dstrt1xn · 3 days
How Zuko Kind of Maybe Starts Accidentally Dating the Water Tribe Peasant by All_About_That_Ace
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cover and storyboard by me
Zuko might have maybe made out with Sokka in Ba Sing Se and also kind of started sort of dating him (he doesn't know how that happened, honestly) and Sokka might be a little bit enamored with Zuko (he’s so attractive?? how dare???) and this information might maybe a little bit be making their life slightly hectic.
In the best way, of course.
Please, go leave a like and a comment for this amazing author. The typeset is only of the first two fics in this collection, which is honestly my bad. Insofar as the story, these fics are canon now. I make the rules and enforce them. All_About_That_Ace needs to be hired to write for ATLA immediately.
I was honoured to be given permission to typeset this fic. It will work on any and all ereaders, as far as my knowledge stretches, and is completely customisable.
"Sokka," Zuko said solemnly, holding the other teen's shoulders in a tight grip. "Look at me. This is very important – life or death – I need to know you're paying attention."
Sokka looked back at him, his face suddenly serious. "What? What is it?"
"I have been waiting for the theater to put on The Bell Ringer since Uncle and I arrived in Ba Sing Se. Uncle's expanding the shop so we have no extra money for theater tickets." Zuko stared deeply into Sokka's eyes. "You have to get me in."
Sokka blinked. "That's your life or death issue?"
"You get me into that theater and you will get laid."
Sokka's eyes widened. "E-excuse me?"
"I will have you hearing colors."
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prokopetz · 11 months
My commitment to accessible design in tabletop RPGs remains sincere, but the fact that most popular EPUB readers still don't support CSS variables is truly testing me.
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brainrot-mx · 7 months
Bro... the Dragon Half-Blood... *SPOILERS FOR NOVEL*
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WHEN HE SEES A NEW SIDE TO LIFE AFTER CALE RESCUED (Well more like captured him, but Cale didn't act icy cold and he didn't torture DHB because he realised he was a victim to WS, even if he wasn't welcoming because DHB is still someone dangerous)
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 3 months
Do you have any of the fics by beautifulwhatyourhurry, such as Things I cannot Change? I cannot find them on AOC anymore.
Thanks for all you do to keep the fandom alive! ShariCat
Yes, we have all of the PDFs for the completed stories by beautifulwhatsyourhurry. ENJOY! ~Lynne
Swing Sets & Sandboxes by beautifulwhatsyourhurry  [PDF] [EPUB]
Kurt Hummel is 7 years old. He makes a new friend, little Blaine, on the playground one day. This is their story.
McKlainely High Series by beautifulwhatsyourhurry
In which Blaine transfers to McKinley High instead of Kurt going to Dalton. There’s a lot of bumps in the road for them both.  
McKlainely High [PDF] [EPUB]
Read the completed sequel:  McKlainely High Senior Year [PDF] [EPUB]
Where We Went Right by  beautifulwhatsyourhurry  [PDF]
Everyone seems to fuck like rabbits at Dalton Academy. Neither Kurt nor Blaine are an exception to this rule. But something that happens later after a drunken Warblers party could alter their relationship quite a bit. Set quite a few months into Kurt’s stay at Dalton.
Sex Education by Beautifulwhatsyourhurry [PDF]
This story was just supposed to be pure smut and then the characters ran away and actually decided they want a plot line. Kurt’s thoughts may seem a bit contradictory at certain points, but I wrote them like that for a reason.
Things I Cannot Change Anthology by beautifulwhatsyourhurry
Kurt begins his junior year at McKinley, fully prepared for something better than the torment he has suffered as an underclassman. However, when he befriends Blaine Anderson, a shy transfer student, he might not be able to handle everything God throws at him.
Red by beautifulwhatsyourhurry
Forget Me Not by beautifulwhatsyourhurry [PDF] [EPUB]
Five years down the road, Kurt & Blaine run into each other after a painful breakup and no communication since. Can they start again or is it really too late?
To Whom It May Concern by beautifulwhatsyourhurry [PDF] [EPUB]
Blaine Anderson moves to New York when he’s 22 and falls for remarkable, enigmatic Kurt Hummel.
Blaine Anderson died when he was 25. This is his story.
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jupitunes · 3 months
does anyone have the english version of hofas? not translation but the original??
