#httyd infected
thewolfwarriors · 2 months
Hiccup feels obligated to help the Wolf Warriors restore their home but it does come with severe risks as all adventures do.
This is the first of other refs I will make. The story I have is going on right now here
The new MLP Infection AUs have inspired me to work on my old fanfiction a lot. Its been so fulfilling and amazing. Obviously the format was also directly inspired from it too.
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thefanartisthoho · 2 months
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honeymilkbubbletea · 2 months
HTTYD Infection AU??? Nah man that's crazy 😦
It's just a doodle, nothing serious, just jumping on the infection trend 🤷‍♀️
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MLP Infection AUs infected my brain (haha, get it? "infected" because it's about infection c'mon guys, it's funny!)
Maybe I like them so much because they take me back to when I was little and watched Smile... Which definitely did NOT mess me up haha!
No, but really, some of them are actually good? Especially the ones that don't do the classic zombie virus stuff
I always preferred things like that to be actually explainable and not just "oh it's a mysterious virus but we actually don't know where it's from"
So I made my virus to be just Rabies, but worse and Rabies is already terrifying soooo
Oh, and also! There already is an HTTYD Infection AU! And it's pretty good! It's by sneebsnop on Instagram! Highly recommend checking them out!
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cujokroggo · 1 month
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Turn up your brightness. Turn it up. Now. He's watching. Don't waste his time.
Infection au!Viggo
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duoatomica · 23 days
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dragons-in-spaceee · 2 years
How to spot a httyd fan:
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jazzpurr-jay · 10 months
Jasper why is there rise of the brave tangled dragons on my dash
i cant help the hyperfixation </3
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savachpencil · 8 months
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I had the chance to come across this Race to the Edge story about a dragon with the ability to infect other creatures through its bite to turn them into half-dragon beasts like a werewolf. Some say that it is a disease like rabies, a poison that gives illusions or a real curse, personally, knowing that there is so me fiction in the series and movies, I like to think it's a real curse. I mean guys, There are women with dragon wings, the Norse gods are canon in the series, there are no established rules that Berk and its universe are realistic based lol.
I understand that this is the only legendary dragon that has not yet been disproved in all HTTYD content and that still remains a cryptid.
Part of it is that there aren't many descriptions and there aren't many images, so I spent a few hours several months ago trying to get the best possible description with the help of wikifandom and others stuff i found thanks to the series to make a simple drawing of how this guy could look like, it was funny and I'm happy with the results.
Also, Gobber describes it as a red creature with black eyes.
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
I’m very surprised none of the httyd fans ok TikTok did an infection au… because of the Buffalord episode. There’s some potential here yall. Or am I just missing out that there is an au and I just didn’t look hard enough.
Why that cursed social media specifically? (Sorry, I really hate tiktok, and from what I know the attitude of the fans there isn’t the greatest.)
But do you mean like, kind of like a zombie apocalypse sort of thing? I don’t think I’ve read one specifically about the Scourge of Odin, but @howtowhumpyourhiccup has excellent infection/zombie type stuff!!
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 3 months
Just a Kid - Epilogue
Summary: A Httyd Zombie AU set in the modern world. There are dragons.
At 15, Hiccup believes his biggest struggles are teachers who won't stop hounding him for his grades, a father who doesn't quite listen to him, or how unpopular he is at school. Every regular teenager's worst nightmare, right?
But then a new and mysterious illness that's been rapidly spreading amongst the populace takes a surprising turn and the day comes Hiccup wishes his former daily struggles had been the only struggles he would have to deal with.
He is, after all, just a kid.
Warnings: /
Rating: Mature
Words: 1 698
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Stormfly, Snotlout, Hookfang, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Barf and Belch, Fishlegs, Meatlug
Pairing: /
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I posted the prologue in January of 2021! I'm posting the epilogue in January of 2024!
And now on to the sequel! :)
Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Standing in the middle of a classroom, Snotlout can still see where the blood of his fellow students once stained the ground. On the tiled floor amidst all the dust, the dirt and leaves, there are dried brown stains of all sizes. Smears and footprints spread the stains all over the floor. Handprints are on desks, the wall, the blackboard and the door. Time has not washed them away.
School classrooms and hallways here are just big enough for a Monstrous Nightmare to stand in with a hunch, especially with all the tables and chairs pushed to the side. This wasn’t just any room, it’s where a bunch of teenage kids were holed up together and fighting for their lives. They’d been bitten.
