#i agree it's relaxing to have the lines already done and just pull it up and start coloring
velvetsainz · 6 months
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summary: [ cl16 x fem!reader ] charles is away in baku and you remind him of what he's missing. part two.
word count: 1.3k
content warnings: smut under the cut (minors dni pls!), pwp, use of explicit language, phone sex, masturbation, google-translated french (lmao), a dash of fluff, i like em dashes too much
a/n: baby's first smutlet! i've been writing for like twelve years but i've never posted to tumblr, so here's to first times! there'll def be at least a part ii to this, but i'm also hoping to write for other drivers soon(ish). also giant mega thank you to @multiseb21 + @lecrep for your support—y'all have been so incredibly sweet & i am so thankful for you!! anyways, i hope y'all like this! enjoy, loves! xx
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“Chérie,” his voice crooned over the line, a soft laugh leaving your lips. “Don’t tease, mon ange—it’s already hard enough being away from you for so long.”
“Weren’t you the one who said he’d be fine just a month ago?,” you retorted, voice low.  The cards were in your hands now, and Charles was desperate.  He was a nomad lost in the desert and you were his oasis on the horizon, just the sound of your voice enough to slake his thirst.
“Yes, but then you sent me that picture and—” You hear him curse again under his breath, his fist acting as a poor substitute for the velvet heat of your walls. He swore he wasn’t going to let you leave that bed once he got his hands on you again.
Charles wasn’t entirely wrong: you were the biggest fucking tease known to mankind.  Earlier that evening you sent him a semi-absentminded photo of you fresh from the shower, steam still obscuring the best parts of the photo with a fresh white towel around your hips and one gathering your hair on top of your head.  He’d always had something about you fresh from the shower—every time he’d nearly pounce as soon as you’d pad back into the bedroom from the steamy confines of the bathroom, hair wrapped on top of your head just as it was now.  (Part of you thought it was something primal in him: you’d washed away his scent on your skin and he needed to make his territory known again, that horn dog.)  Still, he was ever the gentleman and would make the endeavor more than worth your while.
“Yeah, that was pretty bad of me, wasn’t it?,” you ceded with a knowing smirk on your lips as you sat back from your desk, closing your laptop slowly.  You’d wanted to get a little more work done after your shower, but the Monégasque wasn’t keen to let sleeping dogs lie and needed to hear your voice for himself.
“So bad, chérie,” he agreed with tone of exasperation, a heavy sigh passing through the phone, “And you’re not even here to help a–”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t help in other ways,” you were quick to remind him, the words coming from your mouth quicker than your shame would force you to bottle them up.  Heat was creeping to your cheeks, and you could feel the familiar coil of desire tightening deep in the pit of your belly.
“Are you—?”
“That’s why you called, isn’t it, baby?,” you asked only to get a stifled groan from the other side. “You wanted me to tell you how I’ve been thinking about you all day,” you continued, “how I miss your hands on my hips, your cock so deep—”
“Fucking hell,” Charles practically whines as you push yourself away from the desk now, allowing yourself to relax into the seat of the chair and your hips to ease apart despite every part of you wanting to grind them together to relieve the dull ache that rested between them.
“What would you do if I was there now, Cha?,” you asked softly, hand splayed out over the plush of your thigh, eyes glazing over as you pictured him there with you.  You wanted his hands everywhere; you couldn’t decide where you truly needed him most. Fingers curling against that hidden spot in your tight cunt, threaded through your hair and pulling your head back to rest on his shoulder, gripping your thighs so tight they’d leave bruises that he’d fuss over later—it all sounded like heaven compared to the lonely hell of your shared Monte Carlo flat.
“I want to taste you, mon cœur,” he replied shakily as his breath came faster, the sound of him fisting his cock becoming more and more prominent as time passed; he wasn’t going to last long like this, but you both already knew that—it wasn’t the point of this exercise.  “I’d have you coming on my tongue, let you taste yourself when I kiss you—putain,” the driver cursed once more as his brow furrowed.  He was leaking precum over his ironclad grip and all he wanted was to slide his fingers past your plump lips to feel the wet heat of your tongue take care of the mess.
You let out a tremulous breath over the line, one you hadn’t known you’d been holding onto so tightly until your head started swimming with need.  Your hand had drifted from its origin, rubbing lazy circles over the cotton of the panties you’d slipped into after the inciting picture.  On your top half was a worn, faded shirt of Charles that you’d taken a liking to as a nightshirt—especially when you were missing him as you were so desperately now.
“Need you in me,” you begged, the emptiness you felt so acutely coming to the forefront of your senses, “You always do such a good job filling me—my fingers don’t do you justice.”
You hear a groan on the other side of the line, the man now sitting on the edge of the bed as he tries to keep himself in check.  He wasn’t ready for this to be over so soon; you had him feeling like a teenager again, ready to spill at a moment’s notice. Granted, this wasn't anything new: there's something so intoxicating about you that destroyed whatever semblance of restraint, of control he had over his lust.
“Want you in my mouth, give me something better to do than tease you like this,” to which you received a choked merde, the man hanging on your every word as the hand between your legs abandoned its objective—you could take care of that later.  You were too caught in every little sound that passed his plush lips, listening for every little cue his body so willingly gave you.
“Want your hands in my hair, guiding me up and down your cock,” you keened for him on a whine, his breathing heavy and labored.  He was running at full speed to the cliff's edge, and you were there watching, waiting in the grass. “Want your cum on my tongue, baby,” you whined.
“Promise not to waste any, minette?,” he grunted, gritting his teeth as you hummed your assurances.  “Such a good girl f’me, yes–”
With a strained hiss and a groan he came sloppily over his hand, thankful enough that he wasn’t home in Monaco so he didn’t have to worry about cleaning up the mess he’d made. “Fuck,” he croaked, breathing heavy as he came down from the blinding high your words had catapulted him through.  It wasn’t like he hadn’t been taking care of business when duty called, but something about your voice, the thought of you there…it clutched everything into a higher gear.
“Better?,” you asked, sly smile audible to the Ferrari driver; he didn’t need to see you to know the shit-eating, satisfied smile that took over your lips.
With a tired laugh he nodded, slumping back onto the cool rumpled sheets of the hotel bed as he stared absently at the dark ceiling.  It was three in the morning in Baku, and he couldn’t sleep—the thoughts your cheeky picture had invited wouldn’t let him.
“Get some rest, tiger,” you teased him, knowing he’d have to be awake in a few short hours. You debated sending him another picture in the morning as motivation, tiding him over until you’d join him later that weekend.
“Que ferais-je sans toi, mon amour?,” he asked, sleep heavy in his voice as he rolled the right way onto the bed and running a hand through his hair.  He’d deal with the mess he’d made in the morning along with the flowers he’d send you—he really didn’t know what he’d do without you.
“I guess we’ll never know, hm?,” you replied gently, smile melting into something softer as you fiddled with the gleaming ring on your left hand.
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sillymercury · 3 months
I’m Not the Crazy One, She Is!
Azriel x Reader
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Warnings: Slight suggestiveness and swearing
Word count: 7.7k (idk I went a lil cray)
Summary: You weren’t trying to kill your neighbor, honestly, you were just defending yourself. But that crazy fae and her antics land you in a holding cell. Luckily for you, getting arrested turns out to be much more fun than you ever anticipated.
My face was set into a hard line as I sat on the curb outside of Rita’s. The sound of the bar closing early was clearly audible from the spot the lawman had told me to sit and not move. Patrons exited with grumbling and angry faces, some glared as they passed and I could only offer apologetic smiles. I was already uncomfortable enough without the condescending stares and occasional curses.
The cool air pushed my hair around and with my hands magically bound behind my back I was repeatedly spitting strands out of my mouth. My thin dress provided no solace against the cold stone under my ass and the unrelentingly wind was only making it worse. I was beyond uncomfortable but the civil servants didn’t seem to care.
This wasn’t fair; it’s not like I started the fight, I just finished it.
I’ve never been a fighter per se, but I’ve also never let someone walk all over me and at this point I’d had enough. The crazy bitch to my left was currently raging against the other two patrols, thrashing around and spitting on their uniform. I scoffed as she screamed obscenities and pushed the female off of her with a hard kick to the chest.
“See!” I exclaimed at the patrol that was half watching me and half watching his colleges struggle to detain the crazed fae. “She’s fucking crazy! Obviously I’m the victim here.”
His eyes moved to mine and I widened them for emphasis, he responded with a scoff of his own. “It took all three of us to drag you off of her,” he crossed his arms over his chest, “not to mention multiple witnesses are willing to testify that most of the property damage was your fault.” His eyes narrowed as he dared me to challenge the statement.
I just leaned back and kicked my legs out with a huff. A couple of chairs, tables, some glasses, some bottles, a few bystanders, and an already weak wall wasn’t enough. I should’ve thrown her into or hit her with something else. Even now, watching her childish display had me itching to go put her in her place all over again.
“Listen, I’m a cool fae. Calm and collected, I don’t start problems. Her,” I jerked my elbow into the direction of the female that wasn’t slowing down, “on the other hand, does. None of this would’ve happened if she hadn’t come up to me. She was pulling my hair and scratching at my eyes! What would you have done?”
I leaned forward expectantly, I knew he agreed. Instead of confirming he just shook his head and looked away. Back-up had finally arrived and three of the four officers assisted in detaining the wild one. One of them used whatever magic they possessed to temporarily knock her out for transport. The remaining lawman approached where I was sitting and looked me up and down.
“I take it you’re the one who fought her?” I looked over at the unconscious female that was being slung over a shoulder and just nodded with a light shrug. “Can’t say I blame ya,” he responded in a much more relaxed tone than the first officer.
“Thank you!” I exclaimed as he helped me onto two feet. I threw the first patrol a look that said everything I was thinking which he only responded with another shake of his head. I didn’t miss the light smile he had and in that moment I felt like I had this in the bag. I assumed I would get a warning, maybe a slap on the wrist and be sent on my way. I hoped that they would lock her up in some far off dungeon and throw away the key.
The new officer grabbed my elbow lightly before winnowing us to the station. I suppressed my groan as I took in the depressing scene. Gray walls, gray floors, gray bars that lined different holding cells on the back wall. The room was packed with multiple desks where about 15 officers sat, some with either with victims or perpetrators in front of them. Every desk though had stacks of papers that threatened to spill to the floor.
I followed diligently behind the officer as he led me farther and farther to the back. I prayed that he would stop at any of the empty desks but he didn’t stop until he reached the cells. He opened up the metal door and looked at me expectantly.
“Wait, I have to go in there?” My voice was slightly shrill and I couldn’t contain the breaths that were coming out rapidly. The cop just raised his eyebrows and nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “For how long? I have to work in the morning. I can’t be here all night!”
The officer just chuckled and shrugged, “Well I’ve got about a hundred other things on my to do list. I guess you should’ve thought about that before destroying thousands of marks worth of property and assaulting someone.”
My hands shook behind my back and I suddenly understood what made that female rage against the law. I wanted to do anything, everything to keep me out of that cell. Screaming, crying, fighting, biting… whatever it would take to keep me out of there. I knew though that none of it would work, it would just make my situation worse. Begrudgingly I forced my heavy feet to carry me into the cell, all the way to the bench on the back wall. I sat with a plop and depression marred my face as I watched the cop lock the door.
I hit my head against the wall with a groan as I thought about what led me here, my stupid crazy neighbor. But seemingly my luck didn’t run out, it was still finding ways to make the situation worse. My neighbor didn’t just live next to me, her limp body was also parked in the cell next to mine. I cursed the wall for not being solid, instead it was just a row of metal bars keeping us apart.
Eventually her body began to stir as she woke up and I mentally prepared myself. Not only for her grating voice but for the verbal abuse that would accompany it.
“Let’s go! Let’s go!” Morrigan called out to her slow moving family, “We’re burning nighttime!”
Feyre laughed as she hauled Rhys off the couch and hollered one more time for Nesta and Cassian. Azriel was ready, standing dutifully by Mor as he waited with her for the rest of their family. He only took off his leathers at the persistent pestering of Mor. Donning black pants and a black muscle tank, his dark shadows concealed most of him and he looked more like a black mass on two legs. Mor wore her famous color in a tight dress that flowed beautifully over her legs accompanied by a slit that ran to her hips. Feyre’s dress complimented Mor’s but in a deep blue that resembled the night sky, Rhys wore his usual tailored garb that matched the silver detailing on Feyre’s dress.
The couple approached the door and Rhys had a far off look in his eyes before speaking, “Looks like it’s just us… Nes and Cass are,” he cleared his throat before flashing a coy grin, “busy.”
“Eww,” Mor muttered Turing around and opening the door for everyone. “Whatever we’ll have fun on our own!” Mor screamed into the house and only the sound of something falling over upstairs answered her. She rolled her eyes before closing the door behind her.
The pairs made their way through cobble stone roads aiming for their favorite bar. At least once a week Mor would drag them out demanding a good time and she always got her wish. Her and Feyre linked arms as they skipped and the boys walked in a comfortable silence behind them.
“Gonna pick up any ladies tonight?” Rhys nudged his brothers shoulder as he teased, “I know Mor will. Wouldn’t want you to have to spend the night listening to everyone else enjoy themselves.” Rhys chuckled as he pondered all the different ways to get Feyre out of that form fitting dress. Azriel shook his head, already knowing where his brothers mind had gone.
A small smirk snuck its way onto his lips, “I suppose I could indulge.”
“Ooo hoo hoo!” Rhys jested, “My brother, the fox.” A low chuckle left Az’s lips as he just shook his head again. The light air that surrounded themselves dropped when the girls stopped skipping to take in the scene in front of them.
All of the lights in Rita’s was on and crowds of people were formed outside. There were multiple patrols going in and out of the bar and some of them were taking statements from the bystanders. Some of the individuals were with medics, either being bandaged or given ice to sooth wounds. Azriel switched gears in the blink of an eye, going from easing going brother to spymaster as he detached to scope the scene.
“What the hell!” Mor practically screeched as she pushed through the crowded street, heading into the pub. Rhys and Feyre shared a glance that conveyed their confusion and worry before following Mor inside.
The place was a wreck. Multiple tables were broken and shards of chairs were strewn about. Wherever there wasn’t wood chips there was broken glass and the stench of the alcohol that covered the floor attacked their senses upon arrival. The wall that separated the entry way to the hall looked like it had been chopped up with an ax and Rita was behind the bar surveying the scene with distress.
“What happened?” Mor asked after rounding the bar and taking a defeated looking Rita into her arms.
“Bar fight.” She said simply, “I’m going to have to shut down for the rest of the week. Some of my best bottles are now in puddles on the floor, and that alone’ll take a month to get a new shipment in.”
Mor looked pissed and Rhys’ expression wasn’t far behind. To see his families favorite oasis in disarray and people of his court injured had redness creeping up his neck and threatening his face.
An officer strolled in and bowed to his high lord and lady before addressing Rita, “We’ve taken multiple statements and taped off the scene. There’s not much more we can do at the moment but we’ll be back to collect damage report.” Rita nodded understandingly but Mor wasn’t having it.
“Not much more to do?!” Her voice was loud as she screamed, “Look around! Look at this place! This… this is a crime!” She was irrational at the moment, she obviously didn’t expect the officers to clean up the scene but she wanted- needed- something to be done.
“Yes…” the cop blinked before straightening and clearing his throat, “it is. We are taking this very seriously. The suspects are already in custody so there isn’t really anything else we can do.” He seemed nervous as he remembered who he was talking to. His eyes darted between a flabbergasted Mor and his high lord, Rhys just nodded and that seemed to calm him down before he practically ran away.
“I am going to kill whoever did this,” Mor seethed, her hands shaking. Rita was her friend and this was her favorite spot in the city, she felt as though the crime was done specifically to her. “I mean- what? What are we going to do?”
Rita just shook her head but Rhys’ attention was redirected when Azriel materialized next to him.
“Bar fight, between two females. Subject A attacked subject B and B used her powers to fight off A. 3 bystanders were injured and by the looks of it,” Azriel keen eyes raked over the room before turning back to Rhys, “thousands in damage.”
Rhys let out a heavy sigh before placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder, “Let’s go. I want to deal with these females myself.” Azriel nodded at his brothers words and there movements were halted.
“Do you want me to come?” Feyre asked, stepping over broken chairs and around puddles to reach them.
Rhys’ eyes softened as he took in his worried mate, her wide eyes scanning the scene for the hundredth time. “No, stay here. Do what you can to help and try to comfort Mor… and Rita.” His eyes danced over to Morrigan who was walking around the hall waving her hands and still screaming, she looked more distressed than Rita did. Feyre nodded and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, offering Az a supportive smile before making her way to Mor. With that the men shared a determined look before exiting the hall and making their way to the station.
At this point I was hitting my head against the cold wall repeatedly, not hard enough to hurt myself but enough to drown out the nagging from the cell next to mine.
The crazed female, Gala, had woken up and immediately began screeching. She pulled and tugged on the cage door and verbally assaulted any officer who passed. Her attention eventually shifted and she was now honed in on me.
“You selfish bitch! You couldn’t just let me have one night. One peaceful night without your presence! You had to show up and ruin everything! And now, I’m locked in a cage like some wild animal because you can’t control yourself!”
I didn’t want to, but I snapped, “You are a wild animal! I’m the one who doesn’t deserve to be locked up! You might be too dense to remember but you attacked me, I didn’t even know you were there!”
Gala began screeching again claiming that I was put here to ruin her life and I can’t help but indulged in her childish behavior. Something about this female irked me to my core and soon I was partaking in the screaming match through the bars.
The officer was who was unlucky enough to have his desk placed closest to the holding cells stood up so quick his chair fell over. He whipped around and glared with bloodshot eyes, “Shut up! Both of you! Or I’m adding disorderly conduct to your already long lists.”
Gala scoffed at that and I mimicked the sound, “Once again,” I said exasperated, “she started it!” The officer didn’t say anything else but a pointed finger came through the bars. His finger shook with his barely contained rage before he looked to Gala who was mumbling about police incompetence and gave her a finger as well. He turned around and quietly picked up his chair before going back to the gargantuan stack of papers on his desk.
After sitting back down I hit my head against the wall one last time shaking my head. All of the other ways the night could’ve ended mocked me as I closed my eyes.
“Don’t look so forlorn, not when it’s your fault,” Gala was determined to keep the argument going as she harshly whispered into my cell. She had her face squished between bars as she glared at me and continued her verbal lashing.
I counted my deep breaths as I tried to control the urge to reach through the bars and wring her neck. Images of me slamming her face into the bars repeatedly was my only solace as I tuned out her low shrieking. Even when she whispers she’s still incredibly annoying.
The venom kept spewing from her mouth until the same officer that brought me in came and unlocked my cell, I shot up and prayed for freedom. He unlocked Gala’s cell too and had the mind to hold her arm, “There’s someone here to see you two,” his tone was borderline teasing and he led us away from all the desks. “He says he wants to handle this himself.”
I followed quietly behind as nerves overtook my body, was it the police chief? Was someone in Rita’s family a judge who wanted to dish out the worst punishment they could? Cold sweat threatened my brow as we made our way into a private office.
Gala was shoved into a leather chair and I stumbled into my own. The magical binds on my wrists made it hard to sit comfortably and I shifted around while the leather squeaked. The officer closed the door with a smile and at that Gala turned in her chair, glaring.
“Can you stop? Even your shifting is annoying me.”
“I’m annoying you?” I felt blood rush back to my face for the umpteenth time, “Well imagine how I felt when you grabbed my hair and started scratching my face!” Your voices were low but the venom was still there.
“Don’t act like you didn’t have it coming. You go out of your way to ruin my life any chance you get, showing up at Rita’s tonight… I know what you’re trying to do.”
My eyes widened and realization hit me, “Your crazy. You’re just fucking crazy.” That was the only answer. Gala was out of her fucking mind, that’s why even when I breathe she cries abuse.
The word crazy seemed to spark something and the screaming match started up again, this time in a lower tone. Something about the formidable air in the office kept us from getting too loud; but you can still scream a whisper.
I couldn’t even hear what she was saying over my own words but I knew it was bullshit so I continued to say all of the nasty things that popped into my head.
Our voices were haulted when a cool black mist came over the room, obstructing everything. I couldn’t see an inch in front of me as darkness encompassed the room and my entire body. It wasn’t mist, it was shadow, and it clung to me like a second skin. The anger was replaced by fear as I tried to determine what was happening, what had stolen my sight and dropped the rooms degree.
Eventually the shadow cleared and suddenly someone was on the other side of the desk, two someone’s.
The High Lord of the Night Court and his Spymaster. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt the power rolling off them in waves, pushing me further into the chair. They were the last people I expected to see, and the last people I wanted to deal with. There stoney expressions conveyed the anger that was rippling through them.
Rhysand sat poised in the large chair, narrowed eyes studying me and Gala while Azriel stood behind him, arms crossed over his chest with an emotionless face.
Normally I would drool at the sight. Two of the three most handsome men in Velaris, staring me down. Rhys’ perfectly carved face set to impose intimidation and Azriel… I’d seen the spymaster a few times in passing, but seeing him up close was a different story.
His high cheekbones that contoured into a perfect jaw, his Nubian nose that sat perfectly straight above plump lips, hazel eyes that shone through shadows, and a low taper fade that danced across his forehead lovingly. He was the embodiment of beauty, perfection in fae form, awe personified. I knew I should be scared, shaking where I sat, but something in the hazel warmed me, soothed me. I forced myself to look at Rhysand so I could have the right mind of being scared, and it worked.
He stared at us for a few minutes and the tension in the air grew, Gala was crazy but no crazy enough to lash out in front of her high lord, not yet at least. We both sat uncomfortably in the silence and now it was her leather chairs turn to squeak.
“So,” Rhys began, picking up the paper that was laid in front of him and looking it over, “Disturbing the peace, public intoxication, assault, aggravated assault, battery, criminal mischief, theft, resisting arrest, evading arrest, assault of an officer, intentional infliction of emotional distress, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, obstruction of justice, trespassing, vandalism, and last but not least hate crimes.” He laid down the paper and I couldn’t help but gape at the list he rattled off, there is no way I was being charged with all of that. Especially not the assaulting an officer or evading arrest, I know that was Gala but hate crimes? They can’t possibly believe I fought her because she is a lesser fae.
