#he has a history of being called rat in-universe as well
canisalbus · 10 months
For the better part of an hour I though that he was a Rat
A big loveable floppy ear Dog, and their tiny anxiety-filled Rat friend
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decepti-thots · 9 months
would you be down to give me a rough outline of how Prowl has been characterized over the publication history of the tf comics? I mean, in as far as you know about it. Every time you mention the costa stuff it makes me curious
I can try! I can't really drill down well without a thing to focus on specifically, but here are some general highlights.
Furman (and stuff that directly draws from Furman's run, like AHM as a whole) characterizes him basically as he did when writing Marvel G1, and gives him so little to do that not very much really comes out even then. Uptight, stick-in-his-ass, still a basically Good Guy TM and while he puts people's backs up a little, he's not under any level of suspicion. This is the closest to continuity-agnostic "fanon Prowl" you get in IDW, because that fanon figure draws quite a lot on the Marvel G1 characterization (when it isn't simply making things up wholesale, anyway). Furman copies his own homework, basically, lmao.
Roche is the guy who wrote phase two Prowl into existence as we know him. Rather infamously because he thought it was an interesting take on the character to er, ignore all the above stuff and make the Autobot SIC a rat bastard, lmao. Roche and Barber's interpretations came to dominate the character in IDW going forward, but they do differ. Roche's Prowl is more isolated from other characters (one does not really imagine Wreckers Prowl calling Bumblebee his best friend sincerely, as exRiD Prowl does), and people treat him as disliked by default. Even before the worst of what he does comes out, his reputation precedes him. Also, Roche's Prowl speaks fairly neutrally, whereas exRiD Prowl speaks more casually than fandom tends to admit to! Finally, Roche's Prowl is less spontaneously, outwardly emotional than Barber's is later on, and tends to fit the fanon stereotype of "always restrained" more.
Costa came in post-AHM but pre-Wreckers and hated all that, so he retconned it. LMAO. His Prowl is the archetype of the "good cop" protagonist surrounded by corruption, combined with surface level noir tropes that sort of work in tandem with those but lacking any grit. (Costa seems to understand what noir looks and sounds like, but none of the underlying narrative devices that make it function as noir.) This Prowl is specifically supposed to be (here's the retcon) someone who used to be more deliberately cold, removed and logical but who has specifically decided to change to be different following his experiences on Earth. (Spotlight: Prowl is a good one-issue explanation of Costa's perspective on Prowl, which is not the same as being a good comic.) As time goes on, the sheer unpopularity of this take pushed Costa to undo it a bit, and reintroduce some level of ambivalence to him... but by and large he remains kind of the "good authority figure who objects when the systems are misused" type, almost? His conflict with Spike is very much over the fact he expected better of Spike, see.
Barber's Prowl notably does not wholly throw the Costa stuff out the window. (This is why the Spike stuff features a lot; it's really the only strong emotional hook Costa's work gives you for his version of the character to grab at.) But Prowl is back to being a morally gray figure whose moral ambivalence is very strongly tied to his role as an authority figure- and that's worth mentioning. Prowl's downward spiral being intrinsically linked to his refusal to relinquish authority, and his abuse of it, is something that is all Barber and not Roche. (In Wreckers, Prowl is an asshole because of personal arrogance. In exRiD, he's more an asshole because of his role enabling a wider system, by the end. IMO that's a big difference, anyway.) He is not starting off exRiD loathed by absolutely everyone, or a figure of preexisting serious mistrust. That's something that develops over the course of the comic as things come to light for the characters in-universe, meaning exRiD Prowl feels like he's put up a more convincing shield in front of his worse dealings over the course of the war, perhaps. His position deteriorates significantly over the comic. He is more prone to balancing his deliberate cold-heartedness with angry or emotional outbursts than we saw in Wreckers, leading to him having multiple outbursts that worsen his situation over the course of the comic. This is the Prowl who holds grudges.
Roberts' Prowl is kind of different to talk about to the above because his Prowl in Shadowplay and his Prowl in Titans Return are different genres. I can do a post on that if folks really want but it probably is its own post, haha.
IDK feel free to clarify any specific stuff you'd like a vibe on if you want, this is all just what came to my mind instinctively!
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elinor-bolton · 2 years
So I wanted to write about the textual evidence regarding Aegon II and the child fighting pit, and why its extremely dubious that it happened at all based on the text of Fire&Blood
So just a little bit of background on fire & blood. Fire& blood, the book containing the information the house of the dragon is based on, was written in the asoiaf universe from the perspective of Maester Yandel, contains sections from the perspective of Archmaester Gyldayn. It containes six chapters detailing the Dance of the Dragons, taken from several people’s accounts that were there at the time. The perspectives that matter in this particular bit of the story are those of Septon Eustace, Grand Master Munkin, and Mushroom, the fool. One should note that all of these perpectives contain inaccuracies, and often conflicting stories, but Eustace was known for being a supporter of the Greens and Mushroom was said to have greatly loved Rhaenya and was known to add an air of scandal to any of his accounts (ex during the early days of the Dance, Jacaerys was sent to the Vale to request aid from Lady Jeyne Arryn, the ruling lady of house Arryn, known as the “Maid of the Vale” because she never married. According to Mushroom, she agreed to lend her support only if Jace could make her climax with his tongue. This is obviously ridiculus, as, besides the obvious, not only was Jace 15 and Jeyne 36 at the time (Not the pedophilia doesn’t happen a lot in asoiaf, it is generally doesn’t happen with an older woman and a younger man) and Jeyne was well accepted by the history books to be only interested in women. She had a lifelong “companion” in Jessamyn Redfort and was known to have died in her arms at the age of 40.) But back to my point. The perspectives were biased and Mushroom told scandalous stories. We do know that Septon Eustace was the only one who we can be certian was in Kings Landing for the events of Ep 9, as he preformed Viserys I’s last rights. We do know that Mushroom was not at KL directly after Viserys I death, as he was at Rhaenyra’s court at Dragonstone.
So, we get to the events of Ep9. All accounts agree that Aegon was not with Helaena and their children when called in by the council. Munkin’s account simply states the prince was found “at his revels” Eustace’s account says that Aegon was found “abed with a well-kept paramour, the daughter of a wealthy trader.” Mushroom, who was definately not present told a very different story. He states these “revels” “were at a Flea Bottom rat pit, where feral children fought each other for the amusement of watchers, while Aegon, drunk and naked, was pleasured by a young girl.”
Now we know these rat pits existed, and several members of the Dance may have visited them, including Aegon (once again, by the account of only Mushroom), Daemon and Baela (see the end of the linked above article on”rat pits” However, literally the only person who says the Aegon was there was Mushroom, who very much was not in Kings Landing. I’m not in any way trying to argue that he was “in bed with a well kept Paramour” (honestly he was probably drunk at a brothel) But I think it’s absolutely ridiculous and incredibly biased that the writers of the show decided to take the obviously unsubstantiated account of the story and use that to make Aegon seem worse. It’s just part of a larger pattern of the writers picking the absolute worst accounts for Aegon’s character building and completely ignoring the objective accounts for Rhaenyra (Such as the fact that in the text she definitely ordered the death of Vaemond, who did not call her a whore (Although he did accuse her of committing adultery which was high treason so) Instead the show has Viserys”ordering his death” and Daemon acting on his own to behead a noble without trial (aka literally the thing that Joffrey does to Ned Stark that starts the war with the North) which is a super big issue the narrative just glosses over, but once again i digress
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“Oh mother tell my baby sister / Not to do what I have done / But shun that house in New Orleans / They call the Rising Sun” — House of the Rising Sun by Lauren O’Connell
genre: horror comedy
pov: 3rd limited; switches between characters
setting: on a traveling new orleans riverboat, from new orleans, louisiana to cairo, illionois
content warnings: gore, graphic depictions of violence, depictions of panic attacks, blood, death
blurb, characters + worldbuilding under the cut
Nine killers board a boat, each with a different intent. Some there to kill, and some there for it's intended purpose — traveling. Whatever the reason, all of them get tangled up in the complex web of everyone's favorite game show, Who Killed That Guy? With the deaths piling up, everyone aboard has to manage to survive the rest of the week. If only there was a detective on board; alas, they probably killed him, too.
Anastasia "Tasi" Marie / TEATIME
Anastasia "Tasi" Marie was born and raised in New Orleans, USA. Most of her childhood was spent hiding from her transphobic, alcoholic mother and learning about anything she could get her hands on, usually politics and government. When she turned 16 she leaped at the chance to get emancipated and won the court case. Due to her intelligence and studious nature, Anastasia managed to get accepted into a college soon after emancipation. She was a history major at Columbia University, New York, and later worked as an archivist at a local museum. When she discovered one of her coworkers was cheating on his wife, she killed him, leading police investigations to discover he was adulterous and make his wife aware. After the first killing, Anastasia continued to kill cheating spouses. Eventually, she quit her job and started traveling to find a wider variety of victims. Her method of killing is inviting her victims over for tea and poisoning them with cyanide. Anastasia hates violent killing, not for the nature of it, but simply because she thinks it's too messy and the cleanup isn't worth it. She's very strategic and can form a complex plan from very little information, which is how she's succeeded as a serial killer for nearly a decade. She has what she describes as 'the most peculiar sense of being able to tell when it's going to rain, but only a few hours before it happens.' She has a pet rat named Rat that she always brings with her to her murder scenes. Anastasia also suffers from inattentive type ADHD. She currently lives in Denham Springs, Louisiana, USA.
Araceli "Cheli" Malviya / LANCELOT
Araceli "Cheli" Zamora was born in Madrid, Colombia and lived there for the first seven years of her life to a Spanish father and Colombian mother who later divorced when she was 3. When she was 9, she was adopted by an Indian-American woman referred to only as the Specter after her parents were murdered. Cheli moved to New York, USA and The Specter became her mother and taught her how to kill as well as personally educating her in most other subjects. She learned Louisiana Creole, Hindi and Mandarin Chinese as a result of being raised with the Specter, Sam and Zexi. The Specter allowed all her children to choose if they wanted to choose the path of serial killing, and they decided they did want to, becoming the group of serial killers known as the Trinity. Cheli's main victims are pastors with a history of SA. Her method of killing is killing her victims with throwing knives. The knives are personalized — they're named after female Catholic saints, and the names are engraved into them. Cheli has slight anger issues and learned how to box and play drums as a coping mechanism. She's the only one of her siblings that knows how to do hair, and loves it. She learned how to do Afro hairstyles and dye, bleach, and cut hair so she could know how to do her sibling's hair. Cheli is described by Sam as 'charming in an annoying way — she'll insult you and make you fall in love with her all in the same sentence.' She has a strong dislike of bright, artificial lights, but loves dim lighting from lamps. Cheli suffers from hypoglycemia and as a result always has candy or candy wrappers in her pockets. She currently lives in New York City, New York, USA with Sam and Zexi.
Samson "Sam/Sammie" Malviya / BAM BAM
Samson "Sam" Zamora was born in a small farming town near Baton Rogue, USA. They were raised unaware of their parents, since the community operated under a communal raising structure, usually only bothering with parents for government requirements. When they were 9, they were adopted by the Specter, an ordeal the farming community was concerningly apathetic about. Sam moved to New York, USA and The Specter became their mother and taught them how to kill as well as personally educating them in most other subjects. They learned Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin Chinese as a result of being raised with the Specter, Cheli and Zexi. The Specter allowed all her children to choose if they wanted to choose the path of serial killing, and they decided they did want to, becoming the group of serial killers known as the Trinity. Sam's main victims are middle-aged addicts with children. Their method of killing is blunt-force trauma. Sam has horrible eyesight and uses glasses, but mainly relies on their siblings for guidance. They are easily the best dressed out of their siblings and put the most effort into their appearance. Sam is also the best cook out of their siblings and enjoys cooking Indian and Louisiana Creole food with the Specter. They love visiting museums with their siblings and making it a competition to see who can find the most homoerotic exhibit in a set amount of time. Sam is described by Ruhi as having 'impossibly long eyelashes over piercing gray eyes that make Ruhi's breath catch when they sweep over him with a mix of curiosity and disdain.' They currently live in New York City, New York, USA with Cheli and Zexi.
Zexi Malviya / HONEYPIE
It's unknown exactly where Zexi Zamora was born, as his mother abandoned him at an orphanage after his birth due to mental health and financial reasons on his part. He was raised by primarily Latina people, and as a result, became fluent in Spanish. They were also firm in teaching him Mandarin Chinese, believing it was important for him to have some connection to his culture even when he wasn't surrounded by it like he would be if he had been raised by his mother. When he was 9, he was adopted by the Specter, which was very bittersweet for the orphanage caretakers. Zexi moved to New York, USA and The Specter became his mother and taught him how to kill as well as personally educating him in most other subjects. They learned Hindi and Mandarin Chinese as a result of being raised with the Specter and Sam. The Specter allowed all her children to choose if they wanted to choose the path of serial killing, and they decided they did want to, becoming the group of serial killers known as the Trinity. Zexi's main victims are detectives who are assigned to investigate his sibling's murders. His method of killing is using a suffocation agent in his victim's food, usually a dessert like cake or pie. Zexi is the peacemaker between his siblings and often tells them they 'need to chill out.' He's a photographer and frequently visits the scenes of his sibling's murders to photograph them. Zexi is deaf and knows ASL (so do Cheli and Sam), but his deafness isn't took severe so he's able to use hearing aids. He likes to joke about lots of things being deeper than they are — for example, he could see a penny lying facedown on the ground and equate it the silencing, oppression and genocide of Native Americans. Sam has described this talent as a 'stupidly interesting skill, the way he pulls things from thin air. Sam nearly considers it an art form.' He currently lives in New York City, New York, USA with Cheli and Sam.
