#hunter is getting every surname
thestarwarslesbian · 9 months
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Rough and new | bakugo | part six
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✦ Summary: You meet a new and interesting creature that seems to share your curiosity. Both of you have motives to your actions that turn out to be vastly different.
✦ Warnings: mer!Bakugo, fem!reader, adult reader, smut(ish) content due to the curcumstances of the story do not expect full smut, dubcon
Minors do not interact
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The blonde mer growled catching your attention. Soon he was grabbing at your hands harshly, just as he always did. You were quick to catch up with his actions. He was trying to teach you something, his name.
A fresh wave flooded your flustered mind. It didn’t matter what happened a while ago. Maybe you were just overreacting? Maybe he didn’t feel anything sensual (unlike you)? Maybe you were just a big overthinker?
Pleased with the new course that this interaction took you gladly accepted his efforts to communicate. The first attempts were shy on your side, a bit embarrassing. All those new sounds, difficult pronunciation, entirely new phonetics… it made you uneasy, your voice coming out as a bare whisper.
To break the weird tension and pump up your courage a bit you tried to teach him your name. Well, he didn’t even try to repeat after you but you didn’t mind. Giving the rather primal sounds his throat was producing it would be hard for the mer to mimic your language. It was disappointing, a part of you wanted to hear him call your name, even if he would get it wrong at first.
Back to his language you guessed. He was quick to think about a different word for himself. Was it shortened maybe? A different name for himself, some kind of title? You knew nothing about mers so you didn’t know whether they operated with surnames, pet names, whatever people call each other. Yet, this time the sound was easier and you repeated, trying to hit all the right notes.
Suddenly the world spun around. Your back hit the still warm stone and all you could see was the eclipse behind his wide blown pupils. They looked nearly animal-like, with a dangerous primal glint. The mer spared you his frightening eyes as he locked lips with you. His sharp canines cut through the plush of your lips as if he could eat you alive.
The shaky breath was caught inside your trembling chest, unable to escape. With every painfully slowly passing second your mind grasped what was happening with your body. It puts part to part, piece to piece mapping through the blonde’s parts all tangled up with you.
His lips were still kissing yours. Even though you were still denying it, it was happening. All of your earlier gut feelings, his looks and the way his body moved under your touch. You didn’t imagine it all, he was actually enjoying it.
Before you could properly process his head moved away and the next thing you saw were the teeth, the sharp and long teeth. They shone with white like a bone knife in the hand of a practised hunter. And they were knives that soon sunk into your skin.
Why? You had no clue, your mind panicking, running too fast to understand anything. The pain was sharp but short. Now there was a numb, pulsating feeling to your left where the mer bit.
Your hands were shaking, chest rising and falling in an uneven pattern not able to find its rhythm. You wanted to curl up your legs but the mers tail was tightly wrapped around you. Fat tears rolled down your red cheeks, getting lost in the corner of your mouth and the curve of your jaw.
Seconds passed, of your hot and wet prison underneath the mer. Your eyes slowly adjusted and you were able to look at him once again. One by one your senses calmed down. Why so fast? Why was your body reacting that way?
Something was bothering your fresh wound. Turning your head to the side, your cheek brushed his fair locks. The mer was licking your wound, slowly and delicately while looking at you from the corner of his eye. When he spotted you looking, his lips grazed the bite mark ever so slightly, leaving butterfly kisses along the bruised skin.
Why was he biting you and then kissing?
Animals, primality, growling, developed yet different species, more wild. The elements slowly started to add up in your hazy mind. Just what have you done?
The mer’s body shifted and you felt every inch. From the fin at the bottom, through his metallic tail wrapped tightly around your legs, to his chest pushed into yours. You also felt yourself, the emotions and thoughts that you tried to push down so much all this time. He was big, strong and good looking. Even though you didn’t know what he thought, his growls and lips told you everything, everything that your body needed to detach itself from your brain.
Your limbs acted on themselves, as if someone else moved them around. You pushed on him, wrapping your arms around his broad, naked shoulders. He answered instantly, growling low, locking eyes with you.
His gaze was intense, burning and sensual. Never has anyone looked at you like that, as if you were the only thing on earth. Even though the eclipse in his eyes was still in its full glory, the heat was red-hot. Much to your dislike, you bathed in that stare, excited, no, out of breath when he licked his lips and grabbed the back of your head arching your back delightfully just to kiss you once more, just to tell you what exactly he wanted from you. 
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Okay, this part was not nearly as long as I wanted it to be and it didn't express everything that I wanted but I decided to cut it and ,et's say make two chapters because came out writing with one hand is not the easiest.
I injured my dominant hand and can't move it much so all I have left for now is the second, dumber one.
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rewritingcanon · 16 days
Honestly I love the interpretation of the Greengrass’s having some Greek heritage (I’m of Greek descent) and it honestly kind of lines up. Due to their surname definitely not being Greek I’d have to assume it’s on their mothers side, so the side that’s cursed.
I also love this because unlike every other character having Roman names, Daphne and Astoria (and Hyperion) are definitely Greek in origin no questions asked. I seriously doubt Scorpius’ middle name is from a Malfoy, and honestly it would make more sense if it was Astoria’s maternal grandfather or uncle.
Daphne the nymph had a connection to Apollo and Astoria’s original form Asteria has a connection to Artemis and Apollo, Apollo having taken over for Helios, Helios having taken over for Hyperion as sun gods. And Scorpius (Skorpio) the constellation also has a connection to Artemis and Orion! All of their names somehow relate and I love this detail.
Daphne was a naiad, a nymph of the river Ladon of Arkadia (more on Ladon later) or Peneios of Thessalia. Famously Apollo was attracted to Daphne and pursued her endlessly until in her exhaustion she asked for Gaia’s help. Gaia turned her into a tree, the laurel tree that Apollo is heavily associated with, and also — and I’m not kidding — was used as a symbol in the Festival of Delphi!
Asteria (the Titanesse of falling stars, prophetic dreams and the nighttime) has a surprisingly similar story, although with a lot more going on. Asteria was — like many Greek women — caught the eye of Zeus. He chased her around a bit until she became a quail, went into the water, and became the island of Delos. Delos is also the birth place of Artemis and Apollo, and Hera had done a very thorough job of trying to prevent Leto from birthing these twins, making it a whole big thing that she finally managed to birth them. So, Asteria has that motherhood connection too, specifically to the sun and moon.
Daphne and Astoria essentially both come from stories regarding a man wanting a woman and her becoming part of the wilderness when he can’t take no for an answer. Make whatever theories regarding their blood curse from that theme that you want.
Hilariously, Scorpius’ name sort of ties into this theme. Most constellations as we know them come from a corresponding Greek or Phoenician myth and Scorpius is no different. Orion the giant was harassing either Artemis herself, some of her hunters, or the Pleiades, and Artemis did not like this. So she created a horrifying monster to kill Orion, called the Skorpios. Orion died, and was placed among the stars to honour his valiant deeds, but the Pleiades were also in the stars and he promptly started harassing them again, so Skorpios (or Scorpius) was also placed among the stars to get this guy to knock it off. Astrologically speaking the Scorpius constellation even chases Orion through the night sky.
