#hehehe I have time to package and send them off again
intotheelliwoods · 21 days
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Last round of Keychains are back on Etsy! <- <-
Both A and B grades! Collectively there is a bit under 30 left, looking to get the remaining little guys off my hands to good homes!
I will keep this listing up either until they all sell out, or after 2 weeks! Whatever comes first!
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kagedaddy · 3 years
Hi! My birthday is on Easter, so I was wondering if I could get something with Kuroo, Kenma, and Atsumu forgetting it was their s/o's birthday due to to it being another holiday? An angst to fluff if possible. Thanks so much!!
bday today - kuroo, kenma & miya
warnings: none
kuroo tetsuro
kenma kozume
miya atsumu [masterlist]
hey hey hey! happy happy birthday hon, sorry it’s quite late but i hope yah had a great day and that no one forgot yah special day! heheh.
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You rub the sleep from your eyes as your body begins to wake itself, you were extra happy today, it was Easter Sunday and your birthday. Rolling over the bed to face your partner but you’re met with empty space, sitting up you notice a note neatly folded on his side. Excitedly thinking it was a cute morning birthday greeting, expect it wasn’t a cute birthday greeting you were hoping.
‘babe there was an urgent meeting at the company, I’ll see you later.
oh can you buy chocolate Easter bunnies for our nieces to bring later.’
You stare at his messy handwriting, confusion clouding your expression, for sure he wouldn’t forget your birthday you’ve been married since you graduated university and not once has he forgotten your day. You shake your head denying the thought that he forgot, you’re sure that he’ll call you, he did say the meeting was urgent, something big must’ve happened in the company but still he wouldn’t forget. Sighing in defeat you throw the covers off yourself and started preparing for the day.
Dressing up in a white sundress and pulling on your heels, you’re out the door and heading to the nearest shopping center. A smile graces your features at the selection of chocolate bunnies, they had them in different flavours and sizes, momentarily forgetting the sadness of your forgotten birthday but a little cat chocolate catches your attention and the sadness seeps in you. Reminding you of a certain dark haired male who has forgotten your birthday, pouting you purchase the chocolates nearly breaking them, stupid Easter overtaking your special day. Just as you got into the busy trains, your phone buzzes and a hopeful feeling fills you but yet again no peep about your birthday, you were now convinced he forgot.
‘Did you get the chocolates? I’ll meet you at your mom’s place and let’s drop them off together, love you’
Finally arriving at your parents place, you looked around and Kuroo’s car was no where in sight, your frown deepens and as you huff in frustration. Pulling out your phone and quickly dropping him a text.asking where he was, he replies surprisingly quick.
‘Sorry babe, caught in traffic. Go in ahead, so you’re not waiting in the street.’
Annoyed that he hasn’t remembered your special day, you enter your parents home, grumbling as you step foot into the threshold before a loud popping sounds rips a scream from your chest.
You jump in surprise as the smiling faces of your family greets you, tears form at the corner of you eyes as your family walks over to greet you and give you hugs. After everyone had given you their greetings there standing with the brightest smile was your husband. He slowly walks up to you with his arms open wide, “Happy Birthday, sweetheart.”you snuggle into his chest, tears falling from your eyes, “You’re so mean Tetsu, you made me think you forgot.”you pull away a pout settling on your lips.
His melodious laugh is contagious and a smile overtakes your features, “You know I would never.”he tilts your chin up and your lips meet in a sweet kiss, “I wanted to give you a good surprise.”you had the biggest smile as you pushed your lips hardest against him and his hands settle on your hips.
“I love you so much sweetheart.”
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“Kenma Kenma Kynnnmaaa!”you hop over to your hunched over boyfriend, eyes trained to his glowing monitor as his fingers rapidly press buttons on the controller. A smile gracing your features as you approach him and the victory banner flashing across the screen, perfect timing. “Kynma, come let’s have breakfast.”you peck the soft cheek of your partner and he pulls the headphones of his head allowing himself to be pulled by you.
You had prepared a big big breakfast for your birthday to share together, knowing you and Kenma you were both huge homebodies so you just wanted to spend your birthday cuddled up together. “What’s with all the food?”Kenma asks as you both reach the dining table, face contorted in confusion, you stare at him. Was he making a joke, it was your birthday maybe he had a surprise for you. “Do you know what today is Kenma?”you ask your boyfriend but his face was genuinely confused, “it’s Easter Sunday?”he says unsurely as if questioning you.
“And what? Is there something I’m missing?”this time he looks to you and you feel slight annoyance and sadness brewing in your gut, you knew he can get too immersed in his games but you expected him to give you the respect of remembering your birthday. You actually feel heartbroken that tears begin to form and are threatening to spill down your face. “It’s my birthday Kozume.”you drop his arm and turn to your bedroom, tears now freely falling, shutting the door and turning the lock as you slide down, silently crying.
“Pudding, I’m sorry. It completely slipped my mind.”Kenma softly knocks on your shared bedroom room, his voice quiet and full of regret. “Go away Kenma, I wanna be alone.”you sobbed out, as you wiped your tears and curling in a feral position by the door, “I thought I was Kynnma.”his voice shook and your heart clenched but you were too upset to care why was he hurt. It was his fault he forget your birthday, you always made the effort to remember all his game releases and any special event revolving around his life.
“Hmph! I don’t know you, go leave.”you spat at him and you hear him sigh in defeat, “kitten come on come out, this is my house too.”he begs as you hear him slide down the door and sit, “Then go play your games.”you bit back, purposely kicking the door earning a groan from Kenma. “I don’t want to, I want you to come out.”you ignore him and allowed the silence to envelope the both of you, your eyes become heavy and you begin to drift off, crying had drained you and thinking of Kenma hurt you even more.
“(your name)”
“(your name)”
“(your name)”
“Kitten.”you stir awake, eyes heavy from crying and back aching from sleeping on the floor, everything comes back to you and you become upset again but you just wanted to cuddle Kenma and as much as you hate that he forget, you love him too much.
“Let me make it up to you, what you do want? Please Kitten open the door.”you almost felt bad that you had made him beg for this long but you were upset and hurt. You got up from you position and slowly open the door, peeping your head out, his figure was slumped against your bedroom door and his head buried between his hands.
“Cuddle me.”you answer and his head shoots up, eyes meeting yours he scrambled to his feet and taking you in his arms, “I’m really sorry Kitten, I know being busy isn’t an excuse.”his lips meet your head, arms tightly wound around you, he carries you to your shared bed cuddling.“I booked a week vacation for us, I’m all yours kitten. I’m sorry forgetting.”He presses sweet kisses to your neck and whispering his apologies and promises.
“Because I love you I forgive you but if you do it again, it’s another story.”
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Your ears perk up from the sound of your phone, you excitedly run to your phone and swiping it open, you pout when you read over the name, it wasn’t who you were hoping it was. It was Osamu, wrong twin.
‘(your name)-chan! Happy Birthday Idiot #2! Come by the shop I’ve got a special onigiri for you!’
A sad smile graces your lips, at least someone’s greeted you, shutting off your phone you sigh in sadness as you get changed to meet up with Osamu.
Another notification pops up and your eyes lights up at the sight of your partner’s name, clicking the message.
‘Hey bunny, happy Easter. I got chocolate bunnies sent to the apartment, I know you love them so much. Miss you, call me later Kay?
love you baby’
Like clockwork, the doorbell rings, low and behold the delivery man from your favourite chocolaterie hands you a neatly wrapped package. Your frown deepens, it wasn’t just Easter. it was your fucking birthday too, you grovel as tears prick at your eyes. Is he serious? Did he really not remember, upset you don’t reply, shutting your phone and leaving it on airplane mode, hmph you decided to ignore your setter boyfriend. The soft jingle of the shop door sounds in the restaurant and Samu turns to you with a smile, you give him a weak one followed with your dead greeting.
“He only greeted me happy Easter, what the fuck is that?”you moan in sadness as Osamu sets down your special onigiri, “I can’t believe he forgot, is he that busy?”
