#i actually kinda hate the composition for this
rorynni · 2 months
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i am still very new to the jjk fandom but i am obsessed with this guy and whatever undiagnosed anxiety disorder he has
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runningatypufullspeed · 2 months
AND THE HOUNDS ARE DISGUSTING THE COLORING IS SO SHITTY AND MILDRED …. Well ok she looks alright kindof but the COLORING ….. SKETCH WAS BETTER but do you guys. Do you still want to see it…….,,,,,,
#like ok maybe it isn’t. THAT bad#NO NO I TAKE THAT BACK I JUST LOOKED AT IT RIGHT NOW AND THE COMPOSITION IS ALL FUCKING VOER THE PLACE#IT. IT IS. THAT BAD#IF YOU GUYS SAY YESS YOULL SEE#ok but nasty bad art aside I know some of you will be asking why white Montag is such a bad thing and#there isn’t anything wrong with it!!! it’s just that for me personally#after I did a bit more thinking I was. physically incapable of perceiving Montag as anything other than POC/nonwhite#so when I look back at my old f451 art and stare into the eyes of a pale skittish twink it just#it doesn’t click. like that isn’t MY Montag if ykwim#now trembling BROWN skittish twink. that’s a different story#AGAIN I DONT have any issues with ppl making their own versions white I just think that . for me specifically. he looked a bit funny#a little off. a bit too crackerish for my liking#where is bros melanin 😭#I’m complaining right now but if I wanted to I could just… go in and try and make the skin tone darker#I might do that depending on how tired I feel after doomscrolling#also if it matters even though I have read the book over at least 8 times now not once have I touched either of the movies.#and it will STAY THAT WAY. until I completely log my notes for the book#then I can move on to the movies 🥰#but I will admit 2018 did sort of lead me to having a change of heart w my design. just a little. just a teensy bit. kinda. sort of?#actually not really now that I think about it#I have my own reasons.#TOO MANY WHITE PEOPLE MY EYES THEY BURN AAAYHHHHH MY EYES OW OW OW OWIEEEE#my Beatty design was so white that my eyes developed stage 4 cataracts#I needed a palate cleanser that WASNT Millie… oh god my Millie design…#she was white there too. terrible#it’s okay… 💔 I’ve since learned and moved on#ARGH GUYS I DONT HATE WHITE PEOPLE I JUST THINK THAT MORE SKIN COLOR VARIATIONS WOULD E NICE
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random assortment of drawings i might as well post
#scribbles#ocposting#furry tag#gif#eyestrain#bright colors#mother series#the gifs showing up kinda weird i think thats just a thing on my end though#have noticed it happens a lot for me w transparent gifs on here. idk#gif was for a dta thingy btw uhhh#‘cowcheese’ thing is for my sisters weezer parody where theyre rats nd instead called cheezer#words on the one on its right are lyrics frm heres to you by zebrahead cuz it was stuck in my head..#oh also the middle drawing on the first row of three was color picked frm the cover of phoenix also by zebrahead#first drawing i just made cuz i was messing w preset brushes nd thought itd be funny#long one w the four characters is.. little goody two shoes characters But Furries . lol#oh the one left of the cheezer thing was smthn i drew in class w my friends prisma colors instead of working on my actual art project#actually started that now its driving me crazy cuz i made like a million versions of the sketch messinf w the composition#and im still not sure entirely what i do and dont wanna include and also the actual paper im doing my final on isnt like. wide enough to fi#things in nicely 💔💔💔 also i never planned out colors like an idiot so im making that up as i go and avoiding it a lot aghhghh#giegue drawings are honestly just here cuz i think hes funny#sorry for the paragraph of tags i love talking abt things#uhhhmhmmh i kinda hate postint stuff most places online now ngl#i have so much more art i COULD post but it just feels weird idk#no one really interacts w my stuff much anymore anyways like idk <- this is jot me fishing for pity or disregarding anyone who does leave#nice comments i appreciate that stuff SO mucu it means the world to me. i just dont feel super strongly abt posting shit anymore i feel lik#i have much better peace of mind just leaving things to myself sometimes#as much as i like sharing things it just hasnt been convenient lately and also ive just been getting like.. very paranoid abt a lot of#things over these past years and the constant posting everything o. tumblr thing didnt help much#🙃 okay ill stop rambling now have a nice day
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reddpenn · 8 months
Here is a potentially silly question: how do you feel about birthstones? Do you think they fit the months (by season or astrological sign)? Do you have other stones you'd rather see as birthstones?
Okay, so, birthstones make absolutely no sense.
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I mean, look at this mess. We’re doing beryl and corundum twice! I get that they get Special Different Names for their Special Different Colors, but it's just lazy. And why are we giving some months cheap, common gemstones like garnet and amethyst while the poor June birthdays have to shell out tens of thousands of dollars for FREAKING ALEXANDRITE? That’s incredibly unfair! We should be picking birthstones that are all roughly the same price. And why do some months get multiple gemstones? I’ll tell you why: because nobody can agree on an official list and every attempt to standardize this thing has just added MORE birthstones to every month.
So obviously the answer is to standardize it again, by throwing out everything and starting over. Here are our goals:
Fair pricing. You should be paying roughly the same amount regardless of what month you were born in. We’re getting rid of those ridiculous outliers like diamond and alexandrite.
More customization potential! Nobody should be stuck with a stone they hate. We’re picking gemstones that come in multiple colors or varieties, so that everyone can choose a variant they like.
Wearability. Some birthstones are too fragile to be worn as jewelry. We need to replace them with stronger stuff.
No more duplicate gemstones. Every month gets a stone or family of stones with a unique chemical composition.
Now without further ado, I present to you:
The New And Improved List Of Birthstones With No Problems Or Flaws That Everyone Will Definitely Agree On And We Can Start Using Right Now Immediately
I've got no problem with garnet. It's a fine, classic birthstone, so January can keep it. But I would like to see a little more garnet diversity. January birthdays shouldn’t be confined to just red. The garnet family of minerals contains a rainbow of different colors, like orange hessonite, green uvarovite, pink rhodolite, yellow grandite, and many more. They’re all garnet, so we should be wearing them all!
The original birthstone of February was amethyst, which is… kinda boring. Super cheap and common and you only get one color? No, we can do better. February gets ALL the quartzes now. Keep wearing amethyst if you want, but also feel free to branch out into clear quartz, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, tiger eye… actually, take all the agates too. If it’s quartz, it’s yours!
March was originally aquamarine, but I’ll be giving all the beryls to May, so we need a different stone here. Let’s stick with that theme of pale pastels and go with spodumene. For an April birthday, bedeck yourself in green hiddenite, pink kunzite, or yellow triphane. Despite its subtle colors, your birthstone has some amazing fluorescence, with really cool pinks and oranges under a UV light.
Diamond is too pricy for this list, so we’re replacing it with something less expensive and way more interesting. April will now be represented by the feldspar family. We’re talking labradorite, moonstone, amazonite, aventurine, and sunstone. While you don’t have much variety in color, your stones are full of shimmery schiller which glitters and shifts as it catches the light.
