#hemp body wash
Paraben & Sulphate Free | Rose, Lavender & Citrus Body Wash
Nourish your skin naturally with our Hemp Body range, available in delightful flavors: Lavender, Citrus, and Rose Body Wash. Indulge in luxurious hydration and refreshing scents.
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wellnesswink · 1 year
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Women CBD body wash
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bitchyglitterfox · 1 year
What I think my favorite characters smell like headcannons
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Note: these are some of my personal favorite characters. Which means it'll range from marvel to slashers to Stranger things!
Warnings: mentions of Bo murdering, weed
Steven Grant
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Smells like books, coffee and egyptian cotton. Its just so homey, you wanna wrap yourself up in the scent and stay there forever. I feel like he also occasionally smells like good quality chocolate.
Marc Spector
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Smells like cinnamon and vanilla. He also smells like lemon pound cake or something citrus and i cant explain why, i just believe he does.
Jake Lockley
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Jake smells like cigarettes and leather gloves. Also he smells mahogany and bourbon. Like its just so him yeah know
Jack Russell
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Wet dog. Hold on though, its not a bad thing ok, but he also smells like coffee and forest. Its a pleasant mix that makes you feel all comfortable and secure. He also smells like mountain mist which goes back him living in the woods with ted
Steve Harrington
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Steve Harrington smells like hairspray, cashmere musk with a hint of cinnamon. Also i get the vibe he smells like really smokey after shave and maybe honey
Eddie Munson
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Smells like Hemp seed as well as really good weed. He also smells like a cheap drugstore cologne that he five finger discounted one day, it's kinda woodsy and a lil spicy with a hint of musk. He wears it every time he has a gig with corroded coffin. And Irish spring
Vincent Sinclair
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Totally out of left field but he smells like lavender and like those really good quality waxes? Like bees wax, and like chamomile tea that he drinks after being in the workshop all day.
Bo Sinclair
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Cigarettes, blood, motor oil, suede and smoke with like a little hint of wax because he's always around the art that vincent creates. The blood scent isn't constant, he showers and it's gone and it's replaced by the woody scent of his body wash and the cigarettes he's always smoking.
Thomas Sawyer
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Smells like fresh dried laundry more specifically laundry that is dried in the fresh air? Like luda mae didnt raise no stinky boys. He's also got this natural musk that just melds perfectly with it. Also kinda smells like dirt, like hes gardened and ahhhh just *chef kiss*
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lunastarhawk · 3 months
Pin Him Down
18+ only! Adult sexy times ahead, minors look away, this is not for you!
A smutty, smutty rewrite of "I'll keep an eye on him" in Book VI Chapter 3 of Julian's route, part of the Between the Deep Blue Sea and the Devil ongoing collection of rewrites.
I opened a doc to start part 23 of ToM and this fell out instead, oops.
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Part 1 - Altheia tries to give Julian Mazelinka's magic soup, but he doesn't want to sleep just yet.
Part 2 - She wants what he wants and he wants what she wants. And then she ties him to the bed.
His lips parted and he craned up to reach for her, but as she held him down and gave a teasing smile, he couldn't reach high enough to kiss her.  But he could move his head forward just enough to brush his nose over her collarbone.  That faint touch was enough to make her lean forward just a little more, and arch her neck back.
Julian closed his eyes as his nose tracked to the curve between her neck and shoulder; then, to the hollow at the base of her throat.  She felt his soft inhale, heard a happy hum, and the gentle vibration of his voice as he murmured,
“You smell like the sea.”
She couldn't hold back a light giggle.
“Salty, you mean?”
“Mmm, not just that.  Like you've spent your life on the coast, or a ship.”
“I do spend a lot of time at the beach.”
“That explains it.”  His hot breath tickled her throat as his nose dragged up to her pulse.  “And vanilla.  Full and sweet.  And something else… some kind of citrus?”
“I'm impressed.”  Altheia's hand slid from Julian's shoulder, up the back of his neck.  “It's bergamot.”
“Of course.  Beautiful.”  He turned his face up to her, his eye pleading but his smile sultry.  “Closer.”
She leaned forward far enough now that her breasts brushed his chest, but she pinned him now with hands on his shoulders, stopping him from arching to press against her.  She bent to the collar of his shirt, loose enough that her nose could burrow in to find the crook of his neck.
His scent washed over her, stirred something powerful in her, that familiarity, that need, stronger than it ought to be. Musk, coffee, leather, hemp, the sea. Her tongue darted between her lips to touch his skin, and then she pressed her lips there, feeling his breath shudder beneath her.  Her lips curved into a smile against him as she said,
A burst of a laugh from Julian, and Altheia sat back, smiling down at him fondly.  And she bent low, her hands cupping his slender jaw, as she whispered,
“Closer. ”
She sighed into Julian's kiss.  His lips were soft, warm - surprisingly so, considering the coolness of his skin elsewhere.  Their movements were focussed, elegant, needy, but tender.  His nose pressed into her cheek, one arm snaked around her lower back, the other hand slid under her hair.