“My brother might be an idiot but he wouldn’t forget your birthday, he loves you.”Samu tries to brighten your mood but it does nothing to make you feel better, “Does he? I know he’s busy and all but at least a fucking text or a call to greet me would’ve been nice.”you grumpily take a bite of the special ongiri Osamu made just for you. You sigh in frustration, angrily chewing the rice ball, it was so good but you couldn’t enjoy it like you wanted. Stupid Atsumu for making you feel this way, did he really forget about your birthday. “Ugh, Samu I’m sad.”you pout and lay your head on the counter, Osamu pats your head, cooing at your saddened state, after spending your afternoon with the grey haired counterpart you decided to head home, he sent you off with more onigiri for dinner.
“Thanks for spending my birthday with me Samu.”he pats your head one more and sends you off with a smile, you were at least glad Osamu was nice enough to keep you company, trudging your way home. Sighs of disappointment ever leaving your lips, turning on your phone there hasn’t been a message from Atsumu since this morning, great now it’s like he’s forgotten you. Defeatedly sliding your keys in the lock you sluggishly push your door open.
“Did you really think I forgot your birthday?”
The all so familiar voice of your boyfriend pulls you out of your thoughts, raising your head you meet his warm chocolate eyes, there he was standing infront of you with a beautifully decorated cake in hand and the prettiest smile on his lips. You drop your bag as tears fall from your eyes, he sets aside the cake and opens his arms for you to run into them, “You’re here! How?”you bury your face in his toned chest, not believing that your boyfriend was home.
“I wanted to surprise you, so I flew in.”his lips press soft kisses all over your face, allowing a bright smile to sit on your lips, “I love you Tsumu.”you finally meet his lips, the kissing professing your love to him, you might have been sad this morning but fuck his lips make up for everything. He lifts you up and you’re legs automatically circle his waist, “Aren’t i the best boyfriend?”he tease you and your roll your eyes but he truly was, you were over the moon, kissing him again before darting out your tongue to tease the setter’s lower lip, hinting him of what you wanted.
“Happy Birthday Bunny! I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
sorry i’ve been missing these past few days, sorry but i’m taking a break, its pretty abrupt and short notice but my minds in the gutter right now. hope you all still enjoy the stuff i write, leave a like and comment if you did. might move some of my works over to ao3 but idk, have a great day. jaa ne!
all the love xx
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elizabeethan · 3 years
An Overboard addition
Emma gets Killian an anniversary gift, kind of
This is purely gratuitous fluff for @the-darkdragonfly because she deserves it
Rated T
~1500 words
Read on Ao3
Read the Rest
Read my Other Stuff
There are few things that can make Killian Jones feel as alive as the sea does. The whipping wind that tousles his hair, the crashing waves that spray him with ocean mist and rock his boat from side to side, forcing him to counterbalance himself so as to not topple over. Very few things in this world make Killian feel as free as the sea does.
Among the few things that bring him to life are his boat. It’s something he spent years working towards, his title of captain a badge that he wears proudly each day. It’s a reminder that tragedy and hardship could not defeat him.
And then there’s the thrill that comes with catching monstrous Bluefin Tuna. It's a battle he’s won countless times, but he’s lost countless times as well, and each time he pulls one onto his deck, the pride that swells in his chest is almost painful.
Although there is a short list of things that bring him to life, nothing can compare to the way he feels when he’s with-- when he even thinks about-- his wife.
“There’s a special surprise waiting for you when you get home,” she tells him in a low, sultry voice when she calls him that day. It’s a strong reminder that it’s their first wedding anniversary, and the tone of her delivery sends impure thoughts through his mind and makes his cock do impure things while he’s at work.
“What is it?” he asks uselessly, knowing she won’t cooperate.
With the very giggle he expected, she answers, “I can’t tell you that.”
“Will I like the surprise?” he asks, voice matching hers.
“I think so.”
His wife is fire. She’s heat and passion and infallibility all rolled into one flawless, beautiful package. He maintains easily that he’s the luckiest man alive, the luckiest man to ever live again, because he has been given the privilege of marrying Emma Swan. There is nothing that will ever make him feel the way it feels to be with her-- not his boat, not catching a monster tuna, not the sea.
He’s almost tempted to call it a day, turn towards the docks and leave his mates high and dry and without much of a paycheck, but he knows he can’t do that. All he can do is think back to nearly a week ago, just before he’d left for this trip, when she reminded him very cleverly and very salaciously that their special day was up-and-coming by making him come in her mouth and smirking in satisfaction when she succeeded.
All he can do is consider what color his special surprise could be, how it will look contrasting against her creamy skin, how it will feel in his fingers when he peels it off of her.
She’s not at the docks like she usually likes to be when he arrives home. She uses it as an excuse to visit with her father, and she also likes to tell Killian that her presence when his catch is weighed and appraised for quality is good luck. But today, she isn’t here.
He takes his check and helps his mates clean the boat, but they can tell that his mind is elsewhere. Will practically chastises him, claiming that he’s too horny for his own good and insisting that he go home to his fit bird of a wife, earning himself a slap upside his head.
The house is mysteriously quiet when he gets home, creeping through the front door and excitedly looking around every corner as he walks through. It becomes obvious that she isn’t inside when he gets to the kitchen in the back of the small cottage they share, and when he looks out the swinging porch door, he sees her.
She’s fully clothed, but she still looks beautifully irresistible, so he steps outside with a growing smirk. He isn’t sure what she could be doing in the backyard at nearly dusk, and he becomes even more confused when he watches her squat down on her knees and hold her arms out, excitedly cooing and cheering at something around the corner that he can’t see yet.
“Come on, baby!” she calls happily, grin bright and beaming in the setting sun. “Come on!”
“Emma?” he asks through his confusion, making her look up and greet him with stunning beauty. “What are you…?”
It becomes clear so quickly, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place suddenly when he hears the jingle. A small, clumsy creature flops its way across the yard that they share, nearly tripping over its too-large feet. She calls for it once more, shrieking and laughing when it bounds into her arms, knocking her onto her back.
A smile grows across Killian’s face almost instantly. He couldn’t even hope to fight it, Emma’s joy far too evident and far too impossible not to match.
“Happy anniversary,” she greets.
“Aye, happy anniversary, my love… What is this?” he asks, squatting beside her and delivering her a smile that she matches effortlessly.
“This is your surprise,” she explains.
“You got us… a dog?”
“A puppy! Isn’t she precious?” she asks, rubbing the pup’s belly and giggling as she rolls onto her back. “Her name is Ripple.”
He scrunches up his eyebrows in confusion, moving to sit all the way in order to save his old knees. “Ripple?”
“Don’t give me that look,” she chastises. “I think it suits her. One little doggy can impact our lives in many ways; like the ripple effect.”
“Aye,” he agrees, because he’ll agree with everything she says if only to see the look on her face when he does. “And how did Ripple find her way into our yard?”
The small, and admittedly adorable, puppy gives him a look that tugs at his heartstrings. Truthfully, if there was one breed of dog he could see Emma adopting, it would be a Rottweiler. Their Ripple is only a baby, small and soft, but he can tell that she’ll grow to be as fierce as Emma one day. Her big brown eyes stare into his and he knows with certainty that he’s made a companion.
“I adopted her, as a special surprise for you,” she tells him with a smirk, likely knowing that her explanation doesn’t exactly work in her favor. It’s not as if he ever had a desire to adopt a dog. Emma, on the other hand, has been wanting one for months. “She was wandering the streets, so I picked her up. I looked and looked for her owner, but she didn’t have a collar or a microchip, and no one came forward. I filled out some paperwork with the vet, and now she’s ours!”
He can’t help but to fall beside her, lying at her side and planting a brief yet deep kiss to her temple. Ripple wriggles between them, her bark small and high pitched but likely to become much more threatening in the next few weeks. “You’ve a very pure soul, Swan.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, making him bark out a laugh that’s met with one of Ripple’s. “She needs a home,” she says more seriously, rolling on her side to face him in the soft grass, her hand wandering from the neck of his t-shirt down to his waist.
“She does,” he agrees. He leans forward, awkwardly at this angle, to finally catch her lips with his. He can’t deny her of this. She grew up needing a home, and the least he can do now is support her in giving a home to another lost soul in need.
“So, can we keep her?”
“That’s funny,” he laughs, and she screws up her brows and cocks her head to the side. “It’s as if you’re under the impression that I could ever say no to you.”
