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slushycoookie · 2 months
My Husband Has a Symbiote! Pt.3
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3
Relationship: Miguel O'Hara x AFAB! Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Content: Mentions of infertility, slight angst, Miguel shows off his geneticist side, Rough sex, Minors DNI!!
Summary: After months of Miguel having the symbiote, it's not working like you thought it would.
A/N: It took me eons to write this part but I'm back! We only have a few more parts of this story before I move on to something else. Enjoy!
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You never thought you’d be sitting at the table with an alien. Although, a few years ago, you didn’t think you’d be married to a superhero. Now look at you. Eyeing the symbiote’s head across the table, drinking hot chocolate. You didn’t want to leave them out as they had cups of coffee. And you heard they like chocolate.
“Does it even have a name?”
Miguel and his symbiote looked at each other, “We aren’t really on a first-name basis.”
“You mean, you let this thing fuse with you and you don’t know its name?” You held back smacking your forehead. “I thought you were smarter than that.”
“I am.” Your husband reassured you, “Their name is Ravage. I didn’t name them that, they did.” You watch the alien smile, sharp teeth in clear view.
“Why Ravage?”
Ravage uses a tendril to imitate shrugging, “It sounds cool.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
“How long were you planning on keeping them?”
“Until you get pregnant.” Miguel explained, “I wasn't planning on keeping them forever.”
You folded your arms, “And what were you going to do with them once I got pregnant?” You raised a brow at his delayed response. The symbiote wasn’t saying anything either, waiting for Miguel to answer.
“Find a new host was a general idea. But you don’t need to worry about that.” You wanted to ask more questions but he held your hand, giving it a comforting squeeze, “Let’s keep trying.”
You squeezed his hand back, your lips forming into a smile. You absolutely wanted to keep trying but thought it was good to set some ground rules. As much as you enjoyed having sex with him every day, you still had lives. You agreed to indulge in the baby-making process around ovulation periods to give the highest possible chance of conception. If either of you were in a particular mood, it was okay too.
After having the conversation, sex with the symbiote was stress-free. You took the enlarged cock with ease, got filled with his seed, and relaxed right after. It was nice at first. But the results weren’t there.
No clear signs of pregnancy after a few months of Miguel obtaining Ravage. You thought you weren't having normal symptoms outside of the usual fatigue and aching joints. So you bought a pregnancy test. Only to be disappointed as the single line appeared in your vision. Pregnancy tests weren’t always accurate so you asked Lyla to conduct a scan on you.
Only for you to come up short.
Before Miguel’s newfound symbiote friend, you were trying to have a baby for eight months. You all did research. You knew it could take a while for conception to take place. Yet, it’s been almost a year, and no progress.
Hopelessness clouded over your mind. Thoughts began to settle in, accusing yourself of the reason why you couldn’t get pregnant. It was all your fault. Miguel said it would be difficult, not impossible. But that’s what it felt like. Impossible.
The thoughts wouldn’t go away. Not as Miguel’s lips peppered your neck, hands fondling your soft thighs. Ready to go for a round in their bedroom after a long day at work. In any other situation, you would’ve felt good. But all you could focus on was being a failure.
“I missed you today…” Miguel’s low tone resonated in your ears. A gentle squeeze on your breast as he continued to your shoulder, tugging on the collar of your shirt for more access to your skin. “Did you miss me?”
You hummed in response, raising your arms for him to remove your shirt. Your stomach twisted at his loving gaze on your naked top half. You knew he loved you. Yet, you were torturing him by not being able to provide what he wanted.
“You okay?”
You blinked, realizing you weren't reciprocating. “Yeah. I’m fine.” You kissed him, distracting yourself with the unnecessary thoughts. Not wanting to succumb to them as you were laid flat on your back. Hands moving from under his shirt to lift it over his head. You focused on his lips moving down your body. Open-mouth kisses covering your upper half.
“Can't wait until these are full of milk…” Miguel said, running his tongue over the swell of your breasts. “Getting ready for our baby…”
You shuddered as his tongue ran over your nipple, sucking on your breast while fondling the other.
All you thought of was you were trying for nothing. This will be another session that will lead you to not getting pregnant. Another disappointing endeavor. Because of you. All because of you.
“Nena?” He called, causing you to perk up. You were doing it again. Not reacting.
“Didn’t you hear me?”
You blinked, “Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?”
Miguel hovered above you, eyes searching your face. “Nothing. Are you sure you're okay? Did something happen at work?”
“No, no I'm fine.” You cradled his face in his hands, giving him another kiss. “Really.”
He sighed, leaning back and pulling her towards him. You were held in his arms, sheltering you from the outside world. “You're not fine. You're thinking. And with your face, I know it's not good.”
Curse your husband for knowing you so well.
“It's nothing you need to worry about.” You buried your face in his hairy chest. Hearing him suck his teeth.
“I always worry about you when something’s wrong.” The hold on you tightened in reassurance. “Now tell me.”
You struggled, fighting back the tears. “This isn't working. None of this.”
“What? Baby, we did know this was going to take a while.”
“I know, but-” Your breath stuttered, cheeks getting wet, “I'm letting you down. I just can't seem to get pregnant.”
Miguel shook his head, pulling you away to assess the damage. He wiped away your tears, using his shirt to remove the incoming snot. “Don't say that. If anything, it's my fault. My sperm isn't doing a good job. With or without the symbiote.”
“You're not the one with an infertile diagnosis…” You harshly laughed, blinking more tears away.
He helped you put on your shirt. “I don't like when you're upset. You know that, right?” You nodded. “We have to keep trying. And if it doesn't work, then we have other options. Like adoption.”
You watched your husband lay beside you, a strong arm wrapping around your waist to pull you closer. Your head on his chest, his lips kissing your hair. He was right, there were other options. But you couldn't be comfortable with not trying anything you could. Before giving up.
“You could use me.”
Ravage's head hovered above your body in bed. Your eyes darted to Miguel’s sleeping form, unsure if you should wake him. Wait, what did they say? “I could…use you?”
“Yes.” Their smile may appear sadistic if it was anyone else. You kind of saw them as being genuine, “We can fix you. Cure you.”
“Can you? I didn't know symbiotes could do that.”
“Your husband failed to spare the details.” They went closer, you getting to see his intense eyes. “We make everything better. From physical to genetic…” Goosebumps formed on your skin as he emphasized the last word. There had to be a catch.
“If you knew this, why didn't you latch on to me and do it already? Like that time at the lab?”
Ravage huffed with frustration, “We need someone willing. You wanted us to that time. We could do it by force but then…” He trailed off, hoping you would get the idea. You knew if that happened Miguel would be on the alien in a heartbeat. If you were to consider it, he'd have to know. It is your symbiote now too. It wouldn't hurt to share.
“No, absolutely not.”
Miguel declined when you brought it up during dinner the next day. You had to sit with the idea yourself before bringing it up to him. Understand the pros and cons of letting a foreign entity connect with you. You weren't a spider-person either. No superpowers or anything to help you resist. You'd be going in completely vulnerable.
Of course, he wouldn't like it.
“Why?” You asked, “It could fix what I have going on with me.”
“It's only temporary.” Miguel warned, “Once you part with it, it's only a matter of time before what you have comes back. Maybe even worse than before.”
“Okay, but once I get pregnant, it won't matter anymore.”
His brows furrowed, “This is an alien we're talking about here. That's fusing with you. It's dangerous.”
“You didn't ask for my permission when you fused with it! Why should I ask for yours?”
“Because this is different. I'm Spider-Man, you're not.”
You rolled your eyes, “Now, we're having this conversation again?” Miguel huffed, face lowered as he went silent, focusing on his meal. You hated it when he stopped talking in the middle of an important conversation. You usually understood and were patient, but now you couldn't hold your tongue. “If I had powers, would you consider it?”
“No.” He said, his voice strained.
“Then what difference does it make?”
“Because you’re my partner.” Miguel stared at you, hard red eyes into your soul. The grip on his fork was strong enough for him to bend it, holding back his true feelings. “I don't want anything to happen to you. Symbiotes are unpredictable. Dangerous. I'd rather put myself through that and not you.”
“That’s not fair. We’re supposed to be a team.” His face softened as you gazed at him with soft eyes.
“We are.”
Miguel stood, not wanting the rest of his dinner. He mutters about finishing up some work at HQ, making a portal before disappearing behind it. Leaving you to clean up. You weren't diminishing his protests. The idea of dealing with symbiotes was scary, especially with someone who hasn’t used them before. You thought it wouldn’t hurt to try.
But now your husband was angry. He was going to avoid the topic now until you couldn’t take the silence anymore. At least that’s what you thought.
The next morning he came to you, eyes heavy from lack of sleep. A lab coat over his spider suit. To say the words you never thought he’d say.
Let’s do it.
His hair was messy, like his actions as he paced in his lab. You saw multiple images presented by Lyla to support his theory. None of it made sense. You weren't a scientist. But he mentioned how it can be possible as long as you set some ground rules. Control the environment so things won’t get out of hand. And you wouldn’t get hurt.
Your heart squeezed as he rambled, the geneticist side coming out in full force. “You stayed up all night thinking about this, didn’t you?”
“Of course.” Miguel quickly said, his cheeks flushed. “I love you.”
You cradled his face in your palms, thumbs rubbing his cheeks with affection. “I love you too.”
To be cautious, Miguel wanted to test how you reacted to the symbiote. He wanted to monitor you for 24 hours. He first suggested locking you up in the lab so he could be close by but you weren't having that. You decided that staying home and doing your usual tasks would be good enough. Miguel wasn’t a huge fan but he shut up after a few kisses.
You weren't sure how you'd react to the symbiote. If you would feel a drastic difference compared to your normal self. So when Ravage attached to your body, there wasn’t a dramatic shift. No change. Only that they were there. A niggling on the back of your head. It wasn’t annoying, but it would take a while to get used to.
You did everything as normal. Freshened up and grabbed a cup of coffee. Until your mug snapped.
You shrieked at the sudden action, your coffee on the floor, hot droplets on your hand. Miguel was watching you because he called through your watch right away.
“Are you okay?”
You started wiping up your mess, “I’m fine. It just happened so quickly.” Your brows furrowed while sweeping the broken contents. You’d never snapped a mug like that before. Was it because of Ravage?
