#i also speedran writing this it's wild
pandora15 · 2 months
hi everyone! I have officially posted 100 fics on AO3, and to celebrate, I have written a sort of retelling of one of my first fics on AO3, Reemerging Daylight!
I'm so grateful to everyone who read my fics over the years — it really means the world to me.
so yeah, enjoy a fun little migraine fic! I haven't written something this in a while and it felt really nice to go back to my roots :')
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swordbreakerz · 1 year
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Happy new years from Them, may you have just as much rivals to lovers and Cool Robots in the new year 💖💖
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squadron-of-damned · 1 year
For Manfred :)))) AJXGEHXHD
My first impression of them
How many people I ship them with
My favorite ship of them
My least favorite ship of them
The most random ship you've seen people have with them
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
A quote of them that you remember
Describe the character in one sentence
A childhood headcanon
Sexuality hc!
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
okay that's a lot. lemme take a fic writing break to answer all of these
first impression: "Mariana trench called to return the octaves you dropped in it, sir."
delicate balance act between shingou and gantfred here. it depends heavily on character portrayal, really
please leave miles out of this. i am on my knees begging, leave miles out of this
morgan fey or larry butz.
i don't know when i came around, but i first realised that i am too far down the rabbit hole when I concluded "he is daydrinking to deal with being himself". funnily enough, he's the second older insufferable man with a distinctive voice who walked through this exact scenario, but manfred here speedran it.
white lace on navy blue velvet
"Objection sustained."
let's shelf the whole "sees ghost" thing. he was an obsessive skinpicker. "skin is not perfect if it has texture". the acne phase of puberty was a torture, he was walking around with face bleeding raw because he was desperately trying to fix it.
bi or pan, but he's lived his entire life under the assumption he is straighter than a ruler, which has given him difficulties. it didn't give him many difficulties, because his taste is hella picky, but the difficulties have a body count.
"Extremely well behaved" "seen but not heard" and usually not even seen. Terrified. His grandmother was not beyond corporeal punishments and he needed to be corrected a lot. I think Frieda broke fingers in several of the kiss she raised by accident, because she was that kind of a person who snapped a ruler over palms and fingers so the kiddos would "remember the lesson". Franziska tried to prove herself and believed she could do it. Young Manfred knew that eh could not prove himself, but accepting a failure was even worse.
He tried to be a good parent, a better parent than his own. He wouldn't punish what was out of the children's control, and even the punishment was along the lines of withholding the reward for task completed and making them start over until the performance is, if not perfect, at least acceptable, now that you know what the mistakes were. But he also didn't have time to be there for the kids and kept on comparing them to himself (an adult with years of experience), so he basically started his own cult. Also no understanding that some things might be too hard or outright impossible to some people at certain ages, because he is convinced that everyone's brain works just as his, so if they are failing at a task they either lack context knowledge or aren't trying hard enough.
Random headcanon you didn't ask about: pancakes are his comfort food, therefore they are his reward food. if he feels like his own performance is lacking, he will not have any pancakes until he "gets it together".
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Ace Anon
Since I already knew all the plot twists And the story is kind of dead anyway. I'm here just to hang out with my boy. Ingo in the scenario is quite literally my actual stated goal. I am actually only wanting to play this game to hang out with him.
To a fictional character, It must be totally wild to have somebody (god?) who is regularly angry at the game(And sometimes I'm Mad on his behalf) (I soften up over time but I wouldn't have touched it if it wasn't for him ) to be plugging Nearly 50 hours (I am slow) Just to see them. must be a fucking trip.
Especially because I would refer to him in strange terms such as the ‘love of my life, ‘best boy’, ‘Husband’, and the wildest ‘DILF’ Of which I would most likely force forget that even came out of my mouth As soon as I learned that he is conscious and aware. (Can't say any of that to real people Until you get to know them as a person first) Of which I would be immediately sympathetic towards Trying to spend a whole lot of time with him because he is trapped and it's sad.
Me: I will be your friend through this. ( we can watch DuckTales 2017 if you need to calm down? Man I'm happy that somebody's here to watch that show with me) What if we go to game freak itself? And make sure they write up a good resolution?? Tries to comfort the switch Oh Ingo I'm patting your back right now.
