#high school counselor steve harrington
forestmossling · 29 days
as has been previously established (or hasn’t? if not, that’s just crazy, this is a fundamental part of my personality) i am an unhinged crossover slut. i just love and enjoy crossovers, even between the most far-fetched and unmatchable fandoms possible, an incredible amount.
and a while ago i had this idea of teen wolf/stranger things crossover (which i obviously never followed up on because i never finish my projects) because their settings just vibe with each other. i thought about older steddie moving from hawkins to beacon hills for a break from all the supernatural stuff (*laughing evilly*), eddie becoming an english literature teacher and steve becoming a counselor in their high school while also helping out the lacrosse team. and danny, as he is wont to do, gets the hots for steve and actually comes onto him, because steve is a young teacher still and danny has bad experiences with older men not caring about his age as long as he’s down to get laid. and obviously steve is terrified and calls eddie immediately because he admittedly can handle this better, considering his own experiences with driving out to indy for questionable hook-ups with older guys while he was still in high school. and at first danny’s like “omg it’s so dumb why are they making such a huge deal out of this” and also pretty embarrassed about the whole situation, but soon steddie become his pillar of support, because they’re two older queer guys!! married!! literally teaching in his school!! (although he never openly admits how much this means to him). but since steve is more of a kindred spirit to him, he comes to him for advice and just to bitch about shit from time to time and steve basically takes him under his wing like he did to the party.
and then there’s stiles (yes, this is a danny/stiles scenario. you can take this ship out of my cold, dead hands, they’re my favorite in tw) who is absolutely obsessed with his new eng lit teacher who is open about also being adhd, is also an absolute nerd while somehow still being undeniably cool, and who doesn’t get angry at his dumb questions in class or snap at him for getting distracted, so he’s got a little bit of hero worship going on. and then there’s eddie, who can sniff a lost sheepie from a mile away and can see how isolated stiles is aside from being friends with scott, so he keeps an eye on him and gets caught up in increasingly weird but incredibly interesting conversations with him after class and privately hopes to corrupt him into getting into dnd. and then he notices the way stiles stares at danny in his class without seemingly even realizing it, or watches him say the dumbest shit to danny trying to get his attention, and immediately goes “boy, do i know the feeling”.
so obviously he tells steve and they hatch a plan to get danny and stiles together, because stiles is such a good boy and maybe dating him would finally stop danny from going out with very questionable older people, and danny seems begrudgingly amused with stiles’s antics anyway, so maybe there’s something there, and their whole dynamic just reminds steve and eddie so much of themselves, makes them think of what they could have been, if they had gotten their shit together earlier, so obviously they can’t just do nothing about it.
and then steddie get dragged into the whole supernatural bullshit (because of course they do), and steve takes out his trusty nail bat. everyone just keeps thinking like “who the hell are these guys and why are they in any way involved in this??” and stiles and danny seriously reconsider their matching scars.
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nerdnameddinkey · 9 months
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the king swapped his polos for sweater vests ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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crayonboxcolors607 · 1 year
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
Steve arriving at a hotel for a work conference for his dad’s company. He hates it there, he’s miserable, he’s constantly trying to figure out what he actually wants to do with his life.
It’s late when he gets there and the hotel is fully booked because of a concert happening.
He gets his key card after waiting for 30 minutes to check in.
He opens the hotel room door to find it is already occupied by a guy with a whole lot of tattoos all over his very naked and still dripping from a shower body.
Obviously he panics a bit and wonders how the hell this could’ve happened and Eddie panics a little because of safety (turns out he’s the singer of the band performing the following night!)
They try to call the front desk but the line is busy and Steve already dreads having to go back and wait in the line downstairs.
Eddie offers to let him just stay and they’ll fix it in the morning.
“Plenty of room in a king for both of us.”
Which may be true, but Steve is an octopus when he shares a bed and he knows he will end up in Eddie’s space. Should he warn him? Probably. Does he? Absolutely not.
Steve rushes through a shower and hops into bed, making small talk with Eddie about his life in a band, ignores questions about what he does as much as he can because he doesn’t feel like explaining he’s just a puppet for his dad’s never ending business career.
He falls asleep listening to Eddie’s soft, deep tone.
And of course when he wakes up, he’s got his legs and arms wrapped around Eddie anywhere he can reach. His drool is drying on Eddie’s chest and he’s coming to terms with the fact that his dick was definitely pressed against Eddie’s thigh.
Eddie’s kind enough not to say anything about it, just squeezes Steve’s arm and continues petting his hair.
It’s nice, too nice.
Steve has to get up. He’s got things to do today and if he’s late, his dad will hear about it and berate him for hours.
Shit, even if he’s on time he’ll probably find some other reason to berate him for hours.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asked.
“Hm? Oh. Just don’t really wanna get up.”
“Then don’t. I don’t have anywhere to be until soundcheck after lunch.”
And now Steve has no choice but to explain his job and why he’s here, how his dad is relying on him to network and find potential mergers. How he hates putting on the Harrington face to please everyone.
It’s easy to admit it to Eddie, especially with Eddie’s arms wrapped around him, holding him like he could actually protect him from anything his father tries to say to hurt him.
“You don’t like your job.”
It’s not a question.
“Does anyone really like their job?”
“I do.”
“Well, you’re a rockstar. Of course you do. But I can’t be a rockstar.”
“Maybe not. But what is your rockstar?”
Steve had never been asked that, not even by guidance counselors in high school. They all knew he’d work for his father. He got a business degree for his father. He owned more suits than sweatpants for his father.
“I…don’t know.”
“Maybe you could try figuring it out.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“No, it’s not. But you could still try.”
So Steve sent a message to his dad’s partner, let him know he was fighting food poisoning from the in-flight meal and couldn’t make it to the conference today. He watched as Eddie threw on some clothes, mussed up his hair instead of brushed it, and quickly shoved his things into his bag.
“I should get out of your hair, try to get the room thing fixed.”
Eddie looked at him, looked at the alarm clock by the bed, down at Steve’s bag.
“How many days are you packed for?”
“Uh, four, technically. Trip was supposed to be three, but I always have an extra in case there’s flight delays or-“
“Come with me.”
“On tour.”
Steve was an idiot, his father made sure he knew it as often as possible. But he couldn’t just go on tour with a stranger.
Could he?
What was he really doing here?
He hated his job, hated his dad, hated not having a clear path in front of him.
And this certainly wasn’t a clear path; He barely knew this guy, and hadn’t even heard his band. But it was a trail, the start of a path that could lead him somewhere he’d actually like to be.
Maybe he could take this chance.
Robin would tell him to do it, if she weren’t in Antarctica studying penguins for three months, only able to call once a week to check in.
What would she say if she called him and he was backstage at a heavy metal concert?
She’d probably say he’s lost his damn mind, but she’d be glad he did.
“Well, I am a rockstar. I could afford to have you around.”
“I’m not sure I could really afford to when my dad fires me,” Steve sighed, reality hitting him a little too quickly.
“I’m not really willing to be, like, your kept boy or anything,” Steve felt himself flush.
“I’m not really willing to have a kept boy,” Eddie smirked, joining him on the bed again, legs crossed in front of him. “But I’d definitely be happy to have someone who can help our tour manager out. You’d be working, though the jobs kind of boring.”
“More boring than sitting in an office five days a week and meeting with old white dudes who haven’t done anything but work their lives away for 40+ years?”
“Nah, way better than that. Sometimes you’ll have to deal with Gareth’s moods, but I promise to make it worth your while.”
“How’s that?”
“I’ll leave that up to you,” Eddie very obviously checked him, eyes trailing over Steve’s bare chest. “I’m open to negotiating.”
“And if I want a kiss?”
“Then a kiss you’ll have.”
“And if I want you to fuck me?”
“Then you’ll have to sign some paperwork,” Eddie laughed. “But that can be arranged too.”
So Steve left with Eddie, four days of clothes in his bag, no idea what he’d even tell his dad or anyone else, and no clue exactly what his new job would entail.
All he knew was Eddie seemed to be made just for him, chaos and hyperactivity included, and Steve wasn’t gonna give that up now. Even if it made no sense, even if it was ridiculous to gain a new job and new rockstar boyfriend in less than 24 hours, even if his next call with Robin was a combination of her yelling about his impulsive behaviors and congratulations for finally doing something for him.
Even if he was more of a VIP groupie for the band than an employee of the tour manager.
Steve finally found something he wanted.
If he sent his dad’s calls to voicemail, that was because he was too busy walking his new path.
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rebelfell · 7 months
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steve harrington x virgin!reader
Started writing about a nerdy/loser reader getting a job at a summer camp alongside the former king of her former high-school. But only bit I really liked was this piece of smut.
cw: bigdick!steve has entered the chat, fingering, oral (fem receiving), first time piv (unprotected, ‘cos I didn’t describe the condom, but he's wearing one and so should you)
18+, MDNI ︱ 1.4k
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“Just, ah…” You winced slightly as the tip of his head pressed at your entrance. “Go slow?”
Steve paused, heavy lidded eyes coming up to meet yours. “Wait, are you a…have you never?”
You watched the reality of your virginity dawn slowly on his face, and squirmed slightly in his arms as you tried to refocus his attention.
“It’s fine, Steve. Don’t worry about it.”
The pressure of his length pushing against your core rescinds as he pulls away and you can’t help the petulant sight that falls from your chest.
Figures, you thought bitterly.
But Steve kept his mouth close. He littered your jaw and neck with kisses, his hands kneading your waist as he kneeled slowly and his lips continued their journey downwards. He wove a serpentine pattern across your chest, over the swell of your breasts, briefly sucking one nipple into his hot mouth while he rolled the other between his thumb and forefinger. You sighed pleasurably at the feeling and vibrations rippled across you as he hummed around your peaked bud before pulling off with a lewd pop. His eyes watched for your reaction, dark and hungry as he kissed down your sternum and carefully spread your legs further to make space for him.
“Steve, wh-what are you—”
“Just want you to be ready,” he murmured, lips skimming over your navel. “Don’t want it to hurt.”
He brought his fingers to your entrance, lazily circling it with them, swirling lightly all around it, brushing your inner thighs as he did. You closed your eyes and tipped back your head, losing yourself in the sensations of Steve’s slow, gradual build. It feels so…nice.
He kissed tentatively at the apex of your thighs, nose pressing into your mound, and internally you cringed at the thought of what you must look like down there. You couldn’t very well shave regularly when you were sharing the showers with twenty other counselors and could count on maybe a solid six minutes of hot water. And in a million years you wouldn’t have been able to anticipate this. So you almost certainly weren’t living up to King Steve’s standards.
Steve said nothing, though. If anything, he only buried his face further in the down of your hair, inhaling your scent like it was his dying breath. The wet heat of his tongue surprised you as he licked a fat stripe through your folds and actually moaned, the sound deep and rumbly in his chest.
“Fuck,” he whispered, soft and reverent as a prayer. “You taste like…summer.”
His grip tightened on your thighs, tugging you closer, smothering his face in your center, licking and sucking at you eagerly, ravenously. His tongue chased off any glimmer of insecurity you might have felt, his enthusiasm evident in the noises that filled the room.
A tingling feeling licks its way up your body, making your cheeks and chest and ears burn hot. Your hands flexed, needing something to hold onto for fear you’ll float away untethered into the ether. With one, you palmed at your breast, missing how it had felt when Steve squeezed them over your staff shirt. The other found its way to twist itself into floppy, caramel-tinged tresses.
“You can pull it if you want,” he teased, the words muffled by your cunt. “I can take it.”
He moaned instantly at the sharp tug you gave, dragging his face against your heat so his nose stroked your clit as you rolled your hips forward.
“Oh, fuck yes,” he growled. “That’s right, baby, ride my face. Make me make you come.”
You rolled your hips again, desperately chasing an end you couldn’t even see you were so lost in the forest of your feelings. Steve lips sealed around your clit, sucking it with intention as he brought his fingers back up. At last, he breached your entrance, slipping one in easily and following it close with a second that made you writhe at the gentle stretch. 
The pumped in and out of you at a pace just slow enough to be torture, curling upwards and toying with that spot inside you that had you gushing around his fingers. You’re barely conscious as waves of pleasure rushed across you, chest shuddering with your moans as you gripped at him desperately. His tongue soothes your swollen flesh as he coaxes you through your orgasm, helping you ride it out to the very last second.
In more ways than one, you’re grateful for the warm-up when Steve stood between your legs and brought the head of his cock back to your entrance. Is it at all possible he’s gotten bigger? 
He glided it through your folds—once, twice, three times—letting the ridges catch on your clit and making you keen with each too-brief pass. He held it at the base and lifted it slightly, only to let it drop and jolt you as it slapped heavy against your dripping pussy. A dark chuckle fell from his lips at the way your eyes bulged and you gasped at the feeling, not ready for the impact. 
And then, in the kind of contrast that rivaled Jekyll and Hyde, he leaned over you and spoke sweetly in your ear as he aligned with you.
“Are you ready?” he asked. 
You nodded, too choked up to answer, pinching your eyes closed and bracing yourself to finally feel him. It doesn’t happen, though. He leaned in closer, a hand coming up to cup the side of your face as he lowered his voice to a whisper.
“Hey…look at me.” 
Your eyes flew open to find his face hovering inches over yours. The tip of his nose brushed your own and you could practically count his long, dark lashes that fanned around mossy eyes that were almost black in the moonlight. Pieces of his long hair fell forward, the ends of it tickling your face before he pushed it back with his hand. The moles and freckles that dusted his tanned skin were more numerous than the stars in the sky you could see through his cabin’s windows.
“If you want this, you need to tell me so.”
His voice is firm, unyielding, but it’s not mean. Truly, you believed if you were to push him away and tell him you’d changed your mind, he would just tuck himself back into his shorts and be on his way. Except you wouldn’t ever do that. Because, fuck did you want him so bad.
“I want it,” you whispered. “I want you.”
It’s all the invitation he needs. 
The feeling of him finally pressing inside is intense, but not so overwhelming that it makes you whine or want to cry out. He goes slow, stretching you methodically as you take him inch by inch. And each time you think he must be buried to the hilt by now, you find there’s another stretch, another inch he can push inside. It has your chest heaving with each one.
“Too much?” he asked as his gaze flicked down to study your face.
“N-no,” you lied, legs shaking from the effort of holding them open. 
As though reading your mind, Steve gripped behind your knees and pushed your thighs up towards your chest, holding them there for you. The new angle gives him enough purchase to push in deeper still, making your back arch and your breath punch out in relief.
“We’re so close, baby,” he huffed, hair falling forward again, dusting his brow that’s damp with sweat in the sticky, humid air. “You’re taking me so well, fucking sucking me in.” 
With his words, you can almost feel your walls trying to engulf him. They burn from that last blissful stretch until he’s seated fully inside, his pelvis grinding against yours. The fullness you feel is exquisite. By all accounts, it shouldn’t work. It shouldn’t fit. It shouldn’t be so right. 
You pictured him pressing on your other organs; twisting up your insides; the way he’ll demolish you as soon as he starts moving. Just the thought has you growing wetter by the second.
“Shit, look at you,” he chuckled, staring down at where your bodies meet, almost in awe. “Can’t fucking believe it…”
If you were being honest, neither could you. Part of you is afraid to breathe, convinced one wrong move will rupture something. But maybe even moreso, you’re dying to find out if it will. 