This has the hilarious effect of naming Daphne and Astoria after harassed women and Scorpius after the consent monster that’ll kill you if you don’t back the fuck off. Also the fact that so many of the Black family names relate back to Orion (Sirius is his dog, and Bellatrix is his shoulder) should not be missed.
So basically, don’t harass women when Scorpius is in earshot of you. Or, conversely, Delphi leave that child the fuck alone, Scorpius will ruin your day.
(I could say more, because there is actually a surprising amount to analyse when it comes to just these guys names, but I think this is enough for now.)
yknow what the greek greengrass family is slowly growing on me and i think this may be the last nail in the coffin for anything else because i have quite literally never heard a better exploration to the super frustratingly vague ‘blood curse that attacks greengrass women every few generations’ thing besides an ancient magic tied to greek myth. i remember someone else headcanoning this too.
idk how big of a deal this is in ur greek family but in mine names are HUGE and are especially big because its a greek thing to name ur kids after ur parents. like me, and my other firstborn cousins are all named after my papou, and my sister and secondborn cousin are named after my yiayia. so does that mean there was a scorpius greengrass 👀 most greeks i know typically dont have middle names but i guess there are some that do. one of my childhood friends had one for instance, and her middle name was her yiayia’s name so maybe that’s what hyperion is as you said (maybe i am reading too much into it since greengrass is certainly not a greek name so if the curse was greek than that line would probs be very diluted).
also rip scorpius if you were actually greek you wouldve loved kourabiedes. it wouldve done more for you than chocolate frogs ever did.
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mxsoyo · 8 months
Watching every Dracula adaptation! #2
Dracula (1931) starring Bela Lugosi
Next up is the first authorised film adaptation of Dracula. The movie is actually based on a play adaptation from 1924, which explains some of the changes they made.
Should you watch it? Yes, but not for the reasons you might think. The movie is very funny (not intentionally), great to watch with friends. It is also free to watch on the Internet Archive. It is still recognizably the story of Dracula, but a lot of the details have been changed, especially the characters, so beware of that if that bothers you.
↓ Character and Story Changes + notable moments under the keep reading. ↓
Character Changes: -Renfield takes up Jonathans role of the young solicitor traveling to Transylvania in the beginning of the movie. Until he is put under Draculas influence where goes back to his book version after that. Dwight Fryes performance as essentially both Jonathan and Renfield are both very entertaining. Like that man is giving 200%. -With Bela Lugosi starring as Dracula, this movie was definitely the starting point of the sexy-fication of the character. Even thought I think this Dracula has even worse social skills than his book counterpart. -Mina is actually Jack Seward’s daughter in the movie, I assume this change was made to explain why the main characters would be hanging around at the sanatorium. Personality wise she is a bit blander than her book counterpart, partially because she spents a good chunk of her screen time under Draculas influence. -John Harker (just John, not Jonathan in this version) has been definitely changed for the worse. They made him the sceptic that doesn’t understand what is going on and is constantly doubting Van Helsings advice. He feels a bit more like a douchy version of Arthur than Jonathan. -Like I said, Jack Seward is Mina’s father in this version and is the character in name only and in the fact that he owns a sanatorium. -Lucy (her surname has been changed to Weston) is a single girl since Arthur and Quincey don’t appear. She has a stronger interest in the macabre and has a small crush on Dracula (despite everything about him). -Van Helsing gets a lot of good lines in the movie, he seems a lot less eccentric, and Dracula remarks that he has heard of him. But he is not yet the badass expert vampire hunter later movies make of him. -The movie also added two prominent characters the sanitarium worker Martin the and nurse Briggs, which both serve as a kind of comic relief. Story Changes: -As far as I know this is the first time the female vampires (Draculas roommates) are referred to as his wives. -We get a lot more scenes from the point of view of Dracula -Dracula actually introduces himself to the main characters as their next door neighbour and casually comes over for conversation before they find out he’s a vampire -Lucy dies very shortly after being introduced, but the plotline of the gang trying to keep her alive was given to Mina instead - The ending is surprisingly anticlimactic. They find Dracula lying in his coffin in Carfax Abbey, Van Helsing kills him off-screen, while John looks for Mina. -Afterwards Van Helsing also says they should leave without him, they do and then the movie just ends
Notabel Moments: -The movie starts with Swan Lake out of all songs and then is dead silent when it comes to background music afterwards -The opossums and armadillos (classical Romanian wildlife)
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-this GIANT BEE (totally not a normal sized Bee jerusalem cricket in a miniature coffin)
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-The BATS!!! Oh my god the spirit halloween bats! The bat driving the carriage?! -the spirit halloween plastic spider on a string -”I never drink... wine.” is such an iconic line, that I was surprised it’s not from the book, this also goes for ”the strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him” -The best scene in cinema history! I cant do it justice by explaining it, you’ll have to watch it yourself, it’s at 1:03:20
Next Up: Dracula (1958) starring Christopher Lee
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precambrianhottopic · 6 months
Fires of the North
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The newspapers began reporting on the construction of the great refinery long before even the switchblade-quick men of almighty business could swoop down like vultures from penthouses and corner offices and tear the land apart. No, when news broke on the front page of the Borean Dawn- OIL FIELDS FOUND IN FROZEN NORTH- what would go on to be the most contested piece of land in the Arctic Circle was still just snow and ice, one hundred miles from the nearest major civilization. And yet, the moment those hunters struck oil, journalists hacked out stories and printing presses churned out copy after copy hailing the construction of the most magnificent new oil refinery in the world, a veritable palace of industry, the vital turning point that would finally bring Hyperborea to the world’s attention, under the assumption that the magnate with the sharpest teeth would have broken ground before they could get another issue out. 
This is not what would eventually become of the oil field.
There would be no palace of industry, no global eyes on long-overlooked Hyperborea, and no winner to the rat race that would go on to stain the snowfields for the next several years. Seventy-four starry-eyed men and women from every place conceivable, surnames from every dialect and tongue, would set out northward with teams of shovel-wielding laborers and vast pools of gold at their command. By the end of the first winter, only three would remain.
To understand the depth and depravity of the events that would play out there, one must first understand the depth and depravity of Hyperborea herself. None can match her beauty, and none can match her wrath. Poets wax and dream of her frozen shores, of rivers cutting through endless glittering fields of snow, of secrets untouched by time within the beating heart of shining glaciers- and yet the reality of fair Hyperborea, the Frozen North, Hell on Ice, Glacale, the Last Rise before the Abyss, is a cold and cruel one. The country, and the vanishingly few brave souls who live in it, seem balanced on a knife-edge. Every death and birth, every successful hunt, every chunk of coal burnt to ashes, every grain taken from food stores in the unfathomable depths of winter, is kept in perfect, metered record. Because the truth of a land like Hyperborea, so much further North than anyone should have gone, is that it will snatch everything that is good and warm from you, force its frostbitten fingers into every crack in your plans, your shelter, your safety, and tear it from you like freeze-thaw through a boulder, and leave you, hypothermic and broken, upon the burning snow. There are nights that last days. There are blizzards that last months. There are villages that disappear into the snow and are never seen again.