“It’s the symbiote.” Miguel confirmed, “By enhancing you, it also applies to your physical traits.” Oh right, Ravage did mention that.
You stared at your hands. “Does that mean I have powers?”
“Kind of…Like I said, it’s only temporary.” Right. You shouldn’t get excited. All of this was temporary. “I’d watch your grip.”
You resorted to handling things with your fingers, willing yourself to touch them with the lightest of touch. You understood how Miguel felt about his abilities. If you moved your arm wrong, you’d probably break something. Or someone.
“I’m hungry.” Ravage’s voice resonated in your head.
That was another thing you had to get used to. Every time they spoke, their words would rumble through your body. Prickling your skin in an uncomfortable way that was also satisfying. And no one else could hear them besides you.
“You’re always hungry.” You commented while pulling out a bar of dark chocolate. You broke up the bar into smaller pieces, feeding it to them. “How many times did Miguel have to feed you?”
“Many times.” They said, chomping on another piece. “We don’t just need chocolate to feed.”
You purse your lips, “I’m not feeding you brains.” You gave them a look as they scowled, angrily eating his last piece of chocolate.
“We’re not talking about that. Sex should suffice.”
You perked up, “What?”
“You heard us. Intercourse staves us for a while.”
“Sex is nourishing for you?”
“We didn’t say that. We just like it.”
That explains why Miguel kept wanting to have sex with you. A lot.
“We can’t though. Knowing Mig, he’d want to wait until 24 hours are up.”
“Sex does involve said participants to be next to each other, right?” Their eyes raised in question, “It shouldn't be a problem.”
“No. Not until 24 hours are up.” That's what you said, but it wasn’t what you were thinking. You'd admit getting impatient. You wanted to see if this crazy plan would work. After months of trying and failing, you were tired of waiting. Why couldn't you make love to your husband now to see what happens?
Thoughts kept running rampant as you couldn't sleep. You wanted him to pull you in close, get on top, and have his way with you. You placed a hand on top of his own that rested on your stomach. Your ass, only covered by shorts, started to rub against his lower half. Miguel wasn’t asleep yet when his hand gripped your shirt, a groan slipping out.
“What are you doing?”
You kept going at that same agonizing pace. “Thinking…”
“About?” He made no moves to have you stop, only having a death grip on your shirt.
“How horny I am right now.”
Miguel’s breath quickened at the faster pace. On instinct, he pulled you closer, the large hand splayed across your belly. But he suddenly had a moment of clarity as he pulled back.
“No, it hasn't been 24 hours yet.”
You held back a smirk at how you could feel his cock getting hard against your bottom. “You can still watch me while you fuck me.”
You maneuvered to get back in your original position but he stopped you. “Sorry, I really don't want any surprises.” He gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead before turning over to try and sleep, which may take a while due to his current state.
That's fine, you could wait.
You made arousing your husband your mission. Showering with him, making sure his entire body was clean before work by running the washcloth over his body. Making out with him with the towels loosely hanging from your bodies. You felt Miguel’s muscles tense from every seductive touch. His eyes were hard on you as he knew what you were doing but didn't press further.
You stole another kiss before he went to work, tongue sliding across his own with fervor. When you parted, he took a long, deep breath.
“Me vas a matar (You’re gonna kill me)…” He muttered.
“I love you too.” You waved him goodbye when he disappeared.
Ravage’s pleased hum once again filled your body, “We are enjoying the teasing. But when do we play?”
“Be patient.”
30 minutes until the 24-hour surveillance was up. How convenient it was also around the time you ate lunch with him.
You arrived, displaying a casual demeanor when meeting up with Miguel at his lab. He was rightfully cautious as you walked side by side to the cafeteria. You had sent him a naughty text not too long ago. Everything was okay. Cool and casual. Right until you locked eyes with the broom closet.
With your newfound strength, you opened the door, grabbed your husband, and launched him inside.
The cleaning supplies shook from the force as you closed the door and locked it. Miguel didn’t have time to protest as your lips pressed against his in a rush. Filled with need and wanting. His hands gripped your sides, a groan escaping as he gently pushed you away.
“We have about 24 minutes and 15 seconds until-” You kissed him again and he reciprocated it. He pulled your body close to his, devouring each other in the embrace. But Miguel was such a stickler as he pulled away again. “We should wait-”
“Ravage hasn’t done anything these past 23 hours. If they wanted to, they would’ve.” You pushed him down to the floor, seeing the hunger rising in his eyes. Your stomach fluttered at his gaze, sitting down on his lap. “Now fuck me.”
Miguel didn’t need to be told twice. He kissed you again, a tight hold on your hips as he rolled his own against you. It didn’t take long for him to get hard, ready to release what you had started since last night. You were as desperate as him as hands tore through your clothes. You couldn’t be upset, as you sunk down on his length.
The entire act was filthy as Miguel gripped your plump cheeks while he thrusted up into you. A death grip on your flesh so you couldn’t escape. Rough enough to where the entire room started to shake. His head was deep between your breasts, whining about how good you felt. So good that you could feel the slight prick from his talons. They weren’t fully out, thank goodness, but enough to knead your soft flesh.
It didn’t take long for your climax to arrive. Your warm walls clenched against his length, inviting him to fill your insides. His warm seed coated you as his body stilled.
“Good. Very good.”
You heard Ravage as you gave Miguel another kiss. You weren't exhausted, your body sturdy enough to go for many more rounds. You were never like this before. Miguel had enough stamina to go all night if he could. But you were only capable of a few before passing out from exhaustion. Not this time.
Miguel picked you up and went home, completely neglecting his duties. Ravage started to take over, forming a second skin around your body. No one cared as you locked yourselves in the bedroom.
Miguel pressed you against the bed, bottom raised while he pounded into you. The entire room quaked under his rough thrusts as you were pinned against the wall. Bite marks covered your skin as you subdued him, locking hands and riding him until he saw heaven. Droplets of cum dripped out of you, only to be pushed back in by his large fingers.
You didn’t know how long you were going until you saw the clock. Being almost eight in the morning. Your head was hazy from the constant lovemaking. Heavy snores filled the room as you looked over, seeing Miguel sleeping on his stomach while tangled in the bedsheets. The sun peeked through the curtains and it was too much sunlight to your liking so you went up to close them. Your body felt heavy but also oddly satisfied. This must be the perk of having a symbiote.
“That was fun.” Ravage chittered, pleasure once again seeping through your body. “When can we play again?”
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beatrixstonehill2 · 5 months
The well-dressed man looked Jamie up and down. "I certainly can.... you must be Mr. Thompson's new girl. I'm Alex."
"Hi Alex," Jamie shook his hands, her newly enlarged breasts bouncing. "Is it that obvious?"
"Why yes, miss, it is. Tight dress, big boobies I'm gonna guess you didn't have a month ago straining against it. No bra. You're his new girl."
"I....." Jamie blushed. "OK. I am. What does that mean? Why are my boobs getting so big after only a month?"
"Mr. Thompson is putting titty growth pills in your water cooler in your office. And whatever else you order. Truth is, girly, in another few months you'll be sitting at your desk shirtless, those huge things spilling over your lap."
"What......? I...... But how will I work if my breasts get that big?"
"Not his problem. Seeing you try and figure it out is part of the thrill for him, as well as you coming into work with your breasts in a wheelbarrow or some kind of rolling wheelchair with a seat for them to lie on."
"They're seriously going to get that big!?" Jamie seemed less offended and more excited.
"And waaaay bigger. He's just going to keep pumping you full of that stuff until...... well....."
"Until what?"
"You become immobilized, bedbound, at which point you get the option to have your boobs removed, with a generous severance pay, or join his harem of former secretaries. I'd imagine you all lay in one big room together, all of your massive, two-hundred or so pound boobs piled on top of each other as his maids clean you and take care of you. And I'd imagine you carry his kids, since--you know, harem and all that."
Jamie bit her lip. "I mean....... I don't want to see like I'm getting ahead of myself, but do you think he'd be pleased with me if I asked him to double my doses and start getting me pregnant now so I'm nice and round with his children by the time my boobs are too big for me to carry?"
Alex sighed. "For a second there I thought Mr. Thompson found a normal girl and not some horny nympho who just wants to be a helpless, well-fucked cow for a living."
Jamie giggled. "I mean.... that's what all girls want deep down. Oh, this is my stop! Alex was it? Let me know if you want to play with my boobs next time we're in the elevator together! Bye!" She blew him a kiss.
Alex smiled, shaking his head as the elevator closed, thinking, 'That girl's tits are gonna weigh three hundred pounds a piece by the time she pushes his first set of kids out..... And she's gonna love every second of it.'
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The Hobie fandom has a lot of smut, and with a character so accepting on so many fronts, it means so much to me to see trans!readers being taken into consideration.
As a trans guy myself, I love seeking out ftm!smut. But often times, I often can't read them. Many times I'm left feeling unseen, reduced, or even feminized.
And I wanna talk about that a bit, if it's okay.
My take and feelings on FTM!smut - As a Trans Guy
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Ngl as a trans guy myself I do feel a bit alienated by a lot of FTM!reader.
I'm gonna be honest - I feel like most ftm smut is written exactly as it would be a cis woman, just with the pronouns changed. Which is understandable, but not really how it works.
Cis women and trans men don't have sex the exact same, just because they're AFAB.
And I feel most smut writers haven't gone out of their way to research the sexual experiences of trans men and how we navigate the world.
Hobie smut is pretty vulgar, and I won't complaining! As a character, he has a high volume of smut, and probably the most diverse range, with Black!reader, ftm!readers, and male!readers being more common than most fandoms.
Black!Reader focuses on the unique experience of black people when in a relationship together. This unique experience is at the basis of black!reader.
But when we approach Ftm!reader - very often, our unique experience isn't reflected.
It's just assumed that because we are AFAB - there's no need to look deeper at the closer unique sexual experience trans men have - or to read up about it.
Most ftm!reader fic does not attempt to use affirming sexual language for trans men at all.
T-dicks - ie, natural clitoris enlargement you get after taking T - is a thing a lot of transitioning Trans men have.