The strength of feeling that rose up in her was overwhelming and she pulled back.  Need for the closeness, for his touch.  Desire for his body, for more.  And something like… like love.  That was absurd, she knew, she barely knew more than his name.  And yet… it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
His brow furrowed lightly in concern.
“What's wrong?  I… I'm sorry, it's too much, too soon… I just…”  He bit his lip as he searched for the words, his hands restless over her arms, her back, her sides.  Eventually he rested his forehead on her shoulder.  “I want to make something real.  With you.”  He lifted his head to look into her eyes again, and there was a sad slope to his brow as his palm rested on her cheek.  “If only we had more time.”
She frowned lightly.  What did that mean?  Something real?  More time?
Still, her heart pounded and the hot wave of need rising up between her legs was insistent.  If they didn't have much time together, then…
“Let's make the most of the time we've got.”  She bent and met his kiss as his mouth sought hers.  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and pressed her mouth against him, her lips moving against his as she said, “Closer.”
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disabledweedreviews · 2 months
MY DISABLED REVIEW OF: Tyson 2.0 Mike Bites Delta-8 Gummies | 500mg Per Bag/25mg Per Piece
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Hi everyone! This is my first review, so I'm still ironing out the kinks of how I want these to look. There's an image description attached to the image, though if unavailable to see, it reads "A bright orange resealable bag of Mike Tyson edibles is pictured. There is a large black and white illustration of an ear, with a shape at the top of the cartilage of a bite mark taken out of the ear. The large text reads "TYSON. MIKE BITES. (Δ8) (THC)" while the small text on the bottom reads "25mg Delta 8 Hemp Derived THC per gummy." The flavor reads as "SOUR APPLE PUNCH."
First of all. Props to Mike Tyson for biting off Holyfield's ear in the 90s in an insane move that, at first, everybody was mad about because it meant the match ended super early and they wanted their money back for the full match. Especially pay-per-view watchers. But then years later everybody makes jokes about it so now it's like. His brand for weedibles. Imagine you're Holyfield and your ear is bitten off, and the dude who bit off your ear has it as his logo for ear shaped edibles 20 yrs later. Objectively funny. Now to get into the review!
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TASTE: ★★☆☆☆ (2/5)
They taste like. Ehhhhh. Ok. Fine but Kinda Bad. The best flavor imo is the one pictured, Sour Apple Punch. The other flavors are Watermelon and Black Eye Cherry. They both taste like Shit and have effects that actually make me feel worse. They are all REALLY slimy though, not just in texture but like. they have so much SLIME GOOP everywhere in the bag like every time I get these. So for the autism slime texture haters, this one is already NOT for you. Autism slime texture lovers however? Perfect. Though be warned, it is REALLY sticky. Stickier than most edibles. Sticky as in you can throw it at a wall and it'd stay there all day. It gets everywhere, so if you don't want to wash your hands of a goop mess after reaching in the bag, use a kitchen utensil👍
FOR PAIN: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)
Overall decent. Breakdowns below.
Helps the pain a pretty good chunk, though if the pain is pretty intense then it merely softens everything. The body relaxation will make you feel all loosey-goosey like a wet noodle, except not unpleasant. Works really well for my all around back pain. and my muscle cramps. Doesn't work too well, however, for head pain (ironically enough) or for other areas of the body. So migraine havers should probably look elsewhere.
FOR SLEEP: ★★☆☆☆ (2.5/5)
These will knock your ass out if you take more than one, however. You do need to take more than one for sleep, depending on your tolerance. The sleep is pretty nice, very decent on these. Though I don't recommend falling asleep high to the Mike Bites because they give me weird dreams. My roommates don't get this, however. So it could be a me only thing...
FOR APPETITE: ★★★★☆ (4/5)
Works decently well, especially in a pinch! My appetite is the first thing to start working on these, then come the sillies, and then the pain relief. I usually have to smoke a few hits of a dab cart to Really get my stomach full hands on deck for appetite, though it certainly does most of the work.
HIGH: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)
The high is decently pleasant, almost like a really soft buzzing that eventually replaces the pain. I get pretty silly on these, it's a Silly Weedible. Will get me to laugh at the worst low hanging fruit that other edibles DO NOT do to me. It's a pretty even combination of head high and body high, though I usually feel the body high more on these. Great for winding down before bed, as the high does not last too long, which is honestly my biggest complaint about the high for these. Like I know they're 25mg a piece, but they're not as long lasting as compared to others, such as the Urb 25mg delta-8 edibles. Other complaint is afterwards they leave me feeling foggier brained than most other brands of edibles.
PRICE: ★★★★★ (5/5)
They usually go anywhere from $20-30 USD. Can be found at convenience stores, dispos, or online. Here's The Link To Buy Them From My Favorite WebbedSite and they're on sale at the time of writing this, March 28th, 2024. Also I am Not Sponsored.
