#how is she allowed to be this cute im going to explode
possamble · 1 month
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wileys-russo · 3 months
Leah, London Colney, “I may aswell just retire”
legacy II l.williamson
"lee! baby we've gotta go in five have you packed her bag?" you yelled out from your daughters bedroom, sat on the bed with the three year old on your lap as you quickly braided her hair so it would be out of her face all day.
“i have snacks, her blanket, her mini ball, her teddy, her inhaler, her water bottle, her headphones, her beanie, her rain jacket, a change of clothes and a story book.” leah recounted as she burst into the room with the bright red backpack in hand.
"gunner!" mila chirped as you tied off the second braid and your wife looked like she could have exploded with joy. "yes you are, mummys little future gunner." leah cooed, tickling her stomach as you rolled your eyes.
"she means the dinosaur einstein." you pointed to the bright green mascot sat on the desk as leah turned.
"you are so mean to me when we have early morning training darling, i've half a mind to tell jonas you aren't allowed to train until eleven." leah sighed with a shake of her head as you stood and hoisted mila onto your hip.
"you love it mrs williamson." you grinned, pecking her lips and breezing past as she followed suit with the backpack in hand. "maybe only a little mrs williamson." you stiffened as her hand smacked against your ass.
"leah! the baby." you hissed in warning, your daughter in a critical parrot phase as you'd both lovingly dubbed it, repeating nearly everything and anything she watched either of you do or say.
and with your wifes potty mouth and tendency to gossip it had gotten the pair of you into hot water more than once in the last few weeks.
like just yesterday when leahs mum had tried to put her down for a nap and was promptly told to fuck off, something mila had heard leah shout at the tv while watching a premier league game when you both thought she was asleep in bed, not hovering by the doorway with eager little ears.
"im not a baby!" mila protested with a scowl that was scarily similar to the blonde standing behind her. "yes you are, you could be forty and you'll still be my baby." leah shrugged as your daughter huffed and you cleared your throat.
"our baby." leah corrected with a charming smile as you hummed, taking your daughters backpack out of her hand and grabbing the car keys as leah made sure to take both of your gym bags as the three of you headed out.
"shark song!" mila cheered as you buckled her into her car seat and leah slipped into the drivers side after tossing all the bags in the back. "bubba isn't there any other song you'd like?" leah asked hopefully with a pained winced as you closed your door and sat in your own seat.
"shark song! shark song! shark song!" the three year old chanted pumping her fists and kicking her feet out as if she'd just won the world cup and you grinned, phone connecting and clicking play on baby shark as leah groaned.
"i'm going to murder kyra." leah stated bluntly toward the culprit behind milas obsession with the overtly catchy kids tune, shifting the car into reverse and backing out of the driveway as you leaned across the console and kissed her cheek.
"just look how happy it makes her baby." you chuckled nodding behind you as leah glanced to your daughter who was wiggling and dancing in her seat, screaming along to the lyrics.
"she's lucky she's cute." leah shook her head, smile tugging at her lips as she faced forward and sped onto the main road.
"well she gets that from you."
"leah! there is no way she's going to eat all that." your eyes widened in disbelief as the blonde placed down your daughters breakfast plate in front of you before sitting on your other side with her own.
"mama i'm a growing girl!" mila protested, echoing leahs exact words from dinner last night as you shot your wife a filthy look who wasted no time pecking your lips apologetically.
"me!" mila craned her head back as leah grinned, attacking the three year olds face with kisses as everyone at the table visibly melted at the sound of her giggles echoing around the room.
"hey mila can aunty beffy have some bacon pretty please?" beth asked with a smile from across the table. "good luck." leah mumbled with a shake of her head. "no! my bacon." mila frowned and covered her plate protectively.
"well if there was ever any doubt she's leahs, thats squashed it." kim shrugged as your wife grinned and pushed her playfully. "but mila im so hungry! i might fall off my chair from starvation." beth groaned dramatically, collapsing into her girlfriend who looked down at her unamused.
"didn't ask don't care." mila chirped your own words from dinner last night as leah choked on her eggs and kim whacked her on the back. "that ones on you!" your wife warned as you blushed, mumbling a gentle reminder to your daughter about manners.
"hey mila can aunty wally have a piece of bacon please?" lia asked from your other side as mila nodded, pushing her plate closer and wiggling herself up from your lap as you hurried to steady her as she stood on your knees.
"mila!" beth gasped in betrayal, lia scooting her chair back as your daughter clambered over to sit with her now instead, seemingly more than happy to share her breakfast with her godmother who gave the blonde across the table a victorious smirk as she bit down on a piece of bacon.
"i play now?" you looked down with a smile as a tiny body clung onto your leg, mila recognizing the sound of the whistle to mean she was now able to run around the pitch freely with her aunties as training was over.
"you play now. who do you wanna kick with today bubba?" you squatted down and brushed a few loose strands of hair out of her face. "aunty lessi!" your daughter held her arms up at your best friend whose face lit up.
"now how could i ever say no to you?" the blonde picked her up right away before tossing her in the air and catching her, pulling a face and making mila giggle. "careful less." you warned sternly, the girl waving you off as she grabbed a ball.
"whose on the other team?" alessia whispered to your daughter as a few of the girls lined up, mila frowning as she looked them over. "lots, steffy, mummy and kimmy!" mila decided, simply naming all four girls who lined up making everyone grin.
"okay. remember what we practiced at our sleepover?" alessia placed mila down and squatted to her level, hands on her shoulders as your daughter nodded. "no mercy!" mila yelled making a few of the girls snicker.
"that was aunty mary, not me." alessia teased, pulling down mila's beanie over her eyes as she whined and quickly fixed it as her ball was placed by her feet. "okay. go!" alessia clapped, jogging beside her as your daughter gave it a kick.
one by one she kicked past her defenders, the girls all falling dramatically to the ground making her giggle as alessia continued to coach her forward, now only leah standing in the way of the goal.
"leah!" you called out in warning, recognizing your wifes competitive drive ran deep and she had no problem teaching your daughter 'how to lose gracefully' despite the fact it wasn't a lesson you'd say leah actually knew herself.
though if the blonde defender heard you she didn't acknowledge it, smirk on her face as the girls all cheered for mila who had an adorably concentrated frown on her features now.
"shoot shoot shoot!" alessia encouraged with a clap, mila kicking the ball as hard as she could and you held your breath knowing it had been a long morning and with your daughter due for a nap soon it wouldn't take much to set her off if leah chose not to let her have this goal.
though you breathed a sigh of relief as the ball rolled through your wifes legs and she fell to the ground with a dramatic cry, a soft smile on your face as mila jumped on top of her with a cheer.
"goaaaalll!" alessia cupped her hands over her mouth and cheered, scooping the tiny blonde up and hoisting her on her shoulders, sprinting around on a victory lap and assuring she held on very tightly.
you grabbed a bottle of water and made your way over toward leah who sat up, accepting your hand as you helped her up and were quickly drawn into her hold.
"does it still hurt she's following in my footsteps and not yours?" you teased, squealing as leahs cold hands crept up your top and she playfully bit your neck.
"with a goal like that under her belt i may as well just retire." leah sighed, arms wound around your neck as she gently swayed the two of you side to side, both of you watching on fondly as your daughter raced around with her auties.
"shit its past her nap time isn't it?" leah realised, training having had a delayed start due to a sprinkler malfunction as you nodded and your wife groaned, seeing mila was still very much so wide awake which would throw her off her regular schedule.
"oh she's going to be a nightmare to get down tonight."
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puripurin · 4 months
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Again, thanks 4 da idea, @littlekohai77!! Now this is the one where cute yan monster's darling is meeting his mother.
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— "You have a human mother??" You said in confusion. I mean, you could see it, but was there anyone who could survive this long with a hanging jaw? It's been a few weeks since you met Aimilios, but you've never seen his mother roaming around.
"Yeah! You've never seen her because my mama is always in the basement of the building now because in recent years, many people have come and tried to "save" her, I don't know why, though. She looks safe and happy! She enjoys running around, hiding from my father, and loves being tossed around him. They're actually trying to kidnap her and experiment on her because she's very pretty. That's what I've come up with. How horrifying." You tried your best not to look skeptical, though. You didn't want him to burst out crying because you told him what people actually see when a woman is running around in an abandoned building being manhandled by a monster. So you kept your mouth shut on that part and changed the topic to his father.
"Wait, but your father is that crazy horned bastard who doesn't like me?" You furrowed your eyebrows as Aimilios tilted his head, trying to understand what you mean.
"Yeah, and he and my mama love each other very much! Just like you and me, we love each other very much, mh! You are my one and only." He hugged you and snuggled into you before grabbing your hands.
"Because papa finally trusts you enough. He finally allowed me to show you where mama is staying and meet her. So can we meet her now?" He smiles at you and grips your hands tightly. Although you go swooped up into this ridiculous situation by force, you could tell that it means a lot to him to see his mother.
"I-... okay, we can see her." He squeezed your hands tightly and hugged you one more time before leading you down a flight of steps to the basement. He breathed in before opening the door too fast and hit himself in the face and slammed his hand on the wall when he pulled the door open. He slowly crumbles to the floor in pain.
"Oh! Amy, is that you– ACK!" You heard a harsh thud as the woman fell to the ground. You slowly led Aimilios inside the room with the hand that wasn't swollen with pain and saw the woman covering her mouth in pain. How unfortunate is this family that they get injuries at the same time??
After a couple of minutes, it was silent. Aimilios' mother was looking away in embarrassment as she held an ice pack to her lips while Aimilios, who was sitting next to you, held an ice pack to his nose and his hand was on the table with an ice pack resting on top of it.
Now that you're looking at her, you can see where Aimilios' cuteness came from. This woman looks young, almost similar in age to Aimilios, and has the exact same eyebrows, eye shape, and nose as him. The eye colour came from his father, but his hair? You have no idea where it came out from.
"R-right. I'm sorry about that you had to witness that, (Y/n)... My first impression of you must be bad, so I'm sorry about that." She lifted the ice pack when she needed to speak and was extremely embarrassed by the situation.
"Ah, no worries. I can see where Aimilios got his clumsiness from. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), and im 23." You smiled at her and gave your hand for her to shake, to which she obliged to.
"You can just call me mom. I'm the mother of Aimilios and the wife of that grumpy little beast. Im 44 years old." She smiled as you looked surprised.
