for her, of course.
Can't have that noisy brother of hers stealing her gifts.
One week.
One week, and Emma has already reached the end of her fucking rope with this building.
If it isn't the deathtrap elevator, it's the water heater. If it isn't the water heater, it's the absent staff. If it isn't the absent staff, it's the rusted spare key she's been given breaking completely off in her deadbolt, leaving her stranded in the hallway with five bags' worth of clothing and hygiene products.
Today, it's the spare key thing.
For a while, all Emma can do is stare in disbelief at the piece remaining in her hand, the way one might stare at someone running naked between the floats at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. She knows there's no one downstairs at the moment to let her in, or even to get the old key out of the lock. Eddie has the afternoon shift, so he's definitely at work right now. She could just wait at Sophie's for him to return, but she won't even be off for another hour.
It's a perfect cocktail, she thinks. And then she hates herself even more for making an alcohol metaphor when she just took that damn bartending job she doesn't really want earlier today.
She's meant to start working at The Harlequin this weekend, which means two more nights attempting to sleep on that awful air mattress before then. Her new one is set to be delivered sometime after that, and she had to pawn her wedding ring just to afford it. Despite the foul memories behind it, that ring was the only nice thing she had left. Now, she truly has nothing. She can't even get into her own home.
So what does she do? She thinks of the only honorable thing a lady can do in this situation, which would be to march back downstairs, go out to the payphone on the street corner, and call Eddie for help.
And then she does the opposite of that.
With a defeated groan, she throws down her bags and slides down the wall until she's seated on the floor. And keeps sliding until she's lying fully on her back, her bags strewn around her, pathetic puddle of bad luck that she is.
A part of her is ashamed of this private tantrum, and another part of her couldn't give less of a fuck anymore. Hasn't she earned the right to a couple meltdowns?
Emma is broken out of her reverie when the door to the adjacent apartment swings open. The person must not look down in time to notice the mess of a woman lying right outside the door, nor the shopping bags scattered like land mines.
It all happens so fast after that.
The person trips over one of the bags, and Emma has no time to brace herself before their entire body weight slams down onto her at full force.
She lets out a pained whine as the person's bony elbow meets her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Her head instinctively jerks back, colliding clumsily into the wall behind her, and she briefly sees stars.
Clearly not expecting to effectively elbow drop some woman like a WWF wrestler, the person scrambles wildly on top of her, not helping her discomfort in the least. They flail backwards until they're sitting up on the floor next to her, and Emma finally gets a good look at them as she gasps inelegantly in an attempt to refill her lungs.
It's a man, older than she is, possibly in his early forties. The wrinkles adorning his gaunt face tell a story of utmost exhaustion, and he's dangerously thin, like he hasn't had a proper meal in ages. Brown curls float a touch above his angular shoulders, and his sunken green eyes...look quite familiar. The sudden hypoxia could just be playing tricks on her, though.
Those same eyes finally seem to focus in on her, and he looks at her like he recognizes her as well. She watches his expression quickly shift from confused shock to abject horror.
As Emma finally gets her diaphragm under control, she does her best to sit up, her abs screaming in protest. That'll be a nasty bruise. "Ugh," she groans out. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry! Are you all right, sir?"
The man pauses, thick brows furrowing. "I...I landed on you, and you're apologizing to me?" he asks, perplexed, as if the person who tripped him being repentant about it is the wildest thing he's heard all week. Here in Gotham City, it probably is.
His voice is soft, and upon hearing it, Emma shaves ten years off of her previous estimate of his age. He stares at her guiltily, as if he's just waiting to be reprimanded, despite the whole ordeal not being his fault.
Damn, where has she seen him before?
"What do you mean? Of course I am, I was in your way." Emma goes to gather up her things, still seated against the door to her apartment. "Let me just move these..."
"N-no, it's...it's okay!" the man stutters out. He rushes to stand, and even helps her to move the rest of her things up against the wall.
There's a long and awkward pause before he continues. "If you don't mind, um..." His eyes dart between her and his shoes. "What were you doing out here like that?"
"Oh! Ha, good question." Emma shows him the key - or rather, what's left of it. "It would appear that I'm locked out. It was either do this or throw myself off the roof, and I'm too tired to climb any more stairs today."
Emma briefly wonders whether she should be joking that way in front of a stranger. To her relief, he doesn't seem the least bit unsettled by her dark humor. He simply grins at her bashfully. His eyes briefly light up in turn, the spark so dim and fleeting that, had she blinked, she would have missed it altogether.
And that's when it hits her.
"I've got it!" she exclaims, clapping once. "I know where I've seen you before!"
"Y-you do?" The man appears startled.
"Yeah! It was bugging me, but I remember now." She points one red-painted fingernail at him. "You're that clown! The one I saw in the elevator on my first day here!"
He actually looks relieved at that for some reason, and he visibly relaxes. "Oh, right! I, um...forgot about that." He scratches at the back of his head. "I'm surprised you recognized me - or Carnival, actually. That's my clown name at work."
The irony makes Emma giggle. This skinny, timid man in a knit sweater and loafers puts on greasepaint and dances around at parties for a living... Somehow, she can't picture it, and she's even seen him in full costume. Right now he looks like a sad accountant. Or like Mister Rogers.
Sick of craning her head up to talk to him, she stands as well, brushing some dust off the sleeves of her black cardigan. "I can't say I've ever met a clown off the clock before," she says. "Your life must be a lot more interesting than mine."
His answer comes out slightly pained. "I really doubt that... What do you do?"
"I just became a bartender over at The Harlequin." Emma rolls her eyes and shrugs, smiling wryly. "It's a job. Hopefully a stepping stone, so I can get out of here before long." She gestures to her door. "Pretty sad that I can't even manage to get in today."
The man chuckles at her dry excuse for a joke - shyly, as if he's afraid of it being heard. Emma can't tell if she's being genuinely charming or if this guy just pities her. She hasn't been paying too much attention to his body language, so far down the shitter is her initiative to do so. She just wants to curl up in bed.
Being back in Gotham has been all right so far - preferable to the alternative, at least - but she can't seem to shake the cloud of dread that manifests each time she's not immediately busy with something. She figures it's stress-related. After all, there's so much to do in the coming months, just in regards to dealing with judges and lawyers. These things take ages, even if both parties are cooperative. She's not lucky enough to have the sort of divorce all little girls dream of...
She must have started to zone out because she's suddenly brought back by the man exclaiming, "I-I have pliers!"
Emma peers at him, quirking an eyebrow.
"For your door!" he elaborates. "I can't get you into your apartment, but I can at least get your key back!" Quieter, not meeting her gaze, he adds, "And then, you know, if you need to call someone...you're welcome to come in and use my phone."
Emma blinks, momentarily taken aback by this Good Samaritan. "Uh...yeah, that would be great! Thank you!" She reaches down and starts to collect her bags. "Good thing I bumped into one of the only nice people in the city."
While she's retrieving the last of her things, something at her feet catches her eye. There's a sealed envelope on the floor near where she was sitting earlier. Curious, she picks it up, and then balks at the name of the recipient.
"Woah!" She holds the envelope out incredulously. "This letter is addressed to Thomas Wayne! ...Did you drop this?"
Based on what Emma has seen of recent headlines, Thomas Wayne is a frontrunner in Gotham's upcoming mayoral election. As if Gotham doesn't have enough problems - the last thing the city needs is a pigheaded authoritarian billionaire running things. This guy who's been so kind as to help her couldn't possibly be a fan, right?
The man appears mildly annoyed, although not at her. Taking it from her outstretched hand, he says, "Yeah, I did. It's not mine, though - my...m-mother asked me to mail it." He rushes through that last part in a low voice, and Emma realizes he's embarrassed.
If he does still live with his mother, it's only natural that a man his age would feel insecure about it. She's always found the stigma silly, personally. What is Western culture's obsession with "leaving the nest" as soon as humanly possible, even to the child's detriment? Why, if Emma's parents were still around...
Never mind that.
She has no time to reassure her companion before he changes the subject. "I'll handle it later. I should help you first." With his free hand, he pulls out his key and goes to unlock the door to his apartment.
"Hang on a second!" Emma smacks her own forehead, and he freezes. "God, I'm so rude. What's wrong with me?" She shakes her head. "You're being extremely helpful, and I haven't even asked your name! Your real name, that is - I'd imagine it's not always Carnival, right?"
"Heh, right... My name's Arthur."
"Arthur," she repeats, not half minding the way it sounds in her own voice. "It's nice to officially meet you, Arthur."
Predictably, he looks flustered as he replies, "Yeah... Nice to see you again, Emma."
He unlocks the door, holding it open for her, and the smell of cigarette smoke mixed with high-end perfume wafts out. It's not her favorite scent in the world, but it's familiar - comforting, even.
Inside, gaudy pink plaid lines the walls, a sharp contrast to Eddie's taupe covered with band posters. The living room, or at least what she can see of it, is neat and tidy, despite the abundance of knick-knacks covering each surface.
Although, not a single family photo in sight, Emma notes. Some people simply don't have them lying around. She and Eddie are much the same way.
Lingering self-consciously in the foyer, she spots an older woman reclining in an armchair across the room. Arthur's mother, she presumes. Hearing the door, the woman turns and regards her, then Arthur, confusion plain on her features.
"Happy? I didn't know you were having company." Mild surprise colors her voice, affirming Emma's theory that Arthur doesn't get visitors often.
"It's just one of the neighbors, Ma! She's locked out!" he calls back. Squeezing past Emma, he slips into the kitchen and discards the Thomas Wayne letter on the counter. Rummaging through one of the drawers, he produces a pair of pliers rustier than the key that had gotten her into this mess.
"I'll be right back," he tells her. "The phone is in the hallway behind you, if you need to use it." And with that, he rushes back outside before she can even thank him.
Feeling Arthur's mother's eyes burning holes in the back of her head, she does step into the hallway, partly to call Eddie and partly to get out of her line of sight. Emma struggles to remember the number for his store, but breathes a sigh of relief when someone picks up on the third ring.
"G-String's, this is Ron."
Christ, she always forgets that's the name he decided on. "Ron, it's Emma. Is my brother there?"
Before he can answer, she faintly hears Eddie's voice in the background saying that, yes, he is still out of Pink Floyd's The Wall. "Yeah, he's right here, what's up?"
"Good. Listen, tell him I got locked out of the apartment, and I'm heading down to borrow his key." She dreads the walk. It's not far, but her arms are already sore from the shopping bags weighing them down.
Momentarily ignoring Emma, Ron starts talking away from the receiver. "Dude, it's your sister, she's locked outta the house... Okay, I'll tell her. Hey, Emma, he's on his way."
"What? I just said I'd-"
"Too late, he's grabbing his shit."
Emma groans. "Fine. Tell him I'm waiting for him in 8J."
"Will do." A pause. "So, uh... I hear you're single again-"
She hangs up.
She barely wanders back into the foyer when Arthur's mother surprises her by saying, "It's no use standing around over there. Sit down and make yourself comfortable, dear." She gestures vaguely to the sofa next to her.
Emma complies, stepping gingerly into the living room. She sits at the end of the couch, as far away as humanly possible, and sets her bags down underneath the coffee table, her arms crying out in relief.
"My brother should be here any minute," she begins sheepishly. "I'm so sorry to intrude like this, Miss..." She trails off.
"Penny," the woman supplies. "It's no trouble."
A stodgy local political forum is playing on the television. This is a particularly conservative broadcast by the sound of it, anchors harping primarily on Gotham's floundering economy and the ramifications of a potential garbage strike.
Penny is watching raptly, and Emma uses the opportunity to peer over at her. She certainly is done up to be sitting around at home. Sure, she's in button-up flannel pajamas, but she's also wearing a full face of makeup, and her graying hair, fading from strawberry-blonde, is curled. Underneath it all, the wrinkles on her face betray a beautiful visage. Emma feels oddly intimidated all of a sudden, trying to make a good impression on this woman who gives an air of having once been one of the most stunning girls in Gotham.
As if sensing her unease, Arthur returns. He hastily crosses the room and presents Emma with the other half of her key. "I'm sorry it took me so long... It was really in there."
She smiles gratefully up at him. "Oh, don't apologize. You totally saved my hide out there."
Still not quite on board with the whole eye contact deal, he busies himself by straightening up the coffee table. Lifting an empty mug, he looks up at Penny. "Oh, you finished your tea already. Want me to make more?"
"If it's not too much trouble."
"Of course!" He starts for the kitchen. "Emma, do you drink chamomile?"
She does, but politely declines, already feeling like she's taking advantage of his kindness. He only looks a little dejected by her refusal.
As Arthur bustles around the kitchen, silence descends upon the living room, save for the droning of the television. The subject has changed; the anchors have moved on from essentially blaming the working class for not making enough money to worshiping the ground their candidate Thomas Wayne walks upon. How original.
Penny practically lunges to raise the volume, startling Emma. "Did you mail my letter, Happy?" she interjects without looking away from the screen.
"I didn't make it downstairs yet." He assures her, "I'll do it before the mailman gets here."
"Don't forget. It's very important," Penny insists somewhat curtly.
"That Thomas Wayne is polling pretty high these days, isn't he?" Emma muses, attempting to make small talk.
Penny instantly perks up. "Yes, that's what everybody on the news is saying. It's a good thing he's running this year. He's exactly what this city needs, don't you think?"
Hardly, but Emma elects to keep her opinion to herself. Instead, she blurts out, "I met him a few years ago."
Penny looks positively awestruck. "You did, really? Oh, he's a wonderful man, isn't he?"
She did technically meet him, although she never spoke to him personally. It was at a benefit that Daniel had dragged her along to, so that he could network (code for smooth talk billionaires). They had conversed for a grand total of thirty seconds, shaken hands, and that was the end of that. He had come off every bit as arrogant and self-important as she would expect of the CEO of a multi-billion dollar industrial corporation. He and Daniel were two peas in a pod.
"...My husband seemed to like him."
The clattering in the kitchen stops cold.
The sudden absence of sound causes her to remember herself. "I mean, my ex - my ex-husband. Excuse me, I'm newly separated. Still getting used to it."
"So sorry to hear that," Penny tells her, not sounding in the least bit sympathetic. Not that Emma needs, or even wants, sympathy.
She instead returns to the previous subject, with Emma half-listening. Apparently, Penny worked for the Wayne family years ago, and is now chock-full of anecdotes from within Wayne Manor.
Emma smiles and nods along. Penny clearly sees her idol though rose-colored glasses, but there's no use telling her that. She must be delighted simply to have someone new to talk to, and Emma would hate to spoil it for her.
Arthur emerges with a steaming mug of chamomile tea and a facial expression that lets Emma know he's far sicker of these stories than she is. Nevertheless, he hands his mother the mug, giving her shoulder an affectionate pat.
The scene has her beaming up at the back of Arthur's head as something stirs deep within her. Something like the first sip of hot chocolate on a snowy morning, coursing through her veins and warming her from the inside out.
Before he can sit down, there's a loud knocking accompanied by a shout of "Hey, Em, you in there?"
"Ah, that's my cue." Emma gathers her things as Arthur hurries to answer the door. She says her goodbyes to Penny, but she's once again engrossed in her program and only offers a halfhearted "goodbye, dear" in return.
Eddie waits in the entryway, arms crossed, his voice booming in the otherwise quiet apartment. "Thanks for the excuse to break early today, ya lucky ladybug. You wouldn't believe some of the idiots coming into the store, you know what I'm saying?" He reaches down to ruffle her hair when she gets within range.
"Glad my misfortune was useful." She notices how Eddie completely towers over Arthur, whose hands fidget anxiously as he hangs back, unsure of what to do with himself. It's honestly sort of endearing how tiny he is, how she could probably lift him up if given the chance.
"I owe you one, Arthur. Knock if you ever need anything, okay?" Emma extends a hand, similar to their first meeting.
This time, Arthur immediately clasps her hand in his, with a grip that is equal parts firm and sweaty. "Okay, and the same goes for you." Eddie good-naturedly claps him once on the back, clearly taking him off-guard, and he drops her hand.
She's poised to head out when Arthur stops her, saying, "Oh, one more thing!"
He zips out of sight for just a moment before reappearing with a small, white box. "This is for you."
After all that, he's even giving her a gift? She starts to dissuade him, but he holds the box out toward her, close enough that social etiquette dictates she take it. And so she does, brows drawing together. "You're too nice, Arthur, thank you."
"Take care, man," Eddie says, finally ushering a confused Emma out the door.
When the door clicks shut behind them, he immediately fixes her with a long and pointed stare. For a second, Emma thinks he's pissed for having to walk all the way back home, but then he breaks the silence.
"So...you and the neighbor, huh?"
Emma tilts her head. "Me and the neighbor?"
"Lemme see this." He grabs the box out of her hands, ignoring her protests. A glance inside, and he shuts it again, raising his eyebrows at her in a nonverbal "I told you so" before handing it back and unlocking their door with a flourish.
"What? What is that face? What's in there?"
"A Cypi's croissant, Em? Oh, he's got it bad for you."
She snatches it back, indignant. "Ugh, you're delusional. I've met him once before; he probably just felt sorry for me."  Although, she had really been craving one of those since she passed by the store on her walk this morning. What a happy coincidence.
"Don't be so naive. You have any idea how many girlfriends I've hit that place up for on Valentine's Day? You don't bust out the Cypi's unless you're seriously looking to drop some panties."
"Gross. Thanks for coming to get me, but never talk to me about panties."
It's strange to think that the seemingly mild-mannered, reticent man who gifted her a croissant has such a blood-curdling laugh. It would have been incredibly rude to bring it up today, when he had so kindly gone out of his way for her. Surely, there's a courteous method to broaching the subject? It would be unfortunate to hurt his feelings and topple the precarious acquaintanceship they were building.
She is pleasantly surprised that night when the walls are resoundingly, blissfully silent.
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Wonwoo: Out of Luck
Anonymous asked: hi :) do u have requests open? if yes, can i send u a prompt for a wonwoo smut? :D Ok, so the prompt is "give me your hoodie and fuck me in it" lol dont ask and maybe for gamer!wonwoo? 👀👀 If youll feel inspired for this, thank you! ♡
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/warnings: pro gamer/overwatch league au, a little bit of fluff n angst but like it’s honestly all just mostly smut lmao (fingering, oral)
Word count: 4,147
Summary: Wonwoo has a lot of weird superstitions as a pro gamer, but he has two big ones: fucking you in his jersey before any games he’s particularly nervous for, and always wearing his lucky sweatshirt under his jersey during every game. However, when his team loses for the first time to yours, he fears that his lucky sweatshirt has run out of luck. So you decide to put some of your luck into it.
a/n: since I already have a gamer!wonwoo series, I decided to just put it in that universe. hope you don’t mind, anon!! 
You walked into Wonwoo’s room after Minghao let you into their team house, the first thing greeting you being your boyfriend’s back. Of course, he was wearing his Serpents sweatshirt, which was completely black with the bright red printing. There were snakes that went down both arms, but the thing that your eyes were always drawn to was the ‘WONU’ printed on the back with his jersey number below it. Ever since the team manager gave the Serpents those sweatshirts before the recent season began about two months ago, Wonwoo’s worn it just about everyday.
“Doing something?” you asked with a small smirk.
Wonwoo turned, his glasses pushed up the bridge of his nose as he looked at you before he went back to scouring his floor that was already covered in clothes. He’d only been back in the team house for a couple months, but he already made a mess of his room.
“I can’t remember where my jersey went,” he replied in almost a mumble as he scratched the back of his head, making a bigger mess of his curly hair. “I didn’t leave it at yours, did I?”
“No, I gave it back after the Soonyoung incident,” you replied with a slight chuckle at the memory -- even if it did embarrass the hell out of you and you couldn’t look Soonyoung in the eyes for about two weeks. “Speaking of Soonyoung, is this why he won’t let you live with him and Chan?”
Wonwoo scoffed, bending over to shift through sweatshirts and t-shirts, “Please, have you seen his room? He’s messier than I am.”
“Why are you looking for your jersey anyway?” you questioned as you went to sit in his gaming chair, pulling your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. “You don’t play until Thursday, and it’s Monday.”
Your boyfriend turned to look at you, a smirk that made your stomach do flips gracing his face. His voice was lower when he spoke.
“We’re facing the NYXL on Thursday, and I need all the luck I can get until then -- starting today.”
You never knew what it was with Wonwoo loving to see you in his jersey -- and loving even more when you wore it while he pressed you into the mattress or bent you over his desk or had you in his lap in his chair -- but you never complained, and you especially weren’t now since you barely even had the time to see Wonwoo in person in the last two weeks.
In an instant, you were up and helping Wonwoo search for his jersey, making him laugh at your eagerness.