May’s original birthstone was emerald, which is great and can stay, but we’re also adding its siblings! May is now represented by all beryls: Emerald, Aquamarine, Morganite, Bixbite, Heliodor, Goshenite, and whatever other varieties I’m forgetting to list. A bright and saturated rainbow of colors is represented here, so everyone born in May is sure to find something they like.
It’s time to address the alexandrite in the room, and obviously we’re getting rid of alexandrite. A stone worth $15,000 to $70,000 a carat does not belong on the same list as friggin amethyst. Instead we’ll look at the other traditional June birthstone, pearl. The problem with pearl is that it’s a clear outlier in this list. An organic gemstone, by some definitions not even a mineral. Should we replace it? NO. We are OWNING it. All organic gemstones now belong to June. Pearl is joined here by jet, amber, coral, ivory, ammolite, petrified wood… in fact, June can have every fossil ever.
July was originally represented by ruby, which is a fine stone and won’t be kicked off the birthstone list - we’re just shuffling it down to September. Replacing ruby for July is spinel. (See, it’s funny because historically spinel has often been mistakenly identified as ruby! That's a little gemology humor for you.) Available in any hue you could possibly desire, spinel offers some nice color options to a month that previously only featured red. Of course if you want to keep wearing red, red spinel mimics ruby so well that you’ll barely notice the difference.
Nope, we’re not changing this one. Peridot is the ideal gemstone and you ungrateful August whiners can die mad about it. HOW ABOUT YOU LEARN TO APPRECIATE PERFECTION
Sapphire is a wonderful, classic stone and it deserves its spot on this list. But the corundum family has been separated for far too long, and we’re finally going to reunite them. Joining sapphire in September is its sister ruby. Between the pinks and reds of ruby and the many, many colors of sapphire, these two stones give September a nice variety of colors.
Look, as gorgeous as opal is and as much as I love it, it is both way too pricy for our list and also TERRIBLE in jewelry. This stone is just too brittle to wear around from day to day and can be ruined just by getting it wet, which makes wearing your birthstone a huge hassle. We’ll kick opal out and hang on to October’s other traditional birthstone, tourmaline. Pink tourmaline may be classic, but this stone comes in plenty of other colors. Whether it’s brown dravite, watermelon elbaite, or the rare and beautiful blue indicolite, you can wear them all!
November can keep topaz, but we’re not confining it to the color yellow. This stone comes in a huge variety of colors, and now they can ALL represent November. No further notes; it’s a nice, classic stone.
I dunno, I’ve had to come up with 12 of these, I’m burnt out. Sure, zircon, whatever.
“BUT WAIT,” you say. “Now instead of having a single color assigned to each month, almost every month is represented by almost every color, making it impossible to tell anyone’s birthstones apart and removing what made them special and recognizable as symbols!”
Well CLEARLY you didn’t read the title of this list.
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longhands-the-second · 7 months
HI! If you’re reading this, you’re going through my shit (Or you follow me. Hi! There’s 6 of you and I appreciate you all very much lol). Thanks for that! I love attention.
I wanted to take a second and, while not in the tag (therefore to the void), express my gratitude to everybody who did the bookclub. Y’all really brightened my days, and it was really nice to be apart of a group of equally Normal people enjoying something in an Average and Not At All Obsessive way. Everybody posting meta is fucking awesome and big brained and good at making things make sense. I loved seeing everybody else’s reactions! It’s the closest thing I’ve had to a movie theater experience in a long time. I’m especially happy to hear that it’s going to happen again- and Boy do I have some plans.
My goal is to have colored pages ready for the next run of trigun bookclub! I’m thrilled to death that we’re doing it again and I’m already super excited. I really regret falling off in the latter half. I got busy with school stuff and, frankly, did not want to make myself read volume 10. HOWEVER, I do have roughly 30 pages ready in the meantime, and I’m excited to share once the time rolls around. I’m doing it like this in an effort to pace myself and do good work instead of rushing to get it all done by a certain deadline. I was, uh, very taken by several scenes, and I felt I didn’t do them justice by the time I was done with them. Odds are I’ll rework the existing pages a fair bit because the color balance isn’t a clean and cohesive as I would like, and finding out that certain characters did in fact have canon colors is going to take me minimum 4 hours to fix. Additionally, I’ve read the good people of the Trigun Overhaul project are reworking some of their splash page scans, and if that’s the case I may use those instead (therefore a little more fixing time). Absolutely owe everyone working on it so much, and while I cannot offer a firstborn, I can offer my mad scribbling. All of that being said, my plan is to do at least a few pages per volume. That’s all, folks! See you next time!
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #24
• The moon in your moon persona chart might also be how you act/are by nature when comfortable with people! E.g. natal Aquarius moons with Cancer moon in their moon pc may act very sweet & thoughtful around those closest to them.
• The rising in your moon persona chart is how you might come across emotionally. E.g. Libra rising in your moon persona chart might make you hold back sometimes even if somebody opposes your ideas, to keep things cordial.
• Sidereal Capricorn moons know when to hold back on sharing personal stuff and when to actually share a personal experience that relates to somebody’s situation in order to then give them advice.
• Sidereal Aquarius venuses tend to include their friends/best friends in almost everything!! And they may also be betrayed by those they consider “friends” a lot too.
• Gemini risings who are Venus doms tend to attract a lot of female friends who are jealous of their playful yet soft/aesthetically pleasing personalities! And of their looks too I’ve noticed! 🤭
• Aquarius moons with Virgo risings are a little dry humored & sarcastic but also goofballs who laugh at everything.😭
• Gemini moons with Libra risings and Capricorn mercuries like to make fun of people’s clothes or the way people talk. 😂
• 9H Aquarius moons with Aries mercuries like to make fun of people in general and hit you with the ‘I don’t care.’ 😭🤣
• Composite charts that have prominent Aries/Pisces mixes tend to be those relationships where people or your parents don’t want/like you two being together so you have to keep it hidden from everybody. Especially Aries stellium with a water rising.
• Taurus moon in composite is where you kinda compromise with each other because you might be too different yet you’re willing to stay on subjects you both agree on and it also creates a “home” type feeling between both people that’s not so easy to find with others.
• I feel like 7H Pluto people tend to get hurt the most in relationships. Especially having partners who act unfairly. And they end up learning most lessons from being betrayed by people or from relationships that didn’t go well. However they also have major glow ups after.⬆️
• Sidereal Libra suns HATE unfairness.
• Sidereal Aquarius suns have a quirky yet compassionate aura to them.
• If you have your sidereal/vedic mars in the same sign as your sidereal/vedic moon’s house then you may exude that sign’s personality traits/vibes! E.g if you have a sidereal/vedic 9H moon and a sidereal/vedic Sagittarius mars your opinions/intuition/ideals might manifest stronger in your personality! And you might be more optimistic or the friend that tries to enlighten others often.
• Sidereal Taurus rising at 29 degree gets paranoid if things aren’t in place/aesthetically pleasing and can come off as sassy/bossy to their peers without meaning to.
• Both Tropical & sidereal Leo moons are louddd.😭 Sidereal Leo moons do it subconsciously though.🥲
• Sidereal Sagittarius mars 🤝 getting easily irritated/using cursing as a mechanism.
