#he's risking absolutely everything on a gamble
flyboytracy · 2 years
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merakiui · 1 month
If I- if I may be so bold and share An Aventurine Thought™ that includes a breeding kink (or at least baby trapping)… 👀 (spoiler-free!)
Aventurine is a high-stakes, high-return gambling guy, yet at the same time he doesn’t make deals that don’t pay off. (info taken directly from his official description) He’s willing to risk it all, but the price you’ll have to pay is just as high.
So he offers you a deal: let him do it raw just for one night and if you don’t fall pregnant after that, he’ll disappear out of your life. But in the case that you do become pregnant, you’ll marry him and will be forever his.
Sounds straightforward, and the chances are obviously in your favor (20% risk of pregnancy), so you agree to it.
What you did not consider is that “one night” does not mean one single time, so now you’re getting railed and creampied nonstop all night long. 😈 Ooorrrr maybe he whisks you away onto a planet where night is permanent so that “one night” literally lasts forever. OR he pretends to play fair on that particular night, but unbeknownst to you, he’s been noncon’ing you in your sleep for weeks now, and he absolutely will continue to do so on all following nights. Gotta make sure his seeds take, right?
Either way, there’s no doubt your pregnancy test will come out positive. Aventurine knows that, but you don’t. And aww, aren’t you the cutest when your initial confidence slowly dwindles to uncertainty and nervous “what if?”s over the coming weeks? 🥰
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uuuwuwaaaa it pains me that I cannot articulate my thoughts in full without risking being ooc. </3 but omg this is everything and more!!!!! Aventurine watches you go from being so very confident to so very scared as the weeks pass and your period has yet to show and you start feeling more and more sick. Time to start looking into rings, dearest. Time to start looking for venues. Do you have any preferences? Just let him know and it shall be yours. <3 no need to look so disheartened. You agreed to this, after all. It's completely fair, and seeing as he's won this little gamble it's time for you to come to terms with your loss. Complain all you want; a deal is a deal, darling.
He's excited to plan the wedding with you, even more so when it comes time for you to pick a wedding dress. Of course you'll have to take into account the fact that, by the time it's finally the day of the big ceremony, you'll likely be so heavily pregnant. The dress may seem spacious now, but you'll grow into it. :)
And by then he's sure all of your vitriol towards him will have withered away into something soft and sweet.
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david-talks-sw · 2 months
No, George Lucas is not a "traitor"
You may have seen angry tweets and thumbnails such as these, in the last few days.
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Context - Disney is going through a proxy battle, and George Lucas sent out a statement that read as follows:
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So immediately, all the grifting influencers who based their entire platform around the narrative that "Kathleen Kennedy & Disney betrayed Lucas' legacy" banded together and agreed that the new line was:
"Fuck George Lucas, he betrayed us and betrayed himself. Lucas sided with his own abusers!"
Here's why this line of thought is absolutely childish and uninformed.
1- Get real, he's a shareholder, of course he'll say this.
I don't need to expand on this, do I?
He owns stock. Someone threatens your money, you defend the money. The question becomes: why does he think that sticking with Disney CEO Bob Iger will result in more profit than siding with?
Variety theorizes that it may be because Nelson Peltz has admitted that he has no media experience. 
And if that's the case? I'm not surprised at all, because...
2- George has always hated amateur studio execs
The following is me simplifying a lot... but George's relationship with studios has never been a good one.
When he was working at American Zoetrope, with Francis Ford Coppola, they were commissioned to adapt George's short film into a feature, THX-1138. The studio execs didn't like it and forced Francis to refund them the money (which is why he agreed to direct The Godfather, to get out of debt).
Moving on to American Graffiti (1973). When George writes Graffiti, he shops it around to studios and they all essentially told him to go fuck himself.
"American Graffiti went around to every single studio twice and they all said, "It's not a movie, there's no story, and there are no movie stars in it." And Star Wars— it was, "What in the world is this? Wookiees and robots? I don't get it." [...] It'd be hard to make a movie [like American Graffiti or Star Wars] today in the system because all these middle management people get in there and interfere in the process. I think that's much worse for filmmakers than it's ever been in the past." - Star Wars Insider #43, 1999
Except Universal. But throughout the process they're being irritants.
They object to the title because they don't know what it means.
The president is convinced it's a bad movie to a point where when he sees audiences cheer for it in test screenings, he argues they're paid actors.
They force Lucas to trim 5 minutes out of the film. Why? Just because.
This approach the studio execs were taking comes from the fact that none of them were artists. At this point in time, studios had been and were being bought by corporations who thought they could make a quick buck in the movie business.
Eg: Warner Bros wasn't run by the Warner brothers anymore. Paramount was now a subsidiary of Gulf+Western.
So when he's receiving notes, they're coming from - you guessed it - amateurs who think they know what they're talking about, but in reality have no clue. They did market research and think they know everything.
This subject is covered in The Offer (2022), a series about the making of The Godfather (reeeeally good show, I watched it twice).
In this scene, for example, you have a studio exec with no artistic sense whatsoever trying to tell Coppola which poster he should go with, and you get the idea of what I mean.
(Fun fact, a young George Lucas even makes a cameo in the pilot episode, in Coppola's office.)
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George also went into this subject during his 2015 interview with Charlie Rose.
It's a 4-minute clip, so here's the relevant bit:
"[Big corporations are] known for being risk averse. And movies are not risk averse. Every single movie is a risk, a big risk, like... The movie business is exactly like professional gambling... except you hire the gambler. You use some crazy kid with long hair, you give him $100 million and you say "go to the tables and come back with $500 million." That is a risk! Now, the studios have been going to think of it that way, they say: "well, maybe if we told him that he couldn't bet on red, maybe if we told him because we did market research and we've realized that red wasn't" -- so they tried minimize their risk. [...] They're basically corporate types. They think-- some of the worst things happens when they think they know how to do it, then they start making decisions that ensure it's not going to work. " - Charlie Rose, CBS This Morning, 2015
Now, ironically, this is the same interview in which he compared Disney to "white slavers", but clearly he was still smarting from his own ideas for the Sequels having been ignored.
But considering how little a fuck he gave about those Star Wars films once they came out and how often he visits the now visits sets of like Ahsoka and The Mandalorian, I think he's over it.
Again, this doesn't align with some Star Wars influencers' narrative that "he's fuming, he hates these movies, he feels betrayed and angry!" But if you ask me, he likely couldn't care less, and dubbing Disney his "abusers" is giving them waaay too much credit.
He made his movies, told the story he needed to tell and is now probably just enjoying his retirement, raising his daughter and putting together his museum, part of which is possible because of the money Disney keeps generating for him, as an investor.
So it doesn't surprise me one bit that George Lucas, of all people, to side with the Devil he knows rather than the amateur exec, because the latter is a painful road he knows all too well.
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littlelodell · 7 months
Oh this is long and mostly just rambling.
Well it's been a weekend to remember here in the Good Omens fandom. Just when I think I'm ready to surrender my obsession just a little, set it aside, take a deep, deep breath, so I can come back to rediscover them, the story of the longest slow build love story in the history creation, of a fussy, bitchy, beautiful angel and an almost too searingly hot, ridiculous and deceptively good demon; a group of the two of them; a complete circle, just when I think.