Perhaps this provides some clarity, then, as to why so many were gripped with such an acute madness when the news broke- perhaps this elucidates even further why so few of them would live or remain to see it through. For whichever upstart could reach out and grab it first, there was liquid gold beneath the ice- the question remained, however, if he could still hold onto it as the impossible North began to eat away at everything he held dear.
They came, in desperate masses, to the city of Fell. Fell was not the largest city in Hyperborea, it was not the most important, and it was not the capital- but it was further northward, pressing deeper into the ever-darkening cold, than any other city in the world. The blistering, maddening hostility of Fell cannot be understated. She stood teetering on the edge of the world, in stark defiance of her limits, a monument to both the deep hubris and undying determination of her people. A wrought-iron giant, magnificent and blazing, clinging to the white tundra like a stubborn grease stain; Fell was a young city, aching for industry, half a million people thronging through her streets, fighting against the elements. Smog pours from chimneys, forges run hot deep beneath the city, and fires blaze all along the streets, keeping intransient Fell smoldering, staving off the great freeze, sealing cracks as the ice splinters through them, just barely grasping her existence from the jaws of the North. 
Through the center of Fell, along the high streets where black facades rise stories-high, a river cuts the city in two. This is the Corione, a paradoxical beast flowing inland from the Ocean, which joins with the Stoll and the Sea to the West, and races screaming up from the South, where the waters are calm and blue and beautiful, through jungle, woodland, plains, and steppe, before tumbling over the cliffs into the tundra and slicing through Fell like a jack-knife. Its frigid waters arrive bearing gifts- dead fish, ships with metal faces, and news of warmer lands. Three dozen miles to the North, the Corione reaches its terminus, an impossibly deep and desolate lake. Within the walls and streets of Fell, it is bludgeoned by the streets into the rough shape of a canal, and is constantly at war with itself in much the same way that Fell is constantly at war with Hyperborea. The casualties of this war are the shattered ice sheets it carries with it; as each one crystallizes, it is rent asunder by the ceaseless currents, or the ice-breaking boats, or the streetlamps and hearths burning alongside it. The waters of the South, against the cold of the North, against the fires of the city- the Corione can never rest. The city of Fell can never rest.
And so, in droves, up the Corione and the Stoll and along the vast frozen plains, the big-city oil magnates, sleazy news-hawks, and leaden-shovel laborers came to Fell. The truly inconceivable seclusion of the promised bounty must be emphasized here- Fell, by all accounts is an incredibly remote city. The next major hub is almost two hundred miles to the South; some say her sheer septentrionality is bordering on blasphemous. And yet, any man hoping to sink his talons into the treasure trove waiting out there in the snow would have to journey one hundred miles deeper into perilous Hyperborea, into the far reaches of the world where lakes hide beneath kilometers of ice and your breath freezes in your lungs. 
This nightmare did not trouble the minds of the fools in their boats and chariots as they pressed Northward, the promise of oil money so lucrative and all-consuming it struck any inkling of concern or forethought from their minds. No, there would be no time for consideration, no time to pause and think how quickly and thoroughly Hyperborea was going to flay the cashmere greatcoats and fine lambskin gloves from their flesh- only gold glistens behind the eyelids of the wealthy businessman as thundering black stallions carry him upward, to the wonderland of infinite profit and shining snow that he dreams of.  At the end of the road or the river, icy damnation waits hungrily for him with open arms. 
There was oil, and soon there would be blood.
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akufiwaku · 16 days
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Alpha, Beta, Omega MC: @dam-peace
Name: Percival "Percy" /Primrose "Prim" /Parsley "Pars"
Surname: Hawthorne
Codename: Orion
Gender: Male/Female/Non-binary
Eye color: Dark amber (right) & Ice blue (left)
Hair color: Creamy blonde with white streaks
Skin color: Pale (albinism) with freckles
Height: 5'4" (Prim) /5'6" (Pars) /5'8" (Percy)
Eccentric & moody, Orion can often be considered to be a jack of all trades underneath that happy-go-lucky jokester of a teenager. Calculative yet chaotic, gentle yet abrasive, depending on the time of day you can get an array of behaviors, with some being more secretive than others...
When out and about on missions, Orion always remains focused on the job, making sure to carry out the task as discreet as possible. Their mind akin to a hunter out on the open season, which is ironic considering their heavy dislike of "open season", and hopefully coming back with at least less that 3-4 casualties on the way. Even if sometimes the messes they have made are less than ideal-
Once in the (albeit) comfy halls of the facility, they always come back with a relaxed smile or cheeky grin whether they're ready to crash onto their bed or spend the rest of the day doing other hobbies to past the time. Appearing more like your run-of-the-mill adolescent that wasn't experimented and trained to be a government super soldier.
Despite their seemingly naive demeanor, Orion is anything BUT that. Because like every other S. P. U. member, they've got their own small secrets, despite being probably one of the most genuine members of the team and having very little to actually hide. As much as they don't like to hide such things, some things are better left kept under a lock with how much information they've gotten hold. Information that....maybe they shouldn't have been privy to in the first place.
Other trivia:
Orion has a special affinity for constellations (thus the codename), so much so that they used it as guides in the night sky if they ever lost communication with their teammates
They tend to wear longer sleeves outside of the facility (or just the outside in general) due to their albinism....and because they refuse to use sunscreen as a child-
Likes to make their own accessories out of stuff they found from their missions to ease their boredom
Has a rather nice singing voice but mainly whistles to themselves or when on the mission, though when they do sing it's often reserved to their close friends/family figures
Due to their ability to often hyoerfocus, they developed a habit of always standing/sitting still with their eyes always moving with the person or object they set their eyes on (like a cat following a finger)
Tends to style their hair from time to time (mainly Prim) and likes to style their teammates hair as well, if they allow it of course! (though the results are mostly of the joking sense instead of actually styling it)
Despite their rather carefree and seemingly oblivious attitude, they are actually quite easy to fluster. Will they admit to it? Oh never, though it shows every damn time-
While they may not admit it, deep down Orion wishes to experience life as a normal teenager even for just a little while; but with the pressure of being a literal soldier for the government they keep that desire DEEPLY buried, for now they outlive it through the amount of YA novels they've read (which are probably not the best for imaging "normal circumstances" but a guy/girl/kid can dream 🤷‍♀️)
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pellelavellan · 3 months
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For every 🌟 I receive, I’ll share one fun fact about the muse.
Pelle's middle name is Sibil (pronounced like sybil). It is actually the surname of his biological family and this is apparent in how his older brother and eldest cousin's last named are Sibil and not Lavellan. It can also be noted that a lot of hunters called the other by their last names and granted his elder brother was amongst the hunters they all started calling him "sibs" and not Sibil. The nickname stuck and he's always gone by Sibs amongst friends until Inquisition. Very few people in the Inquisition actually know he has a middle name at all.