Ultimately, I like them. They're not too expensive and work pretty well for their price, if you find them on the cheaper side of the pricetag scale. Not the fanciest by far, though they do the job nicely! I would recommend them if you mostly need the appetite and/or silly boost.
Feel free to reply with any anecdotes in the reblogs or replies of your experience with these if you're also disabled! Specific questions? Reblog or reply as well. Or send me an ask or DM!
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doctor-fancy-pants · 2 years
That Researchin' Maritime Life
We've got a bit of downtime - there's a trawl going down to 5000m right now.
I've rotated and freshened up the sea cucumbers, packed away the echinoderms (starfish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, brittle stars, feather stars and sea lilies), thrown a few buckets of seawater in the cold room (including the smaller pails seen below, I'm refining my holothurian rescue plans), and had a snack because This Machine, She Runs On Heavy Fuel.
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This is actually a very comfortable ship to live on. Each cabin has a private ensuite, so you're not clambering down the bunk ladder and teetering out into the hall in search of the head in the middle of the night (I have been very spoilt and have only had one voyage like that). The mess has plenty of room at mealtimes. There are two lounges ("quiet" and "you're allowed to make noise and have informal meetings" respectively), and my favourite beanbags in the world.
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There are, however, some drawbacks to marine research as a specialty (apart from the lack of job security, she says, as a short term contract taxonomist), and using a laboratory on a boat.
What drawbacks, you may ask.
Well, after my shift ends, I've been known to totter wearily into an online chat with mates and just drop random observations (you may note a somewhat laissez-faire attitude to punctuation).
For example:
you know it's amazing, you can be totally fine working in the dirty wet lab and you'll leave for five minutes and it's like your olfactory filters completely reset and then you get back down there and the nose is shouting at the brain "BOY HOWDY IT SURE DO SMELL LIKE FISHY PRAWNS IN HERE HUH JUST GOTTA SOAK IN THAT BRINY AMBIENCE"
summation: the science smells bad.
related outcome: the scientist also smells bad.
Yuuup, the smell is a whole freaking vibe. We can't dump too much seawater down the sinks that go into the grey water holding tank, we can't open the chute in the lab if there's an operation in progress (i.e. a trawl, a tow video, a Baited Remote Underwater Video, a fish trap) (which has been the case more often than not), and the same restriction is in place for simply tipping buckets over the side
That means that buckets of filthy seawater, sea cucumber guts, discarded excess critters, banged-up prawns and so on... just have to sit in the lab for a bit.
I've got a very sensitive nose. I have never been good at filtering out unpleasant smells, and yet somehow I kind of adapt to the lab odours... until I head up to the mess, and back down again.
(side note: we do actually clean the lab very thoroughly between trawls, and it does not smell all the time! It's more when you have to take a break in the middle of processing and then come back to it.)
What I do not adapt to is how bad I smell. By the end of the day, if I've been racing around in my coveralls, especially if I've been carrying heavy things, I will stink to high heaven.
(I will be quite self-conscious standing next to anyone.)
That shower is... so good.
But showering every day raises an issue. It's not what I normally do. Now, I realise there are some people who will find that horrifying (and most of them are from the US for some reason), but every second day, or when I need to wash my hair, or after a workout or, on a hot day? Yeah, that shower is good.
Every day? My poor skin is dryer than shoe leather, and I use a very gentle shower gel.
Shower Discord thoughts:
have been speculating on how one transitions from "I own body moisturiser but only occasionally remember to use it" as a terrestrial organism, to "I am pretty sure I could start a black market trade by subdividing this half-tube of Body Shop Hemp Hand Cream into small aliquots" as a person who is
1) at sea (the briny sea! The salty [drying] air!)
2) when not outdoors in the salty air, indoors in the drying A/C
3) regularly shoving one's hands into 100% ethanol and... usually... nearly always... wearing gloves while doing so
I mean this cream is the good shit
like basically liquid gold
which... could also be distributed in aliquots
okay. have decided: will not trade Body Shop Hemp Hand Cream for less than the equivalent volume of liquid gold
On later reflection, while I continue to believe that this asking price is fair, I may be pricing myself out of the market, if for no other reason than the simple lack of gold on board the vessel, regardless of phase.
I have decided that it doesn't have to be liquid. Melting gold on a moving vessel far off the continental shelf is an untenable safety risk. It just means that we will have to try to match the quantities by weight.
And that means using the scales in the clean wet lab, because the balances in our lab are not up to that sort of task.
And that means that I have definitely thought about this far too much, and I should go do something else (mainly clean my teeth and get ready for bed - need to get the energy for tomorrow's science-ing!).
We're still doing a fair bit of transiting and deeper sites, so I plan to try and knock out some taxonomic work on the few crinoids that have made it into the lab, and maybe set aside some time for the Sea Cucumber Salon.
Cukes gotta get their glamour shots, dammit.