GO is so silly, so howlingly funny - joyous, really and sumptuous to look at. It's layered and lush with references and meaning. They swing at every joke. Take every pun opportunity. Our stars and guest-stars are allowed to be and look ridiculous and fabulous. It is a fantasy world, in fact. But in that final fifteen, shit just gets so so real. There's no more silly. No more jokes. It's as emotionally real as any conversation you or I have had - that make or break, life changing moment, offering yourself, gambling for a possible future, making a case when there are absolutely no guarantees, no turning back, where everything from now on will be different but it's a moment where the real risk is in not taking the chance at all. That scene was a shift in tone from the rest of the series, and it was some of the best acting I've seen from David Tennant. He's almost unrecognizable - he's DT but he is Crowley. Jawline sharper, body all coiled springs and potential, explosive energy. And Michael, Michael, Michael. Aziraphale; defensive, naive, pliant, desirous...he really broke our hearts through Michael's choices. The fingers pressed to his lips - the first time I watched it all unfold I don't think I breathed. And like many of you, at least some small piece of me is still with them there in that bookshop.
I have no point to make, other than I'm grateful for all of the other unhinged maniacs in this fandom (up to and including Michael Sheen), and for an imperfect place to put my random thoughts tonight, before I lay down my head.
Can't wait to see what the days before us hold.
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fanfoolishness · 10 months
I've been meaning to dive into how much I love Cal and Cere's tension, and their relationship, in Fallen Order. It's so well-written and well-acted, and I love how much both of them grow throughout their time together. Buckle in, folks, this is a long one!
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Here, Cal's just been rescued by the Mantis crew after being kidnapped to fight the Haxion Brood. This is something he has every right to be furious at Greez about. Greez's gambling debts led the Brood to put out bounties on him, and when they couldn't get him, they snagged a kid who just happened to fall into Greez's orbit. Cal and BD-1 were both at risk of losing their lives for Greez's mistakes. While Greez is appropriately apologetic, Cal barely even pays attention. He stares at Cere, his shoulders slumped, expression barely hiding his hurt.
He's still reeling from what he learned on Zeffo the day before. From who he learned it from.
The Second Sister cornered and nearly killed him, goading him about being a weak Padawan, about Jaro Tapal. But she also revealed that she was Cere's former Padawan, that Cere had lied to Cal, and that Cere was responsible for what had happened to Trilla.
This devastates Cal.
He holds it together as much as he can. While still on Zeffo, he allows himself a moment of real vulnerability, asking quietly, "Cere, why didn't you tell me?" But by the time he's rescued from the Brood, that vulnerability shifts into disappointment and a desperate hope that somehow Trilla was lying to him.
I love what they do with him here. He's sarcastic. Angry. "I had a nice chat with the Second Sister." He waits a second to drop the bomb. "Trilla." This is Cal Kestis at his most teenaged, snarky and hurt and venomous. He still keeps it reeled in -- he did grow up a Jedi, after all, he's not gonna cuss her out or anything absurd like that -- but he's so human here, and so young.
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There's that desperate hope. He asks Cere if it's true, if she really betrayed Trilla to the Empire.
But Cere, for her part, can't go there yet. How she can explain to this traumatized Padawan whose connection to the Force is still so fragile, that not all masters sacrificed themselves for their Padawans? How can she admit it to herself? She tries to deflect and to tell Cal that Trilla would do anything to compromise their mission, because she can't yet say "Yes. I tried to protect her, and I failed, and she paid the price." Because who can just say that? Who can take a look at the lowest they have ever been and stare at it with the cold light of honesty and say yes, the bad things you've heard about me are absolutely true? And imagine trying to do that when you're also trying to make amends, to move forward, to protect other children -- and you know that that protection starts right here, right now, with this one boy, and you've got to do anything you can to earn his trust?
So she deflects, and avoids saying anything of substance, and Cal's having none of it.
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Check the subtitle here. We got the ?! in the house!!! Cal has to know, how can she not know how important this is? Because now that he's off Bracca, the safety valve's gone. He's got to do something of meaning now, got to help people the way he should have been doing all along. His own survival? Fine. Who needs it now. If he can just do something meaningful, if he can just keep someone else from having to go through what he did, then by the Force he's going to do it. Once in motion a Cal Kestis in motion must stay in motion, for the alternative is terrifying.
"Is it true?!" and he doesn't know what to think about the former Jedi before him, if he can trust anything she'd told him so far, if she'll protect him if the time comes, if she'll give in to the Empire again. He's pissed off and wounded and scared. Cere and Trilla's relationship has nothing to do with him and everything to do with him.
And Cere just acquiesces that Trilla was her apprentice, and Cal snaps, "You should have told me."
They don't get any more time to deal with it, because Kashyyyk needs them.
If you keep having Cal and Cere interact after this point, Cal is noticeably brittle. Cere tries to apologize, but Cal has thrown up his walls, deciding that fine, this is how it is now, and the trust they were starting to share is over. He doesn't want to talk about it when Cere tries to bring it up... but he lets Greez see how hurt he still is. That's safer than trying to talk to Cere about it directly.
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Compare Cal asking why she couldn't tell him, and sharing how he feels like she broke their sense of being a team...
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... To Cal's response after Cere admits she should have told him the truth from the beginning. That's what he said earlier that he wanted, but here, he's having none of it. It's too hard to get into with her. He's too afraid of what he'll find if they're really honest at this point, so he tries to shift the focus back to the mission. Things are broken between him and Cere, fine, but they can still do their work. He clings to that. As hurt as Cal is, he knows what they're doing still makes sense, and he still wants to fight against the Empire. If he has to do that with someone he can't trust, well, so be it.
And Cere understands. Despite her fear of going into the truth, she knows she's the one with greater wisdom and experience here. She doesn't tell him he's being a petulant child about something that has nothing to do with him, or tell him he needs to get over it. If she can't be fully honest with him, not yet, she does an admirable job of being otherwise open and accepting of his feelings. She knows he'll either come around, or he won't, and all she can do is offer the space for him to do so.
By the end of the second Kashyyyk mission, Cere's hoping that enough time has passed that maybe Cal's ready to hear more. Perhaps she's also guilty that Trilla went after him again, and that the Ninth Sister also put Cal's life in danger. Whatever the reason, she tries to reach out to him again. She gives more explanation that she has so far, and you can see just how difficult this is for her. All three characters are acted so well here -- Greez awkwardly in the middle putting way too much salt on his food, Cere's halting explanation, and Cal's completely closed off body language. H
ell, we practically even get an eye roll from him. Yeah. This dude's still a teenager.
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...but one who's acting this way out of hurt, and out of not knowing/being afraid to know the whole story. Once you know everything that happened to Cere and Trilla, it's not wrong to want to shake Cal and tell him to be more understanding! They were in an impossible situation! There was no way to win and they both lost!