He watches the smile grow across her face, reaching her eyes so easily as they catch the glimmering light of the fading sun. “Really?”
“Aye, of course, my love. Although, I will admit, this isn’t exactly the surprise I had in mind based on your phone call.”
Her giggle is contagious, and he thinks it must be in response both to what he had said, and the fact that Ripple has decided to clumsily sprint across the yard to chase her long tail. She pushes against his chest to stand-- he feels almost envious at her youthful ability to lift herself from the ground so easily-- and takes his hand in hers, hoisting him up as well. “I’ve been working on crate training her,” she explains once they’re standing side by side. She calls for the pup and she comes running, earning praise from her new, and apparently talented-at-behavioral-training, mother.
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm.” She guides them both inside, pulling his hand and holding her other one out to Ripple, offering a treat once they walk through the door. “And I plan on doing some crate training now, while I show you what other surprises I have for you under this dress. It’s good for her to practice.”
Their new companion is very well behaved, they’ve discovered. She listens to commands, snuggles with her parents at every opportunity afforded to her, and acts as a very talented deckhand on Killian’s ship, announcing the presence of a tuna on their line each time they hook up.
If one thing is for certain, it’s that Killian Jones’ wife knows exactly how to make him happy.
There’s a dog in Wicked Tuna named Ripple, and I’m addicted to The Ripple Effect, so Emma and Killian got a dog named Ripple. Hehehe
@courtorderedcake​​​ @kmomof4​​​ @stahlop​​​ @klynn-stormz​​​ @laschatzi​​​ @emelizabeth88​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​ @kday426​​​ @elisethewritingbeast @timeless-love-story​​​ @captain-emmajones​​​ @gingerpolyglot​​​​ @ebcaver​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​ @teamhook​​​​ @superchocovian​​​​ @itsfabianadocarmo​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​ @gingerchangeling​​​​ @jrob64​​​​ @onceratheart18​​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​​ @winterbaby89​​​​ @swampmedusa​​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​​ @dancingnancyy​​​​ @love-with-you-i-have-everything​​​​ @shireness-says​​​​ @snowbellewells​​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​​ @ouatpost @daxx04​​​​ @the-darkdragonfly​​​​ @donteattheappleshook​​​​ @therooksshiningknight @eeteeaytay​​​​ @xsajx @itsfridaysomewhere​​​​ @alexa-fangirl-forever​​​​ @jonesfandomfanatic​​​​ @wefoundloveunderthelight @qualitycoffeethings​​​​ @rapunzelsghosts​​​​ @spaceconveyor @badcats-andmice​​​​ @batana54​​​ @sailtoafarawayland​ @deckerstarblanche​ @zaharadessert​ @xarandomdreamx @pirateprincessofpizza
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A large box materialized in the corner of the room, decorated gaudily with purple wrapping paper, a bright red bow, and raw macaroni glued over practically every visible inch of the box. If you listened closely, you could make out the occasional giddy giggle coming from the inside of the box whenever it wiggled, demanding the attention of the beautiful birthday boy.
“Vil’s gonna love this!” Mac gushed to themself from the inside of the box, dressed up in thick clown makeup and an equally excessive clown outfit. “He’ll open the box up, and I’ll pop out to greet him and tell him that I’ll be his birthday present and his personal footstool, if he wants…”
Within the darkness of the box, they flushed a bright red, fanning their face like the lovestruck fool they were. Whenever they could make out the sound of his heels clacking on the attic floor, Mac shivered excitedly at the thought of his feet slamming down on their back and keeping their face shoved against the floor for them to drool onto.
The beautiful Queen needs a loyal court, and was there anyone better than to play the role of the court fool than the head empty pasta fanatic? Mac thought not.
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*pokes Mac with a stick*
Come get your dinner.
At long last, evening had set in, and the last of Vil’s fan club had been sated and sent off for the day. The once brilliant blue sky had darkened to a deep violet--nearly black--and the stars, one by one, awoke from their daytime slumber to play amid the moonlight. Night Raven College, touched in silver, was a new world entirely.
Vil ran a hand along the nape of his neck and sighed.
“Excellent work, Roi du Poison!” Rook sang, patting his dorm leader on the back. “You’ve survived the onslaught--though you appear to be a little worse for wear from it.”
“I am not in need of your insightful commentary at this time, Rook,” Vil warned, his tone pointed.
The huntsman did not flinch--not a single beat missed. He removed his hat and held it close to his chest as he dipped into a bow. “Oui.”
A moment elapsed before Rook lifted his head, eyes creased teasingly. “... Though I would still advise you, mon roi, to retire early for the evening. All this stress may lead to a breako--”
“I am in need of some fresh air,” Vil declared sharply. “If you have need of me, I will be outside.”
“... Bien sûr.”
The birthday boy turned and swept out of the stuffy attic. Down the staircase he descended, and out into the bitter night air--or rather, he would have, were it not for ramming his foot into an oddly placed box, covered in bright purple and red, and raw macaroni pieces.
Vil hissed and drew his foot back--but to his alarm, the box began... wiggling intensely and... giggling?
“What in the name of the Great Seven is this doing here?” he wondered out loud, but no response came.
Out of curiosity, Vil cautiously prodded the box with his foot again. The touch immediately elicited another loud giggle.
Something... No, someone is in there. Vil brought a hand to his forehead, heaving another sigh (what number was it now?).
His manager had warned him about accepting suspicious packages--particularly crazed or rowdy fans would sometimes send nasty pranks or parcels with dangerous goods inside. He wasn’t about to risk his health and safety for a shady package. Vil would go fetch Rook to open it for him--
Bu then it happened.
The box flew open, and out erupted...
A clown.
Quintessential--face painted a stark white, garishly colorful lips, eyes, and cheeks, a bulbous and round nose, a fluffy rainbow wig... Even the outfit was clownish, the fabric baggy but bright, with a frilly collar, gloves, and massive shoes that squeaked with even the slightest movement.
The clown let out a whoop of excitement, leapt out of the box, and eagerly honked their nose. It squeaked loudly, like a dog’s chew toy or a kazoo.
Vil stumbled back a few steps in complete and utter astonishment. He squinted through the thick clown makeup and gaudy clothing, his mind slowly piecing together the familiar facial features.
The cheesy potato.
“Mac... Is that you?”
“Heehoo,” Mac honked their nose again. They wore the widest, goofiest grin Vil had ever witnessed, even by the standards of his most lovestruck of followers. “Happy, happy birthday, Vil!!”
He ignored the greeting and cut to a question. “... Dare I ask why it is that you are dressed in such an outlandish getup?”
“Hehehe... Actually! It’s cuz... I’m your birthday present!!” Mac declared, splaying their arms out.
“You... what?”
“I’m your birthday present!!” They repeated, practically vibrating with zeal. “Cuz every queen needs a loyal court jester...!!”
“I am in no need of such--”
“Please please please please PLEASE let me serve you!!” Mac wailed desperately, flinging themselves at Vil’s feet. “I’ll tell the dumbest jokes, and I can be your personal human footstool--you can step on me whenever you want!! I’ll make you the tastiest, cheesiest pasta, and maybe we can get closer and then move in someplace together and live a nice domestic life, and have lots of kids--I’ve already got their names picked out--and and and...”
“Stop. You’re drooling,” Vil said coldly. His cruel, frigid tone sent a shiver down Mac’s spine, filling them with a sense of ecstasy that only he could deliver.
“Heheheh...” They wiped saliva from the corner of their mouth with the back of their hand. “Sorry, I just get so excited when I talk about you.”
“I know,” Vil groaned, cradling his forehead in a hand. “... I know.”
“Are you... angry with me? I-If you are, please take out your rage by stomping all over my back and snapping me like a glowstick!! PLEASE USE ME, SCHOENHEIT!!”
“You never seem to stop spouting nonsensical logic.”
“I don’t need logic...!! Because I have something way better than logic: LOVE!!”
Vil glanced away.
A deathly silence fell over the foyer.
For one horrible, dreadful moment, Mac thought they had done something wrong. It wasn’t like Vil--confident, beautiful Vil--to be at such a loss for words. Was he so terribly cross that he couldn’t even bring himself to spit out any insults at them? Did he hate them so much that he didn’t even deem them worthy to receive his vitriol?  
