#his apology was ass though
edwardslostalchemy · 4 months
Alright so for katsuki bakugou rising, there's a lot to unpack in this episode. First, we have Aizawa literally cutting off his own LEG to keep him from losing his quirk, what the FUCK. I know this happens, but it still surprises me! We have Shouto come in!!!! My BABY finally joins the fight!!! Also great confirmation that he knows first aid/triage, whatever it's called in this universe, when he helped Gran Torino when he got donuted by Shigaraki. I love how Izuku just goes insane and keeps fighting. I also think it was fucking great how it was SET UP as a foreshadowing that he was going to lose his arms because he kept remembering the doctor talking about him sustaining such big injuries. But that's bullshit because we all know that doesn't happen. But it would have had such a satisfying payoff to have him lose his arms as a consequence. I've been SCREAMING about Izuku losing his arms for YEARS. The fact he DIDN'T is so stupid. Narratively speaking, that's what should have happened. That's what the narrative was saying with all this. Anyway, he has busted up arms again. Insane how neither Rock Lock nor Manual know first aid but Shouto comes in and he does. These are adult pro heroes, they SHOULD know the basics??? Shouto knows because I'm assuming his dad trained him, endeavor is nothing but thorough. These bitches have no excuse; they're professionals. I may not be remembering things correctly though because I forgot they have Aizawa. Anyway, I love that we get to see that bakugou is concerned for Izuku, and we get to see his desperation. I liked it. Really good delivery and execution. He comes up with a plan, sees it through. Then he sees Izuku "I have no self-preservation" Midoriya is about to get skewered and then he goes and takes the hit for him. No complaints. Very good. I liked it. The build up was there. Finally, he is doing something to atone. Still fucked up he admitted he bullied Izuku because Izuku lacked self-preservation??? Stupid bitch. But okay, he took the skewer for him. Thanks for your sacrifice. Izuku WILL go feral for that. LESS likely to have self-preservation, but that's a problem for Izuku from 5 minutes from now I guess. I'm STRESSED, but I'm having fun watching. Also the end credits changed for bakugou holding out to Izuku's hand, finally the acceptance of the person he's tormented for years. It only took a lot of shit to get him there but OKAY I GUESS. Let's keep going.
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add1ctedt0you · 5 months
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What a plot twist you were. [x]
#Like. The narrator introduces jc to us as the antagonist#Then we got to know him. Not who people think he's. But who he really is#And we saw jc giving wwx a piggyback. Giving him soup. Rescuing him. Putting himself between wwx and any danger (madam yu/wen soldiers)#And even the staged fight. It's yk. Staged#jc wanted to protect wwx at any cost. But wwx wasn't willing to compromise. But jc did#The fight was wwx's idea. Because jc is an enabler (just like jfm and jyl)#jc is ready to bend for his loved ones sake#The point is. Every action jc takes. Is in the name of his loves ones' safety. And surprise. wwx is one of the people jc really cares about#Even after wwx' return. Aside a broken cup. jc isn't doing much to stop wwx or anything. We know that jl was able to free wwx from Zidian#only because jc - Zidian's primary master- wanted it!#And jc fling himself into danger countless times to save wwx even though wwx can't sit still with him for a hot minute#What I wanted to say it's that the jc is presented to us - the mean ungrateful man- is very different from the real jc -#the indulgent uncle who rolls his eyes at his nephew antics. the brother who buries the hatchet for his sister's happiness.#the uncle who kinda wants to help wn to get up from the floor because he was an ass to jc but he helped jl and that's what matters to jc#the sect leader who let two women speak freely their mind in a patriarchy society#People better than me have already said this. shit I can't remember my point lmao#Like. jc is presented as an antagonist but what this man wanted was an apology and an explanation#This post is a mix of a rant I wrote last year (ha) after seeing a bad take. About what I don't remember lmaoo. And me wanting#to make gifs of wzc in this scene. Why does he look so good. It should be illegal. Seriously#jiang cheng#*mgifs
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i-mode · 1 year
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based on this post
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Simon: *being treated with anything less than optimal love, happiness, care, kindness, adoration, protection*
Me: 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
@anonfromtheflight: 🪓🪓🪓🪓🪓🪓🪓🪓🪓
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Why was I sitting on this picture for this long?
