#honestly i was on jb's side on beating his ass
danicarosaline · 4 years
𝙹𝙹 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
Summary: JJ brings home girls who have the same qualities as you to hide his true feelings and everyone is sick of it. The pogues come up with a plan to lock you both in a room to figure shit out.
Warning: swear words!
A/N: thankyou anon for the request!! hope it was what you wanted💛 (sorry for the shit summary hahah)
Requested?: yes/no
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This saturday was just as hot as any other day out here in the Outer Banks, the afternoon sky was cocktail-blue as big white clouds were completely spread out, looking like the perfect serene painting hung up in a museum. The sound of laughter filled the air whilst you laid comfortably still in the hammock at the Routledge residence. A picnic rug arranged on the ground, Kiara, Pope and Sarah were situated on it. John B sat on a folding chair. The get together was an ordinary thing between you pogues (& kook)
An almost every weekend thing when there wasn’t a kegger planned later on in the night and this was what y’all got up to on those kegger-free nights. The only person missing was JJ and it seems that the boy has been gone for the entirety of the morning.
The last time you have seen JJ was when he visited your work the other day because he was bored. You asked JB about his best friend's whereabouts but all he gave you was a shrug of his shoulders and a shook of his head.
The gang laughed at a joke John B said and was about to share another one when he was suddenly interrupted by an engine of a motorcycle stopping in its tracks, near the chateau porch.
“Oh for the love of god” You tilt your head to look at Pope, hearing his low grumble. The sight of JJ’s tall figure and a pretty girl hooked on his arm caught your eye and caused the smile on your face to drop instantly. Your emotions churned as you viewed the pretty grin on his face as he looked at her. You scrunch your nose up in annoyance.
“Here we go again..” Kie sighs, rolling her eyes when the girl lets out a loud giggle at whatever JJ just said. The two stop in front of the group, both smiling and waiting patiently for a response from either one of you. Your brows furrow at the two morons standing before you and Sarah’s arms raise a little in the air, silently asking ‘so who the fuck is this then?’
“Right! so uhh.. this is Portia” JJ says, pointing to the pretty girl beside him. You scoff silently, looking off to the side and crossing your arms against your chest.
Pope scoots a little closer to Sarah to make room for JJ and Portia. The two sit down awfully close and you feel that all too familiar feeling resurface whenever JJ brought a girl along to the pogue hangouts. JJ had been bringing home one too many girls to the chateau lately and it’s not only gotten on your nerves but the pogues as well.
You were always the first one to leave whenever JJ brought a pretty girl over and the half-assed excuses were ‘I suddenly don’t feel well’ ‘I’m so tired guys, i might hit the hay’ ‘oh shit dad called, gotta bounce’ and the pogues quickly picked up on your sudden eagerness to leave. The jealousy radiating off of you was clear as day. But today it seemed that you were too lazy to move so you sat back, and pretended to care about Portable or whatever her name was.
You were also the last one to leave because JJ practically forced you to stay longer and the group never thought much about it. Everyone on this damn island knew that you and the Maybank boy were glued at the hip, and you even once told him that you were his Elle and he was your Lee. He found the kissing booth reference cringey as hell, it always ticked him off and you never knew why.
Unbeknownst to you, the pogues came to a conclusion that you were in love with JJ and vice versa. It was like something clicked in their brains as they gathered together and connected the dots.
The lingering touches and the way JJ looked at you wasn’t hard to miss. You both barely did anything to hide your feelings for each other and the only ones who were oblivious to it were you and JJ and the blond’s recent hookups was just the icing on the cake.
Kiara was the first one to notice that the past two girls JJ invited to the chateau looked similar to you. It was the identical hairstyle and colour, the same skin tone and the height of those girls that got Kie raising her brows at JJ in suspicion.
The second person who noticed that one of those girls looked similar to you was Sarah, when one of them fell flat on her face and Sarah came running towards her, screeching your name in worry and the expression on Sarah’s face when she realized it wasn’t you was the funniest thing Kie has ever seen.
The third was John B and Pope, when John B flung himself at a sleeping girl and she jolted up awake, screaming in John B’s face in fright. That was when Pope came rushing into the guest room. At first Pope thought it was you beating up John B, and the boy doubled over in laughter but when he came face to face with the stranger his mouth fell slack.
Now Portia wasn’t any different, the pogues took notice. Portia had your hair length but the colour was just a tad bit lighter than yours and with the same facial structure, smile and eyes and the only difference was that she might be two or three inches taller, she also dressed differently. The similarities of you and the girls JJ has been macking on were uncanny to say the least. It was a big eye roll for everybody but you, who was utterly blind to it all.
“So Portia, are you on vacation here?” Pope asked. The pretty girl glanced at Pope and nodded her head nonchalantly, resuming her attention back to JJ who was making conversation with John B. Pope turned his head to look at Sarah and Kie, hoping they caught how disinterested the girl was.
Kie groans with the click of her tongue and gestures her head towards her phone, creating a secret group chat with Pope and Sarah but not before twisting her neck to look at you so you won’t see that they are planning on scheming.
Thankfully your attention was settled on John B, squinty eyes darting to Portia whenever her manicured fingers brushed JJ’s or when she played with his hair.
Kie: i have a plan
Sarah: 👀 just us 3?
Pope: what plan? as long as it won’t send any of us to jail
Kie: y’all just listen okay? we’ll fill in JB later.
☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎
It had to be about 7:30 pm by now, Portia long gone and half of you still sat outside around the hammock. John B, Pope and Sarah remained in the chateau doing god knows what.
You were in the middle of a little wrestling match with JJ, him pinning you to the picnic rug with his arms and Kie laughing along with JJ as you tried to break free from his grasp. “C’mon L/n, yield!” JJ hollers and you smack his head repeatedly with an empty coke bottle.
“Never! You fucking dweeb”
“You’re weak Y/n, weak!“
“I swear J, once you let go I’m gonna-“
“Yo JJ! Y/n! can you guys come check this out real quick?” John B calls from the front porch, distracting JJ and loosening his hold on you. You saw this as an opportunity to break free and push him off of you whilst still hitting the blond repeatedly on the head. “What was that John B? Wait- hey!” JJ grabs your wrist to stop your movements.
“Get your asses inside, i need your help!”
JJ let out a dramatic sigh and slapped both your thighs before pushing himself up onto his feet to head towards the chateau. He laughs when he hears you whine behind him, punching his back gently and throwing fake insults about how ugly he was. John B beckons the both of you to follow him into his guest room.
“Okay well there's something wrong with the closet, can you guys suss it out?” John B points to the old wooden thing. You raise a cautious brow at the brunet leaning against the wall, he’s gaze focused on JJ who began to inspect the closet, opening and closing it. You watch the blond for a minute before turning back towards John B who wasn’t in the room anymore.
“Um hey JB? what exactly am i-“ the door slammed shut, cutting you off and making you jump at the loud sound. JJ and you were quick to move towards the door, your hands banging on it whilst JJ continuously turns the door knob. “Its fucking locked!” JJ declares.
“Yo what the fuck, open this shit!”
“John B this isn’t funny what the hell!”
Various giggles were heard on the other side of the door, no doubt it being all your friends. You glance at JJ to see his eyes already on you, his face contorts into a baffled expression as if silently asking if you had anything to do with this. “Guys what the hell is going on!?”
“We are tired of you denying your feelings for each other, so we locked you both in there” Kiara speaks.
“Also tired of JJ bringing home these random girls who freaking look like you too! Seriously dude it’s not healthy and kinda creepy honestly” Pope then adds.
“Wha- look like me?! Pope, open the door now!” You twist the doorknob harshly in hopes it’ll open the door somehow but to no avail.
You crane your neck to where JJ’s figure is standing in front of the window, trying to yank the window open but it was tightly sealed shut.
“Oh and we also sealed the windows! Don’t you even try to break it JJ!” John B shouts, the gang howled aplenty of goodbyes all before proceeding to head out of the chateau, the floors creaking as they left.
Your hand comes up to pinch the bridge of your nose as your head hangs low whilst the other hand rests on your hip. An audible sigh escapes JJ and you turn around to see him sprawled out on the bed, hands behind his head with his eyes closed.
You slowly walk over to the blond and sit on the edge of the bed, facing him and poking his side.
JJ sighs and sits up, eyes connecting with yours for a moment before looking off to the side to stare out the window where he can clearly see the others, dancing away as if they didn’t just cage two of their friends in a room to talk about their ‘feelings’. JJ cringed at the thought of confessing this way but what other choice does he have? It’s not like he planned to do it anytime soon. “So uhh..” you started off.
“Are we gonna talk about it?”
“About what?”
“The elephant in the room?”
JJ scrunches up his face in confusion, still looking off to the side and fiddling with his rings. “What elephant?”
“Jesus christ JJ” you run a hand through your messy hair, pulling on it rather harshly to feel something other than the pang in your heart.
He’s always been dismissive about confessing his true feelings to you, whether that be about his father having to do with the bruises on his face or the fact that you’ve had moments with him where you almost kissed. It’s a continuous ‘deny, deny, deny’ with the boy and you're starting to get real sick with this attitude.
“What Y/n, what do you want me to say?” His hands are in the air and his facial expression is resolved into a deep frown, his pupils dilated as he stares at you densely.
With a roll of your eyes you push yourself off the bed and pace aimlessly around the room. “Why is it so hard for you to admit it?” You croak.
JJ is standing with you now, breathing intensifying when he inspects the tears welling up in your eyes. His stomach twists because he knows he’s the reasoning behind your aching heart. He wants to pull you into his arms and hold you, to stop those up-coming tears from trailing down your face but it’s like he’s glued onto the floor. He can't move, or maybe he just refuses to.
“JJ i love you..”
Everything seemed to move in slow motion and the air filled with heavy, uncomfortable silence. The sound of the others' laughter from outside felt distant, even if they weren’t that far from the chateau. When your eyes landed on JJ you thought your heart stopped beating for a second.
His eyes are trained on the floor but you can clearly see it glistening with tears as his lip wobbled. A tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip, bringing it between his teeth to chew on it to stop the quivering.
JJ felt so fucking weak. The only woman he’s ever cried over was his mother, when she left him. Her last words being the exact same ones that just passed your lips and he couldn’t help but let out a quiet sob. All JJ ever wanted was to be loved by someone he truly cares about and that someone was you.
You were there for him the day his mother left, comforted him until he stopped crying in your chest and it was also the day he felt a spark ignited in him. Though, he never knew what it was at first, until a few years later that he realized that he only felt that spark with you around.
JJ fell in love with his best friend and it terrified him greatly, because he felt like it was too good to be true. To have someone as gorgeous and terrifyingly smart to reciprocate the feelings that he did. But here you are, standing in front of him and telling him that you love him.
“JJ i have always loved you..” you knew your best friend well enough to know that hearing the word ‘love’ scared him, so you were patient. You were gentle with him as you said it. You studied him for a second. Your footsteps quick and light as you move closer to the blond.
You cup his face and bring it closer, so his forehead rests on yours.”I know how hard it is to believe that you are loved but trust me when I say that you are.You are loved by me and all of your friends Jay.. You’re perfect in every way possible and I am so in love with my best friend.”
You feel his hands land on your hips and it stays there for a second until he’s pulling you flush against his chest. Strong arms securing themselves onto your waist and his face hides in your neck, body shaking as he cries silently. “I don’t expect you to say you love me back anytime soon okay? No pressure at all baby” you murmur in his ear.
JJ sniffles a little, squeezing you in his embrace and bringing his head up to look at you. The bright lightbulb from above reflects on his structural features, making the boy look heavenly, with his red tinted cheeks and crying face.
His eyes look different, more soft than you knew eyes could be. The mesmerising blues made your stomach flutter with those damn butterflies, and all of a sudden you felt shy under his gaze. JJ lifts your chin up so your lips are only inches away from brushing across each other. He wipes a few tears that flowed down your cheeks with his thumb and rubs his nose with yours. Every little touch sends a chill down your spine.
“Those girls meant nothing to me. I hope you know that” he affirms.
“I told myself that i don’t deserve you. You deserve someone who can give you everything you wanted, someone who’s more emotionally stable and actually good enough to be seen around you..” he whispers and before you could reply he pecks your lips in a quick kiss to silent you, pulling away to continue to speak.
“That's why i brought those chicks around, because if i can’t have you then I’ll just get with girls who have the same qualities as you, which now i know sounds really fucking stupid when its said out loud.”
You snort at his speech and grab the back back of his head, attaching your lips on his in a much longer and desperate kiss, breaths mingling together passionately but before things could get heated, you push the blond backwards until the back of his knees meet the bed and he’s sitting, you throw your legs over his lap in a straddling position and cup his face in your hands once again.
“You are everything I have ever wanted JJ and you are more than good enough to be seen around me. The only person I deserve is you and I wouldn’t ask for anyone else to make me happy. I love you more than you know.” You say and place your lips on his quickly, not letting him get in a word when it seemed like he was about to say something. Probably something dumb to be quite honest.
You feel him smile through the kiss and the little sigh that escaped his lips when he pulled away shortly to lay you down on the bed, hovering above you slightly while his long blond tresses tickled your forehead.
“Thank you..”
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capaimagines · 4 years
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im jaebeom - underworld
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Pairing: mafia leader!Im Jaebeom x Reader | Genre: angst & mafia | Warnings: alludes to sexual assault, fighting, weapons, drugs, blood, swearing | WC: 2.6k
Request: Hi, I'm not too sure if you write them or not but if you do, may I please request a mafia/gang fic? Or if you don't want to do gang maybe just like JB got7 sells drugs or something?? Anyways I'll let you decide but maybe something goes wrong during the mission and they are led to the wrong place and in the mean time they take JB fiance and sexually assault her? Of course you don't have to write in detail. Maybe Mark and Jinyoung come in mid way and lose their shit and you are just limp and weak that you start screaming whenever they touch you but they need to get you to safety. Lots and lots of angst please. I understand if you can't. Thank you!!!
part two
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You would consider yourself as an adventurous soul. Ever since you were little you were never one to back down from a fight. You spoke your mind no matter what anyone else said which, when you were younger, got you into a shit load of trouble. So, when you had met Jaebeom at your dingy workplace, which was some dirty ass, barely-lit bar, no one should have been surprised that you had a go at him for being a prick.
He had been rude all night but being a mafia leader to one of the biggest groups in the nation at the moment could stress you out a little. He had snapped at you because the food they had ordered hadn’t been cooked right or something. You had rolled your eyes, not caring if you got fired and snapped right back at him.  
“Feisty,” He commented with a smirk.
Now, had you known at the time who he was and what he did you probably would have dialed it back just a little bit. Then you wouldn’t be where you were now, years later. Engaged to Jaebeom and living a lavish lifestyle. You weren’t that surprised when you found out he was in the mafia and he really hadn’t done much to hide it. It had only enticed you even more.
Let alone the six others that were always by his side always made for good entertainment.  They had all become family to you and like all cliché romances, you had fallen in love with Jaebeom and it only took a year of dating before he proposed to you. You excited him and while your feisty attitude sometimes got on his nerves or came dangerously close to putting you in jeopardy, he loved that you weren’t afraid of him. That you embraced this lifestyle like it had been the only thing you had ever known.
Now, he never wanted to actually put you out on missions but you weren’t having it. You refused to freeload off them and wanted to help wherever you could. Being a housewife, cooking and cleaning had never been something you wanted to do. So, Mark has thankfully shown you how to fight properly. Jackson and Jinyoung had frequently brought you to the shooting range which was located below the mansion. You had a sharp eye and caught on quick and while you were adventurous, you hoped you’d never have to shoot anyone.
Youngjae had shown you a little of hacking skills and all the equipment they used. How to fix things if they broke or were damaged during a mission quickly. Yugyeom and BamBam have taught you better acting skills. You could play the role of whoever they needed you too, lure in whoever was needed without issue. Plus, BamBam loved shopping and so did you so, lots of new clothes and shopping trips. Especially when a new mission came up.
Jaebeom had done his best to keep you quiet. He didn’t need enemies knowing about you because he knew they’d try to harm you to get to him. While he knew you could hold your own, he loved you and he was protective. He never wanted anything to happen to you. Until what was supposed to be just a meeting to discuss terms on some product coming in that went bad.
Then you went missing.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
You spat blood out of your mouth, wanting to vomit from the iron taste. Just a mere few hours ago you were sitting next to Jaebeom, proudly, while he negotiated terms for some drugs that were smuggled in. You had insisted on going as you had planned on helping Jaebeom run and build this empire up. You never wanted him to change everything just for you. Sure, the danger was high but you didn’t care, you loved him and if this was what he wanted to do, you would stand by him.
You aren’t really sure what happened though. You remembered a loud bang, blinding white lights and then someone hitting the back of your head. You groaned at the memory; that’s probably why the back of your head hurt. You knew something was off when you had first arrived at the meeting. The other goons around the leader were too fidgety, eyes constantly shooting around the room. Your mistake was brushing it off, thinking that Jaebeom would keep you safe. Yet, here you sat, tied up with your throbbing head and a stinging cheek.  
“We can’t kill her yet,” You heard someone say.  
“Well, isn’t that a damn relief,” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes. Whoever was standing next to you kicked you harshly, to which you groaned and bit down your lip to keep quiet. Your mouth always did get you in trouble.
“Once he gets here, you’re all dead anyways. He wouldn’t lose to someone as pathetic as you,” you growled to which you spat at him. You remembered him from the meeting earlier. Here we are again, your mouth getting you into trouble as he punched you across the face. You spat out some more blood, surprised your jaw wasn’t broken yet. You were also surprised at how calm you were. That just showed how much you trusted your fiancé to come to your rescue. He’d never let anything bad happen to you, or so you thought.
Except when the leader got tired of your snarky comments and changed tactics. Instead of physical violence, he gave permission to his goons to do whatever they wanted to you. With you being tied up, you couldn’t fight back. You tried, of course, but without the use of your limbs it didn’t do much. You screamed, you bit them, you tried kicking and headbutting. Though it always ended with them hitting you and doing what they wanted anyways.
You don’t know how long you had been in that room, in that place, but it felt like years. They never opened the blinds so you didn’t see the sun rise or fall. The leader came back a few times, ensuring that JB was well aware where you were and what he wanted in order to send you back. You knew he wouldn’t send you back. JB would come to save you and he’d kill you both.
You felt like an empty shell now. What you had been saving for your wedding night had been taken away without your will. You hated how timid you had become in just a few days. Every noise, every footstep, every breath made you flinch. You tried to be strong, but you were breaking little by little. When you heard the door open and smelled the alcohol you squeezed your eyes shut, willing the vomit to stay down. You knew what was coming, yet you still hadn’t prepared yourself for further damage. 
Again, you tried to fight. You swung your tied legs around wildly, tried biting and headbutting. All it took was one swift kick to your stomach to stop you. Everything hurt and you heard the unbuckling of a belt. You gulped, willing yourself to stay strong. Then you heard a gunshot.  Then another. One after another followed by the sound of screams. Then the door slammed open to where you were.
You squeezed your eyes shut. This was it. Either JB was here to take you home or they were really going to kill you. 
“What the actual fuck?!” You knew that voice. That was Mark.  
“M-Mark,” You said weakly, opening one of your eyes and sure enough there stood Mark and Jinyoung, eyes fuming with rage.  
“You’ve fucked up royally,” Jinyoung said, deadly serious. Before you knew it, the guns were dropped and the two boys had started beating the life out of the two males in the room with you.
You knew they were dead, they were in the room with two of the best fighters you knew of. You also heard a neck crack and another gurgle. Mark and Jinyoung were breathing heavily, blood littering their clothes and their knuckles as well as some splatters on their faces.  
“Y/N,” Mark said, turning to you and reaching to pull your shirt up over your shoulders and push your skirt down before he could untie you. You flinched at the sudden touch, trying to scoot back and immediately felt guilty at the hurt look in his eyes.
It hardened quicker, Mark’s specialty. Not showing his emotions, especially on missions, “I’m just going to untie you, okay?” He said quietly and you nodded. Jinyoung was still fuming but kneeled down to try and help you sit up. He touched your shoulder to help pull you up but you jerked away. 
“J-just d-don’t touch me right now,” You stuttered, “Please,” Your voice was low.
The two boys looked at each other, worried. The once feisty girl that had no problem running into the middle of a gun fight, who was usually the first to throw a punch, who seemed to have no fear of anything except spiders, was afraid of them. Of the people she should trust most, she was afraid of them. Never had they seen her look this weak, this broken. They both exchanged another glance while you pushed yourself up on shaky legs and fixed your clothing.
You walked out, looking for your fiancé. You weren’t okay. Not in the slightest and honestly?  You really didn’t want anyone touching you right now, but you needed to see him, just to know that he was there and that you still had something to fight for. Mark and Jinyoung followed close behind, but made sure they didn’t touch you. You saw JB, in the middle of killing the few remaining men and nodded your head in relief, walking outside to the car where you knew Youngjae was waiting.
JB saw you walk out and went to run after you but Jinyoung stepped in front of him, pushing on his chest and shaking his head, “D-don’t, hyung,” He said quietly and JB raised a brow.  
“Is she okay? Is she hurt?” He had been worried sick for days, not sleeping or eating until he found you. Mark cleared his throat, shaking his head and not meeting JB’s eyes.
“No. No, she’s not.”
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
You were different. Everyone noticed, but JB really noticed. The once confident, feisty woman he had met at the bar all those years ago that wasn’t afraid to run her mouth. The girl that looked down the barrel of his gun all those years ago with a smirk and a laugh wasn’t there anymore.