“This is quite the list you’ve racked up,” he spoke again his eyes zeroing in on me. I just looked down, ashamed. I wished my power was to reverse time. I would’ve never stepped foot into Rita’s if I knew it would land me here, a meeting with my high lord who seemed determined to dish out terrible punishment. “Do you have anything to say for yourselves.”
I just shook my head, finding my glittery heels very interesting.
“I do,” Gala spoke up, my head snapped to her and I saw a disgusting determination on her face. “I shouldn’t be here! I should be getting medical attention, therapy, a protection detail! I am clearly the victim here!”
I knew it didn’t help my case but I couldn’t help my eye roll. By the looks of it, I was the one in the wrong. I had a couple marks on my face that probably wouldn’t bruise as well as minor scratches around my eyes. Gala on the other hand, had bruises and cuts all over her exposed lilac skin. Her silver eyes were bloodshot and one was swollen with green and dark blue hues, a cut lip, and a nose that suffered a gnarly break.
This was bad.
“Alright…” Rhys started slowly before glancing at the paper once more, “Gala is it?” She nodded fervently, “Since you’re the only one with something to say… tell me what happened. And don’t lie to me.”
Gala took a shaky breath and I almost groaned at her theatrics, “I have been so stressed, you know, I work really hard, with children, not easy work. But I decided to go to Rita’s, grab a drink. I’m a grown woman, you know, I wanted to let off some steam. Then she,” she pointed a crooked finger in my direction as she had some how shimmed her bound hand in front of her. As I looked I wondered if it was always like that or if it was crooked because I broke it. “She followed me there. She’s obsessed with me, you know, always doing whatever she can to make my life hard. She’s my neighbor, you know. always pestering me and my pets and plants. She’s unrelenting.”
I made a noise somewhere between a scoff and a gasp, if anyone was unrelenting it was her. Rhys sent me a harsh glare and the shadowsinger stepped forward, a warning.
I slunk back into my chair and I’ve never seen Gala look so happy.
“Well she followed me to Rita’s, and I didn’t feel safe. I mean she’s always sneaking around doing things she’s not supposed to, you know. As a matter of fact she has- well had- a baby hippogriff. Poor thing didn’t survive, she probably killed it. But those creatures are illegal in this court, you know,” Rhys nodded and hummed along, I just threw my head back on the chair and stared at the ceiling. I’m going to rot in jail.
“Anyways so she was being unruly and loud and that dress, I swear this girl would do anything for some attention. Well I went over there to ask her to quiet down, I wasn’t the only one getting annoyed with her, you know. But when I touched her shoulder she turned around and started screaming, I put my hands up because I didn’t want her to hurt me or anything, you know. She just lost it, screaming, hitting, it was absolutely insane.
She picked up a chair and whacked me. She threw some glass at me and tackled me into the shards. She threw me through a wall! This woman is a danger to our city! A danger to the night court- hel- a danger to all of Prythian! This woman belongs in a cell with no way out!”
By the end of Gala’s tale I couldn’t help but stare, my mouth was practically on the floor. He explicitly told her not to lie and yet she had the gall to do it anyway. If I wasn’t facing persecution from the most powerful man alive I would’ve gave her another black eye.
Rhys hummed, processing the story, his violet eyes turned to me. They were swimming with contempt and I wanted a hole to open up and swallow me. I forced tears to the back of my eyes knowing tears would only egg Gala on. “Still having nothing to say?” His voice was deathly calm.
“Yes- no!” I cursed the nerves that had my brain scrambled, I needed to calm down before I made things worse for myself. I took a deep breath before looking up again, my eyes caught Azriel and for a brief second something flashed across his face. His eyes got a far off look that matched the high lords. The conversation that happened between them was brief and when the high lord zeroed in on me I felt like the decision was made before I could even speak. I was guilty.
“I did hurt her- bad. But, I didn’t start it. I swear I was at Rita’s first, I didn’t even know she was there. I was drinking with my friends and this guy was looking at me, and I was looking at him, and then well we were looking at each other so I didn’t even notice when she came up to me, not until she tapped me on the shoulder. She was yelling about my dress, calling me horrible names. At that point the dude had walked away so I was already pissed when I told her ‘I’m not doin this with you tonight’ and when I turned around she grabbed my hair. Yanked me down to her level and bop bop!” I jerked my shoulder to try and insinuate a punch, “she was doing my head in and so I grabbed her wrist and tried to remove her from my hair and when I turned she started scratching at my eyes-“
“Liar!” Gala stood up and screamed at me.
“No! It’s true and you fucking know it,” I hissed at her. She opened her mouth to yell again but words didn’t come out when Rhys let out a low growl, accompanied by an unmistakable look. She was receiving the same the same warning I got earlier.
Rhys nodded at me and I continued, “she scratched my eyes and I shoved her off of me, that was when she fell into the table. My powers are… interesting so the table broke when I pushed her into it. She got up pretty quick after that, she grabbed a chair and started running towards me with it so I grabbed it before it hit me and I hit her with it. Mind you I had a couple shots in me so I was ready, I turned the chair on her and broke it over her. I thought that would be enough but she grabbed a glass from the table and threw it at me. I know those glasses hit some other people but I think when she missed me it upset her because she was screamed and ran at me-
“You threw the glass at me! I was screaming running away!”
It was my turn to growl at Gala, she only sneered before shutting up again. “She ran at me and I dodged her and she ran into another table, that’s how the second table broke. So I grabbed a bottle off the bar and when she came at me again I broke it, on her face. I really thought she would stop after that but she grabbed a tray off the bar that was full of glasses and threw that at me, some of it hit me and so I threw another chair at her. She was under the chair and tackled me to the floor, scratching at my face again. I hit her and it knocked her off of me, she grabbed the broken bottle and she looked like she would kill me so… well I picked her up and threw her. That’s what put the whole in the wall, and really, that’s when I thought she was done for real.
So I turn around and go to grab my things because I’m trying to leave but she grabbes one of those big bottles from behind the bar and threw it.”
“Bitch!” Gala was up again this time moving for my face, “You stupid whore! You know-“ her voice was cut off when the ground beneath her feet began to shake, the whole office was shaking.
Rhysand braced his hands on the desk and glared at Gala, “We heard your story, now I want to hear hers. If you interrupted a fourth time… you will regret it.” Galas eyes were wide and she was smart enough to look afraid. She just nodded dumbly before sitting down, her silver eyes darting between the angry high lord and the unyielding spymaster. I waited for Rhys to nod again before continuing.
“It hit my head and at that point, it wasn’t about defending myself, I just wanted to to beat her ass. So yes I did run at her and slammed her into a table, kinda roughly so that’s how the third table and those chairs broke. Anyway so yea, I get to her and that’s when I just started hitting her, some guy tried to pull me off but I think I hit him. I really do feel bad about that, I’ll pay for whatever medical treatment he receives. Anyways that’s when the cops dragged me off of her, three of them I think, they detained me and when they went to try and detain her she freaked. Started fighting the officers, she threw another bottle at the short one and they dragged both of us out. She fought them the whole time, kicking and screaming at the cops.”
When I finished the high lord just stared face still blank, I felt like I needed to explain more, pleade my case further. But he spoke before I could, “So you guys are neighbors?”
“Yes!” Me and Gala both said at the same time, the dirty look we gave each other also happened at the same time.
“Yes,” I repeated, “She has hated me ever since I moved in. Actually I’m pretty sure she’s the one who killed my hippogriff.”
Gala snorted, “I wouldn’t go near that thing with a ten foot pole! They’re dangerous creatures and they’re illegal here you know!”
“Yes, I know,” I mocked her and the fire that was in her eyes in, Rita’s returned.
Gala jumped up to scream, “You insolent bitch! You think you’re above everyone but you ruin lives for fun!”
“How did I ruin your life?!” I was standing now too, “I never did anything to you!”
“Lies!” She screeched, “you know exactly what you did! Sneaking around my garden when I’m not home!”
I, once again, gaped at her. “Seriously? That’s what this is about!? Because I watered you plants when you were out of town?!”
“Trespassing!” If my hands were able to I would’ve covered my ears, her tone was dangerously high. “You trespassed on my property! Not to mention you tried to steal my cat, probably to feed it to you hippogriff!”
“What?!” The whole situation was utterly insane to me, “I was trying to be a good neighbor! And your cat followed me home. Probably to get away from you.”
Gala was seething, “You don’t talk about my cat! You stole him after you broke in! Broke into my garden and ruined my work!”
A dark chuckle fell from my lips, “I ruined your work by keeping your plants alive? You’re fucking crazy,” I turned to the high lord to try and find some support, “You hear this? She’s fucking crazy!”
“I’m going to fucking kill you!” Gala screamed as she shook from rage.
“Come on bitch. I’ll beat your ass- again!” She ran at me only to hit an invisible wall and falling onto her behind with no way to brace herself.
“Enough!” Rhys voice was commanding now and the primal part of me coward at the sound. He was visibly angry. “This all started over a garden?” His voice held an incredulous tone and I couldn’t blame him, the story was ridiculous.
“It started before the garden, she’s had something against me since ever I moved in.” My voice was calm as I spoke, I didn’t want to anger him more.
Gala on the other hand didn’t seem to care much, she rose from the floor before continuing her rampage, “She moved into my quiet neighborhood, and my life has been hel ever since! Always singing loudly in the morning. Having friends over at night. Prancing around in skimpy dresses. Growing plants that I haven’t been able to grow just to rub it in my face! You should see it, she’s always flicking her perfect hair and smiling at everyone who looks at her. I can’t stand it! All the males coming to her doorstep trying to be with her, females flocking to gain a friendship with her. In all my years no one has ever tried to befriend me! I hate how everyone loves her! I hate it! And I hate her!”
I just blinked at Galas out burst and suddenly everything clicked. She was jealous of me. I stepped back and slumped into the chair at my knees. I just shook my head, all of this over some petty insecurities.
“Nell!” Rhys called and the officer that escorted us poked his head in, “Can you escort Y/n here back to her holding cell? I’d like to speak with Gala in private.” Nell just nodded, he moved towards me but I stood up and met him half way. All the anger was lost to me as I followed him all the way to the back of the station.
I sat down in my cell and my eyes were trained on the floor, the tears I was holding back finally found there way out. Nell locked the door and when I didn’t hear him walk away I looked up. “I heard everything, and off the record,” he leaned in, “I think she’s crazy too.”
I offered him a sad smile before looking back down. She was crazy but she was hurting, I knew her jealousy wasn’t my fault but I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I was trying to be helpful, living my life as happily as possible but for some twisted reason I was hurting her. Tears continued to fall until a small whisper of a shadow nuzzled my face and wiped them away.
The entire scene that played out in front of the brothers was no less than absurd. Almost comical, Rhys might have laughed if he wasn’t playing the role of the dutiful high lord. But the most interesting part was what Azriel had whispered in his mind. The girl, the main perpetrator, was his mate.
The second your voice hit his ears, Azriel almost fell to his knees. Your voice was melodic, soft and sweet, reminiscent of a summer breeze. The only thing he could do was petrify himself, to keep from falling in front of you, kissing your minor injuries, and tearing the throat out of the female who spoke ill of you.
He saw the tears threatening your eyes as you stood up to move out of the room. Every part of his body screamed at him to comfort you, hold you, inform you that you aren’t responsible for another fae’s bitterness.
When you left Rhys interrogated Gala further, listening to her wild tales of all the times you did something terrible. It truly sounded like you were just living your life and for some reason she hated that. She called you names, names that threatened Azriels resolution. He wanted to rip the spiteful bitch to shreds and finish what you started. He couldn’t lie, he felt some sick pride while listening to your side of the story. He knew if he was there things would’ve ended much worse for her.
Rhysand listened diligently, nodding and humming as Gala went on. Azriel slightly resented his brother for not striking her down where she sat. Rhys eventually cleared his throat, indicating that he was ready to speak. “So Gala, do you remember the first thing I said to you?” She nodded dutifully, “When I told you not to lie to me?” She nodded again, more unsure this time. Rhys just gave her a saccharine grin, “You wouldn’t mind if I checked, would you?”
“I- well-“ she shifted under the intensity of the stares, “It’s just my thoughts are my own, you know… I would like to keep it that way.” Her confidence wavered and suddenly she was unable to make eye contact.
Rhys chuckled lowly, “Look Gala, I just want to help. That- that wretch has made you suffer enough. Let me in; and I’ll take care of all of it.”
A deep growl came from Azriel his tight grip on his shadows loosened, causing them to swirl around him menacingly. Rhys knew the reaction was for him, he would react the same to hear his brother speak such words about Feyre. Galas eyes widened, taking the scene as a threat to her. She nodded lamely and with permission Rhys slipped into her mind.
Azriel tried to reign in his shadows, struggling against their will, it wasn’t until they relayed your voice he relaxed. They carried soft whispers to his ear and a deep breath pushed from his mouth at the sound.
I sat in the cell watching the lone shadow dance around for me, it seemed it was attempting to cheer me up. I chuckled lightly at its antics. An officer walked past the cell and it darted into my hair, hiding. This naughty shadow wasn’t meant to be here, I wonder if my power is what called it or if it came on its own free will. I decided to channel my power, hone it in on the male who the shadow belonged to. After a few seconds of concentration, I was connected.
“Hi,” I whispered and it circled my head, running across my face before landing on my knee.
Hello, hello, it whispered back. Beautiful, so so beautiful.
I laughed airily, “Thank you, so are you.” The shadow whirled around at the compliment, happy to hear praises. “Listen, I’m innocent. You have to believe me, I didn’t start this. I didn’t do anything to her.”
Innocent, innocent, it chanted and I let out a breath. The shadow believed me, I wondered if it was a reflection of its master or if it had its own will.
“Can you tell your master?” I questioned, leaning down, “Can you convince him?”
He’s here, it whispered back and I snapped my neck up to find none other than Azriel. He was leaning against the bars giving me a devilish smirk. He looked beautiful, his tan arms crossed showing off rippling muscles as his eyes glanced over me lazily. I pushed my thighs together, feeling hot under his gaze.
He wants you too, the naughty little shadow whispered, causing a blush to creep up my cheeks as I looked away.
He chuckled lowly as he turned to face me completely, his forearm met the bar above his head as he leaned in. The ravishing sight had me licking my lips, something his smirk told me he caught.
“Cool power,” he mused, his eyes shone with mischief as he held my gaze.
Busted, the shadow whispered and I rolled my eyes at it.
“Very cool, and very useful.” My voice was confident despite the shaking under my skin.
He huffed a laugh before leaning back and crossing his arm over his chest once more. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
He does, the shadow outed him and it was my turn to laugh.
“I’m guessing that’s where you got the strength from, you channeled someone else’s power to throw that poor female into a wall.”
“Oh please,” it was my turn to lean back. I crossed my legs slowly and I bit my lip as his eyes tracked the movement. “That bitch had it coming.”
“Ooo,” he purred and the warmth between my legs spread to the rest of my body, “Naughty little girl, don’t you know? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” His head cocked to the side and I mimicked his movement, a smirk of my own forming. “Bad girls need punished.”
I slowly uncrossed my legs and pushed myself up, moving towards him. I was hot, burning under his gaze. Everything tingled as gave into some intrinsic need that command I be closer to him. I pushed my chest against the bars and my low cut dress showed off my cleavage. His eyes lowered to exactly where I knew they would. The shadow danced excitedly through my hair as if it too loved our proximity.
“And will you be personally handing out my punishment?” I made my voice sickly sweet, conveying an inappropriate innocence. I looked up at him through my eyelashes and batted them sweetly.
A low rumble left his chest and I hummed at the sound. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Leaning in he whispered, “I don’t think anyone else would do it properly.” His eyes raked the entirety of my body and I thanked the mother for putting on my most flattering dress. The double entendre coupled with his hazy eyes had me ready to tear apart the steel and pounce.
His scared had gripped the bar so tight his knuckles turned white. Looks like I’m not the only one ready to tear through steal.
Suddenly he leaned back and crossed his arms again, smirk still evident. A second later Rhysand and officer Nell were at the cell door, and Rhys was looking at me with a pleased look that only garnered confusion.
“Where’s Gala?” I looked around but she wasn’t in the station and I didn’t see her exit the office.
“Gala’s not going to be a problem for you anymore,” the simplicity in his words was slightly troubling. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to Gala, not anymore at least. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. Rhys noted my concern, “Nothing bad. But I looked through some of her memories and- what she felt for you, it was completely irrational. She needs help so we’re going to get her some. Very far away.”
I let out a breath which was followed by an airy chuckle. I leaned my head against the bar and my chuckle turned into a full belly laugh. “Thank gods, she was fucking crazy.”
Rhys smiled as he waved his hand and my magical bonds fell. My hands wrapped around my own wrists soothingly and I stepped out of the now open door. “There’s still the issue of all the damage Rita’s suffered,” Rhys cocked his brow, interested in what I might say to that.
“Whatever it is, I’ll pay it,” I made hands that conveyed that of a promise.
“The damage reports come to around 4,090 gold marks,” officer Nell responded, his coy smile ever prevalent. I made an O shape with my mouth and rocked on my heels back and forth. That’s about 6 paychecks, without factoring the need to pay rent or buy food.
“I’ll pay it,” Azriel said simply. I whipped my head around to look at him, on the cusp of disagreeing. “Well you’ll pay it, it’ll come out of your check; when you come work for us.”
My shock was evident on my face and my mouth opened and closed lamely before I mustered up a “What?”
“Your powers,” he clicked his tongue as he stepped next to me, close enough for our arms to brush. “They could come in handy, far more handy for us than they do at some desk job.”
I shook my head as I processed everything. How did Azriel know where I worked? I suppose that’s dumb, he’s a spymaster and I told the police earlier. But was he really able to offer me a job, on Rhysands court?
I looked to my high lord for confirmation and he just smiled, “Way more handy than having you behind a desk,” he shoved his hands in his pocket with a shrug, “plus we already know you can fight.”
I laughed at that and my hand met my head as I mulled it over, I would be stupid not to accept. I knew my powers were unique and I always wanted to do more, I just never knew where to start. “Sure, I never liked my job anyway.” I tried to play it off cool but my soul was bouncing on the inside. The sneaky shadow seemed happy too as it whirled around my head and down through my fingers.
“Sounds good,” Rhys clapped and turned to walk with Nell, “Oh,” he looked over his shoulder, “Be sure to apologize to Rita.”
I brought my hand to my forehead offering a salute, “Yes sir!” He smiled before placing a gentle hand on Nell’s shoulder and walking away.
A giggle stole from my mouth as I clapped my hands over my heart and turned to Azriel, he had a pleased look on his face. I decided in that moment I would do anything to keep it there. “Well, that all worked out nicely.”
“Lucky you,” he purred, before tilting his head down and whispering, “Not lucky enough to escape your punishment though.”
The darkness returned to his eyes and my whole body lurched, begging to be punished right here, in front of the whole station.
I hummed as I wrapped my hands around his strong forearm, pushing onto my tiptoes and leaning into his ear. “Don’t hold out on me shadowsinger.” I giggled as I pulled back and bounced towards the door. On my way out I felt some more shadows, sneaking up and brushing against my thighs before coming up to whisper to me.
Bad, bad girl, they said. I just smirked as I pushed out of the door into daybreak. Who knew getting arrested could be so exciting.
A/N: I didn’t plan on writing this but I got the idea and since it’s my day off I went for it :p
If you guys like it I would be sooo down to do a part 2??? Maybe I’ll be brave enough to make a smutty 2 :D
Anywhooo my requests are always open so don’t be shy ;)
As always, if you made it this far… I LOVE YOU<3<3
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Behind the Scenes
Scarlett Johansson x Reader
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When you’re nervous to film a kiss scene, Scarlett eases your worries
Note: I haven’t written Scarlett in forever, but I got this idea the other day! Follow my library blog @togrowoldinvlibrary for fic updates!
Scarlett Johansson Masterlist, Main Masterlist
“And we’re rolling!” You hear the director say.
Scarlett, acting as Natasha, runs up to you and starts saying her lines. Your mind goes completely blank thinking about what’s coming next.
Actually getting cast in a role in a Marvel movie was beyond your wildest dreams, but the day came a few months ago. You had auditioned expecting no callback or anything, but before you even left that day they told you that were perfect for the part.
And you were ecstatic.
Naturally, you knew nothing about the plot of the movie or who’d you would even be interacting with.
But this week you were handed a script with a scene with the Black Widow. The hero you have been crushing on for years, and now you have to act opposite to her.
Your nerves increased when you read the script further and discovered you have a kiss scene with her.
That’s why now as she speaks, your mind is reeling and your lines slip from your brain.
“We need a diversion,” she repeats her line. “So, they won’t know it’s us,” she tries to pull you back into the scene, but you falter.
Your hands are sweaty and she notices your hesitation.
Scarlett stops trying to keep the scene going. She turns to the camera, “Can we take a break?”
“We have to get this scene done today,” comes the mumbles of the director.
“We will. Give me ten minutes?”
They reluctantly agree. Before you can run off the stage in the direction of, well anywhere but here, a soft hand grabs yours.
“Hey, come with me,” Scarlett says.
She takes you outside to a small picnic area and the fresh air does immediately help you a little feel better. But you’re still nervous as you’ve ever been.
She ushers you to sit down on a bench with her. Scarlett puts her arm behind you, not touching you, but close enough that you feel your pace quicken.
“What’s going on, sweetheart? You always nail your scenes,” Scarlett says.
“I think I’m just nervous,” you admit shyly. She makes an adorable thinking face and you elaborate a little more. “About the- our kiss.”
“Ohhh I see,” Scarlett says. “Well you don’t need to worry about that. It’s easy. Just pretend I’m your girlfriend or something.”
You shake your head and she connects the dots.
“You haven’t?” She asks. You look down at your feet. “That’s alright. Hey, look at me.”