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svampira · 3 months
i know what im going to paint next but i kinda wanna doodle elias promoting the most rancid dangerous products on tiktok (when he was human) while swearing up and down he isn't being paid for it
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aureoboros · 9 months
our flag means death teaser just dropped. they really did that. i will be screaming and crying for the rest of eternity
i haven't been feeling very well recently so i haven't gotten around to fanart yet, but i absolutely will as soon as i can!!
i have never been this excited about a second season of a show !!!!! it's kind of wild to me that it's a real thing that exists. so many cancelled shows have made me less optimistic for renewals, but it's incredible that this story is really going to continue !! the first season didn't really get any advertisement at all, it was all just by queer word of mouth. and i think that's lovely !! it just shows what we can make happen when we band together :] (it'd be even better if hbo max paid their writers and actors fair living wages though,, just saying,,) i can't wait to watch this silly pirate show and for online to be like march of last year again !! october 5th we're so back !! we're all in the brainrot again folks
will be yelling about the teaser in the tags just in case anyone who comes across this hasn't seen it yet, and if you haven't, go watch it !!
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ritzcuit · 2 months
i aam deep in dhurkedatz specifically thoughts today. Oh the them. oh the unspoken of it all. the unlabeled. we got a good thing going. of course this is my ... he's my. You know. well hes my right hand man of course. im the fangs o' the defiant dragon. but that doesnt explain it fully.. thats business. and their lives are almost entirely business but Not Quite. and beyond the revolution they escape description...thats his best friend. that's his datz..
dhurke loves amara like crazy his love for her never died at all ... datz isn't a replacement ... hes just his datz. you know? 20 years of partnership cant go away like that. theyre together. partners!! and rumors fly and theres jokes. call off your boyfriend! so whens the marriage? and theres shared looks and pitying looks and understanding looks and skeptical looks but no one Speaks on it.. its unspoken!! but its there. by god.
like i wouldnt dream of doing anything without you. or that dhurke knows when he gets reunited with his family once more, for real this time, datz is gonna be there. and amara isn't being replaced so shes not concerned at all lol shes like ... what ... and take away his datz? what kind of monster do you take me for :( Like she knows. and everyone KNOWS. thats just his datz. and thats his dhurke. and you cant seperate them its unethical its cruel and unusual punishment its not nice
All the small tiny things... the years of history in each others actions ... the energy and focus shifting between them without needing to ask. in a discussion fixing to break out into a fight datz defuses it. datz tense and uncomfortable outta his mind and dhurke spots the way he tugs at his scarf and makes an excuse for datz to leave early. he asks to be waken up in a few hours so they can trade ofd guard duty and datz says yeah but they both know he'll stay up the whole night just to let dhurke sleep longer (this i stole from such terrible tales bc that detail made me sick) Like Ugh Like i cant Like i just dont know
and its not that they dont want to label it but its just so...what would change really. dhurke knows datz loves him and datz knows dhurke loves him (though maybe some nights he really does need reassurance, and he gets in his head about it, and somehow- through ways datz doesn't have a clue how- dhurke can tell when datz is quiet from upset as opposed to another reason, and he'll take datz's hand and kiss his knuckles and Thank Him so deeply and earnestly that it burns out any negative thought datz has ever had in his life ... crazy.)