You were jumpy, timid, hypervigilant. Jaebeom noticed how whenever you went out, even just around the mansion that you had come to call home, you were always on alert. Always checking over your shoulder. Jumping and tensing at every little noise. How the affection you used to show the boys was near non-existent at this point.
The affection you showed him was barely there. He was lucky if you let him hold your hand every now and then or kiss your temple. Everyone had stopped trying to initiate skinship with you. The one time, a few days after they had brought you home and you had managed to get yourself out of bed, Jackson had come up behind you. 
He was excited to see you out of bed and moving around the kitchen. Excited to see that you had showered and were looking more like your normal self. Mark and Jinyoung hadn’t told the others outside of JB what they had walked into that night. At least not at that point. So, Jackson, without knowing, wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled himself into your shoulder.
You panicked, your elbow came back to his ribs and you flipped him on his back on the tiled ground. While his breath was knocked out of him he was more in shock than anything else.  Mark had been in the kitchen at that time too and he wasn’t as shocked, but more surprised. It was enough to tell him that it wasn’t the only time that had happened when they walked in on it.
They all sat down and had a meeting. Jinyoung and Mark explained what had happened when they did walk into the room that night. What was happening. How terrified, scared and vulnerable you looked. How, even though you could barely walk yourself, you would not let them touch you, let them help you.
You hadn’t spoken to anyone about what had happened while you were in captivity. You didn’t want to or need to. You didn’t want them to pity you and you didn’t want them to view you as a weak little girl that couldn’t defend herself. So, you did what you had to do and you bottled it up.  Tried to go on as if things were normal, as if you weren’t disgusted with yourself, but the boys knew you better than you knew yourself, they weren’t dumb.
They could see right through you.  JB could see right through you. He didn’t get down on one knee and ask you to marry him if he wouldn’t be able to know when you weren’t okay. While he wanted nothing more than for you to just talk to him, to let him in and let him help, he knew you didn’t want his pity.
He stood in the doorway of your shared bedroom, watching you. He’d been here for at least fifteen minutes just watching you and if you noticed, you hadn’t said anything. He leaned against the door frame, eyes trailing over you. On the outside, you looked okay, but he knew inside, you were in turmoil. He wanted nothing more than to take that turmoil away for you. To bear it all himself.
“What is it, Jaebeom?” You sighed, turning to face him.  
He straightened up, brown orbs meetings yours, but you instantly looked away. You’ve never looked away from him, “I want you to talk to me about that night,  about those days locked up there.”  
You groaned, sitting on the edge of the bed and burying your face in your hands. He had asked you this every night since you had gotten back, “Nothing, Jaebeom. Nothing at all.” You said, no trace of emotion in your voice.
He sat down next to you and you tensed. He felt his heart break; you were afraid. Afraid of him.
“Are you afraid of me?” He murmured, not making eye contact. You, however, looked at him with wide eyes. Did he really think you were afraid of him? Were you? You shook your head, you knew he would never hurt you. Never do anything to purposely put you in danger. You did that enough on your own.
“I could never be afraid of you, Jae.” You mumbled back in response as you reached for his hand but hesitating along the way. He grabbed yours, heart breaking more as you tensed but then he felt a little glimmer of hope as you slowly relaxed and weakly squeezed his hand a little tighter.  
“I just don’t want to talk about it Jae. I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want- I don’t want you to see me as weak and vulnerable,” You sucked in your bottom lip, feeling the familiar burn of tears in your eyes.
“I would never think that about you. You’re the strongest woman I know, Y/N. I love you and nothing is going to change that. Ever,” You squeezed his hand a little tighter, eyes trained on the floor.  
“I love you too, Jae. More than you can imagine,” You took a breath, your glossy eyes turning to meet his, “But I don’t know if I will ever be the same again.”
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Do Re Mi
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: After breaking things off with Kelce, he wants you back after finding out you’ve been hanging out more with JJ....
@jeyramarie @drewswannabegirl @teamnick @jiaraendgame @agirlwholovescoffee @outerbongs @jaxandcomet @velyssaraptor @baby-pogue @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @must-be-a-weasley-92 @kaitieskidmore1 @ma10427 @ifilwtmfc @lasnaro @justcallmesams @judayyyw @lonely-kermit @gviosca @iamaunicorn4704 @jellyfishbeansontoast @fernweh-fangirl @runway-to-my-aid @eb15​ @hurricane-abigail​ @tangledinsparkles​ 
Note: This is for the lovely @maybebanks , thank you for giving me an amazing request so that I could use this gif(look at those biceps)! I hope this was ok! As always let me know what you guys think, and don’t forget to check out my new Rudy Pankow series here! 
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What Kelce and I had from the beginning was toxic...
I was too blind to see how manipulative and abusive he was. The constant threats of leaving me, cheating on me, and of course me begging him not to. I fell into his trap. He would fill my head with negative thoughts, doing anything and everything to make me feel horrid about myself. All of my friends could notice the change in me, saying how I looked mentally drained all the time. 
Well, they weren’t wrong.....
“You’re such a fucking slut! Hanging out with those Pogues?! Really y/n?!” he shouted.
“They’re my friends! I don’t give a shit about your stupid rivalry against them K, they are good people!” I shouted back, running a hand through my hair. 
“Trash derseves to hang out with a slut like you then. You’ll fit right in.” he snarled.
“I’m so done with your bullshit Kelce! Fuck you!” I screamed, storming out of his house. 
“Don’t you dare walk away from me!” he yelled, coming after me. 
“I can’t take this anymore, I’ve been done for a long time now! You and your constant mental and physical abuse, I will not let you hurt me anymore!” I screeched, slamming my car door shut.
He banged on my window, demanding I open the door. He pulled as hard as he could on my door handle, no doubt almost breaking it. I sped off, going to the only place I knew I could find comfort.
I pulled into the chateau, tears still streaming down my face. A sob wretched from my chest, my head falling to the steering wheel as I cried. It was pouring the rain as I got out of my car, slowly treading to the front door. My chest felt like it was caving in from how hard I was sobbing, my whole body convulsing inwards. The door opened and I saw a familiar looking blonde coming on the porch. His eyes widened, taking off to me. I ran into his arms, colliding with him.
“What happened? Are you hurt?” JJ asked, pulling back to look at my face.
“I couldn’t take him anymore JJ, I had to leave.” I sobbed, clinging on to his shirt. He pulled my head back to his chest, leaning his head on top of mine. 
“I won’t let him hurt you ever again y/n, you’re safe now.” he said softly, his fingers combing through my soaked hair. 
“I’m so sorry J,” I blubbered.
“What are you sorry for?” he chuckled.
“That they hurt you, and the others. They always hurt you.” I cried, thinking back to the times I had seen Kelce and the others beat JJ to a pulp.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle sweetheart, I know you did everything you could.” he whispered, kissing my hair. 
“I should have done more...I should have left a long time ago.” I mumbled.
“Hey why don’t you guys come in before you get sick!” Pope yelled, both of us laughing. 
JJ led me inside, John B. bringing both of us towels to dry off. I left my shoes on the porch, starting to shiver from the slight chill in the air. I was glad I had left some of my stuff here so I could change into some comfier clothes. John B. was kind enough to let me take a warm shower, even threw my clothes in his beat up washing machine. The boys hovered over me in their protective fashion. JJ made me a sandwich, arguing with Pope about what goes on the bread first, and John B. got me every blanket he owned as I sat on the pull out bed. 
“The cheese is supposed to go on the bread first JJ.” Pope insisted, hovering over JJ’s shoulder.
“Dude can you please just let me make her the fucking sandwich for god’s sake!” JJ shouted, chuckling as he slapped it together and threw it on a plate.
JJ brought me my favorite sandwich with the chips I left here, and of course a beer. I smiled widely at my best friend. He sat in front of me while the other boys sat on the opposite sides. 
“What happened?” JJ demanded, Pope and John B. tuning in. 
“We were just fighting, I honestly don’t even remember how it started...Then we got to talking about how he doesn’t like me hanging out with you guys, and I told him that you all were my friends and that I didn’t care what he said. He said some other mean stuff and then I just left.” I recalled, my eyes staying down as I ate.
“What mean stuff?” JJ inquired, raising a brow. I looked up at him, then to JB and Pope.
“Pope, let’s go get Kie and Sarah. I think y/n needs some girl talk.” John B. said, patting my shoulder.
“What did he say?” JJ demanded, his hard eyes staring intently.
“He...he called me a slut and said that I would fit in with you all since Pogues are trash.” I croaked, feeling the tears begin to rise again. 
JJ let out an angry huff, throwing his hat off. 
“I should kill that motherfucker.” he griped.
“He’s not worth it J. I wish I would have learned that a long time ago.” I sighed, setting my finished food to the side with my beer. 
JJ came beside me, his arm falling around my waist. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t cause my heart to flutter. Since things with Kelce and I started declining, I had began to develop feelings for JJ. Both of us coming from similar home lives made our bond stronger. When I started dating Kelce, I thought I’d finally get away from the bad things that haunted me from my home. Turns out I ran into another abusive situation, but I always had JJ. He was my constant light that I needed when things went dark. I knew I could trust him with my life.
“You’re my best friend y/n, and I’ll be dammed if I ever let that fucker hurt you again. If you even think about going back to him I will drag your ass back here and chain you to this couch, you hear me?” he affirmed, his blue eyes burning with rage.
“Trust me that won’t happen, I’m done with him. You’re the best J.” I said softly, hugging him.
JJ squeezed me tight to him, silent tears flowing down my face again. I was so lucky to have friends like the Pogues, all of them had hearts of gold. I pulled back, smiling as I wiped some of my tears. JJ’s thumb came up to my other eye, gently wiping some away as well. We stared into each other’s eyes for a long time, a sudden change in the air. Both of us unconsciously moving our heads closer together. 
Then the door slammed open, causing us to jump apart from each other. 
“We brought movies!” Kie said cheerfully.
“And chocolate!” Sarah exclaimed.
“Yeah, too much chocolate.” John B. groaned as he and Pope lugged in some grocery bags.
I got up to hug my two girl best friends, all of us grouping together. They rubbed my back as I again started to cry, this time very loudly. Then I felt even more surrounded as the guys joined in our group hug. 
We baked, and watched comedy movies all night. I laughed until my belly hurt, the pure joy of being with my friends making my sadness go away even if it only would be for a moment. The sun was beginning to rise as we all fell asleep out in the living room. John B. and Sarah sharing a small air mattress that Sarah had brought, Pope got up to crash on the outside couch, Kie fell asleep in the floor, and JJ and I shared the pull out couch. 
After that night, JJ and I had become a lot closer. We began spending a lot more time together, even doing odd jobs together. Weeks had gone by and people of The Cut and in Figure Eight began discovering that where JJ was I would be found and vice versa. Word got to Kelce that I looked cozy with JJ, and he was not happy. 
I was home alone, my dad was with JJ’s at Barry’s. A loud banging heard on my door. I crept to it, peeking out of the window to see Kelce. I dreaded opening the door, debating on just letting him sit out there. 
“Y/N! Open the fucking door right now!” he barked, his fist coming down on the door again. I waited another second, seeing if maybe he would go away. He barged in, my eyes wide at how angry he looked.
“Kelce,” I gasped.
“Who the fuck do you think you are embarrassing me by being seen with Maybank!” he sneered, coming closer to me. I backed away, cutting around my house so I couldn’t be cornered. 
“It’s none of your business who I’m with Kelce, we aren’t dating anymore!” I shouted.
“We had a fight y/n, we’re not over until I say we are.” he claimed, snatching my wrist. I tried to wretch my hand away, but he was too strong. 
“I told you I was done! I don’t want to be with you ever again!” I screeched. I felt pain on the side of my cheek as Kelce slapped me, falling to the ground. 
“You listen to me you little bitch. I don’t ever want you hanging with that piece of trash ever again, is that clear?” he hissed, using his hold on my wrist to yank me up.
“Fuck you,” I spat. 
In the next second, I was being pinned against the wall. Kelce’s hand grabbing my throat as he slammed me into the hard wood. He squeezed my pulse point, my breathing halted. I scratched at his hand as he lifted me higher, my air supply being cut off even more. My vision started to become hazy, black spots appearing in my eyes. I kicked my legs as hard as I could until they connected with something. Kelce dropped me to the ground, air whooshing back into my lungs. He looked at me with hard, angry eyes. As if I was the one in the wrong.
“This isn’t over,” he sneered, storming out of my house.
I coughed and gagged until I finally started to breathe normally again. I crawled to my room, dragging myself on to my bed. I curled up in my covers and sobbed. I wished so hard that I had never been stupid enough to date a Kook. I realized now that I was desperate to get away from my dad, snatching any opportunity to get out of this hellhole. I cried myself to sleep that night, not even harvesting enough energy to call JJ. He was all I wanted right now, but I couldn’t move....everything hurt.
The next day, I got a text from JJ saying everyone wanted to hang out. I groaned, hauling myself out of bed. My eyes almost bulged out of my head at the sight of the deep bruises on my neck. How was I supposed to keep this from them? From JJ? I couldn’t tell them, JJ more than likely would end up in real jail this time if he went after Kelce. 
I did my best to cover it up, even opting for one of JJ’s hoodies I stole that covered more of my neck. My cheek thankfully didn’t look as bad and I was able to cover it completely. I heard JJ’s bike pull up, nerves creeping in my chest as I went outside. He smiled when he saw me, and it was like all my worries melted away. He opened his arms when I got closer, pulling me into a hug. I inhaled his scent...smoke, weed, and an earthy tone that was just JJ. His scent calmed my raging nerves. I jumped on the back of his bike, holding on to him as we sped off to the chateau.
I was doing a good job of hiding until I stupidly pulled my hair to one side.
“What’s on your neck?” Pope asked, inspecting me as I flinched from his prodding fingers. 
“Nothing,” I mumbled, flipping my hair back over. JJ’s eyes narrowed at me, my heart sinking. 
“Ooohh, did you get some last night y/n?” Kie raised her brows suggestively. 
“No,” I scoffed, my cheeks reddening. 
“You so did! Spill!” Sarah squealed. 
“Yeah y/n, spill.” JJ clipped, his arms crossing his chest. 
“I didn’t get any guys, swear.” I insisted, my eyes mainly on JJ. He nodded, but he didn’t look like he believed me.
“Then what is that?” John B. asked, joining in on the interrogation. 
“I tripped getting out of the shower last night,” I said, unconvincingly by the accusing look JJ was still giving me. He stormed back into the chateau, of couse I followed after him.
“JJ please, I-” I started.
“No, you-....I thought-I, I thought we had something building here. Guess I was wrong, I mean how could I ever think you would go from a Kook to me. I feel so stupid!” he ranted, throwing his hat on the ground. He sat on the couch, elbows going to his knees. 
“JJ please believe me, it’s not what you think!” I pleaded.
“Then what is it y/n! Because I know damn well that ain’t from falling, you can’t get bruises like that from a fall.” he fumed.
“JJ I did fall!” I exclaimed, partially telling the truth.
“I’ve wanted you, for so long now....and I thought I finally had you. Then you go back to Kelce, after everything he did.” he said in disbelief. 
“Stop JJ please!” I yelled, choking as I felt tears come to the surface.
“Guess trash like me doesn’t deserve a girl like you huh y/n?” he questioned mockingly. 
“He hit me!” I screamed, both of us freezing.
“What?” JJ asked, his voice barely a whisper. 
“Last night, Kelce came over...he found out about us being together more. Let’s just say he didn’t like it.” I stated, marching to my bag. I yanked out a makeup wipe, dragging it over the sensitive skin. 
“Oh-my-god,” JJ whispered.
“So yeah, I didn’t fall. He slammed me against the wall and choked me after smacking me for telling him to fuck off.” I sniffed.
We were both silent after that, I stared at the floor. I could feel his gaze burning into my skin, analyzing every detail. He got up suddenly, throwing his hat on. JJ marched out the door, a look of pure rage in his eyes. I ran after him, knowing exactly what was in his mind. 
“JJ!” I shouted.
“That motherfucker has some nerve,” JJ raged, the other getting up to see what was going on. 
“JJ please don’t go!” I cried, reaching to grab his arm.
“Oh no, no. The Kooks are not getting away with it this time, not after laying a hand on my girl.” he stated, shaking free of my hold. 
I was too worried at the moment to think about what he had said, everyone looking between us confused.
“What the hell is going on?” John B. asked.
“Dude her neck, Kelce did that.” JJ said, pointing at the now very prominent bruises. The others gasped, staring in horror.
JJ didn’t wait for anyone as he jumped in the van, all of us following after him. 
We arrived at the Boneyard, I knew Kelce would be here more than likely with Rafe and Topper. JJ stormed out of the van, walking quickly to find them. My heart dropped when we spotted them, JJ stalking over to where they were. I raced after him, the others following behind me. 
“Well if it isn’t the happy couple everyone has been talking about.” Kelce taunted, a smug grin on his face.
“You piece of shit!” JJ yelled, punching Kelce in the face.
“JJ!” I gasped, Kie grabbing my arm before I could go to him. 
“You-no-good-motherfucker! You dare lay a hand on my girl!” JJ sneered between punches.
“She’ll never be yours Maybank, I always win.” Kelce laughed as blood spewed from his nose. 
“If I see you within 100 feet of her, I’ll kill you.” JJ said darkly.
“That slut will never be satisfied.” Kelce said, igniting another surge from JJ as he hit Kelce again and again. 
“You abused her asshole, what kind of man treats a woman like that?” JJ scoffed.
“She asked for it.” Kelce said, throwing me an accusing look. JJ wrapped his hands around his throat, John B. and Pope jumping in to pull JJ off.
“If you EVER come near her again, I’ll fucking kill you!” JJ screamed as the boys dragged him away.
Once we got to the chateau, everyone headed inside except JJ and I. He pulled me into a hug, his head going into the crook of my neck. He kissed the skin there, tingles shooting through me. 
“So I’m your girl now?” I teased, smiling as JJ chuckled. 
“Hell yeah,” he said, pulling his head back to look at me. 
“Thank you for everything J,” I said softly, my hand going to caress his cheek. 
“Anything for you sweetheart.” he whispered, his forehead coming to rest on mine. 
I got on my toes and kissed him, grasping on to him tighter. His hand went to the back of my head, holding me there as our lips moved. I felt as if I were on top of the world, JJ pulled me closer as we fell deeper into the kiss. I pulled away when I felt dizzy from the lack of oxygen, our chests both rising erratically. We were both smiling like idiots, basking in the after glow of doing what we both wanted for so long. 
That night, I fell asleep cuddled next to JJ...the boy who I had longed for and was finally mine.
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obx-adventures · 4 years
The Introverted Twin
Summary - Being John B’s bookish twin isn’t easy. Especially with my best friend, Pope, being weird about me getting closer with JJ.
Warnings - Smut at the end
A/N - I have tried to tag everyone who has reblogged at least one of the chapters. If you don’t want to be tagged, just let me know. If anyone wants to be added to the taglist, let me know. Thank you everyone for being so into this series!
Catch up here: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5
Chapter 6
“JJ! I know you’re here! Answer the damn door!”
I jolt awake at the banging on the bedroom window and it takes me a few moments to recognize my brother’s voice. JJ is sitting on the edge of the bed frozen in place. I reach out and grab his hand. When he looks down at me, I see how nervous he is. I’m reminded that the Pogues are his only real family and being with me puts that in jeopardy.
“JJ, it’s going to be ok. I’ll talk to him.” I glance out the window and see my brother walking to the front of the house. Once he can’t see into the bedroom anymore, I sit up and put on my shirt. As I climb past JJ to get out of his bed, I kiss the top of his head. “I promise I won’t let you lose your best friend.”
I fix my hair quickly and open the front door. My brother stares me down as I step outside and close the door. I remember the conversation he had with JJ and I feel my anger rising too.
“John B, what are you doing here?” I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him.
“I came to see if JJ knew where you were. But I guess you were here with him. All night.” I can’t stop my eyes from rolling at the implication.
“JB, stop. I left you a note that I was ok and would be back in the morning. You couldn’t wait for me?”
“Y/N, you have never disappeared like this before. I was worried about you…” Guilt washes over me as I take in his face. He has huge bags under his eyes and looks like he didn’t sleep at all last night. But I can’t let him know that he’s wearing me down already. We have too many things to hash out.
“You were worried about me or worried that JJ was with me?”
“About you! First you freak out yesterday and bolt, then I find out from Sarah that you went to talk to her when you wouldn’t talk to me, and then I see the van outside and find your note. None of this is like you!” He’s right. Everything I did yesterday after we docked back at our pier was out of character.
“Calm down, I’m really ok.” I hold out my arms and spin in a circle to show him I was completely fine. “See? Not a scratch on me. I just needed some space.”
“From me?” I can’t ignore the hurt in my twin’s voice. In this moment, I remember that John B and I are the only family we have left. Our mom left when we were little, and our dad has been gone for almost a year. It’s just the two of us and we’ve grown to rely on each other.
“Yes, I saw how you were getting worked up after we got back from the marsh and I didn’t even know what I was feeling in that moment. How could I talk to you about something so important when I didn’t understand myself? You said Sarah told you I went to see her? Did she tell you what we talked about?”
“No, she wouldn’t tell me anything. She just said that you needed to talk through some stuff.” His frustration is evident, and I have to stop myself from smiling at the pouty look he has.
