#httyd3 rewrite
artist-issues · 1 year
Birds do it, bees do it, educated fleas do it,
let’s do it, let’s 
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Toothless used to be a realistic creature, designed to balance on the visual knife blade’s edge between appealing and terrifying. He borrowed his coloration from panthers and manta rays and his movement from cats because they are real animals that master that cute-fierce combo, too. He could look menacing and then loveable at the drop of a hat. 
Then in HTTYD 2 somebody hit him with the Puppy Stick. I haven’t seen any better explanation of the visual problems with Toothless from HTTYD 1 to HTTYD 3 other than this Reddit user’s, so we’re just going to skip trying. 
Read that. Anyway. Let’s move on to the Light Fury.  Everyone’s talked over and over the problems with the Light Fury’s design. So I don’t think I need to go into depth with that, either. Suffice to say, I believe that the way a character is designed should reflect their purpose in the story. She was never meant to be a species that was exciting to learn more about, unlike the Bewilderbeast or the Night Fury. She was just meant for cute interactions with Toothless. I think her design, sad as it is, reflects that lazy story direction. 
BUT NOT OUR REDESIGNS. And mine is no exception! If I’m going to change the story structure of HTTYD 3 (and I am) then the Light Fury has to change, big time. 
First we’ll talk about the species. 
We all know there are more than one Light Fury visible in the third film, and that’s the idea I hinged my little “fix it” re-write of HTTYD3 on in this post. I’m not going to restate it, but a lot of it focuses on Hiccup and Toothless discovering a whole Fury Flock who has migrated out of distant, hostile lands and is resting near Berk on their way to the Hidden World.
This way, instead of the Love Interest Fury just serving as Catnip that makes Toothless act dippy and cuddly, they actually have a purpose—because they’re tied to a mystery. They’re the whole plot. This way, instead of Toothless waking through the woods and happening upon a single personality-bland version of himself with no build-up, the Light Furies are a whole community and species that the story spends as much time on as they did the Night Fury in the first film.  Anyway. So while our heroes are uncovering all the interesting quirks and hierarchy of the Fury Flock, we’ll do the same!
So without further ado—bum-ba-da-dum, let me introduce you to—
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The Sky Fury! 
(Click for better view)
Yeah, okay, I know it’s a different name and not too terribly different a design, but hear me out below the cut
I don’t think that just because Toothless, is straight black with faintly darker markings (basically only visible in the first movie) that means every other Fury has to be one solid color either. And why should it be white? Most white animals in the wild who don’t live in snowy environments straight up die because of their lack of pigmentation. It makes them a target and it lets reptiles get sunburnt.
But we all know that white contrasted with Toothless’ black has a certain appeal. It’s more visually interesting than a samey-same color pairing between him and any would-be Love Interest. So I kept the white, like most re-designers do.
And then I thought, well, why would Furies have to worry about being spotted by enemies—they’re up in the sky all the time anyway. So instead of having the Furies be completely black and only able to blend in with shadows and the night sky, our Furies will be mottled.
Their markings will be more visible to let them camouflage against cloudscapes in the daytime—and just like black panthers are simply leopards with overwhelming black in their coats, Sky Furies are kind of like what Night Furies might look like if you could fade back some of that intense black and see the patterns underneath. 
 So our Sky Furies are mostly white, but with hints of blue and stormy gray underneath. The youngest Sky Furies are sky-blue around their horns—which, yes, they have horns and spiny spikes, not just smooth aquatic ridges.  I basically leaned into what the original design for the Light Fury was supposed to be; rougher like an axolotl, with influences from a naturally-pale master of camouflage in the wild like the Snow Leopard or Clouded Leopard. We keep all the potential for cuteness without losing the fierceness.
Because you can’t tell me this:
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Is nailing the fierce-end of the spectrum as perfectly as THIS DID: 
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So the Sky Furies are called Sky Furies because one, Light Fury is a dumb name. It sounds super made-up. Like they were really just trying to rhyme with “Night.” But “Sky” Fury indicates that there’s more to know about this type of Fury besides the fact that they’re associated with Toothless. 
A few things about the Sky Fury Species:
- Only their two largest ear-flaps can move.
- They are better swimmers than Night Furies.
- They can camouflage, but they can’t echolocate.
- They communicate by clicking more often than roaring or other vocalizations. This is why their Old Night Fury leader calls to them by clicking his back spines together, open and shut.
- They have a complex social hierarchy. In one Flock, the leader’s rule is always obeyed; unlike other Dragon species, Furies aren’t susceptible to being “controlled” by an alpha. (This explains why Toothless was able to block out the Bewilderbeast in HTTYD 2. And we can just say he just needed some practice doing it, since he didn’t grow up with his own kind.) They just obey the leader in charge.
- Sky Furies must migrate from the Hidden World to Grimmel’s Land every thirty years. It is an instinctual urge, like Sea Turtles going on land to give birth or Manta Rays migrating. Theory has it their first nesting grounds were on the land Grimmel’s people built their village on top of. Ever since then, Sky Furies and Grimmel’s Tribe have been at intense war. This leaves them with no tolerance at all for humans—in fact, they’ve begun viewing people as a particularly impressive part of their food chain.
- Sky Furies are strategic, team hunters. Rarely do they set out to hunt alone. Part of their social hierarchy is that the first Fury to strike prey (being the fastest) is generally the first to eat. If a Fury is eating alone, it is because that Fury is being punished or outcasted by the others. 
- Sky Furies have almost always been led by Night Furies, because Night Furies can echolocate and sense the underground routes to the Hidden World. In return for this, Sky Furies often hunt for their leader during the daytime hours, the same way lionesses hunt while male lions protects the group.  - Sky Furies sing! This is the only way they use their vocalization abilities, and they only do it when they feel safe. That’s all I’ve got for now. More art to come—more on the specific Love Interest Fury, too.
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10blue10 · 1 year
THW: What Could Have Been
This is an attempt to piece together a better version of THW using cut scenes, the trailer and concepts from the games, specifically School of Dragons. Some things will stay the same with a lot of tweaks here and there, and of course the biggest change will be getting rid of the separation, because fuck that shit.
First, let’s swap things around a bit and do the “This is Berk” routine at the start of the movie like the previous two films. Berk is still overcrowded with dragons, but instead of the stupid multi-coloured perches in the village, we instead see wild dragons all over the island, squabbling for space. The second change is that Gobber will be urging Hiccup to do something about it, instead of telling him and Astrid to get married. Hiccup says the dragons don’t want to leave because they feel safer on Berk with all the hunters going around.
Then Eret shows up to warn them about a hunter ship towards the west, and we transition to the Night Raid scene. This time Eret accompanies them instead of Valka. They split into two teams; Snotlout, Eret and the twins distract the hunters whilst Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs free the dragons.
Here we’d see variants on two deleted scenes. One is when Snotlouts daft cape gets caught and he has to be rescued, not by Valka, but Eret. The other is where a visible Light Fury is freed by Toothless, who finds her, blasts off the lock of her cage when Hiccup is distracted and burns off her muzzle.
(Quick tangent: I can’t resist tweaking the LF’s design, but in this case the only change is that she looks more like a Night Fury, only white with blue-grey mottling, and instead of turning invisible, her unique defence ability is making herself blindingly shiny - essentially a flash-blind effect to deter attackers.)
Hiccup calls out for Toothless, who rushes to help, but when he looks back the LF is gone. As they leave the ship behind, the scene changes to Grimmel arriving at the warlords base. They tell him about Berk and it’s alpha, to which he replies he’s heard about this ‘crippled Night Fury’ but had been too busy hunting NFs ‘down south’ to investigate. Now he’s here to fix their problems.
Whilst he’s talking, a Rumblehorn is trying to escape. Grimmel casually shoots it with his crossbow. When it breaks free and charges at him, he doesn’t move; the venom on the arrow takes effect just in time and it collapses at his feet.
The scene fades out and changes to the flashback between little!Hiccup and Stoick on the cliff. Stoick tells his son about a distant hidden world of dragons, but instead of saying he wants to find and destroy it, he just says he wishes the dragons would go back to it. We then see that the flashback was actually being told as a story by Hiccup to his mother, during some bonding time.
Valka says she too wishes the HW was real, since it would be a safe haven from hunters. Hiccup thinks that if so many stories have stuff in common, there might be a grain of truth to the legend. Toothless hears something and rushes off to investigate. He warily approaches a clearing and finds the Light Fury.
The scene plays out like in the movie, except instead of firing at Hiccup, the LF uses her flash trick to blind him and Valka so she can escape. Later that same day the gang are in the stables and Astrid teases Toothless about being in love with the LF. Hiccup decides to call her Flare until they think of a better name.
That night, several dragons run amok, setting fires and biting. Their spit starts glowing as well. Eret tells everyone to dump seawater on them - they’ve been infected with grimora. Since the shows aren’t fully canon to the movies, this time Eret is the one who gives exposition on what the parasites are/can do.
Skullcrusher confronts an unfamiliar purple Rumblehorn, and Eret finds a vial stuck in its armour. He recognises it as a ‘calling-card’ of Grimmel the Grisly. He explains that Grimmel’s MO is to capture one dragon with his Deathgrippers, mind control them, infect them with grimora and turn them on their own flock. Eret then reveals that he’s also known for hunting Night Furies.
Hiccup says they’ll have sentries keep an eye out for more attacks and track this new enemy down before he can send more infected dragons to attack them. They get Stormfly and Crush to find the trail and follow it back to Grimmel’s base. Hiccup leaves Toothless behind on Berk for his own safety.
