#holiday novelette
devonellington · 7 months
Wed. Nov. 29, 2023: This Week is a Challenge
image courtesy of Micha via pixabay.com Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Waning Moon Neptune, Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter Retrograde Cloudy and very cold. Over on The Process Muse, we’re talking about artistic security. You can read the post here. There are two episodes going live today, on two different serials. The first is from ANGEL HUNT: Episode 89: Attempted Capture The magic killing…
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duckprintspress · 7 months
Small Business Saturday SALE on duckprintspress.com!
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This Saturday, November 25th, is Small Business Saturday! Looking to shop small this holiday season? Check out Duck Prints Press, the fan-created independent small press that publishes the (usually extremely queer) original work of fanauthors and fanartists. We’ve got great gifts for the queer book lover in your life, including anthologies, short stories, merchandise, and more. And, of course, we’ve got lots of adorable merch featuring our adorable Dux mascot, too!
What have we got? Well, what are you looking for?? We have…
four anthologies!
novels, novellas, and novelettes!
almost 100 short stories, most queer, some explicit!
story bundles!
enamel pins!
art prints!
Dux merch!
book-related miscellany!
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All newsletter subscribers will receive a coupon good for 25% off their ENTIRE PURCHASE made this weekend! So if you’re not a subscriber yet, there’s no time like the present!
And while you’re at it, make sure you follow us on the social media platform(s) of your choice! Also, come read with us on our Book Lover’s Discord Server. Want to support indie queer publishing all year round? Back us on Patreon and get awesome rewards!
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brandyllyn · 7 months
We Four Kings
Set a year and a half after the events in Love Nor Money, We Four Kings is a holiday novelette that revisits the relationship of our favorite Mafia men and the woman who pulls them together.
Maya and the Kings are spending their first Christmas in their new home. But these three men are absolute Grinches when it comes to celebrating the holidays. Will she be stuck eating her Christmas cookies alone or will she be able to convince them to join in the holiday cheer?
Click here to pre-order.
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
mermie: i write at the glacial pace of a wounded snail
also mermie: is working on a chapter that, at last shown wordcount in the same range as a novelette
merms. mermie. mermsy baby. that is not a wounded snail pace!!! stop complaining that you aren't as fast as sprinter when you're running a marathon!!!!
love, jeweler anon
Jeweler Anon. 🥺 Just when I needed you. 🥺 Hello!!!
Idk though I’ve been going through a mini crisis with my writing LMAO because even though logically I know I have done this to myself, and that it’s just the way this particular fic is working out, it’s hard to feel like all you do is write write write and get no where. 😔 Like izuku pt. 2 is currently standing at 31k and I’m both so close to finishing it and so far away from the end, too. 🥺 idk. I just feel like i have nothing to offer bc every single word i have in me is going to like, this or the regency fic!! I wanna do fun drabbles or whatever, i wanna do fun things reeeeee!!! instead I feel like I’m inside during the summer holidays with like, extra homework, while the neighbourhood kids build themselves lil go-carts and forts and lemonade stands and I have to watch them come trekking back in the afternoons with their hats filled with like, idk, mulberries they found down beyond the creek or something. 🥺
and it’s even MORE stupid because i do this to myself by writing these chapters like this!!!! 😡😡😡😡 like Mum’s in the background going, “you know you can go outside right…?” And I’m like “NO, I wanna get this done before school starts!!!” 😡😡😡😡 stupid. It’s fine. We all make our choices and I don’t regret the way I do things for all my sulking. It would just be easier if I was faster!!! 😭😭😭
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Ohh... Sweet Holiday Angel
What a ride that was! 🥵
Seriously though. It's always especially fascinating to me when you guys came up with very long one-shots, or series that amount to thousand and thousand of words! What you're doing is basically giving me a portion of a novel, so i'm beyond grateful for the great escape that it presents, and your hard work --no matter the length.