But they're never called T-dicks in fanfiction. Only clits. It's very rare that a ftm!reader is described as having a dick - because so often the only dicks cis people recognize are natal dicks, and surgery-constructed ones.
Many cis writers may never even considered referring to a trans man's clitoris as a dick - pre or post T. They may see it as confusing to the reader, when it's not.
T-Dicks are dicks. Bottom growth didn't give you a full 3-4 inches, but you absolutely have growth and there are trans men that can penetrate with T-dicks - without surgery - if with the right partner.
The words pussy and cunt are used liberally in nearly all ftm!smut, and while many trans men are okay with these terms, I think a lot of cis writers ignore or do not know that often, terms like those can cause heavy dysphoria in a lot of ftm readers.
I don't think cis writers ever question if they might be making readers dysphoric - or showing them in a non-affirming way.
I feel like some writers believe that changing pronouns and calling the reader 'handsome' is really all it takes. Just write usual fem smut, change the pronouns - and done!
In reality, a large part of the ftm community feels uncomfortable with the word 'pussy' - and would much rather stuff like 'front hole'.
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A poll on 'What do you call your downstairs?'
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And I'm not saying that you can't call a trans man's genitals a pussy. And I'm not saying that a trans man calling his genitals a pussy is wrong.
I just feel like cis writers do not consider the dysphoria of their trans readers, when writing trans smut.
I feel like most cis writers don't actually seek out accounts of trans men and their sexuality.
I don't think they ever consider that these terms, talking about wetness and penetration (which many men on T can have problems with because of vaginal atrophy and dryness), breast, clits, cunts, pussy -
I don't think cis writers ever question 'Is this accessible for ftm readers that might have dysphoria? How can I make this accessible or easier for trans men who have bottom dysphoria?'
'How can I make this more affirming of them as men?'
It's the assumption that, because we're all AFAB, because we have vaginas like cis women - then naturally we must all fuck the same regardless of gender, the only thing changing being the pronouns.
That's not true.
And also - Trans Men are never really written like gay men.
Trans men having sex with men is gay sex.
And even though most writers write trans men with male OCs - they hardly ever write their sex as if they are gay men.
99.9% of the time, it isn't written that way. Its always written as if it's 'straight sex'.
The experience of how gay men have sex is never really taken account into these fics, which makes me feel like a lot of writers don't see it as gay sex at all.
At most, the ftm reader may be described as a bottom - but never as an otter or twink or bear or cub or leather or anything.
They see it as AFAB sex.
Cause If I'm getting strictly candid - I feel like if a writer wrote mtf!smut and kept focusing on the girls 'hard throbbing cock and balls' - we'd all be like 'oh wow that's very intense centering on genitals that may alienate some trans women-'
But in ftm!smut focusing on 'wet tight juicy pussy and thriving clit' is standard. It's never really questioned.
And this is not to say 'oh trans women have it better they get better smut-' No. They really don't. I'm just bringing this up to highlight the fact that we should be making sure that trans!smut is accessible and affirming to the trans people they're about.
Seeing a fic in which a gay trans man prefers to use his asshole, like most gay men fuck, is VERY VERY rare.
I feel like most cis writers never consider the fact that gay trans men may want to perform sex in an affirming, clearly coded, masculine gay way.
It's always assumed we use our front hole, are okay with it being called a pussy, have no problems getting wet, or that we don't have dicks (T-dick is a dick).
And because of that - the lack of affirming language and the lack of affirming transmasc experiences makes it very hard for me as a FTM person to read smut about ftm!readers.
I feel like most of them don't actually take our comfort - or our experiences in mind.
I feel like most don't attempt to actually read accounts of trans guys having gay sex, and what that's often like.
If you're a writer who feels guilty of any of this - you're not a bad person or a bad writer. And I genuinely thank you for including us in your work - from the bottom of my heart.
But I want to highlight this -
Trans men having sex is not a 1:1 of cis women having sex. The same way trans women having sex is not a 1:1 of cis men having sex.
Or experiences are unique - and our dysphoria does affect our sex lives, and how we navigate them.
Please, do not let this put you off writing trans men. But please keep in mind that our experience is unique.
So often I read ftm!reader and feel reduced down to my pussy. Without breasts in the equation, so much ftm!smut focuses solely on the pussy.
If you write ftm!reader please please do not let this put you off, but here's some tips I can give as a trans guy
Please do slight research of ftm anatomy, read an article about gay trans men, or go on r/ftm (subreddit) and read some posts about trans men, read some nsfw posts where trans men tell hookup tales.
Advocate has an great article called '16 things I learned from having sex with Trans Men' - which details and dispels 16 myths about trans men in bed. It's written from the POV of gay men who have been with trans men in affirming ways.
This post is in no way meant to be an attack or subliminal at any one writer. If it was one writer, I wouldn't care.
But this is something I've experienced and seen across fandoms and across writers in this fandom too. I feel the urge to write this because searching for affirming ftm!fics - I often come away feeling even more dysphoric.
Not because of the word pussy or cunt or anything -
But because of the erasure of my experience, the idea that my gender doesn't influence my experience of sex - only my AFAB genitals do.
If you write ftm!smut, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly.
But I feel like I had to say this.
If you read this far, thank you! This is one of my more personal venting posts but I'm also trying to raise a point and start a discussion. And you reading through this and giving me your time and understanding is already helpful enough, so thanks!
Here's Hobie.
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thebelugawhalefriend · 5 months
Yandere Vampire Lesbian x Reader
CW: NSFW, Yandere themes, Female reader, Blood
Note: I love girls (vampire's name is Fiona ^^)
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You were a humble gardener for the nobles, she was a distant watcher in the shadows. Her skin was so pale and sensitive to the light you indulged in, and yet she couldn't help but risk it all to see you. Sun kissed skin that was spotted with freckles. How soft would it be to her touch? To her teeth? Don't think you could get away with that scent of blood that came from your open cuts.
Fiona kept pacing the floor time and time again. If she simply indulged herself by taking you, surely you'd despise her for taking you away from the sun. She can't just keep watch of you outside in daylight! There's way too much shadow here, and going elsewhere would just open up an opportunity for your escape.
One night, she snuck right to your window and watched as you slept peacefully. Fiona's hunger yearns to pierce your veins, but her love wanted nothing more than to stroke your hair. Just the thought of seeing you so vulnerable... It was embarrassing to admit, but she was working herself up just thinking about it.
She couldn't take it anymore!
Sliding the window open, Fiona slips herself in and prepares what she can for her crime of passion. Ties you right up with what she can and keeps you sleeping the entire time. The hardest part came when she was carrying you out and had to evade the dogs that chase her down the street. After all, turning into a bat or feline would mean she couldn't carry you...
"Miss Mildred...?" You groan and sit up from the plush bed. Mildred, your main boss, usually kept you holed up in her spare bedroom until your job began. But this isn't the harsh straw bed... This felt like... "Wool? That can't be..." Wool is far too valuable for Mildred to gift you! She would never wrap you in this... Room.
"Darling! You're awake!" A pale skinned, white haired woman stands in the doorway. Purple eyes glinting with excitement and enlarged fangs poking from her mouth. Wait- fangs?!
"Darling?! Just where-" Fiona holds a finger to her mouth, glaring at you playfully to quiet down. "Hush now, you don't want to disturb the sheets. We'll make them messy together!"
"Ma'am..." You shift yourself backwards on the bed, looking down to discover one of your arms are chained to the bed. "I think you've got the wrong girl! Please, I haven't done anything!"
"Shhh, calm down... I'm not going to hurt you, my love. I wouldn't dare feed on someone so soft hearted without their permission." Fiona leans down to crawl onto the bed. It's only when she's leaning over you that you realize how TALL she is. Not just above average, but a staggering six feet of vampire. Not to mention some of the toned muscles that poked through the exposing parts of her black dress.
Her pale hand came to grip your face, "I've got just the gardener I want. Those stunning eyes are so beautiful up close, darling. Mind if I get a taste of you?" Her grip makes it hard to even speak, but some part of you was curious what would happen if you went along. Your somewhat relaxed posture invites her to place a soft kiss to your lips. "Divine..."
Purple eyes flicker below towards your tight button up shirt. She can see every lovely detail and outline of your body. Would the rest of you stay as smooth as your lips? Or would it be a fun adventure for her fingers to glide along? Fiona's body shivered at the thought.
"I can just smell your excitement, my dear. You've got to give me the whole experience!"
Her voice is so exciting and alluring. You can't even find the words to say yes or no. Nimble fingers slip off your shirt one by one until you're fully exposed to her. All that's left now is your cute little bra, to which she first teases you by rubbing your breast gently through it. "So cute..." Fiona whispers to herself, her other hand reaching to get your bra undone.
"I-I don't even know your name..." This is all you can muster, but it does stop Fiona from undressing you for a moment to look up into your eyes. "Does it truly matter, my love? I know all about you... Your own name, your job, and even your pets! Forget what you need to know, you'll find out once I've had my fill."
With that, she throws your bra right to the side and keeps one hand on one of your breasts. Of course she wanted to keep pleasing you, but it's hard not to indulge in your flavor! To not just leave you a complete mess! Your body squirms and twists as her other hand reaches below to feel you through your panties. Miss Mildred always made sure to keep you in skirts whether you liked it or not. Now, it just serves as an easy access for this horny vampire.
"Do you want this, my dear? Say the word and I'll make it happen." Her movements pause for a moment to let you answer. On one hand, this strange lady kidnapped you and is now insisting you let her please you. On the other... "Please..." Your voice is weak and unsure, to which she takes the hand from your breast and holds your face close to hers. "Please what?" "I... I want you to..."
"Want me to?"
"Want you to k-keep going...!"
It's not even a second later and she's got your panties thrown to the side. Her hands now push your thighs aside to push her head in-between them. A skilled tongue now pressing on your clit first to get you soaked. Your words start to mumble off from making some sense to no sense. Your body weakly shivers for her every touch and move.
Fangs lightly graze the outside as her tongue presses inside. God, you're amazing to taste! Enhanced by the fact that your period must be coming soon. A subtle iron taste indicates such. Now her little session is less about pleasing you and moreso feeding her undying hunger for you. Fangs digging in a little to keep you from moving away while her tongue lapped at anything she could get. Arousal, mostly, but maybe hints of the blood that she could taste. Your sweet noises of guilty pleasure only drove her harder and harder to eat you out until your pussy was a clean plate.