“Okay, Harrington,” you sighed, shooting him a challenging smirk. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 3rd: School | Bad Reputation - Joan Jett and The Blackhearts | Combative
cw: pre-steddie (vaguely set s2), weed, migraines, un-betaed because I'm challenging myself to write these in under an hour read on ao3 | link to series on ao3
It’s 1985 and the boys bathroom smells like weed.
Interestingly, the boys bathroom smells like weed before Eddie ditches his last period to smoke in the little cement block room, window cracked and far less obvious than whoever’s in there ahead of him.
Probably a Freshman who doesn’t know any better, or some first-timer who hasn’t learned the ropes yet, he thinks to himself. 
What he doesn’t expect to find when he pushes the heavy wooden door open is recently dethroned King Steve, sitting on the disgusting tile floor smoking a poorly rolled joint in the corner of the bathroom. Wedged between the sink and the wall, he looks… small, sad, lost, even. If Eddie didn’t know any better, he’d recruit him for Hellfire. He certainly looks the part of lost sheep. 
Steve startles when the door opens and, in what may be the only time in Eddie’s many years at Hawkins High, relaxes when he sees Eddie. Steve’s eyes widen and then look away, back down at his hands. His shoulders clench and drop. His entire body seems to move to defend itself before retreating back into whatever stupor he’s smoking himself into. 
Eddie has no idea what the fuck is happening that Steve Harrington doesn’t take him as a threat after his years of proving himself to be just that. Nor can he imagine what the fuck Steve’s experienced that’s caused it. Seconds pass and Eddie just stands there, door closed behind him, unsure of what to do. Hotboxing the bathroom with Steve hadn’t been his plan, but he’s been desperate for just a few drags off the joint sitting heavy in his pocket all day. 
“You uh, you know that window opens, right?” Eddie asks, gesturing toward the window with his chin. 
Steve doesn’t look up. “Sure do.” 
“Got it. Cool. Okay, uh—” Eddie sputters. He’s had very few interactions with Steve, each one civil enough to leave no bad blood besides the company Steve keeps. Or, well, kept. But none have been long enough for Eddie to get a handle on Steve, not in the way he usually can.
Steve sighs and begins to stand. “I’ll get outta your way, man.” 
Something in the way he moves, the way he grips the sink edge tight and rocks once to gain momentum before Eddie stops him, reminds Eddie of Wayne. Veteran Wayne, who works a harsh manual job and is no less than 25 years their senior. That can’t be normal, he thinks. 
“Hey no, I’m uh, actually here for the same reason. Mind if I just,” Eddie trails off as he locks the door and wiggles his joint around, holding it between his pointer and middle finger. “I’ll crack the window so we don’t get busted.” 
“Yeah, I don’t care, but leave the window closed. It’s too fucking loud.” Steve shrugs and Eddie stops mid-stride. 
Eddie looks back down at the spot Steve has settled back into, his head carefully resting against the painted cinder block wall with closed eyes. It’s easier to watch him like this, long eyelashes spidering across his cheeks and brows furrowing. A tiny line appears between them, vertical, and Eddie holds himself back from smoothing it out. 
“Alright, just know we’re probably gonna get caught.” Eddie compromises as he sits on a toilet, the stall door open, and lights up. 
The flick of his lighter brings him a moment’s comfort, followed by the familiar warmth curling into his lungs. His throat burns and he coughs once, then twice, before exhaling. Little puffs of smoke leave his lips in one long, continuous breath. Immediately, the frustration of his meeting with the guidance counselor, the anger at his English teacher for failing him when he was fucking trying, the shame and disappointment of having to go home and tell Wayne he’s being left back– again– vanish. He knows it’s temporary, that it’ll all come rushing back to him in an hour or two, but for now, his brain is quiet. 
For now, the bathroom is silent. Long moments pass in surprisingly comforting stillness, just Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington in the strangest show of camaraderie imaginable. 
Eventually though, Eddie’s lips loosen.  
“Why are you in here anyways? Shouldn’t you be like… I don’t know,” Eddie starts, miming the act of dribbling a basketball. “Doing some sport thing?”
“I do more than play sports, Munson.” Steve’s eyes roll and he shakes his head, grimacing at the movement. Eddie can’t quite put it together, what that reaction means. 
“Huh. Coulda fooled me. And probably like, the rest of the school’s population. The rest of your Kingdom,” Eddie teases, gesturing widely with both arms. 
“There’s no Kingdon, you ass. Much as you pretend to stay outta the gossip, I know you know what happened. And I’m glad it did, so drop it, okay?”
Steve has a bite to him, an attitude that Eddie admires and can’t help push a bit further. 
“So you fall from grace and now you sit on grungy bathroom floors to smoke? Alone? That’s sorta my thing, just say–”
Eddie’s words get drowned out when Steve interrupts. “I’m down here smoking, alone, because I have a fucking migraine. If I have to see one more fluorescent light or hear one more high-pitched screech in the hallway, my brain is going to leak out of my goddamn ears.” 
Even stoned, Eddie puts it together all at once. The closed window. The cool tiles. The struggle to get up. He doesn’t know the full story, but he remembers Steve walking around with his face beaten in and the rumors that it’d been Billy’s doing during a fight, and the time before that, when Jonathan had gotten a few good shots in. Damn his bleeding heart, but Steve suddenly feels more like a lost sheep than he could’ve imagined.
Someone Eddie feels the urge to protect. 
Eddie stands carefully, all too aware of the sound of his own footsteps as he finds the hidden switch to turn the lights off. There’s still a tiny bit of light filtering in from beneath the door and through the window, but it’s darker. Safer. 
“I can be quiet.” 
Steve looks up at him, brows drawn tight in confusion, and Eddie’s chest aches. How infrequently does someone care for Steve?
“I’ve been in classes with you. I’m not so sure you can,” Steve retorts, a little less sarcastic now. Eddie makes a show of sitting back down on the toilet and mimicking zipping his lips and throwing away a key. It gets an actual laugh from Steve, and goddamn him, Eddie loves the sound of that. 
Eddie watches as Steve’s eyes close again, this time with a relaxed forehead, and stares at him while they  finish their joints. Alone, together. Maybe they could actually be friends, Eddie and Steve. Steve and Eddie. There’s a ring to it that Eddie hates because of how good it sounds. 
He’s drawn out of his thoughts by a rattling at the door and subsequent pounding. Steve’s eyes open and dart between Eddie and the door. “Fuck,” he whispers. 
Fuck is right, Eddie thinks. If he wasn’t already getting held back again, he would be now for what he’s about to do.
He crouches over next to Steve and takes what’s left of his joint from his fingers. “Do you have anything else on you?” 
Steve shakes his head No and opens his mouth, only for Eddie to press a finger against his lips. “Get in the stall and flush the toilet when I open the door.” 
“Get in the stall,” Eddie whispers harshly, helping Steve to stand and all but shoving him in the stall he’d been in previously. 
“Dude, they’re gonna know I’m here, it’s fine,” Steve resigns. 
“Not if you have nothing on you, just say you had to take a piss and I was already in here. I’ve got a reputation, you don’t. Who are they gonna believe? Besides, I’m not graduating and you are. Consider it a graduation gift.” 
Before he can open the bathroom door, before he takes the fall as planned because of course, the principal believes the story they’d concocted, Eddie feels Steve place a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
As he’s dragged to the Principal's office and suspended, an all too familiar setting, he hopes it’s not the last time he gets to smoke with Steve Harrington.
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sam-loves-seb · 2 years
steddie christmas party au
the thing is--there's an office holiday party coming up.
steve, who works as a guidance counselor at hawkins middle, knows that every year the staff throws a holiday party. he wasn't here for the one last year, off visiting nancy and robin in boston for the holidays, but everyone says it's always a good time and the teachers have all been hounding him to go.
the thing is--he wouldn't even mind going alone. he actually likes some of his co-workers, and he has enough natural charm to survive one night of bad food and christmas music and punch that's just a little too strong to have more than two glasses without getting wasted. he knows that he could go alone and everything would be fine.
but he doesn't really want to.
"plus one?" the school secretary says with raised brows as he hands in his rsvp card. "i didn't know you were seeing anybody."
steve just shrugs as he turns to head back to his office. it's not like people haven't tried to pry into his love life before--some of the female teachers make their availability blaringly obvious to him every time he answers the question "do you have a girlfriend" with "no"--they just haven't gone about it in the right way.
it's not like he's hiding his relationship, people just assume, and they assume incorrectly. that's not his fault.
"the staff christmas party?" eddie asks that night as they're getting ready for bed. "you seriously want to go to that?"
"you don't have to come," steve tells him around a mouthful of toothpaste, then spits. "i just thought it might be nice for you to meet some of my co-workers, and for some of them to meet you. but if you don't want to come with me, that's okay, really."
"babe, if you want me there, i'm there," eddie tells him as he ditches his jeans for flannel pajamas. "just don't be surprised when i get tipsy off the punch and make a fool out of you on the dance floor."
and so, they went to the party with steve dressed in his usual khakis with this favorite ugly christmas sweater worn over a casual dress shirt, and eddie in his usual black on black, though he switched the band t-shirt for a button-up. he added a red tie last minute to try and be more festive for the party, even though steve kept telling him he could wear whatever he wanted.
they walk into the gym hand in hand, and more than a few people stop talking to turn and stare.
but eddie's not paying attention because he's looking at the tinsel hung up on the walls and wondering how they got it that high up, and steve ignores all the surprised faces looking at him until he spots his group of friends tucked together in the corner, some with their spouses, some without.
he drags eddie over to them and introduces him as his boyfriend--saying it loud enough for every goddamn eavesdropper to hear it clearly--and eddie shakes hands and smiles as steve's friends greet him without missing a beat.
they eat and they drink and they dance, and most of the party gets over their initial shock pretty quickly after seeing how happy steve is with eddie around. the rest of the night goes by quickly, and someone even snaps a picture of steve kissing eddie under the mistletoe hanging over the gym door.
by the time the students come back from break in the new year the rumors about mr. harrington sexuality are basically non-existent--thank you short attention spans--and most of the teachers have stopped asking him if he has a girlfriend. steve feels like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders, one he didn't even realize he was carrying. it's freeing, having everyone--everyone who matters--know about about eddie.
and when the staff christmas party rolls around again next year, steve has twice as much fun dragging eddie under the mistletoe with a ring on his finger and a date picked out for the spring.
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bingbongsupremacy · 6 months
Camp Hawkins AU
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x plus sized reader
Warnings: Use of Y/N. This is my first time writing a plus size reader oneshot. As a plus sized person myself, I wanted to try it. I'm a little nervous tho. I know some people don't like it when ppl write insecure plus sized reader stories. I just feel like when I write, I put my emotions and my insecurities into the character as a way to work through them. I'm working on my confidence and some time I will write x confident!plus size reader oneshots, just not right now. Anyways, I hope you can understand that, and if you don't maybe try another story. Thank you.
P.S. I don't know how tf to flirt.
The story doesn't mention a lot about being plus sized but it is there.
Summary: It's your third year being a camp counselor at Camp Hawkins and your 7th year knowing Steve. Every year your crush seems to grow stronger and stronger.
*Not Proof Read*
ABC List Stranger Things Masterlist
" Bunk 23. " Eddie, one of the head counselors grins while handing me a set of keys.
I groan. " The bunk with the bats? Eds, are you serious. "
Last year a bat nest was found in the corner of one of the old wooden beds. Nobody had checked the cabin before letting campers and counselors inside, resulting in a nasty surprise halfway through the first week.
Eddie shrugs. " Sorry, kid. I don't assign the bunks, I just tell people where to go. " Eddie's eyes shift over my shoulder. " Steve! There ya are, my boy. Long time no see. What's going on? "
I feel my annoyance begin to melt away as the sound of boots makes its way towards us. It's quickly replaced with a flutter type feeling in my stomach, a feeling that's been stuck with me for the past seven years.
I turn to look at the cause of my emotions.
Steve grins at the man behind me. A large leather duffle bag hangs off of his left shoulder. In his right hand, a small rolling suitcase, the same grayish color as his coat, squeaks along. The same two bags he's used since I met him. Steve pulls off his glasses, sending a dazzling smile towards Eddie and I. " Same old, same old, Ed. Hi, Y/N. "
His grin sends waves of happiness flooding through my body. I love the way he says my name.
I do my best to keep my composure. I return the smile, adding in a small wave as well. " Hey, Steve. "
" So what's this I hear about you and Nancy? A little birdy tells me you're back together again. " Eddie asks, leaning against the desk in front of him.
Nancy and Steve. The always on and off high school sweethearts.
I have no shot with Steve. I mean, he's obviously still head over heels for her if he keeps going back to her. I guess deep down I hope he'll finally see me as someone other than his chubby fellow camp counselor.
Picking up my heavy bags, I excuse myself from the conversation. " Hey, I'll catch you guys later. I'm gonna go check out the cabin, make sure no bats are hanging around. "
" Do you need help with your bags? They look a little heavy. " Steve offers, moving to set his stuff down on the ground.
He's so sweet. He always have been. No wonder I have a huge crush on him.
" No, " I shake my head. " I've got it. It's not to far. " I smile.
" But Bunk 23's on the other side of the-" Eddie begins.
I interrupt him. " I'm probably going to stop at the dining hall and see if Robin's there yet anyways. I'll be okay. " I reassure them.
" Oh, okay. " Steve nods, glancing down at the heaviest duffle bag I have.
I'm definitely regretting packing extra crafts. I just didn't want any of the kids to get bored during free time.
" Cya guys. " I shuffle towards the door. The floor creaks beneath me as I walk out onto the main cabins' porch.
Maybe some day I'll mean more to Steve Harrington.
" He literally offered to help you. Why didn't you take him up on that? " Robin groans in frustration. Strands of hair that slipped out of her hat frame her flour splotched face. Bits of dough and other mysterious stains cover the front of her apron, making it look like a doughy murder scene.
She leans on the serving window counter, her arms cradling her head.
" He was just being nice. I mean, if I saw you carrying heavy bags of flour, I'd offer to help you. It's something everyone does- be nice to the people you know. It doesn't mean they like you. " I argue. I fidget with the lid of my water bottle.
" That's different. "
I narrow my eyes at the woman. " How is that different? "
Robin lets out an annoyed grunt. " You and me, " She points to the two of us. " have no chemistry. You and Steve on the other hand..." She waggles her eyebrows, sending a warm feeling climbing up my face.
I roll my eyes.
" Have a fuck ton of chemistry. Like sometimes I feel like it's choking me. " She makes a pretend choking sound. " Please! Y/N! Steve! Just make out already. Please, for the love of god! Save me! Save humanity from the horrors of watching you two interact while denying your feelings! "
I gently hit her forearm. " Shut up. That's not true, literally shut the fuck up. " I mutter.
Robin laughs. " It's so true. Ask literally anyone that hangs around you guys. Why do you think Nancy and Steve keep breaking up? "
That can't be true. Relationships have issues. There's no way in hell Steve and Nancy keep breaking up because he likes me. That's...insane.
" Your a catch, y/n. You need to start realizing that. People-they have crushes on you too. "
I turn my head to meet Robins gaze.
" You're not the only person in the world who doesn't have someone attracted to them. I mean, if fucking Mike Wheeler can have a girl crushing on him, so can you. "
It's just hard for me to believe someone like Steve, Ex Captain of the Hawkins basketball team, could like someone like me. I'm pretty sure he's only ever seen me as a friend. All these years, transitioning from campers to counselors, he's never made a move on me. In all fairness, I haven't exactly made a move on him either...in my defense, Steve and Nancy are on and off so much, a flickering light bulb has more predictability.