"44? You look the same age as Aimilios!" His mother just chuckled and put her hand on her cheek from the compliment.
"So how did you meet Aimilios because I have a feeling that he's lying to me about saving you from one of the ruined rooms in this place." Aimilios' face exploded into a bright red blush.
"N-no! I wasn't lying! Mom!" Aimilios covered your ears, but it was too late, you burst out in laughter.
"T-that's what he told you!?!? Hahahahaha!" You wiped your nonexistent tears as Aimilios put the ice packs into the bowl on the table and covered his face from embarrassment. His mother let out a couple of chuckles.
"Well, I was exploring this place because I was bored, and when I was walking when all of a sudden, he came out only to hit his face on a hanging piece of metal. He was going to cry--" You laughed, but Aimilios covered your mouth.
"I-I'm going to get water." He said in embarrassment and shuffled to the makeshift kitchen to open the tap. He huffed turned back.
"Mom... There's no water. I'll go outside to turn on the water..." He quickly left with a set of keys. As soon as you heard the door clicked, you turned back to the mother.
"Why are you not telling him the fact that people are really trying to save you out of concern??" You spoke out, really wanting to know the reason why she hasn't told him anything. His mother slapped a hand over her mouth and closed her eyes out of embarrassment.
"You don't know how hard it it to go up to him and say, "Oh, it's not because people want to kidnap me because they want experiment on me, it's because when i have fun with my husband, they either think he's mauling me to death or raping me! Sorry, son!" It's not easy-" There was a drop of keys both you and his mom eyes widened in horror as Aimilios was standing at the door, tears welling in his eyes.
"Mom! (Y/n)! How could you lie to me!!!" He cries and runs away.
"aMy NOOOOO!!!"
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Okay, okay, that ending was super fun to write 💀💀 this is better than the storytelling one cus this is goofy asf. Anyways how do yall like the names ive picked out for cute yan monster and his father? I better hear amazing, Googling shit is hard /j
Also the hair colour thing is intentional cus i have an idea with that 🤭 sorry if your oc has blond hair thoughhh.
Note prooftread.
Edut: forgor tags again. Mb
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kayesfanfics · 2 months
wsppp 😋😋
Do you think Adrian tepes, Trevor, or hector would date a fem witch, ghost or werewolf ? If they would date a werewolf girl, how do you think they would deal with her shifting? It’s supposably painful bc the bones are breaking then fixing themselves in a new form😭 do you think the ghost gf would sometimes have self image issues cause she isn’t really there(transparent) witch gf would be really cute esp if she has a familiar like a black cat or crow (really basic ik) omg and she like has her familiar deliver letters to her lover when they are away 🥹 or she tries to like show her lover how to make potions and he ends up growing plants or a small explosion 😭😭 imagine he makes smth right and he’s bragging but then it blows up into his face 😹😹
I always see people write for vamps but I think it would be cool to include other monsters yk. I have so many ideas but idk how to write 😔😔
Hope ur doing well! -🌙
A/N: I added Isaac as well, but THIS WAS SUCH A FUN PROMPT AND IM SORRY IT TOOK SO DAMN LONG. But I love exploring other monsters, it’s so fun-
Trevor Belmont x Witch! Reader
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His knowledge on magic is limited, but not unheard of. He understands the kind of magic Sypha uses, but yours isn’t quite like it. Your type of magic uses alchemy, black magic, the “devils work”. You’ve been cast out and targeted for practicing such things, but you continued to practice witchcraft despite the attempts on your life. Trevor had actually seen you being hauled off to a jail roughly before saving you, recognizing you as a healer around this town
After saving you, he asked for a your witchcraft services to help heal a rather nasty wound he had received, so you took him to your house, where your familiar, a beautiful crow, was awaiting your return. He cawed at your and flew over to land on your shoulder, before cocking his head curiously at the large man behind you
“He’s a customer, my dear! Be hospitable!” You teased, before guiding Trevor over to a room that contained all of your supplies and books. You put together a salve for him, and offered to put it on his wounds for him, to which he accepted and casually began to undress until he was shirtless. You stared at him with a blush on your face for a moment, until he grinned and teased you saying “My eyes are up here, love~”
You allowed him to stay with you for a few nights, which slowly blossomed into some sort of a romantic and physical relationship. When he had to leave to go kill some vampires he’d been hired to get rid of, you’d send him off with healing herbs he’d need to recreate the first salve you made for him. You’d send your familiar out to track him with magic and send him letters or extra supplies, and he’d always send some cheeky note back to you that made you giggle and kick your feet
He definitely tries to help you with your potions and powders, getting supplies or tools for you when you asked. One time he successfully recreated a potion, that is until he got cocky and knocked over another vial into the potion, causing it to explode and blow up into his face, ruining his hair and leaving his face scorched, which made you laugh so hard you nearly pissed yourself as he sarcastically laughed along with you
Adrian Tepes x Ghost! Reader
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You often times didn’t feel real and felt like your existence was useless and didn’t have a purpose, that is until you met a beautiful man with pale skin and pale blonde hair, with beautiful golden eyes and sharp fangs. He was mesmerizing and intelligent despite his age, and the two of you formed a relationship, which was soon crumbled by his father injuring him so badly he had to lock himself in a coffin to rest and heal. You haunted the place he had put himself to recover from his fathers attack, and took it upon yourself to watch over him and guard his tomb
After joining Trevor and Sypha on the journey to kill Dracula, you went with them and used your own abilities to help fight. Luckily nothing could kill you again, so you were able to fight by becoming fully invisible, making yourself solid then phase through creatures. Sypha asked you many questions on the journey about you and what it’s like being a ghost, Adrian smiling fondly as the two of you chatted excitedly, as he hadn’t seen you have a friend before
Whenever your self doubts and insecurities about your existence plagued you, he was always there to assure you that you were indeed real. You didn’t have a grave or body to visit as your body had been burned and cremated as to not start a plague, but you had a whole life before him you could tell him about. He’d be able to touch you and feel you were real, kiss you on the forehead to show you you were real
You too didn’t need as much sleep as he did, being dead and all. So you both often roamed the castle together and continued to clean and upkeep it together, rather than restlessly lying in a bed all night. The two of you would have intelligent conversations about philosophy, the science his mother studied, history, things of that sort to get you through sleepless nights. Lying in bed together cuddling while conversing, his hand rubbing your back as you rested your head on his chest
Hector x Werewolf! Reader
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As an expert on creatures of the night, he wasn’t phased slightly when he heard Master Dracula had recruited a werewolf into his Court. Despite being half human, you were never treated as one, only being treated like a dog by your fellow species. So you instead took revenge by ripping apart those who hurt you, and Dracula had met you years ago similar to how he met Hector and Isaac, but was recruited last due to your hiding out in secrecy from everybody, you were difficult to track down even for Dracula
When you arrived, you appeared as a regular human, but the vampires could sense you were anything but. You bowed to Dracula and thanked him for the opportunity to help his cause, before he told you to begin planning with the other generals. After speaking with the vampires, you decided to learn about the humans, as you were curious why they would help kill their own kind as well. You started with the silver haired man, and bonded over your shared mistreatment by humans, and he was curious about your more wolf form. You smiled and told him he’d have to wait for that, making sure he’d have something to come back to you for, as you grew fond of the shy and straight to the point man
When he finally got to see it, he watched in borderline horror as you howled in pain from the transformation, hearing your bones snap and crack into new places as you transformed into a large, furry monster. But Hector wasn’t truly afraid of you, just of the pain he heard you in, and he gently approached you and rested a hand on your forehead as he did his night creatures to comfort and calm them through their own transformations. You shut your eyes and leaned into his touch, waiting the transformation out together until it was complete, and you could stand at your new full height, well above him. He’d only look at you with fascination rather than fear or hatred like everyone else did
Isaac x Gorgon! Reader
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He is clearly not disturbed or taken aback by monsters of any kind, he’d face one with a stoic face and calm demeanor. You came to Dracula one night after being driven away by townspeople for accidentally turning someone to stone, so he allowed you refuge in his castle and gifted you a magical blindfold that would keep you from laying your eyes upon anyone and turning them into a statue. Ever since then you’ve been loyal to him and agreed immediately to help him with your cause, and to use your ability to fight off humans that have wronged you. When you met Isaac, he was immediately intrigued but didn’t make it obvious. You spent a lot of time listening to him work and hearing his night creatures be brought to life, and he’d even guided you to pet a night creature that was calm for him
Throughout the war you formed a relationship with the cold man, though he was warm to you. Never sappy or super affectionate, but he’d do things like learn Braille for you and create plaques as labels on things for you, fight alongside you and tie your blindfold back on for you when the battle was over, create night creatures specifically to help you. He allowed you to hold his arm as you walked through the ever changing castle with him. He never thought he’d find love amongst all this chaos and death, he didn’t even want to befriend Hector because of it, but yet he found himself infatuated with you and wanting to spend as much time as he had left with you
He didn’t mind the fact he’d never be able to look into your eyes, and you didn’t mind the fact you’d never be able to look at him at all except through maybe a portrait. The two of you simply enjoyed the others presence and company, oftentimes sitting beside each other doing your own things, always having a comfortable silence between the both of you. You didn’t turn objects to stone, so if you made sure not to look at any living being, you could do things like read and he’d help make sure you wouldn’t accidentally turn anyone to stone
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
My Little Secret
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader 
Summary: A little story of how Yelena’s little secret was exposed when Natasha comes by the home unannounced.  
Fluff | 1.3K | Smut implied | 
Translations: dorogoy (darling), Ty takaya krasivaya (you’re so beautiful), moy malen'kiy sekret (my little secret), 
AC: writing this made my own heart explode!! Im thinking of a part 2??
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“Hi dorogoy” Yelena spoke softly as she leant over you and kissed your lips softly, “your home, I missed you” you smiled against her lips before brushing a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. “I missed you so much” she kissed you once more before taking off her vest. “How was the mission?” you asked, putting your laptop to the side of the bed, and watched as she made her way into the ensuite to shower. “Better now I’m home” she called as she turned on the shower. 
