#i almost did satan too but i got like 3 sentences in and said nope
daytaker · 4 months
Sins, Virtues, and Motivations: A Critical Analysis of Characters in Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
In this essay, I will argue that each demon brother some of the demon brothers can be associated with a sin (no duh), a virtue, and a core motivation--and that this motivation is best pursued through a synthesis of that sin and that virtue. Hegel would be very proud. Yes, this is critical media analysis. No, I will not try to explain the twisted, broken path that led me to this point in my life.
I will be looking at Lucifer, Mammon, and Levi in this study. Their core sins are obvious - Pride, Greed, and Envy. Their accompanying Virtues and Motivations are listed below.
I used the Seven Heavenly Virtues for this little game. These are Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance, Faith, Hope, and Charity.
They should not be confused with the Seven Capital Virtues, which are inversions of the Seven Deadly Sins. These are Humility, Charity, Kindness, Patience, Chastity, Temperance, and Diligence. I tried these first and damn were none of them easy to match up. Tell me, fandom for this mobile game designed for players to lust over hot demon men, which brother should have the "chastity" virtue?
Core Sin: Pride. Core Virtue: Fortitude. Core Motivation: To protect his family.
Lucifer's core motivation is to protect his brothers. He looks at this as a sort of penance for the outcome of the Great Celestial War. He knows that he's the reason they rebelled, and he feels responsible for their wellbeing. He is able to endure the relentless pressure of the responsibilities he puts on himself thanks to his core virtue, fortitude.
Fortitude is strongly associated with courage. Specifically, it is courage in the face of pain and adversity. We see him displaying this trait any time those he cares for are in jeopardy, and it often helps him make difficult decisions where neither outcome is ideal. Lucifer is decisive, canny, and accepts the consequences of his choices, good or bad.
His driving motivation is also bolstered by his core sin: pride. He views himself as ultra-competent, while his brothers consistently make mistakes; beyond that, it's only natural that he take responsibility for the choices of his brothers (like the choice to join him in rebelling) because he is so significant an influence as to virtually rob them of their autonomy.
This has led to Lucifer having a somewhat toxic relationship with his brothers. Lucifer often acts as a parental figure rather than a peer, while the rest of them are all in arrested development of some sort, often acting more like kids than the adults they insist they are.
Lucifer either doesn't recognize that by doing everything for the family on his own, he's stemming their ability to grow and learn, or he does know the consequences of what he's doing and he feels conflicted about it. He ultimately blames himself for the fact that they're all in the Devildom in the first place, living as avatars of sins to the extent that they struggle to function as independent adults.
So, while fortitude and pride allow Lucifer to simulate the act of protecting his family, it's a matter of perspective whether controlling every element of their lives is protection or harmful coddling.
Core Sin: Greed. Core Virtue: Charity. Core Motivation: To be valued and valuable.
Mammon is simultaneously a vessel of greed and its inverse, charity. This is because his core motivation is twofold, and those are the rewards of greed and charity; to be valued - to fulfill a want, to be desired, to look flippin' cool - and to be valuable - to fulfill a need, to have inherent worth, to serve a purpose.
Setting aside his unhealthy relationship with money, let's examine how Mammon behaves and what his deeper interpersonal motivations tend to be. He clearly places a high value on his brothers and MC, and he has shown on multiple occasions that he is willing to put himself at risk to help or protect them. Early on in both the original game and in NightBringer, Mammon attempts to heroically rescue MC (and his younger brothers, in NightBringer). In both cases, though, Lucifer shows up and does it for him. Mammon's pursuit of his core motivation clashes with Lucifer's quest for his, and Lucifer is strong enough to simply take it from him. Although in NightBringer he and his brothers do earn the not-insubstantial reward of the title "Lords of the Underworld" after Lucifer's rescue, he appeared so dejected by Lucifer's oneupmanship that he spent a good portion of the next day sulking. In the original game, Mammon wants MC to promise that they won't be saved by anyone else besides him in the future. It appears that his greed for an improved status in his interpersonal relationships is left unfulfilled.
Mammon wants to be heroic - to be valuable - and he wants to be admired for it - to be valued. The cognitive dissonance that accompanies motivations like these is all that sustains a person with such a diminished sense of self-worth.
Speaking of a diminished sense of self worth...
Core Sin: Envy. Core Virtue: Hope. Core Motivation: To find joy in the things that give him joy.
Confusing motivation? Yes it is. But envy is a confusing sin. All the other sins--pride, greed, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth--are enjoyable to indulge on some level. Losing your temper when you feel you've been wronged, or eating a bunch of delicious food, or sleeping through the snooze alarm: We know why we do those things. We might regret them later, but we indulge them in the moment because of the enjoyable side.
There is nothing enjoyable about envy. Wanting something that isn't yours, that belongs to someone else, be it tangible goods, talents, a partner, a job... is nauseating. And it makes you feel like a bad person, and it drains the joy out of things that you used to love. Speaking from personal experience for a second, when I was a teenager, I played music in a company with a much younger musician who was incredibly talented, and I was deeply envious of her. I wanted her talent; I wanted the praise she received; I wanted to impress people; I wanted what she had. But there was nothing I could do. I hated feeling that way, but I couldn't shake it. And it ate away at my desire to play music. It took the joy out of something that once gave me joy.
You see the connection?
Levi struggles to find pleasure in anything he does, despite how many interests he has, because, in spite of his blustering dismissal of all things "normie", he is deeply envious of those he perceives as his social superiors. Now, I am not in any way saying that Levi is or would be an inc3l, but there's an element of his character that has a strong parallel to inc3l culture. The idea that there is something fundamentally wrong with him that prevents him from achieving what he wants socially and that the only way he can protect himself from those who would ridicule him is with a defensive contempt for the group that rejects him... Does any of that sound familiar?
But Levi is not an inc3l. No, not because you're willing to **** him and his two *****, though I'm sure that helps. It's because he has his core virtue: hope.
Have you ever heard of the black pill? It's kind of like the final stage of inc3l culture, where you accept that you're not an alpha male, you'll never be one, you'll never be accepted by a woman, you're ugly and unloveable, and you might as well just stop existing. It is sheer despair.
Levi maintains hope for the future, even if he prefers not to admit it out of fear of jinxing himself. He is able to form a deep bond with MC, who he views as a "normie", without renouncing his hobbies or being mocked for them. In fact, I would argue that the anxiety Levi sometimes displays over the possibility of being made fun of (for example, in NightBringer when he considers trying out cosplay) is emblematic of the hope he has that he can be accepted.
"But wait, daytaker," you say. "That doesn't sound like he's making progress towards his core motivation of getting joy out of the things that bring him joy! Being self conscious is not joyful!" Well, you're right. What Levi needs is to somehow find the right balance between enjoying his hobbies and allowing himself to enjoy other people as well. As we can see from his effusive excitement in sharing his favorite games and stories with MC and his brothers, the social component of media consumption is a major component in making it enjoyable. If Levi loses hope, he loses that connection to the world offline, and if he loses that connection, he loses the joy.
@blackstqr (I did it.)