“H-Hey, Vil... Did I.. Did I go too far?”
“... Pfft.”
Vil was laughing.
Well, not a full-on deep, rumbling belly laugh. It was more like a faint chuckle, soft and delicate, like wind chimes blowing in the spring breeze.
“You never cease to amuse,” Vil remarked, his perfectly groomed brows pinching together, and his lips forming a mocking smile. “Lifting my mood after a long and arduous day certainly takes talent. Perhaps you are more suited to playing the role of court clown after all.”
“Ah, I... I am?” Mac perked up. “I am!! See, see? I can make myself ultra useful to you, Vil--so please accept me as your birthday present!!”
“Hmm. We shall see about that. For now, though...” Vil bent down to meet you at eye level and, extending a hand, he pulled you up from your miserable heap back onto two feet. “We should return to the party.”
“W-We?!” Mac’s heart fluttered.
“... Do your ears work? Yes, I said we. I won’t have you sitting here cold and alone, like some sad, limp noodle that was never properly cleaned up. You will join the birthday festivities, the same as any of my other guests. Is that clear?”
“Yessir!! Whatever you want, Vil!!”
“Good. Now let us away.”
And so, hand in hand, the queen and his clown headed off to their gala.
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
As the Doctor was making his rounds, checking in on everyone, he saw a familiar scene: sawed-up furniture, Spot on the floor being attended to by medics, and Popukar off to the side, hiding her face in her hands. He sighed and approached her. “Hey, Popukar.”
“Doctor?” She opened a gap over her good eye. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to happen.”
“I know, it’s alright. You wanna come back to my office? I have some cookies with your name on them.”
She blinked. “After I did this?”
“We’ll just have to find a mission to send you on,” he shrugged. “Can’t let this kind of power go to waste, right?”
“Y-yeah. Thanks, Doctor.” Popular took his hand, and they walked back to his office.
Once the door closed behind them, and the Doctor was reaching around in his desk drawer, she took a seat on the couch. “So, Poppy, can you tell me what happened?”
“Catapult and I were talking about you, and she said something, and then...I don’t know after that.”
“Okay.” He finally found the cookies, opened the package onto a plate, and poured her a glass of milk. “Do you remember what you were talking about?”
Popukar closed both eyes, frowning. “She said...she said I was too small for you to like me.”
“Well, the next time I see her, I’ll make sure to tell her she’s wrong.”
“Really?” She looked up as he brought her the snack and smiled brightly. “Thank you!”
The Doctor sat next to her. “Of course. Do you remember why you were talking about that?”
“Oh, um...Maybe?”
“Maybe?” He smiled. “That’s a little vague for you, Poppy.”
She bit into a cookie, and her face lit up again. “These are really good! Did you make them?”
“Yes, but don’t change the subject on me here.”
“Aww, Miss Orchid said that usually works...” Popukar finished that cookie and another three before continuing. “It’s embarrassing.”
The Doctor’s hand dangled over the plate. “You can tell me anything, and I’ll never think worse of you for it.”
“Anything.” He grabbed a cookie, dipped it in her milk, and took a bite. “Wow, these are good. I hadn’t even tried one yet.”
She laughed. “You’re so silly, Doctor. You didn’t eat your own cookies?”
“I wanted to make sure I had as many as I could for you.”
“Heheh...” A different gleam came over her visible eye. “Doctor, you know just what to say to me.”
He noticed the change. “So the dark side returns, I see.”
“Not dark, just excited. You really push my go button.”
“Heh. Funny.” The Doctor’s eyes flashed. “No matter what side of the coin you’re on, you still can’t come out and say it.”
Her brow furrowed. “I said what I meant to say!”
“Sorry, was talking to myself there. Can you maybe cool it? I want to make sure you don’t forget how I feel this time.”
“...You did bring cookies.” Popu-Dark downed the milk in one swing, wiped the milkstache off her face, and closed her eyes with a deep breath. A few seconds later, Poppy opened her eyes and glanced around. “Huh? I didn’t break anything?”
The Doctor smiled. “I know how to deal with your little spells, Poppy dear.”
“I realized today that I’ve never made myself very clear,” he continued, “and I think I’ve wasted enough of your time being a coward about it.”
She blinked. “You don’t talk like this usually, Doctor.”
“Dark Poppy brings it out of me. I like you, Popukar - both sides of you.”
“You do?” Poppy blinked again. “Even when I break things?”
He laughed. “Even then. You’re done with that plate, right?”
“Yeah, there aren’t any cookies left on it.”
“In that case,” the Doctor tossed the plate to the floor, where it shattered, and closed the distance between them, “now’s as good a time as any.”
She pounced on him, taking him from leaning over her to lying beneath her. “Before you do anything else, mister, you have to pay the toll.”
“Oh, you mean this one?” He patted her on the head, then began to run both his hands through her hair. “Headpats and scritches to scratch both of our itches.”
“Mmhmm...I’ll let you know when you can stop.”
He chuckled. “And I’ll let you know when I feel like it.”
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 3x03: Rewatch Liveblog
Hey guys! It's me again, back with another liveblog of, uh, me watching another episode of Once Upon a Time.
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This one is episode 3x03, called "Quite a Common Fairy" - which means, you guessed it, we'll be meeting Tinkerbell in this episode :)
Let's watch, shall we?
...and we return to the dark jungles of Neverland.
Seriously. Why is this arc so damn DARK? It makes for good atmosphere, yes, but lousy GIFs and caps :/
Is there something wrong with me that I find that lantern David's holding kinda... hot? I don't know, it's just... old fashioned and rugged and outdoorsy and... I just find it really aesthetically pleasing, the way he’s holding it.
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Awwww, Hook got it a second later, but they barely showed it :(
"If Pan's camp keeps moving, how are we going to find Henry?" Gooooooood question.
Oh, so I guess that perilous ending of 3x01 with Pan’s ominous “Let’s play!” as the Lost Boys advanced on Henry was a baseless tease, after all. Here’s Henry sleeping peacefully under a tree, not even a bruise on him.
Henry: "I don't like apples." Pan: "Who doesn't like apples?" An excellent question.
"I call it target practice." So menacing, whilst holding a crossbow inches from Henry's face. SO OMINOUS!!!
There’s no way this will be another baseless tease or anything.
Hey, I recognize this castle from the time we were in the middle of bloody damnation and they decided to cut to another scene somewhere in another realm that was nowhere near as exciting and I almost threw my mouse through my monitor.
AKA: Rumple's old place.
Bae, something tells me if dear old dad had something to make a portal with just hanging out in his cabinets, he wouldn't have needed a big convoluted plan to turn Regina into a villain and have her cast a dark curse. Just, you know, spitballing here. Just having some thoughts. Just saying.
Awww... Roland <3 One of the tenets of Once fandom: Roland <3
Hahaha, Snow. "Have you even been listening?"
"I fear such an attempt would end in your death... and more importantly, mine." Another classic Hook line <3
Oh, Emma. You poor soul. "Tinkerbell?!" Hook: "What, you know her?" This shit’s hilarious.
Oh no. Sad Regina flashbacks. Feels incoming... D:
Go ahead, Rumple. Just invite yourself to dinner. Sure.
Rumple: "Roast swan, hehehe! That's amusing. You'll get that later."
"Snow White? That's her name? Even I think that's a bit precious, and mine's Tinkerbell." Haha :)
Regina: "She had my fiance killed." Well, that's not exactly how that happened, but... no, you know what, let's just go with that for now.
Oh, hey Regina, you dropped something...
Nevermind, some creepy woman in the jungle picked it up for you.
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What the hell is wrong with me?
Regina: *catches up* Regina: "Emma! There is another way..." Emma: "Is there?" Regina: "Magic!"
LMAO The way she says it, tho. It's like a late night infomercial salesman: 'It cooks, it cleans, it'll blow your freaking mind - it's magic!'
Someone please tell me that Regina suggesting magic was a meme in the fandom during S3, because if you lot weren't photoshopping her into everything everywhere with "What about MAGIC?!" speech bubbles, then you're all a disappointment to everything ever and I'm never speaking to any of you ever again.
