#hii hello 👋
Hello! 👋 I love your work, especially your Pietro Maximoff stuff. He deserves more recognition and writers like you do an amazing job providing it. If you’re doing requests, what would you think of Pietro x Stark!daughter in AOU; enemies to lovers HCs or one shot? They meet when HYDRA is infiltrated & struggle w/ their growing attraction to each other. Maybe she takes a bullet for Pietro in Sokovia and he stays by her side as she recovers. It’s up to you. Take care!
hii!! thank you sm :(( I did hcs, hope that’s okay, im having writers block, and anything other than hcs breaks my brain. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
ACROSS ENEMY LINE (headcanons)
pietro maximoff x stark!daughter reader. 667
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— I think tony and the rest of the team would be apprehensive about you going out into the field - wanting you to wait in the quinjet while they did their thing (the opening of AOU) 
— but while you're in the jet, you can see the people on the radar thing (im talking out my ass, but basically seeing wanda and pietro) so you're able to see them before the team - so you try using comms to give them a heads up, but the signal is lost
— so you'd do as you were instructed NOT TO DO - leave the jet. you make your way towards clint first, and then that's when you see pietro (he knocked you over as well as clint) so he's talking down to you too - he makes a quick snarky comment. maybe he says, "you didn't see that coming," to you instead (ik sorry canon) 
— im gonna say it and I hate it bc it makes me cringe, but maybe time stands still (guess that works for pietro bc he moves so fast he can slow down a singular moment???) anyway, you'd both be looking at each other (obviously communicating with eyes) until he speeds away, maybe nat tries to blast him, so she can help clint
— then all the usual movie plot happens. you regroup, offering to help - but tony kinda shuns you for not doing as asked
— then more movie stuff happens until you meet pietro again when they try to stop vision being born ?? (haven't watched it in a little while, but I think that's when they're all together next) maybe you exchange a few questioning glances, bc you're both once again on opposite sides
— while everyone is trying to stop each other - he and you do the same. he's focused on stopping you, like you him, but bc of his speed, he practically runs circles around you. then he repeats the comment to you again. or maybe he's keeping you occupied so you don't get hurt by being caught up in the middle
— vision is born and that's when you all truce - trying to find a way to stop ultron
— on the quinjet, you and pietro are seated next to each other, and it's kinda icy (maybe you're butt hurt about him beating you twice) he tries to call it even saying, "you know, we're on the same side now. you have to like me,"
— maybe you make a "mhm," sound - unamused. but he tries again, saying his name and extending a hand, "sorry for earlier... when I beat you... twice," but he's joking and laughing, not actually serious about a truce (your loss kinda thing)
— you don't talk for the rest of journey to sokovia
— rest of the movie stuff happens (but instead of ulton with the flying gun thing, one of the bots is after pietro who is protecting clint and that kid)
— you get shot in the shoulder when you basically become a shield (instead of pietro - sorry I had to say it)
— pietro helps you to the helicarrier - wanting you to get medical attention. he's all panicked, in shock of what just happened. he'd curse you out saying that was stupid and you shouldn't have done that but he's glad you're not dead
— he won't leave your side when you get stitched up, offering to hold your hand if it hurts. he'd have sympathy pains and would be encouraging (bc you literally just saved his life) !! after you're sorted he'd ask why you did it, maybe you say "you didn't see it coming," haha get it? bc it's switched over? he laughs, and it silently creates a truce between you. then you say the actual reason, something about not leaving someone behind, or it's what your dad would do
— maybe you're about to have a little moment, but you both brush it off - wanting to save it for when the adrenaline wears off 
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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zu-is-here · 5 months
Hi zu!!!! Hii!!!! 👋👋👋👋👋
:D hello!!!!!
-juni (@jun1per-t33th)
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sir-fluffbutts · 1 year
Hii I've been a huge fan since I was a kid :3, how have you been doing recently?
omg a old time fan hiii hello 👋😳
if you're asking about my online activity, im still uploading animation memes and...just animations in general! lately i've been cooking something big in the back 🕺
if you're asking about me personaly, theres no english word to express what i've been going through so i've made this image to explain better
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sorry if this is our first person to person interaction btw, im slightly more unhinged then what people usually expects of me
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comicaurora · 1 year
hii hello 👋 just wanted to start by saying that the comic is still so cool interesting and I love how things are progressing so far, at first I wasn't sure if i was going to enjoy the current arc as much but its honestly really enganging with the bits of Falst backstory being revealed, seeing Dainix in action and put in situations, and also more interactions of the party members without Kendal really being present there (i love him sm but its interesting to see how the group dynamic is starting to really shape up, even though falst and dainix have only known each other for like a day(?), putting them in a perilous situation is a really good choice we can see open guy and closed off guy interacting and its so !! its cool) also the lighting for the cave with the fire and the ancient tech is great!
