#humanoid alduin
twilitdawn · 5 days
The Main Cast
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From left to right: Delphine, Esbern, Alduin, Konahrik/Fjor
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
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next prompt for the pin up challenge by @nerevar-quote-and-star​: i had this in mind for full moon but i think it also works for dragon scale more actually HA HA
anyways. have (humanoid) alduin looking like the tyrant he is. world eater has my heart tee hee
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ego-osbourne · 2 months
Disaster ship
Remember how I said I wouldn’t make an Ego x Alduin ship?
Well i was telling the truth bc I made a MIRAAK x Alduin ship instead! >:D
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It works better narratively anyway
Still working on my humanoid Alduin design but this is just a concept anyway. A concept that I like :]
It’s not entirely canon but similar vibes might appear in TDI
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wellthebardsdead · 10 months
Henwen: *casually returns from sovngarde with a now humanoid alduin after forcefully absorbing his soul and stealing his voice* I… I did it…
Paarthurnax: As was foretold… however, I never thought my brothers defeat would involve, this.
Alduin: *flailing in the snow trying to speak, shout, anything, all the while attempting to stand up like a new born deer* ngh- *clutches his throat trying to get any sound out at all and failing before turning and snarling as he lays eyes on Henwen, the one who did this to him* Hngh!! *staggers forward, clawed arms out stretched to attack him, only to silently scream as he’s suddenly picked up by his brothers maw* agh!! Hnuhhhn!
Paarthurnax: *drops alduin down by his word wall before looking at Henwen* I will keep him here with me. Until he can learn to behave and join you on his path of redemption, dovahkiin.
Henwen: *looks at alduin* …
Alduin: *hisses at him and whimpers as Paarthurnax curls his tail around his naked form to keep him warm and contained*
Henwen: *looks up at Paarthurnax* I hope… I can help him.
*a few weeks later*
Henwen: *returns home from high hrothgar* the doors a bit lo-
Alduin: *dressed in dark armour and wielding a great-sword, smacks his horns into the doorframe and staggers back in stunned shock before growling in annoyance*
Henwen: *grabs him by his horns and pulls him down leading him inside* Everyone you remember alduin right?
Taliesin: Oh no he’s hot-
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hircinesanters · 1 year
Listen ok my catholic religious trauma and upbringing will not allow me to pass up the opportunity of a Lucifer and Michael the Archangel Parallel EVEN in a 10 yr old fantasy video game…
I’m already thinking up a design for human!Alduin (I use human liberally, more like humanoid) and already I know I want the Renaissance Hot Lucifer vibes
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captain-doubleday · 2 months
Kynesgrove, Blackreach, Sovngarde
Kynsegrove - What's your favorite non-major city/town/settlement?
Morthal. Love me a good swamp town.
Blackreach - What's your favorite enemy in the game? What's your least favorite? Why?
My favorite is honestly bandits or other standard humanoid enemies. I enjoy having a good swordfight in their hideouts or taking them out silently with a bow. I also like listening in on their conversations before going in for combat.
As for my least favorite, it'd probably have to be chaurus. They feel a lot harder to fight than they should be and it doesn't help that it's hard to see them in the dark spaces where they are usually found.
Sovngarde - How would your Last Dragonborn celebrate after the battle with Alduin, or would they celebrate at all?
Generally, most of my Dragonborn would probably celebrate with their spouse and family as well as their favorite companions. Lots of drinking and partying and being happy to be alive before going on their next adventures.
Skyrim Saturday Ask Game
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globofhoney · 10 months
In white wilderness of The Pale region
My dragonborn after a long day of adventures:
//peacefully cooking her venison chop and a meat stew
Alduin in his humanoid form, recently got kicked out of Aetherius by Akatosh who ordered him to help the dragonborn:
"I'm about to ruin this bitch's daily happiness by eating it all and let her starved"
My dragonborn:
"...I will tell father..."