• 11H mercuries are low key into politics even if it’s something they don’t talk about much.🌚
• Moon at Gemini degree (3, 15, 27) tend to be the biggest overthinkers and self sabotages.😕
• Moon at Capricorn degree (10, 22) low key be thinking bout that money & how they’re going to get rich without doing much.😭
• Leo mars women looove parties/events!
• Fire mars women especially Aries mars women can act very impulsively but they’re also very determined & love a good competition.❤️‍🔥
• I’ve noticed mainly with Libra, Gemini & Sagittarius risings you can kinda spot them out by their cheekbones!
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leonenjoyer69 · 10 days
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Goopy and non goopy version bc idk which I like more, BUT!!!! THEY GUY!!! HARRY!! HE GOT CONTROL :3 also the "I am me" is a Chonny Jash reference (from the soul eclectic, bc as I've mentioned I draw a good few things from Soul for him)
Ngl I kinda,,, don't really like coloring, especially shading, least favorite part of the art process, but I kinda ate this up, especially once I started throwing in the gradients 🗣️🗣️ still took me forever tho lmao, I hate color theory.
(Also, tysm @lesbianturrets for hyping me up about the pose, you're so cool, ily 🫵🫵🫵)
Anyways!! Other version below the cut, along with a bit of lore drop
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So yeah, he gains control while barricaded in his office, after Jekyll mixes the wrong salts into a single vial he was able to find. Harry freaks tf out upon gaining control, though he doesn't have much time to as Lanyon breaks into the office and such. Of course the first thing Lanyon questions is the HUGE mess and the fact that Jekyll looks different, to which Harry says it was from a potion falling on him, which is quite believable in this situation. They talk and Harry eventually leaves the office to go fix everything, giving Frankenstein a sort of "I'll explain later" look. Well, he does seem to successfully fix everything, albeit a bit suspiciously, but he does it!
Anyways, I need to lore dump more on him on an actual text post later, bc I've got a lot of things I've cooked up while talking with @dustmint >:3 that'll come later tho bc I've gotta figure out how I wanna format/write all that
(Edit, very sick of my tumblr screwing up the composition of my posts 😍😍 why do you keep getting rid of my cuts and scattering my images I'm gonna lose it)
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 8 months
ANGELLL!!! I AM OBSESSED W YOUR ALFIE FICS. I loved your 'A brother for Cyril' fic and I wanted to ask if you'd consider a kinda 'sequel' of Alfie and his wife introducing the two dogs and Alfie thinking they'll hate each other only for them to actually become the perfect dog siblings?! Please don't feel bad if you need to decline, I'm just throwing random ideas at the wall as I saw you were seeking some. sending you lots of love always and thank you for the work you do ❤️
Anon!!! Hi friend ah this was so so sweet!!!! Thank you for sending this in this was literally such a kind message I feel so blessed!!! I hope you enjoy this story, I took it a little further than I anticipated, but I hope it satisfies 💕💕💕 sending my love! - Mo
A Brother for Cyril: Part 2
Alfie Solomons x Wife!Reader
Warnings: language, mentioning pregnancy
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One thing is for certain... Alfie could never deny you anything.
To someone on the outside of your relationship, it would looked as though you were irreperably spoiled. Alfie absolutely doted on you... in his own way. It didn't make sense to those on the outside. One moment you two were fighting as if your lives depended on it, hollering and shouting obscenities, arguing about the best way to handle something. The next moment he had you in his lap, chuckling into your neck, 'begging' for forgiveness with kisses and whispered promises, "Oh treacle don't be cross with me now! Give a kiss yeah? You can't be mad at your husband forever!"
And you couldn't. You could never be truly cross with Alfie. Even when you were fighting, it wasn't truly directed at him. It was just your passions overflowing and exploding, ignited by his own stubborness. And God did you love setting each other off. For the making up was so sweet.
Alfie loved spoiling you. He loved giving you things. A sweet treat from the bakery. Delicate earrings and necklaces from his jewelry shop, engraved with his initials. A bouquet accompanied with a sonnet of his own composition. Alfie loved to dote on you endlessly, and loved to give you any type of happiness.
But this was a rat dog.
Alfie could not believe that he was actually stuck with this piece of lint. And was even more in shock that not only was he stuck with it, but you loved the piece of fur. Alfie was struggling to keep the scoffs at bay, as he watched you coo and caress the puppy, as it gave small kisses to your fingers. “Oh Alfie I’m so happy we’re going to have another dog. We really did need another puppy.”
He prayed you didn’t see the rolling of his eyes. This wasn’t a dog. Cyril, now that was a dog!! This ball of fur was pathetic! Cyril was big and strong, and was good at things! Like guarding the house and playing fetch and roughhousing on the floor. And Cyril just looked impressive! What would people think if they saw this piece of dust walking on the end of a lead held by him? Could it even walk? It was being cradled like a human baby the entire time. It was tiny… what if Cyril ate it? Alfie placed a heavy hand on your shoulder, “Now darling, don’t be shocked if Cyril and…”
“Barty.”, you reminded him.
“Yes right Barty, if they don’t get along. Cyril is a man’s dog. He probably won’t want to fraternize with the likes of Barty.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at your husband, “Fraternize? Alfie, Cyril is a dog. I don’t think he’s overly concerned with social standings in the dog park.”
“Well dear see that’s where you’re mistaken. Me and Cyril yeah we talk. Man to man. And I’m not sure little Barty here will be able to keep up. He seems a little delicate.”
“Alfie you’re not even giving him a chance!! He is just a baby!”
You held up Barty to look into Alfie’s eyes, “Look at his face darling!! He can fit in! Cyril and him are going to get along perfectly!! He just needs your love and acceptance!”
Alfie stared into the barely open eyes of the puppy, and just squinted, as if trying to measure the baby’s spirit. You moved Barty closer to Alfie, being nearly nose to nose, neither Alfie nor Barty blinking. And then Barty licked Alfie’s nose with a yip.
“OH LORD! BARTY!” Alfie lurched back, spluttering and rubbing the minimum slobber off his nose. You just cackled in your seat at your ridiculous husband. The mad baker of Camden upset by some dog slobber! “Alfie! It’s just a kiss! And Cyril’s slobber is much worse!!! You don’t care when it gets on you! You don’t mind his kisses!”
“Well first off Cyril does not kiss! Cyril snarls! And Barty and I just met! Where does he get off kissing already!”
You couldn’t stop laughing and teasing your dear husband. He was such a secret to the outside. To everyone else, he is ferocious and unfeeling. Absolutely mad and vicious. But your Alfie… your Alfie had such a different side to him. You weren’t naive. You knew what this life entailed. Hell, you were his secretary before you were his wife. You knew what Alfie was, and knew what it took. But you weren’t afraid of him. Alfie wasn’t just the King of Camden. He was an animal. But he was also tender and artistic. He bellowed and roared and tore through men like nothing. But he also whispered his undying love for you every night, and pressed hot kisses to each of your fingers every morning. Alfie was everything. And that’s what people missed. And it’s what you cherished. That you got to hold the Mad Baker and Alfie Solomons in one.
When you got to the house, Alfie waved to Ollie goodbye, and guided you through the door, hand firmly on your waist. As soon as he opened the door to your home, the pounding sounds of massive paws fill your ears. Cyril makes a bee line to his father, and immediately starts pushing his head against Alfie’s stomach, “Hello my boy! My Cyril!! You miss your papa and mum yeah? You’re so good, you watched the house for me yeah?”
