#hhhhng I tried
fandom-reblog-central · 10 months
Fandom (dpxdc) Thought 2.5:
Context: Halfa!Jason Todd, ghosts communicate through emotions, liminals can do it to a lesser extent
Jason unknowingly keeps trying to push emotions to his family, not realizing he’s trying to communicate. With his family’s awkward outward reactions combined with the lack of response to his core, he feels isolated. Even thought it’s an accident on both ends, it has an effect on him.
To make it a bit worse, the batfam is liminal with all the death in the family and Lazarus exposure. They accidentally reject the emotional conversation from Jason’s core, so neither party knows why Jason is so on edge, but they don’t push for answers.
Danny (bad reveal, good reveal, literally Just Vibing in Gotham—whatever works) hears Damian’s core humming or trying to trill/chirp, and of course he has to help the sick liminal/baby-halfa core. With a LOT of bonding, Danny gets Damian to drink some healthy ectoplasm, and he feels a lot better. He even brings Jason over, knowing the connection to the Pit was stronger in his older brother and wanting to extend an olive branch after the… everything.
Once Jason starts feeling better and Frostbite is brought into the conversation, Damian realizes he can’t hide this from Bruce forever. And, with how many people in his family—hell, his contact list—had been exposed to the Lazarus pit, or gotten caught up in time shenanigans, or had been killed, it was best everyone knew. With Danny’s only request being “say I’m a meta instead of a ghost,” Damian goes to his father’s study.
(Forgive the ooc/awkwardness I don’t normally write fanfic lmao)
Damian entered Bruce’s study. “Father. I have something to inform you of. We have made a terrible mistake with Jason.”
Bruce’s train of thought pauses at hearing his youngest call Jason “Jason” instead of “Todd.” He looks up from his WE paperwork. “What is it, chum? Is he okay? Are you okay?”
“We are both well, Father. It is…” He grimaced and visibly tensed. “You have to promise to not be angry with me.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow at hearing his youngest say such a “childish” phrase. “I will do my best. I’ll at least let you finish talking first.”
He knew this was the right thing to say when Damian relaxed slightly. Therapy was a wonder.
Oh. Oh no. Damian Al-Ghul-Wayne was not one for uncertainty—especially not in a conversation he started.
“Go on, lad, I’m listening,” Bruce said in as gentle a tone as he could (without getting too patronizing for his proud little Robin).
“I met a meta of a ghostly nature. He assessed that there was Lazarus Water in my body, and when he replaced it—“
“He what.”
“You said you’d let me finish.”
Bruce pulled out a notepad, jotting down bullet points to return to.
[Pit in Damian?? REPLACED?? Unknown ghost meta]
“Once he replaced it with the healthy alternative, I found…” He swallowed. “I found that I could more easily accept and show love. My time in the League played a part, of course. However, the Lazarus Pit had an effect on me as well, latching onto my desire to be worthy of a place here. I essentially have a rudimentary organ that runs on and communicates via emotion. Jason does as well, and his is stronger than mine. We have unknowingly been rejecting this more emotional form of communication, making him feel unaccepted and misunderstood.”
[emotional organ??? Accidental rejection? Possible to learn emotion communication?]
Damian shifted his weight under his father’s intense and worried Interrogation Glare™️. “Now that we know the problem, and are attempting to rectify it, we feel much better. Due to everyone around us being exposed to death, the Pit, or time travel, Jason, the meta, and myself thought it best if everyone was made aware. Our meta friend has a doctor who has specialized in this organ and the culture surrounding it for decades. He can apparently better help us manage our health alongside a regular physician.”
[meta doctor. Contact… everyone]
Bruce set his pen down and didn’t move for a few moments. “Are you finished?”
Damian nodded. “Are you angry?”
Bruce let out a long breath, closing his eyes. “I can never tell. Fear and rage feel a lot alike when it comes to protecting my family and my city. You’ve gone against a lot of my training, which displeases me, but I still love you, and I always will. We’ll see what your punishment is when I get more details. I don’t want to punish you for good outcomes, but the methods are important, especially in our work and at your age—“
“You can stop now, Father. I understand now what Drake means when he says he doesn’t know how to respond to the sincerity therapy has given you. I’ll gather the family for a debrief.”
Bruce opened his eyes to see his youngest wincing a little at the emotional vulnerability, but something else caught his attention.
His son’s green eyes faded to blue.
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ashren · 2 years
hhhhng I want answers to all of them for everyone BUT, how about:
Why did you give them the name they have? What is the in-universe reason for their name?
What inspired you to create your oc?
Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe?
Which canon characters (if any) do the oc have bad relationships with? Why those characters?
Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
For Peter and Ren? No pressure to do 'em all, I'll be excited for any combination :)
AHHH thank you!!! I will absolutely Ramble on about my ocs so don't u worry heheh 💞
Why did you give them the name they have? What is the in-universe reason for their name?
Ren: I think I've actually answered this some time, a LONG time ago, but dont @ me i answer differently now LOL. In universe, he picked the name Ren because it's a shortening of Loren, the name of his Uncle who had the farm. The IRL reason for the name is because I see a lot of cool names at work and I write down my favs hahaaaa ((side note, i forgot until way after i created him, but the first guy i kissed at college was named Wren. I did not go anywhere.))
Peter: SOOO you get some bonus Calvin facts here too! Oringally Peter and Calvin were kind of the same character that I turned into two different guys. I had called them Peter kind of as a place holder bc I was reading a lot of Spideypool at the time, and well. You know what happens with placeholder names. Then I redesigned them both, and the demon felt more like a Calvin to me, so vampire boy got to keep the Peter name! In universe, Peter's original last name was something generic like Brown or Smith idk but once he was bit and Maggie started calling him Peter V. Pyre as a joke, it kinda stuck. (Later on, Florence ends up taking the name Pyre as well. Makes things a lot easier for everyone, and she says it feels more 'her')
Ok this is already long so I'm gonna put the rest under a cut!