Yelena was never one to talk about her missions or the work she did. When she wasn’t with you, she was a trained spy and assassin doing her best to path over her bad name she earned from Red Room. She was stubborn, blunt, and work focused but when she was with you, she was soft, caring, funny, loving and all yours. You didn’t mind as such when you found out that Yelena hadn’t told a single soul about you or your relationship, you found it cute she wanted to keep you all to herself but you saw that the life she lived with you was much different than the life she lived without you and from the look in her eyes, it was the life she wasn’t going to risk for anybody. 
She’d been gone for weeks without decent contact besides a few short texts to assure you she was fine and still alive to your relief. Now that she was home and soaking her body in the warmth of the shower you felt no need to worry about anything. You wandered into the kitchen of the shared home, a home Yelena had built for the two of you in the middle of nowhere surrounded by tall pine trees, and wildlife that you loved listening to each morning as you drank your morning coffee. Fanny loved the chase of squirrels and rabbits when Yelena was home to allow it. 
The kitchen soon filled with the smell of your girl’s favourite meal, mac n cheese. You stirred the pot as the sauce thickened, humming your favourite song as you did so. You felt Yelena’s arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closely into her hold. “Mac n cheese, my favourite” she smiled, her right hand moving your hair out of her way of her lips placing soft kisses on your neck. “Only for my favourite” you smiled softly as her lips left their mark, “you’ve gotta eat, baby” you turned the stove off before turning in her arms to face her, your arms wrapping around the back of her neck as she looked into your eyes. “Later” she smirked as she kissed you once more. 
Melting right into her lips she lifts you up so you could wrap your legs around her waist, never breaking the kiss as she led the two of you both back to the bedroom, gently laying you down on the bed. “Ty takaya krasivaya” she brushed your hair back as she took in your features, “moy malen'kiy sekret" her lips found yours once more before traveling down to your neck. 
Your soft snores kept Yelena looking over you as you slept in her arms, your naked skin against hers reminding her that this was real, that she’d found somebody to love and cherish for as long as she lived. The loud knock on the door broke her thoughts, gently she slides her arm out from under you and threw on her robe and grabbed her gun. Nobody knew about this place beside you and Yelena. She held her gun tightly with both hands as she pointed it towards the front door, Fanny trained not to bark unless told so (a safety thing Yelena wanted for when she was away). 
“Yelena, it’s me, open the door” Natasha’s voice came from the other side. Yelena sighed and put her gun down before opening the door. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” she asked with a frown. “Please. You thought I wouldn’t know about your secret hide out? Anyways, what’s with the robe? Did I interrupt a relaxing bath?” she chuckled as she let herself in. 
Yelena rolled her eyes and quietly closed the door so it wouldn’t wake you. “You didn’t answer my question, what are you doing here?” Yelena walked over to the kitchen where Natasha pours them both a shot of vodka. “Wanda and I had a bit of a disagreement and now I’m in the doghouse basically, so I thought why not come and crash here with you. It’s a bit lonely out here don’t you think?” Nat’s eyes looked around at what she could see before she downed the shot. “I like it that way” Yelena mumbled before downing her glass, “can’t you go stay with Maria or Carol? Maybe even Melina and Alexei” she suggested. Natasha chuckled, “Because Wanda sees Maria and Carol at work every day and Alexei annoys the shit out of me and also Melina and Alexei are a bit too much these days” she explained. “Well, you can’t stay here, I like to be alone here” Yelena replied while Nat poured two more shots. 
The emptiness of Yelena’s side of the bed woke you, Fanny wasn’t asleep in her bed on the floor, and you could hear Yelena’s muffled voice from the kitchen. 
“Lena, baby, save some Mac n cheese for me!” You called out as wrapped your own robe around your naked body. 
Yelena’s eyes shot open, Natasha placed the bottle on the countertop and looked into the direction of the bedroom then back at Yelena. “Oh, you reek of sex! That explains the robe” she teased. “No, it’s not like that!” Yelena stood from the stool at kitchen island. “Is everything o- “you froze once you saw the guest standing in your kitchen with a smirk. 
“Baby” Yelena spoke softly as she turned to you. Your eyes looked at the woman you’ve never seen before. “Baby, this is” Yelena paused to glare at Natasha, “this is Natasha” she spoke. You walked up to Yelena and reached to shake Natasha’s hand when you felt Yelena place a hand on your hip. “Natasha, this is Y/n” she introduced you.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard many things” you smiled softly. “You let your hook up stay here but not me?” Natasha ignored your kindness and looked to Yelena. Your hand dropped to your side, but Yelena protectively pulled you closer to her. “She’s not a hook up!” Yelena snapped, “we’ve been together for over 2 years” she adds. Natasha looked between the two of you and felt bad for brushing you off so quickly. 
“I’m just going to go back to bed” you looked slightly over your shoulder to Yelena. “No, please, stay. I’m sorry, I didn’t know” Natasha spoke before Yelena could, “I can’t believe you hid this from me” she added. 
“Nobody knows” Yelena replied, her thumb stroking your hip gently. “I don’t want to put her in any danger” she added making your heart swell. “Two years huh? Well, I guess I better get to know you then” Natasha cocked a brow, you smiled “I’d like that”. 
“Does this place have a guest room or am I taking the sofa?” Nat looked to Yelena once again, she rolled her eyes. “We do, I’ll show you” you offered kindly. “Thank you! You’re already so much more welcoming than Yelena” she chuckled before following you to the guest room. 
“I’m sorry you had to meet her like that” Yelena spoke softly from behind you, her arms keeping you close to her as you both got comfortable in bed once more. “It’s okay, I want to meet your family” you replied as your body slowly started to drown you into a slumber once more. “You do?” Yelena questioned before placing a soft kiss on the back of your neck. “Of course, I do” you said tiredly as she kissed more of your exposed skin, you giggled quietly, “baby, we can’t have round 2, your sister is across the hall” you squirmed playfully in her arms, but she didn’t care, her lips found your cheek before she turned you on to your back and looked into your eyes. She smiled softer than the clouds and whispered, 
“Marry me” 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | 
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siameanee · 11 months
Hi love!
I wasn't sure if you were accepting requests, so if you aren't, just ignore this!
Would you please be able to write a Hobie x Fem!Reader (established relationship) oneshot where Reader has anger issues? Like she tries to suppress/control them but ends up having to back away before she pretty much explodes at the smallest things - she always feels guilty/embarrassed once she's calmed down.
Hobie's used to it and notices the signs of her getting angry/irritated and is able to not make a scene and casually takes her somewhere else for her to relieve stress and/or calm down.
Thank you!! Hope you have a great day/night!
firecracker 🧨 hobie brown x fem!reader oneshot
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hehelloooo ... 🙃 maybe this is the last thing ill write maybe it isnt 🗣️
also not proofread soooorrrryyyy (im not really) 👎
wc: idk.. imlazylololol one day
tags or desc or whatevr: fluff, reader has anger issues, hobie luvs reader, hobie x fem!reader, hobie x reader, hobie fluff, oneshot, theyre so cute in here
hobie had made reservations for this one restaurant you wanted to go to so badly, and you couldn't contain your excitement when you looked at the reservations he'd sent you.
bee 💕
Table for 2
8:00 PM
you jumped up as you hopped in the shower once more, freshening up and applying your most expensive makeup on your pretty face, seeing your phone light up again with a call from "bee 💕". 
"hobie?" you speak into the mic, holding it on your shoulder as you cautiously apply your mascara. 
"hey baby, you see wha' i sent you?" hobie speaks from the speaker of your phone, audio crackling a bit.
you cheesily grinned at the phone as if he could see you. "yeah! i'm actually getting ready right now." you perked up.
"okay luv, pickin' you up in jus' a minute." you hear hobie once more before the hang-up sound rung through your phone.
you slipped into your prettiest dress and some flattering heels, walking out and seeing hobie clad in a suit, leaning against his shiny black car. he reaches for the door upon seeing you and gives you a bright smile as he opens it for you. 
"my lady's first." he says, grinning. he hated labels, he hated consistency, but you were his girl. "lookin' so beautiful, baby," he adds, sliding into the drivers seat.
"not too bad yourself hobie," you say, giggling.
the drive to the restaurant wasn't monotonous at all, hobie had allowed you to play your music -- although he'd rather play his usual music -- making the short drive peaceful. he stepped out of the car first, running to your side and opening the door for you. 
the restaurant was gorgeous, lined in fairy lights with outdoor seating and a gorgeous indoor velvet carpet. you pushed into the door, smoothing out your dress and heard hobie talking to the server, before he gently took your hand in his and led you to the table the server was walking to. 
you struggled to hear anything the server was saying because of how mesmerized you were of the restaurant, but when the server put a menu in front of you and left, you snapped back to reality, chatting back and forth with hobie until you both finally settled on the filet mignon. 
as you ordered and the servers brought back your meals, hobies portion seemed to be... larger? you looked at your plate and back at hobies as he raised his eyebrow at you, taking a bite. it was definitely larger. you thought, eyebrows furrowing as you wordlessly pointed to your two plates. "hobie... they made mine smaller." you said, blinking. 
"oh, then jus' take mine luv," hobie said, pushing his plate towards yours, but you rejected it with an alternate push. 
"no, i want the chef, bee." you said, waving down the server and asking for the chef in between a tight jaw. when the chef came out, he denied all (clearly correct) accusations made against him, and you began to stop hearing his explanation and your face became more and more expressive of your bubbling anger that you're trying to put a lid on.
hobie knew what was going to happen all to well, and he seemed to smile at the chef and nod, writing down a couple things on the bill the chef hands him and placing a couple bucks on the table from his wallet before swooping you up and taking you out of the restaurant into the car. 
in the car, hobie peppered your forehead with kisses and wiped the tears that poured out of your eyes. "'m so sorry, bee..." was your never-ending chant between downturned lips. "ruined our night out..." you added.
but hobie deterred it with a "no you didn't luv, don' be sorry." every time. you looked up at him with puffy eyes, and he kissed the lines your tears made on your cheeks.
"always lookin' so pretty, luv." he mumbled all lovesick-ly, holding your left hand with his right as he drove back home. you couldn't stop stupidly smiling as you looked out the window, seeing the fairy lights of the restaurant slowly disappear.
authors note:
i have a hunch hobie actually cant drive lolololo
idk... i have a bad habit of writing 2 much im sorry 😭😭
i 💕 writing fluff
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totaldrama-showdowns · 4 months
Submissions for the Non-Human Showdown! Including ones that are invalid!