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writingsbychlo · 23 days
Random, but if you feel comfortable could you share your skincare and haircare routine?💗 ps, what’s your favorite candle scent?
you’re so cute, this is such a cute question 🥹 I don’t have one set candle scent I love, but I am a big fan of calming smells like lavendar, pear, vanilla, apple & cinnamon. I love any candles by north muse or honeymoon apothecary I truly have never had them go wrong with a candle smell.
for my skin care, I tend to get dry skin, so in the morning I just wash my face once with a moisturising cleanser. I use a caffeinated eye cream but truly I have no set one, I’ve never found any one better than the other so it’s whatever I can get my hands on when I need more. I then use balance me radiance facial oil, just a couple of drops patted into my skin. and a dash of niacinamide. I give it a minute or two for those to soak in, making my bed and doing a lip scrub or something while I wait, then I moisturise and lastly suncream. I use a little bit of scented body butter on my neck, and everyone always tells me I smell so good.
at night, I use a cream cleanser if I’ve worn makeup that day, then I double cleanse. sometimes I just use the same as my morning cleanser twice, sometimes I use it once, then inkey list salicylic acid cleanser. I use my eye cream again, then if I’ve used the salicylic cleanser, I also use some salicylic drops patted into the skin. I’ve also started using a retinoid twice a week recently! I do tuesday and saturday nights. then I moisturise to finish off. I also put body butter on my neck and chest again.
every sunday before/after my shower, I do a facemask. it could be any of these:
pineapple enzyme mask
hemp mask
tumeric mask
as for hair care, pretty simple! I pretty much just use any nourishing hair masks I’ve got in at the time, as long as it’s good and slicked up. I usually plait my hair once it’s all in and then leave it for a few hours, while I do a workout or make dinner or something. I use leave-in conditioner, heat-protect spray and I use a knock-off wella bond repair oil on my hair after I dry it.
ps: I like to do my night skincare before I dry my hair, then do a nice sheet mask to lock moisture back in after my face has gotten blasted with all the hot air from drying. I find it’s really nice.
other products I also love:
laneige lip mask — I swear this is so nourishing.
glossier hot cocoa lip balm — I bought this because I saw it trending and I literally wore it every day in winter I can’t wait to buy the 'strawberry' one they just released for summer.
palmer's cocoa butter — I use this stuff on any dry/sensitive skin. you can literally put it on your feet, elbows, scabs, flaky skin?? I even put it under my nose when I get a cold so my nose doesn’t get sore from blowing it so much 🤧
'sweet tooth' perfume — I am a sabrina carpenter girly through n' through.
nyx lip oils — they're perfect. no more needs to be said.
vanilla body spray — I’m a vanilla girly, can you tell? it’s just such a good base smell for so many perfumes and scents, and it’s so nice? I get a lot of compliments about my scent.
hawaiian tropic body spray — I like to wear this in the summer, it still works with the vanilla underlayer, and everyone goes crazy for it.
snow fairy spray — this is what I smell like the whole month of december.
inkey list tripeptide plumping lip balm — this is my obsession lately, I wear it allllll the time.
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Natural Plant-Based Body Wash | Rose, Lavender & Citrus Body Wash
Revitalize your skin naturally with our Hemp Body range. Rosewater, Citrus, and Lavender Body Wash offer luxurious hydration and refreshing scents for self-care.
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
Great Butters and Oils for your Homemade Body Care
Here is my personal list of amazing additions to your homemade body care! Hopefully this can be some inspiration for your own recipes.
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Olive Oil, Extra Virgin, Organic (EVOO)
Olive oil is high in polyphenols, squalene, and sterols. It is highly emollient and helps with inflamed skin conditions.
Cocoa Butter
Cocoa butter is actually a solid fat that comes from cocoa beans. It adds a good hardness to your soap bars, however you don't want to use more than about 15% in any recipe.
Macadamia Nut Oil
This oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, and like jojoba oil, it is similar to the natural oils created by our own skin. It will turn rancid more quickly than other oils, so if you plan on using macadamia nut oil, you might want to purchase it in smaller amounts.
Castor Oil
This oil is wonderful for creating an excellent lather in soaps.
Shea Butter
Shea butter is a softer butter than cocoa butter. It contains nutrients that are not affected by the saponification process when making soap.
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Jojoba Oil
This oil is wonderful for dry and oily skin types. It gives a great protective barrier for over-washed hands or dry skin. It is also noted to help with acne, dermatitis, inflamed skin conditions, and oily skin conditions.
Sweet Almond Oil
Almond oil is extremely high in Vitamin E, and although it is decently emollient, it's also highly moisturizing!
Pumpkin Seed Oil
This oil is quickly absorbed, doesn't clog pores, but at the same time is highly moisturizing for your skin! It’s high fatty acid content makes it amazing for both dry and oily skin.
Argan Oil
Argan oil can be pretty expensive, besides creating a softer bar, so only 10% or less should be used for making soap. In recent years argan oil has really come into the spotlight for its potential to promote hair growth, and it’s anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties.
Grape Seed Oil
This is a lightweight oil that is very high in anti-oxidant plant compounds. It's slightly astringent and emollient, meaning it soaks into your skin well and makes it great for homemade body care!