What inspired you to create your oc?
Ren: My baby boy was my Outer World's Captain! That's how he started, my first play through was as "Ash" but only in name really. Then I finished the game and was like must consume fanfic, which then lead to me developing Ren as his own Boy. I had been working on a lot of lore for Ash and my Fallout 4 OCs! Then I was like "Ohhhhhh no,,,,, sorry my children Ren's my fav right now"
Peter: Cowboy Vampire. Needed one. Also a lot my ocs starts as loosely veiled self inserts so they tend to all be a little similar in like,,, body shape and size so I was like... Beefy cowboy vampire???
Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe?
Ren: He's really good at like, being stealthy, because that's how I TRIED to play TOW the first time. I am impatient, so Ren get all the patience I don't have LOL. In Universe I ended incorporating it into his backstory- he's got a bit of a criminal background and learned how to get around unseen and unheard during that time. It helps that he's a small boy :3
Peter: He's got some fun Vampire ~abilities~ that probs vary from story to story bc im too lazy to stick a set of rules. Stuff like being able to see in the dark, and like, idk he's got some good reflexes. Also a heightened sense of smell. Bc of reasons. All of those are just cuz its fun tbh! I also have him being a really good shot with a pistol BEFORE his transformation, so with his reflexes as a vamp he's near unmatched.
Which canon characters (if any) do the oc have bad relationships with? Why those characters?
Ren: In TOW Canon, aside from the obvious, he's got a rough relationship with Max for... most of the story lol. For a while he'd ONLY travel with Max if Parvati was with them as well. She's the only one he wasn't constantly arguing with. Max's "violence is the immediate answer to everything" attitude reminds Ren of some not so great ppl in his past, and after Fallbrook, Max is on Ren's shit list. Max becomes more tolerable to him after Scylla, but Ren still never gets as close to Max as he does the other crew.
Also Lilya Hagen specifically bc she tried to "poison" him once.
Peter: I haven't really figured out a lot of details, but at least in the beginning, he and Calvin have a... tense relationship. Peter wouldn't consider them friends for a while, a work partner maybe. Calvin likes to push Peter's buttons and Peter doesn't really understand at first that Calvin is just having fun. Calvin IS a demon, though, so they know exactly what they're doing. ((Bonus fun fact: Peter is actually legitimately older than Calvin. Peter was born in uhh some time in the 1790s? and Calvin was born in 1933))
Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
Ren: Ren was supposed to be a lot younger at first! Originally I had him ~25 during the games events, but then as I developed him more i was like.... what if.... older??? A lot of that was inspired by my need to give Felix someone older than him that WOULDN'T fucking betray him in some way. So, you have my love for Felix to thank for Ren's age In turn, because I made him older, I ended up having a lot more time to play with in Ren's pre Halcyon life, which created Johnny.
Peter: Peter's still pretty new so there's not too much I haven't already talked about BUTTT a little peek into the future of Peter's story, I did end up expanding on the Maggie/Peter relationship, and it's part of Peter's eh origin story now~
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angels-fluff · 4 years
Arackniss Comforting His s/o Headcanons
At first it’s a little difficult for him to pick up on when you’re upset or even how to help. He felt really bad about it because you had been there for him so many times
The problem was that our little spider boy was still figuring out how to take care of himself let alone another person. Still learning that it’s okay to cry, to be upset, that he doesn’t have to hold things back to protect anybody
So that first time all he can think to do is to gently push the hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear, tilt your chin up and press a kiss to your forehead 
It was silent reassurance that he was there for you, maybe he didn’t have the right words to say, but he was there all the same 
As time went on though, Niss was able to catch on to his own habits more and more and it seemed like you two were more similar than he had originally thought in how you behaved when you were hurting 
This of course, also meant that you couldn’t really hide from him anymore. If you tried to fake a smile, he could see just how hard you were trying to keep it together and it killed him to watch 
He personally knew that this wasn’t something that he wanted to do in front of anyone, it really wasn’t anybody else’s business to know that you were hurting or to hear your conversation. So he waited until you two could be alone to bring it up. 
“Is there anything ya wanna talk about? Nothin’ bothering ya?” 
There it was again, the corners of your lips forcing themselves up 
“I’m fine, everything is fine.” 
Instead of just calling you out on it, you found yourself rather startled as you were pulled in for a hug 
“Listen, y/n...It’s okay, alright? It’s okay to not be okay. Ya always tell me that, but it ain’t something that only applies to me.” 
He was trying, really, genuinely trying to help you in the only way he could think to. The same reassurance that you had always given him when he was feeling insecure and upset even when his walls were up and he tried to push you away. 
Sure, a lot of times his pain and sadness boiled over into anger, but since you had come into his afterlife, it was happening less. You always reassured him that he didn’t have to try to be strong, so now it was your turn 
To have him there holding you, reassuring you, was more than you had ever expected and he had admittedly caught you off guard. With everything already being so stressful, the validation was enough to finally break you 
Burying your face in his neck, you wrapped your arms around him, letting tears fall down your cheeks 
Fingers gently brushed through your hair, just holding you and letting you get it all out 
He softly whispered sweet things into your ear as he held you, telling you it was going to be okay, that he’d always be there for you 
Your favorite, of course, was the one that he picked out purely because he knew that you absolutely loved when he spoke Italian 
“Il tuo sorriso e’il sole della mia vita dell'aldilà. Sei tutto per me.” (Your smile is the sunshine of my afterlife. You are everything to me.)