Whilst they’re gone, Toothless encounters Flare for the third time. Here we’d get the ‘Third Date’ scene. Flare tries to get Toothless to come flying with her, but he can’t because of his tail. However, because they’re not near any humans who might spook her, she sticks around and they continue bonding.
When the gang finds Grimmel, Hiccup confronts the man whilst the others try to find and deal with the Deathgrippers. Grimmel mockingly says it’s an honour to meet the famous ‘dragon master’ and a shame he didn’t bring his Night Fury. Hiccup demands to know why Grimmel is attacking and what he wants.
To quote @chaifootsteps, “He tells Hiccup he doesn’t believe his ideology is a good one, but by all means, do whatever – Grimmel’s only interested in the Night Fury. He tells Hiccup that this all ends the moment he hands over Toothless and isn’t that what a good leader does, sacrifices for the good of everyone?” Hiccup refuses to give up his best friend. Grimmel merely smirks.
He explains that his Deathgrippers venom doesn’t just paralyse their victim, it can also make the victim suggestible to commands. This is how he controls them. (Inspired by a species of parasitic wasp that can ‘mind control’ cockroaches.) He whistles sharply and the DGs attack. Two of them sting Cloudjumper, who collapses, despite Valka’s desperate attempts to rouse him.
Grimmel tells Hiccup he’s more than happy to trade the Stormcutter for the Night Fury. Is the young chief not willing to make a sacrifice even to help his own mother? Is he really that selfish? He knows where to find Grimmel. More importantly, however, Grimmel knows where to find him, and his dragon.
The riders are forced to leave Cloudjumper behind. Valka is distressed and yells at Eret for making her abandon her dragon. Astrid tells them to stop arguing. Eret says Grimmel won’t kill Cloudjumper because he won’t be able to resist turning him against them. Which means they can get Cloudjumper back.
When they get home, Hiccup finds Toothless with Flare and manages to not disturb them. He admits to Astrid that he feels torn between protecting the dragons and protecting Berk. She says their tribe will be fine; they’re Vikings. It’s an occupational hazard. Hiccup asks her to make sure Toothless is okay.
We then get the scene where he makes the auto-tail and sends Toothless off to find Flare. He catches up with her and we see the deleted (and better) version of the Furies In Love sequence. We also learn how her flash trick works - it’s a brighter version of Toothless’ glow that reflects off her white scales. Toothless discovers he too can control the brightness of his glow. As they fly over the ocean, the camera pans up to reveal the silhouette of New Berk.
Meanwhile, the riders are on a mission to rescue Cloudjumper. They find themselves ambushed by the warlords. Hiccup offers to give himself up in exchange for Cloudjumper and them not attacking Berk. Everyone protests.
Ragnar says it’s not Hiccup they want. He pulls a lever to open the cages, and several ‘mind-controlled’ dragons, including Cloudjumper, rush out to attack them. They fight back and Valka manages to snap her dragon out of his trance. However, they are still forced to retreat, but Ruffnut isn’t left behind.
Astrid asks what the hell Hiccup was thinking. He says a good chief makes sacrifices, but handing over Toothless is not an option, so he did the next best thing. She said herself that Berk would be fine. Astrid protests that’s not what she meant. Valka says she already lost Stoick, she can’t lose him as well.
Snotlout says they could have taken the warlords, since Grimmel and his DGs weren’t around. Hiccup realises that Grimmel must have already gone to track down Toothless. Astrid says they’ll go find him with Stormfly; she’ll be faster. As they’re flying, she asks Hiccup if he really thinks his dad would want him to sacrifice himself. He says his dad would want him to do what was right.
We then get the second flashback scene with kid!Hiccup and Stoick, who tells his son that even though he would have scoured the world to find Valka, he couldn’t, because Berk needed him. A good leader, he says, is willing to put their peoples needs above their own. Kid!Hiccup declares he’s going to grow up to be the best chief Berk has ever seen, and Stoick chuckles fondly.
Back in the present, Hiccup and Astrid arrive at New Berk. We don’t see much of the island because Stormfly heads straight for a tunnel in the cliff. She flies through it into the Hidden World, complete with fungi, crystals and waterfalls streaming down through sinkholes, which also lets in sunlight and fresh air.
They find Toothless with… other Night Furies! As well as Light Furies, and even some Night Lights. Hiccup is delighted; then he sees how happy Toothless looks with his own kind and seems torn. They are discovered by an elder Night Fury (with more chin nubs) who raises the alarm. Hiccup and Astrid try to get away. Toothless and Stormfly grab their riders and fly out of the Hidden World.
On the way back, Hiccup apologises for interrupting his dragon and wonders aloud whether he should let Toothless go, to be with his own kind. Astrid reminds him that Toothless’ prosthetic means he’d still need help from humans and that they went to find him to make sure he was safe from Grimmel.
Hiccup realises that if Grimmel’s DGs were tracking Toothless, and he had a head start, they should have caught up with him. So where is he? They suddenly get attacked from below by two Deathgrippers using the cloud cover, who sting them and their dragons unconscious then drag them below clouds.
Next we see Hiccup and Astrid waking up. They are strapped to their dragons, who in turn are hanging from the flying rig. Grimmel tells Hiccup to choose who dies - him and Toothless, or Astrid and Stormfly. He admits he can’t make that choice. No matter, says Grimmel - he’ll just make their tribe decide their fate.
The camera pans back to show Berk surrounded by the armada. The other riders try to rescue them, but Grimmel is holding them both hostage. Toothless seems to order his flock to surrender and be captured. Then he roars and they start attacking the ships. Valka, Eret and Snotlout get their dragons to fight the DGs who aren’t holding up the rig. Grimmel prepares to kill Hiccup & Toothless.
We hear a roar off screen, and the camera pans to show Flare diving at Grimmel. She flashes her scales to blind him, and blasts the spear before he can fire it. Meanwhile, Hiccup cuts himself free with his fire-sword, then loses his grip and falls. Toothless roars in a panic. Flare catches Hiccup just in time.
Fishlegs and the twins help get Astrid, Stormfly and Toothless free. Grimmel tries to escape by flying away on one of his Deathgrippers. Flare puts Hiccup
on Toothless’ back and they give chase. Their friends distract the other DGs.
Flare overtakes Grimmel’s DG and uses her flash trick to blind/distract them. Toothless blasts Grimmel off the DG and Hiccup orders it to stop, since they’ve realised the ‘mind-controlled’ DGs will obey anyone. (This would be part of the theme that the Berkians bond with their dragons is more effective than the warlords and Grimmel trying to control/command dragons through force.)
Grimmel dies and the armada, now with significantly fewer ships, retreats. Toothless and Flare reunite and we see them nuzzling whilst Hiccstrid kiss in the background. Hiccup makes a speech about how he was afraid he’d have to choose between doing what’s best for Berk and doing what’s best for the dragons. He thinks he knows a compromise but it means all of them making a sacrifice and leaving Berk, their home of seven generations, for New Berk.
He tells them about the Hidden World island and how they can protect it, but also be protected themselves, because Berk is wherever they go etc. Gobber says a chief helps his people, but his people should also help their chief. They go to New Berk and we see the deleted scene of them flying over the island in awe, then a quick montage which would include glimpses of the following:
Hiccup (and by extension the other humans) being accepted as not a threat by the Night Fury elder who attacked them before, complete with hand thing.
The Berkians rebuilding their village, Hiccstrid wedding, and a shot of Toothless and Flare looking proudly at three black and white eggs in a nest.
Last of all we’d have the epilogue. We’d see a montage of old Berk, including Stoick’s statue, the Hall, the cove, the training ring etc. Hiccup’s voice over narration would say “This is Berk. We fought dragons here, when I was a boy. Then we learned to befriend them instead. We’re more than just Vikings now. We’re dragon riders, and we’ll fight for their freedom, when no one else will.
“Because the world isn’t ready to live in peace with dragons, but we are, and if we don’t lead the way, it never will be. Do you both understand?” Then we see that the ‘narration’ was actually Hiccup talking to his kids in front of the statue of Stoick. They nod eagerly. Hiccup looks up at the statue and smiles sadly.
The whole family is seen flying back home to New Berk; Nuffink is riding with Hiccup on Toothless, but Zephyr is already riding on an older Dart. They fly up into the clouds and the movie ends. I hope you enjoyed reading all of this XD.
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angelled-art · 22 days
Redesign of the character Alice from my old "The Rise of Darkas" AU story
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"The Rise of Darkas" is one of the oldest and one of the craziest ideas of mine in the HTTYD fandom:D
My thoughts about this began more than 5 years ago. This is basically the idea for which I came up with the whole hulf-human Dragons thing!
The first versions of the plot were absolutely illogical and not thought out... But nowadays I continue to rewrite and add to this story, just for myself so far.. And this Deathgripper girl is quite important to the plot as in the old version of the story, as in the new ones, so, I wanted to work on her design a little better))
(However this is one of the few old designs of mine that I still like so there aren't that many differences))
Hope you like it!❤
Old design~
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Alice is actually quite a tragic character..
In the past, she was one of Grimmel's top Deathgrippers. He raised and trained her from birth and Alice saw him as her master and practically a father, adored him with all her heart and never considered the possibility that he might be wrong, so of all his dragons she was one of the most loyal and obedient.
But one single day plunged Alice into complete shock when an event occurred that forces her only beloved human, master and "parent" to commit suicide, killing himself with her poison, just in front of her eyes..