“I think Serpents versus Warriors is a match everybody always looks forward to,” you could hear one of the casters saying as your team walked through the crowd and up to the stage. “Because of the known relationship between WonU on the Sozhou Serpents and m0chi on the Busan Warriors, people look forward to seeing this game.”
“Yeah, there’s something about watching a couple kill each other in a video game that really seems to rile everybody up,” the second caster agreed. “The matches between Serpents and Warriors might be even more popular than seeing the two home teams go up against each other.”
You just smirked to yourself, giving hi-fives to the fans on either side of you. Yuta in front of you turned his head to give you a playful smile before he carried on to the stage, following Jihoon, Jeonghan, Mingyu, and Hongbin up to the computers. As you passed by Wonwoo who sat at the very end of his row of computers, you smiled at him and shot a finger gun at him, making him blush slightly and roll his eyes. 
It also made the crowd coo at both of you, which you ignored as you went to sit in your seat that was four away from Wonwoo.
Your coaches prepared you for this game ever since the Serpents’ first game. They were on a winning streak -- Wonwoo insisted it was the sweatshirt -- but your coaches were planning to bring that to an end. You and Wonwoo both knew well enough to not let the game get between you, which you learned that the hard way, so whether you beat him or not wouldn’t matter.
Keeping all of that in mind, you put on your headset and prepared for the game.
“So _____,” Mingyu spoke up, “what are the stakes between you and Woo?”
“What stakes?”
“If you win, are you getting a face full of mattress tonight?”
You heard the whole team groan, with Hongbin reminding Mingyu that their comms were being recorded, and Jihoon breathing out a, “Please just shut the fuck up.”
After the signing, you asked Mingyu to drop you off at the Serpents’ team house. You had been congratulated all night, as well as getting asked how Wonwoo was feeling about his team’s first loss of the season.
“Nobody likes losing, but he’s fine with it,” you shrugged even though you didn’t really get to see his reaction other than ‘shaking his hand’ at the end of the match which was actually him giving you a quick kiss and putting a childish pout on his face.
“He’s just happy he lost to his girlfriend rather than some other team,” Mingyu scoffed, sliding the poster he was signing over to Taehyung on his other side. 
But now you were able to have a real conversation with him about the game -- although, judging from the texts Chan sent you, you were sure Wonwoo was losing his mind for whatever reason. 
Not many people stayed at the team house anymore. Soonyoung and Chan had their own place they stayed when they did have to be in California for most of the year, Tao lived in his own apartment, and you had never really seen Sanghyuk around much at all. So as far as you knew, it was Wonwoo, Junhui, Minghao, and two or three other boys from the roster that you knew but only really interacted with while making the walk of shame out of the house in the morning. 
You went up to Wonwoo’s room, only to find it empty. You frowned, turning around and trying to think of where he would be. Did he even come home? Maybe he went to Chan and Soonyoung’s. 
“Hey, Hao?” you spoke up when you saw the Chinese player walking out of his room and down the hall.
He paused where you were, smiling at you, “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Where’s Woo?”
“Um...” he paused as he tried to think, his glasses starting to slide down his nose when he slightly scrunched his face. “I think we went to the practice room for a bit. He might be streaming or something. He was really sulky after the match, though.”
All you could do was sigh and thank Minghao before you made your way back downstairs and walked through the large house until you got to their practice room where they usually held scrims. You knew Wonwoo was probably upset over his weird rituals not working, but you’d also never seen him upset over losing before. You weren’t really sure what to expect when you saw him.
Entering the room full of computers, you saw only one person inside: Wonwoo. His back was to you while he clicked away at the computer, clearly in the middle of a game. He occasionally mumbled something to himself, but you couldn’t hear what it was. You just knew it wasn’t in reply to Twitch chat because he only had one monitor to work with in the practice rooms. 
“Hey, Wonwoo?” your voice was quiet and almost timid as you approached him. 
It wasn’t that you were afraid he would snap at you, but you were afraid of somehow upsetting him further since you were the one who ended his winning streak. 
He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair and knocking off his headphones as “DEFEAT” showed up on the screen. His head laid back against the chair as he groaned, rubbing his face with his hands as you continued to make your cautious approach.
“I lost it,” he groaned.
You shrugged, leaning back against the desk as you gave him an apologetic look that he couldn’t see behind his hands, “It was just one match.”
“No, I mean my luck!” he clarified as he dropped his hands and looked up at you with a pout that you couldn’t help but melt at. “My luck is completely gone! Now I’m on a losing streak!”
“I doubt your luck is gone, Woo,” you chuckled.
“You took it,” he whined, gripping your hips to pull you closer before he buried his face in your stomach. “Ugh, it was probably from Monday.”
“But you beat New York, remember?” you reminded him as your fingers moved to play with his hair. “We didn’t do anything after Monday.”
The two of you had a ‘no sex before we face each other’ rule because you refused to give Wonwoo any sort of luck -- even if you didn’t believe that sex or his dumb sweatshirt made him any luckier. But it also just made sex after your game that much better.
“That was the last of it,” he insisted, his voice muffled by your body. “The rest of it went to you.”
All you could do was laugh softly, “What do you want me to do about it?”
“Give it baaaaack,” he whined.
“Wonwoo, I--” you paused, suddenly getting an idea. It might’ve been pretty stupid since it would feed into both of his dumb superstitions, but you would still get something out of it for yourself. You smirked, lightly gripping your boyfriend’s chin to make him look up at you. “I have an idea...”
“Will it make me win again?” he asked, a pout on his face and even in his tone. “Will it make my sweatshirt lucky again?”
He instantly perked up, “What is it?”
You bent down, whispering as seductively as you could manage, “Give me your hoodie and fuck me in it.”
You felt Wonwoo stiffen, and a soft groan came from the back of his throat as his hands tightened on your hips.
“Oh my god, why didn’t I think of that before?” he asked, though it was mostly to himself. “Get the door, okay?”
While you rushed to the door to lock it, Wonwoo stood up and took off his Serpents sweatshirt, as well as his white t-shirt that was underneath. When you turned back around, you saw Wonwoo wasn’t making any moved to remove his black joggers even though you could already see a small bulge forming in them.
He gestured for you to take off your own shirt, which you quickly did as you walked over to him. Your Warriors jersey was dropped, landing carelessly on the floor while you reached to un-clip your bra as well and toss that over onto another monitor.
“Arms up,” he instructed with a soft smile as his eyes raked your naked torso.
You stood in front of him, arms raised over your head. Wonwoo helped put his hoodie on you, chuckling when your head poked out of the top hole with your hair a mess. You couldn’t help but giggle, pushing the hood back and fixing your hair as best as you could.
While you did that, Wonwoo’s fingers moved down to your joggers, tugging on them until they made it far enough past your thighs to drop to the floor on their own. You suddenly felt arousal shoot through you, the realization of what was about to happen in the Serpent’s practice room. Somehow, the fact it was in the practice room only turned you on further.
Wonwoo gently pushed you to sit down in the chair he was just sitting in. He would’ve preferred doing this in his room, but he didn’t want to make the trip through the house and up the stairs -- plus there was less of a chance of being heard in the practice room. Not that he really cared if you were heard in the moment, but it made things less embarrassing afterwards.
Dropping down to his knees, Wonwoo’s eyes never left you. His eyes scanned over your body and how you bit your lip in anticipation, watching his every move. His tongue darted out to went his lips, always loving the look of you in something that was his -- especially if it belonged to his team and had his name on it. He felt that it really drove home that fact that you belonged to him.
“You always look so good,” he mumbled, dipping his head down to your clothed core as he put one of your legs over his shoulder.
You sucked in a breath when you felt his finger hook your panties and push them to the side. One of your hands went to his hair when you felt his plush lips wrap around your clit, sucking and licking softly. The finger he used to move your underwear aside teased your entrance, making you wiggle your hips as much as you could just to get it inside you. Wonwoo chuckled softly, the vibrations against you making you moan out quietly as he slid his long digit in easily, curling it and pumping at a steady pace.
You swung your other leg over the arm of the chair, opening your legs further to give Wonwoo more access. He smirked against you, lifting his head a bit to speak.
You weren’t even going to deny it, nodding your head shamelessly. He couldn’t help but laugh deep in his chest before he brought his mouth back to your clit. He added a second finger, your other hand that was gripping the other arm of the chair going to his hair as well. You whimpered his name softly as he scissored his fingers inside you, feeling how wet you became so quickly. The room was quickly filled with squelching sounds as his fingers moved in and out of you, pumping at a faster pace.
“Wonwoo,” you whined, your head falling to the side as you watched him eat you out.
“Fuck me.”
Wonwoo’s eyes darkened, pulling away from you. His fingers slid out and he put them in his mouth as he stood up, seeming to decide how he wanted to do this as he sucked your arousal off of his digits. You stayed perfectly still as you watched him, waiting to see what he’d want you to do.
His eyes drifted to his phone that was still on the desk, softly buzzing and glowing to life with a text. With his glasses on, he could see it was from his groupchat with Soonyoung and Chan.
Hoshi: so
Hoshi: hows it feel to lose to your girlfriend
Hoshi: hows it feel to have your winning streak completely obliterated by your own girlfriend
Hoshi: 😏😏
You watched as Wonwoo’s eyes narrowed before he looked at you, almost glaring at you.
“Sit on the desk,” he ordered, nodding his head toward the space between two of the monitors.
You got up from the chair and positioned yourself on the desk between the monitors, your hands pressed on the space behind you to prop you up. You lifted your hips as Wonwoo hooked his fingers in your underwear, sliding them off your legs in record time. He had this new fire ignited in him that you’d seen before when you’d beat him at almost anything that you’d turned into a competition or when he had a particularly rough stream or match. It made you excited, arousal starting to drip down your thighs.
Wonwoo bent down to get a condom from his backpack before he stood up and pushed his joggers and boxers down just enough for his erection to spring free. He tore the condom wrapper open before he rolled the condom down his length, stroking it a few times to get it fully hard as his eyes scanned over you a few times.
“I can’t believe you ended my streak,” he grumbled, his eyes locked on yours as he stepped forward to align himself with your entrance.
You giggled softly with a cocky smile, “Angry?”
“No,” he scoffed as he thrust into your sharply, causing you to gasp and sit up straighter. He smirked at your reaction as he added, “just annoyed.”
He set a pace that was much faster than you anticipated, having to put your hands further back on the desk near the wall just to steady yourself. His hands gripped your hips tightly, keeping them in place while the rest of you rocked back with each snap of his hips. Your head dropped back, just inches from hitting the wall, while your eyes were half open to look up at him.
Wonwoo’s hands slid up from your hips, moving under the hoodie as they traveled up your torso and to your breasts. He kneaded them roughly, his thumbs rubbing over your nipples and making you moan out his name.
“Come on,” you breathed, a lazy smile on your face as you moved one hand to hold onto Wonwoo’s shoulder, your legs wrapped around him as well, “you can do better than that. I beat your team and fucked up your winning streak, and this is the best you can do?”
“Shut up,” he grunted, moving one hand out from under your clothes to put against your neck. He didn’t squeeze it, he just rested it there as almost a threat. 
“Holding back in-game first, and now this?” you teased, raising an eyebrow as a soft moan fell from your lips. You knew exactly what you were doing, and it was working judging from the way his eyebrows set lower on his face in concentration. “No wonder you lost, Woo.”
Wonwoo gripped your thighs with both hands, pulling you forward in a sharp tug. You slipped to your back on the table, nearly hitting your head as you gasped. Wonwoo’s thrusts sped up as he put one of your legs over his shoulder, drowning out any teasing words that you wanted to say and replacing them with mewls of his name.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asked, groaning at the way you clenched around him at this new angle. 
You nodded, shamelessly admitting it.
He bent over you, cupping your cheek with one hand while the other moved back to your hip, “You’re the biggest pain in my ass.”
His lips pressed to yours as his hips kept their fast, rough pace. One of your hands moved down to rub your clit in fast circles, chasing the high that you were so close to. His mouth moved down your jaw and to your neck, leaving wet kisses as he nipped and sucked at your skin.
“Fuck, I’m close,” he hissed.
“Me too...” you whimpered, raising your hips as best as you could in your current position.
Wonwoo sat up straight again, his fingertips digging into your hips as he moved his hips as quickly as he could. You could feel your eyes threatening to close as your orgasm approached, your back arching off of the table.
You came with his name coming out in a high moan, followed by whatever profanity your brain could think of, your eyes closing as Wonwoo rode out your high while also getting himself to his own. Feeling you clench around him pushed him over the edge, high, breathy moans falling past his lips as his hips began to stutter.
After the two of you had managed to come down, Wonwoo slowly pulled out of you and removed the condom, tying it up as he made his way over to the trash. He adjusted his bottoms while you just laid on the desk and tried to catch your breath.
“You alright?” he asked with a soft chuckle, leaning over to look at your face.
“Yeah,” you breathed, taking the hand he offered to help pull you up. “Feel better now?”
“I wouldn’t have been so worked up had it not been for your big mouth,” he told you with a laugh, poking your stomach as you stood up.
“Listen, we both needed it,” you insisted as you grabbed your underwear and put them back on before you put your own joggers back on. “Do you think your hoodie is lucky enough now?”
“Eh, maybe wear it for a little longer to make sure your luck rubs off on it.”
“You just like seeing me in your clothes.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“It’s all tied up, and this last round will decide who wins: the Suzhou Serpents or the Chengdu Hunters,” the castor announced as the clock counted down.
As always -- unless they were playing -- you went to the game with Hansol and Seungkwan. Despite the fact Seungkwan still insisted he wouldn’t root for “the enemy”, Hansol was very supportive and cheered for the Serpents anyway -- including the rival tank duo that Seungkwan still refused to warm up to.
“They’re close to winning,” Hansol said in your ear above all the yelling as the two teams ran out of spawn. “Do you think they’ll do it?”
“They better,” you sighed. “I can’t be forced to wear that sweatshirt 24 hours a day again."
While you did like wearing Wonwoo’s clothes, you didn’t want to be stuck in a hoodie when you were in LA. You had become a walking waterfall from how much you sweat just stepping outside, especially since the sweatshirt was black.
“I hope the Hunters win,” Seungkwan said for the umpteenth time, pouting as he watched the screen.
“You wanna see _____ in the Serpents jersey some more?” Hansol asked.
Seungkwan’s eyes widened, realizing it was a catch 22 -- he either wanted Wonwoo’s team to lose which would result in more Serpents apparel, or he wanted them to win which would mean he would be cheering for the enemy. You and Hansol just laughed at him before turning your attention back to the screen.
It was back and forth a lot, but it was finally down to 99% on each side. The Serpents had control of the map, but the Hunters could flip it at any time. You were standing up with half the crowd, shouting encouragement at the team you were rooting for. Hansol joined you, but Seungkwan stayed seated, contemplating his decisions.
Finally, somebody stepped too far off the point, and the overtime bar went down in a second, half the crowd going absolutely wild. The arena changed to the colors for the Serpents as the team stood and patted each other on the back for their victory. 
As the Serpents walked across the stage to shake hands with the other team, Wonwoo’s eyes met yours in the crowd, flashing you a wink.
You left with Hansol and Seungkwan while Junhui went down to be interviewed. You went to the lobby to wait for Wonwoo while a handful of fans had gathered around the three of you, asking for pictures and autographs that you smiled and agreed to.
Finally, you felt an arm wrap around your waist as lips pressed to your temple.
“You did it,” Wonwoo grinned, pulling you closer into his side.
“I’m glad that whole crisis is over,” you told him. “It was silly.”
“Oh, _____!” you heard somebody call your name.
You turned around to see Soonyoung jogging over to you with a smug grin -- only letting it fall when he saw Hansol and Seungkwan beside you. Still, he went up and stopped in front of you, giggling to himself before he spoke.
“You left something in our practice room the other day,” he told you.
Your eyebrows furrowed while Wonwoo just gave him a puzzled look. Nobody had known you were in the practice room except Minghao, but they assumed you were just in and out.
“I did?” you asked, sure that you had brought everything home with you.
Soonyoung reached inside his half-zipped backpack, pulling out a bra that he let dangle on his finger by the strap. Your eyes widened as your cheeks heated up.
“This,” he began, swinging it a bit, “was on my monitor.”
You quickly grabbed the article of clothing before stuffing it in the pocket of Wonwoo’s hoodie. Seungkwan and Hansol were snickering behind you, Wonwoo joining in even though he knew he’d gotten caught about having sex in the practice room. But hey, it wasn’t like his underwear was found in there by his friends.
You glared at your boyfriend, growling under your breath, “I’m getting you back for this.”
He just smirked, “Can’t wait.”
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missyslittlepet · 5 years
Truth or Dare
So I'm gonna try a thing...
Adding gifs throughout a fanfiction isn't something I've really done but we could all use a little more Louis in our lives, right? Here it goes lets hope the gifs stay in the right order because Tumblr really likes jumbling my stuff up.
((Summary; Louis and you are bored as hell and decide to play some truth or dare until the others come back from their daily tasks.))
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"Come on (f/n), what's wrong with a little bit of truth or dare? It's a game played by man and beast alike. A game played before our time and a game that will be played long after. The only game there is... Come on I'm bored." Louis leant against the back of his chair as he watched you expectantly, shaking the deck of cards.
Louis had been itching to get you to play this with him ever since you had arrived. So far you had avoid it for two weeks due to work duties but tonight was a different story. Everyone else had left after dinner to finish up their tasks leaving you and Louis alone for the evening. You were ready for a peaceful couple of hours but Louis was having none of it. He must have been at it for at least half an hour trying to get you to play cards with him.
"Oh, so I'm just here to entertain you then? And here I was thinking you enjoyed my company." You chuckled.
"I think we all know I'm the entertainer in this group. Come on, please? Don’t get me wrong, totally digging the whole mysterious thing but..."
You snorted and looked away.
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"What?" Louis' eyes widened. "I want to get to know you." He flashed you a toothy grin while batting his eyelashes.
You looked from him to the cards in his hand and let out an exasperated sigh.
"Ugh fine, do your thing card master." You smirked.
Louis' grin widened as he began shuffling the deck.
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Louis expression became serious as he shuffled. "Card master? You should feel honoured to be in the presence of such a powerful cards-man."
"Shuffle the cards, Lou. Before I get bored." You laughed.
He placed the now jumbled up deck in between the pair of you and waited for you to take a card.
You took the top card and flipped it over revealing a four of clubs. Louis then took his card and flipped it.
"Boom! Ace of spades baby! Truth of dare?" Louis asked grinning again.
"Truth?" You raised an eyebrow questioningly hoping he would go easy on you.
"Hmm," Louis paused for a bit. "since it's your first game of this I'll not get too personal... yet. How about... what's your favourite instrument?"
"Umm, guitar? It's the only thing I ever really learnt. I knew a few tunes on the piano but I'm not great at it or anything I just dabbled."
"You see," Louis smiled again. "we're getting to know one another. Bonding, if you will. Mine is piano by the way, in case you hadn't already figured it out."
"You play that out of tune piano almost every night. I caught on fairly quickly, don't worry." You laughed. "Despite the tuning you're good at it though."
Louis takes a bow from his chair and you smirk at him.
"Guess that means I have a new duet partner." He seemed hopeful.
"Maybe... it's been a while." You muttered playing with your card.
"Well," Louis said taking your card and putting it to the side with his. "a maybe is better than a no, so that's good enough for me."
He flipped over a new card from the original deck. "Ten of hearts, nice."
You followed suit and got the seven of spades.
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"Aha! I win again! Truth or dare?" Louis chuckled.
"Truth again please." You sighed.
"Okay, we're going to step it up a little bit. Have you ever had any close calls? Like with the dead or someone living?" He wasn't smiling anymore and he seemed genuinely concerned.
"Who hasn't?" You asked.
"What was your worst one?" Louis frowned.
You stood up and lifted your shirt slightly revealing a large jagged scar on your stomach.
"What happened?" He raised his eyebrows at how painful it looked.
"I was part of a supply run that went wrong with an old group." You started. "Half of the people in it were injured so they turned to me to help out despite me being only like 14 at the time. Someone got spooked by a Walker and stumbled backwards pushing me into a broken rail. The metal sliced clean through and I got off supply runs for a while. They weren't sure if I would get an infection from the rust so it was basically a waiting game."
"I bet your parents were pissed."
"They weren't around to see it. They died in the beginning." You lowered your gaze and fixed your shirt before sitting back down.
"I'm sorry." Louis muttered grabbing the cards and putting them in the used pile.
It was silent for a while and then you took another card.
"Come on, I'm determined to win at least one." You chuckled trying to lighten the mood.
Louis' smile slowly returned as he took another card from the deck.
"King of diamonds." Louis smirked. "What did you get?"