(this is already such a long ask im so sorry)
but ... speaking of ancient tech, i wanted to know how much of it has survived? we know that Erin's bag of holding is also Ancient made (iirc), and so is the storm pedestal, but is there still some other known Ancient tech used in the world? are there also significant populations/communities of people with Ancient ancestry that have gathered and do they have most of the access to that tech? If they do exist, are they more of a closed-off community or are they kind of subsumed into the local population (of ppl with no Ancient ancestry and stuff) ?
tl;dr really digging the current arc i love zombie dungeon funtime adventure. more info abt ancient tech / ppl descended from ancients pls?
anyway thank you very much and have a good day ^_^ love your work Red and it's honestly amazing how far the comic has progressed and the community's grown over the past 3-4 years ! (damn i cant believe 2019 was 4 years ago)
glad you're having fun! dropping dorks down a hole for Character Development is always a fun idea
Most Ancient stuff is in ruins, but the automatons are quite sturdy, especially the stuff created in the final days of the civil war. Ancient war machines will sometimes reactivate and un-bury themselves, wreaking havoc based on long-belayed and half-remembered orders. Dainix's desert home deals with these on occasion, which is why he's familiar with the basics of how they work.
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Most Ancient tech works in ways that nobody has quite figured out how to replicate, but it can sometimes be repurposed if it's well-preserved enough - although the fact that most Ancient tech reacts with alarms at the presence of humans and elves makes it pretty hard for most people to make them do anything particularly useful. Things like Erin's bag are rare but not unbelievably so - there seem to have been a lot of them, and they're hard to break.
Ancient ancestry has been almost entirely subsumed into the overall population, and it almost never presents in any visible way - just about its only telltale signs are unusual height, and the combo of earthtone-skin and light-earthtone-hair with pale jeweltone-eyes, which is not naturally found in uninfluenced humans or elves and is rarely found even in elementally adapted populations of either (elves can have jeweltone eyes but always have skytone skin, typically patterned; influenced humans like crystal-caste will have jeweltone eyes and hair; etc)
Ancient tech responding positively to anyone is quite rare, and typically occurs in people who seem to have a significant number of Ancient ancestors on both sides of their family and consequently visibly resemble the phenotype to an unusual degree. It's very difficult to measure this sort of thing, but the general rule of thumb seems to be that a person needs to be at least 10% of Ancient descent before the tech doesn't panic on sight, and at least 20% in order for it to actually respond to them in any meaningful way. So the equivalent of one Ancient great-grandparent would work as a bare minimum, which doesn't sound too bad - unless you start doing the math of how many generations have actually passed since there were a surplus of Ancients around.
After the Ancient civil war ended and the "cave-folk" left the Singing Caves, there were barely a thousand Ancients left alive and scattered across the northern continents, in contrast to hundreds of thousands of humans and elves. And since this was over 4000 years ago, with generations happening at a rough average of three per century, there have been over 120 generations since the Emergence. One way to look at this is that every person of the Elder Races currently alive is a descendant of some set of those people alive at the Emergence, 120 generations back - they had kids 119 generations back, those kids had kids 118 generations back, etc etc, eventually leading to a person alive today whose great-great-great-(115-more-greats) grandparents were all around at the Emergence. However, this numbers game gets complicated when we do the basic math of asking "how many (118-greats)-grandparents would anyone have)" and find the answer is 2^120, or a little over 1 undecillion, which is a one with 36 zeroes after it, which is a billion billion billion billions. This many people have never been alive anywhere, because the uncomfortable truth is that after a certain number of generations back everyone's family trees stop forking and start looping, though if it happens far enough back it's not a genetic liability like it is in certain colonizing nations' royal families. So this math is already falling apart, but it is giving us some idea of how catastrophically unlikely it is for someone's Emergence-era ancestry to beat the odds and have enough Ancient make it to the modern day to be detectable.
