#hes just kicking up his lil feet and listening to brook
newttxt · 1 month
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happy birthday, luffy!
ive wanted to draw this screencap for monthssss
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nerdywrites · 6 years
She‘s Perfect
Pairing: James Potter x Lupin!reader
Summary: In which the twin of Remus Lupin falls in love with one of her best friends, who seems to be in love with someone else
Warnings: Jealousy, lil bit of angst at the beginning, some language, protective brother, insecurities
He was always looking at her. The minute she walked in the room, his eyes were on her and his cheeks were then a color of pink they weren’t before. 
Every time (Y/n) tried to have a conversation with him, it seemed he wasn’t paying attention. Like right now.
“-and that is how Brookes ended up tied by his ankles to the Whomping Willow.” she smiled happily and laughed once again at the memory of the Slytherin dangling from the wild tree. He deserved it, no one called her bestfriend a ‘mudblood’ and got away with it.
But her smile disappeared once she saw his attention was not on her, but behind her. (Y/n) turned her head to see who was sitting a few feet away and was not surprised to see a Gryffindor girl with emerald eyes and long auburn hair, whose name was Lily Evans.
“James! James!” she waved her hand in front of his face.
The messy-haired boy was broken out of his trance “Wha- oh yeah, great job (N/n). He’s a right bloody git.”
She gave a fake smile “Yeah. Listen I’ve got to go do, uh, homework, yeah homework!”
“(Y/n), we’re in the library!” but she was already to far away to hear him. 
“Damn it!” He cursed loudly and kicked a chair, causing the librarian to shush him. He simply gathered his things and walked out the door, not bothering to make sure it shut quietly on his way out.
By the time she got back to her dorm, tears were bubbling in her eyes. And despite her attempt to hide it, Marlene McKinnon had already noticed. 
“(N/n), what’s wrong?”
If it had been any of her other friends, (Y/n) would have said it was simply allergies and headed to bed. But Marlene was the only other person in the room and the only one who had figured out about (Y/n)’s crush on James Potter.
“ I don’t get it” she whispered, the first tear leaving her eye “I mean, I know he loves her, and who wouldn’t? She’s perfect! But can he not at least pay attention to the fact I exist when she’s around? I mean, I’m telling a story about pranking a Slytherin, and he didn’t hear a single word.”
By the end of her rant, Marlene had walked over and engulfed her friend in a hug, letting her sob on her shoulders. 
“(Y/n) Lupin, I promise you are an amazing person. You may not see it, but we all do. He would be so lucky if he could just see what's sitting right in front of him. And someday, he’s going to realize it.”
“T-thanks Mar” she smiled sadly “s-sorry I stained your shirt”
“I don’t care about my shirt” Marlene laughed slightly “now let’s get you in a warm bath.”
“I’m so stupid!” James yelled as he slammed their dormitory door shut.
Sirius Black, the only other in the room, laughed “I think we figured that out a long time ago Prongs.”
“Not the time Padfoot”
“Ouch” he grabbed his chest looking mock-offended “What happened this time?”
“Well I was alone with (Y/n) in the library-”
Sirius smirked, about to say some dirty joke before he was cut off.
“Don’t you dare say anything. Anyway, she was going on and on about how she tied a Slytherin to the Whomping Willow for calling Evans a mudblood. And I just started thinking about how perfect she was, and she must have noticed I wasn’t paying attention to the story. Which, I mean, how could I when she is standing right in front of me? Then she waved in my face and I think I blushed, but she thought I was staring at Evans! So she left upset and- ugh!” James sat down to take a breath as he finished his rant.
“Woah Prongs, slow down a bit. This is not entirely bad.”
He glared at his friend “How is this possibly not entirely bad?”
“Because, if she got upset about you staring at Evans-”
“I wasn’t”
“Well if she got upset because she thought you were, then maybe she left because she got jealous. Which would mean she loves you back.”
James sighed “How would someone like her love me back? She’s perfect!”