and hes the family friend and the sort of uncle and the right hand man and compatriot and everyone knows just by the way they lean against each other and speak in half finished sentences and answer questions that weren't fully asked ... reference jokes from years ago and diffuse each other and the way datz is obviously gloomy when dhurke is gone vs perks up when he comes back And the way dhurke is on edge and his leaderly dad warmth is slightly colder while datz is in prison like even when theyre not together you can tell the impact left on each others lives LIKE IM SICK FOR REAL
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
thinking once again about how eliot's safety and ability to do his job well relies on him being seen as a Big Bad Scary Hitter - that's what his grift in the french connection job etc is for, it's a useful reputation, it keeps the wolves at bay - and how he hires quinn for what he knows is gonna be a high-stakes job. he brings quinn with him to intercept dubenich, lets quinn see his hand shake as he tries to talk himself into-or-out-of killing the mark, then turns around and chats with him afterwards. bickers with him easily when they shake hands at the end.
there's a trust between them from the moment eliot lays out the job offer, and it has to be more than "we have no particular reason to betray each other yet."
I'm thinking about... the code of honour in hitter circles, where A Favour is both a recognised thing and a respected currency. about eliot's confidentiality with regard to old employers. about the network of contacts (I have to assume) who can tell you if someone can be trusted and if they're as good as they claim. about eliot's seemingly thoughtless trust in quinn.
(he had to have researched, surely. if only to know where to find him. if only to be sure there aren't any big players currently after his blood. if only to find out that quinn is exactly the kind of dangerous they need for the job, no more, no worse.)
I just have a lot of fondness for He's A Killer But He's Not A Jackass quinn, who would take on a hit and accidentally go up against eliot spencer (uh oh), but can be trusted with more delicate things.
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I can't even tell what it's supposed to BE. I figure it's probably related to 8 given the ∞ = 8 motif in the first teaser and the fact 8 is also supposed to have a new location and come out early 2024 (per Nakaya, unless there are delays). But if it is 8, this is just such a baffling choice as the reveal trailer for the next entry in the MAIN series after the intrigue set up by the teaser. Well, if nothing else, this trailer sure was... revealing...
There is the apparent Microsoft exclusivity, of course, but I don't quite know what to make of it, since Xbox promotional material for RGG historically never mentions competing platforms like PlayStation anyway even if they're available on all platforms.
The tagline does scream sidegame though right like it sounds like a casual business sim or something.. and Yokoyama mentioned 8 wouldn't have a tagline in Japan on purpose... but this is the English trailer, and there's no JP buzz around the release at all so far that I've seen (granted, the trailer dropped at like, 3 a.m. JST)... EXTREMELY odd. Extremely odd. I guess we'll see pretty soon though!
Ranting and Raving aside, I can't help find the premise of taking the series to America funny. I mean. I was HOWLING at the trailer itself but taking a step back for a second. Because RGGS has always been open to taking the series overseas, but it's always been like, France or somewhere else in Europe; they've explicitly said they wouldn't be taking it to America. And Yet.
Also just doubly funny to me to see Ichi in America looking so confused because earlier, I was thinking about Masato's time in America and your idea of Jo accompanying him, and how I can see Jo being that Completely Lost parent who doesn't speak English and has to rely on their kid's fluency to get around. And pretty much right before the trailer dropped I was talking about how It Would Be Funny if Mine got a scholarship overseas and he went to uni with Masato unwittingly, since they're about the same age... manifested...