Pelle unironically loves raunchy romance books. He gets very invested in the romance of the book and is a total hopeless romantic. His biggest book ick is the way Orlesian authors describe elven charactes because it is littered with stereotypes he really doesn't think they should be promoting.
The satchel that Pelle carries supplies in is made from halla leather. The Dalish typically do not use go out of their way to use halla to make materials, though should one pass of natural causes they make use of it s hide to honor the fallen animal. The satchel he carries is made from a halla he had a very close bond with that got sick and died. He's had it for years now.
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thetavolution · 3 months
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Full name: Elyse Drusilla Starling Name meaning:  Elyse: God’s promise or God is my oath; Drusilla: strong, courageous, and valiant; Starling: a dark brown or summer glossy greenish-black bird Pronouns: She/Her  Race: Half High Elf Age: 32 Orientation: Pansexual Romance: Rolan Class: Ranger Subclass: Hunter Origin: Noble  Theme song:  Running With The Wolves - AURORA / You Don’t Own Me - Lesley Gore / Puppet On A String - Sandie Shaw
Personality Elyse is naive. She grew up in a noble household and it definitely shows. She’s getting the hang of things though. It does put her at a disadvantage in situations, and a lot of people are inclined to write her off as a nitwit. People will quickly learn that she’s a tough cookie with a strong rebellious streak. She’s generally happy-go-lucky and boisterous.
She wants to prove herself to the world and to herself. Elyse hates feeling as if she’s being controlled and she can be incredibly stubborn. She has a strong sense of justice and she only aims to help people. She read Robin Hood-like stories as a child, dreaming of becoming such a hero. When she realized that nobles rarely, if ever, are those kinds of heroes, she divorced herself from the kind of life.
She really wants to be a hero. She can just be a little too pie in the sky about it.
History Born in Baldur’s Gate, her father is a human and her mother is a high elf. The Starlings own gem mines and several jewelry shops throughout Baldur’s Gate. Starling Gems is a known name in the city.
Elyse’s father and mother controlled every aspect of her life, including who she was intended to marry. Her parents were never loving to their daughter. Elyse found more love and care from her nanny and the family’s butler.
Elyse was stifled. She also couldn’t help but notice how cruel the city could be to those in need. Unable to handle living in an ivory tower with no control over her life, she ran away. She became the “Runaway Noble” in Baldur’s Gate. There is a handsome reward for her return, which is why she rarely tells people her surname. She typically just goes by “Elyse” and few people ask questions.
She only returns to Baldur’s Gate when forced to these days, but she does miss the city.
Likes: Freedom, archery, hunting, reading, dancing, nature, being out on her own, helping people, picnics, writing letters, the moon, forests, the ocean, adventuring, plants, rivers, and doodling
Dislikes: Her family, nobility, feeling controlled, the fact she’s so loud without meaning to be, bugs, cold weather, classism, and injustice 
Fears: She’s terrified of her parents finding her and dragging her back into her old life. They weren’t kind to her and she has no interest in marrying the man they’ve picked out for her. She’s found her freedom and she’s petrified of losing it.
Elyse is also scared that she isn’t cut out to live the life she dreams of. She’s scared of being forced back into her old life due to her own incompetence. She’s also afraid of other people trying to control her the way her parents did.
Quirks: She can talk a little loud, something her parents often remarked on. Whenever someone mentions it, she grows quiet and feels self-conscious about it. Whenever she can, she often dresses in green colors. She bites her nails a lot. She’ll sometimes paint them just to get herself not to do it. (She does it anyway.)
Mental Health: She hesitates to call herself traumatized because she had such a “good” upbringing. She’s afraid she’s too privileged to really complain about where she came from. She was, however, horribly neglected and outright abused growing up.
Even after letting go of her money, she still fears she has no right to complain. She downplays a lot of what she went through. But it’s why she’s so hyper sensitive to being told what to do and she’s terrified of being controlled by other people. She can be incredibly stubborn and pigheaded due to her resistance to being controlled by other people.
Favorite Foods: Vedbread, Poached Duck, Omelets, and Croquembouche 
Favorite Drinks: Mint Tea, Spiced Apple Cider, and Sparkling Evermead
Favorite Flower: Dahlias and Lotuses
Height:  5’6” / 167.64 cm
Skin: Pale
Hair:  Strawberry Blonde
Eyes:  Brown
Color Scheme:  Her signature color would be green. She wears a lot of browns and greens to blend into her surroundings, but she genuinely loves the color green.
Fashion Sense: She’s trying to be practical now that she’s on the road. She doesn’t always pick the right outfits. She’s used to style over substance as a noble. She’s getting better at choosing things for their function though. When she is in a situation where she can dress up, she’s a lot more well-versed on what’s in fashion. She kept a few of her nice dresses because she does like to dress up from time to time.
Dorn Starling — He is Elyse’s human father. He owns the Starling Gem Mines. He’s a selfish man who is hyper focused on his image. He wants his daughter to act in a way that is becoming of him. Looking good in front of his rich friends is more important than his family’s happiness. He’s also trying to climb the political ladder with minimal success. He has been able to throw money at plenty of politicians. 
Althaea Starling — She is Elyse’s high elf mother. She married Dorn for his money and he’s not all that heartbroken about it. She never wanted to be a mother, but it was expected of her. She’s never been maternal to Elyse. She’s controlling and needs everything to fall into place, including Elyse.
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northern-passage · 1 year
lea has my whole heart but every time i interact with noel i get weaker orz i love the characterization you've given all the characters. it's so interesting and refreshing to play an IF where...the main characters are allowed to Not Get Along if that makes sense without it seeming forced or being a one off thing. Also!!!! how do i check what my hunter's main personality trait is? cuz i wanna try different personalities
thank you!!! :-)
to check for the top trait, go to the character page:
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that first line changes depending on your personality.
aggressive: Approach the Hunter with caution - $surname displays extreme aggression, and is considered dangerous.
stoic: Approach the Hunter carefully - $surname is guarded, and tends to be harder to read than most.
genuine: Be aware - when approaching the Hunter, do not be fooled by $mc_their personable attitude.
there's also a bold/shy stat, but that's not shown anywhere - it just tracks whether you tend to pick more direct or shy flirts. (also i just realized i didn't fix this page for the new pronoun code, so it might be a little funky/show broken variables atm if you don't use pronouns... i'll fix that soon at the very least so it's still readable.)
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moonmeg · 2 years
Speaking of kinda adopted by a family
I'm the friend in the friend group that gets adopted by every family they encounter... kinda??
Obviously I have my actual family.
My best friend says her parents adore me to bits and see me like a daughter.
The family of my other best friend on the other side of Germany claim me as their lost fourth child.
Italian host family.
I haven't heard such claims from the parents of my other friends yet but I also don't see them often.