Hookfang sniffs around. The air is stale. The reason why Snotlout would want to come here escapes him, but he’s been standing here. Quietly, unmoving. The Nightmare has tried to prod a response out of him, but he didn’t even complain. He hasn’t said anything in minutes and the dragon wonders if his human is broken.
He doesn’t understand the significance of the space they’re in.
“This is…” A girl’s voice. Dragon and rider look towards the door to find Astrid standing there, her hair length still kept above the shoulders.
She doesn’t need to say it out loud, it’s basically the room where it all began for them. It’s where Bjorn and most of everyone else lied sick for two weeks before they turned enmasse, when they realized what they were truly dealing with and the day they were forced to leave the last connection to their old life.
Bjørk school is completely abandoned now. Mrs. Bellum, Mr. Hoover and the infected students aren’t here anymore. They moved on a long time ago to begin their endless journey in search of a warm body to feed on, until their second death inevitably comes. The silence they left behind is chilling.
Astrid walks further into the room, it’s strange to be back home, strange to be in school again. It seems like a lifetime ago. She can’t even recognize it anymore.
Her boots crush pieces of glass on the floor. There was a big summer storm in August and it’s done a number on the building. The courtyard is full of shingles and a part of the roof is gone. A number of windows have been blown out and dirt, leaves, and sometimes entire branches fill classrooms and hallways. Not to mention the months of a lack of upkeep. There’s a significant layer of dust and webs everywhere they look.
“This place has seen better days,” she remarks softly. Their school looks the way they feel after everything they’ve been through since Outbreak Day back in March.
“No kidding,” Snotlout huffs humorlessly, it’s the first thing he’s said in a good couple of minutes. He wipes at his eyes, Hookfang comes closer and sniffs him, nudging him with his snout.
“I’m fine,” he tells his dragon, who shrugs it off like his human tells him to.
Astrid’s hand lands on his shoulder and squeezes. Unlike the dragon, she knows exactly what happened here and who he lost here.
“Come on, Snotlout, let’s go find Hiccup,” she tells him and they leave the room together.
But out in the hallway, Astrid comes across a pretty sight that makes her smile and lifts her heart; a gorgeous blue Deadly Nadder. They ran into her shortly after they were forced out of Forrædersk. Like this, every one of the teenagers have somehow gotten their own best friend in dragon form.
Stormfly is her name. She squawks when Astrid meets her. Her human girl approaches and hugs her horned nose, she’s in need of one. The dragon chirps contentedly.
“Where is everyone else?” Snotlout asks as they walk down the corridor, the occasional dry leaf crunching beneath their feet.
“Last I heard, the twins are goofing off in the gym,” Astrid replies. That’s certainly where she heard a lot of shouting and laughter. Who knows what the four of them are doing there, so long as they stay safe and don’t start a fire like a couple of weeks ago, it doesn’t really matter.
“Psh, of course they are,” Snotlout shakes his head as the two move on.
Hiccup and Toothless are in a different part of the school building; they find him in their English class, where they used to be taught by the once cheery and colorful Mrs. Bellum. A familiar bookcase with famous English literature is the first thing they saw when they entered. It’s the very same one, he’s seen entering this very room for every year he had this woman for a teacher. It was strange to see it again.
At first, the Night Fury had no idea what meaning this location had to their humans, but standing inside this room, he can make an educated guess what.
In the back of the classroom, there’s a wall of pictures and they all depict different humans of about his human’s age. Astrid’s picture is among them. But the spot Hiccup stares at is blank.
Toothless nudges his shoulder, clearly having a question.
“What are you looking at?” And he’s not the only one asking. Turning around, they watch Astrid enter. She’s followed closely by Snotlout, but Hookfang and Stormfly stay outside this time. These rooms have their limit and so does Hookfang, who would like to stretch his wings soon.
Hiccup looks back in front of him, back at the blank space.
“Students of the month,” Snotlout reads, then scoffs. “My picture was never on Mrs. Bellum’s wall.”
“Maybe because you made life hard for everybody else in class?” Astrid suggests the first reason that comes to mind, hands on her hips. Her raincoat makes some noise as it moves.
“Nah, that can’t be it,” Snotlout denies it.
Their English teacher had this wall to praise certain students; those that delivered hard work, those whose grades went up, those who needed the encouragement… She could never put just one student per month.
