#hilly holly
pigeonse · 9 months
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an IQ of 6000? more likely than you think
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weltato · 1 year
Well smeg
I've fallen into a Red Dwarf rabbit hole again
I think it's called a White Hole?? /jk
Anyway, yell at me about it, I'd love to ramble about my favourite silly little space show with talking toasters and sarcastic holograms :))
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mirion7 · 10 months
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Red dwarf tarot card - The Hierophant
Featuring captain Hollister who've turned into a chicken
(how sad for captain Paxo)
Next card up is The Lovers, and I know there's plenty of canon ships (Lister and Kochanski, Rimmer and McGruder, Holly and Hilly, Cat and himself, etc), however I think we're all forgetting the ultimate one (Lister and his gelf wife)
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dragon-fire-fire · 8 months
I want a fic with lifeguard Billy and he teaches kids classes. He’s teaching Holly and she absolutely adores him. She’s like “Billy sounds like Holly, so we basically have the same name!” They have nicknames for each other and just a cute relationship that absolutely baffles Nancy and Mike. Maybe Billy’s nickname is Bolly and Holly’s is Hilly.
One day the Wheeler’s go to the pool with all of the Party and when they get there, Billy is on a downshift and Holly just goes running up to him, just so happy to see her favorite big kid. (Nancy and Mike are mean and Jonathan is gross and she doesn’t remember Steve much)
Everyone is so shocked they even know each other. And Karen likes Billy (not like she did in the show, that was weird) so she says hi and the 3 are just hanging out while everyone just stares.
Billy is smiling and messing around with Holly and Holly is talking about school and swimming just talking his ear off.
While the Party + Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan are trying to figure out what’s happening. Wondering if he’s possessed or was body-switched.
I think that’d be a good fic
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hillian-sketch · 5 months
Rendom stuff about hilly and Os because I'm stuck in a bus and I am bored
there room mate
The house belong 100% to Hillian because his signature is on all the official houses documents
Os is basically the parent of the duo literally they keep the house clean they cook the food they shop for the grocery etc
Hillian work as a killer for hired or a more common name assassin their really good at his job simply killing someone is usually price at 2000$ , killing+making it look like an incident/suicide is 2500$ , killing+fully cleaning the crime scene is 3000$ , killing+bringing a rendom body part back to the client is 4500$ (if you want a specific body part you can make a request that would add a 500$)a really successful business with an average 3 client a day
Os don't have a job lol
They live in a forest , a cabin in the woods tipe of situation
If you pay attention to the pin post you would know Hillian is a demon hybrid and that's why they don't have their horns, demon hybrid usually grow their horns at a sernten age Hillian haven't reached this age yet
Os can sooth web from their reask , kinda like Spider-man you know since their a spider
Hillian usually get really upset/mad when someone have horns because it makes them feel like last of a demon since he don't have any
Hillian is weak to holly silver (holly silver is a special metal from heaven that could actually damage a demon) , holly waters, and any form of religious symbol
The tipe of weapons Hillian use, kindness (their axe made out of Helles gold(basically holly silver but from hell and it's gold and can damage angel's)) multipel poison lase knife, a bunch of poisonous bombs their claws and Sharp teeth
The tipe of weapons Os use guns but mainly their sniper
Hillian dad is the demon while his mom is the cat
That's all for now I'm pretty sure I'm going to add more stuff later but not now and Hillian out
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beej-machinations · 11 months
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@freshmangojuice thank you for giving me the excuse to post these!
the truth is there's an alternate version for many pics... and that particular one has about 4 versions 🙈
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RD textposts Bonuses: Deleted Scenes + Directors Commentary under the cut! (alt versions of memes you've all seen before)
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i like the Ace one because i think the rumble of his voice really fits the text (esp. the scill/sion phonemes and the "y'all"). The message is also very Smoke Me a Kipper isn't it?
the others are nice action shots. As I said in the tags of post #10, Arnold's more-than-usual association with dimension/alternate reality/personality themes is fascinating. bordering on an aspect...
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LEFT: could NOT decide between side-eyes. Cat is a sassy bitch and the 👀 is how he looks out for you as a friend - you just gotta 👄his language
RIGHT: everyone loves the kiss scene but i didn't want to overuse this part of Blue. i think Lister still misses him on the rollercoaster :3
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this is a great picture of Arlene (a Rimmerous bastard yet sooo pretty), but i decided to stick with our universe's Rimmer and use Chefs Exam Kochanski Disguise.
its too convoluted to hope for in a quick meme, but my ambition was either pic being about (our) Rimmer genuinely experimenting with gender. the Arlene visage could be a (far) future form a la Hilly/Holly. or not!