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softclowns · 4 years
i feel so sick and tired and i wish i could stop experiencing these emotions every night/every other night its so Bad
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deniigi · 4 years
Oh!!! Ohhh I have something I can share!!! I’m the anon who was writing kingpin foggy!! Idk if I’ll ever finish but here’s an excerpt!!!: “I’m the one keeping secrets?!”He can hear Foggy’s heart skip, but he can’t stop the words when he tries to deflect. “What are you-“ “How many people have you killed Fog? How many people have gone the opposite fucking direction of our firm because of your name, because of who your family is?”
ooooooooooooooh shit
I got chills, anon.
I hope you finish at least a little because Yesssssss
This is content I would very much like to read.
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yukiwrites · 4 years
The Kitsune Hamlet’s Vice-Chief
Thanks for the support as always, @breeachuu! It was super fun to write Pashmina, so I hope you like it! Watch out, ye who enters, for the sin!
Summary: Kaden was someone who was serious in his own way of repaying favors in the most varied ways. While was out, it was Pashmina, the vice-chief of the Kitsune Hamlet, who kept things in order. Though she was much more than that to Kaden; she was someone he held dear in his heart and with whom he would want to spend the rest of his life with.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
The Kitsune Hamlet was a tiny settlement rumored to inhabit the western mountains of Hoshido -- such rumor had gained momentum especially after the end of the war between the Light and Dark Kingdoms with the marriage of King Ryoma and Princess Camilla.
It was said that the army that fought against the common enemy of the previously warring countries was composed of wolfskin and kitsune both, something that had never happened in recent -- or ancient! -- history. Nevertheless, the fact that the Kitsune Hamlet was no more than a vague mystery despite the kitsune being seen more often after the peace talks was simply because of their unique illusory abilities.
They would hide the mountain in a thick fog; create paths that did not exist or, more often than not, play pranks on the eventual adventurer who tried to go up the mountains in search of their den.
Because of that, although the chief of the kitsune, Kaden, was widely known as a social butterfly, not many humans were seen within the premises of the securely guarded hamlet.
... Though, honestly, most of that had to do with their competent vice-chief, Pashmina, who made sure to strengthen the den's illusions and scolded the foxes who had quite too much fun pranking humans instead of misguiding them back to where they came.
With their contrasting personalities, the duo managed to perfectly balance their views, opinions and protective measures to keep the hamlet hidden and safe. While Kaden built up their connections with useful humans (though mostly by accident while repaying this or that favor), Pashmina worked from the inside to assure the kitsune people a good, stable life.
The war against the Forgotten Dragon hadn't done much damage to the little settlement, since the brunt of the battles that had happened before Its defeat happened in human lands.
Still, many kitsune warriors -- the nine-tails -- joined Kamui's army alongside Pashmina and Kaden, resulting in quite a few regrettable casualties.
The hamlet was small and tight-fitted -- they all considered themselves part of a bigger family -- so it was no wonder that the entire kitsune people mourned their lost ones, resulting in all of them cooperating to aid their immediate families who were deprived of them.
"Phew." Pashmina dried the sweat off of her face with her fur bracer, looking up at the pile of materials she just helped deliver. Many fully transformed nine-tales scurried around, using their larger frames to carry big logs around. Some sprawled themselves around, allowing their humanoid companions to brush the fur they were shedding so it could be used for stuffing the new beds, cushions and even making new brushes. "You there, if you are done with the grooming, move to the next one." She pointed to a couple who was taking longer than necessary with the brushing. "We must finish this centre before the rainy season catches us."
"Y-yes, vice-chief!" The adolescent kit yelped, the brush falling from her hand right on her companion's belly.
The transformed fox, startled with the hit, let out a cry and transformed back, quickly sitting up. "I'll help too, vice-chief!"
"Good. Off you go, then." Pashmina's lips curved up slightly, dismissing them with a gesture.
The two quickly ran off with their bushed tails and eager smiles.
Foxes were naturally laid back creatures, so Pashmina's rather strict remarks were an absolute necessity to get any work done, so her work was widely appreciated.
Still with a small smile on her lips, Pashmina's dark, long and fluffy ears picked up a far-off sound of steps, turning to its source before she could turn her head to check.
"Miiinaa!" Kaden called from afar, knowing she would hear even though he was still but a tiny dot in the distance.
The vice-chief snorted as Kaden approached, sprinting towards him to help with the luggage he carried -- there was a basket larger than his shoulders over his head (which he balanced with one hand) and another one between his waist and remaining hand. From the smell, they seemed to be fresh vegetables as Pashmina noted once she was close enough to discern.
"Welcome back, Kaden," Pashmina snorted as Kaden almost lost his balance with the upper basket, quickly putting herself on her toes to take it off of his head. His ears sprung up instantly with the gesture, followed by a vigorous head shaking so as to bring back the sensation to them.
"Phew, ya really saved me there, Mina! Thanks!" He placed the lower basket on the ground with a soft thud, drying the sweat off of his forehead much like how Pashmina had done just a few minutes previous, with the back of his arm.
Still holding the basket, Pashmina brushed her dark, silvery tail on Kaden's, urging him to return with her. "C'mon, we need to take these to the storage lest they go bad."
"Wait, wait, wait!" Kaden grinned widely, shoving his hand inside the basket and retrieving two tasty-looking leeks. "A snack!"
"Oh!" Pashmina's ears and tail perked up, her pupils dilating slightly. Kaden chuckled at her reaction, but when she innocently opened her mouth so he could give it to her, he blushed slightly and hesitated. Tilting her neck towards the unmoving leek, Pashmina raised her gaze to the chief. "Kaden? My hands are kind of full..." She urged him, licked her lips and opened her mouth again.
Gulping, Kaden carefully placed the leek between Pashmina's teeth, who eagerly munched on it slowly. "A-ahem," he cleared his throat before biting his own leek and taking the basket once again, now with both of his hands. "Mowu's fjarm's beally awjome!"