Remus Lupin was completely oblivious to what was going on around him. He was simply reading his book, not caring that his sister was sitting in the chair next to his, studying the Marauders Map. 
It wasn't until his best friends walked in the common room and plopped down on the cushion next to his, that he looked up and put his book down.
He did this just in time to notice that his sister got off her chair and left the room without an explanation. And he looked back at his friends just in time to notice the sad, longing glance James gave in her direction, and the sympathetic look Sirius gave him at the same time.
“Wha-” but he connected the dots instantly after he was about to ask what all that was about.
“Anything you lot want to tell me?” he questioned, glaring at James while shooting accusing glances at Sirius. 
“I don’t know Mar, he just walked in, and I didn’t even notice I was walking out the door until I stepped through the doorway.”
“(Y/n) you have to face him at some point, I mean he is your bestfriend and you two still have a few pranks planned for this week.”
The girl nodded “Yeah, you’re right. I just can’t stand being there and completely in love with him knowing he doesn‘t feel the same way.”
“So let me get this straight” Remus was pacing back and forth across the common room “James is in love with my sister, so in love that he manages to convince her he’s not? Tell me where this makes any sense.”
“Well he just starts acting like an idiot when she’s around and accidently gives off the wrong signals.” Sirius explained
Remus sighed “And everyone knows about this?”
“We all have bets going to see when they’re going to get together” Sirius answered simply “Even Evans is in on it”
“Since when?” James and Remus asked simultaneously
“Third year”
“There has been a bet going for four years and I still saw none of this?” Remus seemed less angry than he had been in the previous minutes, and now was more surprised than anything else.
“Pretty much”
“Well” Remus sighed, giving up “As much as I hate the thought of James and my sister, put me down for sometime in the next three days.”
Sirius smirked “That’ll be 5 galleons my friend”
(Y/n) avoided James completely the next day, no matter how much he tried to find her. But the map was in her hands, making it much easier for her and harder for him.
On day two, they had potions together, and because the two were partners, this would effectively end (Y/n)’s streak.
James was sitting alone at their table, waiting for his partner to show up. Five minutes passed after class started and she still wasn’t there. Ten minutes. Fifteen.
It was twenty minutes into class before the door opened and a shaken (Y/n) walked over to their table. Slughorn didn’t question her, most likely because she was one of his favorite students, instead said a simple “Detention Miss Lupin” before turning around to help another student.
James only stared at her. Her (h/c) hair was in a messy bun that looked as if she had simply thrown it up there in 5 seconds. Her shirt was wrinkled and her red and gold tie was crooked. 
And she looked beautiful. 
“(Y/n)” he breathed 
“Hi James” she gave a small smile and looked at her potion book, hurrying to grab ingredients. 
After class, (Y/n) immediately hurried out the door and down the hall, ignoring James as he called after her. It wasn’t until she felt someone grab her wrist that she stopped.
“(Y/n) why are you avoiding me?”
“I’ve been busy” she wasn’t making eye contact, instead tugging her arm a bit “can you let go now?”
“That’s bullshit. Complete fucking bullshit. Be honest, what did I do?”
“Nothing you can help”
“(Y/n) I haven’t talked to you in days, I’ve barely even seen you! I miss hanging out with you, hell, I miss you and I need to be your bestfriend again! Please tell me, what did I do?”
“You fell in love with someone else” was all she said before pulling her arm away and running off, leaving him frozen in place and unable to speak.
The third day, (Y/n) skipped all her classes, something that her brother found disappointing. 
James however, couldn’t focus on anything that was being said. He made the wrong potion, turned his book into a pig instead of a umbrella, and used the wrong spell on whatever they were studying in defense against the dark arts (what they were doing, he couldn’t even remember).
He suffered for hours until the day was finally over, and he could spend all his time trying to find (Y/n) to tell her that he was completely and utterly in love with someone and that someone was her. 