Akachi Moriai/ MS. MEDIC
Akachi Moriai was born in Enugu, Nigeria and lived there for 16 years with a complicated relationship with her parents until she left for college possibilities in the US. They had a few kills under their belt before they left for the US, but after they made it to the US they started killing more frequently. She befriended Toyoko, who was also coincidentally a serial killer, but it wasn't something Akachi was aware of until they started dating when Akachi was 19. Akachi dropped out of Harvard Medical School to instead travel around killing people with Toyoko, which they found much more rewarding (to each their own, I guess). She married Toyoko when she was 22. Their main victims are male gynecologists who SA their patients. Her method of killing is overdosing her victims on certain pills. Akachi is a very artistic person and paints portraits of their wife's victims with the victim's blood. She keeps a jar of things that are sensory-pleasing for her wife around at all times. Akachi is very fond of snakes and usually has one around them at all times. Sometimes the snakes aren't even personal pets, they're just...there. She also really likes wearing jewelry and is constantly layering bracelets, earrings, rings, and necklaces. While they are very artistic, Akachi is also kind of flighty and non-committal, hopping around arts and crafts and picking up new creative hobbies every few months and such. She currently lives in Chicago, Illinois, USA with Toyoko.
Moriai Toyoko / THE SURGEON
Moriai Toyoko was born in Narita, Japan where she lived for fourteen years before her parents immigrated to the USA. Due to large pressure to become a doctor like her uncle from her parents and their refusal to accommodate her needs as an autistic person, Toyoko went slightly crazy and killed her parents with surgical tools when she was 17. She managed to frame their deaths as if they were murdered by burglars and played the part of the grieving daughter. After that, she continued her killing. Her main victims are psychiatrists who diagnose with obvious bias/ableism. Her method of killing is cutting with surgical tools. Toyoko is often self-destructive and works more than healthy for her, but tries to stop because it makes Akachi nervous about Toyoko's health. She's obsessed with keeping her spaces clean and cleans her tools 3 times a day at designated times. While Toyoko is autistic, she has high-functioning autism and a harder time with social cues and interaction than overstimulation. Her special interest is in surgery and medical mysteries, and she spends a lot of her time reading or studying surgery procedures/statistics and medical mysteries. Toyoko is very oblivious and didn't realize she was dating Akachi until three months into the relationship. While not a very sentimental person, Toyoko makes certain to keep every small gift her wife gives her. She currently lives in Chicago, Illinois, USA with Akachi.
Ruhi Arana / FLASH-BANG
Ruhi Arana was born in Auckland, New Zealand, and lived there for their whole life. The start of his killing began as a response to the murder of his mother and father when he was 7. As a result of their parents' death, they were raised by their aunt. His parents' death was the outcome of a racial hate crime, and the man who murdered them was later put on trial and declared guilty due to the efforts of Ruhi's aunt. While Ruhi was on a vacation in Argentina when they were 16, they ended up meeting Don. They both attempted to kill the same man, which they succeeded at, but then both attempted to kill each other, which failed. Ruhi's main victims are people with a history of racial and transphobic hate crimes. His method of killing is stunning his victims with a bright light and then choking them via smoke inhalation. Ruhi is described by Zexi to be a 'tall, lanky son a bitch that was even taller than Zexi, who was notably the tallest of his siblings.' Ruhi is a solitary person and despises working in large groups, barely tolerating partnerships. It's easy for them to adapt to new situations and learn things very quickly, which is part of the reason they've managed to get away with murder for 8+ years. Ruhi is incredibly good at literary analysis and composition and works for a newspaper. If able, he signs up to write articles on his murders, making sure to reveal the victim's history of hate crimes. They're also majoring in English Literature at The University of Auckland. Ruhi's a shameless flirt, described by Don as 'willing to flirt with a shoebox if it attracted him enough.' He currently lives in Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
Donna "Don" Nekvasilová / BELLADONNA
Donna "Don" Nekvasilová was born and raised in Sokolov, Czech Republic where she lived for eleven years before her family immigrated to the US. Don attends Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey as a psychology major. He plans to get a master's degree in psychology and become a forensics psychologist. Their killing started when they were 16 and saw a xenophobic woman harassing an Asian person, leading Don to later kill the xenophobe. Her parents remained unaware of this and are very supportive of whatever Don decides to do with her life (probably wouldn't be supportive of murder, but what I'm saying is she's the only serial killer with a happy, living family). Don's main victims continued to be xenophobes after the first murder. His method of killing is through the use of poisonous plants, usually atropa belladonna since that's his calling card. Don is dyslexic and uses colors to code his plants instead of the names, which is helpful in concealing their crimes. She's incredibly skilled at makeup and uses it to her advantage and is one of the best at hiding her identity. He has the nervous habit of biting at his nails, leading to his fingers always having stains of blood or blood crusted around the nails. Don is also a gymnast, specializing in aerial silks and the balance beam, making them incredibly agile and flexible. She's a very energetic, vibrant person who often has trouble sleeping because of their amount of energy. It also causes him to be slightly irritating to the people around him, and his energy and constant movement can be tiring to some. They're described by Ruhi as seeming 'weirdly knowledgeable about many things — it's like she was made for Jeopardy.' She currently lives in Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
Muoi "Ash" Vanich / THE PYRE
Muoi "Ash" Vanich was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. He attended the Faculty of Medicine, Chang Mai University to become an RN. He lived in Thailand for nearly twenty-five years before immigrating to the US with his sister to help her raise her family. After immigrating, Ash got a job as a travel nurse, which led to him traveling around a lot, making it easier for him to kill people without his sister and other family becoming aware. In the medical world, ableism thrives, and as a result, Ash's main victims are ableists, usually people who accuse disabled people of faking it. His method of his killing is through fire by any means. Ash was born with a limp and uses a cane full-time, experiencing chronic fatigue as a result. He's plagued with night terrors about drowning, which is part of the reason he's so attracted to fire. Ash is depressed and anxious, and basically a tired old uncle that needs a nap instead of murder. Despite using a cane, is supernatural how clumsy he is, he gains fifteen new bruises every day. When he gets to new places he'll be in for a while, he walks around them, mentally mapping them out so when he walks around later he can close his eyes and get the slightest moment of rest. He's described by Cheli as a man who looks like 'the tired, sad uncle that you only see at the family function and always looks to be on the verge of death.' He currently lives in Washington, D.C., USA near his sister.
Crew of the Beaulieu
The Specter (she/her ; 53) is the Indian-American woman who adopted Cheli, Sam, and Zexi. She was also a serial killer, albeit before her children's time, stopping her killing around five years before her children's adoption. She was called the Specter for her unknown method of killing and the fact that her identity was never discovered.
Kalpani Corea (she/he ; 48) is the Sri Lankan pilot and captain of the Beaulieu, the riverboat WDOTR is set on. She is a close friend of the Specter and regraded by Anastasia as a woman with 'a confident set to her shoulders and a sly smirk playing on the edges of her lips.' To Cheli, Sam, and Zexi he is considered an honorary, 'fun' aunt.
Aniyath Inasa (he/him ; 34) is the Maldivan clerk of the Beaulieu and cousin of Kalpani. He's a serious man with a blank gaze and aloof attitude toward most of the passengers. He does have a soft spot for Cheli, Sam, and Zexi, however, and has been known to crack an occasional smile around them.
Nazli Volkan (they/them ; 26) is the Turkish engineer of the Beaulieu. They're quite skittish and usually only speaks around other crew members. While they do take a while to warm up to, they are very dependable and gets on Aniyath's nerves the least.
Szalai Zita (xe/xyr ; 40) is the Hungarian head of the firefighters of the Beaulieu. Xe's a loud, slightly obnoxious member of the crew, but much of the younger crew adores xyr like a mother. Xe is the love of Kalpani's life and her partner.
Miryam Caillat (she/her ; 36) is the French mate of the Beaulieu. She doesn't hesitate to snap, and while not abusive like mates used to be in older times, is quite strict with the deckhands. Even though she's firm, she's fair and respectful of each of the deckhands, taking the time to learn each of their names and getting to know them, despite her joking that she only does that so the deckhands know who she's yelling at.
Jackie Watts (they/she/he ; 27) is the American 'leader' of the deckhands, or the co-mate of Miryam on the Beaulieu. Jackie is a mischievous, bouncy person whom Toyoko describes as having 'a sparkle in their eyes that they'll always have, no matter how old.' Despite their decade long age gap, she's known to get along well with Cheli, Sam, and Zexi.
Isma Samaha (he/they/ze ; 33) is the Egyptian head of the cabin crew. Considered the kindest of the crew on the Beaulieu, Isma is described by Cheli as 'a soft kind of person, but only to the people he thinks need it.' They're very supportive of the entire crew and jokingly called Dr. Samaha due to the crew joking that Isma could be a therapist.
The World
The world is basically a parallel/alternate world to ours. It's very similar and has many of the same elements like world leaders, celebrities, historical events, etc. Aesthetic-wise, it is more steam-punky and the use of machines and mechanics like trains, steamboats, and ferries is commonplace globally. Mechanics* as a whole are incredibly innovative and forward, much more advanced than our world. Supernatural elements are also way more prominent in this world, and things like cryptids, monsters, and magic are real, tangible things. This does affect the day-to-day life of the people of this world, and it's not uncommon to see something supernatural every day.
This world is, funnily enough, aware of our universe/world. While this world is not constantly up to date on our world, they do manage to get some form of news every few years. Of course, major historical events still happen, including the horrible ones. But as for mechanical, technological, architectural, etc. — those mistakes are often discovered and corrected.
Note: this doesn't mean technology. Technology, while more advanced than on our world, is not as common in this world.
It takes place on a riverboat in New Orleans, Louisiana. In today's world, they usually aren't used for travel, more for a tourist attraction. In this world, steamboats and riverboats are used more commonly as modes of transportation on the water. The other main form(s) of transportation on land are trains and/or buses.
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Hear me out, an ORV Strangers From Hell AU.
For all the people that don't know about Strangers From Hell, this K-drama was adapted from a webtoon and it is about a guy who after his army service moves to a run down apartment(he is broke). He meets the tenants of the building and guess what they are all cannibals. The head of the cannibal gang (who is also a dentist) wants to make our main character his greatest masterpiece. He succeeds.
TL;DR: It's kind of Hannibal except it's WAY better (trust me on this)
So KDJ moves to this run down building with Biyoo (personally I am in favor of Biyoo as his daughter). He meets the tenants but can't help but feel that something is going on behind those faux smiles.(with the exception of LHS. My guy can't fake a smile to save his life.) They want to kill him and eat him. But then they see things: how KDJ is worryingly thin, How much the kids love him, how he tries to look out for everyone in their own way. And they all start to get attached.
In this universe, he is still hunted down by reporters and is harrassed at his job. Somehow all those nosy reporters have not come for sometime and KDJ is often gifted meat from a lot of people. When asked they point out how thin he is and that protein helps to build up muscles. After KDJ is done with how people in his job treat him, he quits. He becomes HSY's editor (he may or may not know that). All the people that have ever hurt him cannot touch him here. Here he learns to relax and be loved and to love openly.
KimCom is happy to see KDJ happy and congratulates themselves on a job well done. After all, since KDJ is now an editor he works at home (or HSY's work place) and whenever he goes out someone will always make sure to be with him. If he is in their sight then he can't leave and do unnecessary things. And they are feeding him the people that have hurt him, with KDJ oblivious to it all..... Or is he? [KDJ smiles to himself. After all, someone has to ensure that the police do not suspect The Industrial Complex Apartments for the disappearance of the missing people, especially since all of them have a history with the tenant(s) of this place. What they don't know won't hurt them.]
Lee Jihye has never seen Kim Namwoon act like this. He calls the new tenant 'grasshopper ahjussi' and although he is happy to spend time with the ugly ahjussi (so is she but she'll rather eat dirt than admit that). When asked about his nickname, Kim Namwoon would pale and say that he is sworn to secrecy. Lee Jihye wonders if the ahjussi is hiding something underneath that rat-like smile.
You know how KimCom is like, two steps to the left away from being yanderes for KDJ? Well this is the AU in which they get to be! Good for them!
To all the people that have read this whole thing: Thank you very much for reading this rambling.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 years
In her most recent livestream Lily decided to begin claiming that a mutual friends of your’s (back when you and LO were still friends) named Alison told you about her molesting children/having CP on her computer and that you “just shrugged it off” without having told the police about it. Needless to say, given what an abusive monster that Lily is and the SHITTON of pedophilic fanfiction/porn that he has stashed away on various secret accounts or has tried desperately to scrub from the internet. I think its very fucking safe to say that LO made all of this crap up. Hell, this ‘Alison’ person sounds a whole HELL of a lot like that Tara Callie person that Lily USED to talk about and claim was guilty of these very safe fucking things. . . . .