(actions of this version of the story take place 2 years before HTTYD3, plot of which will never happen)
A LOT happened in her life later...
She saw herself in a half-human form for the first time.
She found herself a new master.
For the first time started thinking about her life.
Experienced real “parental love”, which, as she previously thought, Grimmel and her new master showed her.
And all this made her understand that perhaps both he and Grimmel weren’t as good and right as she thought..
This developed into terrible psychological trauma and a HUGE feeling of guilt for how much she did on their orders, being sure that they were right.
The end of her story isn't quite written yet...
But spoiler: thanks to her own efforts and the various interactions of the creatures around, her ending will be relatively happy, even if it may not possible to be completely like that :,)
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tenebrius-excellium · 8 months
Thinking about Httyd again and because I sort of managed to think up a really good Rott alternative, I'm tempted to try for Httyd3 as well. However, rewriting Httyd3 first requires rewriting Httyd2, and I'm just not up for that.
Quick thought for Httyd3: What if the LIGHT FURY was actually the most rare, sought after dragon of the Archipelago, and not Toothless??? Where Grimmel as an expert hunter is actually able and willing to trade Hiccup tips and tricks on how to track down more Night Furies, leaving Hiccup to need his enemy???
What if Toothless goes to the Hidden World for the sake of the white dragon's safety and not because of his own. Were it for himself only, he'd stay by Hiccup's side until the end. But for the girl??? Hiccup couldn't say No, he would support it!!! And there could still be more Night Furies??? The story wouldn't leave such a bitter aftertaste??? Because what if she could actually be worth it???
Think about how this would shift the narrative!!! Hiccup and Toothless would be the center of the plot in a far different, more selfless way. And they would still be friends instead of facing a divide of loyalty. She could be painted as worth saving.
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heliianth · 2 years
alright. followup on my post about an httyd3 rewrite ^-^
there are a few things from the original that i’m keeping
the idea of “belonging”
the idea of “love is loss”
that “save him” moment when Hiccup is willing to die for Toothless
bittersweet ending
a reunion epilogue
here’s the, admittedly messy & kinda plotless gist (my reasoning for these changes is under the cut):
the villain can still be Grimmel (in fact, I would like Grimmel as a villain in this new story), but it doesnt really matter for what i’ve got jotted down so i’ve left it vague
the Light Fury is replaced by Toothless’ family, a group of night furies
the Hidden World is a refuge the night furies and their mix-matched flock of other scared dragons found, NOT some magical ancestral home of all dragons in the world
Toothless would run into the same dilemma as Hiccup did with Valka from HTTYD2; the night furies are unwilling to work with and are distrustful of humans, which puts Toothless at odds with his new place in the world
Hiccup’s new arc is, instead of also being focused on romance, about rediscovering his roots
Hiccup struggles with the weight of his new responsibilities (being chief and feeling like he’s leaving his father’s shoes unfilled, as well as the new conflict caused by the villain) and over the course of the movie he finds himself changing as a person in order to live up to them: “becoming his dad”
the night furies and Toothless come to a brief compromise, that they’ll help in some conflict with the villain for Toothless’ sake, but tensions break and the entire thing goes awry. maybe Berk gets destroyed, maybe there’s another death, maybe there are simply a lot of injuries on both sides. it leaves Hiccup’s chance with Toothless’ family seemingly squandered
the emotional climax comes when Astrid (paralleling the first movie) tells Hiccup, after he starts doubting his dreams as an extension of doubting himself and becomes willing to let Toothless go entirely for his own good, that Stoick is dead. Hiccup needs to stop letting his dad rule his life, needs to respect him as a fallible human being, needs to mature. he needs to grow on his own.
there’s a climactic final battle a-la the original movie where Hiccup tries sacrificing himself for Toothless, who can’t fly for plot reasons, and one of the new night furies saves him
the cliff-at-sunset scene still ends with a huge sacrifice: with Toothless’ family so unwilling to be around people in general even if they’re warming up to Hiccup specifically and the villain not totally gone…
Hiccup gives up his chiefdom, his future with Berk, and his future with Astrid to go with Toothless and his family to the Hidden World, and work on peace between dragons and human
the bittersweet ending is a goodbye between Hiccup, his human friends, and Valka, who promises to work on peace “from the other side”
the reunion epilogue comes about 10 years later, like in canon, but it takes place at a “negotiations” meeting between all the tribes about progress with the dragons, where Hiccup and Astrid finally see each other again
tl;dr before the cut:
introduces a theme of biological vs. chosen family by replacing the Light Fury with Toothless’ night fury family — altering the original’s commentary on “belonging” by removing the romantic aspect
Hiccup has a cyclical character arc that reinforces the theme of family where he loses and rediscovers himself and his values by drawing deliberate attention to his grief over Stoick
introduces the “love is loss” theme more organically by making Hiccup’s motivations center around this idealization of Stoick and how hanging onto it posthumously is actively hindering his goals and his growth as a person
Hiccup chooses to sacrifice his own future on Berk to bring about the peace he wants, letting go of Stoick’s legacy, to cap off the “love is loss” theme with a more symbolic ending
carries over messages from the other movies about the work for justice and change being grueling but entirely worth it
just a warning before you click: this is indeed SUPER LONG. like over 3000 words on google docs long. you are fully liable for scrolling past all of this if you open it. this is not my fault anymore.
The reason why I’m so relaxed about actual plot is because most of my complaints pertaining to the original HTTYD3 is thematic, and changing it’s themes changes most of the plot. Thinking up a majority of the plot for a Dreamworks movie with no glaring holes is a job I’m not super qualified nor have the time for and I’d prefer to offer up things that could happen within a hypothetical skeleton. Expect that, I guess. 
I’m going to go over my reasoning for these changes or shifts in order:
I’d find Grimmel a good villain for this reimagined HTTYD3 because bullet point 2 remedies the ridiculous notion that he killed every night fury in the world, which is the only big issue that plagues him in concept because he wouldn’t have the same effect as being Plot Conveniences: The Character that he did in the original. He would be put in different scenarios, so there’s less contention on how the story molds around him to look cool, because the story has changed fundamentally.
Why I’m interested in him specifically for this reimagining is his night fury obsession. Him hunting Toothless’ family might be why they’re driven out of wherever they are towards Toothless, and it also makes the conflict between him and Hiccup intensely and uniquely personal. Grimmel doesn’t want world domination, he wants the night furies and specifically Toothless dead, and he’s willing to cause Berk a whole lot of hurt to achieve that goal.
My understanding of the Light Fury is that she’s essentially a plot device meant to represent a “call to the wild” and simultaneously be a figurehead for all other dragons hurt by humans. The thing is… there’s not much much more emotional weight behind her other than her looking somewhat like another night fury. She doesn’t even have a name, most of her significance is placed on her species.
I think her purpose would be better fulfilled if she was replaced by a small group of night furies—specifically Toothless’ family. The audience has been waiting since Riders of Berk to see more night furies, which would make their overdue introduction extremely satisfying for fans; “Holy shit! More night furies! And they’re Toothless’ family?”
This change would also excuse the conflict between Hiccup and Toothless being as dire as the movie requires, maybe even resulting in the same temporary separation present in the original after that first “devastating loss” which makes Hiccup falter so hard.* By making the night furies so intrinsically connected to Toothless as a character, we add a truckload of emotional weight; they’re tied so directly to our main dragon, whose history is a huge question mark, that we can forgive him for being so torn between them and Hiccup. They would both have the same historical significance to him (as opposed to the Light Fury, who was a complete stranger).
This is simply because there are too many logistical errors in the idea that the Hidden World is the single origin point of all dragons and that its perfectly suited to housing all of them in harmony. My suspension of disbelief can’t stretch to accommodate the idea the original movie posits. Maybe this is different for other people, but it’s a concession I personally can’t make.
It also fixes the issue of “literally every dragon in the world leaves,” which is another huge thing that destroys my suspension of disbelief. Changing it from it’s original idea into a smaller, more personal sanctuary for dragons who don’t like humans lowers its significance on a worldbuilding scale but heightens it on an interpersonal level.
Hiccup and Toothless have always had a deliberate parallelism about their arcs and stories. Highlighting this by creating a direct reference to Valka in Toothless’ family, maybe even his mom as well to really drive it home, IMO, fixes the issue that the original movie has with dumbing him down—showing him trying to negotiate with his family makes him proactive. Putting Toothless in a position where he’s arguing with his family, advocating for his own ideals and showing his growth from the first movie, makes the audience more interested in the dynamics between the two and raises tension; if Toothless’ own family is so resistant to humans that they’re unwilling to lighten up even for his sake, how will they ever live together? This gives the other night furies a chance to display some personality depending on how they react and speak with their body language too.
It also softens the blow that the threat of Hiccup and Toothless separating throws at the audience—Toothless wants to live in both worlds. He feels he has purpose and fulfillment in both, as a part of a life with a family and other night furies he never thought he’d get to have and as the Alpha of Berk: a mixed human-dragon nest with his human soulmate. He wants his two families, chosen and biological, to live together. In turn, the audience comes to want this too. The message shouldn’t be “biological family is more important than chosen family and this is why Toothless leaves,” it should be “both types fulfill different emotional needs and it’s neither inconsiderate or childish to want both”—something which effects both leads in this rewrite.
Dealing with Hiccup’s mountainous new responsibilities is just a natural step forward in both his arc from the second movie and in his stage of life—he’s 21, this is the same age many people start struggling with work or university. He’s also only a year out from dealing with his dad’s death, which was The turning point for him in the previous movie.
