britts-galaxy-brain · 10 days
Quick clarification:
- I left the server after the argument in mod chat.
- People started messaging me, I only messaged one person.
- The thing I accused her of was calling someone a backseat moderator when that's not what they were doing.
- I left the server yesterday, he deleted it today. So how is that decision my fault? I tried to convince them NOT to delete it and fuck over the rest of the community.
- I didn't want to "win" anything. This shouldn't have even been a fight. Courtney has specifically said numerous times that me and a couple of others were also mods to her, to help ground him when he gets heated. I was doing the job she put me in and she blew everything up over it.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 10 days
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Yeah. Okay. I think I'm done for a while. I have been at this since 2017. I have done my best to make sure evidence was available for anyone who asked. I've tried to be diplomatic with everyone I've worked with and known. In the earlier days, I've done my best to strategize with others in ways that didn't stifle discussion while not giving Lily and people like her ammo to twist and distort the truth that we've experienced and witnessed.
Throughout the years I have been taken advantage of and attempted to be walked over. I have tried my best to keep personal conflicts with people private, only for those people to make it public anyway. Yet for some reason, every fucking time, I'm the one who gets shit for not rolling over and taking it. Someone outright spreading lies about me? Putting words in my mouth? Refusing to accurately report what I'm saying? Someone sexually harassing me? Someone making videos attacking other content creators and lying about content she doesn't own? I'm supposed to just take all that I guess. Because the responses I've gotten every fucking time some shit blows up with someone is to find some way to blame me for it. It's not the people stirring shit up that are the problem, nah. It's the person on the receiving end refusing to just shut up and let it happen.
This situation in particular cut deeper than any of the previous ones have for me personally. And now Ethel is back and piling on with her bullshit. So. If all yall want out of me is to be a fucking doormat and let people walk on me, if yall really fucking think I'm the main issue "distracting from Lily's abuse" despite the fact that I still post about her and all this tangential shit leads back to her anyway, then I'm stepping out.
I don't know for how long. But I'm tired of being the one getting dogpiled because I won't let people treat me like shit. So yall go off.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 10 days
Damn dude don’t you think you overacted a bit? No backseat modding is a pretty common rule, and getting booted is a pretty common consequence. That remark was pretty uncalled for.
There was no backseat modding. That's the entire problem. The person in question said "if this topic isn't dropped I'm leaving the call", someone else went to get Courtney about it. That's all it was. The situation was handled exactly how it should've been. A boundary was set, an admin was notified when it wasn't respected. I don't know how else the situation could've been handled aside from everyone just ending the call because one person brought up a very extreme topic.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 10 days
Damn, anything involving Lily really is just a black hole of even more abuse, harassment, and terrible behavior. I don’t know who’s in the right or wrong here, but quite frankly I don’t fucking care. It’s exhausting to watch all of you cry and bitch about each other, when Lily’s the one who hurt all of you the fucking most. This isn’t me even trying to say “you’re just doing what Lily wants you to do” (even though, to be clear, this is ABSOLUTELY what she wants to fucking happen every single time any of her victims/critics meet each other), this is me saying that all of you are fucking morons who can’t get your shit together.
Are any of these blogs even SUPPOSED to fucking be about Lily anymore? Because over the past several MONTHS at this point, all I’ve seen is more infighting, more petty drama bullshit completely unrelated to the real actual harm that LILY has done, and a bunch of bastards chomping at the fucking BIT to tear each other apart. Lily is still absolutely an abusive piece of shit who’s wrong about 97% of things. But you know what? Maybe she WAS kind of right about some of her victims being just as fucked as SHE is herself!
Or. Hear me out. Maybe most of us are people without fucking platforms who have been trying to get our stories out, but everyone who has offered to help was only in it for the fuckin' views, sense of power, whatever other reason aside from actually helping people.
I get the frustration seeing it from the outside. Imagine how it feels to be dealing with this bullshit? Don't put this victim blaming shit in my inbox. None of us asked to be used, and it's not our fault people are fucking shady and want to take advantage of the situation.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 10 days
Courtney said you blocked her but you're saying she blocked you so... Which is it? Genuinely asking.