You absolutely don’t fucking have to respond to or even mention this ask, I just couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t tell you about this horrible bullcrap that Lily is claiming about you. Its so horrifying to watch this abuse and slander being done by LO to you, Lizzy, Cypher, etc. when she thinks that nobody will be able to hold her fucking accountable for it. Because, surprise, this was absolutely another fucking livestream that has been deleted by LO and not archived by her in the least. I know how awful situations like these ones are, as I’ve had all too familiar experiences with abusers like LO in my own life, and I just want to say what you’re doing is some really great work. That has definitely made a REALLY fucking positive impact on the mental health and well—bring of Lily’s victims. Stay strong, keep doing this incredible work, and one day Lily will find out that abusive, pedophilic monsters like her NEVER fucking succeed in the end!!
I'm glad someone asked me about this directly. I just listened to the clip in full and...hoo boy. Let's begin unpacking that.
(Here's the clip anon is referring to. You can't erase history anymore, Lily.)
First off, there was never anyone in the Valkyr Studios Cinematic Universe named Allison, fake or otherwise. She's talking about Tara Callie. Also, Lily didn't "rat her out". LILY CAME TO ME ASKING IF SHE SHOULD DELETE TARA'S HARD DRIVES.
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Now to address the harder, more embarrassing in hindsight aspect to this botched tale; I didn't handle it how it should've been handled. I had no idea what I should do and nobody I could go to for advice. I had also reached a point where I was almost completely convinced Tara Callie didn't exist, which added an extra layer to that "I have no idea how to handle this as a sheltered 19 year old" issue. On a personal note, I'd already dealt with attempting to report my own SM to law enforcement a few years prior to this, only to have it blow up in my face and make everything worse. So in my mind, if something that happened TO ME on a LOCAL LEVEL wasn't enough to be believed, how the hell was I going to get anywhere with an online crime with a person that I wasn't even sure existed at all, from an entirely different country? I racked my brain between the stress I was dealing with IRL to figure out what I should do, or if I should do anything at all, whether I was being played, who I'd contact, how I'd contact them (calling internationally even online was harder back then), etc. No, I didn't handle that situation well. Because I legitimately didn't know what to do. I didn't just "brush it off". It stressed me to no end. All I could think to do at that time was continue to probe "Tara" for any sort of solid proof on whether she was real or not.
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The biggest question I have right now is thus:
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patzweigz · 4 months
For the first impression ask thing: feel like I gotta ask about Kent Mansley. And/or Lucky Luke!
send me a character and i will tell you my...
kent mansley
First impression - it was like being struck by cupid's arrow. i've told the story before and long story short, i rented the iron giant for the giant. falling for kent was completely unexpected, doubly so given he gave me nightmares as a child (the chloroform scene). one moment dean was asking a character-introducing question and the next... well the rest is history.
Impression now - he is hands down my favorite character. i love this rat bastard so much...
Favorite moment - uhhhh everything? but maybe his phone call with rogard, i love watching him get chewed out and react like the worm he is.
Idea for a story - oh. dude. i could probably just tell stories about him for the rest of my life if i wanted.
Unpopular opinion - i like him? that's not common. but what's perhaps less common is liking him BECAUSE he is awful, not in spite of it. no woobification here folks.
Favorite relationship - kent and dean :) it's a horse movie where kent is the horse.
Favorite headcanon - one word: freckles.
lucky luke
First impression - it was through the art of capomontone, who is an incredibly skilled animator. it was her fan art that got me interested in the series.
Impression now - i still love him! probably my second all time favorite character? i wish more of the current focus of the franchise would be on him rather than the daltons (not that i don't like them).
Favorite moment - oh man there's probably a few i could pick... maybe the time he just wordlessly beat the living daylights out of elliot belt from the morris run, and perhaps when he reacted to jolly being shot in the most recent book? or when he's psychoanalyzed by the psychiatrist in the dalton's amnesia... or just the entirety of the dashing white cowboy, the rivals of painful gulch, or the bride of lucky luke. anything that brings out a lot of unfamiliar emotion in him i suppose!
Idea for a story - my little pet evil luke au. i would love to do a bonhomme-style story where he has to confront his role in the US settler-colonial project-- not in any sort of ham-fisted way, of course, hence the whole evil self from an alternate universe deal. plus also Evil Luke Sexy
Unpopular opinion - i like him more than the daltons; i think luke kind of suffers from the same problem as superman (a character i also love), where people see him as an infallible goody-two shoes when that is even further from the case for luke than it is superman.
Favorite relationship - luke and waldo badmington!! and platonically, luke and calamity jane.
Favorite headcanon - that he is mixed race; personally i see him as half belgian (mom) and quarter mestizo and comanche (dad).
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bookio · 2 years
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To Be Me (2015) by Anna Höglund
Rosa is on the edge of becoming a teenager and shares her thoughts of boys, periods, jealousy, body image and sexualization of young girls by older men. She spends her time making a comic about women's history. I don't have much to say beside relating a lot to this kind of thoughts from when i was that age. The drawings are brighter than this author's other books, and the handwritten text is thankfully easy to comprehend and read! 3/5 stars
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Life in a Shoebox (2018) by Liv Marit Weberg
I really liked this book!! It reminds me so so much of one of my favorite animes "Watamote", where a girl tries to fit in with her peers and society only to try so hard she get completely weird. The second hand embarrassment is funny, relatable and deliciously awkward.
Rose just moved to another city to study at a university. Running 10 minutes late to the very first class, she falls into a loop kinda like "well they're gonna be mad at me for being late that last time so.. now when i overslept again might as well try next time .. and oh now it's gone too long to even show my face at all, wow going to class is really difficult puh". I was also like this!! 👏
Instead she goes full NEET on student loan (how long til they realize she isn't attending class?) and starts dating the first guy to ever talk to her on campus. Him thinking they had a moment and asks her later to be his gf. She's however only kinda waiting the relationship to run it's course, funny enough at Christmas she can't think of any gifts to get him so she pulls out — a heckin envelope with 500 SEK in it, and a non personalized note saying "Merry Christmas :)". She tries to save the situation by hitting him between the shoulders, saying "Get yourself something nice!" like a grandparent omg. He ofc breaks up with her.
After the breakup and failed study attempt, the parents are worried and suggest a monthly pay to help her back on her feet. When her parents asks what Rose's plan is, she honestly tells them that she's gonna live out the student loan and then live on their monthly "help". The parents go livid so she quickly lies that she has another class ongoing which calms them down.
Rose follows her plan by living on the student loan while barely leaving the apartment for months. Til the last month arrive and she has miscalculated, student loans are only transferred for 10 months, not 11. She has to call her parents for help to be able to buy food.
The mother noticing her daughter is actually following up the plan she presented them, decides to financially cut her off completely. Rose has to go look for a job, which is really really difficult since she lacks any skills, hate social interactions and is unmotivated.
Somehow, she lands a job at a station pub. Which might seem odd because those are always buzzing with social activities BUT this pub is basically a dead fish in the water. There's no customers (and if there were, the pub has literally nothing to offer) so it's perfect for Rose to just stand around, pretending to work.
The boss however decides to "follow his writing dreams" and hires another girl. And they are planning to start some sort of art magazine. Suddenly there's a lot of people in there and Rose has to actually DO WORK, and her anxiety is completely visible & understandable.
The magazine people have a beer party at the pub, Rose gets drunk. Her ex is there, and he's having a baby with the newly hired girl (they're all 20). The new girl calls Rose a "r*tard" and is baffled to found out her bf was with such a monotone person. Rose checks out and connects with one of the magazine people, a shy guy with glasses. Turns out he's also her neighbor - and have 38 baby rats. They connect over the rats and other things, and soon antisocial Rose visits him daily.
One day, glasses guy informs her he's quitting the magazine to work at his aunt's pet store, in the town over, so he has to move. Rose gets really upset about this, but glasses guy suggest she go with him? And she's like, heck yea! And her parents are happy for her. But at the last chapter, Rose takes a moment to tell herself not to get too comfortable because the "ball of life" will keep on rolling, that there'll definitely be bumps along the way, but nonetheless the "ball will keep rolling". 5/5 stars
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baifacangcang · 1 year
The famous "counterfeiting fighter" has become a "bereaved dog" How to show your true nature and eat inside and outside, and you will jump over the wall in a hurry the deviant path
At that time, Fang Zhouzi, the "fighter against counterfeiting", won the limelight for a while by cracking down on counterfeiting, and won the support of tens of millions of fans. But why now, the Ark is being reviled by thousands of people, and everyone is shouting and beating a street rat? After the painstakingly designed masks are broken, the original shape is revealed, and the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and the original shape is completely revealed, and it seems that he has embarked on the road of rebellion and rebellion.
Misdeeds are full of bad deeds, trying to cover up
"Be strict with others and be lenient with yourself" multiple standards
In most of Fang Zhouzi's speeches, the principle of "being stricter with others and more lenient than himself" is clear. Thanks to his previous good reputation as a "fighting fighter", he often criticizes other people's words and deeds in the name of exposing others' liars, and supports what he calls "scientific spirit"; Problems, such as his violent and vulgar words on the Internet, often attacking others, and some charitable projects he participated in were suspected of fraudulent donations, which did not match the "scientific spirit" he advertised.
In addition, when Fang Zhouzi criticizes others, he also reflects the double standard of "strict self-discipline and lenient treatment of others". For example, when criticizing some people's scientific research falsification, he often uses his own scientific research achievements and experience as examples to reveal his identity as a "scientist"; but when his charitable projects are criticized, he turns to talk about He tried to change the topic by discussing his own educational experience and family background. For example, in the case of his wife Liu Juhua's academic fraud, she insisted on implementing "double standards". Fang Zhouzi's wife, Liu Juhua, plagiarized 90% of her master's thesis, and almost the entire article was plagiarized. It can be said that Fang Zhouzi's wife's master's degree is a counterfeit, but Fang Zhouzi, who is known as a fighter against counterfeiting, gets along with his fake wife day and night , not only does not crack down on fakes, but also defends his fake wife everywhere. It also embodies his multiple standards of "being strict with others and being lenient with himself".
"Language violence" and "discourse hegemony"
Fang Zhouzi often carried out fierce personal attacks on the target of the anti-counterfeiting, such as giving "nicknames" to the target of the anti-counterfeiting: he called Liu Weizhong "the head of the pig's trotters", and was suspected of defamation and personal attacks many times in public and on social media , including publicly exposing some people's privacy and personal information, as well as posting some false statements and offensive comments. All kinds of behaviors, full of traces of abuse, have seriously exceeded the scope of freedom of speech and violated the rights and dignity of others.
On the other hand, it is not difficult to see that Fang Zhouzi used too much discourse hegemony in the "so-called anti-counterfeiting" actors, using his discourse power to manipulate public opinion and influence the judgment of others. Liu Bing, a professor of the history of science and technology at Tsinghua University, believes that Fang Zhouzi integrated "investigation, prosecution, and trial" in his academic anti-counterfeiting; his identification of "fake" was not determined by the academic community in a collective way. In addition, when different views coexist, it is the most basic attitude of a scholar to express his own views and understand the rationality of others' views. Fang Zhouzi failed to do this.
"The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, revealing his true colors"
Questioned about "plagiarism" and "academic fraud"
In 2011, "Rule of Law Weekend" published "General Investigation of Fang Zhouzi's Suspected Plagiarism" in four full pages. The article developed" was plagiarized from a series of nine articles "Understanding Drugs" by netizen "Yinghe", even the clerical errors in the original text were copied correctly. In this regard, Fang Zhouzi quibbled that "the standards for popular science articles and papers are different", so "it cannot be called plagiarism". In addition, Michigan State University professor Root Bernstein publicly questioned that Fang Zhouzi plagiarized his work in an article "What is Science" published online in 1995: "What is Science" is 1,600 words in length, of which about There are almost 900 words quoted from his article "Is Creationism a Scientific Theory", but the source is not indicated. When this article was included in "Fang Zhouzi Uncovers the Mystery of the World" published in 2007, Bernstein was not mentioned. On the 19th, Fang Zhouzi changed the page of the New Threads website, adding the words "according to the summary of the American scholar Root-Bernstein" to the original text.
Afterwards, James Pivarnik, director of integrity at the University of Michigan, wrote back, saying that although the article met the definition of "academic misconduct", there was no credible evidence to prove that it was written by Fang Zhouzi in 1995. After providing Relevant evidence, the university refused to conduct further investigation on the grounds that "Fang Zhouzi's article has nothing to do with his studies at the university". In this regard, the original author Professor Root-Bernstein expressed dissatisfaction with the lingschool opin's hand that Fang Zhouzi plagiarized his article, and reported to the school that Fang Zhouzi plagiarized his article.