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daisies-write · 4 years
And he said “nope” - Part 2
Deal with the Devil
Hisoka x weak!reader; soulmate AU
Ok so we decided to go with a light and fun story! I suppose it isn’t what’s expected of a Hisoka x reader but with Ari we had so much fun imagining different scenarios where both are forced to work together, it just started to take life on it’s own! I hope it won’t be disapointing for you and that you’ll like this serie as much as we do! @kuuredere​
Previous chapter / Next chapter
TW: none
Writer: Both of us ! (Ari and Yasu)
Word count: 1965
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    This is how your "contract" began with Hisoka, with one simple deal: to continue with your life without being disturbing each other, as if you two never met. You would never work together anyway. You had morals and Hisoka was… Hisoka.
    But strangely, since then your life had seemed to take an ominous decline and you were starting to wonder if the Universe had something to do with it. Too much had happened in too little time: losing your car, having your apartment infested with cockroaches, and finding out that your partner might be having an affair. Well… it couldn't be worse, after all.
    " You are fired. "
Ah. It could, actually.
    You were sitting on a bench somewhere in a park, with a big box full of your things lying at your feet, trying somehow to reach your partner on the phone. After the fifth call, you gave up. They must have been busy ...
    You clapped your hands over your eyes, sighing loudly, twisting in your head everything you could do to find a job that paid as well as your last but there were very few options and the remaining ones didn't appeal to you one bit. You weren't desperate enough to striptease yet, that's for sure, and going back to babysitting was a big no.
    "Maybe they were right in the end," you mumbled in your despair. “I'm not meant to be a Hunter and I'm not made for the big city.” A sad chuckle escaped your lips. “A real little peasant, haha. "
    As if trying to mock you, the sun and the sky were extremely bright that day. Or maybe it was to support you...
    " Well! I got this! I will not be discouraged for so little! "
    You got up on your feet, determined, and then sat down again almost instantly.
    "I have nowhere to sleep."
    You expressed yourself with yet another long sigh. If only you hadn’t met this Hisoka, if only you hadn’t gone to see that damn battle at Heaven Arenas with your friends, if only you had said no, your life surely would have just as chill, like it used to. Seeing in color was fun but not necessary.
    "I don't like pink," you thought as you saw a kid make a big bubble with his chewing gum.
    "My, it looks like my kitten is doing badly ~," said a voice you recognized all too well.
    Slowly turning your head to the side, you could finally confirm your fears: Hisoka was looking at you with a big smile, a hand on his cheek and mocking eyes.
    "Hey, Satan," you answered instinctively.
    He laughs at your words.
    "I’m pretty sure I’m even worse, but thank you nonetheless."
    “Go away. I don’t have time to mess with you. And like, don’t you have a fight today?”
    Hisoka shrugged.
    “The guy isn’t worth my time, that’s all.”
    “So you thought about stalking me?”
    “I thought about watching children play but I found you like you would find a wart,” he said nonchalantly.
    You just started at him, genuinely creeped out.
    “Get out of here, pedo.”
    He laughed again.
    “Make me.”
     “The sexual innuendo of this sentence is way too big so you better stop using it unless if you want to bang me,” you said, unphased. “But there’s a hint: you ugly.”
    “Wow!” Hisoka placed a hand to his heart, a pout on his face. “You didn’t seem quite so aggressive last time. Something bad happened?” His eyes found your box and his smirk came back. “Fired?”
    You said nothing, but the displeased expression gave him confirmation.
    “Your fault.”
    “How’s that? Oh, let me guess,” his finger taping his lips in the most frustrating exagerration of his excessively dramatic self. “You couldn’t stop thinking about me and got distracted from your work, so of course, your boss told you to never come back because of your  uselesness. Tragic love story!” He sighed. “But then again, who could resist me? I feel sympathetic for you. <3″
    Your disgust grew just at the thought of being in love with Hisoka. He annoyed more you at every word he spoke, at every breath he took but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing this. You prefered playing his game and use your sarcasm to counter his and perhaps, distract yourself from your harsh reality.
    “Well, if you’re so sympathetic, you could buy me a house-”
    “Nope, <3″
You tried, at least!
    “My apartment have been infested with cockroaches, so honestly, I really need a house. If you know a place, tell me.”
Hisoka eyed you for a second.
     “Are you really unclean to the point of having cockroaches in your whole apartment?”
    “What ? NO!” you yelled.
He just laughed again, shoting his head back. You bite your lower lips in embarassment as you saw the eyes of everyone else in proximity glaring at you. Your cheeks burned in fluster.You’ve been too loud.
    “I have an idea!” you said to Hisoka after chacking your burning face away. “We could swap houses! That way, you could live with your family!”
His laugh died and he looked at you, pleased that you started playing with him.
   “They said they missed you, you know? That you shouldn’t have run off and left them without saying anything,” you continued.
   “I,” started Hisoka through a shit eating grin, “hate you so much and I urge to kill you but it would be no fun with you.”
    “I think one of your brothers at my house is called Steve. Steve really, really misses you.” You smiled. “I feel like you two were very close.”
    You liked insisting on each and every word of your sentence.
    “Impossible. I’m too sexy to be related to Steve.”
    “You’re sure? I thought you were twins. I could barely tell you apart!” Your voice sounded more and more amused with each syllable leaving your mouth. It felt so natural. “Wow.”
    Honeslty, playful bander with Hisoka was fun. A real game, a match one of you had to win; he was never phased by any of your words so you kept sending sly insults back and forth in this oddly lively and convivial disgust you shared for each other.
    Unfortunatly, everything must come to an end, right? You stopped quick in your teasing when you saw a familiar number appearing on your phone. Your smile vanished in less than a second and the atmosphere wasn’t so light anymore. Your partner was calling you, but in all honesty, you didn’t want to answer now. Or more like you didn’t have the heart to. 
    Hisoka raised one eyebrow.
    “I guess.. They’ve been cheating for a while, so no, not really anymore,” you said, trying your best to seem nonchalant about it.
    “And you’re okay with that? You don’t seem like the type who’d have an open relationship.” His voice sounded like he took great joy in your suffering.
    “Well, they found their soulmate. I know them,” you gulped. “I know them more than I know myself. It’s been hard on them and they aren’t ready to talk about it but I’m aware of what they’re doing at night. I saw their messages by accident.” You shrugged. “I’m only waiting for when they feel like it’s time.”
You stared at the number until it disappeared.
You looked over to Hisoka again, slightly disoriented.
    “You can dump them since you found your own soulmate.The break-up wouldn’t be so hard on them if they knew this.” He chuckled. “You’re just slowing down the inevitable fate of your couple. You don’t want to be alone and that’s all there is to know.”
    You glared at him, now. Your heart was beating loudly against your chest, in pure anger. How could he read through you so easily? You didn’t like that one bit and you were disappointed in yourself for oversharing. He’s your soulmate, yes, but he’s still Hisoka.
“Please. Not now.”
“Sucks to be you, love.”
    An awkward silence fall upon you both, or at least upon you. While you were frantically texting your best friend to ask for a place to stay, only to be met with a lenghty apology, you searched for other ways to find a place to sleep tonight. The motel rooms prices were way too high and you didn’t know how long you’d need to stay, nor how much it’ll cost to have your appartment clean again. You couldn’t face your partner and you were too ashamed to call your family. Your pride would end you but you prefered sleeping in the streets than having them look at you disapprovingly. Your whole world was falling apart and you blamed it all on Hisoka. And yet...
    Hisoka’s eyes didn’t leave your figure. His mind was racing and it seemed like it was the only thing it did since he met you. He didn’t speak when he saw you frown and sigh and type desesperatly on your phone, swipping through your contacts, hesitating over a room price, checking over and over again if anyone could help you. His mind was still racing when he told you:
    “I guess you can come to my place for a while.”