Even though Hiccup is determined to do as he said in HTTYD2 and try his hardest to be a good chief, to live up to the man his dad was, he’s also having to confront the harsh reality that this isn’t him. Hiccup, as a character, didn’t want nor is skilled for chiefdom and accepted it partially under duress. He says something like “all that, all those speeches and running the village” isn’t what he’s good at in together we map the world, and he’s struggling hard because he was right about himself.
The connection between his new responsibilities and Stoick’s death (and thus his legacy) challenges his character in a way that hasn’t really happened before. Hiccup has always been very self-assured; in the first movie he refuses to conform and makes the world change around him, in the second he remains steadfast on peace throughout the entire thing and the conflict only makes him more determined to continue changing the world. He’s always known who he is, just not what that means (I know he says that quote in the same together we map the world scene, but the disconnect between the former and the latter is why he’s question marking about it. To him, “who” is the same thing as “what”). Having him need to ask hard questions about what he’s chosen to make his meaning out of and whether he’s capable of it turns him from an internally stable character into an internally unstable character. He loses sight of himself and starts trying to carve himself down so he can continue to fit a square peg in a round hole—literally trying to become his dad.
Introducing this type of conflict could also give our side characters like Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins to have some relevancy or even some poignant emotional moments as Hiccup continually tries to change himself as a person and slowly alienates himself from his friends, who start to miss him. Astrid could act as a bridge between them, trying to steer Hiccup down a path she thinks is more healthy, but Hiccup’s stubbornness is the reason why they have disagreements about maturity (instead of him not being ready to move their relationship along because he has too much of an attachment to Toothless, or whatever). It also establishes Astrid as a character with more agency—she warmed up to Hiccup romantically for specific reasons in the first movie and in past Dragons episodes (ROB “Thawfest” is specifically what I’m thinking of) and she’s commented on some of Hiccup’s more unsavory behavior to let him know when he’s straying away from who he is. She’s an outspoken person! Let her speak and be the support the third movie wanted her to be.
Like I mentioned before, Toothless and his family having disagreements on humans could characterize them a lot if done well. Them coming to some sort of compromise with him would also lend to this feeling. It would happen after some inciting incident (not in the narrative structure sense, I just can’t find another phrase for it), showing one thing I felt was sorely lacking in the original movie: the consistent idea that dragons have never been inherently aggressive. The night furies can consciously choose who to and who not to associate with, and are okay with setting aside some differences temporarily for the sake of defeating the big villain. It tells the audience, briefly, after Toothless has been trying to win them over, that peace might actually be possible.
Then the plot twist rug pulls that. The shoved aside animosity the night furies have for humans comes to a head and ruins their alliance, sending the whole thing spiraling (assumedly in the middle of a coordinated attack or battle). Again, this raises the stakes and makes the conflict dire enough to genuinely think of separating Toothless and Hiccup after they’ve been glued at the hip for the rest of the franchise. The night furies gave it a shot, the humans reached out, and it all went to shit anyways. It got everyone hurt.
I’m not sure exactly what kind of consequence there would be for this. I’m trying hard to lean into what Dreamworks would actually put on a big screen, so I don’t think anyone would die, but there needs to be some escalation of stakes to make the villain half as impactful as Drago, who again, literally killed Stoick. I’m actually leaning towards Toothless and one of the night furies (maybe Toothless’ aforementioned mom) getting captured, causing the night furies to turn on Berk. Maybe Cloudjumper or Stormfly get injured pretty badly as well (non-graphically, of course). Grimmel, if the villain is Grimmel, doesn’t care whether the dragons on Berk are furies or not, he’s going to keep coming after all of them as long as they’re in his way. It’s not only Hiccup and Toothless’ issue anymore.
Having this olive branch between the humans and Toothless’ family be ruined does to the audience what it does to the characters: makes them ask “Is what we’re fighting for really possible? Can we actually help all dragons and humans work together?”
*Yeah, this is where the asterisk comes in.
Hiccup’s instability relating to his self-image comes to a head. Maybe he encourages Toothless to leave, makes him a new tail (or maybe has one already for emergencies or made it during a moment of doubt earlier on) and tells him to go—this is the reason why I emphasize there being consequences comparable to Stoick dying. Something bad enough needs to happen that Hiccup’s vision internally crumbles.
Now comes the “this is who you are, son” moment. The previous moment encouraged Hiccup to continue fighting against Drago, and this one needs to do something similar. I actually like the idea of Valka encouraging Astrid to say something, but I also like the idea of Valka having no idea what to say (she’s always been idealistic, this would be a big blow to her as well) and Astrid surging forward instead.
I said in the bullet points that Hiccup needs to accept that his father is dead, that he was a human who made mistakes, and that he needs to let his legacy go. This isn’t me saying the correct course of action is to forget about Stoick and do the opposite of everything he once did—its to give Hiccup a dose of reality. He spent his entire life chasing acceptance from Stoick, even in the second movie he was avoiding having difficult conversations about the future with him. Doing what he’s been doing so far (destroying himself, changing his personality, trying to carry the responsibilities of chiefdom and live up to the type of leader Stoick was) has just become another desperate bid for belonging to a group of people who are the next best thing to his father. He’s losing who he is. He isn’t being Hiccup, he’s being Hiccup’s impression of his dead dad.
It coming from Astrid sets up a callback to the first movie—“what are you going to do about it?” The original HTTYD3 does this as well, but I think this would be more apt a comparison. Hiccup doesn’t have Toothless at this point in the story (captured), he doesn’t have a plan, he’s lost hope. By all means, he’s a scared 15 year old who just got disowned again. But Astrid reminds him who that scared 15 year old was and what he did to fix it.
Hiccup needs to respect Stoick enough to know he wouldn’t have wanted him to live in his shadow forever, and he needs to respect himself, as his own person, enough to let go of the comfort that chasing the idea of someone gives. By not giving up, he rediscovers his roots.
I think maturing enough to realize you aren’t the same as your parents and never can be is a more interesting, relevant, and impactful message about growing up than what the original movie says.
This is where the lack of focus on actual plot points kind of makes this post suffer. I mentioned earlier that Toothless and one of the night furies get captured—imagine the rest of the family go after the villain themselves and the riders going to help their losing battle is what prompts growth and the climactic battle. I don’t know. Make up a scenario.
I liked this (the “save him” scene) in the original movie. Toothless is always getting into shit for Hiccup, so Hiccup returning the favor is very full-circle. One of the things I didn’t like, IIRC, was Toothless being unconscious.
Struggling to get free of his bonds and surrounded by enemies, Toothless is unable to move much. His attention snaps to Hiccup’s screams and he watches helplessly as he can’t do anything, visibly agonized. One of the night furies, realizing just how important this human is to Toothless, saves him instead.
The immediate battle resolves with Hiccup and Toothless reunited, the villain’s forces begin fleeing. I want to emphasize that Grimmel (or, once again, whoever the villain is) does not die in this movie, just suffers a heavy blow.
There’s initial celebration but Grimmel surviving and a line sets the mood as somber near immediately, something like “They’ll be back.” The riders and Berk stand on the cliff and watch the villain regroup with their army/armada or whatever and start to retreat, sailing off. Maybe there’s a moment of lingering eye contact between the villain and Hiccup. There’s knowledge that the night furies, and thus all the dragons on Berk, still aren’t going to be safe. And the night furies understand too, as they shy away from other humans despite letting Hiccup closer. Their beef with Berk as a whole still isn’t resolved. One of them goes so far as to growl at even Valka, who tries reaching out.
This is where the sacrifice comes in, introducing the idea of love being loss. Hiccup looks between the two parties—night furies still distrustful of Berk and Berk hurting from the battle that wasn’t even fully victorious. Hiccup decides that they’ll never change anything by staying where they are, by demanding dragons come to them for refuge instead of making places safe for them elsewhere. What they’re fighting for is bigger than him and Berk. It’s going to be an endless struggle, but by bringing his arc full-circle back to the Hiccup we love, he refuses to give up on his dreams of peace.
It’s a huge decision to make, but he softly says he needs to go and explains why: that he’s willing to give up what he has on Berk, that he’s willing to give up his biological family’s legacy for the one he believes in. He’s found his “belonging,” and it’s making a difference where his presence won’t draw the line of fire. It’s not like Grimmel could touch him with a group of night furies anyways.
I’d also argue that what Hiccup gives up in this rewrite—chiefdom, life on Berk, a future with Astrid and his friends—is a much greater sacrifice for Toothless than letting him go. He actually ensures Toothless and his family a future by leaving to make progress with them instead of staying and hoping humanity will achieve the fruitless task of forever-unity before they and their flock of other human-fearing dragons can safely return from the Hidden World.
Of course something like this needs big goodbyes, so there’s feels.
Hiccup gives Astrid the chiefdom, saying he’s never met someone as qualified as her. Toothless, possibly still feeling guilty over getting him injured, requests Cloudjumper keep the Berk flock safe. It’s a little piece of them to remember.
As mentioned before, Valka promises to continue work on peace from Berk’s angle, to make the world safe for all dragons as she promised in HTTYD2 (which also contrasts with her attitude in that movie, showing her emotional growth as a character. Whereas before she was unwilling to acknowledge people capable of change, now she believes in the betterment of humans and is willing to dedicate herself to working with them for their shared dream).
The Haddock line ends.