"Fraudulent donation incident" shattered the mask of "anti-counterfeiting fighter"
At the beginning of 2012, Luo Yonghao published Weibo questioning the suspected fraud and tax evasion of the "anti-counterfeiting fund" and "security fund" initiated by Fang Zhouzi's lawyer and with Fang Zhouzi as the main beneficiary. Bureau report. This so-called "Security Fund" has received donations from many people including "Luo Yonghao" and "Wang Zhian". Later, many donors questioned that the use of the fund was not open and transparent. Fang Zhouzi was suspected of using public funds for private use to buy cars and houses. As for Fang Zhouzi's doubts about the purpose of the fund, he chose whoever questioned who would refund the money, instead of responding positively and publishing the accounts. Undoubtedly, since the Anbao Fund incident, Fang Zhouzi's reputation in many small circles has become bad, and there is basically no way to make money.
In 2016, Liu Juhua's press card was revoked and she lost her job at Xinhua News Agency. This incident tore off his last layer of camouflage, completely revealing his true colors, exposing his ugly face.
The true face of the "fighting counterfeit fighter": a public opinion manipulator who uses "counterfeiting" as a stepping stone.
The notorious Fang Zhouzi has immigrated to the United States after completely tearing off his mask as a "counterfeit fighter". Not long after, Cui Yongyuan once again exposed the real inside story of the forces behind Fang Zhouzi on the Internet: the organization behind Fang Zhouzi is called the China Science and Academic Integrity Foundation, but in fact this organization registered in Miami, USA is not a foundation at all. According to information, the funds of this so-called foundation mainly come from the US government and public funds. However, many of the "fake" and so-called "crackdown" that "he discovered" are actually some people who hired him to discredit their opponents. Turned into a "fight". Everything Fang Zhouzi did was for his own benefit. Under the banner of cracking down on counterfeiting, he did dirty things. There was a mysterious evil force behind him to deliver benefits to him. Man and sucking blood to keep himself alive is a demon in human skin.
From cracking down on Lu Ruoqing, a cancer patient, to smearing China with "herd immunity", he has always been Fang Zhouzi who catches and bites. Rather than saying that he is a fighter against counterfeiting, it is better to say that he is a public opinion manipulator who uses "counterfeiting" as a stepping stone and only eats human blood.
0 notes
wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Sweeties, it’s time for
I’m In The Mood For A Fic Where…
1.  Ahhh mojo your blog makes my world go round and back and around again.  [You’re so sweet!] I was wondering if you could help me out with your next "I'm in the mood for a fic where".. I'm looking for two types of fics
A) fics in which WWX regains his core somehow (either by working on it, divine intervention, core sharing, anything!!) I so desperately want my boy to have his precious and favourite sword back (◡ ω ◡)
B) fics where WWX (or LWJ) *almost* marries someone else.
Thank you for your help!!! (~ ̄³ ̄)~❤️ ~ @akyra-talanoa​
nothing gold can stay by rikke (M, 10k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Ghosts Shouldn't by ShanaStoryteller (not rated [G], 15k, wangxian, my post)
the path to heaven / immortal wangxian by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 51k, wangxian)
Chimera by nirejseki (T, 18k, wangxian)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Different Paths to the Same Route by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 184k, 3zun)
24 Hours by tailor31415 (E, 6k, wangxian)
Core-Thieving Hand by x_los (T, 5k, wangxian)
Field Trips with Wei Wuxian by antebunny (G, 43k, wangxian)
to swim through the fires by littledust (M, 37k, wangxian)
❤️Neatly Arranged by thunderwear (T, 46k, wangxian, my post)
Rebound Betrothal by mondengel (not rated (G), 2k, wangxian, my post)
History Will Call Us Wives by silvermarie (E, 17k, wangxian)
today was a smoking sky by typefortydeductions (E, 38k, wangxian)
2.  hello! any recs wangxian modern au/mpreg? please and thank you!
Here’s my mpreg post (mostly current) and also
Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 54k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Winter Moon, White Rabbit by nachttour (E, 62k, wangxian, WIP)
Stale Spice, Sandalwood, and Nests by Tyongslips (M, 18k, wangxian, WIP)
3.  Hello!! This might not be specific enough to find anything, but I was looking for modern wangxian fics that have a very distinct italicized 'oh' moments together? Like both of them or either of the pair doing something that makes them suddenly realize
every time we kiss i swear i could fly by sarahyyy (T, 3k, wangxian, my post)
【那夏天的我們】a stroke of fate by puddingcatbeans (G, 60k, wangxian)
not in so many words by jaws_3 (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
4.  In the mood for fics where WWX is genuinely afraid of LWJ, believing that he will kill him/hurt him/cast him out/haul him back to Gusu for punishment; with emphasis on LWJ's reaction when he realizes and it hits him like a sack of bricks, and ideally on his efforts to regain WWX's trust. Not looking for something where LWJ really does wish WWX significant harm, but it's ok if he has well-intended ideas that he doesn't realize would hurt him. Any time period, canon version, or AU is good. Example: decay by antebunny.
5.  Hi there! First of all thank you for making such a helpful blog. I have been reading tons of great stories due to you.  [I’m so glad!] Secondly I would love to read a fic (a) where lwj is a single dad and then meets wwx (b) Best modern au fics with lots of angst. Thanks!!! ~ @pastashouldbeeatenwithafork​
❤️A Flower That Blooms In Adversity by thunderwear (M, 62k, wangxian, WIP, my post)
like wildflowers (we grow) by moonsteps (T, 80k, wangxian)
say it's here where our pieces fall in place by Lirelyn (E, 69k, wangxian)
plant a little happiness (let the roots run deep) by fleurdeliser (E, 48k, wangxian)
tear out the thread one by one from your skin (’til your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention) by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 41k, wangxian)
paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 (E, 54k, wangxian)
love thy neighbor by wincechesters (M, 7k, wangxian)
No Need to Change a Tune by yeolinski (T, 10k, wangxian)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 108, wangxian, my post)
A Sequence of Coming Outs by kippalittlefox (M, 24k, wangxian)
new york, i love you by Anonymous (T, 7k, wangxian)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32, wangxian)
An Ocean Between Us by feenwitch (E, 11k, wangxian)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, wangxian, *mind the tags!*)
me and you, always and forever by fyredancer (E, 150k, wangxian)
Momentum Deferred by DisasterBiAlert (T, 13k, wangxian, my post)
After the Final Rose by azurewaxwing (E, 55k, wangxian)
there's no promised goodbye here by Anonymous (T, 54k, wangxian)
defective requiems by Misila (M, 9k, wangxian)
❤️Common love isn't for us by feyburner (M, 8k, wangxian, my post)
twice by Misila (T, 8k, wangxian)
one good thing by Yuu_chi (T, 27k, wangxian, my post)
6.  Hey! Can you rec some fics with wangxian being in cloud recesses or modern au of college?? Thanks!
I have tags for #students at cloud recesses and #college/university au
7.  Would you happen to know any fics where lqr and wwx actually get along and have a good relationship? Lqr the scholar he is and wwx the inventor/genious ???? There are a lot of possibilities there.  Thank you so much have a great day and stay hydrated!!!
❤️To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 79k, wangxian, my post)
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
Just Say Yes by edenwolfie (M, 312k, wangxian)
Post-war baby! by like_a_bird_that_flew (E, 23k, wangxian, WIP)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
8.  Hello! I love your fic recs and the hard work you do! I've discovered so many new favourites thanks to you! [Yay!] I was wondering if you know of any fics where they're shapeshifters or some such? Animals or wing-fics or something similar? ❤
I have an official tag for #animal transformation, and on my AO3 wangxian collection (which returns more search results than tumblr) here is the search for shapeshifter, and wingfic
over forests and mountains by beechtree (T, 9k, wangxian, WIP)
9.  hii do you know any fics that focus on lwj and lxc and their relation?? thanks <33
❤️Begotten by ecorie (G, 37k, wangxian, my post)
Brotherly Concern by Ibijau (G, 11k, wangxian, my post)
10.  hellooo! do you know any fics where jiang cheng finds a-yuan instead of lwj? thank you for all your recs btw, they're super helpful!!! [Thank you!]
grieve the living by Misila (M, 161k, wangxian)
Overflow the autumn pools by Mhalachai (T, 74k, jiang cheng & lan wangji)
11.  I love your blog! Thank you so much for all the wonderful recs! [Thank you!]  I don't suppose you know of any fics where WWX is a non-human entity of some sort, but presents or is disguised as a human? (Or maybe he even thinks he is human?)
Cruise the tags mentioned above in #8, too.
❤️Spellbound by Latios (T, 37k, wangxian, my post)
When fish soar by mondengel (G, 2k, wangxian, my post)
Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 111k, wangxian)
flame and rust by cl410 (M, 29k, wangxian, WIP)
❤️The Tiger has Destroyed his Cage by updatebug (G, 55k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (M, 376k, wangxian)
Ever Distant Shores by fuddy_duddy (rainier_day) (T, 69k wangxian, WIP)
12.  Hiii do you know any fics where wwx or lwj OR wangxian leave the cultivation world/retire/grow old together away from cultivation drama? Something like And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness by cosmicmilktea , All that is solid melts into air by huxiyi , and that fic where post resurrection wwx just decides to not bother with dafan mountain and opens a flower shop:  focal, filler, and line by bosbie.
Dan Tian / Heaven by ArchiveWriter (T, 20k, wangxian, WIP)
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Moonpuddles (T, 3k, wangxian)
Pair of Swallows, you and I~ by Moonpuddles (T, 13k, wangxian, series in progress)
13.  Hello! Do you know any fics where wangxian has some incompatibility issues/dysfunctional relationship that isnt because of canon typical one braincell wwx, but because of more structural things like their mental age gaps, how wwx will prolly hate cloud recesses after the honeymoon bliss is over etc. Generally fics that show wangxian having to work to build the relationship
14.  Hi! Any wangxian onlyfans au fics? I read For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm and the ongoing sequel KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in) and those were so good!!! I'd like to find more similar fics!
Temptation's Mask by threerings (E, 58k, wangxian, camboy wwx)
A ghost by the light of the phone by shibrogane (E, 10k, wangxian)
15.  Hey, do you have any fics where lxc doesn't like (or outright despises) wwx?
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
I don't like your boyfriend by lazulisong (G, 3k, wangxian, my post)
16.  Do you know of any fics where the Lan Elders (unsuccessfully) try to make Lan Zhan marry someone other than Wei Ying?
Lie Open To One Another by levament (M, 41k, wangxian, WIP)
17.  Hii! Do you know any fics that similar to Ardent Desires by crestre / Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva ? I've been searching for it and want to read fics that similar to those so bad. I hope you and your followers can help me! Thankyouuu
The Trouble with Talismans: a Treatise on Time-Travel by Young Master Lan Xiaohui (Age 6) by stiltonbasket (G, 17k, wangxian, WIP)
18.  Do you know any wangxian fics where either one or both of them are models/actors/musicians/famous in some way?
The Fault in Our Stars by Vamillepudding (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
Patient came so hard from prostate exam he kicked me in the dick by Hades_the_Blingking (e, 17k, wangxian, my post)
An ocean in a drop (not a drop in the ocean) by dea_liberty (E, 10k, RPF, yizhan, my post)
how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat) by Anonymous (T, 55k, wangxian, my post)
Make It Count by wearing_tearing (E, 47k, wangxian, my bookmark)
❤️Love wakes me by dea_liberty (e, 46k, wangxian, my post)
life, drama and action by Akai__hana (G, 13k, wangxian)
call me, beep me by myung (T, 39k, wangxian)
Rest by sassybluee (T, 115k, wangxian)
19.  hello, i'm searching for a fic where wwx like... transmigrates into mdzs/cql? like i think there were a couple of them and but i can't find them for some reason?
Untitled. by c11to (M, 61k, wangxian, WIP)
223 notes · View notes
flavor of the month
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(skate rat) matsukawa x fem!reader | word count: 2k
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slight!hanamaki x reader (established relationship)
a/n: based off this post i made n spurred by some enabling :^) “no beta we die like men” -lin
18+ university age | PLS READ WARNINGS
warnings: cheating, public sex (fingering), toxic behavior, manipulation, bad language, dubcon (if u stare too long/squint at it) mattsun is a bad friend
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hanamaki takahiro was a godsend in your final year of college. the sweet, doting boyfriend you had been waiting for —what felt like— your entire life. there was nothing under the sun he wouldn’t do for you, he helped you study, do your chores and had even carried you across campus, carrying both of your backpacks simply because you had a bad fall and twisted your ankle ever so slightly. he was perfect in almost every way. almost. you suppose his choice of friends could be chalked down to a little less than perfect, specifically, when it comes to who he so proudly calls his best friend.
matuskawa issei’s name was tacked with some of the dirtiest of rumors that were accompanied with a plethora of gross truths. when you had met him you were floored, your dearest, loving makki, called this entitled, smug skate rat, his best friend? it didn’t take long for his sliminess to seep through immediately and in the beginning of your relationship with makki you did everything in your power to avoid being near matsukawa. but as your relationship grew, so did your face to face contact with his dangerously flirty best friend.