    You were utterly speechless and goggled at him for a few seconds. It isn’t like Hisoka at all to propose help. He had something in mind, you knew as much, but you couldn’t help but feel floored.
    “Who are you and what the heck did you do to my soulmate-?”
    “Awww, you refer to me as your soulmate, that’s adorable.”
    “ANSWER-” Honestly, you didn’t care about the volume of your voice at this point. You were too shocked. 
    Hisoka just laughed it off and looked at you, openly condescending and still smiling. Does he ever stop doing so ?
    “I will have to take on a mission so I won’t be at Heaven Arenas for a while.” He pointed at you. “You can take my room there while I’m gone.”
You were too confused.
    “But why? You gain nothing by doing this!” You frowned and wrapped your hands protectively against your body. “I won’t have sex with you!”
    “Don’t worry, I’d rather die,” he rolled his eyes. “I let you take my room because whatever happens to you if you sleep on a bench in the parc happens to me as well. And even if I’m pretty sure I can manage, I don’t want to wake up in the morning with a hole in my belly. You got it, darling?” 
    “Wait, what do you mean everything that happens to-’
But he didn’t let you finish your sentence: he took your box and walked away without giving you any other explanation.
    “Hisoka, wait!”
    Well, at least you got a rather interesting piece of informations. You didn’t know everything about soulmates but you sure knew that even if you were linked by fate, Hisoka wouldn’t do this without solid motives. Everything about him screamed to you to never trust him but you needed your box and you needed a roof over your head. You wouldn’t let your guard down for now. You probably couldn’t beat him in a fight but he didn’t seem like he’d kill you so that was already a good point.
    You made a mental note to look more deeply into all of this and untangle the mystery of his help and quickly followed your jerk soulmate. 
    “I said wait, asshole!”
    “What, miss me already? Do you want a goodbye kiss?”
    “Don’t say such repulsive things,” you replied, gagging. “I’ll need the room’s key.”
    “Here,” he tosses it to you before adding “just don’t go looking around my stuff too much~”
This was going to be... interesting.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
Valentine’s Day In
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This is a bit late to say the least, I was hoping to post this on Valentine’s Day but school work had my ass occupied so for the past week I was going back and forth between school work and writing 😒 
Also I know I have a bajillion wips todo, a few of which are Valentine’s Day prompts 
I got a super cute fluffy idea for Valentine’s Day and the motivation came to me so I hope we can let it slide for now. Right?  😅
Anyways I hope you enjoy ~ Also I wrote this while listening to THIS, so if you want you can listen to it while you read as well :3
Fandom: Obey Me! Pairing: Satan x GN! Reader  Word Count:  2,866 words Warning(s): Cheesy, kinda rom-com-y, probably not perfect lol
The forecast was said to be sunny with slight cloudiness. When you opened the window this morning the sky was indeed cloudy, but instead of sun it was matched with a downpour.
You and Satan had planned the whole day together.
Starting with a relaxing morning of talking and reading in eachothers arms. Then to go for a walk around town, window shopping till dinner time. But since it was stormy outside and you weren’t really in the mood to get dressed up to then get soaked.
But although going out wasn’t really an option anymore, you were still going to spend your day relaxing with Satan as you’ve already planned.
The agenda was already in motion as you and Satan started your day having breakfast together, followed by hanging out in his room reading and cuddling. When it came to be around noon you went to take a shower. Once you were out, your hair still damp, you headed back to Satan’s room. But when you knocked on his door and opened it, the room was empty.
“Hmm.” Since he wasn’t in his room, you went to the study. But came to find he wasn’t there either, infact, he wasn’t anywhere in the house. ‘Where the hell is he?’ Letting out a sigh, you headed back to your room and texted him.
Y/n: “Hey, where are you?”
Satan: “Sorry, something came up and I didn’t get a chance to tell you. I should be home in a couple hours. 💚
Closing your messages you sigh, falling onto the plush mattress of your bed.
Since Satan wouldn't be around for a while you spent your time doing some work. In the time waiting for him you finished up an assignment for class and tidied up your room a bit. Nothing too exciting but it beat just sitting around. While scrolling through Devilgram you got another message from the awaited demon.
Satan: “I’m probably gonna be another hour or so.”
Sitting up in bed, feeling a bit defeated, you leave to go downstairs. On your way down you ran into Beel and Belphie. “Hey, Y/n.”
“Hey, Beel. Whatcha guys up to?”
“Nothing much, actually we wanted to see if you wanted to come hang out for a bit.”
Considering the request, you accept. “Sure, why not. Satan won't be home for a bit longer anyways.” You say, a bit sadder than you intended.
“Great! I got some new snacks I want you to try. Come on.” Beelzebub says with a smile, throwing his arm over your shoulder.
It had been awhile since you’ve entered the twins room. The time was spent eating different treats and chatting. Feeling ready to leave you stood up, “Well I think Imma head out. I had a lot of fun with you guys but I don’t want to intrude anymore.”
“Wait!” Beel says. Belphegor sighs at his brother's outburst.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothings wrong.” Belphegor corrects. “It’s just that we don’t get to spend much time with you it seems. With you dating Satan and all, Beel just thought we could have you around a bit longer.”
You frown a bit. “I’m sorry guys, I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just sit back down.”Belphie sighs, making you laugh.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Door’s open.” Beel hollars, not looking up  from the card game the three of you are playing. The door opens,
“There you are.” You turn towards the familiar voice to see the man you’ve been waiting for. “Sorry I kept you waiting.”
“You should be.” You sass.
“Mind if I take her from you guys?” Satan asks his brothers. They nod their heads, engrossed by their game. Putting your cards down you say your goodbyes to leave the room with Satan. Once the door is closed you smack his chest, causing him to laugh. “Woah, easy.”
“You know, you left me high and dry, right?” You cross your arms, brow raised.
“Yes, yes I did. Won’t you forgive me?” Placing his hands on your hips, he looks down at you with his gemstone eyes.
“Fine! But don’t think I’ll let it slide again.”
“I wouldn’t expect it.” He smiles, punctuating his sentence with a chased kiss.
Back at your bedroom, you walk in while Satan stays on the other side of the door. “Well, aren’t you gonna come in?” You say.
“Nope. That’s because I’m leaving you to get dressed.”
“Wait, why?” You asked, confused.
“You’ll just have to find out, won’t you.” He grins, “Now get dressed. I’ll wait for you downstairs.” Before you can say anything else, he closed the door. And with that you spent the next hour getting ready.
Stepping in front of a mirror you take a look at your work. Wearing your best outfit, admiring how the rich green fabric accentuates your body perfectly. Your hair styled. Face fresh. Brushing the invisible wrinkles from your front you head to the stairs. From the top you see Satan standing at the bottom, dressed in his finest suit. His eyes light up when they land on you, a smile accompanying the starlight gaze.
Descending the staircase you take your time letting your eyes wander down his frame.  His hair is combed back, allowing a clear view of his shape features. His body’s adorned with a well fitted suit, the breast pocket housing a pocket square in his signature color. Trailing your vision down to where his hands join at his stomach. A bouquet of peonies resides between his palms.
Nearing the end of the staircase he extends his hand, guiding you down the last few steps. Standing before him he looks down at you, words yet to be spoken between you. Bringing your hand to his lips he places a kiss on your knuckles.