"M-miss, please!" You practically scream, shaking and shuddering towards that familiar feeling. She knows damn well you're getting close, but she doesn't care. Fiona's pure hunger ravages you for any more taste. It's only until a little after your last cry of pleasure and rush of liquids that she slows down to lap up what comes out. The proud vampire lifts up from between your legs with a large smile, licking her fangs.
"My darling, your taste is stunning! You're so adorable~" She sits up to pinch your cheek, proud to see you a blushing mess. "Promise me you'll give me a taste tomorrow..."
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Pairing: benedict bridgerton x pregnant fem!reader
Summary: Just Benedict obsessed with his pregnant wife.
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors dni, pregnancy sex, oral sex (m to f), vaginal sex, breeding kink, dirty possessive talk, fluffy ending.
Word count: 1.2k
Authors Note: Not betaed. I have lots of requests I should be working on. Instead, this is what happens when I wake up at 4am and can’t sleep when I'm halfway through a DILF Benedict slow-burn. Just utter filth. Enjoy <3
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You awake to a hand tracing over the swell of your belly. Benedict has been away for a few weeks touring with his artwork, and your body has changed quite a bit even in the last few days.
“What are you doing?” You mutter blearily. 
“I’m sorry to wake you” his voice is deep and a little rough. “I just…. You look so beautiful, my darling.” 
“I’m five months pregnant and look like a balloon”, you respond, slightly deadpan.
“No. You look so… oh god… so sexy,” he breathes, his hand tracing the upper side of your bump to the underside of your breast. “Your curves are amazing,” he whispers, “look at your breasts,” he squeezes one gently through your nightgown. 
You subtly yawn and stretch slightly, pushing your breast into his palm.
“Please, please take this off.” He pleads, tugging at your nightgown, “I need to see your naked body. See you, taste you, smell your skin.” 
You can’t say no to him. Ever. Even now, in the middle of the night. You haul yourself off the bed to stand and peel off your nightgown. 
He groans at the sight of you in the low moonlight. 
“Get back up here,” he requests urgently, his hand reaching to help you back up onto the bed. He encourages you over him, grabbing your leg to make you straddle his waist. 
“Look at you, my love” his voice is reverential and gruff. His hands run over the swell of your belly, then up to hold your enlarged breasts. 
You moan gently as he lightly pinches your nipples.
“I’m sorry, darling, but I can’t help myself; seeing you like this does things to me.” He shutters. 
With all the hormones surging through you, it doesn't take much to get you so turned on. Just his light touch has you aching.
“I know it’s probably so wrong, but I just want to fuck you so hard,” he confesses in a throaty whisper. He surges against you, and you feel the leaking head of his rigid cock bump against your butt cheek. 
“Do it,” you hiss, gyrating slowly against him, dragging your clit against his abdominal muscles.
He flips you gently, so you are underneath him.
He kisses you fiercely. His tongue snaking into your mouth and drawing little mewls from your throat.
Then he drops lower, his nose and hands running over your breasts and belly, breathing deep, tasting your skin. It sets your senses on fire.
“You look wonderful, swollen with my child. Mine,” he growls possessively, his mouth dragging wet kisses against your belly button.
His fingertips swirl circles low on your belly, then slip between your legs.
“Benedict,” you cry as he expertly quests against your clit.
He pushes your legs apart and buries his face against your cunt.
“Fuckkkk,” you exhale gustily as his tongue quests into you.
“Your taste,” he groans, “so ripe now. God, how can you taste so good? I can’t get enough. I actually want to eat you,” he sinks his teeth into your labia and bites gently nudging against your clit.
You moan loud and run a hand into his hair, pressing him down and pushing up against his face.
“Yes, my love,” he encourages.
“Please get up here and fuck me,” you murmur. 
“You want my cock?” He teases between lashing your clit.
“Yesss,” you are hypnotised by him right now, under his spell, “please give it to me.”
He crawls up your body on all fours, his face sinful, dragging his mouth hotly over your bump, biting your nipples, nipping at your neck, until you feel his cock resting against your folds.
“How much, darling? I need to know you want me as much as I want you.” He holds your gaze.
“So much, fuck me now, husband. I want you so badly.” you stare back at him, writhing until you have his tip pressed against your entrance. 
He growls and surges into you, pushing all the way to the hilt; your toes and fingers curl at the heavy invasion. 
He reaches behind you, grabs a pillow and slides it under your hips. You are so open to him now. 
“That’s it, yes,” he hisses, sliding out and back in with a force that jiggles your whole body.
“I love watching how your body moves when I fuck into you. Especially now,” his hands rest lightly on your bump as he pumps into you. You feel every vein sliding against your walls. 
“Look at you. God, you’re so beautiful. You are going to have so many of my babies, wife because I can’t resist you like this.”
He’s pushing deep, bumping your cervix, so you cry out in the pleasurable pain that gives.
“I just… fuck…  I always want you like this. I want you pregnant all the time; I’m going to fill you every time, so you are always with my child. Fuck.” He’s moving faster now, his hands banded around your thighs, pulling you onto his cock, his words interspersed with heavy breaths and grunts.
“Tell me more, husband,” this brand of dirty talk is really working for you today. You love how much he wants you; he worships your body in this state.
“As soon as you have this baby, Mrs Bridgerton, I’m breeding you again,” he growls. “I’m going to fuck you all day, every day. You’ll be dripping with my seed.”
“Fuck Benedict,” he’s never been quite like this before. He’s animalistic, his pupils blown wide, his hair sticking at all angles where you have pulled it.
“Mine all mine. You were made for me. Made to carry my babies.” He’s moving so quickly you just cling on, pushing back against his thrusts, chasing your completion, the blinding light dancing behind your eyes. “You want it? You want my seed,” His tone demanding. 
“Yessss husband, please give it to me, give me all your seed. I need it,” you babble, dangling over the edge of oblivion.
His fingers find your bud, and it tips you over the edge. He cries out at the force of your rippling cunt
“Yes, milk me, darling, take what you need,” he grits through his teeth, sweat dripping down his neck as he pushes hard twice, then shudders against you. You feel him coming deep inside you, coating your insides.
“Oh, yesssss,” he slumps over you but is careful to avoid putting pressure on your bump. His body curling, so his head rests on your breastbone.
Your breathing slowly returns to normal as you come back down. “How many babies are we having, Mr Bridgerton?” You tease with a giggle.
“So, so many,” he huffs a laugh. “I’ll build a whole new wing on this house with my bare hands. You have no idea how wonderful you look, darling. I love you so much.” He kisses you fervently.
“And this little one too,” he coos, running his fingers over your belly. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Oh, you think it’s a girl?” You tease, smoothing out his hair as he shuffles lower to rest his head on your bump.
“I know it is.” He is so self-assured. “My two wonderful ladies. The centre of my universe.”
You sigh happily and lace your fingers with his. 
“We both love you very much,” you praise as he falls asleep in your lap with a smile on his face. 
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Tagging: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @kkpolakow @colettebronte @wysteria-clad (if you want to be added to my BB tag list just drop me an ask)
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pink-apollo · 2 years
Nsfw and sfw headcanons with könig x reader who has small breasts? Like double A cups? I've been feeling really insecure about my breast size lately and I don't find a lot of comfort fics for readers with small breasts
Babes….we love the itty bitty titty committee here❤️ All sizes are lovable!! And honestly, ladies (they/thems too) it doesn’t make you any less of a person and or woman. We come in all shapes and sizes which makes us unique. It is 3am so I do apologize for any errors and mistakes.
Warnings: mention of sex, gender neutral reader but leaning more towards fem, mention of boobas duh
König With flat chested s/o
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❤️König wouldn’t care at all about the size of your chest, but rather your character. He’s more so focused on your smile, how the ends of your eyes crinkle when you smile, and the little dimples near the corner of your mouth. He doesn’t care one bit. It’s the furthest thing from his mind.
❤️He knows you have insecurities about the size of your breasts but loves them for what they are. He doesn’t expect you to change them or go through a major struggle to enlarge them. He tries his best even if he’s a little to a lot awkward about the whole ordeal. He tries, he really does, sweet baby….
❤️When it comes to sex he’s very attentive to your chest. Nibbles, the softest of caresses, his hot breath hitting down on your chest. Doesn’t make a peep and marks what’s his. He loves you, which means ALL OF YOU.