Scarlett’s hand comes to your cheek as she guides you to look at her. You’re immediately lost in the green of her eyes.
“Would you feel more comfortable if we tried it out here first?” She asks.
“I- um- maybe?” You reply.
She smiles at you.
“Okay, sweetheart. I’m going to lean and you tell me to stop if you don’t want to do this, okay?” Scarlett says, already leaning in. You nod. “I need to hear you say it.”
“Okay, yes ma’am.”
“Good,” she replies.
She’s only an inch from touching her lips to yours when she hesitates for just a moment.
“Relax, baby,” she whispers before she presses her lips against yours.
They’re barely there but the feeling makes your head dizzy. It’s over too soon, you think. You open your eyes and she’s smirking at you. You can’t help but smile too.
“Let’s try it one more time,” she says. “Kiss me back this time?”
“I’ll try,” you say and she chuckles.
“Just do what comes naturally.”
This time she leans in quicker and connects her lips with yours more intensely. You kiss back, and if the soft whimper she lets out when you do is any indication, then you’re doing well.
Scarlett pulls away and rests her forehead against yours.
“Wow,” she whispers.
Caught up in the moment, you kiss her lips again softly.
“I’m sorry!” You say as you abruptly stop kissing her and stand up.
“Don’t apologize!” She says. She comes to you and turns you around with a hand on your waist. “Just kiss me again.”
Scarlett doesn’t give you time to reply. She kisses you again and it’s the best one yet. Her tongue asks for entrance and you don’t deny her. The kiss continues until someone opens the door.
“Oh! I guess you guys are ready for the kiss scene!” Elizabeth says as she clothes the door again.
You laugh shyly and Scarlett takes your hand.
“Are you ready?” She asks.
“Let’s do it,” you reply.
Before you get to the door, Scarlett stops walking and turns to you.
“We should do this again sometime,” she suggests.
“Oh- yeah sure yes,” you get shy again.
“Dinner tonight?” She asks. You nod in agreement, too stunned to speak.
Scarlett kisses your cheek and opens the door.
You follow after her now ready more than ever for a kiss with her.
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hoshifighting · 6 months
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Code of temptation
Synopsis: When a series of cyber threats puts national security at risk, Y/N is assigned to lead the investigation. Her team is complemented by Vernon, a computer genius known for his dexterity in deciphering the most complex codes.
Words: +1k
Reader! SecretAgent x Vernon! Hacker
Warnings: Smut, oral (f. receiving), penetrative sex, exhibitionism, unprotected sex (wrap it up), dry humping, fingering, hair pulling, chocking, dirty talk and etc.
Your tight TechWear is starting to get uncomfortable, your fingers attached to the trigger, and your arms are already weak from holding the heavy gun, one wrong movement, everything is done. You wait for the sign from Mingyu, who is already in position to catch the target “1, 2, 3… Now!” he says in the little point of sound in your ear, and you do your shot.
The bullet hits the target directly in the head, and Mingyu runs in the middle of the basement to steal the small device that is the pivot of the mission you have been working on for the last few weeks. The both of you run to the back door, you enter the armored car that awaits you. 
“Objective accomplished successfully, mission completed with distinction and mastery.” Your chief says on the other line. Body finally relaxing on the car seat, while you do a little weak punch on Mingyu’s hand.
“We did a great Job Mr. Lee, we trained for this, but it’s difficult ultimately, they are more attached to the systems day by day, so we need to take action, and ask for the Department Head to recruit a Technical Expert, so we can obtain coordinates during missions” you point your pencil on the map in front of you “Promise me that by the end of the month, we will have some ‘technology guru’  to help us, and I promise to complete another mission as always.” that said, you leave the meeting room slamming the door loudly.
You hold a cup of coffee while you try to decipher the nominal codes on the computer screen, you snort and immediately give up on understanding the logic of the system in front of you. The computer room doorbell rings, and you can see a young man with brown hair waiting for the door to be opened, showing his FBI badge. You put your fingerprint into the system, and the door is slowly opened, revealing the boy, holding the shoulder strap from his backpack, wearing a black uniform, just like yours. 
“First off all, I am almost freaking the fuck out seeing all these algorithms with letters on the same screen” you point to the computer with raised eyebrows, and he closes the door behind him “and we should have met before the mission started, but since you're here now, we need to track them down as quickly as possible.” He agrees and sit on the chair in front of the desk.
“My name is Vernon by the way” the sarcasm is proliferated from his lips, while he maintains an extremely unbothered expression.
You snort incredulous at his audacity - even though the ironic tone in his voice may not have been intentional - you stop to look at him from top to bottom, analyzing his mannerisms until he actually starts doing something on the electronic device that hovers in front of him “very funny of you, but I would like more respect since I am leading this mission, and the hierarchy is very-“
“Oh come on don’t play like you’re 10 years older than me!” He says with the face still buried on the screen “and since you are leading the mission amidst so much cyber invasion, you should at least know how to clear your history, if I were your enemy, and found out that you listen to the same Backstreet Boys song for 9 hours straight, you would definitely no longer be my target, freaky ass girl”
The heels on your feet touches the cold ground towards him “This is an invasion of privacy!” You turn the chair, so now you make eye contact with him, pressing his shoulders on the chair. 
“This is being on the verge of madness!” You let him go, sitting on the couch on the other corner of the room, drinking your coffee ashamed.
The clicks on the mouse and the sound of the keys were driving you crazy, until he lifted his back from the chair and widened his eyes towards the computer, you run to see the screen popping a map with a lot of red ropes interlinked “Fuck! they’re on the building!” You recognize the structure of the department you are hiding in, running to get your guns attached to your waist, while Vernon turns off the trackers “We need to run away right now, we don’t have time!” You hold his arm, and you run through the company halls, until you leave the building, running down the opposite street. You led the way, while Vernon, the shy hacker, tripped over his own legs. The sound of sirens echoed through the streets, mixing with the frenetic rhythm of your footsteps. The cobblestone streets made escape even more challenging.
"Y/N, I think they saw us!", Vernon exclaimed, breathing hard.
You threw a quick glance behind you, displaying a confident grin. "Don't worry, Vernon, I have a foolproof plan." you say with pure sarcasm, and with a quick gesture, you grabbed Vernon's hand and led you into a narrow alley. The space between the two of you is tiny, you can clearly feel Vernon's minty breath hitting your face, the space doesn't help either, as your breasts are pressed against Vernon's chest - he'd be lying if he said he wasn't starting to like it.
The tension in the air was palpable as your eyes met, breathing heavily, you shared a moment of complicity that transcended the imminent danger. You instinctively grabbed Vernon's forearm, running your fingers over the skin still warm from running his eyes revealed a mixture of surprise and expectation, an electrically charged silence filled the narrow alley as your proximity grew. You, who are normally focused and fearless, felt a unique vulnerability at that moment. Then, without words, but with a shared intensity, you leaned slightly towards Vernon. The world around him disappeared when his lips finally touched, an instant of defiant lust in the midst of chaos. The narrow alley became a stage for the beginning of an immense desire between the two of you.
His right hand goes to your neck, pulling your hair, and the other, grab the meat of your ass, you moan in his mouth - you had even forgotten that you had a small beef with him earlier -, your hand goes down until you can fill your hand with his hardened cock, making him stop the kiss to bite his lip “Turn around” he orders. You hardly turn because of the compact space, and now your ass was pressed against his dick, as he pulls your skirt up, massaging your clit over the thin fabric of your panties “More, we don’t have time!” You whisper, and he slaps your cunt “Stop being hasty! Where's your 'foolproof' plan uh?” a high pitched moan leave your mouth, your hands holding on the little bricks of the wall so your face doesn't lie on them.
Vernon pulls your panties to the side, entering his fingers in your cunt, you hump your ass against him, feeling he hiss in your ear, the wet noises from your pussy and the sound of your panting breaths fills the alley, you moan feeling him going faster with his fingers. He suddenly stops the movement, opening his jeans, so he can slide his cock through your folds. “You are so hot, but fuck, you are so annoying!” he pulls your hair, slowly moving his hips finally diving into your heat, your eyes roll at the back of your head, his mouth kissing your neck.
The space was small, but he was doing wonder with his hips, circling his hips so his tip brushes against your g spot, making your legs go numb, you're lucky that he held you tight with an arm around your hip “Such a whore… Tsk” 
You can hear footsteps approaching you, while a light from a flashlight approaches, Vernon pulls you to hide deeper in the alley. 
“I think I heard something coming from here!"
He covers your mouth with one hand as he bites your shoulder, furrowing his eyebrows, still pounding deep inside of you, feeling your juices run down your thighs.
“It must be all in your head, come on, they must have gone that way!”
Vernon pulls you to rest your back against his chest, chocking you, while his hips are working faster “Afraid of being caught hm? So nervous that got you clenching so hard around my cock.” Your mouth opens, as you feel your orgasm approaching, his dirty talk between his moans was driving you crazy, squeezing him, while he throw his head back. “Fuck, I’m cumming” his cock twitches inside of your pussy, shooting ropes of cum inside of you, moaning low in your ear.
You can feel his cum running down your legs, he starts to rub your clit again, so slow it almost burns, his scent invading your nostrils, making your mind go blank, your body begins to tense, and an intense climax makes your legs shake, as he laughs proudly in your ear “Hmm… Thats it! Good girl..” He turns you around, so now you're face to face with him again, his kisses going down your jaw, as he fix your skirt. 
“The night isn't over yet, we still have targets to catch” he gets dressed again “but first, let me clean you up” he bends down, licking your thighs, until he reaches your pussy, holding your leg up on his shoulder, while you tremble sensitive. He stands up, wiping his mouth with his thumb. Vernon steals a kiss from you, before pulling you to run through the streets once again.
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forever-rogue · 8 months
I love Halloween a those prompts are so good!
“I’m not easily scared, but right now I’m terrified.” + “do you want to go to the corn maze?” With bf Steve 🥰💕 maybe the kids see you going to the maze and decide to scare you both.
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AN | But just how wonderful and fun would fall be with Stevie? 🥺
Warnings | None
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You stood in front of the house and admired your handiwork - you’d decorated the front porch with everything fall and spooky. It was the first year that you and Steve were spending in your new house - the place you’d decided to call home after getting married. Naturally, that meant that you were going to go all out. Steve had been at work all day but would be home soon - you wondered if he’d like your handiwork.
“Wow,” you’d been so wrapped up in your own little world as you’d decorated and hadn’t even heard Steve come home. You turned around to find your husband standing behind you, hands on his hips as he looked everything over. You moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “that’s a lot of pumpkins. How many pumpkins did you get?”
“Mind your business and don’t worry about it,” you were giggling as he took your face in his hands and pressed kisses to your cheeks before softly pressing his lips to yours. It was ridiculous just how giddy and excited he still made you feel, even after all this time together, “hi.”
“Hi angel,” he dropped his hands to your waist, giving you a gentle squeeze, “it looks wonderful.”
“You really like it, Stevie?” you took his hand and started to pull over to the door to show him all the small little details and decorations. You watched his smile grow and light up his entire face as he looked over everything, “I think I went a little overboard but once I started I just didn’t stop. So here we are!”
“It’s not overboard at all. It’s perfect,” he promised and you relaxed into him, “and it’s the first day of fall - it’s all perfect. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you did. You really, really loved him. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Every year, the lot of you had the tradition of going to the local fall and Halloween fair. There was everything and anything fall related that you could have ever imagined. 
It was a fun way to spend the day with your friends and get all those pumpkin treats you liked. You swore that one day everyone would catch onto them. Regardless you still have fun playing the games, going on a hayride, picking apples and pumpkins and getting to let all the animals.
This year one big thing remained yet to be done - 
“Do you want to go to the corn maze?" You squeezed Steve's hand and tilted your head towards the entrance of the maze. You saw the kids standing in line, eager and excited to go in. 
"I feel we have to, right? Like it's tradition," he nodded as you made a small sound of excitement. You were tugging on his hand in the direction of the long line, motioning for Nancy and Robin to follow along and to bring Eddie and Chrissy with them. 
"It's definitely tradition," you agreed softly, "along with getting caramel corn and cotton candy before we leave!"
"Yes," he laughed softly, leaning his head on top of yours, "you just love the fall fair, don't you?"
"I love fall most of all," you agreed, before pausing for a moment, "but not as much as you, of course."
"Well that's reassuring to hear," not that he ever had to doubt that. He knew just how very much you loved him, "we'll get whatever you want before we leave."
"Can't forget some pumpkins," you were eyeing the big pumpkin patch where others were already hunting for their favorite pumpkins. Meanwhile Steve was staring at you with a confused expression, "what? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"More pumpkins?" He asked incredulously, "more?"
"Duh," you grinned, "we need ones to carve! They'll go right along with the others. Please Stevie?"
"I…of course," he shook his head with nothing but affection. As if he would ever say no to you for anything, "we'll carve the best pumpkins ever."
"Yay!" You bounced on your heels, "best friend and husband ever!"
"Mhmm," he stood behind you as you moved forward along with the line, "I better be since I'm doing this maze with you!"
"It'll be fun! It always is," you snorted in amusement, "we always get through it."
"Let's hope the tradition continues!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time you made it to the front of the line to go into the maze, it was already getting dark. Darker than you’d have liked it. You weren’t about to admit to Steve that the darkness made your nerves spike up; instead you gingerly took the flashlights that were proffered to you. You handed one to Steve and stepped inside of the expansive rows of corn.
“Let’s make this a little more interesting,” Eddie piped up and looked between your small group, “let’s split up and see who can get to the end first. There’s lots of different paths but they all lead to the end.”
“You dinguses are so on," Robin exchanged an excited look with Nancy who eagerly nodded. The two of them were like peas in a pod, "let's do it."
"Hell yeah," Eddie high-fived Robin before he turned his attention to you and Steve, "what about the two of you, huh lovebirds?"
"Yeah," you sounded unsure but looked to Steve for confirmation only to be met with just as unsure of a look, "totally. Let's do it."
"Alright gang," Eddie illuminated one of the paths with his flashlight, "Robin and Nance can go this way. We'll go this way and the two of you go down that path. See you all at the end!"
Before you could say anything else the others had already started to run off. You swallowed thickly before turning your attention back to Steve. You stood closer to him as if that was somehow going to make everything better, "so, ugh, I'm not easily scared as you know, but right now I'm terrified. What if we get lost here forever Stevie?"
"I promise that won't happen," he looped his arm through yours as he started to lead you toward the path you had been assigned, "as long as we figure out a way to mark where we've been it'll be fine. We can break a stalk or something. That way we'll know where we've been."
 "Okay. Its just that we've never been in here this late before and its so dark," you felt unsure suddenly, "promise-"
"I swear it," he whispered, "we'll be out of here in no time. And then we'll get all the sweets and pumpkins."
"I'm holding you to it!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"It feels like we've been doing this forever," you cracked another stalk and looked at Steve with a huge pout on your face. He was tempted to kiss it away, but decided against it at that moment. He'd make up for it later and give you all the kisses. 
"It's only been about an hour," he reassured you softly. It had been a long hour nonetheless and meant bent stalks of corn and much backtracking. It was reassuring however that there were still lots of other people around you. In a way it was almost kind of eerie hearing all the different sounds around you but not seeing the people, "I'm sure we've gotta be close to the end."
"You're right," you agreed, smiling when Steve reached for your hand and laced your fingers together, "I'm sure it'll - ahh!"
You and Eddie screamed at each other as you clutched at your now wildly beating heart. You'd just turned a corner just as he had; only he was also missing Chrissy.
"I…what happened?" Steve looked between the two of you before trying to figure out where Chrissy was, "where's your girl?"
"I…don't know," he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, "we were just walking around and the next thing I knew was that Chrissy was gone."
"I'm sure we'll catch up to her at the exit," someone had to be the voice of reason and apparently that was going to be you. You gulped as you heard a shriek from somewhere else in the maze, "let's just get going so we can escape."
"Good idea," the two friends agreed in union as you looped your free arm through Eddie's. You hoped that with the two of them at your side things wouldn't be as bad. 
But…you were still in the middle of a corn maze in the dark, cold night with nothing to help but measly flashlights.
You were definitely getting as many pumpkins as you wanted after this.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I've never been happier!" Eddie threw up his arms as he ran through the exit of the maze. You spied Robin, Nancy, and Chrissy all standing at the side as they chatted away. Chrissy's face lit up at sight of her boyfriend and he almost knocked her over in his excitement, "I've never been happier to see land!"
"You've been on land," Chrissy was laughing however as you shook your head in amusement, "I can't believe you got lost!"
"At least you made it out," Robin crossed her arms over her chest as she looked around at your small group, "great job all, but Nance and I are the clear winners."
"I want a rematch!" Steve playfully glowered at her before he realized what he'd said, "next year."
"That's what I thought," and she was so smug that it caused you to laugh, "great job team!"
"C'mon Stevie," you leaned up and kissed him softly, "let's go and get those pumpkins and treats before they close. It's always getting late anyway."
"Okay," he half puffed but relaxed as you started to pull him towards the illuminated pumpkin patch, "hey - my promise came true! We made it out alive!"
"My hero," you beamed at him, "I love you so much, Stevie."
"I love you too, angel," he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, "you and all your pumpkins."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I had a lot of fun today," you climbed into your side of the bed, lying down and immediately reaching for Steve. He'd beaten you to bed and was currently reading his book. He bookmarked his page before setting the book down and pulling you onto top of him. You grinned at him before gently pulling off his thin, silver wire framed reading glasses and putting them on the nightstand, "you're so handsome."
"You just love me for my looks, huh?" He was teasing and you scoffed at him.
"I love you for everything," you promised sweetly, "the fact that you're ridiculously handsome doesn't hurt either. Did you have fun today?"
"I did," his large, warm hands settled on your waist as you relaxed into him, "I had lots of fun too."
"And you like the pumpkins?" You might have gone a little extra…but another five pumpkins seemed necessary. 
"I know them," he insisted, "we've got the best looking house in the neighborhood easily."
"That's what I was going for," you pressed your forehead to his and sighed wistfully, "thanks for always putting up with me."
"I've never putting up with you," he peppered your face in soft kisses, causing you to giggle softly, "I adore you."
"I adore you, Steve Harrington," you whispered, "so much."
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nanichi0 · 2 years
First Time
Fandom/Character: JJK/Choso Kamo
Pairing: Choso x gn!reader
Rating: NSFW, 18+
WC: 2.7k (oneshot)
Content Warnings: fluff and smut, gn!reader (reader’s pronouns aren’t mentioned), domestic au I guess, established relationship, pet names (angel, beautiful, my love, baby), needy!Choso, inexperienced!Choso, virgin!Choso, oral sex (blowjob), throat fucking, lots of kissing, hair pulling, reader is more dominant, sexual teasing, praise, I think that’s everything?
Crossposted on AO3, please leave comments/kudos if you liked it 💖
Synopsis: An inexperienced Choso gets head for the first time <3 
Yesterday had been your typical Friday night. Choso had come over, you’d ordered food, and you’d put on a movie. This was one of the ways you liked to spend time with each other, snuggled up on your living room couch. Choso always wanted to be respectful of your time and would usually head out by midnight, saying his goodbye with a peck on your lips and a warm smile. 
Yesterday had been your typical Friday night, until it was time for him to go home. 
Choso was relatively new to physical affection, so you usually took things slow– a few weeks into your relationship and the most you’d done was a simple kiss, but you didn’t mind as long as he was comfortable. This is why it took you by surprise when his lips had lingered over yours after he said his goodnight, when he had gone back in for a deeper kiss, when you had brushed your tongue past his lower lip and he had let out a soft moan, when you had felt his arms snake around your waist and his hands grip at your sides. Warmth had spread through your whole body. You’d pulled him back toward your room, slipping your own hands under his shirt, wanting more, when he’d suddenly stopped, his breathing heavy and his face flushed. “I- I’m sorry. It’s getting late, I should go,” the words had tumbled from his mouth as he’d hurriedly walked out the door. You had stood there for a few minutes, stunned. Once you had snapped out of it, you sent him a text. 
Are you okay? I’m sorry I pulled you back like that, I got carried away and didn’t ask if you were comfortable with it.
He had answered a few moments later. 
I’m okay! Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you in the morning :)
And there he was today, teetering back and forth at the entrance to your apartment. It wasn’t very often that you witnessed Choso acting so nervous. 
You sighed. “You don’t have to come in if you don’t feel comfortable–“
“It’s not that,” he interjected. “It’s just, last night…” Blush crept up onto his face as he glanced down. “I thought you wanted to go further than kissing and I freaked out.” He looked back up at you. “Not that I don’t want to! I’d love to, I just…I got nervous that I would mess something up, or that I’d do a bad job, or that you wouldn’t like it, or-“
You reached out and held his hand, giving it a squeeze. “Choso, I know you’re not used to this, and it’s okay to mess up. But don’t worry about me for now.” You smiled at him. “I think it might help if we focus on you first,” you said. You gestured towards your bedroom. “Come with me?” 
Choso nodded. His large hand still held in yours, he followed you into your apartment and then your room. You closed the door behind you and Choso looked at you. “So…w-what should I do?” he asked. You noticed he was still a little shaky. 
You gave his hand another reassuring squeeze before you lifted one of your hands to his head, gently brushed some hair out of his face, and tucked it behind his ear. You slowly traced the black line on the bridge of his nose. “Let’s get you to relax a bit first, okay?” Your hand was on his cheek now as your thumb stroked soothing circles on his skin. 
Choso agreed and leaned his head into your touch. You could tell he was already significantly calmer than before. His breathing was back to normal, his posture no longer stiff. His eyes were closed, and a small but sweet smile adorned his face. 
With your hand still cupped on his cheek, you leaned in slowly and gave him a soft kiss. You nudged your nose against his. “I love you,” you whispered. 
He rested his forehead against yours. “I love you too, angel,” he whispered back. 
You kissed him again. 
And again.
And again. 