“You look perfect.” He confesses, almost in a whisper as if speaking to himself. “These are for you.” Offering your hands the flowers, he smiles.
Looking down at the bouquet you admire the layered petals in variants of blush pink. Taking a breath of the sweet smell you sigh. “They’re gorgeous, Satan. You didn’t have to get me any~.” You’re cut off by a strong arm taking yours.
“Of course I did. Every beautiful person deserves the small treasures of life.” His voice is like butter. The way each syllable rolls off his tongue effortlessly, always seeming to have an answer for everything.
“Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see.” He says with a wink.
Reaching the back of the house you are led to a door that leads into another study of sorts.
Upon opening the door you hear soft jazz and the fireplace crackling in the air. Looking around you see candles lit and flowers everywhere. A few vases of the same pink flowers in your hands scattered around the room and petals trailing a path through double-doors that lead to a patio area that has a full view of the lush garden with a pond. Outside under the covering you see a table set for two with more candles littered about. A bottle of wine and two glasses reside there waiting for you. Breathing in the smell of the earth mixed with the rain you sigh.
You’re speechless. The music. The setting. Him. It’s all perfect.
“Oh, Satan. This is… amazing. How~ When?” Your mind is racing.
“I’ve been working on it all day. Since we couldn’t go out for Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d bring it to us. Do you like it?” He asks, worried he might have done too much.
Placing your bouquet on the table, you turn around to wrap your arms around his shoulders, drawing him in for a kiss.
Pulling back you gaze into his eyes, your fingers gently raking through his golden locks. “I love it.” Satan smiles, relieved. ”So, I’m guessing that’s why Beel and Belphie asked me to hang out. You just needed a distraction, and here I thought they actually missed me.”
“Well, truthfully, I did ask them to make sure you didn’t come downstairs. Though, what they did to accomplish that I had no part in. But enough about that, please ~.” Satan says, gesturing at the quaint table. “Would you like to sit down?” Satan asks, pulling out your chair. Accepting his invitation you sit down. His fingers linger awhile after  pushing you in, as he makes his way to the other side of the table. Handing you a glass of wine he poured, your fingers hold his for a moment before separating once again. “You’re not cold are you?”
You shake your head. “No, I’m fine.” You were definitely more than fine, you actually began to feel a bit warm. The way his eyes look over you. Unable to read what he must be thinking. Your guesses and wishes of what those thoughts may be only made you warmer. Shaking yourself from those thoughts you relax into your chair.
Sitting in comfortable silence. The music playing, lulls you into a trance. Sipping your wine you sway to the mellow notes. You don't notice right away how Satan is watching you. His chin propped on his hand, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. When you see him eyeing you, you sit up straight and laugh a bit. You feel your cheeks heat up slightly. 
Getting up, Satan offers you his hand once again.
“Won't you dance with me?”
“Of course.” You say, taking his hand.
Standing in the middle of the covered area, your left hand enclosed in his as your right rests on his shoulder. His strong arm wraps around your back holding you close. Swaying to the notes playing in the air, you rest your head on his chest. Breathing in the scent of his cologne mixed with his natural musk. His cheek rests upon your head, pressing a gentle kiss in your hair.
Looking up, your eyes meet, foreheads touching. His eyes alone are enough to speak a thousand words for him. They tell you everything he doesn’t.
They compliment you. Say how much they adore you. They say, ‘I need you!’
In this silent conversation your free hand moves to cup his cheek. The sweet touch makes him sigh into you. Reachin up he holds your wrist to kiss your palm. His eyes, never leaving yours. You can’t help the giggle that leaves your throat. The sweet yet sensual motion creates butterflies in your stomach.
Releasing you, allowing your hand to resume its place on his shoulder as his, goes to rest on your hip.
“You know I love you, right?” He says. A flirtatious glint in his eye.
“Well of course you do. It’s only natural.” You say playfully making him laugh. His toothy grin makes your heart flutter.
“Is that so? Then tell me Y/n, what else is ‘only natural’?”
Your breath gets caught in your throat for a moment. No matter how long you’ve been together he still somehow manages to make you flustered and giddy. Biting your lip in thought, you smile.
“Well, ignoring the fact you’re a demon and I’m a human.” You start. Pulling another low chuckle from the blonde. “I’d say, this moment and every other moment shared between us is. Being with you, whether in sweatpants on your bed or dressed up like we are now, every minute spent with you is perfect.”
“So you’re telling me I didn’t have to do all this then? I wished you told me sooner, it would’ve saved me a lot of time” He says with a chuckle and slapping his shoulder only made him laugh harder. But you couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
“You think you’re so funny, huh?”
“Well I’d like to think I’m quite humorous” He says, pulling your waist into his. Leaning down for a kiss but you pull away.
“Is that so? Then prove it.”
He studies your challenging eyes. Kissing his teeth he accepts your jab. “Ok. Then how do you suspect I’ll do that?”
“Hmm.” You look to the side, pondering the question. Then an idea popped in your head. “Ok Mr. Humorous, why don’t you prove to me just how fun you can be by jumping into the pond.” You say, holding back a smile. Seeing him process your request, you are about to laugh when you see him beginning to take off his blazer. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? I’m doing as you asked.” He says with a smirk.
You watch him remove his blazer and button up, followed by his shoes and socks. Standing straight in all his shirtless glory you take a moment to appreciate his physique. His smooth skin stretched over toned muscles. The flexing of his arm as he moves to sweep his hair back to look at you.
“What are you waiting for? Take off your shoes, unless you want to get them dirty.” He says. You let out a hum as his words shake you from your thoughts. He laughs, as if knowing what had you distracted. “You didn’t really think I’d be walking out there alone did you? I expect you to help me out since you’re the reason I’m going to be in there.”
“Fine. But only if I get to push you in.” You say taking off your shoes. He smiles at your requirement.
“Fine by me.”
Holding your jacket over your head to shield yourself from the rain as much as possible you and Satan begin to walk across the grass.
At the pond Satan turns to you, “So are you gonna push me in or do I have to jump in?” Laughing at his question but mostly at his appearance. Already drenched without stepping a single foot into the water.
“Oh I’m gonna push you in.” You say. Inching to the edge of the pond, ready to push Satan in. When your hands make contact with his hot skin a hand wraps around your wrist and before you knew it you were going down with him.
Splashing into the water you come up gasping at the frigid temperature. “Satan!” You say splashing water in his face. All you can hear is the rain and the hearty laugh coming from the demon’s chest. Slicking your hair out of your face you look at the man still laughing. “It’s not funny!” Though despite your words you couldn’t suppress the laugh that comes out of your mouth as well.
“It’s pretty funny if you ask me.”
“That was not part of the deal.”
“Well actually, our deal was you get to push me in. Nowhere in that agreement did we state I couldn’t pull you in with me.” He says, stepping closer to you. His strong arms holding you close edging away the cold around you.
“Well remind me next time to cover all bases because that was cheap and you know it.”
“They don’t call me a demon for nothing.” He says. His voice low, a small smirk playing his lips. Droplets of water fall from the loose strands of hair around his face.
“You look like a wet dog.” You say, pushing his wet hair back.