Still with half a leek out of her mouth, Pashmina narrowed her eyes as they resumed the walk back to the settlement. "... Don' jpeak wid your mouf full." She reprimanded, though 80% of the intended intimidation fell flat considering she wasn't following her own advice.
Kaden snorted, holding back a laughter lest he choked. "Dook bho's talking!"
The two quickly munched the sweet, juicy leek that left a delicious aftertaste, making them both carve for more. "Hmmm," Pashmina licked her lips even a few seconds after finishing her portion. "Mozu truly is a genius when it comes to farming."
"Isn't she?! I'm glad she settled down just at the foot of the mountain! Benny's real good with the animals, too, so they don't trample on their stuff like it happens sometimes with the other folks."
"Still, isn't this a bit too much? This can probably feed our entire village for a week if we ration it, so wouldn't it last much longer with only the two of them? Won't it be an inconvenience?" Pashmina huffed, adjusting the heavy basket on her hands.
"Mina, you wouldn't believe the size of that farm! With Mozu's instructions and Benny's muscles, I think they can cover the entire foot of the mountain by the end of the decade!" Kaden's eyes shone. "Besides, she said she supplies other folks' farms, too, so she was actually glad to give us this much!" He hummed happily. "I helped her harvest it all as thanks, so she said we could go back for more later."
"Which we should," Pashmina nodded, the alluring smell of fresh vegetables making her want another snack. She refrained, of course, but she couldn't help but lick her lips again in anticipation.
Noticing her perked up ears and swaying tail behind her, Kaden pressed his lips into a thin line, a slight blush covering his face. "You want another one?" He adjusted the basket on his side, taking two more leeks with his now free hand.
Pashmina's eyes followed every movement he made with them as though under a trance, but quickly cleared her throat and turned back to watch her steps. "... No, thank you. We must prepare well for the rainy season. Besides, the little ones also love to eat these." She smiled softly, almost motherly, making Kaden's heart skip beat.
"M-Mimi!" He blurted out, taking a larger step than her so he could place himself in front. At the mention of her most intimate nickname, Pashmina's ears straightened up in surprise, her bushed tail following suit before deflating in embarrassment, her cheeks flushing slightly.
She poked the tip of her tail on his side, pouting adorably. "I told you not to call me that outside our hut."
As though infected by her embarrassment, Kaden also blushed slightly, "heeheehee, you're so cute when you're shy, Mimi. It's just the two of us here, though, right?" He looked around the deserted outskirts of the hamlet, brushing his silky, fluffy tail on hers. 
Her cheeks puffed a little wider, her citrine eyes avoiding Kaden's golden. "Yes, but we're in the middle of something..." Her words contradicted her shy expression, making Kaden's heart beat faster.
"Hhhhng, you're SO cute, Mimi!" He nudged his nose on hers, then kissed her forehead and ears. "... Can I brush your fur later as thanks for helping me with the baskets?"
"...!" Pashmina let out a soundless exclamation of surprise, her entire face down to her neck reddening in embarrassment.
... Kaden never stopped touching her once he started brushing her hair and fur. The intimate brushing would always, always, always evolve to a lot more intimate and inappropriate touching. Knowing full well that that was what he meant, Pashmina's brain short circuited for a second, though the weight of his shameless yet shy gaze managed to bring her back to her senses.
"A-ahem," she cleared her throat, lifted her chin and resumed her walk. "... If you do what you have to do first, then yes." Her voice got lower and lower until the last word was a simple whisper.
But Kaden's sensitive ears picked it up, of course, and he laughed loudly. "Heeheehee, leave it to me, vice-chief! I'll show you my handsome and flawless work!" He winked and ran ahead of her, putting the basket on his head and holding it with both hands so he could move faster.
A few vegetables fell behind him, leaving a trail. "Hey, you're dropping them!" Pashmina hit her foot on the ground, but Kaden was long gone, leaving her to grumble lovingly under her breath on her own; something about placing his eagerness in more productive stuff.
As the little hamlet was building some sort of social center -- a large hut with many toys, ahem, different facilities inside -- for the families of those lost in war as well as an indoors playing ground for the children during the rainy season, there were many things to prepare.
Every single day was busy, but they were all looking out for each other, so it was fun and fulfilling.
"Huff," Pashmina was the first to retire to her and Kaden's hut, undoing her high, tight bun until her long, raven hair fell across her back. She shook her head to relieve it from the pressure of the hairdo as she looked at herself in the mirror.
Her ear twitched to the entrance as the sound of steps approached, her shoulders immediately sagging.
"Minaa, I brought a new brush!" Kaden barged in with a large grin, "and I just had to give a bit of the fur I was shedding to make another one!" He pointed to the brand new brush in his hands, walking towards his mate with intimacy of a lover.
He wrapped his free hand around her waist as he placed a kiss on the side of her head while she examined the brush on his other hand.
"It is of the finest quality, indeed. But why did you have to pay with your fur for a brush made... with your fur?" She closed one eye as he kissed her temple, his trail of kisses intent on ending on her lips. "H-hey..." She pouted slightly as he continued to smooch her cheeks, the tip of her nose, chin and all around her mouth instead of quickly diving into her lips.
"Mhmm!" Kaden hummed as though he had savored the most delicious meal, "Mimi is cute as always!" He giggled as she opened her mouth to retort, her face painted in red.
"You didn't answer-mmph!" Before she could speak, however, Kaden finally went for the kiss, sucking on her lips and inserting his eager tongue into her mouth right after. "Mhm..." She rolled her eyes with the depth of the kiss, the brush falling on the floor with a dull sound as she wrapped both hands around his shoulders.
Inebriated by how he didn't separate from the kiss and only kept deepening it, Pashmina didn't notice how they were slowly descending to the floor -- Kaden patted it to find the brush before picking her on his arms and heading to the bedroom.
"Eek!" She squealed with the sudden movement, grasping on his clothes for support as he walked the short distance towards the bed on the floor.