This is all so confusing.
" Welcome campers! " A loud voice booms from on the old cement stage.
Slowly chatter from the excited campers begin to die down.
Jim Hopper, a retired sheriff and the new owner of Camp Hawkins, begins to speak again. " We're so excited to have you here. Each of you have been assigned a bunk and a counselor... " Jim's voice begins to fade from my mind. The same words have been repeated year after year, not that I mind. It's a familiar introductory speech, something I know will never change.
I look behind the older man. The gorgeous quarry shines from the sunlight. Post card worthy.
" You're bunk 23, right? " Steve's voice asks from next to me.
I was so lost in thought I hadn't noticed he took a seat next to me.
I send him a smile. " Yeah, The bat bunk. " I mumble.
Steve grins. " I'm bunk 24. "
" Oh nice, I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot then. Well, " Stupid, the kids do basically everything together. You're going to see him a ton anyways. " More than usual I guess. "
Steve chuckles slightly. A sound that sends waves tumbling through my insides. " I don't mind. You're good company. "
I feel a familiar warmth sprawl across my face. " You're not so bad yourself, Harrington. "
A look of amusement finds its' way onto Steve's face. " Hey, I know you're not a huge fan of bats...or other flying creatures, " He references my first year here as a camper.
I let out a groan at the embarrassing memory. " That was so long ago. The bird literally came out of nowhere. " I vividly remember that morning. It was still dark when Steve and our friends got the bright idea to go check out the quarry. A bird flew out of one of the nearby bushes, nearly smacking into my face.
Steve laughs, his milky brown eyes glinting from the sunlight. " Hey, birds can be terrifying. I'm not judging you. " He holds up his hands in a playful surrender. " I was just saying, if you want, I can come over to your bunk and check it out. Make sure no flying surprises are hidden anywhere. " He offers, leaning forward slightly in his seat.
My heart flutters. God, he's so sweet. " I don't want to inconvenience you, I mean, it's probably fine. I doubt the bats returned. "
" Really, I don't mind. It's not an inconvenience, if anything, I'm doing this for my bunk. I mean, I don't really feel like waking up to a bunch of people screaming at 3 in the morning. "
My eyebrow raises. " Oh? So you're doing this for you then...for your interests. "
Steve tilts his head slightly. " I guess you could say that. "
The campers around us begin to gather up their bags, making their way towards Eddie and Jonathan who have lists of where everyone's supposed to go.
Steve stands up, extending a hand towards me. " So what do you say, Y/N. Do you want Pest Control Steve to come take a look at your bunk? "
I cringe at his stupid name, causing him to laugh.
" Only if you never call yourself that again. " I accept his hand, standing up from the cement row.
Steve's hand firmly holds onto mine for a few seconds longer after we've stood up.
From over his shoulder Robin catches my eye. Her eyes flicker between our hands and back to my eyes. She mouths a silent ' He fucking likes you ', which I ignore.
I release Steve's hand, shoving mine into my pocket.
For a moment, a flicker of confusion? Maybe disappointment flashes across Steve's features. He obviously ignores it, moving to fold his arms across his chest. " Deal. "
I smile at the man. " Deal. "
I look at him for a second longer before I'm quickly swept away by the campers in my bunk.
My mind analyzes our conversation over and over again, completely ignoring whatever Eleven is telling me while we walk back to our bunk.
He couldn't like me. Right?
" I think you guys are clear. " Steve says, poking his head back out from under the last bunk. He glances up at the top of the bunk, making sure there's nothing hidden in the corners.
" Thank you so much, Pest Control Steve, what would I ever do without you? " I cringe slightly at my words, shaking my head. " You know what, never mind. I thought it would be funny but no. "
Steve laughs at my attempt at mockery. " You'd live in uncertainty. " He makes his way towards me, leaning against the open door frame.
Outside the kids are running around playing capture the flag, their yells echoing slightly around the bunk.
" Sure...I'd probably just get Eddie or Jim to look around. You know how much they love me. "
Steve slightly leans towards me. " They wouldn't check as well as I do. I do have a five star rating in customer service. " His voice is soft but teasing.
My eyes flicker down to his lips.
He's so close. Just a few inches away. If I wanted to, I could kiss him.
I do want to...
But I can't.
What if him and Nancy are still dating?
Fuck, I should've stuck around and waited to hear what he had to say about their relationship.
" Y/n! El got another bloody nose! " Dustin's voice suddenly shouts.
My head snaps towards the direction of the boy. His face goes from worried to grinning in a matter of seconds.
" Wait, " He looks between Steve and I.
Without waiting for him to finish, I snatch a roll of paper towels from the desk near the door. I hurry out of the bunk, leaving the two guys behind.
" Oh my god, Dustin... " Steve's voice groans.
" Were you guys about to..." Dustins' voice fades away as I make my ways towards a group of kids. I push past them, kneeling in front of El.
Perfect timing.
The dining hall is bursting with noise. Kids sit together, eagerly talking about their first day back at camp.
I grab a plate and nervously head into the kitchen.
Food. My least favorite part of the day. I don't know if it's just the fear or people watching me eat or the possibility of someone making fun of me for eating too much. I should be used to it by now, I've eating around people for my entire life, but I'm not.
Every meal time still brings unnecessary anxiety.
Robin leans against one of the walls, a iced drink in her left hand. As she raises the glass to take a sip, droplets of condensation run down her arm. " About time you showed up. I basically had to threaten Eddie with a knife for him to back away from your portion of chicken tenders. He does not go down without a fight, I'll tell you that. " She chuckles.
" Thanks. " I begin putting some food onto my plate.
There's a moment of silence. " So. " Robin looks at me expectantly.
" So? " I ask, confused. I lean against the counter across from her. The counter hidden from the view of the dining hall.
Robin rolls her eyes. " Aren't you going to tell me about it? "
" What are you talking about, Robin? "
Robin lets out a sigh of annoyance. " Oh my god, Y/N. The kiss! "
Still lost, I set my food down. " What kiss? "
Finally, Robin blurts it out. " Dustin told me he saw you and Steve making out in your bunk. "
My eyes widen. " What? No. Robin, we weren't making out, that little..." I shake my head. " Steve and I were talking. Just talking. "
Robin raises an eyebrow. " Are you sure, Y/N, I'm your best friend. You can literally tell me anything-you literally have told me basically everything. "
" Robin, I swear. If anything were to happen, you'd be the first to know. Steve and I didn't do anything. "
" Doesn't mean something won't happen in the future though. " Robin smirks.
I roll my eyes. " He has a girlfriend, Robin. I'm not making a move on a taken guy. "
" They'll probably be on break by the end of the month. "
I pick up my plate again. " I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't get myself wrapped up into that. I mean, they'll probably eventually get back together. I don't want to be a rebound or something. "
Robin hops onto the counter, taking a seat in the empty space. " Steve's not like that. "
Yeah, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to do that. But, hey, maybe I don't know him as well as I think I do.
" So Dustin's going around telling everyone? " I say in discomfort. Even if we had kissed, I don't want everyone to know.
Robin shakes her head. Her hair is finally free from her hat. " Fuck no. I was the first person he saw and the first person he told. I told him I'd feed him to everyone for dinner if he says anything to anyone. " She lets out a small laugh. " Scared him shitless. "
I shake my head. " Of course you did, Rob. "
The moon reflects off the quarry beautifully. Finally, there's bit of quiet. All of the campers are huddled together in the dining hall, playing random board games.
Their voices and music fade away as I walk closer to the water. I love being a counselor, but it definitely gets overwhelming at time. I look forward to going down to the Quarry every night, just for a little bit to clear my head.
As I get closer to the waters' edge, hear a twig snap. I snap towards my right side, the direction the sound came from.
A familiar jacket catches my eye.
Hanging over a nearby log, the sleeve of Steve's jacket shines in in the moonlight.
" Fuck, I'm sorry. " I blurt out as soon as I see the pair. On top of the jacket sits Steve. On his lap is Nancy, her arms wrapped around Steve's white t-shirt clad shirt. Nancy's legs are wrapped around his hips, pulling him into her embrace.
The pair pull apart, obviously surprised by my intrusion.
Nancy looks slightly embarrassed. " Oh I'm sorry. We didn't think anyone would be out here this late. " She apologizes, quickly getting off of her boyfriend.
I don't bother to look at Steve, knowing anything I see will send a pang of even more embarrassment and jealousy through my heart.
Don't be jealous.
Don't be jealous.
He doesn't like you. He never will. He's with fucking Nancy. It'd be wrong if he liked you.
Plus, Nancy is so sweet. How could I hurt her by dating Steve?
I turn around quickly, hurrying back down the path towards the dining hall.
Steve will never like someone like me.
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hairstevington · 1 year
Stranger Therapy
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Based on this text post, Steve and Eddie match on Tinder and decide to go to couple's counseling on a first date to see how long it takes the therapist (Murray) to figure them out. Link to Ao3
Word Count: 3K, check out part 2 part 3 part 4 and epilogue!
Warnings: Nothing too serious, Steve/Eddie went to high school together but don't know each other, modern day AU, aged up, brief Robin cameo, Matchmaker Murray, and my fav tag of all - gay scheming!
A/N: I'm a counselor in training currently but I don't specialize in couple's counseling so this may or may not be accurate? Idk man it's just fun and silly I love our stupid boys sm. Original post by @hxneyfarms
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It’s a match!
“Robin, it worked!” Steve shouted from the couch. She ran from the kitchen and joined him, peering over to stare at his screen.
“I told you it would! It’s funny!” she insisted. Steve rolled his eyes and anxiously pulled up the profile of his new match. 
“Oh, shit,” Steve said. “I remember swiping right on this guy. Didn’t think I had a shot.” He looked through the pictures. They were all candids, slightly blurry, or shots of him with his friends, but due to his distinguished look it was easy to pick him out even in a crowd. 
“Show me his bio,” Robin ordered. Steve closed out the pictures and scrolled until the bio was in full view.
Eddie, 25. Shit at bios.
“Well that’s kind of boring,” Steve said. 
“Yeah. You think he’s a bot?” Robin asked.
 “Or a catfish, maybe,” Steve mused. “Either way, I still think I should take your joke down. I don’t talk like that in real life, and people might get confused.”
Robin had convinced him earlier to change his bio and replace it with - let’s go to couple’s counseling and see how long it takes the therapist to realize we don’t know each other. Steve had been a little tipsy when he agreed, and he assumed nothing would come of it. But then, Eddie matched with him. 
“You’re thinking way too hard about this, Dingus,” Robin replied. “People write weird shit in their Tinder bios all the time.” 
“Eddie didn’t,” Steve countered. 
“Yeah, but look at him,” Robin responded. “He’s distinctive. It’s attention-grabbing in itself.”
“And I’m not?” Steve asked. Robin chuckled.
“You’re the kind of pretty where if you don’t have something witty in the bio, people will think you’re just some ignorant surface-level airhead who’s never worked a day in his life, and that’s not cute.”
“Okay, ouch,” Steve said. 
“It’s a compliment!” she insisted. “Like, you need to show that you’re witty and funny and able to poke fun at yourself, otherwise you’re going to attract the wrong kind of people.”
“And this guy’s the right kind, huh?” Steve opened one of the pictures back up - one where Eddie was passed out on the couch with a beer still in his hand. As they looked at the screen, a notification popped up. Eddie sent you a message.
“Let’s find out,” Robin said. 
Eddie: If your bio is serious, I’m in
Steve: Wait, really?
Eddie: Yeah xD sounds fun
Eddie: You got a therapist in mind?
Steve: Honestly didn’t think I’d get this far
Eddie: Boo. 
Eddie: You’re lucky I know just the guy
Steve: Okay…
Steve: So how do we do this?
Eddie: Dude, it was YOUR idea
Steve: Ok but I’ve never done it before!
Eddie: Steve! I’m your first? <3
Steve: Yeah, yeah. I’ve never pranked a therapist before. 
Eddie: I hope you’re either rich or have really good insurance. Otherwise this is gonna be an expensive first date.
Steve: I got it covered. 
Eddie: I figured you did. I’ll call the guy in the morning and get back to you with the appointment time. 
Steve: Okay. How’s your night going by the way?
Eddie: Nope!
Eddie: That’s not part of the deal, Steve. We go into this blind or not at all.
Steve: This is insane.
Eddie: Once again, your idea. I’m excited. Are you excited?
Steve: Thrilled.
Steve: I’m still concerned about how you know the perfect guy for this.
Eddie: 😛
Eddie: Don’t worry about it.
“I don’t even think he’s serious,” Steve said after he recounted the entire interaction to Robin.
“I don’t know, Steve. Sounds serious to me.” 
“What if he’s like - not right in the head?” Steve wondered, reading the interaction over and over again. “Like, who is this therapist and why does he know him? Is he actually going to make an appointment? What if this whole thing crashes and burns?”
“I honestly think he plans on it crashing and burning,” Robin replied. “And then after, the both of you either hit it off and laugh about it forever, or you have an amazing failed date story to tell your friends until the end of time.”
“That’s…actually genius.” 
“I know.” 
Steve read the messages one last time, focusing on the bits where Eddie was mildly flirtatious. Steve! I’m your first? He could tell if Eddie was being condescending, or what vibe he was going to bring to this absolute insane first date. But, as Robin said, it would be a story no matter what. 
He tried to focus on that and not the anxiety that started brewing in his veins.
The appointment was set for two weeks later. Eddie still refused to talk to Steve other than for details on where to go and at what time, so for the whole fourteen days, Steve assumed he was being pranked right back. Eddie was messing with him, or he’d cancel, or Dr. Bauman didn’t actually exist, or he’d be murdered, or, or, or -
None of that happened. Instead, on a Tuesday afternoon, Steve pulled up to an office building about fifteen minutes from his apartment. He’d passed by it several times and never once wondered what went on inside. 
Apparently, really weird first dates.
They had decided to meet up in the parking lot and walk in together. The whole thing was crazy, but having one of them pick the other up so they could drive in together was way over what was needed to commit to the bit. 
Steve got there first. They needed to be fifteen minutes early to fill out paperwork. It was twenty minutes prior to their appointment time. 
This was weird. It felt a lot different than all the times he’d met someone for coffee. In another world, that’s how he and Eddie would have met. But no. He had to agree to this stupid thing, and now he was too far into it to back out. Jesus Christ. 
Eddie’s car pulled in a few spaces down. Steve knew it was him from the hair alone - unmistakable. He got out of his car and walked towards his date, his palms sweaty. Eddie got out of his car a moment later, eyeing Steve as he approached him and smirking. 
“What gave me away?” Eddie asked. 
“You think I wouldn’t recognize my boyfriend?” Steve snapped back, pleased at the way he was able to take Eddie off guard. 
“Touche. Well, come on, then. Let’s do this.” 
Before they knew it, they were sitting in a cramped waiting room, alone, filling out paperwork. It consisted of insurance information first, followed by names and some quick background questions about the “couple.” Steve began filling it out, thankful that he was still on his dad’s fancy rich-person insurance. It covered basically everything, even fucked-up couples fraud with Dr. Bauman.
“Are you not worried I’m gonna, like, steal your information or something?” Eddie asked as Steve wrote down his policy number.
“I mean…should I be?” Steve responded. 
“No,” Eddie answered with a shrug. “I gotta say, though, you’re way more trusting than I am. It’s ballsy. I like it.” 