Cyril’s sweet face broke out in a large smile, panting and leaning in to Alfie’s touch. After giving all the love his boy needed, Alfie finally straightened, preparing to witness what may be a bloodbath. “Alright Cyril sit my boy sit. We have brought you something.”
Alfie motioned for you to hold out Barty, “Cyril my boy, mummy and papa have decided that you need a brother. This here is Barty, and you’re going to teach him how to be a real dog.”
“Well he’s not a dog darling! Go on put the little runt on the ground, let Cyril sniff him out.”
You gently put Barty on the ground near Cyril’s front paws. You stand back up, shifting closer to Alfie, waiting for what was to come.
Barty managed to pull himself onto his tiny paws, sniffing the air around Cyril. Cyril’s head went to the side, as if trying to understand what was just put in front of him. He leaned all the way down sniffing Barty for a long time and then… gave him the biggest kiss Alfie had ever seen.
Cyril began to bark, and bounce around with all his young dog energy. Barty began yipping excitedly hopping around Cyril’s feet. “Barty! Are you so excited to meet your big brother?” You we’re so excited, so happy that the dogs were getting along, and Barty had been accepted into the Solomons pack.
After dinner, you and Alfie took your tea in the parlor, nestled together, enjoying each others presence and the radio playing softly. Cyril and Barty were snoring together close to the fireplace. Barty was snuggled right against Cyril’s stomach, legs kicking ever so often, lost in a dream.
“I cannot believe this… Cyril has gone soft.”
From your place on Alfie’s chest you swat him, “Leave them alone. It’s sweet.”
“He romped. He’s never romped before.”
“Well you did tell him to teach Barty how to be a dog. He’s just being a good big brother. I saw him trying to play tug of war with him. It was very sweet.”
Alfie just grunted, staring off into space. Until he hummed out, “Sweet heart?”
“Yes darling?”
“Would you ever want… human puppies?”
You sat up straight, “… do you mean babies?”
“Nevermind it was stupid.”
You laughed loudly, grabbing his shoulders for him to face you, “No you stubborn man! It’s not stupid, I just have never heard someone say 'human puppies'."
He just mumbled to himself, as he typically does, but still grabbed your wrist, pressing a kiss to the inside of your palm. Meeting your eyes you feel those butterflies in your stomach that still haven’t left after all of these years, he presses you “Well?”
You sigh, smiling softly, thinking and considering as your fingers comb through his hair, “Hmmmm I’ve thought about it. Had dreams about it. I’ve always wanted a big family, just like how I grew up. I’ve thought about you holding and playing with the children. Absolutely spoiling them with your affection. Teaching them. Being the man that I know you are. I just didn’t think you wanted kids.”
Alfie leaned into your touch, still holding your hand, “I just didn’t think I’d have the chance. You know… to have a family. Thought I was getting too old. Then here you come… crashing in my bachelor life. And now… I just keep thinking about it.”
You leaned in, heart glowing at his vulnerability. You knew it was sometimes hard for him to discuss those deep feelings, it made him feel exposed. But the fact that he still opened up like that to you, it spoke to the volumes of trust between the two of you. Pressing a soft kiss to his lips you whisper, “If you want children Mr. Solomons, let’s have them.”
You think you see a small glitter of a tear threaten to show itself in his eyes, before he says, “Cyril could teach them how to be dogs too.”
The rest of the evening flows in laughter and kisses. As you dream with him about what the future holds, Cyril admires from his place on the floor, keeping his new little brother safe, and thinking about the new siblings sure to come.
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likesdoodling · 2 months
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Reads manga style/right to left not left to right. :D
This is an amalgamation of a pre-existing shoujo manga, (A Sign of Affection) and Ascendance of a Bookworm. Since as you can probably see, I replaced the main characters, (Yuki and Itsuomi) with Rozemyne and Ferdinand. I'm kinda trying to 'study' manga layouts- (*cough- great excuse for reading copious amounts of manga *cough) so I tried using a few pages as reference to see what the composition was like and all that. This is my Shoujo example. I've got some half-finished Shonen ones as well, but this was the first one I got on to finishing since action shots are not my strong point. Even if I have the appropriate reference.
And no, that last picture was not in A Sign of Affection, I just have a certain inability to draw anything completely seriously so I couldn't help myself. It was also a case of-
Would Ferdinand and Rozemyne actually act like that? I mean... I dunno if they would, but if it was someone else's misinterpretation-
Which is where Hannelore came in. Because I can definitely imagine her fangirling on the sidelines.
This took way longer than I thought it would, (Random insert- I HATE drawing Ferdinand's profile. It is so HARD to draw!! >:/ Doable, but it is not one of my favourite things. That's for sure) but it was worth it. I think. Looks cool anyway.
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fightclubgayporn · 1 month
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please ignore how wonky the composition is LOL. i was inspired by @lakesparkles and his gravespowers swap au, soo. i decided to make a (kind of) similar one with sandra and envy!! its far less of a swap au and much more of just. what if envy's exes did the league instead of ramona's exes. a better explanation under the cut!!
so in this, ramona and scott (probably?) never met because scott went joker mode after the breakup with envy. he formed the “league” as a revenge plot but none of the other exes take it as seriously as he does. they’re mostly just there to bitch and, in julie and gideon’s case, have weird evil date night with each other
julie doesnt even really count herself as one of envys exes, but she’ll never turn down the opportunity to be a bitch, or to be a bitch with her boyfriend. she made out with envy in college like twice when they were roommates so she technically counts
scott and envy's relationship plays out pretty much how it does in canon, except instead of wallowing and eventually getting over it, scott gets super trapped in his head, and ends up merging with nega scott, except not in a "im accepting my past!" way, in a "i am never going to change and in fact i am going to become worse" way. he just sort of self-isolates and stews in anger until he hears about the clash at demonhead breaking up, when he gets the idea for the league. speaking of which.