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ashe-fics · 7 months
Bless the Al's Place website for being so retro, but it is the worst place possible to read its Virtual Seasons episodes, so I have spent the last week and a bit painstakingly converting every one of the stories to eBook format.
I did not write any of these, and I am not affiliated with the Al's Place fan site. I just wanted to do a public service. So here you go everybody.
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*Note that Season 14 has only 4 episodes published, so I tacked them onto the end of the eBook for Season 13.
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techniktagebuch · 2 months
17. Februar 2024
10 Jahre Techniktagebuch
Heute wird das Techniktagebuch zehn Jahre alt. Wie jedes Jahr gibt es zum Geburtstag eine vollständige PDF-Version, die diesmal 8.536 Beiträge enthält und 15.506 Seiten lang ist. Die Best-of-Version des letzten Jahres hat überschaubare 207 Seiten und man kann sie als PDF oder als EPUB lesen. Die PDF-Version mit den besten Beiträgen aus den Jahren 2014–2024 hat 3141 Seiten. Dieses Jahr sind auch die "Best of"-Versionen gratis, weil das viel weniger Arbeit beim Hochladen macht und die an das Internet Archive gespendeten Einnahmen gering waren. Wer kann, sollte einfach so ans Internet Archive spenden.
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Der Hintergrund ist ein Küchenvorhang, an dem ich zu häkeln begonnen habe, sieben Jahre, bevor das Techniktagebuch entstand. Sieben Jahre nach der Entstehung des Techniktagebuchs war er dann auch fertig (hatte aber für die eigentlich geplante Verwendung die falsche Größe).
Die PDF-Fassung ist schöner und enthält weniger Fehler und mehr funktionierende Fußnoten als je zuvor. Auch die darin enthaltenden 10430 Links sind wahrscheinlich im besten Zustand seit 2015, weil wir sie in den letzten Jahren mit viel Mühe zum Internet Archive umgebogen haben (bis auf ungefähr 1900 noch unbearbeitete Links, aber das klappt vielleicht bis zur nächsten Ausgabe). An dieser Stelle sei noch mal erwähnt, dass man ans Internet Archive spenden kann. Ohne das Internet Archive wäre das Internet ein traurigerer und unpraktischerer Ort.
Nach zehn Jahren zeigt sich außerdem, dass einige zweitveröffentlichte Beiträge, die ursprünglich in anderen Blogs erschienen waren, dort nicht mehr existieren. Ein weiterer Grund, hier zu schreiben oder zweitzuveröffentlichen! Man kann das hier tun oder per Mail an [email protected], aber auch auf fast jedem anderen Weg. ("Fast" nur vorsichtshalber, um niemanden zum Einschicken von Lochkartenstapeln, Keilschrifttafeln oder Faxen zu provozieren.)
Beinahe wäre dieses Jahr alles anders gelaufen, und zwar so: Kurz nach der letztjährigen Buchausgabe habe ich angefangen, darüber nachzudenken, ob sich zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum vielleicht eine Printausgabe herstellen ließe. Nicht zum ersten Mal, wie das Redaktions-Chatlog zeigt:
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Ich hatte schon angefangen, die technischen Voraussetzungen für eine 20-bändige Buchausgabe zu schaffen. Beziehungsweise 21, denn Aleks Scholz regte an, alle Links in einen separaten Band auszulagern, den man dann beim Lesen neben sich liegen haben kann, um den Links zu folgen. Denn in der oben verlinkten ungedruckten PDF-Ausgabe funktionieren die Links ja noch. In einer gedruckten Ausgabe wäre das nicht mehr so. Im Moment könnten alle Links noch knapp in einen Band mit der bei lulu.com festgelegten Maximallänge von 800 Seiten passen.
Dann redete ich allerdings im Frühjahr 2023 mit einer Person, die diesen Plan sehr schlecht fand und sagte, es sollten nicht immerzu unlesbare Bücher gedruckt werden, nur weil es geht. Das leuchtete mir auch wieder ein. Deshalb ist von diesem Projekt nur ein Screenshot der ersten Seite des nicht gedruckten 21. Bandes mit den Links erhalten:
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Aber falls sofort mehrere reiche Techniktagebuch-Fans vom Wunsch nach einer (dann 22-bändigen) gedruckten Ausgabe gepackt werden: Ich weiß jetzt, wie es technisch ginge.