❤️If you wear a dress that seems to be a bit too big in the front, he’ll be more than happy than to fix it for you so it fits perfectly!! He may not have the prettiest of stitch work but he knows it’ll make you smile so he’s determined to try his most utter best
❤️He understands to a degree of your struggle. König will always go out of his way to make sure that you feel confident in your clothing and in general of your body. He may be shy but is very handsy. He’s English isn’t perfect, so he tends to be more of a physical lover than verbal. How he holds you is enough to know he doesn’t care about how flat your chest and just wants you to be happy
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mtf-pupperino · 6 months
After Dawn’s second visit with David, he decides to give her an extra big tip. She thinks “oh an extra big tip means I can buy myself even nicer food this time! Oh but I guess my hormones first..” After getting back on her blockers her libido quickly goes back to not much, and she finds herself quite bored yet again, spending most of her day shopping online, looking at TikTok and ordering in food. She definitely notices her extra few pounds, but thinks it suits her, makes her very womanly shaped and her breasts have definitely been coming in more recently. However this time it would turn out to be longer until she could meet David as he faces stress at work, and Dawn runs out of money for her expensive hormones yet again… It only takes a few days before her erections are daily nuisances, or so you’d think if she didn’t love spending time stroking herself to the thought of her and David and other men online. A little too long goes between their meets though and when they finally do meet David notices her decently strong body odour.. she’s definitely a few pounds heavier again aswell and starting to border on chubby. He’s being polite about it but he does wonder what’s up with her being so smelly. Dawn herself doesn’t notice any of this as she wasn’t used to having male body odour and usually smelled of nothing even when a little sweaty. This time there’s no extra big tip, and so she thinks to herself “gosh I better reel in the spending..” After getting back on hrt and ordering only cheap fast food for a few weeks David once again faces hardship at his work and Dawn finds herself with few funds. She thinks about dropping the fast food but after trying to go without takeout delivery for one day she decides the hormones are less important. This time two and a half weeks go by before Dawn and David meet up again and Dawn spent almost entire days stroking herself off to increasingly dirty internet porn. The day they’re meant to meet up she notices in the mirror the fact that she’s got stubble now, a lil bit of panic ensues but she just decides to put makeup over it and go. As Dawn and David are having sex he notices her quite heavy hanging belly swinging back and forth with every pound, and definitely felt her stubble as they kissed. He thought it was kind of sexy how chubby she’d gotten but definitely didn’t know about her slightly prickly face. Was her moans deeper? Mmm probably just imagination. This time yet again no big tip, and work conditions for David were simply unmanageable, it would be many months before they could meet again. Dawn unsure what to do gets a small part time job that doesn’t pay very well to afford her spending habits. However she’s simply enjoying being at home and jerking off too much, and even though she could afford hormones here and there decide that fast food takeouts and jerking off are more important. She catches a whiff of herself and thinks “oh god I’m so smelly.. f-fuck that’s kinda hot” and with a completely stiff cock decides to go look at herself in the mirror. Her reflection is definitely still feminine, but her heavy smelly balls and fat cock have gotten enlarged and are working overtime without blockers for the first time in years. She thinks “god.. I’m such a hot bbw dickgirl” and strokes herself stupid looking at her reflection. Yes she was quite chubby by now, maybe even a little fat? With thick thighs, slightly hanging belly and not too big breasts but certainly big enough to be natural D cups. David ends up cancelling their meet for the foreseeable future and apologises deeply and though this saddens Dawn at first it also meant being able to stay in and jerk off. It had now been multiple months off of estrogen and blockers, and despite masculinising Dawn remained decently unaware. She definitely had to start shaving her face though and despite probably needing a shower more often she instead decided to jerk off more to her own smell and fetish porn online.
End of part 2.
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wadkin · 1 year
Get rid of your man boobs quickly, naturally and permanently
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A. Definition of man boobs
Man boobs, also known as gynecomastia, is a condition where the breast tissue in men swells and becomes enlarged. It can affect one or both breasts, and can cause significant emotional distress and self-consciousness in men. Man boobs can occur in men of all ages, but it is more common in older men and those who are overweight.
B. Causes of man boobs
There are several reasons why men may develop man boobs. One of the main causes is hormonal imbalances, where the levels of testosterone and estrogen in the body are not in balance. Other factors that can contribute to man boobs include obesity, certain medications, medical conditions such as liver disease, and the use of anabolic steroids.
C. Overview of Gynetrex supplement
Gynetrex is a natural supplement that is specifically designed to help men reduce the size of their man boobs. It is made from a blend of natural ingredients that work together to balance hormones, boost metabolism, and reduce inflammation in the body. Gynetrex is an over-the-counter supplement that is available without a prescription.
II. Understanding Gynetrex
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A. What is Gynetrex?
Gynetrex is a supplement that is made from a blend of natural ingredients, including green tea extract, turmeric, and chromium. It is designed to help men reduce the size of their man boobs by regulating hormone levels in the body, boosting metabolism, and reducing inflammation. Gynetrex is a safe and effective alternative to surgery or prescription medications.
B. How does it work?
Gynetrex works by targeting the root cause of gynecomastia, which is the overproduction of estrogen or hormonal imbalances. The supplement contains a blend of natural ingredients that have been shown to help reduce estrogen levels and boost testosterone levels in men.
One key ingredient in Gynetrex is DIM (diindolylmethane), which is found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. DIM helps to convert excess estrogen into a weaker form that is easier for the body to eliminate. This helps to restore hormonal balance and reduce the growth of breast tissue.
Another important ingredient in Gynetrex is Tribulus Terrestris, a plant extract that has been used for centuries to enhance male vitality and libido. It is also known to stimulate testosterone production, which can help to counteract the effects of estrogen on the body.
Other ingredients in Gynetrex include Zinc, which is essential for testosterone production, and Vitamin D, which has been shown to help reduce estrogen levels in men.
Overall, Gynetrex works by regulating hormones and reducing the amount of estrogen in the body, which helps to shrink breast tissue and prevent the development of man boobs. It also helps to increase testosterone levels, which can help to build lean muscle mass and reduce body fat.
How Gynetrex Helps in Getting Rid of Man Boobs
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A. Reduction of Estrogen Levels
DIM (diindolylmethane) - helps to convert excess estrogen into a weaker form that is easier for the body to eliminate.
Zinc - essential for testosterone production and can help regulate estrogen levels.
Vitamin D - has been shown to help reduce estrogen levels in men.
B. Boost in Testosterone Levels
Tribulus Terrestris - a plant extract that has been used for centuries to enhance male vitality and libido, and is known to stimulate testosterone production.
Zinc - essential for testosterone production and can help increase levels.
Vitamin D - has been shown to help increase testosterone levels in men.
C. Increase in Metabolic Rate
Green Tea Extract - contains catechins and caffeine that can help to increase metabolic rate and promote fat loss.
Chromium Picolinate - can help to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for sugary foods, which can aid in weight loss and promote a leaner physique.
Explanation of each ingredient:
DIM (diindolylmethane) - DIM is a natural compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. It works by helping to convert excess estrogen into a weaker form that is easier for the body to eliminate. This helps to restore hormonal balance and reduce the growth of breast tissue.
Zinc - Zinc is an essential mineral that is important for many bodily functions, including testosterone production. It is also known to regulate estrogen levels in the body, which can help reduce the risk of developing gynecomastia.
Vitamin D - Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for bone health and immune function. It has also been shown to help reduce estrogen levels in men, which can help to balance hormones and prevent the development of man boobs.
Tribulus Terrestris - Tribulus Terrestris is a plant extract that has been used for centuries to enhance male vitality and libido. It is also known to stimulate testosterone production, which can help to counteract the effects of estrogen on the body.
Green Tea Extract - Green Tea Extract contains catechins and caffeine that can help to increase metabolic rate and promote fat loss. It is also a potent antioxidant that can help to reduce oxidative stress in the body.
Chromium Picolinate - Chromium Picolinate is a mineral that can help to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings for sugary foods, which can aid in weight loss and promote a leaner physique. It is also known to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help to reduce the risk of developing metabolic disorders like diabetes.
Overall, Gynetrex works by addressing the root cause of gynecomastia, which is hormonal imbalances. By reducing estrogen levels and boosting testosterone levels, it helps to restore hormonal balance and promote the development of lean muscle mass. Additionally, the supplement's ingredients can help to increase metabolic rate and reduce cravings for sugary foods, which can aid in weight loss and promote a leaner physique.
IV. Other Ways to Get Rid of Man Boobs
While Gynetrex can be a helpful tool in reducing man boobs, there are other ways to address this issue. Here are some additional strategies that can be effective:
A. Exercise
Exercise is an important part of any weight loss or body shaping plan. When it comes to getting rid of man boobs, there are two types of exercises that can be particularly helpful: cardiovascular and strength training.
Cardiovascular exercises
Cardiovascular exercises, also known as cardio, are those that get your heart rate up and your blood pumping. These exercises can help you burn calories and lose fat, which can help reduce the appearance of man boobs. Some examples of cardiovascular exercises include running, cycling, swimming, and rowing.
Strength training exercises
Strength training exercises can help you build muscle, which can also help reduce the appearance of man boobs. By building muscle in the chest and upper body, you can create a more defined and toned look. Some examples of strength training exercises that can be effective for reducing man boobs include push-ups, chest presses, and dumbbell flys.
3. Diet
Diet is another important factor in reducing man boobs. By making some changes to your diet, you can reduce overall body fat, which can help reduce the appearance of man boobs. Here are some dietary strategies to consider:
Foods to avoid
Processed foods: Processed foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. They can contribute to weight gain and overall poor health.
Sugary drinks: Sugary drinks like soda, juice, and energy drinks are high in calories and can contribute to weight gain.
Alcohol: Alcohol can increase estrogen levels in men, which can contribute to the development of man boobs.
Foods to include
Protein: Protein is important for building and repairing muscle. Good sources of protein include chicken, fish, eggs, and beans.
Vegetables: Vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. They can help you feel full and satisfied while providing important vitamins and minerals.
Healthy fats: Healthy fats like those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados can help keep you feeling full and satisfied while providing important nutrients.
C. Lifestyle Changes
In addition to exercise and diet, there are some lifestyle changes that can help reduce the appearance of man boobs. Here are a few to consider:
Limiting alcohol intake
As mentioned earlier, alcohol can contribute to the development of man boobs by increasing estrogen levels in men. By limiting your alcohol intake, you can help reduce your risk.
Getting enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and can also help with weight loss. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to help keep your body functioning at its best.
Managing stress
Stress can contribute to weight gain and poor health. By managing your stress levels through techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and exercise, you can help reduce your risk of developing man boobs.
C. Lifestyle Changes
Lifestyle changes can also help reduce chest fat. Limiting alcohol intake and reducing stress through practices such as meditation or yoga can help lower cortisol levels, which can contribute to fat accumulation.
V. Combining Gynetrex with Other Strategies to Get Rid of Man Boobs
A. Why combine Gynetrex with other strategies?
Combining Gynetrex with exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes can help enhance its effectiveness in getting rid of man boobs. While Gynetrex can help lower estrogen levels and boost testosterone levels, lifestyle changes and exercise can help reduce overall body fat and build chest muscles.
B. Examples of how to combine Gynetrex with exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes
One example of how to combine Gynetrex with other strategies is to take Gynetrex before a strength training workout, followed by a protein-rich meal. This can help boost testosterone levels and provide the necessary nutrients for muscle growth. Additionally, incorporating cardiovascular exercises and reducing stress can further enhance the effectiveness of Gynetrex.
VI. The Safety of Gynetrex
A. Are there any side effects of Gynetrex?
Gynetrex is generally considered safe when taken as directed. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as stomach upset or headaches. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any new supplement.
B. Can anyone use Gynetrex?
Gynetrex is designed for adult men who are looking to reduce estrogen levels and boost testosterone levels. It is not recommended for women or individuals under 18 years of age.