There’s a heavy, long shot of Hiccup looking back at Berk and their dragons as they get smaller and eventually the cliff disappears over the horizon, his head laying on top of Toothless as they fly towards unknown territory (on reflection… the Hidden World doesn’t even matter that much in this rewrite. huh!) The scene ends with the sunset giving way into the blackness of nighttime, and then a few bursts of light as stars blink awake.
The epilogue in the original movie was quite literally an add-on. That’s the reason why it feels so out of place and contradictory to the “all dragons leave” ending. This epilogue, due to it being in context of progress actually being made towards peace and who the reunion is between, actually serves to reinforce the movie’s ending. Also it makes the audience happy seeing Hiccstrid again. That’s all I’ll say because the bullet point is otherwise self-explanatory.
if you read this far down, i love you and hopefully this was fun or interesting :)
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lilmissbacon · 1 year
Rewriting&Redesigning Dragons: the Nine Realms — Part 2/4
Alex Gonzalez
She’s the only character in the show that’s amazing as is. Maybe what could first clue her into the fact that Erik and his mom are keeping something secret would be that Alex was checking over security footage she hacked into and sees how Olivia really deterrents the scientists from going near the cave that she had helped Erik find.
I should probably note; Olivia is the reason these scientists aren’t finding the dragons. She’s established to be a sweet talker in the first episode. So she’s able to reverse phycology these guys into searching in areas away from where the dragons are. And if any evidence are found on the Icarus drones, she’s able to swipe and delete them before anyone gets to see. Which Alex takes over the task of doing after she joins dragon club since she’s the hacker and to lighten Olivia’s load. She’s doing so much as it is.
I would also add things to Alex like her showing Erik the scar from when the dog bit her has a kid and how she’s into tech because her moms are engineers. (They never explain what her moms do, I kinda just assumed because they have uniforms while Olivia and May —the scientists— don’t.) Also note that she’s a killer gamer. And maybe she’s into sewing, so she likes to add decor to her clothes like Mirabel from Encanto. Alex didn’t go outside at all anyway so she’s gotta regulate her screen time somehow.
In fact I think that would be a great lead up into how they make the suits of armor.
Audrie Greywind also had the idea that in the post Skrill battle (which in this rewrite, would be the season 2 prologue), that instead of finding a random spearhead, they find Hiccup’s shoulder-pad from httyd3 instead. Because not only would it make for an actually good callback, but because it had the symbol and was made from Toothless’s scales. So it would’ve been the perfect confirmation that Erik’s ancestors knew Thunder’s in some way.
Erik and Alex could worked together to make the saddles because Erik’s the blacksmith and Alex is superior at sewing. But then when they find the shoulder-pad, this could immediately inspire Jun to design them all armor from their dragon’s molted skin (which the dragons shedding skin would be pointed out in an earlier episode, at random, when the find some in their cave — after all Olivia wants to study these things) and Erik + Alex would work together to make them.
The conversation would start with Jun suggesting to design these just for fun, not thinking much further from that. But then one of the others would immediately recognize that the suits would most likely help them explore the fire realm since their dragons are fire resistant. A convo like this would make this plot progression feel much more natural.
Also I should mention that this could symbolize how Erik and Alex would get together. I don’t really care too much about the shipping but if Erik has to be with anyone, I’d say Alex. Like I said, Jun just works more as a sister figure for Erik, especially in this rewrite. And I can easily see Erik and Alex having crushes on each other; Alex after Erik helps her with her PTSD and Erik after Alex gives him the inspirational talk in ‘Downpour.’
And I’m gonna put this here, the reason why Erik doesn’t tell the others about his heritage isn’t going to be “just because,” but rather that he’s just bad at communicating XD. It’s not that he’s a ‘lone wolf’ or whatever angst, he just jumps before he looks, including with information, and he just didn’t think to tell the others. Just like how he told Jun about his discovery without thinking about how she could’ve immediately ratted him out to Rakke Corp. Like I said, they’re dumb teenagers. Olivia can be the same way, like how when she chose to keep the dragons a secret from the corporation, she didn’t think about what could happen if she were discovered to have withheld and tampered with information. And the others aren’t going to get mad when they find out about his heritage, because why would they? They’re just kinda annoyed that “this has been the reason you were acting weird?”
D’Angelo: So you’ve been acting weird because you found out an ancestor from, like, a thousand years ago may have known a dragon?
Alex: And this would make you act weird because...?
Erik: Because they didn’t know some random dragon, they may have known Thunder’s ancestor specifically and... I don’t know, the chances are one in a billion of something like that happening, right?
Jun: Okay, I know you’re super proud about your heritage but isn’t that a bit of a stretch?
Alex: And you didn’t think to explain this to us beforehand, because...?
Erik: ... uh...
D’Angelo: Dude.
Eugene Wong
Remember when I said in Tom/Erik’s section that he’s one of two I changed names? Yeah, Eugene is the second. “Eugene” just doesn’t fit him and just felt super random compared to May and Jun. But then I thought of something; it almost seemed like the two women were named after months of the year specifically. That was most likely a coincidence —given that Jun’s name doesn’t have an E at the end— but still, I felt like that would be a cool angle to look at it. So in choosing a new name, I decided on “August.”
For the reasons why he acts the way he does, I believe could stem from his relationship with their father. Given that their dad is so close to Jun, maybe the reason why that was, was because their dad just couldn’t figure out how to connect with August. He’s not neglectful by any means, but because August isn’t into legends, cultures or history, the only way he feels he can compensate, is by giving August whatever he wants. And in turn, August has become a bit spoiled. But now he tries to get attention from strangers on the internet —via; Instagram or Tiktok— because he feels ignored by their dad (since he doesn’t know why his dad doesn’t really talk to him.)
I would also make it apparent that August was protective of Jun and that they were super close as kids but drifted apart as they got older because of August’s attention-seeking habits embarrassing Jun in public or at school and such.
After joining dragon club, he would be trying to make amends to Jun and I would even make an episode where he thinks that Jun romantically likes Erik. So he constantly tries to get them alone together or confess despite there being nothing to confess. It would all come to a conclusion when Jun finally takes August aside and yells at him because, at this point, she’s pissed off at the way he’s been acting all day. He’d then be sad and explain what he’s been doing and why, which would make Jun feel soft that he tried to do something for her, before explaining that she doesn’t see Erik that way.
Instead of having Thunder’s arc being that he’s looking for other Nightlights, I would have him being half Skrill. I made a post about this being a theory of mine and I think it could make for Thunder getting a story similar to Heather and Dagur’s in rtte. The Skrill he fights could be like his half brother. There could be more Skrills that the Vikings didn’t know about, in the Hidden World (like maybe they went into hiding there after they were being hunted down.) And maybe because Thunder is part Light Fury, the Skrill’s kicked him out of their herd, so now they have beef with one another because of that. Maybe it could be Erik’s idea to go looking for the other dragons that he is mixed from (i.e. the Light Furies) but then he realizes that Thunder was never looking for a biological family because he made a family through dragon club. I think it would make for a very sweet arc, in learning that family doesn’t have to be blood.
For Jun’s dragon, I decided to make a whole new one. Because I’ll admit, giving the one asian girl a clearly asian dragon does feel a little weird. I do like the idea of dragons based on other cultures though, so I figured, I’ll make a dragon that has the general silhouette of a Chinese dragon and is related to water but literally everything else is off. Kinda like the Bubblehorn being the human’s inspiration for unicorns, except that it and the Spiderwing do not exist in this rewrite. Jun’s dragon will be an adorable dumbass though.
Plowhorn and Feathers basically stay the same except for somewhat different looks and I’d rename Feathers to be “Pluma.”
For the Skrill they fight, instead of it just walking away to never be seen again, I'd have so that Olivia wasn’t there for the fight but manages to track down the kids after she gets out of work and eventually help the injured Skrill and therefore bond with it. That way, she and Erik both have electric dragons. And through this, over the course of the story, Thunder and the Skrill would come to care for one another by the end. Again, kinda like Heather and Dagur.
Instead of August befriending a whole new dragon, I’d have him befriend the Monstrous Nightmare the riders used to test the fire suits. (Recolored, of course, so it’s not just a Fanghook copy.) And I will say they are NOT using Monstrous Nightmare gel to glue the suits together because no. Crushed up scales, dragon spit and stitches, that's all they need. Instead of the kids louring the dragon to their cave to test the suits, they do successful tests near the fire realm entrance and the then the dragon just gets excited and follows them out the cave because it wants more fish. Leave it at that.
Instead of the earthquakes being caused by a new dragon called the Fault Ripper, I’d have it be a herd of Whispering Deaths. It would’ve been an amazing call back and they do the exact same thing as the Fault Ripper except they actually have a reason to dig unlike the discount Shrek dragon. Because Olivia is in on the secret in this version, her plan to detonate bombs would actually be a cover up plan to attack and get rid of the Whispering Deaths, via the missiles. Erik isn’t going to feel bad about this because no. And then the season 3 finale (my version, season 2 finale), instead of yet another new large dragon for the final boss, we get a Screaming Death. What I would do is half way through season 2, have the kids discover a large egg that seems to have been abandoned and after it hatches, they choose to take care of the baby. Even as it starts to get really big. The dragons don’t like this baby dragon for some reason (except Jun’s dragon because he’s a sweet dumbass) but the riders ignore it. Until the two-part finale when part 1 has dragon club coming to realize that the baby dragon is an offspring of the Whispering Deaths they drove away and the ending leaves with the Whispering Deaths finally coming back after hearing the calls from the baby. Part 2 has the riders finding a way to reunite the Screaming Death with it’s mother. 