To dramatically simplify the math and pretend generations are cleanly delineated at 3/century (and that genetics actually works like clean 50%s every time, or even that genetics as we understand it applies to this fictional fantasy world), at the time of the Emergence, the world population was around 0.1% Ancient, and in order for a modern person to make the tech work for them, their first-generation ancestry - the sum of all those Emergence people whose descendants eventually produced this kid, weighted to account for the people who are technically the 118-great-grandparents multiple times over thanks to family tree loops - needed to be at least 10-20% Ancient. It's not impossible, and there were parts of the world where the Ancient population at the Emergence was easily that high, but they're likely to be vastly outnumbered in the rest of the pile of 118-greats-grandparents as the family tree approximately doubles in size every generation.
So it happens, but it's rare and getting rarer. Most people in this field are instead trying to crack how to reprogram or build automaton control units from scratch, rather than dealing with them freaking out all the time.
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thefallennightmare · 3 months
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hii 👋
Oh man. I’m about to fucking combust.
Also, hello! 👋
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tautittology · 14 days
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Hi hi hello hii heya hi 👋
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hii! using the same prompt as the "farmer as a walking dead (part 2)" could i possibly get magnus' reaction to seeing his spouse like that? (aka magnus reacting to the farmer being able to control themselves despite being practically dead)
if your requests aren't open then i am SO sorry, i saw that the status was set to open and just assuned they were
Hello, dear anon! 👋
You read that right - my askbox is open again, so welcome and don't be shy to ask something again! Thanks for the ask btw (mmm, angst and pain, my favorite 🥲) and enjoy!
"It was all my fault..."
The Farmer was lucky that it was Camilla who first discovered them, as other mages and adventurers would have simply destroyed the already not quite alive youth without even looking into it. The head witch of the Castle Village was able to hide the frightened and confused Farmer, who had been missing for about a month, and help them figure out what had happened. It didn't take long to figure it out, because outwardly Farmer was no different from empty shells, shadows of those former adventurers who had fallen victim to the dark ancient magic of the cursed deserts. Except that unlike all of them, Farmer retained their mind and memory.
It was a shock to everyone, and it was naturally that it was a huge shock to Magnus, who rushed into the room where everyone was standing, along with Camilla and Farmer.
The witch had already wanted to punish the one who had blabbed to Magnus about Farmer before his due date. The fact that Farmer was alive, but not quite, was definitely a huge blow to Magnus, and the Castle Village witch wanted to try to soften the blow, for the sake of her old friend.
Confused, angry, hurt, exhausted by sleepless nights and the immense guilt over the death of his most beloved person, Magnus walked up to the Farmer, despite the others' best efforts to stop the wizard.
Some expected a great tirade, some even expected Magnus to start a fight with someone out of an overabundance of emotion. But all the wizard did was to hug the Farmer, who couldn't even say anything in his defense.
All the Farmer's clothes were covered in blood and dirt, they themselves smelled of death, their hearts didn't beat.... And yet, it was them. It was the same Farmer who had smiled their snow-white smile at Magnus that last time they had headed into the Crimson Badlands. It was them...
And Magnus had let them go, let them die...
"Magnus, it's not your fault."
It was all his fault...
It's all his fault, and he knows it...
"Magnus, look at me."
And he did. He raised his head and directed the look of his moist eyes at Farmer's face.
Even though Farmer's pupils had turned scarlet as rubies and the whites of their eyes were dark as void, it was still the same Farmer.
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bootay-hole · 17 days
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hello ugly dolls fandom + @samberriez (hii lol 👋👋) i haven’t watched the movie but i saw nolan and proceeded to hit him w the gnc/nonbinary beam one thousand times. also i can’t draw that white guy but he likes men i think. enjoy
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suguru-getos · 4 months
Hii bestie :000 if your matchups for stuff is still going on may i request a genshin matchup? I'm an ENTJ (ENTJs are the best we take no criticism) I have medium length black hair , I wear glasses and have dirty brown hazel eyes. I am a Pisces (wow). I have no preference but an older male daddy would be very nice 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hello 👋 thank you for submitting a matchup. An ENTJ and a Pisces 🤭 good combination kekeke
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As for Genshin Impact match-up I ship you with the Daddiest of daddies, Neuvillette. He’s the best there is I take no criticism on this one. Loves your eyes the most, and you’re one of the reasons he’s started thinking of himself as more comfortable & pro efficient in understanding humans. Despite being a Hydro soverign dragon, he can clearly articulate your body language. Example: When you’re upset your shoulders are slouched and you feel a little more emotional. At first he observes if you need him to help you, or not? Even if you don’t he just can’t help but be available at every beck & call. People find it truly ironical that the esteemed Iudex of Fontaine is such a die hard fan for his love. (As he should) 🫶🏻
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footemoji · 4 months
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Alejandro being the Alejandro
And hello hello foot how are you doing? 👋😇
hii i just went through a big storm and my house is broken🤕🤕🤕
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lipglossanon · 11 months
hii ❤️ I love ur work! idk if u did this before but I was wondering if u have hc’s for the Leons and thigh riding? ❤️
Hello hello!! 👋 Thank you!! 🥰
And I don’t believe so, which makes you the first! 😉 So hopefully this meets expectations 🤭
Stepdad Leon:
Has you in his lap, grinding against him as he kisses your neck
Undresses you both but then sits you down on his thigh
“C’mon, show daddy how much you want it.” 😵‍💫
Teases and plays with your nipples
Slaps your ass if you slow down at any point in time
Alcoholic/Sweet Stedpad:
It’s more of you teasing him in this case
You’re both in his bed and he’s really trying to be patient
“Honey, please, ‘m so hard, don’t you want me to make you feel good?”