Nachtrag, 20. Februar 2024: Es gibt in diesem Jahr auch eine PDF-Version mit den besten Beiträgen aus den Jahren 2014–2024 mit 3141 Seiten. Hier steht, wie es dazu kam.
Nachtrag, 11. März 2024: Hier ist als kurzer Snapshot festgehalten, wie diese Geburtstags- und Buchankündigung auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen registriert wird.
(Kathrin Passig)
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igotopinions · 4 months
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Issues one and two of New Edge Sword & Sorcery magazine are officially out. As editor & publisher, I'm very proud of what we've produced. The magazine features short stories and non-fiction, accompanied by gorgeous illustrations! They are available in digital, softcover, and hardcover formats...but the hardcover of #1 has already sold out!
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blazing-dynamo · 26 days
How does one format epubs? I have a lot of free time and love formatting, I'd love contributing to the effort of fixing all the doctor who epubs!
It’s complicated, but doable.
First, it depends on the style of PDF. There are some that are crisp scans of every page, scanned by the Camels, (btw the camels if you’re still around you’re a real one.) and for those, I open them in Microsoft Word, because word is like 80% good at converting it, where other PDF eaters suck.
From there, I check out some common problems:
1. Footers: just remove them all. They don’t help in ePub land
2. Headings: for consistency, I change all the Headings to Agency FB, because it’s included in windows and matches the vibe of the headings in the book
3. Chapter Breaks: I turn on the “View Whitespace” mode, and delete everywhere that says section break, and then make sure there’s a page break at the end of every chapter, after the title page, foreword, etc. I also add “Chapter X” on the line before the title of the chapter. The EDAs are not consistent in how they handle chapter titles and I crave consistency so I add it.
4. Table of Contents. Word is Too Powerful™️ and recognizes the table of contents and imports it as a smart, clickable ToC, which, again, we don’t need. You can’t really edit it or anything so I just delete it, and type up a new one, leaving off the page numbers because we won’t need them in epic land.
5. Formatting. This is the bulk of the issue. I use word WildCards, which are similar to RegEx, to find all cases of a lowercase letter or comma followed by a paragraph mark, and replace it with the same character followed by a space. Then I also look for instances of a paragraph mark followed by a lower case letter, and replace it with space plus the letter. Then I replace all Tab characters with a space. Then I look for paragraph marks followed by a space and replace them with just a paragraph mark. This gets like 94% of the bad formatting that the Calibre/kindle/etc auto ePub conversion makes reading insufferable. I try to catch as many of the rest while doing the remaining steps.
6. Formatting cont’d: then, I change the Normal style to be 12pt Garamond. This isn’t important because this is ultimately up to the reader’s chosen font in their eReader, and I don’t embed Garamond, but putting it in Garamond makes it easier for me to notice when something is wrong because I’m used to seeing Garamond while making these.
Then, I use Find/Replace to add a highlight to everything that has the same indent as the Normal style, so I can then see everything weird because it won’t be highlighted. I then scrub through the book and set the problem paragraphs to the Normal style, which then Corrects the indents. I make sure when I do this to watch for italics and make sure that the style didn’t revert them to normal. This happens on short paragraphs with one or two words, and one of which is italicized, as well as paragraphs where the entire thing is italicized.
I also in this step scrub through to find mid-chapter breaks, the favorite storytelling device of the EDAs, and make them uniform. Word will make it into various levels of after-paragraph spacing, but I set the paragraph to normal, and then just leave two empty paragraphs between the sections. This tends to import the best across devices and fonts.
Finally, I make sure that after each chapter and chapter break, the first paragraph isn’t indented, to match the style of the print EDAs.
7. Still formatting, but different. I then do a scrub through and make sure I didn’t screw anything up or forget something. The problem with RegEx is that it will do exactly what you tell it to, even if that’s not what you wanted to happen. So oftentimes my table of contents or copyright page is borked, and I have to go fix it. Once I have it in a decent shape, I
8. Import into Calibre. Just drag and drop the DocX into Calibre and it’ll get added as a book. I then use the metadata editor to download the metadata from the web, so it’ll have good info on it. None of the online sources regocnize this as a series, though, so I add it myself.
9. Convert to ePub: in the Calibre library list I right click the book and convert it to ePub, default settings. DocX->ePub conversion is really simple because they are both just HTML pages under the hood, so it imports perfectly.