Fang (x2)
“He's Fang ❤”
Cody Jr (x2)
“Cody Jr! No! Not Aunty Heather!”
Mr Coconut (x2)
“The og. Should have won every season /serious”
vince the alligator (x2)
“The lore… so immaculate”
the don box (x2)
“bzzz i have a stupid fucking clue for you. ah fuck the interns put me in a lame outfit again”
“what id don on about he's slaying in that shirt”
wt pineapple (x2)
Irene the fish (x2)
“shes so beautiful i’d kiss her too”
“The final remaining member of Team Victory after DJs elimination, Irene went on to win the million and the hearts of many.”
the chrarry baby (x2)
“Goo goo gaa gaa”
“ive got my eye on u chris mclean”
Princess Beth Doll
“I WANT TO BUY ONE SO BAD IRL!!!!! Also, this too is yuri”
Old Jester from reboot S2ep9
“I love when Damien hugged him! That's scene is soooo cute. Also I love fluffy animal!”
Bobo :)
“SEASON 2 SPOILERS Bobo is the name of the bear that had the Raj mask in season 2 episode 12 :) idk I just think he’s silly”
DJ’s bunny
the Chris-shaped cake that Julia's group made
“I wanna eat that thang”
Dramarama Cody
“He's an alien”
Theodore (MK's stuffed unicorn)
(the arts and crafts) Shed (from season 1)
“shed sweep”
that evil little seal from wt
“sooo little and evil. who can hate him”
caleb rock
“possibly the best version of him out there”
the skull duncan carved for courtney
“you cant deny how iconic it was”
eva’s mp3 player
“the most important character in td history”
heather’s various hairstyles
“possibly the most diverse and versatile entity in td historu”
pahkitew island
“The best one”
ryan seacrests car
“very fast”
chef's car (total dramarama and gen 4)
“MY CAR!!!!!”
alien clone cody
“AAAAAAA*explodes into green goo*”
chris's wig
heather's wig
total drama yum yuk happy go time candy fish tails
“You ate it!”
trents five finger shirt
princess courtney CD
“all the greatest hits!”
owens butt
anne maria’s hair style
“Ey im walkin here”
bridgettes surfboard
the fake antlers from the paintball ep
manitobas fedora
beary <3
“it’s LITERALLY beary”
ripper’s world record breaking fart
“he did it”
the portrait of cody as blue boy in wt
“funny looking”
sierra’s pizza box-cum-laptop*
“she uses the internet AND eats witj it. shes a genius”
*Mod Note: this refers to cum meaning: combined with; also used as (used to describe things with a dual nature or function).
waynes accent
“Eh we play hockey eh”
mal ventriloquist doll
“aaah im evil mal doll”
alejandro puppet
“we do a little trolling”
Chef 2.0
“He made him from a cashew”
Mt. Kīlauea
“She has the mercy to have her lava not hot enough to kill Alejandro, Ezekiel, and that random intern like... Everyone say "thank you" or somethin idk. Do you think she feels bad that Alejandro ended up in a robot suit because”
Immunity idol s4-5
“They ruined it's design in the reboot boooooooo”
MK's infernape
“Listen, she's a gamer and she's based. She would totally pick chimchar in bdsp. She probably hates people who tells her to "play platinum" because that was a game made for old people.
Try and exclude this submission, I dare you. There's nothing that says I can't submit theoretical non-humans. There's a non-zero chance that MK has an Infernape and I know it's been raised to have some awesome sneaky move. If you exclude this, I bet you'd allow "Mike's Torterra" because only a grass type fan would be a fire type and MK hater!!
Julia would keep her piplup unevolved and beat her console into tiny bits when she gets to Cynthia btw”
the drone of shame
“[picks up victim and flies away] wheeee”
that giant bowl of rice they fall into in japan
“mm giant bowl of rice”
noah’s dog
“his epic dog”
celine dion cardboard cutout
“love fucking wins #duncney”
the face huggers from Area 51
“rip tyler”
ezekiel MISSING milk carton
“Sad! He died.”
the eagle chris shot and killed
“someone arrest this man. again”
the confessional
“it’s always there for you”
geoff’s splinter
the bread from codys pants
“man i need to rewatch island. i fucking love the pants bread”
That ice cream snowman from SMS
“the one from raptear specifically. let's go lesbians”
that pizza chase threw the challenge for
“clearly he should be with it rather than emma. chemma? chipper? chazee? nope never fucking heard of them”
Momma's Spice
“*sprinkles it on op's head* mmmm tasty”
The Gilded Chris award
WT barf bags
“give a real f to those guys. never appeared after episode 7.”
the toxic marshmallow of loserdom
“killer of staci's hair”
The lavatory confessional
“bitch is iconic. 6/8 is a passing mark!!!”
Courtney's PDA
“why wouldnt they call it a phone idk but its so camp”
The Cassowaries
“Male cassowaries are responsible for raising the young. We love an involved father.”
Fire-breathing winged mountain goats
“You could make an Undertale reference with this (also they're really cool)”
Giant Beetle
“Dott shippers will like this one”
Mutated Maggots
“They're pretty cute!”
Six-Legged Rats
scott bird
“what a beautiful bird”
Chef's car
“It may play a role in mkulia canon”
that rainbow porridge in episode 8 of the reboot
“aw hell naw chris cookin up the gay porridge”
The cassowary that fell in love with Zee
“We love an iconic single mother looking for love”
The rat in the cargo hold that appears on screen for 0.5 seconds during Ezekiel's solo in "Come Fly With Us"
“That rat really carried the whole song. Iconic. Astounding. Never before seen talent. Lady Gaga is shaking in her Demonias.”
The Erymanthian Boar
“It wrecked Duncan's shit in Greece.”
The dock of shame
“So many teens walked on her, i think she deserves some recognizion”
gwen's blender necklace
Zoey's hamster (Miss Puffycheeks)
“It's cute and can punch a cat, need I say more?”
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
actually it was bothering me that i couldn't remember any of them so my favorites. i would like your thoughts on them
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OUGHHG TWO OF THEM.... iwill try my best boss!! o7
Design- i love her design to Death ok. literally everything to me. the hooded cloak, the black and white scribbles, the pop of color. cute little ribbon and shadowed face like a black hole. the doinker is CHARMING yall are just COWARDS!!!!!!!! also Big Fuckig Spear. she looks straight out of a storybook and it means the entire world and more to me, especially considering how fragments is. id kill for a cool comfy cloak like that. yall dont UNDERSTAND.
Theme- listen. im always a sucker for not-quite-human things trying their fucking damndest to be understood and not quite getting there. the neurodivergent experience, or somethingk. fragments i love you so much. its about the inherent isolation, the desire to reach out, yet in trying only pushing them away even further. (only tangenially related to angela aswell, the decision that the best way to communicate when words wont do being settled as song... something as innocent as singing, to the mournful wail of the lonely. ok 👍)
this ones harder t split because of how it ties in both, but the fact that she is completely faceless without the use of something like a mask REALLY drives home that Alien-like feeling. the idea that shes something Incomprehensible, something that doesnt quite belong here. the scribbly image invoking the image of something like a childs drawing, looking not unlike some sort of knight or hero, yet contrasted by its gentle flowy look almost like a wanderer's cloak... grabs and SHAKES. the antenna adorned with a heart, chosen as an image ubiquitously known as a symbol of love and connection. casting that out into the forefront, literally sticking out like a sore thumb. im going to explode.
[Our Galaxy] girlie how r u so hugelarge.
Design- god she is so pretty but MAN she has so much going on. i ADORE the starry motif thats almost unbound to her physical form, the big ol cloak, hair spiraling out of the grasp of gravity. they really went all out with this one, but honestly i have very little to note about it! potion of Just Look At Her, Man. i wont pretend to understand what her little crown-halo dealie is, but its sick as hell. yuh 👍
Theme- honestly i hadnt thought about it much past simply what child of the galaxy's theming is, but the more i look at it the more i see it as pinned right at the end of the final days of lobcorp-- the loneliness, then carmen's meddling. the speaking of darkness, endings, the realization that she had truly been abandoned; "I can never let this be the end..." it takes the lead as that innocent hope that she could have another chance at it all. of course im threading this along as i go, but i really am thinking about it. "Draw the curtains to reveal the stars in the night sky, and we’ll count them together. Walk this night sky with me. The galaxy dotted with numerous hopes." in that context, it really does paint an image. even so, regardless, it brings forth the desire to share that future with anyone who would stay with her, which. has me thinking, yknow. but what really kills me is the line: "Stay with me forever. We’re… …s. Right?" the recall of one of child of the galaxy's lines, blotting out the word "friends"... ohhhh girlie you are SO fucked. (something about yearning for something you wont even allow yourself to hope for...... thinks real hard......)
in conclusion: wails. wails. wails. wails. w
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trobeds · 2 years
ronance hcs!! because im not waiting for someone to ask me <3
nance gives robin her music box after seeing her excitement at the tiny ballerina
robin and nancy get together while robins rambling about something new shes reading (and hyperfixating on) and shes just really really cute and nancy cant help herself when she pecks her on the lips and robin falls silent for a whole minute before rambling her ass off because wow that was amazing im going to explode ohmygodohmygodholyshitohmygod <3 (also featured in my elmax + ronance hcs)
nancy plays with robins rings
robin reads to nancy who finds it super comforting and thinks she could listen to her forever (MAYA HAWKES VOICE??? OMG?????) (from another hc post of mine)
robs is usually the big spoon when theyre cuddling and she wraps her arms and legs around nance to pull her closer
sometimes nance just sits down and starts ranting about some shit that went down at work or something thats stressing her out and robin will wrap her arms around her gf from behind and press kisses to her jaw and neck and watch as her tense muscles loosen and she caves in to the touch
they get an apartment together in boston
robin bites nancys arm or her shoulder or wherever to get her attention when she wants
neither of them are morning ppl so they have a lot of those "HOLY SHIT. WE OVERSLEPT." moments
they have an (unofficial but fuck that) autumn wedding and robin proposes with a toe ring but pinky promises to buy her a real ring when theyre allowed to really get married and then nancy can show off her wedding ring and tell ppl about her wife <3
steve makes a speech about how robin tells him everything about their life and how hes literally part of their relationship at this point
robin wears a suit and gets super fucking flustered when she sees nancy in her dress
robin rambles through her vows <3 nancy just falls a little more in love
yeah anyways thats all i have for now hope u like them!! <3 send me hc requests in my inbox if u want im constantly bored
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 1-2
Im gonna be completely honest, out of all the seasons, I remember skybound the most
Maybe because it was the first time the series took Jay away from the comedic role and gave him development
I need everyone to stop calling Nya ‘sweetheart’ or im going to explode them with my mind
I was so caught up on pirates, genies, and Jay being an idiot that i forgot that was a huge factor
I remember I really hated dareth this season
Dareth: Your a boy band! A hunk machine! You dont need a girl in the group!