Slow kisses turned faster, needier, more intense. Choso reciprocated, eagerly pressing his mouth deeper onto yours each time. His hands settled on your hips, holding you in place as though he was scared you would fly off at any second. You nipped at his bottom lip, and he opened his mouth more, allowing you to slip your tongue inside. 
Choso’s back was now flush to the door. Your right hand was in his hair, which was free of its usual twin tails, and you raked your nails on his scalp as your tongues danced around each other. Choso was getting more comfortable now, occasionally biting your bottom lip the same way you’d done to him. You pulled away and Choso groaned in protest at the brief loss of contact. So needy already, and you were just getting started. You tugged on his hair, eliciting a moan as you tilted his head to the side and left a trail of sloppy kisses down his jaw. Choso’s grip on your hips tightened every time you licked or left love bites on his neck. Airy, whiny sounds escaped him, music to your ears. 
You moved your hands to the hem of his shirt and pulled on it. Choso understood what you wanted and helped you lift it off. This was your first time seeing him like this. Broad shoulders, toned muscles, slim waist– were he made of marble he would belong in a museum. You could hardly contain yourself as your eyes trailed down his torso, seeing his v-line, his stomach, and the trail of dark hair that led down from his navel and disappeared under his sweats.
You kissed his cheek. “Can you sit on the bed for me?” 
Choso obliged. Once there, you gently pushed him back until his head was resting on your pillows. You straddled Choso’s thighs and glanced up at his face. Choso stared at you sweetly, expectantly, while he rested his hands on your own thighs. It’s kind of crazy, you thought. How can someone look so cute and vulnerable but so hot at the same time? 
Your hands explored his body, tracing his scars and the ridges and curves of his muscles. You could feel his pulse quickening from every light touch, even more so when your fingers dragged along his happy trail, getting closer and closer to his groin. You leaned over him, your lips meeting each other’s once again.
“You’re doing so well, my love,” you said. The praise made Choso blush and you felt him smile as you continued to kiss him. You started working your way back down his neck, his chest, his abs, his stomach, his hips, adorning him with hickeys. 
“Talk to me, baby,” you cooed. “How do you feel?” You had moved on further, leaving slow, wet kisses right along his waistband. 
“G-good,” he said, his voice breaking when you licked a stripe up to his hipbone. “Really good,” he panted. 
His erection was glaringly obvious, and a small patch of precum had been soaking through his sweatpants. 
“I can tell,” you said with a grin growing on your face as you lightly touched his clothed length, circling that little wet spot with your finger. You pulled back, scanning his face to make sure he was okay with you doing this. Choso’s chest rose and fell heavily. His eyes were dark and half-lidded in a lustful state, but he was staring at you intently, his lips parted, silently egging you on. 
“Can I?” you asked, glancing down at your hand. 
“Please,” he breathed. 
You shifted yourself off of his thighs. You grabbed his waistband and pulled down his pants. The sight of his length straining against his underwear made you swallow. Your eyes met Choso’s as you placed a kiss on his right upper thigh, and then the left. His cock jumped at the contact, as though it were calling out for you to come closer. In a painstakingly slow motion, you slid his underwear off, too, and you watched his dick spring free. Your mouth was agape and you swear you stopped breathing for a minute. 
“Holy shit,” you murmured.
Choso had a pretty cock, there was no other way to say it. It was thick, the perfect length, with a slight upward curve that you just knew would feel heavenly inside you. He was uncut and veiny, and soft tufts of hair framed its base. The very tip of his cock was peeking out, darker than the rest of his skin, glossy and sticky from his precum. You hadn’t noticed how long you’d been entranced by it until Choso called your name. You snapped your eyes back up to his. 
“Is it…is everything okay?” Choso asked, his brows slightly furrowed.
You slid your hand up his thigh, giving him a little squeeze. “More than ‘okay,’ Choso, you’re fucking perfect,” you said with a smile. Choso felt warmth spread to his cheeks again as he returned the smile. 
You positioned yourself in between his legs and Choso held his breath in anticipation of your next move. But instead he felt your lips go up his right thigh, and then the left thigh. You alternated between the two, moving onto his groin, Choso’s cock twitching every time your hot breath fanned over him. You inched closer…closer…closer, but right when Choso thought you were about to finally touch him there, you pulled away and went back to his thighs. Choso pouted, but what you were doing felt good, and he didn’t want to seem ungrateful, so he didn’t say anything. You followed this sequence a few more times and Choso grew needier by the second, breathy whimpers filling your ears the more you continued your ministrations. You were touching and kissing everywhere but his dick, and he was getting frustrated. Why weren’t you touching it? Couldn’t you see how much he needed it? Couldn’t you see what a mess you were making of him, how much precum was streaming down his length onto the hair below? 
Choso opened his mouth in protest and you raised an eyebrow at him, a playful look on your face. You almost felt guilty when you saw how his eyes watered. Choso spoke before you could say anything.
“Baby, please,” he begged, “S-stop teasing me…”
You put on your best innocent expression. “Aw, are you tired of my kisses already?” 
“Co- come on, you know what I mean, just touch me already, angel, please. Please let me feel your mouth on m…on my cock.” God, he was so cute like this. So hot when he told you exactly what he wanted. 
“Someone’s a little desperate, isn’t he?” you asked, and you don’t think you’d ever seen Choso look as flustered as he did in that moment. 
He started to apologize, sweet as always. “I’m- I’m sorry, what you’re doing feels so good, baby, I promise, I just-“
“Shhh, it’s okay, Choso. I know. I was just giving you a hard time, but you’ve been such a good boy for me, I think you’ve earned a little reward.” You pressed your cheek into his thigh, your non-dominant hand going up to massage his hip. You reached your other hand out, finally grabbing Choso’s dick. Choso closed his eyes, his breath halting when you ran your thumb up the underside of it and pulled down his foreskin. Using his precum as lube, you started to work your hand up and down his length in a slow but steady rhythm. 
“Fuck,” he moaned softly, followed by a whispered “Thank you, beautiful.” 
Choso looked divine as he twitched under your grasp. His hands grabbed at your bedsheets, his hair was splayed out over your pillows, his body was littered with hickeys, and his eyes looked at you with love, adoration, desire.
You partly unwrapped your hand from him and licked up his shaft, paying extra attention to the frenulum before enveloping the entire head of his cock in your mouth. Choso cried out your name, his body jerking forward, one of his hands flying up to grip your shoulder. You tasted the mild saltiness of his precum as you sucked and licked him clean— not that the “cleanliness” would last long, since you proceeded to spit on him before continuing. You gathered your spit, placed your hand around the base of his cock, and began to bob your head up and down while you jerked him off with a circular motion of your wrist, your hand and head in sync. Choso was seeing stars. He was so sensitive, and your mouth felt so warm around him, and every movement of your hand and your lips as they brushed over his veins sent wave after wave of pleasure coursing through his body. He was melting under your touch, singing you a song of moans and curses that encouraged you to continue. You cupped his balls with your other hand and gave them a squeeze. They felt heavy and full and you couldn’t wait to help him drain them. You continued to move your hand up and down on his dick while you lowered your head, taking each of his balls into your mouth to suck on.
“That f-feels so good.” Choso felt the tension in his pelvis growing as you returned to giving him a blowjob. “Can…can I fuck your mouth? Please?” 
The question caught you by surprise, given how uncertain he’d been about things when you’d started, but his straightforwardness was hot. Truthfully, you’d let Choso use you however he wanted. You kissed the tip of his cock, your eyes meeting his. Now it was your turn- “Yes, my love. Please do.” 
You helped him stand up from the bed and you got on your knees in front of him. Choso placed his hands on your head, bringing your open mouth back to him slowly at first. He bottomed out before slowly pulling back, feeling your lips drag along his cock.
“Ahh, fuck- is that okay, angel? Tell me if you want me to stop.”
“Go ahead, Choso. Don’t hold back for me.”
And then he did as promised. He bucked his hips forward, faster and faster and faster until he set his own pace, his hands gripping onto your hair. You felt him hitting your throat, causing you to gag, but you didn’t care. He was making a mess of you - tears streaming down your face, drool smearing around your mouth and running down your chin, hair tousled and sticking up all over the place - and even still, he thought you were the most beautiful thing in the world. 
“You feel so good, baby. So - shit - so fucking pretty…gagging on my cock.” His face was crimson, as if he couldn’t believe the words coming out of his own mouth. His thrusts became sporadic. “Fuck, angel, I’m getting so close!” An overwhelming warmth came over him and his muscles started to contract. His grip on your hair tightened as he pulled you as close as possible. “I ca- oh fuckfuckfuck, I’m cumming!” he gasped and threw his head back, his eyes screwed shut. You felt him twitch in your mouth, ropes of hot cum shooting down your throat, overflowing and dribbling down the corners of your mouth. His body shuddered in the aftershock of his orgasm. You swallowed as much of his release as you could, then cleaned him off, sucking and licking and kissing all over his sensitive cock. He whined from the overstimulation, a fucked out look on his face. You finally released him from your mouth with a pop, and he flopped back down on your bed, completely spent. You laid down next to him and rolled onto your side to kiss his forehead.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” you nudged him playfully. 
“That…was amazing,” Choso said. He reached out to wipe your tears off. “Thank you, angel. Sorry if I got too rough. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“Don’t worry, I thought it was hot,” you admitted. You were suddenly very aware of the mess in your bottoms from your own arousal. “Speaking of which…we should probably go get cleaned up.” 
Choso looked at you, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile. “Let me return the favor first?”
Well, if he’s offering, there’s no way you’d pass that up. 
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
HAS ANYONE SENT THIS ONE YET I'M SORRY IF THEY HAVE BUT - “I love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don’t get to have you, but i do.” wiiiiiiith Frankie please ily
HANNAH YOU ABSOLUTE MENACE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE 🫠 you agree the first to request and I am happy to deliver but GOD ALMIGHTY IS IT HOT IN MY ROOM OR WHAT?! I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU FOR SUCH A GOOD REQUEST. I hope you like this 🫶🏼
Pairing | Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Warnings | Soft!Frankie (He needs his own warning), loss of virginity, unprotected PiV sex (Seriously, don't do this kids) and just general fluff.
This is part of my 500 followers celebration. If you want to request a 500 word Drabble, check out this post and head into my ask box. The more the merrier. 
Main Masterlist
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 You can feel the nerves coursing through your bloodstream as Frankie stands at the edge of the bed and takes his shirt off. You’re trying to catch your breath, and failing miserably, after he’d teased two orgasms from you with his mouth within half an hour. He’d kissed all the way up your naked body, soft and wet open-mouthed kisses until he was pressing his lips to yours and you were tasting yourself on his tongue. All of this was new and whilst you were thoroughly enjoying yourself, you couldn’t settle in yourself that there was still plenty of time for it to all go wrong. 
Frankie had never been planned like this. He’d been your friend, first and foremost, but somewhere along the line things had changed. He’d flirted back with you; he’d started buying you drinks and making excuses to see you on your own without the rest of the guys around. Then, a week ago, he’d kissed you. You’d pulled away almost immediately and for a second, he thought that was it, rejection and the end of your friendship, until you took his hands in yours and told him the real reason. You were scared because no-one had kissed you before. Scared because that meant no-one had touched you either. Scared because surely that made you weird, right? 
Frankie had softened immediately, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug before placing a kiss to the crown of your head. He promised to not pressure you, promised to let you do this on your terms, when you were ready. He wanted so badly to make you feel good, to show you how much you meant to him, but only when you were ready. 
“Are you sure, hermosa?” He whispers to you now as he crawls up your body, just as naked as you are, “You sure you want me?” 
You cradle his face in the palm of your hands and bring his lips to yours in a kiss as your hips widen to accommodate his frame between your legs, “Yes Frankie,” You whisper, almost as quietly as he did, “Please make me feel good again.” 
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He runs his fingers through the seam of your pussy, gathering the slick that he’s drawn from your already onto his fingers before he’s using his fist to spread it over himself, he wants to make this as easy as he can for you. You hold your breath as the tip of his cock nudges your entrance and he’s looking straight through your eyes and into your soul. 
“Relax baby,” He breathes into your ear, “Just breathe for me and it’ll be okay.” 
You let out a deep sigh and watch his face as he slides himself in. He’s got one hand gripping the curve of your waist where it meets your hip whilst he’s leaning on his other hand which is placed next to your head. It’s uncomfortable, but you curse all the romance books you’d read in your life up until now for saying it would hurt, because despite Frankie’s size, there’s nothing painful about this. 
His thrusts are slow and he’s searching your face for any signs of discomfort. When you throw your head back and moans your name, he knows you’re okay, he knows he’s giving you everything you wanted, and he’s spurred on to move faster, just enough that whenever he pushes his cock back into your deliciously tight heat he’s pulling a moan from you, or your fingernails are digging into the skin of his shoulders, and then eventually you’re moving your hips to meet him. God, you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life. 
He leans down and presses soft kisses to the corner of your mouth because he doesn’t want to drown out the sounds he’s pulling from you, “Are you okay baby?” He asks, “Is it okay?” 
Your hands are back on his face again and you manage to breath out, “Ohmygod, yes Frankie, it’s so fucking good,” Your turn your head to his and kiss him, “Is it okay for you?” You ask. 
He thinks it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever heard. He’s the first man you’ve ever had sex with, and you’re worried about him enjoying himself? God, where did he find you? 
“I love it baby,” He growls into your ear as his hand moves between you, rubbing at your clit, he’s sure he can get you to come again, “I love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you,” He can tell from the frequency of your moans and the clench of your pussy around him that his fingers are so close to bringing you over the edge again, “They don’t get to have you, but I do.”
All of a sudden, you’re arching up into him, his name is shouted from your lips and your pussy is fluttering so hard around his cock that he has to still himself in you whilst he works you through your third orgasm. 
“Good girl,” He moans into your ear as he starts to move again, “Such a pretty girl when you come for me like that.” 
He could say anything at this point, and it wouldn’t matter because all you can focus on is how it feels like he’s set you alight. There’s pleasure in every inch of your body, your skin is hot, you’re overwhelmed but it just feels so good. It’s takes very few movements for Frankie to bring himself to his own orgasm inside of you. His hips still and you can feel him filling you up. He’d asked if you wanted him to buy condoms before he came over that night, all you had to say was that there was no need, praising the lord for your birth control pill. 
He collapses on the bed next to you, dragging you into his arms as tears prick at your eyes. You bury your head in his chest and try and hide the soft sobs, but he’s always been a clever man. 
“Are you crying?” He’s moving your chin with his hands to look at him, “Did I hurt you?” 
You shake your head, “I’m just happy Frankie, you were perfection.”
He’s wrapping you up in his arms again then, pressing soft kisses to the crown of your head, whilst his hands are rubbing soft patterns on your skin, “Sleep hermosa,” He whispers, “Sleep, and then I’ll show you what else you’ve been missing.” 
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captain-mj · 1 year
So, Captain, since you wont tell us why so many people keep leaving your place with bones, how about you tell us about how the 141 spied on Price and Graves on their first date because they dont trust Graves 🧐🕵
Listen, i've told ya once, i've told ya twice, i ain't telling ya again. I don't know about the bones
Soap heard about the date and knew what must be done.
"We have to spy on them." He announced.
Gaz nodded. "Oh, absolutely. What if Graves tries to do something to Price? I don't even get why he agreed to go on the stupid date.”
Ghost, who knew a little more than he was letting on, nodded. "I'm always up for spying."
Soap planned it out, treating it like any other mission. “Operation: Heartbreakers. Our objective: Protect Price from Graves if he tries anything. Secondary objective: Gather information.”
Ghost hummed. "Is all of this really necessary?
"Yes. Ghost, you'll be doing what you do best and blending in. Hiding in the shadows. Gaz has already hacked their phones, brilliantly done by the way, and got their plans. Simple date. Restaurant first and then a movie. Nothing too big. Ghost will be watching in the restaurant and ill be in the movie theater.”
“And why do i have to be in the restaurant?”
“Easy. It’s more difficult to go stealth there. Price chose a rather dim one so it’ll be easy for you to blend in.”
"Dim?" Ghost asked.
"Apparently its mostly candlelit." Gaz shuddered. "Its rather romantic."
"Stupidly romantic for a traitor." Soap nodded. "Gaz, you'll be on the headset. Unfortunately, I was not able to scrounge up cameras but I assumed we could relay the information to each other. If Graves is planning to do anything, we can rendezvous quickly." He nodded and straightened up. "Everyone understand your assignments?"
Gaz nodded. "Mission accepted, Soap."
"Mission accepted." Ghost echoed. What the hell. It would be fun.
Ghost put his headset in and relaxed at the restaurant. He sat opposite of them and far enough away he wouldn't be visible. Instead of his skull mask, he wore a simple back medical one, something common in the area. His hood stayed over his head.
"What are they doing?" Gaz asked, currently at base where they would be coming back to.
"About what?" Soap asked, already in position in the theater.
"I don't know. I'm not close enough."
"Can you get closer?"
"No, Sergeants, I cannot. Now can both of you shut up." Ghost watched them. "Graves just touched his hand."
Ghost laughed softly. "Uh... I think he's tracing the lines in his palm? Oh, Price has a couple of scars on his hand, I think he's touching those."
"Price has scars on his hand?"
"Yeah. Someone stabbed a knife through it once. Left hand so it didn't affect his aim."
"Huh. Never noticed."
"You two should pay more attention then." Ghost watched them talk for a while, only making comments when something interesting happened like Price laughed or when Graves pulled up his sleeve to show the tattoos up and down his arm. Ghost couldn't quite make out what they were from here.
"They seem to be having a good time."
Soap hummed. "Stay on guard. Just in case."
Ghost shook his head and they started to leave. "They are on the move." Price paid for their food.
"Prepare yourself gentleman." Gaz spoke up. "Ghost, make sure to make a quick escape."
Ghost didn't try very hard honestly. They weren't on guard so neither noticed him trailing after him. He watched them buy tickets, noting that Graves paid for them and also got them drinks.
"They seem to be going dutch on the bills." Ghost noted. "Is it better or worse?"
Soap responded quickly. "Slightly better. Price isn't being bribed or taken advantage of it seems."
Ghost hummed. "What movie are they watching?"
"Some pretentious horror movie."
"Which one?"
"I don't know."
Gaz thought about it for a minute. "Yeah, I'm coming in. I refuse to sit out here for two hours bored."
Ghost bought two tickets and handed one of them to Gaz when he got there, walking in with him. They sat on either side of Soap who looked a bit upset his plan was being interrupted. The three of them were four rows behind Price and Graves.
Price put his arms around Graves and Graves leaned into him. They were talking quietly during the commercials.
"They're... kinda cute." Gaz said softly.
Soap frowned. "A little."
Ghost hummed. "Maybe Price will be good for Graves. And vice versa."
"How could Graves possibly good for Price?"
"Makes him happy. He hasn't dated in a while."
Gaz shushed them. "Movie is starting."
They all mostly watched the movie, sparing glances at the two lovebirds. Price leaned in and said something against Graves's ears, hand on the back of his neck. Graves leaned into him, putting his head on Price's shoulder. They were snuggled up closer to each other and Soap hummed.
"You think Price is copping a feel?"
"Shut your dirty fucking mouth." Gaz hissed at him.
"Just saying." Soap muttered.
The movie eventually ended and they quickly left so Price and Graves wouldn't notice them. They waited outside and watched them start to walk.
Price and Graves held hands, their joined hands swinging between them. They were both laughed, bumping into each other. Graves had a small limp due to the tank explosion so he ended up bumbling into Price a few times, looking embarrassed. Price ended up putting his arm around him instead, hand on his hip. Graves blushed brightly and they all heard him.
"What a gentleman, Captain." His southern accent was definitely being played up, he also sounded so flustered.
"Only for you, Commander." Price purred.
Gaz and Soap made a face. Ghost also pulled a face but no one could see it.
"So he hasn't done anything yet." Soap relented. "But I was just worried! Graves is still a bad guy."
They ended up looking around a corner as Price and Graves walked to their hallway.
"Should I walk you to your room or do you think you can find it?" Price smiled at him, the two of them standing right outside his door.
Graves smiled and flirted back. "I think I could find it, though your room definitely seems better right now."
Gaz and Soap gasped. Silently, but still.
Graves leaned up and gave Price a goodnight kiss. "So, a second date?" He sounded ridiculously hopeful, batting his eyelashes.
Ghost went to talk but Price interrupted by kissing Graves, pulling him closer by his belt loops. Price put his hand on his lower back and pulled him flush to his chest. "Stay the night?"
Graves quickly went in Price's room. Price turned directly to them and gave them a thumbs down before following him.
"That somehow hurt worse than if he yelled at us." Soap grumbled.
Gaz looked up at Ghost. "Lieutenant... Is Price a whore?"
"I didn't want to have to tell you guys the truth about him... But yeah. A little." Ghost put his hand on Gaz's shoulder. "I'm sorry."
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honeyhotteoks · 2 years
early hours (j.yh)
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summary: you run into him in the hallway of the hotel, it's late and you're exhausted from the concert, but he thinks you should grab a drink and you can't help but agree
prompt: Hi! Sooo it might gonna be a little similar to into the aurora, but I kinda let my mind wander about what would it be like (probably really really lucky) to bump into yunho after a concert (like you know as a fan) and eventually have a one night stand with him..
note: 18+ content, minors DNI. // i hope this is what you were looking for!! honestly it got away from me there in the middle, i'm just also very in love with this man. i hope you enjoy!! <3
warnings: idol!yunho, fem!reader, one night stand, slight injury and brief description of a bloody cut, oral (f receiving), protected sex, semi rough sex, free use kink, praise, *slight* brattiness / teasing, size kink, use of the pet name 'tiny', big dick yunho. please let me know if I missed any.
pairings: yunho x reader
genre: idol x non idol, self insert, smut-a-thon with some fluff
word count: 8.8K
my masterlist 
Everything about your night feels absolutely electric, the feeling of the music still buzzing in your skin, your legs exhausted from standing, your hands numb from clapping. Now, laying in your hotel room after the show on top of the
 comforter, you replay the little moments in your mind. It was lucky you were able to go, a ticket given to you from a friend who could not longer make it, a VIP seat almost at the barricade. It had been perfect, it didn’t even matter that you went alone.