You threw your card down on the table and crossed you arms. Louis looked down and laughed.
"Three of clubs. Damn."
"Three out of three? This is ridiculous... Are you cheating?" You frowned.
Louis' mouth fell open and he placed his hand on his chest in mock shock that you would even ask that question.
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"Oh, you didn't know? I am the greatest card player of all time. You never stood a chance really... So, (f/n), truth or dare?"
"Truth again." You laughed. "I don't trust you enough to pick a dare yet. I don't know what you're capable of."
"Beware this is your last truth. The next one is a date. It's the rules." He took your card and his and put it on the used pile. "Okay, we need something more light hearted but still a little personal..." He thought for a moment and then smiled shyly at you.
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"Have you ever umm..." He looked away briefly. "had a boyfriend?" He regretted asking as soon as he had finished.
"Why? You asking?" You laughed.
"You'll only know if you answer it." A small smile tugged at his lips.
"Not really, there has been people I've liked in the past but never anyone I'd consider dating."
"Interesting. I haven't had a girlfriend by the way. Just if you were wondering."
"Oh come one... I don't believe that for one second." You weren't blind, you knew he was an attractive guy. That paired with his charm, well, he must have had girls throwing themselves at him.
"What? I haven't." He laughed. "When all of this started I was way too young. Hey, I still thought girls had cooties. Now that I'm older my opinions have changed drastically. Just, not exactly many people left in this world to 'like like' y'know?"
"What about the girls here? Surely you have your eyes on someone? Violet?"
Louis laughed and shook his head. "Oh I have my eyes on someone but it's definitely not Vi. She doesn't exactly swing my way if you get what I mean."
"Oh... I didn't know." You chuckled. "Who do you have your eyes on then?"
"Oh no, you've asked more than enough questions for someone who had the lower card." Louis smirked picking up a new card from the deck.
You picked your third card and looked up at Louis.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He felt himself blush instantly. "The cards I mean- obviously the cards."
You laughed despite the way you could feel your own face blushing and flipped over your card.
"Queen of hearts." You smiled.
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Louis flipped over his card and frowned. Five of diamonds... His winning streak had been killed.
"Ouch, you've defeated the great and powerful card master." He clutched at his heart dramatically and chuckled.
"Your reign is over. My turn." You rubbed your hands together and smiled.
"You'll find I'm an open book. Go ahead, ask away." Louis smiled at you.
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"Okay, truth or dare?" You asked.
"Well there hasn't been many dares happening for a game that has it in the title, so dare I guess." He looked worried but smiled nevertheless.
"I dare you to go and kiss the girl who you have a thing for. Ruby will freak."
"What makes you so sure it's Ruby?" Louis raised one of his eyebrows with a smirk.
"Well, Marlon and Brody seem pretty close, Violet isn't into guys and you barely know me so that leaves Ruby."
"Huh." He laughed. "I think you'll find Aasim would kick my ass if I tried anything with Ruby."
"Better make it fast so he doesn't see then." You whispered.
"I'm not kissing Ruby." Louis laughed shaking his head.
"You picked dare and that is the dare. Go kiss her."
"Think you'll find the dare was to kiss the girl I like. I don't like Ruby like that."
"So, it's not Ruby. Brody then. Think she's helping Marlon with plans for the next run so that will be super awkward for you but funny as hell to watch for me."
"Wrong again. Not Brody." Louis sighed.
"Well who then?"
"Look I pass. Next turn." Louis felt himself blushing again.
"No way are you chickening out. You picked dare so you do the dare."
"Fine, fine but you aren't going to like this?"
Louis took a deep breath before leaning forward and capturing your lips with his. The kiss started off slow as you tried to make sense of what was happening. Louis sighed into the kiss and you instinctively wrapped your arm loosely around his neck and gripped his coat collar.
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"(F/n), Loui- woahhhhh! What's going on here?" You heard Violet begin laughing hysterically.
Both you and Louis jumped apart.
As the other got closer and realized what was going on they all started laughing too.
"Two weeks and you're already making a move on her? I'm impressed." Marlon chuckled.
"What can I say, I'm irresistible." Louis winked.
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"He finally did it huh?" Said Aasim with a smile.
Louis locked eyes with Aasim and smirked. "Why don't you go tell Ruby?"
"Nice try Lou, but you aren't getting out of this one." Aasim laughed.
You shook your head and chuckled to yourself. You liked having these kind of moments, they were few and far between in this world.
Slowly you leant in close to Louis again.
"Thanks for the game Lou." You kissed his cheek. "Stop by my room later... We'll talk about this more then." You whispered in his ear.
Louis paused for a moment and let out a breathy laugh.
"Hell fucking yeah we will." He was so giddy.
You stood and made your way back inside the school ignoring the wolf whistles coming from Willy, Marlon and Violet. The rest giggled madly like the school children they were.
Louis watched you leave in disbelief, a wide grin covering his face. Maybe he had finally found someone who liked him back. His stomach was filled with butterflies and he suddenly found himself really excited for later that night.
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~KISS AU writings 7~
OH BOY I’D BEEN WANTING TO WRITE THIS FOR A WHILE. Sometimes putting ideas together can be such a bitch.. >_> Here’s hoping this is at least halfway decent!
Featured Pairing: Bruce Kulick/Paul Stanley
Special Guest: Peter Criss
Summary: Bruce is passionate about making a name for himself the field of photography. Unfortunately for him one of his first big assignments is a photo shoot with Paul Stanley, the ‘impossible-to-work-with’ model. (told from Bruce’s POV)
One chance. That was all I needed.
I had already submitted my portfolio to about half a dozen galleries but none of them expressed any interest. I was getting frustrated. Feeling defeated. Looking at my camera every day and asking myself ‘what the hell was the point?’ This day and age people aren’t falling all over themselves to become photographers. They needed real jobs. To pay for things. To live. Sure, I had my music to get me by. I liked playing my guitar at local clubs and bars. Being asked to come back over and over because people loved me. Taking pictures was just a hobby and I hoped to make it into a full time career. But life has a way of making you face reality in the harshest ways. Living in L.A. was expensive after all. I can’t keep my apartment by taking pictures. 
Saturday night after I come home from playing at a club I see the light on my answering machine flashing. Can’t be a business call. Nobody except my mother and occasionally my brother call me on weekends. I’m thinking of just pressing the button to erase the message but something is stopping me. Guess my curiosity is way too strong. So I press the button to play the message back instead. I actually feel my heartbeat speed up as the tape rewinds. When it finally plays I hear a voice I don’t recognize. 
"First of all I’m used to talkin’ to actual people so be thankful I didn’t just hang up. You must not want a job that badly if you’re not answerin’ your phone. 323-855-1220. I’m givin’ you a day to call me before I write you off."
I was at a loss for words. I had to rewind the tape and listen to it again to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. This guy definitely didn’t beat about the bush. And that accent..unmistakably Brooklyn. I grab a notepad and a pen and write down the number. I wish I could just call right now but it was probably too late. Or was it? I had no idea what his hours were but at the very least I could let him know that I got his call. What did I have to lose? I pick up the phone and dial. I’m not really expecting an answer. Two rings later someone actually picks up! 
"This is Criss. Talk to me."
His tone catches me a little off guard. “Um..this is..Bruce Kulick? You called me and left me a message?” A short silence. 
"Oh yeah. Called back earlier than I expected. I like you already. I’m gonna get straight to the point. I got sent one of your portfolios. Good colors, nice angles. Looks like you know what you’re doin’. Think you can shoot people the same way?"
“You mean..a model shoot?” 
"Yeah. We’ve been looking for a photographer for my best model. We’ve already had to fire four of ‘em cause he didn’t like ‘em."
Wow. Sounded like a full scale diva. “If you’re willing to take a chance with me I can do it.” 
"That’s what I like to hear. Come to the Catwalk Studio Monday at 9 am. 75 Santa Monica in West Hollywood. I’ll introduce ya and we can get started."
“T-Thank you, Mr. Criss! I’ll see you Monday!” 
I’m way too exhausted to jump for joy but I sure as hell want to! I can’t believe my luck! This could be my big break! I’ve got busy days ahead of me~
I spend all of Sunday cleaning my equipment and placing everything in their cases. If I’m going to shoot a model I need to look as professional as possible. I put together another portfolio just in case. I’ve taken more pictures of objects and landscapes than people but I did have quite a few really nice crowd shots that might impress. Going through my closet I set out some of my best clothes for the morning. As night falls I decide to turn in early. Setting my alarm, my mind starts racing in anticipation for the morning. I wish it would stop. I need to go to sleep! 
At 7 am I’m wide awake. I guess my body couldn’t wait to get the day started, not that I can blame it. I’m excited. I’m nervous. I just want everything to go right today! I shower, get dressed, have breakfast and pack all of my cases into my car. As I start the engine I hope to God that there’s not much traffic. 
The drive to West Hollywood was relatively uneventful which was a damn blessing. By the time I find the studio it was 8:45. I rush to grab my cases and get inside. The woman at the front desk looks up and smiles at me. “Good morning, sir and welcome to Catwalk Studio~ How can I help you?” I place my camera case on the desk. “Good morning~ My name is Bruce Kulick. I’m supposed to meet Mr. Criss at 9 o’clock?” She flips through her appointment calendar. “Oh yes, Mr. Kulick! Just have a seat. Mr. Criss will be out soon~”  I smile at her and sit in a nearby chair, watching the clock like a hawk. At precisely 9 a door at the end of the hallway opened. Out stepped a man dressed in a pristine black suit. His long black hair was streaked with gray and he wore green tinted glasses. He was much shorter than me but..he had a presence about him that was instantly intimidating. That has to be him. 
I get up from my seat when he approached the front desk. “My next appointment here, Lydia?”
“Yes sir, Mr. Criss he’s right behind you~”
He turned to me, putting on a smile that was 100% business. “Good! I prefer it when they’re early instead of on time. I’m sure you’re lookin’ forward to gettin’ started.” Of course I nod. “Yes sir! The sooner the better~” He places a hand on my back and guides me down the hall. “Then lemme introduce ya to your model. Gonna warn ya right now. Don’t let his looks turn you into putty. He’s good for business but he’s a pain in my ass. Don’t let him sass you. He’s the one doin’ the work for you, not the other way around. Get me?” I nod again. This guy really sounds like a piece of work. I just hope I can follow his advice and not blow it. 
As we approached the entrance to the studio a frustrated woman was storming her way out. Mr. Criss immediately frowned. “What’s going on? You’re supposed to be doing his hair.” She huffed. “I’m sorry, Mr. Criss but he won’t let me do it! He says I’m giving him split ends and that he can do it better himself! I’m done arguing with him. I’m going on break, sir.” And off she went. Mr. Criss sighed, taking his glasses off to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I swear if he wasn’t so fuckin’ pretty I’d kick him to the curb. Look..if you wanna back out I’d understand.” He looked terribly frustrated. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. “No, sir. I want to help in any way I can.” He patted my shoulder. “You’ve got the patience of a saint, Kulick. You’re gonna need it with that one.” He leads me into the studio and I set my equipment down. “Yo, Diva Star! Got your new photographer here!” I chuckle at the nickname. I’m sure it’s well earned from what I’ve already heard. The model seemed to be much too busy taming his fluffy curls with a ridiculous amount of hairspray to turn away from his mirror. “Ugh..can you please not call me that, Petey? I am not a diva!” 
“Yeah..and I’m the Queen of England. Now get over here!” 
He turned..and  I could swear I felt my heart stop. What Mr. Criss told me about his looks was the understatement of the decade. He was gorgeous. That face..that body. He looked like he was born to walk a runway. The way his hips moved when he walked was hypnotizing. Mr. Criss’ voice was the only thing that snapped me out of my trance. “Bruce, this is Paul Stanley. Paul..do me a big fuckin’ favor and don’t drive this one off like you did all the others.” Paul just pursed his lips as he scrutinized me. “Hm. Maybe I just won’t this time. He’s kinda sexy~” 
I think I’m really going to like this job~
To be Continued!!
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swiftwind3 · 6 years
lance-centric but yall already know lmaoo
So anyway, season 7 is about to destroy all our hopes and dreams and i'm not ready so here i am initiating my last line of defense
also no translations yall die like men lmfaoo --- Samuel Holt receives a much better welcoming committee compared to Shiro's. Granted, his ship didn't hurtle through the atmosphere and crash near a school campus. But after quickly gaining the attention of not just the Galaxy Garrison, but the entire world, Sam Holt eloquently explains the situation. Governments and countries fall into a panic. However, it's their space exploration garrisons that pull them together.
They need to reach their humans up there, provide aid and ready and brace their planet for the worst. Intergalactic Garrisons all over the world begin contacting each other, forming tight networks and rallying their forces. Better to be safe than sorry, even with all their preparations, the paladins of Voltron inform Earth of their victory and of their return. The Earth welcomes them back with relief. Their Lions land on designated pads at the Galaxy Garrison in the United States, their pads labeled by color for their convenience. But before they can even relish the sun and earth of their own planet, they're quickly ushered into one of the buildings and the paladins whisper about themselves. "What, no welcoming committee?" Lance cries out. "At least let me enjoy the sun for a minute..." "You would think we'd get some press coverage," Keith mutters. "At this Garrison?" Pidge scoffs. "Yeah, right." "Security here's tight," says Matt, shrugging. "I think we're lucky not to have been shot down in our own airspace." "Commander Holt told everyone we were coming, though." Shiro frowns. "Apologies for the seemingly cold welcome," interrupts an officer. "Earth is still in a state of...uneasiness regarding your return." Another adds, "The sensationalizing of the return of our heroes can wait, of course. Right now, we need to gather further information from you." "Further information?" Lance echoes. "For what?" "For the record," Shiro answers. "Most likely on the probability of a Galra invasion sometime in the future." "Well, that's zero, right?" "There are still Galra colonies looking forward to another Kral Zera, Lance." Says Keith. "We need to tell them that." With a defeated hum, Lance looks ahead of him. They pass a board with signs pointing to the different factions of the building. A shudders clambers down his back when they turn an all-too familiar corner. "Dude, they're taking us to admin!" He clings to Pidge's arm. "Do you think Iverson's still here?" "Man up, Lance. I doubt they're going to give us lifelong detention for saving the very universe we all live inーlet go!" Hanging on to Hunk instead, he pouts. "Is lifelong detention a real thing or is it lifelong as in high school-lifelong? Like, we just have detention for as long as we're in this school and graduateー" "I'm kidding," she smirks over her shoulder. "My dad should have already told the captains and everyone what's good." "Yeah," Hunk nods. "I don't think Mr. Holt's going to advocate for us getting punished, Lance." "True," he sighs. "Commander Holt was pretty cool. I mean, he’s your dad." "Both those things, he is." Matt smiles next to Pidge, crossing his arms. "Yeah, and while you're all worried about detention or whatever," Shiro snorts. "I'm here worrying for any charges I might get for breakout and inferred child kidnapping." They all exclaim. "What, noー" "ーShiro, come onー" "ーThey can't call it a breakoutー" "ーIt wasn't even kidnappingー" "ーThey cannotー" "ーOh, yeah, they canー" "ーKeith, if Shiro goes to jail, I'm blaming youー" "ーShiro's not going to jail!" Lance lets out an odd squeal, clinging off Hunk as he backs away. Keith's voice had snapped loudly, his eyes glowing a truly concerning shade of yellow. He points a shaking finger. "What kind of Galra nonsenseー" Pidge giggles while Matt hides behind her. "He even has fangs..." Shiro puts a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head with a smile. "Relax, Keith. It was a joke. I think Commander Holt wouldn't advocate for me going to prison either." "I'll let him have it if he has," Pidge responds immediately, locking herself around his waist protectively. "No one's taking my Space Dad to jail." Shiro grins, ruffling her hair. "Space Dad, huh." "So, you replaced Dad while you were up there, Kate?" Matt blinks. "Had to project on somebody, Matt. He was all I had!" Shiro snorts into his hand, sounding a little bit like he was crying. Keith scoffs, smiling. Their walk ends in a rather empty lounge. With a huge, floor to ceiling window, they stare at the activity across the arid land. Cadets and Garrison-issued golf carts, as Lance called them, run across the terrain, kicking up sand into the air. "The legendary admin lounge," Lance smirks as Hunk swoons and whines. "Ugh, I'm craving Earth food. I'd so raid their kitchen, but if Iversonーor anyone really, walks inー" He gulps. "I'd rather not." "I feel ya, bud, I'm starving, too. Man, but I also feel for Allura. She had to come all this way with us and leave her kind behindーby the way, where'd they take her, Coran, and Krolia to anyway?" "Some officers are registering them as foreign allies, I think? And she'll get to go back," Pidge shrugs, plopping down with a tablet on the couches. "It's just for a few days and we'll be doing, what? Press tours or something? Then, she'll be off on one of the Lions to try and find a planet for the last of the Alteans." "Oh, yay. Publicity events." Keith slides down next to her. "Hey, you don't get to complain," she pokes his knee with a sneer. "You were lucky to be with the Blades of Marmalade while Coran had us dance like monkeys for the Voltron Coalition. It's your turn to suffer with us." "Marmora," Keith pouts. "Marmalaaade!" Lance and Matt chortle. "She said Blades of Marmalade..." "It even rhymes!" "I think she'll be alright, Lance." Hunk interrupts. "She seemed pretty stoaked about getting to see Earth." "Was she really?" "I still am, actually." Allura enters the lounge with a large grin on her face, two children hanging off her armor. Krolia, Cosmo, and Coran follow her in. "Ahoy, number three!" Coran calls. "Or should I call you number four now? Well, anywho, you have company incoming!" Lance's heart drops. Then it soars as the children sprint in his direction, squealing. "¡Tíííooo!" "What the cheeseー" They knock the wind out of him, tackling him to the floor. Cosmo scampers after them, a herding instinct. "What," he gasps. "Are you guys doing here? Cosmoーquit slobbering!" The kids laugh, and it's then Lance sees the tears in their eyes. Even after two years, he recognizes the chubby, round faces of his niblings. The boy, with his large grin, still has teeth growing in. The girl has a couple of bandages on her face, her eyes bright behind a few stray locks of her even-longer dark hair. With a whistle, Cosmo joins Keith and Krolia on the couch. Its tail wags as they all give the space pooch a good rub. The boy whines. "Aw, I wanted to pet it moreー"
“Don’t worry,” Krolia smiles. “You can pet him all you want.”