But he doesn't know that, and at this point, it's easier -- less painful for him -- not to know. So he tells Cere it's okay, but the message is, I don't want to hear it. He's been thinking about it all along when he goes off on his missions, and he's come to the conclusion that yeah, Cere probably did the best she could, there's no point dwelling on it, and that's good enough to go on with the mission. It's fine. (He's fine.)
And then we get... Dathomir and Kujet's Tomb, and all of Cal's efforts to move forward in the Force, to be strong when Cere let him down, to focus on the mission, it all goes to hell.
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Suddenly Cal's the one overwhelmed by regret and self-blame. He's forced to examine his own darkest day, and when confronted with it, he falls apart. He's heartbroken all over again and convinced that what happened to Master Tapal was entirely his own fault, even though Cere tries to absolve him by telling him the truth, that he was just a child. Cal can't hear a thing she's saying.
Both actors here are so, so good. Cal is scared and small and a hurt, grieving child so desperate to find a sense of control about what happened that he blamed himself. His voice breaks, he hunkers down into himself, he holds his ruined lightsaber as tight as he can. And Cere finally lets the poison spill out, the self-hatred she's been carrying so long, she gets down on his level and manages to say everything she's been holding in. It comes out in a frantic, breathless rush, and honestly, both of them bring tears to my eyes in this scene.
So she's finally open. Finally lays it all out. What happened to her, how she used the dark side, how she failed both Trilla and herself.
More importantly, both for herself and for Cal, she reveals how she kept going. How she found a new hope. How she decided that this was not the end of her story.
Now we see what Cere was like as a Jedi truly. She's compassionate, but commanding. She instructs Cal to get up. Tells him he's going to make a new lightsaber. That it isn't over. That he can move on. He just has to take the first step.
And Cal wipes the tears from his eyes, and nods, and he believes her.
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The lesson stays with him. He always was a fast learner. He goes to Ilum and rebuilds his lightsaber, goes to Dathomir and confronts his past again and this time succeeds. He learns that failure is not the end, but a part of the path. He starts to thaw towards Cere, grateful that she didn't turn away from him when he fell to his lowest and confessed what had happened to Master Tapal.
Then Trilla confronts him on Bogano, and he sees what happened first hand.
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The entire sequence is gutting. Trilla's fear and agony are palpable, and Cere's devastation -- both emotional and dark side -- are so painful to see. Cal's utterly overwhelmed by it, sent into a partial seizure from the intensity of the flashback. (That dazed expression afterward sure looked post-ictal to me.) And when he gets back to the Mantis, bereft a Holocron, instead of telling Cere the next thing they need to do for the mission....
Cal Kestis halts everything because he has to apologize.
He wastes no time. He tells Cere immediately he saw what they went through. He says "I'm so sorry." And he takes responsibility for his own behavior, that arrogance that he clung to that told him he would never fail someone that way.
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The thing is, Cere was comfortable never hearing this apology from him. She had started making peace with it, ever since Dathomir, with what she had done. She never expected him to empathize like this, but hearing it must have been such a powerful, emotional feeling. It's only after Cal apologizes and makes things right between them that he goes forward to discuss what happened to the Holocron and what they need to do next.
When it's Cere who takes the news hard, who blames herself... look who's there, reflecting his master's teachings right back at her. He tells her that mistakes are in the past, that they're in this together, that she won't be going after the Holocron alone; he even reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder, starting to grow from a mentee to an equal, to someone who can support her as she's been supporting him.
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Seeing how Cal lifts Cere up during her darkest time, both here on the Mantis and later in Nur, as a reflection of what she did for him after Dathomir... I could scream about it, okay??? In fact I have been screaming about it! Right here! In this post! For several thousand words!!! Just seeing these two respect each other! Care for each other! Lift each other up!!! I can't even with it! They have both grown SO MUCH!
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and then she KNIGHTS HIM and my heart just bursts with pride at how far they've both come, Cere finally embracing the Force again, Cal kneeling to accept a Knighthood he thought he would never, ever see....
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you can't tell me he wasn't tearing up here. I saw how bright they made his eyes look in this split second. YOU CAN'T FOOL ME. Damn, I wish I could gif the little looks on his face right at this moment, because you can see so many emotions wash over him. Cameron Monaghan over here just exploding my heart. This kid!!!
anyway, I think that's all I've got. Just... CAL AND CERE! They mean a lot to me, okay???
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steampoweredwerehog · 11 months
So I might be just a little bit enamored with warren. I've been rotating him in my mind.
I couldn't help but notice you said that his transformation back to Pillar Forme would happen in a city.
But do other residents of Prahd, like, know about him? Obviously Raleigh knows, but is it common knowledge? Or is he "just some guy" to most of the populace?
Is the sanity of other aliens also at risk?
(If that's the case, then a city would be a particularly bad place for that to happen)
His existence is not common knowledge, no. The few folks who’ve met him still don’t know WHAT he is. He’s perfectly happy to be “just some guy” to the people of Prahd. The existence of unfathomable gods IS common knowledge to galactic society, but most folks don’t know there’s been one watching/curating Prahd since the beginning. At most some speculate abt folktales of “The Warden.” The only folks who know everything are Raleigh, her late mother, & a tiny race of creatures who worship him cuz he accidentally showed himself centuries ago. He hates it & its hilarious.
-The other aliens were absolutely at risk. Queen made a reckless gamble; neither of them knew if Warren’s eldritch form was safe for mortal eyes. He’s really lucky it is.
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
So Psycho!Noah would definitely do something like play the Knife Game, right? It was popular enough around the time, and does fulfill his thrill seeking needs.
And hey, he can even use it to prove to others that he's willing to make things fair. He'll threaten his own safety AS WELL as everyone else's!
(He'd most likely just do it for unnerving others as per usual, but I think it's still interesting to think if he'd genuinely think this would work.)
Psycho!Noah would absolutely play the Knife Game!
Something dangerous and 'luck' based, that puts his own (and other's, potentially) wellbeing at risk, AND it involves sharp objects? It's practically designed to pique his interests! His constant quest for excitement/thrill-seeking would make him a very big fan of things like the Knife Game.
As for proving his fairness; Noah, in his infinite wisdom, would think it'd be a display of fairness and goodwill, but everyone around him just sees it as him being unhinged enough to gamble his own safety in his hunger for violence... which isn't exactly untrue, though it's a heavily exacerbated interpretation of just how stab-happy he is (which he intentionally cultivated, so...).
He could probably rope Duncan into playing with him, by poking at his pride as a "fellow knife haver" by claiming that, for someone who's constantly threatening to stab people, Noah's never seen him actually use a knife for anything but woodcarving. Saying that, he could potentially rope about half of the remaining cast into playing with him just by insulting their egos; Heather, Courtney and Alejandro would never take a challenge to their capabilities sitting down, so they'd join in just to prove how 'skilled' they are.
Now, I want you to imagine the following scenario with me: Noah's hoped the above competitors into playing the Knife Game with him. They all started out trepidly, but as the game continued their respective competitiveness won out over their rational thinking, an they're all pretty invested in the game.
Then Noah kicks it up a notch by speeding up his stabbing tempo.
A finger comes straight off, followed immediately by a gushing fountain of blood. Everyone starts screaming, panicking like headless (and in one case fingerless) chickens, whilst Noah's laughing manically to himself as his hand continues to pour litres of blood onto the floor and table, dying everything around him a sticky crimson.