"So cute, so cute," Kaden chuckled as he kissed Pashmina's eyebrow, then forehead, then the base of her ears.
"H-hiya...!" Her whole body started as his hot breath reached the sensitive spot of her ears, digging her nails on his back even after he had placed her on the bed.
"It's such a shame you put your gorgeous hair up like that, Mimi," he huffed as he trailed his kisses from her ears to her forehead, then away from her slowly, intent on actually brushing her first.
Panting, Pashmina leaned on the wall as though all strength had left her limp body with the passionate kiss. Kaden's golden eyes glinted with the hidden fire of the predator inside him -- and every kitsune, for that matter -- seeing the tasty, oh so tasty, Mimi right in front of him.
He kissed the tip of her hair as he brushed it softly, looking at her with the melted golden of his eyes. "Turn around, Mimi?" He asked with a smile, though the hunger of his gaze made the vice-chief clutch her chest and huff in response.
Still short of breath, she obediently turned around, sitting loosely over her legs as she exposed her hair and tail to Kaden.
His first touch made her jump a little, but soon he took her hair around his able hands, brushing it carefully. At the tip of her long strands there was her tail, which he massaged carefully, slowly going towards its base, right a bit over her butt.
Once there, he saw how Pashmina covered her mouth with one hand, breathing heavily and squeezing her eyes -- he knew it was a sensitive spot of hers to be caressed at the base of her tail; it always made her entire body shiver and crave for his, so he absolutely loved doing it.
"Mimi, you're so cute I can't stop saying it." He whispered by her cheek, smooching it as he slid his hands under her short sleeves, grabbing her breasts.
"K-Kaden- if you touch me like this, I-" She winced as he ground his fingers on her nipples, still under her kimono, arching her head back towards him.
"Mina, Minaaa, Mimi..." He whispered her name over and over as he tasted the sweetness of her soft skin, slowly opening her kimono to reveal her underwear.
Pashmina dug her claws on Kaden's thighs, which were on either side of her body, as he slowly reached for the inside of her underwear, finding that she was already wet in expectation.
He inserted one of his declawed fingers as he called her name teasingly, making her shiver in pleasure and huff his name lovingly.
"K-aahnden..." She leaned her back on his chest, unconsciously rubbing her tail on his crotch.
"Turn around, Mimi? Lemme see your face?" He took his finger out, sliding his hand to her waist so as to turn her to him -- to turn her adorably embarrassed face to him. She blushed so brightly even a human would be able to see her in the dimly lit room. "So cute, so cute," he finally dove into her lips again, carefully pulling her underwear to the side with one hand.
Feeling the heat enter her body through Kaden's kiss, Pashmina rolled her eyes in pleasure as she felt him release his throbbing erection and rub it against her clit. "...!" She let out a cute squeal under Kaden's relentless kisses, her entire body trembling in wait for him.
She adjusted her legs on either side of his body, rubbing her vulva on his glans while he placed both hands on her hips, slightly pushing her down in his eagerness.
"Mhmmm..." Pashmina bemoaned as she felt him slide inside of her slowly, her busy tongue rolling with his inside her mouth. Once he was fully inside, Pashmina huffed, feeling him rub on her sensitive spot.
Kaden trailed his kisses from her jaw to her neck, sucking on it as he left countless marks and bites. "Mimi, Mimi..." He huffed, moving his hips up and down to rub all the way inside her.
Her mouth now free, Pashmina dug her face into Kaden's neck, her entire body bristling with pleasure. "K-Kaden, you're mhmm... teasing me again..." She cried softly, her body wanting him to move, but his simply rubbing all around inside her instead.
"I can't help, ah, it... Mimi's so cute, I just want to eat you up slowly..." He chuckled as he trailed his hands to the back of her legs, spreading them open in front of him so he could regain more control of the penetration.
Gasping, Pashmina dug her claws on his back, giving herself entirely for him -- he slowly pulled it all out, then shoved back in, enjoying how her entire body trembled with each stroke.
She could feel his entirety inside of her; the hunger of his strangled voice and the teasing of his never ending compliments, making her head spin with embarrassment and pleasure.
She could barely think straight as the fog of climax enveloped her the faster and the deeper Kaden dug into her, making Pashmina squeeze her eyes and let out the most adorable voice; Kaden's most favored voice, in her trance of the climax.
"K-Kadeahnn..." She cried out tears of pleasure, her entire body shaking as he liberated himself inside of her, though she squeezed him so much he could barely move after.
"M-Mimi, how can, hahh, someone so perfect like you exist..." He panted, filled to the brim of love towards his adorable vice-chief. Officially, however, she was the first in command of his heart, mind and body, who ruled over all of his being.
How could he not love and desire someone like her!
"I- ah..." Having difficulty breathing, Pashmina's insides still felt his lingering erection, sucking him in instinctively, "I could say the same to you..."
"M-Mimi!" Kaden felt his erection coming back at full swing, enjoying how she squirmed under him in surprise. "I love you!"
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miraculous-stardust · 5 years
hhhhng I tried to listen to the radio adaptation of good omens but I literally couldn’t get through 3 minutes because Crowley started talking and I got unbelievably distracted and then my heart ached for “you what?” “I gave it awayyy!!!” and I’m so sorry. I have so much respect but I don’t think I can get into it. I’d miss God narrating and the switch and all the little things...
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saltslimes · 5 years
this is too short for ao3, but it needs posting
from the delightful mind of @ayano-onee-chan
it’s about the usual (prompto)
Up this close the tree seems like its own microcosm--a world sprawled before Prompto’s very eyes, everything from the narrows and the valleys in the bark to the scored crater where one of their weapons must have struck. Not Prompto’s evidently, it looks like a blade cut. And it’s small enough that the tree should heal over, provided no second dropship comes through and incinerates it. Provided no one tosses a spell the wrong way.
