#house training a dog
trainingpuppies · 10 months
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Certainly! Here are 10 tips on how to stop a dog from biting:
Teach Bite Inhibition: Puppies usually learn bite inhibition from their littermates, but if your dog missed this, teach it gently by letting the dog mouth your hand and then giving a high-pitched "ouch" when it bites too hard. This mimics how other dogs would react.
Socialize Your Dog: Proper socialization helps reduce fear-based biting. Introduce your dog to various people, animals, and environments from a young age.
Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behavior with treats, praise, and affection. This reinforces the idea that not biting brings positive results.
Provide Chew Toys: Dogs often bite out of boredom or teething. Offer appropriate chew toys to redirect their biting urges.
Be Consistent: Establish clear rules and boundaries. Everyone in the household should follow these rules consistently to avoid confusion for the dog.
Observe Triggers: Watch for situations or stimuli that trigger biting. If your dog reacts aggressively to specific situations, work on desensitization.
Train Basic Commands: Teach commands like "sit," "stay," and "leave it." This helps control your dog's behavior in various situations.
Use Time-Outs: If your dog bites during play, immediately stop playing and leave the room. This shows that biting results in the end of fun.
Seek Professional Help: If the biting behavior is severe or persistent, consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to address the issue.
Health Check: Sometimes, pain or discomfort can lead to biting. Regularly check your dog's health to rule out any underlying issues causing discomfort.
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Is your dog giving you deaf ears? When this happens, avoid repeating the command over and over and imposing yourself until you get a response; instead, take a step back and consider the following scenarios which are some of the most common issues encountered when training dogs. For more click here
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lupiclaws · 5 months
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Just wanted to draw crossover art with some of my favorite shows y'know
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ghl-osty · 2 months
animated movies i think everyone should watch at least once in their life
1) into/ across the spiderverse
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so beautiful. amazing story, full of emotion and color. very cool mixed animation style, combining 2D and 3D. insane use of color theory, and full of detail and depth. 11/10.
2) isle of dogs
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another beautiful movie, obvs because it’s wes anderson. stop-motion. very emotional and funny at the same time. i legit cried.
(disney plus)
3) coraline
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amazing movie. absolutely chilling. the mix of analog horror and horrific implications are amazing. another stopmotion.
(amazon prime, but i think you have to rent it)
4) puss in boots: the last wish
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listen. you don’t have to watch any other puss in boots movies to like this one. you don’t even need to like puss in boots. another 2D and 3D animation mix, and it’s gorgeous. hilarious, and very, very good depictions of a lot of things (no spoilers). plenty of adult jokes packed in, too.
5) the house
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honestly horrifying. three different storylines. very unclear ending and uncomfy all the way through. absolutely recommend, especially if you like don’t hug me, i’m scared. implications and deeper meaning in everything.
6) the how to train your dragon franchise
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some of my favorite movies of all time, and my intro to fandom culture lol. gorgeous, hilarious, emotionally charged. look at that background art.
feel free to add on!
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seekdestr0y · 7 days
idk if anyone did this already but i was just thinking about it so yeah whatever reblog for greater sample size as they say
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satans-knitwear · 1 month
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She stole my blankie and made herself extra cosy. I'm so proud, she's just like me fr.
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kangals · 2 months
i think the main difference in personality so far between puppy-stellina and puppy-kepler is that kep has a lot more patience.
that brings a lot of positive qualities: he has better emotional control and is less prone to tantrums and outbursts than stellina was (i.e. if i have to stop for 10 seconds on a walk to pick up poo, stellina would yelp and pull and cry at being asked to stop). it also means he has better focus and is more forgiving of repetition in training - he doesn't give up nearly as easily when frustrated. and things that may startle or scare him he's more willing to try again or overcome (e.g. he slipped on my stairs and hurt his foot and didn't want to go back up the stairs for a few days, but eventually started trying again. and when butters slaps him he yelps and backs off, but still thinks she's Super Fun and tries to make friends). so he's a bit more methodical in his thinking.
but it does also bring some negatives too: because he has patience, he does not give up once he's decided something. if stellina was overtired and i put her in a crate, she'd fuss for a minute then pretty quickly go "hm alright then" and go to sleep. if i do the same to kep, he fights it and fights it because he doesn't want to be asleep and that's that. he's much more difficult to redirect or distract, and i have to be a lot more mindful of managing him because once he's decided something is fun or tasty or whatever it takes a lot to dissuade him, and he'll go back to it at the first chance. he's very slow to learn boundaries as a result - i have to do a lot more convincing than i'm used to.
they are still overall very similar personalities, especially as they're the same breed and from very similar lines, but i think so far this has been the biggest quality that i've needed to adjust to. puppy-stellina i had to do a lot of mental adjustments learning how to manage her short emotional threshold and sensitivity, so it's interesting to see what does and doesn't translate over to kep.
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Teaching Mandana to clean up the sweetgum balls so she can play without stepping on them.
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tea-time-terrier · 7 months
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Bless this tiny creature and her adaptability.
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shepherdnerd · 6 months
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I prefer the country, but this city view is nothing to complain about!
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seagulley · 4 months
Progress with backing up + some position changes at a distance!
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rowanthestrange · 3 months
Doggy DNA test results are back, and baby Cody is none of the breeds anyone thought he was.
he is…
Quarter Cocker Spaniel (cute and fluffy yay! Guess that’s where his slightly curly tail hair comes from)
Quarter XL Bully/Pit-and-mix (the UK’s answer to the banned pitbull that just also got banned)
and Half Belgian Malinois (German Shepherd on Hard Mode)
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😬🥲 Pray for him, and us lol
Though the people we used also give you relative links, and there’s a dog which has low genetic match but high breed match (so they’re not directly related but their root breeds are very similar) and damn true. Roch even does the ear thing.
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13 July 2023
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Golden retrievers at Guisachan, near Tomich (2018)
Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, 1st Baron Tweedmouth, also known as the Laird of Guisachan and Glenaffric (29 December 1820 – 4 March 1894), was a Scottish businessman and a Liberal politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1853 until 1880, when he was elevated to the peerage as Baron Tweedmouth.
He was the breeder of the first golden retriever.
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simm-mouse · 10 months
That's right, two in one day
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Here's a rough mini comic for y'all!
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natreads · 6 months
I got a job as a bookseller!!!
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Mandana recalled from the fence with two large dogs barking in her face. She hesitated but didn’t sass back to them at all so she got a slice of pizza as a jackpot 🍕🥰
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