Thanks to her CIT training, Courtney's the most clear-headed in the situation and barks out for someone to retrieve Noah's discarded finger, intending to preserve it for an emergency reattachment. She rushes over to Noah's side, momentarily forgetting her misgivings about getting so close to him, and tries to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on his finger stub.
But. His hand. It's... rubber?
Noah pulls his real arm out of the fake, rubber prosthetic he'd worn over it, waggling his perfectly fine fingers (coated in that same viscous scarlet) to his competitors with a grin.
A beat of silence. Then, outrage.
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thedivinevera · 10 months
♡Black and blue♡
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Dottore x reader, IL Dottore x reader, Zandick x reader, Dottore x fem!reader,
Harley Quinn & joker, acid scene from s*icide squad inspired, Insane x crazy in-love, one sided pinning in the first part, dottore is aware what he is, kissing, fluff ig, acid bath baby!
Tw: Unhealthy relationship, Dottore, crazy in-love, jumping to a pool of "safe acid" or Chemical thingy, the reader jump from the 4th floor, bad writing, bad grammar, some bad spelling incoming, a bit ooc of Dottore
How many thing can you pull just for him to realize, your complete devotion from him?... Do you think you can jump from the 4th floor of a factory and land to a pool of unknown chemical? risking your life just to complete his test? Do you think dottore is as crazy in-love as you?
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“Question!” the Doctor shout, voice echoing in the factory, the only thing you hear is the bubble of acid, his voice, and you, breathing. The only thing you smell right now is the acid that you can see down there. You're in the exact location of the 4th floor of the fatui's special acid factory owned by one and only "the Doctor" you're with now. You stand there, stupidly waiting to for the crazy man, you loved so dearly to asked his question “Would you die for me?” he whisper into your ears, you can feel his breath on your face “Yes” you reply, eyes keeping a straight stare to his mask. You're insane for saying this but as the quotes said; "everybody is insane when they're in love" and that is what's happening right now.
After chasing Dottore in his factory after he leaves you alone, which everybody should be grateful for but not you, you put yourself in this scenario that can leave you with satisfaction or death and you choose this without thinking twice
“That's too easy,” he said, practically mocking you with that tone, “Would you—would you live... For me” his tone emphasizing the Live part. “yes” again but now louder “Careful... Do not say this oath, thoughtlessly” he put his hands in your chin and forcing you to look more to his mask, covered eyes “desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes—power!” he shout as he let his hands remove the loose hair from your face “You want this?” he asked “I do...” you answer “say it, say it, say—it, pretty, pretty, pretty—” he repeats showcasing his Insanity, maybe that would make you leave him, he said to himself
“please...” you begged, that's the last answer dottore needs to just send you off to death. For you its a gamble, he either save you or leave you, but for some it's an absolute Insanity.
You're crazy, dottore said to himself as you whisper, the last plea to his ears, not as crazy as him but crazy, crazy enough to love him truly that you would go overboard just to showcase a complete loyalty. “good.. then” he opened his arms signaling for you to jump on the bubbling acid, from the fourth floor of this factory, not expecting that you will do it, nor going for it but you did arms open as you let yourself fall to the acid, back first, you can feel the air blowing your hair and clothes, you can smell the toxic chemical down there, it feels like you're in a slow motion, everything feels ethereal and not even a ounce of regret is in your body then finally you succumb to the pool of chemical not thinking twice, you let yourself drown to the acid not moving completely, letting the chemical cover your entire body, this creamy, green colored toxin you let your body touch, just because you love this insane, murderous, fucking crazy, absolutely delusional, yet deadly handsome man, you let him order you to this insane things, just so he can see how many length your devotion can put you in.
As you let yourself succumb to the chemical, you have Dottore leaving you and letting you drown in the chemical and putting yourself to death but as he tries to leave something about him that makes him stop his track, something at the back of his head that keep telling to him that he couldn't let you die like that, he will regret it and HE WILL— REGRET IT. He grunt to himself as he removed his coat and mask, without thinking twice he jumped into the acid without hesitation, succumbing to the voice inside his head, letting the voice that he ignore to just control his body and blind his brain and let his heart that he never thought he still has, to take the lead
He swims to the bottom of the container taking your unconscious body above this pool of chemical. He kisses your lips, giving you air to breathe, as your eyes open you see Dottore, cover in the same chemical you're also covered with, now without his mask you can clearly see his ruby eyes. He Kisses you once again, you press yourself to his lips like it would be your last kiss “You are fucking insane, you know that?” he muttered “But I love it” he said as he gives you another tender kiss, completely taking your breath away, his sweet kisses are like a kiss of a devil. Absolutely divine, that is what you're feeling right now, you don't know what would happen next but you are more ready to take it, especially when it's from him. He pulled away his lips and laugh like a maniac he is, but that cut off when he pressed your lips to him, and his teeth eagerly bit the lower lip, letting yours and his tongue taste the blood. Love can make everybody crazy but he's more than crazy his fucking insane
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brattybimbokinnie · 2 months
Gambled Away
Angel Dust x Male!Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Valentino losses everything in a gambling match and a new demon takes over everything he owns.
Warnings: none
Part 1 Part 2
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"Well that was rough. For him at least" You say as you make your way to the gambling table that the other occupant left. He had just lost his money to the lust overlord Valentino
"Ahh~ come to take me on too? I have to warn you, I'm pretty good~" Valentino smirked as he saw you approaching, Vox looked you up and down, seeming to recognize you
"I'm aware" you hum. You take a seat and wait for the dealing to begin, this was going to be fun
"Ha ha, you win again Valentino" You laughed amused. You knew he was good but you didn't think he was that good, although you weren't trying much he still gave you a run for your money
"Didn't I tell you?" Valentino grinned as he moved the cash pile to himself. "Do you wish to keep playing, or have you given up?" he teased
"One more round, But....let's add a bit more risk to it" you grin
"What kind of risk?" He asks, as he leans in intrigued
"I want to bet everything" you say
"What, like the rest of your money. Your soul even?" Vox asked, amused with the competition you and his business partner had at this dealing table
"I mean our lives" you say suddenly getting serious. "I want everything you have. Your spot as a Vee. My name is Vextor after all, and my friends do call me Vex, so that already fits the bill" you say as you lean in and devilishly grin
"Everything you have will be mine, your studio, your clubs, every soul contract you've made. absolutely everything will be mine" you expressed all in one breath with a crazed smile
"And that's if I win" you calmly say, leaning back in your chair
"But if you win then....well the same rule applies, you get everything I have, and as a bonus, I'll give you my soul, I'll be at your beck and call, 24/7, 365. How does that sound?" you grin
"Don't, Val I know how much this offer seems to benifit us, but it doesn't. End the game" Vox says trying to persuade his partner from this deal
you stick your hand out as you see the gears in Valentino's head turn. Your hand glows a bright yellow catching the moth-mans attention
"So, do we have a deal?" you ask once more
"Val" Vox calls out, but gets ignored. Valentino shakes your hand with a confident smile
your grin widens and a chain wrapps around you and Valentino's wrist, signaling a non-soul deal that can't be broken until it's fulfilled
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aazel-art · 2 years
I frequently see the popular take that Stede is completely blindsided by his romantic feelings for Ed until the kiss/Mary convo.