C. How long should one use Gynetrex?
The length of time one should use Gynetrex can vary depending on individual needs and goals. It is important to follow the recommended dosage instructions and consult with a healthcare professional if using Gynetrex for an extended period of time.
VII. Conclusion
A. Recap of key points
Getting rid of man boobs can be achieved through a combination of exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements such as Gynetrex.
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Top 4 Breast Enlargement Pill Brands Today
Women in search of an alternative to breast enlargement surgery are trying herbal pills today, often without realizing that there may be little-to-no evidence about the safety of breast enhancement pills.
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Most websites selling natural breast enhancement pills do not list any potential risks. Natural breast enlargement pills are sold on the Internet, on television, and in women's magazines. Some of the products focus on women's insecurities about their breasts, particularly after childbirth, weight loss, and the removal of breast implants.
Bigger, Beautifully-Shaped Breasts Make Women Feel More Attractive
It is no secret today that enhanced, and beautifully-shaped breasts help make women feel more attractive and confident. The art of breast enhancement at present can be done naturally and also through surgery.
However, due to concerns about the side effects that are caused by surgical breast enlargement procedures and breast augmentation, women are starting to prefer natural breast enhancement methods. Among these methods include increasing breast sizes with breast-enhancing creams, pills, and exercises.
The present trend also shows that more and more women are benefiting from breast enhancement pills & creams to enlarge and enhance their breasts. The pill and cream combinations work wonders in increasing breast size without going through risky surgeries or using hormonal methods.
Are Breast Enlargement Pills Safe?
However, if natural breast enlargement pills do work, there is little, or no evidence, that they're 100% safe. If breast enlargement pills do have estrogen-like effects on the body, there are still some safety concerns left to ponder upon. Estrogen given on its own stimulates the growth of tissue in the uterus and is believed to promote uterine cancer, which is why birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy normally contain progesterone to counter estrogen's effects on the uterus.
While studies are still incomplete, there are questions about whether natural breast enhancement pills stimulate the growth of uterine tissue. There is also no evidence about whether natural breast enlargement pills interfere with fertility, menstruation, or the effectiveness of birth control pills.
Top 4 Breast Enhancement Supplements
Here are among the top breast enlargement supplements sold in pharmacies and online stores.
1. Bustmaxx Breast Enhancement Pills
Bustmaxx is one of the most trusted brands in natural breast enhancement. The manufacturers are known for a pharmaceutical-grade formula. The pills are made in an FDA-registered facility which ensures that strict US manufacturing standards have been complied with.
The formula includes powder made with saw palmetto berries, Fennel Seed, Blessed Thistle, Fenugreek Seed, Atlantic Kelp, and Don Quai root. These pills do not contain hormones, which makes them generally safer to use. However, these ingredients have an estrogen-like effect and can therefore help regulate female hormone levels and function.
The ingredients list is detailed and the extract rations are indicated so you know just how much of the active ingredients were utilized in the formulation. Unlike shady brands, Bustmaxx does not hide behind the “proprietary formula” excuse.
Things We Liked
Does not contain allergens such as gluten, dairy, soy
No artificial flavors and preservatives
Won’t cause unwanted weight gain
Transparent labeling
Things We Didn’t Like
Results can take a while to manifest for some people
Missing key ingredient Pueraria Mirifica
2. Total Curve
The total curve typically offers breast enhancement products as a package. Total curve capsules are meant to be used with the brand’s firming gel.
The capsules’ primary ingredient is rutin which is sourced from buckwheat flowers. This substance helps boost collagen production, which results in firmer and in some cases, larger breasts. However, it should be noted that when you stop taking this, which therefore stops the boost in collagen production, your breasts will eventually go back to the way they were.
For better results, Total Curve recommends their firming gel which contains sarsasapogenin, a compound that boosts the formation of fatty tissue, which is the kind of tissue needed for bigger and firmer breasts.
Things We Liked
Promotes overall breast health
Makes breasts look and feel firmer
Things We Didn’t Like
The results are temporary so continuous usage is needed
Missing key ingredient Pueraria Mirifica
3. Breast Actives
This brand is actually more like a system than a single product. It makes use of a three-step system – a pill, a cream, and toning exercises. The manufacturer claims to offer the best results and considering the list of ingredients, it’s not surprising.
The pill’s active ingredients include fenugreek seed, fennel seed, Dong Quai root, blessed thistle, Dandelion root, Kelp, and watercress.
The cream’s active ingredient is P Mirifica but if you’re looking to just get the pill, you won’t be able to benefit from it.
Things We Liked
Boosts overall breast health
Combats sagging
Things We Didn’t Like
Needs multiple doses per day
Needs toning exercises
Takes 2 months for results to be noticeable
4. Breast Max Plus
This is a high-strength all-natural breast enhancement pill that the brand claims to help make breasts look and feel fuller. The main active ingredient for Breast Max Plus’ formulation is Fenugreek extract, which is known for its estrogenic effects. This is why it’s traditionally used to support female reproductive function, manage menopause, enhance milk production, and enlarge breasts.
This pill also contains another phytoestrogen source – dandelion root. Other ingredients include Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, and powder from kelp, Dong Quai root, blessed thistle, and watercress.
Things We Liked
The formula boosts overall health
Anti-aging properties brought by other ingredients work together to maintain vitality
Things We Didn’t Like
Multiple products needed
Takes a while to see the results
Missing a dose could negate weeks of use
Keep in mind that all of these pills should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Always consult your doctor before taking anything.
CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this
We all have enough “Estrogen” in our bodies to make our breasts grow 10 cup sizes if we wanted.
What makes breasts grow are your hormones (not just estrogen) which means you can grow your breasts naturally by eating certain types of foods which increases hormone levels in your body.
But for this to be successful, don’t just raise your hormone levels. Raise certain hormones at a certain time of your menstrual cycle.
Let me explain:
When you go through your menstrual cycle, your body raises certain hormones during the cycle.
So when your body raises estrogen, you need to eat foods that increase estrogen levels in your body and when your body raises progesterone levels, then eat foods that increase progesterone in your body.
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Here is a video that explains it better than I can.
It can take at least 2 months to show results by doing it this way. It’s like going to the gym, changing your body takes time as your body needs to process all the changes.    
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bestfemaleviagra · 2 days
Best Female Viagra - Reviews Assemble Your Sexual Drive Made Natural supplement! 2024
Official Website
Sexual health and satisfaction are essential aspects of overall prosperity for all kinds of people. While Viagra is commonly known for treating erectile dysfunction in men, the concept of "female Viagra" has arisen to address sexual dysfunction in women. This article dives into what Best Female Viagra is, how it works, its safety, effectiveness, and considerably more. We will also investigate the ingredients, benefits, side effects, and the best ways to try female Viagra.
What About Female Viagra?
Female Viagra alludes to medications and supplements intended to enhance sexual function and libido in women. Dissimilar to male Viagra, which primarily targets physical aspects of erectile dysfunction, female Viagra aims to address both physical and psychological factors that affect sexual desire and satisfaction in women.
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What is Female Viagra, and How Does it Work?
Female Viagra encompasses a range of items, the most notable being flibanserin, marketed under the brand name Addyi. These items work through various mechanisms to work on sexual desire and function.
Flibanserin (Addyi):
Flibanserin works by modulating neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels while decreasing serotonin levels. This balance is accepted to enhance sexual desire in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).
Sildenafil (Viagra):
Although not FDA-approved for women, some doctors endorse sildenafil off-label for female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD). Sildenafil increases blood stream to the genital area, potentially enhancing physical arousal.
Non-prescription female Viagra supplements often contain herbal ingredients that claim to help libido by further developing blood stream, balancing hormones, and decreasing pressure.
Is it Safe for a Woman to Take Viagra?
Prescription Medications:
•         Addyi: Generally considered safe when taken as recommended, yet it can have side effects like tipsiness, nausea, and low circulatory strain. It ought not be taken with alcohol.
•         Sildenafil: While some women take it off-label, its safety and effectiveness for female use are not deeply grounded.
Non-Prescription Supplements:
•         These can vary broadly in safety and efficacy. It is essential to pick reputable brands and consult with a healthcare supplier before starting any new supplement.
Is Viagra Different for Men and Women?
Indeed, Viagra (sildenafil) is specifically intended to treat erectile dysfunction in men by increasing blood stream to the penis. In women, the mechanisms and requirements for sexual arousal and satisfaction are more mind boggling, often including both physical and psychological components. Best Female Viagra items like Addyi target neurotransmitters to enhance sexual desire, addressing the psychological aspect.
Does Viagra Have Any "Growing" Effects if Given to a Woman? If Not, Why Not?
No, Viagra does not have any "growing" effects, like breast enlargement, if taken by a woman. Viagra works by increasing blood stream and does not affect the hormonal pathways responsible for development related changes in the body.
What Happens if a Teenage Girl Takes Viagra?
Giving Viagra to a teenage girl is not recommended and can be potentially harmful. The safety and efficacy of Viagra have not been concentrated on in adolescents, and its use could lead to accidental side effects and health risks. Sexual health issues in teenagers ought to be addressed by a healthcare professional.
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azbreasts-blog · 7 days
Myth BUSTers: Do Breast Enlargement Pills and Creams Work?
Breast enhancement products promise an easy, non-surgical way to increase breast size and improve firmness. But do they work? Are there risks? Find out here.
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Breast enlargement supplements and topical products have gone viral for promising to increase breast size and improve firmness without going under the knife. With multiple options available on the market, from herbal supplements to creams and oils, more people have been wondering about their effectiveness. Do these products actually work? Are they safe? Read on to find out.
Why Breast Enhancement Pills and Creams Have Gone Viral
"How can I get bigger breasts without surgery?" is the question that leads countless individuals to explore cheaper, non-surgical options.
As social media continues to promote women with "perfect" bodies – usually the result of photo and video filters, which can look convincingly realistic thanks to AI technology – the pressure to resemble an hourglass continues to grow. For many unwilling to undergo breast augmentation surgery, they resort to exploring products, such as breast creams, serums, lotions, and pills, that make big claims without the science to back them up.
Go on Amazon or eBay and do a quick search for 'breast enlargement cream' or 'lift and firm breast cream.' You'll encounter dozens of products, most of which have 5-star reviews from "real buyers" claiming that their breasts got bigger and firmer.
