#i am momfriend
whitherliliesbloom · 2 years
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wanted by life  ✿
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mcytblrconfessions · 4 months
i'm obsessed w trafficlife and i know very little about dsmp but the way y'all talk about this Niki character reminds me of my own beloved Cleo. I propose a playdate with your fucked up cube woman and my own fucked up tragic morally gray unfairly momfriendized vengeful arsonist. My one condition for this is that I am not to be held responsible should they end up fighting each other.
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tardismama · 11 months
i, anon, have single handedly collected @childlikegoblinqueen and @threegoblinart to be the moms of tumblr, and now i humbly stand before you to ask if you would join?
I am but a fandom-in-law of The Owl House, but I bring snacks (human realm type 😬) and hair ties and bandaids. I humbly accept the designation of Momfriend.
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longsightmyth · 1 year
Having trouble with the book fam
I realize (as someone who has similar brainfuckery to Kadou) that the cyclical blame game everything is my fault thing going on in Kadou's head isn't UNREALISTIC. I just get incredibly irritated with it and with how the book handles it: as I think I've said elsewhere, we the readers know Kadou's intentions. The other characters do not. There isn't much of a reason for all these characters to rhapsodize over what a Good Man Kadou is when his actions are... nonexistent, frankly, up until just recently.
And it gets my goat that the novel wants me to hate the biodad of the princess for the great crime of *checks notes* wanting to be involved in his daughter's life, as he would be in his own culture
There's just a lot of WHINING going on okay I'm very sorry but Kadou's inconsistent characterization doesn't even match up with my own, for lack of better phrase, momfriend instinct. Like, I'll fight you for my friend's good treatment even if I am too shy to protest my own often? But Kadou doesn't until the plot needs him to impress Evemer. Idk. Maybe this is just a case of 'your experience is not universal' but by the time your character keeps going on and on about how he doesn't want to hurt or inconvenience anyone and other characters keep talking about how Responsible and Good he is while he does shit like INSTIGATE FIGHTS WITH COMMONERS WHO WOULD BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE for fighting him I have to side eye everything.
Especially when there's no hint the book or any other character is aware of the hypocrisy involved.
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tricornonthecob · 8 months
She was happy to be let back out in the field, tho.
LK 118: An American Croissant
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Moses is allowed to be annoyed, full stop.
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awww James being a momfriend. Also that was fucking fast, what did you make him, a mug of piping hot laudanum?
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Let a concussed man have a minute with his hot opium, geez.
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They're about to have a rumble in Philly.
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this feels like that time I was being tailgated on I-495 coming back from DC at 2 am and the guy didn't have his headlights on. Fucking. Creepy.
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Ah yes, the Feminine Art None of Us Asked For But We Had To Develop Anyway of Spotting the Creepy Guy Following You And Being Able To Keep Him In Your Peripherals.
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Holy shit these are the worst goons.
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Its a little funny.
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James you dummy you know what they're afraid of and you are, too.
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👏Listen 👏To 👏 Your 👏 Crush 👏 For 👏 Once 👏
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I just... I kinda feel like James has got something else going on for the past five episodes, and I get the sense all approximately 37 of us in this fandom agree its because he has Anxiety and Impulse issues and is self-conscious about the fact he's doing journalism instead of fighting on the front lines. And, y'know, he's probably having a Crisis of his own due to the fact that Washington keeps retreating, it seems like the revolution's over, and now his very home is in danger.
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SO much impotent rage.
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...I see some parallels to the continental army here. But also I wish they were snapping their fingers rn.
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T-Paine is going to fight them all.
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Nice. The tories all have fancy, manufactured wooden canes they're fighting with, and Paine goes straight for the raw, unprocessed lumber, I love it.
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Were they... were they not expecting them to fight back? Have any of these men been in an actual fight.
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I fucking love this man.
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Follows them into the alley lol they done fucked up.
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"Guys I think we're about to be accomplices to triple murder."
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oh my god she fucking claps. She is thriving right now.
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lcrk · 6 months
🤝 + val & dorothea!
send in 🤝 + a friendship and i’ll tell you who:
texts the other memes at 3 am: honestly both of them, it just depends on who is awake and scrolling social media and sees the meme first
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: nine times out of ten it's val trying to convince thea, but dorothea's been known to have a questionable idea or two
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: listen, dorothea knows valerie has a problem, and she will come pick her up anywhere anytime no judgment. (...but also val probably has a driver she can have pick her up)
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: this is 100% dorothea she lives to host impromptu sleepovers. LIVES FOR IT.