It’s a multi set up and pay off that you can even save money with because you’d just be reusing the past models.
The way they brought in the Razorwhip was stupid. You want a dragon that can create a fire tornado, fit within the realm it resides in and make the battle even more riveting with other kinds of attacks? Literally would fix the entire thing by making the cameo be a Dramillion. It already had so little screen time in rtte, it would’ve been really nice to see.
Now you may be wondering, “where’s Dr. Sledkin and Buzzsaw in this?” Exactly... they doesn’t in this. Leonard’s so useless and so unthreatening that it’s hysterical. He’s literally the only aspect of this show that I wish would just die.
For Sledkin, I think I’d make her a redeemed character. It’s made apparent that she and Olivia knew each other back in the day and I would like to dive into that at some point. They knew each other in college. Sledkin was in the top of her class until Olivia came along and beat her at the game. Olivia obviously didn’t know this and doesn’t understand why Sledkin hates her but she hates her back for the way she’s now being treated. This goes on for years and the only reason Sledkin rose in the Rakke Corp ranks so quickly is because her uncle is at the top and helped her along. Once that happened, it’s been a handful of years since she’d seen Olivia until Project Icarus. And in those few years, she realized how childish she was and wants to try and make it up to Olivia. So she starts taking more of the hard-to-do assignments from Olivia so the mother can have more relax time, which unknowingly gives Olivia more free time with the dragons and kids but also takes away from Olivia being able to direct the scientists away from the dragons and puts them at more risk of being found. Because Sledkin's intentions aren't relayed to the audience yet, this makes Olivia and us think she’s doing this for selfish reasons. So she can try to take credit for any possible discoveries.
Then that would all come to a head in season 2 or 3 when Sledkin and Olivia are... doing fieldwork? I don’t remember what or why in the original. But because Leonard is no longer with us, I’d have this be the scene where they finally talk about why Sledkin has been taking so many assignments and how Olivia is angry about the grudge that she thinks Sledkin still has. This would be where it’s revealed to her and the audience that she thought Olivia was happy to have more time with Erik and was just trying to do something nice. This would make Olivia a bit more sympathetic towards her and agree to forgive her if she stops taking her assignments and communicate better, then maybe they could even be friends someday. If I had my way I’d even go so far as for Sledkin to have a crush on Olivia, but that’s more subjective. Idk they feel like an enemies to lovers trope, even in the canon show.
But with the redemption of Sledkin and the deletion of LeoNerd then what antagonist are we going to get? Just Rakke Corp's presence. That’s not gonna be interesting enough. Well, I have a batshit crazy idea that this show could do and I think no one would see coming while also leaving the audience floored.
Have Icarus scientists find the frozen body of Traitor Johann and discover him to still be alive.
Listen, I have even looked into this and no, it is virtually impossible to be frozen in time Captain America style. However, Johann was frozen instantly rather than over time and we have no idea what kind of substance’s are in the Bewilderbeast’s ice. Ice usually isn’t green after all.
If Johann were to come back, it would make for an actual tie in to the original franchise and could invoke consequences to Erik and Olivia being descendants of Hiccup. An actual narrative reason for them being descendants. If Johann were to find this information out as well as the fact that, even 1300 years later, they are still friends with dragons, he’d no doubt try to take revenge or even kill them. I think he’d figure out exactly what Rakke Corp wants and try to find a way to reveal the dragons in order for them to be exploited. Then he’d probably try to push Erik and Olivia into the fissure, to their deaths, but then they could be saved by the Screaming Death making its comeback. Or maybe its mother, in gratitude that they took care of and returned her baby. In similar vein to RttE when Hiccup and Snotlout were collecting Screaming Death scales and its mother stopped it from hurting Hiccup, for similar reasons.
Again, it’s a batshit crazy idea that I feel could really work in this series.
Now parts 3 + 4 will be the redesigns.
Links: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
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aevyk-ing · 3 years
I’m writing a HTTYD3 script
So two years after The Hidden World and coming to terms about how I can still love the franchise despite its flaws and degradation, I woke up a week ago, thinking about how I’d make a better script, knowing that I wouldn’t even keep the intro scene and that I would change a lot of things to make a movie I actually would enjoy.
I’m currently on the 67 pages mark, but the main story could be told in 45. Aside from the script, I redesigned the character’s outfits because apparently I don’t have enough projects in progress. 
Anyway, I’ll post it on my AO3 soon, but here’s a list of things you can expect (and please, keep in mind this is heavily based on what I would have liked to see):
-Classic HTTYD movie intro. Yes, starting with narration.
-Lots of scenes of the gang interacting with each other and different characters talking.
-Changing all the characters motivations and arcs.
-Taking into account not only the last movie but also the series (if you’re not a Race to the Edge fan, maybe this is not entirely for you).
-Toothless’ mate is actually likeable (well, I tried).
-The ending has two parts, a bittersweet one and a happy one.
-Someone is going to die (sorry).
-The structure starts in a similar way but soon will take its own course, even though some scenes were kept and modified.
-I’m sure there’s going to be some mistakes (English is not my main language) and they’re the only thing I’ll correct after posting it.
I can’t keep talking without spoilering myself, so stay tuned to both this account and my art one to see more about my HTTYD3 version.
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the-fanaddict · 3 years
so who wants to write an httyd3 fanfic/rewrite with that original conclusion because that old script reopened so many suppressed wounds
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walks-the-ages · 3 years
Where did my post about how I would rewrite httyd3 vanish to.
When will it return from the war :/
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kingofthewilderwest · 4 years
One of the major flaws of HTTYD 3 in comparison to its predecessors is how childish the movie felt. The first two movies had the occasional joke but were still extremely mature in their storytelling. Have you read the article "Dreamworks execs have an incredible reason for why their films are unpopular" ? It came out a year after the second movie, and explains why they dumbed down the third.
It’s an interesting article and I’ve always thought there was some truth in the opinion: to their detriment, DreamWorks’ latest films haven’t focused on the creatively wild, often more mature spark that made things like How to Train Your Dragon, The Croods, Rise of the Guardians, Megamind, or The Prince of Egypt quality films. As the article writer notes:
Animated films, if anything, attract a much broader audience of older children, teens, and adults than they ever did in the Eighties and Nineties. Ironically, DreamWorks’s own films in the 2000s played a significant role in expanding the public’s perception about animated features. Now, DreamWorks is betting against its own history as they try to get back on track.
That said. Many of the earliest DreamWorks productions have a somewhat mature appeal to them, but I feel like DreamWorks has long played the game of wide audience appeal commercialism. For a period of time, they balanced their “artistic” or “venturesome” films against their “safer cash” films. The fluffier Turbo was released just one year before HTTYD2; Kung Fu Panda 3 and The Boss Baby were released a year apart, too. There was a sense of balance, letting the fluffier, probably more kid-appealing films earn money, while allowing them to take risks on more unique ventures. I’m not sure if that was their actual strategy, but regardless: balance of maturity. (And for the record, calling some DreamWorks movies “fluffier” is not intended to be an insult; I myself love their Mr. Peabody & Sherman).
And I think the reason I was so hardcore on board the DreamWorks train is that, whether it was an ill-conceived mistake (Shark Tale) or a big “what the fuck” (Bee Movie) or feeling somewhat adult (Antz), DreamWorks was willing to take those risks. DreamWorks was willing to be quirky. And DreamWorks was willing to put heart into everything; Mr. Peabody & Sherman definitely has heart to it, as does Home, as does Turbo from what I remember (only saw that one once).
I feel like advertisements for Trolls and The Boss Baby is where my friendship circles started to feel less enthused about DreamWorks. At that point, I saw some trust failing for DreamWorks’ creative direction - that DreamWorks was dumbing down their movies for children rather than making fluff family films with heart. The key phrase is “dumbing down.” There’s a huge difference between writing children’s stories and dumbing down for children. And that’s what this article writer was calling out, too.
Ghibli movies are written for children. Disney 2D animated films bring awe to children. How to Train Your Dragon understood that lots of its audience members would be children. But you breathe life into a quality story that children and adults can enjoy! Making a bunch of crappy jokes dumbed down to children is stuff like... at its worst... Norm of the North. When you’re making something shoddier, with half-assed fart jokes, because of an implicit idea children’s media doesn’t have to be as quality... because children allegedly aren’t going to notice quality... that’s where we run into problems.
Now, I’m not going to say whether or not I think DreamWorks has actually begun dumbing down its films. I know that’s the impression in my peer group. I know that’s an impression I’ve felt inside my heart, too. But I haven’t seen Trolls or Trolls World Tour or The Boss Baby so I can’t judge. But I think it’s safe to say there has been a gradual shift over time. And that escalated post-2014, where we got this from DreamWorks execs:
…the company's slate changes are more realistic/in-tune with the evolution in changes in the box office market as the 2012-2014 film challenges were tied to films which skewed older right as the box office began to see changes whereby animation demand was increasingly skewing younger as kids began to age out of the genre earlier. While we view the ability to reduce P&A as more difficult given the need to advertise to two distinct groups (kids and moms), the combination of both cost reductions in production and a younger skewing slate, do position the slate better in our view.
And my impression is it’s escalated lately (but I only have a small sample size of films, so I take what I say with a grain of salt). I remember during the NBCUniversal acquisition in 2016, fans feared DreamWorks would lose its sometimes mature, sometimes quirky heart. That the company would be in a downfall state for quality.