But they’re not tossing spells at all, the battle’s over, they’re just… It isn’t waiting. That’s not what they do, in these moments. But it’s something a little like waiting. Standing outside the room after your exam is done. Holding the pen you used to write your essay and fuck up the short answer section. Trying to weigh the results before they’re in.
But this isn’t that either. Noctis is inspecting his phone--he must have dropped it at some point, and it’s scratched, Prompto can distantly hear him saying. Gladio is bleeding down his arm. Noctis tosses him a potion. The flare of light burns his retinas for a second, like a tiny firework.
Prompto takes another breath, but nothing evens out. The dizziness doesn’t fade; it doesn’t even ebb back.
“Prompto!” he hears. Ignis calling. Right.
Gladio woke up in the night--not last night, the day before. Prompto had blinked in the dim light of the tent and wondered what had woken him, and then he saw Gladio’s wide shape eclipse the opening, he heard the rattle of the zipper.
When he stepped out the air was warmer than he expected. It had felt cold in the tent, sleeping so close to the ground always did, but there was no wind. Outside it was stagnant, Gladio was by the white ashes of the fire, but he’d turned his chair to face out, into the empty dark, where the daemons gathered. Gladio was drumming his fingers on his knee. His shoulders seemed to shake.
Prompto crossed to meet him but he didn’t know how to approach. Part of him wanted to clear his throat and start in with a joke. Anything to bleed tension from the air. But part of him hated that part. He had to take things seriously sometimes. He wasn’t a kid anymore.
“It’s kinda warm out,” he tried, pushing his hands down into his pockets. Gladio glanced up with his mouth twisted.
“Are you coming back in?” Prompto asked, when a little space had passed between them. Gladio swallowed before he shook his head.
“I can’t yet,” he said, so softly it was almost inaudible. Prompto had never heard him like that. Even when he was upset, even when he was hurt. He pulled a second chair around, to face the dark. It wasn’t that many hours until sunrise. And he felt like no one should have to spend a night like that alone. And for Gladio’s part, he didn’t object. So it was probably a good thing.
In the morning he had two cups of coffee and running felt wild, it felt like he was split open, every nerve singing with energy.
It was hard to keep that up all day though, and through the hunt, and on the grocery run with Ignis.
“Really Prompto?” he’d asked, watching Prompto knock back his second 5-hour energy in two hours.
“I need to have pep! I’m the leader of the pep squad around here,” Prompto said. Okay, so sensible speaking had gone out the window. But they were heading to a motel and normally he’d be excited to sleep in an actual bed but… Noctis had been tossing and turning, and Prompto had a guess it hadn’t gotten much better and in the tent it wasn’t so bad, or maybe Iggy got the worst or it. Maybe the sleeping bags helped.
Either way, if he wasn’t getting any sleep, he figured he might as well make himself useful. He waited until the others had fallen asleep and went out onto the balcony. They were only one floor up, but it was cold, the air stung and the wind was strong. He sat on a wobbly plastic chair and cleaned their weapons.
He didn’t realize the sun was coming up until he heard a soft tap on the door behind him, and looked up to see Ignis behind the glass.
“You’re up early,” was his only remark. Prompto nodded. One more hunt and then he could sleep, he’d thought. There was a euphoria that came with staying awake, the tip over right before things would start crawling in the edges of his vision. The energy drinks tasted more sour, more metallic, but at the same time all his senses felt a little deadened.
They feel deadened. Right, but he’s here, and the tree, his face is pressed against it, and he needs to take another breath, sooner rather than later, and he is--
“Prompto!” that’s Ignis. Right beside him. There’s a hand on his arm but he’s going down, he blinks and finds himself sitting on the ground.
“Honestly Prompto, I don’t know why you stayed up,” Ignis is saying.
“What, the other night?” Gladio’s voice is more like distant thunder. Ignis gently pushes Prompto’s head down between his knees, and he misses whatever Noctis says.
“Last night.”
“Why didn’t he sleep last night?”
“I have no idea.”
“Between you two, you’re saying he’s been awake for forty-eight hours?”
That’s where he loses his grip. He wakes up in the back seat, with his head rested on someone’s leg. Relatively bony leg, so it’s Noctis. And when he shifts to look up, yeah, there’s the prince, with his brow furrowed, glaring at his phone. Prompto makes a sound as if to begin a sentence, but he doesn’t know where he’s going with it.
“You have a disease that makes you a moron, and it’s incurable,” Noctis says, without looking down. Prompto stifles a laugh. It’s not a funny situation. Noctis rests a hand in his hair. “Go back to sleep,” he says softly. Prompto is powerless to refuse.
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misskobayashissmile · 5 years
“Running on pure idiot energy” God you’re cute ^^!! Okay how about these! 2. Are you outgoing or shy? 4. Are you easy to get along with? 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? 151. Do you like pie (asking for a friend) Have a lovely weekend you cinnamon bun
call me cute again and I might just get flustered buckaroo... omg... hdndbdjd and you have a lovely weekend too!
2. I'm super extroverted! I used to be ridiculously shy to the point where I made my parents order food for me until I was atleast 16 but then I got some really good friends and I found out how much I enjoyed talking to people! also I've embarrassed myself so much that I have no more shame in order to be shy!
4. I'd say so? I love talking to people and I don't hold any biases towards people! I just get a bit timid trying to hold conversations sometimes though.
12. omg... music related.. hhhhng I'll try to only do a few
touch tone telephone - lemon demon
typical story- hobo Johnson
cooks- still woozy
and always a fave of mine is Norwegian Wood - The Beatles
64. >be me
>never kissed anyone
basically I had a huge crush on my friend and I had asked her out previously but she said she didn't want to be in a relationship. we were still technically friends but like we sorta dove into other territory like... I guess f.w.b kind of territory. but anyways one night I was staying over at her house and after getting kind of intimate on ykno her couch in her parents house I asked if I could kiss her and she was super nervous but we did and uh I just laid on her gently and cuddled and she asked me out uwu.