Although I enjoy the comedic affect of this, the reason it funny is because the idea of Stede's v romantic actions being completely subconscious is absolutely outrageous. To me, his revelation was more subtle.
I love Stede because I see in him, an older queer man who hasn't had a chance to have any past 'dalliances' and no experience recognizing the difference between like liking someone, and being in love.
Babe, I've been there. That's hard as fuck to recognize in yourself let alone accept from another person when your only exposure is ever second hand.
Coupled with Stede's self esteem struggles?
There are too many key moments where Stede is confronted by the fact to let it slide. From not contradicting Lucius' comment about the 'break up' to basically having the "We haven't had the 'past partners' talk yet" confrontation with Calico Jack.
In my opinion, Stede knew full well that he and Ed were in a romantic relationship.
Stede knows he has feelings for Ed. He knows Ed has feelings for him. He just doesn't know both of them are experiencing love.
It's okay for Stede to have his little harmless "crush" on Ed, because there's no way that it can last, right? He's repeatedly told that Ed's interest in him is incomprehensible. And Stede feels this. He thinks that eventually when Ed's bored of him, he'll move on. ( After all, he himself said he wasn't built for sitting idle- What happens when another Calico Jack pops up in their lives? There's no guarantee that he'll come back next time.)
"I'll let him set the pace. I'll take what he's willing to give and ask for nothing more- just enjoy this as long as I'm allowed to have it"
Stede fully expected Ed's interest would eventually run out and he'd be forced to let his little crush go.
Then Ed kisses him.
You know what Ed doesn't do? Explain what the heck that meant for him.
Because really, what does 'makes Ed happy' mean- what does a kiss mean? And more importantly, what does a kiss mean to the more experienced legendary Blackbeard? This is not the explicit clear declaration of love that we, the audience, know it is. Stede is simply too close to the situation to see it for what it really is.
Stede is visibly PROCESSING.
Ed asks him to run off with him.
And that's gotta be terrifying.
Cause of course it is! Throwing both their lives away on a gamble of a crush- that's insane. And how could he let Ed's legacy tumble for little old him?? Isn't this just another way that Stede is ruining him?
But Stede is remembering Mary's words,  'All we have is this one life...' So he says yeah, I think so, mmhm.
It's the most Stede's ever felt for someone before. And maybe Ed doesn't like Stede as much as Stede likes him, but he hasn't gotten bored of him yet. So yes, we have to try don't we?
Fast forward to the end of episode 10. Now we're finally here, the revelation with Mary.
You can see Stede's heart SWELL in that conversation. As my dear friend put it best: He's like a flower opening up.
And yeah, realizing you love someone is quite amazing.
But you know what's even better?
Realizing that someone loves you back.
That montage- it goes BOTH ways. Stede is not only seeing all the ways he loves Ed. He's seeing all the ways his feelings are reciprocated.
Oh. It's love. I love him.
A beat.
Oh. He loves me too.
And now he realizes what Ed was sacrificing his pirate persona for.
And heck.
Yeah, you do risk it all for love. You chase after it all for love. You gain everything for love.
End of season 1 Confident Stede isn't just because he realized he loved Ed. That's a man who knows he's loved in return.
Season 2, i'm begging you, give it to me-
Ed: i hate u, go away.
Stede: pft noooo shuddup, u love me
I want them both to be in love and furious.
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banefultyrant · 4 months
I was going to wait on this and another post until I had his carrd completely finished, but here we go.
Enver Gortash & Morality // @banefultyrant
So this has been prematurely kicked off by this post stating, "Tragic backstory explains behavior but does not excuse it."
This is so true, and especially in regards to this disaster dumpster fire of a human being. Because he isn't just a dumpster fire. He's this level of dumpster fire:
Tumblr media
Now, to my point.
Enver Gortash—as he will absolutely refuse to acknowledge his original name because of everything tied up in it—has been through a lot. Though I can't remember if it was ever openly stated, I would absolutely agree with general fandom consensus that his mother abused him. I saw a post floating around the other day about the difference between how his parents are treated in game, and I couldn't agree more. [ If I can track the post down again, I'll link it here as well. ]
He was, seemingly at a young age, then sold to a warlock because his parents couldn't settle their debts the right way. Whether his mother is telling the truth or not, she claims she either sold him or they forfeit all of their lives over the shop debt. [ Also, who in the hell were they in debt to that their lives were at risk because of their debt??? Was it actually debt from the shop, or from drinking or gambling? Or did they take a loan from Dangerous People to keep their shop running??? ]
From there, he then ended up at the House of Hope, where he was canonically tormented and tortured by Nubaldin simply because he was 'mischievous' and because Nubaldin found it entertaining.
"I used to work in the prison, ensuring no desirable people left the House of Hope. Now, I guard the portals to ensure that no undesirable people enter." [ Why don't you work at the prison anymore? ] "I made a mistake. Raphael doesn't tolerate mistakes. We had one houseguest by the name of Gortash, a mischievous little blot of a boy, and he slipped through my fingers." [ Gortash was here? Lord Enver Gortash? ] "Lord? Is that what he calls himself these days? The sniveling little shit. He was the son of a cobbler or somesuch meagre tradesman, sold to Raphael by his loving parents to pay off their petty debt. Lord indeed. I used to bruise my knuckles on his whimpering little face. I'd like to have snapped his neck."
So he escapes that literal hell because he just can't take it anymore. He winds up on his own, with nothing but his cleverness and his drive to never be at anyone's mercy ever again.
[ A lot more below the cut. ]
Now, his mother claims he was evil from the start, but I've not once seen any dialogue options that support that. She says he was always making a racket. She says he was too clever. But she never offers anything even remotely adjacent to explain her claim that he was evil out the gate.
[ Perhaps because she was and she simply didn't care for a clever little boy asking questions, pointing out when she was being unreasonable, or saying that he didn't understand why he was being punished when he did something that he's done a thousand times before and she never said anything then, et cetera. Abusers can never have the problem. The other person has to be the problem. The villain. The complication. The scapegoat. There's something wrong with the other person and that's why they are perfectly justified in doing what they do. ]
Regardless, you have a young boy sold to a warlock and placed in the House of Hope, and was apparently a 'desirable person' based on the fact that Nubaldin was in charge of making sure none of those left and when Gortash escaped, Raphael considered it a failure.
[ Considering how foresighted Raphael is in terms of potential, it makes perfect sense to me that he might even have witnessed how clever the boy was once, perhaps he had even stopped by to make clear to his parents that their debt was owed and he would see it paid, one way or the other. Perhaps he saw how Enver was treated and found it contemptuous that such people should be able to waste so clever a mind. Or, perhaps the warlock had done so on his behalf and relayed such information to Raphael who then had them to pass along that he would accept the boy as payment.
Now, though I won't project my thoughts onto anyone else's Raphael, as for my own over at @thishouseofhope , while people claim that 'Raphael loves only himself' coughcoughHaarlepcoughcough, that isn't true. Or, at least, not entirely.