Flipping over onto your stomach, you pull your phone back out and scroll through the videos you were able to take during the show – every second of footage shockingly good quality. They’re handsome, of course, but the power in their dancing and the magnetic charisma of each and every one of them is overwhelming, the videos paling in comparison to the feeling of being mere feet from the stage’s edge.
Glancing at the clock, you see that it’s already twelve-thirty in the morning. You have a bit of a long drive to make in the morning, especially if you’re going to make it back to your apartment to get some work done, and you really should get to sleep. If you didn’t start winding down now, you never would.
Despite your sore muscles, you drag yourself off the bed and into a warm shower, washing off the show and trying to relax. You keep your hair dry, already freshly washed and dried that morning, but take your time removing your makeup and refreshing your skin before you get dressed for bed. You’re tucked in already, cozy in your gray sweats and oversized black hoodie, when you realize how hoarse your voice feels after the show.
There’s nothing in the mini-fridge and no little bottles of courtesy water left on the dresser, so you’re stuck with tepid tap water. With a sigh, you pull on a pair of fluffy socks, pick up the small empty ice bucket, grab your room key, and head out into the hall. It’s late, and the hotel is quiet around you, everyone in their respective rooms fast asleep.
The ice machine is around the corner, down the hall, and set back in an enclave next to a vending machine. You fill your bucket up, stifling a wide yawn, before shaking off the sleepy feeling and closing the lid of the ice dispenser. Turning on your heel, you turn the corner and collide directly into a chest.
The man was walking at a good clip, turning the corner himself, so you rock back on unsteady footing, tripping backwards and colliding with the floor hard. The ice bucket in your hand slips, and the sharp metal edge of the lip of the bucket cuts across your palm, flaring a sharp line of pain in your hand.
“I’m so sorry!” the man exclaims, immediately reaching down for you.
“It’s okay,” you shake your head, brushing off some wayward cubes of ice that landed on you, “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
When you look up your breath catches in your throat.
“Still,” the man says, crouching at your side and softly gripping under your forearms to help you to your feet, “I was too busy looking at my phone. Are you okay?”
“Uh,” you fish in your brain for anything to say, “yes, yeah, I’m fine.”
Now on your feet, you realize just how tall he is, especially standing so close. His eyes are kind, soft and brown, an embarrassed blush across his cheeks, and he keeps his hands resting on your arms as he looks down at you.
“I really am sorry,” he says again.
The shock of recognizing him is wearing off and you take a small step back, waving him off, “I promise, it’s fine. Thank you for your help though,”
His eyes widen suddenly and he reaches for you, taking your hand in his and turning it over in his wide palm, “Your hand!”
Across the heel of your hand, a deep cut runs across the fleshy base of your thumb where the sharp edge of the ice bucket dragged across it. Blood wells over, smeared across your skin where you skidded on the floor when you fell. Looking at it now, you can feel it, a slow throb of pain radiating out.  
“Oh,” you manage, grimacing.
“Now, I’m really sorry,” he says, and when you glance up at him you can see how red his ears have gone.
“I think it looks worse than it is,” you pull your hand back and smile, “you don’t need to worry.”
His eyebrows are knit together in concern and as you lean down to pick up the discarded ice bucket, he glances down the empty hall, and then back to you. “Let me do that,” he drops down, gathering the ice that has scattered on the hotel floor and dropping it into his own empty bucket to discard.
You rock back on your heels and watch him as he fusses around you, clearly embarrassed, and you take the moment to look him over. He’s much more handsome up close, but without the makeup and styled hair, he looks so real.
“I’m y/n, by the way,” you say.
He looks up, meeting your eyes again and smiles, “I’m Yunho,”
“I know,” you say, and now you know you’re blushing yourself.
“Oh,” he helps you to your feet again, “you’re a fan?”
“Kind of,” again, you wish for nothing more than a filter over your mouth.
His eyes widen a bit as he takes in your words, “Kind of a fan,”
“Sorry,” you shake your head, “my friend gave me her ticket, I only knew some of your songs before, but the show was amazing. I’m a fan now,”
He grins, “Oh, well that’s nice, thank you.”
There’s a bit of a pause between you, and you know it’s time to let him off the hook. You should go back to your room and figure out the cut on your hand and go back to your original plan of going to sleep. You should let him get back to his room and whatever his plans were for the evening. You should.
“Well, I should let you go,” you take a step away, and his hand leaves your elbow, “but it was nice to meet you, and really, the show was incredible.”
You start to step away, but he stops you, “Wait, wait,” Yunho steps in front of you, blocking your path back up the hall, “at least let me take care of your hand, I feel terrible.”
“Oh, no I think it’s honestly fine,” you smile, “like I said, it looks worse than it is.”
“You have a first aid kit in your room?” He asks, and something in his expression tells you that he already knows you don’t.
“Not exactly,”
“Then let me patch you up,” his smile is warm and inviting, everything about his presence easy and comfortable, “it’s the least I can do.”
“You travel with a first aid kit?” You raise an eyebrow, but let him take your hand again so he can take a look at the cut.
“No,” he shakes his head, “but our managers do,”
“Fine,” you concede, “I guess it can’t hurt.”
“Good,” he nods and gestures with his arm for you to follow, “my room’s just down here.”
A flutter of anxiety washes through you, the idea of being in his room strange and sudden. You had been minutes from sleep not that long ago, and now here you are walking into Jeong Yunho’s hotel room. It feels a little like a dream, but think that at least in a dream you wouldn’t have embarrassed yourself in front of him and cut open your hand, you would have said something cool and flirty, so definitely this is just reality.
He opens the door with a keycard and holds the door open for you, “Come on in,”
You thought he would have a roommate or at least a manager in the room, but when you step over the threshold and the heavy hotel door shuts behind you, you realize that his room is just like yours, empty with one queen sized bed and clothes and travel supplies littered around.
“Obviously I didn’t think I’d have company,” he jogs across the room and grabs the clothes up off the floor, tossing them into an open suitcase and flipping it shut. He sweeps away some wrappers off the counter top too and pushes them into a waiting wastebasket.
“Oh, it’s fine,” you laugh, “you haven’t seen my room.”
It’s cute how nervous he seems to be, and when he’s done clearing away the clutter he rubs a hand across the back of his neck. He looks up, and realizes that you’re still standing in the entryway. “Sorry, here, take a seat and I’ll get the first aid kit.”
He physically steers you into the room and back towards the edge of the bed. He ducks into the bathroom, and you hear him shuffle around, clearly digging through items, before he comes back with a handful of supplies. “This should be good,”
“I appreciate this, by the way,” you tell him, “I’m sure that you’re exhausted after the show.”
 He sits next to you on the edge of the bed and drops the first aid items between you, before taking your injured hand back into his and sweeping a warm wet washcloth across your skin. “Honestly, after a show I can never sleep.”
“I’m always too keyed up,” he shrugs, carefully wiping away the blood away from your hand, staining the washcloth pink, “it’s such a rush of energy and then suddenly nothing,”
“They have a word for that,” you say, hissing slightly when he presses a little too hard across the cut itself.
He lifts the cloth and looks up from his work to your eyes, “Sorry, sorry,”
“I’m good,” you assure him.
He nods and more carefully sweeps the cloth over your skin, “You were saying?”
“Oh,” you run back through the thoughts, the conversation from a moment ago, “Oh! Yes, that feeling, they call it post concert depression.”
“That’s accurate.” He says, pointedly.
“Everything and then nothing,” you nod, “it must be overwhelming for you.”
He shrugs, but you can see he’s nodding too, and as he squeezes out a bit of ointment to apply to your hand he says, “It can be. You go from thousands of fans telling you they love you to your own thoughts alone in a hotel room within an hour. Nothing can really prepare you for how that feels.”
“I’m sure,” you murmur. With a glance around the room you realize how empty it must be, on tour with no one but your crew and group mates, far from home in strange places, sometimes with a heavy language barrier. The words leave you before you can catch them, “It seems kind of lonely,”
His fingers still and he looks up to you, “Sometimes,”
This close, he really is just a boy. Your stomach flip flops and you lean back a bit, blush heating your cheeks again. You can’t quite stop thinking about his beautiful mouth.
You can almost touch the pause between you, the silence stretching out and enveloping you both, but he clears his throat softly and looks back down to your hand, “I think you were right, it’s really not too bad.”
“I thought so,”
“It doesn’t hurt, does it?” He asks, peeling open a bandaid.
“Not too much,” you shake your head.
He turns your hand over in his, the back of your knuckles resting in his palm, and you realize just how large his are and how small yours looks held in his. “Did you come to the show with someone?” he asks suddenly.
“No,” you shift, angling towards him a bit more to make the position more comfortable, “I came by myself, my friend only had the one ticket.”
              He hums in acknowledgement and pauses briefly before he says, “Did you travel far? By yourself?”
You catch his eyes, your eyebrows raised, “Not too far, and yes. It’s only a three hour drive, I just didn’t want to drive back so late in case I was tired.”
Yunho nods, and refocuses on his task to apply two large bandaids over the cut, his long fingers smoothing out the edges of the adhesive tightly over your skin. He examines his work carefully to make sure it fits comfortably over your hand and murmurs, “There we go,”
You pull your hand back, flexing your fingers and testing out the feeling, “That’s perfect, thank you so much.”
“It was my fault you got hurt anyways,” he smiles, “I’m just glad it wasn’t too bad and I could help.”
You’re pretty sure you should get up and leave, but his smile is kind and warm and you can’t quite make your legs move. His eyes flick over you, his fingertips lingering on your injured hand, and when his ears flush red again he stands and clears his throat, “Well,”
“I should get back to my room,” you interrupt, jumping up and pulling down the sleeves of your hoodie, “but thank you so much.”
He steps back and towards the door, pulling it open and holding out an arm to let you pass through it into the hallway. When he follows you out into the hall and shuts the door he says, “Let me walk you back to your room, it’s late.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you tell him, but you smile up at him anyways.
 “I want to,” he assures you.
There’s a pause, and you remember yourself, “Oh, right! It’s this way,” you wave him to follow you and start down the hallway back towards the ice machine, walking in step with each other slowly.
“So,” he glances down at you, “what do you do?”
“I’m a student,” you tell him, “in graduate school.”
“Oh,” he nods, “that’s impressive.”
You shrug, “I wouldn’t say that,”
“I would,” he shakes his head, “I was never very good at staying attentive during school let alone doing post grad. I had too much energy,”
“It makes sense you’re a dancer then,” you note, and with every sidelong glance up at him your stomach flutters. He isn’t flirting with you, he’s just being kind, but he’s still just as charming and it makes you wish for just a little more time with him.
“Mm,” he nods, “I have to be moving, I can’t help it.”
You’ve noticed that already, in the short time you’ve spent together. Even after the long show it seems like he is overflowing with energy. His leg bouncing, his fingers dancing, something unconscious vibrating under his skin.
Now that you’ve turned the corner on the hotel floor, you can see your door just ahead and you wish there was just a little more hallway. “Do you leave soon?” You ask him.
“Tomorrow afternoon,” he nods, “you?”
“Sometime in the morning, I think. I have some work to get done tomorrow and shouldn’t leave too late,”
As you approach your door, you slow your steps and he realizes you must be at your room. “This is me,” you gesture towards the door and turn to face him, “thank you for everything.”
He waves your thanks off and smiles, “It’s really the least I could do,” he says again.
“It really was nice to meet you,” you tell him honestly, “I’m just sorry I ran right into you to do it.”
“Oh, I’m not,” he says, and then you watch his expression shift as he backtracks, “well, I’m sorry I knocked you over, but I’m not sorry I met such a pretty girl.”
Heat flushes your face instantly at his words and you glance down, fighting a smile.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he clears his throat and shifts from foot to foot, “I’m sorry, it’s late and I’m clearly making a bit of a fool of myself.”
 You laugh immediately, looking back up to him, “Hardly. You’re actually very charming, it’s kind of annoying.”
He laughs, covering his mouth with one hand and taking a step away, “I’m annoying you, am I?”
“No, I just meant,” you sigh, covering your face with your hands, “I really just don’t think before I speak, I swear.”
“y/n,” your name on his lips sends a chill through you and you look up at him, “Don’t be embarrassed, I like it.”
“You like me calling you annoying?”
Something passes over his face at your words, a shift, and he says, “I do, it’s cute.”
Your stomach clenches, the conversation drifting into a new space you feel wholly unprepared for. You cross your arms, tucking your hands away and looking up to him, “You’re not what I expected,”
“No?” He grins, leaning on the wall next to your door.
“You don’t seem like an idol,” you explain.
He shrugs, “We are just people,”
“I’m getting that,” you say honestly. At a beat between you, you sigh, “How late is it?”
He pulls his cellphone out of his sweat pants pocket and checks the time before quickly returning it, “Almost two,”
You sigh, nodding and reach into your pocket for your keycard, “It’s late… I should go,”
He nods and watches as you swipe your card over the door lock and prop open the heavy door. Something is stalling you, pulling you back into the hall, but he makes the leap for you. He reaches out and gently touches your forearm, “Maybe I’m feeling bold because it’s so late,” he says and you look back to him, “but I’ve enjoyed talking to you, if you’re not too tired maybe we could have a drink or something?”
“You want to have a drink with me?” You can’t help the look of shock that crosses your face.      “Well, yes,” his hand rests more comfortably on your forearm now, his thumb stroking your skin softly, just once, “if you want to.”
You shift back towards him, the door closing behind you now that you’re no longer propping it open, “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” he nods.
“Do you want to have a drink with me because you want to have a drink with me, or because you don’t want to be alone after the show?”
His eyes flick away, and you can see him think before he looks up and says, “Can it be both?”
His honesty makes this easier, knowing that he wasn’t feeding you a line just to be a flirt or trick you into something. You smile, “Yeah,”
“What about you?” He asks, taking a step towards you and closing the space between you, “If you say yes is it because you want to have a drink with me, or because you’re alone in a strange hotel room?”
He has a warm, flirtatious smile on his lips, and you’re suddenly extremely aware of the proximity between you both and between you and the door behind you. “Both,” you answer. It’s entirely possible you’re reading into things, but it’s also entirely possible Yunho is making a move and this night might end with him inside you. Warmth curls in your belly at the thought.
“So, what do you say?” He shifts a little closer, and you press a hand to the center of his chest to keep him where he is.
“Let’s have a drink.” You agree, “But I don’t have anything inside.”
He steps away and thinks a moment, “Give me ten minutes and I’ll come back,���
“You’re not going to disappear on me, are you?” You tease with a sly smile.
“Definitely not,” he squeeze your arm softly before he drops it, “I’ll be right back.”
 He steps back and you move to open your door again. His eyes flick up to the number on your hotel room door and you watch him silently repeat the number to himself and commit it to memory. He tells you he’ll see you soon, and you watch him jog down the hallway in the direction of his room.
Once he disappears and you slip back into your own room things feel suddenly incredibly surreal. Meeting him like this felt like meeting anyone, bumping into a stranger and making a connection just like you would at a bar. The ten minutes between your door closing and Yunho knocking is fast, and you spend it picking up your space and cleaning up the bedding, quickly brushing your teeth, fluffing your hair and discarding the oversized sweatshirt.
His soft knock on your door has you jumping out of your skin, but you pull the door open and can’t help but laugh. He’s holding up a six pack of obviously cold light beers, and two bottles of soju, an incredibly cheeky grin on his face. He’s a flirt, then.
“Come in,” you wave him in, and he crosses by you to set the drinks on the desk and turn back to you. It doesn’t escape your notice that his eyes flick over you, your body more on display in a fitted tank top now that your sweatshirt was off.
“I’m not sure what you like,” he pulls a beer from the sleeve and holds it out to you, “but this is pretty light,”
“It’s fine,” you tell him, popping the top off the beer and discarding the twist off in the trash, “where did you get this anyways? It’s two in the morning.”
“The downstairs bar is open until three,” he explains.
“Ah,” you take a swig of the beer and watch him follow suit. It’s easier to watch him now that you both have acknowledged the heat between you, and you find yourself appreciating a lot of little things. His hands are large, making the bottle in his grip seem smaller. You find yourself staring at the soft edge of his jaw when he tips his head back for a drink, and noticing the broad set of his shoulders when he stands at his full height.
Yunho takes a few more sips of his drink, and once he’s had about a third of his beer, he reaches for a bottle of soju to mix in a shot. You hop up from your perch on the dresser and reach out to him, “Oh, wait, let me.”
His brow is a little furrowed, but he hands the unopened bottle of soju to you. “Okay?”
“I’m not a very seasoned drinker,” you explain, “but I do have a party trick or two. I think everyone should,”
With practiced hands you flip the bottle quickly, the alcohol inside spinning quickly into a whirlwind. Taking the neck of the bottle in one hand, you tap your opposite elbow firmly on the base of the bottle before twisting it cleanly around in your hands, all the while untwisting the cap. You present the open bottle with a flourish, the soju still whirling inside, and take a small playful bow. He’s grinning, and he claps at the trick, “That’s expertise,” he says.
“In opening bottles, maybe,” you pass it over to him so he can add his shot, and then add one to your bottle too, “in drinking, not so much.”
“Me either,” he confesses, “a drink here or there, but I’m not really one to overdo it.”
“You’re probably too busy,” you take a drink, and sidle closer to where he sits on the edge of the hotel room’s desk.
He shrugs, “it’s that, but also it makes your body feel terrible. If I don’t have a clear head it shows up on stage.”
“That makes sense,”
“Yeah,” he takes another drink, but you can see he’s already slowing down, “we have to be very conscious about our health, so drinking occasionally is fine but I don’t normally do it.”
“But you wanted to drink with me?” You ask, turning towards him more fully.
He smiles, “I thought it might be weird if I asked you to just keep talking in your room at two in the morning. Drinks are a good excuse,”
His honesty strikes you again, “I think I still would have said yes.”
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow.
You nod, taking another drink, and say, “Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but I don’t think you’re here just to talk, right?”
Yunho is quiet, his eyes flicking over you, “You’re very direct.”
“I’ve been told,” you smile, shrugging.
“I like direct,” he clarifies.
“Yunho,” you murmur, and you watch his eyes flicker at the sound of his name, “what do you want?”
He swallows, takes another drink, and swallows again, his throat tight, “If you’re saying yes, then I’d like to fuck you.”
The bottle in your hand slips a little and you grip down on it to keep it from falling, Yunho watches and smiles at your reaction. It cannot be overstated that this is not how you thought the night was going to go.
“Yes,” you decide not to think.
His hands are on you in a moment, one braced on your hip and the other cupping the back of your neck so he can drag you forwards along the desk and crash his mouth into yours. You like direct too.
“Fuck,” he curses softly when he breaks the kiss, “I’m sorry, I was going to be cooler about this, but you’re very cute.”
You hum a laugh against his mouth, feeling his smile, and shake your head a little when you break away, “I really don’t think we have to pretend if it’s just tonight,”
“Be yourself,” you kiss him again, “I’ll be myself. It’s only one night, so why be nervous the whole time?”
“I like you,” he grins, “I’m really glad I met you,”
“Ran into me,” you tease him.
“Ran into you,” he nods, “now come here,” The way he kisses is fast, firm, and insistent, his tongue dipping into your mouth and running along yours, a huff of warm shared breath between you. His hands hold you perfectly, fingers applying perfect pleasure as he squeezes you and it sends a dizzy rush through your brain when you realize just how small you are in his grip.
When you shudder a moan against his mouth, heat pooling in your core, he pulls back and stands up. Moving in front of you, he hooks his fingers in the top of your sweats and yanks down, taking your underwear with them. You brace your hands on the desk to lift your hips up so he can pull them all the way off and toss them to the side.
“Arms up,” he says, soft and firm, when he starts to pull your shirt over your head, and you comply immediately.
You can see the outline of his hard cock through his own sweatpants, and your mouth goes dry at the sight. He takes a step back to regard you and smiles, reaching down and catching one of your feet in his hands, still wearing your fluffy, colorful socks. “These are too fucking cute,” he teases you, and you blush.
“Stop it,” you laugh.
“I don’t know,” he drags a hand up your calf, under the hook of your knee, the top of your thigh, “Maybe you should leave them on, they’re kind of hilarious.”
“I clearly wasn’t expecting to get laid,” you start to say, but when his fingers dip down and brush your inner thigh, mere inches from your core, you gasp a breathy inhale.
“Still cute,” he smirks, and before you can retort he’s on his knees.
Looking down at him sends a rush of instant heat through you, and you barely register the fact that he’s slipped your socks off now and tossed them aside, leaving you fully naked and exposed to his gaze. His hands grip your backside and drag you forward on the desk, lining your hips up perfectly with the edge, and he pushes your thighs open to move forwards between them.
He’s moving fast, rocketing past teasing kisses and harmless groping, but you don’t seem to care. There’s a time clock on the night, and you’re sure once he’s had his fill he’ll leave and move on with his tour and his life, but you’re oddly okay with it. He dips low, hooking your legs over his shoulders, “Lay back,” he instructs.
You ease back on the desk, still staying propped up on your forearms so you can look down between your legs and see the dark mop of his hair, but providing him the access that he needs. He presses close to the apex of your thighs but doesn’t quite touch you, softly he blows a stream of cool air over your exposed clit and you jolt. “You have the prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen,”
His words make you arch your back just slightly, involuntarily, and you let out a breathy moan, “Oh my god,”
“Do you want my mouth on you, pretty girl?” he asks, pressing wet kisses to your inner thighs.
An image of his mouth flashes in your brain, his plush bottom lip, his perfectly curved cupid’s bow. The way his tongue juts into his cheek when he’s teasing. You’re surprised at how easily you beg for him, “Please, please,”
He chuckles, bringing his arms under your thighs now and reaching around to brace your hips. His hands settle over your stomach and lower ribs, and he presses firmly down with his hands when he realizes you’re still propped up and not laying flat like he wants you. You drop back, letting your head rest against the hard desktop, the cool chill of the wood adding to the prickling sensation of goosebumps across your body.