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harlstiel · 1 year
Help Pls
What do you do when you lose your humanoid blue cat with severe mental issues and probably autism? 
I put my Inigo in Riften, forgot he was there, did the ENTIRE DAWNGUARD QUESTLINE, and half of the Alduin questline, came back, and he fucking evaporated. Checked Riften Jail, Bee and Barb, the Marketplace (where I left him), and checked to make sure he wasn’t wandering he streets. This is a new game and I haven’t even gotten the map marker yet, wtf do I doooo
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friend-of-giants · 2 years
WIP Whenever
Tagged by both @lucien-lachance and @cwahsont thank you both! I struggled to find a snippet I was willing to share, but found one suitable enough. Tagging @miraakulous-cloud-district @thelavenderelf @reachfolk @sheirukitriesfandom @choilacanth and @duo-kun i know you dont Go Here but i know you write :P
A snip from an upcoming chapter of Ascent from the Ashes.
As she pushed herself up to go wake him, the softest crunch of a twig immediately caught her ears and sent a powerful rush of adrenaline through her veins. Bristling with sudden shock, Wren bolted to her feet and pulled her axe free.
A faint red light shone a short distance away, toward the road, too small to be a bear, too large for a fox or rabbit. Humanoid, almost. Whoever it was had hidden themselves behind a bush. She gripped her weapon tightly and poised herself to strike if need be.
Had Teldryn followed? She hoped for his sake that he hadn't.
“Show yourself," Wren commanded, suddenly quite aware of the fact that she was unarmored, clad only in a long tunic and soft wool leggings. “Don't think I can't see you!"
“You can see through bushes?"
The voice that responded was not Teldryn’s, but was familiar, though she could not place where she knew it from. She lowered her axe and squinted at the flicker of light, curious.
“Step forward, no weapons. Make any sudden moves and you're dead, you hear me?"
The bush trembled as someone rose from behind it, his empty hands raised in surrender. Piercing golden eyes locked onto her, and he flashed a set of sharp fangs in a cheeky grin. It was then that she pieced together the voice and who it belonged to—it was the Khajiit from prison.
“You are a free woman," he said, slowly and hesitantly stepping closer, keeping his arms raised and his eyes fixed on her blade. “I was wondering what happened to you."
“What are you doing out here? Spying on me?" She stomped toward him, fighting back the urge inside that was screaming for her to kill him. The heat that had burst within her chest was verging on painful and was a test of will for her to resist. “Who sent you?! Tell me!"
The Khajiit stepped backward, his eyes widening in fear and his ears flattening back. “Do not kill me, I was only curious! Nobody sent me, I-I heard a voice from the road and came to investigate, I did not mean any harm!"
“So you followed the voice, realized it was someone praying, then decided to hide in a fucking bush and listen?!" A scorching breath hissed from between her teeth. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't chop you in half!"
“I do not have one. I should not have kept listening once I found you, but… you spoke of slaying Alduin. You are the Dragonborn, yes?"
She eyed him warily. The boiling heat within her calmed down, yet still simmered uneasily. “Aye, that's me."
The Khajiit extended a wiry hand toward her and wore a massive, toothy smile. “Inigo the Brave. I am honored to meet you!"