Emma: "Didn't we just go through this?" Yeah, about five times per episode AND IT ONLY GETS FUNNIER
Regina: "You think it's the best plan because your boyfriend came up with it." Emma: "My boyfriend? HOOK?!"
Snow: "She just lost Neal." Regina: "Sorry." I'm just too perceptive for my own good.
Oh, gee. We're back with Pan and Henry. Oh no! Pan's poisoning the arrow! Felix is looking ominous! Henry's in big trouble n-
Oh. Henry's the one who's going to shoot the crossbow. So he's, uh, not in any danger at all, actually. Huh. Okay.
YES. Henry, good move. I mean, it didn't work out so well for you, but turning and firing at Pan really WAS a solid strategy.
Hook's still got the lantern. Oh wait, that's right, there's two of them, so he can always have the lantern.
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Seriously. What the hell, self?
Ooooh... Intense Captain Charming scene D:
Oh, fairy time, everybody!!
"You got big for no reason." That's what she said.
Blue: "I will be the judge of what is fairy-like!" SAYS WHO, BITCH
Was there a sale at the old timey lantern store or something? Does the director of this episode have a fetish for them? Is it maybe a thing after all?
You know, it IS a dick move to ask another dude to risk his son so you can go save yours, Neal.
Oh, shit. You're seriously going to play the "you owe me one because my dad saved your wife's life" card?! Technically, he didn't even SAVE Marian. Robin saved Marian and Rumple decided not to flat-out MURDER him for it. Not quite heroic. I don't think this dude owes you anything.
Emma: "What'd you do to her?" Ahahahahahaha, looks like Emma's perceptive too XD
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Regina: "What? Why would you assume I did something?"
This is the best Swan Queen scene ever. I just decided this right now xD
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Regina: "Okay. We have a complicated history."
Aww... "What the hell did you do to her?" "What I always do." T_T
Ahhhhh, the man with the lion tattoo...
Why does Tinkerbell run off, though? Haha, that's silly.
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Ooooooooh, Tinkerbell's a nasty little fairy... XD
Snow: “It's just a place to sleep.” Emma: “What would you know about that?” Like, have you not paid any attention to the last two seasons of this show, Emma?!
Okay, Hook, honey, you have to stop doing anything and everything, because the way you're sitting on that hammock is making me want to send a nasty little fairy after you.
I blame all these lanterns.
Regina bondage! Yay!
"About time you woke up." Bitch, you're the one who put her to sleep, and that was like, 5 minutes ago.
Regina: "How the hell did you get like this?" Tinkerbell: "I met you."
Regina: "You're a terrible fairy." Tinkerbell: "You didn't go in, did you?" EVERYBODY'S SO PERCEPTIVE IN THIS EPISODE
Pan: "Look at the fun they're having." Ummm... They're throwing knives at the ground. It's not even a target. It's the ground. It's everywhere. YOU CAN'T MISS IT.
Pan: "At one point, I had four boys with missing fingers. Cost of the game. They didn't mind." I mean, I would think they probably DID mind, at least a little...
Okay, follow me for a minute here. Peter Pan would actually make a great life coach. "You were created for a reason... and I can help you find it."
I mean, at least LOOK at it, Henry. Aren’t you even curious?!
Umm. Seriously? That's all it takes for a kid to summon a shadow? "I believe"?
Like, kids would be summoning them left and right on accident. At least have some kind of noun on that shit. "I believe in Neverland" or "I believe the Cubs will win the World Series again before I die." I mean, seriously.
Man, them shadows are creepy ass motherfuckers.
Well, here's a touching Robin and Roland and Mulan scene. Shame that Roland will NEVER SLEEP AT NIGHT AGAIN after seeing that creepy ass nightmare come to life. I mean, aside from the fact that he’s sleeping right now.
Also, wouldn't you at least put him to bed in another room or, at least, under a different window? Those fuckers COME BACK you know. We saw that last season, when they straight up STALKED the Darling family.
Dude. Mulan. Honey. You should've just told Aurora how you feel. I always kinda OT3ed you lot, anyhow. The “Left Behind in the Curse” Bang Train left 28 years ago and you were all on it.
I love how everyone's got their weapons at the ready and Hook just shoulders his sword and looks around non-chalantly, like "lovely weather we're having here in the jungle..."
Mmmm... The looks they give each other... TINKERHOOK LIVES :D
Yeah, there you go. Knew you'd look, kid. I mean, how could you not?!
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Hahaha, this is why you have to be careful with drone deliveries. They just drop your packages wherever they want to.
"Welcome home, Baelfire." You're not creepy at all, Felix. "Pan will be so happy to see you." I bet! The only thing that crazy motherfucker likes more than tormenting children and hot pirates is tormenting his own family members.
CS coconut scene <3
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...and that's a wrap!
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mysynthfetish · 5 years
Pedals, Predicaments, and Pain.
I ordered a pedal off eBay way back in maybe late October/early November last year. It seems forever ago. Anyway, here it is:
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The Harmonic Perkolator. It’s a clone of the pedal Steve Albini used, sorta part of his signature sound from a certain era. Anyway, the seller looked like he was legit, an electronics tech or engineer in Poland. Some reviews said shipping took forever and there was little or very slow communication. Couldn’t be THAT bad, could it? Heh. Yeah, it could, it really could. But, the pedals all looked very well constructed, and he uses high-quality parts, and the designs are pretty damn good so I took a chance. I’m still not sure if it was worth it after all I went through just to get this pedal. First, when I tried to buy it, I got a “seller may not ship to Japan” warning. So, I contacted him, and he got right back to me, saying it wouldn’t be a problem, shipping anywhere in the world is just 7 Euro, no big deal, let’s do business. Right. That should have set off alarms. 7 Euro shipping worldwide? That shit ain’t gonna arrive no time soon. It probably came over by canoe or something. I didn’t get the fucking thing until January! Waiting, waiting, waiting, trying to get a tracking number, not getting a response for days, and even then it was something like “postal worker put wrong classification on package. Simple problem. You get package soon. I have this problem before.” And that was like the second week of December or something. Anyway, it FINALLY arrived and I was like goddam, about fucking time! But then I plug it in and fooled with it, running synths and an SG copy I have here through it, and the results were, well, not what I expected, to put it nicely— Fucking bullshit to say how I really feel. First of all, I don’t hear any real change by twiddling the Harmonics knob. Maybe something is happening, but the change is so subtle that it is almost unnoticeable. Then there’s the Balance knob, which may be an error, having been labeled as Balance when it really works like a Volume knob. With the Balance all the way counterclockwise, you get no sound at all. I contacted the seller about this around January 7th, and I did get a rather quick reply stating “I will write you tomorrow,” only to never hear from him again. And to add insult to injury, the timeframe for me to review the transaction has expired, it seems, so I’m stuck with this great-looking, very well-constructed pedal that doesn’t seem to work the way I thought it would. Moral of this story? Buyer Beware. It’s the age of the internet, I know, and I buy shit online way more than in actual shops, but in cases like this I really wish I had a shop to go to and demand a refund.
custompedals_pl is the guy’s eBay thing. I had a look and there are no more pedals listed. Maybe someone got tired of his slow shit and paid him a visit. Damn shame. I could throw the fucking thing on the auction here and maybe recover my loss, but who knows. Not a happy camper about this experience.