“So what are you staring at?” Astrid repeats the question. She can’t help but notice the way Hiccup shifts his weight off his stump.
Almost half a year since his amputation, he’s still trying to get used to the prosthetic they found him. They couldn’t believe their luck when they came across one that fit him perfectly on the orthopedics floor of the hospital in Forrædersk. It was probably meant for someone.
After a couple of moments of silence, this is what he says; “I think my dad is alive.”
“How do you know?” The girl asks.
“Mrs. Bellum used to have a picture of me right here,” he points the blank space out. “But none of the others have been taken. The only one who would’ve wanted to have my picture is my dad.”
“Then that’s good! Right? You were hoping to find proof that your dad was alive, he is!” Astrid encourages him. Alvin told him a lot of things in the time he was held captive and Heather couldn’t provide any clear answers either.
“And if Hiccup’s dad is alive, maybe my parents are too! Maybe all of our parents are!” The news hypes Snotlout up.
“Yeah… Which means we missed them. By a couple of months,” Hiccup deflates and Toothless purrs, giving him a comforting headbutt. The boy scratches his chin, grateful for his attempt.
It’s not like it was his idea to crush his ankle and then lose a great deal of his leg beneath his knee. He needed a long time to recover, they haven’t been on the road all that long. And as it turns out, traveling by dragon back is a lot faster than by car. Dragons don’t have to stick to a set path. Although it takes a little bit of a change in navigation.
“Hiccup, we now know that they’re alive. This trip home wasn’t a loss,” Astrid tells him and Hiccup forces a small smile.
She’s not wrong, but he still wishes they could’ve gotten here sooner. It’s almost winter, who knows how long their parents stayed in Bjørk hoping to find their kids? Who knows how long his dad and Gobber waited for him? Waited until they had no other choice but to admit that they weren’t here? Was Stoick as disappointed in missing his son as he was? Do they believe he’s dead?
Astrid wants to take Hiccup’s shoulder, but he inhales deeply and turns around to face the three of them.
“Let’s go find the others, the sun is setting and we need to set up camp and make a fire before we lose too much light,” he decides and off they go, in search of Fishlegs, Meatlug, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Barf and Belch.
The sun is setting and the beach is getting chillier. By now, his friends have retreated for the night, dinner must be almost ready. The only one still with him is Toothless, who lies curled up around him. He doesn’t appear to mind the sand as much as his human does and still comfortably snoozes away.
Hiccup realizes he’s done telling their story. And just in time, too, he’s run out of pages to tell it.
Ah well, a new chapter in life, a new book right?
Closing his very worn notebook, he turns to his dragon, who must’ve sensed a change as he places his head on his lap.
“What do you say, Bud? Ready to leave? Find the others?” He asks, a relaxed smile on his face. It really was a good idea to write about everything that’s happened. If anything, it helped him put his thoughts in order, give everything a place.
Toothless warbles an agreement and stands, stretching his back and each of his limbs. Hiccup pulls out a plastic bag to put his notebook in, he’s been using it to keep it safe.
The dragon helps him to his feet and they turn only to realize that they’re not as alone as they once thought. Toothless begins to growl.
Up on top of the dunes, stands a pair of brothers.
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jessenitrogen · 11 months
cybertronian anatomy ?? (headcanons)
and another fair warning, the headcanons are canon to ME when I put them in the context of my continuity and exist bcuz I thought of it to fit in my continuity/my designs bcuz fuck it we ball
I think the purpose of their denta would not to chew but to bite into energon. Theyre metal beings, that are BIG in most cases, I believe they have a bite force strong enough enough to bite into energon in its mineral state.
For denta appearance, (while I dont know the best shape there is to cut into rock) would be sharp teeth, yknow pointed teeth. Some cybertronians have sharp pointed teeth and then there are some who dont. Well heres the kicker since these guys can also transform, I feel like they can alter their denta shape as well. highly compacted plates that can loosen and move when need be or something. Their sharp teeth can pop out like that HTTYD scene with Toothless popping out his teeth
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They dont have tongues, cuz they dont taste, or use it to swallow, or use it to talk. They just kinda. Lean their helms back to get energon into their throats, like birds!!
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And they dont need a tongue to formulate their speech, for their voice box is like, a literal box that generates sound waves that is the cybertronians voice. A cybertronian moves their mouth as to not muffle their voice.