“Say please again,” he tells you, and your words catch in your throat when he licks a firm stripe up your slit.
“P-please,” you shudder, and he listens.
He devours you, hungry for every drop of your slick arousal, and desperate to hear every little pant and moan you make when he focuses on sucking softly at your swollen clit. He dips his tongue inside you, hot and pulsing, and you groan, trying to rock your hips but finding that his hands are holding you exactly where he wants you.      
When he delivers a sharp suck, your brain whites out, “Fuck, fuck,” you’re reaching for something to grab, to hold, and you desperately grip one of his hands. He twists it, catching your hand in his much larger one, intertwining your fingers and keeping it pressed to your stomach as he works you.
“There you go,” he pants when you arch against his tongue, flicking your clit perfectly from side to side.
“Yunho,” his hands grip down on you when you say his name, and pleasure curls tight inside you, ready to burst. “Yunho, I can’t,”
He doesn’t respond, simply works his mouth against you faster, firmer, his nose bumping your clit. Your free hand laces into his hair, gripping tightly and he groans against your heat. Your hips are bucking softly, chasing the sensation, and he shifts the tempo of his tongue to match your needy thrusts and perfect the pace you need. It’s seconds before you’re about to fall over the edge, your thighs shaking and your legs tightening around him. You pant his name again, and he presses closer, the added pressure tipping you over into a tidal wave.
The sound that leaves your lips is desperate, a crying choke of pleasure as you arch back, legs locked tightly around him, and your hand slipping out of his hair to come down hard on the table and brace yourself there. When your moans turn to soft whimpers, he slows, lapping at you softly through your aftershocks and pressing kisses to your inner thighs.
“Oh my god, you’re good at that,” you manage, recovering your breath.
He leans back, untangling his hand from yours and gently unhooking your legs from his shoulders. He holds you up, since you had wriggled off the edge of the desk a bit and helps ease you up to a sitting position again. He looks overwhelmingly pleased with himself, a wet glisten of your arousal across his mouth and chin. His hair is mussed from where you grabbed it, his cheeks flushed pink, and you want nothing more than to tackle him and kiss him soundly.
Yunho stands to his full height and offers you a hand, “Let’s move somewhere more comfortable,”
“Yeah,” you nod, a little breathless still.
He steers you to the bed, tipping you backwards so you can collapse onto the mattress and you watch him as he undresses. He pulls the loose tour t-shirt over his head and you can’t help but admire him, watching him carefully as he moves to shuck off his sweats. He’s incredibly lean, taut sinewy muscles that jump with every flex of his hands or shift of his body. Bruises litter his shins and knees, and you catch more along his elbows and forearms, a collection you suspect is from how hard they dance.
When he drops his boxers, you can feel your eyebrows jump up and he laughs at your expression. “What?” he teases.
“Oh please,” you roll your eyes, “you know exactly what.”
He blushes, his ears running red, and he clears his throat a little awkwardly before moving forwards to kneel on the mattress between your open legs. He sweeps a broad hand up your thigh, kneading your skin softly and says, “You still good?”
He’s nervous, you realize. You suspect that in his past he’s had a few negative experiences given his expression, girls who maybe shied away or feigned some excuse to end things early. Despite his intimidating size though, you’ve never wanted anything more, and you can feel the low throb of your core return as you look at him.
“I’m still very good,” you assure him, reaching up a hand.            
His expression clears slightly, “Yeah?”
You change tactics, shifting up fully to a sitting position and reaching up to catch the back of his neck and pull him down, “Don’t be so full of yourself,” you tease him, hoping to lighten the tension, “I can take you just fine.”
He smirks, falling over you easily and holding himself suspended above you, “you think so?”
You really hope you can, but you double down, “Easy.”
The head of his cock connects with your entrance suddenly with a shift of his hips and you jerk, surprised at the sudden sensation, and he pushes forwards just enough to slip the head of him inside you, a hungry sly smile across his face now that he knows you’re back to playing. He pulls back when you gasp, a laugh on his lips and shakes his head, “You’re not ready yet.”
You want him so badly it makes you feel needy, a squirming urge to rock yourself against his cock until you come or until he fucks you into the floor, and you push him back with a hand on his shoulder just slightly so you can better meet his gaze, “Yes, I am,”
He smiles down at you, pleased with your bratty insistence, and shifts back up to kneel between your open legs again. He pulls you up by your hips, dragging your body into a better position, and for a moment you think he’s about to throw hesitation out the window and do it, but he doesn’t. He strokes himself with one hand as he looks down at you, and then lines your hips together, positioning you so he can let the hard straight length of his cock rest on top of your mound.
From here you can feel the hot length of him, from the base against your pubic bone to the tip that just covers your navel. Yunho squeezes your hips in his hands as he looks down at you, “You really think you’re ready for this, tiny?”
The nickname has your muscles clenching around nothing, your fingers tightening in the sheets, and a breathy groan slips out of your lips.
“Oh,” he smiles, “you like that, don’t you?”
Before this minute you didn’t, but here with him above you, proving with every inch of his body just how much larger he is than you? You want nothing more than to be caged in by him and used just the way he wants you. “Yes,” you manage, “please,”
“Please?” He chuckles, sliding back.
You nod, your hips jerking up and trying to catch some friction against your clit as he drags his cock back off you.
He shakes his head, “I’ve got to work you up to it, tiny.”
You want to respond, you want to say something teasing and clever, but the words die on your lips when he dives two of his long fingers inside you. He reaches the tender soft spot inside you easily, something that you could only hit just right with your favorite vibrator, but he catches it with ease and flicks his finger against it perfectly, his thumb landing on your clit to deliver punishing circles.
Your hips work against his hand, grinding down desperately for more pressure and he delivers it, picking up your needs immediately.
“Please,” you blink up, catching his eyes, “please fuck me,”
He shakes his head, “Only if you come again,”
“But,” you start to say, but a firm push of his hand and the addition of a third finger has you choking back a moan and arching into his hands.
“Are you close, pretty?” his low voice sparks pleasure up your body.
All you can do is whine a yes, nodding as you press your eyes shut and let the sensations roll over you. Heat flushes your chest, spreading a blush up your neck and face, and all you can hear is the wet sounds of his fingers working your sopping core. He hums softly in approval and it sends you over again, wrenching your body tight and up, your hips raised and bucking as you crest into your second orgasm.
Yunho’s wide palm comes down quickly over your lower stomach and he presses you down hard to force your hips back to the mattress and he continues pumping his fingers, holding you steady through your release. You barely register it when his fingers leave you, your head spotty and dazed, but you come back to yourself at the feeling of his cock nudging your clit.
“Wait, wait,” you’re panting, clearing your vision with furious blinks, “condom?”
“Shit,” he backs up immediately, “of course, I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay,” you shake your head, “I’m on birth control, we should just… we don’t really know each other,”
He hops off the bed, reaching down for his discarded sweatpants and searching through the pockets. “No, no,” he tears open the foil packet in his hands, “I have one, I just got a little carried away.”
“Perfect,” you sigh.
He rolls the condom over his length, checking the tip and smoothing down the base to fit snugly around him before tossing the empty packet back over the side of the bed and returning to his original position.
“Ready?” He presses the tip of his cock to your entrance again.
“Yeah,” you grip his shoulder, “yeah, I’m good.”
He nods, and seems focused. He takes one of your knees and presses it up, folding you back and opening you up wider, and then lines up his hips perfectly. “Fuck,” he breathes, shifting forwards and pressing into you just a bit, “you’re so tight,”
The press of him already is overwhelming, and it’s no longer his length that you’re focused on but how thick he feels, stretching you wide and sending a hot flush of pleasure up your chest. “You feel,” you stutter out, unable to finish your thought.
His hips jut forwards again and you whine, his forehead dropping against yours for just a moment as he holds himself controlled and steady, “Tell me,” he prompts you, moving in deeper.
“It’s so much,” you manage, and he smooths the damp hair back from your face to get a good look at you.
“Too much?”
“God, no,” you didn’t know it could feel quite like this.
“Yeah, tiny?” He sinks in further and groans.
“Please,” your hands shift down and you pull him closer, your nails digging in to his firm backside, “more,”
He’s losing his composure now, and his eyes roll shut when he finally thrusts forwards more sharply, sinking his entire length inside you and bottoming out. He’s stretching you fully, filling every little warm place inside you that you didn’t even know you had, and fleetingly you wish you could feel him more fully, no thin latex separating your warm wet walls from him.
“Fuck,” he starts to roll his hips, fucking you softly as he works your body up to taking more, “tell me how you feel, baby,”
“Full,” you answer immediately, “I can feel you everywhere,”
“God,” he chokes, his hips stuttering, “can you take more?”
“Yunho,” you catch his cheek in your hand and bring his eyes to yours, “I need it,”
“Yeah, tiny?” He teases, thrusting just a little more firmly.
The need inside you for more is deep though, and you can’t wait any longer. “No, Yunho,” you level him with your look, clenching your muscles tight around his hot length, “Fuck me, do whatever you want to me, I just,” you search for the right words, “just please,”
He answers with a firm thrust, and when he watches your eyes roll back and hears the moan that leaves your lips he understands. “Is that what you need?” He holds you firmly and ruts into you, “you like it harder?”
You’re sure you answer him because you hear him laugh softly in response, but your mind is hazy and disconnected, nothing but the feeling of his thick heat hitting every place you need it to, bringing you up faster than ever.
“Yeah, pretty?” He’s everywhere, collapsed over you and desperate, one hand on your thigh to hold you open, the other locked now in your hair, his breath hot over your damp skin, his pace never faltering, “you just want me to use you?”
Your body arches deeply, shifting the position of him inside you and you choke a whine out, gripping onto him tightly, “Please, please,” you can’t stop.
“Shh, shh,” he kisses you hard, his hands holding you roughly, “you’ll take what I give you,”
You nod against him, unable to find anything but pleasure and the tight feeling inside you. He dips his thumb into your mouth, running the pad of it along your tongue, and you suck his digit gently, before he pulls his hand back and firmly flicks his wet thumb over your pert nipple.
“God, Yunho,” you thrust up to meet him, your hips connecting fast and firm, “I’m- I’m,”
“Come for me,” he directs, “come and I’ll fill you up,”
Your brain shorts out, and the hot sensation that you’ve been chasing turns stifling, crashing into you and turning you into a quivering mess, your muscles locked and jerking against his hold as you come hard and fast.
He tumbles over behind you, the feeling of your walls pulsing down on his length sending him into a spiral, and you hear him curse, panting, losing his grip on you and fucking into you desperate and fast until he comes, collapsing over you and pressing your cheek into his sweaty chest.
His heart is beating hard and fast against your cheek, and it takes a moment before you both recover and he can ease himself off of you, out of you. He discards of the condom in the waste basket, and turns back to you, realizing you haven’t so much as moved an inch since he left you.
“Hey,” he sighs, sweeping a hand through his damp hair, “you okay?”
“So perfect,” you sigh.
He smiles, “Can I get you anything?”
Your limbs start to come alive again, and you ease yourself up into a sitting position against the headboard, pulling the sheets over you, “Water?”
“On it,” he slips his boxers back on and returns with a glass of cool water.
You’re not sure what his next move will be, staying or going, but you know what you wish he would do. He surprises you when he collapses back onto the bed next to you with a sigh, resting a wide hand on your thigh and squeezing you, “You’re amazing,” he says.
“You did all the work,” you chuckle, “I feel like I should be telling you that.”
He shakes his head, “No, it was great,” you look down at him and his eyes are gently shut, his mouth open softly as his breathing evens out.
You watch him for a few minutes, and it’s clear he’s not going to be moving any time soon, he looks spent, a second away from sleep, and judging by the late hour you figure it’s better to let him stay if he wants to. You grab your phone off the nightstand and start to set an alarm.
“Yunho,” you murmur, prodding his shoulder gently, “what time do you need to be up?”
He hums, shrugging.
“Hey,” you nudge him again, “you can sleep here if you want, just tell me what time to get you up.”
“Nine?” he blinks his eyes open, “I can go if you’d be more comfortable,”
“No, no, stay,” you ease down into the covers, and he shifts to slide in beside you, “I’d like it if you did.”
“Good,” he sighs again, reaching across the empty space between you and pulling you back into his chest. He snuggles into you, spooning you close and relaxing against you, “because I really hate sleeping alone.”
Warmth heats your chest, and you finish setting the alarm before you relax back into his embrace, “Me too.”
You sleep, but you wake twice before the alarm, the first time to Yunho’s hips rolling against your backside, his cock hard again and straining against his boxers and looking for friction. He fucks you soft the second time, spooning you still and holding you open, gentle thrusts and his fingers massaging your swollen bud until you come gentle and easy against the warm plane of his chest.
The second time he’s gone, and you think for a moment that he’s left entirely. You’re not necessarily surprised, but he had seemed nice enough to at least say goodbye after fucking you twice and holding you all night. 
The sound of your hotel room door makes you jump, and you pull yourself up, holding the fluffy white comforter to your front and running a hand hastily through your hair.
Yunho’s back, freshly showered and already dressed for the day in stylishly baggy light wash jeans and an oversized blazer. “Oh,” he smiles, “you’re up!”
In the light of day, seeing him cleaned up like this has the reality of the evening crashing into you sideways. You had made fun of him, flirted with him, begged him, fucked him, and now you’re still sitting naked in front of him like a mess while he’s looking like what he is, an idol.
“Hey,” you manage.
He holds up a hand and you see now that he has a coffee cup and a small white pastry bag, “I brought you some breakfast,”
You’re really not even sure what to say he’s being so sweet, but you smile, watching as he drops the bag and coffee cup off on your side table. “Thanks,” you take the coffee happily, and he pulls a few packets of sugar out of his pocket.
“I didn’t know how you like it,” he says, a little sheepish, “but I didn’t want to wake you,”
“No, no, this is perfect, thank you so much.”
“I have to get going,” he sits on the edge of the bed, turned towards you, his hand resting on your knee with such easy familiarity, “but I wanted to make sure you got up too, I know you have a long drive back.”
Something inside you melts, “Thank you, Yunho, that’s so nice of you,”
“I also,” he shifts, a smile on his lips, “I had a lot of fun last night.”
“Me too,” you nod, resting your hand on his.
“It was really nice getting to know you,” he leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, his other hand coasting down your bare back.
You sigh against his lips. It had been a long time since you had had a soft morning like this, and the feeling of his hands on your skin again and his warm kiss on your lips has you feeling weightless and dizzy.
Yunho leans back and squeezes your knee gently, “I really do have to go,”
“It’s okay,” you smile, “I get it, but yeah, I had a good time too.”
Yunho takes your hand in his and turns it over, “How’s this feel?” he nods his head towards your injured palm.
You had honestly forgotten about it, “Completely fine, don’t worry,”
“Good,” he drops a kiss to your palm with a teasing eyebrow raise and stands, smoothing down his jacket.
“Well,” you would get up and see him to the door, but you blush and hold the comforter a little higher over your chest, “have a safe rest of your tour,”
“I will,” he nods, “you have a safe drive,”
You nod, and you expect him to go, but he shifts, glancing at the floor for a moment and then back up to your eyes. “I put my number in the bag,”
The sentence doesn’t quite make sense to you, “You what?”
“My number,” he explains, looking at you a little more clearly as if that will explain, but he says, “if you want,”
“Want to what?”
He laughs at your expression, “Text me, if you want to message me sometime.”
“Only if you want,” he says, and when you start to open your mouth to respond he gestures for you to stop, ��otherwise we can leave it here. Either way, I’m glad I met you.”
“Me too,” you nod earnestly.
His phone dings in his pocket and he sighs, his eyes closing in annoyance for a moment, “Okay, that’s my cue. Drive safe,” he says again and starts to slowly head for the door, “and maybe I’ll talk to you,”
“Maybe,” you respond, noncommittal but you already know your decision.
He smiles, “Okay,”
He pushes himself towards the door with a groan, “Alright, I’m going. You look pretty in the morning by the way,”
A laugh breaks out of your chest, “Thank you?”
“I just thought you should know,” he shrugs, flirtatious and teasing, but with the sound of the door opening and swinging shut you know he’s gone.
It takes you about three seconds to tear the bag open and see if he was being serious. Tucked into the pastry bag, nestled on top of the wax paper, is a little card with his number written out and his name, Jeong Yunho, as if you wouldn’t remember his name.
You key it into your phone immediately, a message open and waiting. You bite your lip, nervous and unsure of what to say, but then you hear his parting words ringing in your ears again. You type the message out and send it immediately, not pausing long enough to think too hard or overanalyze the decision.
You look handsome in the morning too, just so you know.
You toss the phone aside and leap out of the bed, needing suddenly to walk far away and clear your head. You pull the hotel robe around yourself and sigh into your hands, recounting the night and the way his soft sweetness made your stomach flip flop. You start to walk towards the bathroom, ready to start a warm shower and clear your head, when you hear the soft ding of an incoming message, and you can’t help but smile.
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littledollll · 1 year
Can you do something with thi
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Can you do something with this like Brienne getting head from reader, like Brienne having a rough day and reader insists that she relaxes bri, and Brienne refuses at first then finally gives in on the third time of reader requesting. The plot is up to you dear. Love your works
Allow me..
Brienne of Tarth x reader
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A/n: this is the first thing I’ve written since- god knows when, I hope it’s alright!
Warnings: bad writing, cunnulings (B receiving), teasing, lots of kissing, a little bit of cuddles.
“You’re stressed..” It wasn’t rare that Brienne came home exhausted and irritable, she’d try her best to never let that outside stress seep into your home but at times it was inevitable. And that just meant she needed a little extra love, just something to remind her that home is just the place for all those worries and problems from work to slip away.
You tilted your head giving her such a sweet smile as you began helping her remove her bulky armor.. oh how much she truly loves you and that precious smile of yours.. she hates seeing you worry so much about her.
“I’m fine, It’ll pass soon enough.” She spoke as she pulled off her chest plate. How typical of her to invalidate her own feelings. You placed a soft kiss on her cheek when you were all done.
Taking her hand in yours and leading her into your shared room, getting into the bed you pulled her in with you too.
“Come.. I insist you lay in my arms for at least a few minutes. If not for yourself then for my peace of mind, please?” And how could Brienne ever say no to you, specially when you ask so nicely?
Once she agreed there was a few minutes of utter peace.. She actually felt relaxed in your comforting hold. That is, before your hands started wandering..
Innocent enough at the start, your hands smoothing over her scarred yet beautiful skin, letting her bask in your affections before your touch got more possessive.. showing now your true intentions.
“Love-“ her voice was more of a breathless sigh.. but not one in protest.
You hummed in response, nuzzling into her neck so sweetly.. she loves when you do that. Your arms wrapping around her torso as your lips met the back of her neck.. soft kisses littered all over her neck and shoulders.
She squirmed in your hold, her thighs squeezing together giving you just the sign you wanted. You had half a mind to tease her, but today was all about helping her relax.
“Just lay back.. please, allow me..” there was the slightest but of mischief caught in your voice as you said that, a tone Brienne knows all too well. You slipped away from behind her, letting her lay back before you settled between her thighs.
A whimper escaped her lips once you started laying soft kisses all over her stomach and down to her thighs, taking your sweet time to appreciate every inch of skin.
“Please..” her voice was more of a mewl, and how could you ever say no to that?
Your arms wrapped around her thighs, holding her flush against you while you traveled up between her thighs. Her hips bucked as you placed a kiss to her already aching clit.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me, bri? Be nice and loud for me while I make you feel good?” Your murmur, looking up at her from between her thighs.
Brienne groans at the teasing tone in your voice, letting her head fall back against the pillows on your bed, “yes.. yes. I’ll be good. Just- please.”
In less a second your mouth was on her. Your tongue licking a line down her already dripping slit. Her moans and mewls were nothing short of exhilarating.
It took nothing to turn her into a squirming mess, no more than a few minutes and her chest was already heaving. Her eyes screwed shut and one of her hands tangled into your hair, as she needily grinded against you.
You couldn’t help but moan against her. Her grip was delightfully tight as she held you against her cunt.
You were forced to tighten your grip to keep her from squirming away as sucked on her clit, pulling even more breathless moans from the knight above you. Her thighs squeezed around you as she shook in pleasure,
Gasps and whines filled the room as you continued your ministrations. Brienne felt drunk on the pleasure, her mind was practically empty with every sensation coursing through her body.
“L-love..” her voice came in a low whine, her eyes screwing shut. She couldn’t finish her sentence, but you knew well what she was asking.
You merely nodded against her and she came undone with a loud and almost desperate moan.
That was only the first of many. From the start of the evening, this was bound to be an eventful night.
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linahopeeeee · 1 year
🐧Paring: Eijirou Kirishima x black reader
🐧Summary: you and Kiri get high and have sex in the car outside of the cinema
🐧Words: 900
🤣Notes: at this point i just wanna get high with all the MHA boys. ITS MY BIRTHDAY (the 16th) so if your reading this and you wanna make me happier then please interact with me cause I’m bored and have like -3 friends😗
“here” Kirishima says handing you the lit joint, he coughs a couple of times as the smoke fills his lungs. The two of you are sitting in Kiri’s car as you wait for your movie to start.
He watches intently as you bring the joint up to your lips and take a hit, discreetly adjusting himself in his sweatpants as he watches your lips wrap around the joint as you take another drag, letting the weed relax you.
Eijirou checks the time on the dashboard, still twenty minutes before the movie starts, that’s definitely enough time for the two of you to have a little fun.
He looks around the parking lot, happy that there’s not a lot of people who are here to see a movie on this random Thursday evening.
He reaches down to move his seat back, “just tryna get comfy” he told you when you gave him the side eye, already knowing where this was headed.
It doesn’t matter where the two of you are or what you’re doing, he’s always in the mood, and the addition of weed makes it ten times worse.
“baby” he whines trying to get your attention, smiling over at your once your eyes meet his. “c’mere, wanna kiss” he says patting his lap.
You’re on his lap within a couple of seconds, arms wrapped around his neck as his lips find yours, hands gripping your waist.