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the accusatory thumb... get fuckin rekt!!!
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LEFT: not a lot of chances to screencap the full outfit, but here's Polymorph San Francisco Chic in all it's glory.
The alleyway brick of cardboard boxes gives the pose a certain standing-on-street-corner vibe. Note Dave's cruising glance back... anthyding could hadplen...
RIGHT: speaking of posturing check out the absolute Pose nano!Rimmer strikes right after returning. the Ego. (... the Id... 🤨)
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LEFT: *Kill Bill Sirens*. good blocking, but rejected on grounds of poor image quality.
RIGHT: No need to duplicate yourself to find a bastard! there's one in the mirror every day!
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party hat! bestowed by Holly, and therefore free.
I probably will do another of these if people are interested. Do you have a favourite? Does seeing a parallel dimension's version of the meme change your perspective? lmk what you think!
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eatingasheswithlister · 8 months
I'm afraid to look at spoilers, but do we know anything about Holly's prev and current actor/actress? Did he get replaced because of her transition or did he retire and they decided to go ahead and get the actress who played Hilly to play her?
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hi, happy wbw!! tell me about the climate in your world!! are the seasons anything like ours, or are they completely different? what is the weather like?
OH MY GOSH??? I have been sitting on this ask since... JULY??? What?? I AM SO SORRY. I think I was waiting until I got further into draft 3 of WIPVII because this is the draft where I planned to actually finalize these details.
I haven't heard from you in a while my friend, so maybe my answering this will summon you? please? Henry misses his number one fan<3
This WIP is very low fantasy - no magic, no mythical creatures, nothing that doesn't also exist in our world what so ever - so I got lazy and decided there was absolutely no reason I couldn't just make the climate/biome that the story takes place in very similar to the one I live in. The goods news is I can get really hyper-specific with the descriptions because I spent a lot of time in forest growing up. (It also makes the story feel more self-insert-y, which is always a plus hehe).
The only difference between the biome/ecosystems in this story and versus where I live IRL is that I live in North America and this story takes place in two-ish countries loosely inspired by England, Scotland, Wales, Breton, and Western France. The weather where I live is similar enough but I tried to only include plants that grow around my home that also grow in those regions of Europe (most are considered invasive species where I live - holly, ivy, broom, yew trees etc).
Seasons (temperature, daylight, rain, frost, leaf colours, lunar cycle)
To keep things consistent I decided just pretend that the lunar cycle in this world lined up with the lunar cycle in our world from September 15th, 2023 (a night with a new moon) to October 31st, 2023 (the hunter's moon). This way I could map out my plot on a calendar and make sure every time I describe a moon or tide it was in the right phase. It also helped me keep track of daylight hours and seasonal changes.
When the story starts, like the climate where I live, it is late summer and everything is yellow and tinder-dry. Then within a few days the rains start (beginning of fall) and come on and off every few days for the rest of the story. It'll rain fairly hard most of the day (there isn't a specific time of day that is more likely) and then it will stop as suddenly as it started.
The weather is warm at the beginning of the story. Warm enough that my main character, who has just swam through the ocean and is now wandering naked in a forest, is able to get dry pretty quick and is not at high-risk of hypothermia (everything is also so dry it is also easy for her to light a fire).
As the story progresses the days grow shorter, the leaves start to change and fall, the streams go from dried up to flooded, the berries shrivel up and rot, the temperature drops, and by the end of the story there is frost on the ground first thing in the morning. I think there the first snowfall happens in the very last scene... but I can't remember... I haven't read it in a while. If it does, the snow doesn't stick (just like home! *cries*)
Winds (and fog)
Most of the story takes place in a hilly region of woodland which is sandwiched between two mountain ranges (north to northwest and far north east), vast plains (east and north), an ocean straight (south), and open ocean (southwest). So there are some serious winds here and some of then occur daily like clockwork. I actually drew a map to help me keep track of them.
[I don't have my reference map with me as I type this so these might be inaccurate but to give you a sense:]
First thing in the morning a shrill wind and fog roll off the open sea (from the southeast).
Around midmorning as the air warms a second, warmer wind, comes in from the southern straight.
There's a midafternoon chill which is actually a very gentle wind caused by sunlight cooling in the shadow of the northwestern mountains.
Then there is an evening wind from the northeast which is much stronger, having picked up momentum on the plains.