“I think we both do but that doesn’t matter, right? What was it you said earlier? No matter where we are, as long as we are together, it's perfect? Well to that I couldn’t agree more.” His words make you smile, warmth fills your chest. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him in. Once your lips touch the arms around your body tightens, lifting you up. Encircling your legs around his waist your kiss deepens. Your tongues dancing with one another. The taste and feeling of him sends electricity through you. Your fingers coil in his wet locks. Everything around you faded away. You couldn’t feel the rain or hear the music playing in the house anymore. Your senses are completely consumed by him. His touch. His smell. Everything. You wanted it all. You couldn’t care less where you were at this moment. You’d sooner let yourself drown in the water around you than let go of him. How can one person have such an affect on you?
Pulling away, both catching your breaths, your foreheads resting against each other. Though separated, the heat between you two is ever-present. His large hand cradles your cheek, keeping you close. His eyes shut for a moment to collect himself before looking back to you. His gaze is softer than before,
“I love you more than you know. Thank you for being mine.” Your chest swells. Stocking his cheek you kiss his lips once more.
“You don’t need to thank me, Satan. But I will ask you to warn me next time you decide to throw me in water.” You tease, but you both know you don’t really mind how things turned out.
“Let’s go back inside and warm up by the fire.” He smirks.
“I’d love that.”
Satan carried you back to the study where the rest of the night was spent by the fire where many more heated touches were shared. Maybe getting soaked in the rain wasn’t so bad after all.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh lord she can never post anything on time or in a timely manner huh? . . . Nope! :)
But I hope you enjoyed this somewhat. I know it’s not perfect but I still think it’s pretty cute. Cheesy ... but cute :3
I hope you had a good Valentines day with your 2D or 3D baes.
Till next post ~ 💛💛💛
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teamfreewilllover · 4 years
Almost Lover: Part 8 - Xavier Plympton Imagine
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Xavier’s eyes darted around the forest, as he stayed close behind Y/N, who was guiding their way with a small torch in her hand. The group had decided to split up soon after the encounter with Jingles, with most of the group going back to look for Brooke and Ray, while Y/N and Xavier had volunteered to search for Chef Bertie and Margaret. He was beginning to wish they had all stayed together. He was distracted when he heard a squelching underneath his foot and looked down to see he had stood in a large pile of mud.
“Worst summer camp ever” Xavier mumbled to himself, as he tried scraping the mud off with his other shoe, almost falling over as he did so.
“Hey, it could be worse. You could still be running from your feelings for me” Y/N teased, turning around and laughing as she watched him struggling.
“Wait…did you hear me in the cabin earlier?” Xavier gaped, as Y/N nodded.
“Is my age really the reason why you never said anything? Or…or was it something else?” Y/N questioned, making Xavier frown and raise an eyebrow.
“I was just worried…I don’t know, maybe it would be embarrassing for you to date me-” Y/N began, but Xavier quickly cut her off.
“Why would I ever be embarrassed of that? You’re like the best person I know” Xavier stated, stroking her cheek softly.
“You know your lines aren’t going to work on me, X. You’ve been practising them on me for the last few years” Y/N pointed out, as Xavier leaned closer.
“Maybe I was trying to give you a hint?” Xavier suggested, as he pressed his lips against hers.
Y/N smiled happily into the kiss, as she trailed her fingers through Xavier’s blonde hair, tugging him closer to her. Just as Xavier’s hands were slipping underneath Y/N’s shirt, the pair heard a loud scream from behind them, and jumped apart.
“What was that?” Xavier frowned.
“It sounded like…Chet” Y/N realised, her eyes going wide.
They heard the scream again, a little quieter than the last, and started to run in that direction. Neither had even considered that it could be a trap. Their friend was in danger and that was all that mattered to them. Xavier had been so focused on checking their surroundings for Chet, he hadn’t seen the large pit in front of them until it was almost too late. Y/N grabbed his arm just in time, and pulled him back towards her, holding his body close to her. Y/N gasped when she saw a familiar figure writhing in the spike filled pit at their feet.
“Chet?” Y/N announced, as the injured man looked up at her.
“Y/N? Oh, thank God” Chet sighed in relief, realising his friends had found him.
“What the hell are you doing down there, man?” Xavier inquired.
“I’m dying! What does it look like I’m doing?!” Chet cried, as Y/N thought in other circumstances she might have laughed at the comment.
“Hey, don’t say that! It’s not going to happen” Y/N told him.
“Hey! Y/N, Xavier!” A familiar voice shouted, as they heard someone rushing out of the treeline.
“Trevor! Are you okay?” Y/N asked, as the older man nodded, stopping in between the pair.
“I heard shouting and…oh shit. Is he dead?” Trevor questioned, seeing Chet in the pit.
“See, I am dying” Chet cried, as Y/N facepalmed.
“Not on my watch you’re not” Y/N told him, getting closer to the edge, but coming to a halt when she realised something.
“Wait…where’s Montana?” Y/N queried, with a concerned tone.
“I don’t know. One second she was in front of me and then the next…” Trevor trailed off, as Y/N gulped.
“Okay, we get Chet out and then we find Montana. No one get’s left behind, right?” Y/N suggested, as both men nodded.
“We’re coming down, Chet! Just hold on” Y/N called out, as she walked towards the edge of the pit.
“I’ll go first” Xavier exclaimed, much to Y/N’s surprise.
“It’s dangerous” Y/N pointed out, as Xavier huffed out a laugh.
“Which is exactly why I’m going first” Xavier replied, pressing a quick kiss to her lips, and grabbing onto Trevor’s hand.
Trevor helped lower him down as far as he could, as Xavier jumped into the bottom of the pit, only missing one of the spikes going through his head by inches. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at Trevor and Y/N and held out his arms. Trevor did the same again, lowering Y/N into Xavier’s arms, who held onto her tightly, leaning forward so she was far from the spikes.
“I thought I was done. I thought that was it” Chet sobbed, as the pair made their way towards him carefully.
“It’s okay. Everything’s gonna’ be okay” Xavier soothed, stopping in front of Chet.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d come down here” Chet admitted, making Xavier frown, as Y/N crouched beside him.
“I was…kind of making a move on Y/N earlier” Chet confessed, guiltily.
“I told you” Xavier stated, giving Y/N a look.
“Well, what can I say? I’m a catch” Y/N grinned, as both men shook their heads fondly.
“If I don’t…If I don’t make it…” Chet trailed off, as Xavier shushed him.
“Don’t talk like that” Xavier insisted.
“I’m sorry, Xavier. It was just a stupid crush. You and Y/N are meant to be together and…can you just forgive me?” Chet questioned.
“Hey, there’s nothing to even forgive. You’re like my brother, Chet” Xavier stated, patting Chet on the shoulder, who cried out in pain.
“Oh shit, sorry!” Xavier mumbled, as Y/N bit down a laugh.
“C’mon, let’s get you out of here” Y/N announced, eyeing the spike going through Chet’s shoulder.
“That looks pretty gnarly” Xavier mumbled, sharing a concerned look with Y/N.
Neither were sure if Chet would survive them pulling him out of the pit, but they knew they couldn’t leave him there.
“What happened, anyway? How’d you get separated from everyone else?” Y/N questioned, as she touched Chet’s shoulder lightly, who cringed in pain.
“Ray and I took a different turn from the others…he fell down here too, but he left me!” Chet explained, as Y/N’s eyes widened.
“He what?!” Y/N gaped.
“He’s got issues, man. Serious fucking issues” Chet murmured.
“He’s definitely gonna’ have issues if I ever see him again” Y/N mumbled, darkly.