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im going to scream and shit at my inbox activity FJRLAKJAKLJ EVERYONE SLOW DOWN FOR FIVE SECONDS HELP I JUST GOT OUT OF MY CAR
in any case what in the god damn piss fuck is HAPPENING IN THIS GAME
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reggiestein · 1 year
licorice >:3c
Sexuality Headcanon: uhhh. whatever i am😈 hes everything and nothing to me. one moment i see him as some form of bi the next i see him as greyromantic or something
Gender Headcanon: im one of the like 2 people that sees him as cis but i understand the transfem headcanon, its cute and i get it :p hes probably like vaguely demiboy or something like that to me but i don't think abt it enough to give a detailed answer
A Ship I Have With Said Character: purple yam and licorice/licoyam even though im one out of like 2 people that ship them ever <3 they don't understand me im different im alone. ALSO angel food cake x licorice duh. my little things
BROTP: uhhhh? hm. I like the idea of avocado and him being friends based on that one puns vid, i think it'd be cute and funny🙏 i think him and affogato hanging is funny but strictly in a gossip way. I wish him and pom could be friends in an alternate universe somewhere bc i think that'd be really funny (i want to like pomegranate so bad) I FEEL LIKE THERES MORE BUT I CANT THINK OF ANY😑 lame
NOTP: OH MY GOD okay. I hate licorice/clo.ver (cant remember the ship name🙏) and lico/fait so so bad im sorry. theres no real rational reason i just always hate the way they make licorice out idk. but people can like it its not problematic or anything BUT TAG YOUR POSTS PLEASE I HAVE THE TAGS BLOCKED BUT THEY KEEP SHOWING UP💔💔💔💔 also same with darklico but i think its more weird because im pretty sure theres an age gap there. if dark choco was an adult/almost an adult when milk was a kid then he's most definitely older than licorice, a cookie thats canonically a young adult (when asked about his age in the qna live they said he was "old enough to be a highschool dropout if that gives any implication" and also this desc from the operation poison mushroom thing)
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Also licopom pom is a lesbian BUT ALSO why do ppl who hate licopom always act like licorice is gross or something i always see him put at the forefront like he made the ship or something. idk maybe im insane but i always see that its so weird
IDK WHY THE NOTP SECTION IS SO LONG ig i had a lot to say sorry :| anyways ppl can like lico/fait and li/clover (??) (Ill leave their tags alone) but if you like darklico or licopom youre a lil weird sorry
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I just think it’s interesting that in Bender’s Big Score, Bender is super excited to get mind controlled by the horny nude aliens and do their bidding. He actively helps them take over Planet Express and then the world.
He doesn’t even try to resist it at all he just lets it happen and even downloads the virus willingly (because he’s a dumbass, but still). The only time he tries to resist it at all is when he’s ordered to kill Fry, and he was pretty much enjoying it up until that point.
Even the title “Bender’s Big Score” is misleading because Bender doesn’t even steal all that stuff for himself. He steals it for someone else and doesn’t even complain about this.
All of this is to say that Bender has extreme bottom energy in this movie and is very weak-willed. Despite the lady’s man reputation Bender tries to uphold, he can’t hide the fact that he secretly wants to be absolutely rawdogged.
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writerfae · 1 year
Here’s the half-assed sequel/au angst I talked about
@rithalie-sideblog because you showed interest and @deadlycupid cause you always have to suffer through my angsty writing xD
“It was all in vain,” Talon whispered. “He’s dead… and for what?”
He wanted to scream, but grief tied up his throat like a rope around his neck.
His voice cracked. “For what?”
Aiden had tried to save the Alder. But it was too late. Now they had lost them both.
The goddess shook her head, looking at Aiden laying in Talon’s arms.
She put a hand on the shoulder of the poor man that clutched to the lifeless body in his hold, tears streaming down his face.
“A sacrifice made out of love is never in vain,” she said. “Look.”
Talon looked up to her through his tears. “I don’t understand. What…?” he questioned, but was interrupted by a sudden light.
He looked back at Aiden and gasped.
His whole body seemed to glow, hundreds of little lights rising from the lifeless figure in his arms.
Glowing golden like fireflies, they danced in the air like the seeds of a dandelion carried away by the wind.
More and more lights ascended, dancing to the mighty branches of the dead Alder.
Talon watched them in awe, arms tightening around Aiden, in fear his love would dissolve into nothing if he didn’t hold him tight enough.
The lights settled on the tree and where they touched the branches, the tree came back to life, rich green leaves blooming, its crown glowing with newfound light, newfound life.
The dancing light dissolved and before them stood the mighty Alder in full bloom.
Healthy. Alive.
And brighter than ever before, with all signs of sickness gone.
Talon wouldn’t have believed it if he didn’t see it happening. He looked down to Aiden, eyes fixed on his pale face.
