#he cant help but feel like hes yelled this at someone else already
mit0bee · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland boys with an S/O who's afraid of bugs (me too)
Did I literally just post 5 minutes ago? yes. am i posting again? yes. Stuff you should read: Bulleted HC's because i dont feel like writing an essay like i did with floyds tent hc, no beta we die like men, mention of multiple types of bugs Characters: Leona Kingscholar, Malleus Draconia, Trey Clover, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt, Floyd Leech
(can be read as platonic but i did write it with a romantic relationship in mind)
Leona literally came running into the room thinking you had died or smthn, but no. you were screaming, standing on his bed....all over a small cockroach.
Bro actually sighed. like, a super big sigh, one that youd only get from a dissapointed mother while he stomped on the bug.
"Seriously, Herbivore? You took care of multiple overblots, but a single cockroach gets you all worked up?"
hes grinning so hard. youd want to punch him with how hard hes grinning.
all hes thinking is about the amount he can tease you about this
but, yes. he does get rid of the bug.
unless he was sleeping. then he forces asks ruggie to do it nicely.
implodes the bug.
im not kidding.
he literally goes full on oceangate on that bug and implodes it
you didnt even have time to properly freak out before the bug was wiped off the face of the earth
"tsunotarou what was that sound?"
"nothing light of my life" *hiding bug corpse*
"are you sure bc i thought i saw a bug"
"nope. no bugs here? should we buy some bug repellant to ease your mind?"
".....no its okay."
you knew he somehow killed the bug.
and it only made you love him even more than you already do.
catches the bug for you and lets it outside.
unlike the first two, he tries his best not to kill the bug.
he pulls the "how would you feel if i stomp on you and kill you?"
"if you killed me while i was a bug i'd thank you"
"you'd be dead, [name]."
"....id thank you from the grave."
he just sighs and shakes his head
probably convinces riddle to let him put anti-bug measures around heartslaybul for you (it didnt take much convincing riddle hates bugs too)
screams with you
probably set ramshackle on fire more than once while visiting you
you both have to call kalim or adeuce to come exterminate the single cockroach on the ground
again, that one tik tok sound where its like
thats a daily interaction between the two of you
if it happened at scarabia, he'd stay at ramshackle for the next month
literally would abandon kalim (or if he really cant be trusted he'd just bring kalim with him to make sure he didn't cause any problems)
screams with you x2
isn't as dramatic as jamil, but he definitely freaks out about it too.
about the bugs? no. about the bug bites.
again, youd have to call someone to save the both of you so you dont pass tf out and die while he gets eaten alive by a fruit fly
wym fruit flies dont bite? you cant be too cautious.
somehow always has bug repellant with him in the warm seasons
hes prepared and will NOT get any bug bites
zero reaction, or has a positive one.
"what in tarnation do you mean you hate bugs?! they help with fertilizer blah blah blah blah blah blah (i dont know farming stuff)!"
you have to CONVINCE him to get rid of the bugs, but he'll eventually cave and do it just for you
if you ask him to put up anti-insect measures he'd look at you like youre crazy
"[name]. bugs are actually really good for our ecosystem. back at home we always had to take care of the bugs, or else our crops would die."
"shut up. please. ily, but i cant deal with these bugs."
"okay okay okay fine"
will reluctantly set them up
overall a 4/10 for bug measures he will do it just not unless you beg
not in fear, but in anger because how DARE such a miniscule thing try to terrify the people he cares about?!
doesnt explode it like malleus
but strikes it with lightning.
yk his dorm card groovy? thats what hes doing to a little centipede.
expects you to praise him for protecting you
sure, its a given that he would, but he would very much so appreciate your thanks, and maybe a head pat or smthn
give him one.
like trey, he lets the bug free
other times he kills it and chases you with the corpse
or keeps it alive and chases you with the living bug
if you REALLYYYYYYYYYY dont like bugs, like straight up sobbing, freaking out, then he wont but otherwise? have fun bro
someone has to seperate you two when you see a bug, because he will do something
sometimes if he's feeling generous he wont do anything and you'll be like "tf? what did you do to be so nice?"
"cant i just be generous towards my shrimpy?"
".....yeah i almost grilled grim thinking he was food."
"you WHAT."
all of this because of a simple bug
oh to be young and in love ----------------------- m.list @mit0ee 's work, please do not steal!
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normansnt · 4 months
Knight in shining armor
(Hazbin Adam x singer!male reader)
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(Not my art, idk whose sorry I got it from pinterest but credits to the artist cuz he would SO wear that I cant😭)
Warnings: fist fight
"FUCK YEAAHHHHHH THATS MY BOYFRIEND MF" yelled Adam to a random person at your concert.
He always did that. Whenever he went to one of your concerts (always, I am not kidding the man has not missed a single one) he yelled to every one of your songs because he knew them inside out and after each song he yelled to someone that you're his boyfriend.
It was sweet in your eyes he was truly your number one fan. However on more than one occasion this has gotten out of hand. Like right now.
Sometimes people get annoyed at his yelling even though it is a rock concert he is still the loudest one. But this time it was different. This time something happened that actually bothered him.
He was yelling about how much he loves you and how you are his boyfriend again when he overheard something that he didn't like.
"For real? That gorgeous singer is dating that flop no fucking way."
"I know right? I gotta say I wouldn't mind hearing the singers voice moaning my-" Adam didn't wait longer to hear the end of the sentence he straight on punched that guy.
"I fucking DARE you to finish that sentence." Adam literally growled. Even though this was heaven, assholes were present here too.
The fight got so big that you had to stop your performance and stop it.
"Adam- Adam stop" you tried to get your boyfriend off of the two guys who he was now fighting.
"Let me go babe, I'm gonna fucking murder those two mother fuckers-"
"Adam, they already had enough you won." You tried arguing with him while you dragged him to your dressing room. The two guys laying on the floor beaten to pulp.
Once you closed the door, the ruckus outside got just a bit quieter and you could finally take a deep breath.
"What happened this time?" You asked your boyfriend while getting the first aid kit and patching him up. He was much better of than the other guys thats true. But he still had some scratches and a black eye.
Adam told you the whole story of what happened and you listened intently while gently putting some alcohol at a deep cut on his nose.
"And then I was like- aww fuck babe warn me next time" he started whining because of the alcohol.
You sighed.
"Listen Adam, I appreciate what you did, those pigs said some disgusting shit and you were a great knight in shining armor but I worked really hard to get this gig and you know that" you said trying to be as gentle as possible.
"Babe, your boyfriend is the fucking Adam, tell me where you want to preform and you'll get in within seconds I can take care of that."
"I know Adam but I really wanna accomplish some things on my own." You sighed again.
Adam knew he fucked up, he sees first hand how much work you put into your music. But he just couldn't help it this is the kind of thing that pisses him off to no end. His first two wives left him for someone else and even though he might act confident he was terrified that you would leave him, too. He didn't want to loose someone he loved so much.
You put your hand on his cheek and made him look at you.
"Hey, its ok I understand." Thats all you needed to say. You knew about Lilith and Eve leaving him. And you knew how insecure he actually felt. You have been dating for almost 6 years now you knew him way too well.
You kissed him to let him know that you weren't mad. He kissed back with enthusiasm, he loved kissing you. It might be true that he has kissed a lot of people before you came along but he always said that you were his favorite kisser of all time. He just loved the feeling of your lips against his.
"(Y/N)...I- listen I mean what I said really, wherever you wanna play I can hook you up."
You chuckled lightly. You knew this was the closest thing you are gonna get out of him as an apology, the man was not good at apologizing. But you already knew that, and loved him nonetheless.
"I know honey I know." You put your forehead on his.
The wholesome moment was interrupted when you both started hearing chanting from outside.
"Is that-?"
And there he was again, your stupid boyfriend.
You laughed an snatched up your guitar.
"All right baby you wanna watch from back stage?" You asked back as you held out your hand to him.
And with that you two walked out of your dressing room laughing.
Hope you guys enjoyed😘~
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sexydoffyman · 6 months
Hello 👋, could I request some cod characters (perhaps Ghost, Price or Graves) defending a male military reader from a bunch of guys that are being homophobic to him?
genre: fluff
characters: Simon Riley, John Price, Phillip Graves
A/N: Sick of writing for kinktober. Mby that's why I can't write fucking properly. So let's look at some fluff.
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Ghost is a fairly scary man. He's known for being cold and serious. No one expected you to hang around him. He had six inches on you (15cm). Some people joked about you being the love birds in your TF. They could never guess how correct they were.
You weren't dating or anything, but you both held some kind of mutual respect, trust and maybe even attraction. You both had some qualities of a couple. He was a little possessive of you. You were a little clingy with him.
Although you had some kind of a relationship, that didn't really matter. The thing that mattered was you having each other's backs.
He was like a predator, making sure no one hurts his weaker companion. But when he wasn't around, you were left vulnerable. Not physically, no. You held great strength. What was left to hurt if people cant hurt your body? Your mind.
They mocked you ever since you met at boot camp. Any time they saw your face, they felt the need to embarrass you. You could handle it. You were a soldier, after all. But that didn't stop you from feeling hurt.
This time, you just sat there and took it. They yelled. They impersonated. Of course, that commotion would attract some people's attention.
The one that had showed up was Ghost. You couldn't even register him when you saw a 6'4 dude punch one of them. The others tried running, but none of them could get far enough to escape him. Their jaws broken. Ribs shattered.