“I did. I needed to figure out how I feel.”
“How you feel about JJ?”
“Yes, John B, how I feel about JJ. And how JJ feels about me. And how Pope and you fit into all of that. I didn’t mean to scare you. Honestly, I’m sorry that I did. I just… damnit, this is all stuff that will change our whole little world and it freaked me out.”
“Yea, I’m pretty freaked too. That’s why I wanted to talk to you.”
“So you could try to scare me away from JJ? Like you tried to scare him away from me?”
“He told you?” he asks sheepishly. He looks down and won’t make eye contact with me as he waits for my response.
“Yes. How could you say those things to him, JB? You know that his dad has told him at every opportunity that he is worthless and won’t amount to anything. How could you pile on like that? He’s your best fucking friend.”
“I didn’t say he’s worthless!” His anger is back now that he’s reminded about part of the reason he’s here. He can tell me all he wants that he was trying to find me, but I know him well enough to know that he was planning on having it out with JJ. “And you’re right, he is my best friend. But as my best friend, I know him really well and I know how he is with girls. I can’t let you be one of the girls he tosses to the side when he’s had enough.”
“All the girls that he ‘tosses to the side’ are Tourons or girls he barely knows. We’ve been friends since 3rd grade, just like you two have. I know we’ve never been as close, but he’s defended me when I was picked on for being the nerdy kid that doesn’t surf. He saw me get stood up last year and wanted to go beat the shit out of that guy. He cares about me, he always has.”
“But Y/N –” I hold up my hand to interrupt my brother. I will not let him tell me what’s best for me.
“No, John B! You do not get a say in this. Did I give you shit when you started dating Sarah?”
“That was different,” he responds stubbornly.
“Why?” My eyebrows raise as I await whatever bullshit explanation he tries to give me.
“Because Sarah isn’t –” I stop him again. I also will not let him try to make JJ out to be the bad guy.
“Stop. Sarah cheated on her boyfriend with you. I knew Kie hated her, too. But did I give you shit like everyone else? No, I didn’t. So, I need you to return the favor here.”
“I’m not trying to give you shit, I’m trying to protect you.” His shoulders sag after he tells me this and I realize he doesn’t understand why JJ is so important to me.
“Do you know how difficult it is for me every day? I have never been good at making friends, I’ve never fit in. Do you remember all our birthday parties when we were little? Everyone was there for you. JJ was the only one who ever even got me a present. I was invisible to everyone else. Thankfully I found Pope so I don’t feel so alone every day. But with JJ, it’s more than that. He makes me feel alive, John B.”
“You make me feel alive too, Sunshine.” I jump at JJ’s voice and wonder how long he’s been standing there. “Dude, I get that I don’t have the best history here. I’m not even pissed about what you said yesterday. I just need you to see that this is different. I’m in for as long as Y/N wants me here. I don’t want to hold her back from her dreams, I just want to be a part of it. If that means waiting here for her, fine. If she’ll let me come with her, even better. Like I told her yesterday, I’m in. 100%.”
John B starts pacing while he thinks through everything he’s just heard. I go over to JJ and bring him in for a tight hug. He gives me a quick kiss and I know that he’s thanking me for defending him to my brother.
“Did you have sex with her?” John B asks.
“JB!” I am mortified and livid that JB would think he’s entitled to ask that question.
“Y/N, it’s fine. No, we didn’t have sex. I’m not going to tell you anything else because that’s none of your business.”
“You shouldn’t have told him anything.” JJ chuckles as he pulls me in close to him.
“He needs to know this isn’t my usual bullshit, Sunshine.”
“Is that why –” JJ cuts me off before I can finish my question. He must have known I would think this was why he stopped us last night.
“No, he had nothing to do with that.” He leaves it at that and looks back at my twin. “JB, are we good?”
“He makes you feel alive?” John B asks me.
“And you actually care about her? You don’t just want to mack on her?” I roll my eyes at John B while he waits for JJ to answer him.
“Yes, absolutely.” John B looks back and forth between us and finally let’s out a resigned sigh.
“We’re good… I’m sorry for being a dick yesterday. And, Y/N, I’m sorry for –”
“Being a macho asshole?”
“Yea, that.” We both break into a smile and John B comes forward to hug me and JJ. “But JJ, I was serious yesterday. You hurt her and I’ll beat your ass.”
“Whatever, JB. Ready to go home?” After he nods, I turn to JJ and smile when I think about our date tonight. “What time for tonight?”
“I’ll pick you up at 6.” He gives me a quick kiss and pats my butt when I turn towards the van. I look back at him and he winks at me, causing both of us to laugh. I kiss him again, but the kiss is cut short by John B honking the horn. I flip him off as I go in for one more kiss just to bother him.
The ride back to the Chateau is quiet, my thoughts stuck on what JJ may have planned for our date. So I shouldn’t have been surprised when John B slams on the brakes after I yell out. We are in front of Heyward’s and I just saw Pope walk outside.
“JB, give me 5 minutes. I need to try to talk to Pope.” I’m already half way out the door before John B understands why I yelled.
“Good luck, I’ll wait down the street.”
I wipe my suddenly sweaty hands on my shorts and walk over to the dock. Pope hasn’t seen me yet, so I take a minute to think through what I want to say.
“Pope, can we talk for a minute?” He freezes at the sound of my voice but doesn’t turn around. “Please, Pope.”
He finally turns to face me, and I can see that this past week has been hard for him. He looks like he’s barely slept and has lost a couple pounds. I feel terrible for my best friend and incredibly guilty about what I need to tell him.
“I can’t do this right now, Y/N. I’m already late for deliveries and my pop will flip if I’m not gone in like 30 seconds.”
“Please just talk to me. I could come with you on your deliveries.”
“No, that’s not... no.” Pope won’t look at me but is shaking his head quickly to shut down this idea.
“But I miss you, Pope. And there is something I need to talk to you about. It’s really important.”
“You better get your ass on that boat!” Heyward yells at his son.
“Look, Y/N, I’ll try to come by tomorrow. Ok?” He doesn’t wait for my response before he jumps on the boat and starts the engine.
“Y/N, JJ’s here!”
Sarah gives me a gentle squeeze on my shoulders to calm me before she put the finishing touches on my hair. When we got back to the Chateau earlier, Sarah was here waiting. She looked nervously between me and John B to try to figure out if we were ok. I pulled her into a hug and asked her to help me get ready for my date. She took the assignment very seriously and has spent the rest of the day perfecting my look.
Before Sarah lets me leave my room, she forces me to stand in front of my mirror to admire her handiwork. I gasp when I finally see the finished product. Dressing up and wearing makeup is not me but Sarah has found a way to make it natural. My makeup is subtle but makes my eyes sparkle. The dress that she picked out highlights my curves and looks great with my tan skin. My hair is down, and my normally wild curls are tamed.
“Wow, Sarah,” I whisper as I turn to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you. Do you think JJ will like it?”
“Are you kidding me? He is going to drool when he sees you!” Sarah laughs and opens my bedroom door.
I walk out to the living room and the boys don’t see me right away. I get a chance to study the way JJ is nervously fidgeting with his lighter. He has a button up shirt on and styled his hair. He looks up and his jaw drops as he takes in my appearance. John B notices JJ’s response and turns to look at me. My anxiety ticks up at their silence. Thankfully, Sarah steps in to break the silence.
“So, JJ, where are you guys going?” It takes JJ a moment to respond, his gaze still focused on me.
“Umm… I... I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise.” I raise my eyebrows to silently ask for a hint, causing JJ to grin. “Nope, can’t tell you, Sunshine. You’ll just have to wait.”
“Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?” I tear my eyes from JJ to furrow my brows at my brother. But I follow him to the kitchen and find him pacing nervously.
“JB, what’s wrong? I place both hands on his shoulders to get him to stop and look at me.
“Are you sure about this?” I roll my eyes at my brother, give him a kiss on the cheek, and go back to the living room.
“Ready, J?” He nods as I take his hand but he doesn’t walk with me.
“John B, I promise –”
“Nope, we’re not doing this, J. Let’s go.” I pull him with me outside and link my arm with his when we get off the porch.
We walk to the beach and JJ guides me to an area that I’ve never been to. After walking in comfortable silence for a little bit, JJ gently reaches over and covers my eyes. He turns us away from the water and leads me for another minute. When he removes his hand from my eyes, I am speechless. He has laid out a picnic for us with all my favorite things – a blanket that I always cuddle under on movie nights is spread out on the sand, candles that Kie gave me last year for my birthday holding the blanket in place, a picnic basket that my dad used to use when we went out on family adventures is sitting in the middle, and my favorite classical music piece is playing through the speaker. I instantly remember how much JJ pays attention to little details and all of my anxiety disappears.
“JJ, this is… wow.” I give him a quick kiss and he leads me over to sit down on the blanket. “I’ve never even listened to Clair de Lune around you guys. How did you know?”
JJ smiles at me and tucks one of my curls behind my ear. “You were so pissed when you found out it was in Twilight. We were 12, I think, and Ms Lana gave you the Twilight movie set for your birthday. JB put the first one on as a joke since he knew you would hate it. Pope talked you into watching it with us and you stormed away when they started talking about Clair de Lune and John B yelled ‘Oh come on, it’s your favorite!’ I’ve listened to it every once in a while since then after I get into it with my dad. It helps calm me down.”
I’m shocked into silence. I watch JJ unpack the picnic basket and am in awe of the beautiful boy in front of me. I tear my gaze from him to see what he brought for us and am confused when I see the assortment of food. JJ sees the look on my face and worries that he did something wrong. I offer him a reassuring smile and ask what’s for dinner.
“We have grilled cheese sandwiches, yours has that weird cheese you like so much and tomatoes. I still don’t get why you like tomatoes on there but whatever. I have your favorite chips and peanut butter filled pretzels. I also got strawberry lemonade and mixed it with real strawberries like they do at the Wreck. And vodka to add in if you want since you don’t like beer. I know it isn’t fancy, but I thought this was more you and all of these are your favorites.”
“JJ… this is perfect. You’re perfect.” I smile when I see him blush. How did I get so lucky to have such a sweet and caring guy?
We eat in comfortable silence and JJ chuckles when I moan in satisfaction after taking a bite of my grilled cheese. I decide to add some vodka to my strawberry lemonade to calm my nerves. After JJ finishes eating, he lays down on the blanket and looks up at the stars. A little later I join him, resting my head on his chest. JJ points out different planets and constellations as I trace the different constellation patterns on his forearm. We lay like this for a while and I feel myself drifting off as he plays with my hair.
“What are you thinking about, Sunshine?”
“How happy I am right now. You?”
“Mhm, I wish we could stay here, like this, forever. Dance with me?”
“Seriously, J?” I sit up and study his face.
“Please, I wanted to take you to that dance last year but that asshole asked you first. That was one of the reasons I wanted to kill him when he stood you up.”
I stand up and pull him with me. As I wrap my arms around his neck, he places one hand on my waist and selects a song on his phone. After he puts his phone away, he pulls me flush against his body and we start to sway to the opening notes of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect.
“This is my favorite love song,” I tell JJ as I rest my head on his chest.
“I know, you told me last summer.”
“Really? When?”
“We all went out on the Pogue and I decided to sit with you instead of swim. You quietly asked me if I didn’t want to get in because I didn’t want everyone else to see my bruises from my dad. But I didn’t answer you and instead of pushing it, you turned up the music and held my hand. A little later, Perfect came on and you told me you loved it because it is about wanting a life and future with someone instead of the chase or just one night with someone.”
“I can’t believe you remember that, JJ.”
“I remember everything,” he whispers to me.
“Did you have a good time tonight, Sunshine?” JJ asks me as we walk up the steps of the porch at the Chateau.
“Absolutely, JJ. Everything was perfect.”
JJ steps closer to me and rests a hand on my cheek. He leans in and kisses me gently.
“I love you, Y/N. I should have said it yesterday but I was scared.”
I take JJ by the hand and lead him inside the house and into my bedroom. I lock my door behind us and wordlessly guide him to sit on the edge of the bed. I straddle his lap and crush my lips to his.
JJ’s left hand wraps around my waist while his right settles on the back of my neck. He tangles his fingers in my hair as he pulls me as close as possible to him. This kiss is carnal and hungry. We pour every ounce of emotion into the kiss and I begin to feel lightheaded. I pull back to catch my breath but JJ’s hand in my hair only allows me to move back an inch. He looks at me with lust filled eyes before he squeezes them shut and takes a few steadying breaths.
“Sunshine, I should go.”
“J, stay... please... You can’t tell me that you love me and then leave.” I lean down and brush my lips along his jawline then nibble gently on his earlobe. “Stay...”
JJ moans and grips my waist tightly with both hands when I start kissing his neck. I run my hands down to his waist band and skim my fingertips along the top of his shorts. His hands move down to my bare thighs and I’m so damn thankful Sarah forced me into a dress.
“You’re killing me...” JJ groans as he tilts his head to give me better access. I smile against his skin knowing that I’ve won him over. I start unbuttoning his shirt and kiss back up to his lips.
When our lips connect, JJ takes control. He moves his hands roughly up and I shiver when he traces along the lace of my bikini panties. His insistent fingers press into my ass and pull my hips closer to his. I thread my fingers into his hair and gently tug as I slowly grind my core on the ridge of his growing erection.
Keeping one hand on my ass, he brings the other up to cup my breast and uses his index finger and thumb to tease my nipple over my clothes, eliciting a moan. He moves the hand on my breast to my back and finds my zipper, hesitating until I whisper please, trying not to break the kiss. He slowly unzips my dress and runs his finger pads back up my now exposed back. He roughly grips the dress straps with both hands and pulls my dress down to expose my chest. I climb off his lap quickly to remove my dress completely and his normally ocean blue eyes are dark with desire as my dress pools around my feet. He rakes his eyes over my body and licks his lips as he takes in the sight of my matching red lacy bra and panties set. He reaches out to pull me back to straddle his lap again and my skin tingles everywhere he touches me. He roughly cups both of my breasts and pulls down the lace to gain better access to my nipples with his nimble fingers.
Instead of returning his lips to mine, he kisses down my neck as he teases and tweaks both nipples. My breath hitches and I revel in all the different sensations. When his mouth reaches my breast, he releases one nipple from his fingers but quickly encircles it with his tongue while his free hand moves to my back to make quick work of the clasp. Instead of returning that hand to my breast, he slides it down my back and firmly grabs my ass. With one hand on my ass, the other on my breast, and his mouth on my other nipple, he drives me wild and my panties are soon soaked.
I release my grip on his hair and move my hands down his chiseled torso to unbutton his shorts. Because my body is pressed so closely to his, I can only brush my thumb over the head of his penis but this is enough make him moan. He quickly flips me over to lay down on my back and he removes his shirt and shorts before joining me on my bed. His boxer briefs and my panties are our only remaining clothes as he settles between my legs.
He switches his mouth to my other nipple as I slip my hand under his waist band to grip his erection. I marvel at the feel of his silky skin as I move my hand slowly up and down his length. He bites down on my nipple causing my hand to tighten around him and his other hand grips the back of my thigh.
He moves lower as he kisses down my belly and licks along my pelvis, trailing his tongue under the hem of my panties. He settles between my legs, kisses me over my panties, and runs his tongue over my covered folds while I grip his shoulders.
With his index finger, he moves the fabric to the side and swipes his tongue again. I groan at the sensation and tighten my grip on his shoulders while he slowly inserts one finger. His tongue laves along my clit as he moves his finger in and out. When he adds another finger, I gasp and feel my body tightening. I start to feel lightheaded and my hips buck. He rests his free arm over my stomach to keep me in place and increases the speed of his tongue and fingers. My breathing speeds up as I feel my body explode. I moan his name over and over as I ride my high.
He crawls up my body with a satisfied grin on his face and brushes his lips on my forehead as I come back down to reality.
“Close your eyes, Sunshine.”
“But why? What about you?”
“Tonight was for you.”
“JJ -” He silences me with a gentle kiss as he cups my cheek.
“I told you, I’m in no rush. This, us, it’s different, too important to blow through all the stages at once.”
“Will you stay?”
“Are you going to steal all the blankets again?” He shows me my favorite JJ grin as he cuddles in next to me.
“I love you, JJ.”
“I love you too, Sunshine.”
Ch 7
Taglist: @agirlwholovescoffee @obxlife @meaganjm @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @velyssaraptor @http-cherries @prejudic3 @love-youu-softly @rudyismymanperiod @justcallmesams @celestialmaybank @yasminesameh @chaoticbisous @liloddcora @obx-snippets @xx-randomshit-xx17 @thepanmermaid @rudysdiaries @cinnamonandspice1994 @sexualparkour @lasnaro
193 notes · View notes
northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝐈𝐟 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 - Boxer!JJ
Requested by anon: Can you write about boxer!JJ, with or without the outer banks’ plot. JJ enjoys boxing and you can’t go to matches because they scare you. But you always prepare with him before and he always comes to see you after. One night something happens and they confess their feelings whatever you want haha I just thought it would be a cool idea (:
Description: After the disappearance of their best friends the pogues all search for different ways to cope. Some working too hard, some fighting, some just blocking it all out. JJ puts himself in danger too often for Y/N’s liking. She finds him an alternative, but in typical JJ fashion he moves too much too fast and gets out in a tricky situation. 
A/N: This is so different from what I normally write. I got a bit carried away per usual:) I chose to put it in the OBX plot, this is all after 1x10 because we all know that I am a sucker for that at this point let's be honest. I tried to do my research but the more I read the more confused I got so I am sorry if it is inaccurate. I have ZERO experience with boxing and stuff. As I said this is so different for me so ANY feedback would be FANTASTIC!! MY asks/requests/messages are always open! ALSO, italics are flashbacks. // TW: This talks about character death, panic/anxiety, abuse, and violence.// 
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*pic courtesy of pinterest*  
After the disappearance of John B and Sarah, each of the pogues had their own unique way of dealing with the major loss. The unknown ate them from the inside out until it was turned to grief, washing over them the moment the pair was presumed dead. Over the next few days, they went into denial, finally understanding why John B had been so desperate to hold onto clues about his father when the group had thought that he was grasping at straws. They understood why John B led them on the hunt for the gold because he thought it would lead to his dad. They understood because now they too would follow any lead, risk anything, or go anywhere to find John B and Sarah. 
Each of the Pogues were dealing with their feelings in its respective way. Pope was trying his hardest to prove to his parents that he had not messed up his chance to get off the Island. He applied for every academic scholarship on the east coast. Pope was scared. Kie, while the two of us helped Pope when we could, worked countless hours at the Wreck. After running from her parents and being brought into question with the police she was in hot water with her parents. She allowed herself to stay focused on her work and earn back the trust and respect of her parents so that when the time came that John B and Sarah needed them, we could help. Kie was hopeful. JJ was starting fights with everyone that looked at him wrong. He threw punch after punch at the one boneyard party that we tried to attend in an attempt to make things feel normal. He kept going home and picking fights with his dad, he said that he deserved the torment for letting John B get on that boat. JJ blamed himself for pushing John B to his death. JJ was Angry. I let myself get swept up in my art, going to the docks, or sitting in the dunes, drawing. This where the other Pogues found me when I was not working my shift at the Wreck. When I sat down to create I let my thoughts go and wander to whatever I needed to try and process. This was the only time I let myself think about the things that happened between the pogues, or what was ahead for us. I let myself think about both the options, whether they were dead or they were alive somewhere. Outside of that, I shut it off and tried to help the other pogues, as much as I could, to get back to something normal. I was numb. 
Kie and Pope had a lot to figure out between the two of them. It took them a while to actually begin to talk about what was going on between the two of them since they kept defecting. That left JJ and I alone rather often. Not that I was complaining. The two of us had never been super close when it came to the group. I was always Kie’s best friend first, pogue second, until now. The disappearance had brought all of us closer. Though I appreciated the closeness with JJ, I was worried about him. He showed up on my doorstep night after night bruised and broken. More often than not it was a fight with some rando that has looked at him on the side of the road. JJ didn’t care who felt his wrath anymore, he would fight anyone, kooks, and pogues alike. The worst nights were those that he came back from his house. Those nights were always the worst because the injuries on his body and the way that his soul sat shattered in front of me told me that he didn’t fight back. 
JJ was sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes not daring to look up at me. His face covered in red splotches and bruised from the other fights he had gotten in over the week. Tonight was different though. Normally JJ talked about the way that he handed the Kook a can of whoop-ass or the guy had it coming and that he had ‘totally won’ the fight. Every other night he would boast saying “Y/N, don’t worry about me! You should see the other guy.” He would try to soothe my nerves, but tonight there didn’t seem to be another guy. Just JJ fighting himself, the thoughts raging war in his head, making him beat himself up. 
I moved to sit beside him. Finally deciding to break the rooms heavy silence. “JJ, did you go home again?” 
His breath caught in his throat as he slowly nodded his head. I saw his jaw clenched as he fought back the urge to let tears fall down his face. He rested his head in his open palms. I wrapped one of my arms loosely around the boy before laying my head on his shoulder. “Why do you go home JJ? Every time you come back you end up so broken?” 
“It’s just a few bruises and split lips Y/N, nothing I’m not used to.” He said shaking his head. 
“That’s not what I mean and you know it,” I spoke. I moved my hand so that I could rub his back. I moved softly up and down his spine, trying to comfort the broken boy in front of me. 
“I deserve everything he says to me.” He started, swallowing a lump in his throat. “Every time
 I go I know he’s ready for a fight.” 