“Really一ow!” "Caleb," the girl elbows him, hissing quickly. "Lance is right here, you can waitーHi, tío!" "Welcome back!" They grin hugely. "Caleb, Andrea," Lance chortles. "What are you guys doing here? How'd even leave the island?" Andrea opens her mouth eagerly, only to click it shut as their faces to contort with fear when a voice at the lounge door commands their attention. "Where is he?" A woman with a Garrison Administrator uniform asks, eyes on fire. The children jump away from him, the boy wincing comically. "¡Ay, ahí va a morir!" Lance gasps. "Tití?" "AdminitratorーSelena?" Shiro gapes slightly. "Good to see you again, Captain Shirogane." She salutes. "Do pardon my demeanor. I just clocked out. And I have a rather pressing personal matter to attend to." "You're the personal matter," the girl whispers in Lance's ear, poking his side before bolting back to a safer distance. He winces, giddy fear tickling his stomach. "¿Pero quéーtúーhacesー" He yelps as Selena manifests in front of him, taking a tight hold of his ear. "Montandote en una nave extraterrestre sin permiso oficial? Did you not read the cadet handbook I gave you? It says clearly, that you nor any other cadet are not to board any foreign ships without superior and or administrative clearance!" "I know, I know!" He wants to cry and he wants to laugh. Her no-nonsense countenance was still sharp and mounted with rectangular frames. But it looked as if age and something else had touched her usually bright skin, a few grey hairs streaking through that floating cloud bob of hers. Meanwhile, she was right. It really was in the handbook. He had read every single leaf of it, from cover to cover. Not like he was heading off to one of the most prestigious piloting schools in the world, it was nothing to worry about. Of course he read it. Not reading it felt like an act of sacrilege when she first gave it to him. That's why he read it all in one night. And reread it again three more times for good measure. "Oh, you knew? Pues, ¡no parece!" From a teary eye, he sees Shiro trying to wrangle a smile yanking at his lips and Lance had never felt more embarrassed. But he was happy about it. The children snicker a little bit more loudly, giving him dark smiles as he suffers. "Please let go, tití," he tries. "I'm sorryyy, I swear!" "You should be grateful," Selena humphed, crossing her arms. "I'm giving you a fraction of the physical lashing your mother can't give you. Yet." The kids giggle. "She's gonna kick your butt." Selena caresses his cheek, eyes assessing his face. With a nod of satisfaction, she turns away, taking in the rest of the faces in the room. "You must be Princess Allura," she greets expertly, readjusting her glasses. "It is an honor." "Please, no need for formalities." Allura smiles, joining their hands in a firm shake. "I apologize for my rudeness. Iーmy family has been waiting a long time since we saw his video and I'm just about out of patience." "You saw my video?" The skin on his ear is hot. "Everyone back home saw it!" The woman cups his face firmly. "Broke our hearts all over again. If you don't call your superiors next time, ay, Dios mío..." He laughs, teary-eyed and pulling her into an embrace. "He's a crybaby! It really is him!" The children join them, locking like monkeys around his legs. They barely reached his knees last time he saw them. His throat stings harder. "You owe me ten pesos, Caleb." Andrea smirks. He whines. "Acho, manooo..." "Wait, you guys made a bet to see if I lived?" Lance pouts, his voice cracking. "And to see if you weren't some chameleon alien?" She adds. "Yeah? There was no way you could have just died when you disappeared." "He could have been killed in, like, an explosion or something!" Caleb argues. "Did you even see how that Lion was moving? Only he could drive it like that." Lance splutters. "Wow, okay, rude. I risk my life, fight a war, help save the universe and this is the thanks I get?" "Uh..." He laughs again. "I'm justー" "Oigan, respeten." The command comes from Selena and the door. They look to see a young woman walk in. She's in a short, sporty dress, the white fabric speckled with dirt. She's tailed by two large men, one tall like Lance, fair skin still intact and the other, large and stocky like Hunk. A freezing joy thrashes in Lance's gut, and he almost really does burts into tears. "VeronicaーLuisーMarco!" He chokes. "The minute we heard you were coming back, they hashed me to let them come with me. Not everyone got a pass," Selena smiles tiredly. "Abu wouldn't have been able to hold the trip," says the taller man, giving Lance the playful smirk he had learned to mimic. "Neither would Elo, but we managed." "Luis," Lance sniffles. "Do I know you?" The man grins and picks him and Andrea up, knocking their heads together. "Come on, man!" He laughs. Andrea growls and squeals. "Paaa, nooo! Cut it out!" "Oh, so you prefer getting squeezed to death? Okay, then. Marco, you take them." Lance's stomach drops delightedly as his largest, eldest brother gathers him and poor Andrea in a bone-crushing hug, cackling loudly at his own display of strength. With a quick glance at his niece, they let their bodies slack, ragdoll mode activated. "We're dead," they wheeze. "Come on, Lance, I know you're stronger than that!" Marco cackles. "But it's not like I was concerned for you or anything," his wide shoulders shrug and he puts the two down. "I mean, you did survive a category five huracán by yourself." Luis chuckles. "Oh, yeah, he did." "Well, I wasn't really alone," Lance rasps with a smile. "You got stuck in the shed at the end of the fence, Marco." "Still, I consider a child without an adult within five feet alone. You were very much alone." "Wait wait wait, when was this?" Veronica frowns, skeptical. She crosses the lounge, picking up Caleb with ease. The boy starts to twirl her long, dark hair, enthralled. "Hurricane Cobalt," they chorus. "You were at a dig in Europe, remember?" Luis says. "Way out of the way." "Oh," her face relaxes before morphing into a scowl. She shrieks, "Wait, he was alone?" Lance grins while rolling his eyes. "Noー" "Yes!" Marco takes Lance's head in his large hands and nods it. "Yes, he was." He struggles to shake his head, voice muffled. "Nup. Vasn. Fe vas in de shed!" "Doesn't count," Marco lets him go, grinning. Veronica's eyes are wide and she presses her fingers to her forehead. "Ay, Dios mío, este nene solo..." "Veronica, I'm fiiine! It was years ago!" "Doesn't change the fact that these idiots left a toddler by himself during a category five hurricane!" "He wasn't a toddler," Luis mutters, pouting at his daughter. "He was like, six. But, like you said, Marco. He's got to be even stronger now. After fighting in a war and everything." "A war," Veronica looks distant as she shifts Caleb on to her shoulders. Her gaze pins Lance and he shrinks, giving her guilty-dog eyes. He would be lying if he wasn't scared out if his wits even more now. "Vero, I'mー" he takes a breath. And it's a good thing he does. Otherwise, she probably would have broken something after slamming him into the floor. Caleb cackles on her shoulders, pointing a finger. "I'm doing you a mercy, leoncito. If we don't something now, your grandchildren are going to feel la chancla in their DNA." He whimpers into the floor, smiling. "Sounds good." Pulling him to his feet, she brings him into a hug, lifting him off the floor. Caleb hugs his head. "You have no idea how much we missed you." "Tell me about it, please. I missed you guys, too, you know." He runs his hand through her hair, holding her tightly and blowing a raspberry into Caleb's chest. Setting him down, the kid goes into his arms and he nuzzles their faces together. "No, but we really missed you a lot, tío. After you left, we all got so sad." He pouts. "They're lucky they got clearance from the board to even be here after you said you were coming back," Selena looks distant. "Those words made life start running back through the house." "That house, Lance," Veronica gestures vaguely, shaking her head. "That house was an absolute, unemotional wasteland. For months after you left. Luis and Marco had to learn to cook for everyone, to replace Ma, Abu, and Ela." "Whatーreplace?" "Abu, Ela, and Nina wouldn't leave their rooms. Neither would Papa Tío or Elo. They stayed shut up for a long time." "They wouldn't smile, they wouldn't laugh. None of us did, really. For a reeeally long time." Caleb adds, going back to his mother. "I was afraid the grief would take them eventually, but they pulled through. It got really close, though." "Abu stayed in bed for almost a week after you left." Andrea says from atop of Luis's shoulders, drooping over his head. "Elo stayed next to her while Papa Tío and Nina missed work a lot of days. They almost got fired." "If it wasn't for us," Luis gestures to themselves. "I really think they might as well given into the grief of losing you." "You're that powerful, leoncito. It took all of us to try and fix the hole you left behind. But, I don't why we're all talking about what's in the past," Marco shakes his large head with a pout. "Are we going to call them or what?" "We are. They're expecting us. And we have time to kill while the officers decide who's doing what," Selena rolls her eyes. She shares a glance with Shiro and Matt, who smile pleasantly. She nods then, taking out a device. "Let's make it fast. So, let's try now." With excitement, Lance shakes off the guilt in his chest, throwing a sheepish smile to his team. They smile back with understanding, finally grasping a bit of the caliber of their teammate's homesickness. He really had a lot of people to get back to. When the transmission reaches its target, the face of a middle-aged woman greets them. Lance inhales sharply. Her hair touches her shoulders, a few lines of age engraved under her eyes. Her eyes widen and shine at the sight before her, her own small intake of breath echoing in his ears. He keeps his cries at bay, sniffling and giving her a smile. His voice is strangely quiet. "Hola, mami." The woman's hands fly over her mouth, muffling her own noises. She almost seems to choke on her words as she tries to speak, chuckles and whimpers wracking her shoulders. "Nina, say hello to your son." Selena smirks, ruffling his hair. "Hola, mi amor," her voice whispers. The view shifts away from her and the feed presents them with a view of a living room. The image of a large built woman sitting on a couch with three other people sends more tears down Lance's face. "Ela," The children call. "Papa Tío!" "Elo!" "Abu!" Their heads turns around and their eyes widen. The eldest man grins widely and he hoots, clapping. His wife wipes at the tears on her face with a shaking hand and the broad woman stands, swinging herself around. Her apron flows about as she sings and hoots, clapping her hands loudly. "¿Qué les dije? ¿Quéーlesーdiーjeee? ¿El Señor es?"  "¡Bueno!" They cheer. "¿El Señor es?" "¡Bueno!" "¡Así es! Alejandro!" She takes the shoulders of the man sitting next to her, his eyes bulging as she shakes his shoulder. "Say hello to your son, for God's sake!" "Papa Tío一Pa, it's him!" Andrea says. "It's really him!" "We checked!" Caleb grins. Chuckling, the man taps on her wrists and looks forward. "I don't doubt you for a second. ¿Cómo haz estado, mijo?" Lance nods weakly. "Bien. Bendición, pa." "Dios te bendice, hijo." "If that's not the truth," Ela laughs. "He's finally come back to us in one piece!" "Me imagino que nos extrañó," the elderly woman smiles, tucking her white hair back with a trembling hand. She sniffles. "Look at his face. Says everything." "He's still a crybaby, Abu," Andrea smirks. Lance pouts at her for a moment, wiping at his tears before putting a sad smile back on his face. "I really did miss you, though." "Like your father said," Abu smiles. "I don't doubt you for a second. ¿Y tú?" She puts a hand on her husband's. He stares at Lance with the wisdom he feared he wouldn't get to see again. "Get your butt back here, young man. I want to hear every single last part of whatever story you have for us. I've told you so many stories. It's your turn to tell us some." "Elo wants to hear a story?" Caleb gasps. "No way!" "Lance, you luckyー" Andrea's mouth is covered by Luis's hand. "Lengua," he rolls his eyes. "I'll一I’ll tell you so many stories when I get back. So many一I promise,” he wipes fast arm  over his face. “You're一you’re probably going to want to send me back up there. I'm going to talk your ears off!" "We sure hope so, hijo." Nina speaks again, joining the frame with several tissues in her hand. "I would have talked more, but I was too busy crying." "It's okay, ma." He grins. "It's really not," she sniffles. "But it will be, now that you're back. Try and hurry, alright?" He nods. "I'llーI'll be back," he gives them a smirk while his relatives scoff and roll their eyes. "Ridiculo," Selena mutters with the same smirk she had given him. They wave and chorus a goodbye as the feed shuts off, leaving them just a couple thousand miles apart again. But, at last, Lance heaved a wet sigh. A weight falls off his shoulders. He really had missed his family. Granted, they weren't all here, but he would reach them eventually, and then, he would hug them, too. For now, he focused on the ones here, right next to him. Excitement rushed through again. His old family would get to meet his new one. It looked like being apart from his old one, for what seemed like a while, paid off. He'd actually been blessed with an even larger one. And he couldn't wait to introduce them a little bit more properly. But, as he hugged his aunt, niece, nephew, sister, and brothers, the nerves, the fear and anxiety in his mind silenced themselves in the sigh he had let go. His mind quieted. Finally. The doors to the lounge opened. "Welcome back, Defenders of the Universe!"
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hazyheel · 5 years
Wrestlemania 35 Predictions
Another year, another very stacked Wrestlemania. Around the time of the Royal Rumble, I was actually pretty worried about this card, but it shaped into what looks to be one of the better cards of Wrestlemania history, at least of the ones that last 10+ hours. Either way, lets get into the predictions.
Starting out with the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, which oddly enough has a story attached to it. A few weeks ago, Braun Strowman got into a confrontation with Colin Jost and Michael Che, two people who are definitely not wrestlers, because Jost implied wrestling was fake. After weeks of Strowman destroying gifts sent by the pair, he goaded them into also entering the battle royal. I don’t know what the hell is actually happening. I don’t know how that story will affect the match, but if Strowman throws the two out of the ring to win, I think that would a deflating, but ultimately satisfying way to end a pointless pre-show match. But, I am going to take a risk here and say that EC3 will win, because he has been booked to shit lately, and he really needs something. While Strowman is in a similar predicament, he can recover easier due to his monster status. Hopefully EC3 gets the win, and turns it into something.
The Wrestlemania Women’s Battle Royal has no story, so I’ll just guess. Lacy Evans has yet to be announced for the match, but there is no reason for her not to be in it, so why not? She should be given some sort of a role, and if the rumors are to be believed, that role will be as an actual wrestler. She will need momentum going forward, and hopefully this is how she gets it.
And the last match that definitely shouldn’t be on the pre show, Buddy Murphy vs. Tony Nese for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. The two formed a friendship last year after both failed to advance in the Cruiserweight championship tournament, and had been supporting each other and tagging together all last year. However, that friendship began to fall apart when Murphy won the cruiserweight Championship at Super Show-Down, and then Nese won a tournament to be crowned the number one contender. They began to brawl backstage, which puts together an interesting element to this heel vs. heel match. It should really be a great match, but not one that Murphy should lose. I could see it happening, but it doesn’t really need to. Murphy is really at the top of the division right now, and WWE needs to build up a babyface to beat him, rather than just a random betrayal. But this is certainly a match that I am looking forward to.
Into the main card, we come to AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton, whose feud is basically WWE vs. The Indies. Orton told Styles that he wasn’t good enough to get to WWE earlier, whereas Styles told Orton that he couldn’t last on the Indie scene if he had tried. And that is mostly it. So, this match will probably be pretty good because Orton is a heel, and AJ is awesome, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the whole point of it is for WWE to beat the Indie scene in a clash of icons. I think Orton comes away with the win here, which isn’t all that bad due to his scary and cool heel character right now, but its annoying to think that a storyline that vince booked himself about how WWE is better than the indies, may actually make Vince feel like he won something somehow.
Next, it is Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre. The two had a bit of history from last year as the Shield took on various combinations of heels in 6-man tags, but the brunt of the story came after Roman returned from his cancer treatment. McIntyre began to attack Roman before his matches on Raw, saying that he was not ready to be back in the normal roster yet. He challenged Reigns to a match, telling him not to accept it because he will destroy Reigns, but Reigns accepted anyway. It will probably be a super fun match, but an obvious one. Reigns will win in a hard hitting match.
Kurt Angle is having his retirement match on Sunday, against rival Baron Corbin. Corbin constantly undermined Angle’s position as General Manager of Raw, even stealing Angle’s job at one point. Eventually, Angle helped to take Corbin out of that job as well, and the two separated. But when naming his opponent, Angle asked for Corbin due to unfinished business. Corbin then continued to tell Angle that he was too old and fragile to win the match. Also, funnily enough, the WWE fans’ hatred of Corbin is constantly used in the feud, because he tells fans he does not care if they say he isn’t good enough to retire Angle. That makes me laugh. If it was anyone else, I would have said that Angle would lose. But since it is Corbin, and I really don’t want to see him win and neither does anyone else, I think Angle will win here and ride away into the sunset. This is probably a bad booking decision, but it feels necessary. I would not be heartbroken if Corbin won though, because maybe he will be booked better in the future. Probably won’t be a good match. However, there is a possibility that John Cena will return and be Angle’s last match, in which case Cena should win. But, for the purpose of this prediction, I’m calling Angle as the winner.
Shane McMahon is taking on the Miz in a Falls Count Anywhere match. This feud stemmed oddly from both their experience as a tag team and Miz’s desperate attempt to get his father to accept him. Miz felt indebted to Shane after he subbed in for miz at Crown Jewel (can’t believe that this show is somehow still relevant.) in the world cup tournament. Shane said he was the best in the world for a few weeks, before that just sort of faded out. The two were able to team together at the Royal Rumble against the Bar, because Miz begged Shane to help him win a belt and make his father love him (?), and they won the Smackdown Tag Team Championships. They held the belts for a month, losing them to The usos at Elimination Chamber, and again in a match at Fastlane. Shane then attacked the Miz brutally for making him lose the belts, and blamed their failure entirely on him. He even attacked Miz’s dad. Shane said that he was sick of people using him, challenging Miz to a Wrestlemania match, which Miz then requested to make a Falls Count Anywhere match, for no reason in particular. Could be a fun hardcore match, probably more storytelling than wrestling, but I am sure that it will be fun soap opera stupidity. Also, I hope Miz’s dad gets involved!
Then we have Triple H against Batista in a No Holds Barred match. Batista and Triple H had a confrontation at Smackdown 1000, but it did not escalate. However, months later, at Ric Flair’s birthday, Batista spoiled the fun by attacking Flair. He then challenged Triple H to a match, in a very long and bad promo involving Batista saying “give me what I want” and triple h saying “I’m gonna kick your ass.” In a roundabout way, the match became No Holds Barred. Batista’s whole point of challenging Triple H was that he manipulated Batista early in his career, and he does nothing but manipulate people. That makes him seem much more like a misunderstood face rather than a heel, so this is definitely a bad story. Triple H’s career is also on the line for some reason. Anyway, I don’t really care about this match, but I think Batista will win, and he will have one last run with the company, until like Summerslam or something. It is really just Trips’ time to retire.
Onto the title matches, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder take on the Revival for the Raw tag team championships. No real build up here other than Hawkins’ 3 year long losing streak. I am voting with my heart here and saying that Hawkins and Ryder are gonna pull it out and become champions. Just have hope and it will happen guys.
In the smackdown tag division, The usos defend against Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura, the Bar and the Wrestlemania debuting Ricochet and Aleister Black. This match also came out of nowhere, with a random 8-man tag on smackdown being made into a fatal 4-way tag team match by Alexa Bliss last week. So, nothing huge in terms of story, but I feel like Ricochet and Aleister Black are gonna win here. They have been teaming together for a long time now, and winning tag belts on the main roster has been teased since they debuted. So, I think this is their time, and hopefully they can revitalize the tag division on the main roster. 
And in the women’s tag division, The Boss n’ Hug Connection are taking on the IIconics, Nia Jax and Tamina and the reformed Divas of Doom. The story started at Fastlane, when Banks and Bayley successfully defeated Jax and Tamina in their first title defense. The heels attacked the champions, until Beth Phoenix left the commentary table and intervened. Natalya ran down the ramp to her aid, but they still lost. The next night, Phoenix returned to action, reforming the Divas of Doom and challenging Bayley and Banks to a Wrestlemania match, which was accepted. The two teams relationship dissolved over the coming weeks, and Tamina and Jax gained entry to the match be beating the teams down during that time. Also, the IIconics accused the Boss n’ Hug connection of avoiding smackdown live. In response, Banks and Bayley fought Royce and Cay on smackdown, with the heels getting an upset win with a dirty pin. So, we come to another Fatal 4-way. I think that Banks and Bayley should retain, because their initial title run hasn’t been that long. Also, I want the Sky Pirates to beat them :)
And in a match that really means nothing to me, Bobby Lashley takes on the Demon version of Finn Balor for the Intercontinental Championship. Ugh. This feud has gone on for too long. Balor has been going for the title since the Elimination Chamber, where he pinned Lio Rush in a two on one handicap match, winning the championship. However, in a rematch on Raw, Lashley regained the belt due to a distraction from Rush. Now they are having another match, and Finn is gonna be wearing the makeup. I don’t know why they feel the need to announce this, its better as a surprise. Anyway, Finn should win because Lashley has been boring lately. They don’t have much chemistry together, so I don’t expect much from this.
And now for a dream match, Samoa Joe vs. Rey Mysterio for the United States Championship. While the two had faced off in fatal 4-ways for the belt in the previous months, Mysterio had not won any and even passed out in the Coquina Clutch. However, Mysterio did score a pin in a recent tag match, booking the match for Wrestlemania. In a similar booking situation as the Women’s Tag Match, Joe shouldn’t lose the belt here, because he should have a long reign on top.
And now into the several “main events,” Seth Rollins takes on Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship. The two have had on and off feuds for a couple years, but the main story comes from Brock’s previous opponents as champions. Rollins won the Royal Rumble, and proceeded to speak about the types of Wrestlers that Lesnar had issues with: smaller, quicker wrestlers such as AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan and Finn Balor. The feud also showcased Seth’s resilience, as he was hit with several finishers and still be able to stand up to Lesnar. He has also stated on several occasions that he will do whatever it takes to win. This may result in a heel turn, but hopefully not. I think Seth should win the match, whether he turns heel or not, because Brock just cannot hold that goddamn belt anymore. Let it goooooooooo. But I would rather have Seth lose here than either of the two entries ahead of it, so Lesnar could win, but it should be Seth.
For the WWE Championship, Kofi Kingston finally gets his shot against the dastardly heel Daniel Bryan. Kofi lucked his way into the elimination chamber match, pulling out a great performance in the iron man before the match itself, evening pinning Bryan during that match, and then nearly winning the Elimination Chamber. Kofi was supposed to be in a singles WWE Championship match at Fastlane, but was once again screwed out of the match. Kofi then had to fight in several gauntlet matches to get this match, and it is about damn time he got a title shot. I love that they are comparing Kofi’s rise to Bryan’s rise 5 years ago. Kofi really needs to win this match, because he totally deserves it. He is such a good wrestler, and I never thought that he would hang in the main event. Now that he has the opportunity, he shouldn’t lose this. This is probably the match I am most looking forward to.