Ok. So, first things first, i absolutely love your version of August! Still tough but not as much, commanding at times but not often, a cocky cheeky bastard but with a playful side, still troubled, still dominant but not as hard, definitely a player, and with a tender side of him that i find quite therapeutic in a character. I still love reading the often portrayed hard version of him (let's call it like that but you know what i mean) at times, but i guess this is my kind of romantic, and he's definitely my kind of August.
What's more is that he's a dad! 😍 To a young-adult daughter! Love this!
The smut, you absolutely nailed it! Again! I'm bad at articulating my thoughts for the juicy parts accurately, but my rapid heart beat could tell you something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I feel like i could comment on every scene and every interaction and every word, but that just would be a long-ass (longer than this?) comment. Instead, i'm gonna say what a delightful, enjoyable reading this was! Yes, it is awkward when it's reader and her besties' dad, but him essentially helping her realize she can experience the passion she wants in her life, and not being a total dick along the way and treat her right, makes it not as awkward and uncomfortable as to make me stop reading, idk. I also might be trying to justify sth here, but anyway :D
“Is that what you meant by passion?” he asked. “It’s a start.”
This here, made me "IS IT??", but i'm glad where you left them at the end. It's more realistic, though it's fiction so i guess we can always get some more? (pun definitely not intended lol) Especially when you further attacked me with the thought of Professor Marshall, a man that is so fine to look at that it's distracting, you know 🥰
Thank you again for this beautiful work you've done. I'll be waiting very patiently for the next wonder you'll come up with!
Have a lovely day 💐
Flower Bouquet Anon!
I'm so glad you got a chance to power through Holiday Angel! I see it was everything for you I hoped it would be!
Yes, being inspired to basically write a novelette is amazing. (I sometimes wish I had the guts to do it for real, but self promotion is not my forte and breaking into that world feels especially daunting.)
I, too, love my August, and you're also right: the other versions of August floating around out there are all just as hot and desirable. But I wanted him a little sweet for this adventure. I'm glad it worked for you. 😘 (And I see you picked up on my hints that he's a player. For real. No one is tying that man down.)
If I could hook my readers up to a heart monitor when they get to the smut, I hope it all looks like this:
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Ahhhhh, It's a start! That line was meant to lead into the rest of the night's pleasure, but I can appreciate wanting more of that relationship. But yes, as you saw, one night only. August Walker is an extremely intelligent man and not interested in ruining his daughter's life or friendship.
Thank you again for all your lovely encouragement! It means the world to me!
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calanthecolt · 1 year
I’m trying something out. I have a book coming out in 2023. So, I decided to write a prequel novelette and release it for free now to see how it goes.
If you’re interested in a quick free read set in a world like ours but with magic, then you might like to check this one out.
Jack is backpacking around a foreign country to have some fun before he goes to mage tech. He’s got his life after this holiday planned out. Sort of. But then fate comes knocking in a most unexpected way.
He figured this holiday would help him learn more about himself. He just didn’t know how much there would be to learn.
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maybemockingbird · 18 days
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Today is my birthday! I'm so excited to have so many wonderful things happening in my little indie author career, and I want to open an invitation to YOU to help me celebrate by becoming a Cosmonaut today! My Patreon community is amazing and I'd love to see it continue to grow with fans of cozy, queer, genre-blending web novels and haunting horror romances! So, if you want to get access to over 1,000 pages of content, support an indie author on their birthday AND get a discount on the spicy stuff, please head on over to my Patreon and nab a free trial of one of my tiers to dive into tons of content today and help make my birthday so special!
I have SIX uploads coming between today and Monday for my b-day and the holiday, so now is a great time to dive in, AND my 18+ tier is 25% off until May 31st and you'll be locked into that price FOREVER!
