#house of flame and shadow leaks
it's absolutely insane to me that people are acting like nesta is the victim in this chapter.
this woman gave away an item that could result in the destruction of her universe to a stranger. and her only defence was to tell rhysand yet again that she isn't a member of his court despite being a permanent resident who has no job and contributes little to nothing.
i'm sorry but remind me why cassian would defend her? she put them all at risk and will yet again face no consequences for her actions because sjm is allergic to displaying any meaningful growth in nesta.
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howls-unmoving-castle · 4 months
Favorite part of HOFAS was Sarah saying 'I heard some of y'all still don't like Nesta, but you're just gonna have to get over that' 🤷‍♀️
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sadiegirl2021 · 5 months
This fandom about to learn Portuguese as quick as Feyre learnt to read!
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tolkienkrits · 4 months
SPOILER HOFAS Guys pls don't get angry but ik not all can stomach the wait anymore many were dming and emailing for the book here's the translated pdf SPOILER HOFAS
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lunainfortuna · 5 months
I feel like I have to be here again and again to defend my Brazilian fellows who have read the book. We aren't responsible for the spoilers without warnings.
People who are talking too much are gringos who translated the book or our tweets (as you English-speakers do not know our language}.
Here, on Tumblr, we Brazilians are available to answer those who got anxious because of these english-speakers. And we are putting warnings and talking about things they have already spread out. I've been nothing but respectful towards everyone who's reached me. As my Brazilian fellows have as well.
There was no way you wouldn't know Brazilians had the book. If knowing that makes you mad, annoyed or nervous, we can't do anything about it. I do not care about how anyone feels about piracy or even reading the book before its official release. I won't stand for any (any!) comment that makes Brazil people your villains.
{especially because if it was leaked in english, you would be fine and probably reading as well}.
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bookofmirth · 5 months
The need to protect people from spoilers they don’t want versus the need to correct absolute batshit misinformation
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jupitunes · 4 months
does anyone have the english version of hofas? not translation but the original??
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vanona-camp · 4 months
Who else is freaking out about the prologue and first chapter of Hofas?
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not-sjm · 4 months
the bryce, nesta & azriel bc😭😭😍 i must have read it a dozen times
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renegadeknight · 4 months
we're in the endgame now
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Why do you think SJM is backseating feyre so much in CC3 like she’s the main character of ACOTAR and she’s not even in the crossover? I cant keep making excuses for her😭😭😭😭
i'm going to be completely honest.
i've never read cc, and i tapped out of acotar after silver flames. sjm will not get another penny from me as long as i live.
why not, you ask? because she's a bigot. actually, she's worse than a bigot. she's a bigot who can't fucking write.
she's racist and homophobic in the ways she writes her marginalized characters and i wish i could take back all of the money i spent on her dogshit catalogue.
and honestly, i'm so sick of the sudden spike in people saying that now they can't support her. now? this is where you draw the line?
so let me get this straight: you can support the racist portrayal of poc, the killing of a black woman to further a white woman's storyline, the use of a real life murder to promote a book, and the lame attempt at queer rep followed by benching said queer rep almost entirely from her story. but as soon as feyre gets sidelined you can't defend her anymore? that's your line. you not getting to see your fav in a book that's not even hers is when you say "oh absolutely not i can't defend this"?
i understand people are frustrated. i like feyre. i get wanting to see her in a crossover with a series she's an mc in. but this is fucking ridiculous. people are showing their privilege and ignorance and it's extremely disappointing.
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starlightbooklove · 4 months
The temptation to click "view post" when it tells me that it is blocked because it has the filtered hofas spoilers tag 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
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scoutswritingcorner · 21 days
The Monster In The Bayou
Alastor x GN!Reader
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Being a photographer is hard work, especially when all the animal life has suddenly disappeared and something keeps following you around.
A/N: I got full permission from them to write about this! Anyways- I made Alastor into more of a creature. It’s either I make him a silly goofy guy or an unlovable monster that will rip you apart in seconds. This is in between those two. 
TW: DARK FIC. KINDA? Mentions of bodies, gore, blood, Spooky stuff. He talks through Radios because I said so, EMETOPHOBIA, mentions of throwing up.