In other news, I have been slowly building a pedal myself, a clone of Death By Audio’s Reverb Machine. I started gathering parts way back in November, figuring I’d have time over winter break to build the thing but then I got the flu so there went that idea. Here’s the strip board when I was finished soldering components:
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The big black marketed out area is where I put the reverb brick. All said and done, it may have cost me about $60 plus half a day’s worth of soldering and wiring and carrying on to get this done. Here it is after I’d assembled and tested it:
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Not bad looking, and maybe I shoulda left it alone at that stage. But I like to fuck around with stuff and personalize things and make them my own, so I took everything out and broke out the mini-anvil (really it’s a 4-inch-or-so long slice of a train rail, or at least that’s what it looks like, and it weighs a goddam ton) and the letter punch set I bought for cheap off amazon, and went to work. Here’s the final result:
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Weird lighting because an LED light was on, so the pedal has a weird color cast going on. From left to right the knobs are Mix, Death (decay, but feedback past 12 o’clock, it will self-oscillate and very angrily at that), Angst (drive, which goes from bass-erasing at zero to mild boomy oomph around 9 o’clock, all the way to distortion from noon onwards), and <O> which came out like that because I meant to stamp VOL but had the fucking V stamp rotated so it came out < and I was like OH GREAT WORK DIPSHIT! But anyway. Fuck. The Day/Night switch is something like light/dark on the original. Day gives a bright, shiny reverb that has lots of initial reflection-like delays, which Night darkens it up a bit and in combination with the Death and Angst knobs can yield a really dark, long, creepy reverb. I quite like this pedal, and am super happy that I was able to successfully build it. I should mention that the original pedal doesn’t have a Death (decay) knob, that was a mod someone on tagboardeffects suggested. That site is well worth checking out if you’re even curious about building a pedal clone yourself. Fantastic resource.
And now for the pain part. The other day my submixer sort of shat itself. Yay! I was using a Mackie MS1402-VLZ that I bought used off the auction here a few years ago. It’s always been kinda finicky, with left/right balance issues, and a VERY touchy/temperamental AUX 1 Master knob (it fucking loses its shit if you touch it but will remain calm if left alone). It works still, but it’s getting to the point that I have to fiddle with things to get them the way I want them, almost like having to bargain with the mixer and reach a compromise. No more of that shit, I decided to sell it and in the meantime I bought a mixer I used a while back but sold when space became an issue: the Soundcraft Spirit Folio Si 18-2. Here it is:
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I’m not all that picky about mixers. I have a wee Yamaha that I use as a sub-mixer for drum machines. I use a Mackie ProFX12 as my main mixer. And I need a sub-mixer that can handle multiple stereo inputs, preferably with sliders for channel volume, and with EQ and at least two Aux sends on each channel. This mixer does just that. Honestly, I almost wish they’d released a version that didn’t have any mono channels, just stereo channels. But this one is as close to what I want as I can get. It wasn’t all that expensive either, so at least I was able to sort of get back up and running within a few days of deciding I didn’t wanna deal with the 1402 and its flippancy anymore. Hehehe. Ah and anyway the soundcraft mixer sounds good, it’s quiet, and the EQs are a bit different from the other mixers so there’s a bit of spice there that adds to the overall flavor, if you get what I’m trying to say. The other funny thing is that right when all this was going on I get one of those notices on FaceButt “three years ago...” or whatever and it was a photo of when I first got one of these exact mixers. Strange how things work out sometimes.
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nickikpopart · 6 years
Backstory Part 2... New Year`s Eve
Happy New Year Everyone ;)
My writing partner @golden-kookmin in crime gave you a surprise yesterday with a lot of new plots. And i will give you something to sweeten your first Day of the New Year. I think some of you were waiting for it. So enjoy it. Oooh, and please be gentle with me. It was my first time writing this. 
Credit for a part in the beginning of the story goes to @golden-kookmin ;)
Warning!! Mature content ahead. If you not used to it don´t read it.
“Sweet New Years eve”
Others POV…
It was the first day of the New Year. Jimin was waking up at 10 am with two arms that were wrapped around him and holding him tidily. He moved a little and turned around to look at the sleeping face of the person he is falling in love with every day a little more. Jungkook looked so beautiful while sleeping, his hair hanging slightly over his eyes. Jimin started to think while looking at him. They hadn´t done it yet. Even they almost sleeping beside each other every night but the last days were so stressful and they didn´t had much time for each other. Jimin is mostly at Jungkooks place because it is more convenient for him, his work is near. He don´t wanted to wait any longer and thought it would be a nice idea to start the New Year with something sweet. 
short flashback...
"Honestly i like it that we are alone." said Jimin while hugging his Boyfriend. "I really thought that Jin and Tae would have liked to celebrate with us but i think i like it that way better." Jungkook said while holding him thight.
“Yeah, Tae didn´t saw his family in a while so i understand him and Jin, we will see him tomorrow and i think its nice that he is with Namjoon now, that gives me a good feeling. It´s kinda romantic. You and me alone here on the rooftop and its almost 12 am." Jimin is smiling while they were cuddling under the blanket.
“Hyung, only a  minute and it’s midnight. Let’s get up and start counting down!” He felt really excited. This was his first new year’s eve with Jimin and it gotta be the best one yet so far he had in his entire life. 
They both kept an eye on their phone. The countdown was about to start. “Ten….. Nine….. Eight….. Seven…. Six…… Five…. Four…… Three…… Two….One. Happy New Year!!!!”
As fireworks were starting to get off around them fro neighboring rooftops Jungkook pulled Jimin as close as possible before he leaned in to press his lips against Jimin’s; kissing him for the very first time in the new year. He was certain this upcoming year was going to be wonderful with such a great start like this. 
"Happy New Year my little Birdie." "Happy New Year Kookie"
Back to were we were.... 
He started caressing Jungkooks face with his fingertips. Jungkook was humming under his touch and open his eyes slowly and looked at Jimin.
“Good Morning Baby. What you doing?” Jungkook was sliding one hand over to Jimins waist and the other behind his neck. He pushed him down on his back started to kiss his cheeks first before crashing his lips on Jimins. First Jimin thought, was he reading my mind but then soon he let himself fall into it.  The kiss got more and more passionate. Jungkook was drawing soft circles on Jimins waist which made him moan softly. He bit on his bottom-lip which made Jimin gasp. He open his mouth and Jungkook took this as an invitation to slide his tongue inside. He felt that Jimins grip on his back tightened immediately, which would left bruises behind and to be honest he liked it. After some minutes of intense kissing they backed off to breath.
“Are you up to something?” Jungkook said while smiling. “Tell me.”
“Why not, you don´t want to?” Jimin asked still out of breath. “I can sense you are already up to something to.” Jimins raspy morning voice was so hot, Jungkook thought and he gasp as Jimin suddenly slighted his hand down over his already growing bulge. Jimin started palming him through his sweater pants and Jungkook let his hands sliding under his shirt to caressing the skin on his chest. Jimin moaned by the contact of Jungkooks hands with his skin. He pushed him away to take of his and Jungkooks clothes just let them in their boxers. Jungkook hovered over him and were press their bodies at each other, feeling the delicious friction between their legs which made both growling and moaning loudly.
“Jungkook-ah….” Jimin said whimphering. Jungkook started kissing him again down his jaw to his neck. When he found Jimins sensitive spot, he started sucking on it, which made Jimin moaning loudly again. He left some hickies around his neck and his collarbones.
“Oh god, how can someone, who looks so sweet letting out so sinful moans.” Jungkook was so fascinated by that. He learned some new sides of his Boyfriend. Jimin looked at him heavy breathing but smiling.
“This is just because, your tounge and your hands making me so crazy.” Jimin said while tucking at Jungkooks boxers to give him a sign to take them off. And Jungkook took the message fast. In one slide he took his and Jimins off. Now both naked Jungkook took a moment to admire his boyfriend’s body. Jimins shyness kicked in somehow and he hided his face behind his hands.
“Don´t hide your face from me, Baby. My god, you are so damn beautiful.” Jungkook said while wrapping again his arms around him and flipped them over, so that Jimin now were laying on his chest. He was looking deep in his eyes. Jimin saw so much love in his eyes, so he couldn´t hold himself back anymore.
“I…” Jimin thought if it would be the right time.
“Yeah… say it.” Jungkook seems to have a sense what he was about to say.
“I… I love you, Kookie.” There it was and it was honest and true.
“Wow… really.” Jungkook teased him a little which made Jimins smile almost gone. “I love you too, Jimin.” Jimin had tears in in eyes when Jungkook said it. It were happy tears. Jungkook kissed them away and were holding him even tighter now.
“Jungkook, do you allow me.” Jimin said while sliding his hand down to Jungkooks almost hard member started to move his hand up and down. Jungkooks gasp by the contact and Jimin started to kiss him down on his chest leaving some beautiful hickes and more further until he reached his inner thighs. Jungkooks grip in the sheets tightened when jimin started licking down his shaft, up until he reached his slit. Jungkook was a moaning mess when Jimin took him full in his mouth and started to boob up and down. He grabbed softly into jimins hair to guide him along his member.