You could hear him laughing under his mask. He then glanced at you "Coffee?" He asked.
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All I can say is father energy.
He has been your captain for a few years now. You have gone through shit with him, and you both trusted each other. You viewed him as a kind of father that you never had. And he viewed you as his new child.
He is not possessive, but he is protective. He wouldn't let anyone fuck with you. His rank helped him with scaring people off. He never really had a problem with disobeying soldiers to begin with, so he never actually used his rank, but now. He has to stick up for you.
You really do resemble a kid he would have had. You have similar hair colour and eye colour. Your postures don't have a difference, and you find yourselves finishing up each other's sentences.
These assholes who have been making fun of you were your superiors. What that meant was that you could do nothing to stop them. They could say anything they wanted, and they'd get away with it.
"Thirty laps now!" Your eyes averted to the sudden voice coming from the hall. He heard them. They slowly realised they fucked up. It was raining cats and dogs outside. Everything was muddy and slippery. Running thirty laps would be torture.
"Do I have to repeat myself?" Price grunted with a more aggressive tone. They stormed off to the exit to run their laps. He yelled at them before they got out. "Being on good terms with your fellow soldiers is a must. I will have your ranks stripped away from you until you learn that!"
As soon as they left, Price let out a small chuckle. He was proud of himself. Cheeky bastard.
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I love this son of a bitch.
Now, this man is always with you. It's not an obsession. It's just the fact that everyone else wants to be either alone or already has someone to be with. He just doesn't want to be alone.
You felt like you were the chosen one. He was still your superior, after all. After some time together, you got used to it. He always apologised for being such a bother. You got free snacks, which you didn't mind at all.
You were fucking around the base, chilling. You would've never thought you'd be sharing stories with him, but there you were. You didn't know what kind of relationship it was. Were you friends, or were you together just because of the situation? You never figure it out.
The dudes who embarrassed you were your rank. But they fuck with both of you since they didn't know Graves's position. A big mistake. He never really said anything to them. One day, they were just gone.
When you looked deeper into it, you found out that two were dead, and three lost their jobs.
Graves is such a gentleman.
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ghouljams · 10 months
not to be a slut but what if price tapped witch?
"Why don't we just wipe her and try again?" Gaz asks, already on his feet and moving towards you with an efficiency you haven't seen in years. You try not to be intimidated by the threat. Price wouldn't let anything happen to you, at least you don’t think he would. You trust him, and he must trust Gaz or he wouldn't have brought him. So you’re doing your best to trust Gaz as well.
"Not a good-" Price's words are cut short by Gaz's fingers pressing against your forehead with a soft tap before you can even think to swat his hand away. Price shoots to his feet almost as quickly as you feel the pierce of wild magic sliding through your brain. A jagged knife pushing home between the hemispheres of your brain, snapping synapses and tearing tissue. Your eyes go wide as agony sweeps over you.
"Price?" You don't know what you mean to say after that, or even what your intentions with it were in the first place. The sharp block of fae magic sits menacingly between your thoughts, pushing out everything else with increasingly painful precision. When you look at Price for help you taste blood, feel tears spill down your cheeks. Price's face contorts into something akin to panic as he reaches for you.
The two fae are snapped from your home, your wards identifying and expelling the threats as you stumble to your feet. You can't make your eyes focus on anything but the bright crimson blood that coats your fingertips as you draw them away from your lips. Your nose is bleeding.
Price pounds on the door, yelling for you. You do your best to ignore it and drag yourself to your kitchen, hands shaking and breaths shallow as you open your apothecary cabinet. You grab- no you- you can't remember what you're supposed to grab in this situation. The pain is starting to make it hard to think, and your vision won't clear enough to read the scrawled labels on the bottles in front of you. 
"Let me in Sweetheart," Price calls through your door, "please let me in," his voice sounds as desperate as the bang of his fist against the wood, "I can fix this, please."
You can fix this too. You're sure you know how to fix this. You just cant- you can't recall it. You grip your head with a whine, dig your fingers against your hairline as pain shoots against the back of your eye. You need a proxy. You need something to take this pain so you can think about how to get the twisting knife out of your skull.
You try to open the large drawer in the middle of the cabinet and find it stuck. You jiggle the handle to try and coax it open, tugging blindly at the drawer. There’s poppets in there, raw materials, you’re sure- you’re sure if- fuck you’re not-
You press your shaking hands to your eyes, clawing at your head to try and release some of the pressure. It feels like your skull is about to explode. You try not to scream in pained frustration. Everything is too much. Too bright and searing. You’re losing parts of your brain as quickly as you can remember them. You feel like a cup being poured out, the profound loss of yourself a threatening undercurrent to the pain. 
You need this -whatever it is- out of you. You try to remember your spells, your magic, the things your mother and grandmother have drilled into you since you were small. You don’t have time to think (couldn’t hope to anyway) you can only rely on the instinct that’s been nurtured in you.
You are raw unfiltered magic, built on generations of magical blood. It courses through your veins like a guiding compass and forces you forward, self preservation and adrenaline carrying you when your feet don't want to. The pounding. The pounding on the door. It's like a never ending drum beat, tattooing itself over your eardrums. There's someone very insistent at your door. A proxy, your ancestors whisper to you.
You rip the door open, grab the face of the man banging on it, and press. Press all the pain out of your body and into him, push the knife out of your skull and drive it as deep as you can into him until it doesn't hurt anymore, until you don't feel anything anymore. And he lets you. Whoever he is, he lets you pour the invading magic into him, his hand tight around your wrist as you do, holding you steady. He catches you around your waist when the adrenaline leaves you in a rush, and your legs can't support you anymore, holds you tight to his chest and murmurs soft kindnesses to you. You're not sure why when you've surely given him every painful reason to spit and curse at you. 
"It's alright Sugar, it's- Christ what took you so long, I thought-" He presses his lips to your forehead, wiping away the last of whatever invading force was putting you through hell. 
“Price I-” There’s another person here, you flinch away from his voice.
“Save it, you didn’t know.” Price, that’s a familiar name, cuts him off. Price crouches, adjusts his hold on you and slips an arm under your knees to lift you. “Witches are a rare breed,” He grunts, bouncing you a little in his hold to coax you to hang on, “and even if we didn’t mix like oil and water this one’s warded to hell and back.”
“Generational,” You mumble, trying to deepen your breathing, eyes squeezed shut against the sunlight.
“You comin’ back to me already, Sweetheart?” Price murmurs, there’s something rumbly and comforting in his chest. It makes you feel safe and held. You hum, not sure what he’s talking about. He smells good, cool like the winter breeze, after the horrible burning it’s a nice change. Price is mumbling something to himself, the rumbling starting to peter off as he does. That’s alright, it’s done its job leading you towards sleep. You’re jostled back to wakefulness with a few purposeful bounces. “You want me to put you to bed?” He asks softly, you think that’s a funny question considering he’s already trying to put you to sleep.
“Atta girl,” You feel when he passes through the threshold into your home. The wards raised and poised to attack the magic that had threatened their owner. You wish they wouldn’t bother you when you’re so worn out. That seems to work well enough for them to settle, humming in annoyance as Price carries you through the little archway separating the bedrooms from the main room of the house.
You’re set on a soft surface, your bed you think, and Price’s hands leave you to let you cuddle into your pillows. You open your eyes as he pulls the curtains over your window. The dim light makes you feel soft and selfish, reaching a hand toward him as he turns. He catches your fingers with his own, crouching to meet your eyes. He kisses the tips of your fingers, your knuckles, he looks… regretful. His brows are drawn and his smile doesn’t reach the soft look in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” You wonder how many people have heard him say that, something soft and warm settles between your ribs. You pull at his grip, push your cheek against his rough palm. He lets out a pained noise and draws back, “I can’t, Gaz and I-”
“S’okay,” You sigh and close your eyes again, pulling a pillow under your aching head, you’re starting to feel a little more yourself, “I’ll be here.”
“I know,” His fingers brush your hair from your face, “I’ll be back.”
You smile when his fingers don’t leave, tracing your features lightly, reverently, “I know.”
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charlesslut16 · 10 months
Hii I wanted to request an oscar x reader. Like where they have a fight about something stupid and the reader decides to sleep on the couch but the reader cant sleep without him. Thx
summary : lagom: not too much, not to little, just right. That's was what you had with Oscar...
PAIRING : oscar piastri x reader
WARNINGS : none?
note : i chnaged it a bit but i hope you still like it. Love you!
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You didn't normally argue with Oscar, you mostly had the same thoughts on a thing as you did. But when you did fight, it was normally over absolutely nothing. 
Oscar had been gone for several weeks, and you had just had enough already. You wanted a boyfriend who sees you almost every day. Oscar was traveling country after county for the races.
"I'll be back before you know it, Y/N" you had tears in your eyes.
"I can't do it, Oscar! I can't do it anymore! You never have time for me anymore! You're always away! Do you not care about me anymore? I will keep floating around like a ghost. It's totally fine, let's pretend I just don't exist. You come back for like 2 days, and then you're gone again! I want someone to be with me as much as possible! I want someone to hug!" 
You stopped yelling for a minute and looked at Oscar's expression. You ran out of the room balling your eyes out, realizing you weren't meant to say that. Furthermore, you ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. 
You sat on the toilet seat and sulked into your hands. You couldn't help but cry loudly. Not on purpose, obviously. But minutes later you walked out of the bathroom into your guest, room.