All the ninja: 😐😑😐
They really called him out on his bullshit
Cole wants nothing to do with the love triangle 😭
God I remember hating this famous ninja thing
Theres was so much second hand embarrassment I had to endure, and now I have to do it all over again
So much unneeded drama
Like yeah, i want the ninja to have recognition, but I dont want them to become popstars 💀
just for them to be appreciated for doing their JOBS
Cole got so giddy learning he can disappear :)
Jay and Zane have weekly chess game nights its canon because I said so
I love happy Cole, yes, your a ghost but your living your best life, LIKE YOU SHOULD.
Cole: remember back in the tomb of the first spinjitzu master? When we all saw the reflections of out future selves?
Cole: When I couldnt see anything, it wasnt because I was a goner! It was because I could disappear!!! (Strikes a pose and disappears) :D
Jay: ohhhh then why dont you make like a ghost and VANISH. 🙄
Be nicer to him Jay 😭
Zane: you still havent told him about the reflection of you and nya, have you?
Jay: And ruin our friendship? No thanks.
I can promise you, Cole couldnt give two shits about having a romantic relationship with Nya. Nonetheless FIGHT you over it
Jay: Either way, she made up her mind. Its just, seeing us together, its all I can think about.
Honestly, Nyas anger directed towards Jay is completely valid. If I was perceived by the media as merely an object or prize to be won I’d be fuming.
Its so funny that Kai is all about this ‘fame’ thing. Being the poster board face for lego ninjago at the beginning and having the most merchandise
I love reoccurring characters even if Clouse is a little bitch
Misako: They’re growing up…
Wu: Yes, but I like to think ninjago would fall apart without us.
its nice to feel wanted
Nya: Are you sending out a CHIRP?!?!?
Kai: UH, my followers have wants too!!!!
Purple ninja my beloved
I love little kids helping the ninja its my favorite thing
Nya: how long did it take you to make that gi?
Purple ninja: when youve broken both your legs, you have a lot of time on your hands 😊 (slams into an exit door)
Wait wait wait wait
Jay: We’re a team! We stick together!
Nya: thanks. But i can stick up for myself.
Cole: He was just trying to be nice 😒
Jay: Dont worry! Its just our ‘first fight’ :)
Nyas allowed to be stingy but dont take it out on Jay 😭
Coles literally telling Nya to take Jays hand hes had enough of this bullshit 💀
Doesn’t clouse get screwed over by this genie?
Ah, excuse me. Djinn.
I forgot how Cole turns human again but if its anything like Clouses traumatically painful cries of agony then maybe he should stay a ghost…
Kais figurines are actually really cute.
Zane and Lloyd: No traces of clouse…
Yeah bc hes fucking dead
Its common knowledge now that ninjago is one of the 16 realms??? Like citizens know??? That would drive me absolutely insane.
Nadakhan: Delara died?!?
Cyrus borg as the infobot: died, expired, rot, tint, kicked the bucket-
Cyrus borg: I cant tell you where the realm crystal is! But i can tell you who has it! And where THEY are!
Me: 😐😑😐
Man in stiix: No one here cares for them fruit-colored ninja.
Cole: Um! 🤨 excuse me 😠 what fruit is black 🙄
Jay: blackberries?
Cole: shut it jay.
But wtf does nadakhan have to do with this? Can he do illusions or some shit?
I feel like my soul was ripped out at how sad they looked
Nya comforting Jay after he sees his disappointed parents 🥹
Chief: the ninja are at large, they are armed and dangerous. And—and. (Squinting at his script) they have, legs?
Chief: Call law enforcement so we can apprehend them.
Zane, dialing law enforcement: Hello? Law enforcement?
Lloyd: Zanewhatareyoudoing-
Zane: I am programmed to obey the law 🤨 I need to tell them our location.
Stiix citizens: arent you all those ninjas?
Jay: HAHA! Nope! We’re that other group that has a nindroid, a ghost, and a girl…
Kai: six against six, at least its an even number.
Lloyd: were not gonna fight citizens KAI.
Kai: … dammit…
Jay: how are we supposed to fight back??!?!? Witty banter!?!?!?!
Zane: Statistically your witty banter usually gets us into more trouble 😄
Love how Coles hoodie makes him look more ghostly
Awwwwww nya allowed jay to help her
Theyre growing :)
People of stiix calling them the fruit-colored ninja is the greatest thing
If Lego had the balls they’d call them the fruity ninja
This is actually so interesting, i remember the ninja being framed for crimes but I forgot it was this season. And right after they were famous and beloved nonetheless.
Wait is Wu inside Djinns bottle??? Like Clouse???
Misakos so smart she already knows who nadakhan is 😌
Okay but WHY dont they believe misako and the ninja
Like is it THAT hard to believe that a past enemy the ninja defeated can create illusions, and might want revenge????
Do the police legitimately believe, the ninja, known for being stealthy and cunning, are just gonna GIVE their status on social media?????
I guess a clues a clue right
Man they dont give Nya ANY credit. That was obviously her bracelet on the rat too. It was HER plan. Not Kais 😒
Jay. Ik your not this stupid. Nya just said a djinn is bad news. Trust your future girlfriend on this one buddy.
Jay: I know from my reflection that we end up together! Maybe a wish is how!
I mean… hes not wrong.
Lloyd: then we’ll find Djinn in pairs so he cant pick us off.
Jay: (immediately goes to Nyas side with a huge smile)
Cole (popping out of nowhere): Yeah yeah! And Jay and I can look for clues at the scene of the crime where he framed us!
Cole: What do you say buddy, just like old times?
Jay: haha sweeeeeet. Who doesnt like old times 🙃
Kai and Nya: sibling team
Jay and Cole: Bruise team
Lloyd and Zane: actually-get-shit-done team
I refuse to believe ronins smart enough to hack into Zanes system.
This must be so scary for Lloyd to just watch his friend go braindead
Dont-mention-Nya-every-time-your-on-screen challenge. Try it out Ronin.
He sucks so much.
Hes a cool villain though.
Ronins really catching them all like pokemon huh
Jay: its the amusement park! So many fond memories. Thats where I unlocked my true potential! Oh oh! And theres where Nya and I had out first date. I bet we’ll laugh about this in the future :)
Cole: ?
Jay: I meaaaaaan, why would she laugh about that! She hates me. 😀
Your giving yourself away Jay
Cole: The djinn can shape-shift! He could be anybody!
Jay: 😨
Jay: (sticks his hand through ghost Cole)
Cole: seriously?
Jay: just needed to make sure 😊
Cole after hearing his friends are all captured:
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Jay, at ronin: HA! You think u can electrically tie the master of lightning!
Ronin, pointing a cannon gun: Yeah but are you the master of kabloowey 🤨
Cole: You cant see me!!! Im a ghost! Am i here? Or over here!?!? HAHAHA
Ronin: I have thermal vision Cole. 😐
Cole: you do…? (Gets captured)
Ronin really DID catch them all…
The chief: Ninjago is safe once again!
I hope the chief gets fired.
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makahimetenshi · 8 months
Perfect connection - Arthur Maxson x Fem Sole Survivor
These are the lemmon chapters between the story Follow me inside the wastelands. Mostly to make their relationship more intense and passionate I would say this is in the middle of chapter 13 and 14, at that early point of their relationship
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Lately, inside his quarters, Nora was dressing cute. He didn’t understand the reason but he loved coming inside after a long day of work to admire that beautiful pre-war wife fantasy in blue laundered dresses.
Coming in to had lunch together was a dream, he will find her doing some very mundane and chill stuff like for example cleaning the windows of his quarters and oh boy he could love more the fact that he was giving her that…security…to feel safe.
When Nora cooked for him even if she didn’t eat she felt…plenty…she cherished this domestic life with someone, she enjoyed the time she had with Nate back then.
She felt happy, never thinking it was possible to recreate this peace in this new world
Waiting for the food on the table was a dream come true for Arthur, he didn’t even allow his mind to create fantasys like this before, a plate of hand cooked food with love, the experience was fulfilling in everysense, the noise of the food cooking in the pan, the smell of the ingredients, the little spoons Nora gave him to test, the goodloking view of his woman and the food…How much time it passed since he felt so in peace? This felt correct for both.
While he waited for her to serve the food he fantasied…with a life were the bombs never dropped, were they both married, him as the working husband waiting every morning for his glorious wife in the most lovely and cheerfuls dresses to serve him a breakfast made with love, both smiling happy to have the other at their sides with the radio on background just like now.
Nora would kiss him on the cheek leaving the warm plate on the table, Arthur would reciprocate the little kiss with a thank you. The fantasy balloon exploded but he had something equally as good right in front of him
It was a shame she wouldn’t want to eat much with  him.
-You look tired –she said serving glasses of wine for both.
-I always look tired, im doing much better with you around –he said cutting on his lunch
-Its that’s so? –it was, he felt less anxious knowing she was waiting for him in his quarters because of the  impriosioment time- and here I was thinking I was just a burden.
-Not at all, never think that –Nora sometimes had…dangerous thoughts…she had chips and mindsets difficult to change. Never would bother him at all- you look beautiful-gosh Arthur worshipped her so much
-This old thing? I should bring you things from  my home, since you are now the only man Im going to dress now on –Arthur smiled as his cheeks blushed, eating on his meal. Nora walk around him placing her hands on his shoulders and for some reason…he felt like a piece of meat, gosh he was her prey. She leaned down hugging him by the shoulders hiding her face in his neck, just breathing
-You shouldn’t feed me if you are looking  for a long session of sex
-Don’t tell me you end up all heavy!
-A bit, also the breath –she laughed and started to leave cheesy kisses on his cheek. As he chew he thought he never reminded to feel this…loved
His chest felt warm and full around her.