It was as if he were asleep, sweetly dreaming in the arms of his beloved like he had often done in his life.
He looked so peaceful. Like he could wake up any second, smiling up to him. But he never would.
Tears began to fall again and Talon leaned forward to kiss Aiden’s forehead, before burying his face in the chest of the man he had loved and now lost forever.
“He is not lost,” the goddess said gently.
“He gave his life so that the Alder could live, to keep all of us save. His soul will live on in the holy tree. And in all of us.
Just like his love.”
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astral-catastrophe · 9 months
Momma doesn’t want her opinions of my dad to change my views on him, yet in reality, my respect for him had diminished two ish years ago when he didn’t trust my mom with something they were both being secretive about, but as the smart and eldest daughter I was able to piece it all together.
In reality he is a manipulative and selfish bastard who cares for nothing other than himself, despite his claims that he loves the siblings and I.
If you really loved us, you would be more considerate and flexible and kind. You haven’t been kind. You have been awful and said awful stuff about my mother that is not true. Anything she has said about you is stuff that I not already knew, but is stuff that is visible.
maybe I truly am just my mother’s child, but I can’t deal with a father who isn’t nice to me, isn’t nice to my siblings, and most importantly, is so fucking awful to my mother.
I want him to stop trying to fix whatever he thought he broke. Reality is that I haven’t trusted him in years because when I did go to him, he never helped with shit. He never actually helped and made stuff worse because he always tries for peace but never understood that my situations didn’t need peace I needed someone to take away the person who mentally abused and manipulated me but he instead instigated her by not stopping her from anything. Despite my complaints and his so called superior knowledge just because he’s a fucking adult.
yea you’re a fucking adult, but that means you should be the protector of your family and should trust them so you can help them. Not whatever you did. You did everything wrong, hated father of mine
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iero · 2 years
you barely post mcr anymore wtf? unfollowed
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
thoseve yall who were here a year ago might remember that a year ago He was liking tweets like "idk how people can cheat when im in love im obsessed😍" and "the honeymoon stage rlly doesnt die if youre with the right person🥰" and he was liking stuff like that up till recently now shit like this is in his likes something is BROKEN in him
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#i feel bad. i dont even mean it in a conceited way but i cant help but feel like a bit of this is my fault#hes so bright eyed and ambitious that the idea of him losing any of that idealism is nothing short of a goddamned tragedy im sorry#yes this is the guy who lead me on (unintentionally???) and flirted with me for a year despite seeing TWO people during that time#the latter of which became his girlfriend (who i told Everything to ...)#and like. he never apologized he never explained what was going on or why he acted like a fucking simp for a year#but basically we're not talking now and we're on bad terms and angry at each other#(me because. well yall were there for that . hes angry because i ratted his flirty ass out )#god that all stings so bad i havent talked about the details of what happened to anyone......#but yeah i just. even still after all this time i hope he stays bright eyed. the idea that he wouldnt is heartbreaking in and of itself.#that one crush situation lol#idk if theyre still together. it was early novembet i reached out to his gf and laid the whole thing out for her#& she said theyd 'take it from here' (??????) and was uncomfortable with me and him communicating with the knowledge that THAT ALL happened#even while they were together. i told her i could respect that (even though i wanted to ask her who the FUCK she thought she was. anyways)#and then i reached out to him one last time to clarify i wasnt dredging it up for retaliation or to break them up but bc she genuinely#deserved to know. then he sorta said fuck my feelings and then reiterated what his gf said that we shouldnt be talking anymore#its been radio silence since then from bothve them. if they did break up id feel bad (cause how COULDNT i?) but if they didnt.#that means the only factor that changed here was. well. his 'relationship'/chances of a relationship/flirtationship/friendship with me.#i dunno. im not gonna act like i have all the facts and im not gonna act like he hasnt screwed me over#but getting back to my main point. imagine knowing him and watching him lose his idealism. try not being heartbroken over that.
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