As it had been already late, you decided to sleep there. You didn't want to go back to him and apologize, even tho you knew that the words you used were harsh.
You made everything ready for bed and laid on it. Not only that, but you tried to go to sleep, but the argument was stuck in your head. And you couldn't sleep that well without Oscar.
When Oscar was with you, he held you, or you held him. Cuddled until you both fell into a deep slumber. Even when he wasn't with you, he called you, so you could fall asleep while you were facetiming.
But now that the season was getting stressful, Oscar didn't have time for you anymore. He rarely called or texted you. You knew that he was busy, but it still made you upset.
You understood, you always did.
At the beginning of your relationship, you knew what you were getting into, but now it was very hard for you. You wanted a boyfriend that you saw every or every two days. But with Oscar that couldn't be the case.
You were lying in the guest bed and couldn't sleep. You had turned and moved to other positions, but nothing had worked. Oscar was what you needed. His comfort.
But then Oscar knocked on the door and walked in.
"Y/N, can we please talk about this? We need to talk". 
You looked up at him and slightly nodded. He sat on the bed and looked at you with guilt and worry.
"I know I'm traveling a lot. I'm sorry babe. But If you leave me, I won't have anything to love, cuddle and look forward to when I'm coming close to the end of the season. I know this is hard, and I'm sorry I try to fly you out as much as I can, and you know that"
"I'm so sorry, Oscar. It wasn't supposed to come out like that, I mean, it's how I feel but the way I said it wasn't really all that good. I feel horrible, and I do appreciate everything you do for me. I love you, Oscar" 
"I love you too, baby. But, can you please come back to bed. I can't sleep without you, and as I see you can't either." 
You nodded at him and stepped on the floor. He took your hand in his and walked with you to your shared bedroom, so you could cuddle and talk about what else was on your mind.
But one thing was clear. Neither of you could sleep without the other one for very long. You were each other's safe place.
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emmie-tt · 1 year
Never Comin' Home Pt.2
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past!Neytiri x reader - Ronal x reader
Description: Your love from the past show's up out of the blue...Ronal isn't happy about it. at all. she really isn't happy that Tonowari is making you help Neytiri learn the ways of the Metkayina.
WARNINGS: none...
yawne - beloved
"No! Absolutely not! Someone else can help her!" Ronal yells at me as I tell her what Tonowari told me I had to do
"You think I want to do this? No. But Tonowari said it would be best if I helped her." I say back keeping my voice calm
She scoffs "Why you?"
I sigh "Because no one else will do it...Everyone's intimidated by her..."
She shakes her head and stands up from where she's sitting "I go with you. Make sure she know's your. mine."
I stare at her for a moment before a smirk comes across my face "Your jealous"
"you wish" She rolls her eyes and goes to walk past me, I grab her arm gently earning a playful hiss
I chuckle and playfully hiss back before wrapping my arms around her waist "you have absolutely nothing to be jealous about."
She wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head on my chest "promise..?"
I kiss the top of her head "I promise ma' yawne"
I walk out of the Mauri with Ronal and go straight to the beach where our kids are already training
I walk over to where Neytiri, Jake and Tonowari are standing "I hope im not late"
Tonowari chuckles shaking his head "no. just on time" he looks at Neytiri "y/n is gonna be helping you while I help JakeSully"
Neytiri looks at me then nods "okay.."
Ronal huffs softly while I give a friendly smile to Neytiri "alright! lets get started" I walk into the water with Ronal following behind
Neytiri sighs and follows us
I was training Neytiri to hold her breath "no. you breath from here" I rest my hand on my stomach while taking a deep breath
Neytiri huffs getting annoyed and takes a deep breath
I shake my head and rest my hand on her stomach "from here..." I feel her tense up so I remove my hand "sorry.."
She shakes her head "i-its fine.."
Ronal watches from the shore and rolls her eyes before standing up and making her way over to us "I think thats enough for today, i'm getting tired. let's go"
I look at her and sigh "just a minute love"
Neytiri watches us "you just boss her around like that? she's not your pet"
Ronal looks at her with a glare and goes to say something but I grab her hand "go ahead and swim back yeah? I'll be there in just a minute"
She huffs but nods and heads back to shore as my gaze lands on Neytiri "look...you being here is hard enough on my relationship as is...just- just mind your business okay?"
Neytiri scoff "so what? you just let her speak to you however she wants? boss you around? that's not the y/n i know"
I take a deep breath "I'm not the same y/n you knew. and no. she doesn't get to speak to me how she wants or boss me around. She's just stressed out and rightfully so."
She sighs "she follows you around like a lost puppy and is constantly telling you what you can and cant do."
"and? how would you feel if Jake's ex showed up and he had to help her with things like this. that's how shes feeling. im more than happy to have you and your family stay here- but your not gonna come here and talk about my relationship and how she treats me. you have no right."
Neytiri sighs and looks down "y-your right...im sorry..."
I nod "mhm. same time tomorrow" I turn around and go back to the beach where Ronal was waiting, I grab her hand and walk back to our Mauri...
@fanboyluvr @lemonmoonmochi @dhzjnzi @audigay @arminsgfloll @khaleesihavilliard @kodzukenwhore @perfectprofessorloverapricot @thefandomswhre @my-skeleton-hats @insanitycrimes @shadowmoonlight0604 @zatarias-pandora @cleverzonkwombatsludge @milf-lover-23 @danielyharstom @lovekeeho @thispussyshouldcomew
HEHEHEHE I love how this chapter turned out! I'm thinking that maybe next chapter should involve the kids somehow. Any ideas?? Please let me know!!!
Also sorry for such short chapters! I wanna try and make them longer.
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mqsi · 1 year
hey i love your writing and was wondering if you could do one where reader is besties with balde and he brings reader with him to training almost every time they train but reader is bored so they draw while barca train and they cant help but draw more and more portraits of pedri, analyse him and stuff (like gradually catching feelings for him - crush) and one day they leave their sketchbook somehwere and balde and pedri find it and then everything is up to you :) thank you for letting me rant
Hi love, thank you! As an artist myself I’m happy for this request💙
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You were close friends with Balde so It was expected from him to go and drag you on his practice or anything that included football. You were happy to attend his games but training grounds were something else.
You met a lot of his teammates but watching them train gradually became boring yet you didn’t want to disappoint your friend by not tagging along whenever he calls. You found escape in bringing a sketchbook, at first just sketching Balde in various poses.
You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander on a certain brunette, analysing his form. You respected Pedri as a player and he was also nice in person. But his good looks were a nice bonus as well. You got lost in thought as you pulled the lines on the paper, sketching Pedri’s face. A slight blush crept up your cheeks.
Next time, you let yourself draw his full body. His arms exposed with sweat decorating the skin. You caught yourself analysing his features, the way his nose curved and the stubble on his chin. The way his hair flew in the wind and his eyes turned to honey in the sun.
How he rolls the shorts up and the way he smiles. How he playfully pushes Gavi or teases Ferran. From practice to practice, your sketchbook became full of Pedri in different situations. That’s when you realized that you might have developed a crush for the midfielder.
Just as you placed down the sketchbook on the bench next to you, Balde came running to you, seemingly running away from someone.
“HELP ME” he yelled, pulling you off the bench. You started laughing and played along with the tag game they started on the field. So much that you forgot about the sketchbook on the bench, leaving without it.
On his way back to the locker room, Pedri noticed your little treasure. He immidiately knew it was yours, as he noticed you always holding a pen and 9/10 times looking at him. So the drawings were no surprise when he flipped trough the pages.
Being honest, he did always find you quite cute. The way you scrunched your face in concetration while drawing and how you taught that he didn’t catch your stares.
That’s when he got an idea. Since you already left with Balde, he pulled out his phone and called him.
“We were together 15 minutes ago?”
“Yeah I am not calling for you, are you still with y/n? Can you give her the phone?”
Balde made a face but handed you the phone anyway.
“Hey?” You asked, still completely unaware that your sketchbook was forgotten, let alone in Pedri’s hands.
“Hey hermosa, don’t you think you left something?”
Your eyes widened at the realization. Suddenly, your face was hot and breathing was harder.
“Um, can you leave it where you found it, I’ll come back for it now”
“Uh oh, I’m worried that It’s already in my bag and I’m already in my car so if you want it, you can come over and I’ll give it to you” Pedri said, which was obviously a lie since he was standing in the middle of the field still.
“What?” You nervously asked.
“You heard me, and I don’t see the problem really, it seems that you enjoy looking at me”
You felt your face heat up even more and you tried to compose yourself to speak.
“Fine, I’ll ask Balde to drop me off at your place later today, is that okay?”
“More than okay”
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Thinking about reincarnated todoroki reader really fits in the other Dabi daughter fics/drabbles
Like how Dad dabi does more to make daughter reader happy instead of kinda asshole brother Dabi. Like id imagine he can see his yandere tendencies reminding him of Rei which makes him fear himself, sprinkle some more family trauma, and probably has to go parenting classes to see how other parents work shit out
See? Somebody gets it!
He feels so guilty, so so so guilty for how horribly he behaved with sister reader. So when life gives him a second chance with daughter reader aka reincarnated sister reader, he's gonna make damn sure that he doesn't repeat his past mistakes.
He turns overprotective, naturally. But the type of overprotective now is way different than before. Because before, he was partially protective of reader, mostly scared that you'd leave him and the family for someone better and he and the family will once again be in shambles.