10. (Bonus steps) once an ePub, I press T to edit the book, and import Agency FB and Agency FB Bold, and then press the Table of Contents button, to select where the in-reader chapter list points to. And then I use just hyperlinks to make the in-book ToC clickable to take it to the same place.
The uglier, hand-typed PDFs are basically the same, but then I also have to do a bunch of spell check to catch all the typos. And then those don’t have italics at all, so depending on the book, and if I have a copy of it physically, I scan the physical book with my eyeballs to catch italics and add them back to the DocX. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than the baffling choice to just remove them completely.
I know from importing the PDFs a long time ago there’s another person who scanned/typed the books, but I haven’t seen the state of them to know if they’ll need extra TLC.
It’s kind of a whole lot! But also if I get a The Camels PDF I can knock it out in about an hour.
If you wanted to take a crack at it, by all means! Though I really need a proofer, so if you wanted to just start reading and use the form links I have in the folders to report the issues you find, that would be wonderful. Bonus points, you get to read the EDAs lol.
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dstrt1xn · 4 days
It Will Be This, Always by @bluejayblueskies
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cover and storyboard by me
Jon coughed again, and blood stained his lips and blood stained Martin’s hands where they pressed against Jon’s back and blood stained the floor beneath them and help, they needed help.
Martin doesn’t remember shouting. He barely remembers the faces that had surrounded them, wide-eyed and terrified, all utterly unfamiliar.
Jon and Martin wake up somewhere else. Jon begins a slow path toward physical recovery, and several important, long-put-off conversations are had as they begin to navigate a new world that they hadn’t thought they’d be alive to see.
Please, go leave a like and a comment for this amazing author. As far as I'm concerned, this is official post-canon. @bluejayblueskies, utterly incredible work!
I was honoured to be given permission to typeset this fic. It will work on any and all ereaders, as far as my knowledge stretches, and is completely customisable.
He will love Jon for as long as Jon will let him. And if it will be this, always—loving Jon… Well. Martin doesn’t think that would be quite so bad.
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tofuingho · 9 months
It's amazing how small text files really are.
I have almost 500 fanfictions saved as EPUBs on a flashdrive. Do you know how much space is used up?
Less than 200 MB.
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sweatermuppet · 2 years
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from the final tenderness by rafael guillen (translated with sandy mckinney), published in im speaking: selected poems
[Text ID: Because loss, when everything is lost, well, love is the hardest thing of all;
Because loss makes us insignificant,
—sets us, we don’t know how, in the midst of cold cities, in doorways where everyone walks by without looking at us. /End ID]
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 3 months
Hi! I know I’ve asked for this one before, but can I please get the pdf for “Silence speaks louder than words by inkinmyheartandonthepage”? I wanted to download it in a different format, but I can’t find my original ask for it. Thanks!
Also would love recommendations for fics similar to this one!
Here are the files, and a few other fics I hope you enjoy! ~Lynne
Silence Speaks Louder Than Words by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Blaine is intrigued by the new transfer student Kurt Hummel. Kurt doesn't speak and Blaine wants nothing more than to hear his voice.
Silence is Golden by FabulousDuckling 
'Kurt Hummel, new kid' Kurt scribbled down. "Well Kurt Hummel, new kid, welcome to Dalton"
Dismiss Your Fears by drunkonwriting 
Klaine. When Burt dies instead of waking up from his coma, Kurt goes mute. The summer after his junior year, Kurt works in his aunt’s secondhand bookshop, the same place where Blaine applies for a job as live entertainment.
Word of Mouth by LaurenEP18
A culmination of years of bullying and a traumatizing experience led Kurt to stop talking. His whiteboard is his only form of communication when his father sends him to Dalton. Kurt’s world will be turned around when he’s roomed with Blaine Anderson, Dalton’s bad boy. Can Blaine get through to Kurt? Will Kurt ever speak again?
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therealpythagoras · 6 days
Quase 6 meses depois do lançamento, finalmente temos uma versão gratuita (pirateada) para download do primeiro livro sobre o Janonismo Cultural, escrito pelo próprio André Janones. Crucial para o entendimento da batalha nas redes que resultou na vitória de Lula em 2022, e como ela deve ser continuada e utilizada no futuro.
Segue o link para a página do livro no site Arquivo da Anna (Anna’s Archive, site confiável sem risco de vírus), onde ele pode ser baixado em formato .epub.
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well. oceanofpdf got taken down. my life is over.
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poetbooks · 9 days
ciências sociais
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