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: they both have their own netflix accounts tbh
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: dorothea wants to be snacks girl, but as a member of sag-aftra she gets all the sag screeners during awards season so she'll supply the movies [at her impromptu sleepovers]
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: i could be wrong here but i feel like this one is valerie? like i feel like they're both pretty wiling to say sorry when they're in the wrong but i get val says sorry quickest vibes
is the ‘ mom friend ‘: dorothea usually, but val's had her momfriend moments too
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: ...honestly neither of them. like they'll wish each other happy birthday, but with their odd-hours work schedules, at-midnight texts are hard
is the better wingman to the other: they're both pretty good wingwomen, but i feel like valerie is probably a kickass wingwoman
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: they're both sweet and strong. and they both know a guy they'd punch in the face for the other one if you know what i mean.
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: valerie! since val's the 'real' singer between the two of them but she knows thea can sing and lbr they'd do great duets. (ok hear me out one time at a karaoke bar val and thea did the johnny and june duet version of 'it ain't me babe' and the internet went crazy with speculation about it)
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drawlypsy · 1 year
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ALRIGHT! I am making a genshinsona comic, it's official. So we are preparing its main cast. Ilya and Anastasiya belong to @chickenparm
Amrita belongs to the ever-talented momfriend Gal
Kiyo and Soma belong to @kikorenart
Tenny, our intrepid mascot and someone not to fuck with, belongs to Vas
Sulttore is Sulttore and is handled by Sulty. We hope they can hold onto her leash.
Please look forward to more genshinsona shit in the coming days! I have to get a domain started, but this will be a comic. <3 Love you all.
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polyhexianchicken · 2 years
Followed because of a wonderful written Whirl, stayed due to very good writing, also, mum is kind and really nice to talk to and that is a great combo in my world <3
isjdhshd Aww 🥺🥺🥺🥺 x3! Thank you kindly! I am really glad to hear the way I write Whirl is enjoyed so much, really helps with my worries i get sometimes cjshfjw C:!!
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moonshinaes · 3 years
okay, but your portrayal is FANTASTIC. with /all/ of your characters. idk how you juggle that many, my brain would melt. but they all have distinct personalities and it is so obvious that you care about them, and that's honestly one of the best traits a writer can have. you're doing GREAT and i'm a huge fan.
me, crying in the club while i’m watching rupaul’s drag race all stars season four and eating cup noodles. you’re so sweet and you’re absolutely so so talented and i love our friendship and everything that comes with it! you’re so kind and i just —— cannot come up to par with YOUR unique and talented writing! you have this skill that i cannot come up with (even if i tried), and it works so much.
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kpopper · 5 years
leo, ceres, neptune, 7th house ✨💜
Hi hi hi! ♥♥♥
Leo: name something you love about yourself.I'm disciplined.
Ceres: are you a momfriend?All my friends are momfriends, we take turns on being idiots and who is the designed responsible one to keep us from certain death.
Neptune: share one of your dreams.Okay so recently I got a really vivid dream about an alien invasion fjiosfjsfsfklsfs There was some type of celebration for my birthday??? It was not MY birthday, I was some character in a story I never heard of, and suddenly a spaceship came down and started to kill everyone and then flash foward I was on THE RUN and that's all I remember but it was a really long dream.
7th house: if you could choose, what zodiac sign would you like your dream partner to be?Answered here.
Astrology asks
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Hey! I know this is an 18+ blog but some times I see people who aren't over 18 and run these blogs so I was just wondering, if you're comfortable to say it, how old are you? Xx.
That’s a very good point, love. I’m 28
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Real talk: I always get kinda worried about Max, Ian and Joji (also others like Chad) when they eat or do strange things on their vids. I mean sure, it's their thing in the end, but I do think about it a lot. I don't want them to get hurt. Neither physically nor mentally. I want them to have fun, but not do dangerous things. Its funny, but you shouldn't overdo it.
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hi! I adore your writing 💖 I wonder if I may ask for Zoro, Sanji and/or Luffy with a reader who is basically a momfriend of the crew. I am a momfriend myself and don't see much stories with this trait :3 Cheers, love, and stay hydrated 😚
Thank you <3 and yes yes you caaan and I've drank one glass of water today. I am feeling super.
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Luffy - Luffy is the one you always have to stay on top of, he’s always doing reckless things. - You always hug him and hold him close when he feels hungry and whiny. - Ruffling his hair and tilting his chin up you promise you’ll get him something to eat soon. - You have to wrestle him into warmer clothes sometimes. - And remind him he needs to shower. - You are very sweet to Luffy though and when anyone asks him to do something he doesn’t want, he often hides behind you. Clinging to you and giving you this pouty face that you can’t help wanting to protect. - Knows he can get away with things with you. - He will happily cuddle up to you when he wants some downtime.