todd and envy get back together after she breaks up with scott (its the same as in canon basically) except instead of todd cheating on her with lynette, envy cheats on him with lynette. for envy, it's just a way for her to release a little stress and cope with the fact that she's not happy in her relationship, but lynette sees it as an actual relationship. she'd been pining for envy ever since the band formed, and so when envy finally propositions her, it's like a dream come true. until todd finds out and envy defends herself by saying that lynette didn't mean anything to her, ruining her relationship with both of them and breaking up the band. todd and lynette hate each other now. todd hates lynette for sleeping with his girlfriend and lynette hates todd because he "got to envy before she could." and they both hate envy because she broke their hearts. (todd was never all that in love with her, he saw the relationship as more of a status thing, but like, it still sucks to get cheated on lmfao)
gideon and envy's relationship is pretty similar to in the comics? after the band broke up, she decided to pursue a solo career under gideon's label. it was all very nebulous and they never were officially dating or in a relationship or anything but it wasn't. normal. envy was into him, but only really into the status and the money. he was sort of who she wanted to be. gideon didn't particularly care about her, but he liked having control, and she was something he had control over. it was all very weird and undefined and toxic and she left his label and decided to become an independent musician. yayy
which leads us to the present, where envy and sandra meet after one of envy's shows. sandra is there with monique (duh) but also with stacey and idk. comeau i guess. he knows everyone. stacey and envy are still friends despite scott, and so envy joins them after the concert and sandra's pretty much instantly in love. she already had a celebrity crush on envy, but having her be Real and There just solidified it. she asks envy out that night (albeit very desperately and awkwardly) and envy figures, why not. oops the relationship kinda goes great and the gossip pipeline of stacey -> julie -> gideon -> scott happens and now. sandra has to fight envy's 5 evil exes! or at least, like, three of them. whatever
god that was longer than i thought it would be. if you read all that a) thank you and b) sorry
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randomblack-girl · 1 year
I knew this guy with Uranus conjunct Mars in the 8th house and "it" was huge 😟
Siren in the 6th house have nice bodies
I feel like Jupiter in the first house wanna be thick so badly or they are but they usually have nice bodies
I might have already said this but chiron in the 6th house might have body insecurities or health issues the type to grow up fat then start eating healthy as they grow up or maybe they had bad skin and got into skincare
I hate to say it but it's true pisces placements do be lying especially ones related to the 3rd house/Mercury a friend of mine with Neptune in her first house admitted to lying for fun and an old friend of mine with Neptune in the 3rd house said she'd lie so people wouldn't know stuff about her (Scorpio rising) but I hate saying this because I have pisces/Neptune influence over my chart and I'm not a liar, but it is some of them.
There's definitely a connection between pisces/Neptune people and fishes, mermaids, etc my friend who has Neptune in the first house said she wants a little mermaid birthday party. They do look really good in a mermaid aesthetic, it's giving:
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As a Scorpio rising I keep attracting Scorpio moons!!! And I love Gemini risings as a gemini moon and idk bout y'all but I get along better with people with similar placements to mine bc yk people be saying opposites attract...
What's y'all experience with Saturn in the 8th house men? Like what's going on down there? I'm curious 😭😭 I keep meeting guys with that placement I also don't know how to read this placement really, a lot of them seem kinda traumatized and closed off
People with Venus badly aspecting their asc usually think they're unattractive, it's sad
Ok so I have pisces Venus conjunct Uranus in a composite chart with this guy and we like each other but we live in different countries but he literally set the standard for my future bf 😭
On the list of hot voices is mars in the 2nd house. This guy ik has Capricorn mars in the second house and he sounds so smart and like a gentleman but hot at the same time. I also noticed he talks really slowly? Idk but I like it 😋. Sirene, Saturn, and Neptune also aspect his Mercury and neptune is in his 3rd house he has a pisces mercury too. I think pisces/neptune might make your voice nice, I have Neptune aspecting my Mercury and I've been told my voice is soothing. Ok I think Pluto makes a voice hot too because I'm noticing it's Venus, mars, and Neptune that keeps showing up in people's charts who have nice/attractive voices. Saturn can make them sound more mature and Jupiter can make them sound funny/be funny. Jupiter voices also sound deep and pisces/Neptune influence makes someone good with their words/poetic.
Idk if I'd say Scorpios look sexy/mysterious but I do try 😭😭 it's so hard though bc that's not who I am naturally I'm trying to just be myself though, I do notice I am just more reserved/quiet but that's when I'm not around friends or people I actually wanna talk to (Virgo 11th house) bc I don't really become friends with just anybody
I've noticed the connections I've had where the composite chart rising was Scorpio be deep/seem deep I love these relationships as a Scorpio/Pluto dom!!! I feel like we click and can talk about deep things like trauma easily
Idk the thing about tauruses and food is kinda right bc one thing about me...imma eat 😭 and I have a friend who's a Taurus moon who loves food
Let me tell you, having my Aphrodite and Lilith in Virgo and a pisces Venus the one thing I'm gonna do...is wear green, crystals, seashells, blue, etc ITS GONNA EAT EVERYTIME idc same with black but in terms of color? It's gonna be green, blue, and sometimes white (I'm still scared to wear white) but I love white too and omg don't get me started on grey and brown!!!! Or MATCHING SETS!? bye I want some juicy couture so bad!!! I love neutrals as much as I hate so say it bc it seems so basic but they're so easy to pair up and they look good together. But I'm trying to get into color and my favorites so far are green, orange, pink?, And blue also neutrals are easy because most likely it's gonna look good. Color can be complicated it's the same with patterns which is why I have a lot of basic tops now 😭.
Another thing I'm gonna do is wear tight clothes or crop tops 😋 and I honestly find it hard to not wear that or shirts that show cleavage now that I got a sewing machine I make everything a lil bit lower 💅🏾 and I love waist beads!! Emphasis on the stomach
And one time someone said "don't you think Tionna (me) looks good in comfy clothes" which is very interesting because taurus placements do look good in comfy clothes
Btw that picture came from Pinterest!
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viccharine · 6 months
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hurry, hurry (you put my head in such a flurry, flurry!)
( prints available [HERE] )
reblogs greatly appreciated!!!
process and commentary under the cut:
ok so w.a.m.s is one of my FAVORITE (if not my favorite) songs off folie à deux and since it was recently folie’s bday (I’m like. two week late but it doesn’t matter) i thought i should do a piece for it!!!!!
about the piece: this piece went thru a LOT of redesigns because I really didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted it to look like—at first I wanted to have a bit of a retro, 50s diner, mid-century modern look but that kinda all fell apart with the composition I ended up choosing (and yes, i could have changed the composition to make it work but that is seriously overestimating my creative ability tbh). it’s supposed to be like a headshot covering the waitress’ face (haha get it. bcuz w.a.m.s stands for waitress, actress, model, singer. get it) but also I haven’t drawn an actual face in SO LONG so that’s why it. looks like that. originally I wanted to have some sort of receipt or diner menu that had the lyrics to the song but ultimately i couldn’t make that composition work so I scrapped it
speaking of which, the LETTERING FOR THIS DAMN PIECE. oooooh i Talk a lot about having trouble w lettering but this one takes the cake—i could not, FOR THE LIFE OF ME, figure out how I wanted to make this lettering and I’m not 100% sold on it so do me a favor and just tell me it looks good without looking tooooooo closely at it.
while I work in black and white usually, the colors weren’t all that complicated because they are taken from the folie à deux album cover! in case it wasn’t obvious LMFAO
also ended up using a different brush than my other pieces so it looks a bit more polished than the rough, traditional art-looking vibe of my other FOB pieces—I’m not sure which one I like more!! what do u guys think :0?
some process pics (you can kinda tell how much i struggled with the composition and lettering here):
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about the song/album: I’m a relatively new fall out boy fan and let me just say. i did not believe that folie was originally so hated because it’s genuinely my fav FOB album. it took a couple of listens to reeeeeaaaaallly get into it but it is such a good album. like omg. THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE U FOLIE!!!!
cork tree, stardust, and folie are all probably my top FOB albums (do NOT ask me to choose between those three. i could never)
i also didn’t really like w.a.m.s at first but the second time I listened to it was like something unlocking in my brain. clouds parted, angels singing, trumpets blasting, the whole thing. ITS SUCH A GOOD SONG it makes me want to scream into a pillow do u guys understand me.
anyway, that’s pretty much all I have to say k thanks byeeeeee (and go stream folie!!!!)