Now, he is protective because he is afraid of losing you. He is afraid that if you die again, you might be reincarnated but he doesn't know for sure you'll end up in his hands again. You could end with someone worst, someone who will make your life miserable from day 1, someone who'll abuse your quirk and use you like a lab rat, and yet they wont let you die. Which means you're in for a life of torture.
The mere thought of you ending up in some vile monster's hands makes his skin crawl and keeps him up at night. And its these nights when he's sitting by your crib, your tiny hand wrapped around his finger and he swears he'll do everything in his might to keep you safe.
Your mortality and your quirk sets off his paranoia real quick. Things like getting a small scratch to stubbing your toe, it makes panic internally. Over time, he's able to mask his fear and paranoia, just so that you're not traumatised. I mean, you still remember how he flew off the handle when you jumped the last couple of steps of the stairs when you were 8. He yelled at you to never do something like this again, and his admonishing only stopped when you burst into tears. Dabi realised that you don't know why he's like this, you don't remember the abuse from your past life. Something which he is grateful for, and something you should not be punished for. So he learns to give you some normalcy, his freak outs are for him to take care of internally.
However, you also learn to adapt. You know that there are certain things that you should avoid doing, even if everyone else is doing. Like always keeping your phone charged and ALWAYS picking up his calls/calling him when you're gonna be home later than 5 minutes. While other kids had the privilege of sleepovers, you're not allowed to stay at anyone's house past 5 pm. To always call him when you get the slightest doubt that you're in danger or its not a safe area to be alone.
Perhaps reader has seen Dabi having a full on panic attack one of these times when he couldn't find where you were, and the immense guilt always made your heart heavy. You cant ever get the way he struggled to breathe, to get back on his feet, the way he became completely disoriented, not until you came into his vision again.
His panic attacks are something that occured quite frequently when he was a kid. It was your dear uncle Natsuo who had him go to a therapist for help that finally made them stop. Now, Dabi is much more calm and ready to save you from any danger you're in.
If you're out late, he has a tracker on your phone and he's already out of the house an hour before your curfew ends, searching for you.
If you get injured or burnt from the stove or something, he's taking a deep breath and sitting you down, carefully wrapping bandages while calming you down with jokes and maybe a small lecture if you're in pain. With ice cream, though. Lectures with ice cream, always.
Dad Dabi worries a lot, but-
Parents are supposed to worry, no?
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footygirl114 · 2 years
Misterios (Leila Ouahabi x Reader)
Okay friends Part 2 to Esposa - read that first if you want context :)
As much as you enjoyed kicking your wife’s butt, the game was super competitive and ended in a 1-1 draw. It kicked the competitiveness in you into overdrive and you used the excitement to fuel you and your team over the next month. 
The international break was a week away and Manchester United have been on a winning streak for the last month. The winning has helped kept your mind off the Spanish federation and the drama there, and it also helped you to fuel your wife and her competitive drive as she was playing her heart out trying to stay up with you. 
When your phone rang one evening when you were hanging on the couch with Ona, you laughed as you had hung up with Leila 20 minutes ago and assumed it was her calling back. Without even looking at the phone you answered with a laugh and a “Miss me already?”
“Y/N YL/N? This is Coach from the Spanish national team” when you realise it is not Leila you immediately straighten up and can feel the colour drain from your face.
“Yes, sorry I thought it was someone else. How can I help you?” You tell the person on the phone. 
He laughs slightly on the other end and says “Lets start again. I am Coach Ruiz, It will be public news tomorrow but I have been appointed the new head coach of the women’s national team. Now I gonna cut right to the chase, I have been watching you Y/N” 
Confused you can see Ona sit up and look over at you as you say “You have sir?” 
Ona is very confused and scoots over to hear the conversation, you indicate for her to be quiet as you put him on speaker “Yes, I know what happened 5 years ago Y/N, and I want you to be back in the fold with the national team.” 
You are in shock as you listen to him tell you this, you feel Ona nudge you and you tune back to the phone call to ask “What do you mean Coach?” 
“I mean, If you are interested I want you to come to camp next week and join up with the team” he says seriously to you. 
Ona immediately has a smile on her face as she hears this but you cant help but to feel the dread fill your stomach. Immediately you ask “Sir I don’t know if I am ready to come out to the world about it” 
Ona places her hand on yours and squeezes as you listen to his response “Y/N, you will be reached out to soon, but we are clearing house regardless if you come forward or not. I know the truth and thats enough for me to want you to come back. I would never force you to come clean about this that is up to you, but just know I am an ally and I will have your back.” 
“thank you coach, thank you so much” you choke out as you feel the tears start to track down your cheeks. You can feel Ona wrap an arm around your back as you move to wipe the tears on cheeks. 
The Coach responds with “So does that mean you are interested Y/N?” 
Laughing through the tears running down your cheeks you answer with a “Hell yes Coach, I am so interested.” 
“Amazing, an admin staff will be in contact tomorrow to arrange transport, but we are so excited to welcome you back into the fold Y/N.” he says to you, its another few moments where you both exchange goodbyes before you hang up. 
Immediately Ona squeals and squeezes you in her arms in excitement as she says “Y/N I am so happy for you!” 
Still unbelieving what just happen you shake your head and say “That just happened right?” 
Nodding she laughs and says “This is amazing Y/N, he seems like a nice guy.” 
Before you can answer your phone rings and you look down to see Leila’s name, not willing to make the same mistake twice, but you smile and answer with a “Hi love, you will never guess what just happened to me.” 
She laughs as she says “Hermosa, Ona texted me during the call. I have been waiting for the verdict of the reason for the call. The anticipation is killing me,” 
Ona laughs as she yells out “Viva Espana!!” 
“Well you know how you were whining about missing me while you went to Spain?” you ask her.
“yes?” she responds confused.
You pause to drag it out when you say “Love, how would you like it if I was there with you?” 
Ona yells again “Viva Espana!” 
“I got invited to camp love, I will be there with you” you tell her with a laugh. 
She shouts excitingly “What! Babe, thats amazing!!” 
You finish telling her the rest of the conversation and you can feel the excitement of your people and you know the one good thing is that no matter what happens you will have these two goofballs on your side through thick and thin. 
The next time you see your wife, isn’t until you and Ona finally get through security at the airport and arrive at your gate do you see her. Immediately walking up to her she stands and wraps you in her arms, you wrap yours around her back and immediately feel the calm settle around you. “I missed you love.” 
She presses a kiss to your temple as she whispers “Te amo mi amor” 
You pull back and press your lips to hers once twice and third time for a deeper kiss. After a moment you pull back and take a step back to let Ona hug Leila. 
After the greetings are exchanged you settle beside your wife on a chair, she immediately has and arm around your shoulder and you place your hand on her upper thigh. You take a deep breath when you tell them both “So, this camp, we aren’t married and we aren’t telling anyone why I was blacklisted, okay?” 
Immediately they both protest your statement. 
Ona with a “Y/N come on they will be on your side!” 
Leila with a “How can I be around you and not touch you!” 
Laughing at their two reactions you tell them “Hey, It’s my choice please. It’s one camp let’s just see how it goes before we do anything drastic. I want to feel the vibes before I decide anything.” 
Sighing Leila presses a kiss to your cheek as she says “I’ll do whatever you want love, just know that It is going to be so hard to not kiss you and touch you whenever I want.” 
Ona laughs and adds in a “Good Im glad to get a break from this sap fest you to have going on” 
Turning to your best friend you stick your tongue out at her and Leila chimes in with a “don't be jealous Ona” 
“ew gross, I am just happy to have the three musketeers together still” she says with a laugh. 
You revel in these moments before things will go wild and chaotic at camp. You have no idea what to expect when you get there. 
The icy reception you received from the Spanish players was not unexpected, but it was definitely a surprise how icy it was. The first few days of camp are an adventure, the only good thing is that when you are playing football everyone forgets the drama and the team is gelling and vibing well. As soon as you are off the field though its back to the iciness. 
You were at least roomed with Ona so you had a safe space to go to every-night, and Leila took advantage of it and generally came by for a goodnight kiss before bed. 
It brings you to tonight where you and Ona were walking down to team dinner together, as your walking up to the dining hall you can hear a few of the players talking, and when your name comes up you pause and Ona pauses with you as you listen. 
“I don’t know how she thinks she can come back and we’d be just okay with it? We could have used her for the last five years” you think it’s Mapi who says this. You were close with her when you were originally on the team.
“How can you just shut out your country, not want to represent the national team, and turn your back on your friends and teammates” This one hurts as its Alexia’s voice. You and Alexia were super close before shit hit the fan and she was the one person you wish had handled things differently. 
She could never understand how you turned your back on the national team, and she said some hurtful things to you when she heard this and you never had a chance to explain. She was your best friend and you wish you had her on your side. You knew that if she knew the truth, she would not take it well and the national team was her pride and joy and you couldn’t take her passion away from her. 
“The craziest part is that she’s waltzed back in here and has fit right in on the field, we kind of need her, I know we could have used her during the world cup.” You are pretty sure this voice is Patri. 
“Yeah but how do we handle that she refused to play with us for her country, she has no national pride.” Alexia again. 
At this point Leila has walked up with her roommate Aitana and as they see you standing outside the room they stop and Aitana asks “What’s going on?” 