And in the real main event, Women’s Royal Rumble winner Becky Lynch battles Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey and Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte flair in a winner takes all match. The story here is kinda wild, with Lynch only entering the match because of an injury of another competitor. She eliminated Charlotte last to win the match, and challenge Rousey for the Raw Women’s Championship the next night. Vince McMahon tried to remove her from the match and replace her with charlotte, but Rousey refused to fight anyone other than Lynch, so she vacated the title. The next week, they announced a match for Fastlane between Lynch and Flair, and if Lynch won, she would be added to the match. Lynch won when Rousey turned heel and attacked her, giving Lynch the win by DQ. Charlotte then beat Asuka for the Smackdown Women’s Championship, making the match winner take all. They then brawled in the coming weeks, even being arrested on Monday. This should be really an awesome match, and Becky will finally get the belt the she deserves.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Back to you
Chapter 4.. part 1
When I was your man
Book: The Royal Romance
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry except those created for the story
Summary: Its finally time for the Beaumont bash,will it be smooth sailing or will it go up in flames? A blast from the past has Aria in her feelings, will it spell trouble for her and Liam? (this will be a two parter)
Pairings: Liam&Aria(mc), Leo&Aria(mc)
Rating: Fluff & NSFW content.... WARNING young eyes look away!!
Song inspiration
Tag list: @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @bobasheebaby @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @hopefulmoonobject
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Aria had spent the past few days cleaning the entire Beaumont estate. To save money he scheduled the staff to report the morning of the event so it was up to them to prepare the estate. Aria welcomed the distraction, for some strange reason she could not stop thinking about Liams brother Leo. She had met him at the Masquerade ball, but she never got to see the face behind the lion mask. It was something about his voice, his touch that felt so familiar. She had also been thinking of her Leo, the one She met in Italy, more then usual. She let herself fall for him knowing she was only going to hurt herself in the long run. She shakes the thought from her head.
 "Well, that is just perfect." Bertrand huffs into the foyer. Maxwell comes running at the sound of anger in his voice. "What's going on Bertrand?" Aria asks placing her cleaning rag back in the bucket. "Well lady Aria, I hope you are a culinary expert because the caterer just backed out!" He rubs his temples. "What!! why?" Maxwell yelled throwing his hands in the air. "Apparently the check bounced." He snapped "The money was in our bank yesterday." throwing himself into a chair near by.
 "Guys, we can handle this. " Aria chimes in "I can cook, Maxwell call your fiends, we need all hands on deck." She says walking towards the kitchen. Bertrand sits in the corner mumbling to himself while Maxwell pulls out his phone.
Aria searched the kitchen to find something she could pair with the chicken pulled from the Fridge. A light tapping comes from the kitchen door. "Hey Hale, Maxwell said you needed my help?" Drake peeks his head in the kitchen. "Yup, put this on." She tosses an apron at him "open those cans and dump them into that bowl." She orders pointing at the counter, not looking up from what She was cooking on the stove. "What's going on here?" Drake questions arching his brow. "Long story short, were almost broke and the caterer backed out." Maxwell sighs filling Drake in on their problem. Drake knew what it was like to have money issues, so he felt compelled to help them out. 
They had just finished preparing the appetizers when Bertrand came barging in. "Stop what you are doing, I have got a new caterer." He yelled motioning them to stop with his hands. Aria felt relief, she had so much to do to get ready for the party. "Thank god." Drake exhales toss his apron on the counter. "I'm gonna head out Hale, see you tomorrow. " he turns and leaves the kitchen. "Thanks Drake." Aria called after him. "Well, If you don't need anymore from me I am going to get some beauty sleep." Aria yawned. She walked up to her room and fell fast asleep.
 The next morning Aria awoke to Bertrand banging on the door.
 Bang bang bang
 "Lady Aria get up, we have much to to do today. "  Bertrand demands from the other side of the door
  "Ugh" Aria groaned pulling the blanket up over her head.
 Bang bang bang
 "Lady Aria I am serious get up now." Bertrand continues to yell. Aria gets up to walk across the room
 Bang bang bang bang
 "Lady Aria may I remind you." Bertrand starts to say "the reputation of the house Beaumont is at stake." Aria mouths in sync with Bertrand.
 "yeah yeah I'm up." She fusses as she opens the door giving Bertrand a pointed stare. Aria had been proper since she came to Cordonia, but mornings her New York attitude would come out. "Good, c.. come down stairs when you're r..ready.” Bertrand stutters. She giggled to herself, recalling the time she over heard Bertrand telling Maxwell he was "terrified of lady Aria in the morning".
 After a day of helping the staff Bertrand ordered her to go make herself presentable for tonight's events. The dinner was formal, so Aria wore a beautiful light blue gown. She was placed at the head table along with Liam, Bertrand,Maxwell and the king and queen. Dinner went smoothly, even Regina complimented on the food.Once desert was finished Bertrand stood tapping his glass. "My dear guest this concludes dinner, please join us in the grand ball room for other festivities." As everyone moved into the ball room aria ran up to her room.
 She chose a second dress to change into for the party, the classic little black dress. Tight at the top and flowed out just under the waist. A perfect mix of fun, flirty, sexy and class to turn a certain head tonight. She paired it with her favorite royal blue heels. She let her hair down and pinned it so the curls would frame the side of her face. She added a little more eyeliner and put A little lip gloss on. she turned to look at herself "This will definitely do" she smiled as she turned side to side in the mirror.
 In the ball room Maxwell had set up an elaborate display of champagne bottles and flutes cascading the grand stair case. "Aria, it's time." Maxwell says running up to her. Bertrand was in the process of giving his opening party toast, Maxwell and Aria head up the stairs to pick their weapons. "With all the house of Beaumont with me I propose a toast!" Bertrand says looking back at Aria and Maxwell giving them an approving nod. Maxwell and Aria in unison slice into the bottles spilling it all over the glasses. "To Cordonia" Bertrand says grabbing a flute and raising it . "to Cordonia!" The crowd cheers back.
 "Let's parrrrtay! Maxwell bellows "pull out the blindfolds, where are my bow and arrow, put an apple on the bust of my great grandfather." He yells in excitement. Loud music blast through the speakers guest cheer as horses and acrobats bust through the doors. Maxwell moon walks onto the dance floor "Aria get out here and join me." He motions to her. "Go ahead Aria." Hana encouraged. Aria smiles and heads out onto the dance floor, laying down some serious moves. "Yeahhh Aria I see I have some competition.. I challenge you to a dance off!" Maxwell gushed . "Oh your on! loser has to streak through the room." Aria states accepting Maxwells challenge.  After several rounds Maxwell admits defeat. "For Coroniaaaaaa." Maxwell yells stripping his clothes and running around completely naked.
 Guest are laughing, dancing and drinking. Everyone is having a good time. "We pulled it off, we really pulled it off. "Aria thought to herself. A voice comes from behind her, placing a hand on her hip "lady Aria may I say you look ravishing tonight. " Liam says sliding up to her handing her another glass of champagne. "you don't look so bad yourself your highness." She says with a playful smile. "I was wondering if you would meet me later tonight?" Liam leans in whispering in her ear. Aria bites her lip and sits her now empty glass down. She gets a little closer walking around him, her hips grazes his body "if his royal highness plays his cards right." She purrs grabbing his glass of champagne and sipping it . She walks away twitching her hips she looks back at him over her shoulder and winks. She turns her head forward, a sly smile painted on her face.
 Aria makes her rounds chatting with Penelope and Kiara. Dancing with Maxwell and Hanna, she is having an amazing time. She spots Liam on the far side of the room chatting with Drake and a someone she didn't recognize. Finally making eye contact He waves her over. 
"Ah lady Aria, come here and meet my brother." Liam says as he taps his brother on the shoulder "Leo I want you to meet lady ..." he starts to say as Leo turns his head finishing his sentence for him.. "Aria." He murmurs smooth like butter, a Devilish smile painted on his face. "Leo!? Aria gasps bringing her hand to her chest. She could not believe what she was seeing. It was Leo, HER Leo! The Leo she spent 4 weeks with one summer long ago. The Leo she fell head over heels for. The Leo she cried herself to sleep over for countless nights. They stared at each other for what seemed like years until Liam cleared his throat.. "you two know each other?" He looked to Leo and then Aria. "We met in Italy many years ago." Leo broke his gaze to answer the question Aria snapping out of her thoughts "yes, we were in the same tour group." She said putting extra emphasis on the word tour giving Leo a pleading look.
 "Tour group brother, you?" Liam chuckled "you were never the tour group kind." He finished clapping Leo on the back. "Yes well I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet women." Leo chuckled as he clasped Liams shoulder back. Aria could feel her face turning red. She grabs 2 glasses of champagne from the waiter walking by and quickly down them both, she was going to need more where that came from if she was going to survive this night. They laughed and joked around as the conversations flowed, Aria started to loosen up a little bit. Liam and Leo telling tales of their adolescent hijinxs. Before Leo brought up a past moment he and Aria shared.. 
"Remember the time in Rome when you convince that bartender you were famous US celebrity? Brit.. Brit something.." Leo looked at Aria chuckling "Britana Fontain." Aria grins  "yes that's it! Leo chirps slapping his leg "He even took a picture of you and had you sign it."  "He gave us free drinks all night." Aria giggled and took another sip of her champagne. Of course she remembered that night. It was the first time she let her walls completely down. She thought back to the night at the hotel, they had been dancing when Leo suggested they take it to the room.
 Once the door closed all bets were off. Leo took Arias face in both hands kissing her deeply and passionately. He walks her back and pushes her up against the wall. Running his hand up her leg he pulls her dress up bunching it at her hip as his fingers make their way in between her legs.
 "Mmm your dripping wet love." He whispers in her ear as he teases her from outside of her underwear. He tugs on the zipper of her dress, letting it pool at her feet stripping her down to her bra and panties. He kisses her neck and shoulder as she removes his shirt and un buttons his pants yanking them off, he stumbles over them a bit and Aria giggles.
 He gazes hungrily into her eyes as he picks her up, she wraps her legs around him as he walks her across the room removing her bra, and laying her down on the bed. He kisses her down her neck, and settling onto her breast. He nibbles and sucks each of her nipples, a soft moan escapes arias lips. His lips trail down her stomach running his hands down her side's. Her skin is on fire from his touch and she can feel the burning growing within her. 
He kisses down to the top of her panties, as he grabs them pulling the last piece of clothing off her body. He smiled at her naked body "damn, you are breath taking" he whispers as he kisses down the hip, to her leg before moving his lips to the inside of her leg spreading them apart.  He was getting closer and closer to her wanting sex. She pants and softly moans as she wiggled around yearning for him to touch her. He spreads her legs farther apart rubbing his fingers up and down her lips before dipping two of them into her wet center. She lets a loud moan.
 "Mmm you’re so wet, I need to taste you." Leo breathed into her thigh "mmm yes, please" Aria moaned. His lips moved farther up her thigh before his tongue parts her lips and goes to work. He flicks her clit with his tongue and sucking lightly with his lips.He thrust his two fingers in and out curving them just  bit to reach the sweet spot. She tangles her fingers in his hair pulling him in closer.  Aria moans louder as he pleasures her to the point she can't take it anymore. "Oh. Oh FUCK, OH LEO" SHE SCREAMS as the pleasure ripples course through her body she gives into an orgasm. Leo drinks her in as He smiles. He lifts himself up, wiping his face then kisses her hard.
 "I'm not done with you yet love," he teases and he grabs her legs with both arms lifting them to his shoulders. He gets on his knees and lifts her ass up. He teases her, rubbing his hard cock on her clit and circling her opening, poking the tip slightly in. "Leo... please ." She Begs "Please what love? Say it ARIA, tell me what you want." He continues rubbing her clit with his finger. "The fire burning within, her eyes fly open, she looks at him passionately "I want you to fuck me, hard and fast, fuck me Leo, fuck me NOW!" She demanded trying to squirm herself onto his cock. Leo didn't wait a second longer, he thrust himself into her hard and fast. Arias moans loud. "Fuck! oh god you feel so good" He grunts and moans fueling her fire even more.
 He lets her legs down and flips her over onto her stomach. Aria gets on her knees, arching her ass in the air. Leo dips his dick into her center, and pulls it out slow before shoving it back in rough. Aria jumps and squirms back onto his cock. "Oh fuck!" She screams.Leo starts pounding her hard. Aria holds on tight to the head board rails bouncing her ass off his hips. 
 His rhythm erratic, their moans mixing. The pleasure pulsing through her body she completely loses control  "Oh fuck, oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god, yes!" Aria screams out. "Say my name baby." Leo demands "cum with me Ari." Hearing him call her Ari sparked something inside her. "Oh fuck, Leo, yes, Leo, Leo, LEOOOO!" Aria screams she gives in to a second blissful orgasm . "Oh fuck." Leo moans as he spills himself inside of her. They collapse on the bed panting hard, sweating. Leo leans over and kisses her softly "that was amazing" He says breathing hard still "Mmhmm." Aria mumbles able to speak as she falls fast asleep.
 "It sounds like you two had quite the adventures." Liam questioned with clenched jaw and fake smile. Snapping aria out of her trip down memory lane . An awkward silence fell over the trio. Aria never thought she would be so happy to see Olivia approaching to break the tension. "Hello everyone, Liam I believe you owe me a drink." She said as she touched Liam’s arm. "Ah I do lady Olivia" Liam excuses himself and walks away. It was just her and Leo.
 "I never in a million years thought i would have run into you again, especially not here." Leo sighed as he leaned up against the wall. "Yeah well, I didn't know you were a prince." She said as she gives him a pointed look. Leo sighs and runs his hands through his hair.”You still are as beautiful as ever.” He expressed “Time has been good to you as well.” Aria acknowledges
 "So you and Liam huh?" he says as he takes a swig of champagne. "What about us?" Aria ask folding her arms. "I don't know that I  like it." He states looking down at the floor.  "You don't have that right Leo, not after so much time has passed" She snaps at Leo "not after..." She dares not finish that thought "I need something harder to deal with this shit." She walks away leaving Leo to brood.
 She approached the bar and sits down next to Drake. She grabs the fresh glass of whiskey that was just placed front of him and gulps it down, making a sour face. "Hey! What the helI, I was gonna drink that." Drake complained, turning to Aria. "What's gotten into you Hale?" Drake asks motioning to the bartender for two more. "One word." Aria says, grabbing the new glass in front of her and taking a sip.... Leo!"
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the-ash0 · 5 years
surviving paradise 21 -want
She's down in her den; a lab in the lower catacombs of Capsule Corp. Hiding, I suppose.Though she should know I can sniff her out by her ki —puny though it is. The door is open, and I can hear her tinkering away. Slow wafts of smoke claw their way out from the entrance and into the hallway like some hungry beast.
I’ve never been down here before and given a choice, I think I’ll never return again. The place is dark, oppressive, and in severe need of a better ventilation system. What possesses a woman of means to seclude herself in such a deprived little hell? Small wonder she’s so weird.  
Before I can come up with a decent plan of attack, the vixen beats me to the punch.  Something hits the tabletop with a clunk; and I hear her sigh as she announces, "come on in, Vegeta. I know you are out there."
Well damn. Guess she's not hiding. With a grunt I enter her lair, and regret it instantly; the air inside is as thick and solid as a curtain. A brown, filthy one. Although the chamber itself is spacious enough, the hallway has more room to manoeuvre. Bookshelves line all the walls, filled with a large assortment of items; everything except for actual books, which are placed  in large stacks on the floor. It’s a labyrinth of contraptions, running in every direction. The only clear path is to her desk, half-way in. The desk itself has only enough space cleared for her hands and her current project.
I quickly realise how she found me out. Monitors are suspended over the desk and while one shows a zoom-in of her work, the two others are clearly surveillance cameras. The left shows an obvious and familiar place: the Gravity Room. I tell myself I should not be surprised, shouldn't bother worrying about such things like being watched. Raditz told me I’d drive myself mad worrying about shit like this, and he was the expert. No; it’s actually a good thing she likes to spy. It’s exactly what I need her for.  "I thought I told you I had a job for you?"
Bulma turns in her revolving chair to face me, and lights up another cigarette to take a deep drag, then breathes out the stench like she’s Shenron’s spawn. Once again, she’s all smiles and familiarity when she was screaming at me less than an hour ago. "Oh, Vegeta. How nice to see you’ve finally heeded my warning and dragged yourself away from my invention. Amazing though it is, I really think it’s time for a break, don't you? So ask away. What is it that you require of the world's greatest genius?"  
I just broke several bones, not to mention five ribs, why would I need any more breaks? The woman seems in a good enough mood, reclining in her chair, so perhaps I am better off leaving her with her silly misconceptions.
"Right." I turn and run my hand along a contraption that reminds me of a mechanical winged beast. Its head is at my eye level, and my finger leaves a near-white streak on the brown surface. Ugh. I wipe the grime off on my shorts quickly, suddenly missing my gloves. "Well there is one little thing you could help me with. Just a little thing." I clear my throat again. It must be the smoke.
This gets her attention. She leans forward and brings the long cigarette to her mouth halfway before thinking better of it, then extinguishes the little smokestick in an ashtray by her side. There is a soft smile on her lips as she states, "well, I'm always happy to help out, Vegeta." She blinks and that weird look crosses her face.  "Is your room comfortable?  Are you getting enough to eat?"
I nearly bark out a laugh, but quickly disguise it as a cough. Yes, she is always happy to help... too happy. What is this game? Is she rubbing my nose in the help I’ve already received? "Oh yeah. It's... fine. Enough food. Everything's been... adequate?" Yes, I'm playing it down, but as far as I’m concerned the negotiations have already started. I look back at her, crossing my arms as I lean back against the doorframe.
"Good! I was worried about you for a bit there, Vegeta." The woman puts her elbows on her knees, hands twitchy with vacancy.  "So, you said you wanted help with a project. Would you like another upgrade to the GR? Or perhaps something else for your training? If you just take a few days off, I bet I can whip you up something special."
A weird laugh bubbles out of my gut at that, and I disguise it as another cough. Is she going to make me state the obvious? Fine. “That would be pointless.”
She freezes and sits back. Her face goes through a myriad of expressions from surprise to confusion to an odd frown, like I just said something very scary. Kami, but I hope she’s faking it. Yet if she is, she is the best actor in the universe and that might be worse. Her voice is sad when she responds. "Pointless? I'm surprised to hear you of all people say that."
This isn’t getting us anywhere. I shake my head, angry that I have to explain. "I’m as powerful as Kakarot was when he challenged Frieza, maybe even more so. But it's not working. There has to be some sort of... trick to it. Some kind of..." I gesture wildly, unwilling to say it out loud. It's not about skill. It’s not. "Technique? I don't know how, woman. I need to know how Kakarot did it."
Bulma taps a finger to her chin as she thinks for a moment.  "Why, that shouldn’t be a problem. Would you like me to give Goku a call?  I'm sure he'd be happy to help too. I bet he’d come right over."  
I almost tell her that nobody would be stupid enough to reveal his greatest secret to an enemy... but who am I kidding.  Kakarot is definitely that stupid. Regardless, there are some levels I don’t want to sink to if I have even one other option left. "You think I have no pride left? You would have me run to that third-class simpleton and be taught like I’m— that idiot’s disciple?"
Oh, I think I'm going to be ill.
"Okay, sorry." She holds up her hands. "I wish you’d give Goku some credit; I know he can be a bit airheaded. I wasn't trying to offend you. So, what do you expect me to do? Unless you believe that basking in my scintillating company will make you magically turn Super Saiyan.” Bulma stops then smoothes her hair with one hand as she flutters her eyelashes. “Which, honestly, does seem like a viable theory."
I refuse to by side tracked by whatever that's supposed to mean. "Well he's your..." What’s the word, "friend, right? I mean, he'd tell you." Hell, the woman could even say she was doing research. For science. Not that it matters. Kakarot would never suspect his ahh... odd-found knowledge ... would be used for evil. Oh, the idea calms me down well. I nearly smile.
"So you’d like me to talk to Kakarot for you about how to become a Super Saiyan?"  She gives me a look like that’s the oddest thing she’s ever heard. Though, really, what gives her the right to judge me? She’s the one on a weird planet with this entire fantasy freak-parade. "Oh Vegeta, I wouldn't even know what to ask about..." She trails off and gets that far away look in her eyes. I think she gets it now. Yes, she is a scientist. A clever one at that. And apparently she enjoys spying, so this is right up her alley. Oh, I knew she would not acquiesce easily. That is fine.
"Okay." Good. Finally I’ll have her demands clear; she’ll tell me what she wants of me, and we can trade. No more surprises. No more guessing at her motives. "Yeah, ok. I get it. You want something in return to compensate you for your time." Hell, the thing that worried me most was she’d leave it open. Put me in debt to her. Little minx, not this time. "So what would you want?" I just hope it’s either someone dead or stress testing an invention.