“Jiminie, Baby… huhhhhh… ahhhh. Please don´t stop.” Jungkook felt the heat rising in his stomach. Jimin felt it to but he had other plans. He wanted to feel him whole. So he stopped soon when he felt Jungkooks climax was near. Jungkook whined by the loose of the warm contact.
“What you doing? Why you stopped?” Jungkook looked at him with his puppy eyes, pouting.
“I want to feel you Jungkook. Please, I want you inside me.” Jimin grinding with his chest over Jungkooks hard member and sliding up until he could look in his eyes. He started kissing him again. Jungkook still panting were holding him while flipping them over so that Jimin now were laying under him.
“As you wish.” He said while taking off one hand to take the lupe and a condom out of the nightstand. He putted a little amount of lupe on his fingers and started push one finger into Jimins entrance. Jimin arched his back by the first contact but adjusted fast when Jungkook started to move his finger in and out.
“Tell me when it hurts you, ok!” Jungkook said softly while putting a second finger inside to stretch him out.
“Uhuuuuu… hmmm. It´s ok. You can go on.” Jimin really enjoyed Jungkooks hands. It gave him already a warm feeling and he felt pleasured. After some time, Jungkook thought Jimin were ready so he was about to open the condom package, but Jimin stopped him.
“No, please. I want to feel you. I trust you.” Jungkook looked into Jimins eyes to make sure he really want it.
“Do you really… Is it ok?” He was still unsure about it. "It´s my first time and i want to do it right."
“Yes it is. Don´t worry, ok Kookie.  Now come and show me how much you love me.” Jimin smirked and Jungkook waisted no time anymore. He putted an amount of lupe on his hand and let it slighting up and down on his hard one, while his other hand were softly caressing Jimin inner tighs which made him shiver.
"Kookie please, i want you inside me." Jimin was whinning because he couldn´t bear it anymore. Jungkook settle himself inbetween Jimins legs and started to lining up himself inside him. While he let Jimin adjust to his not so small size, he kissed him to distracted him from the pain he might cause him.
"Are you ok, Baby? Tell me when you ready." Jungkook said softly into Jimins ear after nibbling on his earloop which send shiver through Jimins body.
"I´m ready, Bunny. You can move." Jimin said giggeling.
"Bunny... huh." Jungkook looked surprised. "It´s kinda cute.. i like it."
"Hehe... hey, can you..." Jimin giggled, still waiting for Jungkook to move on with what they started.
"Oh, hehehe... Yeah." Jungkook smirked and started to move in and out which let Jimin arching his back and moaning loudly. Jimins moans were music to Jungkook ears and he wanted to hear more.
"Bunny, faster please." Jimin said whimpering and moaning. Jungkook fasten up and he knew he hitted the right spot when Jimin had let out a high pitch moan. He worked on there which made Jimin into a whimpering mess. Jungkook was looking at him the whole time, while Jimin had closed his eyes and moaned loudly. Jungkooks groans got louder to when he felt his climax building up. Jimin was about to come soon too because he tightend around him.
"Bunny, i´m ... ahhh.. " Jimin couldn´t hold it in any longer.
"Baby, come for me." Jungkook said while keeping his pace fast and steady. And both came with a long moan inbetween seconds. Jungkook was riding out their orgasm and was falling onto Jimins chest arms wrapped around him. Jimin was panting hard but his hands found its way around Jungkooks neck and into his hair stroking it softly. After some minutes Jungkook pulled out of Jimin and let himself falling beside him. Jimin whined a little at the lose but was happy.
"Hey...." he said while turning to the side to look at his still heaving breathing boyfriend.
"Hey, how do you feel?" Jungkook ask while turning to him. "Wow... this was... amazing. Your voice is so... soo.. sexy."
"Ahhh, Kookie. Don´t make me blush." Jimin was covering his face with his hands. "And yes it was really amazing."
"What... awwhhh, you are so cute. Don´t hide your face ok." Jungkooks took Jimins hand to make him look at him. "Come her." He said while pulling him into his arms.
"Kookie, we need to clean up." Jimin said while grabbing the tissues from the nightstand. After the cleaning Jungkook put the blanket over them. Jungkook pulled Jimin into a tight hug. He looked at Jimin and kissed him softly. It was a kiss full of Love and happiness.
"I love you my little birdie." "I love you to Bunny." 
Suddenly, the phone beeped. Jungkook grabbed his phone and looked at the message he got from Jin and he chuckled. How could he forget that, but yeah you know... how could he not after what happen some minutes ago... he was smiling by that thought.
"Hey were are you both? You wanted to come over for lunch." "Sorry hyung, i explain later..."
To be continued...
HOW TO DRAW LOVE AU ( 15-16/? )
Jimin follows a well known artist on Facebook; not knowing it is Jungkook; a boy he met two years ago and fell for despite being in a relationship. Jungkook suddenly disappeared on him without saying why and left Jimin with a lot of “what ifs”.
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I was a product tester for an app similar to Uber.
Isn’t it funny how getting into cars with strangers is fine now because our phones tell us it’s okay? You and your drunk girlfriends need a lift home at 3am and taxis are far too expensive – don’t worry! Dave will swing by in 5 minutes and pick you up in his own car! I get it, it’s heavily regulated and such, and to be honest, I’ve never heard of anything really dark happening to people who use Uber, myself included. So when I was contacted via LinkedIn to be a product tester for a new type of app, dubbed the “Uber for impulsive decision makers” I thought, “Cool, why not?’
Firstly, I had a meeting with the people who were creating the app. We talked over coffee and they just asked me a few, casual routine questions. It almost felt like a quiz. “How often do you travel?” “Do you plan in advance or do things last minute?” “On a scale of one to ten, how whimsical would you rate yourself?” They were a young man and woman who were very down to earth with that geeky side to them, really nice people. After our coffee chat, we parted ways and they told me they’d call in a few days. Well, a few days went by and I didn’t receive any calls or emails. I figured I wasn’t successful but I always got disgruntled when people didn’t follow up to let me know.
It was during a rather uneventful shift at the office that I received a phone call from a number I didn’t recognise. “Hello Cherie speaking.” “Hi Cherie! My name’s Tom and I work with Bella and Johan, who I believed you met about a week ago regarding the new ride sharing app?” “Oh, hi Tom. Yes, I did meet with them. I never heard anything back though.” “Yes, apologies for not getting back to you sooner. We’ve been really busy with the startup the past week and have only just got around to calling our successful product testers, of which you are one of them! We hope you’re still interested?” “Oh! That’s excellent! Yeah of course I am. What do I need to know?” “Great Cherie, just great. Well, I’ll email you a little more information and an acceptance form that I need you to fill out. Once you get that back to me, we’ll be able to set you up for a product test!” “Okay, sounds great.” “Excellent, bye!”
That was the first time my stomach twinged with apprehension, but of course, I ignored my gut and waited for the acceptance form to come through. I clicked it open and whoa – for a seemingly cool job I’d have done for a free meal, they were offering a decent sum of money. Kinda weird, but eh, maybe those founders were just cashed-up rich kids that wanted to start hype early by offering decent pay packages to their team members. I definitely wasn’t gonna complain. I hastily read the generic terms and conditions, signed and sent it back to Tom. As I clicked send, my gut twinged again. This time, I brushed it off as hunger and went to lunch.
I never received confirmation back from Tom regarding my acceptance form. But the next day I received a link to download the app. I did so, and my phone seemed to work as fine as before, so no nasty surprises there. The app didn’t have a name yet, it had just been named Test App 345 and had a slightly less slick design and layout than Uber. However, there was no Request Ride option. There weren’t any options at all. Just a map screen that had a pin at my current position. I pondered over this for about 5 minutes, waiting to see if anything was still loading, but when nothing happened, I closed the app and got ready for bed.