Immediately you and Ona straighten up and you say “Oh nothing, Ona was just in the bathroom and I was waiting for her” 
She shrugs her shoulders and walks by you into the room as Leila gives you a questioning look and she takes a look around and then steps closer to you and presses a kiss to your cheek and she whispers “Te Amo Hermosa” and then continues on into the lunch room where you and Ona shake your self out of it and follow them in. 
When you walk in you are confirmed that it was Patri, Mapi and Alexia all talking about you, Immediately they all meet your eyes and you can feel the icy reception fall into place. Looking down you avoid their gaze and follow Ona to a table. 
She sits with Leila and Aitana, who gets up to get food, when you settle beside Ona and across from your wife. Ona whispers to Leila “they were talking about Y/N” 
Leila who you can see the lightbulb go off in her head immediately straightens up and asks “what were the saying?” 
“Nothing leave it please” you beg your wife. 
Ona chimes in “Y/N its not okay for them to say that” 
“Please guys drop it I am fine.” you say with an air of finality. 
They both know that you mean business and would not keep up with this conversation. Ona changes the subject and you sit silently and listen to them talk, you feel Leila’s foot reach out and entangle with yours and you know she’s trying to offer any support she can. 
A few days later it's the end of camp and after a successful friendly where you were able to play a half and play well, you were hoping you made a mark on the team and the new coach. You, Leila and Ona were last on the field since you were all just sat taking in the sun and the grass, and they were both excited for you to have had your first game back with the national team. 
Not realising that the three of you were there, you see Alexia and Mapi walk out of the tunnel and can hear their voices echo down the hall as Mapi says “I guess Y/N is still pretty good?”
“Yeah she always has been, I just cant get over the fact that she quit and left us and still thinks she can walk back in here like nothings changed.” Alexia responds. 
“Why do you think she quit?” Mapi asks. 
Alexia pauses before answering “I don’t know, she never told me. It clearly must be something important to forego your national team and teammates.” 
“Idk I think she’s stupid, like why would you ever do this, why would you ever give this up.” Mapi says. 
Alexia agrees and you can see them emerge from the tunnel as she says “Honestly it does not matter, she clearly never wanted to be here so why the heck does she think she can come back in here like nothings changed” 
Before you can stop your wife, Leila is on her feet saying “hey Alexia, why don’t you act like a captain and stop assuming things and saying things that are not true” 
Alexia and Mapi turn to the three of you with surprise on their faces as Alexia responds with a “What?” 
Ona stands up and says “Honestly, you guys are both so narrow minded that you don’t even care to get the truth.” 
“How do we even know this isn’t the truth?” Mapi asks. 
While they are arguing you have gone quiet and let them argue but you step up behind them at that and say “Guys come on leave it.” 
Leila immediately says “no Y/N, it’s not fair that they won’t give you a chance.” 
“What do you guys care?” Mapi asks the two of you. 
As Alexia adds in “We were close Y/N you clearly didn’t care about me enough to tell me the truth.” You can see the hurt in your former best friends eyes as she says this. 
“You never asked” you say right back to her, as you refuse to meet her hurt eyes.
Before it can go any further most of the team walks out of the change room and you all drop the argument in favour of not upsetting the team further. You are annoyed with Ona and Leila for standing up but you also are upset with Alexia for assuming why you quit. 
When everyone says their goodbyes later that night to head home, you cant help but feel like you have created a rift in the team as you can clearly see a bit of a divide and you are not okay with causing this drama. The team was fine before you came in and you cant help but to feel like you made it worse. 
Settling back into life in Manchester was easy, but you still had this unsettling feeling in your gut about how you are making things harder on the Spanish team. You also cant help but to worry how Leila and Ona will be treated for their protecting of you. The last thing you want is for your wife or best friend to be alienated because of being with you. 
Burying those feelings was easy as you could forget the Spain team until the next camp, if you got called back in. Being in the middle of your WSL season meant that you were able to throw your self into trainings and games. It was the third game back since being at camp, and it was the end of your winning streak. A loose back pass from you back to the keeper meant the other team was able to win it with minutes left. 
It was a shitty feeling knowing you were the reason for the loss, but also the fact that you were not near to your wife to feel her comfort. She was away for a road game and wouldn’t be back till the next day. Knowing you were in for a night of self loathing and overthinking you camped out under your covers and tried to hide form the world. 
When you awoke the next morning you checked your phone and saw a text from your wife with when she would be home, knowing she was exactly what you needed you decided to head over and meet her on her front step. 
You sat there for an hour on the steps of her apartment when you hear “Y/N?” 
Looking up you meet the eyes of your wife and her roommate Laia. Deciding that you didn’t care if her roommate knew cause what you needed was to be in your wife’s arms. You stand up and walk up to her and immediately she knows what you need. Once you are settled in her arms and can feel the comfort only she can bring you. “I love you” you whisper into her neck. 
You feel her press a kiss to your temple as she whispers “Te amo Hermosa” you savour in her hug for another moment before she pulls away slightly, she keeps one arm around your waist as she says to Laia “So guess the cats out of the bag now, Laia I’d like for you to meet my wife” 
She laughs as she says “is this where you have been sneaking out to Laila?” 
Your wife still has her arm around you and when you hear this you tilt your head up to look at her as you ask “It better have been where you are sneaking off to.”
“Damn it Laia, you are spilling all my secrets to the wrong people” Leila says with a laugh as she presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“Well lovebirds lets go inside and order a pizza.” Laia says to you both with a smile and a laugh. 
Before you follow her inside your wife pulls you back and asks quietly “We can hide out in my room if you want, we don’t need to hang out with her” 
You look at her with a smile and say “I think its time we get to know your teammates love, but thank you” you finish with a soft kiss to your wife lips, that you feel her linger in. The kiss is broken up when you both feel water spraying on your faces. Immediately turning towards the source you see Laia there with a spray bottle. 
“If we're gonna hang out, I have ground rules. Rule one no smooching or you get sprayed” She starts with. 
Leila turns and whacks her roommate in the shoulder with a laugh and a “trust me, we do not need you to help us get wet” 
You laugh at Laia’s disgusted face but hit your wife in the shoulder. As you follow them both in to the apartment you feel better knowing that there is someone else who is on your side when it comes to your marriage.
It’s a week later when you are following Ona into a restaurant to meet up with some of the city girls for dinner. You and Leila decided that you were going to be more comfortable with other players, and Ona being friends with the Spaniards as well helps. 
You are both guided to the back room where there is a table set up for your group. Laia, Vicky, Deyna and your wife are already seated and when Ona walks in first they all cheer for her and when you step in after her you think the cheer dies down. 
Laia stands up and gives you both a hug. Deyna stands up and hugs Ona, and introduces her self to you. 
“Well well well if it isn’t Y/N YL/N” Vicky says to you as she walks towards you. 
You feel your stomach bottom out with her tone, you aren’t sure how this is going to go but you can see your wife making her way towards you when you answer with a “Hola Vicky.” 
She shakes her head and with a small smile she says “Y/N it’s been a long time.” 
As this point your wife has walked up to you and places her hand on the small of your back as you say “Yes it is has, I am sorry for leaving” 
She smiles and says “Y/N I am just glad you have made it, and that the federation didn’t stop you from playing. I was one of the captains at the time, I know you didn’t leave by choice. I am sorry I never stopped it from happening.” 
Feeling the dread leave your body you surge forward and give Vicky a hug, she was always like the big sister to the young players when you were still with the team. “Thank you for saying that, I have missed you and your protectiveness” 
When you step back your wife is still beside you and she wraps and arm around your shoulder and presses a kiss to your temple and whispers “Te amo hermosa.”
“Whoa whoa, wait! what is this?” Vicky asks immediately. 
You blush and feel Leila straighten up but keep her arm around your waist. Your wife shrugs and says to not only Vicky but to the table “So we’re married, have been for 6 months and been together for about 4 and a half years” 
Immediately there is silence then Ona and Laia burst out laughing at the look on Vicky’s face. She has clearly done the math and immediately hits Leila and says “I cant believe you kept this a secret!” 
You laugh at Leilas outburst of “it wasn’t hard, Y/N was a taboo topic on the team” 
“Unless you know the secret then it’s not taboo with Leila” Ona mutters under her breath, and the table bursts out laughing at the blush that covers Leila’s cheeks. 
Pressing a kiss to your wife’s cheek you meet eyes with Vicky who has a smile on her face, it drops slightly as she says “So you know how you said you missed my protectiveness?”
She turns to Leila and starts with “So I didn’t get to do this before clearly so I will make up for lost time now, If you hurt her you will have to deal with me.” 
Your wife gulps and answers with a “I would never hurt her Vicky, but I appreciate the protectiveness” 
The waitress interrupts anything else and everyone takes their seats, you end up sandwiched on the booth side between Vicky and your wife, with the other three across from you. You have a great time with the girls and when Deyna takes a selfie of the table and posts it on instagram you do not think anything of it. Little do you know it would be the cause of your secrets to come out. 
Its less than a week later when you and Ona are sat around the table your apartment eating breakfast when your phone rings, you always check the ID now and see its the coach. You answer and spend a few minutes on your phone before you turn to Ona and tell her, “they invited me back”
She smiles and leans over and hugs you from the side as she says “I am so happy for you Y/N”
“Ona?” you ask her in a small voice. 
Not able to look at her when you say this, you keep your eyes downcast as you ask “are we sure its a good idea for me to try to come back? It seems to just be causing more drama than needed.” 
You can hear her move her chair and turn towards you as she says “yes, we need you Y/N” 
“But if all I bring is drama then what is the point?” you ask still not able to meet her eyes. 