While their denta is not designed to chew, in order to get energon into a shape/size that can get to their version of stomachs, their throats grind the energon into smaller bits so it can travel easier through their esophagus. or whatever the cybertronian equivalent is.
Once the energon gets to their stomachs, its melted down into a liquid state so it can flow to the spark where it is essentially "charged" and then can flow throughout tubes and circuits and power their bodies/frames and systems. And I believe, the cybertronians were created in such a way that they can utilize every component of energon so nothing goes to waste.
Cybertronians were created before the technology was made that could convert energon into a liquid state. That tech was made as to cut down digestive time and save energy that could be used for other things.
idk what cybertronian skin is called and I barely remember what the integumentary system is other than its skin it helps regulate body temp and helps fight infection?
ANYWAYS their skin is like a very flexible metal, its thinner in parts where the frame has more armor, but thicker in places that dont have armor to compensate for the lack of armor.
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Here in this thin layer of metal are receptors that can sense touch and pain, and like idk abt this part but wanna say there is a thin layer of wire net/mesh that can either warm up or cool down as a way to assist the cybertronians ventilation system (ventilation system does most of the work when cooling down the frame)
This layer can repair itself over time. It can also be replaced with external metal if the layer is too damaged. During the early times of the War for Cybertron injuries were repaired with external metal. This external metal did not include touch/pain receptors or the wire net/mesh that assists with temp regulation. Those who were frequently repaired with this external metal have some resistance to pain but have the tendency to overheat, in severe cases need an external source to cool down their frames. ie, dipping in water
Cybertronians need to stay at a constant temp, normally a LOT warmer than we do, in order to keep the energon in a liquid state and stay warm during the nights on Cybertron. If they get too cold the energon can solidify again and cause blockage in circuits and tubing. But if their frames get too hot, the processor can fry, circuits can melt, etc
these I dont have detailed thought on atleast yet, but
They wouldnt have noses. they dont breathe, or smell, so.
They dont have ANY reproductive organs, internal or external. They cannot reproduce with eachother or by themselves. their numbers only increase bcuz of the Allspark
AND THATS ALL I HAVE rn I'd like to state here and now that these headcanons definitely apply to all of my characters and my continuity versions of canon characters. and like, no one has to agree with them or use them but it's also cool if someone does
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thewolfwarriors · 2 months
Story starts here
Foam Rage affects Wolf Warrior hybrids uniquely. Some have even been proven to be immune.
Fishlegs is helping the Wolf Warriors, not only to help his friends, but in honor of his mother who was one. He hopes his human side will be enough if he gets bit.
(He really doesn't like the question mark on the first slide)
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cosmohause · 7 months
>"this is a dragon!" >"ummmmerrmm actually that's a wyvern because it has two legs and two wings! 😘🤗"
Please please stop saying that. Wyverns are STILL dragons, if anything they are more like a subspecies. In the case of dragons in media portrayed as "wyverns": Aldiun the world eater is still a dragon, Hookfang the monstrous nightmare is still a dragon, hell even a dragon like Falkor the luck/wish dragon from the never ending story is STILL a dragon.
Dragons come in so many shapes and sizes from all over the globe from many different cultures and beliefs from giant serpents, to snake like beasts with feathered wings (amphithere), simple big lizards (drakes), large wyrms, etc etc. They are a common human trope.
To try and say "ermmm actually it's a wyvern" is just mostly annoying and if anything very incorrect within itself as if we pay attention to actual beliefs and lore with wyverns; a true wyvern cannot breathe fire or really any sort of breath and is typically a sort to produce venom OR to have a venomous stinger on its tail like a bee. Of course, this is also to say not all dragons are wyverns either as interestingly enough some stereotypical western dragons: Namely both the SandWing and RainWing from the Wings of Fire series both produce venom this way: RainWings produce venom from their fangs like a snake would, and SandWings have venomous tail barbs like a scorpion; yet we wouldn't call them a wyvern right? No of course not. (To add: HiveWings also have a venomous stinger from thier tail and wrists, similar to a bee. In addition: NightWings at least as recent years have developed a venomous bite, unlike a RainWing, this is via the amounts of bacterial infection in their saliva). Yet. Still dragons.
The dragons from GoT are still dragons and iirc the author made them to be “wyverns” because those sort of dragons are more likely to exist in our world rather than the standard four legs two wings, same with drakes and probably Eastern dragons as well (which fun fact some cultures in the east has depicted them wings also)!!