The tiers include:
AL's SUPER NOVAS - The Night Farm (a cozy horror BL web novel)
STARRY-EYED SPACE COWBOYS - The Night Farm (a cozy horror BL web novel), The Wayward Souls of Avalon (a slice-of-sci-fi BL web novel), Lonely Planet Hotel (a soft sci-fi drama web novel)
GALAXY-WIDE GHOULFRIENDS - The Night Farm (a cozy horror BL web novel), The Wayward Souls of Avalon (a slice-of-sci-fi BL web novel), Lonely Planet Hotel (a soft sci-fi drama web novel), and tons of horror and horror romance short stories!
SAUCY SPACE CADETS - The Night Farm (a cozy horror BL web novel), The Wayward Souls of Avalon (a slice-of-sci-fi BL web novel), Lonely Planet Hotel (a soft sci-fi drama web novel), All Hail The Pale Kings (an 18+ supernatural horror-romance web novel), tons of horror and horror romance short stories, bonus spicy content for all web novels, the Monsterlover Monday series, bonus short stories for my debut novella When The Rain Begins To Burn AND a free quarterly novelette!
Thank you for making my birthday so special future Cosmonauts, I hope to see you in the starry skies soon!
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unclevladscorner · 6 months
November/December slowness
I've learned very quickly that the last two months of the year are not productive for me. On top of seasonally affected depression, the stress of the holiday season leaves me low on spoons.
I am still slowly working on things in the background. I am still writing, but very slowly. I am also working on my book release, but also very slowly. I've only started to accept that I will not be able to work on creative projects at this time of year, and I'll have to change my focus come November.
That being said, I am working on two manuscripts right now- one full length novel and a novelette.
More announcements are coming, but I need to get passed Christmas before I can fully focus on wrapping work on my book and getting it released.
Part of the process will be splitting my pen name off onto a separate blog from this one, and creating at least an Instagram account for my pen name as well. I've also got to set up a kickstarter, make promotional graphics, register on KDP, arrange ARC distribution, and do a host of other things to prepare.
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duskpeterson · 7 months
Important news: My month-long break from posting had such a marvellous effect on my mental health that I'm switching over to a once-a-month posting schedule for both my blog and my story releases. Same amount of fic each month, just bunched together into one package.
(So, for example, under the old, weekly-update system, I would have serialized my latest novelette over the space of three weeks. Instead, subscription readers get the whole novelette at once.)
An exception to the once-a-month rule: December will have two updates. In early December, I'll issue a story for my subscription readers. At Midwinter, I'll post my annual holiday gift story for all my readers.
Patreon story index.
The New Guard (The Three Lands: Empty Dagger Hand side story). Hope is hard when your world is crumbling. ¶ An interview for honorable work goes awry for Fyfe when danger descends upon the Land of Koretia. Now Koretia faces its worst crisis in decades. Amidst the mayhem, who is likely to care about the struggles of a despised ditch-digger? ¶ Novelette. Tags: historical fantasy (late antiquity, secondary world), poverty, soldiers, war, crime, spirituality, compassion. Read the beginning online. You don't need to have read other stories in the series to understand this story.
A Visitor's Guide to the Three Lands (The Three Lands). Are you considering visiting the Great Peninsula? Are you in need of a guide? This guidebook by the internationally famous Ambassador of the God's Land will introduce you to the charming quirks (and deadly dangers) of the Three Lands of the Great Peninsula. ¶ New chapter of an ongoing serial. Tags: historical fantasy (late antiquity, secondary world). You don't need to have read other installments to understand this one. The latest installment:
Chapter 1.28: Taboo topics.
Comments are welcome.
FIC DISCUSSION: Where would you go on vacation, if you visited one of my worlds?
CURRENT EVENTS: Frightening scientific predictions on AI.
ANCIENT ETHICS QUESTION: How much variety should we have in our reading matter? Question posed by Seneca.
I've added a boilerplate warning to my stories to my website. Most of you have seen this warning before; I put it on my website so that new readers could easily find it.
I've managed to locate my missing journals and story notebooks from when I was young, so I've temporarily taken down A Documentary Memoir in order to revamp the series. I should have it back up in the new year.