She grabs your hand and squeezes and says softly “Y/N we need you, we haven’t been cohesive as a team in a long time, and since we have you back in camp there is more fire. We have all been too complacent we needed you to spice things up and light a fire under our asses.” 
You look up at her and ask as you wipe the tears from your eyes “Are you sure?” 
“Yes, it’s about time this team had some drama to spice things up” she says with a laugh. “Plus I cant wait too see everyones faces when they find out the truth” 
You laugh and at that moment both of your phones beep and you look down to see your Manchester Spanish Babes Group chat go off. 
Laia: So the team group chat is going on right now…. but I think they made a group without Y/N and Ona in it? 
Laia: they are talking about how clearly there is more going on then they know about Y/N. They saw the instagram of us all at dinner and think you are trying to get players on your side. I am not going to send any more messages but basically the chat is about how they cant believe that you’d come back and not even apologise to anyone. 
Leila: It’s bullshit, do not listen to it Y/N. 
Your phone rings at that while your head is swirling and you look and see your wife is calling, you pick up with a “Hola love” 
“Hola hermosa, ignore the chat please. They do not have any right to ask for that from you. You do not have to justify or explain to anyone” She immediately says. 
“thanks love. I know you think so but maybe it would calm things down.” you say back.
She laughs and says “Hermosa, who cares about them, you do what is right for you. Do not let them force you into doing anything you do not want to do” 
Smiling you answer her with a “thanks for having my back love.” 
“Always.” she answers. You continue on the phone for a few minutes and when you hang up you feel Ona give you a hug and you know that you will be okay. No matter what happens you have friends and family who will always have your back. 
With Manchester United having an away game the day before camp you and Ona end up flying in separately the day after everyone else arrives in camp. You both are taken right from the airport to the training ground, when you walk down the hall behind Ona you cant help but feel like something bad is going to happen. 
When you get close enough to the door of the change room you can hear your wife’s raised voice as she says “No you guys do not get to judge Y/N for anything. You need to stop this” 
Before you can enter the room you hear Alexia say to her “I can say what ever I want. When someone who should have been honoured to represent their country tosses us aside then that affects me” 
“We could have used her these last few years, she wasn’t there for us” Mapi adds on. 
Before your wife can say anything to defend you, you enter the room and feel all eyes on you. Ona has stopped beside you and you feel her support, you meet your wife’s eyes from across the room as you say “I knew coming back would cause too much drama” 
Alexia rolls her eyes as she says “You knew this would cause drama Y/N, do not act innocent” 
Before you can say anything else Mapi steps in and adds “Y/N none of us get how you can ditch us and not care when we needed you.” 
Scuffing Alexia adds “she clearly didn’t need us” 
“Hey!” your wife steps in to defend you and before she can start you interrupt her. 
“Leila stop please love, this is my fight not yours” you tell her softly. When you see her nod and meet your eyes with a small smile you gather your strength from your wife as you turn and address the team finally with your secret. 
“I left not because I wanted to, because I was forced to. I was the one who came forward about the abuse allegations, and they got swept under the rug. I got swept to the side and kicked out to keep the cover up alive. I would have never left if I had the choice.” as you finish you wipe the tears off your cheeks and turn and spin out of the locker room. 
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leigh-kay · 2 years
Ok so I have 3 imagine requests for TSITP you don’t have to write all of them but I thought I’d give you a few options.
One is a Conrad imagine they’re at a party at the beach and someone gets on the reader. Conrad gets mad and tries to fight the guy. The reader stops him and they go back to his house. The other one is a Jeremiah it’s the same as the Conrad one but Jeremiah is the one getting hit on! Smut please!!!
Conrad? Beach Fights? Smut? Absolutely.
Conrad Fisher - Fight Night
warnings // smut, swearing, violence, dom!conrad, sub! (ish? reader), conrad has a subby moment if you squint, mentions of SA (VERY minimal and vague, not abt the reader), fluff, and two sarcastic college kids in love, oh and conrad being a tease bc he cant help himself <3
just as the request asks <3
"Hey, you're the Fishers girl right?"
Y/n shook her head, "Family friend."
He smiled, "So I won't have Jeremiah on my ass if I dance with you?"
Before she could even answer she felt him over her shoulder. She didn't even have to look.
"No but you'll have me on your ass if you spend another second fucking looking at her."
The guy cut her off, "Oh come on Conrad, after last year with Nicole I didn't take you to be one to mind sharing?"
Conrad didn't waste time as he closed an arm around y/n's waist, sliding her behind him. She could smell the alcohol on him. This wasn't going to go well.
"Yeah well she's not Nicole is she? So leave her the hell alone."
"Or fucking what Fisher?" He poked at Conrad's chest.
It was calm. And then it wasn't.
She shouted his name as his fist smashed into the guy who'd approached her. He didn't listen.
The music stopped, and everyone was shouting, but to y/n it felt like she was the only one saying anything. She was the only one begging them to stop rather then the onlookers cheering them on.
She gave up on yelling at Conrad just as she saw Jeremiah through the crowd.
"Jeremiah! Jere! Please!"
He was drunk, but even drunk he was strong. He tore threw the people separating them, and then he ran right between the boys face-off.
"Conrad c'mon," he tried.
Conrad ignored him, dusting him to the side.
"Jeremiah stay out of it."
"She's right behind your dumbass watching this happen. Think about that."
"He was hitting on her-"
"Get the fuck out of this Jeremiah," the other guy shouted.
Y/n took the pause as Jeremiah turned to the flirt that started this to walk to Conrad's side.
She grabbed at his bruised hand, "Conrad, let's go."
"Y/n you don't get it."
She raised her eyebrows and stepped right up to him, "Take your sexist bullshit and shove it up your ass Conrad. I could've handled that fine."
Silence covered now. Even Jeremiah and the idiot he was arguing with.
"It's not about that."
"I don't care what it's 'about'. Upstairs. Now. Or else I go by myself and you sleep on the goddamn couch."
'Ooh's tumble from the surrounding teens mouths. You were never one to snap, Conrad was the hot head, not Y/N. No one expected her to shout.
He tailed her with speed in every step. Drunk or not, he wasn't a fucking idiot. He could already foresee his regret that would crash down 10 times harder in the morning. He chose to minimize his consequences.
She kicked her flats off as she stood in front of his mirror, make up wipes swiping away the foundation from her cheeks. Y/N didn't make conversation as she usually did, and it made him feel that much worse.
"I didn't mean to cause a scene."
"Don't bullshit me Conrad." She sat her rings in his dresser, fingers scraping against her scalp, through her curls.
"What the hell do you want me to say then?"
She sighed, finally looking at him, "Just don't lie."
"How was that a-
"Conrad you can never leave well enough alone! You do want to cause a scene because you care so fucking much about proving a point! I could've handled it!"
He dropped to his bed, teeth clenched, "Y/N, he's not fucking known to take no for an answer."
Her hands stopped fidgeting with her bracelet, eyes meeting his once more.
"So why the hell is he in our summer house?"
"I didn't know he was here til' i saw him with you," Conrad shook his head.
"Do you think Jere got rid of him?" She sat beside him on the bed.
He nodded fast, "You know Jere doesn't fuck around with that stuff Y/N/N."
She nodded, staring at her feet. It was now her turn to feel bad for yelling at him. He was only worried about her. Always the protector.
"I'm sorry Con."
He let his hand graze her cheek, "No, you were half right. I need to cool it."
"You were protecting me; good boyfriends do that."
"Yeah but I should've explained down there. You're not the baby at the summer house anymore," he laughs, "God we're in college."
She smiled too, "Don't make me sound too old, I'm a freshman, you're the ancient one."
"Oh I'm ancient now?"
"Now? You always have been." He didn't give her a notice before grabbing her sides and pushing her further up the bed. His fingers brushing against her sides and her neck as he tickled her with zero remorse.
"Conrad! Con," she fought with her arms and her legs, "Fisher I'm going to kill you!"
She squealed and kicked; shrieked and hit. He just laughed at her escape attempts.
"Take it back baby."
He didn't let up, "Then suffer the consequences."
"Fuck! You- You're not old!"
"I'm not what?"
"You're not old! Damnit let me go!" she gave him one final shove as he fell onto his back.
He grinned like an idiot, "See how easy that was, Pretty?"
"You're mean." she pouted, eyes rolling as she fixed her shirt.
"If I were mean you wouldn't love me."
"Girls love bad boys what can I say?" she replied in a teasing tone.
"Bad boys? I tutored you in math for like three years Y/N."
"Nerds can be mean too."
He smirked, turning to face her, cheek against the pillow, "Only when there gorgeous girlfriends ask them to be."
"Don't tell me you expect to get laid after you just tortured me Fisher?"
He shrugged, fingertips lazily dancing over the top of her hand. It made her stomach roll when he smiled at her as he was now. Dopey, a boyish grin. Like he was about to see his first girlfriend naked for the first time.
It was silly but she found it sweet. He was always so eager.
"I suppose... you deserve it for being all protective."
His brow cocked, "I thought that was sexist bullshit?"
"Are you cockblocking yourself my love?"
His lips crashed on her own, a smile gracing her lips.
He was over her in seconds, her fingers tugging at the black tee he wore. He grabbed her wrists with a gentle force, throwing them into the pillows over her head, "Did you ask to touch?"
She could've apologized, but that wouldn't have hardly been as fun would it? No.