I'm basically collecting surnames and families Hunter style
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nightsidewrestling · 6 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Neifion Rhydderch
The Hunter Prince of C.R.C Neifion Rhydderch (2020)
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Kirby's cousin, Hywel's nephew and Yorath's son, Neifion. An Irish-Catholic living in Wales and a hardworking and tough but caring father. He took over Vaughan's duties until his release from prison.
"Every day we train until we can no longer climb in a ring without getting tired."
Full Legal Name: Neifion Dáithí Mordred Lommán Rhydderch
First Name: Neifion
Meaning: Welsh form of 'Neptune', from the Latin 'Neptunus', which is of unknown meaning, possibly related to the Indo-European root 'Nebh-' 'Wet, Damp, Clouds'.
Pronunciation: NAY-vyon
Origin: Welsh
Middle Name(s): Dáithí, Mordred, Lommán
Meaning(s): Dáithí: Means 'Swiftness, Nimbleness' in Irish. Mordred: From Welsh 'Medraut', possibly from Latin 'Moderatus' meaning 'Controlled, Moderated'. Lommán: Means 'Little bare one', derived from Old Irish 'Lomm' 'Bare' combined with a diminutive suffix.
Pronunciation(s): DA-hee. MAW-druhd. LO-mun.
Origin(s): Irish. Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Romance. Old Irish
Surname: Rhydderch
Meaning: From the given name 'Rhydderch', from the Old Welsh name 'Riderch', derived from 'Ri' 'King' and 'Derch' 'Exalted'
Pronunciation: HRUDH-ehrkh
Origin: Welsh
Alias: Hunter Prince, Neifion Rhydderch
Reason: This is Neifion's ring name
Nicknames: Fion, Dái
Titles: Mr
Age: 38
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh. Irish-Welsh Mix. Dual Citizenship ROI-UK
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: June 21st 1982
Symbols: Bows, Arrows, Swords. Crowns
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English, French
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Theme Song: 'Another Brick In The Wall' - Pink Floyd (2000-)
Voice Actor: Killian Scott
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Tullahought, Kilkenny, Ireland
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 6'5" / 195 cm
Weight: 200 lbs / 90 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blond
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Moustache
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 5
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Both), Septum
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Jarlath Rhydderch, Patrick Rhydderch, Lochlainn Rhydderch, Fionn Rhydderch, Uilliam Rhydderch, Ivor Rhydderch, Sean Rhydderch, Wyn Rhydderch, Vaughan Rhydderch, Roderick Rhydderch, Fergus Rhydderch, Flann Rhydderch, Ulysses May, Vasco Romero, Desmond Grady
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Beatrix Rhydderch
Mentor: Yorath Rhydderch
Significant Other: Beatrix Rhydderch (39, Wife, Née Patenaude)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Yorath Rhydderch (71, Father), Deryn Rhydderch (72, Mother, Née Heffernan)
Parents-In-Law: Moray Patenaude (69, Father-In-Law), Eilwen Patenaude (70, Mother-In-Law, Née Mag Eochadha)
Siblings: Vaughan Rhydderch (41, Brother), Olwen McDermott (35, Sister, Née Rhydderch), Gwen McCracken (32, Sister, Née Rhydderch)
Siblings-In-Law: Maeve Rhydderch (42, Vaughan's Wife, Née Pelletier), Caden McDermott (36, Olwen's Husband), Caderyn McCracken (33, Gwen's Husband), Venyamin Patenaude (36, Beatrix's Brother), Adara Patenaude (37, Venyamin's Wife, Née Jonckers), Tsiuri Jonkheer (33, Beatrix's Sister, Née Patenaude), Vitaly Jonkheer (34, Tsiuri's Husband), Aliyah Lucassen (30, Beatrix's Sister, Née Patenaude), Zinovy Lucassen (31, Aliyah's Husband), Vlasi Patenaude (27, Beatrix's Brother), Beracha Patenaude (28, Vlasi's Wife, Née Meeuwsen), Wassily Patenaude (24, Beatrix's Brother), Chanah Patenaude (25, Wassily's Wife, Née Michiels), Alma Muyskens (21, Beatrix's Sister, Née Patenaude), Cailean Muyskens (22, Alma's Husband), Yermolai Patenaude (18, Beatrix's Brother), Atarah Patenaude (15, Beatrix's Sister), Yevgeny Patenaude (12, Beatrix's Brother), Aviya Patenaude (9, Beatrix's Sister), Yuli Patenaude (6, Beatrix's Brother), Ayala Patenaude (3, Beatrix's Sister)
Nieces & Nephews: Abigail MacChruim (21, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Mungo MacChruim (22, Abigail's Husband), Zechariah Rhydderch (18, Nephew), York Rhydderch (15, Nephew), Xaviera Rhydderch (12, Niece), Wendy Rhydderch (9, Niece), Varg Rhydderch (6, Nephew), Ulf Rhydderch (3, Nephew), Nash McDermott (15, Nephew), Mack McDermott (12, Nephew), Lark McDermott (9, Niece), Kaylyn McDermott (6, Niece), Jameson McDermott (3, Nephew), Ian McCracken (12, Nephew), Halcyon McCracken (9, Niece), Genesis McCracken (6, Niece), Farley McDermott (3, Nephew), Vilen Patenaude (16, Nephew), Adva Patenaude (13, Niece), Vitali Patenaude (10, Nephew), Ahava Patenaude (7, Niece), Vladilen Patenaude (4, Nephew), Ahuva Patenaude (1, Niece), Vladlen Jonkheer (13, Nephew), Aliza Jonkheer (10, Niece), Yemelyan Jonkheer (7, Nephew), Atara Jonkheer (4, Niece), Yevgeni Jonkheer (1, Nephew), Ayla Lucassen (10, Niece), Coinneach Lucassen (7, Nephew), Dalia Lucassen (4, Niece), Eachann Lucassen (1, Nephew), Dalit Patenaude (7, Niece), Fearchar Patenaude (4, Nephew), Dalya Patenaude (1, Niece), Fionnlagh Patenaude (4, Nephew), Derorit Patenaude (1, Niece), Gilleasbuig Muyskens (1, Nephew)
Children: Tallulah Rhydderch (18, Daughter), Saffron Rhydderch (15, Daughter), Rafferty Rhydderch (12, Son), Quasimodo Rhydderch (9, Son), Pallas Rhydderch (6, Daughter), Olivia Rhydderch (3, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Kilkenny, Ireland
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Yorath Rhydderch
Managers: Beatrix Rhydderch
Wrestlers Managed: Beatrix Rhydderch
Debut: 2000
Debut Match: Neifion Rhydderch VS Yorath Rhydderch. Neifion won via submission
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Technician
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2000-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Knife-Edged Chop, Back Suplex, Delayed Vertical Suplex, Atomic Drop, Inverted Atomic Drop, Bridging Belly To Belly Suplex, Dropkick, Top Rope Dropkick, Indian Deathlock, Sleeper Hold, Snapmare, Swinging Knee Lift
Finishers: Diving Knee Drop, Figure-Four Leglock, Fisherman's Suplex
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Neifion Rhydderch of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) owning Rhydderch family. When Yorath dies Neifion will have a 1/32th ownership of the promotion. Neifion is a 'Hunter Style' (Technician) trainer. He's Half-Welsh and Half-Irish.