He looked around for another hour. She wasn’t in the common room, or the kitchens, or out on the quidditch pitch. Nor was she in her dormitory, the library, or even the room of requirement. 
Luckily, James knew a lot about (Y/n), some things even Remus had yet to figure out. 
So he knew that the roof was one place (Y/n) found the most relaxing. And he could sense she was up there.
So he climbed through two secret passage ways, four flights of stairs, and managed to sneak past Filch’s office before he saw the latch that opened the door to where (Y/n) was most likely sitting.
As soon as the door opened, (Y/n) turned around, jumping in surprise. When she saw who it was, a blush lightly tinted her cheeks and she looked the other way again without saying a word. 
“(Y/n)” James begged her to turn around, but as he walked over to her, her gaze out at the sunset remained. 
“James, you don’t have to be here. I know I laid a bomb on you yesterday, and I’m sorry, it just kind of came out, but you don‘t need to tell me that you don‘t feel the same way. I already know, and it’s okay.”
“How can you know if I haven’t told you that?”
His question caused (Y/n) to finally look at him, confusion swirling in her eyes “What do you mean?”
“I mean that if I haven’t said anything about not being completely in love with you, how would you if I wasn’t?”
“Because how could you? I mean, Lily is perfect, and standing next to me makes it an easy decision.”
“I don‘t fancy Evans”
Her expression showed nothing but pure shock “But-”
“No (Y/n). I don‘t, and sure she’s not bad looking, but it’s you who I see. Anyone standing next to you immediately disappears. You’re the perfect one. You’re smart, funny, gorgeous. You stand up for what’s right and somehow make even watching paint dry fun. And I love you.”
“James this isn’t funny”
He now noticed just how close they had gotten. He looked directly into her eyes “I’m not joking” and then their lips connected, and it seemed as though fireworks erupted around them.
When they walked in the common room hand in hand, (Y/n) thought Remus would be so mad, he’d transform a week early. But instead he jumped in the air and screamed “Yes! Cough up losers!”
There were many groans and the clinking of coins could be heard, along with a “How is it possible that he joined the bet three days ago and manages to win?”
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queenrhenpendragon · 6 years
Return (In Pieces 13)
Okay so, just so you know the ocean between the Arishta Isles is called the Eldredth, I’m not making this up I promise, it’s on the world map and also that one lady with the ring says it, I swear!
Like the last one, this lil RhenxDameon piece happens between the back-and-forth miniquests that happen before the party can face Indra in the Snow Queen’s basement. Probably on some beach somewhere near Sedona.
Also yes, I totally wrote this because of this post
The ocean whispered.
It rustled and sighed against the shore, and Rhen swore she knew the words it used. It murmured in the ancient language of nature, a language every creature knew but none understood. At least, Rhen couldn't make any sense of it. She wished she could.
When she was a young and restless child, she thought she could understand the babbling of the brook that ran through Clearwater. She had spent hundreds of summer afternoons barefoot on its banks, cooling her toes in its crystal flow, caking her knees in mud, sometimes catching little fish. Her Pa always cheered about the fish. Ma always sighed at the mud. And Rhen laughed with the stream— that's what the bouncing, clear sounds it made were. Laughter.
The last time they had passed through Clearwater she sat down by the brook and tried to hear it again. Dameon had found her there— it was only a matter of time, there were only so many places to explore in Clearwater. She patted the ground beside her and he sat and she told him about the laughter and he tilted his head at her, and his hair had fallen to the side so she could see both of his eyes, dark like the deepest parts of the river and wide like the sky.
"Can you hear it laughing?" she had asked before she could stop herself.
She had expected he would laugh, but instead he closed his eyes and listened and she held her breath and didn't know why.
When he opened his eyes again he had to shake his head— no, he couldn't hear the laughter. Rhen had looked down at the forever flowing brook, tumbling down the easiest paths, paths worn smooth by centuries of movement, and she'd managed a smile.
"Me neither."
It was always moving and it had finally moved without her.