But you just like working him up 🤭 and keep riding his thigh
He’s kissing what skin he can reach while he plays with your tits and runs his hands all over your body
Dark Stepdad:
Was interrupted in the middle of you guys getting a little intimate 😏
So while he’s on the phone with work, he has you sitting on his thigh
He’s still wearing his slacks but his shirt’s unbuttoned 🤤
You’re only wearing panties that are soaked at this point so getting his slacks just as wet
When he has the other guy on hold he likes to slap your tits to make you whine and rock down into his thigh harder
“There we go, beautiful. Ride daddy’s leg til he finishes up, then I’m gonna eat that cute pussy out on my desk.” 🥴
Stepbro Leon:
Is teasing you with making you ride his thigh
Got you all worked up only to keep you grinding against his thigh
Is holding your hands together, pinned to your chest so you have to rely on him for balance when grinding back and forth
“Want you to get me soaked, Princess. Then big brother’s gonna fill that needy hole til it’s leaking.” 😵‍💫
Subby Stepbro:
Is such a mess before you even start 🤭
Just telling him you’re going to ride his thigh while he has to keep his hands either to himself or on your hips ONLY
He’s whining and panting, pupils blown while he just watches you grind and rub against his thigh
Your hands are on his chest/shoulders for leverage and he’s just looking up at you like you hung the moon
He’s hard and leaking all over this stomach but he listens and keeps his hands in a death grip around your thighs
He’s begging for kisses which you eventually cave in and give him, just sloppily making out while you ride his thigh 😌
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9800sblog · 8 months
hello 👋 im new to your side and im already obsessed 🫢
I wanted to ask you what type of villain each ateez member would be based on their energies? 😊
ateez tarot reading
in their villain era
spoiler alert !
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hii I LOVED this question, I just wasn't confident in answering yet because i mostly watch romance and drama, but here it is
page of wands, 2 of cups, 4 of cups reversed
the villain with a sad, familiar backstory, leader of the underdogs, revolutionary. no shit that dude is so into star wars, that's the type of villain he'd be, for sure (not for sure, I've never finished the first movie). he has a motive and a passion, he's bringing peace, he has a sidekick, he's taking charge of his life, he's sick of what the world offers him. he's only a villain as a defense mechanism, the explosive type, he wouldn't sit back and plan, he'd act on it diligently and call for others to join him.
carrie (1976)
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soundtrack: teenagers - my chemical romance
the sun, the emperor, knight of pentacles, the hierophant, ace of pentacles reversed
power hungry! mad scientist, cult leader, evil genius. the opposite of seonghwa, he has patience and a plan, a legacy, his badness will live for ages. he thinks his way of living and seeing the world are better, more efficient than others, no one has more knowledge than him, he must impose or everything will fall apart. the world without his vision is sick and shallow!
taxi driver (1976)
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soundtrack: karma police - radiohead
the magician reversed, knight of wands reversed, queen of cups, 2 of pentacles reversed
manipulative, controlling, brainwashing! never satisfied, a bored tyrant that hurts peasants for laughs, an evil witch with poisons. literally like voldermort or any disney princess villain. he thrives in others’s pain, does whatever he wants, always wants more. alternatively, a villain motivated by love, he's doing everything for the person who doesn't want him because he is bad so he just keeps doing more.