“Uhh…” Steve was trying to concentrate on the paperwork, but the compliment was throwing him off. “Thank you, I think.” He continued filling out the paperwork.
“You’re from Hawkins?” he asked. Steve nodded, absentmindedly. “I’m from Hawkins.” This caught Steve’s attention. 
“No shit.” 
“Yeah, seriously.”
“Small world,” Steve replied before turning his attention back to the form.
“You have a cute middle name,” Eddie teased. 
“Shut up,” Steve responded. He wanted to find Eddie’s pestering annoying, but instead he found himself smirking, even giggling a little bit. This whole thing was so ridiculous. He shoved the clipboard onto Eddie’s lap. “Your turn, lover.”
“Euch,” Eddie groaned. “That is not one of our pet names, no way.” 
“Noted,” Steve chuckled. He was…kind of enjoying this way more than he expected, as weird as it was. He’d grown accustomed to a lot of even stranger things in his life, so this didn’t feel as shocking as he’d initially thought. 
“Don’t look,” Eddie said as he covered the paper.
“What? Why not?” Steve asked, confused. 
“Because not all of us are as blindly trusting, Steven,” Eddie responded. Steve shook his head and looked away. 
“Good thing we’re in therapy to work that shit out, Edward Munson.”
“You looked!” Eddie exclaimed. 
“It was right in front of me!” Steve pointed out. 
“Fair enough,” Eddie sighed. “Okay, now we gotta put down a reason for doing this.”
Fast forward ten minutes, Eddie and Steve were seated next to each other on a relatively small but cozy burnt orange couch. The color was ugly, but the seats were comfortable. Steve noticed the cushions had a natural dip that kept inching him closer to the person sitting on the opposite side. He figured this was certainly intentional. 
The doctor sat in front of them, reviewing the papers the pair had just filled out.
“Hello, my name is Dr. Bauman, and one day I may let you call me Murray,” he began, his eyes fixed on the papers in front of him. “I see here on your sheet that you’ve been feeling distant from each other, and that you’re looking to feel more connected, right? Can you tell me more about that?”
“We’re just launching right into it, huh?” Eddie asked. 
“Well, we are on a time crunch here. Your decision how you spend it,” Dr. Bauman answered. 
The man was immediately intimidating.
“Ooookay,” Steve said, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, I guess it just feels like - like he and I don’t even know each other anymore.” Eddie stifled a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand to make it seem like he was maybe getting emotional or perhaps trying not to sneeze. 
“I see,” Dr. Bauman said, eyeing them both suspiciously. “Let’s begin with how you two met and we’ll go from there, okay?”
“We were high school sweethearts,” Eddie replied with a grin.
“Wow,” Dr. Bauman commented. “Well, it’s common for a lot of development to happen from then to now. How did you two get together?” Eddie looked to Steve, as if to say, you’re up.
“It just kinda…happened, I guess,” Steve began. “We were assigned as partners for a project and really clicked.”
“Yeah, and then we snuck around for a while. Sneaking kisses in janitor's closets and empty classrooms, you know the drill.” Steve tried not to blush at the thought of sneaking around with high school Eddie. If they were both from Hawkins, did they actually go to high school together?
“Snuck around for the thrill?” Dr. Bauman asked.
“No,” Steve responded. “I wasn’t out yet.” Eddie looked at him curiously, as if he wasn’t expecting Steve to say something so serious. He wondered if it was actually true. 
“Well, that and -” Eddie added. “- he was a popular jock and I was kind of a freak.” This time, Steve looked at Eddie curiously. Steve was a popular jock. Eddie could have assumed that, or made a lucky guess, but something told him that wasn’t the case. 
Eddie Munson. Munson. 
It took Steve a minute to recover from that information. They did in fact go to school together, they just had never interacted. Eddie obviously remembered, and he obviously knew that Steve didn’t. So what was the goal here? Was Steve being punked or something just so Eddie could get free therapy?
“Steve, you look a little pale there,” Dr. Bauman noticed. “Did that trigger something?”
“Yeah -” Steve croaked, now unable to look at Eddie. If he had, he would have noticed Eddie didn’t look as smug as Steve assumed he was. “Yeah, I just don’t think about high school that much anymore.”
“Why not?” the doctor asked. 
“Because, I - I’ve changed so much since then. I’m not that guy anymore, and I don’t want to be that guy.”
“Ah, I see,” he hummed. “So, Eddie fell for someone who no longer exists. I think I’m understanding the problem here. Eddie, do you feel that you’ve changed?”
Damn. This guy’s kinda good.
“Uhhh -” Eddie began. Neither of them expected this to get so serious so quickly. It didn’t even feel like it was about their imagined relationship anymore. “N-no, I don’t think I have.”
“And Steve, do you think Eddie has changed?”
Steve thought about the limited memories he had of Eddie in high school. Cocky, slightly unhinged, just as he was now. But there was something different, he just couldn’t really pinpoint what. Maybe if he’d talked to Eddie for longer than like ten minutes total in his life, he’d have a better idea. 
Then, he realized the point of this wasn’t to be serious. It was to make shit up. Steve pivoted back to the original plan. 
“Yeah, I mean -” He shifted in his seat, finding himself now thigh to thigh with Eddie, despite not meaning to be. “He’s, uh - it just feels like we don’t have anything in common anymore?” It was something he’d heard lots of couples say.
“Do you want to make this work?” Dr. Bauman asked. 
“Why else would we be here?” Eddie answered. Dr. Bauman narrowed his eyes. 
“You tell me.”
Eddie and Steve were kind of not good at this. Their story was based in truth and not very exciting. They both seemed to realize this at the same time.
“Steve slept with the dogwalker,” Eddie proclaimed. Steve scoffed, half-amused, half-offended. 
“Yeah, well you sold drugs to my mom!” he shot back. The two guys looked at each other, pretending to look angry while simultaneously wanting to laugh. 
“Woooah, there,” Dr. Bauman responded. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Do we want to begin with Steve’s infidelity or Eddie’s illegal activity?”
“That’s not gonna, like, go on record or anything, right?” Steve asked, suddenly anxious. “Like, the cops aren’t gonna show up at Eddie’s door?”
“Our door, babe,” Eddie clarified, not the least bit nervous. 
“Depends on how long ago this happened, I suppose,” Dr. Bauman answered.
“Long time ago,” Eddie said. 
“Are you still currently dealing?”
“No, I don’t even do drugs anymore. Well, like, except pot - but that’s legal now so it doesn’t really count, I think.”
“Dude,” Steve whispered. 
“You brought it up,” Eddie replied just as softly. 
“Right,” Dr. Bauman responded, taking it all in. “No report needed, then. Let’s move onto the dogwalker.” 
They continued to add to their lore as the appointment went on. At one point, Eddie even faked tears. His acting was…decent enough to avoid suspicion, thankfully. When the clock hit 1:45, their time was up, and they’d successfully managed to fool Dr. Bauman. Mission accomplished, date over. Right?
“Well, thank you so much, Dr. Bauman,” Eddie said. “I think you’ve really helped us out today.”
“Yeah, seriously,” Steve said, smiling. “We feel so much better.”
“Now hold on a minute,” Dr. Bauman said with his hands up. “There’s still a lot of work to be done, in my professional opinion.”
“There is?” Eddie asked, confused. 
“Oh, definitely. Most couples go to a minimum of four sessions, and that’s still a low average. Plus, this was only intake. I mean, unless you guys weren’t happy with the counseling I gave you today…”
It felt like a challenge, and Eddie loved challenges. Meanwhile, Steve was too awkward to come clean or tell the doctor they weren’t interested. 
They made another appointment.
“Well, that went pretty well, I think,” Eddie said as they left the building. 
“You knew me already?” Steve asked once they were a safe enough distance from the office and Dr. Bauman. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I just knew your name and face, man. And, like, your vibe,” Eddie answered. “Back in high school, anyway.” 
“You should have told me,” Steve said. 
“You should have remembered,” Eddie shot back. “Whatever, it was fun. Right?”
“Eddie, I have no idea what that was,” Steve replied. “We have to cancel that appointment.”
“Why? You don’t want to see me again?” Eddie grinned. Steve rolled his eyes.
“No, I - I mean, I don’t want to waste his time. That spot should go to other couples who need it. Meanwhile, we could go get coffee like normal adults.” 
“I dunno,” Eddie said, kicking a pebble in the road as they walked. “I kinda liked it. You can’t tell me you didn’t.”
It was true. Steve couldn’t say that he didn’t.
“Doesn’t matter.” Steve unlocked his car and made his way to the door. “We’re canceling.”
“He’s the one that wanted to see us again, Steve,” Eddie reminded him. 
“Yeah, because he thought we were an actual couple.” Steve was getting frustrated at Eddie’s antics, and the way he refused to back down. “I don’t know if this is gonna work, man. This has been, uh - well, it’s been weird, but I think -”
“We have to go, otherwise you’ll be charged a cancellation fee,” Eddie blurted out. It was a lie, a bold-faced lie, and yet -
“So, I’ll pay the fee. Can’t be more than the cost of a full session,” Steve figured. 
“Ugh!” Eddie groaned in frustration. “Okay, fine. Look - I’m annoying as hell, I’m a mess, I’m broke, and I could never afford someone like Dr. Bauman. I don’t know about you, but some of the things he said actually made me think and I kind of want to ask him about, like, real shit.” 
Steve stared at him blankly for a minute. 
“You - you want me to keep going to fake couple’s counseling with you so you can get actual therapy?” Steve asked, stunned. 
“I mean, you could work your shit out, too,” Eddie suggested.
“What shit? I don’t have shit,” Steve insisted. 
“Of course you do! Everyone does!” Eddie yelled. 
“You’re insane,” Steve muttered. The thing was, he wasn’t saying it out of anger. He was saying it in understanding. 
Because the thing was, Eddie had a point. Dr. Bauman was good at what he did, and Steve knew he’d never sign up for individual counseling. He already had the appointment. Eddie smirked. 
“You’re with me, aren’t you?”
“Fine,” Steve agreed. 
Notes from Dr. Bauman - 3/18
Eddie and Steve
Together since high school
Feelings of disconnect
Clearly lying
Clients are faking their relationship for me, for some reason. Will continue to work with them to figure out why. 
They aren’t dating…but they should be
(next chapter)
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kissitbttr · 2 years
Eddie and his Mean cheerleader girlfriend going skinny dipping during school's trip or something, they would be such a menace😩
yes yes yes !!!
although i do think she's the actual menace in this context lol
“will you stop being a pussy and get naked already?” y/n yells with a playful smile, already tearing her shorts down as she runs towards the water,
“you don’t know for sure that the water is sanitary enough! it’s a lake for gods sake! can’t we just lay here and get high? baby, Higgins won’t even notice” he points at the heavy thick blanket that he just spread,
she rolls her eyes, “we’ve been doing that dozens of time! lets try something different with me edsy!” pulling her sweater off she is left with nothing but a baby blue bra with matching panties before facing him. his eyes immediately lights up with brows raised
“i don’t think i have seen you with that one” he says looking at her lingerie. “your tits gotten bigger, have they?”
“eddie!” she giggles, throwing the fleeced material at him. “language, please”
he catches it in a second, wicked grin on his handsome face. “what? you’ve heard far worse from me than the word ‘tits’. come on, can you just—get out from there! ever heard of pneumonia?”
“sure” she shrugs, chills running down her spine. “get in here! the water isn’t even that cold” she tries to convince him when she knows it’s the exact opposite,
the water is super freezing.
his head shakes, hands on his hips. “nope. sorry sweetheart not gonna happen. I made up my mind.”
she quirks an eyebrow. “are you sure?” her teasing tone comes to play as she keeps an eye contact with her man.
her hands slowly snaking its way to her back before unclasping the bra. she lowers the straps and throw it away to his direction. then her fingers move down slowly to the waistband of her panties, tucking it down like she’s giving a strip show. his eyes nearly pops out of his sockets, quickly looking left and right to make sure no one is watching
“are you out of your damn mind, woman?!” he exclaims, hurriedly walking over to her naked body before —trying his best— covering it, despite the water seeping through his jeans,
“what if jason and the dickheads passes by and caught a glimpse of your tits and that?!” he nods his head to her bare crotch. “no wait, scratch that. my girls. my pretty things.” he emphasizes, hugging her body while he looks over to the back. “or steve harrington? because there’s no fucking chance i would let that happen! you and i both know he has a thing for you!”
“everyone has a thing for me, it’s not news. but it’s you who I’m with right?” she says, trying to console him. yet eddie just looks at her in disbelief for that comment and it makes her giggle,
she presses both hands on his face. planting a soft kiss on his lips to calm him down. “you’re so adorable. but trust me, no one’s definitely coming, baby. they’re probably far too busy burning some mary janes or jacking off to that one blonde camp counselor in the cabin. although jason voorhees maybe…”
“okay you know what, that’s not funny.” he answers sternly, looking over her shoulders to make sure no serial killer on the loose,
“ugh! lighten up you little shit!“ she groans. “I’m literally naked with my tits out and all, and you’re not even going to budge? get naked with meeee” she whines, giving him her best puppy dog eye and a pout, tugging his shirt a little.
eddie isn’t gonna lie. the sight of her with dampen hair, naked and wet body begging for it to be touched is turning him on like crazy. not like it’s all new to him. she could be wearing a freaking potato sack and he’d still think she’s the sexiest girl ever.
plus, she looks so damn cute doing that with her lips
“fine” he grumbles with an eye roll. discarding all of his clothes in quick motion. “you’re so lucky i love you” with a mumble, he throws away the rest of his clothes
“i love you baaack” she sings, letting out a playful moan when she sees his naked self. “oof, hubba bubba! look at that ladies and gentlemen. hottest rockstar alive about to get freaky with his girl! better hide your wives!”
“don’t hide your cock from me!” she swats his hands when he’s awkwardly trying to cover himself,
he blushes, then suddenly hissing when the water hits him. sending chills down his spine.“fuck, you were lying weren’t you. It’s so cold! how are you even holding up?”
“i don’t actually” she starts giving feather light kisses on his chest. feeling him shiver under her touch. “but it’s a good thing we can keep each other’s warm right? and maybe we can try to fuck under water?” her arms then move down to hug his torso
eddie’s cock grows hard at the thought. even more when he feels her bare pussy rubbing against the base of his shaft. gulping softly when she’s batting those pretty lashes at him. looking so innocent when he knows damn well she isn’t,
he smiles down at her, burying his palms in her hair while he lightly massages the scalp. her eyes shut in pure bliss,
“you’re going to be the death of me sweetheart.”
requests are open!
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juicinmyjams · 2 years
untitled gym class fic
A ball whistles past his face, centimeters from his nose. 
Eddie doesn’t want to be here. 
He wouldn’t be here under normal circumstances but his guidance counselor had practically hunted him down, dragged him to her office, and told him that if he didn’t start getting his ass to class and actually staying there, it would be Hawkins High Senior Year, round three for him. 
So now, instead of spending fourth period doing literally anything else, he’s here, in gym class, fighting for his life during the dodgeball unit. 
Or, more like ducking and diving and weaving and running for it, death grip on the ball he’s had since the beginning of the match, fingers creaking from how hard he’s holding it. It’s all about survival and ignoring the stitch in his side. 
There’s something in the air today and Eddie would put good fucking money on it being Harrington and Hargrove on opposite teams. He’s never been one for high school politics but he would have had to smoke his whole stash and then dip into his supplies to miss the power struggle between those two. Especially the Monday they both came to school, beat to hell and back. No one could figure out what happened and both of them were silent about it. 