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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Qi Ye cast poster!!
This had started as a sketch, waaay back as I was still reading Qi Ye. The original is pretty different from this (I considered adding it in the post but I actually don't like it anymore haha), but the plan was already to make this big spread with most of the -more or less- important cast.
I will add here some thoughts about the whole piece, and I guess, Qi Ye itself. My main goal was probably to express my deep and intense feelings for Qi Ye, its grandness, and its awesome cast-- and along with that, flesh out my mental image of each of them, their personality, their style. Here is a table with the names, so we know who is whom, and so I can add some details about my perspective on them and their design.
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Jing Beiyuan has always come quite naturally. I just go for the "prettiest face" I ever came with in terms of : my own taste, and the features I find the most delicate. I'd argue he's the easiest character to draw for me across both QY and TYK. On this image, he's probably around 16 or 17. I find his expressions to be very fun to work on in general.
Ping An is also quite an easy character to draw, just for how specific Priest is when describing him.
Wu Xi's design is mainly inspired by a discussion with my friend Hanya, who talked about how, in SHL, Wu Xi more resembled a northern shaman than a southern shaman. It made me want to explore the designs and characteristics a bit more, and come up with more colourful fabrics, patterns, and darker skin color. Same goes for Ashinlae and Nuahar, to have them matching Wu Xi's aesthetic.
Ming Hua was included in this just because of the mess the mention of his name caused in the story. The two jealousy tantrums are just so delightful!!
Su Qingluan was made to resemble Jing Beiyuan, of course. What I wanted to reflect in her face was her frustration, mainly.
Ji Xiang and Hua Yue... Well. Nothing particular about their design either, but they had to be there. Of course, of course they had to be there.
Finally, an opportunity to draw Zishu with his fan and henchmen! Not mad that he kinda looks like a villain, here.
Lu Yu!! I drew him with an Ashinlae mask, since he disguises himself as Ashinlae. I included him because he matters a lot in my headcanons about Siji Manor. (it isn't specified, in Qi Ye, whether or not he's actually part of the manor, but I like to consider that he is for various reason that I may detail if I ever make a Siji Manor post)
I'll skip Jiang Xue and Liang Jiuxiao because their designs are steady for me, now.
I hesitated a lot for Helian Pei's pose, but ended up going for this one (looking bored, out of his depth, lost in the distance with his birds around him). I considered showing him with a bird in his hands, but I guess that's not the main vibe I get from him. And then, well, golden, flashy clothing, suited for an emperor.
Helian Zhao had to be in a showy armor, and I hated making it because it's so much work, haha. I took inspiration from an armor in NiF. I'm quite happy with how he came out in terms of both vibe and showiness.
I tried going full out on Helian Qi. Making him the villain that Qi Ye deserved. Dark, showy, elegant and horrible.
Helian Yi is also pretty solid for me, by now.
About the illustration itself, the main challenge was definitely to make a nice colour palette while still differenciating all the characters. I wanted to go with something intense, eerie, that could also complement the main tones I would go for (= red, purple, blue and green). I'm quite happy with how the golden tones, along with the green and reddish lights, make the whole thing come together. I struggled a little bit with the composition at first, but once I got the flow and the main figures down, it just happened quite easily. Anyway, I'm quite proud of this, and hope it conveys the love and admiration I have for Qi Ye well.
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wildcatfourteen · 2 months
how do you come up with such interesting composition? your pieces are always so captivating 💗
thank youuuuuuuuuu <33 and the truth is. idk. i am kinda just winging it and making a lot of adjustments as i go.... im not very orderly about it and have my thoughts kinda all over the place. heres some examples under the cut w what process pics i could find
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direction process goes >>>
first did a pencil sketch for big shapes. was just placing stuff down. i wanted to make ref sheets for an art trade but didnt want to make a traditional type bc i hate drawing ppl standing full body (bc im bad at it 👍) also i did not have specific outfits in mind and was going more for a reference of the general vibe of the characters, so i just wanted a full body pose + face close up. to avoid having to show specific details. bc i was cheating. was originally going to have multiple text bubbles around for the character facts
did like two sketches digitally. messed around a LOT with placement. the little emote heads came out of me feeling like it was empty and boring on its own and they are fun to draw so why not include them. the multiple text bubbles seemed like a bad idea now so i took them out and just did one text wall.
i actually dont like the text wall now and think breaking it up wouldve been more fun visually but that would've required effort i didnt wanna put in LOL
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^ i lost the pencil sketch for this one (i always do a pencil sketch) but it was actually just the two half body drawings at first with none of that shit at the bottom or the close ups until i was like fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i gotta add smth around to make this look like theres stuff happening..... the idea was to draw the two main characters of the labb novel in some kinda comic format w panels around and i then. kept adding things until it seemed like i was getting somewhere. thats kind of my process for everything TT i think it helps to stay in a workshopping stage for longer if needed to get somewhere but i often get impatient LOL
im putting a stupid note abt this here bc im still annoyed at myself but in this novel, there was a bit about a crossword puzzle related to a murder case and i only thought of it afterwards that it would be kinda cool to put the sugar cubes in like a crossword puzzle formation....... why didnt i do that......
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^ and heres some of the process for this one, but i lost a LOT of the steps for this. the beginning was totally different. the character wasnt as pathetic and scared looking at first but then i was like uhhhhh lets draw him that way :)
the first pencil draft was from a different perspective and it was gonna have a mirror composition to it kinda? but i wasn't able to make that look appealing so i deleted it. it still had the curtains tho but then i also included stuff with framed mirrors + other frames around
i decided to instead make the curtains be the focus of the whole piece to not make it so cluttered. character's pose was so different at first it was so bad i dont even wanna remember it. i took out the frames entirely bc i didnt think they added much to the piece in terms of the atmosphere. since like. the more i worked on it w the character's + the goat's expressions the more it gave a 'being hunted' feeling to it and portrait frames dont fit that vibe. which feels funny bc u look at it and thats all u can think abt but i wasnt even gunning for that when starting out. BE FLEXIBLE. TRUST THE PROCESS.
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rubysunnday · 2 years
sleeping beauty
a/N: i hate the word huskily
summary: painting the woman of his dreams feels like a fairytale warning: smutty ish at the end... kinda... sorta - aka lottie thinks she's written some very vanilla smut
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"Thank you, Miss Elliot. I shall have it finished by the end of the month."
Y/N stood up from the chair she'd been sitting on for the last three hours, hands clasped in her lap, face calm. "Thank you, Mr Nichols. I look forward to seeing it."
She grabbed her shawl from the back of the chair and draped it over her arms, walking out the room. The Royal Academy was a beautiful building. Y/N walked down the corridor, looking around in awe, wishing she could spend more time here.
Y/N walked past an open door, peering inside as she passed. She skipped to a halt and looked back inside, double-checking what she thought she'd seen.
Benedict Bridgerton had his back to the main door, his jacket abandoned on the chair behind him as he painted a background onto a canvas. He was absorbed in his work, clearly oblivious to everything else around him.