Trivia: Mothing of Note
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fearless-stormclaw · 8 months
To celebrate me starting the last chapter of the main part of the first book of my Owl House HP AU here are some sketches of some of the kiddos!
I might put colored versions of these drawings into the final draft.
(Fair warning, I do not claim to be an artist. Headshots are about the extent of my abilities.)
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First up, our protaganist, 11-year-old Luz Noceda! She wears her hair in pigtails most of the time. The image on the right is a possible design of her with her hair down. (or a possible Vee, whose design I haven't fully pinned down yet) And I realized I forgot her scar whoops She's also supposed to have a scar across her left eyebrow which I forgot to draw but please imagine it's there.
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Next up, 11-year old Amity Blight! Her little ponytail was an absolute pain to figure out how to draw. I think I managed it passably though. Her hair is dyed green, like it was in season 1 of the show.
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12-year old Willow Park! Poor girl, she is haunted. Sorry, eyes are still a weakness. She's a year older than the others but still in the same grade because her birthday is after the first day of school. For Willow, this adds to her feeling of being behind everyone else.
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9-year old Gus Porter! I should mention that the witches in this AU have normal round human ears, just like the wizards in the Harry Potter books. I imagine little Gus to have quite large ears that he will grow into some later. Again I apologize for the eyes.
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11-year old Boscha Malphiday! I'm really pleased with how she turned out, although I struggled with her third eye and I'm still not 100% satisfied with how it turned out. Her surname in this AU is a play off of Malfoy--Malfoy comes from the French for "bad faith" (mal foi); Malphiday comes from "mal fidei", Latin for "bad faith".
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13-year-old Hunter! He only appears as a cameo in the main storyline of Book 1, but he has a big part in one of the bonus epilogue chapters (which I haven't really written yet). In this timeline, he has only recently officially received his Golden Guard title. He hasn't gotten his cheek scar, ear notch, or eye bags yet (they will all come in due time) but he does have his tooth gap. He got that from getting his face punched in during training. I drew his Golden Guard uniform with only the one pauldron on his left shoulder as in the show, but I'm thinking of giving him a second one on his right shoulder like in the storyboards.
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Meet 15-year-old Oliva Che'! She's one of my OCs. She's basically the Oliver Wood character--the captain of the Owl House grudgby team. She is a very spirited and gung-ho type and very enthusiastic about grudgby. She is in the construction track, although she is not a huge fan of the coven system. She's kind of a fun big sister to the younger Owl House students. She is of Yucateca Maya descent. She has brown or gold eyes. Her hair is naturally black but she dyes it a different color every year and usually keeps it in braids. This year it's pink. Unfortunately Paint did a weird thing when I cropped this picture and made her blurry I am so angry Her Palisman (not pictured) is a black spiny-tailed iguana named Toloc.
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Meet 16-year-old Saka Katu! She is another OC. She is a cat demon girl and Oliva's girlfriend and also plays on the Owl House grudgby team (mostly because Oliva insists). She is in Potions track and believes deeply in the Coven system. She's a little uptight, some might call her bossy, and big into following the rules. She's kinda of a strict big sister type to the younger Owl House students. She keeps Oliva from being too reckless while Oliva keeps her from being too stiff. Saka is Malagasy for cat and Katu is Basque for cat so her name is literally "cat cat". She may or may not have a Palisman; if she does, it's some sort of fish.
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Last but not least, 11-year-old William Myrtus Warthorne! His design is based off of Ser William from the audio tests/pilot. He is described as a handsome boy--broad-shouldered, with blond hair and blue eyes and a hooked nose which I swear I fixed but somehow it's still wrong ORZ. He is in Goat House and is friends with Boscha, but he doesn't participate in bullying (he doesn't do anything to stop it, though, he's just sort of there). He has a friendly, laidback personality and can get along with just about anyone. It's not discussed in this book (it's more of a plot point in book 2), but his family, the Warthornes, are a cadet branch of the Clawthornes which is why he has Clawthorne and Wittebane features.
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succ-princess · 8 months
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Name: Jung-Hwa (정화) Surname-May-Vary •Goes By: Jun (順)
Nationality: Half S. Korean, Half Swedish
Gender: Full Package Futanari •Position - Submissive
Occupation: Final Year Highschool (Cosplayer, Streamer, etc)
Eye Color: Silver Hair Color: Silk Raven Black Hair Style: Long, even cut bangs (these vary wildly when cosplaying)
Measurements: Height - 155cm (5'1") Bust - 153cm (60) •O Cup Waist - 58cm (23) Hips - 90cm (35) Cock length: 12" (grows with each edged load) Ball Size: Orange+ (grows with edged loads) Cum amount: 2+ cups minimal
Personality: Jun is generally a helpful, kind, and honestly very naive person. As her story progresses she'll also assuredly be corrupted much more into a truly lewd plaything, until then however. . Just hiding how nerdy she can be.
Background: Jun is an above average sized Streamer (especially because when she games the only thing she plays is fighting games), much more popular Cosplayer, and all around well liked content creator. She happily goes by e-girl despite not having very many e-girl qualities, her cosplays can be revealing but she also loves every character she cosplays, has watched the anime, played the game, and enjoys getting to dress up like them. She's a member of the FGC (fighting game community) and has been playing them since she was 6, taught by her late father. Her Morrigan Aensland cosplay was done out of love for the name Aensland, and her adoration of the Vampire series (she main'd Lilith though, shh). Waaiit. . Jun hadn't done these things. Her online handle NEPHiLiM had. In fact, her 'normal' life and creator life were completely separated from one another, and for many reasons, mostly ones that she still kept behind yet another layer of secrecy.
Jun's favorite things:
Jun's favorite bands/music?
A few of Jun's favorite Anime/Manga?
Chainsaw Man (literal favorite piece of fiction) Steins;Gate (was my favorite anime for a long long time, Okaba is one of the best MCs) D.Grey-Man Hunter x Hunter A few of the many FGs you can play with her: BlazBlue Central Fiction (i don't think i'll ever enjoy any other game as much as i do BBCF, BB is 'Gimmick Character ; The Game!' so every character feels like they're from a different game almost, it's incredibly fun, but learning every matchup is a pain in the butt) Tekken 7 (have a long story here but damn. . . played Tekken the first time in 2023, and it's easily the game i play the most) Guilty Gear -strive- (sorry everyone i am dissapointed to report i had to secondary Jack-O', after spending so much time away from the game because of the bad man (in case your confused: Happy Chaos), i decided to finally learn Ram, and I've been crushing it.) Street Fighter 6 (i actually wasn't playing this very much despite it being the new big thing, and i mean it's been breaking records for number of people playing at tournaments, but. . A.K.I. just released, and guess what. . my character crises is over. will still probably switch to Ibuki when she's release, or just dual main, but yeah. . found a main <3)
May add to any of this at some point if needed.