“Get in line” Chet added, looking paler by the second, as blood continued dripping from his wound.
“We need to get him off this, now” Y/N advised, as she maneuvererd herself so that she was behind Chet’s back.
“Please, do it. Do it!” Chet cried, as Xavier looked reluctant.
“I’ve never done this before! I don’t want to kill him!” Xavier insisted, as Y/N groaned.
“We don’t have a choice, X” Y/N told him, as Xavier nodded slowly.
“If I kill you, I’m so sorry” Xavier exclaimed, as he placed his hands on Chet’s shoulders.
“Okay, on three. One, two-” Xavier began, but was cut off by Chet.
“Wait! Wait, just give me a second” Chet begged, as Xavier did as he was asked.
“Alright, ready? One, two, three-” Xavier was once again cut off, as Chet brushed his hands away, with a scared expression.
“No. Nope. I can’t do this. It’s not-AH!” Chet screamed, as Y/N pushed him off the spike from her position, as blood spurted from his wound onto her shirt.
“And that’s how you do it” Y/N announced, as she helped hold up the screaming Chet.
“Damn, Y/N” Xavier mumbled, with an impressed look.
“Hurry up, guys! We don’t know-” Trevor’s voice stopped mid-sentence, as they all looked up with worried expressions.
“Trevor!” Y/N cried, as she could see a knife going through Trevor’s abdomen, who was looking at the blade in shock.
“Fuck…” Xavier gulped, as the knife was ripped out of Trevor, and he was pushed to the side.
“Is it Jingles?” Chet questioned, as they saw a dark figure take a step forward.
“Guess again” A deep voice announced, as they saw it was a man with shoulder length black hair, wearing a leather jacket.
“Who the hell are you?” Y/N queried, making the man laugh manically.
“Good choice of words, little girl” The man replied, with a grin.
“I think that’s the Night Stalker” Xavier guessed, from his appearance.
“Shit, Brooke was right” Chet mumbled.
“Well, we can all send her a sorry for not believing a serial killer was following you around the country card, when we get out of this” Y/N hissed.
“Actually, none of you are getting out of this” The Night Stalker announced, raising his arm, as he aimed his knife, ready to throw it.
Xavier quickly pushed both Y/N and Chet behind him bravely, hoping he could at least buy the pair some time to escape. He didn’t want to see anyone else die. They wouldn’t have even be there without him. Suddenly a figure ran out of nowhere and lunged at the killer, knocking him from his feet.
“Go, go!” Xavier cried, as he ushered Y/N and Chet towards the edge of the pit.
Y/N quickly began to pull herself up, using large tree roots to grip onto, as Xavier pushed her legs up. With a groan, she pulled herself out of the pit and sat upright, her eyes widening when she saw who had attacked the Night Stalker.
“Montana!” Y/N gasped, as she saw the blonde was on top of their attacker.
“Y/N, grab his hand!” Xavier called out from the pit, as he helped push Chet up, who was screaming in pain.
“I’ve got you” Y/N announced, pulling Chet up with his good arm.
Once Chet was safely out of the pit, Y/N leaned over the edge, holding both hands out for Xavier. He gratefully took her hands in his own, as she groaned, using all of her strength to get him out of the hellish pit. Xavier fell on top of her with a thud, his hands resting on either side of her face, relief clear on his face. In any other circumstance, Y/N would have gladly taken advantage of having Xavier on top of her, but her mind was only on one thing. Montana.
“Montana!” Y/N cried, turning her head to see Montana was still wrestling with the Night Stalker and strangely seemed to be talking to him.
Xavier quickly pushed himself up from the ground, pulling her up with him, in one swift motion.
“Don’t you dare hurt them” They could hear Montana threaten.
“No one can escape Satan’s grasp” The Night Stalker retorted, shoving her off of him.
“I think this might be a good time to start running” Y/N mumbled, taking a step back.
“Richard, stop!” Montana pleaded, as the man stood upright.
“Stay out of this” The Night Stalker warned her, as Montana pushed herself up.
“Please!” Montana begged, as Richard shook his head, and used the handle of his knife to knock her out.
“Hey!” Y/N exclaimed, taking a step forward, as Montana fell to the floor, unconscious.
“Don’t, Y/N” Xavier told her, grabbing her arm to hold her back.
“Now...where were we?” The Night Stalker grinned, holding his knife out towards them.
Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list and if you have any ideas for future parts of this series! Also, apologies if you have been missed off the taglist.
Taglist: @neontiiger @redama @genderfluid-geek27 @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern @iamnotjesha @fangirl–of-everything @pikachubutwithteeth @hoeposey @usuallyunlikelyfox @becky-futcher16 @directioner51798 @baptizedinfire @bedazzled-bandit-ban  @avacadontyoudare @cheshirecat107 @fandoms-allovertheplace @theeonlyroman @anoud1970 @mysterious-adventurer @littlelimonchik @grippleback-galaxy @molethemollie @rachelle3musicals @shadesofbarryallen @vixi3303 @mostawkwardperson101 @freeshavocadoooo  @yady24 @miskwaadesiwag @isletsoflou-gerhans @thefandomzoneisdangerous @trickei @alexandrathegreat3  @quacksonbarnes @btsarmygirl417 @rhiannon-the-troublemaker @yn-yes-from-the-imagines @faith-alons26 @uwonman @kellysimagines @psychobitchtess @thexmancometh @ace-fiction @anon-1112 @perfect-ginger-maniac @professionalunicorn15 @lemonwhiskers
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fallen029 · 5 years
Previous Chapter
"Alright, so yes, we can both admit, right here and now, that you, Lisanna, are a major failure in all things involving this plan and should be forced to buy me dinner, probably, if not just pay my half of the rent for the month, given that I had my heart set makin' things right with the boss only for your shitty ability to get anything done ruined that."
She sat there, Lisanna did, on the couch as Freed, who'd been the one to let her in, frowned at how Bickslow was addressing his supposed friend.
It was him, thankfully, that spoke. Because Lisanna had a few things she wanted to say, but none that would have sounded too in form for her. But Bickslow was slowly breaking down every ounce of composure she had in those days.
"Remember your tone, Bickslow," the letter mage reminded. "Not to mention, I have grown curious as to what the two of you are doing together. Did I hear you mention Laxus' name?"
"Nope." Bickslow even shook his head. "Not his name."
Lisanna made a face at him, but Freed merely sighed.
"Perhaps, one day, Lisanna," he remarked as he walked off, no doubt back to his bedroom, "you tell me what sort of friendship you could possibly find with Bickslow."
"You'll be in for a tale," she offered back, but Bickslow only snickered, finding this hilarious for some reason.
"Got me good, kid," he continued as, with Freed gone, she only came to take a seat on in the chair as he stayed flaked out on the couch. "Getting better at it. Wit."
"I'm getting better at it?"
"You have none of it, actually. Or at least ya didn't, before. But now, oh, man, I'm the best influence on your life currently. You've learned so much, kid. Almost makes the fact that you completely wasted these past few days by screwing up the plan-"
"How did I screw up?" She huffed, deciding to focus on that. Bickslow had a thing about derailing conversations and she didn't wish to allow him to continue. "You're the one that screwed up."
"Ah, no, Lissy, I didn't. Can I call you Lissy?"
"Lissy, listen," he went on as she only glared. "I'm a man of action. I saw the boss, I acted. You saw me, you acted. That's the problem. Me and you, we're one and the same."