Of course, the brook couldn't really laugh. It was just water. And so was the ocean— in this case, a lot of water, and sand, and fish, and— if the tales were to be believed, which they were if Rhen had learned anything on this crazy quest— sirens and mermaids.
Maybe they knew what the sea sighed about. Rhen only knew that it sighed, and that the sun was bright and warm, and the breeze was playful and really it was just too beautiful a day to not completely and utterly waste. So here she was, on the beach, completely and utterly wasting it.
Everyone had stowed away their armor in their bags. Rhen wasn't wearing her boots or her sword or her shield and she had forgotten how it felt to be able tomove.
The ocean moved, too, but not like the brook. It always came back to itself, gathering its long stretches of blue up into great arching waves and then tumbling down to the beach again and starting over, time after time. It was predictable, but never the same. It was wild and free and unconquerable.
She knew sometimes the ocean roared, she had heard it during violent storms, and sailors had told her how it swallowed whole ships down into its unknowable depths. Perhaps that should have made her nervous. But Rhen, too, could bring destruction. She was trained in violence, she knew how to be fierce. It was not the roaring that moved her.
It was— something in the way the sea and the shore ran to each other, over and over, leaving bits of themselves strewn across the other, starfish and seashells and unending sand— it meant something, she just didn't know what.
She stood nearly waist-deep in the middle of all of it, watching the way the water rocked gently on the horizon, feeling it rush past her, pulling her in with it. She watched waves form and held her breath as they sped towards her, whispering in that ancient language she wished she understood.
And the wave crashed against her, swallowing her whole like one of those ill-fated ships, uprooting her feet from the shifting sands and carrying her with it, not deterred in the least from its intended course. She spat out salt water and gasped for breath and found herself crashing onto the beach with all the seaweed and sediment— and the last of the wild wave was rolling back into the sea with a mournful sigh.
She stared after it, feeling winded and disoriented and— exhilarated, and another wave was already rising in the distance, the sand on the beach was rolling past her to meet it, and she scrambled to her feet to chase the retreating shore back into the deep blue.
The second wave came with the same fresh energy as the first, and she met it with a laugh that almost felt like the one she had learned from the brook. She was crashing and falling but she was not fighting, the ocean was fierce but it was not a warrior, it crashed and fell with her and it always, always returned her to the beach with that same soft murmur.
It was so different from the brook, and the swamps. The swamps smothered wildness, everything was stagnant there.
The last time they had passed through a swamp had been New Witchwood. It oozed with icky gooey green and slippery slime thanks to the Sludgemaster 2000— why had she ever given it to the witches? The muck stuck to her boots the same way it had to her bare feet in Ghalarah, trying to hold her down— at least she had boots now.
Again it had been Dameon who found her. It was only a matter of time, she had been walking more slowly because of the mud and one by one the others had all passed her. Dameon was always last. He had smiled at her as he caught up, and she'd scowled and yanked her boots free and the mud pfft'd derisively and she declared, before she could think, "I hate that sound! I feel like it's mocking me."
"I'm sorry. That's awful," he had said, with his brow furrowed and his lips turned down in that serious little way he had.
Rhen usually felt scrutinized when people frowned at her, but that frown made her feel— silly and trembly and—
She had then promptly stepped in another muck puddle and gotten stuck again, and Dameon had given her his arm and helped her pull herself out and she had pfft'd back at the mud and they caught up to the others and she— she couldn't remember if she'd actually let go of his arm or not. Why couldn't she remember?
She found she hadn't been paying attention when suddenly another wave swallowed her, she kicked her legs, and her face found the sun and she gasped and laughed, more thrilled than before because she hadn't expected it, she rolled and tumbled with the sea and landed on the beach again.
"Be more careful, maiden!" Galahad yelled as she surfaced. Saltwater dripped from the end of her nose and her braid and she spat some out of her mouth, and waved at him to prove she was just fine. He waved back, and resolutely ignored the vampress sitting next to him. Te'ijal didn't seem to mind, she was busy digging a hole— with her fingernails, of course. She could already fit her whole arm into it.