Sometime in early October a really strong, harsh wind also arrives from due north where it has been able to pick up a lot of momentum travelling over the steppes. When that wind comes it basically stays for weeks and doesn't stop blowing.
All these winds (and the fog) are inspired by winds that exist around where I live. But are exacerbated by the plains and the mountains. (There are mountains where I live but they aren't as close by). There aren't really any plains until the other side of the Rockies... which is a whole province away. But there are a lot of hills and small mountains.
Thanks, as always, for the ask, friend<333
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mystrothedefender · 1 year
@hedonicghost I found the script for the text crawl.
'Red Dwarf III
The Saga Continues
The Story So Far…
Three million years in the future, Dave Lister, the last human being alive, discovers he is pregnant after a liaison with his female self in a parallel universe. His pregnancy concludes with the successful delivery of twin boys, Jim and Bexley.
However, because the boys were conceived in another universe, with different physical laws, they suffer from highly accelerated growth rates and are both eighteen years old within three days of being born.
In order to save their lives, Lister returns them to the universe of their origin, where they are reunited with their father (a woman), and are able to lead comparatively normal lives. Well, as normal as you can be if you’ve been born in a parallel universe and your father’s a woman and your mother’s a man and you’re eighteen years old three days after your birth.
Shortly afterward, Kryten, the service mechanoid, who had left the ship after being rescued from his own crashed vessel, the Nova 5, is found in pieces after his space bike crashed into an asteroid. Lister rebuilds the ‘noid, but is unable to recapture his former personality.
Meanwhile, Holly, the increasingly erratic computer, performs a head sex change operation on himself. He bases his new face on Hilly, a female computer with whom he’d once fallen madly in love.
The saga continuums…'
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hedonicghost · 1 year
Hi, we just watched a random Red Dwarf episode over dinner and we cannot for the life (lives?) of us remember why Holly decided to take on Hilly's look? Any insight? Please?
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yaminerua · 1 year
Another fun route to imagine as one of the countless possible ways Rimmer could get back to his home dimension is if he ends up by chance in the parallel universe from series 2 where Deb and Arlene are.
Remembering that the whole reason they’d originally ended up there back then was because Holly had created the Holly Hop Drive, he takes the chance to ask Hilly if a version of the same thing had ever been invented in this universe, perhaps never having been used bc they’d already know what it does and not need to bother using it.
it’s the nearest chance he’s had yet to get back home so it’s worth trying. Better than hoping to get lucky jumping to random dimensions with Wildfire. So they dig it out of wherever it’s been dumped and give it a go and Rimmer is finally able to cross that final distance and return home to the boys. And Lister can even get an update on how his sons have been doing as a bonus;;;;
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weltato · 11 months
Favourite red dwarf character?
Honestly, I can't choose. They're all so good in their own ways and the actors play them to perfection. I do have to say that Norman Lovett's Holly is absolutely wonderful and brings across the right amount of senile to the chaos and has some great lines. There are some brilliant Hatty Hayridge moments of her being Holly too, but the cheer was real when Norman reappeared in series 12.
So, if I had to choose under pain of death, probably Holly.
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Holly: I told you they’d come. Hilly: No, you didn’t. Holly: Right. I was going to tell you they’d come. Hilly:But you didn’t. Holly: (correcting the grammar) But I don’t. Hilly: You sure that’s right? Holly: I was going to have told you they’d come? Hilly: No. Holly: The subjunctive? Hilly: That’s not the subjunctive. Holly: I don’t think the syntax has been invented yet. Hilly: It would have had to have had been. Holly: Had to have… had… been? That can’t be right.
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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12/11/2022-Fritham in the New Forest and bits at home: Part 1 of 2
I had a lovely walk from Fritham today towards the Cadman’s Pool area today through rolling scenery of open heathland and a lovely bit of woodland. It was such a great landscape to immersed in on an extremely sunny day, the autumnal lowering sun lighting the scenes of the walk brilliantly. There were lots of scenic bits of water on the walk too regular ponds and puddles. It was amazing to take in the breathtaking hilly scenes with birds twittering making a nice soundtrack. This summed up the tranquility of the walk. Birch, pine, oak and others with many trees painted in red, orange and yellow autumnal colour were lovely to observe this afternoon. It was nice to realise a bit we were walking in appears to be the bit of heath visible whilst driving into nearby Eyeworth Pond it’s always good to see how parts of the forest link. It was so good to see endless blue skies today and it was unseasonably warm. I took the first two and fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth pictures in this photoset of views here today. 