Blah blah, calling flying fire breathing lizard-like reptiles "wyverns" just because they have four limbs (2 legs 2 wings) and starting this dumb argument when the show/game/general lore refers to them as dragons (i.e skyrim, httyd, GoT, etc so much else) is just Stupid and rather annoying to see each and every time.
They're still dragons at the end of the day.
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black-cat-charm · 7 months
Rise Of The Brave Tangled Dragons Horror Story
(This au is meant to be similar to something like Abandoned By Disney and I want it to feel like one of those old "oh dark magic is spooky" stories. I hope to maybe write for this or make art for it so I wanna share it with y'all!:])
Rise Of The Brave Tangled Dragons had only been known as a myth for a while. Only a simple work in progress that started in 2012(while Dreamworks also worked on httyd 2) before being scrapped in 2014 because of creative differences and instead Dreamworks shared HTTYD 2.Though that's not the whole story.In 2013, Disney decided to work with Dreamworks after seeing how beloved the big four fandom was. Dreamworks agreed, though they demanded they have the most control and say in what happens since How To Train Your Dragons came out before Tangled. Disney agreed, and work began. The movie plot was simple. Jack Frost would find a magic portal that leads to each of the other worlds. He introduces his new friends to the modern world and needs their help defeating Pitch Black again. Heros save the day, blah blah. Though during production, so many things went wrong. Artists' tablets would shatter for no reason, lights would go out, and many writers would break their wrist, elbow, or multiple fingers. Dreamworks demanded the product be shut down, but Disney refused. A few clips got fully animated and accidentally released into the public. When workers became dying at their desks for unknown reasons, Disney shut the project down while Dreamworks demanded to know why this was happening. Disney wouldn't say, though they knew that messing with dark magic was the cause..In 2016, the released clips got reposted many many times. After it did, many people started dying or disappearing with little to no explanation. Each time the clips got reshared, there were more graves or missing posters in each background. The clips died down for a while..at least until 2023.The clips resurfaced and caused the same effects as before, though something was different. Instead of everyone dying or going missing, there were a few who fell into a trace. They would make edits or even fan art or the clips, each infected with the dark magic. People became insane from this magic, their brains pretty much rotting as they only did what "the characters said to". Many refused to do basic tasks unless ROTBTD is involved, causing them to die from starvation, dehydration, and lack of hygiene.A 19 year old girl who went by Dolores Garcia found many of her friends consumed by the media or missing. She never seemed to be affected by any of it though. None of the clips, the games, the fanart, nothing. She was thankful, of course. Alexis found herself desperately searching for answers to why this was happening. Though this caused her to sleep less, it caused her to get insomnia. She would see the characters from the corner of her eyes, hear their voices anytime the room was too quiet. These weren't the same characters she grew up with. This wasn't the kind Rapunzel, not the smart Hiccup, or the passionate Merida, it definitely wasn't the free spirited Jack Frost. No..these things..they're evil-. They taunt her every time she tries to sleep, she knows they're the reason she keeps getting hurt and why the people she loves keep disappearing. But this only fuels her fire. She demands to keep trying to solve this. She couldn't give up...now not...
The main character, Dolores;
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She's 19, Filipino, and struggles with her hygiene after starting her research(causing her slightly yellow teeth and more unbrushed hair)
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disorganizedkitten · 3 months
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Links may be finicky, in the meantime, if something looks interesting ask me about it!
Coldest Girl In Coldtown
And I Loved You So Much I Turned Around
Behind Borrowed Blood
Bloody Phosphenes
By Definition, We’re Not Insane Yet
If Home Is Where The Heart Is, Where Do The Heartless Rest?