“missed you today” he says when he finally pulls away, lips traveling up your jaw, leaving a trail of open mouth kisses in there wake.
“mm I missed you too Kiri” you agree as you begin grinding your hips down on his already hard member, thrusting your chest further into his hands as he begins playing with your tits through your shirt.
“wanna go in the back?” he asks, nodding his head in the direction of the large backseat, needing more room to do what he wants to do to you.
You don’t respond, instead crawling your way through the middle console and sitting down in the backseat, Eijirou following suit, but it took a little while longer for him considering just how big he is.
 The second your both in the backseat his hands are roaming your body, squeezing and caressing whatever he can get his hands on.
He pulls your shirt over your head, placing it in the front seat so it’ll be easy for you to find when you’re done.
“wanna make you feel good” you tell him, pushing him to lay down on the seat before your hand is grabbing his dick under his boxers. He lifts his hips to help you push his pants past his thighs and down to his ankles.
You give a few kitten licks to the head before taking the head into your mouth and sucking. Kiri bucks up into your mouth, tip hitting the back of your throat as you gag around him, pulling off to allow yourself to catch your breath.
You take him back in your mouth, head bobbing up and down as you swallow around him.
“fuck” he groans as he pulls your mouth away from his dick, pushing his lips to yours as he pushes your shorts down your legs.
Fingers instantly probing at your entrance, wet and warm and ready. He pushes two of his long fingers inside of you stretching you out as he preps you for his cock.
“jus’ fuck me already” you whine out, causing him to chuckle as he pulls his fingers out, quickly sucking your juices off his fingers before lining himself up with your clenching entrance, slowly pushing through your walls, the two of you both moaning out together.
“f-fuck! Eiji! So big” you cant help but whine out, eyes already rolling to the back of your head and he hasn’t even started moving yet, giving you a few moments to adjust before he splits you open on his cock.
He pulls out all the way before slamming his hips back into yours, pace starting off brutal as the tip of his cock hits your cervix with each thrust.
“that’s it baby, fuck you take me so well” he groans in your ear.
You feel the familiar tightening in your stomach, walls clenching around him as you feel your orgasm approaching.
“you gonna cum for me?” kiri asks as he begins rubbing fast circles on your clit, feeling his own orgasm getting closer and closer.
All it takes is a few more thrusts before you cumming around his dick, loud moans falling from your lips as your walls clench tightly around him.
“fuckk” he groans out as he pulls out, cumming in random shirt he had in the back of his car.
It takes you both several minutes to come down from your high before you remember where you are and why you’re here.
“fuck we’re going to miss the movie” you pout because you really wanted to see this movie, you’ve been waiting for months for this movie to be released and you weren’t going to miss it today.
You both quickly throw on your clothes and rush into the cinema, where Kirishima has you cumming on his fingers again in the back of the theater.
Guess its safe to say you had to go see the movie a different day by yourself.
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stevenbasic · 14 days
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Growing into the Job, Post 401: Upstairs, Downstairs, p1
Several hours she’d spent, already, with his head cradled to her left breast as he slept on his back, suckling. She’d turned off her bedside lamp a while ago, though light still filtered in through the open doorway . The dry-nursing was calming for him, he’d drift in and out of it gently in his sleep. Meanwhile Melissa kept him awash in the pheromones she could titer from her skin, perfumes that could keep him calm, warm and sweeten his dreams. She concentrated, adjusting her levels, adjusting the weight of her enormous boob on his face to make sure he could breathe.
There you go, baby. Keep sucking. This is good. This is good practice.
She, though, was doing more than just helping him get good sleep. She’d decided, he’d agreed. We talked about it earlier tonight, right? He was going to help her get bigger, and, maybe even more exciting, he was going to allow her to change him, work on him too.
She could make them into the perfect couple, all it would take is a little time. So she, now, was starting to do just that. Learning, as she rested on him, how to release the perfect mixture of the perfumes she was bathing him in. As he rested, sleeping with her breast in his mouth, she let her pheromones flow, his little nose breathing them in right from her tit as he gently suckled in his sleep. Calm him, coddle him, shrink him. These perfumes, she knew, along with the right affirmations, could make him into the perfect boyfriend.
Look at him. His head’s so much smaller than my breast already. I could make him disappear under there.
She turned herself at the torso, a little, just to see it, to try it. The swell of her boob blotted out his entire face.
Melissa giggled.
She pulled back, not wanting to accidentally smother him in his sleep. She looked at him, thinking, imagining him exactly as she wanted. The feeling was strong, how her body could become his planet, bring him into her orbit, pulling him into her with her gravity, and he would fall right into her. She saw how he’d continued to dry-nurse, and she cooed down to him. Her energies were aligning with his, bringing him deeper into her sphere of influence, eclipsing him.
“Baby,” she purred, “My little baby Jay…”
She repositioned him a bit, scootching up his pillows. She watched him suck, and saw how content he was at her nipple. More pheromones, more perfume. He looks so peaceful, so satisfied and happy. Look what I can do. She was so proud.
She was so proud, and so relaxed.
Melissa heard Randi returning with the workers a while ago. She had asked her to bring in a small crew of her little worker-monkeys from the office to fix up what she and Jay had broken, to try to get the living room back into shape by morning.  With her ultra-sensitive hearing, Melissa found that she could follow all the little noises and conversations downstairs - which mostly entailed Randi speaking sternly, ordering the men around, being her perfectly bossy self and using that mouth of hers to keep them in line. She sounded frustrated, saying a few naughty things more than once, but she was getting the job done and keeping things in line. Melissa smiled. Good. It felt nice to have someone she could trust.
Yes, so Melissa was just so…relaxed. She noticed that Jay, on the other hand, was starting to get kinda fussy in his sleep, at her breast. It was just after midnight. She did her best to look into him, try to read his face, his emotions, and as much as she could of his slumbering thoughts and dreams. Maybe he didn’t like the presence of these other men in the house. Is that it, sweetie? Do they make you nervous?
Otherwise, though, she watched him carefully, and noticed him smacking his lips, shuddering a little as he struggled at her nipple.
I bet your mouth is getting dry, isn’t it?
She looked down at him and pouted. Yeah, he was getting a little uncomfortable, and she needed to help. The last thing she wanted to do was disturb this quiet, romantic moment, but she felt she had to, for him. Just for a little bit anyway. So, she gently peeled him away, pulling his lips away with a warm <pop> as they seemed to want to stick to her nipple. “Sssh shh shh honey, it’s okay,” she said, as he reflexively clung to her in his sleep, as if not wanting to let go. Ooo you really don’t want me to leave, hm?  “Don’t worry I’ll be back,” she said tenderly, and - after laying him gently back into his pillows - sat up out of bed. She found a thin terry cloth robe to slide into, loosely tying it around her waist before she touched a kiss from her fingers to his pallid forehead. She carefully stepped out of the room to go check on things downstairs. And grab something from the fridge.
She eased the bedroom door shut behind herself to allow him more peace sleeping. He needed his rest;  things would be changing again for him very soon. She slowly walked to the stairs. Her first step down caused a loud creak, as the weight she’d been putting on recently strained the bones of the staircase. That made her smile, and indeed she heard the workers down in the living room stop, listen. She thought she even heard their heartbeats quicken. They know I’m coming. She made sure her next footsteps were just as loud, making the whole house groan as she descended.
At the base of the steps she turned, tightened her robe about herself - not for warmth, but to make sure her silhouette was as impressive as possible as she came into view. The robe fell short on her 6’8'' frame, exposing her long, shapely, and immensely powerful legs. Its belt cinched around her waspish waist, highlighting her hourglass figure even further. With one quick look at herself in the foyer mirror, she knew: These boys aren’t ready for this.
Stepping around the corner, she was rewarded with an audience of seven. Randi, reclining on the couch, and six wide-eyed men who had already dropped the tools they’d been using, letting them clatter to the ground. She appreciated the attention, but knew they had much work to do. They had to patch drywall, reattach damaged light fixtures and repair the dining room table. She studied them. Some of them had newly-shaved heads, all were wearing identical plain brown uniforms.
“Hi boys,” she purred, feeling the deepening of her voice rattle the windows, “thanks for coming by.”
What followed made Randi laugh, in her smoky chuckle. “Guys. Please. Manners,” she instructed, incredulous at how the mere sight of her friend - as statuesque and drop-dead gorgeous as she was -  absolutely paralyzed these morons. She marveled at how none of them could even look at Missy, and now stood, hands clasped as if in prayer, with eyes cast to the floor. She had to admit, herself, that Melissa struck quite the sight, even in just a bathrobe. Where Randi was impressed, though, the men were utterly flabbergasted.
Sigh. “I hope they weren't bothering you Missy, being too loud,” Randi offered to her friend, before turning her attention back to the men with as much patience as she could muster, “Come on, be polite. Say hello.”
“Ms. Monroe, th-thank you,” one of them began, “thank you for letting us-“
“For letting us come here,” chimed in another, “help you-“
“Serve you,” added a third.
‘Serve you’?!? thought Randi with an audible laugh, astonished by the effect her friend had on these apes.
“Yes, thank you Ms. Monroe.”
“Please, boys, call me Melissa,” she purred, noticing how none of them, still, had the nerve  to even glance up at her. ‘Ms. Monroe’ was my moth-…well, not even my mother was Ms Monroe. Anyway, I prefer ‘Melissa’.”
Though maybe I should come up with something else you all can start calling me.
“Yes Ma’am,” answered one of the workers.
“Yes who?” Melissa reminded, the question hanging in the air.
“Y-Yes M’ammmelissa…ma’-mmm.” The man’s response died in his throat.
Both Randi and Melissa chuckled. Obviously, the men would need some training if they’re going to speak her name properly.
“So, Randi,” Melissa started, as she surveyed the room, the state of affairs after the demolition their lover’s tryst had brought about. At least to her heightened senses, the room still smelled of sex. “Think we can be all fixed up by morning?”
The men stood once again silent, trying not to move.
“With these nimrods?” Randi answered, “At the rate they’re working it won’t be done til next month.” From her spot on the couch, Randi’s smile curled. “But maybe some encouragement from ‘the Almighty’ might motivate them.”
Melissa chuckled again, and felt a little quickening of her heart, tingles flowing through her. Yeah…let’s try.  “Okay, boys, yes, come here,” she spoke, raising her arms out, palms up, beckoning the little cowards to her. She couldn’t help but notice how small they looked. Even Randi, seated, seemed larger than them all. She was certainly taller.
No one had moved.
“Please, boys, please,” she repeated, “come.”
That got them moving. Tentatively, in little steps, hands still clasped reverently, the six men began to approach Melissa.
“Good boys,” Melissa commended, “good boys.”
One, two. Three four five six. Soon all were standing in front of Melissa, in a line, facing toward her but with eyes still cast floorward. Randi looked on, from the couch, shaking her head and chuckling in admiration. This was Missy, her ditzy friend, and these apes worshiped her. “Don’t you morons think you should be on your knees?” she said.
Melissa giggled, and then bit her lower lip. Oh god yes.
The men, at first, didn’t move. A couple of them exchanged glances.
“You heard her,” Melissa finally smiled, sweet as can be, “kneel.”
In a moment, the six men were down, eyes still on the floor.
Even from behind them, Randi could see them shaking. “Jesus Christ woman you’ve got them well-trained.”
“Let’s not use that name in here either,” Melissa said enigmatically, peering down her nose from on high, down unto her assembled devotees. Smiling, crookedly, she took her right hand and laid it onto the head of one of the men.
“I like your beard,” she said, letting her smile warm as she gazed down at him, palm covering his bald pate. She cocked her head, saw the man’s awestruck expression. To her, it looked like he was having some sort of transcendent experience. In that moment he privately decided to grow out his beard and never cut it again. “What’s your name?” Melissa asked.
The man hesitated, unable to find his voice.
Before he could speak, Randi interjected. “That’s ‘Beardy’. I call him ‘Beardy’,” she answered.
The man looked up at Melissa with reverential eyes.
“‘Beardy’,” Melissa repeated, “I like that name. What do you think Beardy? Do you think that’s a good name?”
The man nodded, unvexed - or, rather, maybe silently enthralled - by the fact that he, a grown man, had just been renamed by a woman. He cast his eyes down again, to Melissa’s huge, bare feet and fought back the urges to just collapse his body around them, anoint them with himself.
The men aside him vowed never to speak his old name again.
“The last time a woman gave you a name it was your mother, huh Beardy?” Randi jabbed. Again, he seemed unfazed. Perhaps to him this was a rebirth.
“Will you promise me, Beardy, that you’ll have this all done before I have to leave in the morning?” Melissa asked.
Her question gave him the strength to look up at her again, for what felt like the first time. She was so, so beautiful. So perfect. He nodded. “Yes, Ma’-Ma-Malissa”
She moved her right hand from his head to that of another man, and placed her left on someone else. “And you two? You…too?” she giggled, watching as they shivered in kind. She laid her hand on each of them, just for a moment, feeling them shudder under her touch. One by one she asked them:“Will you  promise me you’ll get this done?”
Nodding. Nodding was all they could do. Nod, and murmur mumble humble “yes ma’am’s”.
“Good boys,” Melissa blessed them again, then turned her eyes to Randi as she heard her chuckle.
“You’re getting a little buzz off of this, aren’t you?” Randi asked, knowing about the strange energy Melissa had been gathering from these oafs that were gathering in their basements. She had confided in her about it recently, and Randi noticed she’d begun spending a little bit of time downstairs. Their attention seemed to empower her. To Randi it sounded similar to the ‘Bliss’ that she and the girls would get when Missy and Dr. J were intimate, anytime Dr. J climaxed because of Missy. Well maybe it was a little less intense than that - because the Bliss was a , but it sounded familiar at least.
When Randi sat back and thought about it, it all seemed one hundred percent ridiculous, but there was no arguing with reality. Her new boobs, which had busted up, like, six cup sizes were proof enough of that. These men, Dr J and the monkeys, were turning them all into something new.
“Yeah I kinda am. A buzz is right,” Melissa answered, looking over her little supplicants, “these guys feed me something I can’t really explain.”
“We’ll get you more,” Randi replied, considering to herself the tools she had. Instagram, Tumblr, GirlToob, that thing that used to be Twitter. Maybe this job as “Director of Social Media” really was good for something more than just collecting up old-person patients for a lame geriatric practice. And a paycheck.
Melissa nodded, considering, acknowledging. “And I’m feeling a lot of it tonight, this tingly buzzing. Once that first interview thing of me aired on Channel 5, it definitely became more.”
Randi considered that herself. The way the girl from the TV station explained it, the different parts of the profile on Melissa would be airing over the course of the next week or two. Plus there was going to be coverage of the office’s grand re-opening this weekend, going into next week. That’d be a lot of eyeballs, especially if the rumors of MSIT picking up the story and broadcasting all this nationally came true.
“Jesus, Missy,” Randi marveled, realizing it herself, picturing the numbers. This could blow up quickly.
“Yeah huh,” Melissa dreamily agreed, casually stroking Beardy’s bald head as if lost in similar thoughts, “and, again, language.”
Randi snickered at being scolded, this whole situation was so absurd but so thrilling. She brought herself back to the moment, suddenly reminded. “Hey how’s he?” she asked, catching Melissa’s attention with the mention of Dr. J, “You left him alone up there?”
“Oh, yeah. I should get back!” she answered brightly, removing her hand from the kneeling man’s head, “I came down to grab something from the fridge for him…”
Thanks to RiF for his help in editing
Next entry:
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cupidjyu · 1 year
a bit too shy pt 2
(hyung line) when you're shy and don't give affection easily !!
genre: kisses, hugging, shy reader, flirty and in-love boyz, guitar-player jacob notes: i am back :) im still tired but eventually, i will get there...😣💞 word count: 1.1k
your boyfriend had gotten home after a few days of being away for work. you missed him dearly and felt hopeless being all alone. even though he video-called every night, you so badly missed the sight of him right in front of you, his charming and sweet smile beaming at you.
you already knew that he was home currently. just before, you had greeted him happily. he even swooped in, pressing a long kiss to your lips, making you giggle, your face growing hot all over.
now, he was sitting on the couch, using his computer. you stood near the kitchen counter, currently trying to work up the courage to hug him. you not only missed seeing him, but you also missed his touch. and look, you were planning to before! but you chickened out last minute.
so, with a deep breath, you approached him. he looked at you and he could immediately tell that you wanted something.
he smiled, almost encouragingly. you simply stood there, fidgeting nervously.
“sangyeon,” you mumbled.
“hm?” he hummed, smiling at you sweetly, his eyes turning into crescents.
you cringed slightly, feeling your cheeks flush, “can i…?
and he gazed at you endearingly, finding you incredibly cute. he nodded without a reply, opening his arms as if he could read your mind. you let out a quiet breath of relief.
you were now sitting next to him. slowly but surely, you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his torso and then hiding your face in his shoulder, feeling shy all over again.
“this is nice,” he spoke into the silence as he smiled giddily to himself. he felt like his heart was soaring.
“i agree,” you mumbled, snuggling closer. 
“you don’t have to ask, you know?” he replied.
“i’m not the best at these things,” you pulled away, pouting.
he winked before pecking your cheek softly, “then allow me to teach you.”
“want to watch me play?” 
jacob had once come up to you, asking you this question. you were always curious about how well he played guitar since he always talked about practicing and making songs. he just never showed you until he was ready.
“really?” you looked at him excitedly. he nodded with a wide smile.
the next day, he led you into his room as he sat on the bed, holding the guitar in one hand. he beckoned you to sit next to him and watch. and so you did, in awe, as he began to play, his pretty hands handling the strings gracefully.
and what surprised you even more, was that he started singing.
he was smiling while singing the most romantic words, to the point you even felt your face start to grow warm. what if he was singing about you…?
when he was done, he set the guitar down and glanced at you.
“so?” he laughed, bashfully. “what do you think?”
“that was amazing,” you replied in honesty. “you should have shown me earlier!” he simply giggled.
“i was thinking about you while singing,” he teased, smirking slightly. you felt yourself blush as you rushed to shove him away with a huff. “hey, don’t be like that…” he glared playfully. he leaned in closer, peering up at you through his eyelashes. “don’t you think i deserve a kiss as a reward?”
you eyed him, “for what?”
he shrugged. you gulped. and quickly, you leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“you did great jacob,” you muttered. he scrunched his nose, smiling fondly at you.
“thank you, my dear.”
“no pet names.”
“you love them.”
younghoon has a strange addiction to watching cute baby animal videos. you’ve discovered that a while ago, but never really said much about it. one day, you decided to watch with him as the two of you were relaxing on a bench at the park.
one of the clips was of two adorable bunnies, cuddling together. younghoon immediately cooed, turning the screen so you can see clearer. you smiled, watching.
and much to your surprise, the bunnies simultaneously turned their heads. they kissed!
he gasped, making even more incoherent noises. “this is so cute,” he pouted, his cheeks puffing out as he turned to you.
you shrugged, merely finding him funny. “it’s okay.”
“hm…” he thought for a second. and visibly, an idea popped up in his head. he quickly faced you with an excited expression.
“should we recreate it?”
you sputtered, your ears turning red, “wh-what? i never said-”
“aw but,” he pulled off his best puppy dog expression. you paused.. and then you groaned. curse him and his wide eyes.
“i guess so… but just this once,” you warned him. he nodded eagerly, waiting patiently. you fidgeted anxiously before finally, you closed your eyes and kissed him. he quickly pulled you closer, making you feel fireworks go off in your stomach. when he distanced himself, he smiled.
“you should do that more.”
“i’m trying…”
“then recreate every cute animal video with me,” he proposed. “please?”
“on second thought, maybe i shouldn’t try anymore,” you got up to start walking away from him, jokingly.
“hey! you said-” he whined. “y/n! please!”
you quietly cheered to yourself as you closed the lid of the lunchbox that you had prepared for your boyfriend. it was early in the morning, the both of you incredibly exhausted, but you so badly wanted to prepare food for him before he left for work.
you saw him walk in and he looked very charming, all dressed up. he turned to you, tilting his head with a cute smile.
“what’s this?”
“ah-” you handed it to him. “i made it for you…”
he was speechless, his eyes wandering over the small box. “oh.”
“is it bad?” you panicked. “i could try again next ti-”
“no, no,” he shook his head. he looked at you with a tender smile. “thank you so much.”
you shyly smiled, batting him away. you then followed him to the door to wave him goodbye. but just before he stepped out of the apartment, he quickly turned back around to face you, raising an eyebrow.
“aren’t you forgetting something?”
you widened your eyes.
“no?” you tipped your head slightly. “did i?”
and then he tapped his cheek, staring at you expectedly. you sighed, glaring at him.
“so… im waiting…” he pouted. you huffed before hesitantly pressing your lips to his cheek. he smiled dearly, his eyes lighting up. “amazing,” he stated. “see you tonight! and next time, on the lips?” he giggled, puckering his lips before walking out the door.
you laughed fondly, watching him go, your heart still beating a mile a minute. 
“don’t skip down the hallway, hyunjae.”
“nope, i love you too much,” he called back.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
LongDistance!Series - Part Three: Home - Manny x Reader
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Tagging:  @darqchilddaydreamz  @theesirenteller @wnbweasley @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @skyesthebomb @delightfulbelieverwerewolf @redpool @trublu2u @fleureeee @thiashazzywriting @lauraaan182 @hatersaremymotivators @fanfic-n-tabulous @ravennaortiz @just-a-throw-away @yousigned-upforthis @kabloswrld @keyweegirlie @@pansexualhailstorm @wabi-sabi1090
Part One: Melina - Manny x Reader - Manny's daughter wants to meet you.
Part Two: Club Business (feat: Hank Loza) - Manny finally sits down with Hank Loza to discuss his relationship with you.
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Another postcard, another country, another city.
It’s Italy this time, Verona.
In the past few weeks, Manny’s received one from both Milan and Pisa.
He looks at his fridge, inundated with the evidence of your adventures and he wonders what he’ll do when he runs out of space, where he’ll put them all then. It occurs to him that he’s thinking in the long term, not months but years down the line. You out there exploring the world, him here managing his club. It shouldn’t work but somehow it does. He’s the stable presence in your life, the grounding force and you’re his wildness, the part of him that remembers how to live.