Hemp Seed Oil
This oil is great for soothing and healing the skin, due to being very high in fatty acids.
Rice Bran Oil
This oil is very hydrating and nourishing for the skin. Used topically, rice bran oil works to improve circulation and even out skin tone by brightening the complexion.
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luxurymassageoil · 6 months
Elevate Your Relaxation with CBD Luxury Massage Oil
In the hustle and bustle of American life, we all crave those precious moments of peace and relaxation. Enter CBD Luxury Massage Oil, a true game-changer that seamlessly blends the calming prowess of CBD with the therapeutic joys of massage. Let’s take a journey into the world of CBD Massage Oil and discover why it’s become the go-to choice for folks across the USA seeking a touch of luxury and rejuvenation.
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a natural compound extracted from the hemp plant. What makes it stand out? Well, it’s non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t leave you feeling spaced out. Instead, it’s celebrated for its potential to bring a sense of calm and relaxation. And when you infuse it into a top-quality massage oil, magic happens.
Why is CBD Luxury Massage Oil making waves? For starters, it’s a relaxation powerhouse. CBD has a unique way of interacting with our endocannabinoid system, which plays a starring role in managing stress, anxiety, and mood. When you rub in that CBD goodness through a massage, it’s like a wave of tranquility washing over you — perfect for unwinding after a hectic day.
But that’s not all. CBD is also earning its stripes for potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Translation: CBD Massage Oil isn’t just a treat for your senses; it’s a balm for your body. Whether you’re an athlete recovering from a hardcore workout or just dealing with the usual aches and pains, this oil could be your new best friend.
Now, when you’re on the lookout for CBD Luxury Massage Oil in the USA, quality is key. Reputable brands put their products through rigorous third-party testing, ensuring you’re getting the good stuff without any unwanted extras. And here’s a tip: go for organic, full-spectrum CBD for the full package of benefits — what they call the entourage effect.
The carrier oils in CBD Massage Oil play a starring role too. Think jojoba, sweet almond, or coconut — these aren’t just there for show. They nourish your skin and amp up the glide and absorption of the CBD. The end result? A massage oil that not only feels like pure luxury but also leaves your skin thanking you.
Adding CBD Luxury Massage Oil to your self-care routine is like giving yourself a little slice of heaven. Whether you’re treating yourself to a professional massage or DIYing it at home, that added touch of CBD turns it into a moment of pure bliss and rejuvenation.
Of course, a friendly reminder: chat with a healthcare professional before diving in, especially if you have health conditions or are on medications. And always stick to the usage guidelines on the bottle for a safe and delightful experience.
In a nutshell, CBD Luxury Massage Oil offers a holistic approach to relaxation and well-being in the USA. By blending the therapeutic powers of CBD with top-notch carrier oils, it’s not just a massage; it’s an experience. So why not elevate your massage game with CBD Luxury Massage Oil? Your path to serenity awaits right here in the United States.
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bb-editing · 1 year
ROXANA (Chapter 19)
*E/N: Sorry for the half-week hiatus, I was traveling. Did some editing on the plane, though; triple update today.
Wishing to avoid the topic, I ignored Cassis’ question and responded with an air of obliviousness: “Eat well, sleep well, and recover quickly.”
Cassis clearly hadn’t expected such an answer from me- he looked slightly surprised.
“Eat the food. I didn’t poison it.”
Cassis’ gaze fell to the tray on the floor beside him. I thought that he would feel uncomfortable eating with me in the room, so I made up some excuse or other to leave him in peace.
Since there wasn’t a proper place to sit, I made a mental note to bring a chair the next time around.
 I was quickly convinced that Cassis wouldn’t threaten or attack me, so I began thinking of other things to bring to him. After a while, Emily and I headed back to his room with new clothes, though I sent her away just as we were about to enter.
It was troublesome to have to lock and unlock the door each time I entered or left the room, but it couldn’t be helped.
I frowned. Cassis was standing, instead of being seated like before, with his back to the door. He had taken off his shirt, revealing the bandages that covered his body. I got the feeling that he was in a bad mood.
Finally, the door had locked, and he turned his head to look at me. His quiet, golden eyes somehow rendered me speechless.
It wasn’t the first time I’d seen a man’s naked torso, but… Why do I feel so embarrassed right now?
Was it because the room was darker, or because Cassis was moving towards me with such a potent stare? I felt like I had intruded into his personal space.
“I have to shower,” he finally said quietly.
A small rag fell from his hand, making his back muscles stir and bringing to light more pronounced definition.
“Oh, yes…” I replied unconsciously, before snapping out of my daze. What’s with this strange atmosphere again?
Maybe it was time to adjust the candlestick. But if I did that, would it seem like I wanted to see more of his body?
Of course, these thoughts meant that I had become self-conscious in front of Cassis. But why? I frowned.
“I chose this room because it had a bathroom in it, and I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable,” I said, pointing to the bathroom door beside him.
Cassis looked in the direction I was pointing in.