I awoke at 1am from a notification sound on my phone. Test App 345 shone at me through the darkness. The notification simply read, “You’ve got a ride request”. What? I was 100% sure I signed up to be a rider, not a driver. I opened the app to read a little more text, but I was still in a state of confusion. “A driver nearby has requested to take you somewhere!” Ummm…okay? Was this how the app worked? Oh, wait. The Uber for the impulsive decision-maker, duh! Suddenly it made sense – they were hiring drivers to take people on mystery drives. Cool concept? Of course. Seedy as fuck though? Definitely. I thought about the payoff, and quickly put on a jumper and jeans. This was dumb, but a kind of excitement took over me. I hit accept on the app.
I went outside to see a car pulled up right out front. The street was eerily silent and the night was still. The only thing that interrupted the quiet was the low hum of the engine. I walked up to the window and tried to make out a face. A man put the passenger window down and waved as I approached. “Um, Cherie?” “Y..yeah, that’s me.” “I’m sorry dude, 1am wasn’t my idea, but that’s kinda how the app works apparently. I’m Norman, by the way.” So far, Norman seemed normal enough, so I opened the car door and hopped in. “Well, nice to meet you Norman. So you can see my name on the app, but I can’t see yours?” “Yeah, I’m not sure whether that’s because of the whole surprise factor, or a prejudice thing. I probably know as much as you. Basically, I get a notification that tells me when to get in my car and then I’ll sit and wait until a rider accepts the drive request. Guess you were the only person up.” “Hmm, interesting. How many people are testing it at the moment, do you think?” “No clue, but I’m really fascinated by the concept.” “Yeah, it seems pretty cool. Kinda weird though, no control over when you drive though…” “I like to think that’s part of the beauty. Keeps things interesting, especially for young people who aren’t creative enough to think of things to do or places to go anymore. It’s like an adventure with a stranger.” “Huh, guess I didn’t think about it like that.”
We drove and chatted for a long time. The whole time neither of us checked the time, or found nothing to talk about. We just drove around, talking and admiring the lights of the city while Norman followed the randomised GPS route on his phone. To be honest, it was one of those few movie-perfect moments in my life to date. Test App 345 was a really cool concept.
We started heading south of the city when I first questioned where we were going. “Umm, I’m not too sure, but the GPS says we’re about 10 minutes away from the destination.” “How well do you know this area?” “I have a few friends who live down around here, but I’m not too sure where we’re stopping. Nervous?” “I’m not too sure how I feel right now. Nervous excitement, maybe? I mean, I’m not hacked up in someone’s shed right now so, so far so good.” Norman let out a nervous laugh. “Oh shit, I’m sorry Norman! That probably sounded a little messed up. Geez, it’s kinda easy to forget you’re a total stranger when we’ve been night-driving and talking for the past 30 minutes.” “Heheh, yeah I get you. I’m nervous excited too.”
Eventually we pulled up at the end of a fairly run down cul-de-sac. There were no houses on the end, just a small field leading down towards a creek. We turned to look at each other with apprehension in our eyes. It gave me comfort knowing he looked as confused as me. He turned off the car and said, “Okay Test App 345, what now?” The silence was so thick you could almost pour it over yourself. Suddenly, we had nothing to talk about. I stared out into the grassy field and looked out my window. The street was still and black. I checked the time. 2:17am.
The sudden BING from Norman’s phone made us both jump. He read the notification out loud. “A driver is waiting for you to accept their ride request.” He turned to me and mouthed “what?” to which I simply shrugged. “Adventure Phase 2? What do I do, though? I haven’t received anything, my app still says ‘With Norman’.” “Maybe, we’re supposed to go together.” “Well, I sure as hell aren’t staying in your car until you come back.” “Yeah, fair call. Okay, I’m accepting the request.”
Within 5 minutes, a car turned into our street and pulled up next to us. I had to keep reminding myself that nothing bad had happened so far, but it wasn’t doing anything for my nerves. The new car’s window lowered. “Hey guys, I’m Dean.” We slowly got into his car and began the next part of this ‘adventure’. I’m not sure whether it was my growing nervousness or the sleep I was losing, but I started worrying for my safety. Either way, we drove and talked, all three of us. Dean was nice enough as well; we all discussed the weirdness of the app, how we were contacted to be a part of it and what we were getting in return. “Yeah man,” said Dean, “as a uni student, I’m happy to accept anything!” he pulled out a card and flashed it. It was a $50 gift card to Coles. “I’ll be able to actually buy real vegetables for a change! Hahah.” “Hahaha right on! I got one of those too!” Okay…the guys got $50 Coles gift cards? And they already had been payed. I wasn’t sure how to respond when they asked me if I got one too. “Uh..yeah, heh. I left it at home.” Their voices faded away as my head filled with the sound of my own heartbeat. That gut twinge had become a heavy rock, sending my stomach down in an instant. I couldn’t figure out why they would offer a rider so much more than the drivers for this test. The rest of the drive was an indefinite blur. Before I knew it, we were parked outside my house and silence fell again.
“Well, um, I guess this means it’s the end of my trip?” BING. This time it was my phone that sounded. I read the notification from Test App 345 slowly: “Invite Dean and Norman inside for coffee.” Even though these guys had both been super chill so far, I’d known them for a whole 2 hours. This was crossing a line with me. “What’s it say?” “Um, it says ‘Thanks for testing the app’. I guess that means bed time for me. I actually really had  fun with you guys tonight-“ B-BING. Both of their phones lit up in unison and they looked down to check. They looked at each other and back at me with apprehension. “What? What’s it say?” “Uhh, Cherie, it says you’re lying.” I let out a slow breath. My throat was closing up and I honestly felt scared. What the fuck was this? I was sick of this fucked game, so I decided to do what I should have done earlier. “Okay guys, it’s telling me to invite you into my house for coffee. But to be honest, that just makes me really uncomfortable. You guys have been cool, but I don’t know you. I just can’t let you in to my house…” “Hey, Cherie, I totally get it. I agree, that is a little weird.” “Yeah, I mean, I signed up to drive people around and that’s it. Nobody told me anything about going into stranger’s houses.” I was so thankful that they agreed with me. “Yeah, I think this is enough weirdness for me. I reckon I’m just gonna go right ahead and delete the app.” Then, all of our phones went off. We unlocked them, and a timer appeared, counting down from 25. “What the fuck?” With each depleting number, the ticking sound became…uglier, more hostile. We all sat, frozen, staring at our screens. “What should we do?” asked Norman. I was trying to control my emotions, but the frantic, loud ticking was making things difficult. “Fuck it, just come up and make this stop!”
We were all inside my apartment by the time the timer counted down. Shaken and panicked, we all looked around at each other. I immediately fumbled for the light switch and bathed us all in an off-yellow glow. “Look guys, I’m sorry, this is the weirdest fucking night-“ BING. “UGH, WHAT NOW? Jesus Christ, ‘Make them some coffee’. Okay guys, I’ll put on some coffee. Can we talk about how weird this is please?” “Fuck, if I knew this is what it’d be like, I wouldn’t have done this. I’m just as in the dark as you two. Norman, you met Bella and Johan didn’t you?” Norman turned to Dean, “Yeah, just as you did. And you met up with them too, Cherie?” “Yup, almost two weeks ago.” Dean looked pensive for a second, then said, “What did they look like?” “Well, Bella was a redhead – short hair with glasses. Johan had dark features, and he was very well-dressed.” Suddenly Norman piped up, “That doesn’t sound like who I met at all. When I met them about three weeks ago, Bella was blonde and tanned, Johan was also really blonde and tanned.” “And four weeks ago the Bella and Johan I met with were twins.”
We stared at each other, disbelievingly. I had had enough of these mind games, it wasn’t worth the price anymore. “I’m gonna try calling Tom. Right now. The guy who sent out the acceptance forms.” I searched back through my calls and came across the number. It rang for about half a second before a robotic lady told me the number had been disconnected. “Fuck! The number’s disconnected.” “Okay you’re doing nothing for my nerves, Cherie. Are one of you in on this?” Dean looked as agitated as I felt. Norman shook his head rapidly. “Dean, Norman. For the sake of everyone’s nerves. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that if either of you haven’t tried anything really fucked up yet, then it’s safe to say that you’re both as confused and worried as I am at this point.” Dean regarded me suspiciously, but he nodded, if only for the false hope of believing I was not a threat. My apartment filled with the sound of bubbling water and I prepared the coffee in silence. Nobody’s phone rang or buzzed.
Read Part 2
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