After reading thousands of positive reviews, even the most skeptical women might wonder, "Do breast enlargement products work?" If you're wondering the same, please finish this article before making your next move.
Disclaimer: The focus of this article is breast enlargement pills and creams as cosmetic options for breast enhancement. It does not cover gender-affirming care or medical interventions such as hormone replacement therapy.
What Are Breast Enhancement Products?
These "alternatives" to breast augmentation and breast lift surgery have two popular types: pills and creams. Let's discuss their claims and the ingredients they commonly contain.
What Are Breast Enlargement Pills?
Breast enhancement pills are oral supplements designed to make the breasts bigger and firmer. These pills contain ingredients that manufacturers claim to stimulate breast growth. Companies instruct users to take these supplements daily for several months to achieve noticeable results.
What Are Breast Enlargement Creams?
Companies advise applying breast enhancement creams (and other topical varieties) directly to the breast area once or twice daily. These products contain most of the same active ingredients in breast enlargement pills, but in this case, the skin absorbs them.
The companies behind bust enhancement products make several too-good-to-be-true promises to their target consumers. Common claims include:
Bigger boobs: The most appealing claim is that these products can magically increase breast size, often by one or more cup sizes.
Improved firmness: Many products also claim to address breast sagging and enhance firmness, providing a more youthful appearance.
Natural ingredients: Using herbal ingredients is a major selling point. Companies market them as safer and more holistic than synthetic chemicals.
Non-surgical solution: These products are heavily marketed as a non-invasive substitute for breast augmentation and breast lift surgery. They appeal to countless women who want to avoid the expenses, risks, and recovery time associated with surgery.
Common Ingredients in Breast Enhancement Pills and Creams
These products typically contain:
1. Phytoestrogens
Many breast enlargement products contain phytoestrogens, which are plant-derived compounds that imitate estrogen in the body. Along with the hormone progesterone, estrogen plays a role in the development of female breasts, hips, and other secondary sex characteristics.
Common phytoestrogens used include:
Fennel seed: A flowering plant often included for its purported estrogen-like effects.
Fenugreek: An herb believed to naturally promote breast growth and wider hips.
Wild yam: A plant thought to support hormone balance and breast growth.
2. Hormonal Supplements
Some pills include hormonal ingredients or precursors to hormones, such as:
Estrogen: A category of sex hormone in charge of the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics.
Progesterone: A sex hormone involved in female menstrual cycles and pregnancies.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): A hormone precursor that may influence breast tissue growth.
3. Other Herbs and Roots
In addition, often found in these products are plants with presumed abilities to make the breasts larger and firmer. The most commonly used ingredients are:
Blessed thistle
Dandelion root
Dong Quai
Pueraria Mirifica
Saw palmetto
Are Breast Enlargement Products Safe?
We won't break it to you gently – the answer is no, not officially.
None of these products have FDA approvals, meaning regulatory authorities cannot guarantee their safety and quality. Users, especially those with existing health issues, may risk their lives by taking pills or applying products with harmful contents.
Furthermore, without proper regulation, there is a risk of contamination or adulteration of breast enlargement products. Users may be unknowingly exposing themselves to allergens, pollutants, and low-quality ingredients, which can have adverse health effects.
What Are the Side Effects?
Here are some of the possible side effects of using breast enhancement supplements or topical solutions:
Hormonal imbalances: Many of the above ingredients can disrupt the body's hormonal balance. Exposure can lead to irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, weight gain or weight loss, and other hormonal-related issues.
Allergies: Individuals can have allergic reactions to certain ingredients in breast enlargement pills and creams. Common symptoms include redness, itching, and swelling at the application site. In severe cases (e.g., in people allergic to dandelions), it can lead to a potentially life-threatening allergy known as anaphylaxis.
Skin irritations: Using topical creams may cause skin irritations, especially in individuals with sensitive skin. Symptoms can manifest as redness, dryness, or peeling skin.
Health problems: The dangers of increasing hormone levels in the body are very much worth noting. For example, did you know excess exposure to estrogen and progesterone can raise breast cancer risk? Non-menstrual vaginal bleeding is also a side effect that can occur from elevated hormone levels, along with aches and pains in different areas of the body.
But Do These Products Work?
Despite the waterfall of positive online feedback, not enough research proves the effectiveness of non-surgical breast enhancement products. Moreover, not all online reviews are real, as some companies may fabricate them to enhance their product's reputation and appeal. An analysis by Fakespot, a fraudulent-review-detection service, revealed that 42 percent of 720 million Amazon reviews in 2020 were fake.
And ultimately, the potential risks and side effects are not worth it, especially since the products might not even work.
Is There a Safe and Effective Breast Enhancement Option?
Breast augmentation by board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Aldo Guerra and Dr. Scott Ogley is the safest and most effective breast enlargement option. For sagging and skin laxity issues, a breast lift with or without implants is the safest and most effective choice.
We understand that your reason for exploring alternatives is to avoid surgery. However, surgery is safer than using untested and potentially harmful breast enlargement pills and creams.
Achieve the shape you want without compromising your health. Schedule a FREE consultation today – we are happy to answer your questions about patient safety.
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Chapter 20: Test Your Cell Occasionally
While studying for the finals with Hiroshi, Eko puts a bunch of laundry clips on her face. Why? To give herself pain so that she doesn't fall asleep!
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How many does she need?
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Clever girl.
On Exam Day, they get the results of the midterm exams. Hiroshi is ranked 367th in his class so his "friends" Yoshitaka and Eko make fun of him for being stupid...even though Yoshitaka is ranked 652nd. And their school has 2000 students...
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Next, the students have to turn in their cell phones before the exam. The teacher, somehow managing to identify Eko as a phone, nervously asks her to get in a box before the exam starts. Eko answers she is a cell phone but she still wants to take the exam. The teacher tells her to just lie and say she's a student then. Eko keeps repeating that she's a cell phone while tearing up...so the teacher just caves in and lets her take it.
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During the math portion of the exam, Hiroshi is having trouble but Eko is a living calculator so she should have no trouble, right? Yeah...the teacher says calculators are banned during the exam. Turns out Eko sucks without a computer (her brain?) helping her.
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Eko summons Sato the Mail Ninja to help her, teling him to go look at Natsukawa's sheet so that she can copy. Sato tries to tell her that his mother said not to do dishonorable things...but she gives him candy so he accepts his mission. Sato travels through electrons to get to the desk...only for the teacher to knock him out with a eraser, saying cheating is prohibited.
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On Hiroshi's side, he's not good at math but he studied hard for geography. The problem? All of the geography questions are about cell phones.
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The next questions are health and physical education. Hiroshi's question? At what age do girls breasts enlarge?
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(Got some fucking creeps on the exam committee, that's for sure.)
Meanwhile Kawasumi, who is 2nd in class, is trying to think of a way to start a conversation with Hiroshi before she spots him and Eko. She settles on asking him about the annual camping trip but he and Eko are too wiped out from the exam to talk to her so they go right by her.
During Kawasumi's English Exam, one of her test questions has a guy named Hiroshi in it. Hiroshi is an exchange student to America and Bob invites him to his house to get to know him more personally. Kawasumi promptly flags down the teacher to complain about Bob being too friendly.
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Next, she has to translate an English phrase into Japanese. Bob has six apples...six apples? How can he afford that much?! Especially since she and her brothers are barely making ends meet...she flags down the teacher again to complain about Bob being too luxurious.
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Taeko Ebisawa (the mechanic) is taking her engineering exam, specifically the practical test in industrial technology. They have to build a radio with the materials located in the room. They have 30 minutes to do it. The other students are having trouble but Taeko does it in five minutes: its a radio of Anman-Man, the superhero from that movie chapters ago. It works too.
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Next up, Ryu finishes his test in ten minutes, to the awe of the other students. But it's alright! He's ugly as fuck without his glasses!
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The vice president sings well enough to pass her music exam. Then Eko begins to sing...and gets flower drawing for a grade.
The chapter ends with everybody going home from the exams.
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dranirban-ghosh · 4 months
Find out how breast lift and augmentation work together from the best breast enlargement doctors in Kolkata.
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healthnewsreview · 4 months
Magic Bust Cream In India
Magic Bust Cream is an all-natural cream that helps to enhance the bust’s appearance and lift it, giving it more luster and appeal. According to the maker, this is among the greatest natural solutions for increasing the appearance of your decolletage. In nations like India , it is highly well-liked. Because of the attractive pricing on the official website, more than 5,000,000 copies have already been given to happy customers. Women state that they would rather use the cream than have cosmetic surgery in their Magic Bust reviews and testimonies. The testimonials contain no complaints regarding contraindications.
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MAGIC BUST एक पूरी तरह से प्राकृतिक क्रीम है जो बस्ट की उपस्थिति को बढ़ाने और उसे ऊपर उठाने में मदद करती है, जिससे उसे अधिक चमक और आकर्षण मिलता है। निर्माता के अनुसार, यह आपके डीकोलेटेज की उपस्थिति बढ़ाने के लिए सबसे अच्छे प्राकृतिक समाधानों में से एक है। भारत जैसे देशों में इसे काफी पसंद किया जाता है। आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर आकर्षक कीमत के कारण, खुश ग्राहकों को 5,000,000 से अधिक प्रतियां पहले ही दी जा चुकी हैं। महिलाओं ने अपनी MAGIC BUST समीक्षाओं और साक्ष्यों में कहा है कि वे कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी के बजाय क्रीम का उपयोग करना पसंद करेंगी। प्रशंसापत्र में मतभेदों के संबंध में कोई शिकायत नहीं है।
Magic Bust — What Is It & How Does It Work
Magic Bust is an all-natural lotion for bust enlargement that firms the skin around the decollete and gives the appearance of lifting. The product’s popularity for breast augmentation in India has made the producer happy. Via the official website, more than 5,000,000 copies have already been sent to happy customers. It is more cost-effective and profitable there than it is to have cosmetic surgery. Mammalogists like Dr. Rakhi Jha attest to Magic Bust ‘s safety as a natural supplement that can highlight your body’s best features.