151. I wish I did but I'm super sensitive to texture and I can't eat mushy fruit! it makes me feel funny idk why. chocolate pies maybe but I've never tried any.
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ofsahars · 5 years
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sahar santini drops yet another surprise ep entitled, ‘lost your chance’ when asked about what ( or who ) it was about, she responded: 
“ i’m sure you could guess. i’ve never been one to force down my emotions. this was supposed to be released alongside my other ep’s, but some shit came up, and i held off because i wanted to be a good friend - and i still do ! i just figured i couldn’t let these songs go to waste, and yes, i am completely over this person and i... i just wanna be friends again. that’s probably too much to ask though. but yea, here it is: my feelings. yet again. ” @ofchxnce
i. break your heart right back. “i shoulda saw it comin', i shoulda saw the signs, but i wanted to believe you, trust you. you said you wouldn't lie, but baby you were so good, so good... you had me goin' blind. you said he was your best friend, i'm guessing i wasn't your type. what goes around comes around... and now that it’s over, i just wanna break your heart right back.” when chance slept with blaine so they both cheated on each other :/ love that ii. cadillac song. “summer days with my honey worried 'bout not a thing, back in the day when things were easier than the breeze. who knew that kiss was the last one. i never thought we would change. baby i'm missing you.” iii. nobody does it better. “don't throw your heart out in a letter, ‘cause i already read your mind. you know you missed out on forever, and settled for a waste of time, but i warned you he wasn't who he claimed to be, and no one could love you like me.”  iv. chandler’s song. “yeah, you really tried, but I was blind to all the lies you told me, boy. all the shit you've done, you can't outrun the way you undersold me. well, if you don't want to see the girl i want to be, then why, then why should i listen? if you don't want to do the things i need from you goodbye.” is this about the time chance didn’t like her purple hair and sahar is just extra? .... and what about it. v. best mistake. “maybe i'm the sinner, and you're the saint. gotta stop pretending what we ain't. why we pointing fingers anyway when we're the same? break up, make up, total waste of time... ‘cause you're the best mistake i've ever made.” vi. love me harder. “i know your motives and you know mine. the ones that love me, i tend to leave behind. if you know about me and choose to stay, then take this pleasure and take it with the pain.” if u know about me because sahar is a serial cheater and he still dated her HHHHNG vii. side to side (frankie’s song). “'cause i know you got a bad reputation, doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation, and we don't gotta think 'bout nothin'. i’ve been here all day, and boy got me walkin’ side to side.” yes. that’s the whole title of the song. did she put it in this ep specifically to be petty? also yes viii. goodnight n go. “play with your mind for no reason, i know you love how i tease it. you know that i'm playin', so don't be mistaken. you already know what i'm thinkin', boy... oh, why'd you have to be so cute? it's impossible to ignore you. why must you make me laugh so much? it's bad enough we get along so well. just say goodnight and go.” ix. tattooed heart. “you don't need a lot of money, honey you don't have to play no games. all i need is all your loving to get the blood rushing through my veins. i wanna say we're going steady like it's 1954, no, it doesn't have to be forever, just as long as i'm the name on your tattooed heart.”
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rouiyan · 3 years
Hello doyoung anon here !!! I loved it all and the fact that u included sicheng as well made me slightly sad (but in like a positive way, he's better off in wayv but yk ) also yes I do think it was a good fic and the proposal was such a lovely surprised !!! and omg it was really smart of you to write it from marks perspective to avoid it being conventional and cheesy (I don't read proposal stuff usually aha! ) Thank u very much . I look forward to ur next works !
oh hhhhng thank you! i really debated adding sicheng or not bc ot10 just kinda makes me all teary eyed (so i added him AHAHH). and ME TOO, i don’t like to read proposal stuff all that much, or write it, but i thought that the fic could do with a little ✨pizazz✨ so i tried my best not to make it like the *makes me wanna vomit 🤮* kinda proposals. it was overall such a fun fic to write and i’m very thankful hehe 💗💗
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Not sure who will read, don’t care. This is positive for once.
Since this is my blog and I am allowed to post what I want I am going to just share some happy thoughts.
At 26 years old (27 in november eek) I decided to go back to college for art. I enjoyed it, the community tends to be nicer (better than animal studies because that is all a shit show with people)
I have college interview on Tuesday, I am nervous/ excited. Last time I was in college I had so many undiagnosed mental health problems that I didn’t do well. Now I know what is wrong with me and I have an amazing service dog to help me with that and other problems I am determined to do better. This college understands my issues and all that. Instead of expecting me to show up with school exam results I am to show them a portfolio and a cover letter or explain to them what I want. I want to further my skills, improve, learn new techniques. I really really hope I get in.
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I also have my first mental health therapy session? tomorrow. For years the system thought I was just good enough to not need help only pills. The beginning of this year I tried to commit suicide and FINALLY I am getting more help and its late I admit but I have an appointment tomorrow and I don’t know what they can offer me or whatever. What I do know though is that for now I am doing okay.
Not great but I am okay. That is good enough for me. I don’t know what “great” is tbh. 
Also also, I am doing me some exercises, (weights/ bike/ swimming) to become fit. It is taking a little longer to get results but I got to take it slow (stoopid left lung) I am trying (reaaaalllly trying) to cut calories down. But salted caramel ice cream is HHHHNG anyway. I finally feel the motivation to better myself and it is refreshing as fuck.
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wh o is trolley san
very nsfw lemon dont like dont read
“who would have known this...not me........”