Holly with ruby berries as the first and also a closeup of it the fourth picture in this photoset show and emerald leaves dominated the walk looking stunning in the bright sunshine and against the blue sky, and bits of bright yellow gorse in flower and a little bit of purple heather brought rich colour to the walk too. It was nice to see a mushroom as well.
There were a good selection of birds seen on the walk, Stonechat of course a cheery forest stalwart. Hearing and seeing a couple of Meadow Pipits fly over the heath, a stunning Goldcrest and pleasing group of Long-tailed Tits at the end of the walk stood out too. I also saw a nice Robin, Blackbird and a few Woodpigeons with a possible Redwing at one point flying over too. It was good to hear Chaffinch too. New Forest ponies wandered elegantly through the landscape and looked beautiful beside the pond. I took the third picture in this photoset of a couple by the pond from the other side of the water. I also saw a Grey Squirrel and some insects this afternoon. 
At home earlier as well as on the way home by Brook in the New Forest I loved seeing Buzzards well, and at home as well as Starling seen well again the ninth picture in this photoset shows one I was very pleased to see hear loudly then see Long-tailed Tits in the garden again after three weeks ago they flitted in the buddleia this time and seeing the group and possibly hearing others in the New Forest made it a standout bird today. It was also good to take in potent autumnal colour in the lovely sun out the front and back this morning I took the tenth and final picture in this photoset of a view out the front, and as well as enjoying the nice bright red geraniums, hebe and fuchsia in the garden on the way out get the surprise of seeing the viburnum flowering a key sight of spring. This has certainly been a strange natural year with things flowering at unusual times, with that and the temperature it felt more like April than November at times today. I also enjoyed a nice flying insect seen intimately at home tonight as it flew towards me and a couple of beetles seen at home. 
Part 2 of today’s posts with ten more pictures I took today is here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/700745754777681920/12112022-fritham-in-the-new-forest-and-bits-at
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ghoulishpencil · 2 years
He caught up to Dr. Marcadet as he finished his last visit for the day, Cassian huffing as he carried the heavy bag he’d been left in charge off. His father smiled at him, eyes twinkling mischievously. “Took you a minute to catch up. Had a good chat with Mr. Spencer?” 
“Definitely has some interesting stories,” Cassian agreed. “Called me a girl the whole time.” He fell in step with his father, as they passed by the general store while they lit their gas lamps and candles against the night. 
“You didn’t correct him?” Cassian shrugged, reaching up to touch his braid idly. “I suppose there’s less questions if he thinks you’re a girl.” 
“The one nice thing about Navia is no one questions why a girl might where trousers,” Cassian said quietly, He glanced as his father, noticing the way the deepening gloom highlighted the wrinkles and scars on his face. He looked tired in this light. “Are you enjoying the change?”
“Well, I’m not used to the commute. It’s not as hilly as Bristol; I’ll give it that. The air is better too for my poor lungs.” He inhaled deeply, letting it out in a sigh. “Yes, I rather like it here. If only you and Holly could adjust.” 
Cassian tried not to grimace, walking in silence awhile longer. Relative silence. The sounds of insects started their rounds, the creaking of crickets and whirring of cicadas filling the role of cars and people and horses. 
“I might stop by the Meier’s tomorrow,” he said, feeling a little slimy for lying. “I want to see how Finley is doing.” 
“Finley? Oh, right their boy. All right, I won’t drag you out with me at the crack of dawn this time. Could’ve used your help though. I’m starting a vaccination clinic in the store, and it’s an all hands on deck situation,” 
“A… well. Sorry.” His brow creased. Vaccination clinic? Hadn’t he mentioned that before? If the time anomaly was making people go through the same steps in a week, were people being overvaccinated? Could that lead to illness?
And why was it he remembered the start of the clinic from weeks ago but Dr. Marcadet didn’t? Why was he the only one not affected? 
Cassian was still puzzling over that while Dr. Marcadet chattered about cowpox and labor and all sorts of things that didn’t really interest him, trying to work out when exactly the doctor had fallen into the same weeklong routine. He couldn’t remember. He hadn’t paid attention, too absorbed in his own work with Finley and — 
Finley! He hadn’t been affected by the anomaly either! If he had, he wouldn’t have come over and done all sorts of different things with him. His heart soared before promptly sinking again. Finley would be upset with him after avoiding the situation for so long. Could they work past… that now, or would it be all for not?
Well. He had already said he was going over. At least now it wouldn’t be such a lie.
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