I took a moment to collect my thoughts. I took a deep breath before speaking. “JJ, getting into fights with your dad like that, the things he says to you.” I paused, looking over his face, trying to figure out what was going through his mind. “You know that they aren’t true right? He’s saying those things to hurt you?” 
“I know that, but deep down I’m so scared that everyone else sees what he sees.” He signed leaning back and falling onto the bed. “I’m just so angry. I am angry at the system for screwing up so bad that they ran JB away.” My breath caught in my throat as he began his rant. “I am mad that we couldn’t do anything to help him after his dad left. I’m mad that we lost him and have no way to contact him or even know if he’s alive!’ He stood up beginning to pace, and raising his voice. “I’m mad that I pushed him on that boat to sail straight to his death Y/N!” 
I stood up on my feet, moving so that I can be in his direct line of vision. “Hey!” I called to him, even though he was right in front of me, he felt a thousand miles away. “You did not push John B to do anything that he would not have done on his own! You have got to stop blaming yourself for all the unfortunate events that lead to John B’s disappearance. This on Ward Cameron and you know it!” I said pointing at him. He locked his eyes with mine for a moment. 
He ripped his glance from mine, his jaw still clenched and nostrils flaring as he tried to even out his breathing. It took a few moments and several paces across the length of my room, but he seemed to calm down. “I’m-” He started, looking around the room and taking a deep breath before continuing. “I’m just so angry. All the time.” He confessed. “I’m honestly scared, it’s like all I can think about is how pissed off I am and the smallest things just add on top of it until I explode for what seems like no reason.” He stopped rubbing his hands over his face. “I just don’t know how to channel it, make it die down.” He confessed, moving to join me back at the end of my bed. 
“You know, whenever my brother is upset he goes to the gym-” I started 
“You are not seriously telling me to work out right now, are you?” He huffed rolling his eyes.
  “Let me finish.” I scolded him before continuing. “He’s a boxer, the have matches and fight, but it is in a safe environment. One where you can let your anger out with out going home or exploding on some rando on the side of the street.” I said. I laughed awkwardly, trying to fill the silence as I gauged his reaction. 
“You really think that would help?” He said, the softness in his eyes returning. 
“It helped my brother” 
It had become routine over the past few weeks that JJ came to my house so that I could help him prepare for whatever match he had lined up for that night. When he first started all the Pogues were supportive of JJ’s new interest, but after the first match, Kie and I decided that we would support him from afar. Neither of us could stomach the blows that JJ took in his first fight. I was happy that he was able to find a more acceptable outlet for his anger, it was still just as painful to clean JJ up after, or to hear from Pope about the hits that JJ landed or had taken. Pope always attended, Kie and I chalked it up to him being a boy and into that stuff, but we both know that he watched because he wanted to be there in case something went wrong. 
Tonight was one of JJ’s biggest matches. He had been talking about it for weeks. The guy was from the mainland and was supposed to drag in a huge audience with him. He was being scouted as a professional, bordering on going pro. That bothered me because it had only been a short time since JJ had started boxing. While he had grown up his entire life fighting, boxing against people like this was much different than landing a few punches on Topper. 
JJ was sitting on my kitchen table, I was right in front of him with his left hand in my own. I wrapped the sticky red tape around his hands, knuckles, and wrists. I pulled it tighter after each pass around his hand. “Please be careful tonight. These guys got a really good record.” I spoke softly, but the concern coating my voice was evident. 
“I think I’ve got it though Y/N!” He said, happiness coating his voice. I just shook my head and switched his hands, beginning to wrap the right one. I was weary when JJ first mentioned the idea of the match, and still am, because the guy was well known and it just did not make sense that he wanted to come down to the OBX to fight a Newby. Things didn’t add up. Of course, none of us dared to tell JJ, because he was so happy, and he finally seemed to be getting back normal, no one wanted to set him off. 
I finished wrapping his hands and handed him his gym shorts. I had got him some with his name on the waistband for his birthday the week before. While I couldn’t stomach to sit through the fights and watch them, I wanted him to know that I was supportive of him finding a healthy outlet for his feelings and grief. I had washed the shorts for him so that they would be fresh for him. 
“All done.” I smiled, handing them to him. He took them into his newly wrapped hands. “So you look all spiffy when you win the fight tonight.” 
“Spiffy?” He questioned causing us both to laugh. He reached forward pulling me into a hug. Whenever I touched JJ I melted into the warmth that his body gave off. He smelled like pine, I assumed it was from his deodorant, but it captivated me every time. He let me go after squeezing me tighter. “Thanks for, you know.” He said scratching the back of his neck. “Helping me with all of this. I wouldn’t even be doing this if it weren’t for you.” He said with a smile. 
“Stop being so sappy Maybank!” I said and I turned him to the door. I put my hands on his broad shoulder pushing him softly towards the door. “Now go! You don’t want to be late.” He made his way to the door opening it and standing for a second to look back and smile. 
“I’ll see you after right?” He questioned, the hope in his eyes was hard to miss. 
“Wouldn’t want anyone else cleaning you up would we?” I joked, before answering him. “Yes I will, just make sure Pope tells me when you're finishing up and I’ll head that way to pick you up okay?” As I finished the car horn outside honked. It seemed to reverberate off the walls. “Now go! You know how Kie gets when you're running late!” I shooed him out the door. I stood watching them back out of the driveway as I waved to Kie and Pope in the car. 
I walked to the TV, flipping it onto a random TV show before grabbing my sketchbook and settling into the couch. I had been working on a piece of a deer skull and a floral pattern. I was using ink to draw it. I got lost in stippling the dots on the paged, shading in the sides of the skull, and forming the cracked texture of the bone. I barely noticed the buzzing that came from my phone beside me. When I looked up the sun was setting, almost disappearing behind the horizon. The name flashed across my phone and sent me into an immediate panic. “Popey” was read across the screen, my stomach dropping when I set my eyes on the time. It was way too soon for the fight to be over. I quickly slide my finger across the bottom of the screen, seeing it click open. 
I held the phone to my ear, “Hello, Pope? What’s wrong?” I could hear the panic in my voice. My body was moving so fast as I swiped my keys across the counter with a screech, and started through the garage to my car. 
“Y/N.” I hear him say on my way out the door. There was pause filled with chants and yelling in the background, signaling that the fight was still happening. “Things don’t look good, Kie’s on her way, but JJ needs you to be here when he gets out.” I was nodding my head, but Pope couldn’t see me. “If he gets out.” My breath stopped in my throat, making me choke slightly on my own air. “ Y/N it’s bad, I don’t know why they won’t call the fight.” 
I let out a shaky breath as I pulled myself into the driver seat of my car, slamming the door behind me with a thud. “I’ll be there as fast as I can Pope, Promise.” 
“Hurry!” was all he said before the line went static. I pulled the phone down slowly, looking at it. JJ was really hurt. It was my fault, I wanted him to do this professionally. I snapped myself out of my guilty haze, picking my keys up from my lap with my shaking hands. I struggled to get the key into the ignition, before turning it to start it up. I turned out of the driveway as quickly as my mind would let me, leaving a cloud of dust behind me as pulled from the driveway. 
I tapped the steering wheel with my thumb, my eyes flicking between the road and the number growing on the speedometer. The words of JJ and I’s conversation from just hours before replaying over and over in my head. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” Over and over again. I felt a warmth fall down my cheek. I touched my hand to my cheek only to find the warm wetness of tears falling from my eyes. I was shocked at the reaction that this event had on me. I felt like I was back to the night that we watched John B drive off on that boat. I felt that same sense of panic wash over me. What if this was it? “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” JJ was a fighter, literally, no matter what punches were thrown at him, he was always able to fight back. Part of me wanted to think rationally that Pope was overreacting and when I got there JJ might have a concussion and a bruised ego. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” If it was that bad why had they not stopped the fight, right? Pope had to be overreacting, it was Pope. He likes to be careful. 
My fingers kept tapping a quick pace on the back of the I kept telling myself that over and over in my head. I was driving but everything around me was a blur. I was glad that I had the roads of the cut memorized so that I could get there in my haze of worry. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” I know what he meant by this, he meant that I had helped him, but I just didn’t feel helpful at that moment. I was the reason that he was fighting and trained a skillful fighter. This guy hardly ever lost a fight, but none of us wanted JJ’s improvement with his anger to stop, so we let him continue. 
I hit the pothole in the gyms driveway, jolting me out of my thoughts. I fell back into the seat from the rough jump and dirt that was kicked up around me once again. I pulled into a spot at a dangerous speed. I practically threw the car in park and yanked my keys from the ignition. The sun seemed to paint the air around us a beautiful shade of orange, but my worry made me look past the beautiful sunset that was illustrated in the sky. Instead I approached the gym. I hadn’t stepped foot in for months now. The one that was seemingly making my worst fears come to life. 
I scanned the parking lot looking for Kie. When our eyes met, I started making my way toward her. I broke into a jog, but quickly came to a halt, when I looked behind her. The red and white lights behind her become blinding. I stuttered stepped, coming face to face with her, but I could not look at her face. I was focused on the broken boy that was laid in front of me on a gurney. The blood on his face made him almost unrecognizable. I clenched my teeth so hard that I hurt. Pope was by his side, struggling to keep up with the boy on the gurney. Pope’s worried eyes met with mine that barely held back the tears. He said something that I couldn’t make out before pointing to us. I followed my eyes down to JJ, who’s eyes I met. Even from this distance, I could see the spark still in them. I felt my stomach drop and a wave of nausea hit me. I felt myself physically fall back and feel weak. He weekly raised his hand to wave at me weakly before they began wheeling him into the emergency vehicle. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.”  My arm felt like my shaking hand to wave at him, The barrier broke and the warm tears fell down my face. I felt the sob make it way up my throat, catching Kie’s attention once again. Her expression was a little shocked at my reaction but wrapped an arm around me pulling me into her. I glanced over to see her worried expression as she watched Pope.
Pope quickly made his way over to us after talking briefly with the medics. As soon as he was turned away from JJ, his expression turned to anger. Kie and I looked at each other, both silently questioning the boy’s actions. He got to us, visibly angry, his breath was heavy as he started walking back and forth. He threw his hat on the ground and ran a hand across his head in distress. 
“What happened there?” Kie said being the first to break the tension. 
“We shouldn’t have let him fight that guy!” He said, raising his voice making me visibly flinch. “There’s a reason that he always wins! He knocked JJ out in the 7th round!” He spoke looking me straight in the eye. I felt two inches tall and wanted nothing more than to disappear in that moment. 
“I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” 
“I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” 
I stepped back, it felt the air had been knocked out of my lungs. I heard the conversation that Pope and Kie continued to have, but they still felt miles away. I tried to listen and regain the ability to breathe. 
“He had plaster in his gloves” Pope spoke loudly, as people walking outta the gym snickered, only making Pope’s anger grow. I snapped my head up at the tall boy, before looking at Kie, whose face held a confused expression. I knitted my eyebrows looking at Pope who just nodded, silently reinforcing his last statement. 
“They caught on, but I’m gonna go back to talk to the fight manager, but y’all should go and meet him at the hospital.” He said, looking between me and Kiara. 
Kie was quick to act, while I felt like I was still frozen in place. “Here,” she said, holding her keys out to Pope. “I’ll ride with Y/N and you can meet us there after you talk to whoever you need to?” She questioned, but she had alright dropped the keys in his hand. Pope nodded at the two of us before turning back to the gym. 
I looked at Kie just as she placed her shaking hand on my wrist pulling me to the car. “Are you okay to drive? I mean do you think-” He started to mumble on. 
“Yea, yea. I can. I think I got it.” I said send her a tight lipped smile. I could tell in her eyes that she knew neither of us believed me. Nonetheless, we both got into the car and made our way to a small emergency hospital on the Island, both of us praying that they had enough space for JJ. The entire car ride was filled with silent, sad, tension. The two of us stuck in our own thoughts, filled with worries about JJ’s health. Kie was the first to break the car’s heart-wrenching tension. 
“What did Pope mean, when he said that he had plaster in his gloves?” Kie asked. She hadn’t been privy to the boxing world, much like me. My brother had told me that it was illegal. He knew a kid that got kicked out of his gym for doing it and had told me about it. 
“It’s when boxer’s wrap plaster in their wraps and gloves and stuff.” I started, I stuttered over my words a bit, because I was unsure of what I was talking about. “As they sweat it makes the plaster harden or something,” I said shaking my head. The image of JJ getting hit over and over without a chance to fight back made me push the accelerator down and speed up on the long stretch to the hospital. “It essentially makes their hands like stone,” I said recalling the words my brother had used to tell me. 
Kiara looked over at me with wide eyes. “That’s seriously fucked up!” She exclaimed. She let out a deep sign before falling back into the passenger seat. The rest of the ride remained silent, except for the news that was faintly being spoken from the radio. 
When we pulled up to the hospital, it was all a blur from there. Kie could tell that I was worried and in a state of panic. She seemed to be rather calm about the situation, because of this she took the lead on speaking to the front desk. They pointed us to a waiting room saying that the doctor would come out after they examined him. 
We sat in the cold metal chair in the waiting room. I tried to blame my shaking on the chill air that seemed to always be contained in hospitals, but I knew it was nerves. Kie placed her hand on my bouncing leg to stop it before looking up at me. 
“Hey, It’s JJ.” She said moving to hold my hand in hers, giving me a soft smile. “He’s got the survival instincts of a cockroach, alright?” 
I laughed slightly at her joke, looking up to her with a hopeful smile on her face. “You’re oddly calm.” I stated, looking over her relaxed figure, slightly laid back in the chair, her hand resting still on the chair handle, the other firmly grasped in mine. 
“Eh, like it said, JJ’s gonna be fine.” She smiled. She leaned forward a bit, resting her weight on the armrest that sat between us. “I am more interested in what is going on inside your head?” She said nudging me with her shoulders. 
I took a deep breath, my eyes lining with tears once again. “Over the last few months JJ and I have gotten so close, and after everything with John B and Sarah I just-” I was cut off by a sob, which came out more like a cough. Kie was quick to move her hand to my back, rubbing small, comforting circles on my back. “I am scared to lose him too.” I said quietly, tears falling still, but at a much less rapid pace. Kiara pulled me into a tight hug. I took a deep breath, letting the scent of her coconut shampoo ground me. I closed my arms around her tightly before we split. Kie pushed a piece of hair out of my face softly. 
“You’ve got it bad.” She said with a soft chuckle. I looked at her knitting my eyebrows together in confusion causing her to laugh. “You and JJ are so blindly in love with each other that neither of you can see it.” She spoke. Suddenly, things started to make a lot of sense. The way that my stomach dropped whenever JJ was getting into a fight or how I wanted to end Luke Maybank for the things that he did to his son. The most important thing that I had become accustomed to was the way that my stomach erupted in butterflies every time we were close to each other, the way my skin broke into goosebumps when we bumped into each other, or the way that I smiled every time he cracked a joke or showed up at work. I played with my fingers letting a smile spread across my face.I looked up at Kie sheepishly. 
“I told you.” She smiled at me, causing me to roll my eyes at her. 
We were taken from the serenity of our moment by the doctor calling for those that were here with ‘Maybank.” She informed us that JJ took a lot of hard hits but managed to leave fairly unscathed from such a brutal fight. She let us know that JJ had had a lot of minor injuries, a broken lower rib, and that he passed out due to a pretty serious concussion. It took Kie and I a moment to soak in the abundance of information. “With his current state, we think it would be best if you all went in one at a time.” The doctor spoke, looking between you and Kie. 
Kie pushed my shoulder lightly. “I’ll wait here for Pope and fill him in. “She said, a cheesy smile plastering her face. “Go get your man,” She joked causing me to roll my eyes before following the doctor back through the long hallway. The fluorescent lighting made the hallway look and feel more daunting than it should have. The doctor stopped in front of the room letting me know that he was inside. 
I smiled and nodded at her. I took a deep breath before preparing myself to enter. I walked through the doorway to see JJ playing with the IV cable that was hooked up to his arm. I was wrapped and tangled around the opposite hand. I laughed involuntarily at the blonde boys antics. He looked up at me, smiling when he realized that it was me. I felt a tsunami of relief wash over me, just seeing that, while he wasn’t completely unharmed, that he was going to be okay. 
“There you are, come here!” He said patting the bed beside his legs. I walked into the room slowly, making my way to his bedside. I sat down and turned to look at his bright, smiling face. He scanned over my face, his smile quickly fading. “Wait, are you crying? “ He asked, reaching up to wipe the stale tears from my face. 
“Yes JJ,” I said laughing at the boy's oblivious nature. “You looked terrible when they took you out on that gurney at the gym,” I said looking down at the crinkled white bed sheet in front of the two of us. “You scared me. I can’t lose you too.” I said quietly. 
JJ hand came up once again cupping the side of my face, pushing me to look at me. “Hey now. You know better than anyone that it's gonna take more than some cheating ring rat to take me out.” Both of us laughed at the statement. I met his bright blue eyes, and instantly felt drawn in. 
I didn’t think much about it before I did it. I leaned forward and pressed my lips into JJ's. The kiss started off still and innocent. JJ’s hand moved from my face to the back of my head pulling me in closer. I moved my hands to his shoulders, placing them softly trying not to hurt him. The kiss was passionate and heated, our lips molding together, allowing us to melt into one another. I felt light headed just from the kiss itself. I could feel JJ’s emotion poured into the way that he kissed me back and the way that his hands caressed my sides and the way that he held me close to him. 
We were interrupted by the loud beeping of the monitor beside him. I pulled away looking at the machine that ruined the moment. The warning flashing “High Heart Rate”. I looked at JJ and saw the same warning causing us to laugh slightly. 
“What was that about?” JJ asked, a blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“After John B and Sarah I thought I would have learned that time is finite, but I guess it took you, at least in my mind, almost dying for me to realize that I should just say something,” I said, laughing nervously. “Oh and Kie made me realize just how in love with you I am” I spoke rolling my eyes before realizing what I said. I felt my face heat up, as I looked over at JJ with wide eyes trying to gauge his reaction. 
JJ grabbed my hand. Struggling slightly because of the awkward tangled IV that was stuck in the back of his hand. He huffed as he tugged at it trying to pull it out of the way. His hand was wrapped around mine when he started speaking. “You know, I’m glad she did because I’ve been in love with you all summer.”
Tagging b/c I asked:) @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar​ @write-from-the-heart​ @jjmaybanksbaby​ @kikifromtheblock​
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rejectedluke · 4 years
Imagine: You're JJ's sister and your father takes his anger out on you and the pogues find out.
TW: Drug use and abuse mentioned
(Last Part)
-The next morning- Despite your drunkenness last night, you’re the first to wake up. Grabbing your phone and calling Derek as you go to take some ibuprofen, “Hey mamas” he greets. “Meet at the spot?” You ask, in response he offers “see you in five.” You go to brush your teeth, seeing yourself in the mirror for the first time makes you freeze. You say a silent prayer as you brush your teeth. Begging and praying to any higher power out there that the pogues didn't see your bruises. You spit out the last of the toothpaste before leaving. After a short walk, you make it to the clearing in the woods and spot Derek laying on a rock. You join him as he sparks a blunt. After what felt like hours of laying side by side watching the clouds move, your phone begins to ring. The caller ID reads JJ, “You have to answer.” Derek whispers as you answer the call mumbling a small “hello.” JJ wastes no time, “For the goddamn third time, where in the fuck are you?” He demands an answer, “With Derek.” is all you offer in response. “Get your ass back to the chateau, now!” is all he says before hanging up. Derek sits up, putting his hand out for you to take. “Gotta face him some time sweetcheeks. Better sooner rather than later.” Leading you to his car and opening the door for you, he takes the long way back allowing you time to cover the bruises. - You offer a small “thank you, love you lots.” before shutting his door and heading inside the chateau. “What the actual fuck” JJ screams as you step foot into the chateau, “We already saw the bruises, so dont play dumb.” He adds in a slightly lower tone. You plop onto the couch, ready to endure his rage. “Why wouldn't you tell me?” He asks more softly this time. “J, it's not a big deal.” you murmur, “Not a big deal? Not a big fucking deal, are you kidding me. I suppose it's also not a big deal that you did coke last night, huh?” His voice raises with each word. “Well, while we’re at it, I also did acid.” you respond. “Wow, okay, guess I gotta beat Rafes ass now too.” JJ spits. “Fuck you.” you spit right back, attempting to get up and leave, “I didn't come here just to get berated by you.” Before you can even take a step, JJ shoves you back down. Getting in your face, he says “Do you want to become like our dad? Honestly is that what you want?” You sit in silence, attempting to let at least some of the anger die down. John B puts his hand on JJ’s shoulder muttering a quiet “C’mon man.” JJ shrugs his hand off, “Because you’re about halfway there with how you’ve been acting.” He continues to rip into you, you can't take it anymore. “Shut the fuck up, everytime you get into fights, I dont say shit. Everytime you got wasted beyond comprehension, I was there to take care of you. I am allowed to fuck up every once in a while! Never, ever fucking compare me to our lowlife father because I swear to god I will leave, leave and never look back.” You scream, “I will not apologize for caring about you!” He says, matching your tone and getting in your face, “You got a fucked up way of showing it.” You say as you push past him. He grabs your arm, “we’re not done with this conversation.” His grip on your arm tight, so tight it hurts. “Let go.” you state, trying to pull your arm free. He’s unrelenting, “JJ, you’re hurting me, seriously. Let go.” After you say the word ‘hurting’ he's quick to drop your arm. A small hand shaped bruise forming. “I'm sorry, you said who was acting like our father?” You venomously said. “I- i… I didn't mean to.” JJ utters, unable to tear his eyes away from the bruise he left. You turn and walk out the door, heading towards the hammock. “I got this” John B assures JJ, who's rooted in his spot. His eyes remain where your arm once was. - “Hey, little pogue.” John B beams as he sits next to you. You offer nothing in response, staring out at the water. “Did you really do coke?” JB whispers, you nod in response. “Why?”