I think Raphael has a hard time connecting with others enough to care anything about them in actuality, yes. But I think where that starts to falter is in cases where he sees a bit of himself or his own situation reflected back at him. Would he admit that? No. But he sees it all the same, recognizes the similarities even if only subconsciously. And though I haven't gone into much detail with Raphael's early years over there yet, suffice it to say a brilliant, clever mind stifled by and suffering under the shortsightedness, derision, and abuse of a parental figure? It would definitely strike a nerve, whether he intended or not, whether he acknowledged it or not. HINT: He most certainly would not. ]
Within my own canon, this meant Raphael saw Enver and saw something of himself reflected in the boy and his situation, and, as such, there was a certain amount of fondness for him, particularly with the potential he could see for the boy's future with so sharp a mind. In a verse with my friend on discord who writes Enver, that included Raphael taking him on as a protege. Had it not been for Nubaldin's pointless cruelty, I have little doubt that Enver might have come to enjoy his time at the House of Hope, as Raphael would always provided new things for him to learn both of practical and educational import, and Enver, who was clever to start, would have jumped at the chance to learn anything and everything he could, particularly if Raphael caught onto his interest in mechanics. No doubt Nubaldin said that the boy simply escaped, otherwise, had Raphael realized the cause, I don't know that Nubaldin would have survived to tell the tale. ]
But, as always, because I can't help myself, I digress.
We have a young boy with promise and potential who ran because he was being abused again and was terrified of remaining where he was, who refused to be at the mercy of anyone else ever again and set his mind on making certain that it never would happen again.
At some point, he throws in his lot with Bane. He starts to accumulate wealth and power and influence through whatever means. His mind, his body, his blood and sweat [ but never tears, because he won't cry anymore, won't show that weakness ]. He will do whatever it takes to ensure that no one can ever harm him again, that no one has the power to do so. And how does one do that?
You make certain that you are the most powerful. Powerful enough that no one can touch you.
Free will, is the problem. That becomes evident to him shortly into his worship of Bane. No matter how many laws and rules and punishments exist, there will always be people who still choose to suffer them—because they could, because it was worth it, because they didn't care, because they didn't think they would be caught, et cetera. So long as free will might exist, then you would continue to have thieves and drunks and debtors and murderers and abusers.
So eventually, this plot of the Absolute is developed and! my! doesn't it solve it all! Not only does it set him in a place of power where nobody could touch him, it also solves all of those other pesky problems because there will be no more free will, only the will of the Absolute relayed to all of its subservients.
"A new age is upon us. Gods have mercy upon those who would stand in our way… I want to lead this city to glory — not scorch its earth."
When the player character approaches, Tav or Dark Urge, he talks about wanting to lead the city into an age of prosperity and safety, etc. And he isn't lying. He means every word.
Because, in his mind, this is the only way to reach that outcome. Does he want power? Yes, because, much as you hear the themes with Astarion's companion quest line: Power means safety. Power means no one can hurt you. Power means that you dictate the lives of others, rather than having your life dictated to you. To paraphrase, when the player character tells Astarion that those with power have a duty to protect those without, Astarion roughly responds, "People with power had 200 years to save me from Cazador, and no one ever did. No, it was the Mindflayers who freed me."
In all honesty, it's much the same for Gortash, except he was at an even greater disadvantage than Astarion in one respect—unless more information comes out about Astarion's past later—and that is this:
Enver Gortash has never known anything else. There is nothing before his abuse, before his servitude and continued abuse, before he set out into the world at a young age and suffered its cruelty on his own.
It is all that he has ever known.
He sells Karlach to Zariel! Yes, just as he was sold, and yet, even still, this is done not out of malice or cruelty, but with the belief that he thought he was doing what was best for her. If she remained on the streets, she would either be jailed or dead in a few years, and she deserved better than that. Being sold to a devil was what set him on his 'right' path, made him who he is, so maybe that's what Karlach needed also? And, knowing her as he did, he truly had no doubt that she could be running the place in no time. She would have power enough to protect herself, just as he intended to claim for himself at the Gate, and it would mean they could be allies. He set a piece in the right place and if she would just do as she ought to have done, she could be doing so much better for herself — just as he has.
He was going to kill the refugee children! In his mind, most of them miserable little orphans with no prospects beyond pain and suffering. It would be a mercy to them, truly, and—as my friend, Shadow, mentioned in one of our discussions about Gortash's thoughts on this—their deaths would at least mean something in the grand scheme, rather than their bodies simply being stepped over and promptly forgotten. Their deaths would sow discord between the refugees and the citizens of the Gate, further unite those within against those without and solidify his position as a protector. With any luck, the refugees would attack in retaliation and affirm the citizens fears that they were followers of the Absolute threat after all. And regardless of how it went, it would create further chaos that he would be able to bring to Order.
This is NOT to say that his behavior should be excused.
However, much in the same way and for the same reason that I would defend Minthara and Nere both, I can fully understand his thought process, why he does what he does, though I certainly don't agree with it. Just as with them, I would question the level of accountability one can be held to when one knows no different. I would very much, in some ways, say that Gortash is nearer to having had a Lolth-sworn drow upbringing than a typical human one. His entire understanding of the world is through abuse, violence, betrayal, and transactional interactions. His solution—the Absolute religious hoax—is one that makes perfect sense within those bounds. It's logical, nice and neat. A brilliant plan, cutting the problems that plague the city—and, indeed, the world—off right at the source.
There won't be anymore murders in the streets. There won't be anymore pickpockets or petty crime. There won't be anymore gambling dens. There won't be anymore children abused or sold to settle debts. There won't be anymore crime, period.
The populace can put all of its effort and energy into making the city more unified and prosperous than it ever has been —
Because that is the only choice they have left to them.
[ Doesn't that sound familiar? "She is, of course, free to choose the only option she has left." ]
In his mind, how brilliant and elegant an answer to those pesky problems that no amount of laws or punishments have ever stopped! A villain? No! He's the savior who will deliver this city to a new age! A great age!
[ And doesn't that sound familiar, too? ]
In the words of Jason Isaacs himself, "It was a thrill to join the Baldur's Gate universe, but I fear that the magnificent Lord Enver Gortash is being mischaracterized as a villain. In a brutal world of betrayals and butchery, he's learned to lie better and backstab first. The joy in voicing him — apart from the obvious pleasure in getting to look so glorious — was that the creative team and I got to play loose enough to find ways that he could enjoy the ride and make the players hate him more!"
Enver Gortash has done terrible and unforgivable things, much as with most of the cast in the game, companions or otherwise…. but the whys. The whys are important, and the whys are what not only further show the depth of the character… but also provide interesting possibilities for futures wherein he escapes his fate in the game.