Y/N had spent a lot of time with Benedict over recent months. They had walked around galleries and museums together, promenaded through the park - she had even been invited over to Bridgerton House for dinner.
But this was the first time she was seeing him as Benedict and not Mr Bridgerton. His walls were down and he looked... happy.
Y/N reached over and knocked gently on the door. Benedict turned, his paintbrush still up against the canvas, and looked at the door. His eyes widened and he almost dropped his palette in his hastened attempt to get up.
"Miss Elliot, I am so sorry, I did not -"
"Do not apologise, Mr Bridgerton," Y/N said, chuckling as he tried to make himself appear more presentable. "I was merely passing by."
"You've been here?"
Y/N nodded, walking into the room, folding her shawl over her arms. "I am having my portrait done by Mr Nichols. My mother insisted."
Benedict nodded, laughing softly. "Mr Nichols is an excellent artist."
Y/N hummed, tilting her head slightly, approaching Benedict. "I think we both know there is someone else I would rather have, Mr Bridgerton." She stopped in front of his canvas. "If you do not mind me asking... what exactly are you doing?"
"Oh, I am just starting a new painting," he said, turning to face his canvas. "This is just a base layer before I start the actual thing - it's a colour wash. Gives it a base that isn't white. It helps make the colours look more natural."
Y/N nodded. She glanced down at the stool next to him. "Is that a book of fairytales?"
"Hmm, what? Oh, yes." Benedict sighed, smiling. "My little sister Hyacinth -"
"Mr Bridgerton, I do know who Hyacinth is, I have been to dinner -"
"Yes, of course, my apologies. Hyacinth asked me to do her some paintings inspired by the stories in the book. Anthony and I read them to her a lot back when it came out - we still do sometimes."
Y/N gently picked up the book - which was evidently well loved. She carefully opened it, flicking through the pages and admiring the drawings within. "Which is her favourite?"
"It depends who is reading," Benedict answered, leaning over Y/N's shoulder. "If it is Anthony, it is Little Snow White. If it's me it is Cinderella. But her absolute favourite - no matter who is reading - is Little Briar Rose. Why I do not know."
Y/N laughed to herself. "So, is that the one you are painting, then?"
"Well, trying to," Benedict replied, taking the book from her. "I have. studied the drawings in here for hours and yet I cannot quite figure out the composition. What I really need is a model but unfortunately Isabella - our usual model - is away for the next few months. I am a bit stuck."
Y/N was silent for a moment, clearly thinking. "I do not know if this is at all wise..."
"Why don't I model for you?" She suggested. At Benedict's raised eyebrows she sighed. "I know it is not proper but I would enjoy it. As long as I do not have to take my clothes off and that door remains open, we should be fine."
"I do believe Briar Rose remains fully clothed throughout, Miss Elliot, you are quite safe."
Y/N smiled. "There we go, then. Besides, I adore Hyacinth. We all know I would do anything for her."
Benedict chuckled, tucking the book down again. "And that is precisely the issue, Miss Elliot - everyone would do anything for her."
"Ok, then, tell me what to do."
Y/N stood there as Benedict looked at her, his eyes narrowed slightly in thought. He abruptly walked away, over to a large crate sat in the far corner of the room. Benedict rummaged through it and eventually pulled out several large pieces of fabric. He put them on the floor next to his easel and then grabbed a wooden rectangle block, lifting it up onto the small rectangular platform in the centre of the room.
He stared at it for a minute and then jumped off the platform and grabbed another box, pushing it up against the other one.
Y/N watched with a fascinated expression as Benedict rushed around, throwing cushions and fabric over the boxes, and placing odd items in the background.
Benedict stopped for a moment, looking at his work. He then turned to Y/N and held out a piece of dark blue velvet. Y/N took it, brushing her fingers over the soft material.
"Put that one over your shoulders," Benedict said, pulling her shawl off her arms, "and then this one on top."
Y/N obliged, wrapping herself in the dark velvet, letting it fold over her arms. Benedict then took the lighter blue shawl she had been wearing and put it over the top, the colours contrasting one another perfectly.
"I assume I am to lie down?" Y/N asked, looking at the makeshift bed.
Benedict nodded, taking her hand. He led her up to the podium and to the makeshift bed. Y/N sat down on the edge and carefully laid down, not wanting to knock any cushions off.
She looked up at Benedict, waiting for him to move. "I am your model, Mr Bridgerton," she said softly as he stared at her, "you can touch and move me."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. I wouldn't have agreed to this otherwise."
Benedict took a step forwards and heistated. He crouched down beside Y/N and took her arm, his fingers wrapping around the fabric of the makeshift shawl. Y/N inhaled suddenly as she felt him take her arm but kept her composure as he moved her left arm, placing it gently on her stomach.
"Would it help if I closed my eyes?" She suggested, turning her head so that she was looking up at the ceiling.
Y/N glanced at Benedict and then shut her eyes, nestling her head into the cushions. She could feel Benedict moving around her and she found herself trying not to breathe too loudly, for some bizarre reason.
She flinched with surprise as Benedict grabbed her legs and carefully moved them closer to the middle of the bed, grabbing the edge of her dress and straightening out, his fingers brushing her calf. He then moved the velvet as well- Y/N could feel it tugging on her arm as he pulled it onto the floor.
"Can you let your arm hang for a moment?" He asked quietly from somewhere to her right.
Y/N let her right arm go limp and allowed it to fall off the edge of the bed, hanging in mid-air. The velvet fell with it and she felt Benedict's fingers brush the inside of her wrist as he manoeuvred it around until it sat just right.
"Do you want me to take my hair down?" Y/N asked, glancing up at him as he fiddled with cushions.
Benedict turned to face her, smiling softly. "If you don't mind."
Y/N leant her head forward and roughly pulled on the pins and combs holding her hair together. Benedict came over and she felt his fingers brush hers again as he helped untangle her hair, letting it loose.
"Feel free to mess with it," Y/N told him, lying back down, trying not to move too much.
She shivered as Benedict combed through her hair with his fingers, spreading it out over the cushions and over her shoulders. Every time his hand brushed against her bare skin, her breath caught in her throat and goosebumps decorated her skin.
His hands gently pushed her chin up and he turned her head to the side, brushing against her cheekbones.
"Ok," Benedict said, his breath tickling the bare skin of her neck. "Do not move an inch."
Y/N smiled gently. "I do not dare, Mr Bridgerton."
She watched as benedict jumped off the platform and rushed over to his canvas, sitting down in front of it. He glanced over at her as he picked up his pencil and then back at the canvas.
The sound of a pencil against canvas was a rather soothing sound. That mixed with the smell of paint made Y/N feel at ease in a way nothing else truly could.
"So, why is Mr Nichols painting your portrait?" Benedict asked, his voice slow, showing how much he was concentrating.
"My mother wanted it done before I marry and am no longer Miss Elliot," Y/N said quietly. "She wanted one more of me as her daughter and not as a wife."
"Has someone proposed, then?"
"No." Y/N tried not to move her head as she looked over at Benedict. "But we all know who will."
Benedict smiled. "Apparently so." He paused his sketching and peered around the canvas. "Close your eyes for me."
Y/N chuckled quietly but obliged, closing her eyes and staying as still as she could. As he worked, Benedict began to hum quietly. Y/N couldn't work out what exactly he was humming but the sound began to lull her to sleep.