“This.” He lifted his arm to show me. “I can’t change because of the chain. Oh. He’s right.
Clearly, he had to literally tear his shirt off because of the chains.
“I’ll loosen the chains on your wrists and ankles. Would you like me to replace your limb restraints with a leash?”
Cassis was silent, obviously unhappy with my proposition. His eyes grew colder.
“Well, it’s certainly better than having four chains attached to your body.” Of course, I would keep the hemp material, which was perfect for neutralising aggression, though I wasn’t sure if it would work on Cassis.
After all, even with the hemp restraints, he looks like he’s on the verge of attacking me…
Cassis didn’t answer me, but he acknowledged my words and seemed to reluctantly accept the offer for the collar. He lowered his arm, as if to give up defending himself.
Since I had no intention of letting anyone else into this room yet, I had no choice but to put the leash on Cassis myself. As I moved closer, I sensed discomfort on both our ends.
“I know it’s uncomfortable, but be a little patient.”
For a moment, his gaze washed over my face- then he turned his body away.
Truly… isn’t beauty a power in its own right? It would have been easier if Cassis had fallen in love with my beauty like other men; I felt a tinge of sadness and reached for him.
The moment my fingers made contact with his throat, he flinched, but begrudgingly allowed him to leash him.
Suddenly, the atmosphere became even stranger. A young boy, wearing a black leather leash, with his upper body full of wounds no doubt caused by sadism.
Feeling like I had become a pervert, I frowned, before loosening the chains on Cassis’ arms and legs.
“The structure of this mansion is like a maze; even my brothers get lost sometimes.” I paused. “Those who arrive at Agriche for the first time aren’t able to find a way out, so they’re always stuck wandering around.”
 Cassis turned his head at my words.
“Of course…” I smiled at him. “I know a shortcut to leave.”
“You should go in and wash up now.”
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desertdragon · 10 months
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
for the character design meme C:
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I've talked about hair several times in the past but this is the big post which builds off another big post. I can always talk more because I don't know how to shut the fuck up. The braid is largely practical for fighting and training; with it out her hair is marginally longer and the waves get wild in the back like a rough sea. I built a lot of her outfits around everything including the long braided hair, which is why a lot of them suddenly don't work if her hair is anything else, unless I get lucky. It's mostly based on how similar it is to Akko's hair from Girl Friends which is why I kept it when I was in the CC. Akko is one of my childhood role models.
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(I own both omnibuses and the drama cd files and all but one of the original tankobon)
There's no meaning in character beyond representing the freedom to wear hair for herself, and to still express her practical nature while doing so. She wouldn't lace things in it regularly like Etienne does because that isn't practical to her daily work. But on off moments sometimes there's flowers woven in by friends. It also stays the way it is for so long because she became entrenched in doing the same things in the same way for the same people over and over- there was no time to think further on the thing that came to ironically represent her freedom of expression. No time for a haircut or to think about a new style, she had people to kill. Tie it up just enough to keep killing with as little distraction as possible and keep it moving. She probably trims the ends herself when they get too long for this purpose; she got good at caring for her tips in this sense.
Leather or breathable things. Leather because it's both tough against slashes and getting nicked by glanced stabs while being easy to move in. She can move good in armor too but leather is practically like being naked, especially since they wore a lot of it and cloth back home. The speed of it allows the weight in the armored parts of what she wears in battle to carry more momentum, which turns people into meat slime on impact. It's like splattering open a rotted fruit with how they disintegrate. She also dodges easier not just from abilities but from how flexible her torso and shoulders are allowed to be when they move with the fabric.
Breathable material because it's also practical and familiar. Linens and cottons and so on are smooth. They all but blend with the skin and don't chafe or itch the way hemp does. They have a comforting padding in how they're woven. Basically anything that lets you feel almost naked without being literally naked. That way she doesn't feel restricted and half of any body odor getting whisked away isn't just on deodorants and soaps but the wicking clothes themselves. Those materials are also easier and cheaper to dye in a variety of colors than anything else; you can get near endless styles out of them though you do have to worry about color transfer in the wash.
The polar opposite is something like velvet, which is heavy and has a weird fuzzy texture and will trap your sweat or any liquids. Silk is weird because of how slippery it is, but she's willing to put up with it compared to velvet or furs. The only time she's running for the heavy shit is when it's remotely cold outside then suddenly heavy material is her best friend.
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augustdementhe · 1 year
Looking at the NOT RECLUSE criteria and my behavior I really can determine that this is what happened to make my tit crater.
Watching some part of your body actually, literally begin to dissolve is a serious trip.
I got the dry skin with two teeny pale pinpricks at the center, and then within a couple weeks, I had the outer skin fall off, then the inner skin bleed nonstop, and then flesh soup.
I did okay in only washing it (pre soup) with saline and rubbing in some Texas Hemp and Honey CBD pain rub (nonsponsored plug, just a great recommendation) not ON but around, to help pain.