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Physical Affection with - Marko Stunt
i really wish i’d thought to make this for his birthday. oh well, here we are.
As requested by @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch, here’s Physical Affection with Marko Stunt! Enjoy!
He’s always affectionate with you, let’s get real
You see the way that he treats his friends? How affectionate he is with them? Now imagine how he’d treat you if you were dating.
You’re gonna have a bit of a hard time keeping him under control, if we’re being entirely honest
He’s only a year older than Jungle Boy, but he doesn’t care about being cringey in the same way that his teammate does; he’s absolutely in love with you, and damn if the entire world isn’t gonna know
He tries his best to respect your boundaries, though; he might slip up, but he’s gonna try really hard to not make you uncomfortable
There will probably never be a day where he doesn’t hug or kiss you tbh
Holding Hands
I feel like he’s not too big a fan of holding hands, honestly?
Like, he has no problem whatsoever with it, but he’d much rather just hug you or something
He mainly holds your hand during moments where he has to be professional, or in situations where he doesn’t really know anyone around him (and thus, wants to make a good impression)
It’s not uncommon for him to lace his fingers with yours when he’s nervous in these situations, though; you often end up tracing patterns on his palm with your thumb to calm him down
He’ll also grab your hand after he takes hard bumps; he’s a human crash test dummy sometimes, so he knows that you get really worried about him
You’ll lean down to check on him, and he’ll reach for your hand and squeeze it to show you that he’s okay
Overall, this is mostly just a reassurance thing; he would much rather have an arm (or two) around you in any situation
Bonus: He once jokingly bought one of those mittens that you can put two hands into (the ones meant for couples to hold hands when it’s cold). After using it during a winter show in the northern US, though, he’s absolutely come to love using it when it’s cold outside.
This is his SHIT, buddy
He’s almost always gonna be hugging you
If you’re in a conversation, he’ll come up behind you and grab your waist, burying his head in your neck or back while he listens to you
He loves throwing an arm over your shoulder when you’re walking next to him, pulling you into his side and kissing your temple (oh, we’ll get there, don’t worry)
He’ll totally ask you to give him piggyback rides around the arena; he gets to spend time with you, and he gets to hold you; what’s not to love?
He clings to you after matches; especially if he got a little beaten up or if he lost, he’ll stand in front of you, letting you rake your fingers across the bare skin of his back as you tell him how well he did
If he wins? He’s gonna jump into your arms (and probably knock you to the floor tbh) because he’s so excited to share his victory with you
He just loves having you in his grasp; the closer you are to him, the more of you that he can hold, the happier he’ll be
Bonus: The Dark Order once tried to interfere in a match between Private Party and Jurassic Express (well, Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy), but they got scared off by you, wielding a kendo stick and chasing them on Marko’s back. Fans made gifs of that shit for months on end, and it ended up as his Twitter profile picture because he loved it so much.
Anyway! He loves temple kisses SO much, and he can’t really explain why if you want the truth
It’s not at all uncommon for him to be so surprised or proud of you (for literally ANYTHING) that he’ll just lean in and press his lips to your forehead
He loves when you pepper his face with kisses
If you initiate a kiss, he’ll just kinda...go still, and he’ll touch wherever your lips touched when you pull away, breaking out in a huge grin
You can just barely kiss his cheek or the tip of his nose and he’s gonna Lose His Shit
When you’re alone, he’ll put his fingers under your chin and tilt your head until he can kiss your lips
He ADORES the feeling of kissing you until he’s almost literally breathless
He loves the feeling of pulling away after a long kiss, his face red and his breath a little heavy as he presses his forehead to yours
I haven’t really brought it up for anyone else, but he also definitely loves making out with you
The heat that settles in the air, the way that you can’t keep your lips off of each other...it’s damn near heaven to him
(lowkey loves it when you bite his bottom lip between kisses, he’ll let out the hottest groans...okay we’re done this is already off the damn rails but we’re about to steer into some possibly very nsfw territory if i don’t STOP)
Bonus: Your first kiss was after some drunk guy tried to heckle you at a show; you were super upset, but he spent well over an hour sitting and comforting you, and you gave him the tiniest (cutest) little kiss after you calmed down and was feeling better
He loves holding you 
His philosophy is that no matter what you’re working on, you can probably do it from on his lap
Working on a report? Well, you can sit together in front of your computer
Listening to music? Your phone is portable, you know
Speaking of music!! He loves when you lay in his arms while he works on writing new lyrics, or when you hold him from behind while he thinks out new melodies on his guitar
He lets you lay across his legs while he plays, making a point to strum a little softer so he doesn’t disturb you
You once fell asleep on his shoulder, listening to a new melody he was working on, and he nearly had a heart attack from how cute you were
I feel like even if you fall asleep on opposite sides of the bed, you end up curled into each other by morning
He’s the little spoon, don’t @ me on this one
He’s so often the one initiating contact, between you and others that he’s close with, that having someone holding him for once is super meaningful to him in a way that you don’t really understand
You’ve woken up with his hair in your face so many times that it’s an inside joke that he’s gonna start sleeping in a beanie for you
Bonus: he loves to wake you up by singing to you. He’ll turn towards you and play with your hair while he serenades you out of your sleep
Miscellaneous things
He once wrote you a love song for your anniversary; he sent it to you while he was away on a tour and you called him, crying in your car because it was so sweet
He calls you his muse, no this is not negotiable
He’s your number one hype man; you can call him at any time and he’ll have a speech on hand about awesome you are and how you can do anything in the world
Even if he doesn’t actually know what he’s hyping you up for
He’ll beat the ass of anyone that dares to talk shit about you, no matter how much bigger they are
You’re an unofficial member of Jurassic Express; JB and Luchasaurus see you as part of the family, so you’re also gonna have them ready to haul ass for you at all times
He’s also surprisingly good to talk to; his mental filter can get a little clogged, and he’s suggested fighting your boss on multiple occasions because of it, but he’s such a good listener and you can tell that he really cares about you and what you’re saying
He’s always gonna have your back (metaphorically and literally)...he’s such an affectionate dude, he’ll always care about you and make sure you feel loved in every capacity
He’s a secret romantic underneath all the physical sensations, although those play right into it, and he’s gonna always have his mind on how much he loves you 
i’m honestly considering writing making out with marko hcs now, so...yeah. let me know if y’all want that.
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Pinky Promise (request)
Request: Can I request a mark tuan scenario where he's a doctor and his girlfriend is a cop and they argue cause he's worried about her chasing criminals and they almost break up, but then they make up? Thanks! Hope this makes sense lol
Author's note: I don't knoe too much about law enforcement so sorry if there are inaccuracies and stuff.
Word Count: 2023
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“Ouch, ouch, ouch!” you winced in only a minute amount of pain as you slowly slid the sleeve of your coat over your wound of the day.
The cut running down most of your forearm was no big deal (at least that was what you were telling everyone, including yourself). It was a small price to pay in order to do what you did today; chase after a low life, follow them into some dark dirty alley, corner them, wait for them to realize they have been caught, then cuff them. And well, you probably got a cut on your arm from hitting the edge of a dumpster, but as mentioned earlier, it was all part of the job.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna at least wrap that up?” your partner asked. “That cut is pretty nasty looking.”
You let out a playful scoff. “Nah, I’m good. We both know I’ve gotten worse than this before.”
“Oh, so the first aid kit under the sergeant’s desk isn’t good enough for you and that doctor boyfriend of yours?” he joked.
“Oh please, you should hear the arguments we have over him wanting to clean up my cuts and stuff and I won't let him.”
Jaebum, or Jb for short now that you were close partners, looked down at you with a teasing look of disapproval. “Gosh I remember the first day I had to work with you. I saw you and thought, “That person right there… is probably a stubborn little asshole”, and boy was I right.” he laughed, giving you a playful pat on the back. “I really feel sorry for your boyfriend… I’m heading out already, but make sure you get that thing cleaned up. I don't want excuses tomorrow!” he said as he walked out.
“Night!” you called out, gathering your own things so you can head home.
The ride back proved to be uncomfortable. The cut kept rubbing up against your coat sleeve. It was still so raw and sensitive that any little bump on the road sent waves of fiery pain up your arm. It would probably be best to have that “boyfriend doctor of yours” look at it. The only thing was that you didn't want him to get all worried over you. He had a bad habit of overreacting to any little thing you came home with.
Now at your door, you took a deep breath before stepping inside. You needed a second to prepare for the full on lecture you were going to get about “being more careful about your surroundings”, “making sure to have rubbing alcohol in the police car”, “Did you at least rinse the cut out?” and all that other concerned whining.
“Hi baby!” you smiled a bit too overenthusiastically when you walked in to find your boyfriend, Mark, slumped on the couch.
“Hi!” he said with a tired smile.
It was easy to see how exhausted he was. He hadn’t even changed out of his work clothes yet.
It was a safe bet to leave your coat on. You didn't want to rile him up so soon. As casually as you could, you sat next to him and pulled him into a side hug; it was all just to make sure you wouldn’t bring your wounded arm into contact with him. “How was everything at the hospital today?” you asked with a quick peck.
“Busy, as always.” he huffed. “And how was your day?”
“Same. I had to chase some stupid ass punk today, so that was pretty exciting.”
Your boyfriend sat up. He was already more alert over hearing this piece of information. He always got this way. Any little story you had that sounded any bit dangerous, put him on edge.
“And you’re okay right? The douche didn’t hurt you or anything?”
“Baby, I’m fine. I just got a cut, but other than that, I’m good.”
“Cut? Where? Did he have a knife on him? Did you fight with him?”. Now he was in a panic. You could feel his body get all tense.
“Mark, calm down. I think I might have cut my arm running past a dumpster, that's all.”
“A dumpster?!? Do you even know how dirty- Ugh! Just let me take a look at it. I need to see how bad it is.”
You rolled your eyes at him. For someone that was chill 99% of the time, he had his over dramatic moments.
You slowly took off your coat. Yes, the cut still hurt and it actually looked more irritated than before. You’re skin was all red and swollen. It honestly looked kind of gross now.
“Bathroom now!” He said sternly.
Without listening to your opposing pleas, Mark grabbed your good arm and dragged you behind him towards the master bathroom. That place was more his mini doctor's office than it was a bathroom, but hey that was the “perk” of him being a doctor.
“Why is this not wrapped up?” his voice was already in that lecturing tone. He didn’t even look at you though, his focus was on your arm. He was in the zone, grabbing all these bandages and oils and stuff from the cabinets.
“Cuz- I don’t know- it didn’t hurt at the time.” you couldn’t think of a better excuse. “Not that I really had time cuz like right after, we got called in for a domestic abuse thing.”
“Did you at least wash it out later?” he grumbled as he continued to work his magic on your arm.
“...No” you said guiltily.
And in what felt like seconds, he was done, but he wasn’t happy. He looked up at you with a clenched jaw. You were actually surprised by how pissed he was. Sure he’s always nagged at you to be more careful, but he was never like this. “Why not?” he asked in a low voice.
“... Just cuz.” you said timidly. He aura was so intense now you were honestly a bit intimidated.
“Dammit y/n, you do know that could get infected right?!?
“Yes.” you groaned.
“So why not take care of it?!? Why are you so stubborn about taking care of yourself? This has to be the third time this week that I have to bandage you up. You know much I hate that? I hate seeing you hurt! Everyday is some new scary story of how you can home cut up or bruised up or almost got shot or almost got in a car accident!”
You stayed quiet and kept your head hung low.
“I am really starting to hate that you’re a cop.” he continued. “I don't know why you put yourself through this. I- I don’t why you’re still on the force. I would have thought you would have switched over to a desk job by now.”
You looked up at him with furrowed brows. The topic of you being a cop has come up before. Mark has expressed how much he prefers you aren't one, but it was more of a joking manner. But now he was serious about it… and that didn’t make you very happy.
“I don’t see why you won’t quit that job already.” he added.
“W- why would I want to quit?”
“Pft! Because it’s dangerous!”
“What do you mean so? Do you have any idea how worried I am over you every day? And then to have to come home to you all beat up? I hate it! I would much rather you just be here or something. Like- like you don’t have to work! I make enough for the both of us!”
“What?!? Not work?” And now you were pissed. “So then what do you expect me to do?”
“Well- I don’t know.” he stuttered “I mean- I don’t mean don’t work but like- ugh- I don't care what you do or don't do as long as you aren't doing what you're doing now.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “I can’t believe you are actually saying this. I- I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this.” you said as you walked out of the bathroom.
“Babe, wait!” Mark followed after you “Can’t you at least think about it some more?”
You spun back at him “No I dont wanna fucking “think about it”! How dare you ask me something like that! You very much knew what my job was when we started dating and you had no problem with it then. But if you don't want a girlfriend that’s a cop, well then get a new girlfriend!” you spat.
Instantly his face fell. “What? No!” He closed the space between you two. He tried to reach for you but you pulled away. “Baby, I don't want to do that! I love you. I just want you safe!” he pleaded.
“Mark, if you really loved me, you wouldn't be asking me to quit my job! How would you feel if I asked you to quit being a doctor?”
“But that's different! My life isn't constantly on the line!”
“Um, yes it is! Everyday you walk into a building filled with sick people. It's literally covered with - with germs and- and disease. And like you might accidentally poke yourself with a needle and get hiv. You might get attacked by a belligerent patient. You've told me so many stories of stuff like that happening. And how many times have you gotten assaulted by the family members of dying patients?”
“Twice” he said reluctantly.
“Exactly! There was that “6 foot, 300 pound guy” that tried to beat you up when his wife died after giving birth and there was that mother that smacked you when you told her her son passed. And let’s not forget about that creepy guy that literally threatened to kill you after you told him his daughter's condition was getting worse!”
Now it was him that stayed quiet.
“Do you have any idea of what your asking of me right now?!? For as long as I remember, I have wanted to be a cop. Believe it or not, graduating of the academy is like, one of the best days in my life. I love being a cop. I love wearing my uniform and driving around with Jb. I love pulling over asshole drivers and tackling down piece of shut people and bringing in assholes that beat on their kids or spouse. Sure, I don't like the stupid paperwork, but I love the thrill of what I do. I love knowing that I am saving people, that I am protecting them… isn't that the same reason you became a doctor?”
“...Yeah…” his sighed. “You- You’re right. You’re right. Totally right. Y/n, I’m sorry. It’s just, I worry about you that’s all.”
“Yeah, I know, but that doesn’t give you a right to try to control me.”
Mark sat down at the edge of the bed. He was completely deflated, almost like how he was when you got home. “I know…”
You felt a bit bad seeing him look so defeated. His intentions were good, he was just worried about you overall.
You let out a long. The weight of the argument was heavy on your shoulders. You started at him for a while as you tried to get yourself calm before you said anything you would regret.
Eventually though, you went over and sat next to him. With your good arm, you pulled him into a side hug. He rested his pouty face on your head and for a long moment the both of you were quiet.
“I’m sorry.” he repeated, this time wrapping his arms around you. “I really crossed the line today. Everything came out wrong and I'm really sorry.”
“... I mean, I could have been more careful. I really should have washed it out at least. How about this, from now on I truly promise to be more careful at work?” You suggested holding your pinky out to him.
A small smile grew on his face and his pinky wrapped around yours. “And I promise to not overreact and get all controlling and ask you to quit your job.”
-Admin Boat
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givemebtscenarios · 6 years
GOT7 Reacts To..
Request: Got7 reacting to purposing to girlfriend
Mark: I think Mark would try to incorporate his family into it. He knows his family absolutely adores you, so he would make arrangements with them to make sure they approved and would assist him in what he had planned for you. He would fly you and him back to his parents house for a week and host a pool party(snakes not invited). He and his family would be sitting out around the pool, drinking and laughing together at you and Mark playing in the water. While you had your back turned towards his parents, he gave a signal to them and when you turned around, each family member was holding a piece of paper that spelled out 'Will You Marry Me?' on it. You nearly drowned yourself out of excitement. You flung your arms around Mark's shoulders and kissed him until you couldn't breathe anymore, happily accepting his proposal while his family gave a mixture of laughter and tears at seeing how happy their son was.
Jaebum: I honestly don't think JB would do a whole lot when he proposed to you. He seems like he'd be romantic, but not ROMANTIC romantic. His proposal would come within his post sex bliss. Looking over your face and studying your eyes as you watched him, a small smile on your face. He knew within that moment that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. And it wasn't just the sex that made him think that. He knew he couldn't live without you almost driving him crazy on a daily basis. He had to wake up to your eyes every morning that he was home and he had to be able to video call you whenever they got done with a concert or promotion whenever he wanted. He wanted to spend his life with you, and the question would fall almost silently from his mouth, making you question if you had heard him correctly. Once he repeated himself, you would grin before nodding and cuddling up to him.
Jackson: THIS WHOLE ASS BABY MAN. I think he'd be the one to do it on stage in the middle of a concert. When they took time between songs to talk the crowd for a bit and get them extra hyped up. It got to Jackson's turn and he looked out to the crowd, telling them he wanted to ask you onto the stage. With a confused look on your face, you headed out onto the stage, walking past the boys, who all had huge grins covering their faces. Jackson would start with a speech about how much you meant to him and how much he loved you. The crowd's "awws" would distract you for a moment and you looked out into the crowd until they nearly deafened you with their screams. Confused again, you looked back at Jackson only to see he had lowered onto one knee. He held the microphone up to his mouth, the ring in the other as he asked you to be his wife. You nodded, tears rolling down your face as you yelled, "Yes!" over and over again until he finally slipped the ring on your finger.
Jinyoung: Jinyoung would take you on a date to the local aquarium and would hold your hand the whole time. The two of you would be by all the fishes when you would point out that there were scuba divers in the water. The two of you would walk over to see what they were doing and he would point out that they had something in their hand. As you were focused on watching them, he would slowly lower down to one knee once they unfolded the waterproof sign that he had given them beforehand that said "Will you be my wife?". You would gasp and feel tears pool in your eyes as you read over the sign for what seemed like the millionth time. You would finally look over at Jinyoung, only to see him down on one knee, holding the ring in his hand as he looked up at you, tears in his eyes as well. "Will you please give me the honor of having you as my wife?" he asked and you pulled him up, sobbing as you buried your head in his chest. "Of course." you said as he slid the diamond studded ring on your finger.
Youngjae: Youngjae wouldn't have the ring on him at the time, allowing you to be able to pick out your own ring once you had said yes. The night would be coming to an end, the two of you already taken your showers and gotten into your pjs. You had laid down in bed, laying on your side as Youngjae always liked to cuddle you from behind. He slipped into bed with you after turning off the lights and tapped on your shoulder. "Do you mind if I cuddle up to you tonight?" he asked, making you turn over onto your back. "Of course, baby." you said, allowing him to lay his head on your chest listening to your heart beat. It was right before you closed your eyes that you saw the glow in the dark stickers on your ceiling spelling out if you'd marry him. He heard your heartbeat fasten and he knew you had seen it. He dared to look up at you and saw a single tear slide down your cheek. He wiped it away and turned your head towards him to place a single kiss on your lips before you whispered "Yes." to him.
Bam Bam: Being the fashionista he is, and never shies away from a camera, he would plan it to be when the two of you were getting pictures taken together. He would have it somewhere in a field, the bright sun shining down on the two of you as he wore faded blue skinny jeans with holes in them with a Gucci shirt and his famous sunglasses. His white hair extra shiny when the sun hit it just right. You were wearing a floral pattern sundress, the hem coming halfway up your thighs. You wore fishnets underneath with black boots that still made you shorter than BamBam. The photographer would be clicking away, making sure to not give anything away from what was happening in the background. When the two of you got done, the photographer told the two of you to give him a couple days to edit them and he'll send them to you. When the pictures finally came, he handed one to you to look at, telling you he loved the angle of it. That's when you saw Jackson in the background, holding a sign saying 'Will you marry me?" on it with his famous 'Jackson is near a couple' face. You laughed at Jackson's face before it finally dawned on you what he had asked you. You jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his waist as an acceptance.
Yugyeom: He'd pull out all the works; getting you roses the morning of the day he planned to propose to you, sending you cute videos/texts all day, and getting off work early, just to take you out for a walk in the fresh, fall air to your favorite restaurant where he would pop the question. The ring he picked out would be not too big, not too small. Just the right amount of dazzle and bling to make sure people knew you were definitely taken. You'd see him down on one knee and the tears would come to your eyes. When the question finally left his lips, you were nodding before he could even finish. He slid the ring on your finger and he hugged you, his own tears matching yours. The whole restaurant clapped for the two of you and you would imagine yourself being 'Mrs. Kim Yugyeom' within the year.
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uni6bebe-blog · 6 years
Got7 Reaction: You slap their butt playfully
Request: Hello! Can I request a Got7 reaction to you playfully slap their butt? Thanks a lot:)
A/N: hell yeah! everyone loves butt action lolol
Warnings: sexual indications
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You and Mark had decided to do a bit of spring cleaning, usually you would be the one to clean the house. But Mark had decided this time he really wanted to help you out because he felt like he never contributed around your place enough because of his frequent absence.
