#he’d be so mad
funeral-grayy · 1 year
Your favourite thing to do is pretend you have no idea who Dynamite is and constantly fucking up Bakugo’s name on his coffee.
He’ll come in once he’s done patrol and changed out of his hero costume. The first time it happened was honestly an accident. You’d been so lost in thought, you took his order and then asked for his name. When he didn’t reply right away, you glanced up at him, his face holding a blank look.
“Ha? You don’t know who I am?”
Of course you knew who he was, everyone in the city knew who he was, regardless of being in costume or in normal clothes. You could almost see the gears moving in his head, wondering how anyone could possibly not know who he was. You simply shrugged, handing him his change and getting to work on his very simple coffee order.
Once done, you placed his order on the counter and bid him a good day. The look on his face when he picked up the coffee and read the name on it was priceless. His face scrunched up in confusion and then immediately to anger.
“Is this some sort of fucking joke?”
You were for thankful the shop was busy for once. You knew he wouldn’t make a scene. You gave a smile and a wave, and continued to help the next customer in line. You watched out of the corner of your eyes as he glared at the name as he left the shop, grumbling to himself.
Despite that first encounter, he kept coming back. A few days every week, he gave you his normal coffee order (to the point that he stopped even telling you the order) and you purposely messed up his name. He knew you knew who he was, so he’d play your stupid little game. He told himself day in and day out that he was only going back to the coffee shop until you got his name correct but deep down he knew that not to be true.
You really were surprised when he showed up the next day, empty coffee cup in hand. Slamming it down on the counter and glaring at you. The neatly written Pro Hero Deku facing you.
“That’s not my fucking name.”
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raccoonfallsharder · 6 months
one of our cats is an anxiety cat which means he has a little anxiety jacket and when he wears it he kinda loses his normal coordination (cause it’s so squeezy) and stumbles around like he’s drunk (before eventually taking a nap) and i just—
forgive me
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theloveinc · 1 year
typical bakugo x reader dynamic
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spookyboywhump · 10 months
darknet pet owner forums, baby. (i feel like cain wouldn’t know how to access it though)
When asked why he’s not on the darknet pet owner forums Cain says he’s simply too busy to bother with it but in actuality he just can’t figure that shit out
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shieldofiron · 1 year
Jason Carver when he finds out I put him in crackships because I think it’s funny:
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jedi-valjean · 1 year
Grim would still get into fights with Sidious as Anakin's Padawan I think so imagine his reaction when Grim comes back with a lightsaber scar on her face after she snuck out of the Temple when he wasn't looking.
Oh NO—
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void-and-virtue · 4 months
Tired: After Andrew graduates, Neil gets himself the most basic, unassuming used car imaginable. It’s gray and as universally beloathed amongst the original Foxes as Neil’s freshman year clothing choices.
Wired: Neil has a beautiful, sleek, state-of-the-art sports car because he insisted that he’s ‘fine’ and ‘can just run to the court and get some exercise in’ ‘I really don’t get why I’d need a car, Andrew’ so obviously Andrew took it upon himself to make sure he had something serviceable. It’s not Andrew’s fault that he happens to have standards and a sizeable signing bonus to blow on things like this. The car is still gray bc that’s Neil’s favorite color, but it’s a very pretty gray that actually looks amazing on it.
Inspired: Neil drives a cute little car that would be unassuming—if it wasn’t for the bright orange paint job. It is affectionally nicknamed ‘Carrot’.
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hmmm-shesucks · 7 months
One of the Foxes makes the mistake of asking Kevin how often he thinks about the Roman Empire to which he responds, “I’m glad you asked.” And then makes the whole team sit through a two hour PowerPoint presentation. He makes them take notes and gives a pop quiz after. Everyone fails. Kevin is disappointed.
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mikichko · 4 months
the idea that nanami has an incredibly sassy daughter has been in my head all day
he makes her upset and she just gives him the biggest side eye. she makes the most disgusted faces when he tried to talk to her. even has the audacity to huff at him 😭 like he had to take a breath mid argument and ask whatever entity exists where his daughter got all this attitude from.
she purposefully starts talking in only spanish to leave him out of conversations too. it’s genuinely the funniest thing hearing her tiny little voice talking to you while nanami lectures her about her behavior in an exasperated voice. she’s legitimately the only one that can get him to this state, besides gojo at his most annoying.
when nanami tries to apologize and asks her if he’s forgiven she only humphs at him and turns away.
“but i apologized to you, are you going to forgive me?””
“no! porque fuiste grosero conmigo!” (no! because you were rude to me!)
the only thing that earns him her affection again is the promise of a melopan after work tomorrow. he even gets a kiss when he says he’ll make sure to get the turtle shaped one
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chai-berries · 11 months
abby coming home after work and you’re fixing dinner — homemade pizza — and she stands in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as she tells you about her day, including a morning gym session that she swears made her buffer
“what?” you laugh and she takes it as a chance to show off for you and jokingly flexes her arms for you, going “oh yeah? how’s this for a gun show?” and you’re giving her your best audience reactions, oohing and awing as she does different poses. you reach up and squeeze her bicep.
“my girl is so strong,” you coo
abby drops her arms and leans into your space “i’ll show you strong” followed by her wrapping her arms around you and picking you up, swinging you around. you squeal out a laugh, begging her to let you down while also never wanting your goofy abby to leave you alone.
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
Currently thinkin abt how I swear I could give Miguel attitude, but I need to be so fr, if I were to actually argue w him………………… ya, I’m losing.
Like, okay, whatever u say, gorjus 🫡
“Nuh uh.”
“Fym ‘nuh uh’?”
“Ooo actually, nvm, let me sit back down.”
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controversialcoven · 8 days
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Text from image:
PONYBOY: Soda… I like someone but I’m scared you won’t like it
SODAPOP: Pony, as long as you’re happy and healthy I don’t care who you love
PONYBOY: Ok, I’m dating curly
CURLY: wassup
SODAPOP, UNDER HIS BREATH: be happy for him be happy for him be h
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kamakrazeewarboyz · 6 months
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War Boys in the Furiosa trailer
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minecraftbookshelf · 6 months
Ah, so Lizzie lost her final life trying to do something Joel requested of her.
I’m sure that will have no long term ramifications on him.
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duke-is-the-shit · 1 month
Rip Montresor you would’ve thought Morel Orel was the funniest shit to grace the earth
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gregkinz · 1 year
Kerry is so strong for not being like “oh you want to talk about fucking your boss, Greg? you want to talk about rumors Greg?” because I would have obliterated that twink
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