A bit farther up the beach, Elini was making a castle out of wet sand which she had made Lars dig up with the shovel. Apparently neither of them had been willing to follow Te'ijal's example.
Even from the surf, Rhen could hear Galahad scoffing at the idea of trying to make anything out of something as transient as sand, but Elini just smiled and smoothed out the walls. It was a beautiful castle, even if the tide would wash it out to sea in a matter of hours.
It would just be another thing that the ocean and the beach shared between them, sighing and shifting and returning again.
Dameon was walking in the between-space, picking up shells left by the surf and sometimes keeping them and sometimes tossing them back into the waves. Didn't he know they would just be washed back up? Rhen knew, from personal first-hand experience, everything came back to the between-space.
She turned to return to the ocean but was interrupted by an outraged yelp and she whirled around to see that Te'ijal's arm and shoulder were now completely buried in the hole she had made and her hand had broken through the sand and come out right next to— Galahad's hand.
"Let go, you— you! Devious creature! Release me!"
Te'ijal just laughed and tried to tug his hand under the sand with hers. Rhen shook her head and sighed, the vampress was predictable and crazy. And Rhen might have done something about it, but the surf tickled her toes and sighed too, and instead she ran back into the ocean with it.
Over and over she ran after the sea and over and over it carried her back to the beach and— she laughed every time.
She watched breathlessly as each wave forming on the horizon, rocking the entire ocean in its quest to be. She squealed and grinned as it crashed into her, intent on its destination and happy to take her on the ride. And she landed on the beach with everything else that rode the wave, and she— loved it, there was something important about that space between the world and the mighty Eldredth.
It was only a matter of time— that is, she should have predicted it, there was only so much shore for her to get washed up on and she had been washed up a hundred times in a hundred different places at least— so it was bound to happen, as certain as the ocean was bound to kiss the shore again, and again—
Still, somehow she was surprised when she was deposited once more on the beach with all the shells and instead of just the sigh of the waves she heard a low laugh next to her, and she looked up to see— to see—
"Hi, Dameon," she squeaked, quickly standing and trying to brush the sand off— it was futile, the sand was everywhere.
"Hi, Rhen," he said, with the same mildness of the surf rolling back into the sea. "Have you been listening to the ocean?"
She felt herself turning red and decided to pretend she was just sunburned. "Yes. Have you?"
He smiled that stupid smile that made her stupid stomach trembly, and said, "Yes. But I'm afraid I don't understand it."
"Me neither!" she said, and found that somehow she had leaned forward and was staring up into dark round eyes— she quickly pulled away again and smoothed out her braid. Not that it did any good, the saltwater had made a mess of it.
"What do you have there?" she asked, pointing at what he was twisting in his hands.
He held it up for her to see and its smooth white surface glinted in the sun— a seashell. "Just this," he said. "It sounds the same as the ocean when you—" he turned red suddenly, and looked away— "when you put your ear up to it."
She took it from him, careful not to brush her clumsy fingers against his graceful ones, and she held it beside her head on one side and plugged her ear on the other.
And then— she couldn't help the dopey grin that spread across her face. "It does sound like the ocean!"
Dameon was staring hard at the sand, and his dark eyes darted up to meet hers and quickly looked down again, eyelashes fluttering over them.
His eyes spoke the same language the sea did when it whispered, soft and fierce and somehow sad.
She hesitated, and thought of the crashing waves and blurted, "I— I think I know what the sea is saying."
He looked fully at her now, dark eyes wide.
"It's saying— it's saying— er— here," she thrust the shell at him and held it against his ear, which was stupid because he was practically standing in the ocean so it's not like he needed it to hear what she did. He looked startled at first and he flinched away but then—
He closed his eyes, and leaned towards her again, and mouthed the words she had been waiting to understand.
I will return to you.