Likewise, the next part of Empty Dagger Hand is on hold till then, since we have the holidays coming up.
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marvelousgeeks · 7 months
Jessica Joyce could write a grocery list or the most tedious instruction manual, and I’m pretty sure she’d still sprinkle magic into every sentence. It’s why she wrote the tiniest novelette, and I’m sitting here thinking about it hours after finishing, needing to get my feelings out. In other words, A Risk Worth Taking by Jessica Joyce is a little treat worth diving into for the holidays. 
While there aren’t a ton of Christmas schmaltzy shenanigans, Joyce still bestows us with something warm and tender in the short amount of time we have. She imbues her characters with so much heart that even in a single point-of-view story, we get a chance to understand both characters intimately. And more than anything, as she did with her debut novel, You, With a View, she brings something thoughtfully binding to the forefront that allows us to believe in the attraction the characters are feeling. Theo Spencer and Noelle Shepard have their secrets, while Claire Ashford and Connor Stella have their carefulness. 
Continue Reading
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devonellington · 6 months
The Ghost of Lockesley Hall
When a dark, mysterious stranger arrives on Edwina's snowy doorstep on Christmas Eve, is he the answer to saving her beloved family home, or another threat? A holiday mystery/romance novelette, a perennial favorite. Only 99 cents.
Buy link: https://books2read.com/u/38RnV6
#TheGhostofLockesleyHall #Holidays #Mystery #Romance #ShortFiction #WritingCommunity #Authors
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briankeene · 2 years
Time In A Bottle
Today marks eight years since the passing of my best friend and frequent collaborator, J. F. (Jesus) Gonzalez. Every year, right around this time of morning, I remember getting the call from his wife, Cathy, telling me he’d passed. See, while Jesus was indeed battling cancer, his death was still unexpected. The cancer was bad, and he was in the fight of his life, for sure. But we all thought he’d have longer. So that call was unexpected, and it shook me, and eight years later, it shakes me still.
In the time since, we (the genre) and I (Brian Keene) have lost more dear friends. Tom Piccirilli, Dave Thomas, Dave Barnett, Gak, Dallas Mayr (who readers knew as Jack Ketchum), Charlee Jacob, John Pelan, Jay Wilburn, Peter Straub, and many more. It doesn’t seem to stop.
But, for me, it all seems to have started with Jesus.
I’ve spent the last eight years honoring the wishes he expressed to me, and taking care of his literary estate. We just arranged the return of rights for Survivor, Monsters and Animals, Hero, The Killings, Clickers, Clickers II, Clickers III, and Clickers vs. Zombies. Which means that his wife and daughter now have the right to everything in his catalog (they already had the rights to all of the rest of his work). New editions of those books will be released over the next year. A new edition of Shapeshifter will be released around the holidays, and a new edition of Conversion will follow next year, as will a new edition of Clickers Forever with brand-new bonus content.
But that’s it for the reprints. Now we are left with unpublished r uncollected short fiction (enough to fill three or four more collections), unpublished non-fiction (enough for two or three collections), a few short novelettes, and a handful of unfinished novels. That may sound like a lot to you, the reader, but it isn’t. It is a finite amount. Indeed, I can’t think of anything that feels more finite. If his work were sands in then hourglass, then those sands are growing thin.
Speaking of sands in the hourglass, here’s the top of my desk.
So, what are we looking at here? Well, the Legos and Play-Doh sculptures were gifts from my youngest son, as was the Spider-Man action figure. The Irish mug belonged to Richard Laymon. The Bloom County mug was a gift from my mother, when I got out of the Navy. The stuffed animal was a gift from Mary. The two stone sculptures came from my grandfather, picked up overseas during World War Two. The Spider Jerusalem action figure is something I bought for myself.
And the little mini-whiskey bottle?
That’s Jesus.