Where I messed up most was putting on sticky bandages and showering as usual. The spot bandages came off in showers, and then the burn bandages WERE great stickers and waterproof, and did keep any secondary infections and irritation out, but the strong adhesive wasn't conducive to healing having to be yanked off, even if it wasn't the directly affected area.
The right way to go was sanitary gauze and paper tape instead.
I also fucked up by squeezing the wound, both purposely to check the depth, and incidentally as I INSISTED on rolling onto my bad side out of habit because it wasn't that bad at the time and squishing it.
Because I'm black, the 'red' one can expect was a darker than usual brown by the time I noticed the dry skin. If it were ever red, I missed it, but considering the bereavement I was under at the time I'm not surprised.
However I DID develop a red, itchy rash on my opposite shoulder at the same time, which I attributed to the stress of travel. I have marks from it still, but they don't photograph well. Should have gotten them while they were still bright red. It's also very likely that the dizziness I THOUGHT was from getting off another, unrelated medicine was either entirely due to the bite OR compounded by it.
I'm guessing that I got bitten because I had to dig for a suitcase for traveling to my grandmother's funeral and the spider either got me then, or hitched a ride and got me after I changed into a shirt it hid in, poor thing.
But now this DOES mean I need to sweep through the house fully clothed, get EXTRA serious about getting rid of all the excess cardboard boxes, and let my neighbors know what to be aware of.
Not sure if the building will need to be fumigated, but honestly considering how many boxes I've had stored in a garage and then in my home...it's probably pretty isolated and I can just fog my own house.
I'm also worried that now the spider is hanging out in the hotel we had, and whether my cousins and future guests might be at risk. It's still winter, and although these spiders aren't aggressive, this whole deal has SUCKED (though not as much as it could have).
So far I've been given a couple of antibiotics, one of which was probably prescribed just in case it was a staph infection. I'll be finishing them dutifully no matter what.
My pain does seem to be lessening--it only hurt when poked but the pain got more severe with accidental brushing, or the weight of my breast moving if I rolled onto my side. Now any given flop is less bad, but I'm doing the hand bra thing and babying it as much as possible. There's still a very 2 level pain low under the same underarm, but the itching radiating out to the nipple is leaving me. Whether this is due to the bite or the bite combined with hormone stuff that leaves me with expected breast pain leading up to my menses is still up for debate.
This has been an eye opening experience, and as always I recognize my privilege in getting to a nearby medical facility staffed with supportive black doctors.
I expect a full recovery very soon, but I'm interested in seeing what my scar will look like.
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Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Denim: USA Manufacturers’ Efforts
Denim is an American staple. It’s been around since the mid-1800s and has long been associated with American culture. But recently, denim manufacturers have been working to reduce their environmental footprint by reducing chemical use and increasing recycled fabric content. This shift has given rise to more environmentally friendly products — both domestically made and imported — as well as increased awareness among consumers about what they’re wearing on their bodies.
Environmental considerations are on the rise for apparel manufacturers in the USA
Environmental considerations are on the rise for apparel manufacturers in USA. One of the most common ways that denim jeans are manufactured is by using dyes, which can be toxic and harmful to workers when they come into contact with them. With this in mind, many companies have begun using less toxic dyes that allow for safer working conditions for employees.
Some brands have also made efforts towards reducing waste by using recycled materials in their products or creating more sustainable packaging methods.
USA apparel manufacturers are striving to create more environmentally friendly denim and denim products.
In addition to reducing the environmental footprint of denim manufacturing, Clothing manufacturers in USA are striving to create more environmentally friendly denim and denim products. They are working to reduce chemical use in the production process, reduce water usage and dyeing waste, eliminate toxic dyes, and increase recycled fabric content.
American manufacturers have made efforts to reduce water usage in dyeing processes, as well as dyeing waste.
In the denim industry, dyeing is a major part of the process. Most dyes are water-based and therefore require large amounts of water during the dyeing process. This can be quite expensive for companies that do not utilize efficient methods to reduce their use of this resource. Some companies have switched from using conventional dyes to more environmentally friendly ones; others have simply reduced their overall usage by making changes in their processes such as reducing agitation times or using less toxic chemicals during washing procedures.
Apparel manufacturing companies in the USA have also begun using less toxic dyes, which allow for safer working conditions for employees.
Apparel manufacturers in the USA have also begun using less toxic dyes, which allow for safer working conditions for employees. This is an important step in reducing the environmental footprint of denim, as well as ensuring that workers are not exposed to dangerous chemicals. There are many ways that we can all help reduce the environmental impact of denim. The first step is to be aware of how our clothing affects the planet. Once you know how much water, energy and chemicals it takes to make your favorite pair of jeans, you can make informed decisions about where and how they were made.
In addition to these efforts, some manufacturers have started using recycled materials or sustainable fabrics such as organic cotton and hemp in their production processes. If you want to buy jeans that are better for the environment, look for labels like “organic cotton” or “fair trade.” These terms indicate that the cotton used in your jeans was grown without pesticides and herbicides, which means less water was used in production.
Denim has a long history but there are ways to make it better for people and the earth.