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bold · 7 years
cracks knuckles
okay so me and isaiah made a google doc and shitposted a bunch of headcanons so here they are!! there are like 26 so ill put it under a read more. thank you for asking!!
Its canon that michael is taller than jeremy stop
no one is heterosexual im sorry…. christines bi, jeremys bi, rich is bi. theyre the BI TRIO.
michaels gay and he has a lil patch on his jacket w a gay pride flag.. yall know the one
brooke jenna chloe and christine have sleepovers !!! they watch one-star rated movies on netflix and get hiGH lmao
christine and jeremy are hella tight and tell each other everything tbh…. before christine and jenna get together, jeremys like “IM GONNA FIND YOU A BOYFRIEND” but christines like “:-) i have other ideas”
jeremy never smokes pot ever… he’ll just kinda be there while michael gets high
michael has panic attacks,,, and jeremys always there to calm him down. he knows exactly how to calm michael down and usually after michael feels better they take a nap together,,
JEREMY has sorta like ptsd after the squip,, hes rly scared that hes gonna start avoiding michael by accident?? or the squip is gonna somehow come back and take michael away from him,, michael is always there to reassure him that hes never going anywhere,,
seriously jeremy and michael are so soft n they rely on each other and know everything abt each other??? theyre so in love and they have NO IDEA like it takes them SO FUCKING LONG to get together????
everyones like a Squad after the squip stuff,, they all feel safe w each other?? like they know that no one else will ever rly understand what they went thru. so they all rly rely on each other for comfort
michael sleeps in his basement and it’s really shitty like the floor is concrete and it’s cold 24/7. He has rugs scattered across the floor and in the morning he probs has to jump on them bc he doesnt want cold feet so he has to jump from one to the next,,, his bed is literally a mattress on cement blocks and wood boards… so is his desk.
Michael’s voice gets lower when hes quiet and tired,,, (jeremy thinks its hot but shh)
in elementary school,, jeremy kissed michael’s cheek and doesn’t remember……… but michael remembers……..
michael has a fake id and goes to bars to perform songs and then leaves bye guys see ya later
jenna has everyones cell number memorized. she has a perfect memory n honestly has hella good grades. Smart Girl
richs squip looked like jake………………………………. Its canon sorry guys
rich and jake get together before jeremy and michael and jeremy is not happy abt it
michael has hiding his crush for jeremy down to a fuckign science
jeremy and michaels first kiss is after michael kicks the shit out of rich for punching jeremy. once jeremy n michael are alone, jeremy just??? grabs michaels collar and kisses him bc holy shit he just beat up some guy for him??
the fight cycle: rich beats up jeremy, michael beats up rich, then jake and michael fight until someone breaks them up,,
Not a headcanon but something canon that people need to know: JEREMY IS A FUCKING FURRY I HAVE EVIDENCE YOU CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS BUT I PROMISE I WILL WIN.