I seem to have broken her trail of thought, and she fixes me with that sad look again. "What do I want," Bulma repeats, like it’s a weird thing to ask. Foot tapping, she takes way too long to answer, frowning worriedly. Finally she reaches for her coat pocket, then catches herself, a slow smile spreads across her face. "Well, for starters, I'd like to make sure that my people are safe. Those androids are coming in a few years, but to be honest right now I’m more worried about you. And if I help you become a Super Saiyan, then I want you to use those skills to defeat them. Fair enough?" I shouldn't care about her acknowledgement, but it’s so nice to be seen as a threat once again. Because it’s been too long, and it's rightly my due. That’s right! I’m the real danger. Me! Feheheh. Also, it seems the job she wants me to do is... not doing any work? It’s a good deal, but there's one little hitch. "I still want to fight Kakarot. But I suppose I could hold out till after the androids are dead."
She smiles in earnest now; I realise the previous grin was more of a stage move, and this is real, carefree happiness on her face. “Right, I don't think I could stop you two. Besides, Goku would be so disappointed if he didn't get to fight you as well! So, here's the deal. I'll start doing some research— I'll talk with Goku, Krillin, Tien... and I’ll see if I can find a common thread. In the meantime, don't kill anyone. Just relax and maybe get to know people. When was the last time you took a vacation?" Vacate what? She’s talking in riddles. I tisk at her in annoyance. Worse still, so much for me being seen as a threat. She is not even one bit afraid of what will happen after I’ve defeated Kakarot. I guess when Earth’s hero comes into play, the woman’s faith is absolute. But she talks over any objections. “I bet if you got to know our crew, you’d find you have more in common with them than you realise. Yamcha used to be a desert bandit, oh, and Tien. Not to mention Piccolo...” She trails off again and gets a dreamy look in her eyes.
This woman really is weird. I have absolutely no interest in getting to know any of these creatures, yet I can see the advantage of gathering some intel. Besides, I know just where to start, so I bare my teeth at her. "Deal."
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thesixthh0ekage · 6 years
fic previews
here are some of the things I have in progress-- y’all tell me what you’re feelin.
1. mile high club (t’challa x reader)
The sound of your feet pounding against the linoleum flooring is deafening but you can’t deny the odd sense of euphoria that’s been building since you tripped the alarm.
What had started as a quiet Wednesday afternoon with Tony down in the labs at the compound had then turned into a surprise visit from your boyfriend-- T’Challa Udaku, King of Wakanda and the Black Panther himself. However you would soon find out that this wasn’t a personal visit. The King had received intel from one of his many spies abroad regarding the whereabouts of one of Klaue’s former associates, and a small quantity of vibranium that had found its way into one of New York City’s swanky, high-rise offices. He’d stopped by the avengers compound with the hope of enlisting a certain spider’s help infiltrating the building, only to find out she was away on personal leave for the next few days.
T’Challa was prepared to scrap that plan and try sneaking in without any sort of distraction… that is until Okoye brilliantly suggested that you be the distraction instead. You’d jumped at the opportunity, though convincing T’Challa to let you help was another task in itself.
He wanted you safe, above all things, and he knew that allowing you to accompany him on this mission was certainly not conducive to such wishes. Not to mention the fact that he’d never hear the end of it if anything happened to you because of this-- you were Mr. Stark and Colonel Rhodes’ favorite-- read, only-- goddaughter, after all, never mind the fact that you’d never done anything of the sort in your life.
He had made that point to you-- several times in fact-- though in the end he was outnumbered. Your enthusiasm coupled with not only Okoye, but Shuri and Ayo’s insistence as well? The King never stood a chance against such odds.
So that’s how you ended up here, streaking through the halls of some stuffed-shirt CEO’s Manhattan penthouse-- and boy is it a long way down from the 60th floor.
You feel… giddy, despite the way your lungs burn with every breath, and suddenly you’re laughing out loud.  
Who knew running for your life could be this fun?!
“What is going on up there, mnadi? Do you have it?”
The sudden sound of T’Challa’s voice over the comms sends a jolt through you and you nearly trip over your own feet rounding a corner at full speed. You choose to ignore the sound of gunfire in the background.
“Oh yeah,” you huff, looking down at the map your kimoyo beads are projecting. Left at the next intersection. How the hell have you lived so long without these things?! “I most definitely have it!”
“What did I tell you, eh?!” Your face splits into a shit-eating grin when you hear Okoye chime in-- you practically feel T’Challa roll his eyes. “I knew she could do it!”
“Do not encourage her!” The King scolds, but despite his attempt to be firm you can both hear the amusement in his voice.  
“Oh it is way too late for that!” You quip, sassy even as breathless as you are. His hearty laugh echos in your ear, and the sound seems to light up your whole body. Your smile grows even wider.  “I’m clearly a natural!”
2. untiled thor fic
Okay, that’s another one done and only…  
You let the thought trail off and take a moment and survey the scene, counting softly under your breath as you tally up every manila folder and the huge number of unread emails on your computer screen. You make it to thirty-three before you decide that the whole exercise is pointless.
You’ve been cooped up in your office for hours, catching up on emails and sorting through the veritable mountain of paperwork that has collected on your desk in the last few weeks.
It really wasn’t your fault, though. Everyone’s work has suffered due to the whole Sokovia Accords fiasco and, between that and worrying about a certain norse god’s whereabouts, the disaster in your office had naturally taken a back-seat.
Now at the end of it all, you still haven’t succeeded in tracking down Thor and the team is down no less than seven avengers-- the amount of paperwork that came with that kind of scandal was staggering, not to mention the residual fallout from the accident in Lagos.
How the hell did you get stuck dealing with all this Department of Damage Control bullshit, anyway?! The Avengers compound is chaos these days, and lately you were the one people were looking to for answers.
A pained grunt rips through you, and you smack your head against the nearest pile defeat, making a mental note rip Tony a new asshole the next time you see him.
You lift your head from the of files, propping it on your fist instead as you went back to scrolling through your inbox, too fast to really see anything, more so to marvel at how quickly they’ve managed to pile up in the weeks since you’d last checked them.
“Hey, FRIDAY?”
“Yes, Miss?” the AI’s voice is patched through to the PA system immediately, filling your once silent office with much needed noise.
“I need some help getting through these emails,” you sigh, massaging your temples. “You up for it?”
“Of course,” is the instant reply, and with that the two of you set to work clearing your inbox of unwanted messages.
It’s boring work, but necessary, and having FRIDAY there to help seems to make the task much faster to complete.
Once the final file has been read and filed correctly, you push away from your desk with a heavy sigh, stretching your legs up off the floor and watching the ceiling spin above you while you try to let your mind settle for a moment.
FRIDAY finishes up an extremely long-winded and condescending email from General Ross’ office, and you throw your hands up in the air with an elated shout.
“Ugh, thank you Jesus that one’s over-- delete it, please! Tony can deal with that bullshit,” you say, propping your feet up on your-- now clean and tidy-- desk. “Alright, FRIDAY, last one. Let’s get this over with.”
You close your eyes as she begins to read, though your brow furrows as soon as you hear the subject line. “An electronic letter from…” FRIDAY hesitates from a moment before continuing, “Thor…?”
3. flipmode (erik stevens x reader)
“Oh fuck, Erik,” you whine, screwing your eyes shut as he continues to slam into you. You arc off the mattress, heels digging into his back in an attempt to bring him in even closer. “Ugh, please just--”
You’re cut off when a particularly powerful thrust sends a jolt up your spine, and stars dance across the back of your lids. The sound you make is pitiful, voice catching on a sob as you feebly struggle against him. Erik doesn’t even pause-- only presses your wrists more firmly into the bed as he continues to rock into you.
“You wanna cum, baby?” he asks, and if you didn’t feel so desperate to come you figure you’d feel some sort of pride over how wrecked he sounds. It’s hard to say exactly how long you’ve been at it-- though to you it feels like he’s kept you teetering on the edge for an eternity.
You open your eyes and find him staring down at you-- brown eyes bright and wild.
“Yes,” you say, your voice raw and ragged, “yes, please.”
Erik actually laughs, adjusting his grip on your wrists to hold them in one hand, while the other moves to wrap around your throat again. You clench around him at the feeling, your eyes fluttering closed. “Then you gon’ learn to stop calling me out my fuckin’ name,” he says, and your eyes fly open.
He doesn’t give you a chance to defend yourself, or even apologize, before he’s pulling out of you and using the hand on your neck to roughly pull you up to a sitting position.
4. hot sugar (harley quinn x reader)
“What’s your name, sugar?” the sound of a syrupy-sweet voice draws your attention from playing with the rim of your glass, and you look up to find the woman you’ve been eyeing all night staring right back at you.
She bites the end of her straw when you finally meet her eyes, the sultry smirk spread across her face a bit wicked as well. You turn a bit in your bar stool, resting one arm on the bar and reaching out to her with the other.
You introduce yourself, gripping her hand firmly when she offers it to you and she leans forward to look at you through her lashes. “What’s yours?”
She laughs at that, raising one dark eyebrow at you. “I think you know who I am, sweet cheeks.”
You return her devilish smirk with one of your own. True, you’re pretty sure you know exactly who your mystery woman is. If her platinum-blonde hair and multicolored makeup are anything to go by. Well, that and the array of tattoos she has covering her body, most notably the ones on her face and chest, the one on her left shoulder reading Property of Joker. But even with all that you can’t be sure. Gotham is a strange place, and copycats are a dime a dozen in this city.
“I might,” you reply, releasing her hand and turning back to your own drink. “Still, it’s never good to assume, you know? I’d rather ask up front than make an ass of myself.”
In your peripheral you can see her shift closer to you, one of her hands moving to settle on your knee.
“Harley Quinn,” she says, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. You realize she’s sizing you up-- trying to determine whether or not you’d be down for the ride.  
“Really?” you ask, raising a brow, and an amused smirk settles on your lips.
She nods, leaning into you even more, her hand trailing a bit higher up your leg. “The one and only.”
5. the ex factor (digger “captain boomerang” x reader)
You freeze outside the door when you hear the first noise. You’d been rummaging through your bag with one hand, trying to find your keys, while balancing your grocery bags with the other, and you’d been so distracted that you hadn’t even realized the sounds were coming from inside your place until you’d been about to step inside.
Your first instinct is to be afraid, but as you listen you find that the sounds are quite different from what you’d expect to hear from someone sacking your apartment.
A/N: these are some (but not even all!) of the fics I have in progress. Some i have been working on longer than others, and I’m workin on eventually getting through them all. Which ones would you guys like to see first?
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After the Ball
Collab with @texanhusker​  ❤️
The Day After the Coronation Ball
Hana x MC
Angst and fluff
Word count 3425
“Hana, you need to go home” I swallowed slowly “Honestly, we both do. I’ll be on my way as soon as I find the funds for a ticket”
“Please, don’t do this” Hana took a step toward me, halving the distance between us.
The odds were stacked against us.
My eyes fell suddenly to the floor, an ache spread painfully through my throat as I willed my mouth to form words.
“I’m sorry Hana, I have no choice”
Guilt welled heavily in my chest; the pain in my voice betraying the false confidence I had intended to convey.
I’ve already caused her so much trouble..
Hana smiled weakly “I’ll pay for your ticket.”
Driven her from her parents..
My lips parted reflexively to argue, sputtering pathetically, in vain as Hana interrupts me.
"It's the least I could do, really" Her features softened as she stepped forward, offering the flight clerk her credit card. “You’ve taught me so much.”
Like what? Political self-sabotage?
“Thank you, really” I murmured uneasily, tears glimmering in my eyes Hana slipped the pass between my outstretched fingers “You’re the best”
"Are you certain I can't provide any other..assistance?" Hana reached tentatively for one of my, albeit lightly packed, bags, but her fingers grasp at empty air as I pulled the bag from her reach.
A clean break.. It's for the best.
"I need to do this on my own"
But fuck all if I didn’t have to.
Her eyes locked on mine, and I found myself unable to look away; in part because of her spell binding stare, in other part because I was memorizing each aspect of her beautiful face. Awkward tension builds as a minute passes in silence.
Is this really goodbye?
Hana broke the tension, spreading her arms, tentatively leaning in for an unsure hug. I hesitated, flinching.
Clean break, Riley, clean break..
Instead, I extended a hand to her; interrupting her attempted hug. Hana, albeit flustered, adjusted and accepted my hand in her own, kneading her fingertips rhythmically into my palm.
If only you knew how much self-restraint this took...
I cleared my throat; becoming painfully aware of the soreness that came partnered with holding back tears. My hand returned uncomfortably to my side, I rolled the hem of my blouse compulsively between my thumb and forefinger.
“Can you believe it’s only been a couple of months?”
“I feel like I’ve known you my whole life” Hana responded, scarcely missing a beat.
“Maybe it’s good that we met” Biggest understatement of the century. “You’ve changed me for the better”
Hana shook her head ruefully, her eyebrows creased in a manner so...assertive that I had never previously witnessed from her “No, you’re the one that’s helped me to grow” She took a step toward me, fondly retaking my hands in her own.
We shouldn’t..
I gazed into her deep, dark eyes. If this was the last moment I would be setting my own upon them, I was going to watch the world in them.
Maybe just for a second..
“You taught me how to believe in myself” She took another step forward, our bodies almost brushing against each other.
If things were different...
Hana takes another step toward me, our bodies close enough that I could feel the air shifting as her chest rose and fell with breath less than a finger width from mine.
Her voice lowered to a scarcely a whispered, her warm breath dampening the crease separating my cheek and earlobe.
“You’ve given me confidence I never would’ve thought possible..”
I hate to leave you.
I swallowed hard. I could never prepare myself for this.
"I...suppose this is farewell"
"I...suppose you're right," Hana returned, her lip quivering slightly.
Were you going to say something else?
Her eyes glimmered a little more noticeably than before.
What were you going to tell me?
Hana lifted to her tiptoes, placing her hands on my shoulders for support “Thank you” she gently brushed her lips, all too lightly, against my cheek “For everything”
My face reddening, I sputtered, struggling for words “Hana, I..” ..love you “..have to go.”
Without another word, I turned on my heel and paced away, musing scornfully, muttering, under my breath "If you truly love someone, you'll set them free, right?"
What’s the point of love if it can’t last?
I shake my head, forcing the idea away, and press on.
This is for the best..
A choked breath escapes my lips as a sharp pang stabs through my chest.
Even if it’s hard.
My tears, unforgiving little bastards, begin running clumsily down my throbbing cheeks.
Am I making a mistake?
I press forward; my plane boarding in only a few minutes; my heels thud painfully against the ground as I round a blind corner.
She would stop me if I was...
Fighting the urge to turn back, if only to know she was still there.
In my fervor, I tripped over an abandoned suitcase, sending me and my carry-on to scattering in all directions across the floor.
I reached out, reflexively, for my nearby bag, but instead collapsed to the ground in a sobbing heap. “Ughh..”
I'm such a fucking mess
I dragged my sniveling nose against my bare arm, leaving pale streaks, while roughly rubbing my eyes with the knuckles of my other hand.
Is she crying too?
A security guard approached me, hugging my cargo tightly to his chest with his arms.
Why can't we have that?
He squatted down to nearer my level, still towing over me, casting a shadow that made me look as comparably small as I then felt.
Why can’t she just grab me and hold me and never let go?
His features softened to pizza dough, “Are you okay?”
“Yes” Though my words came out with surprising confidence, the reddened and dampened qualities of my eyes and cheeks likely informed him otherwise.
He offered me a hand. I accepted it graciously, and he slowly lifted me to my feet. I swallowed heavily as final boarding call sounded over the intercom.
“Your time to shine, Ma’am”
I paused, if only for a moment, glancing back to search for Hana. I couldn’t see her amongst the bustling sea of the tourists, their glistening sweat reflecting the harsh industrial lights blindingly, and my last ditch hope proves as fleeting as the moment that passes.
Accepting my luggage from the guard, I hustled to my gate; eyes red, cheeks wet, knuckles white as my fingers painfully grip a boarding pass in a clenched fist.
My mind wandered, reminiscing back to the events of the previous night.
“Do you remember how we met?”
“I don’t think I could ever forget the color of your underwear”
She was so cute..so sweet..
But she’s so much more than that.
Cheetah cakes, champagne, and sex on the beach.
My, how she’s grown..
“It’s my last night here”
“It doesn’t have to be”
So why was it?
"Come on Hana.." my teeth knead against my lower lip, biting back tears "Stop me"
"Let go"
"Huh?" I flashed back to my current surroundings, suddenly aware of the flight attendant tugging at the ticket with growing frustration
"Please, let go, ma'am."
I nodded, my face paling as I manually unwrapped each finger from the ticket, my heart wrenching with each movement.
"You're all set to board to plane, ma'am"
"Have a nice flight."
I mumbled distractedly "..you too..erm.." And nonsensically too.
I dragged my luggage and feet behind me as I boarded the plane.
I found my seat,
A window seat, thank god
I crept over my neighbor, and slumped heavily into the cushioning, thoroughly defeated by the day's, no, the past month's, events.
It was time to leave with whatever slight semblance of pride I could.
"Ugh," I sighed loudly.
As if I could care less about my pride...
The man beside me nudged his elbow uncomfortably against my own, I glanced down to find that I was indeed in his space. I’d irked my neighbor.
...or your comfort.
“Uh, sorry” I mumbled an apology anyway. My head thunked numbly against the double glass window pane.
As the plane begins to move, I gazed out. My stomach churned messily with a whole jungle of conflicting emotions.
Am I going to miss it?
Outside, all of Cordonia spanned before my eyes; the apple orchards, the dazzling city skyline. Beyond all odds, it somehow had become more beautiful upon leaving it.
No, I don’t think I will.
My eyes wandered down, setting upon a lone figure staring up from the pavement. Hana. She looked so small from up here.
Well, maybe a little..
A foul taste pierces my tongue as I watch Hana regretfully. I could vaguely make out the palm of her hand swaying in a wave.
Can she see me?
The plain’s lights dim.
Is she watching me too?
A flight attendant's voice sounds over the intercom. I press a palm to my open ear, willing all of my attention on the ant-sized figure on the ground below.
Are her eyes as wet as mine?
I heard the engine start, the wheels began turning.
Are her cheeks?
As the plane started moving, my eyes remained fixated on the girl. The very same I had flirted dangerously with, the very same who had held my hand through the courting process, the very same I had come to love.
I peered down at her, guiltily wishing to see her clutching her chest as I was, to see the sunlight reflecting from her tear-slicked cheeks, to see the very same anguish in her features that plagued my own.
She was too far away to tell.
The plane lifted off. Hana, unmoving shrinked unceremoniously out of view.
My head flopped heavily into the headrest, my eyes glazing over; the bustling noises melding into a dull drone.
A sudden realization washed over me; 
"I should’ve gotten off the plane"
“It’s been six months” I slam my drained glass to the bar, slapping it heavily with the palm of my other hand.
I can’t say much for Drake, but he had the right attitude about whiskey
“That long?!”
I nod.
“Sounds like you need to get under--” Parker winks “--Err, in your case maybe on top of, someone new”
A rough chuckle escapes my lips. 
I should have expected no less.
Parker directs her attention to a customer, mixing him a Manhattan before resuming her attention to me. 
“It’s not that simple” I smile tiredly, getting to my feet “She was...different”
She tops me off, patting the counter “Where are you going?”
“Back to work” I chuckle “Break’s almost over”
“You’ve got to stop feeling bad for yourself. Besides, if Dan catches wind you’re drinking on the job--”
“--then I’ll show a little leg and he’ll forget his entire life up to that point” I tease, winking.
“Okay, okay, I get your point.” She smirks “But I still maintain that you’ve got to get back on the horse sometime”
“You don’t understand, this wasn’t just any girl. I’ve never felt so..”
In love..
I open my mouth to object, but stop myself in time to notice the inquiry had actually been directed to a customer. She shoots me a wink before taking the customer’s drink order.
I make my way to the backdoor; looking to cross the alley to my job at the neighboring restaurant.
Maybe she’s right
A choked sob escapes with my breath.
But then again, maybe not
I make my way to the vanity in the bathroom to touch up before returning to my shift. I place a few contents of my purse along the base of the vanity before examining myself.
Crap, my mascara’s running..
I tear frantically through my purse. It slips from my grip and collapses to the ground, makeup and various clutter I’ve accumulated; namely random receipts, some ticket stubs, and some butterscotch candies (I can never remember putting them in there, but I’ve always been grateful to find them there) scattering across the bathroom floor.
Ugh, why me?
I broadly sweep whatever is within reach into my arms, and shove it clumsily back into my purse. I pause, my heart stopping mid-beat.
Where is it?
I scan the floor, looking for my most prized piece of sentimental clutter; the champagne cork. Nowhere to be seen.
Maybe it rolled under one of the stalls..?