This seems so extreme over a minor argument,,,
She blocked me first, unblocked me to respond to my rb of her initial post and dm me to blame me for "dragging this into public", we had a back and forth in dms, and I blocked her.
I've dealt with this kind of shit from enough people in my life...if she wants to be this way, I'm not dealing with it.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 11 days
Mmk since she's decided to make what should have been a private situation public, lemme address this bullshit.
We disagreed over how a situation in her server was handled. It devolved into an argument, which ended with him announcing that he'd be shutting the server down in three days if someone else didn't want it. That shocked and hurt me, which lead me to say she was "gonna be another one". Which she interpreted as me comparing them to Lily and Poppy, which I wasn't fucking doing. Why the fuck would I compare Courtney or anyone else to sexual abusers?? What I meant was she was choosing to be another person that came off as trustworthy and like she cared, only to turn around and throw it back in mine and everyone else's faces because she got disagreed with.
"I didn't name her" no but she's quoting our conversation that nobody else was involved with and obviously vagueing about me.
I never compared her to either of those fucking predators nor would I. I tried to explain that to her and got blocked everywhere. She's going scorched earth over a minor fucking disagreement.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 11 days
Yeah ngl that one hurt.
I'm taking a break from this account for a bit.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 11 days
Where the hell did I compare you to either of them? Because I didn't. If that's how you interpreted what I said, that's on you. Could've had a rational conversation about it instead of going scorched earth the way you're doing, but you're refusing to listen.
Go off I guess..
Oh i love getting compared to my sister just because someone disagrees with me
love getting compared to poppy because i stick to a decision i made
love it when a warning gets people to compare me to two of the people who violated my consent
deciding what is and isnt mod behaviour is not violating consent but i guess its somewhere along the same sort of offense?
i dont fucking know anymore and im getting real tired of all this
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britts-galaxy-brain · 11 days
Good thing there’s certainly NO fucking shortages of people dunking on Lily’s unbelievable cruel, abusive actions and abysmal failures as a ragebaiting, Drama Youtuber on BOTH Youtube and Tumblr as well then! Seriously, LO really didn’t think that fucking through. Maybe if she ever actually watched the Youtube videos pointing out what a predatory, vile loser she is, Lily would’ve realized the idiocy of that fucking post.
She literally shits on and harasses YOUTUBERS who criticize her all the fucking time, knows Courtney is making videos documenting LO’s abuse of her, what in the HELL did Lily actually think that she was fucking accomplishing here?!! She’s infamously terrible on MULTIPLE social media platform, not just fucking Twitter!! (Though Twitter itself IS still absolutely important for documenting and warning people about how fucked up and awful of a fucking person that LO is)
She knows she's full of shit. She just doesn't care. As long as she can keep a handful of people around who believe her narrative spinning, she does not give a single fuck that she's horrible and abusive. She gets off on it and enjoys it.
Nothing Lily says is in good faith. Her only goal is being able to do whatever she wants, and treat people however she wants, and get away with it.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 11 days
How're those consequences feeling, Lily?
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Someone is super upset that people on twitter are dunking on her and she can't get in her oh-so-epic rebuttals on there because she was suspended for the billionth time, huh?
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britts-galaxy-brain · 12 days
Lily Orchard is ACTIVELY using her platform to harm minors and other emotionally vulnerable people. She hasn't stopped. She hasn't been removed. She lures people in, picks out the fawners, uses them, and spits them back out.