You heaved the bag onto your shoulder as you stood up to your full height, a boat tied to the dock of the New Orleans bayou. A friendly local had helped you get it set up for your trip down towards the old house that sat abandoned for years to come. “Be careful down there now. Heard some nasty things about that old place. People go missing and don’t turn up until days later. Some people say it’s because of the gators down there but I believe it’s something unnatural.” The older gentleman said helping you into the boat and handing you the last box of supplies you needed.
You nodded, “Of course, I’ll keep an eye out. Thank you so much, sir.” You smiled at him and untied the rope from the dock, allowing him to nudge your boat away as you started it. He waved at you before heading back to wherever he was going, you turned your focus onto the waters in front of you and sat back carefully. It was quiet but not out of the ordinary, the normal cicadas were loud and obnoxious but what could you do? You were used to it by now, coming all the way out to New Orleans twice a year. 
You steered the boat in the direction you needed to go as you kept a careful watch on your bags. You hoped that the blood didn’t start leaking through the amount of bags you wrapped around the butchered body. It would be a shame if a couple of the alligators caught the scent of the blood before you could get to your destination. Especially after all of the hard work you went through to make sure this was right for your dearest friend.
It was starting to become night time when you arrived at the old decrepit house, a small flickering light from a candle sat in one of the windows..a signal. Great, he was already around and by the sounds of the empty forest, he wasn’t too happy. You carefully tied the boat to the dock before putting your bags over onto the dock, you had to be quick and efficient about your next moves. Swiftly, you brought your bags in and turned on the lone radio that sat on the table as you opened the larger bag you brought along, carefully tearing the layers of bags open with your knife ignoring how the radio sprung to life with loud static. “...late..far too late.” it had blurted it out.
“I know, I had a..mishap..” You replied watching as the candle flame flickered and a large shadow with deer horns appeared on the wall, its smile unnaturally wide as it watched you. “Someone got in the way?” The voice from the radio asked and you nodded, watching as the shadow seemingly moved closer and peered down into the bag. The wicked smile that it wore grew longer as it nodded to you as the candle’s flame blew out and the house went dark as a feeling of dread crawled its way up your spine. Heavy footsteps echoed around the dark house before the sound of someone pulling the dining chair out caught your attention, he was actually here? He wasn’t gonna stick with his usual thing of staying in the dark forest and stalking your movements. The candles lit back up easily, the once dark house was gone.
You slowly looked over your shoulder at the looming figure dressed in a red suit sitting at the table. His smile was everlasting as his piercing eyes stared at you. “I’m not quite skilled as you seem to be in getting rid of problems but I do hope I didn’t butcher the body too much.” You replied watching as he tilted his head, his inky black shadow looming over you as you stood up. “Such a messy thing you are..but I guess that’s why they leave you to take those silly pictures of yours rather than for you to be a killer.”  The voice on the radio called out, his mouth unmoving. 
You gasped and placed your hand on your chest like what he said had hurt your feelings yet..it was true. They pay you a lot of money to get these pictures and you are used to the weird ways to get pictures of these special places. “I guess you're right..Don’t let that get to your fucked up head, you still owe me my part of the deal.” You hummed watching as the man rolled his bright red eyes at that, “yes yes..you will get that soon.” His voice groaned from the radio. The demon in front of you stood up to his tall height and leaned over you easily to look at the goods in the bag, a loud radio hum breaking through the silent ambience around. “Messy but not butchered. You’ll need to be more efficient next time or..you call on me. I’d eat them whole.” He laughed out his shoulders moving up as the cane which had let out a loud laughing track with him. You huffed and turned away from him to grab your other bags.
“Enjoy your dinner, I’ll be setting up my things.” You said walking off into one of the rooms, as bones crunched and skin ripped from bone in the room you had left.  You felt your lunch rise up in your throat before you swallowed it back down, the sound made you stick to your stomach, you can’t remember if you threw up while cutting up the body..granted you couldn’t remember much either. 
You looked around utterly confused, unaware of the danger that was standing in the doorway, watching your every move..The price to pay to get good pictures are usually hefty ones.
A/n: I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY! Kinda left it on the cliff hanger but it's been sitting with me for a while and I'm leaving it up to interpretation to figure out what happens to you <3.