Denim is a versatile fabric that can be used in both casual and dressy clothes. It’s been around for centuries, first made in France in the 19th century and worn by cowboys as they worked on cattle ranches across America. Today denim is considered one of the most popular clothing items in the world — but this popularity comes at an environmental cost: jeans require enormous amounts of water, chemicals, and energy during their production processes. In order to make one pair of jeans, it takes about 2,900 liters of water. This is equivalent to the amount of water six people drink in a day. Denim production also uses a lot of chemicals, including dyes and bleaches.
Over the past decade, there has been a shift toward higher-quality denim.
Over the past decade, there has been a shift toward higher-quality denim. The demand for higher-quality jeans has increased as consumers have become more educated about their purchases and are looking for items that are produced by sustainable clothing manufacturers. The trend toward higher-quality denim is apparent in recent research conducted by Cotton Incorporated which showed that “87% of consumers believe it’s important to know where their clothes come from.” Consumers are also more likely to be willing to pay more for a pair of jeans that is ethically sourced. The demand for higher-quality denim has increased as consumers have become more educated about their purchases and are looking for items that are ethically manufactured and sustainable.
In the United States, most denim is manufactured overseas.
In the United States, most denim is manufactured overseas. In fact, the majority of jeans are made in China and India — two countries with a long history of textile production that have a skilled workforce and an abundance of natural resources for producing textiles.
However, some brands have begun to manufacture their products closer to home again. In 2014 Levi Strauss & Co., which has been making blue jeans since 1853 when they invented them as workwear for miners in California’s Gold Rush era (their first customers), announced plans to open two new factories in San Antonio and 4 other cities across America by 2018 with the goal of bringing 10% of its domestic manufacturing back from overseas within five years.* The company cited rising labor costs abroad as one reason for this shift towards domestic production; another factor was increased demand for quality American-made goods among consumers who want more transparency about where their clothes come from.*
The U.S. market for denim milling, fabric dyeing, and finishing is estimated at $1 billion annually.
The U.S. market for denim milling, fabric dyeing, and finishing is estimated at $1 billion annually. The number of manufacturers in this industry has increased significantly since 2004, with most new entrants coming from Asia and Eastern Europe.
The global demand for cotton-based textiles is forecasted to grow at an average annual rate of 2 percent through 2020 (compared with 1 percent between 2005 and 2010). This growth will be driven primarily by emerging markets such as China and India where rising incomes are fueling increased demand for high-quality clothing items such as denim jeans.
Manufacturers are working to reduce their environmental footprint by reducing chemical use and increasing recycled fabric content.
The goal of reducing chemical use is to reduce the environmental footprint of denim manufacturing. This can be achieved by reducing water usage and dyeing waste, as well as increasing recycled fabric content.
· Reducing water usage: Water is an important resource, so it’s important to use it wisely in all steps of the production process — including washing and drying raw materials before they’re spun into yarns; dyeing fabrics; washing finished products; rinsing out excess dyes after dyeing; and cleaning equipment after each use.
· Increasing recycled fabric content: It takes less energy to recycle old clothes than it does to make new ones from scratch (and recycling also reduces landfill waste). Plus, it takes fewer chemicals when you start with pre-existing materials versus creating all new ones from scratch — which means less pollution overall!
While some US manufacturers have made strides in reducing their environmental footprint, there’s much more work to be done
While some US manufacturers have made strides in reducing their environmental footprint, there’s much more work to be done. Here are some things you can do to reduce your own environmental impact:
· Buy less denim, especially if it’s not made from organic cotton or recycled materials.
· Wear clothes longer before replacing them with new ones and donate unworn items to charity or second-hand shops instead of throwing them away (this also saves money!).
· Shop at local businesses that source locally-grown materials whenever possible; this helps support small businesses and keeps money circulating within the community instead of being shipped overseas — and often results in higher quality items as well!
Denim is a durable and versatile fabric that has been around for centuries. The fact that it’s still popular today shows just how well it works for clothing and other items like purses and jeans jackets. However, there are some problems associated with this material — namely, how much water it takes to make denim from start to finish. This infographic explores what manufacturers can do to reduce their environmental footprint while continuing production in the United States.
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junkbbykow · 2 years
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Cerevae Makeup Remover Face wash
Peter Thomas Roth Face Mask
2-3x a week
Alternate which mask based on day
of the week
Exfoliant Wash Rag
SunAroma Hemp Bar Soap
Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin Body Wash
Om She Moisturizing Body Wash
Shea Butter Lotion | Healing Body oil
Ten Pines Pain Salve
I also add protective washes, oils, and fragrances to my routine :) My list of routines will be posted later today!
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digiweed · 1 year
I love moisturizing like I love. Being dampened. I have rose water face lotion with 15 spf ... deep set goat milks hand cream, acai hemp chapstick and then some cheap coconut light body butter for elbows n knees ect... most of it stolen I won't lie.
Winter is so drying like have a shower, wash everything off and then REPLENISH your skin. Add oil back on that skillet babey .
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