I had hoped that HTTYD3 might be a bastion against efforts to commercialize with cash-easy, not-as-heart-ful “kid” appeals. THW grossing a lot of money could help leadership remember that diverse audiences, not tiny children, can and do watch animated films - 3D animation’s just not a guaranteed success because it’s a more saturated market. It could at least let the tradition of some DreamWorks gutsier creative films perpetuate.
And I do think that THW doesn’t have as many problems as, say, The Boss Baby probably does, when it comes to “kid-specific appeal”. I feel like the tone in THW has a middle ground. THW was never going to be as dark as HTTYD2; DeBlois made that clear since the release of HTTYD2; but I do think there might have been an effort to lighten tone in places (ergo the large number of gag jokes that cluttered the film). There’s absolutely mature ideas inside THW: the concept of parting ways with someone you love because it’s better for both of you... that’s meaty... that’s something that even adults grapple with. Hiccup’s flashbacks with Stoick have the simple but in-depth storytelling mood I know of the How to Train Your Dragon brand. So I would phrase it as it’s not a case of complete dumbing down so much as it is some imperfect tonal choices and plot focuses (too much spotlighting on the Light Fury romance, for instance, and not weeding out an excessive amount of jokes... that again... cluttered the film). The first two HTTYD movies feel like carefully honed storytelling, capturing the essence of what their story needed. The third needed tonal and content reorganization. The presentation of stakes and plot progression weren’t on par with the first two films. The Hiccup-Toothless separation didn’t pack a hard punch to me because the steps we took to get to the end weren’t the tonal footsteps we needed.
There’s a reason I charged to theatres the weekend Abominable released (mind, this was before the map controversy over the film came out). I was hoping Abominable could be a DreamWorks film with art and heart. And you know? I think that Abominable was one draft short of being *INCREDIBLE*. The problem is it was one draft short. It stayed superficial instead of diving into the meat. The plot pacing was slow because we didn’t get into the meat, the characterization felt awkwardly paced and whiplashy because it didn’t get into the meat, and the humor felt childish rather than taking full advantage of things like character relations. But the inside heart - the inside potential - of Abominable is monumental. It’s still not a bad film! If they’d gotten that next draft, Pearl and DreamWorks could have had a piece on par with Megamind and The Croods. I absolutely believe that. If I had time, I would rewrite Abominable in fanfiction and show how much potential this thing had.
DreamWorks is no longer a young studio exploring whatever the crap it wants because it’s the new guy finding his voice or rebelling against the other voice. DreamWorks is an established powerhouse. And with establishment comes a certain degree of safety-playing and standardization of content. I don’t expect we’ll get as many wild tone shifts as Bee Movie (11/2007) to Kung Fu Panda (6/2008) or How to Train Your Dragon 2 (6/2014) to freaking Penguins of Madagascar (11/2014).
That’s not to say DreamWorks does or doesn’t make quality films. I admit I don’t have high hopes on some things like The Boss Baby 2. I do have my fingers crossed for The Wizards of Once; I hoooope that DreamWorks can treat TWOO as they did HTTYD... something with simple, powerful, overflowing, artistic heart.
Who knows. Guess we’ll see.
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artist-issues · 1 year
People be asking after the HTTYD3-rewrite thing I did so here’s the Old Night Fury
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I dunno. I’ve never tried to draw Toothless before
Let’s flesh out the Old Night Fury, for funsies:
- He never makes any purring noises or cooing noises.
- He does this thing in mid-air when Toothless is following him where he dives straight down, then snaps open his wings and halts because his wings are bigger and stronger than Toothless’, causing the heroes to shoot straight past him. Usually when they wheel around, Old Night Fury is gone.
- He signals to the Light Fury Flock by opening and closing his back spines quickly, which makes a clicking noise. For this reason Tuffnut calls him Shutter.  - His plasma blasts are paler than Toothless’.  - When he returns to the spot where the Fury Flock is resting to find Hiccup and Toothless watching from the edge, he immediately attacks and rips Hiccup’s peg leg straight off before Toothless intervenes. 
He’s just basically the bigger, slightly darker (because reptiles darken as they get older) and spikier Toothless before being tamed—no hesitation, he just always immediately chooses violence.  He never really warms up to Hiccup or Toothless, and actually we’ll say the Love Interest Fury actually has to get between him and a protective charge from Old Night Fury right before Grimmel catches up and kills him. Maybe if Old Night Fury hadn’t been distracted by Hiccup and Toothless, he could’ve heard Grimmel coming as usual 🤷‍♀️ 
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I just copy-pasted exactly what I had written down. Some of it I don’t think I’ve edited in a couple of years:
Rewrites of (some/all) movies??
Merida has begun to move on, though her mother still asks about marriage. There is some push, until Merida only realizes that it is not to force her, but worry about a lack of courtship. Merida had watched men and women (though Merida didn’t want to deal with the whole power thing and lack of heir) in ways she wouldn’t call love. She wanted…intimacy, and would willingly have sex, but love? Love such as that between her mother and father? That she did not understand. However, two years after her mother was turned into a bear, the heirs to the other clans come back to visit. Young MacGuffin still speaks in his dialect, though is finding it easier to speak in a more common tongue. Young Macintosh is still full of himself, though he has also improved himself as a warrior and in temperament. Wee Dingwall seems unchanged, though perhaps he is more together in his head. However, the festivities are being overshadowed - the Macintosh clan are no longer content to be under the DunBrochs, and Lord Macintosh is being influenced by an ancient creature called Irtarr, the Specter…
Hiccup discovers a portal to another world, and goes through it. He discovers a different country to the south, and meets the clans in the fallout of Irtarr’s invasion. Occurs after whatever happens in HTTYD3?
Corona had emerged from its dark times, the princess having returned. Since her return, Rapunzel had married Eugene and together they had a daughter named Rose. However, some months after her birth, Arendelle was finally going to crown its queen. Rapunzel had recovered from childbirth, and so the two went to represent Corona. However, they were delayed from returning to Corona nor did they receive the news of what had happened. Days after their departure, the castle was attacked. Several artifacts were stolen, and baby Rose was kidnapped. Rapunzel and Eugene return, and immediately begin the search for their daughter. They are joined by the enigmatic Alaois, and the disgraced prince Alun, in their search for the infant before something is awakened. Before their daughter dies.
Elsa experiments further with her powers, and confronts her past. She returns to the destroyed palace, tearing it down and building it anew. However, doing so attracts visitors of a new sort. A young man that Elsa finds familiar calls himself Aksel and introduces his companion as Čuvje. The two caution her to be wary of the mountains, as spirits lurk there. Elsa is doubtful, as two years prior she had spent time in the mountain after causing an impromptu winter. The two vanish. Meanwhile, Anna has begun to discover strange things happen to her and water. A creature begins speaking to her in her dreams, a creature of shadow. It says it is Irtarr, the Specter, the one who comes to help all those gifted. Anna asks if it helped Elsa, and Irtarr says it was sleeping, but has recently been awakened and offers her help. First, she must find it in the mountains before ‘villains’ destroy it - Čuvje and Aksel.
Irtarr is growing in power. The rifts have been placed under control, but the Council. Corona has begun to recover from the lost of Rose, and Arendelle is recovering from the almost-war with the Council - in particular Aksel and Čuvje. The legacy of Irtarr is becoming the present.
Years after the Irtarr’s defeat, the spirits and the world have changed. The world is modern - powers are being created by man in the ‘30s and ‘40s, and then being passed on to offspring. Violet Parr is a superhero in the ‘60s, but soon finds herself in a time she did not expect. She met a boy named Wilbur, and they end up stranded in the year 2037. Wilbur is unable to contact his family or send Violet home. They then meet the spirits, who have been awoken by their trip and by a new force with the powers of old…because someone who died in 2032 did not quite die. And they find Puck, who has been hiding themselves away.
Jack Frost begins to search for his sister in the early 21st century - or rather what became of her. Even with the kids helping him, and the guardians, none seem to be able to track down what happened. Then Jamie and Sophie disappear. The Guardians discover others are disappearing - not just children, not just mortals. The two investigations begin to connect as history becomes confused and people appear with memories of another world.
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tenebrius-excellium · 3 years
I feel the terrible need to rewrite Httyd3, because I listened to the soundtrack today and I was like...no. Wayyy too much Grimmel and wayyy too much corny romance in there. Like, WHO...I’m sorry WHO came up with the thought that a franchise that is literally beloved for their main characters’ PLATONIC friendship needed to focus on more romance??? WHERE ARE THE OTHER NIGHT FURIES DEAN WHERE- DUDE. Why did you think that after 9 years of Httyd, Toothless was to be treated like a dumb PET? It was LITERALLY the appeal that he was smart. That dragons generally were a lot smarter than what the vikings took them for. Animal instincts can go to Disney, you were better than that. Also what’s with all the unasked for nostalgia, IT HURTSSS. 
Httyd3 was saved by John Powell and by gorgeous animation, not by plot. All scenes were so amazing and yet so empty. Astrid was an absolute Queen and Toothless was a plastic puppy. Grimmel was a joke, and yet Hiccup’s journey was so important. Phew. Okay that’s my rant for the night.
I need more Night Furies asap...
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heliianth · 2 years
httyd3 rewrite post in the drafts im just waiting for bestie feedback ^-^
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thechurchofapathy · 6 years
Don't worry guys, whatever happens in httyd3 it'll be okay. I'm here, and I'm ready to rewrite the entire ending to my liking.
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primedoverlord · 7 years
Race Against Time II Ch 1 -- Modern Dragons 
We get a small glimpse into our modern era with the return of dragons. 