Still, it never really concerned Eddie until right now that he’s smack in the middle of the fucking fire fight the two have instigated in the middle of 4th period. 
And it’s a big one. He’d thought, maybe like an idiot, that it would have fizzled out. King Steve had seemed to be more than happy to give up his crown, letting Hargrove slip into the power vacuum he’d left behind. 
Until today. 
It’s a weird place to make a stand, the dodgeball court in gym class. Eddie’s not sure what changed, but it’s like the return of the fucking king here. Harrington’s a live wire, like he used to be. And Hargrove’s putting up a hell of a fight about it, giving back as good as he gets.
Maybe something happened over the weekend, or somebody said something in the locker rooms. 
Whatever it is, Harrington is in top form today, running around the court, nigh untouchable as he bends to scoop up rubber balls and hurl them back across the center divide, thighs flexing in those short Hawkins High P.E uniform shorts. 
Another ball comes at Eddie and he doesn’t have time to duck, brain still lagging over the mole on Harrington’s mid-thigh. All he can do is raise his hands to block. It doesn’t hit him, just bounces off the one he’s been holding, sending it up into the air. 
Harrington is on it immediately, catching it before it hits the ground and then speedballing it back to the other side, getting two people out in one go. 
“Nice one, Munson!” He says, looks up and-
Oh, it’s horrible. Awful. The worst thing that’s ever happened to Eddie. 
The guys got color high on his cheeks, flushed from battle and his hair is still fucking good, even as it flops over his forhead. His eyes are the worst, sparkling, with crinkles around the corners and he’s smiling, full on, like he’s having a blast. 
All Eddie can do is blink, rapidly as his brain forces him to auto-reboot on the spot. 
Then, someone says something. Eddie doesn’t know who it is at first, or what is said, still can’t pull himself away from Harrington’s face so he sees the whole thing, as the guy looks away, watches as the joy slides right off only stopping until he’s hit a frown.
It’s fucking criminal. 
Eddie follows Harrington’s line of sight, finds Hargrove at the other end. The guy also has a kind of manic glee on his face, one that comes out at parties, when he’s being a dick. There’s nothing about it that’s happy, only a sick kind of triumph as whatever he says hits home. 
It’s not planned, what happens next. Eddie doesn’t even think about it until he’s got his ball in hand, cocked and ready to go. And then he’s throwing, releasing, watching as it goes sailing through the air. 
As it connects with Hargrove’s upper chest. As he recoils, almost in slow motion, and this time it's his face that morphs, to anger, surprise. The ball bounces off of him and falls to the floor, dribbling away in the sudden silence of the gym as everyone falls quiet to watch. 
Hargrove stands there almost in shock, until the teacher blows the whistle and tells him he’s out. 
And then there’s laughter, right next to Eddie. Harrington’s not smiling like he was, but it’s close. A little bit of sunshine in the gross gym, his laugh sending Eddie’s stomach straight into knots. The noise of the game kicks back in as people start up again. 
“Great throw, man!” 
And then he’s coming for Eddie, hand raised, still fucking laughing. 
Eddie’s no good at the high five thing that sports guys do, but he manages okay, Harrington’s sweaty palm meeting his own with a satisfying clap.
These are the most coordinated five seconds of Eddie’s life and he can’t believe they’re happening during a dodgeball game. 
Harrington crosses behind him, to head back into the fray and-
And then there’s a pat, firm and quick. Unmistakable. Right on Eddie’s left ass cheek. 
Eddie’s brain shorts. Vacates the premise entirely and he’s left blinking after Harrington as he doesn’t look back, carries on dealing out carnage, dodgeball style. Picking up balls and launching them across the court with precision. Going on with life like he didn't just completely alter Eddie's.
Eddie’s still watching, not with an open mouth, definitely no, when suddenly he sees stars.
The sting of rubber doesn’t register until a few seconds later, and it’s not until he hears the whistle of the teacher does he realize that he’s been hit, smacked right across the face. 
He’s out. 
He turns and walks on jelly legs, to the bleachers. Finds a spot he doesn’t have to climb for and sinks to his seat.
This comes from me being too competitive at my recreational sports league and this post by @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe
EDIT: how could i forget this post by @yudol-skorbi which is always the high school steddie vibe to me
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ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● can't fight this feeling ● s.harrington
Tumblr media
angsty!Steve in the beginning, flirtatious!coquette reader, neighbors to lovers, high school drama and angst, no sci fi or upside down this is a total AU, underage smoking, alcohol and 🍃 + house parties and eventual filth / PDA ( for my readers who aren't a fan you're warned now ahead of time), Steve finally wins a fight it's happening at some point, teeeny hints of a rivalry between Billy / Steve but Steve is bae so he will win, swearing, sarcasm. mentions of both steve and reader having similar but totally different home lives and steve's parents are.. old money snobby.
<- female reader warning ( personified a fair bit, clothing / hair / body parts and loads of personality so this one isn't as vague sorry babes this is me being ✨ self indulgent ✨ to a degree )
word count
7670 words exactly. I uh.. got carried away, oopsies.
( i'm on my bullshit.. again. there was a lot of groundwork to set bc this is deffo going to be a series. )
he's fresh off a breakup with Nancy and he's not looking. but then you move in next door and he's entirely too aware. will either of you be able to fight your feelings?
( traaash. summary is trash. song inspo / title is can't fight this feeling by REO Speedwagon cos it kinda fits, esp the 'my life has been a whirlwind since I saw you' line. trust me on this. )
-- taglist here if you want to be tagged in my works please lmk or add yourself. otherwise, i don't tag.also, also.. if anyone who joined my ST list for strictly gareth fics wanna be removed from my other nonsense lmk please?
@tbmunson - bestie i luhh you. i had to tag you in this because you're my inspiration. feel free to ignore though, babes.
other links
masterlist ● steve's masterlist ● about + rules
Rain drizzles down the window of the classroom as Steve Harrington stares out, bored. He’s barely listening, his mind’s a million miles away. Replaying the talk he had with the guidance counselor about college and the importance of it in his head. 
The door to the classroom opens with a tired creak, slowly. He tears his eyes off the gray drizzle outside to glance over and he watches as you walk in, stopping by the teacher’s desk. You happen to glance his way and the second you do this, he’s lost in your eyes for a few seconds. You’re the one who looks down first. Beside him, he can hear Carol and Nicole whispering back and forth, he catches bits of it and rolls his eyes.
If he needed a reminder as to why he stopped being friends with Carol and Tommy, the fact that she’s already talking about you and she doesn’t even know you is a good one. Carol snickers quietly, nodding to the front of the classroom at you as she tells Nicole, “She’s gonna get dress coded for that little dress of hers by the end of the day. Only sluts wear that kind of stuff.” and Nicole whispers back, “Carol, that’s mean. You’re not wrong though. I bet she’s easy.”
By now, you’ve clocked the two girls whispering back and forth as they steal glances at you and you want to laugh but you can’t. You’re almost willing to bet that they’re whispering back and forth about the pastel pink slip dress you’re wearing beneath your favorite soft cardigan with the hood and flared sleeves. Honestly, the fact that you’ve only been at Hawkins High for a total of ten minutes now and you’re already being talked about is something you find amusing. 
The teacher is still looking over your schedule and as he does, you shuffle your feet against the speckled tiles. Glancing around the classroom.
The first set of gazes you meet are the two girls who are making no secret that they’re talking about you. You smirk at both and when the redhead looks you up and down and mouths the word slut, you shrug.
It’s nothing you haven’t heard before and honestly, you stopped letting anything anybody else says or thinks about you get to you a long time ago. 
The next person your eyes settle on is the guy sitting right beside the window with an olive colored Members Only jacket. He looks like a classroom is the last place he wants to be and he’s twisting a black ink pen around in between his fingers until he looks up and right at you.
You can’t help but stare. His hand raises and fingers drag through effortlessly styled brown hair and your eyes catch on the movement for a split second but then they’re moving downward. Settling briefly on the prettiest lips you’ve ever seen on a boy, hands down. You bite your own lip for a second or two and you can feel a slow heat rise from the pit of your stomach, blossoming out over your cheeks and settling in the tips of your ears. He’s still staring, you can’t tell whether it’s amusement, curiosity or boredom, maybe it’s a mix of all three playing in doe eyes as he continues to stare. You shift from one foot to the other and your hand raises, catching in the long thick mess you call hair. Lingering there as you let a slow and soft smile slowly play at your lips.
The trance you’re in is broken by the teacher speaking. First to you, “You can take the empty seat in front of Steve Harrington.” and you nod. Then the teacher addresses that same boy you’ve only just managed to take your eyes off of because you were so mesmerized.
Which is dumb, you think to yourself, because I know how guys are. And he looks like the very kind to break your heart and probably laugh about it.
You shove the thought out of your head.
“Mr. Harrington, since you’re not taking one of your naps today, mind raising your hand so that our new student can find her desk, sir?”
There’s quiet laughter among the other students and you catch a glimpse of Steve as a hint of pink creeps into his cheeks and he gives the teacher a dirty look while slowly raising his hand.
You make your way over to your new seat and you’re settling in. The teacher tells you what page he’s reading from and you realize there’s no book at your desk so you speak up. “I don’t have a book.”
“You can share with Mr. Harrington. Maybe if he’s sharing a book he’ll actually pay attention for once.” the teacher shoots Steve a pointed look and Steve grumbles to himself but he moves to the empty seat beside your seat, the one normally occupied by some girl named Andrea. He pushes the seat closer to yours and sets the textbook so that it’s between you so you can see it and read along.
You give him this shy little smile and he gives you a weak one. Half-hearted, because Steve Harrington doesn’t smile that much these days. 
As he settles into the seat he’s moved so that it’s beside your own, the sultry sweet scent of vanilla and a hint of something fruity envelopes the air around you both and when you lean in a little to read the page as he flips it, your movement sends it wafting towards him all over again.
Your hair brushes against his bare arm and he shifts in his seat slightly. You glance up at him apologetically and a few strands of hair swoop down into your eyes. He shrugs off the apology and goes back to reading. Or attempting to read.
You’re almost hyper aware of the boy  sitting next to you, the powdery musk of his designer cologne thick in the air as you catch yourself stealing another glance of his side profile, sharp facial features, the faintest hint of a five o’clock shadow. When you feel his eyes set on you again, you quickly drop your gaze to feign interest in the same paragraph you’ve been reading for almost a whole minute by this point.
You uncross your legs to cross them again the opposite way. He moves to flip the page to the next one and this time, his forearm brushes right against the soft flared sleeve of the cardigan you’re wearing that nearly covers your pastel pink slip dress.
The air is thick, getting thicker by the second. And you catch yourself stealing a look at the clock over the blackboard because you almost can’t breathe properly and you’re wondering how long until the bell rings and you can rush out of class, go find a bathroom and collect yourself. 
Steve’s gaze shifts to the clock and he takes a deep breath. There’s only ten more minutes left to class. The teacher finishes reading and closes his book, gazing out into the classroom. “You may choose someone to work with to complete the worksheet.”
You close the textbook and you’re assuming that he’ll move, abandon you to go work with friends or something. Honestly, you’re not in a hurry to find someone to work with, the equations on the worksheet are something you previously covered at your last school so you know you can struggle through and finish them on your own. ,, and I don’t need anybody to work with anyway, I’m better off alone.” the thought comes but it’s quickly shoved out of your head. You pick up your pencil and start working, despite the fact that Steve hasn’t moved back to his normal seat.
“You’re doing it wrong.” Steve speaks up after about ten or fifteen seconds of watching you bite your lip and glare at the paper in front of you, writing in numbers and erasing them. He clears his throat and nods to the worksheet in front of you. You look up at him and your tongue outlines glossy pink lips. He lets his eyes linger for a second or two before taking your pencil and the worksheet. And he calmly explains exactly what you’re missing to solve the problem.
“You have to divide first.” he tells you and you nod. You take the pencil from him when he holds it out to you and you make an attempt at doing the next one on your own, but you wind up annoyed. Letting the pencil fall to the  desk.
“Math isn’t.. It’s not my thing. I hate numbers.” you admit quietly. Steve looks up from his half-complete worksheet and over to yours. Then he looks at you. “I can help you.. If you want me to, I mean.”
“Please?” you’re giving him this little pout, begging with your eyes. He chuckles and bites his lip as he  trains his eyes on your worksheet. “Okay, I see what’s happening. Okay, this is what you need t’do.” he takes the pencil again and he’s going through each step with you. Every now and then he’ll drag his hand through his hair or pause and rub the back of his neck and your eyes are glued to his hands each time. “Okay, do you understand now?” he questions and you bring yourself out of your little daze to nod. Give him a little smile. “Math isn’t really my thing, but I think I get what you’re saying.”
He chuckles quietly. Goes back to finishing off his own worksheet quietly and after a little more struggling on your end, you finish your worksheet. Everyone else is still working for the most part.
You glance around the classroom for a few seconds to make sure nobody is looking and you slip the pack of gum out. You take a piece for yourself and unwrap it, popping it into your mouth. Then you gently tap Steve on the bicep and when he looks up, you nod to his hands.
His brow raises. You carefully slip the fat square of gum beneath the hand he has resting against the desk, your hands brushing. He sucks in a breath and feels annoyed with himself for the simple fact that even the slightest hint of physical contact is amplified because it’s just so rare that he’s touched or touching anybody else as of late.
It’s not a big deal and he tells himself that.
The bell to end class rings and you rise from your seat, gathering your books and shoving them down into your backpack, slinging that carelessly over one shoulder. Steve realizes that you left a paperback behind on top of the desk you were sitting in so he picks it up and wanders out into the hallway, glancing up and then down, brown eyes scanning the busy crowd of students until he spots you at some lockers down the hall just a little. You’re leaning against a locker with a little silver compact mirror in your hand and you’re reapplying your favorite flavored gloss to your lips.
He makes his way over and you lock eyes with him in the reflection of your little silver mirror just as you’re finishing your touch-up. You give him another soft little smile and close the compact, turning to face him. It puts you body to body and you marvel at the difference in your heights. The way he towers  over you and the way the polo shirt he’s wearing cuffs tight against his biceps. As the hallway gets more crowded, you’re forced at one point to step into him and when you do this, you brush against him just barely and Steve swallows hard.
“Sorry.” you mumble, a softness to your voice when you speak. He tears his focus off that and holds out your paperback, hints of a teasing smirk on his face as you feel your cheeks flame up the second you realize you left your current read sitting behind beneath the desk in class.
You want the floor to open up and swallow you right then and there. Your gaze settles on the thick and well-read paperback he’s holding out to you, the picture of a bare chested pirate standing at the helm of a ship with long dark hair blown out in the breeze emblazoned across the front has you swallowing hard. And there’s this teasing gleam in Steve’s eyes as he chuckles. “I think this is yours.”
“Uh huh.” is all you can manage to get out for some reason. And you’re annoyed at yourself for this. You pluck the book out of his hand and you shove it into your locker once you’ve opened it. Steve’s started to walk away and you steal a quick glance as he disappears into a classroom.
When you have to lean against the locker and breathe in, breathe out to pull yourself together, you grow even more annoyed with yourself. “Jesus christ. He’s just a boy.” you fan yourself and beside you, there’s laughter.
“He’s not even that good looking if you want the honest truth. And his kind.. They think they own the school.”