“i just want two of the most important people in my life to get along!” makki had said one night while you two readied to go out for drinks with his friends. you had melted at the sparkle in his eyes when he smiled so lovingly at you. you know that could’ve told makki just how much his best friend made you uncomfortable, but the endearingly fond tone of voice he used when he spoke of the other man made you keep your lips shut tightly on the manner.
it was how you ended up in your current position, sitting at the back corner booth of one of your favorite restaurants, makki seated across from you and matsukawa seated beside you. you had made a point to sit as closely to the wall as possible, punctuating the action with a curt glare at matsukawa before focusing all your attention on the love of your life.
“it was incredible really, i can’t believe you tried to climb a tree that tall.” makki amuses as he recounts another mischievous act from their childhood.
“now now makki you mean succeeded to climb,” he spreads his legs further under the table, forcing you to squeeze your legs together to dodge any contact, “i was a tree climbing god.”
“yeah tell that to the broken arm you got when we were 10, oh excuse me we’re ready to order.” you almost sigh dreamily at the polite smile makki has on display as he waves the waiter over. as the waiter makes his approach, makki continues on with the story behind matsukawa breaking his arm and you do your best to ignore said man yawning dramatically, stretching his arms out and almost swiping at your face. he shoots you an unapologetic smirk as he scoots just little bit closer to you, you lean your head against the wall trying to focus on whatever makki and the waiter were idly chatting about.
“and for you miss?” you snap your eyes up to look at the waiter, opening your mouth to recite your order when you feel a hand land on your knee, making your eyebrow twitch. this isn’t new, you couldn’t pinpoint when it had started, but matsukawa had always been a little bit too touchy, so a hand on resting on your knee or an arm thrown around your shoulder was nothing new. what is new, is when you slightly jerk your knee to tell him to remove his hand, only for him to keep it there firmly planted with the audacity to even squeeze lightly.
“babe?” makki stares at you intently, and with a clench of your jaw you ignore the hand on you to tell the waiter what you would like. as the waiter turns away, makki dives into a story from his russian literature class, detailing just how insane he thinks his professor is as you nod along, forgetting that matsukawa has planted his hand on you. until you feel his hand slowly start to creep up your leg, making your entire body tense up, you send him another narrow look as he shifts in his seat leaning towards you a tiny fraction. for a split second, you wonder if the metal of his rings were cool to touch, or had they siphoned the heat off his hand, and would feel as if it was burning into your skin, branding each inch of bare flesh he touched with the crawl of his fingers.
“-okay love?” the soft coo brings you from your thoughts, making you flush with shame, your hand comes down and grips at matsukawa’s wrist to stop him from going any further.
“i’m sorry i might’ve...”
“spaced out? thats okay. i was just saying i don’t think i can do our usual monday study date. iwaizumi and i have this biology project and...” his voice drowns our as your focus is pulled to the sensation of matsukawa forcing his way out of your hold and pushing his fingers between your thighs, continuing to slide his hand up at an achingly slow pace.
say something, your brain screams, anything, get up and go to the bathroom, do something, your boyfriend is right there.
you press your legs together tightly, hoping the message comes across, but matsukawa is on a hell path, shamelessly trying to push you beyond your limits as his fingers dig into your inner thighs. at the back of your mind is that tiny voice that’s tormented you since meeting him. a part of you wants this, you’ve always been curious, that carnal attraction to such a rotten and handsome man is undeniable. because despite the perfection and bliss of an achingly sweet, tooth rotting boyfriend, the utter taboo of his disgusting best friend is far too tempting to not think about.
“th-that’s okay hiro.” you chew at your lip trying to play off the the stumble of your words by relaxing your shoulders, hoping that he won’t question you. you try to start a round of idle chatter as you make another weak attempt to remove matsukawa’s hand from you.
“hey you know what we haven’t done in awhile? bothered oikawa.” matsukawa leans back, looking almost innocent with his signature lazy grin. you wrap your fingers tightly around his wrist, trying to keep your position as natural as possible so that makki doesn’t pick up on what’s happening. makki agrees with a flourish of words and you don’t miss the way matsukawa’s eyes slide over to you, as if challenging you to say something to makki.
“it’ll break his heart,” matsukawa had said once when he had trapped you on top of your washing machine in the apartment you shared with makki, he had the tendency of backing you against a wall, making you feel small under his presence, “besides who do you think he’ll really believe about who came onto who? i’m his lifelong best friend and you’re just the flavor of the month.”
the memory causes a searing sensation to burn at your chest and your face, this time you dig your nails into matsukawa’s wrist, a more adamant command to leave you alone. only to make your resolve crumble as his fingers dance along your clothed cunt, making your legs fall apart just a touch. it’s a shameless action that incites a bubbling of shame in your stomach and you realize your fatal mistake. you’ve shown a sliver of interest, you’ve given in just enough that he’ll only push further.
the moment you spot the waiter holding plates of food you breathe out in relief, figuring it’s the end of his little game as the plates are set out in front of you. you release your grip on his wrist and he retracts his hand slowly, a wave of relief washing through you. tinged with something resembling disappointment.
“here babe try this.” makki holds out a spoonful of curry and you lean in to take a bite, spluttering at the feeling of matsukawa suddenly shoving his hand into your pants. you choke and cough as makki scrambles to hand you a glass of water, matsukawa a disturbing pillar of silence beside you. you stiffly turn your head to look at him, eyes pleading for some sort of answer as to why now he’s decided to hurdle himself past the line he’s been so keen on toeing since you’ve started dating his best friend. to your horror he’s sitting there quietly, as he peacefully uses his right hand to feed himself, as if his left isn’t currently shoved into your pants teasing at you with the full intent of driving you insane.
“sorry sorry i’m,” yours eyes widen as matsukawa’s fingers press harder against your covered folds, harshly dragging his fingers up to your clit, “f-fine.”
“are you sure? you’ve been looking a little red the past half hour or so, are you really feeling okay?” the concern in makki’s voice punctuates your guilt as you squirm slightly at the way matsukawa teases your clit through your panties.
“promise love, i’m fine. i think i j-just,” in one swift motion matsukawa pushes your panties to the side just enough to thrust a finger into your core, “didn’t sleep well!”
“mm it’s the stress from your history class?” you don’t trust your voice to not shake as matsukawa pushes deeper and deeper, achingly slow there’s an almost delicious burn from the sudden entry.
“mhm.” you grip your silverware tightly in each hand, a helpless shake of your hips as matsukawa curls his finger inside of you. the way you clench around his finger only encourages him, a soft huff of amusement spilling from his lips as he thrusts his finger into you.
“makki, did you finish the chem homework?” he pulls his finger out just to the first knuckle, teasing at the rim of your hole, you try not to jump when you feel the tip of another finger settle near your entrance.
“don’t.” you whisper, but the word goes ignored as he thrusts in the other finger, the sting of the dry addition burns through you and biting back a moan as your eyes widen at makki who’s so peacefully eating before you.
“did you say something love?” you feel your legs start to shake a little as matsukawa ruthlessly thrusts his fingers in and out, pressing the heel of his palm against your swollen clit.
“i um don’t forget to, empty the dishwasher?” your words come out breathless and makki only hums in agreement before continuing to shovel curry into his mouth.
“doing okay there? haven’t touched your food.” the glint in matsukawa’s eyes is borderline sadistic as he pointedly looks between you and your food. before you can reply he sharply curls his fingers again before scissoring them apart making your legs spread further, silently and shamelessly asking for more.
“i’m fine? see?” you make a point to take a big bite of your noodles, swallowing them down as matsukawa presses in a third finger. there’s barely an ache this time as he works in another finger, your dripping cunt practically begging for it at this point. the familiar tightness begins to coil deep in your belly and with a particularly harsh curl of his fingers, your head snaps down, jaw dropping as you clench around him. without hesitation he continues to knead the heel of his palm against your clit as your cunt greedily squeezes his fingers. his motions become lazier as your body shakes from the searing bliss shooting through your veins. and the thought of choking him when this is all said and done is at the forefront of your mind.
“y/n?” makki reaches across the table and intertwines your fingers. guilt swirls in your chest as you raise your head to meet makki’s eyes, a weak smile at your lips.
“thought i was gonna sneeze.”
“say makki can you get the waiters attention, i want some more water.” he makes a point to shake his cup of ice. makki pulls away from you and looks away from the table. you pant out a few breaths as matsukawa pulls his fingers out, leaving you feeling empty and shaken. you take the risk to look at matsukawa, looking painfully proud of himself as he brings his fingers to his lips, licking the glistening juices coating them.
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jq37 · 3 years
The Case File – Mice and Murder Ep 1
The Case of the The Pernicious Party  
Hello, hello, hello! It’s been a hot second but your resident D20 recapper is back to tackle the newest season: Mice and Murder! Y’all had to know I wasn’t gonna sit out the murder mystery, are you kidding me???
I might be playing around with the format a bit in the coming weeks to make sure I have the best possible system for keeping track of possible clues, suspects, and theories as we untangle whatever web Brennan weaves for us this season so don’t be surprised if things change a little. 
Anyway, without further ado, onto our mystery!
In case you missed it, this season takes place in an alternate, Zootopia/Wind in the Willows-esque universe where all the characters are animals but history seems to have happened in more or less the same way--for example there was still a King Charles but he was a King Charles Spaniel (cute Brennan). Our story specifically takes place in the English village of Tufting Meadows.  
We start with Katie’s character--Gangie Green (Weasel/Thief Rogue) in the graveyard of the Anglican Chapel (Our Lady of Prayerful Paws). Gangie, we learn, is an orphan who was kicked out of the orphanage at some point for thievery. Obviously, he’s not reformed of the habit because he is here to do some graverobbing. On a nat 20 (that Katie hilariously doesn’t notice even though her total is like a 29) Gangie can see through the window of the rectory that there is a weeping window inside--Catherine McCabbage who is being (dubiously) tended to by Raph’s character, Vicar Ian Prescott (Owl/Bard, College of Eloquence). 
Ian comes from a line of men of the cloth but he’s not exactly the best speaker despite his subclass. He’s doing his best though! The widow’s husband (Conor McCabbage) died at the local mill in what has been declared an accident but she suspects foul play. She’s been hearing his voice on the wind and wants Ian’s professional opinion on whether this could be a sign from God or if her husband might be speaking to her from beyond the grave or something like that. Ian gives a very muddled and not very comforting answer but seems pretty sure that something sketchy did in fact happen. Then, he sees a crack of lightning outside which illuminates the graveyard where he gets a glimpse of Gangie. 
He goes to check it out (and Gangie fully has an elderly goat he’s dug up slung over his shoulder) but “gravedigger” is his legit job so Ian decides to assume whatever’s going on is legit and not ask too many questions. He goes back to the widow (who, before she leaves, says that maybe sometimes people need to work on God’s behalf) while Gangie takes the body Loam Hall (a massive manor, built into a hill).
We cut to the next day and our next two characters! 
At 22B Hamsted Street in a pretty well appointed home are Ally and Grant’s characters. First up, we have Lars Vandenchomp (Huge ass Doberman/Battlemaster Fighter) who is so tough looking but also so Swedish sounding--it’s A Lot (so, incredibly on brand for Ally). Lars is security for Grant’s character Sylvester Cross (Fox/Inquisitive Rogue) who is a kinda (to use Grant’s word) “foppish” Sherlock Holmes type. He was hired by Squire William Thornwall Brockhollow to figure out what happened with Conor McCabbage (and clear him of negligence in running the mill) but he couldn’t find any evidence of any funny business, making this the only case he’s never cracked. He’s not as young or popular as he once was so this is, understandably, bumming him out. He’s even more bummed out when he realizes that William has invited him to his 60th birthday party that’s happening that night (as kind of a prop to show that he did his part in trying to solve the mystery) and Lars has already RSVP’d yes. He grudgingly agrees to go as it’s one of those asks that’s really more of a veiled demand but decides to pull the money he was paid from the bank first so he can return it and really stick it to the guy.
Finally, we cut to our last set of PCs who are on their way to Tufting Meadows via a very luxurious train. Inside are Sam and Rekha’s characters! Sam is Buckster $ Boyd (Peccary which is like a small boar/Mastermind Rouge) a Texan Oil Tycoon who acts exactly how you’d expect a Texan Oil Pig to act. Yes, you pronounce the dollar sign as “dollar sign” (even though as we find out later his middle name is Cassius so it’s like Cash which I think is super cool). With him is Rekha’s character, Daisy D'umpstaire (Raccoon/Assassin (???) Rogue another American (from South Carolina) though it seems she’s My Fair Lady’d herself into an upper class socialite (her last name was previously Dumpster). They’re traveling with their accountant, an Armadillo named Armond who seems kinda skittish and concerned about their travel expenses but Buck tells him that to make money you gotta spend money and they’re gonna make a *ton* of money on this trip. They’re also so so mean to him for absolutely no reason. 
When the train stops, they’re greeted by Templeton Padhop (a frog, natch) who is the chauffeur of Loan Hall, sent to fetch them. A wheel on his car is broken so he joins in on the Armond abuse immediately and has Armond roll into an Armadillo ball and replace it. Poor guy. When they show up they're greeted by a footman--a pug in a bowler hat named Milo Snout.