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doumadono · 4 months
mmm emergency request
take as long as you need to answer!! or if this is too triggering, no need to answer at all!!
tw for mention of childhood m*lestation
so recently (couple of weeks ago) i found out that my dad’s friend/girlfriend kind of knows the guy who m*lested me as a kid…
she knows everything that happened and knows how difficult it was for me to heal from. now finding out that she knows him— it set me back and i distanced myself from her.
a bit ago she called me, telling me that i should forgive him for what he did to me… and it went into a whole thing and now i’m trying not to cry while writing this lol
but anyways
it set me back really far and all of my progress is gone so i was just hoping for some comfort??
like twice or dabi comforting their gf/s.o. through this and helping them try to heal again.
maybe even twice or dabi getting a bit of revenge on the two people lol /j
sorry if this doesn’t make sense i’m just a bit out of it
- twice & dabi anon
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Twice is initially shocked and angered when he learns about your troubled past and the person responsible for your pain.
He lets out a string of curses directed at the one who caused you harm, showing a protective side that you hadn't seen before.
Immediately, Twice pulls you into a comforting embrace.
"I might be a bit crazy, but I'm crazy about you. We'll get through this together, I'll never let you face it all alone."
After learning more about the person who hurt you, Twice puts together a plan for justice. "Nobody messes with my girl and gets away with it."
He ensures you have the support you need, encouraging you to take good care of yourself and promising to be there for every step of your healing journey.
As you try to hold back tears, Twice pulls a playful expression, "And if you need someone punched, I got a clone for that too. Or ten."
Twice is genuine, realizing that some battles require a team effort, and mental health is no exception.
Later, you discover Jin had discreetly gathered information to ensure the person responsible faced the consequences.
Twice, without a moment's hesitation, serves justice to the person who has caused you harm.
One day, accidentally overhearing him in conversation with Toga, you catch her asking for "the blood of his new friend." The request surprises you, but you eventually shrug it off.
The next day, Twice seeks you out and declares that the case is concluded, justice served.
When you express a desire to learn more, he simply smiles at you, smoothly shifting the topic, leaving the details in the shadows of his actions. "Don't worry, little mousie, Twice did his best to make sure they won't hurt you ever again."
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Dabi listens silently as you open up about your troubled past. His eyes, however, betray a mix of anger and concern.
"No one should go through that. I'll make sure they pay for what they did to you, princess."
Dabi, in his understated way, offers a warm touch, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Don't think about that anymore. Let me take care of everything."
Dabi, true to his straightforward nature, ensures justice is served.
As you express your fear of encountering your past abuser, Dabi assures you, "I won't let them get away with it, don't ya worry your pretty, little head, princess."
Dabi, true to his character, never utters empty promises. Swiftly acquiring information about the person's name and address, he becomes a rare sight within the League of Villains' hideout for the next few days. Unbeknownst to you, he meticulously stalks every move of the individual, methodically transforming their life into a nightmare.
Days pass, and news reports flood the airwaves. Resting your head on Dabi's shoulder while watching the news, you hear of a house engulfed in flames, with a person unable to escape the inferno. The police chalk it up to a gas leak, citing eyewitnesses who observed the flames as an eerie shade of blue.
Your eyes widen, and you glance at Dabi, seeking confirmation. "Dabi..."
He, however, responds by gently placing his index finger to your lips, silencing any questions. "I promised you something, and I'm a man of my word, yeah?"
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starkskeep · 1 year
I am my mother's savage daughter (r. stark)
I am my mother's savage daughter r. stark oneshot
Pairings - Robb Stark x witch!Reader
Word Count - 1,500 words
Warnings - Morally grey characters, mentioned non-descriptive murder, mentioned non-descriptive self-harm for the sake of magic
A/N - Here is my first request from a lovely anon. If that was you, I hope I did your request justice.
Request: Hello I was hoping if you could write a Robb stark and witch reader, she is his closest advisor and with the help of her powers she helped him get revenge for his father,he announces he is to marry her after he wins the war and thanks her for her support "I wouldn't have done it without you type of thing?