The desk was Jesus’s, as well — his last great practical joke on myself and director Mike Lombardo, who spent most of a day struggling and cursing to get it up out of his basement office and onto a truck, and then into my house… before realizing that we could have taken the fucking thing apart and then put it back together.
But I digress.
Some of Jesus’s ashes were scattered in the Pacific. Some reside with his wife and daughter. The rest, contained in this mini-bottle, were sealed up in a wall at The York Emporium, our favorite local bookstore. Were sealed is the key statement there. If you’ve read End of the Road, then you know about the heist, and then the reverse-heist, both involving this bottle. Well, earlier this year, I got the ashes out of the wall again. Ostensibly it was for a book that I am writing for Richard Chizmar at Cemetery Dance. I’m not going to tell you much about the book, except to say that it acts as both a sequel to End of the Road and stands on its own, as well. And Jesus’s ashes were key to writing the thing. So, I sprung him from the Emporium earlier this year (but this time with no subterfuge), and he’s secretly been coming to every signing and public appearance I’ve been at since March. And when we’re not on the road, he sits there on the desk. Good times, saved in a bottle.
Except that’s not really true, is it? Unlike that beautiful ballad of old, you can’t save time in a bottle. If anything, the bottle is a reminder of those sands at the bottom of the hourglass, growing thinner and thinner with each new release.
I believe that our consciousness continues in some form after we leave here. But I also believe that what we leave behind is just dust in the wind (to quote another great oldie).
I used to believe that our words gave us a sort of literary eternal life — a permanence not available to others. And sure, that still applies in some cases. Mary Shelley and Poe and Shirley Jackson and Lovecraft and Richard Matheson live on. But there are a whole slew of writers whose literary output would be dust in the wind if not for Grady Hendrix’s Paperbacks From Hell and the efforts of publishers like Valancourt Books and Centipede Press and Borderlands Press. Indeed, I have been of a mind for quite some time that if anyone is responsible for horror fiction’s latest resurgence, it is Grady and Valancourt (and since many critics and historians — rightly or wrongly) credit me with the previous resurgence, then I reckon my word carries some weight in this regard.
But if Paperbacks From Hell hadn’t been published, or worse, if it had been published and nobody read it? There’s two decades of horror fiction writers who’d barely be remembered except by uber-fans of a certain age.
I know what happens to us after we die. I have solved that mystery to my content and satisfaction. But I don’t know what happens to our words after we die, and that is something I find myself thinking about more and more when I look up from my computer and stare at the bottle.
— Brian Keene
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piepress · 2 years
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There's nothing like Glosser Bros during the holidays. Purchase Robert Jeschonek's book and enjoy new novelettes never before seen. Get your copy at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
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4th Quarter Launch!
Update: Our 4th Quarter is only a weekend away! Starting Monday, October 3rd, we’ll be posting stories from our terrific authors! 
Jesse “Heels” Rawlins returns with a special presentation of her crime/adventure novelette, “Damaged Goods.” 
An elderly man ventures into cursed woods to confront unspeakable evil in “The Grandfathers of Benson’s Corners,” by Roy Dorman. 
An aging pro wrestler decides to come out of semi-retirement “It’s All A Work To Begin With,” by John Patrick Robbins. 
The life of a punk rock rebel is chronicled in “Live Fast, Die Faster,” by Kevin Hibshman. 
A deaf woman wakes up to find the world gone mad during the Christmas season in “Happy Holidays” by Michelle Chambliss. 
And a mysterious woman bewitches a hapless man in “Desiree,” by Sebnem Sanders. 
Stay tuned!
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obsoletecartography · 2 years
the tarot sequence really said ‘here’s four adults with varying relationships to each other. they all live in one big house and help raise the five kids they have between them. also they’re all magic. and gay’ and i said okay mr edwards and cried a lot
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sjficrecs · 5 years
Jack’s on medical leave after a little mishap at HWS and Sam comes to visit him... and gets snowed in. 
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