You guys had music playing off your TV as you hopped around giving your house the clean it definitely needed. You wiggled your hips and made funny faces at Mark to the beat of the song, enjoying the time you guys were spending together. 
He laughed, very amused at your adorable actions. He started to dance along with you while making exaggerated strokes on the glass table with his towel. 
You sang along with the song as if your life depended on it twirling over to where Mark was standing. You twirled behind him before playfully slapping his butt while he danced.
Mark being Mark, he made a high pitched noise then doubled over laughing at what you did. You laughed with him before hitting his butt again, eventually twirling away back to what you were doing. 
“Ahhh, no, babe, comeback! I need more attention!”
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You were usually really shy and reserved when it came to showing affection in relationships. You were always nervous of making the wrong move or doing something stupid to embarrass yourself. 
Drunk you was completely different.
JB and you decided to go out out with the rest of the group to have some drinks and food. You had been feeling overly stressed out from work so all you wanted from that night was to let loose. When you guys first sat down you ordered a slightly more alcoholic drink than usual, making JB look at you a little strangely. He knew you usually weren’t the biggest drinker so this stood out to him. He sighed as he already saw where the night was going; you’re an extreme light weight.
By your second drink you were practically spluttering out sentences, your face tinted pink and your once neatly styled hair was now loose around your shoulders. 
JB couldn’t help but find the situation funny since he rarely saw you so outgoing and talkative. After another half drink JB finally took your glass away because you were getting really sloppy and he knew you would end up regretting your actions. 
You whined making grabbing hands towards the glass now across the table as JB just smirked.
You then stubbornly started to reach all the way over the table. JB quickly reacted reaching over faster with his whole body across the table. You grumbled slumping back in your seat with an exasperated sigh.
JB was about to sit back down in his spot when he felt a hand slap his butt. 
“That’s for being no fun!” 
He narrowed his eyes at you teasingly before settling back in his seat wrapping his arm around you. 
“I wouldn’t start with that, I’m sure you wouldn’t like being on the receiving end.”
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You and Jackson were a very healthy couple, always taking walks, always in the gym. It was something you both really enjoyed doing to spend time together. 
That being said, seeing how it was you and Jackson you never took anything seriously. Half way through doing whatever workout for the day you would be on the floor laughing your butt off. Jackson always made it his mission to make you laugh multiple times throughout the day. 
But Jackson wasn't dating you for nothing, you were equally as playful. So when Jackson picked you up like a sack of potatoes and threw you over his shoulder you threw a fit.
You kept banging your fists on his back while Jackson just laughed mockingly. You scrunched your nose before getting an idea. 
You quickly moved your hands from his back to his butt before delivering many heavy handed blows.
Jackson let out a not so manly scream before setting you down so you would stop hitting his butt.
"You know I’m faster than you and two can play at that game, right?"
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Out of the two of you, you talked a lot more than Jinyoung. Jinyoung could be reserved at times, especially around people he wasn't so use to yet. So needless to say when you guys were invited to your coworkers going away party, he mostly just smiled and nodded.
Jinyoung alway wanted to give off the best version of himself as possible, and it was really important to him the people you spent your time with liked him. 
Jinyoung was on his best behavior while talking to your coworkers and your now going to be ex coworker. You had been working for this company for a few years now so you were pretty comfortable in the environment. You knew who handled what and how. There were of course a few squares who you really didn't communicate with, but you liked most of them. 
They'd all heard of Jinyoung so much over the past year you guys had been together. Jinyoung was never able to properly meet them though because of his constantly packed schedule, this was a very rare occasion.
Jinyoung was totally taken back by the level of comfort between all of you as he listened to you guys chat about your lives. He felt himself start to kind of get lost in his thoughts staring at nothing in particular.
Jinyoung was shocked out of his daze when he felt your hand hit his butt. He jumped a little looking at you with wide eyes before slightly laughing.
"Jinyoung, loosen up! We don't usually get to do these things. Just be yourself." You encouraged with your hand now resting on his waist. 
He slightly smiled before leaning in to whisper in your ear.
"You're right jagi, but you're lucky we're with others right now. I usually wouldn't let you get away with that, in fact I might not. Wait for tonight."
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The whole day you couldn't help but stare at your boyfriend. He looked like such an angel in what he was wearing, you just wanted to squish his cheeks. 
You were always super affectionate toward Youngjae but for some reason you couldn't get your hands off him no matter how hard you tried.
"Jagi, stoppp"  Youngjae whined for the 10th time that day as you squished his cheeks together.
"What? I can't appreciate my adorable boyfriends adorable freaking face?" You sighed, actin hurt as you clutched your chest. 
"You're making my cheeks sore, but if it makes you happy then I'm okay with it." Youngjae replied sweetly. You cooed at his cuteness pecking him on the lips.
"You know what would make me really happy right now?" You grinned "If you made me hot chocolate." 
Youngjae gave you a small look of judgement before smiling softly in defeat. He got up from his spot next to you on the couch, his butt in your line of vision. 
You smacked his booty as he walked away causing a squeal to escaped his mouth. He turned around with a dramatic shocked look on his face, before laughing out of embarrassment.
"Why are you always doing this jagi, my poor butt!”
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Everything was a competition between you and Bam, you actively tried to one up each other 24/7. To you guys it’s how you bonded and shared affection.
You guys had plans with each other to go see a movie. 
While you guys were in line to get your tickets BamBam wrapped his arms around your waist and lightly swayed you back and forth. He then began to loudly and terribly sing causing everyone outside of the theatre to turn and look at you.
You laughed trying to fight off the blush that was creeping up to the tips of your ears. You should be use to his antics by now honestly, but you never failed to be shocked when Bam was so shameless in public. 
After awhile of waiting to get the tickets with your vocally gifted boyfriend, you packed into the theatre.
Half way during the movie BamBam got up to go to the bathroom, trying to squeeze by respectfully, but you saw a chance and took it. 
You slapped his butt shamelessly, even giving it a little squeeze.
“Damn Bam, that ass!” 
Literally everyone in the theatre turned to look at you guys as BamBam tried his hardest to hold back his laughter.
“This is why I’m dating you.”
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That was the best way to describe your relationship with Yugyeom. 
Maybe that was slightly extreme but this boy is literally all that you thought of 24/7, 365.
You worshipped the ground he walked on, and to anyone else it was too much but Yugyeom secretly loved your undying attention. 
You were super affectionate towards him and it made him feel good to know you only had eyes for him. Yugyeom had trouble in the past in relationships with feeling like they were too one sided, with you it never even crossed his mind.
Your hands never left him, even if it was just holding his hand or having a hand on his back.
So when you unexpectedly slapped his butt while you guys were standing in the kitchen getting ready to cook, he wasn’t as phased as others would be. 
Even not being very surprised, Yugyeom is still so easily embarrassed, you knew this and got happy seeing an embarrassed smile morph on his face. 
You chuckled kissing his cheek wrapping your arms around his back as he rolled up his sleeves to cook.
“You’re too cute Yugy”
this took way longer to do than I wanted, I’m so sorry!!
also these are really long, tell me if I should shorten them or if you like the length
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kpopfanfictrash · 7 years
GOT7 Introduction Post
ALRIGHT. You requested, I have written! In honor of the upcoming THOT7 comeback - may our souls be stolen and wallets be emptied.
Member by Member introduction, from oldest to youngest.
Mark Tuan, stage name: Mark. ‘93 line, rapper. Also in charge of acrobatics / fly boy stunts. From LA, USA. Quiet, very intelligent. ISTJ personality. The only one who can pull the hyung card on Jaebum and BOY, WHEN HE DOES. Sometimes pegged as the ‘bad boy’ but lol. Mark’s laugh cures evil and creates butterflies. Deep ass rap, will make you shake in your boots. I know you want me, so stop fronting.
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Im Jaebum, stage name: JB. ‘94 line, vocal and leader. Korean. Also writes / releases music under Def (used to be Def Soul, soundcloud here). A tsundere hoe, to quote myself. INFJ personality. Very intelligent, typically takes a more subdued role in the group but DAMN, MEMEBUM. Don’t let the rude exterior fool you, Jaebum is a straight up meme. There are hours of footage on Youtube to prove it. Owns like, a billion cats and they all sleep in his room. OG cat is Nora. 
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Jackson Wang, stage name: Jackson. (Chinese name, Wang Jia Er). From Hong Kong, China. ‘94 line, rapper. ENFJ personality. Was a nationally ranked / world class fencer until he was 17. Convinced his parents to let him audition for JYP, moved to Korea and followed his dreams of music. Speaks English, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese and Shanghainese. Jackson is pure sunshine in addition to being the most extra variety star in existence. Will do a forward flip every chance he can. Is a gigantic mama’s boy. Would never hurt a fly.
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Park Jinyoung, stage name: Jinyoung (IF YOU CALL HIM JR OR JUNIOR, HE WILL FITE U). ‘94 line, vocal and dancer. ISFJ personality. Korean. Before debuting as part of GOT7, debuted in a duo with Jaebum called JJ Project. Tied with Jaebum for first place at 2009 JYP auditions. Has melodious, beautiful falsetto. Is an actor, appeared in multiple web dramas and was the young main for Legend of the Blue Sea, in addition to the lead in the independent film, Nunbal. Writes fucking bops. Is basically good at everything, the boy to bring home to your parents. Also the man who may take over the world. Idk. I’m not biased.
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Choi Youngjae, stage name: Youngjae. ‘96 line, main vocal. ISFJ personality. Korean. Only trained for 7 months before debut, POWERHOUSE vocal. Composes under the name of Ars. Often compared to an otter bc SMILEY and ADORABLE and just actual sunshine. Anyone who hurts Youngjae answers to Jaebum. Hates cucumbers. Co-owns a puppy named Coco with Mark. Constantly damaging Jackson’s hearing with his yelling.
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Bambam, stage name: Bambam. ‘97 line, rapper. ESTJ personality. From Thailand, trained with JYP for three and a half years. Legal Thai name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul but is rarely used except in legal circumstances. Bambam is his name lol. ANYWAYS. Bambam has rapidly switched from adorable maknae line to fly-ass fashion mogul. Loves memes, all things pop culture and fashion. Speaks Thai, Korean and English. Loves to interact with fans, especially through Twitter. Constantly calling fans girlfriends at fanmeets, WILL DAB WHENEVER HE WANTS TO DAB.
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Kim Yugyeom, stage name: Yugyeom. ‘97 line, singer and main dancer. INFP personality. Korean. Maknae. Main dancer in GOT7, performed twice on Hit the Stage and won first place the second time. Like Bambam, has transformed from adorable maknae to champion of sexy dance. Yugyeom is coming for us all. Is quiet and sweet but also loves to troll hyung line. Specifically Jinyoung and Jaebum. Is the biggest JJ Project fan in the world. One day, Jinyoung might actually kill him. 
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So. Eras. 
Their debut single was 2014 with Girls, Girls, Girls. As you can tell, the styling is excellent. Jackson’s small piece of hair popping out of his hat is a personal fave. Thus introduced the boys to the scene though (BONUS POINTS if you spot all the future Twice members LOL)
Next GOT7 released A, which is one of my personal favorites. Yes, that is Sana. LOL ALSO THE DANCE PRACTICES FOR A ARE ADORABLE. This has been a PSA. 
GOT7′s first full album, Identify was released at the end of the year with a lead single Stop, Stop It. Otherwise known as those minions outfits. This song will get stuck in your head. THIS ALBUM IS A BOP, THO. Girl Magnetic and Moonlight are two personal favorites. 
The next summer GOT7 came back with Just Right. Actually, this is GOT7′s most watched MV on YouTube. It was also featured in the Try Guys (Buzzfeed) watch Kpop video. Famous quotes to know about JB: “While this guy doesn’t look like my wife, he makes me feel the way that my wife makes me feel.”  Truth, Ned. 
That fall, GOT7 came back with If You Do, a darker concept. Just... watch every single live stage of this. You won’t regret it. Here’s a favorite, though. In December of that year, the released yet ANOTHER EP, which included the holiday single - Confession Song. EVERYDAY from this album is amazing, thank you JB.
In March of 2016, GOT7 came back with the Flight Log Trilogy (Departure, Turbulence and Arrival). The first album, Departure was released in March. The lead single was Fly, and it was bomb af. That’s just fact. The dance practice for this was also freaking adorable. Fave tracks from this album of mine are Can’t by PARK JINYOUNG. Also Rewind.
That fall, GOT7 came back with Turbulence. The lead single for this was Hard Carry, a heavier beat than previous GOT7 songs. Crazy dance, prompted much concern by fans that Jinyoung died in the MV. Favorite songs of mine here are Prove it, Mayday, No Jam and Who’s That.
The next spring, 2017 GOT7 completed their Flight Log Trilogy with Flight Log: Arrival. The lead single for this was Never Ever. Favorite songs are Paradise, Q.
THEN JJ PROJECT CAME BACK. SUMMER 2017, FIVE YEARS AFTER THEIR FIRST EP. Jinyoung and Jaebum teamed up yet again to put out a beautiful album called Verse 2. If you haven’t listened yet, save yourself. Go listen now. The title track was Tomorrow Today, and it was amazing. Truly. 
Now GOT7 are coming back once more - GET READY FOR FOR 7FOR7
My personal fave is this Jinyoung fancam of Can’t. Bless yourself.
Jaebum is also a favorite performer lol bc when JB dances, he dances for JB. This performance of Who’s Your Mama? is excellent, as is this mix. So is this performance of Honey. 
The cover of SHINHWA’s This Love is truly amazing. (JB was hurt at this time and couldn’t perform.)
Never forget baby GOT7 performing I Was Made for Dancing for an audience of middle aged women. LOOK HOW HAPPY THEY ARE. 
Also the time they collaborated with BTS at the MAMAs. 
All the performances of Q (side single to Never Ever) are adorable.
GAH, okay. That should start you off.
Variety. Holy shit. Okay, so GOT7 are kings of variety. Honestly, it’s why I adore them so much. Watch their YouTube shows, it’s GOT7 Canon. 
Real GOT7 season 1 / Real GOT7 season 2 / Real GOT7 season 3 / Real GOT7 season 4
GOT7 Hard Carry, from the fall of 2016 is also excellent. 
GOT7 has a truly awe-inspiring mini-drama series called Dream Knight, available on Netflix. I highly suggest you start with this. And then stare at your screen for several days in confusion. 
JB and Jinyoung have a reality series from their days as JJ Project called JJP Diaries, here.
ALL OF THE WEEKLY IDOL EPISODES ARE HILARIOUS AF. First appearance - 2014.  Second appearance - 2015. Third appearance (multi-group) - 2016. Fourth appearance - 2016. ��Fifth appearance - 2017. Er, it’s entirely possible I left some off. Oh, well. You’ll find them. LOL 
Also watch all of their ASC episodes. It’s pure chaos. 
OKAY. THAT’S ENOUGH FOR NOW *falls down on the floor*
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... here is a compilation of jinyoung being savage. here is jaebum being a meme for the duration of an entire interview in japan. here is bambam, king of girl group dances. 
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saikostories · 4 years
GOT7 - The Only Family I Need (Group)
You never opened up to people, not fully anyway. Until recently you never really understood why, so you had just assumed it was because of all the people who you considered friends that screwed you over in the past. It made sense, who would open up to anyone when those that they did open up to in the past betrayed them? However, today you had realized that that was not the case. That those who hurt you in the past were not the reason for your lack of openness, for your fear of opening up. Instead, you found out the reason was a lot more personal, a lot closer to home. With this revelation, and a rough conversation with your father, you felt as if you were going to disappear into nothing. Not wanting to slip back into the state of depression you had when you were younger, you decided to go to your best friend’s dorm and hang out with them, which is why you were currently on their couch, staring into the abyss of nothingness, tears slowly falling down your face.
You had moved to Seoul a few years ago, having visited years prior and loving the place. Soon you found a job, and a place, save enough money, and everything seemed to fall into place. It was hard at first, leaving the U.S. to go to a place so far away, but you were twenty-two at the time, old enough to make your own decisions and go out on your own. You were homesick more often than not when you first came, but soon it became a little bit easier, and when you met the guys – it was no problem at all.
You had been a fan of kpop for a while, finding comfort in the music like you did with all music. The bands were your friends when you needed to talk, shoulders to cry on when you were sad, and your cheerleaders when you needed support. So when you ran into the seven people of GOT7, quite literally, you weren’t quite sure what to say. After fumbling a few times you gave your apologies, wished them well, and went about your way. That was until BamBam stopped you. Why he had stopped you, you weren’t sure, and having asked the Thai boy later on down the road – he wasn’t sure why either. “You just looked like you needed a friend.” was his response, but even then he said there was still something else that he couldn’t quite figure out. Either way you were grateful that he stopped you, because you were able to give proper thanks to them for their music, their hard work, and for helping you when you needed it most. Finding something completely sincere, and kind about you, the seven of them invited you to hang out with them for a bit – which you argued with for a bit since you didn’t want to cause any trouble – eventually giving in.
From that moment forward you guys would hang out when you could, making sure that it was okay with their manager and JYP himself, and that no fans found out or freaked out. Eventually they did, and there was a lot of trouble when this occurred, causing you to stay away from the boys for a while, but eventually it all calmed down and worked out. You were now twenty-four and have been friends with GOT7 for a year and a half, and they had become your “Seoul family” as you liked to call them. They were your best friends, your confidants, your family, and honestly you couldn’t have been more grateful.
So whenever something was bothering you, whenever you felt yourself slowly falling back into the grips of your depression, you would hang out with them and if you couldn’t hang out with them you would at least find a way to talk to them, and if that wasn’t possible then you would watch them with whatever activity was occurring, finding solace in their presence – even if they weren’t there physically.
Having been friends with them, telling them about your depression, your past, your hurt, (but still not fully opening up or trusting them) the seven members got to know you pretty well. They could always tell when something was wrong, when to ask what was bothering you, and when not to ask and just let you work it out on your own. They knew that when you would isolate yourself, it wasn’t because of them but because you needed to recharge, refocus, and get back to being yourself. They also knew when those times, even when you said you needed to be alone, were times that you needed a friend; even if it was just to sit there in silence with you. This being said, you had come to understand the boys fairly well too. You knew when the stress was getting to JB, and what he would start to beat himself over, making you be able to prevent that; and when you couldn’t you knew how to console him. You knew when Jackson would start to miss home, when the hateful comments would get to BamBam, when Jinyoung was doubting his acting skills, when Youngjae felt the most unloved, when Mark was missing his family, and when Yugyeom was becoming too tired and criticized himself too much and too hard. Each time you would be able to help the guys, just as they helped you, and you knew they were grateful for those moments, just as you were grateful for the moments they were there for you.
So when Yugyeom saw you crying silently, he knew that this was something that all seven of them would need to be there to help.
“Noona?” the maknae questioned, bringing you out of your daze as you looked over at him. “Hmm?” you asked, now aware of the liquid falling from your eyes. “Oh I am sorry, Yugyeom!” you called out, wiping your eyes as you gave a small laugh; the tears still falling. “Guys! Y/N is crying!” he called out, quickly drawing the attention of the other six members as they all swarmed you, sitting on the couch, and sitting on the floor in front of you. Gently putting his arm around your shoulder as a form of comfort, Yugyeom looked at you. “Noona, what’s wrong?” he asked, making you shake your head.
“Nothing, Yugyeom. I am sorry for worrying you.“ you spoke, doing your best to give a smile as you looked up at him, soon meeting the eyes of the other six members; none of which were fooled. "Y/N, what’s going on. You can talk to us. Did something happen?” asked Mark, his intent eyes on you as he knelt before you. “Did someone say something to you?” chimed BamBam, sitting on your right side, opposite of Yugyeom. “Do I need to hurt someone?” chimed JB, standing next to BamBam, making you laugh and shake your head. “No one said anything to me, and you don’t need to hurt someone.” you spoke, giving another laugh.
Looking around you, Yugyeom to your left, Jinyoung standing in front of him, Youngjae squatting next to Jinyoung, Jackson sitting next to him, with Mark on his left side kneeling in front of you, JB moving between him and BamBam, with BamBam on your right. So much support. So much kindness. They had always been there for you, always cared, and you wanted so badly to tell them everything that happened.
"Remember how I went back home last week for my birthday?“ you began, all seven idols nodding as those that were standing, kneeling, or squatting, sat down with their attention fully on you. "Remember how I said it didn’t exactly go well?” you asked, all nodding in response. “You said your mom yelled at your dad, then your dad walked out right?” asked BamBam, making you turn to look at him and nod. “Right, well… Today I spoke with my father again, and I realized just how much he has not changed, and just why it is that I don’t really fully open up to people.” you spoke, looking down at your hands that rested in your lap as guilt flooded your entire being.
GOT7 were nothing but kind, caring, and loving people. They have been nothing but nice to you, and it made you feel like the worst person ever knowing that you hadn’t fully opened up and trusted them yet. Seeing the guilt on your face, Yugyeom gently squeezed your shoulder as Jackson gently squeezed your hands. “It is okay, Y/N, you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to.” Looking up at the rapper, you took a deep breath, and forced a smile. “I want to.” you spoke, the male before you giving a smile in return.