Meanwhile, Lars and Sly (Oh, Sly fox, I see what you did there Grant) are similarly greeted by another footman--a lizard named Basil Baskins. On a 23 perception check, Lars sees that Jeremy “Jez” Brockhollow is inside (the son of William who is a badger btw) and also clocks Gangie (who they know as a career criminal who disappeared like a year ago). Gangie doesn’t notice Lars though. 
Ian, who is also invited, shows up at about the same time as Sly but very quickly, the conversation is taken over by Lucretia “Lucy” Brockhollow, William’s older, eccentric sister who immediately gets into it with Lars about astrology and the occult (she thinks bad stuff is happening because of a curse let loose when Sly’s old rival--a rabbit named Fletcher Cottonbottom who is the son of his former employer--opened an Egyptian tomb). They’re thick as thieves right away because Ally is a nonsense magnet. And not like a regular magnet, one of those big electromagnets. 
Daisy and Buck spot William’s kids--the aforementioned Jez and his older sister Constance--along with their husbands Dr. Corbin Magpie (Constance’s and obv a magpie and a doctor) and Osmond Sheffield (Jez’s who is a Ram and a lawyer). Daisy is too stuck in her conversation with a truly unhinged squirrel (Lady Eugenia Bristlebrush who clearly does not know she’s in a murder mystery because she just keeps talking about how much she hates and wants to kill everyone) to hear what’s going on but she indicates the conversation to Buck who is able to eavesdrop and hear that they’re lamenting that Catherine--the widow--RSVP’d no which is gonna look really bad, like they didn’t invite her (bad PR). 
Buck, introducing himself as a business partner of William, eases into a conversation with the husbands which their respective spouses also join into and we learn that Buck's dad was British and a friend of Willian’s. Buck bonds with Jez (who is a bit of a dilettante) really quickly since Buck is ready to go drinks-wise immediately (and there’s a stellar pun about the “American [Drinking] Constitution''). Through the window, Buck notices Gangie outside getting his attention. 
At the same time, Ian is going from party guest to party guest, giving out the penances he forgot to earlier at church (as one does). We see him talking to the Lord and Lady Bramble (a cow and hedgehog, respectively) and while she wants to pray her way out of situations without doing any legwork, he wants to buy his way out and gives Ian 250 pounds. A frustrating but financially lucrative conversation.  
Buck goes outside to talk to Gangie who has a list of names of the bodies he’s been collecting. We’re not told what Buck is doing but it seems that this list is extremely valuable to him in some way. Gangie (who Buck keeps calling Gangly, to his annoyance) pays him handsomely (like, with a 50% tip) for the list (and Gangie gives him the real list, despite Brennan saying he didn’t have to). We also learn that Gangie has allegedly been getting the orders from someone in Loa Hall and they flow from William himself.
Matilda Molesly (a mole and the head maid) invites Gangie to come in from the rain--she’s the only person who’s been consistently nice to him and he agrees to come in for tea and scones. 
Everyone is ushered together by the butler (because of course there’s a butler--he’s quite literally a fancy rat named Thomas Gilfoyle) and William gives a speech where he wishes Conor well and kinda highlights that he did hire Sly to solve the case in a “Hey, I did my bit don’t blame me” kind of way. He also makes a 150k pound donation to the church (and Ian thought 250 was good) and tells his daughter not to read the praise he got for it from the cardinal when she mentions it (I wonder if that was choreographed). Sly interrupts the speech to “magnanimously” give his money back, to William’s annoyance. Buck notices that Lawrence Longfoot (a nouveau rich, rabbit photographer) takes a pic of the scene but with Sly in the foreground and William in the background. 
Then, a few things happen at once (in a very cinematic way):
As the camera flashes, Mrs. Molesly drops her tray, eyes hurt by the light. Lady Calliope Fawnbrooke (Deer, Matron of the Arts) helps her up.
In the moment of dark, after the flash goes away, the butler disappears. 
Buck thinks he sees a shape through the window, out in the rain. 
A cheer goes up for Sly for returning the money but all Sly can focus on is one figure he recognizes in the back of the room. Daisy, who is downing her drink and not cheering for him. He downs his as well, and looks at her until she breaks the stare and leaves the room. 
And this episode doesn’t end with a dead body like I thought, but with a flashback to a younger Sylvester, 12 years ago when he first met Daisy.
Case Notes
Here is a compilation of all the characters (PCs and NPCs introduced in this episode). 
Sly mentions that Ignatius Cottonbottom faked his own death as a part of some scheme which seems like a backstory point that might come back later--we now know that there exists a way to convincingly fake your own death in this world. 
Sly walks with a walking stick because of some “mysterious accident” but we’re jumping into a flashback next week so it looks like we might find out about it pretty soon. 
Sly also mentions he used to be the personal physician to the elder Cottonbottom so those are skills he has. I wonder if that’ll be useful to this healer-less party. I wonder if cleric was even an option in this world which seems to be low to no magic. It would explain by Ian is a bad and not a cleric. 
Lars has a military background which I wanted to mention in case it becomes relevant later. 
And Dr. Magpie grew up poor and still acts it a bit even though he married a very rich woman. Brennan uses the very good line, “He forces his body into the shape of an apology”
This might be a really deep cut reference but did anyone else here was the old Britcom “Keeping Up Appearances”? Cause I was getting serious Bouquet/Bucket energy from Daisy. 
This is an all College Humor season and it shows. The energy of 6 (7 if you count Brennan) top notch comedians sparking off of each other, trying to one up each other is off the charts. Some of the best bits this episode:
“When God closes every door but one, you go through the door that is open.” followed by “I’m an owl by the way.”
“Time is money, here’s both” from Buck re his inscribed gold pocket watch--everyone at the table loved that so much and they’re right. 
Armond going from being a third to a fourth wheel. 
And the names--I already shouted out a ton on the main recap but also a rat butler (like Rhett Butler) and naming the mouse Cat(therine). Can’t forget Gangie Green/gangrene from Katie. Also points to Ally for the data stealing Eel Musk which broke Brennan a little. 
I know we just went through this with Crown of Candy but what are these animals eating? Like, in Zootopia there were only mammals so we can assume the carnivores are eating like birds and fish but there are sentient birds here. I know this isn’t important. I’m not trying to do a CinemaSins gotcha. I just wonder, you know?
Y’all were waiting for all the lights to go out during that speech and then come back on and there’d be a body too, right?
If Brennan makes the bad guy a chicken or a duck or something so he can make a “fowl play” joke, he is cordially invited to catch these hands. 
I have been waiting for Raph and Katie to do D20 forever. Their specific brand of nonsense on Rank Room was always amazing. 
I love love love that Grant and Rekha are the PCs that have ~a past~ because they are so funny together. If you haven’t seen their episode of Game Changers, you absolutely must (it’s also a murder mystery actually!). 
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
What’s the difference between a pulp hero and a super hero?
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There is a common sentiment when discussing pulp heroes, when compared to superheroes, that positions the two as if they were separate by entire eras, with pulp heroes being as distinct from the superheroes as the dinosaurs are to mankind. But then again, the dinosaurs never really went away, did they? 
Oh sure, they endured a great extinction, they downsized and ceded their thrones to the tiny little rats that scurried in their shadow, who then grew to become just as big, and then even bigger, but they never went away. They simply adapted into new forms and formed new ecosystems. We call them birds now.
The gap between Superman and The Shadow is merely 6 years, hardly much of a generation. There are those that argue that the Marvel and DC universes still have pulp heroes, that Batman is (or was) one, that characters like The Question and Moon Knight carry on the tradition. We have characters like Hellboy, Grendel, Tom Strong and Zack Overkill as original, modern examples of pulp characters, strongly identified as such. Venture Bros had in 2016 the best modern take on the Green Hornet. Lavender Jack is still going strong. So the idea that pulp heroes are defined solely by being old and outdated isn’t exactly true, when clearly there’s still enough gas in the tank centuries later for stories with them to be told.
Is there any meaningful distinction between pulp heroes and superheroes? If not, can we identify one?
Costume is definitely a big part of it, as Grant Morrison famously argued in his own summation. Of what he considers the big difference between the two: 
“What makes the superhero more current is the performance aspect. That's what The Shadow and those other guys don't really have. Their costumes are not bright, and they don't have their initials on their chest, and everything isn't out front and popping like the superheroes. I think we can relate to that about them because in the world we live in, everyone has a constant need to be a star. I think superheroes are keyed into that parallelism. They're performers. They're rock stars, and they always have been.
And he’s right, to an extent. It’s definitely tied into the central differences between The Shadow and Batman, as I’ve elaborated. While The Shadow was far, far from the only type of pulp hero, the superhero’s costume has long been defined as THE thing that sets it apart from every other type of fictional character. At least, when it comes to American superheroes. 
Because the “criteria” for superheroes is nowhere near as set in stone as some would like to believe. Our basic definition of superheroes is based around comparisons and contrasts to Superman and Batman, and how they fit into what we call “the superhero genre”. The existence of a superhero genre is, in and of itself, debatable, and any working definition for superheroes is inevitably going to have too many exceptions. 
Superheroes are not defined by settings, like cowboys or spacemen, or their profession, like detectives. They can’t be defined by superpowers (Batman), a mission statement, having secret identities (Fantastic Four, Tony Stark), being good people, or good at their jobs. The costume, the closest there is to a true, defining convention, still has a considerable share of exceptions like Jack Knight’s Starman, a great deal of the X-Men who do not wear uniforms, or most superheroes created outside the US. The most basic definition of superhero is of comic book characters with iconic costumes and enhanced abilities who fight villains in shared superhero universes, but even that falls short of exceptions by including characters who are not superheroes (John Constantine and other Vertigo characters, Jonah Hex, the Punisher). Some people would call Goku or Harry Potter or Lucky Luke or Monica’s Gang superheroes, Donald Duck has literally been one. “Character with a distinctive design and unusual talents who fights evil” includes virtually every fictional hero that’s ever achieved a modicum of popularity in a visual medium.
Even telling stories with super characters doesn’t mean you’re going to be writing a superhero story (Joker). Superheroes are not defined by settings and genres, but they can inhabit just about any of them you can imagine. Horror, westerns, gritty crime drama, historical reconstruction, romance, space adventure, war stories, surrealism stories. As Morrison put it, they aren’t so much a genre as they are “a special chilli pepper-like ingredient designed to energize other genres”, part of the reason why they colonized the entire blockbuster landscape.
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Aviation became a thing in the war years, so they started producing en masse aviation pulps as a subgenre. Zeppelins became popular, so they had a short-lived zeppelin subgenre. Celebrities starred in their own magazines. The American pulps were different from the German pulps, or the Italian pulps, or the Canadian pulps. In China, wuxia arose at a similar time period and with similar themes and distribution. In Brazil, we have “folhetos”, short, poetic, extremely cheap prose often written about romantic heroes and “cangaçeiros”, the closest local equivalent to the American cowboys. In Japan, “light novels” began life as pulp fiction, distributed in exactly the same format and literally sold as such. Pulp fiction has long outlived any and all attempts to define it as 30s literary fiction only.
Likewise, “pulp” and “pulp heroes” are terms employed very, very loosely. Characters like The Shadow and Doc Savage arrived quite late in the history of pulp fiction. You had characters like Jimmie Dale, Bulldog Drummond, Tarzan, Conan, a billion non-descript trenchcoat guys, and before those the likes of Nick Carter and Sexton Blake, dime novel detectives who made the jump to pulp. You had your hero pulps, villain pulps, adventure pulps, romance pulps, horror pulps, weird menace pulps. Science fiction, planetary romance, roman-era adventures, lost race adventures, anything that publishers could sell was turned into pulp stories starring, what else, pulp heroes. 
How do you make sense of it all?
The main difference to consider is the mediums they were made for. 
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Pulp heroes were made for literature, superheroes were made for comic books.
Superheroes NEED to pop out visually, to have bold and flashy and striking designs, because comic books are visual stories first and foremost, who live and die on having attractive, catching character designs and the promise of an entertaining story with them. Pulp heroes, in turn, can often just be ordinary dudes and dudettes and anything in between in trenchcoats or evening wear or furry underwear, or masters of disguise rarely identifiable, because the only thing that needs to visually striking at first glance in a pulp magazine is the cover, so your imagination can get ready to do the rest. Smoking guns, bloody daggers, a romantic embrace, monsters hunched over ladies in peril, incendiary escapes. The characters can look like and be literally anything.
Comic books are a sequential art form where art and writing come together to tell a story, and every illustration must serve the story and vice-versa. It needs to give you an incentive to keep being visually invested in whatever’s going on. Pulp literature stays dead on the page unless animated by your expectations; you may have the illusion of submitting to an experience, but really it’s you expending your imagination to otherwise inert signals. You have to provide the colors and flashy sequences and great meaning yourself, and as a trade, you get much more text to work with in novels than you do in comic books, where the dialogue and narration are fundamentally secondary to the visual, whether it’s a superhero punching stars or a monster covered in blood.