After finishing his meal he loose no time in taking her up from the waist, delighted with the play of the fabric in his arms, lifting her happy to hear her laugh and throw her into bed, took the chance to crawl in four on top of her and oh my the view was…beautiful, he caress her cheek paying attention to the length of the dress over her long legs but didn’t rise the fabric, just sneak a hand under and start moving up slowly, pressing his fingers against the inner side of her tight, moving up and down slowly to a side an another, looking at her eyes when his fingers moved to close to between her legs, loving the way she shivers entirely
His fingers started to play with her crotch, touching the skin of her legs and the very warm of her panties. Nora melted under his touch, letting him o and look at her eyes, this feels so intimate. Once he robbed the first moan a hand sneak into her panties from the top, fingers slipping down in her folds because of how wet she was…The hand on her cheek moved to grope one of her breast even with the dress on, massaging it firmly taking another moan from her lips.
A finger sneak between to touch her clit, her arms wrapped around his neck delicately  as she closed the eyes enjoying the sensation –Arthur…-she said as his finger moved touching her soft bud, damn she was wet.
Another finger started to play with her nipple, Nora wanted to reciprocate, trying to lift one of her knees up to touch him but the man pushed down her leg abandoning her breast to make her stay still in place
-Nono, this is for you –he said mumbling as a second finger started to play with her clit.
-You are okay? –a third finger started to move around her wet and hot entrance, he wouldn’t lie to himself this had him aching for his cock to get inside so bad, he wished that instead of his finger it was the head of his cock playing with her fluids but nono, today he wanted something different but damn she was wet and hot.
-Yeah –he said lying but it was all worth it when he heard another moan again- unbutton yourself honey -without loosing time Nora unbutton the dress in the chest area, his hand moved up to grab the other boob, his head going down to hatch her nipple, sucking, she scream a bit and that went directly to his hard cock, the third finger buried inside her and a fourth one sneak between her folds to play with her clit.
He can feel her breath changing, since his lips were sucking and licking her nipple so close to her chest, biting a bit making her shiver entirely, gosh her moans sounded so sexy, so feminine, so seductive…The third finger started to move up and down, the others massaging her clitoris in different directions
-I wanna touch you –she said loving the finger inside her.
-No –and then a second finger get inside, Nora turned her head to the side leaving her neck exposed
-But honey…-his theets would move delicately on her nipple, causing her to shiver again for the sweet tease.
-Do you like it? –he ask before sucking more, her hips started to move unconsciously against his hand.
-I love it but you…-out of nothing the two fingers inside her started to trust and move faster, so much faster that it seriously started to make her moan out and loud.
-I wanna see you cum- Arthur gave a slow and big lick to her entire breast, from the underboob to the top, moving his fingers faster
-Bite –she order, and he did, biting soft on her boob, her whole body shiver in pleasure-Oh gosh –her hips jerked and then he make a third finger inside- Ah yes…
His hand started to move faster inside, the wet sounds making his cock hurt from how turned on he was,  his lips will start kissing up to her neck, biting little and slow up on her skin. Without noticing and drived by desire his own hips started to trust and move against the woman leg, moving down his body to seek some friction against her like a dog.
-So beautiful –he said feeling his underwear wet, probably in precum now he was groping like that against her.
-Deeper- she order, and he started to trust harder and deeper is fingers until he cant anymore- Arthur…-she whined
-Mmm what you need is another thing –he said before biting on her neck, making Nora scream.
-Yes! –her hands gripped on his back, moving him around, gosh this was the moment were she wanted to take things by force, Nora will seek for her own pleasure.
-You don’t enjoy my fingers? –Arthur groan at feeling her hands on his back, wiggling against her leg.
-I do but I need something longe-...–ohsushutshutshut not the hook! Arthur will twist his fingers into a hook pressing on her sweet spot with his pads making the woman a mess of moans and overstimulation. It was complicated because It was absolutely so much! So much she cant deal with the sensation growing up to her chest! –Arthur! –she whined pretty unsure if she liked it or not but it was too much!
-Do not underestimate me –he laughed at her expenses and she pulled harder from his coat frustrated.
-Just give me more! –as soon she said that Arthur hand started to thrust harder inside, gosh with three fingers inside she felt good but the deeper he reaches the better, her fingers tangled in his coat as his lips started again to suck on her neck, licking around the vein.
The free hand started to twist and squeeze her nipple between his pads, obviously he don’t wanna hurt her but when she was desesperate it was difficult to mark the line were it was too much.
Arthur keep grinding against her leg, he was so stubborn sometimes, denying himself things just to reach goals, today he wanted to make her cum with his fingers only despite how BAD it makes him, and if it was the goal he will do it. It would be so easy to just burry his cock inside and she will love it but he was a man that fulfils objectives
The view of her fingered in a prewar wife dress was so hot, same with the red marks in her tits and neck, and there she was clinging to his back because she needed him.
-When I done with work tonight I gonna…–that’s right they were in a break for lunch, in a few minutes he should come back to the command deck to work.
-Ahhh you are going to leave with your cock like this? –a leg raised to touch his hard crotch with her knee, making the man moan, Arthur started to trust his fingers harder.
-Yes –he said looking at her eyes, defying her
-You are not going to last all noon –the man made the hook again, making her lost all control and grip HARD of his coat- stop!
-Do you want me to stop? –he asked pressing harder, Nora clenched her theets
-Just that! –the man laughed and moved down to leave kisses on her cheek as he moved his fingers harder
-Don’t defy me honey-today they were honey to each other, not elder, non sentinel-tonight im going to fuck you senseless –oh yes she wanted that, hearing it made a wave of heat crush in her entire body.
-Im close –she said closing her eyes, still, keep moving her knee on his crotch, because she liked to please him, and he wouldn’t move away because he needed it too.
-I know –the man can feel it from the way her walls were pressing and sucking around his fingers- you are gorgeous.
-Keep going –of course he wasn’t going to stop, the wet sounds between his fingers and her entrance were enough incentive. Nora pulled down his head from the motherfucking beard for a kiss, she was the one sneaking her tongue inside but oh boy she needed it.
He was experiencing new things with this woman everyday and damn this was the hottest kiss he ever had. Arthur will keep groping against her leg, god he needed the relief, he was going to be thinking all noon in her unable to work, god he may use some crotch armor down there to cover
-The breakfast was good but im already looking for the dinner tonight- he purred against his mouth, she bited his lip making him shiver and moan out, she smiled.
-Oh did my lunch leave you hungry? –she stop a moment opening her mouth, smile fading- damn Im coming
-Hungry is not the word…-he look at every centimeter of her beautiful face contracting for her orgasm- wanting more
-Arthur im coming –she said feeling something burn inside so bad
-Yes you are –gosh she looked beautiful, he could feel it on his fingers
-Im coming! –she was so wet! So slippery! So soft!
-Cum honey –It didn’t take long before her face contracted in an orgamsn, hitting hard her body, making her legs tremble and spams with force as she pulled hard from his coat and…his beard…
Even without interrupting her collapsing to the orgamsn he wouldn’t stop looking at her, looking up even when her hand pulled his head down by the beard. He wanted to appreciate her face enjoying.
-Arthur…-Nora mumble looking to a side tired, breathing in and out, that’s it, she needed his hand out from her insides.
-Look at me –he order and she did, opening her eyes to look at his handsome superior- tonight I want to drink from you, so you will stay like this until I arrive –she nodded obediently- then we are going to eat dinner
Nora took a moment to answer, tired, still feeling the orgasm rocking her body.
-Are you sure you don’t want to save this for dessert?
Arthur laughed, leaving a kiss on her cheek before separating standing up on his knees to look at his hard work, moving his three fingers up her clit playing with the slick before moving out making her tremble in overstimulation and loss, watching the mess he had on his bed: the most powerful woman of the commonwealth with her legs all open and wet in a beautiful prewar wife dress open, showing his bite marks, the bites of enjoying her tits.
-I don't think I can hold on
-Bring some vodka, I have an idea of how you can drink some other…dessert…
God this was going to be a long noon.
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sneakyscarab · 10 months
i think at this point i have crossed the event horizon and am a Certified Touhou Gamer™, cause the last few games have offered very low resistance to me schmooving on through. i literally downloaded this game earlier today and i've already 1cc'd it lol
nina's thoughts on Touhou 14 - Double-Dealing Character
another one down already! at this rate i might be able to play the newest touhou game before an english patch comes out lmao. DDC was one i was looking forward to, since i had been endeared to the grassroots youkai network through a lot of cute fan content. DDC was a fairly straightforward entry, which at this rate just seems to be the touhou cycle where it gets super weird and then chills out every 4 games lol.
life pieces and bomb pieces are back again, and once again their acquisition method has changed. now both types of piece are given out by the same method, boss fight phases drop a piece, and whenever you go to the top of the screen to collect items the game gives you a piece if you collected a good amount in one go. usually it gives you bomb pieces, but every 5th one procs a life piece instead, and you only need 3 life pieces for a 1up. besides that, no gameplay gimmicks in this one!
for the playable characters we got 3 options: Reimu and Marisa of course, and the surprising return of Sakuya as player 3! each has 2 moveset options, based on either using or not using a tool of theirs that is going haywire. interestingly, the unfocused shot doesn't change between the 2 sets, only the focus shot and bomb. Reimu has homing as a base, needles when focusing without the tool, and with her tool her focus shot is a giant spinning gohei that slowly homes in and does continuous aoe damage. Marisa has illusion lasers, magic missiles without the tool, and her corrupted tool is her mini-hakkero acting as a flamethrower . Sakuya has wide-angle knife throwing, a more vertical beam without the tool, and her corrupted tool is a series of posessed knives that stick into enemies and explode after a few seconds.
i tried out each moveset once, and they were all pretty fun, except Sakuya without her tool. after i tried each one once, i gave Sakuya's corrupted tool a second try, and got my 1cc right there. the homing from the possessed knives, the wide spread on the basic shot, and especially her bomb all made for a great moveset. Sakuya's bomb works similar to Nitori's from SA where you gain a shield for a few seconds and get a partial refund if you're not hit, but even better because the initial activation also gives you i-frames allowing it to perform double-duty in bullet-dense spellcards.
for the new characters, i mean i already said it earlier, but the grassroots youkai network is pretty cool, and really just all the characters in this game are neat.