"I told you how when I was younger my depression got really bad, and I became suicidal. What I didn’t tell you was who was responsible for me getting to that point.“ Taking a breath, you closed your eyes and continued to speak. "You all know my father and I don’t have the best relationship, you also know that he is a bit of an ass, but what I haven’t told you is that he is the main reason why I got to that point so long ago. That he is the reason that I do not open up to people and trust people, and that he is the reason that I am so messed up.” With fresh tears falling down your eyes, you opened them to look around at the seven members; seeing their faces fill with guilt, sympathy, anger, concern, and care.
"You know how I tend to think everything is my fault? Even when someone does something wrong by me, screws me over, I still think on some level it is my fault?“ you asked, all idols looking at you and giving silent nods. "That is because of my father. When I was younger, he would tell me that everything was my fault. It was my fault that my mom and step-father got divorced, it was my fault that we got kicked out of our house, it was my fault that my friends fought, it was my fault that my grandparents fought, it was my fault that my mom worked eighty hours a week, it was all my fault.” Taking a shaky breath, you did your best to hold back the pain of unwanted memories, of a time that you would much rather forget, before you continued.
"When you are told something enough, you begin to believe it. That is why to this day I still believe that I am at fault on some level. He would also take my words and twist them, then shove them back in my throat – taking away my voice, making me say things I never said. That is why I get so angry when people do that, and when people try to turn things that are not my fault, on me. You know how I hate when people get in my face and yell at me? That is because I found out I was being hospitalized by him getting into my face and yelling at me that it was all my fault. That they were taking me away because “I wouldn’t open my damn mouth.”“ Taking another breath, the boys remaining silent as they listened, you continued.
"He also made my mom out to be the villain, made me hate her. He manipulated me. It was to the point that when I was in the hospital, my mom told me that she wasn’t sure that her "I love you"s were getting through to me. She wasn’t sure if she knew that she loved me. My own mother didn’t think that I knew that she loved me.” With this you were close to hysterics, crying harder than you had been, watching as Jackson immediately sat up and hugged you through blurry tears. As someone who was so close to his mother, who appreciated and treasured all mothers, to hear this it hit him just a little bit harder than the other members. You knew this, as you knew Jackson, and you were very appreciative of the hug and comfort he had to offer as you wrapped your arms around him, giving him a squeeze as you cried harder.
After a couple of minutes you calmed down, gently rubbing Jackson’s back as a signal to let you go, which he obliged. Before sitting back fully on the ground he looked at you with concern in his eyes as he pushed your hair from your face. “Are you sure you want to continue?” he asked, making you smile and nod, it was only then that he sat back down next to Mark, BamBam’s arm resting over your shoulder this time.
"Because he used to manipulate me, because he used to take things that I trusted him with and twist and turn them, I don’t open up to people. I don’t trust people. I didn’t know this until today when I spoke with him. While I was on the phone he asked if I had talked to my mom and I said I had. He asked how she was doing, and I said she was good. He then said, “Well good can mean a couple of things. Was she bitching a lot? Bitching a little less than normal? Bitching to the extreme? Or kind of but not really bitching?” It put me in a horrible position where I felt like I had to defend my mom. I told him “Or it could mean that she is fine.” and you know what he did? He brought up what happened on my birthday. Said he didn’t know why she yelled at him, and was acting like he didn’t get up and walk out on me. As he did this, I can’t really explain it but I felt like I was reverted back to being eleven, twelve years old, but my twenty-four year old subconscious was there telling me “This is why you are so messed up. This is why you don’t trust people. This is why you don’t open up.” and I lost it. That is when I came over here and I thought playing games and such would make it go away, and it did but it is still there. I still feel like I am that helpless, voiceless, weak, little eleven year old who wants to kill herself.“ you finished, tears falling down once more, this time as Mark leaned forward and hugged you.
"Shh, it is okay.” he spoke, making your tears fall harder as you hugged him back. “Y/N, you are not at all helpless, you are not voice, and you sure as hell are not weak.” he spoke, breaking the hug as he looked at you, Yugyeom nodded to your side. “Mark hyung’s right. You are one of the toughest people I know Noona! Remember when the fans first found out you were close to us? You got all sorts of hate, and so did we, but you stood up for not only yourself but for us. You even told them to hate on you and not us!” spoke the youngest member, making Youngjae nod. “Yeah! And when they confronted you outside, you told them off but you were so nice about it and you made sure that if they were going to blame someone it was going to be you. I had never seen someone do that before.” chimed Youngjae, everyone nodding around. “And remember when that one fan went too far, and you pretty much sassed her to death?” chimed Jackson, making you and everyone laugh. “Ah, that was the best thing! You were so sarcastic but you got your point across! It was the best thing, and I was so proud of you Noona!” chimed BamBam, making you grin as everyone nodded. “There was that one time that you almost fought a fan because she said something bad about us, and ragged on Youngjae really bad.” spoke JB, making you laugh. “Well no one messes with my boys, especially not Sunshine Youngjae. He’s my best friend. You don’t mess with him without messing with me.” you spoke, making Youngjae beam. “Yeah man! We will fight them!” he called out in his best Engrish, arm out for a high five, which you granted as you laughed.
"And all the times you defended us on twitter, and other social media.“ spoke Jinyoung, everyone nodding. "I won’t forget the time you meme’d a hater into being quiet.” Mark added, making everyone laugh. “And when other fans are getting hate, you always stick up for them. Even if you don’t know them. That makes you a pretty badass person.” spoke BamBam, everyone nodding in agreement. “So you may have been voiceless then, but now you have a voice that you use not only for yourself but for others.” spoke JB, making Jinyoung smile. “And you may have been helpless back then, but now you help others. You are always there when we need you.” added the mother of the group, Yugyeom nodding as you turned to look at him. “And you are there when others need you too.” “Yeah! Plus now you have us so you are never helpless, because we will always help you!” added Youngjae, giving a bright smile which you couldn’t help but return. “So don’t worry about your dad okay? He is a big jerk and isn’t worth it.” spoke Mark, making you turn your attention to him. “Yeah, we’ll all be your dads from now on!” chimed Jackson, making you laugh.
"Dude, that is a little weird.“ spoke Mark, everyone laughing louder as Jackson gave an offended look. "As weird as that may be, I will take it. And if you don’t want to be my dads, you can always be my big little brothers.” you spoke, giving a smile as Mark laughed and leaned forward, ruffling your hair. “Big little brothers it is.” he spoke, giving a small laugh as he sat back down, grinning along with you. “Okay you guys can be the big little brothers, and I will be the dad. I will make sure no one hurts Y/N, and if anyone wants to date you they will have to go through me.” he spoke, looking at you with the last part which made you laugh. “Okay, sounds good.” you beamed, all seven members beaming as well.
As you looked around, you couldn’t help but feel the warmth fill every fiber of your being. They were so kind, so caring, and you knew with their help you would be able to finally be able to fully open up and trust people. “You guys are all the family that I need. Thank you all so much.” you spoke, gratefulness filling your eyes as you looked around at the seven members, smiles gracing all of their faces. With a bright grin you stuck your arms out to your sides as you wiggled your fingers. “Come on! I think this calls for a group hug!” you called out, all seven members laughing as they swarmed you, you giving the best group hug you could muster. It was then, at that moment, that you knew that you could get through anything with them by your side, that you were blessed to have such amazing people in your life to call family, and above all else in that moment, you knew you would be alright.
0 notes
Got7 Reaction to Seeing You Cooking in Lingerie.
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A/N: So, if you haven’t seen my recent bio update, I am now opening requests for Most-to-Least’s, blurbs, fake texts/snapchats, and any other form of writing you all have in mind (with exception of personal imagines). I was thinking of mood-boards as well, but I’ll have to see with those, it’s been a while since I’ve done one. Anywho, I hope you’re enjoying my writings and such, you all are so nice, ilysm~
When Jaebum came in from a long day of practice, all exhaustion went out the window when he saw you standing in his favorite black lingerie set you have. You would turn around as he walked in and watch as he cocked his head to the side with a sly smirk plastered on his face. You’d turn back around, innocently tending to the food on the stove, pretending to be oblivious to the situation. “What’s the special occasion, Jagi?” He would say, lust laced in his words.
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Mark had gone out with some friends earlier in the day, and as always leaving you alone to your thoughts never is a good thing. You figured you’d give him a lil’ ~surprise~ for when he comes back. Finally the long-awaited moment came. You heard the door open, then close just as quickly, then tracked his footsteps as they got louder and louder until they finally fell at the entrance of the kitchen, where you were cooking his favorite meal wearing a matching red bra and panty set. Almost on cue, you “accidentally” dropped an unused measuring cup, immediately bending down right in front of him. “Oops.” You stated innocently, turning your head to give him a cute smile. He bit his lip, following with a shy smile. “Okay, now you’re just teasing me, Jagi.”
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Jackson sighed as he walked straight through the door of the house to the kitchen, grateful to be home after a long day of practice. He dropped his bag on the table and intended to make his way to the fridge to get some water, but was stopped in his tracks by your body adorned with a lacy white bra and garter set-his absolute favorite. You continued stirring the stew in the pot in front of you, knowing that his gaze would be fixed on your every movement. You decided to have a little fun though, and gave your butt a little shake, to which he gave a low chuckle. “You’re killing me, Jagiya. How about we leave the stew for later?”
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The boy had fallen asleep and had been napping for a bit, so not only did you take this time to do some cleaning around the house and such- you also put on the most flattering set of lingerie you had, fully intending to surprise him once he awoke from his slumber. The scent of dinner (or maybe his favorite perfume on you) must have lured him into the kitchen, where you were standing in a light pink baby doll set, the loose fabric flowing along with your hips to the beat of the music playing from your phone. He stood silent, contemplating his next moves with a slight smirk. “How’d I get lucky enough to have a beautiful girlfriend like you?” He would state lustfully, slowly closing gap between the two of you.
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Youngjae had been at practice all day, and it just so happened that boredom had gotten the best of you. You went to your closet and started aimlessly organizing, until you came across a lingerie set you forgot about that was in the back corner. You thought it would be fun to put it on and start cooking dinner in hopes that Youngjae would come home soon. Luckily enough, he came walking through the door of the house and soon, through the door of the kitchen, his relaxed smile turning into bitten lip and blushed cheeks when he saw you in a red baby doll set that barely covered your ass. “Jagi, aren’t you cold?” He giggled, motioning to your bare legs- unsuccessfully trying to take the attention off the lust in the room.
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I think it’s no secret that Bam is an actual horn dog. We’re just gonna put that out there to begin with. He would have gone out with some friends, taking advantage of a rare day off, and this gave you the opportunity to tidy up around the house and just basically chill for the day. Until you felt the need to surprise him in a pink lace bra and panty set that he bought you (that honestly left very little to the imagination). You ~sexily~ danced to the kitchen to start dinner and to wait for him to get home, and before long you heard his voice as he closed the door behind him “Jagi, you won’t believe what happened today, I--” his voice stopped as he walked through the corridor, noticing you sitting on the counter, legs crossed with his favorite set of lingerie on you. “Maybe I can tell you that story later, yeah?” He purred, slowly stepping closer towards you.
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Do any of y’all get the feeling that Yugyeom’s an ass guy? Because I do. Naturally then, your lingerie will accentuate your butt, meaning it’ll probably be some type of thong or g-string. Of course you knew he loved it, so you slipped it on and started making dinner (silently hoping you wouldn’t get any food stains on your bra), and before you knew it, he was standing in the door of the kitchen, gym bag still in-hand. His jaw would be dropped to the ground at the surprise, and not in a bad way either, he would absolutely love it. He would saunter up behind you and wrap his arms around you from behind and whisper in your ear: “Jagi, you sure know how to treat a man, don’t you?”
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kandadiff · 4 years
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Below are the live comments for the ‘Live’ Video. It wasn't live but they don’t know that.
- Kay and Bommie’s relationship is honestly adorable. 
- oh here we go CL starting stuff, I’m almost sure she likes Gd.
- same im starting to think that wasn’t an accident.
- I ship Minho and afi…. so if they messed... it is what is is
-nah sis, Bunny Dragon all the way. 
- Okay yeah, Cl is being a shitty person here. what did she expect Kya to do? Not stick up for Adi, even though she left funhouse they still love each other.
-wait wait wait. Suga and Kay hooked up!! SUGA AND KAY HOOKED UP!!!
- #Kuga shippers its our time!!!
- Ive been waiting!!!!!! #KUGA
- Nah #KamKam forever!
- ^delusional
- Wonho is honestly so fucking hot. Like look at my healthy daddy running.
- Namjoon needs to stop avoiding Jackson. I need my #Namson moments.
- I find it so freaking funny hes avoiding Jackson.
- They got drunk during the blackout. Look at Taehuns face you can see that's his hangover face, 
- Of course the power goes out and they get drunk. 
- mood ^
- Did Kay really just try to act like it wasn’t her apparently screaming yoongis name. 
- A sex tape I need to see
- 100% would buy
- What song is this?
- La despidida by daddy yankee
- ^ thank you 
- oop Gd looks mad
- Look at poor daesung so cute!!! 
-Jackson is to much sometimes. So I get it. One time I had a friend like that and she was just constantly talking and talking and wouldn’t levae me alone and i’m an introvert so it was hard to always be there for her. 
- ^The cassie of her group.
- #KAYTOP evidence
- There it goes bobby talking shit
-Kay is so dramatic I swear. I’m over her bratty attitude.
- You can tell shes an only child
- Shes not being dramatic though but …. go off Ig
-oop Gd letting his true feelings slip. I clocked it.
- No I agree with what kay said. He was projecting his feelings for Adi on her. I wonder if she really did sleep with Minho and that's why hes so mad. 
-yo someone needs to punch bobby out.
- Yo im no yoongi stan but that is bold af
- I also find it weird that daesung went out in the rain
- Seungri knew what was happening and just wanted to see
- #GdBeingPetty
- Gd is so fucking hot when hes angry 
- ikr Take me daddy
- ooooo Gd vs Kay!
- Money is on gd Kay is chilish
- sure shes being childish
- Yo she just called out Jennie
-I knew kay and bobby used to date. I saw how she was when she was in ornage caramel. I fucking knew it.
- I thought it was obvious!
- OOOO that's why Kay don’t fuck with Jisoo anymore.. I bet it was her 
-Oh yeah ! I am living for this drama!!
- King Bobby and King Jiyong lol
- I love it when she does that 
- lol she still made bommie breakfast
- is it weird I still ship her and bobby
- no
- yes
- Adi is so cute when she wakes up. Like a bbay 100% adi stan
-Yes sleeping not sexing
- Hes not wearing a shirt
- they are in fucking spain when its summer there soooo I bet its hot
-Theres a difference
- I don’t see the problem at all. Shes single so whats the issue
- Adi is a whole mood right now. 
- oh daddy Minho the voice of reason
- ikr I seriously love him.
- who came to the door? I didn’t see
- Jiwoo
- I bet they actually closed the door and CL opened it
- Shes not that petty
- girl she is
- yaaasss queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- oh fuck! she just really came and screamed in this bitches face.
- shes a shit starter
- you better be talking about CL ^ adi is just sticking up for herself
- Look at how big wonho is. he towers over adi. 
- I want a ‘Adi’s Biggest Dick Rider’ shirt
- oh CL doesn’t even look bothered 
- ^ true queen keeping it classy not trashy
- ^ oh fuck off CL was wrong 
- I support #SkyDragon
- I believe Minho. why would he lie? #HonestDaddy
- my thirst is real for Minho right now. Looking like a whole snack
-HAHAHA V confirming Kuga !
- I love V
- this is why hes my bias
- Yo did she just smack wonho out of the way? hes like at least 70 pounds heavier then her.
- ooo shit adi laying it down
- I am living for this ! fuck cl and gd
- they were friends first. Adi is just jealous!
- IK id be upset too! CL loves Gd and adi just came in and ruined it
- No No No
- Cl LoVes gD aNd AdI JuSt WaNtS To RuIN iT. 
- That's bullshit. Gd chose adi they are a good couple. CL should be supportive instead of being upset
- no I completely understand CL’s perspective, Adi should have backed off
- ^ no youre wrong so shut up 
- finally gd comes in!
- everyone is coming in right now 
- OOOO if adi went after mino knowing CL liked him that's fucked up
-Ik obviously CL knows Adi’ s feelings towards gd she should have been womn enough to back off. I would be petty like adi too
- no I don't think she should have gone after mino but I do agree CL should have backed off.
- WTF is Gd doing right now? like its the time to speak tf up
-aww Minho being the peacemaker
- I feel so bad he doesn’t want anyone to fight
- yooo my Russian princess! Katya spitting truth
- Katya is right! Honestly Cl should mind her business
- Gd is her best friend it is her business
- ^no its Gd’s and Adi’s that's it
-You know you fucked up if Makayla is yelling at you
- My hippie queen is so beautiful
- Shes right bobby is fucking ugly
-No hes not! hes hot and hes right FunHouse is known for the sluttiest songs in Kpop
- so?
- it doesn't make them sluts
- Poor Minho still trying to keep the peace. 
- honestly its so far past trying to stop it at this point.
- But he didn’t say anything though
- yeha all he said was he belives adi
- hes not trying to take sides
- okay right now he has to because it directly involves him.
- I lOvE bObBy - shut up jisoo
- Jisoo ‘let me make it about myself’ Kim
- shes just sticking up for herself, what is with all this hate?
-Rose is the only real one in BlackPink, I’ll say it 
- Lisa too
- ^ I said what I said
- Even rose knew CL fucked up look at her face
- someone make that a gif
- CL is wrong she did not have to bring up Shawn and Edward
- she did it because she was losing
- no she did it because Arianna needed to hear it. 
- ^ this
- No that's fucked up because it has nothing to do with the argument!
- exactly! #QueenKatya
- Shes right! Its not the person who had the cheating partner’s fault they cheated. 
- katya don’t give no fucks she just exposed the shit out of them
- shes lying 
- ^exactly shes just starting shirt like adi. Jisoo never cheated on bobby. come on
- !!!
- OMFG!!!
-lisa is stupid did sje really try it?
- V and katya are couple goals honestly
- I bet you if he could v would be swinging too
- Taehyung would never hit a girl
- ^ she wasn’t saying that she was saying that if he could he would hit Lisa for coming at Katya. 
- Look bobbys going to try and protect his butt buddy CL
- they are friends and Adi is assaulting her
- King Jb stopping the fight
- OMG!
- where do you see it?
- mama bear draven has such big dick energy my big gay ass cant handle it
- Look at how she looked at CL . shes going to swing
- CL should swing at her! Ugly bitch 
- Katya is terrifying speaking like that
- wheres the Russian fans what is she saying
- shes calling the girls inside dirty whores who fuck there fathers
- V & Katya are what iwant in a marriage
- Did Makayla just say that Haerin slept with Mino?
- I clocked that too^
- Angry draven is so hot
- Katya is seriously terrifying right now
- Adi is ready for round too
- she looks like Muhammad Ali
- ugly ?
- ^ no like shes going to kick your bias in the asshole
- what did she say in german?
- I love you ? I think
- She said CL has STD’s and that she loves Katya
-poor Makayla look at her she looks like shes going to cry
- #BTSStansFunhouse
- the power team right here ^
- If you don’t side with funhouse your wrong
- I know if your bias does and you don't your not a fan
- Army sides with funhouse
- no they are wrong! look at CL’s face! she didn't have to do all that
- honestly if kay didn’t open her mouth then this wouldn’t be a problem
- no no no CL said it there fore it was going to come out
- yeah whatever she said she said. that's how she was feeling
- she didn’t have to beat the fuck out of CL though. No one should ever put there hands on someone else
- ^ I side with Adi but she didn’t have to hit CL
- Yeah she could have just pushed her off like Katya did with Jisoo
- Katya only did that because Jisoo came at her first. 
- Funhouse is NOT the new 2ne1!
- ^ No FH is better
- proud mama bear draven!
- did she just call them twat snatchers
- honestly I thought the first fight in the house would have her throwing the first punch but im really glad its adi
- ooh herecomes the shit starter
- ^ don’t be like bobby now
- Kay didn't start anything! CL DID
-CL started everything! 
- I live for angry suga
- he looks like a kitten I cant take him seriously
- neither can bobby ^
- Can we mention how whipped monsta x is for Kay like doesn this bitch got a spell on them or something? and can I have it?
- Oh here we go with CL
- Oh your a fake friend then because you wouldn’t see anything wrong with this if you had a real friend
-^ periodt!
- aww hobi 
- #Kobi
- I like how they are all ganging up on her now when her group is outside.. pussies
- good fuck her
- SHIT!!!!
- Boy gained my respect! STICK UP FOR YOUR GIRL!
-IDK why everyone is shocked. everytime bobby is mentioned Suga calls him a  loser
- Is it wrong I want to see Bi vs Jungkook?
- hell no I want to see it too!
- BlackPink is getting real bold! Now that they got a little fame they getting real brave
- they can! They are bigger then funhouse 
- since when? Funhouse has more awards and titles then them.
- maybe bigger in korea
- not really ^
- oh look the dram aqueen cant handle being yelled at
- shes not being yelled at ^ shes being ganged up on
- I knew matthew be slinging dick
- oh hell yes 
- you know hes packing too
- Kay is right though if she was a man her antics wouldn't be a problem 
- but shes not a  man so she has to deal with the whore label
- ^ you are an asshole 
- No shes pulling the feminist card. shes a slut and she has to deal with it. shes been a slut since liam and she still hasn’t grown out of it
- ^ it must be so sad to be you
- my baby is crying! 
- Aww hobi loves her look at how hurt he is to see her cry
- she should be crying! She fucked up! Adi should be crying too! I hope that bitch gets charged with assault! 