“oh rapscallions.” said he. the voice come from our main character named pokkle. he shot an arrow at an animal. it did not hit the animal. rapscallions! he is a failure always. this story takes place post hunter exam and before he got killed in a skull pile by some bugs. he cant hunt animals so he tried bugs instead... ha ha
he is “training”.he is not smart enough to pick up the arrows he keeps shooting at nothing so he runs out of them very fast and the whole yard is arrows and he steps on them with his cankerous feet oow owch.that ones gonna burn in the mornin. so as i said he is out of arrows now. he is not useful enough to make his own so that means it is time for him to set out into the big lots by the bayou. everyone just calls it that because it is very gross and smells bad. there are flies and such
he knows it is a big deal because there are big mosquitos and his hands are not very big haha so he get bit by mosquito or two. this isnt chimera arc so buzz off haha buzz. he is wading through what must be the parking lot now. i am watching him do it dont tell him though. i am in the dollar general which is a better store to pick up debbie cakes at.
he walks through the glass double doors because this week they arent shotgunned out. sometimes he thinks to himself he would like to shoot these doors with arrows to be a part of the fun but he always runs out before he can go there to do his property damage for the day.
he cases the joint. it smells very bad and it is desolate. he is wading through the dollar sunglasses on the floor looking for the notable bow and arrows aisle. since the store is in such a state of disrepair he did not get a shopping cart by the door. yeah. 40 mph
in reality if pokkle had stayed right where he was, he would have been safe. even with those supple, voluptuous, firm throbbing wheels there are only so many feet deep of plastic sunglasses you may trample over like that of a soldiers horse and a foe’s long discarded blade.
pokkle doesnt think of it. theres a lot of weird stuff in hxh but his mind is on one thing today. needs arrows. he is making his way towards the littlest petshops toys because he wants to shoot at them but he starts to hear a noise. a noise he has not yet heard before. its audible to the naked (hhhhng) ear.
first he hears a crash. then a very fast mechanical sound as though it is pistons in an engine. a train whistles its devilish horn. the factory bells sound, the bell tolls once more. clink. clink. clink. what is that?
he peers through a hole in one of the metal shelves. it looks like a shopping cart, moving of its own volition. slowly backing up.. then charging at the shelf with all its might like a battering ram. he aint care he is looking at the littlest pet shops. \
its over before he knows it. maybe that is a good thing. maybe it is not. all he knows is that he dies holding that littlest pet shop in his hand.
the deputy pouts down his cup of joe. he reads the newspaper. another case. in grocery stores everywhere, another trend. another person smashed to death with the only nearby evidence nearby is a trolley. conveniently, all the security tapes during these incidents are just static. some say it may be the supersonic waves being emitted by these forbidden trolleys.
he lights a smoke. oh this? its laced with drugs. he takes a long drag and blows it all over another cops face.
“w ho is trolley san...” he say.
the other cop who will remain nameless and without description tell him he is fired. and he is. all is well  
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sayakist · 7 years
wh o is trolley san
very nsfw lemon dont like dont read
“who would have known this...not me........”
“oh rapscallions.” said he. the voice come from our main character named pokkle. he shot an arrow at an animal. it did not hit the animal. rapscallions! he is a failure always. this story takes place post hunter exam and before he got killed in a skull pile by some bugs. he cant hunt animals so he tried bugs instead... ha ha
he is “training”.he is not smart enough to pick up the arrows he keeps shooting at nothing so he runs out of them very fast and the whole yard is arrows and he steps on them with his cankerous feet oow owch.that ones gonna burn in the mornin. so as i said he is out of arrows now. he is not useful enough to make his own so that means it is time for him to set out into the big lots by the bayou. everyone just calls it that because it is very gross and smells bad. there are flies and such
he knows it is a big deal because there are big mosquitos and his hands are not very big haha so he get bit by mosquito or two. this isnt chimera arc so buzz off haha buzz. he is wading through what must be the parking lot now. i am watching him do it dont tell him though. i am in the dollar general which is a better store to pick up debbie cakes at.
he walks through the glass double doors because this week they arent shotgunned out. sometimes he thinks to himself he would like to shoot these doors with arrows to be a part of the fun but he always runs out before he can go there to do his property damage for the day.
he cases the joint. it smells very bad and it is desolate. he is wading through the dollar sunglasses on the floor looking for the notable bow and arrows aisle. since the store is in such a state of disrepair he did not get a shopping cart by the door. yeah. 40 mph
in reality if pokkle had stayed right where he was, he would have been safe. even with those supple, voluptuous, firm throbbing wheels there are only so many feet deep of plastic sunglasses you may trample over like that of a soldiers horse and a foe’s long discarded blade.
pokkle doesnt think of it. theres a lot of weird stuff in hxh but his mind is on one thing today. needs arrows. he is making his way towards the littlest petshops toys because he wants to shoot at them but he starts to hear a noise. a noise he has not yet heard before. its audible to the naked (hhhhng) ear.
first he hears a crash. then a very fast mechanical sound as though it is pistons in an engine. a train whistles its devilish horn. the factory bells sound, the bell tolls once more. clink. clink. clink. what is that?
he peers through a hole in one of the metal shelves. it looks like a shopping cart, moving of its own volition. slowly backing up.. then charging at the shelf with all its might like a battering ram. he aint care he is looking at the littlest pet shops. \
its over before he knows it. maybe that is a good thing. maybe it is not. all he knows is that he dies holding that littlest pet shop in his hand.
the deputy pouts down his cup of joe. he reads the newspaper. another case. in grocery stores everywhere, another trend. another person smashed to death with the only nearby evidence nearby is a trolley. conveniently, all the security tapes during these incidents are just static. some say it may be the supersonic waves being emitted by these forbidden trolleys.
he lights a smoke. oh this? its laced with drugs. he takes a long drag and blows it all over another cops face.
“w ho is trolley san...” he say.
the other cop who will remain nameless and without description tell him he is fired. and he is. all is well  
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