Concerning Magic Bust ‘s methods of operation, there are none. The cream works with all types of dermis and has successfully completed clinical testing. Its average efficacy is found to be 91%. Magic Bust helps you awaken the feminine goddess that lies inside every woman. It is a completely natural remedy for bust enlargement. The skin is made robust and elastic and is pleasantly soothed. Following application, the lifting effect becomes apparent after two weeks. Magic Bust Cream works to make sure that no man can resist the alluring outlines of your silhouette and that you adore the way you seem in the mirror.
Official Website
MAGIC BUST — यह क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है
MAGIC BUST बस्ट इज़ाफ़ा के लिए एक पूरी तरह से प्राकृतिक लोशन है जो डेकोलेट के आसपास की त्वचा को मजबूत करता है और उभरे हुए जैसा दिखता है। भारत में स्तन वृद्धि के लिए उत्पाद की लोकप्रियता ने निर्माता को खुश कर दिया है। आधिकारिक वेबसाइट के माध्यम से, खुश ग्राहकों को 5,000,000 से अधिक प्रतियां पहले ही भेजी जा चुकी हैं। वहां कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी की तुलना में यह अधिक लागत प्रभावी और लाभदायक है। डॉ. राखी झा जैसे स्तन विशेषज्ञ एक प्राकृतिक पूरक के रूप में MAGIC BUST की सुरक्षा की पुष्टि करते हैं जो आपके शरीर की सर्वोत्तम विशेषताओं को उजागर कर सकता है।
MAGIC BUST के संचालन के तरीकों के संबंध में, कोई भी नहीं है। यह क्रीम सभी प्रकार के डर्मिस पर काम करती है और इसने नैदानिक परीक्षण सफलतापूर्वक पूरा कर लिया है। इसकी औसत प्रभावकारिता 91% पाई गई है। MAGIC BUST आपको हर महिला के अंदर छिपी स्त्री देवी को जगाने में मदद करता है। यह बस्ट इज़ाफ़ा के लिए पूरी तरह से प्राकृतिक उपचार है। त्वचा को मजबूत और लोचदार बनाया जाता है और सुखद आराम मिलता है। आवेदन के बाद, उठाने का प्रभाव दो सप्ताह के बाद स्पष्ट हो जाता है। MAGIC BUST क्रीम यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए काम करती है कि कोई भी व्यक्ति आपके सिल्हूट की आकर्षक रूपरेखा का विरोध नहीं कर सकता है और आप जिस तरह से दर्पण में दिखते हैं उसे पसंद करते हैं।
All-Natural Formula That Promotes Non-Surgical Breast Enlargement & Firmer Bust Skin;
The cream evens out the dermal complexity in the area of application and is 91% effective in making the breasts appear fuller, larger, and more appealing.
Client reviews don’t contain any complaints regarding contraindications, and the manufacturer’s official website is offering a -50% promo price discount.
Applying the Bust Skin Enhancement Cream while pregnant, nursing, or if there is a family history of cancer is not advised;
The product isn’t offered for sale at retail pharmacies;
पूरी तरह प्राकृतिक फ़ॉर्मूला जो गैर-सर्जिकल स्तन वृद्धि और मजबूत बस्ट त्वचा को बढ़ावा देता है;
क्रीम लगाने ��े क्षेत्र में त्वचीय जटिलता को संतुलित करती है और स्तनों को भरा हुआ, बड़ा और अधिक आकर्षक बनाने में 91% प्रभावी है।
ग्राहक समीक्षाओं में मतभेदों के संबंध में कोई शिकायत नहीं है, और निर्माता की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट -50% प्रोमो मूल्य छूट की पेशकश कर रही है।
गर्भवती होने, स्तनपान कराने के दौरान, या यदि कैंसर का पारिवारिक इतिहास है तो बस्ट स्किन एनहांसमेंट क्रीम लगाने की सलाह नहीं दी जाती है;
उत्पाद को खुदरा फार्मेसियों में बिक्री के लिए पेश नहीं किया जाता है;
Magic Bust Price in India– Where to Buy
According to the maker, ladies shouldn’t be concerned about finding the ideal place in India to purchase Magic Bust . There is just one option: visit the official website to take advantage of the ongoing Magic Bust price discounts. You must act quickly to obtain a copy as the promotions are only available for a short period of time. The only authorized location to obtain the bust enlargement remedy is on the certified website.
The original price is reduced by 50% with the current Magic Bust price reduction. Both returning and new customers can get it by completing the order form on the official website. Soon after, they should answer a call for confirmation, which will clarify the delivery information. The package takes 7 to 10 days to arrive, depending on the city in which you live.
भारत में MAGIC BUST Cream कीमत-कहां से खरीदें
निर्माता के अनुसार, महिलाओं को MAGIC BUST खरीदने के लिए भारत में आदर्श स्थान खोजने के बारे में चिंतित नहीं होना चाहिए। केवल एक ही विकल्प है: चल रही MAGIC BUST मूल्य छूट का लाभ उठाने के लिए आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएँ। आपको एक प्रति प्राप्त करने के लिए शीघ्रता से कार्य करना होगा क्योंकि प्रमोशन केवल थोड़े समय के लिए उपलब्ध हैं। बस्ट इज़ाफ़ा उपाय प्राप्त करने का एकमात्र अधिकृत स्थान प्रमाणित वेबसाइट पर है।
मौजूदा MAGIC BUST कीमत में कमी के साथ मूल कीमत 50% कम हो गई है। लौटने वाले और नए ग्राहक दोनों आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर ऑर्डर फॉर्म भरकर इसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। इसके तुरंत बाद, उन्हें पुष्टिकरण के लिए कॉल का उत्तर देना चाहिए, जिससे डिलीवरी की जानकारी स्पष्ट हो जाएगी। आप जिस शहर में रहते हैं उसके आधार पर पैकेज पहुंचने में 7 से 10 दिन लगते हैं।
Official Website
Bottom Line: Magic Bust is among the top bust enlargement creams available in India . Women who want rounder, larger breasts are drawn to the natural solution. They primarily share favorable comments and endorsements on it. There is a special Pueraria Mirifica extract in the organic composition. There are no contraindications from it. Experts in mammography suggest the product as a secure substitute for aesthetic surgery.
निचली पंक्ति: MAGIC BUST भारत में उपलब्ध शीर्ष बस्ट इज़ाफ़ा क्रीमों में से एक है। जो महिलाएं गोल, बड़े स्तन चाहती हैं वे प्राकृतिक समाधान की ओर आकर्षित होती हैं। वे मुख्य रूप से इस पर अनुकूल टिप्पणियाँ और समर्थन साझा करते हैं। कार्बनिक संरचना में एक विशेष पुएरिया मिरिफिका अर्क होता है। इससे कोई मतभेद नहीं हैं। मैमोग्राफी के विशेषज्ञ इस उत्पाद को सौंदर्य संबंधी सर्जरी के लिए एक सुरक्षित विकल्प के रूप में सुझाते हैं।
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lasercosmesis · 6 months
What is Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery Like?
Gynecomastia is a condition affecting men of all ages, causing enlarged breast tissues because of hormonal imbalance. However, there are treatments available to eliminate the symptoms of this surgery, i.e. gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast reduction, is a life-changing procedure for men. Like any other cosmetic surgery, it is vital to keep the recovery process in mind. 
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In this post, we will discuss what recovery involves in gynecomastia surgery. To make this guide informative for readers, we have gathered insights from expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Medha Bhave, who is known for offering gynecomastia surgery cost in Thane that is affordable for one, at her clinic, Laser Cosmesis. 
What Should I Expect During Gynecomastia Recovery? 
1. Having Showers: It is completely fine to get the stitches wet after gynecomastia surgery, and the patient can bathe right after the surgery. However, it is important to keep the scars and incisions clean to avoid any chances of infections. The surgeon will recommend aftercare instructions for quick healing. 
2. Discomfort: It is completely normal to experience some discomfort after gynecomastia surgery. This could involve swelling or soreness, which will go away within a few days. The surgeon could also prescribe medication to help with this.
3. Resuming Work: After the male breast reduction procedure, one needs to rest for a maximum of 7 days, depending on how complex the surgery is. However, if the work requires heavy movement, one might require more time away from work to make sure they are ready.
4. Exercises: The patient will have to avoid strenuous exercises such as weight training for six weeks. However, light exercises are still possible. The surgeon, however, recommends low-impact cardio, such as walking for quick healing. 
5. Driving: The plastic surgeon does not recommend the patient to drive for 72 hours after the gynecomastia surgery. This is because anesthesia is given to the patient. Therefore, the patient must have someone around them who can drive them back home.
Gynecomastia Surgery Timeline 
The patient may experience swelling and soreness in the first few days post-surgery. The surgeon could recommend painkiller medication to help with any discomfort. The results can be seen right after the surgery. The patient can also be given a compression garment that they might have to wear to keep the area secure and help the body heal. They will have to sleep on their back during this period. 
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The patient will be given a compression garment that they will have to wear to keep the area secure and help the body heal. During the first week, the patient might start feeling more comfortable and the swelling will reduce noticeably. They must continue to wear the compression garment and should avoid exercises that target the chest muscles. However, they can resume most of their daily activities and can engage in lower-body exercises. 
During the sixth week, the patient will recover fully. They will be able to return to almost all activities as before. The surgeon will no longer advise them to wear a compression garment, and they will notice that the scars will fade considerably. 
Final Takeaway 
Hope you have understood what gynecomastia is and what is involved in its recovery. If one is interested in getting gynecomastia surgery, one can schedule a consultation with Dr. Medha Bhave, the best plastic surgeon in Thane, at Laser Cosmesis. With effective gynecomastia surgery, she offers patients a path to increased confidence and comfort in their own skin. 
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Why Laser Cosmesis Stands Out?
Experienced Surgeon: Dr. Medha Bhave is a highly skilled surgeon who specialises in performing gynecomastia surgery and offers personalised procedures. 
Advanced Techniques: The surgeon uses the latest surgical techniques, which has less recovery time. 
Comprehensive Care: From initial consultation to post-operative care, the dedicated team of expert surgeons and staff provide supportive care to all patients. 
For more details on gynecomastia surgery, pay a visit to Laser Cosmesis today.
Original Source:- https://www.networkblogworld.com/what-is-gynecomastia-surgery-recovery-like/
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