- people need to stop crowding her though, she looks like she cant breathe
- Monsta X is Kay’s posse for real
- yo someone needs to pop jennie in her fucking mouth
- I know shes pissing me off
- why is veryone coming for Jennie all shes doing is talking
- talking shit!
- #KamKam strikes again
- ^ ikr I love them so much
- ^ tiffany ships it too I guess
- ^ why does she have to bring Jackson into it though?
- Oh now gd wants to step in to help? good im glas Jin and Jimin stop him
- he could have pushed past them if he truly wanted to help though
- look at yoongi when namjoon said that though! he looked so worried
- then bobby popped him
- Hero Jackson getting his future wife out of crisis
- future wife? not anymore I bet
- I wouldn’t marry her
- ^ speak for yourself anyone in funhouse id get down on my knees for
- she needs to get Jennie
- ^ the fight was supposed to be over and this ratchet bitch just started it again
- again with pocket pussy 
-^ I need that shirt now
-You know damn well Jungkook did that push on purpose
- I know hes really ready to fucking fight someone
-what happned lisa? not so big and bold?
-^ lisa was classy she knew the fight was over
- yooo wtf did yuri say yesterday? 
- ^idk but katya fucked that bitch up
- what did she say? Russian fans!
- she called her a piece of shit
- ^ a talentless piece of shit
- damn Jungkook and wonho really snatched up there girls huh? I ship it
- Katya is with V
- doesn't matter I ship it anyway
- Maybe it will work like squidward and make him prettier
- bobby is hot af soo
- suga was wearing rings that not fucking fair. Let bobby put on some rings 
- ^ and he’ll still get his fucking ass beat
- he tried to choke bobby like this is no joke
- he sucker punched him Suga is a pussy 
- Yugyeom angry is so hot
- Taeyangs face makes me want to cry he was just trying to help
- jb wasn't going to let him outside
- lol adi’s petty fucking dance has me dying
- I am living for the drama this season
- this si the best day of my life #teamFunhouse
- Way better then the drama last season # Team2ne1
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When their s/o playfully grabs their butt
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Have you ever just wanted to hear Mark make odd noises?  He’s so quiet that usually you only hear the sounds he wants you to, right?  Like his voice when he speaks or his laughter when he finds something funny.  The best way to elicit a squawk out of him is to surprise him.  Sneaking up behind him and squeezing his butt is a...wonderful way of doing this ;).  He’ll probably whip around and stare at you with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape, holding his butt almost protectively after your assault.  A little, surprised laugh will fall from his lips as his mind wraps around the fact that you just did that.  Mark will probably blush and get a little shy, but don’t think for a second that he won’t come for retribution.  He’ll get you back when you least expect it.  When he asks you why you felt the need to grab his butt and you answer that you like it, a beautiful thing happens!  He blushes!  Mark.  Tuan.  Blushing.  That’s what we call art ladies and gentleman.  This guy has the most beautiful blushing/shy face in my opinion.  So enjoy it while it lasts.  If you want to see that face more often, you’ll have to space out your butt attacks.  Let him get comfortable and not be on the lookout for attacks from above.  Trust me, it might seem gratifying to wait it out (I know, I love his butt, too), but it would be hella satisfying!  I promise!  *insert squealing noise* “Did you just?” “I did” *wicked grin on your part* *wide eyes continue* “Wh-jagi-I-why?” “Cuz it’s cute...and it was there.”  *cue blushy face and little giggle*  
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The only thing I can say is make sure you are ready for the consequences.  If you grab his butt, he might jump and turn to look at you like you lost your damn mind, but he’s loving the hell out of this.  In fact, you would think that by grabbing his butt he would be the one blushing.  However, Jaebum would turn the tables on you very quickly.  I can imagine him cornering you before you have a chance to escape, arms on either side of your body, his leaning against yours, face to face, breaths intermingled.  Yeah.  Who’s blushing now?  He’ll be the cheeky one who asks you what the hell you think you’re doing.  When you say you like his butt and that’s why you grabbed it, he’s going to smirk and slowly, oh so very slowly, slide a hand down your arm and put your hand right back on his butt.  He’ll tease you and ask something like ‘well?  If you like that much go on’. The second you squeeze it again, he’ll have grabbed yours and squeezed tightly as well.  Two can play this game and BOI, he’s enjoying it.  In fact, he’ll like it so much that you might just find yourself on the receiving end of those grabs in the future!  AND you might find that this cheeky bastard is going to bend over in front of you in all kinds of situations.  He’ll wear pants that really accentuate his butt (and we all know about that JaeBUTTTTT.  He ain’t even my bias!) all to make sure you zone in on it.  Cheeky, cheeky, cheeky.  You’ll be surprised though, that he can get really shy about it at times.  If you decide to turn the tables and tease him he’ll lose his machoness and turn into a pile of goo.  I highly encourage this.  He’s got too much macho anyway.  “Oh, you like my butt, Jagi?” *grabs yours tightly*  “That’s so funny.  I like yours, too.”
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I hope you don’t like sitting down.  The second you grab his butt, this one is going to do exactly like Mark: eyes wide, mouth agape, hands holding his butt.  Only difference here is he’ll recover faster and before you even have a chance to explain, he’ll have you bent over his knees and spank you repeatedly.  Not even the sexy kind of way either.  Just straight up Mom Spanking.  There will be a lot of ‘Ya’s and a lot of ‘You think you’re so cute!’ going on.  But even after you go scuttling away holding your smarting backside, he’s going to grin to himself and fanboy over the fact that you like his ass enough to grab it.  It makes him hella proud and just like Jaebum, he’s going to make sure it’s in your view ALL THE TIME.  Have fun with that.  He’s more cruel than cheeky, but we’ll call it cheeky I guess.  He’ll tease you endlessly for days after ‘The Squeeze’ as he dubbed it.  It’s not a moment in infamy.  Jinyoung will be a little shit about it until one day he just straight up grabs yours out of the blue.  A good, long, jarring squeeze, probably couples with a neck or cheek kiss and a sassy laugh before he’s dancing out of reach when you go to swat him.  He claims that the only person allowed to do any butt grabbing is him, but we all know that’s a lie.  Honestly, don’t be afraid to come for the booty.  I wouldn’t grab a handful unless you’re making out or *ahem*, but give it a good WACK! And then run.  He’d live for that shit.  “Ya! We’ve talked about this!  Jagiyah, get that cute little butt of yours back here!” *cue him chasing you around the house*  (you could always try distracting him with a kiss before the spanking starts, but hey if you’re into that sorta thing: FULL STEAM AHEAD!)
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Honestly, this one could go either way.  I’d say run!  Run as fast as you can!  In any direction!  Just run!  Cuz he’s comin’ for that booty.  Jackson is such a cutie, though.  He’ll laugh the whole time, calling after you ‘where you going?’ and ‘Oh, don’t think you’re getting away!  You started this!’  It would probably lead to a lot of kissing and making out.  Or cuddling!  It’s Jackson!  You can’t say for sure!  I mean the guy goes from sexy to adorkable in about .2 seconds, so…  Anyway, I hope you’re prepared for war because I can totally envision this turning into a war of who can grab the butt and get away the fastest.  Jackson loves that you love his butt and he loves yours just as much.  He’s a touchy feely kinda dude, so this is tots up his alley.  Jackson is filled with aegyo and we all know he will use it to get his way, so expect him to do cute little butt wiggles.  Now that he knows you really like his butt, he’s going to use it to his advantage.  I feel like he’d find ways of teasing you that would otherwise be really weird, but it’s Jackson, so it’s either super endearing or really fucking hot.  I don’t know.  He’s an Aries.  They’re weird in general.  In the best of ways, of course, but they march to their own beat.  *Cue you pinching the butt harshly and insert high pitched squeal here* “YA! That’s the THIRD time today, babe!  I NEED my butt!  It does important things you know!”
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BLUSHING BLUSHING BLUSHING LITTLE GIGGLY LAUGHS!!!!!! OMG if you are in a relationship with Youngjae and you don’t make it your life’s mission to make him blush and giggle, you can’t be with him.  I’m sorry, but get out!  He’s such a doll!  He’s so cute!!!!! He’s not my bias wrecker for no reason.  Precious lil bub!  Youngjae will be so surprised!  He might stare at you with his mouth hanging open, trying to form words but all that really comes out are stutters and giggles.  I don’t know if he would be the type to grab you back except for every once in awhile when he’s in the mood *eyebrow wiggle*.  He strikes me more as a neck kisser and soft touches kind of guy.  He’d get flustered more than anything.  Definitely enjoys the, uh, *ahem* unexpected attention, but would definitely get flustered.  I think he’d like it but really wouldn’t know how to react back to it.  Most likely Youngjae would turn into a pile of human goo.  Goodness, can you imagine him stuttering out a why and then you telling him ‘oh, it’s cuz you have a cute butt and I like it’?  Red might become your new favorite color, especially when it comes in the shade of Youngjae’s cheeks.  Honestly, I don’t think he would ever get used to it.  You could grab or pinch or slap his butt twice a week and it would still surprise him.  But just be prepared for that inner beast to come out if you’ve caught him in a particular mood.  He might be cute and fluffy, but we all know he hides a seductive side to him.  It’s there, okay?  Trust me.  “Awww, jagiyah~~! Why do you keep doing this to me?” *whiny, blushing baby* “Because your butt is adorable!” *covers face with hands* “JAGIYAH!!!” 
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Totally dramatic about the whole thing.  Will drop to the floor in shock, holding his butt as he half laughs and half chokes in surprise (you know that ridiculous laugh he does?  Yeah insert that too).  If you can ever get him to stop laughing and rolling on the floor, you might be able to see if he’s okay.  I mean, who is shocked more?  You by his suddenly flopping on the ground or him at the fact that he just got his buns pinched?  No one knows honestly.  I can totally see someone doing this while he’s around the other members, mostly just so they can explain why he reacts this way to having his butt grabbed ...honestly, Bam! Just expect a lot of whining from him.  He whines about you grabbing his butt and then he’ll whine when you don’t let him grab yours.  He’ll whine when you walk away and don’t help him off the floor and he’ll whine...in general. It’s all cute though, no worries.  Bam is an interesting bird.  Very different.  PLAYFUL AS HELL.  If you think you’re getting away with grabbing his butt, you are very wrong.  He’s going to take this as an open invitation to return the favor.  The floor has been laid out and is his for the taking essentially.  He’ll grab your butt in passing, while you’re doing the dishes, laundry, putting groceries away, cuddling, making out...LITERALLY ALL THE TIME!  “Baby, if you didn’t want me to grab it, you shouldn’t have started it!”
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Squirmy Baby!  Okay for as problematic as this guy is with his whole ‘I will fuck the floor with these here dancer hips’ he’s a wee bab.  Him getting slapped in the butt would be about the equivalent of Jeongguk getting slapped in the butt...flustered, squirmy, squawking, blushing babies.  I don’t know if Yugyeom has had any previous relationships where this would have come up, so outside of the guys slap each other’s butts, I don’t know if he has any experience with a s/o being playfully intimate with him.  Which is the reason why I say squirmy baby.  I don’t think he’d be as whiny as Bam, but there would definitely be some whines in there, mostly out of surprise.  Additionally, I don’t think he’d be as flustered as Youngjae.  I think he’d be somewhere in the middle.  This guy would definitely have some sort of a cheeky comeback or payback plan, like Jackson, but he’d execute it in the most adorable way.  Like the first time he ever grabs your butt I feel like naturally it would be you who is blushy, but no...it’s Yugyeom...he’s pretty much dying of embarrassment because he can’t believe he just did that!  Cute. Honestly.  That being said, once he’s a little more comfortable he’s going to see it as a competition almost, just like Jackson, so expect a lot of chasing around.  I feel like with Yugyeom it might turn into a tickle fight.  I can’t tell you for sure why, but that’s just the image I get in my head.  So if you don’t like being tickled, don’t grab his butt...even though it is very tempting.   “Jagi, how many times are you going to repeat this mistake of yours, hmm?  You know what the punishment is for grabbing my butt.  I don’t know why you bother running!”
--Admin MM
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lightskinvibe · 7 years
Why I only act like a fangirl for GOT7
-They're not just GOT7. They're VISUAL7, TALENTED7, AEGYO7, LIT7, FUCKITUPPP7, EVERYTHINGAMAZING7 -But no really do y'all pay attention to their looks?? -NONE OF THEM LOOK BAD EVER. NOT EVEN STOP STOP IT ERA THEM -BamBam is a dank meme -But JB is too -And Mark lowkey -Don't forget Yugyeom -Actually let's just say they all are -The Naruto run in that one interview -Mark, Jackson and JB fly and twirl in the sexiest ways -OKAY BUT HAVE YOU EVER PAID ATTENTION TO THE MUSIC THEY LISTEN TO IN THE BACKGROUND OR THE STUFF YUGYEOM DANCES TO?? THEY LISTEN TO DRAKE AND JEFF BERNAT AND BRYSON TILLER LIKE I CANNOT EVEN 😩 -Yugyeom makes every stage he comes on pregnant -Like honestly, yes his sexy dance is sexy af no lie, but do y'all see how this guy never missed a beat? He catches EVERY BEAT IN THE SONG LIKE HIS DANCE ABILITY IS RIDICULOUS -But let me not leave out Jinyoung and JB's skills because dayum have you seen their moves? -And Jackson's -And Mark's -And Youngjae's -They all dance so well it hurts like I live for the choreography and their songs. I want to learn to dance to them all -All of their smiles. Because I feel the sun shine brighter when they smile. Like each one has their own unique smile and all of them are beautiful -BamBam pre glo and after glo. Both are just perfect -Jackson's fucking powerful ass freestyles. Like he's goofy af but he's really got the moves. Go Wang Puppy -Mark can fly -Mark is the visual out of a group of visuals -Mark's hairstyles -Mark's dancing. Really guys, who the hell said he was the weakest? Cause in every dance video, my eyes somehow get drawn to Mark at some point and I have to rewind because he drew me in with his dancing -Like before I noticed Mark, I noticed Mark's dancing -"Who's the red head with the moves? 👀" -His personality shows in his moves. They're fluid and easy going and it looks so easy to follow his moves. Until you actually try to -Then you realize these guys work hard af and Mark has the moves -Jackson with his hair down -He's literally a puppy. I mean a giant puppy for real -But then again they all kinda are -Except for Jinyoung -He reminds me of a kitten -And Yugyeom reminds me of a Golden Retriever sometimes and then a mouse the other -Cause Tom&Jerry -Jinyoung's dorky laugh -Jackson's high pitched laugh -The fact that when Mark laughs, it sounds like he's a child at a park having the most amazing time on the merry go round -It's so giddy and precious and makes him so innocent -HIT THE STAGE YUGYEOM -The migratory bird's laugh -BamBam's breathless laugh -JB's geek laugh -Youngjae laughs like a child being chased by the tickle monster -Yet another person who laughs like a kid having the time of his life -The fact that Youngjae is sunshine otter -The fact that no one can ever really rank members without feeling somewhat discontent because they're all so good at everything like -The rap line sings really well. Jackson is the most confident which shows in his voice. BamBam comes in second with that because he prefers to sing off key purposely to be the meme he is. And then Mark is just a shy bean. It's so cute and I know you're busy squealing at his cuteness and laughing till it hurts at BamBam, but really listen to them -Cause Mark and BamBam have the fucking vocals -While we're on the subject of vocals, JB's voice is so strong and soulful -Like you can tell that man listens to Musiq Soulchild because his voice carries alot of R&B traits -Youngjae made me think of Elliot Yamin the first time I heard his voice and then I find out he likes Elliot Yamin -Not saying they sound like them, but the music you listen to impacts how your voice sounds. And they both have very strong emotional R&B type voices -Lemme not leave Jinyoung out though -I can't really pinpoint a single genre for Jinyoung's voice. -But his voice has alot of emotion and soul -It's soooo underrated -Like have y'all heard his voice in Mr. Chu's chorus? Or in the Japanese version of Stay? Or in This Star?? -Which he wrote -Speaking of which, they write alot of their songs -And they're hits -All over the world -Jinyoung and Yugyeom's choreography skills -Jinyoung's acting -JB's acting - I love both but like... Jinyoung really gives me fucking chills -The fact that they took one of their self made memes and made it into a lit ass song -Youngjae's engrish -Youngjae period -The fact that so many people claim Youngjae is a weak dancer, when I can't seem to find this weak dancer -Like he can move forreal. He's shy about it but he can. He's weak with freestyle and that's cause he's shy. But weak dancer? Where?? Je n'ai comprend pas -Jinyoung's facial expressions -Mark's facial expressions -Both really speak well with their faces -Like Mark can just give a look and you just know what he has to say without him saying it -BamBam's cooking skills -Markson being bilingual on Star King -Like they remind me of two mischievous brothers. I can't ship them as anything but brothers honestly -Like they make me think of a cooler Zack and Cody -Mark is calm quiet -Jackson is loud and rowdy -They're like Yin Yang actually -Mark is calm and quiet but he has hyper and loud within him as well -And Jackson is the opposite -But back to the brothers thing. They're like two smart ass twins who cause good natured trouble -A little like Hikaru and Karou from OHSHC -Dream High 2. -Dream Knight -"A" Teasers -Their reactions to all 3 -Their reaction to Jackson's YouTube video on Weekly Idol -The fact that when Mark gets shy or overwhelmed, he unconsciously clings to or hides behind something -Or someone -Someone like the giant Maknae -They have a giant maknae -Jackson on Roomate -When Jackson's parents came on Christmas -Y'all I'm not an easy crier. But I was bawling -Because Jackson, despite how popular and rowdy and everywhere he is -He's still this amazing kid who loves to be in mommy's arms -He loves his parents so much -The way he lights up with them -I saw a clip where he was in between both his parents -He couldn't keep the smile off his face -Even when he wasn't smiling you felt the light and smile radiating from him -Speaking of smiles... Jackson has bunny teeth -It's so precious -Mark has shark teeth -I have a thing for guys with pretty eyes and pretty smiles so when Mark and Jackson smile... Jesus -JB's eyes. They're extremely cute. Especially when he's in puppy mode (Puppy mode=Hair down and in it's natural state) -The fact that BamBam puts on makeup, but then takes it off and looks the exact same -Except tanner. Which isn't bad at all because his skin tone looks amazing on him -BamBam's legs -Yugyeom's legs -Mark's butt and legs -Jackson's thighs -The fact that Jinyoung is a tease with the clothes he wears showing he does in fact have this bomb ass body but never taking off his clothes and showing us said body -But that's okay because these boys don't need to strip to bring appeal to them. We die when they just breathe -The fact that this could go on forever because they're really amazing and everything. -I'll state a few more and then go to sleep cause it's 4am and bitch I'm dying -Flight Log. All three. Beautiful. -The guitar playing in Flight Log: Departure ( DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN LISTEN TO A FULL COVER CAUSE I REALLY HAVE A THING FOR ACOUSTIC GUITAR AND PIANO) -Youngjae's trance when he plays piano -Yugyeom's trance when he dances -JB and Jinyoung's trance when they sing -Mark's trance period -They love what they do so much that it makes me happy to understand how much they love it -The aura when Yugyeom is being a lil shit and goofing off around his hyungs vs. His aura when he's performing his dance moves -Like Hit The Stage had me shook. His whole aura changed. Maknae my ass. He became daddy -The fact that I can say alot about GOT7 without sounding too creepy or too mature because I was born in 1999 -Youngjae's shyness -Everytime they're on Weekly Idol -Everytime they're on a variety show period -Law Of The Jungle -Mark's Hyper Time -IGOT7 -REAL GOT7 -Just right summer -Youngjae is a visual -GOT7 dissing 2PM -Their reaction when a member of 2PM came out while they were dissing them -Like they all screamed and ran to the other side of the studio like toddlers. So precious -The fact that within the first 5 minutes of IGOT7 episode one, BamBam had us swooning by moving to shyly stand in the corner cause he was overwhelmed by all the cameras -Signal to their pastselves -"ANDWEE?!! ANDWEEEE!!" *Voice cracks* -"This is 2015." " It's 2016." 0.0... "They said it's 2016." -Jackson going off on himself in 3 different languages -"Do you even understand what I'm saying right now?? STUDY KOREAN." -"RAMEYOOOOON (Furious)" -" NEVER ACT CUTE" -"Here.... It is 2016. And you are.....living a really boring life. Do something. Whatever... *Smiles pitifully*" -"Better just not make a comeback period." -DON'T FALL ASLEEP IN THE HAIR SALON -Jinyoung is an little devil -"Did you hear that? He said he's going to kill me." -Jackson's heart -Mark tried to save a fan from a falling light fixture -The fact that Mark is an idol but is so humble and down to earth -"Don't just walk off. Make sure the cameras see you too." -Mark, who cares not for appearing on broadcast, but on being a helpful silent hardworking child. Bless him -Idol life never changed any of them. They're all humble great boys. -"Hyung! Do you believe in me?!" "YES!" "...BUT I WOULD LIKE TO APPEAR ON BROADCAST!" -"BABYBABYBABYBABY-BABYBABY!" -Follow Me -Yugyeom and BamBam are fanboys -They're the best of friends -It's beautiful to watch how close they are -All of them really -No one is left out -They are the definition of "Ohana means family and family means 'No one gets left behind'" -Stan them and everything about them -Because these 7 dorks... The way they are. The things they do. They not only entertain you, but they make you wanna be great too. It's amazing really -They are
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