"We're nowhere close to being the same. And my eye's fine, by the way. Thanks for asking."
"Your eye's golden." He waited. Then he frowned over at her. "Get it? I hit ya with a gold coin, yer eye's golden? Ah, you'll get wit someday, kid."
"I doubt you will."
He laughed. Or at least it seemed like a laugh. He let out a sharp, "Ha!" and that was all, but Lisanna figured, for him, that counted as expressing humor. Maybe. The man had a large spectrum.
"So I made," he said as he sat up then, fully, to look at her with a bit of a serious gaze, "a mistake. Sue me. I'm a tragic, dark knight. It happens to us. Our own hubris is always our downfall. We start to believe that we can make no wrongs. But we can. The natural conversation was derailed because rather than fostering it, I decided to hit ya in the eye with a coin. My mistake. Jokes are my one weakness. I enjoy entertaining others."
She was silent for a moment, taking in the most sincere he could be, before saying slowly, "You've not entertained me once since we teamed up on this."
"Don't lie to yourself, kid. I'm way more fun than any other other lame stuff you spend your days doing." Falling back again, he said, "But enough apologies. You're not a big enough person to give one to me, like I just did you, and that's understandable. The young and their hubris."
"My hubris? You just said you're the one with-"
"And then to interrupt. Disrespectful. You know, you and your sister both-"
"I thought that we came here to regroup. Bickslow."
He tossed a punch in the air. "That's the plan. Well, that's what we're gonna come up with. A new one. Boss won't take to the bar again for a bit, I imagine."
"Yeah, you kind of saw to that."
"Whatever you say, DNR."
"DNR!" The babies had been rather bored up to that point, but enjoyed circling around the woman then. She ignored them though, int hat moment, unbothered by this, and instead just glared over at their father.
"So what," she insisted, "should we do then? Bickslow? What's next? If we don't force them into a conversation up at the hall-"
"We...we… We make 'em meet up! Somewhere. Yeah, just happen upon one another, you know. Fateful encounters. Faithful encounters. Chance encounters. Lucky encounters."
"Enough," she griped, "encounters."
"Just one encounter, Lisanna." The babies were desperate for some attention from the woman. "Just one."
"I know," she told them, finally, and that got a cheer from the wooden dolls. Still, to their father, she kept up, "But it has to be one that means something. Mira didn't seem to think anything weird was happening, or at least no more than usual, but Laxus didn't as-"
"Dumb? Idiotic? Stupid?"
"Trustworthy. That's my sister, you know."
'Oh, I know. I know a lot about Mirajane."
"What does that mean?"
He had no idea. But if he said it in the tone he had, well, it sure sounded dirty, eh?
Still, Bickslow bounced up then, to stalk around the room. Rather than speaking to the woman, he asked his dolls, "Where do you think the boss and the Strauss should meet up? Babies? Has to be somewhere that doesn't look setup. So some place the boss would go, normally. With me, of course. Where would the boss and I go?"
"Park!" If there was anywhere their papa went, it was there. "Park, Papa!"
"Ah-ha!" He snapped his fingers too, coming to stand before Lisanna. "You think you could get your sister to go to the park with ya? Kid? You and your sis, out on a stroll, while me and the boss are...are… Oh! Hey, I could tell him that I wanna go trainin'! Or to go practice some tricks, yeah? Show 'em off to 'im. There ain't a good chance he'll go with me, but if I just goad him a bit, promise him somethin' in return, and oh, will I return, once he finally gets to lay with the, uh, Lord of Darkness, yeah?"
"Your sister she's Satan, ain't she? Got his soul?" Bickslow whistled then. "She could book herself that way. Make a lot of jewel. A night with the Ruler of Darkness himself. Or should she book it as herself? Both, I think. Attract more customers."
"Are you...asking me to tell my sister she should be a prostitute?"
"That is a harsh and unnecessary- Oh, I thought you said whore. Yeah, though, to both."
As Lisanna fumed though, there was someone far less in the know that overheard that and became extremely concerned. Freed had the misfortune of walking out of his room at that exact moment and, well, it wasn't the best conversation to just suddenly find yourself thrust into. As he quickly turned and rushed back into his bedroom, Freed felt his mind begin to race out of control.
Just what were Bickslow and Lisanna doing together?
And how soon would he be forced to act upon his insider information? He could not stand by and let Mirajane Strauss be...pimped out by...Bickslow.
What a horrible sentence to even consider.
Out in the living area, Lisanna wasn't even entertaining it. As she stormed off, out of the apartment, Bickslow only reminded her that they should enact their new plan (the non Mirajane going into business for herself, selling, well, herself) the next afternoon.
Strike while the irons hot!
And because the boss might head off to who knows where soon and, well, honestly? By the time he returned, there was a good chance Bickslow wouldn't even care anymore.
But it was all he could think about, the next morning, when he awoke. Well, closer to noon, but who was counting?
Who he was supposed to meet at noon, in the park, with Laxus.
"So," Mira prompted as they walked about the open area together, arm in arm. She was far more excited, her sister inviting her out in the middle of the day, to 'talk' as Lisanna put it. Yeah. Sure. Talk. "What was it that you wanted to talk about? Lisanna?"
She thought she knew, Mirajane did. And oh, she was excited. She'd waited for a long time for this moment. This very one. Her baby sister. All grown up. Wow. To think, only a few years prior, she would have thought that this never could have come. That it was lost along with Lisanna herself. But no, here it was, present as the girl was. No. The woman.
"W-Well," Lisanna began slowly as she tried to think of something to talk about her sister with. She'd had an idea, the night before, as she went to sleep. It was such a good one too. What they could speak on. She was so excited, for some weird reason, to get to the very moment she was dreading in that second, because she knew exactly what they would speak on and it would just feel so natural. All of it. The way that the setup back at the bar was going to. They would just happen upon the guys, fate and all, and then bam!
Mira and Laxus would…
Wait, why was she even doing this all again?
"Can't we ever just go for walks?" Lisanna asked her sister then and Mira considered it, but only for a moment.
"You said talk though, when you wanted me to take off work and leave Kinana short handed, during the lunch rush, just to come out here."
Mira wasn't as dense as they all thought. Her sister was well aware of this fact, of course, but sometimes she just had to be reminded was all.
"It's okay, Lisanna," she was quick to insist then as she picked up on her younger sister's hesitance. "You know, it was a really big shock to me, when you first came back, that you didn't immediately, like, start dating around. It's what I would have done. Gone for two years? It's a whole new world."
Lisanna remembered then. Exactly why she was going to completely embarrass her sister (and innocent Laxus) with this whole charade. Mira, recently, had begun to incessantly insist that she should start dating or oh, isn't that a nice guy to get to know or, oh, you sure are spending a lot of time with so and so.
It was annoying.
The time had finally come for Mirajane to see what it was like, when you had someone else trying to pull background strings in your personal relationships. Relationships that didn't even exist.
Lisanna didn't fight her sister on a lot. Mira, honestly, was more like her mother than her own had been. She had no real memories of the woman. Not truly. Whether from the trauma or just the memories fading with age, anything she knew of her true mother was from stories her sister told she and Elf when they were growing up. While the Master definitely served as a huge figure in her life, it was far more like a kind grandfather.
Mira was the only parental figure she knew.
And gosh was she killing her with the dating, falling in love shit.