Of course, the relationship Dynamic would change again because he popped out of the TV screen. So I get slapped in the face by ”yo this dude real” again. Also, he is acting kind of sus due to the fact that he's also a yandere in the scenario. So yeah really freaked out that I have a full-grown man That is not related to me whatsoever In my place of living But it's my best friend so we're good.
Cue thank god we are both Asexuals.
SAME THO Like, I literally speedran the game just to get to Ingo, and continued to do so just so I could battle him every time I saw him Until I could battle him, I would literally stop and see him every time i was in the village, and show him my pokemon and how strong they were :') It's kinda how i came up with the whole Self aware thing bc i thought "I wonder what he would think if he knew i made the hero run around him bc i was happy to see him" and it went from there fjaskjfdsljf
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borreloadsavagedragon · 11 months
Maybe Mizael and/or Takeru for the ask meme?
OH! I'll do both absolutely
First impression: TERRIFIED!! He was stupidly pretty and had a dragon, I knew he would end up a favorite, but I didn’t know how MUCH of a favorite, I needed to know what his problem was dhdhdhd
Impression now: I can't even put into words how much I love Mizael sometimes omfg, he had such an impact on me and I'm a little saddened at how quickly he was removed from the story in the end I need to rewatch more of his scenes, I'm very insecure about how I write Mizael and I really want to get his voice down One day I’ll finish his cosplay wig too, if I style all of the wigs for my favorite ships, I can convince people to cosplay with me surely (copium)
Favorite moment: His introduction is wild, like both him arriving to Alito and Girag but also him challenging Yuma Miza just shows up, shoots Tori with an energy blast, and then is just like we're dueling But then COMPLETELY forgets about Yuma as soon as Kaito shows up and whips his dragon out Also love when they have their little Barian meetings where they just bicker, they're truly real housewives
Idea for a story: I always have Mizael and Kaito ideas gjdkslajg Whether they're fics or oneshots, time usually tells, but my drafts definitely have quite a few for them saved Usually lots of dragon focused ones, obsessed with the idea of Photon and Tachyon eloping and them having to just deal with it Mizael going over dragons with Haruto...
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if there is anything the small Miza community doesn't agree on honestly jgdsklaj I'll just start drama, Miza's not a natural blonde
Favorite relationship: I feel like I don’t even need to say haha, Kaito and Mizael are incredible and I am cursing Zexal forever for not giving them more time because I feel like I'm blowing out steam looking at all of the loose threads I also love how much Durbe and Mizael respect each other, there's clearly a bond there between them, wish we saw it more I also wish we could have seen more of Mizael and Nasch since you can tell Mizael revered him quite a bit-
Favorite headcanon: Mizael 100% moved in with the Tenjos!!!!!!!
First impression: Oh I KNEW I was gonna love him the second I saw his face omg I did the bad fan thing where I had to pull up the wiki bc the Vrains episode I was watching at the time didn't answer a really niche question I had about something someone said and the "related pages" tab on Yusaku's character page had Takeru's face on it So I had to find him I speedran my Vrains watch to get to him and boy was I rewarded
Impression now If you asked me in 2021 who my favorite yugioh was, I'd tell you Takeru Homura in a heartbeat Literally was only dethroned as my favorite by Kaito recently Takeru would be the next character I deep dive and dissect if given the chance, I just think he's so cool, I love how well done he is, I think he's one of the best done characters in the franchise His deck is fun, his design is fun, I've cosplayed both Takeru AND Soulburner now, working on slick back look one day when I don't have cosplay deadlines I just... love him, he's one of my favorite voices to write through, I always find an excuse to drabble as Takeru, whether it's something I post or not, and I am always at home when it's with him
Idea for a story: Oh I've got a REALLY hefty 3+1 fic that's gonna tie in with recoil week that explores all of Takeru's relationships gjdkla Here is a very small bit from the first chapter:
The first time Homura Takeru thought he fell in love, he was a young boy intimidated by a pretty girl. He doesn’t remember many of the details of how he met Kiku. It was a portion of his memories that lived in what feels like a lifetime ago, before everything had suddenly slipped out of his young grip. He just knew that he was a scared boy overwhelmed by her kindness and spirit the moment they met while he was on a trip to visit his grandparents.  It was an instant connection. Kiku had pulled on his hand and pulled him into the light, smiled and laughed with him whereas the other kids at the time hadn’t. He’d almost call it foreshadowing. Having her in his life made the sudden change of up and moving out to the country after his parents’ deaths a little easier. Within a month of moving, they were almost inseparable. And the following years as well, no matter how hard it got.