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My thoughts on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an open world fantasy roleplaying game developed and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game was released on November 11th, 2011 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and personal computer. The game was later released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X. The premise of Skyrim is that you play as a legendary warrior called the dragonborn which is essentially a humanoid creature that has the soul of a dragon within them. Due to having a soul of a dragon within them, the character you play as can easily learn the dragon language which leads them to learning many powerful techniques that the now extinct dragons of The Elder Scrolls series were able to use. Before you find out you're the dragonborn however, the dragons come back for some unknown reason at the time to wreak havoc on the world once again. The player later finds out that they are the dragonborn, a legendary warrior who can slay dragons and consume their souls for more power. The first time I played Skyrim was in 2019 during the summer following my sophomore year of high school. I purchased the game because my friends told me many great things about the game which lead to my purchase of it on the PlayStation 4. When I sat down to play the game, I was expecting to have a great experience with it. What I got was me sitting in front of a tv and video game console for the majority of an entire week. Needless to say, I got more than a great experience. One of the main hooks that drew me into Skyrim was the amount of customization available to the player. The player can choose from a variety of different races, fighting styles, armors, and companions to have on their quest throughout The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The also has a variety of different side quest lines that the player can use to learn more about the world and grow stronger before they fight the threat of the world eater dragon Alduin. I don’t want to say much else without spoiling the game for you because Skyrim truly is a game you need to play for yourself to get the most out of it. If you’re looking for a fun open world action adventure game based in a fantasy setting, you should definitely try Skyrim. Just make sure not to take an arrow to the knee, otherwise you’ll end up as one of the guards of the game’s nine holds.
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I've noticed that all my tes ocs are like. Elven in nature LMFAO?? Idk man I just don't have any humanoids I guess ??
Niveria, half Bosmer half Imperial, 300+ years old, assassin
Alyx, Altmer (???), 300+ years old, thief, literally Mannimarco
Nerevar, Dunmer, 10 years old, NOT the nerevarine. Actually the Dragonborn that's meant to destroy Alduin
Amaranth, Ohmes-raht khajiit, Is able to disguise herself as a wood elf when she needs to, property dealer and farm mogul, Amaranth. Lmao
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trickstarbrave · 11 months
i wish i knew how to mod id make a humanoid alduin follower i think it would be funny
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2lim3rz · 1 year
no idc if some fucker from oblivion finds that ask and it haunts my dreams but im jsut saying,, the dragons ARE technically sentient beings. im not saying to fuck the dragons but TECHNICALLY,,,, they could consent to it. IM JUST SAYING.,,,,,
Hi! My dear online friend!
I mean, if you really wanna get into the nitty-gritty, isn't Alduin technically a god-thing? Couldn't he technically get into a more
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ralofofriverwoods · 1 year
Hear me out
Instead of quick saving and re-loading saves and respawning at an earlier save upon death
There’s this like. Web. For all the Dragonborns to connect to each other from their specific universes
And it lets them fuck up time a wee bit, possibly with the help of an elder scroll, to make sure they all fulfill their prophecies n whatnot.
Just imagine it: one Dragonborn dies before they’ve done everything they need/want to do, so one of the db’s that have killed alduin already gets ported in as a ‘mysterious warrior spirit’ from another universe to do that one revive shout that alduin uses. And boom. No more dead dragon born.
Ofc they can still die, but in every universe there’s gonna be one thing that’s similar, which would in this case be the prophecy that says the ldb will defeat alduin. So until they fulfill that prophecy they effectively cannot die. Of course everyone around them that sees the revivification process will be traumatized as all hell. But the ldb will continue to live
The absolute mental whiplash of someone like mercer actually succeeding in killing the ldb, only to see a weird new spectral guy pop up, shout the thing that is always heard before mass destruction ensues, and then watch the very obviously dead dragon born start sucking all that blood they just lost right back up like a humanoid sponge, or worse yet, un-shatter all their ribs like it’s nothing.
Just think that’s a fun idea
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Where is ashfallow citadel? MAP of ashfallow citadel and video
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Ashfallow Citadel & the Mysterious Dwarven Legend
In the northern reaches of Skyrim, in the snowy mountains near the border with High Rock, lies a ruined city. It is called Ashfallow Citadel and it has been lost for centuries. The city was once a thriving Dwarven settlement, but now it is nothing more than a crumbling ruin deep within the Shimmering Deeps. The story of the city is one of tragedy and betrayal, of greed and power, of how even the strongest of cities can fall to ruin. In the early years of Skyrim's history, in the time when Dragons still reigned over Nirn, the Dwarves emerged from their subterranean homes and built Ashfallow Citadel deep in the Shimmering Deeps. They named it after their founder and leader, Ashfallow. After the uprising of Men and Dragons, Ashfallow was besieged by the forces of Alduin. The Dwarves fought with all their skill and valor, but in time they were overwhelmed. All that was left of what once had been a thriving city was a barren rock in the Shimmering Deeps. As time passed, many considered it lost forever, until, in the Fourth Era, Alduin's army set up camp near the site of Men and Dragons. The new inhabitants of Ashfallow were able to use this proximity to launch a guerilla attack on the Dragon. After many battles, Alduin was killed by an old Dovahkiin who had been hiding in an abandoned Dwarven mine under the city.