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Born as the daughter of Lord Roose Bolton and a noblewoman whose name has been lost to history, there have always been shadows that leak from your very soul. As a young girl, you were sent to be a ward of Lady Catelyn Stark in Winterfell. Perhaps it was a plan of your father’s to make you the future Lady of Winterfell, yet no betrothal to Robb came from your time there. Perhaps it was to keep you away from your bastard half-brother and his inclination to harm play with small defenseless things. Or perhaps it was because your father was afraid of you. Afraid of your potential. Afraid of what you would become if you were raised in a home that could provide no love to serve as a buffer to your whims. Many would try to claim that magic has long since disappeared in the kingdoms south of the wall but your father knew better. It was the power of your mother that drew him to her. A woman of a minor noble house that would not have drawn the attention of the ambitious Roose Bolton if it weren’t for the whispers that surrounded your late mother. With his own eyes, Roose saw how your mother controlled those around her. How the branches of trees and the flames of candles instinctively bent towards her as she walked past. A flick of her dainty wrist was able to send a man to his knees. An insult by a maid resulted in a fall down the stairs ending the maid’s life. After their marriage and your birth, your mother became disenchanted with your father and his control of her so he had her killed before he could become one of her puppets. It had also helped to quell the rumors slowly spreading from Dreadfort of his wife’s powers. She was just another woman weakened and eventually stuck down but the battle of the birthing bed.
So it was you who was raised amongst the Stark children. Receiving the love of the family had helped to tamper the power swirling underneath your skin but the execution of Lord Eddard Stark, a man who had raised you to be good in a way that your own father would have never been able to, ignited a burning sensation in your veins that you were unable to quell. You would wake up with scratches all over your body and blood underneath your fingernails. The voices that had once occasionally whispered to you now roared in your ears. They sang stories of the great battles yet to come. They warned you of betrayals when trust was placed in the wrong hands. In the course of a few weeks, you became a jaded shell of yourself, wholly devoted to the Old Gods and scarcely left the sanctity of the Godswood. 
Robb took you south with him, against the advice of his advisors. He could not leave you behind, just as he could not leave Theon behind. You were his friend and he knew you would prove to be an invaluable resource. He, of course, was proven correct. Roose, as one of Robb’s generals, watched as you cared for the wounded. Your remedies healed injuries and sickness far better than those concocted by others, despite using the exact same materials. Everyone praised your healing abilities as a blessing from the Gods. You treated Robb’s men and Lannister soldiers alike. Those who weren’t against the idea lauded you for your kind heart, Robb included. Roose watched as shadows slipped from underneath your tent when night fell and darkness cloaked the camp. The shadows, darker than the darkness around them, moved like snakes until they reached the beds of Lannister soldiers. The shadows would slither onto the cots and bedrolls of the enemy and smother them until the life left their eyes. There was no struggle. Healers would report the deaths in the morning as the soldiers merely having succumbed to their battlefield injuries. Roose watched as you were able to fake sympathy as you helped other healers carefully dispose of the bodies but he could see the shimmer in your eye, the same that once gleamed in his wife’s. 
If others had noticed, nothing was said. You had shown how valuable you were to Robb on the night when you shared your dreams with him. Not revealing that they were dreams, you made suggestions of what you thought the Lannisters may do. Most of the time you were proven to be correct and Robb gained the respect of his men due to the brilliance of his strategies. Robb kept you beside him in all of the war council meetings, allowing you to provide input when you deemed it necessary. In the eyes of his men, you were an oddity among women; one who had a brain and was useful for things other than running a household. You were given more freedom and would use it to sneak away. Running barefoot through the forests that often surrounded the placement of the war camp. Listening to whispers of the trees as you fed your blood back to the dirt. You did not question your abilities. You did what you instinctively knew to do. Coming back to the camp, your eyes would be brighter and your steps would be lighter. All the inhabitants of the camp wrote it off as you needing a break from the pressures. You were still a woman no matter the respect you received and thus were weaker and needed more breaks than the men. 
When the battles grew fiercer as Robb moved his army closer to the capital, whispers erupted of shadows helping the Northern army in their fight. Whispers spread even farther, to the Lannisters and beyond, of their men being taken down without the bite of steel even connecting with their bodies. Once again, this was brushed outside. Soldiers grow tired and delirious. Gossip grows crazier the more it is spread. King Robb is not King Stannis. He does not have a Melissandre by his side, filling his head with nonsense prophecies. He is a king fighting to avenge his father, rescue his sisters, and return to rule an independent North. You did not mind. You encouraged the rumors to grow more obscure. It kept you safe. It kept your actions from being examined too closely.