So stay tuned for that!
Unpopular opinion: I'm so sorry but I'm about to be a hater But the fact that Takeru haters even exist is really fascinating to me since most of his other counterparts are rather beloved Like he's got more fans that haters for sure, but I've seen every single one who has a think piece say "Takeru's only there to show off the card game" as if Salamangreat wasn't released in the OCG until July while Takeru has been showing off the deck since May, but I digress Yusaku's entire arc was finished in season 1, he got all of his answers, protected Ai to the very end, and was ready to move on. Yusaku just being a fix-it man for an entire second season? Would be BORING. So they needed a second voice to duo-lead, a new one with new motivations who hasn't already been shown, but could be tied back in a meaningful way. And what characters were left we knew very little about? The Ignis. What was unveiled in Season 1 about the Ignis? They're tied to six children, and we've now seen 2 of them. Also it's? Yugioh? Do you expect them NOT to show off cards and real strategies so you go spend your real life money on product? Remember Yuri randomly using an Ancient Gear deck in Arc V when the structure was starting to come out? Or most of duelist of the week duelists from GX? The animes are nothing but product placement and rule explanations (nit picking hating, but takeru's also written strangely sometimes, it's rare but some will make him way dumber or submissive than he is)
Favorite relationship: I'm a degenerate and beyond predictable And I've mentioned that I love Firestorm already, but if we're being very honest for a second, I always see it as one-sided with how Yusaku's written with Takeru,,, Like sometimes we overcome that gap and look at the potential because oh my god giving Yusaku someone like Takeru was SUCH a good idea, but I usually see it as a one-sided pining, but a VERY close friendship Yusaku in my head ALWAYS goes to Takeru's village post canon to apologize for leaving BUT I'm a degenerate, as I said about So to say I love Takeru and Ryoken's dynamic, from start to finish, is an understatement I love that they draw out the best of each other and push each other beyond their preexisting limitations as well as the shackles of their pasts I love that Ryoken respected Takeru's feelings so much that he didn't want to insult him by outright refusing the first challenge, but couldn't bring himself to duel knowing it wouldn't resolve anything I love how Soulburner accuses Revolver of not following up on that in Duel Links I fucking love "I'm so glad I met you", above all else I love finally seeing a conclusion to one of the many side rivalries, and I had a renewed appreciation for it after finishing Zexal and realizing what could have been there I also actually like how the dub handled their farewell scene, the promise of future challenges, Revolver promising to be there when they need him, the fond little chuckle
Favorite headcanon (more drug cw on this one!!) It's a weird one and it's kinda personal I guess, but I always write Takeru as sober gkdsa As a punk, I can imagine him dipping into more unsavory behaviors as a way to cope and express when he's struggling to find the next step, so when he decides to start fresh and live a new life, he cuts terrible habits like those cold turkey
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tellmewhatyouc · 1 year
2022 in review
from ficwip!
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?
i wrote my first crossover fic! they're not usually my thing so it seemed kinda wild to do but i was really surprised how naturally the characters worked together. plus i was really happy to see a few other people excited about it 👍
What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
i learned a lot about myself and my identity through writing characters i love! especially exploring relationship anarchy and other non-traditional relationships, it gave me the language to describe how i feel about my friends and people who are important to me overall 💞
also that i'm way more likely to get a fic done if i can crank out a draft/outline in one sitting 😭🙏
What piece of media inspired you the most?
nu: carnival! i’m thriving with relationship anarchy being built into the canon 😩👌
What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
sk8, nu:c, and one deltarune fic! also posted some one piece but it was stuff i wrote the previous year
What ship(s) captured your heart?
the sk8 cast polycule, primarily four wheels (adam/langa/reki/tadashi), kept me Running for a good chunk of the year. i love all the different dynamics and history between the characters and it's really fun to explore how they can work in all different ways.
also some combinations of quincy/kuya/blade of nu: carnival, there's a lot of fun (potential) history going on there and i have Many more ideas i'd like to execute in 2023
Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year?
nu: carnival yes! and that one deltarune fic fjdksf
What fic meant the most to you to write?