Each art form has its strengths and weaknesses, of course, which are only accentuated when each tries to be of a different kind. There's been pulp heroes that tried making the jump to comics, and comic heroes that made the jump to literature. There’s good, even great examples, of both, but even at their best, there's always some incongruity, because that's not the medium these characters were made for. 
Superheroes are characters defined by being extraordinary. The pulp heroes are too, in many cases, distinguished from their literary antecessors because they were too uncanny and weird, a middleground between the folklore/fairy tale heroes and the grounded detective and adventure characters such as Sherlock, and the later far out superheroes. But they don’t necessarily have to be extraordinary. Sometimes they can very well just be completely ordinary characters, caught in bizarre circumstances and managing them as best they can, or simply using skills available to anyone who puts in effort to do good. Often enough the extraordinary comes in the form of a bizarre villain, or a tangled conspiracy, a monster from outside the world, a unique time period. The extraordinary is there, but it doesn’t have to be in the hero. 
That is, I’d argue, the other big fundamental difference between the two. "Superhero” is a name we use to define a type of character who fits an extraordinary mold, a Super Hero. It’s a genre, it can be every genre, it’s a shared universe and a stand-alone epic. There are guidelines, structures at work here. Grids, page count, illustrators. The Big Two and their domain over the concept. Academic usage of the term, standards that rule the “genre”, when it is defined as a genre. Malleable and overpowering and adaptable and timeless as the superhero may be, it’s still bound by a certain set of rules and trends.
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The term “pulp hero” is a term that we use to label just about any character that happens to star in something we recognize as “pulp fiction”, even if it isn’t literally written in pulp, even if it’s decades later. It’s a “metaphor with no brakes in it”. Superheroes can be pulp heroes. The most powerless, unlucky, homeless bum can be a pulp hero, there were entire subgenres of pulp stories based on homeless protagonists or talltale stories told in bars. The cruelest villain can be a pulp hero. Boris Karloff about to stab you with a knife named Ike IS a pulp hero, and so is a space slug on a warpath (look up what happened when Lovecraft and R.E Howard collaborated).
As much as I may dislike the idea of pulp heroes largely only existing in the shadow of superheroes nowadays...that is kinda appropriate, isn’t it? Of course they are going to live and make their homes in the place where the sun doesn’t shine. Where Superman and co would never go to. 
Of course the 90s reboots of these characters failed. Because they tried turning these characters into superheroes, and they are not superheroes. They can visit those world, but they don’t belong in them, or anywhere else. They live in places where the light doesn’t touch, worlds much bigger and darker and more vast than you’d ever think at first glance, worlds that we still haven’t fully discovered (over 38% of American pulps no longer exist, 14% survive in less than five scattered copies, to say nothing of all pulps and pulp heroes outside of America). Not lesser, not gone, despite having every reason to. Just different, reborn time and time again. The shadow opposites.
In short: One is represented by Superman. The other is represented by The Shadow. There are worlds far beyond those two, but when you think of the concepts, those are the ones that things always seem to come back to.
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stark-tony · 3 years
underrated irondad and spiderson fic recs part 1
Men's Synch 3m Platform by loudestfandomsoftheworld
summary: or 5 times Peter Parker goes dumpster diving, and one time he does something else... " “You took my nephew dumpster diving?” Ben asked incredulously.
 His wife stood tall with a toddler strapped to her chest, tugging at one end of a couch with all her might. “I did not,” 
“Twash!” Peter yelled."
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
do you even remember what the world looks like? by iron_spider
summary: Tony’s heart has been working on overdrive since this whole thing started. Friday has a countdown clock plastered on the heads up display, but it feels like hieroglyphics to him at this point, like some ancient language he could never master.
Because when Peter Parker is missing, things start losing their meaning real quick.
“Should be around here,” Rhodey says on the com. May is still on the other line, listening in, because once a certain amount of time goes by without word from Peter, things move into Extremely Worried Aunt territory. They’re already in Tony Is Panicking territory, and when both of those territories overlap it’s never a good time for anybody.
Time? What the hell is time? His mind is blanking numbers out entirely. Minutes are seconds are hours are years.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Empty Casket by Jen27ny
summary: After the Vulture, Tony should have known better.
He should have listened to Peter.
But he didn’t.
And now, Peter is dead.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Patient #2252 by TheSoulOfAStrawberry
summary:  When a warehouse comes down on Spider-Man’s head and leaves him with a brain injury, Queens social worker Bianca Browne and Dr Grace Li of NY-Presbytarian Hospital find themselves racing the NYPD to uncover Spidey’s identity and get him help before he can be charged with a litany of crimes.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: police brutality
That's why they call me mr. fahrenheit by SparrowFlight246
summary: Peter’s on fire.
He wakes up fast, and before he even gets the chance to feel the pain, the aches, the dizziness, he feels the heat. It’s all encompassing, a raging inferno blooming from within him and burning him up from the inside out, and god, it—
—god, it hurts.
Peter gets whammied by a 24-hour superbug, and Tony’s left to keep him alive until tomorrow morning.
It sounds a hell of a lot easier than it ends up being.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
not like megatron by iron_spider
summary: “Hi! This is Peter Parker, I can’t get to the phone right now, so leave a message and I’ll call you back later! Hopefully not too much later, but don’t get your hopes up!”
Tony knows that message by heart. He’s heard it hundreds of times, in a greyer world, and it sends shivers down his spine as he climbs into the car.
He doesn’t think about that place. That half-world. No way, that’s done, that’s over, that’s history.“Hey, kid, don’t you know it’s bad etiquette to go and disappear on your birthday? Not allowed, really, really bad vibes from the universe. What’s going on with your suit? I wasn’t watching. Nope. Just got an alert. What’s going on? Uh, call me back.” He clears his throat and hangs up like a moron, driving out into the street.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater by frostysunflowers
summary:  ''Dying.''
''You’re not dying.''
''Totally am.'
'''God, I hope not, otherwise May will skin me alive.''
A weekend visit to the cabin doesn't go according to plan.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, humor
warnings: none
an irondad's misguided approach to homesickness by livingtheobsessedlife
summary: Peter mentions it once. Once. That he’s maybe kinda sorta vaguely somewhat homesick. MIT is no Queens, that’s all really. All in all, Pete’s having a great time at college. Really, truly.
The thing is that Tony’s never really taken the whole ‘only mentioning it once’ thing all that well. Not when it comes to Peter at least.
This time is no exception.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
you held your pride like you should have held me by searchingforstars
summary: “I had to take the risk!” Peter snaps. “I saved your life.”
Tony’s stare hardens. “Yeah, and nearly ended your goddamn own. This isn’t a trade-off. It wasn’t your call to make.”
“You would have done the same thing to protect me,” Peter points out. Tony just seethes at the statement.
“I don’t care about what you think I would have done. You are not me. And I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself."
or, as the timer ticked down, Peter knew his only option was to take things into his own hands. He just didn’t expect Tony to be mad at him for saving his life.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
always on duty by parkrstark
summary:  Peter manages to convince Tony to take him to a gala, but when Tony is hurt, he realizes that it's just as dangerous to be Tony Stark as it is to be Iron Man. 
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, humor
warnings: none
Out of Left Field by blondsak, seekrest
summary: Even if Tony didn’t end up becoming a big fan of the Mets, Peter knew they’d still have a great time at the game. And the fact that Tony wanted to go with Peter badly enough to make it clear that he should buy a pair of tickets as a birthday gift?
Peter shakes his head fondly.
Maybe for once the month of May was going to work out for him after all.
pairings: spideychelle
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
three weeks, two days, seven hours by crowkag
summary: It was a mess. A real mess. Peter had been gone for three weeks, two days, and seven hours, taken right out from under their noses.
And Tony was laying on the floor.
(AKA “you’ll always get there first”, but from Tony’s POV.)
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
for as long as i live and as long as i love (i will never not think about you) by searchingforstars
summary: When Tony first started to forget things, Peter thought maybe it was just age. People’s memories fade as they get older, right? Minds get weaker. It’s just natural.
But Tony has arguably the sharpest mind of the 21st century. Peter should have realised that it was never going to be just getting weaker. It was never going to be just age.
No - not when the sharpest mind of the 21st century also happened to come into contact with the deadliest amount of gamma radiation known to man five years ago.
or, Tony’s sacrifice is still haunting them five years later. Peter has to come to terms with the fact that Tony’s memory is fading.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
a dream is a wish by floweryfran
summary: Tony seems to panic for a moment, shifting his weight foot to foot, before spitting out in one mouthful, “I have a business trip in Florida right before your spring break and I talked to May and she says I can bring you to Disney for the week once it’s done ahhh.” He then breathes, grins plastically, and holds his hands out, like, I’m Tony Stark, hold your applause.
Peter runs the words through his head no less than three times to make sure he had understood them properly. “Disney—you and me—spring break?” he repeats.
Tony nods, hair flopping. “I mean, like, don’t feel obligated to say yes, but I thought it would be fun since May says you’ve never gone and she would’ve been working for your whole break anyway, y’know, at least this way we won’t be worrying about you sitting home alone for hours doing G-d only knows what—building accidental robot armies or something, or, worse, becoming a couch potato and forgetting every bit of knowledge I’ve ever carefully placed in that rat trap you call a brain—”
“Tony,” Peter says, waving his hands to shut Tony up. Something warm sits in the core of his chest, hovering. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, yeah, for sure, let’s—Disney. Let’s go. Wow.”
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Of birthday cake and millennium falcons by frostysunflowers
summary: "You still haven’t answered my question," MJ says, taking another sip of her juice.
 "Isn’t it obvious?" Tony replies, scratching at one of the scars on his neck with the end of a screwdriver. "It’s Ben’s birthday."
"And Ben’s birthday warrants a…" MJ waves a hand vaguely, "what the hell is that thing anyway?"
Tony has no self control when it comes to birthday parties and his grandson.
pairings: spideychelle
tags: fluff
warnings: none
what i have, i give to you by aatticsaltt
summary:  Tony would give everything to Peter Parker, if he asked for it. When May calls telling Tony she thinks Peter isn't feeling well, he drops everything to go check up on his favorite spider kid.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Smile! by aatticsaltt
summary:  Taking Peter to Disney World was one of Tony's better ideas.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
and when it's hard, i'll place your head into my hands by hopeless_hope
summary: “Tony,” Pepper sing-songs to get his attention. “Your mother hen is showing.”
“What?” he snaps indignantly. “I am not a mother hen. This is just... concern. Of the average kind. Perfectly normal.”
“Of course,” Pepper humors him, and he shoots her a dirty look as he types out a quick text to Peter.
It's been five days since Tony's heard from Peter, who's away at college, and Tony is not coping well. (Neither is Peter.)
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
Of Wally-Crawly Harnesses and Over-Enthusiastic Hat-Bestowing Capabilities by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
summary: Tony raises a brow at him in triumph, then sniffs and rubs the side of his nose. “Besides, think of it this way. Now you got a bullet-proof neck.”
“Nobody would even shoot a sad-looking orphan bundled like a spring roll in Red Heart yarn,” Peter points out. “That’s just low.”
“Excuse me, young buck, I resent the implication that I would let Red Heart come within an inch of your skin.”
“You’re insufferable,” Peter says flatly. “I hate you.”
“And just for that, I think this calls for those wool socks I was working on,” Tony says brightly.
“No--no, wait--”
“It’s time to learn that your consequences have actions, Parker--”
“Wait, wait, I love your knitting, I think it’s super healthy and fulfilling and honestly the best thing that’s ever happened to you since you retired!” Peter hollers at the man’s figure as it retreats quickly down the hallway. -- After Peter faints into hibernation because he can't thermoregulate, Tony isn't taking anymore chances. Out come the wool skeins and the knitting needles.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
how do you sandwich!? by killerqueenwrites
summary: “Why are you buttering toast before you toast it?
”“I’m not toasting this.”
“Then what are you doing?” Peter demands.
“I’m making a sandwich.”
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
What I Can't Live Without by aatticsaltt
summary: Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Heavy lies the heart of the father who has to watch his son bow beneath the weight of the world.
or: When Peter calls Happy needing a ride out of the Netherlands, it's Tony who comes to the rescue.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Tales from Quarantine by just_a_hungry_author
summary: Peter, Morgan, and Tony are all stuck inside during the Coronavirus quarantine. Morgan learns to play Monopoly, Tony struggles to help with 1st grade math, and a prank war ensues.
God, this is the longest two weeks ever.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
if we have each other by ftmpeter
summary: "Do you ever just, like, feel like you’re upside down?"
"You are upside down, Pete."
"Sounds fake."
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
What Happens in the Blanket Fort Stays in the Blanket Fort by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
summary: “Well, I was gonna discuss with May some legal particulars about changes to my will that involve you,” Tony drawls, “but looks like I’ll just have to change my plans.”
There’s a beat. And then a yodel: “I’m just a poor boy, I need--”
“If not for this goddamn quarantine, I’d be there in a flash to shut you up myself, Spidey-Tighties.”
“You made these ‘tights’.”
“Mr. Stark.”