Sekibanki is my favourite, something about her design just really works for me i dunno. the colour scheme, the cape, her tall collar hiding the fact that her head isn't connected, she's just cool. plus she's besties with Kogasa in other media, who im surprised didn't show up in this game considering how well she fits the theme.
Wakasagihime is also pretty cool, im surprised it took this long for any sort of aquatic youkai to show up, and mermaids are a great fit for the games theme of youkai trying to regain their scare factor. i like how for once a new stage1 boss character actually has connections to the main plot of the game, and isnt just someone Reimu and crew bumped into along the way, even being the reason Sakuya showed up in this story at all.
its tough to pick a third cause theres plenty of good options, but i think i have to go with Seija. her power suite of flipping things is simple but it has a lot of cool applications, i love how her 'lair' is a big inverted castle floating in the sky (sick symphony of the night reference?). her boss fight is probably one of the craziest in the series, her actual bullet patterns arent particularly rough, but she uses her flipping powers to break the 4th wall and flip the game screen horizontally, vertically, and a full 180 spin, which is super cool even if it fries my brain with the inverted controls. speaking of fight gimmicks, Shinmyoumaru also does a similar wild gameplay thing in her fight where she briefly turns your sprite HUGE and disables your weapon, making you dodge danmaku with an absolutely massive hitbox until it wears off, which is also really fun and bizarre.
Double-Dealing Character was pretty fun! the lack of a new big mechanic was surprising, but the base gameplay was still great without it, with the incentive to stack up uncollected items for a big collection run being enough of a mixup to keep it interesting. the boss fights were all pretty fun, and most of them had neat unique mechanics like Sekibanki's head satellites, and the aforementioned tricks with Seija and Shinmyoumaru. the characters are also really neat, and imo much more memorable than the ones from TD. if theres one complaint i have to give DDC, its WHERE DID SANAE GO? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER? IS SAKUYA RESPONSIBLE??? IF SHE IS IM GONNA- [it was at this point that the author was suddenly struck down by a silver knife that appeared in her room seemingly out of nowhere]
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paintedelm · 1 year
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i made two more wawas and an angry bug robot
my brain is infested with these things i am insane im crazy absolutely bonkers even
Anyways lore lore hmmm *shuffles my notecards and immediately drops them, scrambles to pick them up all in the wrong order*
The Gladiator and The Luminant are two wild slugs who travel everywhere with eachother and are like cute little bonded cats., (please go look up bonded cats they're SO CUTE I SOB EVERY TIME I SEE BONDED CATS) and Gladiator really really hates lizards because they could hurt Luminant (and they have already hurt Gladiator before) and also because they need to eat alot to hibernate, so lizards are the best food source since they're quite abundant in the area.
Despite Gladiator's rather violent tendencies toward lizards, they respect scavengers, paying for tolls and helping them fend off attackers.
These two don't stay in a single spot for very long, being quite the pair of nomads. The longest they've stayed in a place was nearby Clawing Against the Tides's can.
*stares at my cards while trying to read the smudged handwriting*
Clawing Against the Tides never held much of positive feelings for the ancients atop his can, especially after the mass ascension. Her disdain for them grew into anger, feeling betrayed that they could ascend while leaving her to waste away, prohibited from achieving his own ascension by taboos. What most upset him was how quiet it was, the only task left for him to do was finding a triple affirmative, nothing else left by the Ancients who wouldn't even see the work of Tides and her fellow iterators.
Time had past, Clawing Against the Tides had stopped working on the Great Problem cycles ago. He sat alone in his chamber, reviewing messages of other iterators in the local group, when suddenly he became aware of another presence in the chamber. A small slugcat, yellow markings and tail glowing faintly.
And sure it wasn't much of two-sided conversation material, even after receiving a mark of communication, it listened, when not messing with the pearls in his chamber, or flailing about in his anti-gravity. And Tides found herself to envy the small creature. It could come and go as it pleased, do whatever it wanted to, and judging it's appearance, it lived quite well out beyond his can.
She began to modify her puppet, allowing for it to detach from her can, and taking inspiration from her slugcat acquaintance in retractable claws for climbing. (Of which the little thing did quite alot of)
It took quite a few cycles- more than Tides would ever admit- to build up the courage to leave his chamber. But eventually, she followed her small slugcat friend out of her chamber, then out of her can entirely.
The outside world was almost overwhelming. He'd seen it through his overseers, but this was different, feeling the humidity of the air for the first time.
From there, the small slugcat she'd been calling The Luminant had brought her to a shelter and introduced her to another slugcat, The Gladiator.
...and then they go back to living as regular, except plus an iterator tagging along on their misadventures. Sorry im out of detail juice my tanks running empty its 11 pm and I'm tired and gotta be up for school tomorrow
anyways im going to bed goodnight *explodes like a prince rupert's drop*
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hi! congrats on hitting 1k! <3 could i request Fred Weasley (romantically) please? I chose him because of his personality mainly, just that i really like his personality and find it really attractive
my name is Elodie (she/her), i didnt know if i had to include it or not but i thought so since i like that its quite a unique and rare name
i've got quite long, wavy, blonde hair (down to about the top of my waist) and green eyes and i would say im somewhat tanned
i absolutely love anything history related, i can name every english monarch, almost every single thing that happens in the tudor dynasty and i know so many greek myths and could talk about the ancient greek every day life, mythology or theatre for days tbh. i love going to museums or art galleries and could spend hours in them, i usually drag my friends around them with me as well
i get high grades, usually top or second to top of the class, i wont lie i do usually need academic validation
i love classics, romance and fantasy books sm, some of my favourites are heartless, six crimson cranes, circe and macbeth
pink is def my favourite colour by far
i love slow burns that dont drag on too long and allow time in the story to see the couple happy n stuff and soulmate tropes, they always feel so sweet, i love movies like that - my favs are howls moving castle, little women (2019) and cinderella (2015)
sorry if this was too much, i didnt really know how much you'd want so i just included all that, tysm anyways! <3
thank you for participating :)
i wouldn’t consider fred a very academically inclined person. it’s not that he’s bad at it, he just think there’s better use of his time. muggle studies is really the only version of history he’d get, and he probably wouldn’t pay much attention to it. so while he probably wouldn’t be that fascinated by history, i do think he’d hyperfixate on things a lot. so he’d think it was really cute when you’d ramble about something you found interesting, and he’d listen to you with a smile on his face even if he wasn’t personally interested in whatever it is you were talking about. he’d also really appreciate that you listen to him ramble on about whatever he’s interested in, so he’d always want to return the favor. i actually do think he’d find mythology interesting. and he’d use any excuse to go to muggle london with you and let you drag him around to the museums and galleries. he’d also sit with you while you studied, despite being bored out of his mind. but he knows how important to you it is, and he wants you to he happy. and plus, it wouldn’t hurt him to get a little studying in too.
i don’t think he’s a reader either, but i do think he’d actually really enjoy the classics and epics. something tells me he’s a sappy romantic, and i do think he also would love the adventures. and he really likes you, so he would really love laying with you while you read to him. honestly, i don’t think he’d really mind what you did together, as long as you were with him.
despite him not really paying attention to academic things, i do think he really pays attention to things that matter to him. he’d notice the little things about you, and all the things like and the things you don’t like. it’s really sweet, he’d show it in little things. when he started developing products with george for the shop, he’d keep you in mind.
one day over the summer, he’d invite you to the burrow. at night, he and george would set off a case of fireworks they developed. the last one would explode into giant pink hearts that twinkled.
you’d smile, watching them sparkle in the sky. “pink. i like pink.”
“i know that, darling,” he’d smile, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “i picked it for you.”
“you did?”
he’d smile, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “i did. contrary to popular belief, i do notice things. i knew you’d like it.”
“i do,” you’d say, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“you gonna help me with the next batch of products? i need your smart little brain, george isn’t cutting it.”
you’d chuckle, nodding. “of course i will, love. only if you don’t use any of them on me, though.”
he’d smirk, shaking his head. “no promises, darling. no promises.”