THE CROSSOVER FIC, exploring that sweet religious trauma is so cathartic
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
i feel fine, i haven’t been feelin it much lately but writing paramedic quincy is a treat and i’m hoping i can get back into it soon 👀
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
two old friends and an e-droid bc i speedran that shit for elise’s birthday
What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it?
maybe also the previous answer but ALSO the crossover fic that no i have not finished
also some zine/bang fics that i was just NOT FEELING and i’m excited to do much less of those next year fjdskfjd
What fic was the easiest to write?
probably i feel fine until just this next chapter where i got STUCK
What were you go-to writing songs?
i like video game soundtracks, usually lo fi mixes of like animal crossing, the sims, or a hat in time
What were your go-to writing snacks?
i don’t usually eat while i write but i love tea
What was the hardest fic to title?
probably any fic that’s not titled with song lyrics and honestly some of them that are song lyrics bc they were a last resort
Share your favorite opening line
The tension in Sia la luce could be cut with a knife.
Or rather, a dagger, in the case of Kaoru’s stare across the table. 
--don’t mind the third wheel (technically wrote this in late 2021 but shhhh)
Share your favorite ending line
It wasn’t the same, but Quincy was happy.
--close enough to forever
Share your favorite piece of dialogue
“Well, simply put, my dove, he’s worried about you.” Adam took a sip from his own glass, and if he didn’t care for the taste of his drink, it didn’t show. “He wanted to make sure we’re not doing anything… unsavory.” He wiggled his eyebrows, to which Kaoru rolled his eyes.
“But we are,” Langa replied, deadpan. “We have sex all the time.”
Adam snickered. Kaoru put his head in his hands.
“Yes, dear, I’m sure he knows that,” Adam said. Then, he mumbled into his glass, “Certainly now, if not previously.”
--don’t mind the third wheel
Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
a lot to pick from but here’s another bit i liked
“It doesn’t matter what your relationship with Tadashi is like, compared to others,” Ainosuke said. “I feel… different sorts of feelings about all three of you. We share different things with each other. But I think… by association, we’re all important to each other. While we have our individual relationships, we also work as a unit. Right?”
Reki hadn’t thought about it that way… but it made perfect sense. All four of them met up plenty, whether for their regular check-ins or just a nice dinner. He liked his moments alone with Langa, and with Ainosuke, but he liked seeing everyone together just as much.
”Tadashi likes you,” Ainosuke continued. “He may not always show it, but he’s fond of you. He likes spending time with you. He gets plenty of alone time with me already— and if he needs more, he knows he can talk to me about it.” He gave Reki another kiss, this one on the nose. “You’re not intruding. I promise.”
--pillow talk
What’s something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
i don’t have specific examples but certain characters (particularly ainosuke) love taking the wheel and changing the entire course of the fic so that’s always an adventure
What did you use to write? (programs, paper & pen, etc.)
just google docs! sometimes also a word counter app on my phone if i’m writing quick drabbles
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
not necessarily Just writing but fandom rhythm vol 1 going live
for writing specifically, hmmmaybe posting not quite anointed and having other people care about it
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
not in particular, my fics tend to be on the shorter side so i’m just like 🎉 woo time to post
How did you recharge between fics?
actually been reading a lot more in these past few months, particularly outside the fandoms i write for which has been LOVELY
If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
writer friends! @dykecassidy who i love talking fic with regardless of our fandoms, @hyuge ​& @theinsanefox i got to know this year and have been lovely beta readers & general support buddies, and of course @waaaluigiboard​ who constantly puts up with my yelling 😌❤ also @ficwip​ and all the regulars there!
What’s something you want to write in 2023?
i think i’d like to finish my big four wheels fic! it’s a silly one based on a cheesy romcom and i have it all outlined i’m just. always tired and swamped with events and deadlines. but i’m hoping to sign up for less and focus more on my own stuff, less on current trends or w/e and just write things i want to write at my own pace.
it’d also be fun to write for a new fandom! i got really into deltarune, supernatural, and fnaf this year and it’d be fun to explore those more in fic ✨
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jesterjamz · 3 years
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tchaikovskym · 4 years
SUPERNATURAL SPOILERS WARNING (people who don't know nothing about supernatural you can still read this bc without context this is a wild ride)
I did not watch 15 seasons of supernatural not to post my live notes abt the latest episode because I saw that destiel is canon? And there is putin? Will see:
Jack: "I'm sorry." *explodes*
Man I hoped the empty would die and not take cas back ;( I haven't seen the episode but I have. A bad knowledge.