“Put them in a scrapbook.” His daughter Melina suggests as she perches at the kitchen table, carefully cutting out a picture of an elephant from a magazine he’d picked up.
“That’s not a bad idea.” You say from the phone propped up against the saltshaker on the table. “You’re going to have to help him choose one though because his taste is a little…”
Manny knows you’re pulling a face, it’s in the way Melina laughs.  
The three of you have been video chatting regularly since the initial introduction over a month ago. You’ve become as integral to their routine as breathing. Manny looks up from chopping peppers before handing off a slice to Melina, she crunches it between her teeth.
“Orange is his favourite colour.” Melina says with a sigh, picking up one of her colouring pens to show you. “He thinks it goes with everything.”
“It does.” Manny argues, rolling his eyes before he washes his hands in the sink. “It’s bright, it’s uplifting, who doesn’t want that in a colour? It’s you two that are wrong, who likes the colour blue, it’s dour, depressing.”
“Relaxing, soothing.” You correct him, shaking your head. “What will we do with him Melina?”
“Alright, alright.” Manny says, picking up a hand towel and drying his hands as he steps around the breakfast island. “If you two are done judging my colour choices, we still need to get Melina’s homework done. The two of you were talking about India and the elephant sanctuary.”
“That’s right.” You agree, straightening your shoulders. “Ok kid, what other questions do you have?”
He cooks dinner while the two of you talk. They’re having pasta tonight because Melina’s decided she wants a taste of the Mediterranean, thanks to a conversation the two of you had yesterday about how much you love Italian food. He’d tried to bargain it down to pizza, but she’d given him that look and reminded him he’d already promised that as their Saturday treat so pasta it is.
“At least she’s trying new things.” Sam had shrugged when he’d told her. “She could be eating chicken nuggets all the time like that kid Jeremy at school.”
Small blessings, he thinks as he watches the water simmer. He turns it down a little before he approaches Melina’s chair, his hands come to rest on her shoulders lightly before he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
“Mi Nina.” He murmurs. “Dinner’s almost ready. Go wash up, ok?”
Melina complies slipping out of her seat and heading to the bathroom. Manny picks up the phone, a smile tipping up at the edges of his mouth.
“Thank you for that, I know it’s late there.”
There’s eight hours time difference between Italy and Yuma. It’s six o’clock here and almost two am your time. You’d been photographing the afterparty at the Parma Tattoo Nerd Fest and just gotten back to your room when he’d called.
“It’s cool.” You tell him, running a hand through your hair. “You know it takes me a while to wind down.”
He can tell you’re tired, he’s been noticing it a lot recently. You’ve been working yourself into the ground, chasing the work where you can get it. It’s the nature of a freelance career. You take the jobs when they come in. Your skills are in high demand, you’re well known in the Expo circles for the quality of your work and your reliability. Some creatives were flakes but you, you’re dedicated.
“So, I’m going to take some time off one I’ve finished up in Fiuggi.” You tell him, toying with the silver stacker rings on your fingers. “The last couple of months have been intense and I need to take a break.”
“I think that’s a good idea.” He tells you, leaning on the breakfast bar as he holds the phone between his hands. “You need to take some time for yourself Mami, rest and relax. Working that hard, it’s not good for you.”
“I’m going to book a flight back to the States, I need to make a stop in Joshua Tree, drop some of my stuff at my storage locker…”
“Storage locker.” He repeats because he fully expected you to say apartment.
Something clicks into place then, something he hasn’t considered until this very moment, and it breaks his fucking heart. When he thinks back over all the conversations you’ve had he realises you have never once mentioned an apartment, or a house or anything resembling a home. The storage locker is literally the first place of permeance you’ve brought up. Up until now it’s been hotel rooms and Airbnbs.
“Mami…” He says quietly, lowering his voice so that Melina doesn’t overhear. “Where is home for you?”
“I…” You trial off, your eyebrows furrowing as you contemplate the question. You glance back up at the camera on your phone and the look in your eyes it kills him. “I’ve never really thought about it until now… I guess I don’t have one.”
It’s the nature of the foster system he thinks, moving from place to place, never settling long enough for a home of your own. You’ve emulated the pattern over and over again without even realising it. He sees the moment it dawns on you, something shatters deep inside and it resonates over the six thousand miles that separates you. He wishes that he was there right now, that he could wrap his arms around you and hold you close, that he could take away the anguish he sees in your features, but he can’t. Instead, he places his hand over his heart as he speaks his truth.
“It’s with me Sara.” He tells you. “Your home, it’s with me.”
You’ve been travelling for over eighteen hours by the time you make it to Phoenix. It’s ten o’clock at night and you are bone achingly tired, you’d tried to catch a couple of hours on the plane, but the truth is you were too excited to see Manny. You’d called him during the two-hour layover in Atlanta to let him know you were back in the country and that there were no delays with your connecting flight.
“I can’t wait to see you.” He’d told you, the tone of his voice sending a rush of heat surging through your body.
“Me too.” You say, a smile gracing your lips. “It feels like it’s been a lifetime.”
He still looks as good as the day the two of you first met, black jeans that hug his lower body just right, that khaki green shirt buttoned all the way to the top. When his eyes meet yours, a small smile graces his handsome features and something inside you just lights up. You’re in his arms in an instant, his aftershave filling your nose as he holds you close. He smells like leather, lavender and patchouli, scents that make you think of home.
“It’s good to have you back.” He whispers into your hair, and you nod because right now there’s all this emotion rising up in your chest and you just can’t speak.
It’s been a journey over the past few days, facing up to the reality of your patterns, the ones that have been ingrained since childhood. You realised it’s time to change, time to put something permanent in place and you want that to be with Manny.
He draws away, his palms clasping your face. His thumbs chase away the tears that leak down your cheeks, his forehead coming to rest upon yours.
“Hey, hey.” He soothes, his lips brushing over yours. “You’re home now.”
Love Manny? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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He's a Loser baby, but I Want him to be My Loser, Baby
Tw: Attempted end of life,
Synopsis: After Angel tries to end himself, Husk decides to finally do something...even if that means his loyalty is on the line,
A/N: so I have a theory Husk is going to free Angel, this plays out the Theory,
Husk would never forget hearing Charlie scream, which was saying a lot seeing as they were in Hell number one, but knowing it's someone you care for, he and the several occupants of the hotel had been relaxing a relatively calm day. Angel hadn't come down, but he had had a rough night, the former overlord had been wanting to keep a closer eye on the Spider Demon since he was happier, and not in the masking type of way
Husk had seen the signs of being suicidal before, the relaxed nature as they knew that they'd not have to worry soon,
He would blame himself for the rest of his existence for not stopping Angel before he went to his room,
Charlie had offered to go check on him worried something was wrong, (oh was it) Husk literally flying up the steps with Vaggie as Charlie knelt over Angel who was on the floor, one of the angelic blades they had just used on the ground beside him
And the blood, oh sweet lord it was everywhere, but his ears perked up, he heard straggled breathing and produced a mirror holding it in front of the others face he saw it fog and realized the other was still alive,
"Charlie I need you to get him on the bed Vaggie you bandage him, he's just unconscious."
The anger and fury he felt, he knew who this was the marks that littered the others form besides the damage Angel had done, that he'd hidden this was so much worse, he felt something snap,
Marching out of the room he was already formulating a plan, the biggest thing hinged on getting a certain radio demon on board, Alastor made him jolt as he appeared, he hated when the other did so,
"You wish to request something my dear Husker?" He purred, eyebrow raised
"Yeah, I want to challenge Valentino for Angel's contract, but I have ta ask you first. All soulsI get, go to you. Angie, though I want to offer im his freedom if I can"
His smile deepened, and Husk could see the glee in the others' eyes. However, of course, he'd be happy about this
"Gambling for another soul quite entertaining however if you manage to pull this off I think in the case of him rejecting his freedom it would be much more entertaining for me, for you to keep his soul,"
The overlords eyes widened, Alastor would allow that?
"Hopefully you did not fail in your quest Husker,"
The demon disappeared but the former Overlord knew he had permission and with a new fire in his heart he marched out of the hotel in down to the studio
Marching inside he yelled out
"I wanna talk to this asshole Valentino!" Making several gasp but others looked instantly interested
"Your the kitty who plays barkeep," Velvette appeared with a snort,"Whatcha want with Val he's bein a cry baby, Angel fuckin shirked his work,"
"He didn't shirk it he tried ending it!" Husk growled, making the other workers again gasp even Velvette seemed a bit surprised before a nonchalant look replaced it, as the door slammed open revealing a pissed off Valentino
"You you're one of those Hotel people tell Angel to get his fluffy little ass back to work" he snarled getting up in the others face husk shoved the other back
"Angel is currently comatose because he tried ending his life, Valentino which is why I'm fucking here. I want his contract" More gasps came from everybody around them
The Moth Overlord raised an eyebrow slowly slinking around the other, before laughing
"Do you really think I would give up my best workers' contract?
"One Round of Poker All or Nothing, if I lose I work as your mole if you lose I get his contract and soul," he knew he had to play up the other's ego to get him to agree to lure him," think about it Valentino you would have someone actually competent to listen in"
Husk new Alastor would know, but he was counting on that if worst came to worst,
And like he planned his words made the other Overlord pause and think,
" interesting proposition, Fine one game. With Angel not being able to work I'm going to have to struggle to fill in the rest of the schedule anyway you can be assured he will be punished thoroughly for it," he snarled as a table was drug over
Holding a hand out both of their abilities flaring as they shook hands and the deal was set
It was a difficult match purely luck whoever God Favored right now would be shown, Valentino laid down his cards smirking it was a four of a kind, a nice decent hand but Husk started laughing as he laid down a royal flush taking down the other overlord, he had won he didn't believe he still had it after he had lost to Alastor but here he was standing victorious once more showing his luck was still on his side,
"Oh shit," he heard Velvette mutter, a smirk on her face, a hand covering her mouth
Valentino for once looked stunned and for a moment Husk saw himself perhaps the biggest loss in his life, but the moth was forced to produce the contract and hand it over, he shrugged however immediately trying to play it off
" oh well I'll find some new bitch to be my star, and not like anybody will want his leftovers,"
Husk felt rage at the other's words, but with Angie's contract in his hand, he just focused on that the sheer euphoria he had done it, he could feel the others soul and he could not believe how warm it was despite everything the other had been through, it was almost loving and caring, he raced back to the hotel and saw Alastor standing on the balcony leaned on it
"Good show Husker, Angel Dust is awake he awoke when he felt something shift in his very soul." The other purred, with that smug grin the former overlord hated
He only nodded and headed for the other's room, Charlie caught him halfway there
Husk allister said you were going to do something-"
He pulled out the contract and she gasped" I bet it all,"
He let out a small noise as the princess of Hell embraced him tightly, hearing her murmur
"Thank you Husk," nothing more needed to be said he understood what she was saying
"Of course Princess,"
Before she let go and watched as he headed for the bedroom carefully opening the door he saw angel on his side curled up
"Come to stare at the failure?" Came from him,"can't even kill myself properly, now Valentinos gonna-"
" he's going to do nothing Angie, Please look at me,"he interrupted not wanting to use the contract to force the other that would go against what he was trying to do
After a few moments the other slowly turned over his eyes were red and it broke husk see the other so hurt bandages wrapped around him bags under his eyes slowly the other approached and tenderly wiped the tears away,
" how can you promise me he can't do anything he has my soul-"
" Angel he doesn't have it anymore" fear entered the other Demon's eyes and husk sighed and pulled it out that made Angel sit up wincing but the absolute shock written on his face
"Husk... how did you?"
" I saw you on the floor angel and I couldn't take one more minute of seeing you hurt, I blame myself partially for what happened I knew you were suicidal because I've seen it before but I didn't say anything. So I challenged Valentino to a poker game where I would be the mole they were looking for if he won and if I won I got your soul in contract as you can see my luck is still with me,"
Tears entered Angel's eyes, and Husk knew the realization was hitting him that all the years of abuse were behind him because Angie knew Husk would never treat him the same,
" I will free you, but only if that's what you want truly-"
A finger was placed to his lips to silence him, Angel was shaking his head,
" I have been underneath a overlord for as long as I can remember I honestly don't know what I would do but I do know it would be self-destructive I don't know how to behave without well someone to help guide me. If you're willing to take on this loser, I wouldn't mind having you as my Overlord, especially in comparison to that piece of shit,"
Holding up the contract, Angel felt the collar appear, but it disintegrated. To his surprise, the contract also disintegrating however, Husk gently took one of his hands, a ring appearing glowing bright orange it lit up the room, and Angel gasped before it faded and disappeared
" Guess we're both losers under the same umbrella, huh?" The spider demon smirked
Husk smiled placing a kiss to the others hand making the other grin,
"And baby that's fine by me,"
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kimbappykidding · 1 month
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Previous Parts: Part One, Part Two and Part Four.
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So Jeno hadn't confessed to you in the way he'd wanted at the gaming night and he considered himself lucky that you didn't notice what his body tried to tell you. He didn't think it was exactly the chivalrous approach and he wanted to woo you. He wanted the confession to be smooth and romantic. He wanted you to be impressed and happy. He was devising strategies when Halloween hit.
Halloween was always a fun time and this year Nct were planning on throwing a party. Jeno was more than into it because he knew you'd be invited. He hadn't seen you since the gaming event at Johnny's and he needed an excuse other than gaming to talk to you since he didn't trust his body in a small room alone with you yet. So the party was the perfect way to test the waters and Jeno was happy...until he heard the theme was masquerade. That just was not Jeno's style and you already said you'd found other members of NCT attractive. How was Jeno meant to have a shot with you if he was dressed the exact same as the hunks of the group who would obviously outshine him? But there was no getting out of it so Jeno agreed and lined up with the guys outside the venue to make their entrances. They all were wearing the exact same thing even down to their masks which covered most of their face except their eyes. Jeno supposed you could've worked out who was who based on hair colour or height but for the most part they were pretty identical and that's when he realised there might be an upside to this. You'd have no idea who he was.
In their entrance the boys had been instructed to interact with the guests, specifically to select one and bring them to the dance floor for an old-fashioned ballroom dance. Several of the guys had mentioned how great a time it was to flirt with someone without them knowing it was you. Jeno wholeheartedly agreed with that and when he saw you standing there in a beautiful blue dress he knew he had to get to you. So when the boys spread out into the audience Jeno made a beeline for you. You watched him approach and Jeno bowed before taking your hand, he kissed it gently before leading you to the floor.
"So..." you said when the dance started "cat got your tongue? Are you really not going to speak to me?". Jeno knew if he spoke you'd know it was him so he stayed quiet. "Fine, I won't try and work out who you are" you told him "so you can relax, I can feel how tense you are" and you ran your hands across his shoulders. Jeno tightened them before purposefully relaxing them and you laughed softly. "Well whoever you are you're a good dancer" you said "you know to lead a dance". Jeno wanted to show you just how true that was so he sped up. He made the dance more difficult and led you through it all fearlessly. You kept up amazingly and Jeno could see the genuine joy and excitement on your face. You had great stamina and when the song ended you were both breathing heavily. "Wow a really good dancer...I'm very interested to know who you are now" you said and raised your hand to Jeno's cheek. Being so close to you Jeno couldn't resist and before you could play with his mask he pressed a kiss to your lips. You gasped slightly, caught off guard, but kissed him back quickly closing your eyes. Then just as quickly as he'd done it, Jeno pulled away and disappeared backstage where all the boys were getting changed into their proper Halloween outfits. He was the last one and he hurried to change into his other outfit. "What took you so long?" Mark asked him and Jeno just smiled in response.
The guys all reappeared and dispersed into the party and were now free to do what they wanted, no more theatrics planned. So Jeno re-entered the room and tried to act like he wasn't looking for you when he was. The only way the whole masquerade thing would work was if he managed to show you a good poker face to convince you it wasn't him. He supposed you'd notice if he avoided you all night and that you'd also notice if he came right over to you so he aimed for somewhere in the middle.
He waited about 15 minutes and then came over to you. "Enjoying the party?" he called and you blinked at him before nodding "definitely, what about you?". He shrugged "I'm happy now all that performing is done. Now the real fun can start". You smiled "that sounds like a promise" you said and Jeno smiled "it can be...if you want?". You nodded "I do" and Jeno nodded "well let's go then" and he held out his hand to you. You took his hand and let him pull you into the party.
Jeno felt on top of the world because 1. he'd kissed you and 2. he was at a party with tons of good-looking guys but you were on his arm. Literally! As you took a break to get a drink you hooked your arm through his and Jeno felt like a million pounds walking through his friends and colleagues with you. He noticed them watching but honestly, his eyes were just fixed on you. "Did I mention you look stunning tonight?" Jeno asked referencing your beautiful gown and you smiled "thank you...you look pretty handsome yourself. Did you enjoy the performance?" you asked. Jeno stiffened and told himself to just remain calm. "It was okay" he said "but I'm glad it's over it was kind of nerve-wracking". "Well none of you looked nervous, you all looked really good" you said and Jeno was sure he was in the clear...until you returned to the dance floor together.
Jeno was showing off a little and you seemed to be loving it. You let him do his thing and were also a great dancer which Jeno found really attractive. Finally, the song slowed down a little and Jeno pulled you into his arms mainly so he could catch his breath but was very happy with having you closer. You smiled seeming just as happy and leaned into him "I'm glad I got another chance to dance with you. Our dance was nice earlier but it was too short" you said. Jeno froze like a deer in headlights. You saw the panic go over your face and smiled. Your smile made Jeno relax slightly but he was still tense. "Did you know it was me the whole time?" Jeno said and you smiled "of course I did, your most beautiful feature was on show clear as day". "My eyes?" Jeno asked after thinking and you nodded "I could spot them anywhere, you've got very pretty eyes Jeno" and he blushed which made his eyes narrow and you thought they were even nicer. "See...so pretty" you said, leaning in and kissing him. Jeno had kissed you once tonight but that was hiding behind a mask. This was completely different and it was so much more emotional and passionate.
Jeno kissed you with the confidence you'd been craving and he was so good. You started the kiss as the dominant one but by the end, it was all Jeno and you broke away from the kiss gasping slightly. "I like this Jeno" you said and he paused "you do?". You nodded "you have so much to be confident about, you're so talented, funny, kind, an amazing dancer and not to mention soooooo hot" you said with an exhale "I've wanted you from the start Jeno, from that first night I showed up at your apartment". Jeno was shocked. He'd hoped that was true and definitely got a vibe from you but was never sure if it was just wishful thinking and to hear you actually say it did things to him. So he took note of what you'd said about liking confidence and smiled "well I'm all yours, want to get out of here and claim me? Or should I say let me show you what confident Jeno is like?". You couldn't say yes fast enough and both rushed out of the party in a very hasty hurry.
You went to Jeno's because it was closer and he kept up his confident act...until you felt like you were losing control and knew you had to even things.
"Look at you so excited for me" Jeno commented "who would've thought the one and only Y/n would be so hot for me" he said. That immediately made your competitive streak kick in and you pushed him down so you could be on top. "Well I'm not the only one, I've excited you a few times huh?" you asked "without even realising. Who knew me playing a game could do it for you" and Jeno went bright red as he realised what evening you meant. "I...don't know what to say" Jeno said and you chuckled softly "why didn't you tell me?". "Are you kidding?" he asked "I thought it would be weird and scare you off". "I was surprised but looking back I can kind of get why it happened" you said. "You can?" Jeno asked and you nodded "yeah I was kind of accidentally grinding on you so I'm not surprised things happened" you said "I'm sure it would've happened with anyone". Jeno shook his head "it was because it was you" and you smiled "it was?". Jeno nodded "I thought you were doing it on purpose but you weren't? You had no idea?". You shook your head "no idea but if I had known...well to be honest I probably would've moved around more to torture you". Jeno laughed and shook his head at you "Y/n that's all you've been doing" and he pulled you back towards him.
"You smell nice" Jeno said afterwards with a sigh and you laughed looking at him "you're smelling me now huh?". Jeno blushed and you smiled "I'm kidding...you smell good too". "No but you always smell good" Jeno said "I think it's your perfume or something. It smells really fresh and minty". You smiled "I can't remember what's in it but I do like it and now I know you like it I'll buy more". "Let me buy you it" Jeno said kissing your neck and shoulder and you smiled "you're spoiling me already?". Jeno nodded "in all honesty I'd buy you anything you wanted" and you could see how serious he was by his expression. You blushed at his gaze and nodded "I believe you but I don't need you to shower me in things, I'd much rather have you". Jeno nodded "well I'm yours so just take me" and you smiled "I already have". "Yes but again and again and again" Jeno said and your smile grew. You held his face in your hands and nodded "okay then".
After things went quiet you said something that had been on your mind. "You make me nervous Jeno" you admitted and he looked jumped slightly "I do?". You nodded "yeah...I know I put on a strong front but you make me feel fluttery and I really like you. When you were acting confident early I just thought oh shit because you were really powerful Jeno". Jeno couldn't stop the huge grin on his face and you blushed "Stop!" resting your head against his chest so you could hide. "Okay okay I won't be smug" he said cuddling you "I'm just happy because I worried I might be too bland or might not be able to match you but to hear I'm doing good...well that feels pretty fucking amazing". "It does?" you asked peeking out of your hiding place and Jeno nodded "it does" and managed to capture your lips in a kiss.
Jeno thought about what you'd said and spoke again after he'd recovered from the kiss. "How about, and I know this might be difficult at first, but we don't hide from each other? You can be whoever you want to be around me Y/n. I'll never be disappointed with you". "But how can you know that?" you asked and Jeno shrugged "well I'm pretty enamoured with you so I can't imagine it's even possible...but you don't have to do it straight away. I'll prove you can feel safe around me" he said and you nodded "okay I'll try" and he smiled. That was more than good enough for him.
Halloween was cemented as Jeno's favourite holiday ever after that night.
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The next part is the last one!
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