#i am a but drunk btw
hazzybat · 27 days
this relates to monster hearts btw
i'm giving jure a grandmother-type figure who is the banshee that lived on his old home and they're very cute but I have no clue if i'm going to incorporate her or like what I'll do with this but I need people to think it's cute cause ghost jure with a banshee grandmother who predicted his death cause she screamed the morning of his death??? tragic
i don't think this spoils anything about monster hearts
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owlmaya · 1 year
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im actually going feral over them yeah
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cherubicleric · 4 months
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scott pilgrim would have the audacity to post this about wallace with "no homo though!" in the tags
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pasharuu · 1 year
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watch her not explode like that one time.
i actually just have a headcanon that stelle is, despite knowing all basic stuff about the world, deprived of any social interaction, including romantic, so she acts weird. she likes hugs tho.
also this is exactly the second time i ever draw someone kissing and its again a comic and again went wrong. just like in life lmao.
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crowthis · 1 month
Out of all the bonkers moments mota paraded thru the waryaoi Hall of Fame I am still gagged that both times John singing Blue Skies is featured in the show it's GALE who is the unspoken inspiration and recipient
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p4nishers · 10 months
aziraphale held crowley around the waist when she was drunk he had his fucking HAND on crowley's WAIST and their sides mfing TOUCHED bc aziraphale was pulling her CLOSE. if u even care
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I am aegosexual, where I don’t like to be sexually involved with another person but like sexual content in fiction.
So, I am in constant conflict with myself because I want my fictional boys (ZoLu and other) to be ace like me but I also want them to have sex, as a treat (for me).
I don't really use that label, but me too. I am asexual but I like sexual content in fiction!!!! And I don't see why you couldn't do both, honestly. Every time I write about Zolu (or any other character I consider asexual) having sex, it's pretty much always from an ace perspective. I don't think they actually have sex because they're attracted to each other. I think it's more of a "needing to be closer and consume/devour each other while being completely devoted in an almost religious way" type of thing. And it also varies depending on my mood, really, because sometimes I make Luffy demi and actually being attracted to Zoro and that's okay. Headcanons aren't a fixated thing and they can change depending on what you want to write/read at the moment. I have a whole post about Sanji being asexual and I never talk about it because sometimes I'm in the mood for typical horny Sanji and that's fine. Just do whatever you feel more comfortable with at the moment!
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hydn-jpg · 5 months
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it's new year's eve, so here's an art vs artist to end the year~
i wanted to thank you all for the support and kindness you've given me this year. truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you 🥹💛 2023 has been such an awful year for me, from losing my grandmother, to the car accident, to all the various other bullshittery that has happened... i was not doing well at all and my mental health was really at an all-time low,,
but despite me not being too active and even disappearing/being radio silent for several months during the second half of the year, you never stopped showing me love and reaching out to make sure i was okay, sending me nice and encouraging messages and for that i am so so grateful!! i go back and reread all of them now when i'm feeling down or to get a motivation boost 💛
ahhhh i wish i was more eloquent so i can really express how grateful i am but just know that you all mean so much to me!!! truly!!╰(*´︶`*)╯
i can't promise i'll be more active in the coming year but i will do my best to make art that makes us all happy!
let's all walk on the flower path together!! here's to a happy, productive and succesful 2024 ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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cookie-waffle · 7 months
“Link can’t be autistic”
motherfucker, then why does he look at his girlfriend like THIS, huh????
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 year
no but actually.. drunk prompt: harry can’t sleep and ginny helps him out
ummmmm smut below the cut
Thunder shook the entire Burrow.
August rolled in with a storm. With rain pelting Ginny's bedroom window hard and the frequent bolts of lightning lighting up the small room, Harry found it difficult to sleep. The poster of Gwenog Jones stared back at Harry, mocking him.
Ginny lay next to him, hair tied up into a knot on the top of her head, her face pressed firmly into her pillow, mouth open with a small amount of drool escaping her lips. Beautiful. And deaf apparently because she was out cold despite the roar of the wind and the booms of thunder.
Harry violently flipped his pillow over for the seventeeth time.
"Hey," Ginny's soft voice came from beside him. "That pillow's not as soft as it looks."
"Sorry," Harry said sheepishly. Accidently smacking your deaf girlfriend with a pillow is a good way to wake her up. "Go back to sleep."
Instead of turning over and falling back to sleep, Ginny sat up. "Are you okay?" She softly asked.
"Just storms, keeping me awake. I'm fine. Go back to sleep."