Guess whose back? Back again? It's Jack. It wasn't even 5 minutes. He speedran through his childhood now he is doing the same with his "all Winchesters have been dead" phase
Noooo the hot black wlw gf something bad always happens to the best 😪
Is God like. Trying to torture Winchester closest friends one by one so they spend their last moments in absolute suffering bc God is a psychopath?
I forgot that Bobby is there. But it is the other Bobby so? It is not the same
Wait no?? It is Billy doing the making people disappear thing! Aren't the Winchesters concerned though?? Like hello? How many times have you resurrected? Traveled through universes? Be scared for yourselves?
Billy has a death note (? Never seen it know nothing about it)
Dean is like woohoo aha let's kill death. And I am like,,,, again???
Looks like Jack is finally having existential crisis and it was about time. Like how old is he? 2? 3? And everything that has happened to him?
What is this dramatic music with the (future) boyfriends storming in the bunker oooOooH I always liked power couples
Ah man right I have to be sad about the deaf hot gf too ;(
Charlie I was already gay??? And you just?? Walk?? Breathe?? Man.
Everything jack touches dies??? Interesting.
Why do they always come to deaths office at the letter "W"? Only one entrance? At that weird place?
A human and a fallen angel just comes into death's office and goes like "we kill you aha" and death is like "aha i don't think so"
Dean really has the guts to threaten Billy djdjdjdkdn that's a peak white man behavior
Aahaa it was not Billy! I was right! It is god! All their friends will have their loved ones disappear until it will happen to them themselves because God is a bored whiny good for nothing.
Ah man Donna.
Ahaha of course death is not going to let them kill her djdjsnsjjs what did they think. Idiots.
They are touching 💖 because one of them is dying 🌈 imagine having physical contact with your crush only in times of being close to death djdjdj
Dean having a realization? That develops his character? It took 15 seasons.
Man the set up is really. Like. Reading fan fiction.
The tumblr post that said Castiel's true happiness will be when he is together with Dean i bow down to you
The... romantic 💖🌈🌈💖 music
Did the authors read that tumblr post because it seems like it. They just read multiple i guess.
They def read tumblr posts when writing this. Did their homework at least.
Oh god. Oh good. Cassss. Cas. Man. Dude. Bro. Will they kiss? Or was the destiel is canon because of this speech only?
I love you djjdjd
Kiss your man a goodbye dude? Don't push him away 😢
Well my favorite character just. Died. I guess and never coming back? I watched supernatural mainly because of Castiel? And now he is just gone?
Same dean. Same. Oh my god he is not even answering sam because cas died. Oh god he loved him back. Oh no. Oh nooo. Oh god this is supernatural I thought I wouldn't feel anything about it since season 7ish but here I am.
I still don't get the thing about putin??
In conclusion it is a good thing I completely disconnected from the show in the last few seasons or else I would be crying my eyes out rn. I am still feeling things but yeah. If no one comes back from the dead in future episodes maybe I will even have tears in my eyes.
Also dudes, Dean??? Has gone through so much?? And cas is what makes him cry and not answer to his brother??? Man that is. Cutting deep.
Also also I don't want to be that pessimistic but technically castiel's speech could be seen as non romantic so I feel kind of lied to from spoilers? Don't get me wrong I want it to be a proper confession but they can still squirm through this as no homo. I mean at this point they have had so many "romantic" scenes that lead to nothing? I have been disappointed for so many times I do not want to get my hopes up. And maybe they will leave cas dead so they can have the "we served the gays" while at the same time having "dean is a straight womanizer yeehaw". They will def leave cas dead won't they. I still have some hopes? Maybe God will destroy everything, try creating new things, realize nothing feels right and then bring all the winchesters and their loved ones back because he realized Winchesters were the ones making his existence worthy? Because they are interesting? So he wants to reward them. And then they all live together happy. Dean and Cas get to be pretty boyfriends. Sam and Eileen are together. Maybe sam goes to college even? Jack lives with his 3 dads and meets his mom maybe? Let me dream folks, let me dream. As you can see I am clearly in the first stage of grief.
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