I begin lowering myself to peer under the stall doors when the sound of my name (thankfully) pulls me from my stupor. I sigh, and get back to my feet.
I rush out, paying one last fleeting glance to the mirror as I exit.
“It’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone anyway”
“Riley!” Dan calls out. Our eyes meet “There you are!”
“You called, sir?”
“Your break ended two minutes ago, I’m deducting that from your pay, you know”
I nod “Yes, sir”
Back to square one.
“Good” he nods thoughtfully, stroking his patchy stubble with cracked fingernails. His stern features soon return in full as he continues “Now, someone requested you by name”
“Believe me, I’m as surprised as you are” he shrugs “But it doesn’t mean shit what I think. Go get your ass out there”
I stammer, struggling for words “Bu-wh-wha--”
“Well spit it out, already” He throws his hands in the air, thoroughly exasperated, pacing off “Jesus fuckin’ christ, you outta towners...”
“Wh-which table?” I finally manage. To no one, unfortunately. I sigh, pushing through the double doors to the main foyer.
I’ve never had a clue what I was doing before…
I step into the room, mostly bare as most Sunday nights tend to be.
Why should I suddenly start knowing now?
Unsure of my next actions, I approach an empty table; set for two. A bottle champagne sits between two tall, paper-thin flutes.
I chuckle to myself.
What a try-hard...must have been an import, we don’t carry champagne.
Upon closer inspection, I see the plates topped with cheetah cakes.
Since when do we..?
I stop in my tracks when I see a pastry box at the center of the table. Within it, two cronuts.
My jaw drops as I whirl around to face her. My lip quivers wordlessly as my eyes set upon her, relishing in the the glow of her cheeks, in her deep, dark round eyes. I savor every curve, from the curve of her lips, to ridge above her collarbone, to the angle of her glowing white scoop-neck dress, the very same she wore that night.
My lips, finally regaining feeling and functionality, moved to barely audibly mouth “You came”
Her cheeks flush, the cozy pink glow warming as she smiles "I guess I couldn't stay away"
I can’t help but grin as she seats herself; gesturing for me to join her.
“I..can’t” My smile fades, I shake my head as it dawns on me that I’m back on the clock “Believe me, I really really really wish I could”
“Well actually,” she begins “I’ve talked it over with your manager and he seemed to be agreeable enough to it?”
“Wh- but why would he--”
As though as if on command, his voice interjects from behind me “I’m hoping this will ensure you don’t come to work ‘tired’ anymore”
I smile, chuckling to myself.
So he did notice..
Obligingly, I slip into the seat across from her; smiling, although tiredly, still genuinely.
She pours us each a glass of champagne, and makes a toast to “Being Individuals”.
Oh how I’ve missed champagne…
We clink our glasses together and tip them to our lips, savoring the tangy-tart liquid as it dances around our mouths.
Not quite as effective as whiskey, but the moments it creates..
I take another long sip.
The memories..
A sharp pang stabs my stomach.
The cork.
My eyebrows furrow.
“Is something wrong?” Hana inquires, lowering her glass to rest on the table.
“No, no” I shake my head, offering her my most enthusiastic smile “Everything’s absolutely perfect”
She returns to the expression, then gestures to the remaining entree; cheetah cakes. I roll my eyes, grinning eagerly as we cut our cakes with flimsy aluminum forks and steak knives.
“I can’t say I’ve ever eaten with utensils that had so much character”
“I can’t say I’ve ever had a meal that had so much character” I return playfully.
We chat over our meal, covering what we’ve missed the past six months; I tell her about how I’ve been working two jobs to regain the savings I blew funding my own suitorship (dresses, horses, and intimacy are expensive).
Hana regales me with the details of her past six months. Her parents threatened to disown her if she went “off the road” again. Fortunately, she immediately called their bluff, going on to announce that she would be stuck under their thumb no longer. Hearing this, they softened, feeling that they had to, and instead opted to support her, to keep her within reach.
“It was exhilarating” Hana finishes, slightly out of breath
“Standing up to your parents? Or freedom?”
“Both” she grins “But it wasn’t total freedom, they wanted to keep me close, so they only funded domestic pursuits”
“Coming here..” she swallows “They wouldn’t support it. Financially.”
“So how did you--”
“I got a job! A couple, actually. Training aspiring piano prodigies” she chuckles “I knew it would come to good use one day”
“Wow, you put all that work in..”
“It would have been easy enough to roam the state, doing as I pleased, pursuing whomever I pleased..”
My eyes fall.
“..But I could never get that night out of my head”
“Me neither”
“--Nor the day after, when you left”
When you didn’t come after me.
“I remember wanting nothing more than to hold you forever, keep you from leaving. I cried the entire time I watched your plane take off”
I remain silent, tears building in my eyes.
“I had to respect your wishes. I..I thought you didn’t want to be with me” she smiles weakly “I mean, I couldn’t blame you. I wouldn’t either”
How could she think that?
“Every day I spent working to come here was filled with hope, but uncertainty”
“Hana, please.”
“Even as I came here, I was unsure. Scared you’d moved on.” she swallows “Scared to find you’d never even cared at all”
I grab her hands, desperately lacing her fingers, but she pulls away, reaching for her purse.
“So I made it here, arranged with your manager. But then it became too real” her eyes lower as she pulls her purse into her arms “I got nervous and hid in the bathroom..”
Oh Hana, honey..
She gets to her feet, rifling through her open purse.
“Hana, please don’t go”
“..Which is where I saw you. That you’d been crying too. That you felt just as lost and broken as I did” She takes a step away from the table.
She saw me?
“And then I saw this” she lifts a champagne cork from her purse, clutched between a thumb and forefinger “On the ledge of the mirror”
The cork..I left it on the mirror’s edge?
“You kept it”
“From our..private viewing party” I admit, blood rushing to my cheeks.
She unzips a pocket of her purse and pulls out a similar cork. “Just like mine”
From...that night?
“Wait, you kept one too?”
“And I knew I’d made the right decision in coming here” She lowers herself to a knee, smiling uneasily through flushed cheeks.
“Hana, what are you--”
She opens a small square box between her fingers, revealing a beautiful rose gold ring encrusted with modestly sized diamonds, leading to a larger one in the center.
Is she..proposing?
“Hana, wait, don’t--”
“Riley, you’ve helped me to grow more than I ever thought possible. I mean, I’m proposing--” she laughs “Oh dear, I’m not supposed to say that during it, am I?”
I smile, crouching down to her level “I’d say dealer’s choice on that one” I close the box with two fingers “But I wouldn’t advise jumping into marriage just yet”
“Oh” the glow of her eyes dwindles “I just thought--”
“--I mean we saw how well formal suitorship turns out” I wink, getting back to my feet.
“Hey,” she returns “I think it worked out pretty well for Lady Madeleine..”
“Alright, fair enough” I offer her a hand. She accepts it and I pull her to her feet.
“What do you propose?”
“That we date” I smirk “You know, New York style”
“New York style?”
I grin, slumping and arm over her shoulders as she wraps one around tightly my waist “I still have so much to teach you”
I reach for the box of cronuts as we stroll out, holding one another.
This time neither of us are letting go.
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elli-dawn-stories · 7 years
Rivalry- Zyglavis
You don’t know how it came to this; you still have trouble believing it. Somewhere along the way you had become involved in serious competition with Zyglavis. One day you had challenged him to a simple game of chess; for fun of course. You had already challenged most of the other gods; some you won others you lost. Then it was Zyglavis’ turn. At first he declined saying he didn’t have the time for silly games.
However, you didn’t back down and he gave in and agreed to play one match. Zyglavis bragged that no way a god could lose to a human. You were determined to prove him wrong; he shouldn’t underestimate you just because you were human. And you did exactly what you set out to do. Zyglavis was defeated. He claimed you just got lucky and wanted a rematch only to lose again.
Ever since then the two of you have been back and forth, challenging one another to various games. Be it cards, chess or other games that require skill. You didn’t know Zyglavis could be so competitive. It had been over a month since you first beat him at chess and to this day he still hadn’t won a single game. It was driving Zyglavis mad.
“This is maddening.” Zyglavis grumbled after losing, “What sort of sorcery is this? Did the King grant you some kind of superpower?”
“Pfft. Superpower? Don’t be ridiculous. Just accept that humans are smarter than you think.” You said, grinning as you cleared the chess board. “You definitely are a worthy opponent. I enjoy our matches.” Though you leave out the fact Huedhaut utterly destroyed you when you faced him. Of course he wasn’t known as the wisest god for nothing.
“I have been alive for a far greater time and thus it should only be natural I’d be more knowledgeable and yet you defy all odds and keep on beating me.” Zyglavis said, his eyebrows twitched as he clenched his jaw, feeling frustrated.
You looked at Zyglavis and thought how he was acting was rather cute. Not something you’d say aloud, though.
“Come on. Stop pouting.” You poke Zyglavis on the cheek, giggling.
“I am not pouting. And don’t make fun of me.” Zyglavis turns away to avoid eye contact, still obviously pouting. “Let’s play a different game.” Zyglavis immediately cringes as those words left his mouth, “I can’t believe I, of all gods, have been reduced to playing games like this…” He said softly so you wouldn’t hear.
“Okay. What should we play?”
“We’ve been playing games familiar on Earth this whole time…” Zyglavis thought about it and decided it was time to try something different, “I think it’s time we play a game that is popular in the heavens.”
“Hmm?” You cocked your head, curious to see what it was he was talking about.
“Let’s play this.” Zyglavis snapped his fingers and a game you never saw before appeared before you on the table. “Don’t worry. I will teach you how it works before we play.”
Zyglavis carefully instructed you how the game worked. There was many different pieces and the board looked sort of like a battlefield. It seemed in this game your pieces waged war against one another and you had to think of ways to beat your opponent.
“This is different from anything I have ever played but I am up for the challenge.” You said, smiling, eager to start. You were prepared to show up Zyglavis even on a board game from heaven. “Ready to lose?” You said, throwing a cheeky grin in his direction.
“Don’t think this one will be so easy.” Zyglavis replied, throwing a confident grin back at you.
“Hey. Let’s change things up.”
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s make a bet. Like I get something if I win and vice versa. Sound good?”
“Heh. I can’t wait to wipe that smug grin off your face. I accept your challenge. Your winning streak ends now.” Zyglavis said boldly, carefully setting up the board. “And what are you planning on asking for if you win? Don’t think you can just win a free wish.”
“Nah. I don’t want a wish.” You said, shaking your head. Zyglavis was actually a little surprised. “I heard from one of the other gods you are actually quite ticklish in certain areas.”
“Who told you that?! I most certainly am not.” Zyglavis exclaimed in a hurry, his eyes wide.
You laughed at his response and continued, “Well I want to test it for myself. Let’s just say…I’m quite the curious human. If I win I want to be able to tickle you as much as I like.”
“Th-That is such an absurd request. I’d rather grant you some stupid wish then allow that.” Zyglavis said, he could hardly stay still as he broke out into a cold sweat. “I can’t have her touching me all over. The very thought…!” Zyglavis mumbled to himself looking deeply troubled and slightly red.
“Is something wrong?”
“Certainly not!” Zyglavis quickly responded rather loudly, “I’ll just have to win this game to avoid any unnecessary touch- er, I mean tickling.”
“Hehe. I look forward to the challenge.” You smiled catching Zyglavis off guard and making his heart jump. “Zyglavis? You sure are spacing out a lot all of a sudden. Maybe trying to tickle you isn’t such a good idea. I didn’t think it would be so traumatic.” You said, looking concerned as you watched Zyglavis.
“Anyway. If you do somehow beat me what do you want?”
“What do I want?” Zyglavis thought about it for a moment but kept quiet, “I’m afraid you will have to wait and see.” He said, smiling in such a way that only further fueled your curiosity.
“Aww. No fair! You are such a meanie.” You said, pouting.
“How cute.” Zyglavis said under his breath. Your reactions really were adorable he thought.
And finally the game was under way. At about halfway into the game it looked like it could still go either way.
“This is much harder than I was expecting. Ugh. My head hurts.” You said, heaving out a big tired sigh. This match was going on far longer than any of the games you played in the past. “I don’t think I’ll want to play this one again.” You whined but nonetheless kept trying your best to win.
“You could just admit defeat and it’ll all be over.”
“Never. I can’t lose my chance at trying to tickle you. I have to win!”
“W-Well I won’t let you.” Zyglavis responded, being reminded about the tickling immediately made him feel uncomfortable and only urged him on even more to beat you.
“Whaaaat? I lost…” You couldn’t believe it. You actually lost. “Nooo…” You sank back in your chair in defeat. Now you had no chance at tickling Zyglavis. “But…But… I wanted to try tickling you. Now I’ll never know if you really are ticklish.” You sighed long and hard, struggling to accept your defeat.
“That’s for the best. I didn’t need you touching- I-I mean tickling me all over.” Zyglavis inwardly scolded himself for mixing that up. He hoped you were too busy mulling over your defeat to notice.
“It was a good match. I have no choice but to accept the outcome.” You said. You still felt disappointed but were now smiling a little. “By the way, what did you bet for? You said you would tell me if you won.”
“That’s right.” Zyglavis smiled knowingly and stood from his seat.
“Um. What are you doing?” You felt a little uneasy about how he was acting. Maybe he was going to try tickling you, you thought.
Zyglavis didn’t respond. Instead he slowly came closer to you. Feeling nervous you backed away in your chair. However, you had no time to react as Zyglavis suddenly grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you from the chair and into his arms. Before you could even gather your thoughts you noticed something soft and warm touching your lips. Zyglavis was kissing you. You were in disbelief. You were actually kissing. It wasn’t a deep kiss but a soft and gentle one.
It only lasted a short while before Zyglavis pulled away leaving you breathless and in shock.
“Y-Y-You kissed me.”
“That’s right. I’ve been wanting to for a long time. Except I could never beat you.” Zyglavis spoke calmly and to the point.
“What? Wait..” You quickly realized something and it astounded you.
“I can see you already understand what I mean.”
You still couldn’t believe this was happening. You felt so nervous and hot but also happy. And to think you were upset mere moments ago that you lost. If you realized this sooner you would have let him win a long time ago. This beat tickling him any day…Though you still wanted to test it out. Maybe in the future! You thought.
“It would seem I have fallen for you. I still don’t believe it myself but I love you, ___. We have spent so much time together engaging in such heated battles for victory and in doing so I really got to know you and really started to enjoy our time together.”
“You feel the same way I do… I also have enjoyed our time together. I looked forward to our matches and I never wanted to lose incase you stopped participating in them…” You said. Your body was swirling with so many emotions. You thought you might cry happy tears at knowing Zyglavis felt the same way. “I never wanted our time together to end but I thought because I was a human I wasn’t allowed to say how I felt and thus I kept my feelings bottled up and hoped that the time we did spend together would be enough. I wanted to feel this happiness I got from being with you forever.”
“___.” Zyglavis was shocked to hear your feelings so clearly. Though he had grown to love you he was astonished to know how deeply you felt about him. “I don’t know If I should call you crazy or plain oblivious. I don’t exactly have the attractive qualities that draws people to me and yet you stated your love for me so profoundly.” Zyglavis said, smirking but even he couldn’t hide how happy he was.
“Even at a time like this you have to tease me.” You throw Zyglavis a look and sigh, “For one thing there is plenty of things I find attractive about you and many things I love.”
This time Zyglavis was left speechless by your comeback.
“Hehe. Cat got your tongue?” You bopped Zyglavis on the nose and giggled.
“You really are full of surprises. Only you could make someone like me fall in love.” Zyglavis grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back in his arms. “I know this may be a forbidden relationship and being known as the god who upholds justice, I will be committing a grave sin. But no matter what I won’t let you go.” Zyglavis said, declaring his love for you. He softly kisses you on the forehead as he continued, “Will you do me the honor of becoming mine? I want to be the one to treasure you for eternity and to be the only man in your heart.”
“Zyglavis.” Your eyes shook before his, “Yes.” You nod, tears slowly forming, “I want to be with you. Forever and always.”
“Thank you. I promise to take care of you. Even if we have to face the universe to be together, then face it we will. Because I promise I will never let you go.” Zyglavis said. Carefully he wipes the tears from the sides of your eyes before cupping your cheek and leaning in to kiss you once more. The kiss this time was much deeper than the first and with it overflowed his love and promises for a future together.
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kpopgrrl09 · 7 years
Its A Secret.....
Genre: Love, Smut
Characters: GOT7 Mark and You (Y/N)
Summary: You and Mark are so in love with each other that you both have been keeping it a secret from everyone…. for good reason. You being the not so popular, in the background nerd, while he’s the star of the college track team isn’t an ideal couple. How long will this secret of love last?
A/N: This is my first scenario on here and it’s been FOREVER since I wrote any kind of fanfiction. Hoping I deliver this well and all feedback is welcome…Thank you!
You haven’t seen or had any alone time with Mark for a whole week now. He had practice for a big track meet coming up and you had finals to study for. You both still managed to send the frequent ‘I miss you’ and ‘Do your best!’ text messages to one another but it wasn’t the same. You were sitting on your bed with books sprawled all around you in your comfy grey oversized sweater, the cute black nerdy frames that rested on your nose and a messy bun atop your head. You sighed at the history book that bored you to death and fell back onto your bed defeated due to lack of focus. You missed Mark so much he clouded your mind from everything else right now. It was around 12:18am when your phone buzzed with a message.
Mark: Hey Y/N…U up?
Y/N: MARKIE!! I miss u! yup I’m up..
Mark: Good…come to the door
Y/N: huh?
You wasted no time in thinking if he was really at your dorm door and practically sprinted almost tripping over your books to reach the door. You flung the door open to see a sweaty, heavy breathing Mark standing in your doorway smiling at you. Your arms wrapped around his neck quickly as you squealed with excitement against his neck, the happiness showing that you missed him. He hugged you back, his hands wrapping around your waist tight then quickly pulled you into your dorm shocking you in the process. He slammed the door shut then turned to look at you.
“Mark what’s wrong?”, you asked wondering why he reacted that way so quickly.
“I forgot we were in the hallway just now where people definitely saw us hugging. We have to be more careful Y/N.” he said with worry in his voice still trying to catch his breath.
“Oh…I forgot..” you hung your head low with a childish pout thinking how could Mark worry about that first after not seeing you in what felt like forever.
He stepped forward closing the distance between you two and gently pulled your chin up to meet his sincere gaze.
“I’m sorry baby. I have missed you so much and I just don’t want someone finding us out to ruin anything right now.” He said with his voice laced with so much love it almost made you cry.
“I’ve missed you too…” you reply looking deep into his eyes as if nothing could tear your gaze away from him.
He then leaned in and kissed you so gently it was hard to tell if it was real. Your lips moved with his slowly, eagerly against each other hungry to make up for lost time. His hands found your waist again and pulled you in closer to his body. Your hands trailed up the back of his neck, your hands finding his brown locks as your fingers slightly pulled his hair. A soft moan escaped his mouth as he kissed you slightly harder. You then pulled back to catch a breath you felt yourself holding.
“I need you baby…a week away from you makes me crazy I can’t take it” he said in between the kisses he placed up and down your neck which gently lead to a small nibble on your ear.
A loud moan left your mouth when you said “I need you now Mark…a week is too long. I can’t even study because your all I think about..”
“Sounds like a job for daddy…” he said with lust leaving his mouth.
He then lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He carried you to the bed as your mouths fought for dominance once again. You were sat down on your bed momentarily separated from him when spoke again.
“Have you been good kitten?” he asks you so sensual with sex and curiosity in his voice.
“Yes Daddy…I have been good” you reply instantly with no hesitation.
“I need my kitten to strip for me. She has way too many clothes on.” He requests with you knowing full well where he is going with this.
“Yes daddy…”. You pull the pin from your dark long hair that held your bun in place and let it fall down your back. You remove your frames from your face and give a sexy wink to your lover as you place them on the dresser close by the bed. Your sweater comes over your head all too quick when you forgot you weren’t wearing a bra. You looked down at your exposed body and quickly without thinking covered yourself.
“Oh no baby we aren’t covering up. I think you need some help..”. He gently pushes you back on the bed with your arms still crossed over your chest. He leans up briefly to remove his shirt then his jeans so all that’s left is his boxers. He lightly traces a finger over the outline of your cleavage when he all to quickly pulls your arms above your head in his grasp. You stare at each other with lust filled eyes as your waiting for the other to make the next move. Mark stares down at your body as an all to quiet moan escapes his throat.
“You look so sexy for daddy…don’t you ever cover yourself. Understand?” he asks while you stare at his toned body up and down until you reach his eyes again. You give a soft nod to confirm his answer as a frown creeps up on his face.