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edenverse-archives · 9 months
Tabitha Turbot
Note: This post is from a wiki created by @lord-eden in the Adventure Bay Amino, and is recreated by me (ares-ariborn) with their permission. Unfortunately, the original source was quietly deleted by them. Thus, this Tumblr post is a recreation of said wiki, based on the screenshots and artworks I have managed to save, as well as the details I could recall in the AU.
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Warning: Contains homophobia ⚠️
Full Name: Tabitha Jolie Turbot
Likes: Money, herself, Tammy Turbot (daughter), her career, wine, intellectual discussion, Tilly Turbot (mother), traditional marriage.
Dislikes: Running low on money, Horatio Turbot (son), breaking traditions, small talk, filth, Jake Hunter-Turbot (son-in-law), breaking a sweat, fish, the beach.
Age: 56
Gender: Female
Occupation: Business Woman
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Widowed
Catchphrases: "I'm on a call right now!" "I could go for a glass of wine right about now," "Quiet dear, mommy is talking!"
Residence: Paris, France and parts of Canada
This woman makes me want to hurl. I always wondered why Horatio and Tammy's mother never appeared in the show (as of now). So I decided to make my own version of their mother in their AU. I wanted to make her an antagonist that brings conflict into Horatio's new life in Adventure Bay. In this wiki, not only will I be discussing her background but also a bit of Tammy and Horatio's backstories as well.
The Turbots originated in France. Tabitha's childhood was complicated though. She juggled from Europe to Canada every so often due to her family constantly moving. She was raised into business and had a set plan when she grew up. Tabitha was determined to keep her family name, so she kept her surname after marriage. She only married to keep the bloodline going and to have children. To her success, she had a set of healthy twins. Tammy being older than 6 minutes. She have them have her last name as well. I'd like to point out that Tabitha's husband was often too busy in the military to visit his children. He eventually passed away from an illness.
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She chose favorites, and liked Tammy more for her intelligence. Horatio was smart as well but Tammy always outshined him (even though she never meant to). Since Tabitha was a business woman, she would be busy every so often. Because of this, she left Horatio and Tammy with their grandmother, Tilly.
Horatio was often scolded by Tabitha because she always thought he could be like Tammy who is a successful paleontologist that helped bring back dinosaurs. She even laughed at the idea when Horatio told her he wanted to live a peaceful life as a fisherman. Although he's interested in Marine Biology, he never went to school for it because he saw it as a hobby more than a career. How lazy, she thought. However, that's what Horatio wanted to do. He came to Adventure Bay but moved into his sister's place until he was able to afford a ship and a place of his own. Tabitha and Horatio lose contact when he bought the Flounder.
When Tabitha heard of Horatio getting married, she was thrilled. Upon finding out she wasn't invited to the wedding, she also found out that she wasn't invited to the wedding, she also found out Horatio was marrying another man. She felt so disappointed in her son. On the bright side though, everyone in Horatio's family, except for her, was so accepting of him. Tabitha was so disgusted, she threatened to make the other Turbots disown Horatio. His family meant so much to Horatio, so he tried to talk and compromise. Tabitha said, "If you join the navy or the military like your father, I'll reconsider,". With that said, Horatio went straight into the academy and got into the Navy. It was a huge price to pay, but at least he got to keep his family close.
Tabitha only met Jake once. Unfortunately, Jake made a bad impression when he came from the back of his lodge covered in dirt. Seeing the 'filth' on him made Tabitha cringe. They never got along, and it was for the best. Jake even refused to invite Tabitha over for dinner around the holidays even when Horatio tried to convinced him otherwise. When Horatio passed serving the navy, Tabitha felt no remorse for her son. Yes, she was sad, but she never shed a tear. To make things worse, Tabitha didn't even attend her own son's funeral. Jake's hatred for her only grew more from that point on.
Geez, what a callous woman.
Franklin Alinsky - Husband
Horatio Turbot - Son
Tammy Turbot - Daughter
Francois Turbot - Nephew
Taylor Turbot - Granddaughter
Tilly Turbot - Mother
Jezebel Hunter-Turbot - Granddaughter
Benjamin Hunter-Turbot - Grandson
Francette Hunter-Turbot - Granddaughter
Jake Hunter-Turbot - Son-in-Law
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ot-hoe-me · 1 year
OC Tag Game
I was tagged by: @stephschoices
I tag: anyone who wants to do this.
I am putting this under a cut because some of these responses got LONG lmao.
* I am SO sorry that I’m so late responding to this but I needed time to Think Thoughts and then get them at least mostly in order (I hope.)
I mean, I love all of my OCs in one way or another so it’s very hard to pick. In the interest of not having any overlap with the other categories I’ll answer this one last. I was initially stuck choosing between Valencia Talward my Hunter-heritage Battle Mage, Trouble-mancing Main MC for Lena’s/ @shepherds-of-haven IF because I do love her a lot because she’s very kind and courageous, and the way Lina has coded the personality/talent stats you can excel in more than one rather than picking one and sticking with it (ONLY charisma or ONLY intelligence, cunning, etc.) and you can choose multiple and it be feasible. The biggest selling point is the immaculate found family vibe you cultivate with the ROs (that is, if you choose not to be an evil sob) and even better - see the relationship developments between each other this game and these characters and this world are made with obvious love and care. Can’t recommend ShoH enough. BUT.
I decided that the most logical choice for Favourite OC is my apprentice Estelle Circinus from The Arcana game. I have her as my icon and as my blog banner along with Asra, she’s the OC I have the most art commissions of - and I plan to add to that particular collection in the future. And finally, she’s also up there with Alice of being one of my most developed OCs with lore, backstory, what her future looks like beyond canon and I also have multiple AUs for her in various stages of development. So, Estelle is my final answer.
NEWEST OC: Aruna Chase/Singh
Aruna is my newest fleshed out OC who is my Baxter-mancer for Our Life: Beginnings and Always (surname Chase to fit this MC’s family.) and is my secondary MC for Our Life: Now and Forever (surname Singh because here the family is MC’s bio mom.) Of course she is obligated to flirt with Baxter at every opportunity before he leaves Golden Grove, but beyond that I don’t know if she’s going to actually romance anyone. (I already have a Qiu-mancer and they’re crushes from childhood. So my options are; making Aruna a Tamarack-mancer from Step 3-on, a Qiu-mancer Step 3-on, or not giving her a romance at all within the confines of the canon storyline for OLNF.) And of course, both games are by @gb-patch though the latter is only a demo at the moment. Highly, HIGHLY recommend playing OLBA though if you haven’t already (especially if you like guys but if not then that’s cool too, you can play completely platonically or aroace instead and not miss TOO much story.)