If Lily weren't still an active threat, we wouldn't be here.
i came across your blog purely by chance and after reading up a little on this whole situation i really genuinely think you need to stop turning your trauma into a public spectacle just for the momentary dopamine rush of "hurting" someone who abused you, and i say that with nothing but empathy and compassion in my heart.
at the end of the day you are refusing to give yourself the opportunity to heal because you think this gives you some kind of power.
i understand the urge to warn others. i really really do. but unfortunately the world is not that simple. you can scream til your lungs bleed that someone is dangerous but most folks wont believe until they see it with their own two eyes cuz aint nobody got faith anymore.
it aint your job to protect everyone. it just isnt possible. you have to trust that other people are capable of handling themselves, that they will survive just like you did.
youre clearly not doing this just to warn other people though. you are feeding into your own maladaptive habits. you are letting yourself stoop to their level because it feels better than being the bigger person.
what do you gain by sitting here indulging in your own pain? by constantly reopening that wound and making yourself bleed while believing its the other person youve cut?
you dont have to let these people keep hurting you. cut contact and let yourself move on. dont give them the satisfaction of living in your head rent free. dont let them win by letting them waste your time and energy.
do it for your future self. dont let this be a part of your life that youre going to look back on with regret. dont let holding a grudge rot you from the inside out.
the things that happened to you were horrible but you need to use them as motivation to make the world a safer place. getting into petty back and forths with the person who hurt you doesnt make the world safer, especially not for you.
i wish for nothing but peace and safety for you.
gtfo =D
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britts-galaxy-brain · 13 days
Don't forget that Lily and Mikalia are best friends with a Neo-Nazi who outright said that "Hitler wasn't such bad guy." Their hatred of Rebecca Sugar was always motivated by rabid antisemitism.
I personally can't confirm if they still interact, but it is very telling that it took multiple days of people calling her out, including her own fanbase getting weirded out, before Lily denounced her.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 13 days
Why is Asstrid calling herself a yandere and trying to act like a cutesy anime girl? 😰
She's beyond unhinged. The hinges completely detached and flew away.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 14 days
Literally no lawyer would advise her to tell people "what you do with your time is your business". Like..none.
Bring it on, Lily. Send your supporters after me. It's gone really well for you in the past and hasn't lead to people learning what a cartoonishly horrific person you are and cutting you off. 🥤
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First item on the list: most, if not all, of the Lily-Critical-Blogs have said to some capacity to leave you alone, Lily. In my very specific case, it's literally the prelude to my master post - you can't get to the rest of the post without reading that little warning first.
The goal is to inform, not harass.
Second, and I touched on this already, it's funny how you're willing to openly talk about Mikalia's living situation being absolute shit (for pity points, probably), yet suspiciously less talkative about something that could get her out of that - her immigration to Canada. It may not be the current topic at the moment, but fans and critical blogs alike are wondering where that money went Lily, because not using it for what you said it was going to be used for is fraud.
Nevermind the fact that you still have money for the supposed lawyer you keep bringing up. You have money for a lawyer, but not get your wife out of a shitty living situation? Interesting priorities.
Finally, and I needed a moment to realize this, but it just hit me why this particular wording bothered me so fucking much. This isn't Lily telling people to leave those who criticize her alone, this is Lily trying to give them permission to without taking responsibility.
Lily did this same fucking shit with Rebecca Sugar and Steven Universe when people were criticizing her about calling Rebecca Sugar a Nazi-sympathizer. Lily puts all of her preferred cards on the table, presents things in such a way for her narrative, and basically goes, "I'm not saying that Rebecca Sugar is a Nazi-sympathizer (even though I spent two hours leading you to believe that), but I won't blame you if you come to that conclusion."
This is the kind of manipulative bullshit Lily uses, and it's still sickening as ever.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 16 days
these anon asks are wild. "oh my god this can't be real 🤣" said about... a very normal response? like anon, britt was making fun of you, that's what we do to stupid anons on this website. idk if you convinced yourself that you're sending britt into hysterics or what, like you're not laying down sick owns here you're just being a court jester. you have way too much time on your hands, go run the dishwasher or something
Go run the dishwasher sent me..🤣 Idk what image anon thinks they were sending me into but the whole time I was just like
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britts-galaxy-brain · 16 days
Man lily must be having a boring weekend to be sending you jrpg ass anon hate
She's forever 14
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britts-galaxy-brain · 16 days
Edgy Anon really trying to act big brain and like they have the upper hand when all their doing his honking their clown nose and stomping their oversized shoes while we all point and laugh at their lack of reading skills.
That anon coming into my inbox:
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