So yes, Lisanna was going to trick her into dating Laxus, which would no doubt go sour and then she could lord it over her sister that she'd been the one to bring this awkward relationship about and then…
Lisanna forgot to think of a true endgame.
"But," Mira was going on as Lisanna was stewing over the fact she'd been hammering home to Bickslow the past few days about how important planning was only to, you know, not plan at all, "to see you now, spending so much time with...well, Lisanna, I have to admit it's a bit shocking, but I think the two of you are endearing together. Have you gone on an actual date yet?"
"Have we- What are you talking about?"
"Don't play coy." Not when Mira was the master at it. "You and Bickslow."
"Me and… Mira, no, we're not-"
"Oi, boss, did ya see me? How many flips was that? Did ya count? Did ya? Babies, did you?"
Lisanna could only pale some as they stumbled across Bickslow and Laxus in the park. It had been a mad dash for the seith, getting there on time. He happened upon Laxus, actually, on the way, and it really was fate, when you thought about it.
Or maybe he'd actually kind of known that on that specific day of the week, the slayer normally ate lunch alone, in the park, at noon.
One or the other.
He chose to believe in fate though. It's how he got away with being a shitty person all the time. Blame fate and not yourself.
The true trait of a dark knight.
On top of sacrificing big moments for jokes.
Lisanna felt like her whole life was a joke as Mirajane was grinning like mad then and dragging her over that way. Bickslow was on the ground once more, after balancing on his babies and flying high up in the air, only to do some impressive tumbles back down to the ground. He smiled too, at the grinning Mirajane and scowling Lisanna. She matched Laxus, who'd more than become suspicious, after the previous day, and now felt as if everyone else was in on a joke he wasn't.
And they were. Kind of. More like each person had their own agenda that didn't quite add up just right, but maybe, intercepted at certain points. The problem was that they were all going to continue to run over one another, following this, and though Laxus couldn't quite figure out what was going on just yet, he could spot trouble from miles away.
"Hi, Bickslow," Mirajane greeted with a wide smile. Then she glanced over at the slayer and added, "And you too, Laxus," which was enough to make the man forget all about all about figuring things out as he just kicked at the ground and grumbled something.
"Interrupting again, I see," Bickslow griped in reply. "You know, every step a Strauss takes, they regress. You can't seem to quite get the hang of this, Lissy here, can't quite seem to just accept that she's the one who-"
"Bickslow," Lisanna hissed at him because he was doing it again. Sacrificing the plan for the sake of something that might resemble wit, maybe. Ah, the plight of the accursed.
"Lissy?" Mirajane let go of her sister's arm as she threw her hands over her mouth. "Is there something that the two of you, uh, want to tell us?"
"Whatever it is," Laxus complained as he glared at Bickslow, "I ain't interested. I came here for lunch. Not for whatever this."
"This is purely coincidental, boss. Fate, but coincidence. Can those coexist? Who am I to judge? The status quo is hardly something a mere mortal, a man of such little worth such as myself, can judge." Then he paused. "Now, someone who is also both Satan himself and dimwitted as a doorknob-"
"Hey," Lisanna complained again, but the doorknob- err, Mirajane, was too blissed out to care.
"You two," she giggled as Lisanna glared and Bickslow wagged his tongue in response, "are so cute together!"
"Come again?" Laxus asked because everyone else was ignoring her and though he couldn't look the woman in the eyes, he still felt the need to respond to her.
"Yes, boss, that's it!" Bickslow was quick to nod. "Come again!"
"Come again," the babies agreed. "Boss!"
"Well, I was thinkin' the doorknob," Bickslow mused, "but I guess-"
"You're," Lisanna told him in no uncertain words, "the worst."
"This is the best day of my life," Mira gushed and she bounced then, clapping her hands excitedly. "Oh, Bickslow, Lisanna, I can't believe this. I really can't."
"Neither can I," Bickslow assured her with a grin. "Mostly because I don't know what it is."
"That you and Lisanna are dating, silly, of course."
"You're what?" Laxus growled in anger, suddenly animated, as he turned to his lackey.
"I'm what?" Bickslow asked in astonishment, looking to his supposed date.
"I'm not," Lisanna insisted in annoyance, as she glared at her sister.
"I've never been happier," Mira went on with little shame. "Never. At all. Not once. I can't think of a single moment. Out of the many."
There was a brief pause where the two guys both found themselves looking to Lisanna, but she was too busy trying to figure out how to damage control the situation to notice.
"We're not-" she began, but enough seconds had passed that Bickslow, that slick dog, that slay feline, on, man, always thinking on his feet, he was already doing what he did best; completely forfeiting the idea of a plan and just going with his gut.
It never led him wrong!
"Oh, man, me and the kid here? We're fuckin' like rabbits," he proclaimed loudly and proudly as Mira blissed out, Lisanna looked ready to slug him, and Laxus mostly tried to understand why any of this was happening.
Still, he did offer the sage advice to Bickslow, "I really wouldn't put the word kid in that sentence. Especially in a park, full of them."
"Oh, boss, you. Always looking out for my best interest."
"I mostly don't want to be associated with you when you say shit like that."
"Why," Mira was insisting then as she took to bouncing some more, "did no one tell me about this? For so long? Oh, man, I can't believe this. I honestly can't. You guys have to tell me, honestly, was your first date magical? Was it? I hope it was. Are you in love? Are you going to get married?"
"Does she ever shut up?" Bickslow was tired, it seemed, of enthusiasm. Or at least he wasn't used to it in response to his antics. Usually disdain and annoyance. "Hey, Mirajane, tell ya what."
"Anything," she insisted.
"We can tell ya all about it, me and the ki- woman, here, Lisanna, all womanly and shapely and other things that make someone a woman-"
"Mostly," Laxus griped with a frown, "a uterus."
"Mostly," Lisanna sobbed miserably into her palms.
"But not only," Mira offered, helpfully.
"Well, whatever it is that Lisanna has, that makes her one of those," Bickslow went on, undeterred, "me and her will tell you all about it and how we got together. Tomorrow. For dinner. A date. A- Oh, wow, boss, you standing there all silently, I almost forgot about ya. Say, hey, now that I'm takin' these two ladies here out, on a date, why don't you slip in? Huh?"
"Come again!" his dolls yelled and Lisanna felt it then. Real tears, running down her very red cheeks.
"W-What?" Laxus took a step back, but just as quickly one forwards as he glared at his friend,. "Damn it, Bickslow-"
"Oh, yeah, that would be cool." Mirajane stopped bouncing and clapping just to grin at Laxus. "Like a double date."
"I don't-" the slayer tried, but Lisanna was finally fucking useful (Bickslow swore, he did all the heavy lifting of the pair) as she let out a long breath.
"Come on, Laxus," she got out around her clearly stricken choked sobs. "What's the worst that can happen?"
It was happening.
The worst thing.
"Don't tell me I'm not your type, Laxus?" Mira went on with a giggle and he growled again, the slayer did, before stomping off. There was a yes though, in the growl that he left them with and as Mira took to cheering along with Bickslow's babies, the man himself was grabbed by the shirt collar and drug slightly away by Lisanna.
Her tears were gone and all she had now were glares as she told him harshly, "The idea of dating you, even pretending, is so gross."
"Oh, give it time, Lissy," he snickered back, but from behind his visor, she could see his eyes were turned into just as hard stones. "I can get a lot grosser."
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