She smiled, "Nope."
"I've never seen someone so proud of a mistake, pretty girl."
"Mistake... a risk... It's no fun to be predictable."
He gripped her wasitband, yanking her skirt to her ankles, eyes finding hers. With a nod of approval, he got to work.
His tongue swiped through her folds, eyes never leaving her face. With each noise she let out, he changed his pace. Never giving her the consistency she needed to reach her high. It drove her fucking crazy.
"Con, please!"
A smack cracked her right thigh as he stopped long enough to say "Good girls take what they get."
With his tongue on her clit, he drew firm circles, fingers massaging her thighs, across where he'd struck her. She squirmed, all she fucking wanted was to come and he was being difficult. Despite her best efforts he held an arm across her waist, keeping her lower hald in place as he worked his tongue against her.
"Conrad please, please!"
"You can beg better than that pretty girl."
She gasped as he slipped his middle and ring fingers into her cunt, back arching as he drilled them into her.
"Please let me come, I'll be good I-" she gripped at the sheets beneath her hands, "I'll be your good girl Con please!"
Conrad's fingers became unforgiving as he let her hips buck against them, nodding, giving her the permission she needed to let go.
She screamed his name as she came, hands gripping at the shirt he still hadn't removed, yanking him to her level with no worries for punishment.
"You clearly didn't learn your lesson," he shook his head.
"Fuck a lesson, I need you."
"So needy all the time," he teased, lips at her neck, "such a whore for me hmm?"
She let her fingers glide through his hair, soaking up the groan he let out as she tugged at the roots.
"How are you so fucking perfect," his fingers brushing against her sensitive breasts, toying with her.
"Stop teasing."
He smiled at her impatience, grabbing her by the hips and flipping her onto her stomach. He guided her ass into the air as he ran a hand down her spine. She whined as she felt him fidgeting with his jeans.
As he tugged down his boxers, she pushed back against him, rubbing herself against his length. It felt like heaven was sucking him in as he slipped inside of her.
"You're so fuckin' good pretty," he slowly eased out before slamming his hips back into hers, "made for me."
She whimpered at the words he mumbled. He always had something to say.
"Yours, all yours Con, always," her eyes rolled as he slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her back to his front. Her stomach tightened ten fold as she saw their reflection in the mirror before them.
She tried to hide her face, look anywhere else, but he had other plans.
His hand held her jaw, locking her gaze in place as he stared into her eyes in their reflection.
"Watch yourself, or I stop." He snapped his hips at a new angle in which if he hadn't been holding her, she'd have fallen flat to her stomach once more.
The hand holding her toyed with her clit, while his mouth worked at the sweet spot just under her left ear.
"Fuck, fuck Conrad I'm close," she shuddered as he kept his pace.
"Let go."
The coil inside of her snapped, and before she knew it, he had her on her back. He fucked her viciously through her orgasm, hands beside her head as his hair hung low over his eyes.
Her body jerked as he worked to get himself off. She thought she might come again from just the sight of him pleasing himself with her.
He moaned as she clenched around him, legs wrapping around his torso, keeping him close.
"Come for me Con, please, I need it," he shivered at her lips so close to his ear, a whimper escaping him.
"I'm gonna fucking come," he gave two final thrusts before she could feel him release inside of her. The warmth overwhelming her senses as she cried his name, nails scraping his shoulders.
"I love you," he was breathless, and messy, and ogling her like she was the shiniest ring in the jewelry shop.
She took a breath as he pulled himself from her, clinging to him before he could move too far away, "Tell me something I don't know."
I am so sorry this took so long!
I really did try my best to get to work on this the second I got it but I've been so stressed with moving! This is my first published smut ever so I hope it wasn't too bad and I hope this lived up to your requests expectations!
if anyone requests smut, feel free to throw in certain kinks or details if thats what you want! I'd love to be able to write as accurately as your imagination intended!
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spideyharrington · 2 years
Leave Me Alone
summary: steve and you never got along in high school, seeing as he was a popular jock and you were a not-so-popular ‘nerd’, whom he targeted, with approximately one friend. but now you’re stuck with each other while you help the kids with this vecna shit and steve is forced to face to face with the man he used to be. if you can even call ‘King Steve’ a man.
warnings: cursing, mentions of past bullying, kinda violence but nothing like vivid, brief mention of death, arguing, yelling, past homophobia, angst, enemies to lovers ig?
A/N: i’m so sorry i still have a handful of requests to get to for other characters, but i have awful steve brainrot rn and i need to let some of it out 💀 also i’m sorry because this took an Entirely different route than i thought it was going to and idk how much i like where it went… erm i’ll try to write the one i was originally going to write soon 😭 maybe tmrw even. also i finished this at 6:30am so again i’m so sorry if this is absolute dog shit sjdjdjd
word count: 3.4k (not this being my longest one)
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You started helping this group of kids try to figure out how to defeat some monster names vecna from some sort of alternate dimension, you really didn’t understand, you just kinda went with it, ever since robin very vaguely filled you in and asked for your help. You really had no idea what you agreed to, you just knew that Robin was your best friend and you could never say no to her. Ok, well maybe you would’ve said no if you knew Steve Harrington knew about this and was also helping these kids… God, you really couldn’t stand him. You didn’t hate many people. You hated the word hate in fact. But boy did you hate Steve Harrington. And that’s what made the surprise ride from Steve to get to Dustin’s house feel like it took a year.
“Are you even listening to me?” Steve threw one hand in the air and turned to look at you for a moment before turning his focus back to the road.
Shit. You really didn’t mean to drown him out, but you started spacing out due to the anxiety of being in a car alone with this asshole.
“Sorry… I spaced out for a bit.” You always apologized when people noticed you spacing out upon instinct. You waited for him to get angry at you. But it… Didn’t happen?
Instead, he looked at you with a softer expression in his eyes and asked, “you alright?”
To say this threw you off was a mad understatement, “uh… Yeah.”
His gaze stayed on the road this time, “you don’t sound too sure about that. You didn’t… hear a clock or anything did you?”
Oh. That’s why he didn’t get mad. That’s why he asked if you were ok. You immediately felt guilty for possibly making him think he was going to witness someone die in his car. You may not like the guy, but you still didn’t feel great about the possibility of making him anxious. You’re sure he’s already on edge.
Yet you still replied with a relatively bitchy tone, “no Steve, I didn’t hear a clock. I’m anxious and when i get anxious I tend to space out. It’s inconvenient. I’m fully aware. You don’t have to tell me.”
“Woah I wasn’t…” Steve was taken aback by your tone directed at him for being concerned, yet he still tried to be nice, “I get it. It’s fine, I get spacey sometimes too. I just usually try not to, or at least try to pretend I’m not.” Oh boy. That really wasn’t the right answer he was looking for.
“Are you serious right now? Do you think I can just be like ‘oh, right Steve Harrington is talking. I can’t stare off into space right now and think about the soon to be apocalypse that I suddenly have to deal with. What he’s saying is far more important!’ That’s not how anxiety works asshole.” You never get snippy with people. Usually you’re too anxious and shy to. But your blood boils so easily around him.
Steve fell silent. He knew anything else he said could just be used against him. God, why cant he just be able to say what he means without totally screwing up his wording.
You couldn’t stand the silence, so you looked through the cassettes he kept in his car. You really didn’t feel like listening to Corey Hart, The English Beat, or A Flock Of Seagulls, so you opted for the one cassette you always carried with you in your bag. You knew you could always rely on Power Corruption & Lies by New Order. So you popped it in as Steve looked at you with pure curiosity and slight confusion. As soon as the album started, you closed your eyes and listened to Age of Consent. Almost immediately calming down.
Steve couldn’t help but constantly look over at you. Your definitely looked cuter relaxed. And he couldn’t help but smile at the slight tapping of your finger to the beat of the song. His own finger subconsciously starting to tap on his steering wheel.
After only one more song, you finally arrived at Dustin’s. You basically ran in to see Robin, but not excitedly like you usually were. No, she was about to get an earful from you for not telling you about Steve.
You walked in, waved to the kids, grabbed Robin and went straight to the farthest room in the house. But not without Steve noticing and furrowing his brows. What is her deal?
“Why didn’t you tell me about Steve, Robin?! You know what I went through in high school. You know what that douchebag did to me!”
“Ok ok ok I know this seems bad but y/n-“
“No! Don’t ‘but y/n’ me! You just made me sit in a car with him for half an hour and I didn’t even get a slight warning?! I would’ve rather ridden by bike here and take an hour than sit in a car alone with someone who went by ‘King Steve’ and harassed random kids for two years.” You used air quotes when mentioning his high school name.
Robin was getting nervous now. She’s never seen you this worked up, “I’m so sorry but it was the only way to get you here without you wasting your energy and I knew you wouldn’t do it if I told you and I’m sorry for not warning you but we need you to help us and unfortunately we need that dingus too. And I know high school was absolute hell for you, and I know he definitely didn’t help, but he’s a different person now. Trust me. You know how much I hated him. But now all he does is sort dvds when he’s bored at work, and hang out around these kids and help them fight monsters.”
You shook your head and left the room, returning to the group. You looked at Steve as you entered the room and he shot you a confused look and mouthed “everything alright?”
You rolled your eyes and turned your attention to Dustin, who was going over some sort of plan to get back into the upside down to investigate further.
Once the plan was finished, Steve was taking Robin home and offered you a ride as well.