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Zoro - He grumbles and makes a fuss whenever you tell him off about something. - Reminding him to eat and drink [not booze -slaps it from his hands-] - He won’t ever say it, but Zoro is grateful when you come over with a plate of food while he’s napping and sets it down. - Or if he is working out and you grab him a bottle of water, he’ll grumble at you and nod, that’s just Zoro for ‘how thoughtful, I appreciate you’ - Sometimes you get into arguments about certain things because he’s stubborn even if he knows you are right and mean well. - But if anyone messes with you in the slightest, they’ll have him to answer to.
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Sanji - Oh, he loves when you fuss over him, he feels adored and all soft inside. - Will always do what you tell him, right away and even asks follow up questions on what he can do. - You and Sanji often have the same conversations that go ‘you work too hard’ ‘It’s fine’ ‘let me help’ ‘No, no it’s fine, you rest!’ and then you help him in other ways like doing the dishes, setting the table, pouring drinks. - He appreciates it, he likes to feel taken care of, though he would never admit that. - Sometimes you have to give him a hard elbow in the side if he hasn’t drank his ‘respect woman juice’ in awhile.
@rosiinante @santoru @mimi-ya @useless-potatho
@missbeckman @gonuclear @eustasssimp @shrimp-sanji @chocolate-n-cheese @rivvd-art @dxvilmanlev @cipher-p0
@undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold @sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings
@iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad @ace-no-isha
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eatsbop · 3 years
HTF Asks
Yoo Hobin: Pick a celebrity to defeat in a death match.
Seong Taehoon: As a treat, you gain the ability to teleport yourself into one videogame universe and back whenever you fancy (as a break from the harsh realities of your planet earth). Which videogame would it be? Which side would you care to level up more?
Woo Jihyeok: Tell me about your worst fashion era but no, you were actually sexy that time everyone was just blind.
Ga Eul: You gain instant mastery over EVERY language (including sign languages) but not a single lie (even the whitest white lie) shall pass your lips, your hands, or your fingertips EVER again. Would you bite?
Hwang Mangi: You get to marry any fictional character. Who? Am I invited to the wedding?
Yeo Rumi: You get a chance to change your eye color and hair color to any color permanently. Would you do it? Polka dotted hair strands?
Ji Yeonwoo: Would you rather be good at sciences or the arts?
Lee Dowoon: Would you rather be the fairytale princess or the fairytale prince? Which fairytale? No, you can't be the wolf, the wicked witch or the fairy momfriend. Or the dumb dad of the kingdom.
Baek Seongjoon: If you can unmeet one person, who would it be? (If there's someone, vague post about them.)
Lee Jinho: What's your toxic trait and why are you built like that?
Han Wanguk: Put together an emotional playlist. Not less than 5 songs. Who are you thinking about while picking those songs, hn? Hn?
Han Gyeoul: Your most hated social media influencer is drowning. Will you save them and get a free starbucks drink of your choice or like, just like.. just let that fool drown?
Logan Gracie: You're given 5 minutes to kinkshame a kink with no legal liabilities. Drag them.
Joo Jisoo: You need one word tattooed on your wrist. What word? Or is it a name? Can we play scrabble on your arm now?
Seong Hansoo: If you can be a dad to any person, living, uh nonliving or fictional, whomst?
Choi Bomi: Have you ever experienced a one-sided sort of enemies to lovers romance with a mutual? It doesn't even have to be romantic. Maybe you just want to maim them a lil after reading their username but you're hashtag besties now. Give me their @? No yes?
Kim Munseong: Tell me about one shocking plot twist in your life.
Lee Hyunsoo: If you can live as another person for a day, whose role are you taking over?
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Ennoaka post
Look, these two give me Daisuga vibes. I don't know why. But think about it. Akaashi is kind of the momfriend of his team, encouraging Bokuto and kinda keeping up with the other third years. A calmer momfriend than Sugawara, but a momfriend nonetheless.
And then you have Ennoshita, who is the captain of Karasuno's team in his third year. The way he handles Nishinoya and Tanaka's shenanigans (basically babysitting them) just reminds me of Daichi so much.
And the reason they have chemistry is just the calm collectedness(?) they each seem to have kind of as a mask, while deep down they keep regretting past actions and mistakes (I say this because I'm pretty sure it's in volume 39, well.. if you've read it, you've read it). I feel like they'd be able to work through that better together. And they're both so loving. I am not even gonna lie to you, I feel like they would care so much about each other that it would take over their whole beings.
If anybody wants to add to this, feel free! I'm also willing to post some headcanons if there's actually anybody in the ennoaka tag
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phantom-sunset · 3 years
I feel like being friends with Charlie would be STRESSFUL.
Like, as the MomFriend™ I'd always have to make sure he's not putting anything crazy in his mouth, make sure he doesn't eat anything that might accidently be poisonous, try and do things to get his energy out so he's not jumping all over the place...
Am I talking about Charlie or a puppy? Idk
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