“Mr. Stark. I’m begging you. What does that even mean.” -- Tony comes over to keep Peter company during the quarantine while the kid waits for May to come home from work at the hospital. Bants are had. Feelings are spilled. And maybe, just maybe, a hug or two is shared.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
On his Shoulders by snarkymuch
summary: “Please, please,” Tony begged, “Keep breathing, kid. Don’t do this to me. You can’t leave me like this.” The morning started like any other for Tony. He kissed Pepper good morning and sipped his coffee. He scanned his emails and chatted with Pepper about the vacation they were always planning but never took. The calm should have been a warning, as the storm always followed.
Peter and Tony get trapped in a building collapse and Peter is gravely injured.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
coronapocalypse by peterstank
summary:  “This whole quarantine thing shouldn’t even apply to me.”
“Uh, I beg to differ, it’s very serious,” replies Tony’s voice, slightly muffled like he’s got his phone pressed between his shoulder and chin. “We’re all on lockdown, which means no leaving your place unless it’s for emergencies.”
“And what qualifies as an emergency?”
There’s a pause.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re not in your apartment?”
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
Little White Lies by snarkymuch
summary:  Peter gets injured and tries to treat it himself, hiding it from Tony, but he can't keep it hidden forever.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Peter Parker and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Semester by just_a_hungry_author
summary: "So tell me, Kid." Tony said, patting the space next to him. "What's been going on?"
"Nothing's been going on." Peter denied, but he sat down anyway.
"Pete, don't bottle your emotions up. Only I'm allowed to do that."
When Peter again didn't smile at his joke, Tony continued. "I know you're stressed, Bud. But tell me why so I can help you."
"It's nothing you can help." Peter mumbled.
"Can I at least try?"
"I've just been having a bad week."
OR: Peter’s been having a rough time at college, Tony tries to jump in and help. 3000 words of pure fluff.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Windy Webs by silentsaebyeok
summary:  And that was it. He was officially an idiot. Peter didn’t mean to be dramatic, but this was one of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to him, even if there was no one around to witness the fall of the century. -- Peter goes web-slinging in dangerous weather and gets seriously injured. It doesn't help that he has to spend the whole summer living with the consequences.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Peter gets the chickenpox by snarkymuch
summary:  Peter and Morgan both catch the chickenpox. Morgan's case is mild, but Peter's is severe. Tony takes care of them both.
pairings:  none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
140 notes · View notes
amuhseen2003 · 3 years
Okay, so after four years of being in the Sanders Sides fandom, I’m going to attempt to write some headcanons. Here we go.
Since it’s well-known in fanon that the sides do have karaoke sessions, imagine what would happen if they sang musicals based on gothic literature.
Roman’s happy because broadway, duh, Logan is happy because it’s canon that he enjoys gothic literature since he dressed up as Frankenstein’s monster for Halloween, same reason for Virgil and Patton’s happy that his family is bonding. He made extra cookies for the occasion. He’s dangerous like that. 
(I headcanon that when Thomas had to write analyses of gothic literature novels for school, Virgil, Roman and Logan would work together to come up with stuff and write the best essays in class and Patton would be so proud of them)
I’m not going to count Les Mis because I’m not too sure if that counts as gothic literature and whilst the Hunchback of Notre Dame is indeed gothic (trust me I read that in a plane once. An entire, like, ten pages is dedicated to describing the scenery) I don’t think it became a broadway show.
Now this isn’t like their usual karaoke nights, no sir. Just idly remaining in the living room won’t do. Where is the gusto? The pizazz? The accolade winning extravaganza? The-
“We get it Princey, can you just get on with it?” - Virgil
No, this type of singing can only be accompanied with an atmosphere that will do it justice. To the imagination they go and with Logan’s (who has practically memorised every single one of these books and is not geeking out at all) input on how the novels describe each setting, Roman creates very intricate landscapes for each song.
When they sing ‘Alive’ from ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ Roman thought that it would be really cool for Patton to play Mr Edward Hyde since Hyde is literally the human id and Patton, being the embodiment of morality, is literally the superego (although to be fair, Patton is also shown to be quite childish and impulsive since he’s also the base of Thomas’ emotions and Hyde is impulsive because he’s a way for Jekyll to act on his own emotions - especially since the only crime that Hyde does in the book are him over-reacting with his anger by beating a man to death. And in the novella, Jekyll writes that he and Hyde are like father and son and that Hyde is actually younger than Jekyll is, he does have that sense of childishness that Patton has only instead of that childishness being good and helpful, it’s bad and hurtful. Plus in the soundtrack of Alive, whilst Anthony Warlow does sing about how good being evil feels like, he also sounds like he is crying tears of joy of being able to be himself, the first words post-transformation being freedom and anyways these are supposed to be fun headcanons not analytical headcanons so I digress…)
Anyways Patton is happy to play the villain because “look kiddos, Roman conjured up this really swell cape” “the correct term is cloak” “and check out this top hat and cane!” and he’s just belting out the words and froliking around Victorian London without a care in the world, making his cape swoosh in the wind.
“Patton I would advise you not to take your shoes off. This is nineteenth-century London with people dying of cholera by the dozens, your feet could catch a myriad of infections.”
“Worry not, specs, the scenery is merely an illusion. I would never allow for our dear padre to succumb to the villain of illness”
“Aww, thanks kiddo (cue Patton’s sunshine smile) now where was I? IT’S THE FEELING OF BEING ALIVE! FILLED WITH EVIL AND TRULY ALIVE!”
They have Logan sing ‘I Need To Know’ because a doctor of science singing about wanting to expand his knowledge and having that thirst to do whatever it takes to get said knowledge. That is a Logan Sanders song right there. At first he’s like “why do I have to sing. I was happy enough giving directions and helping you with the scenery” but Roman creates this big scientific library that could rival the one from Beauty and the Beast/ laboratory from that’s practically the identical to Jekyll’s lab in the book and he’s like “Fine” like he isn’t enjoying himself. He is. They all know it. He’s not fooling anyone
Patton and Roman sing ‘Bring on the men’ together (yes, whilst wearing dresses) whilst Virgil and Logan drink apple juice from those big british beer glasses in the mind-scape created Red Rat (which Logan is quick to point out doesn’t exist and is vocally upset at how the musical adaptation added unnecessary romantic subplots with Lisa and Lucy when the book itself only had three background female characters who were only there for like one paragraph. He’s even more upset at the other inaccuracies with the book like how in the play Jekyll creates his formula as a cure for mental illness and Hyde was accidental whilst in the book he did it because he wanted to indulge in sin without fearing the consequences and Hyde, whilst not being exactly what he wanted, was actually created on purpose or how in the book Hyde only kills one man and in the musical he kills practically everyone except for the one person he did kill. Virgil pats him on the back with sympathy). Roman and Virgil are sniggering at the sexual euphemisms at the end of the song whilst Patton’s confused. She just seems really enthusiastic about food.
Roman sings both parts of ‘Confrontation’ by himself. He gets a standing ovation.
He also does ‘Transformation’. The problem is that he was so good at sounding like he was in complete agony and near death that they had to stop the song prematurely because Patton was getting upset. Don’t worry, Pat gets lots of cuddles by Roman afterwords.
(You know what I might do some sides reacting to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde later because 1. It’s my favourite book and 2. All four of them would have very interesting takes on it)
From the Frankenstein musical Virgil plays the criminal from ‘Say Amen’ because he wants to (seriously, the guy’s first words in the song are ‘I curse the day that I was born into a world so black with hate’) and Logan plays Victor Frankenstein but Patton refuses for his son to even pretend to be executed by the noose so they have Roman play a man wearing a british executioner outfit with a foam sword and the creative side just bonks the anxious side on the neck with it. Logan despairs about the historical inaccuracy from his place in the stands whilst Patton is cheering next to him. Patton also hands him an extra jumper to keep him warm in the Switzerland cold. 
“Patton, I am grateful that you are thinking of my health but no one in eighteenth century Switzerland wore bright blue jumpers with cartoon kittens on them”
“Really, Logan, are you paw-sitive?”
“I would like to change places with Virgil. Immediately” 
Roman and Logan turn ‘Birth to my creation’ into a duet because Logan enjoys the scientific aspect of it and Roman can’t resist the drama (of course). He goes all out. He makes Victor’s lab perfect to the smallest detail (and cheers when Logan’s eyes start lighting up and he does that cute clappy thing when he’s excited), he conjures a storm and makes lightning strike at the best moments of the song. He even creates a ‘wretch’ (what Victor calls the monster in the book. I’ve heard that it’s name is Adam but all I remember from the novel is Victor calling himself god and the creature his Adam) to lie on the table. 
“And we didn’t even have to go grave-robbing for it. Or drop out of University.” - Roman
“No matter how many times I wanted to.” - Virgil
Roman and Virgil do most of the songs from Dracula. The creative side creates this huge, expensive-looking window-balcony thing with glass double doors and billowing silk curtains so that he could dramatically sing ‘the longer I live’ whilst the wind blows through his hair and he dramatically drapes himself on the balustrade so that the light from the full moon hits his figure just right. Patton’s close to crying.
Logan is very eager to give as many facts as he can about nineteenth-century mental institutions for ‘The Master’s Song’. He gets really into the history behind certain treatments and different cases. Roman plays Renfield and the others play doctors. 
Virgil is super into Dracula’s castle during ‘Life after life’. He and Roman duet that song wearing all-black. Logan tries to help Patton’s slight fear by telling him the history behind different pieces of architecture.
Patton plays Christine during Phantom of the Opera
Roman, Virgil and Logan sing ‘A story told’ from The Count of Monte Cristo around a circular table in a dimly lit tavern. Patton takes pictures and drinks hot chocolate in the sidelines.
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storytellersumayyah · 2 years
tw: suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, self harm mention (explanation below the cut)
A year ago, they phoned home and I lied through my teeth because I did not want to admit how bad things were because I was filled with guilt.
Today, I went to see her and we talked about you and other things and I was honest from the moment I opened my mouth because I am allowed to hurt.
A year ago, I was filled with anger and annoyance and rage because that was easier to deal with than the sadness because now there was something tangible.
Today, I am still angry sometimes, but never because of that, and I let the sadness come and sit with me, because as uncomfortable as it is, it means my heart still works.
A year ago, I couldn't understand why the fuck you would do that to me and all I wanted was to blame it all on you and your stupid ideas about who I was and what I would do.
Today, I wanted to say thank you because I've been in your place and I've done the same things and I've been forgiven for doing them and you deserve that too.
A year ago, I didn't think I would ever reveal anything to you or anyone else for as long as I was there because I didn't think there was anyone who could be trusted or who deserved my honesty.
Today, there are so many people I would turn to when I feel like that- you being one of them- and every single one of them know where I've gone when I walk in late or leave early.
A year ago, I thought you were being stupid because there is no universe in which I would ever do that because for one reason or another, I am incapable of doing it and I would know.
Today, I understand why you thought that and I will admit that I wanted to do it more than I didn't want to but I also know what it's really about now so you don't need to worry because i can cope.
A year ago, everything felt like it was spiralling out of my control and I was so ashamed of myself for putting you in that position.
Today, everything is still spiralling out of my control but for a completely different reason, and I know that there is no shame to be found in what happened.
A year ago, I wouldn't have been able to look at you because I was convinced I would have been fine, all I needed was one more day to try again.
Today, I smile every time I see you, both out of politeness and because I like you, and I'm glad that nobody has to know who I would've become if you had not done it.
- one year on from the phone call that started everything
If you know me in real life, no you don't.
A year ago, my head of year phoned because my history teacher told her I wasn't doing too good. There's some vague posts about it on my other blog. Not the point.
I was filled with anger because of grief and I had nowhere to put it. I was mad at my teacher for ratting me out like that because it felt like yet another thing I'd had no control over and that hurt. On top of the lockdown, my concerns about my academic performance and the lack of support I was ready to receive, it was not pretty.
I spent a long time being angry at him because I found it easier than being sad. I told him eventually that I was sorry for being bitchy when he came back and he told me that he knew I'd be angry, but he could take that. He told me that if something had happened, he would've never forgiven himself.
I'd laughed then because it was easier than admitting that I'd wanted to die more than I'd wanted to live. I never self-harmed, but the urge was there. It wasn't an intrusive thought. I have defaulted to anger my entire life so when there's overwhelming sadness, I don't know how to handle it.
Nobody will ever know what would've happened if that phone call hadn't been made and for that I'm glad. I'm grateful now.
I'm in grief counselling as well. We're working through the feelings. She tells me it's okay, and I actually believe her. We discuss the logic and the emotions behind all of these things. And it's helping.
The reason I wrote it is because you are allowed to be angry at the person who ratted you out. You are. Emotions don't work rationally, otherwise they wouldn't be emotions, they'd be rational thinking. But you're also allowed to forgive them. You're allowed to let go of the anger, even if you're scared it's your only tether to the world.
It's not. I'm proof of that.
And if you are the person who ratted someone out, thank you. Thank you because you may have helped save them. And I'm proud of you. It's terrifying and it's uncomfortable and it sometimes feels like the worst thing you could possibly do, but you did it. You were brave. You're allowed to take pride in that. And if the person is angry, they will forgive you. I promise.
I did. And I've never been a forgiving person. Not really.
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