Ginny shifted more so she was facing him directly. "I thought you learned to stop telling me what to do."
Harry froze. "You did. You should stay awake! Oh wait, sorry. Do whatever you want to do!"
"Whatever I want to do?" Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, you are a strong, independent woman who does not need me to-"
"Oh shut up," Ginny said, straddling Harry's hips. She pressed herself into him before leaning down and capturing his mouth with her own.
If Harry had any feelings of tiredness, they were long gone. The lightening outside could not compare to the sparks of electricity between him and Ginny. He sat up to meet her. Drawing himself as close as he could.
"No," Ginny shushed him.
"No?" Harry asked, pulling away.
Ginny pushed him back down on her bed, "You need help sleeping, let me help you relax."
Harry's head hit the pillow as Ginny crawled her way down his body. Fingers tracing down the side of his body, her mouth leaving light kisses on his abdomen. Going lower. And lower.
Heat traveled down his body along with her mouth. His dick hard, twitching with anticipation.
Excrutiatingly slow, Ginny lowered his boxers. His dick sprung free, ready for her.
She gave the tip a light kiss before slowly taking all of him in her mouth.
"Fuck," Harry let out.
He could feel her hum in delight at his response. Her tongue tickled his shaft, swirling the underside, driving him insane.
Ginny looked up at him, smirking with his dick in her mouth. Then she started to move up and down. Taking all of him.
He wasn't going to last long.
Harry let out a string of curses. His hand reached for hers, squeezing it. "Ginny. I'm gonna-"
He was not able to finish his thought as everything exploded. Lightening lit up the room, Ginny sucked harder, and then thunder boomed.
A moment passed before he felt Ginny start to crawl her way up his body.
"Relaxed now?" Ginny asked, a smirk tugging on her lips.
Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, flipping her on her back. He crawled so he was on top of her, one thing pressed in between her legs. "Not at all."
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anicehomicidaltree · 7 months
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Anyways I wanted to point out that this painting had officially taken more time than the fine I’m fine image!!! Wahoo
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tellmegoodbye · 1 month
Thinking about how Buck always had a reputation as a womanizer when what Eddie is doing now is more fucked up than anything Buck ever did
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I think its so fucking funny that objectively and canonly everyone in the Lan sect is super hot
But out of every great sect, they fuck the least
(LWJ is the horny Georg, he's an outlier and he doesn't count)
Like the horny scale goes
Jin - Nie (bffr NMJ and NHS get it on the regular) - Jiang - Wen (cause they all dead but WRH could get it and also WN and WQ) - Lan
Use that pretty privilege a little yall
How are u gonna walk around looking Like That and just. Go into seclusion. Illegal
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g0dtier · 8 months
people pretend the worst part of your after-25 twenties are shit like. idk, fucking back pain
you know what the worst part is? hangovers
i used to have some alcohol issues at 23 where i would drink myself into a stupor alone and just wake up the next morning feeling fine
i do that now, at 28, and i fucking die. thats it. im just gone
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lesbian-moon · 3 months
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wright-phoenix · 2 months
last belated tag game, i promise
tagged by @dilfbuck and @opaleyedprince and @strixhaven! thank you!!
URL Song Game:
W — World So Cold - Fire From The Gods [YT, flash warning] R — Rule #13 Waterfall - Fish in a Birdcage [YT] I — iGhost - MNQN [YT] G — Grapes - James Marriott [YT] H — Hexie Mountains - Orville Peck [YT] T — The Tower - Drama Moth [YT] P — Please, Just Breathe - Written by Wolves [YT, flash warning] H — His Hands - Blegh [YT] O — OUROBOROS - Former Vandal [YT] E — Everglow - Starset [YT] N — Not Yet / Love Run (Reprise) - The Amazing Devil [YT] I — I Want to Live - Borislav Slavov [YT] X — XO - EDEN [YT]
6 Songs on Repeat:
Masterpiece Theatre III - Marianas Trench [YT] So Much (For) Stardust - Fall Out Boy [YT] Cold Reactor - Everything Everything [YT] Long Time Friends - The Living Tombstone [YT] 成歩堂龍一 ~異議あり! 2001 - Masakazu Sugimori [YT] 逆転裁判3 〜スペシャルブレンドミックス - Capcom Sound Team [YT]
tagging: @woohooincoffin @spiderslyre @notmeowse @thesem @vanoefucks
(sorry if i tagged anyone who already did it, also feel free to ignore or only do one of these!)
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