Infected Pearl au
No Pandemic Au
Pearl Bach And The Horrible Terrible No Good Very Bad (88) Days
Thorns and Tombstones
Time Loop
"1800s" au
Harry Potter
A Conspiracy Of Errors
A Week In A Day
And Salt The Earth Behind You
Antithesis / Charlie's Demons
Arial Anarchy
Cobra Lily
Dark As Dried Blood
Dark Magic For Dummies
Emotional Support Cookies
Gentle As Flaking Blood
Harry Potter Does Not Exist (A Presentation)
I'm Gonna Kill Santa Claus (But Uno Reverse)
It’s Only Right As A Math Problem
Judge My Carmine Fingertips (It Won't Make Them Clean)
No Rest For The Wicked
Not Every Open Wound (Is Simply Healed By Time)
Not (Our Parents’) Children 
Nothing Like A Trail Of Blood To Lead You Home
Seven Months Away
Swing a Scepter, Wear A Crown
The Potter-Riddle foundation for abandoned children
The Soul Feels Like The Universe / I Feel As Though I've Been On This Earth Before
There Is Magic In Every Living Thing
Three War Orphans In A Magic Castle
War Crimes Verse
Win Come Late
You Held My Heart In Your Hands
Miraculous Ladybug
A Bug To Bee Talk
A Day In The Life Of - Mafia Au
A Miraculous Mix Up
A Study In Friendship
Be Still My Undead Heart
Bursting Bubbles of Bad Luck
Chronicles of Ladybug and Baset
Climbing the Louvre
Depth of Cold
Four is Quantic but five is too
G-day: a celebration of Girlfriends and Glitter
Going outside (for more than the view)
Is It Really Safe?
It's in the blood
I’m Literally Right Here
Luck of the claws
Miracle Fighters
Moving Places
My Safety Isn’t The Concern
No Longer A Villian
Paper Lanterns
Plume Reign
Red’s the Color Of Your Heart
Scarlet Swords
Shades of Warmth
Sharing is Caring
Skipped a Step
Sunshine and Roses
The Marinette Lucky Charm
These Hopeless Helpless Miraculous-Wielding Romantics
We Recover Only To Be Broken Again
You’ll Survive
Crossover Fics
Carrying capacity
Circus au / Into The Mixing Bowl
Closer Than Friends
Exchange of blades
Feathers and Shells
Geronimo Weasley
Gifts Between Girls
How To Live (When You've Long Been Dead)
Immortal Children
Ivory Shadows
Jaded eyes, stolen stories (Jaded eyes, poached prophecies)
Jagged Leaves
Life goes on
Location Soulmate au
Marinette's Guide To Adopting The Local Vigilante
Power he knows not
Princess Mara au
Queen, Devil, Champion
Recruiting Red
Robbery chatfic
Seven Faces over Seven Continents
Switching and Swapping
Tales of the Tacticional Twins
Talon mindshare
Tim Drake-Wayne vs Albus Dumbledore
Trained Together
Two Can Keep A Secret If One Of Them Is Dead
Wine Aunts Salt au
Wishes Fishes
My Hero Academia
Hold Your Bloody Head Up High
How Long Can Someone Be Lost
Lost In Translation
They Call Them Feral
We're All Dead Here
Eldritch Doos au 
Gang Soulmate au
Summer camp au
The one where Dagur is a good brother
The one where Dragon Riders are their own tribe | Feral Hiccup au #1
The One where Dragons are actually Aliens
The one where everyone is secretly friends
The one where Heather and Mala pop in during HTTYD1
The one where Hiccup and his brother kill the red death before realizing they’re brothers | Feral Hiccup au #4
The one where Hiccup Gets Hurt in the ring
The one where Hiccup Runs Away (and meets the wingmaidens) | Feral Hiccup au #2
The One Where Stoick Suffers Despite His Best Efforts | Feral Hiccup au #5
The one with the human sacrifice except Dagur is a faithful husband and very offended | Feral Hiccup au #3
Danny Phantom
Age Swap Au
Three Feet To The Left
Walk Beside My Corpse (It's the memory that decays)
Welfare Check
In The Vacuum You Left Behind
Keep Me In Balance
The Fuzzy Duckling
The Name of Frankenstein
The Paris Fic
We Dared Open The Door
Some fics did not make the list. Considering how many I have, that’s not a surprise. They can live in the docs for a little while longer.
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 Otherwise, a wild DK may be spotted but I don’t have rights to those links and I’d rather catch you by the throat from behind. ^~^
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porahten · 4 months
The Fungus Knows no Alpha
so, really random, but…
what if there was a httyd au where all the glowy pretty stuff in the hidden world was in fact one of those fungi that kind of just takes over the brain of animals. Like, if something stays there for to long the fungus will start to infect them and take over them, but not kill them because it likes having a host. The dragons who lived in the hidden world originally , like the light fury, would be safe because they have an immunity to the fungus and therefore can’t be infected by it. But since all of the new dragons from Berk weren’t raised in the hidden world they get infected and taken over by this fungus, making a kind of hostile group of dragons in the hidden world.
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