You’re red-faced when you meet the other girl’s gaze. Biting your lip, you nod in agreement. “Yeah. I kind of thought that’d be the case. Usually is with the pretty ones.”
Robin laughs softly. “I’m Robin. What’s your name?”
“You’re new, huh?”
You nod. “Today is my first day.”
Robin smiles at you. “Prepare to be bored out of your skull. I’ve gotta get going. I’ll uh.. I’ll see you around?”
You smile back at her and nod. “Yeah. It’s a small school.” you keep it casual. Careful. Because getting too close isn’t something you’re good at. It’s not something you do well with and every single time you do, it winds up being a complete disaster. As she wanders off to her next class, you consult your schedule.
You’re wandering the hallway, in no hurry despite the fact that you know damn well the tardy bell is about to ring and you need to be making an effort to find your next class. As you turn a corner, you find yourself body to body with another boy. He’s not as tall and he looks more than a little overconfident. Blue eyes flit over you, taking you in. He’s chewing spearmint gum, this mixes with the faintest hint of cigarette and you bite your lip, looking him right in the eyes. It’s cheeky. Defiant. He chuckles.
“Hey. Haven’t seen you around before. I’m Billy.”
“___. You haven’t seen me because I’m new. Do you mind?” you’re staring over his shoulder because he happens to be standing right in front of the door you need to go through to get to your next class. Instead of moving, he leans in the doorway. Blocking your entrance. He chuckles. “Oh? You’re in this class too?”
You nod. He steps out of the door and makes a show about letting you go in first. You ignore his theatrics and slink into the room, presenting the teacher with your schedule and gazing around the room as the teacher writes your name down in her grade book. You wind up sitting at the same dual desk that Billy’s assigned to and you can feel him staring at you through class.
You look up a time or two because the weight of his stare is just that heavy. 
Somewhere in the middle of class, he slips you a note.
← i’m kind of new here too.
← you smell amazing, by the way. Sweet.
You let your palm settle over the note and slip it across the desk so that it’s in front of your space. Your eyes dance over the words and you can’t help but roll them as soon as you read what he’s written about your scent. It’s the perfume, it gets you a lot of compliments. Surprising for a cheap perfume, but it’s your signature scent now, you haven’t worn anything else since freshman year.
You tap your pink pen against the desktop for a few seconds before responding.
→ Fascinating. I lived in the next town over. Where’d you move here from?
→ Thanks?
There’s not much else to say. You’ve got no real desire to ask him about himself, he strikes you as the type who won’t shut up about himself once you give him an opening to talk. Very much egotistical. Not what you’re into at all.
You slip the note back towards him and his hand settles over your hand for just a second or two, settling on top of it so you can’t pull away. It’s annoying, really.
A definite contrast to the way your two accidental brushes against the hand of Steve Harrington in your first class felt. But you’re shoving that one out as quickly as it invades your brain.
Because you’re better off alone. It’s been proven time and time again for you. Made worse by the fact that since your mom’s death, your own father can’t even stand to be around you. You know he loves you, you know he’s grieving but he’s shut you out completely.
You tear yourself out of your own thoughts and lick your lips, training your eyes on the torn slip of paper. You slip it back over to your side of the desk.
← There’s a party tonight. You should come.
← I can show you around.
You glance over at him, chewing your gum. He’s already staring when you look up and as a result, you make it a point to look down. Picking up your favorite pink pen, you start to scrawl out a response. 
→ Can’t. My friends are coming over.
→ I’ll figure it out. Thanks anyway.
You push the torn slip of paper back to him and turn your attention to the worksheet you’ve just been handed by the teacher. This class is another subject you’re not so good at but you’re determined that you’ll struggle in silence. Because you want as little to do with the boy sitting beside you as possible, truth be told. You’re just not into the whole aura of dominance that you’re getting off him.
It reminds you too much of the last boy you dated. The one who kept pushing you into things you weren’t ready for and didn’t want. 
Billy rubs his chin thoughtfully and he steals another look at you as you sit beside him, glaring at the worksheet as you uncross your legs and cross them again. You’ve taken off the high platform shoes you were wearing, they’re discarded below your chair. You twist a strand of hair around your finger as you focus on your work.He leans in a little, nodding to the worksheet. “I can help you.”
“I’m fine.” you answer quick. He frowns to himself as soon as you’ve looked away. You’re the first girl that hasn’t fallen at his feet in months and he’s at a loss about it. He’s also determined to change this.
“You’ve got your square drawn wrong.”
You glance up and over at Billy, the end of your pen rested against the center of your bottom lip. “I’ll figure it out later.” you answer.
“Fine. I’m trying to help.” Billy raises his hands and gives you his best good guy smile. You barely acknowledge it, looking back down at the worksheet in front of you instead. The second the bell rings you’ve gathered your books and you’re out the door before Billy even has the chance to catch you. You glance back to find him flanked by the two girls in your first class, both of them whispering and staring at you intently.. Again.
You roll your eyes and turn your head back to the front of you so that you can actually see where you’re going but you don’t do it soon enough and you collide into Steve. Steve’s hands shoot out, resting against your upper arms to steady you and he chuckles. “You’re in a hurry.”
“Yeah. Sorry. I should’ve been paying attention.” you mumble because yet again, you’re mesmerized. You shake your head and laugh softly at yourself. “Trying to get away from this guy in my class.”
Steve chuckles. Has the passing thought that this is something that probably happens to you a lot. Wonders to himself if it has anything at all to do with the way you carry yourself without realizing it, because it took him all of five minutes in the class he had with you earlier to quickly figure out that you’re one of those girls who carries herself like a little flirt and it’s completely unintentional for the most part.
Like, you’re completely unaware of it.
Because if he weren’t a thousand percent sure there was no way in hell you were flirting with you, if this had been last year, he’d have already put the moves on you.
,, but you’re not that guy anymore.” he reminds himself, ,, and you’re better off not getting close or attached because the one time you did was a disaster.” 
“This guy have a name?” Steve asks. Surprised by the surge of jealousy that rises to the surface quick when you laugh and roll your eyes as you say the name of the guy in question. “Yeah. His name is Billy.”
“The guy’s a douchebag.” Steve steps up into you because he sees Billy rounding the corner, flanked by Carol and Nicole. Tommy’s walking in front of the three of them, facing away from the flow of hallway traffic like an asshole.
Your gaze flits to the group as they make their way past but it’s only because Steve was already glancing their way and you were curious about where he was looking. Billy locks eyes with you and a smirk plays at peachy lips. “Hey Harrington, I see you met ___.”
Carol rolls her eyes and coughs to cover “Slut.” when she passes you.
“ When a house lands on that bitch I want to be there.” you mumble, a response to hearing what she said and tried to cover. You shake your head and laugh it off and Steve is glaring at their retreating backs. “Ignore her. She’s jealous of pretty much everybody.”
“I picked up on that in first.” you admit, laughing softly. You tilt your head to the side slightly, gazing up at Steve. You haven’t bothered to step away from him and he finally realizes that he’s still got his hands against  your upper arms, so he lowers them, slipping them into the pockets of his olive colored jacket. He steps away first, leaning against his locker. “So uh… what class do you have now?”
“Home Ec?” you dig around for the schedule you spent the parts of first class that you weren’t stealing glances at him doodling all over and you find it, holding it out to him. Steve takes the paper and chuckles, raising a hand to rest it against the back of his head. “C’mon. Your class is down the hall from mine. I’ll help you find it.”
Wordlessly, you fall in beside him, wandering down the hall. Neither of you are saying anything to each other. As you pass up Nancy’s locker in the hallway, Nancy watches as Steve walks past with you. She notes the way you tuck yourself into his side when the hallway gets a little too crowded. She catches you when you steal a glance up at him and it lingers right as the two of you are almost past the locker she’s standing in front of. She notices the way you’re biting your lip while you’re staring and all of this prompts her to gently nudge her new boyfriend Jonathan, nodding to your retreating backs.
Jonathan follows his girlfriend’s gaze.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?”
“I don’t know. But I do think she’s into him. Who was she?”
Jonathan shrugs. “Not a single clue.”
But Nancy’s curious now. And she’s sensing the potential to fix the mess she made when she broke up with Steve a few months ago. 
“You’re getting an idea.. Aren’t you?”
“Maybe?” Nancy laughs softly as she says it and Jonathan chuckles. “Leave it alone, Nance.”
But she doesn’t want to because she owes Steve.. Something. She feels horrible about the way things ended. Cheating on him even though it’s not what she set out to do.
She hates the way things ended and she’s really hated seeing him the way he is now, all distant and closed off. Shut down.
Steve spots the door to the Home Ec classroom. He nods to it. “There you are.”
You’re lingering in the doorway, almost body to body. “Thanks. I’ll see you around.” you give him another little smile and you turn, making your way into the classroom. As Steve turns to walk away, he finds himself almost nose to nose with Billy Hargrove, who promptly chuckles. Nods to the door you just walked through. “You can’t handle a girl like that, Harrington. You couldn’t even handle that little mouse you got dumped by. What was her name again?”
Steve rolls his eyes.
“I was walking her to class.”
“Sure you were. If you’re smart, Harrington.. You’ll leave her alone.”
“Maybe you’re the one who should do that, Billy.” and Steve has to check himself, he’s not even sure why he’s getting worked up over it to start with, it’s not like you’re his girl. He doesn’t have any right.
All he knows is that you were in a big hurry to get away from Billy Hargrove not even ten minutes ago and that alone tells him you’re not interested in Billy. 
,, And she’s not your girl so this isn’t your business.” his brain reminds, only to have him ignore it because he’s sick and fucking tired of the way Billy’s taken over since his arrival back in October.
He’s not jealous, he’s just annoyed. Irritated.
The guy’s an asshole and everyone seems to flock to that.
Billy chuckles. “That’s not gonna happen, Harrington. You into her or something?” Billy’s taunting him, a menacing gleam in baby blue eyes as he steps just a little closer. “That what this is, Harrington?”
“Nope. I just know for a fact that she was in such a hurry to escape you that she ran into me.” Steve’s standing taller. Studying Billy with an annoyed look on his face and his arms folded over his chest. Billy makes himself taller. Smirks at Steve. “She’s gonna end up with me. I’m pretty good at getting what I want.”
Steve chuckles. Shrugs it off. “Whatever, Hargrove. I really don’t care.”
It’s a lie, he’d rather eat glass before admitting just how much the thought of Billy making yet another girl fall at his feet annoys him, but he’s determined to stick through it. 
“Stay away from her, Harrington.” Billy calls out the warning as Steve walks away, not even bothering to stop and look back or challenging him.
Because if it happens, it happens. All he’s currently trying to do is finish out his senior year and graduate. Get on with his life. Nothing matters anymore.
You wander into your new house, pausing at the door to slip off your shoes and put down your backpack, slip out of your favorite cardigan and hang it neatly on the coat hanger. You close the door behind you and wander over to your father’s state of the art stereo, turning it on and tuning it to the local rock station you prefer and then from there, you wander into the kitchen, sifting through the mail that’s sat on the counter, discarding everything but your catalogs as you wander over and open the double doors of the fridge.
You’ve just popped the tab on your soda when you hear the doorbell ringing, so you wander back out into the living room, throwing open the front door.
“Girl.. This place is big!” your friend Chloe steps into your house and she’s laughing. Talking a mile a minute about what happened today at your old school. And you’d be listening if it weren’t for the fact that you’re just a little distracted, staring at the house across the street.
Steve Harrington is outside, mowing the lawn. A gray t-shirt thrown around his neck to catch the sweat that’s covering his body in a light sheen.
Chloe realizes you aren’t listening and she goes quiet, her gaze following yours.
“He’s kind of a prettyboy, ___. Like Landon.”
You sigh. Give her a sheepish shrug. “He seems sweet though. He’s in my first class of the day.”
“Speaking of.. How weird is it going to our rival high school?” Chloe asks and you finally manage to shut the front door just so you won’t keep staring across the road at the poor guy. You remind yourself a little firmer this time that guys like Steve will break your heart. Zero hesitation.
Your father’s sports car pulls into the circular brick drive in front of the house and he calls out, “Forgot my plane tickets, champ!”
“On the counter, sir!”
“I’m leaving the Visa with you this time. If you girls wanna go into the city and do a little shopping or you need anything, you know the pin, right?”
This is standard. You get the same speech every single time he leaves. You’ve been getting it since the summer your mother died, between 8th grade and 9th. When your father started taking more out of town cases. Higher profile ones that meant he’d be away longer. When he started taking solo vacations because he said he needed time.
He goes in for a hug but it’s not the hugs he gave you when you were a little girl, you haven’t gotten one of those since your mom died either. This is stiff and it’s awkward. You pull away and your eyes settle on his navy colored tie. “Dad.. the tie is wrong. You’re going to throw off the whole suit.”
“Fix it,will ya, princess?”
You fix his tie and he chuckles, glancing from you to your best friend Chloe. “You two don’t have any wild parties.”
And then he’s gone, plane ticket in hand. 
Chloe laughs softly. “C’mon. You mentioned this place has a heated pool?”
You laugh. “I did.”
“We can go swim. Teresa and Janey are coming, Janey just had to go home and finish packing her mom for New York.”
“What about Em?”
“She’s gonna no show. And we’re not talking to her right now because oh my god, girl.. Guess who brought her to school this morning?”
You shrug. “Yeah. I kind of knew  that was coming.”
“It blew up at lunch. They were all over each other and we exploded. I mean, there is such a thing as girl code.”
“Chloe, it’s fine. It’s not like I was gonna marry the guy. Besides.. I broke up with him. Remember?”
“Well yeah, but still. She’s dating him not even a week later. You’re our friend. Friends don’t pull that crap.”
You laugh and smile at her. “It was so hard today, I kept looking for you guys in the hallway. I did make one friend. Her name is Robin? She’s taking AP classes, so she’s in a few of my classes with the seniors.”
“You invited her, right?”
“She said she didn’t want to be in the way. Next time though.”
Chloe smiles. “Good.”
Teresa’s mother’s car pulls into the circular drive out front behind where Chloe parked her older sister’s car when she arrived. Teresa gets out on the driver side and Janey gets out of the passenger seat, the two of them arguing loud about Teresa’s driving and you’re laughing as you open the door again to let them in.
“Girl, holy shit. This house is massive.”
“I’m moving in.”
You laugh, hugging your two friends.
Teresa pulls away from the hug. “Did Chloe tell you about Landon and Em? Girl, that’s who he was cheating on you with.” 
You wince but it doesn’t hurt like you thought it would, finally knowing the  truth. Ultimately, you shrug it off. “It’s whatever, Teresa. I’m over it. It’s not like we were going to get married anyway, I mean.. And honestly, he’s not even that good looking.”
“He’s got balls for a chin.”
You snort, a hand raised to your mouth as you stifle a laugh. “So mean, Teresa.”
“Tessa’s coming too. Mom finally ungrounded her.” Teresa tells you and you laugh. “Unless she gets grounded again.”
“True, you’ve got a point. I can’t believe she thought she’d get away with coming in at 1.”
“Where was she even at?”
“That stupid club in the city? Yeah.. Apparently, Brenda figured out how to score a fake id? She got soooooo wasted. I had to help her up to her room.”
“Wait.. Brenda? Mousy little Brenda? She knows how to score a fake id?” you’re raising a brow because this is surprising. 
“Mhm.  That one.”
 The Mustang Tessa drives pulls to a stop behind the car her twin sister drove and Tessa gets out. “Guess who’s out on parole, bitches!”