thanks again for participating! hope you liked this :)
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 7~
things are not looking great for shen qiao. first he's betrayed by his shidi, then he's accosted by this old man who wants to bang him, now he's left his old sect behind... rip bby 😔 the old man is enjoying his sorry state a bit TOO much lol WHAT HOW DID HE MAKE THAT FLOWER EXPLODE??? HOLY SHIT HE MADE PETALS INTO A FLOWER AND THEN BROKE IT??? THATS SO COOL??? oh uhhhh there's something about a ring, good and evil, and clearing out mt xuandu or sth idk *shrug* yws: A-QIAO I HEARD U HAVE THAT GAY THOUGHT. SHARE IT A-QIAO. SHARE UR GAY THOUGHTS WITH ME. >:) now the old man and shen qiao are on a date. let's see if shen qiao will be allowed to drink without coughing or eat without fighting anyone :D damn nicholas cage is LOOSE in the jianghu, i can't believe he's just going round taking ppl's faces…….off ;A; ITS HARD TO CONCENTRATE WHEN SO MANY PPL TALK AT ONCE, AND THE SUBTITLES SHOW ME THE DIALOGUE FOR BOTH. PLS ....aaaaaand it's no dinner for shen qiao. AGAIN. smh 😩 oh god he's being a menace again. the old man, not nicholas cage. although nicholas cage also being a menace too somewhere out there is certainly possible, idk yws: oh?? ur gonna go ''''practise'''' alone in ur room??? when u could ''''practise'''' with ME instead???? >;DDD shen qiao: u are being kind of annoying :/ a lot of yws's dialogue are just hums of varying tones to express varying amounts of disdain and horny. i respect that shen qiao constantly being dismissed bc of his appearance is both frustrating and hilarious. esp when he gets the chance to LAY THE SMACKDOWN on his bullies 💪😤 WOO FIGHT SCENE! HELL YEAH! GO SHEN QIAO!!! SHOW THAT XIAOZI WHAT'S UP!!! oh!! he apologised! what a nice young man, he learnt a lesson! good for him! i take back what i said, ur not a brat 😊 DAMN RIGHT BEING NICE IS NOT BEING A PUSHOVER. THANK U FOR SAYING SO!! LISTEN TO SHEN QIAO, HE'S CORRECT!! gasp!! it's MY SON!! YU SHENGYAN!!! (see i remembered his name this time. all on my own. i'm LEARNING y'all) oh my gOD THAT FREAK WANTS HIS FACE!! LET GO OF MY SON'S FACE U MONSTER!! huo xijing: here is ur friend's face lol. i did u a favour, can i have urs too?? lol yws: ONLY I MAY KILL YU SHENGYAN AND PEEL OFF HIS FA--did u just. did u just call me old WHY IS EVERYONE OBSESSED WITH HOW HOT SHEN QIAO IS??? i mean they're right BUT THEY ALL KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT, IT'S SO STRANGE???? hxj: ooh a pretty boy, i'll take his face instead! :D sq: no :/ oh jesus who's this now?? too many new friends at once, im overwhelmed, im so confused ;A; AH!! yuan xiuxiu!! she's a LADY SECT LEADER??? i didn't know they had those!!! oh but the poor thing hasn't even got any shoes, how sad smh 😔 somebody fetch her a pair of slippers or something, this is so sad omg 😔 yxx: tee hee, im seductive and pretty~ yws: back off, tart, im gay >:( awww shen qiao wants to avenge that poor tortured lass ;A; he's such a good man, i really like him a lot ;A; i love how huo xijing is willing to literally peel faces off of human skulls, but the SECONDsomebody had him at a disadvantage, it's 'uuuuwww shen-laoshi, have mercyyy on meeeee uwu' GOT EM!!! GOOD ONE SHEN QIAO!!! U SHOWED HIM SHEN QIAO!!! 💪😤 yxx: how dare u kill my pet murderer??! *attacks the sick man* yws: BACK OFF BITCH, HE'S MINE D:< AWW HE'S HE'S MAKING SURE SHEN QIAO IS OK??? THAT'S SO CUTE????? the old man doesn't know it yet, but he's totally gonna fall in love for real and he's gonna be MISERABLE and im gonna laugh SO HARD >:D i look forward to ur suffering, yan wushi!! 😄
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aphrodict · 2 years
Good day Prince Ari! I had recently gotten the thought of going to Lantern Rite with a few of our anemo friends, (Xiao, Sucrose, Kazuha) with the prompt “Id fall inlove again every summertime” based on my favorite song Summertime - NIKI. Thank you once again, and apologies for suddenly appearing in your inbox. How are things with you? I do hope you are doing well. Id also like to announce a friend of mine has appeared on your inbox as well! Please treat them well. <3 - 🍀
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“ a lantern rite date “
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tws // none! pure fluff fluff fluff
pairing // xiao, sucrose, kazuha x gn!reader (seperate)
genre // try to guess
authors note // OMG HI 🍀ANON!! i havent seen u in a while, im doing fine ty for asking! i got carried away with this ask cause its so cute 😭😭 also i gave summertime a listen and ur music taste?? SO GOOD!! you arent disturbing me its fine!! enjoy <3 wc: 1.7k (WOHOO)
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xiao was hesitant going to lantern rite with you. hes not fond of large crowds and loud spaces, but the fact you offered to show him the best area made him interested at least. as you described, the area you two were going to had a nice breeze, soft grass and almost no one was there. another bonus was the fact you saw the entire harbor by just sitting there. the location was empty so he was afraid of any danger living in the corners waiting for the right time to jump out and attack, but you managed to convince him anyway. “fine, ill go.” you smile, “great! shall we get going then, mr. adeptus?”. the night was cold already, so you wonder if it'll be colder on the hill. xiao seemed unbothered by the weather and kept walking. he was shyly offering his hand to which you take happily, intertwining your fingers together. xiao looked away blushing, you chuckle at his actions. archons, hes too adorable to resist! “oh, its this place.” the thoughts in his mind finally goes away once xiao realizes it was safe. he had been here before, infact he had some friends with him. “you’ve been here?” he hums.
“yes, i have. the other.. adeptus, went here with me at some point. forget about it- its nothing worth mentioning.” he sat down on the grass, breathing deeply and relaxing, letting his shoulders drop and rest. you do the same, but theres not much of a difference since you’ve been fine the entire day. the chattering in the harbor was heard all the way from here. the setting of the lanterns slowly lit up the sky, you smiled- tapping his shoulder to make him look up with you. the lanterns colored the night with a bright orange and yellow. you stared at awe, while xiao was staring at something else. you looked so, beautiful, so surreal. the way the lanterns lit up behind you, the light scattering around your figure. he wanted this to last forever, xiao wanted to be with you forever. just when you think the show was over, the sky was bright with colorful fireworks. a blue one exploding in the air, while a pink and orange one follow after. you saw the fireworks turn into the shape of mora, animals, and other everyday symbols. “f/n-“ you looked over at the adeptus, it really seemed like you had a permanent smile on your face. “mhm?” you respond, he looks down at the qingxing flower he picked up from god knows where. “thank you for, bringing me here.” his lips curve slightly. he wanted to stop the moment and stay like this. xiao whispered a small “i love you” and hugged your waist from behind, while you two continue watching the fireworks in awe.
“sucrose, have you been to liyue?” you ask the alchemist. she has been fixing the things she messed up from her last experiment, “liyue? i think ive been there with timaeus once, but i havent been there personally.” you looked over at her in shock, “oh, is that so..” your gaze on her hasnt left, turning your body towards the alchemist and putting your head on her shoulder. “then ill invite you to lantern rite, just you and me!” the alchemist couldve sworn she almost dropped something. “im not sure if mr. albedo would allow me, plus! i dont think i have the free time either.” you pouted, playfully tapping her back “we’ll make free time then, ill pick you up at 5, sounds good? great!” without giving her the time to make a proper response, unless you count silent mumbling, you left the laboratory and gave her a goodbye wave. a few hours of waiting, thats it right? im sure you’re patient enough for that. im just kidding- you went around mondstadt, you know sucrose loved something like “modifying life”. eventually going out towards the gates and finding a flower on your way to windrise. thinking this would be good enough, you walked back to mondstadt, flower in hand. “f/n! you actually came- i thought your invite was just a joke but then i thought ‘why would you joke about that?’ and started questioning you even more like, why would you even want to invite me? out of all people? you could've gotten mr. albedo or even kaeya!“ when she started mumbling, fiddling with her fingers. you put the flower behind her ear, tucking it in, some of her hair following. her ears twitched a little and she had this small blush on her face. “you look cute, sucrose.” you realize she looks even more amazing with the flower you got her! “lets go, shall we?” reaching your arm out to her, she wraps hers with yours in response. the journey was quite long, you two went on a boat to get to liyue faster- all thanks to a captain friend of yours. “well well, you better get going you lovebirds! the show starts in exactly 20 minutes, you still have time to go shopping. or if you have nothing else to get, go to your location. unless you need me to get there, again.” the purple haired captain teased, turning her back against you two. you thank her and bowed your head slightly while she raised her hand as a ‘no problem’. you go around the harbor’s shops. sucrose just stared at awe in how nicely decorated it is. “you hungry? i can get some food for us if you want” you asked, offering to go to this specific restaurant as it served good food for quite a cheap price. you went on and on with the. shop names and what they offered, “im fine with whatever you pick.” she said, her mind too occupied with some other thoughts. “wanmin restaurant it is then!”, you held her hand, swaying it as you walked. sucrose spotted a shop she had interest in. once you realized she stopped walking, you went over to her and buying what she found. “here, let me help you wear it.” putting the scarf around her. “thank you, f/n. i really liked the design! look! it has small flowers on it, oh oh and this too!” she pointed around the designs, you let out a light chuckle as she smiled at you with excitement. right after greeting xiangling, seeing chongyun and xingqiu hanging out together with her, you and sucrose went near the docks to watch the lanterns. the sky was bright, it felt as if the sun was still there, setting with a vibrant orange. sucrose looked so amazed, the voices of everyones reactions were drowned with the sound of fireworks setting off and the person infront of you speaking. “thank you for letting me go here with you, f/n.” her amber eyes looking at yours, squeezing your hand tightly- not enough to hurt you. “yeah, we should.. do this yearly.” you suggested, sucrose looked back at the sky, enjoying the view
you and kazuha we’re just returning back to liyue after having the traveler meet up with thoma once more in ritou. you two said your goodbye’s and stay safe’s. “man, that traveler, really set to find her brother huh?” the captain spoke. “it is her mission after all. wouldn't you go look for a lost loved one as well, beidou?” kazuha replied, coming back from the edge of the boat. “huh, you’re right. are they both really that close?” she asked. you didnt bother joining in the conversation, busy with something else. “its safe to assume that, ive heard her mention something about her and her brother visiting world after world together. it was until a few months ago when they got seperated.” kazuha made his way to you, his fingers brushing over your palm and kissing your knuckles. “yeah yeah ive heard of the story- oh?” beidou shouted, voice lowering when she saw a lantern float out to the sea with letters saying “reunite”. three figures were drawn, two siblings and a smaller figure. “its that time of the year again for liyue harbor. say, dove, would you like to see the lanterns with me?” his voice rather low and raspy. “id love to, kazuha.” you smile back. your little moment ruined with beidou telling one of the crewmates to set the anchor down, it was when you realized you were nearing guyun stone forest. once you all settle near the mountain, kazuha grabs your hand as you two drop down to the land. you make your way to the harbor, seeing that familiar red gate and rich brown bridge. the inazuman stopped his tracks, heading to a different direction. you quickly follow him so you wouldnt get lost- as he leads you to one of his favorite spots. the way there is steep, but it was worth it, you sat down the grass and waited for the lanterns. “you know the lantern we saw earlier at the ship?” nodding, kazuha moves closer to you, taking and holding your hand. “i realized that it was probably from the traveler.” he looks down at your fingers, moving it around before bringing it close to his lips. “how so? the traveler is in inazuma right now, and we saw it coming from liyue’s direction…” kazuha kisses your knuckles one by one, they were soft, you could barely feel the warmth. as if it was ghosting over it. the lanterns slowly set off in the sky, your attention from your lover switched to the bright paper floating. it started with 6 lanterns, then 30, then every single one. it looked like the sunset, pretty and vibrant. “its beautiful as always, just like you.” you fluster at his words, about to speak when the fireworks had interrupted you. “that was, unexpected.” you whisper, he nods and uses his hand to cup your cheeks. “it really is, i dont remember there being fireworks during lantern rite.” he kisses you, on your cheeks then to your lips. your gaze never leaving the show infront of you. hearing the words “i love you” for so many times during the day, you felt as this one was more special than the rest..
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