“No no baby use your words. I want to hear you…” he says as one of his hands travels down to the pool between your legs and cups your lovely center. You moan as a reaction to his touch but no words leave your mouth.
“Are you mute baby? I said use your words…” he says as he inserts a finger into your wet folds suddenly causing you to melt underneath his touch. Your mouth is dry with desire you can’t form the words to come out over the pleasure he is giving you.
“No words still? Maybe daddy needs to use two…” is what leaves Marks mouth when another finger joins the first in your walls making you find the courage and energy to speak.
“YES Daddy! I understand…” you finally spew underneath him as you squirm signaling him to keep going.
“I missed you so much baby…” he speaks softly in your ear as he pumps both fingers roughly into your hot center making your breathing erratic as you begin to buck your lower half against his fingers trying to meet his rhythm. Your moans become louder as he continues his movement above you.
“Tell me what you want daddy to do?”
“I-I want daddy…d-daddy…ugh” is what your able to churn out for words as his fingers continue to do a number on you.
“Tell me baby…hurry..” he rages as he pumps in and out of you watching your body move with him.
“Please daddy…fuck me…” comes out of your mouth in a whisper he hears all to well.
Marks lips catch yours in another heated kiss as he removes his boxers and they fall to the floor. He lines his now hard length against your wet dripping sex as he teases your entrance.
“Daddy please…I need u”, you moan as he slowly pushes himself in you stretching your walls to meet his size that you haven’t felt in a whole week. The tightness feels all too good as you allow your bodies to remember each other.
“Ooh baby you feel so good…I miss being inside you” he breathes against your lips as he stares at you lovingly. Your hands find his bare warm back as you drag your fingers down his skin leaving streaks of love behind.
He begins to move inside you filling you up as an abundance of moans leave your mouth in lust and love. You try to pull his body impossibly closer as he begins to pick up the pace.
“Yes daddy…d-don’t stop..please…” is what leaves your mouth over and over again as you feel the almost forgotten sensation of an orgasm begin to form inside your lower half as Mark pumps into you.
“Ugh…Y/N you feel so good...Fuck!” He all but shouts as he moves within you hitting every spot that reminds him of how good you feel.
“MARK! I-Im gonna c-cum…” you let out as pleasure courses through your whole body as mark watches you unravel towards your release right beneath him.
“Come baby….come for daddy” leaves his lips and becomes your undoing as you chant his name over and over as you climax. He feels your body arch forward as you touch torsos and he feels himself coming right behind you.
“Oh Shit!..Y/N…baby im…im” he tries to put together in words to make sense to you that he is almost at his breaking point.
“Come inside me baby…” you say in approval to him as you watch him grow towards his release.
“Fuck Y/N!” is all you hear as his warm juices flow from his member into your hot core melting with your own. He slowly pulls out of you then leans down to resume the heated kisses he hasn’t placed on you in a week.
Mark falls next to you under the covers and wraps you in his arms as he nuzzles his face in your now freshly fucked hair. He smiles against your locks when you bring his hands to your lips to place gentle kisses on them. You turn to face him with his eyes open to look into your deep orbs full of love and finally satisfaction.
“Y/n…you know I love you right?” he says in a question as if your answer may not be what he needs to hear.
“Of course I do baby…you don’t have to ask..” you reply reassuring him and his slight worry the best you can.
“I just don’t want you to feel like our secret from others means I don’t love you. You mean the world to me and I can’t lose you. I’m worried people will judge us harshly if they knew about us. I have to protect you from that baby. I won’t see you hurt like that.” He confesses to you and the words are attached to you like strong band aids full of healing. He wants to keep you from being hurt from other peoples judgements is that so bad?
“Baby don’t worry I understand. I am ok as long as I have you. I don’t care about being public because its no one’s business anyway. I love you for you.”
“And I love you for you” he repeats and places a kiss on your lips to seal the words previously spoken.
With that you snuggle into his chest and fall asleep to the man you missed so much. His heartbeat against your ear the perfect lullaby to put you at ease.
Tell me what you think in the notes! Hey I tried…and I’m proud of it!
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keichanz · 7 years
@inukag-week Day Two: Fear
This idea just ran away with me. I started it with one idea in mind, and ended it with something else all together different. It’s InuKag, but it’s...not? Er. Well it is, but. I mean it’s there definitely....ugh just read it. -_-
This came out longer than I wanted it to. I DONT KNOW HOW TO DRABBLE LMAO ;AJDFILAHFAJ;DHALFAFD HeLP
 It was a word that, for a long time, I didn’t know the meaning of, and didn’t care to.  
 Well, okay, I know what it meant, I mean I’m not a dumbass, but just in the sense that it was something that I never really thought about or associated with me. Being scared doesn’t solve anything. If something scares you, destroy it. Hell, I wouldn’t be alive today if I’d been a scared little coward back when I was a scrawny whelp. If I’d jumped at every sound, hid from every shadow and fled from the slightest danger, I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now, wouldn’t know the things I do, because I didn’t have the balls to try. Being a kid was no excuse; I was on my own, I had no choice but to stay and fight most of the time if I wanted live to see the next sunrise. And okay, fine, those other times I fled and hid somewhere, but only because I knew I was in over my head and was smart enough not to tempt fate. And being a half-demon brat just made it ten times worse because things older and stronger than me purposely sought me out.
So, yeah. I know what fear is. But growing up a half-breed, if I wanted to live to enjoy my next meal, I being afraid wasn’t an option, so I just…wasn’t. That simple.
 But it wasn’t until later in my life, after I met a certain dark-eyed wench with a stubborn streak to match my own, that I learned that there were certain kinds of fear. Three, to be exact.
 Fear for yourself; fear for something else; and for of something else.
 Now I ain’t no “dik-shun-ary,” or whatever the hell Kagome calls that huge ass book she brought back from her time once, and maybe I’m wrong, but this is the way I see it. And if anyone wants to disagree, fuck ‘em.
 Anyway. Fear for yourself is pretty self-explanatory, so I won’t really go into depth with that. And like I said, even as a whelp I can’t really recall ever being truly frightened. I couldn’t afford to be; I was too busy trying to survive.
 Fear for something else, on the other hand, is completely different. Or perhaps I should say someone else. When you’re fearful for someone else’s life, a life in which was under your protection, your own life suddenly becomes forfeit, a sacrifice you’re willing to make in order for them to survive. You can’t breathe, you can’t think, your body suddenly feels slower than hell, like you’re moving through thick sludge, or your limbs are tied down by heavy weights. You don’t think you’re gonna make it in time, that you’re too late, too fucking slow, and your heart just stops, and you’re willing to do anything, anything if it means she survives, that her life is spared, and you find yourself prayin’ to any God that’ll listen to take your worthless life instead.
 What was that saying? “The only thing to fear, is fear itself”? Pretty damn accurate if I do say so.
 But then by some miracle, call it Fate or Destiny or some other such bullshit, you save her just in the nick of time and you’ve once more fulfilled your vow to protect her with your life. And the feeling that she’s alive, she’s in your arms, holding onto you so tightly and demanding to know if you’re alright, it’s….indescribable.
 Fearing for someone else’s life is, essentially, fearing for your own because she gradually becomes your life, your heart, your world.
 …Keh. A-anyway, moving on.
 I’ve covered fearing for your life and someone else’s; fear of something or someone else? Now that’s a whole other ballgame, to borrow a phrase Kagome likes to say.
 I ain’t ever been scared of nothin’. I’ve killed demons twice my twice and thrice my strength, took down the Band of Seven, destroyed what was most likely the greatest villain this time has ever seen, and managed to get through three long, torturous years without the woman I now call my wife.
 To this day I still think that last one is my greatest accomplishment. Kagome says it’s not murdering Miroku and Sango and tolerating their brats’ infatuation with my ears.
 And, well…she’s not wrong. This is the part where we usually agree to disagree.
 Anyway, that ain’t important. What I’m trying to say is, being afraid of something is similar to the other two, but not the same.
 It’s much, much worse.
 At first it appears the same; the shortness of breath, body frozen, paralyzed even, heart in your throat, waiting for the inevitable to happen, ready to jump into action at a moment’s notice, whether it be to flee or to fight. So knowing this, it ain’t a surprise that some people mistake it for fearing for that person’s life instead of being afraid of them.
 In some cases it’s obvious; if you’re facing off against something bigger, meaner and stronger than you, then you’re probably afraid of them and you should be running by now.
 In other cases, however, it can be quite different. See, instead of the thing being your ultimate fear, it can also be a weakness, something that can strip you of your power with a simple glance, a smile, a word. You’d do anything or them, bend over backwards, climb the highest mountain, and swim to the bottom of the deepest ocean. And just the fact that you’re willing to do any of that is what absolutely, utterly terrifies you.  
 For some people it can be an inanimate object or what have you; a drunkard’s sake, a wounded warrior’s sword, or it can even be an invisible fear. A threat, a broken heart, doubts slowly crushing your will.
 Then there are those who find their weakness in another living being. A husband’s adoring wife, maybe. Miroku’s a prime example of that. Sango’s got him by the balls and everyone knows it. Though really it’s anyone’s guess if he’s afraid for her or of her. Heh.
 I used to think that Kagome was mine, but I’ve come to realize that she is my strength.
 Instead? My weakness turned out to be little ears, golden eyes, and Kagome’s smile.
 Yeah, that’s right. A kid. My kid.
 My beautiful daughter.
 Me, a fully grown half-demon who’d taken down demons with nothing but my bare hands, who defeated Naraku, married the one woman who gave as good as she got, was utterly and completely terrified of a little girl with the cutest goddamn laugh and rosy, chubby cheeks.
 And there she goes again, giving me a goddamn heart attack every time she falls down in her many attempts to walk. Kagome was right there with her, though, ready to catch her and offering never ending encouragement and a kiss to the nose. Izayoi giggled, wind milled her little arms and spun around toward me again, taking one hesitant step forward.
 I smiled and crouched down a mere three feet away. “That’s it, Iz,” I said and held out my arms. “Come to papa.”
 As I watched our daughter slowly take her first steps toward me, I felt my throat go tight and a prickling sensation develop behind my eyes. God, but this little girl really was my weakness. With just a smile, she could bring me to my knees. At her laugh, I am hers for her every whim. And whenever she said—
 “Papa,” she squealed and propelled herself the rest of the way into my arms, tiny fingers clinging to my sleeves and my heart burst. Fighting back the tears that wanted to escape for some stupid reason, I gathered her close to me and hugged her tight, inhaling her sweet scent, aware of Kagome kneeling beside me, her hand on my shoulder, my pillar, my strength.
 Izayoi was content to be held for a mere few seconds before she started to squirm in my tight grasp so reluctantly I let her go so she could frolic in the grass, chasing butterflies.; a reward for all her hard work.
 Swallowing the lump in my throat I watched her crawl away from me, babbling happily to herself with the occasional “mama” and “papa” mixed in – the only words she knew. Kagome settled herself in front of me and I sat down so she sat between my raised knees, my arms wrapping around her waist and my chin resting on her head.
 Confident our little girl wouldn’t stray far, Kagome and I were content to just watch her play, laughing quietly to ourselves at some of her antics. I couldn’t help but flinch sometimes whenever she took a rough tumble or made a small noise of distress, and my body tensed as if in preparation to go to her several times, to save her from the unforgiving ground, but Kagome’s gentle touch to my hand or arm always calmed me settled me down. It was hard, but she was a tough little girl – being half-demon had its perks, after all – and I know she had to learn to pick herself back up whenever she fell and not rely so much on others.
 Didn’t mean I had to like it, though.
 Heaving a sigh, I dropped a kiss to Kagome’s head, and when she shifted a little to the side and leaned her head back on my shoulder, I glanced down to find her smiling knowingly at me and despite myself I felt my cheeks grow hot.
 “Keh,” I muttered and she chuckled.
 “I know,” she said and brushed a kiss against my jaw. I decided I wanted more than that and dipped my head to capture her mouth with mine. After several heated minutes and successfully leaving my wife red-faced and panting, Kagome regained her breath enough to continue, “It’ll get better, I promise. It’s always hard the first time around.”
 I stiffened and my eyes widened as I stared down at her. “F-first time…around?”
 My little wife looked rather sly as a smile slowly curled her lips upward and her eyebrows rose in mock innocence. “You didn’t think Iz would be our only child, did you, Inuyasha?” Keeping her gaze on mine, she took my hand and deliberately pressed it against her stomach as her smile widened ever so slightly.
 I blanched, and as Izayoi’s joyous laughter echoed in my ears, the word fear took on a whole new meaning.
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andrewuttaro · 4 years
New Look Sabres: GM 14 - WSH - Season’s First Rant
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6-1 Washington Capitals over Buffalo Sabres
I’ve thought the Capitals are a soft team for about seven years now. The President’s Trophy years and even the year they won the Stanley Cup: they’ve been a beatable good team for a while. I know that’s some high alcohol content coming from a Sabres fan but they’re not a beast of a team, not since maybe before Eichel was drafted. Don’t get me wrong, they’re lethal with the likes of Backstrom, Kuzy, Oshie, Carlson and of course the greatest pure goal scorer of his generation Alexander Ovechkin. They have what this young Sabres squad are still very much learning: killer instinct. Having your moment and converting on them even when you got a lead. They also got a powerplay that just fires cannon after cannon after cannon. They’ve got all the makings of Champions and most of them do have at least one title to their name. But even the Caps on a hot streak aren’t unbeatable. I predicted the Sabres would stay with the Caps for a little bit before getting run out of town. I was half right. The Caps got the first goal and never really looked back. This one ended 6-1 for the home team. Grab your leftover Halloween candy because you’re going to need em! This one was the first honest to god roast. We got a little taste of the roast we know so well against the Rangers last week, this time we got full open flame! The most well-done parts of this roast? The defense: that cut is charred real good. But before we eat the main course how about we have some appetizers. This won’t be the fun bread and butter appetizer. No, it’s time for the salad! And no, you don’t get dressing! No, not cheese! I think we need to have a little talk as fans. This is a fan blog after all, and the team didn’t exactly give us a lot to talk about tonight.
Did they have a bad game? Yes they did. The first period the defense was absolutely rocked. For the playing connected Sabres it was the most distinct chasm between quality of play between the offense and the defense. Ask Conor Sheary, he almost drew first blood before the post denied him! That’s my segway: fellow Sabre fan let me ask you this. Do you feel denied? I started watching this team in 2009. For five years the nicest thing this team gave me was a cute little Winter Classic game. Would it have been nice for them to let Edmonton take Tomas Vanek and keep those draft picks, so they could’ve built a winner for when I was in High School and my dad and me were watching games all hunky dory? Yeah. Somedays when I’m really bored I feel denied a Lindy Ruff Stanley Cup. Bah, let’s talk about this team. Jack Eichel played his 300th game tonight. Wow isn’t that crazy. I’d say I feel old but I’m young enough that he could be my brother. He’s been a Sabre for all 300 of those games. 108 goals, 276 points and a big zero goose egg playoff games in four seasons. Does Jack Eichel feel denied the postseason competition that big olde ginger heart beats fast for? He did… in 2017. Then he became a leader and decided this club was the only way he was going to get that sweet sweet postseason play and got over it. He’s still on pace for a career year by the way. We’ve put up with a lot of garbage, many of us longer than Jack has, but let’s be real here: is this a club you don’t want to bother with on a Friday night? In 2017-2018 I was going to painting classes with my in-laws instead of watching Sabres games. That team was accidentally the worst in the league. This version? I cleared my afternoon for that Dallas game a couple weeks back and was richly rewarded! I think we’re afraid. I think we’re afraid of how to handle a team that is actually good. When we’re bitching about them losing to a good team saying same old Sabres typing SpongeBob font “cAn I bE nEgAtIvE aBoUt ThEm NoW?” That’s a loser’s mentality. We’ve wanted them to be good so long that we can’t handle them when they’re good, get our hopes up and then have a stinker. They’re not as good as the Caps right now, is that remotely shocking? Should that be something that makes us check the draft rankings? Are we really cowards like that? Jack Eichel took the shit and dealt with it and so should we. Captain Jack is not one to sit in the shit and mope about it. Maybe we shouldn’t either. And if some curly haired New Englander is the right messenger how about the other team’s C. Ovechkin gave the Leafs a decent white board quote when they shellacked our northern neighbors over the weekend: “Will they play for themselves or for a Cup?” He knows struggling for a long time to eventually breakthrough. I think we’ll breakthrough as a fanbase to not panic at the slightest sign of difficulty soon. We just got to be smart when we got a bad night.
Alright, Pep talk’s over. Let’s rant together. They’ve lost back to back for the first time this season and it wasn’t until November; but they’ve finally failed enough to shake off my first rant! And it starts with our favorite jock-voice jet setter Coach Krueger! This new coach is marching out my sweet baby boy Linus Ullmark against one of the most potent offenses in the Eastern Conference! AAAHHHHH!! If master motivator Ralph Krueger isn’t going to turn it around after a rough patch in the most stacked Atlantic Division in twenty years then I am not going to defend incompetence this time! I finally get to write a blog for money (southtownstickets.com, check it out) after years of writing about this god forsaken team for therapy and now you’re going to drive me into insanity right as opportunities like a 9-2-2 start to crop up!? GIVE ME A BREAK! There has to be some 70-year-old dude looking at me like a real amateur. Imagine that: imagine remembering every single disappointing year of this franchise and being made to get excited about a team everyone who knows any insight at all about the sport thinks are likely 10-15 points out of a playoff spot again. Imagine that! That guy must feel really denied, eh?! I feel insulted for him! You know who I don’t feel insulted for? YOU DUMB ASS TONAWANDA/CHEEKTOWAGA/ORCHARD PARK BOOT KISSING GAS LIGHTING TROLLS WHO ARE JUST DYING TO ROAST ANY USAGE OF ADVANCED STATS! WHAT DO YOU DO? I’m not talking to you old guys, no you just grew up with a league that encouraged assault with a deadly weapon, and you miss it. I’m talking to you: yeah you, you under 30 Trump voting fucks who think math is out to ruin your hockey! WHO HURT YOU? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? DOES CHAD’S FACE JUST MAKE YOU IRRATIONALLY VIOLENT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO PUNCH IT? GET THERAPY, don’t take it out on the someone who just happens to enjoy hockey with a few extra numbers! UNFOLLOW YOU IGNORANT PRICK! DAHLIN DOESN’T NEED TO BE BENCHED BECAUSE YOU REWARD CREATIVITY YOU SELF-DEFEATING SHITHEAD! Ugh, you stupid fucks…*deep breath*… okay you probably want some real content now… okay per Darren Dreger Sabres GM Jason Botterill is looking to make a trade for forward depth …*takes another deep breath*… okay let’s talk about this game for real now.
Henri Jokiharju scored his first goal as a Sabre. It was a weird one. It bounced off a Caps’ back and over Brendan Holtby. That’s nice anyway for a guy whose been fantastic so far. He deserves it more than most even deserved to be on the ice in this game. Every defensive pairing except maybe John Gilmour and Colin Miller was roasted on an open fire. It’s like a Bills tailgate with less liquor and no broken tables. It’s hard to compliment forwards here since none of them scored but Conor Sheary and his line with Casey Mittelstadt looked sharp. Maybe it’s time to get Victor Olofsson off Eichel’s wing? We’ve been thinking about it for a while, but this is the first official skid so maybe Krueger actually does it now. Hell, maybe the Isles have to face Skinner-Eichel tomorrow. Now that I think about it, please do that, I’ll be in attendance. I also feel the need to bring up Evan Rodrigues. Dude: what���s going on? I want you to get your mojo back but you’re not looking good. I saw a trade scenario with you as an add on and I didn’t hate it. You maybe running out of time. If you’re going to turn it around you probably have to do it… like now-ish.
Like and share this blog. While you’re at it rant with me in the comments. We haven’t had good grounds for a rant yet. Let’s be thankful it didn’t get here until the Christmas music started playing. The Isles are hot right now and I want to call em soft since I’m seeing them live tomorrow I just can’t. Look, there’s no cakewalks this month. If they suck ass tomorrow at home they’re going to get booed. I’m not in booing mood after a 9-3-2 start but lord knows if they trail at all tomorrow at home some Tonawanda fucks are going to do it! Well enough bad words for tonight. I’m tired and I’m heading to Toronto in the morning tomorrow before the game. Drop me any recommendations that come to mind. I’m already doing the Hockey Hall of Fame so be more creative. Nothing makes me cheer for the Sabres harder than going to Toronto! Let’s Go Buffalo!
Thanks for Reading.
P.S. If you are from Tonawanda, Cheektowaga or Orchard Park those insults are not aimed at you for simply being from there. They are aimed at the high number of gas-lighting trolls who originate from your town. Please don’t make this disclaimer relevant, don’t be a dumbass.
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