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Prologue Pt. 1
Hi everyone! Here’s the promised DR AU! It’s easy enough to follow even if you’ve never heard of the series. I hope you enjoy!! (Reblogs are appreciated)
Never in my life have I awoken to pure silence. There was always something: birds chirping, a blaring alarm, a dull lecturer scolding me. But never silence, not until today. I was at a desk, blinking away my sleepiness as the barren classroom came into view. It didn’t *feel* like the prestigious Hope’s Peak Academy, just… boring. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I had just woken up in an empty classroom with no recollection of how I got there. Panicking a bit, I tried to remember what had happened. I was on my way to first day at Hope’s Peak, my nerves making my heart pound in my chest. As I approached the entrance to the school, however, I felt an immense pressure on me, as though the weight of the marble pillars had began to crush me. Vision blurring and severe bronchitis setting in, I swayed precariously before finally falling into unconscious as the pavement rushed towards me. So much for Super High School Good Luck. Lucky enough to be the one student each year to be accepted to Hope’s Peak, the hub of talent and prodigy teenagers, but unlucky enough to have a terrible, lifelong case of bronchitis? That would be me, Wally Himikio. I’m the super high school level average, and talentless enough to somehow wake up in an empty classroom without even a reasonable hypothesis of what happened to me. Dejected, I decided to investigate. Lifting myself to my shaky feet, I eventually plodded out the door and ran into someone almost instantly. “Oí, watch it!” shouted a black-haired boy. Stepping back and trying to subdue his obvious anger, he smoothed out his clothes. He scoffed, making his silky sideburns puff out in a humorous way. “Ruby Brooks. We are the Ultimate Designer, though we’re sure you knew that,” he said haughtily. “W- Wally (), Ultimate Good Luck,” I panted in response. “Oh,” replied Ruby, looking deflated, “We thought you were someone of importance.” With that, the glitter encrusted boy turned and walked away, flipping his oversized black collar outward. “What n’ ass,” said a voice behind me, and I jumped in surprise. Towering above me was a tan girl of massive stature; I couldn’t take me eyes off her bulging muscles and pronounced fangs. “Yer’ the Ultimate Good Luck, eh?” she asked, and I nodded, hoping she wouldn’t beat me up. “Nice to meetcha! I’m Sapphire Birch, Ultimate Naturalist.” “Naturalist?!” I thought. “No way.” I must have seemed a little incredulous, because Sapphire laughed and ran a (clawed) hand through her hair. “I know imma lil intimidatin’ sometimes, but it’s true.” She paused. “Anyway, ya seem a lil lost. Want me to lead ya around? I’ve gotten to meet a few of the people here, seems like we’re all in the same predicament.” I mulled it over in my mind. ~Go with Sapphire?~ >Yes -No I nodded, and Sapphire smiled as she led me down the hallway with shocking gentleness. Eventually, we got to the cafeteria, where three more students sat around, drinking tea and engaging in light conversation. The moment they entered, a tall blonde leapt out of his chair, startling me. “Hey! Hey! You! Do you have any idea why we’re here, huh? What’s the deal with passing out and waking up in an empty classroom? Do you have any answers? Come on, spit it out!!” he shouted, getting faster and louder with each question. “Commoner Number 2, sit down please,” a regal girl demanded. Pouting, the boy resigned to introducing himself. “Hi, I’m Pearl Yakovich, Ultimate Clairvoyant. Nice to meet you! This is my friend, Di-” “Diamond Zheng, Ultimate Confectioner. A pleasure,” a chubby boy interrupted, his voice soft and lax. “And you may address me as Platinum Berlitz, Ultimate Heir,” the regal girl finished. “I extend my invitation; would you like to have tea with us? The selection today is Diamond’s royal milk tea; it is quite delectable.” “I- I think I’ll pass actually, I haven’t seen the whole building yet,” I replied. “I understand. The higher floors are unfortunately locked, a matter we will investigate later. Newcomer, it would please me if you could introduce yourself.” Platina said, and I felt a strong urge to kneel as I did so; her regality was infectious. “Wally Himikio, Ultimate Good Luck.” “Oh, interesting!” she replied. A strange talent indeed. Things like luck have always fascinated me. I send you your best wishes as you explore; find me afterwards if you discover anything interesting, if you will.