She says it so loud that you’re pretty sure Steve’s mother heard her as she got out of her own sports car across the street. Because the woman pauses, looks back at the group of you standing in the open front door of your father’s house and she’s giving you all this look of extreme disdain.
As soon as she’s in the house, Tessa wrinkles her nose. “What the hell was her problem?”
“You know how high on themselves those old money types are, sis.” Teresa laughs. Chloe speaks up. “Her son is hot. I wonder if he has any brothers.. Particularly an older one, y’know me..”
You groan and roll your eyes. And you happen to glance at the house across the street again just in time to see Steve standing in an upstairs window, looking out. You give a little wave and laughing, you turn away, wandering into the house.
“So.. we’re swimming. Right?”
“Duh. I waited for you guys to finally get here so I can test out the heated pool. I ordered pizza too. And Tessa can use her fake id to get us a little something later.” you’re giving the older girl a teasing look and Tessa grumbles, but she finally agrees. “Okay, alright,fine. I better not get in trouble.”
“Girl, nobody in Hawkins knows our mom.”
“Thank God for that.”
All of you make your way up into the room you chose to be yours and you’re taking turns changing into bathing suits in it’s adjoining private bathroom. Janey’s lounging on the bed, flipping through a magazine and you wander over to the big window facing the street, leaning against the glass.
“Yeah?” Janey looks up.
“Were you creeping on that guy next door?”
You can feel your cheeks burn. “No!”
“I’m not lying.”
“He’s back.” Janey laughs when you flatten yourself against the wall next to the window and she’s smirking. “Point proven.”
You flip her off.
“Hey, I’m stealing this purple bikini.” Tessa calls out from your walk in closet. You laugh. “Take it. I didn’t like the way it fit. Too much ass.”
“What? It’s true!”
“If I were a boy, you have no idea.” Teresa is wiggling her brows at you suggestively and you’re laughing and shaking your head. 
You grab your favorite bikini, a red top with little white hearts all over it and a purposely mismatched white bottom with little red hearts all over it and you step into your closet to change. Once you’re done changing, you and your friends wander out into the yard, heading towards the back gate. 
And across the road, Mrs. Harrington rolls her eyes. “Where on Earth are that girls parents?”
Steve almost chokes on the sip of Sprite he’s taken as he tries not to laugh or respond with something that he knows will get him in serious trouble.
His father rolls his eyes at his mother’s query and turns his attention back to Steve. “The coach called to talk to me today at the firm. Says you’ve been less than enthusiastic at practice lately, son. Harringtons are winners.”
“Yes sir.”
“And you need to talk to that rep from my old college. You’ve got to stop being lazy and putting things off. Slacking will not be tolerated.”
“Sweetie, your father just wants what’s best for you. Is this all because of that little drip? What was her name..” his mother rolls her eyes and turns her attention to the sudden shattering of silence, some rock band playing at full blast from the house across the street.
She rubs her forehead, grumbling in annoyance. “Those people are going to bring  down property values.”
Steve clenches his fists. “Don’t you both have a flight to catch soon?”
“We fly out tomorrow. There better not be any girls here while we’re gone.”
“Your mother is right. The last thing you need right now is some little tramp throwing off your focus, kid. You’ve got a big game this Friday. A scout is going to be there. I expect your best effort.”
And Steve goes along with it, nodding his head. But mentally, he’s just reached a point where he’s done. And he doesn’t care. Because he doesn’t want anything his father’s been pushing on him since he was old enough to dribble a ball.
But basketball’s been the only way to get his father’s attention and even an ounce of pride from the man in him. But lately, he’s just reached a point where he doesn’t care. He’s starting to realize that the only time his parents are proud of him happen to be when he’s doing everything they want him to do. It’s as if he’s not allowed anything that might actually make him happy.
They hated Nancy.
They hate it when he goes out or has friends over, they hate anything remotely resembling fun.
“Okay, alright. I will, okay?”
“You’d better. I mean it, son. You’d better start shaping up. High school is almost over, son. It’s time to start growing up. Putting away childish things.”
And Steve can’t take it anymore. He gets up from the table and pushes his chair back into place beneath it forcefully before storming up the stairs.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into that kid but if he doesn’t shape up, I’ll ship him off to the military. That’ll build his character alright. Worked for me.” Steve’s father doesn’t miss a beat, rolling his eyes as the radio in his son’s bedroom kicks on, the sounds of some godawful band filling the house.
Down the table, Steve’s mother glares up at the ceiling. “He was such a sweet little boy. What happened to my sweet little boy? I think it was that frumpy little girl he was so caught up in.. Nancy? Wasn’t that her name? Or was it Nelly?”
Up in his room, Steve grabs his pack of cigarettes, thumping the unopened pack against his palm after he’s opened the window so he doesn’t set off the smoke alarms. Because if he has to take a second more of his parents riding him, he’s going to explode and he knows it.
He flops down in the window seat and leans his head back against the window surround, taking a cigarette out of the pack. And he finds himself glancing across the street to your house. Watching as you and your friends splash around in the heated pool out back. He can hear I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight as it floats across on the night breeze. He chuckles to himself as you try to dive on a massive unicorn float and miss it completely, popping up from beneath the water to splash your friend who is perched on a lounge chair, sipping something out of a wine glass.
As you pull yourself out of the pool and start to walk towards the gate, he quickly drops his gaze, exhaling a plume of smoke out the window and into the night. He’s got his eyes closed, he’s humming along to your radio since apparently, you’re going to let everyone in the neighborhood suffer tonight. Cutting Crew fades to Material Girl by Madonna and his eyes pop open when he hears a hiss coming from the yard below. 
He swings his legs so that they’re out the windows as he sits up, gazing down at you. 
“Hey.” you’re smiling, a hand caught in wet and wild hair as you tilt your head and stare up at the way he’s sitting half out his bedroom window. You nod to the cigarette pressed between his lips. “You don’t uh.. Do you have more of those?”
“Can I bum one? Please?”
“You smoke?” he raises a brow. You shrug. “Everyone has vices, Steve.”
“Yeah. Hang on.”
“Wait, this will be easier if I just ring the bell and ask for you.” you say it and you’re gone before Steve can coax you out of doing that. He hears you ring the doorbell and he swears to himself, hurrying to shove a few cigarettes in the hollowed out book he usually hides his joints in on the rare occasion that his parents are home. And he wanders down the stairs just as your father has thrown open the door and you’re leaning in the doorway.
“Excuse me sir? Your son is in my class, I.. I kind of need to talk to him. It’s about an assignment.”
From behind Steve’s father, his mother speaks up, cutting her eyes at you. “It’s nearly 9 pm. On a Friday. Somehow I doubt you really want to talk to my son about a class assignment.” as she steps into the foyer of the house. 
You can feel the disapproval as it radiates off the woman. But you don’t really care. She reminds you of your old neighbor. Always thinking she’s better than everyone else. Your hand settles on your hip and you flash her a grin. “I’m sorry to bother you so late, ma’am.” and it’s said in your sweetest butter wouldn’t melt of tones. “But I’m trying to catch up. I just moved in.”
“As if the moving truck parked across the street all morning or the construction noises I’ve been subjected to when I happen to be home weren’t obvious.” she’s got her arms folded, she’s looking you up and down and you just know she’s judging you.
And you want to laugh almost immediately.
Because you’re not the one standing around with shoulderpads so ridiculous on a designer blazer and skirt set that you look like a pro linebacker.
You lower the hand caught in your hair. “I can come back.”
“I’ll just go get my son.” Steve’s father gives you this smirk. And it’s similar to Steve’s to a point where you can see exactly where his looks came from, but it’s also different. A little too fake. A little too charming. And it rubs you all sorts of wrong when the man does it.
Steve’s mother is glaring at his father as his father makes his way over to the staircase to yell up for Steve.
You’re relieved when Steve wanders down, and you roll your eyes when his mother immediately stops him and she’s saying something to him in a whisper. You can tell she’s not happy with you being at her door.
It bothers you and amuses you in equal measure.
Steve’s scowling when he walks away from his mom and over to the front door. As he hands you a thick book, he leans in a little. “I think we’re around page 45 in class right now, ___.” he says it with this wink and you nod. “Thank you. I’m sorry to come over so late..” as you laugh softly, giving him this amused little grin.
You’re walking back across the street to get over to your house and take in the pizza that just got delivered when Steve hisses at you to stop from his bedroom window. “Sorry about that. My mom is..” he trails off. You shrug. “Kinda used to it?” you laugh a little. Nod to your house and offer, “If you wanna come over later.. We’re not really doing anything, dude. Just swimming. Tessa’s going to the corner store in a little bit, she’s gonna get some drinks.”
Steve chuckles and shakes his head. “Thanks though. Kind of writing an essay.”
“On a Friday?”
“Yeah.” he laughs quietly. “Why?”
“Nothing.. I mean if I knew your mom’s head wouldn’t explode I’d come over and help.”
“What about your friends though?”
“I mean, unless you’re opposed to having a house full of girls, they’d probably tag along. The offer is open. I mean.. We’re neighbors.” you can feel your face burning and you know you’re fumbling this badly, so you decide it’s time to leave. Go back over to your father’s house and get back to swimming with your friends.
As you wander away and disappear through the back gate, Steve takes a deep breath or two. “Nah..She wasn’t flirting with me.”
He keeps the window open, the sounds of music and laughter competing with REO Speedwagon as it plays quietly on the radio while he attempts a fourth time to come up with an essay that isn’t completely horrible.
And on his smoke breaks, no matter how hard he tries to stay away, he finds himself wandering over to his window. Staring across to yours.
“It’s not gonna happen. And I’m done anyway. Nobody ever stays. Kind of pointless.” he mutters to himself as he lights up his last cigarette and exhales a plume of smoke into the night…
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
So I’ve made a few references to Steve being an Excel guy as an adult (because someone had to be in charge of Steve and Eddie’s money and it certainly wasn’t going to be Eddie).
He’s got the classic spreadsheets – monthly budget, college savings projections, income tracking because he and Eddie both work jobs with variable incomes (Steve is a counselor and Eddie is an author), the whole nine yards.
Steve also has some “extracurricular” spreadsheets. I’ve talked about how Steve has a spreadsheet tracking the combinations of Mario Kart racers/vehicles he tries out (there’s a ranking system involved, it’s very complex). He’s got one for his fantasy football league, obviously, and he and Moe put money on their March Madness brackets so there’s a spreadsheet for that too.
Eddie’s personal favorite is the one comparing monthly expenses by kid, which isn’t exactly a necessary metric per se, but from it stems a game Steve and Eddie secretly play: who is the most expensive Harrington daughter?
The winner tends to rotate throughout the year, but Hazel is usually their least expensive child in the long run. She does ballet, which isn’t too bad when she’s little but then she graduates to pointe shoes, and Steve had no idea that not only do pointe shoes set you back $100 minimum, they also wear out ridiculously fast, and, as he’s been told many times, you can’t wear the dead ones.
Moe usually takes that top spot in the winter – elite basketball teams aren’t cheap by any stretch of the imagination, and then in high school she gets into snowboarding, which is somehow even more expensive. She’s also consistently the reason they hit their health insurance deductible every year. 
Robbie is their overall most expensive kid by a mile. She drove up their car insurance by getting into an accident a month after she got her driver's license, had braces for five years, and the prescription on her glasses has changed every eighteen months since she was seven. She’s notorious for breaking her phone, so she racks up quite a tab in that regard too (the one year they got a protection plan was also the one year she had no phone-related incidents, so they didn’t even bother renewing it – they just make her suffer with a cracked screen for a few months before they finally drag her to the mall to get it fixed). There’s also the year Eddie bought her an electric violin which was, naturally, not cheap (Eddie argues it shouldn’t count because he was the brains behind that operation).
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alwaysteveswife · 1 year
hey lovely! i just recently discovered your blog and O M G i CANT get enough!!! your writing is absolutely amazing!
i had a steve x reader request of you were taking them?
what if Y/N was the one being cursed by Vecna?
If this were our last night | Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader.
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A/N: Thank you so much, your words mean a lot to me 🥺 I'm glad you like what I do as much as I like to do it 💕. I hope you like it 🥰.
It's 1986 at Hawkins, the first year they thought everything to do with upside down was over. At least it was until the Chrissy Cunningham incident. The investigation at the hands of the teens soon began, bringing to light Hawkins' darkest secrets and, in the process, Y/N's troubled past.
Words: 638.
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How long had it been since they had first gotten into all this upside down and shit? You were aware it was somewhere between three or four years, but you could have sworn it had been decades.
In '83 Will had happened, in '84 the demodogs came to Hawkins and Will had gone into some kind of weird trance that you didn't want to see in person, in '85 a giant spider formed out of human flesh and Billy died, but that was supposed to be the end, wasn't it?
Well, apparently it wasn't.
Now it was 1986, and fucking Dustin Henderson walked into your boyfriend's work screaming that it was very likely that shit had come back. Now it was 1986, and all indications were that you were directly related to all that shit.
How fucked up life could be when it put its mind to it.
"Honey?" Steve grabbed your shoulder gently, his brow furrowing slightly "is everything okay?"
You nodded, your gaze fixed on the school counselor's folders, more specifically on the patients' symptoms, on Chrissy's symptoms.
"Yes" you nodded again, fear beginning to cause your chest to tighten until you couldn't breathe "I am, I'm just a little...surprised."
Steve grimaced. He wasn't convinced, you knew that, but you didn't want to tell him the truth either, you didn't want to worry him any more than you had to, not when it could be a simple coincidence.
Just then a bell rang in your head. A shiver ran down your spine, the fear growing more and more. You closed your eyes for a second, just for a second, but the moment you opened them the whole atmosphere had changed.
Something vine-like was hanging everywhere, stuck on the walls and on the floor. Tiny particles of what you expected to be dust were floating all over the place and it was so dark you could barely see where you were stepping.
The second bell rang again as you left the room. You walked slowly down the hallway, stopping only when you had that clock in front of you.
It was attached to the wall, covered by those strange, disgusting vines. The glass was slightly shattered, but the hands and pendulum still worked.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
The third chime sounded, but this time, when you opened your eyes, it was no longer in front of you. The wall was empty, and large hands rested on your shoulders, shaking you slightly.
"Hey, pretty, what's wrong, why weren't you answering?" Steve's concern echoed in every word.
"I..." a sneaky little tear slipped down your cheek, remembering everything that had happened the last few days.
The headaches, the nosebleeds, the nightmares about the crash, the watch, your father.
"'You' what?" Dustin insisted, staring at you.
"I think he's coming for me" you whispered, your voice trembling, covering yourself with your arms, trying to lighten the burden you were beginning to feel.
"What?" you looked at Steve. He looked almost as scared as you did. His eyes were narrowed slightly, his eyebrows were drawn together between his brows and his jaw was clenched so tight you could hear his teeth grinding.
Suddenly, without your expecting it, Steve took your hand and started walking briskly to the exit of Hawkins High School, the kids following as fast as they could.
"Steve? What are you doing?" you muttered, shaking your head slightly.
"We can't just stand here and wait for whatever this thing is to come after you" he growled under his breath "I don't plan on letting it take you, not you" his face softened a little, letting you see the fear in his eyes, "I'll do whatever is in my power not to lose you, even if it means having to come face to face with the whole damn upside down."
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acowardinmordor · 10 months
My brain won't shut up about this, so maybe if I write it my brain will let me finish working and get this massive work project off my plate.