bram stoker's dracula (1992)
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soundtrack: brand new city - mitski
3 of pentacles reversed, 5 of wands reversed, 7 of pentacles
duality, the antagonist, the traitor, pretends to be working side by side with the good guys, but is secretly hiding an intense, well-thought plan. shows his best face forward to win the trust and break from the inside. has a sweet tongue, can easily lure people into his cause. mentally disturbed, hears voices, distracts people from real issues, duality. there's this old story I cannot remember the name, about 2 men living inside of 1 body, I can't find it anywhere.
peter pan (1953)
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soundtrack: columbia - oasis
page of cups, 9 of cups, 8 of cups reversed
prideful villain, born villain, trained. motivated by pride, he admires the power of evil. narcissistic, self obsessed, he always dreamed of doing bad, now he gets to be the worst! definition of power hungry, he quickly realized that the good ones never get ahead and he dedicated his entire life into being the best worst version of himself, "I'll show you".
pearl (2022)
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soundtrack: oh no! - marina | nice boys - guns n' roses
page of swords, 10 of swords reversed, 9 of wands
inherently bad, stays in denial until betrayal, comes back stronger than ever after being humiliated. totally, completely motivated and blinded by revenge, punishment. he claims that others tainted his innocence, but he's always had that thing dormant inside of him, begging to come out.
gone girl (2014)
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soundtrack black sheep - palaye royale
2 of cups reversed, temperance, high priestess
his villainy comes from independence and not caring what others think, he just does whatever he wants whenever he feels like it, 0 worries. he's the bully and the mastermind.
girl, interrupted (1999)
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soundtrack: chin check - n.w.a.
ace of pentacles reversed, 5 of swords reversed, death reversed, ace of cups reversed
would rather torture than cause mass end. he just doesn't let anything die or anybody win, he may pretend to be on the good side but he has alterior motives. doesn't create trouble, simply accentuates it. his motivation comes from a simple twisted view of right and wrong, of what's proper, or perfect. he has a silent type of power, a hidden, infiltrated villain, you wouldn't figure out it's him unless he wants you to. he controls the structural complex of things, the way they function and the way people behave. silent killer. "I don't need to do anything because the protagonists are stupid enough to ruin themselves".
mother! (2017)
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soundtrack: sympathy for the devil - the rolling stones
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marimayscarlett · 8 months
What is a Coccolino? What is a Keksi? What is a Lurchi? I have seen it in tags they sound pretty cutesyyy and adorbs 😻 I'm too timid to ask around not being sure who the op is but I been following your blog for a while that's why I thought I would ask you if it's fine by you😽 sorry for the trouble and many questions
Hii hello, please never apologize for asking questions, I love to help 👋
'Coccolino', italian: The perfect coccolino-spokespersons are actually the lovely @dandysnob and @meinewellemeinstrand but I try my best to explain it from a non-italian point of view :D From what I can translate, 'coccolino' means something like 'cuddly/cuddle bear' or 'cuddly' in general, which fits Paul quite well I think 😊 (sorry besties if I translated it wrong, please correct me if I'm wrong/missed something 😗)
'Keksi', german: It's like one version of a minimisation form of the german 'Keks' which means 'cookie'. So 'Keksi' means 'small/little cookie', which kind of has the notion of something sweet and precious for me :3 There's an fitting italian word for it, 'biscottino', which I also learned on here 😊
'Lurchi', german: another minimisation, this time of the word 'Lurch' which means 'amphibian'. I use the word 'Lurchi' (small amphibian) to describe Flake regularly, since he called himself Lurch in the Haifisch making of:
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("Ich bin so ne Art Lurch...")
So yeah, Flake is like a cute small amphibian to me. And I know @wizzardclown also uses 'Lurchi' for her adorable goose wife 💚
Hope this helped 😄
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duncebento · 1 month
Hello Bento 🍱 👋 um I was wondering if you used a note taking bible at all? I want to read it but there's a bazillion bibles out there and I have no clue where to start :/ ty mwah ❤
hii ya mine is!! with the large margins u mean? i do write some notes; i mostly highlight i think. to me w/ the bible and also when i read theory i've found it more important to annotate in the past couple years; i used to shy away from this but i really think it defeats half the purpose of reading if the text lacks the "memory" of your reading it bc thats YOU condensing the knowledge
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hauxicrook · 1 month
Hello there✋👋
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megalony · 2 months
Hii, do u have a Eddie idea fic??
Hello 👋
My next Eddie fic is probably going to be a holiday request that someone sent in. I’m hoping to work on it within the next few days depending on what mood I’m in
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