“ I smiled and thanked her as Sapphire and I left. “She’s fantastic, ain’t she?” Sapphire said, smitten. I had to agree, Platina was amazing. Sapphire and I wandered through the halls a bit, and the dust in a few of the more decrepit ones kicked my disease into top gear. I took a few breaths from my inhaler before realizing I would eventually run out of medicine in the cartridge. “H- hey Sapphire, is it alright if we visit the nurse’s office? I need to see if they have inhaler carriages,” I said, running out of breath. She scooped me into her arms wordlessly and lugged me into the office, where a blonde boy and a voluptuous brunette girl sat chatting. The blonde boy gasped upon seeing us, flicking the brim of his huge straw hat up and out of the way. “All y'all ok?!” he asked, his voice laden with a hint of southern twang. “Yup! Wally here just needs some inhaler thingies,” Sapphire answered. The blonde seemed to know what that meant, and quickly rummaged through the bins in search of the tiny white carriages. In the meantime, however, the brunette decided to converse with us. “Blue Aoikeno, Ultimate Inventor,” she began. “You?” Sapphire and I introduced ourselves in turn. Before we could say any more, the blonde arrived with the cartridges, handing them to me with a smile. “Did y'all figure anything out?” he asked. We shook our heads. I decided to thank him for the inhalers. “Thanks a lot, uh……” “Yellow Caballero, Ultimate Caregiver,” he interrupted with a slight bow. “Are you feelin’ alright?” I nodded, but leaned on Sapphire as we walked out anyway. The two waved to me, and I waved back, feeling exhausted. I really hoped there weren’t any more people I had to meet. If only. Just outside the door were two people who weren’t there before. One of them, a boy with huge black bangs, was harassing a tall girl who leaned against the wall. I couldn’t make out what the boy was saying to flirt, but Sapphire scoffed besides me. The boy seemed to notice, and turned to stare at us with a surprised look. When he turned back, the shady girl was gone. Looking shocked, he trotted off without introducing himself. “That’s Gold Aurum, Ultimate Gambler.” Sapphire said, her voice stinging like venom. “He’s tried to flirt with every girl he came across, including me.” “Who was the girl just now?” I asked. “The redhead? Can’t say I know. We’ll figure it out soon enough, though.” I nodded, and we continued, until finally we came across a staircase, covered entirely with metal bars. A small crowd had gathered to investigate it; two blue haired girls, a tall brunette boy, and what appeared to be a blonde elementary schooler. Or maybe a gremlin. I wasn’t sure. I coughed despite myself, and the crowd all seemed to notice me at once. I smiled sheepishly and introduced myself, and Sapphire did the same. The crowd soon followed. “I am Crystal Iotaka, Ultimate Archivist. It’s wonderful to meet you,” said a girl with muscular calves and blue gravity defying twintails. “Hi hi hi!! I’m Lisia Ishida, the Ultimate Idol! I hope we can be friends!” said a another peppy girl with blue hair. “Green Oak. Ultimate Coach,” replied a third, holding out a hand. I took it, and almost withered under his vice grip of a handshake. With his spiky brown hair and flowing cape, he looked equally parts ridiculous and terrifying, but regardless someone I didn’t want mad at me. Finally, the blond “kid” answered. “Hiya, I’m Emerald Nyagarde; Ultimate Sharpshooter.” I said nothing. This kid was a high schooler? With GUNS?! The croissant haired boy’s cheery smile quickly faltered, and he leaned in with murder in his eyes. “Alright listen up you little bastard, I know what you’re thinking, and I don’t like it. One word about me or my height, and they’ll be a bullet in your thigh before you can blink. Capeesh?” I backed up, and left without a word. Sapphire was talking to Lisia, and so engulfed in her conversation that she didn’t notice as I booked it out of there. Emerald watched me leave, his green eyes burning with malice. As per every anime trope ever, I immediately ran into someone new the moment I turned the corner. “W- whoa!” shouted a boy as he leapt backwards. I was sprawled on the ground, gasping for air, when he yanked me upwards. “You alright?” he asked. I nodded, still gasping and fumbling with my inhaler. Gently, he placed me on the ground again. “Who are you, by the way?” he asked. I introduced myself for hopefully the last time; I was getting sick of this. “Neat-o! I’m Red Kataoka, the Ultimate Motivational Speaker! Though I guess Gymnast fits me a little better.” He went to say more when suddenly the hallway loudspeakers crackled to life. “Mic Check! Mic Check!!” shouted a high pitched, grating voice. “All students, this is your headmaster speaking!! Please report to the auditorium immediately!” There was a moment of silence. “NOW!!!”
A/N: Be sure to vote (i.e. reply to this post) with your three favorite characters! They’ll get “free time events,” which are essentially more screen time and interactions.
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