Benedict glanced over at Y/N, pausing for a moment, flexing his hand. He could tell she'd fallen asleep - her breathing had evened out and her body looked more relaxed than it had ten minutes before. Benedict smiled to himself as he looked at her - he knew she was beautiful but there was something about how she was that made her even more so.
The peaceful expression on her face. The way her chest rose and fell as she slept. He did have to admit that she looked like something out of a fairytale.
Benedict finished his sketch and immediately picked up his paint brush, wanting to get as much done as he could before he had to inevitably wake Y/N up and escort her home.
Almost two hours later, Benedict was happy with how much progress he had made. He knew he'd be able to finish the rest of it off later on either at home or in his studio.
He set his palette down and stood up, quietly approaching the platform. Benedict crouched down beside Y/N and gently shook her shoulder. His breath was stolen from him as she slowly opened her eyes and blinked, the confusion fading away as she realised it was him. God, she was beautiful.
"You did not do it right," Y/N said softly, looking up at him.
Benedict frowned. "What did I not do?"
"If I remember correctly, she is woken up by a kiss."
Benedict pressed his lips together as he smiled. "Is that so? Well, I do fear that would be improper of me, Miss Elliot."
"I do believe we can make an exception," Y/N told him. "After all, I am not going to marry anyone else, am I?"
"Are you proposing?"
"I will if you do this right," Y/N replied, her voice a whisper. "Go on."
Benedict shook his head at her antics but stood up, stepping back from the platform. Y/N closed her eyes again and Benedict walked up to her. He knelt down on one knee and gently moved Y/N's hair behind her ear, running his knuckles along her cheek and down her jawline. He leant forward and pressed his lips against hers.
Y/N's eyes fluttered open and she looked at him, a smile growing on her face. "Perfect."
"I am glad," Benedict whispered huskily. He was inches away from her and everything inside him wanted to climb on top of her. "There is another part of the story."
"Oh? Which is?"
"After the prince wakes Briar Rose up, they get married and have two children together."
"You honestly think I am putting this body through two children?!"
Benedict burst out laughing, tilting his head forward. Shaking his head, he said, "that is not what I meant."
"I know what you meant," Y/N told him.
"Unfortunately, I am a gentleman."
"Fortunately," Y/N countered, "you are already on one knee."
Benedict glanced down and belatedly realised that he was. He looked back up at Y/N. "Well, then, my sleeping beauty. Will you marry me?"
"You already know the answer, my prince."
Y/N pushed herself up and put her hands around Benedict's neck, catching his lips with hers. She pulled him down towards her and Benedict didn't resist. He swung one leg over her body and straddled Y/N, his hands on either side of her shoulders.
Y/N leant up into him, pressing her stomach against his as she kissed him, unwilling to let go. But she had to - mainly because she was running out of air.
"Are you sure?" Benedict asked, panting slightly.
Y/N ran her fingers through his hair, tugging on it slightly. Benedict closed his eyes, trying not to moan as the small action sent fire through his belly.
"Of course I am," Y/N said, brushing her lips against his. "I would not still be lying here if I wasn't."
"The door is locked."
"It is late. No one else will hear."
Y/N smiled against his lips. "Even better."
Benedict pressed himself against Y/N, forcing her back down onto the cushions. His hands reached behind her and he began unhooking her dress, tugging it off her shoulders and down to her waist. Y/N pushed herself up and Benedict pulled it all the way off, throwing it to the floor.
It was the first time he'd seen her in just her undergarments. And as much as he wanted to rip them off, he knew he had to savour each moment.
"One day," he whispered into her ear as his right hand danced up her thigh, "I'll draw you in nothing but these."
Y/N arched into him as his hand got higher. She dug her nails into his shoulder, burying her head in his chest. "That day better be our wedding night."
Benedict laughed, ducking his head into her shoulder. His hand moved higher still, drifting just below her stomach. Y/N groaned, closing her eyes as she gripped his shirt tightly.
"I'm sure," Benedict muttered, delving inside her and savouring the noise that came out of her with a chuckle, "that can be arranged."
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pixel-bloom · 1 month
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OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
Thanks for the tag @natolesims!!!
1. What uncommon/common fear do they have?
he has extreme anxiety and hates what people might think of him
2. Do they have any pet peeves?
chronic lateness. he hates waiting around for someone.
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
"intellectual" books (is what his sisters call them), old figurines, composition books filled with thoughts
4. What do they notice first in a person?
Their voice, he's usually too nervous to look at people straight in the eyes.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Maybe a 5. He's no stranger to gym soreness, so he's used to pain here and there.
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Flight! In fact, he'll make a run for it even before pressure starts. Can't be stressed about a situation if you leave it before it gets stressful!
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
He has a mid-size family; two siblings, some aunts and uncles here and there. He loves his family and considers them his only friends. He's happy with that fact! They're the coolest people he knows--Mom is a lawyer, Dad builds furniture from scratch, sisters are artistic, his aunt is a musician/artist, and his uncles..uh they're kinda freeloaders in the city. Every kid's dream future 😎
8. What animal represents them best?
Hmmm that's a tough one. I'd love to say a grasshopper (haha) but let's go with a cheetah. Yeah I know you're thinking cool and collected, but cheetahs are actually SUPER anxious, expend a lot of energy with a task, and prefer to be alone. Also, he can run hella fast.
9. What is a smell that they dislike?
Burnt pancakes. Yuck.
10. Have they broken any bones?
No, he's pretty cautious. He's definitely gotten cuts and bruises galore though.
11. How would a stranger likely describe them?
Quiet (almost invisible) and soft-spoken. Just a kid that sits in the back of the class. He comes to school, then leaves. People would likely forget he was there.
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
100% a morning bird. His parents are up at the crack of dawn and he's made it habit to get up early.
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
hate - artificial banana
love - matcha. mmmmm bitter.
14. Do they have any hobbies?
He's been told to write things down in notebooks (therapy) but he doesn't necessarily enjoy it--it's just something he does to regulate his emotions. He likes to watch bad movies, read old poetry, and hit the gym.
15. Boom, surprise birthday party!How do they react to surprises?
He hates surprises. If it's just his family, he won't be too upset. He'll put on a happy face and participate in any party things. If there's randos invited, he'll force himself to stay but he'll eventually wander back to his room. His parents have learned to not throw him parties.
16. Do they like to wear jewelry?
Somewhat. His sister is always trying to get him to pierce his face, but he sticks to his grandmother's necklace. He's thought about wearing rings, but he doesn't feel like he fits that vibe.
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Pretty neat for a teenage boy. Not the best but you could make it out. He tried to learn cursive to copy the script he sees in old poetry books, but got frustrated.
18. What are two emotions they feel the most?
Anxious & Embarrassed.
19. Do they have a favorite fabric?
Flannel. It's comfortable.
20. What kind of accent do they have?
If we were comparing him to everyone else...a normal American accent. Maybe one with a low inflection/tone. tbh only Theo has an accent in my game lmao
I'd love to see an OC deep dive from @payte, @potential-fate, @mosneakers, @sparkiekong, @ashubii, & @nitrozem ✨
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