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Something that I thought was neat and had to share with someone that you might also think is a cool idea: So we know that Aventurine is really competent with gambling and just being cunning in general. What I *havent* seen anyone mention yet is that considering how he grew up, he would also have some really great hands on survival knowledge. Like picture him and Ratio get stranded somewhere similar to the type of planet sigonia was, and suddenly the otherwise flashy seeming Aventurine is the down to earth one who knows things like which local plants should be safe to eat and how to find water in the wild when it’s a mostly desert landscape. Idk I just love the idea of ratio and whoever else realizing what being raised on a planet like sigonia really *means* when it comes to survival knowledge lol
Oh, you're absolutely right! I could definitely see Aventurine switch to survival mode, especially since being stranded in a place like that would make all his memories of Sigonia resurface all at once. And if the resources he finds happen to be scarce, I can also see him giving most of it to Ratio and keeping merely the bare minimum for himself, maybe under the guise that there is more, because he just won't risk losing someone else to such a planet again. Perhaps by making that sacrifice, he would even be unknowingly replicating what his parents did to keep him and his sister in somewhat acceptable health when there was little food around. He would do everything in his power to put all the chances on Ratio's side, while counting on little more than his insane luck to keep himself alive. Of course, Ratio would pick up the signs and inevitably find out how Aventurine put his survival before his own, which would lead to a long conversation, some arguing, and Aventurine opening up a little more.
But as for the survival knowledge itself, I think Ratio would be both impressed by how much Aventurine knows, and horrified by the implication of what he must have gone through to not only learn all that, but to also have it become habits. Especially if he is aware of how young Aventurine was when he left Sigonia.
Now I also can't stop thinking about how conflicted Aventurine would be in such a situation, since to him, Sigonia is both the only true home he's ever had and the place where he lost all the ones he cared about. The absence of his parents and sister would probably hit so much worse on a planet that looks like Sigonia. He would try to keep it all hidden beneath his usual bravado, of course, but Ratio would definitely see through it and be concerned.
As you see, I have many, many thoughts about this too, so thanks a lot for sharing this great idea with me! I'm always happy to scream about these two and to share headcanons ❤️
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aristotels · 3 months
Of course all problems and inequalities are direct consequence of modernity and in the past those who are now considered undesirable were considered divine and definitely weren't treated even worse and didn't have access to anything that resembles accomodations. Let's bring those times back!
In Ancient Rome specifically there was no hospitalisation, yes, but also people who were considered mad couldn't make financial and legal operations on their own at all and couldn't be citizens, and were considered pariahs by their communities. This is not to say that you are wrong because you picked the wrong time to see as "when things were better", it's that just because what causes problems now is capitalism doesn't mean that before it people were always kind and caring, everything is much older.
(Or that removing the money would fix everything on its own, for that matter)
are you literally so stupid to fail to see my point
the point isnt "LOOK WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US" the point is that fears and delusions depend on the society youre brought up in; and also sorry that a 5 sentences tumblr post didnt go into history of medical malpractice, it was a lighthearted post made by someone with those very issues
yeah, if i lived then, then id have a different delusion more fit to those times - but it would not resemble my current paranoia or nightmares of being drugged or talked to the way ive had medical staff talk to me bc those things are specific to our society.
(Also you can still have your rights denied for being mentally ill today as well?????? what happened to free britney??? And like My family doctor once literally suggested to my dad to involountary check me into psych ward which was smth my psychiatrist at the time was very much trying to avoid because he KNEW how dehumanizing that is, he spent more than sn hour trying to figure out if my visions of suicide were actual suicide risk or intrusive thoughts; telling me later that he was willing to gamble such a huge risk and responsibility he would have to take in case i actually did smth to myself - just to keep me out of the hospital stay because he worked there and SAW how dehumanizing it is. because getting in the ward here doesnt mean youre done when youre out, this shit affects FUCKLOAD of things in your life!)
are you really trying to be like "LETS TAKE AWAY ACCOMODATIONS FROM PEOPLE WHO SUFFER WOOW GOOD JOB" in my inbox rn btw considering that i am literally schizophrenic w some other mental illnesses, and that i take fucking meds upon meds for it, including antipsychotics??????? and i am also very grateful for those aids, but even with meds my condition will never be resolved and its severity very much depends on the people/society around me. my delusions while living in croatia might differ from someone who lives in the usa.
i literally have no patience or attention or care or anything to argue with you rn, if you wanna discuss political or economical or marxist or whatever theory in my inbox go ahead, but i am NOT arguing about my own fucking lived experience and having you speak to me this way, in an incredibly entitled and dismissive way. its late and im going to bed. i genuinely dont care for your "ummmmm ekshually capitalism is noot thaaat bad-" shit while i keep having episodes on the daily in a big part due to fuckin capitalism. losing my other job is putting me through stress because i have no money, but it also eased up certain aspects of my illness because i dont have to hit hardcore fucking deadlines every week.
p.s. who the fuck is talking about money not existing. if you are gonna bring that up within communist theory and up for a serious discussion thats a whole other thing, but moneyless and stateless society doesnt just rest on tadaaah no money, like theres a reason marx wrote books n essays on that shit and why daddy engels sent him checks. and even in ideal communist world we would still have mental illnesses, but i am absolutely positive that my thoughts would differ than the current ones and that they would probably be less severe. and also why is this implying that communism wont have like the fuckin medication
i usually take care to carefully reply to asks and try to actually give a serious opinion but i gen dont care if i sound incoherent rn, this legit pissed me off
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Goku and Chichi - Asian parenting
Initially I was going to do Goku’s side of things but since @sweetescapeartist mentioned Chichi, I’ll try to do both of them. 
Chichi is often referred as the typical Asian tiger mom who forces her son to study and have to be success.It is a pretty typical mom thing to shield her son and hopes for the best in his life, even though it's not his best interest.
However, it was Gohan who wanted to be the scholar and also he loves studying and researching, we see it even in Super and the newest movie on how he loves to share what he’s found out. There are some blogs here explained this already so I don't talk about it anymore.
People often forget how protective Chichi is. Chichi’s wish for him to be left out of the maniac world  is quite realistic. He was a kid when things happened : 4 in Saiyan Saga, and then everything happened consecutively and he couldn't even catch a break until end of Cell.He was a kid, this shouldn’t come to him either way. It was a father and mother’s job to keep bad things away from their children, especially when the mother instinct is to protect, she must do something about it.
The world that Goku introduces to Gohan later is a world of men - fighting, risking your life, damaging yourself forever in no point of return, having responsibilities to protect people with your life. No mother wants her baby to be hurt in it or even become a part of it. She wanted to shelter him as long as possible, like any mother would do.
 At the same time, this world is unknown to the real world, they gain nothing and absolutely nothing from it. It’s amazing to save the world but they also need to function in it as well. By refraining him from fighting, he can be safe and do whatever he wants.
They are also somewhat a typical farmer family, and if a farmer family wants to earn better in life, they pour everything on their smart children so the kids can lift their family out of poverty. 
I’d say she’s the anchor of reality of the family. She’s the Asian mom, she wants what’s best for him, shields him from danger and tries her best to remind the family of what kind of world they are living in. 
I mistook that Goku martial artist’s aspect that affect his parenting in the last post but it was more than that. It’s of course true but I want to further elaborate where it comes from: He’s a typical Asian dad. Not the one who complaints all the time that you see on media, it’s an extremely traditionally masculine one.