Warning for Accidental Drunken Pregnancy
Fandom loves, correctly, the idea of Girl!Steve Harrington, either as an 'always a' or trans, we're a fan. And that's good. No arguments from me there.
But I was thinking about Always a Girl Eddie. And the impact that would have. Because see, Eddie is already Wrong in a lot of ways. She's poor, she's loud, she's a freak, she sells drugs, and starts shit with bullies. She's too much in every way, and she refuses to be a girl properly. Has ever since she was old enough to express an opinion.
She didn't want to play with dolls or play house. She wanted to run through the park chasing dragons. When her parents fought, she wanted to run away and get found by the Addams family where no one would be mad at her for liking black and reading about blood and fights and monsters.
By the time she's in high school, everyone's decided she's a lesbian. She isn't. She thinks she isn't, but she doesn't get a chance to try or test or find out before the whole damn town has made it Known. Eddie doesn't wear skirts, and she doesn't style her hair, and she doesn't listen when the counselor sits her down to talk about her behavior and how she needs to try to be a bit more like other girls if she wants to get married one day. That's her junior year, which is when she snaps and, true or not, goes on a rant about being a carpet munching butch who never wants to have a husband.
Her friends don't care. They've talked to her and agree its all bullshit. Her only regret about it is that her outburst becomes fodder for the kind of bias that makes her fail two classes her senior year. It makes her fail four her second time around. PE is one of them. The teacher won't let her participate if she isn't 'dressed appropriately' which suddenly requires that all the girls have their legs shaved. Surprise surprise, Eddie is the only one that has an impact on. Wayne gets into a shouting match over it, and he wins, but not in time for Eddie to pass.
And every time someone pushes her to be more ladylike, Eddie doubles down on being a freak because she's a lot of things, but she's not a quitter. The one good she knows she manages is that barely any other girls in Hawkins get bullied all that much. Eddie pulls too much attention, and Eddie is so far off the end of the scale, it makes the minor mistakes easy to ignore.
All her friends are guys because the girls of Hawkins are scared of the witch/lesbian/succubus/whatever bs they came up with this week. There are some girls who Eddie thinks want to come talk to her, thinks she'd be friends with if she could, but any girl willingly hanging around the Freak is going to get painted with the same brush.
She showed up to every single class in her third go around, daring her teachers to fail her again when she was getting perfect scores on anything with a straight answer, and doing so well on the subjective stuff they were giving her passing grades. She had a new flock of sheep who didn't care about the rumors because she ran Hellfire for them.
After Spring Break, after they accuse her of seducing and murdering Chrissy, after Eddie walks into Mordor and is dragged out the other side. After Eddie gives everything she has for a town that hates her, the school gives her the diploma. Maybe its just because they're terrified that she'll come back for a fourth try if they don't, but she has the damn thing.
Or maybe they don't want the new freshmen to start crying when they see her scars.
After the hospital lets them all leave, and after El and Will do whatever it is they do and promise it's over for real this time, Robin, Eddie, and Harrington sit around and watch crap movies and talk. It's still June when Robin comes out to her, and Eddie has to awkwardly explain that she isn't. Supportive, in favor of it, but not sure if she's like Robin.
"But everyone heard about what you said to--"
"Yeah, she was telling me I should start curling my hair and wearing makeup so I could find a husband."
"She did not."
"Yeah. I kinda snapped."
A few minutes tearing apart that kind of thinking later, and Steve asks, "So you like dudes?"
Eddie shrugs, because she's never tested that either. A bit of leftover enmity from when he was the King and she was the Freak keeps her from admitting she's a virgin. Instead she gestures to her face and neck, the part of her chest visible around her tank top.
"Don't think that's going to matter, Stevie, not now that I look like the Wicked Witch midway through melting."
There's nothing either of them can say about that. Between her status as a murder suspect, the infection from Upside Down dirt, and how efficient the demo bat fuckers were, her scars are ugly. Not the sort of thing she's read in books that a hero learns to take pride in. Just a mess. Her smile is jacked up on the left, and while she does have both of her nipples, the one boob is significantly smaller, and lumpier than the other now.
But they're friends, and its nice. Robin didn't find a fellow lesbian, but Eddie can understand the way she feels, and they bond over it. Where Robin goes, so goes Steve, so intentional or not, Eddie and Steve get close. Help each other with scar cream type close. It would be weird if there was any universe in which Steve would ever be interested in her. Instead they're good friends, and co-conspirators against the gremlins.
Robin is starting college in the spring semester in Chicago. Steve is going with her. Obviously. Eddie hasn't agreed to anything, but she's considering it.
They have one last party at Harrington's place. The kids leave around seven. The Hellfire guys leave around nine. By eleven, all three of them are plastered, and Robin is lamenting that she's leaving Hawkins and still hasn't kissed a girl. Eddie rolls her eyes and smacks one on her. Get it over and done with, right?
After an hour of Robin flustered and babbling about 'yes, yes, yeah, I do like girls! Kissing! Kissing girls is great! Steve! Steve-o! Did you know kissing girls is great?" she passes out on the couch.
Steve and Eddie, just sober enough to know that they're all going to be hungover in the morning, close blinds and lock doors. They leave water and asprin by Robin, then chug down a glass each.
"So, did it help you figure it out? Kissing my Soulmate with a capital P? Did you figure out if you like kissing girls more than guys?"
Eddie giggles instead of answering.
"I know Rob's not kissed anyone, but if you liked kissing her you probably could tell, right? So if you liked kissing her as much as you like kissing guys, or if its not like kissing guys, then you know!"
Steve's not a dumb as the kids joke. When Eddie doesn't answer, he puts it together. "Oh. Oh shit. Eds. You and Robin were each others' first kisses? Thats so -- you didn't have to do that! And now you don't know if you like kissing girls or guys or both or neither or -- Oh!"
Eddie watches Steve come to his decision and turn, and she decides to let it happen. Steve is the only guy her age who doesn't wince looking at her face. This is probably the only chance she's got until she's old enough her skin gets all wrinkly and no one can see the scars are there anymore.
It's better than kissing Robin. There's a lot of reasons why that might be true, but none of them matter, because after that first one. After a few seconds pause. After she leans a little closer like she's asking, they don't stop.
She wakes up naked and sore, with a blinding headache and the tight-skin pain that comes from forgetting the scar cream.
Awkward doesn't cover it when they look at each other in bed. When Robin trips on her way to make coffee, it gives them an excuse not to talk about it. It's bad enough that Eddie keeps thinking about it, and excavating the fragments of memory she's got. Probably the only chance she's going to get, and she remembers barely half. She does remember liking it, and Steve liking it, and neither of them being weird about the scars because they've been helping each other with them for months now.
Once they're sober enough for it, they talk, both of them apologizing, but not really. Neither of them regret it, even if it wasn't their best idea, and Eddie starts quoting Robin's rant about antiquated concepts of virginity when Steve tries to apologize for that. It's definitely weird, but they're not going to freak out about it.
By Wednesday, when Steve and Rob are loading up the beemer to drive north before the holidays, so they could get a place with a rental discount, everyone turns out to say bye. Eddie winks at Robin again, because it still makes her blush, and it still makes Eddie and Steve laugh when she does. She gives Steve a hug, and a promise to make a decision soon about moving up with them.
Six weeks of scheduled phone calls with them, and uncomfortable talks with Wayne, Eddie has finally, finally decided to go for it. She'll still be a freak, but according to Steve, no one in the city will bother her about it unless she asks them to. He's working at a diner, and swears the bookstore across the street will totally hire Eddie if she applies. Robin loves her classes, and her part time hours at the library on campus.
It's while Eddie is looking around and opening drawers, trying to plan how to move with more detail than 'throw stuff in the van' that she notices. There's a box of pads, mostly empty, in the corner of the bathroom cabinet. It's been mostly empty since November. And yeah, her period has never been predictable, and this isn't the longest its gone, and Eddie has never cared since she wears black all the time -- but. This time she had sex.
The odds are tiny, and the image of it is ridiculous. Eddie isn't any kind of a mom. Harrington is more a mom than she is. Anyway, all that shit in sex ed about it only takes once is crap. And she remembers Steve getting out the box of condoms. She doesn't remember anything between that and getting fucked, but she definitely remembers how concerned he was about opening the foil. So there's no way. No chance. Absolutely none.
The test comes back positive, and the nurse at the planed parenthood in Indianapolis asks if she wants to hear about her options.
It's pretty easy to choose as it turns out. Easier than quitting smoking cold turkey is for sure. Hell of a lot easier than telling Wayne. It's not something she ever wanted, ever thought about or considered, but Eddie knows this is the only chance she's got. Well. Sperm donors maybe, not that she'll ever have the money for it, unless she paid a guy to keep coming around until she got knocked up.
At first, she keeps it quiet because the nurse told her about the potential problems, especially with how much Eddie drank and smoked. It's not certain, so she stays quiet. Stalls the topic of moving up. She waits an entire day for the doctor to slip her in between appointments to get an ultrasound and check. Everything looks good. Healthy. and Eddie gets on their weekly scheduled call, hears Robin and Steve laughing as they tell stories, and Eddie breaks it to them.
"What do you mean? You said you were going to move up here. I thought you said you -- Eds, what the hell? You're going to leave me alone to watch Robin's attempts at flirting? You - I thought you promised."
"Excuse you, Dingus, she needs to come up so we can watch your attempts at flirting. I'm great."
"Fun as that sounds, me and Wayne are getting out of Hawkins. Wayne has some family in West Virginia, and I can't leave him at the mercy of all those spinsters. I'll still have a phone, you know."
They move before she's showing, and Wayne never asks, and Eddie never tells, but her uncle knows who it has to be. They land in Summersville, which is a damn lie since its a blizzard when they arrive. It isn't hard to use moving as an excuse to cancel a few phone calls. Then uses a boss moving her hours working at motel as an excuse when hormones means she knows she'll start sobbing if she gets picks up the phone.
Steve gets accepted to a community college. Robin aces her exams. Eddie finds out she's having a girl. She wouldn't have spent the money to find out since it wouldn't change anything, but the planned parenthood was still worried because of the alcohol at the start.
Wayne brings it up. Eddie considers it.
Steve gets a girlfriend. Eddie stalls.
Robin calls solo because Steve is on a one month anniversary date.
Eddie abandons the idea.
She never makes a choice to hide it from anybody. It's always one moment at a time, needing to get through one more thing, one more problem, one more checkpoint, then she could say it. By the end of July it's been too long, and it would be too weird. They didn't have some great tragic romance. They were good friends who got drunk one night. And Eddie is just living up to the warnings all the guidance counselors scribbled down about her.
She's never going to be anything special. She's not going to go chase her dreams and become the Joan Jett of metal music. She's coming up on eight months pregnant, can't hide it or pretend its something it isn't. She's still loud and obnoxious. She still wears all black and chained pants and refuses to style her hair in anything more complex than a ponytail. She's still mauled by monsters and scarred.
She's never going to be marriage material, and never wanted to be anyway. She can be a good mom though. Not a normal mom. Or a traditional one. She's probably going to end up punching someone at a pta meeting. But she can be a good mom for her daughter, whoever her daughter wants to be as she grows. And if that means she has to learn about ballet and glitter and my little pony, then she will.
Steve and Robin ask about a visit before their classes start since they'll have to do calls every other week now. They offer to drive to West Virginia, or buy Eddie a bus ticket. Eddie manages to dodge that bullet.
She dodges another when she starts contractions while on the phone with them, and plays it off like she has heartburn. She cries when she holds her daughter thirty hours later, smiling broad enough that the scars on her face hurt nearly as bad as the rest of her.
She gets good at sewing together a patchwork lie. Gets Wayne to take Lulu out for a walk during calls. Swallows the guilt when Steve talks about his girlfriend, Amy, who wants to have kids. Stares down the pediatrician who raises an eyebrow at her daughter's name.
It's awful. It's wonderful. It hurts more to do it alone than Eddie could have imagined, but she still can't bring herself to say it. Not because she thinks Steve would hate her for it . He wouldn't. One look at Stephanie Luthien Munson -- Lulu -- and Steve would know. And Steve would stay. And Steve would give up his classes and his girlfriend and his hope for his perfect family. Eddie has always known she's not what anyone is looking for.
So Eddie gets good at dodging questions, and explaining away noises in the background, and finding very reasonable excuses not to come out to visit. Very good at it.
She makes it to June of 1989, when her best friends decide it's been too long, and show up for a surprise visit.
Eddie was right though. It only takes a glance at the toddler on Eddie's hip as she opens the door for both of them to know.
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my hero
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“Did you guys hear that?”
Dustin’s question made you all freeze. It was already scary enough being in Hawkins High after hours. But it was even more terrifying with the recent events going on around town.
“Hear what?” Max questioned.
You were all silent again but then you heard it. It sounded like someone was running through the halls. Steve grabbed the nearest item that he could use as a weapon.
A freaking lamp.
He hurried out of the door with you right on his heels. Seeing Steve spring into action to save the group was nothing new. This was the sixth time that you’d witnessed it. He was always thinking about what he could do to save everyone else.
“Stay behind me.” Steve told you. He would’ve preferred if you had stayed in the school counselor’s office and didn’t put yourself in harms way. But he knew that was an argument that he wouldn’t win.
You did as you were told and stayed behind Steve as you both stalked the hallways to find the culprit of the noise.
It turns out the culprit was Lucas. He was trying to warn all of you that Jason and his goons were on a hunt for Eddie and anyone they thought were associated with the Hellfire Club.
“We’ve got to get out of here.” Steve said. He wanted to get Lucas and Dustin out of sight. They were both a part of the club and if Jason put one hand on them, he’d completely lose it.
On the ride to the Wheeler’s house, Steve caught you staring at him on multiple occasions. “Take a picture. I heard it lasts longer.”
You rolled your eyes at his played out quote, “I was just admiring you, Harrington.”
“Admiring me? For what?”
You glanced at the others in the back of the car. They were all having separate conversations.
“For always being the hero.”
“I’m not the hero. That’s Eleven’s job.”
“You totally are our hero, Stevie.” You reached over and touched the back of his head softly. He loved when you played with his hair while he was driving.
“What have I done that’s worthy of being called a hero?”
“You’re always prepared to protect us. You’re the guy that comes back with the baseball bat. You’re the guy that shields others from demodogs. You’re the guy that will do anything and everything to save everyone else.”
Steve never thought of himself as a hero. He was pretty sure a lot of other people didn’t think of him that way also. He was glad that you saw him in a different light.
You knew him when he was King Steve but saw past all that bullshit. Yeah, he got on your nerves with how stubborn and egotistical he was, but you never gave up on him.
Steve would forever be grateful for that. He never stopped thanking you for being there when he needed someone the most.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“And I love both of you.” Dustin mocked from the backseat.
Steve rolled his eyes, “Wait until your precious Suzie comes to visit you. I’m going to taunt you and tell embarrassing stories.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Dustin said.
“Oh, he would.” You answered.
Max, Lucas and Dustin all went back to their conversation. Steve reached over and grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together, “I’m glad that I can be your hero.”
“We’ve been through some crazy shit. Whatever we are facing now, I know that we are going to get through it because we have someone like you that looks out for the rest of us.”
If Steve wasn’t driving and didn’t have three teenagers in the back of his car, he’d lean over and kiss you.
“And you’ll look out for me?” He asked even though he knew the answer.
“Without a doubt.” You answered without any hesitation.
“Oh my god, they’re so cute.” You heard Max mumble from the backseat.
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