It was not until the night before Robb was to storm the Red Keep that you revealed your true nature to him. You revealed everything. Your healing, your killing, how you knew the movements of Lannister troops and what they would do in battle. Robb was shocked. He initially wanted to punish you for not telling him earlier but cooler heads prevailed and he realized that everything you had done was to aid him in his revenge, in your revenge as Ned was as much your father as he was Robb’s. So Robb listened. He listened as he did when you warned him not to agree to a Frey betrothal, to offer his uncle instead. He listened as he did when you warned him away from the pretty foreign healer. He listened as he did when you warned him to not allow Theon to sail for the support of his father’s ships and when you warned him not to accept your father’s request of sending your bastard brother to protect Winterfell. Now Robb listened even more closely as you explained what your shadows brought back to you from where you had sent them into King’s Landing, fully appreciating the weapon that the Gods had gifted him with.
You were by his side for the entirety of the siege. Riding just behind him and watching as he commanded his men to act in the way you had suggested the night before. You were standing in front of him when the Lannisters’ men shockingly turned against the royal family and its bastard king. He was beside you as he and his men watched the same Lannister soldiers then turn their swords against themselves. What was supposed to be a battle that would stain the throne room with the blood of both Lannister and Stark men ended with only lions left dead. 
After his coronation as King of the Seven Kingdoms, in which you placed the crown on Robb’s head and whispers a blessing of prosperity, protection, and power from the Old Gods, Robb announced that you would be his wife and queen. No one had provided more support to him than you did and he could see no other person than you by his side for the rest of his life. You were married in the ways of the Old Gods and the magic in your veins calmed for the first time since you had marched south. The Gods were pleased. They had one of their own blessed children on the throne and they kept the realm steady as long as your blood remained on the throne. 
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whatwouldmickeydo · 9 months
Minor headcanon: there is a framed copy of Terry Milkovich's death certificate on the wall of apartment 218.
A week after he dies, they receive a small stack of Terry’s death certificates in the mail, intended for providing proof to businesses and other places that might need it.
Mickey snatches one, finds a dusty frame in the back of their closet and puts it in, sticks it on an empty nail by the front door that’s been waiting for a picture. It’s a celebration that this bastard is finally gone, a reminder every day that there’s proof he’s dead and buried, something he can look at and know that he’s no longer there to cast a shadow over their lives.
And it’s exactly that, an excellent memento that he flips off almost every morning before they leave the house.
Ian wakes to the sound of broken glass and a bitten off curse. He walks out to their darkened living room with just the light of the moon streaming in through the window to see the frame on the ground, glass littering the floor, and Mickey clutching a bloody fist, eyes glassy with held back tears.
There’s blood dripping onto the ground and he’s quick to grab a wash cloth and the first aid kit, guiding Mickey gently but firmly onto a chair in the kitchen so he can patch him up.
He can hear Mickey’s breathing, the slight hitch in it every so often as he tries not to let the feelings overtake him.
He’s thankful he’s letting him clean him up rather than pulling away and storming out, a trail of red running out the door.
“Fuck him. Fuckin’ piece of shit.” He hears Mickey mumble as he’s putting the last bandage on, looks up to see those beautiful blues finally leaking tears.
“Thought I’d be over this shit already. He’s fuckin’ dead, why am I still fucked up about this, man?”
All he can do is pull him up and wrap his arms around him, hand coming up to cradle the back of his head. Mickey’s injured hand hangs by his side but his other one comes up to clutch at the back of his sleep shirt, face pressing into his chest. He can feel the front of his shirt becoming wet with tears.
He’s not sure how long they stand there in their darkened kitchen but eventually Mickey sniffs and breaks away.
“Gotta clean up the rest of the glass.”
They work together to get the broom and the dust pan out, dumping the frame and the broken pieces into the trash can. All that’s left is the death certificate.
Ian picks it up, heart clenching at the way Mickey flinches when he sees it.
“C’mon,” Ian says, leading the way towards their balcony.
He grabs a lighter on his way onto the balcony, turns to see Mickey following him out.
There’s a look of confusion and then his face clears and he gets it, takes the offered lighter and the paper.
He sighs, then brings the certificate up and lights a corner. It burns slowly, then quicker, the flame running over the edges until it’s reduced to almost nothing. He let’s it go, leaning into Ian’s hand as he rubs at the back of his neck, both of them watching as the rest of it burns itself out in the wind, the ashes fluttering to the ground below them.
“Fuck you, Terry.”
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