This type of father experienced life too early, he knew what life is and what life can do to you. These fathers aren’t the ones who shield their kids from the world. They teach the children, especially boys, to take on the world head on, whether his kids like it or not. Teaching the kids their way of life is their love language.
The Asian traditional ideology of men is also applied here: a man should not bow to the world, he should be strong to protect his ideals, his life and his love ones. And Goku is a personification of this.
Goku was at first just like Chichi sheltered him from the world, let his childhood be happy and all. But right after the Frieza Saga and Gohan being eager to prove himself to his father during Cell Games , he knew it’s time for Gohan to grow up, to go against the world. He taught Gohan everything he knew, so that Gohan himself could fight for what he loves and believes. 
The clearest demonstration is the Cell game itself. Goku fought Cell first to test him and right after he saw the chance that Gohan could take on Cell, he took it right away. He showed Gohan his pride and love by letting him prove himself to his father and the world. It was a gamble of course and I would say his martial artist ego affected this a lot. He’s mistaken Cell creating the game to be aligned with him following a martial artist code was also a common trope as well.
Even then Goku was still the observer, he watched the fight and interfered if necessary. And in the end, although his boy was a “man”,he was still his kid and he interfered and sacrificed for Gohan.
His martial artist side also affected his way of seeing things. He saw Gohan as the potential kid and he took him to train right after he got the necessary agreement from Chichi . A veteran martial artist final goal in many ways is to find the next generation to keep the fire burning. And what’s more amazing when your son is the one?
This was also blended perfectly with him being an Asian father, which made him a father and a coach who would teach with dedication, passion, love and pride but wouldn’t hesitate to let the children see the cruel ways of the world. Especially when that’s one of the vital lessons to learn.
Basically they are both a popular type of Asian parents, Chichi is just more aligned with the stupid common trope portrayed in media, while the Goku type is misinterpreted into the toxic version and also less famous?
Some of these did base on my own life experience and knowledge 
 I'm not the author so I don't know if it’s true or not
but thanks for reading this weird thing till the end
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elains · 3 months
Rhys=as++ole. Especially after hosaf. his reaction to Nesta (who saved his,his wife's child's life, is his sister in law,helped them many times) didn't deserve that treatment. get angry but not like this. argue human and careful and not scolidng like she is a little child. As for Cassian, we didn't really see enough. IDK why SJM made it like Nesta is a victim makes no sense (everyone scolds her(even AZ in the cave), but I can imagine Cassian looked pissed because of rhys as was Feyre thankfully
Okay so, you need to take a few things into account here: the one whose PoV we inhabit for the bonus is Ember, whose world Nesta just risked quite a lot to try to help out of sheer dumb faith. She is not am unbiased party in all this. She believes her daughter can succeed and that what Nesta did was right. Rhysand coming off as the big bad who is scolding Nesta for handing over theMmask is actually pretty reasonable within her perspective.
The other one is Sarah J. Maas herself and how she frames the narrative and is present throughtout it. Sarah always knew everything was going to work out, that Nesta's gamble would pay off, that Bryce would succeed and take down the Asteri. Nesta does come off as a victim because to the omniscient author who knows how things are going to work out, she took the choice that would lead to the best possible outcome: trusting Bryce. Nesta is a victim insofar as the good ending is a foregone conclusion and the author and us have this knowledge.
While I do think Rhys could have handled the situation with far more grace than he did, I maintain that their past animosity came to forefront. Yes, you are correct, anon: Nesta saved his family's lives, himself included, but gratitude and common ground are just a step in the right direction. Yeah, what Nesta did was MASSIVE, but some grudges have deep roots and aren't easily uprooted. This is human nature at its finest.
That said, I don't think he was being any more of an asshole than usual. Certainly not more than when he withheld pregnancy information for Feyre. This time around, Rhysand's reasons to be spitting mad are extremely valid and quite frankly, understandable. If there ever was matter to ge indescribably mad over, it was this one.When you look at it objectively, stepping back Omniscient Author or Reader's Viewpoint, you have this:
Nesta just gambled the entire safety of their world on a woman who has not shown herself to be worthy of any trust and who she knew for like two/three days most. Bryce offered no assurance of victory just her parents as collateral. That speaks of her determination; it does not speak of her actual chances.
It was a shot in the dark. It could have costed everything. We have the privilege of knowing it would work out. All the characters did not and if Bryce never returned, they would spend the rest of their existences in fear that the Daglan were waiting to show up on their doorstep.
My point, anon, it's that it's very easy to say "Get Angry, but Not like this" for us on the outside. For Nesta, who has the blessing of Sarah because it will all work out. For Ember, whose world she risked to save. For the people inside, Prythian, however, who are not privy to this knowledge... I can understand the absolute rage and thinking Nesta was a goddamn thoughtless, reckless for just handing over the Mask.
And Cassian... I understand he was in a tight spot and probably mad at the risk Nesta took as well but you know... I just wanted to see more. I didn't need him to be full on the Nesta Defense Squad, but more than what we got.
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henrysglock · 6 months
so like what got first into the whole henry creel thing?
What first got me into the Henry Creel thing?
Tbh...it was the realization that this guy may have been a victim this whole time. Like I'll admit I was duped when ST4 first dropped, I bought into the "innate bad vs innate good" bullshit originally. I was a Henry Creel anti when ST4 dropped, believe it or not. And then I realized.
I very much had an "Oh. Oh." moment back in like...November/December 2022? I think it was when I read a post essentially saying that Henry deserved what he got re: Brenner and claimed that Virginia was a good mother trying her best. It really was a "now that is too far" moment that made me go "I don't think I could blame Henry for what he allegedly did, actually. He was a child, and his hand was forced."
With the "evil child" bias out of the way...his whole "story" completely unraveled.
And then the bloodstains and newspapers were unearthed.
And those right there brought everything we "know" about Henry, into question. Everything that characterizes Henry as evil is just a retroactive assumption based on what we know about Vecna, whose identity genuinely still remains up in the air. It made me take a second look at everything...And suddenly none of it made any sense.
Why would he, an "evil mastermind" gamble Soteria like that? That makes no sense as a manipulation tactic. Why would he hide El away and risk her turning on him instead of absorbing her powers as soon as Soteria was out? He knows she's more powerful than the others. He says so over and over. So why run that risk? Why is there so much blood when Vecna kills are always so bloodless? Why are corpses moving and changing ages? Why are things not chronologically progressing? Why does none of this line up? How the hell would little Henry have killed Alice? Physically, it's not possible. So why are we blaming him? We never see what happens to that rabbit, and we don't know what Henry's actual intentions were. Just because Nancy assumes he's torturing it (a retroactive judgement based on Vecna, not facts), does that mean we should too?
Why does it smell like Henry's a scapegoat?
Once you drop the retroactive assumptions about Henry's morality, it all falls apart. Suddenly, then, you're left with this incredibly special person who may have been (may still be) just as good as the rest of us...and who was dealt the absolute worst hand. The audience is just really happy to jump to easy conclusions.
And that's how I ended up here, obsessed with figuring out exactly what happened to this kid, where he ended up, what he's actually responsible for, and what's just Brenner.
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