OLDEST OC: Alice Walker
Alice is my MC originally from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky so when I bought Darkness when it came out in 2008 (according to bulbapedia, geez that really was 15 years ago. I was 12 years old when I first made her. Wow I am feeling old right now lol.) So playing that, then watching Lucario and the Mystery of Mew for the first time years after it was dubbed even, which I saw for the first time around that time + the release of Sky and playing it helped me develop her more. Alice was my first OC, first with an in-depth backstory and lore, and has without a doubt been the OC who has undergone the most evolution (lol) over the years. I still think about her to this day. But yeah, first she was just my MC for Explorers of Darkness/Sky who turned into a Pikachu in Darkness, but then she became someone who could wield Aura, so when Sky came out I made her a Riolu even though only boy MCs could be Riolu but I said screw that. Originally she was born in the Dark Future, but more recently I changed her backstory to being born in the “present” of the Pokemon Universe in the Kingdom (honestly, think it should be Queendom though frfr) of Rota. She’s four??? (this is me forgetting for the moment if I have her start her journey at 13 or 14 years old lol) years older than Red, Blue/Green, Leaf, etc. but still leaves Rota to start her Pokemon Journey at the same time as them and like. Going through the regions/games including The Mains, PMD: Explorers, Rangers of Almia/Oblivia and more recently, fan games like Pokemon Reborn, Insurgence, Empyrean and Rejuvenation (Rejuvenation is without a doubt my favourite of the fan games by far, though they are all really good, but this is still a WIP while the other three are complete.) So yeah, Alice’s new canon birth timeline/existence is a mix of game and anime worlds. She’s an aura guardian and after Arceus resurrects her after her sacrifice to prevent Temporal Tower from collapsing and stop Dialga from becoming Primal Dialga - they make her immortal. But not only that, they also bestow a portion of their power on her so she can act as their agent, and essentially as an avatar or proxy to carry out their will (by continuing to carry out her duty as an aura guardian to safeguard all of creation/life - but to the extreme) in return for them bringing her back to life. So she’s elevated to become a demigoddess, essentially. After that, she’s sent back to her own time, and then all across other points time and space and other dimension, becoming The Deus Ex Machina of Heroes. Because of all this her Trainer Title would have gone from Trainer Alice -> Aura Guardian Alice -> Eternal Guardian Alice. Basically THE Ultimate Mary Sue but she deserves this as the privilege of being my first-ever OC and because cringe is dead...also I ship her with Steven Stone because the age gap definitely closes because of the time-fuckery. Shhhhh.
MEANEST OC: Araina Emroth
I don’t really have any mean OCs tbh because I don’t like making or playing rude/bitchy or cruel characters, so the closest I can get to answering that question would have to be me asking myself who is my ANGRIEST OC? And how do they use that anger/how morally dubious do their actions get because of it? I have a handful of OCs that fit the bill but my reflexive answer to this is my MC Araina Emroth from the IF Spellbound: A Ghost Story. It is solely on the CoG forum but I am begging you - if you haven’t played the demo already please PLEASE do it - it is so good!!!! Anyway, to give you tiny tidbits to make you want to play, the reason why she’s angry is that, since I chose the rebel backstory over the knight backstory, putting it mildly, her kingdom is corrupt. So not only is she out for revenge, she’s of the mindset that she’s ready to take on the ‘whole world’ to cut out the rot of her homeland in order to redeem it even if she has to do it alone. Also in regards to Callum...I chose the childhood rivals bully route for him and as in all things, she never can fully let go of a grudge. So yeah, she's the passionate, charismatic revolutionary in life. And while she mellows out after 800+ years of being dead, hm. Wonder where the future will lead? (I am torn between getting her to time travel to her own body while she was still alive, and to snatch the amulet off of Callum and destroy it and then go on how it should have been. Or her finally being able to let go and find a way for her to live a new life in the present.) ANYWAY - play it!!!
SOFTEST OC: Fallon Rose
Most of my MCs are pretty-very soft so it’s kind of hard to pick just one, but, I will go with Fallon - my MC from Underfell IF and Mafiafell IF by @darkpetal16 for the fact with how she writes MC, especially in Underfell - is very kind, empathetic, optimistic, and very very forgiving by nature. You’ll see what I mean if you decide to play~ Please do, if you enjoy Undertale and AUs. (Also fun fact, her name is a pun on Fall and Rise.)
Like with the mean OC category I don’t really have any aloof or standoffish OCs so the closest I can answer for this category is Serena Klein, my MC from @attollogame because I play her as intimidating/stoic, and cunning but. I would never say that she’s uncaring or unemotional. If anything, she cares too much and is very emotional but is able to mask it really well (unless it concerns her brother Atticus) and she also has natural RBF.
It’s a toss up between my main MC for @trinitytrilogy Zeus’ Dilemma, Belle, Demigoddess and Daughter of Aphrodite, who currently has a literal intelligence stat of 0 (RIP) though my headcanon is that she does at least have average intelligence. And my MC for Last Legacy (RIP because of NixHydra the company being complete idiots, and Dorian not really being better it looks very likely it will never be finished because the writers don’t have the creative/ownership rights to it. Not bitter about this at all.) Emma, because she is mostly a self insert aside from the whole barista and makes-own-cosplays cosplayer deal. And me being who I am...enough said lmao. 
SMARTEST OC: Chloe Rodgers
Chloe is my main MC from the Keeper Trilogy by @keeperofthesunandmoon is without a doubt my smartest MC as with how high her intelligence stat is, and how quickly she grasps magic in her new life as a magician is prodigious - she is a literal genius.
I’d be friends with Ava for sure, and why am I choosing her aside from making sure there’s no overlap? She’s one of my most normal and well-adjusted OCs, she’s successful, has no mental illnesses, she’s also plus size like me so she knows my struggles. She’s also a fashion designer so you know she’d be putting out fire clothes that I’d go broke for. She would be the extrovert who would adopt me, and of course I gave her my interests and hobbies/hobbies I wish I had as well so we’d get along really well. And I just have to say the she is defying the ‘mean girl californian’ stereotype and absolutely help a guy out with his English homework so he can go out on a date to kiss a cute guy, you know it. You best believe. Also she would threaten to beat up my depression, and I wholeheartedly believe that she would succeed in eradicating it. Right, and she’s my main MC for Our Life: Beginnings and Always by @gb-patch who eventually marries Cove.
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sing-me-under · 2 years
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Hero’s Journey is my attempt to cram every single canon thing (hard, dubious, and semi-retconned) into one cohesive timeline. I can’t wrap my head around the FundyWasTaken/Dreamon Hunter bit within any normal scenario, so I took A LOT of liberties with character interpretation and just split Fundy’s character into two. I differentiate them as Fundy and Dage.
Anyway, this is Fundage II and Salome Wastaken. They’re salmon-hybrid siblings. Fundy really looks up to his uncle, so when he transitioned, he took his uncle’s name.
Also, Dream took Dage’s surname even though they never ended up getting married, hence the Wastaken. (Fundy’s Wedding video is a dream sequence)
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