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The map
Where is Ashfallow Citadel?
The city is a location in the Forgotten Realms. It is located in the High Forest, north-west of Mistledale and south-east of Everlund. Ashfallow Citadel was once a great fortress and trading post for the Netherese. It was abandoned following the fall of Netheril, but has since been inhabited by various creatures such as orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins. It is currently ruled by a goblinoid wizard called Dralkarz who has enslaved many humanoids to do his bidding. The citadel's mines are rumored to contain rich veins of mithral ore that Dralkarz mines for himself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMO1V_nSH0k ashfallow citadel walkthrough
Role of Ashfallow Citadel in Elder Scrolls Legends
Ashfallow Citadel is a location in Elder Scrolls Legends. It is the home of the Forsworn and is ruled by Madanach. Ashfallow Citadel can be found in the Reach, Skyrim. It was originally an old fortress of the Nords, but it was reclaimed by the Forsworn and became their capital. https://nftecnologyinfo.com/2022/03/17/5-reason-why-elder-scrolls-first-game-it-is-still-the-best-today/ The Ashfallow citadel lore has been a point of contention among players for quite some time now due to its lack of consistency with other lore sources about strongholds in Skyrim such as Markarth and Riften. Ashfallow Citadel is a location in Elder Scrolls Legends. It is the home of the Forsworn and is ruled by Madanach. Ashfallow Citadel can be found in the Reach, Skyrim. It was originally an old fortress of the Nords, but it was reclaimed by the Forsworn and became their capital. https://nftecnologyinfo.com/2022/04/27/geographical-map-of-tamriel/
Why Ashfallow Citadel Should Be Your Next ESO Adventure
Ashfallow Citadel is a group dungeon that was released in the Dark Brotherhood DLC. It is a level 50 dungeon that takes place in the Gold Coast. Ashfallow Citadel is one of the more challenging group dungeons in the game, but it also has some of the most rewarding loot drops, including jewelry and weapons. The trek to the dungeon takes place on the Gold Coast, and is reminiscent of the Gold Coast area in Tamriel. The entire environment is covered in gold, and carts are used to provide transportation throughout. There is a hut nearby that can be entered for fast travel. The dungeon consists of three wings: an outdoor section with five bosses, an indoor section with five bosses, and a final boss. Which elder scrolls game should i play first, some of the most popular elder scrolls game to play. https://nftecnologyinfo.com/2022/03/15/the-tamriel-map/ The adventurers must first defeat the King's Guard in order to obtain the key to enter the dungeon. Hircine has summoned a wall of enemies between them and their objective. They will have to fight their way through beasts, Hircine's guards, and finally reach Hircine himself before they can claim victory.
Solution and Conclusion o the ashfallow citadel mystery
In the final solution to the ashfallow citadel mystery, players will be able to unravel the strange puzzle. The mystery of Ashfallow Citadel is solved! Players have discovered that there are four puzzles with three pieces each. When all four puzzles are completed, they form a map of the citadel and reveal a hidden room containing an ancient artifact. How any Elder Scrolls Games are There? the basics of elder scrolls game Read the full article
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Alduin update: So I gave him spikyish hair (he’s spiky af) and I’m not sure if I want his hair to stay like this or not lol I may create another drawing with a different style hair later 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hims kinda cute though :P
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