(At some point I plan on rewriting the first dramatic adventure. And I won’t rewrite this sequel until HTTYD3 comes out. Chapters will be released as they are written, and likely posted on Fridays.)
Clunk-Tchk! Clunk-Tchk!
The sound of armored men and women echoed in the alley way as they lined up along an old building in the eastern district of Tokyo Town New York.
Clunk-Tchk! Clunk-Tchk!
“Put your backs into it! This shipment has to be moved out tonight!” The foreman shouted, walking down narrow lanes of workers who packaged together dried contents, scale hide, and bone. He would hit the back of anyones head who slowed work process as he passed. Growing anxious with each passing minuet that his shipment of illegally obtained dragon parts isn’t secure.
Outside, the men and women of Precinct Twenty Seven had all lined up, ready to knock down the door as the battering ram came into place.
An ear splitting shriek suddenly echoed through out the alley way as dragons tore into the building. A pair of Monstrous Nightmares had set themselves on fire as they tore into the walls. Making a hole large enough. They then backed off as they glanced up into the night sky. Their leader coming in for a landing as the police bare witness to the famed dragon billionaire making an appearance.
“Chen Guanyu! You have upset the balance between man and dragon by trafficking parts that hold no properties to heal the ill.” Her voice carried over the cold crisp night air from the speakers within the helmet of her armor.
“You are guilty of making money off of the ill and dying with the promise of healing from the suffering of others.” Chen opened fire on her. The bullets bounce off of her armor left and right. The sound the weapon made upset the midnight purple Deadly Nadder she sat upon.
“If this is your choice.. So be it.” With a flick of her wrist, the two Monstrous Nightmares begin ascending on the building, tearing into it and setting it on fire before following the armored woman back into the night air. Screams of the innocent being burnt alive could be heard echoing from the building as the police immediately ran in to try and rescue those trapped inside.
“What is this!”
WHAM! A newspaper is slammed onto the desk before Renee Baxter. Before her stood her old friend and body guard, Jet Wheelan.
Reclusive Billionaire roasts a Tokyo Town sweat shop. Seven dead.— Front page headline. The image of smoldering remains pictured below.  
“Looks like the news to me.” Baxter replied dryly, seeing as the newspaper was in her way of finishing her paperwork.
“Just because you’re a billionaire with hundreds of toys at your disposal doesn’t mean you can go running off and taking the law into your own hands!” Jet was screaming at the top of his lungs by this point. His patience with her behavior up until this point has been dangling by a thin thread.
“You are not a super hero Bax.” He said, brows lowering solemnly. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.
“You’re right. I’m better than Iron Man.” Baxter smirked, seeing Jet’s brow twitch.
“No one is Iron Man! Look, if you keep this up you’re going to find yourself thrown in jail or worse.. This is not what Hiccup wanted when you promised to look after the dragons.” Jet reminded her.
“Chen Guanyu paid for his crimes.” Baxter spoke coldly.
“Tell that to the seven innocent people that died from smoke inhalation in that fire..” Jet reprimanded, pointing at the newspaper.
“I’m not just mad Bax.. I’m scared. For you. You’re not the innocent kid who wouldn’t hurt anyone that I use to know.”
“When you’ve spent TEN YEARS witnessing the destruction man can do to dragons, your blood would run cold with hatred as well.” She looked up at him, despondent.
Jet opened his mouth, about to speak but couldn’t find the words. Frustrated with what she’s become, Jet storms out. Leaving baxter behind with her thoughts. She goes to shove the newspaper aside, only to stop as she looked at it. Seven innocent people died in the fire she started that previous night. She wondered if what she did was the right choice before tossing the paper in to her waste basket.
A door splintered open as police swarmed into a run down home. Those inside were shouting and fleeing as the one suspect the police were after began running for his freedom. He reached down for a crow bar as he sailed through the back door and into his disheveled back yard. Banging the crow bar up against several piles of trash and debris, he then tossed the crow bar off as he scurried up the back fence and hopped down to the other side.
The police were hot on his trail, up until a shrieking scream came from back behind piled up debris. They backed off when they narrowly dodged a lightening blast as a dangerous dragon known as the Skrill came into view.
“How the hell did he get a Skrill?!” One officer shouted as they backed off.
“Go around the front! Catch up with him by State Avenue!” Another shouted over the wire.
“And where the hell is animal control!”
“Here captain..” A young woman of five foot four inches had approached from around the corner of the house. She flinched upon seeing the Skrill as it flexed its mighty wings, daring them to come close.
“Get out here and get that thing under control!” Captain Navarro demanded.
“I didn’t agree to the promotion to be a detective just to be sent to my death!” The woman argued. She refused to move from her spot by the side of the house.
“It’s the rookie’s job to contain dragons before transport. Now get in there or you will be put on desk duty!” Navarro shouted.
The woman didn’t like the sound of paper work on her first week on the job. She only agreed to this because it was what she was working up to in her career. As she approached the enraged creature, the others backed off, seeking shelter on the side of the house as they watched. She took one step closer and BZZZAPT! A lightening bolt nearly struck her.
“There is no way I am doing this..” She backed off as she pulled out her cell phone.
“What is she—is she mad?!” One officer shouted from the side of the house.
“She isn’t.. Is she? Has she read the news!?” Another objected.
For the past week, Baxter had been suffering night terrors. It was the same dream over and over. Running through a maze of dark tunnels, trying to escape an unknown enemy. It was exhausting to relive this over and over and never getting any resolve.
But this time, she wasn’t running from an unknown enemy. She was standing in the middle of a dark room. Before she could take a step, torches lit up the scene, revealing an ancient viking long house. Empty of life.
Find Him.
A familiar voice boomed throughout the room. But this voice was rasp with age.
“Hiccup?” Baxter called out.
Find Him.
The voice repeated. Baxter turned a full three hundred and sixty degrees, trying to find her friend and ancestor. He was not to be found.
“Find who!” She demanded as she looked around.
Find Berk and you will find him.
The voice replied.
“That doesn’t answer my question!” She argued to the disembodied voice.
Find him!
Baxter startled awake. The sound of the phone ringing madly in her ear. Groggily she picks up the phone and answers, only to draw silently.
“Just what do you think you’re doing calling that insane woman on the scene?” Navarro had started making his way towards the young rookie.
“There is no way I’m going to risk my life just to secure that monster.” She argued, pointing to the beast.
“Desk work, for a month.” Navarro growled, only to look skyward as a squawk had filled the air.
A mighty wind gust kicked up as the Nadder came in for a landing. The sharp cry from the Skrill was enough to upset the other dragon as its rider tried to steady him just long enough for her to hop off. Once she was off his back, the Nadder took off back into the sky. The rider approached both Navarro and the rookie.
“Keys.” She stated calmly, holding out her hand. They could see the sharp tips of her armored gloves.
“Look, we don’t need your assistance. We got this.” Navarro stated, glaring towards his rookie who held up the keys to the shackles. No response from the taller woman as she snatched the keys from the rookie’s grasp and walked out across the yard.
The task force watched in stark silence as the beast unleashed another blast of its electric attack. The woman rolled out of the way, dodging its attack to take refuge behind a stack of debris. Using the scattered debris, she inched her way closer to the fierce dragon.
“Easy big fella. I’m here to set you free.” She finally got close enough as she crouched low, inching her way closer. She was close enough to see that it was entangled in its own shackles. Her anger for this creature’s suffering grew as she quickly worked to free it.
Snap, the first shackle came off. Feeling its leg free, the Skrill immediately kicked her away, roaring in frustration as it tried to fly. Baxter skidded across the dirt yard to a stop, covering her head as the Skrill unleashed another electric shock. The blast struck the side of the house behind, narrowly missing her.
Behind, the others had ducked for cover as the beast attacked again. Navarro had to pull his rookie down to avoid a direct hit. Of which the woman screamed in fear as she heard the lightening zap over head. Feeling the heat from the attack.  
Baxter had rolled back onto her feet as she crouched low, inching her way back. Seeing the discarded crow bar, she grabbed it as she wedged it between the entangled chains and began to try and pry them apart. Finally the chains slackened, allowing the creature more room for its legs to move as one by one the shackles snapped off. Once the shackle around the neck was finally off, Baxter was again knocked back as the creature flexed its mighty wings. Lowering its upper body as if to bow towards her, the beast then took off in a flash of light.
“I should have you arrested.” Navarro stated as he came out once it was safe. Watching as bit by bit the helmet retracted into the armor, revealing the brown, never-been-combed hair of the woman.
“And I should report you to the PC.” Baxter turns to face him. Her teal green eyes piercing beneath her messy bangs.
“We had things under control—“
“Sending a young rookie to her death to face a Skrill, which is illegal to own to begin with, is not having things under control.” Baxter barked.
“You should consider getting your priorities in check captain. Before someone gets hurt, or worse.” She let out a loud whistle as she looked to the sky.
“Funny coming from someone who doesn’t bother letting us do our job.” Navarro spoke as the Nadder returned, this time more calmed now that the Skrill was gone. Allowing her to freely hop into her saddle.
“The day you do your job instead of sending in rookies will be the day I reconsider my actions.” Baxter replied as she stared coldly down at Captain Navarro. With the spread of wings, the Nadder took off into the air. Navarro watched as she disappeared into the distance, his frustration with her growing. As long as the woman was rich, there was no way he could keep her in jail for her crimes. She would just bail herself out. Time and time again. Not even House arrest could contain her. 
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