“No, I’m ok. I’ll just borrow someone’s bike or something.”
“y/n it’ll take you like an hour to bike home. Just let him take you.” Robin tried convincing you softly.
When you kept declining, Steve got tired of your stubbornness and snapped a bit. Going a different route than Robin, “It’s not safe to be out at night around here. I’m taking you home so just get in the goddamn car already!” He slapped his hand into the roof of his car as he shook his head and started to get in.
You looked at robin, confused and too scared to say no again. She shrugged and got into the backseat, knowing she’d get dropped off first and it would be silly to get shot-gun.
The car ride to Robin’s was mostly silent as you just listened to a few more New Order songs. She got out of the car and whispered to you to play nice, before she waved and smiled at Steve and went inside.
“So…” Steve paused the cassette before the last song could come on as he pulled out of Robin’s driveway.
“Steve we can just drive in silence. I literally don’t mind. You don’t have to try to pretend like you wanna talk to me.” You laugh dryly.
“What gives you the impression i don’t want to talk to you?” He glances at you.
You scoff, “really Steve? Just cut the bullshit already.” You sounded so much more harsh than you even knew you were capable of.
“What bullshit? Why do you hate me so much? And why do you assume I hate you too?” He sounded more confused and slightly hurt than annoyed. Which somehow annoyed you further.
“Do you just forget the awful shit you did to people in high school?”
“I do tend to block out certain things in order for me to be able sleep at night.”
“Oh, what a relief! Steve Harrington gets to sleep at night because he clears his mind of all the terrible things he’s said and done! Who cares about the victims of his bullying when we know he still gets a good nights rest every night!” You faked enthusiasm.
Steve gripped his steering wheel and started to speed accidentally. Usually he was a good driver, even under stress or intense emotions, but people bringing up his past self was something that really got to him. In several ways.
“Ok I’m fully aware I don’t work what i mean right. But I also know you’re a fairly smart individual and you know what I mean. But this entire day you’ve been twisting my words to make me seem like the worst fucking human in the the world. I know I was a dick in high school! Trust me it still haunts me! And before you can make some snarky comeback about how the people I affected are more than likely haunted as well, I need you to realize that ‘King Steve’,” he put in air quotes, “and Family Video Steve are two completely different people.”
“People don’t change Steve.” He can feel you staring into the side of his head.
“They can. And if you don’t believe me, why can’t you just believe Robin?” He sounded less angry and more hurt again.
You tried to turn the tape back on, too tired to be arguing with him. But he blocked your hand from pressing play.
“Can you stop picking fights and then trying to just avoid the argument you caused?!” There was the anger again.
“Look, I just wanna go home. I don’t wanna keep arguing with someone who used to call me homophobic slurs.” You slouched down in your seat. Trying not to cry at the memories of being bullied for liking girls.
Steve looked at you with a look on his face that looked like he just ran over a kids new bike and had to tell them the crushing news, “y/n…”
“I don’t wanna talk about it Steve.” The tears started to come out slightly and you sat in complete silence for the last few minutes, which felt like hours. As soon as he pulled up to your house, you got out and slammed the door shut, officially starting to sob. Steve noticed. He wanted to run after you. But he knew it was probably the worst thing to do right now. So he backed out of the driveway and headed home. He mindlessly started the music back up and quickly realized it was still New Order. You never got to finish the album because he paused it. He let it play as he drove.
On a thousand islands in the sea, I see a thousand people just like me
He recognized this one. He remembered hearing you listening to it sophomore year in class. You sat in front of him and always blasted music so no one would talk to you. He can see it in his head now.
From my head to my toes, from the words in the book. I see a vision that would bring me luck. From my head to my toes, to my teeth, through my nose. You get these words wrong. You get these words wrong. Every time. You get these words wrong. I just smile.
He drove, listening to the song and thinking about how much he liked you in high school. Thinking about when he found out you liked a girl. Thinking about when you bumped into him in the hallway and he told you to watch it and angrily called you a word he can’t believe he ever even thought about saying. He knows he said it because he was upset you liked someone else and he was a selfish, egotistical asshole. He even knew you were bisexual, so using it made that much less sense. Goddamnit why was he such a piece of shit then? Is he still such a piece of shit? His thoughts completely consumed him as he drove. He went on autopilot.
For these last few days, leave me alone. But for these last few days, leave me alone. leave me alone, leave me alone.
Steve ended up driving to Robin’s subconsciously. He explained everything as he shook anxiously. This is why he tried to forget what King Steve did in high school. He couldn’t handle the guilt of it all.
“Steve, look at me. What you did was fucking awful. But this was three years ago. You’ve been through so much shit since then. You’ve gotten away from the assholes who clouded your judgment. You met those extremely smart and kind kids who you’ve essentially adopted at this point, and you met me. Your lesbian best friend. I’m pretty sure that alone shows how different you are. You are not King Steve, ok? And I’ll try to talk to y/n. I’m sure she’s still mad at me too, but I think she thinks I knew that happened, which I most certainly did not for the record.”
“You don’t have to, Robin. This is my mess. I caused it. I need to make it right somehow.”
Steve had to pick you up the next afternoon to meet back up with the rest of the gang. Steve was anxious as hell. You, on the other hand, had no idea he was picking you up. Which is why you were extremely confused to hear New Order blasting from outside. And so much more confused when you opened your window to see that it was coming from Steve’s car…
You ran outside, “what the fuck are you doing?!”
So that wasn’t off to a great start.
“Please get in…”
You crossed your arms and stared at him. He looked at you with the most sincere look he could. You sighed, getting into his car.
“Why did you make such an entrance?” You asked referring to him blasting New Order outside from his car in order to get your attention instead of just knocking like a normal person.
“I thought it was a nicer gesture than just knocking like a boring person.” He tried to crack as joke. He didn’t miss the faint smile that started to appear before you bit your cheek.
“After I dropped you off last night, I played this song as I left and I remembered you listening to it in english class. You sat in front of me. Always blasting music so people wouldn’t approach you. Not because you were rude and didn’t like people, but because you were too anxious to talk to most of them. Except me. You used to talk to me. Not often, but occasionally you’d ask for a pen or a piece of paper or even my notes. Which was a dumb idea, you really should’ve known I did not pay attention in that class.” He chuckled quietly before continuing, “and I completely threw away that little bit of trust you had in me because I was jealous. I said an awful thing that I will never be able to take back because I had such a big ego and i got my feelings slightly hurt when I heard you liked someone who wasn’t me. It’s the shittiest excuse ever and I’m in no way trying to make up a reason for you to forgive me. There’s no good excuse in this universe for what I did to you. And I wouldn’t blame you for not forgiving me. I couldn’t blame you if you didn’t forgive me. Even if I wanted to. But I had to try… I had to try to make up for what I did then. Instead of avoiding it.”
You noticed his hands shaking a bit. You had no idea how to respond. You felt tears welling again. You were overwhelmed.
“If this is too much, you can go back in and I’ll tell the group you don’t feel well and that you can help us tomorrow. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you… again…” He bit his lip harshly and shook his head at himself, turning his head towards the windshield.
“No, I- I’m just trying to find the right words I think. I mean it is a lot. I’m overwhelmed I’m not gonna lie. But this is also something I needed. God, I was in love with you sophomore year Steve. That’s part of why it was so crushing when… That happened. Not only was it hurtful, but it was extremely hurtful coming from you. The one guy in Hawkins I thought might be different. Even though you were a popular jock. For fucks sake your name was King Steve… I really should’ve known better.” You laughed and he could hear your voice break.
He couldn’t just sit there and watch you cry again. He reached over and pulled you into a hug this time, “please don’t try to turn this in yourself somehow. Maybe you could see future me in past me. Maybe part of you knew I could be good, but I was too stubborn and pessimistic then to even entertain the thought.”
You hugged him back tightly and let your sob fully release.
“I’m so sorry I was so shitty. I’m so sorry I made you feel so bad for so many years. I’m so sorry for not ever telling you how much you meant to me and for essentially ignoring you for two years.”
You pulled away as your tears stopped, “It’s not alright, and I don’t forgive the person who said that to me then.“ Steve’s stomach dropped, but you continued, “but luckily you aren’t him. Luckily King Steve is dead and I’m now talking to Family Video Steve.” You quoted him and gave him a smile, which he returned.
Over the next couple of months, you had defeated vecna and become extremely close with Steve.
He picked you up to take you to his house for some sort of surprise. He lead you to his room and told you not to look until he said it was ok.
“Ok. you can look.” He said as you heard Age of Consent start playing.
You looked up, confused. Butterflies flooded your stomach as you noticed the vinyl and the string lights set up in his room, “what’s all this for?”
“Well…” He started walking towards you, “The day I had to pick you up for the first time a couple months back, you didn’t like any of my tapes, which is very hurtful by the way. I have amazing taste in music, So you decided to pull out your own album. This album. And when you closed your eyes and tapped to the beat of this song, I was immediately reminded how madly in love with you I was. Even though I, uh, really fucked that up. But I figured maybe this was my second chance…”
He walked even closer to you and you spoke, “I don’t believe in second chances Harrington,” he froze, “this is your first chance. Remember, Family Video Steve?” You grinned.
“Oh you really gotta stop doing that, y/l/n. You’re gonna give me a heart attack one of these days.” He laughed, “and stop calling me that.”
“What would you rather me call you? Nerd Steve? Demobat Killer Steve? Babysitter Steve? Mom St-“
“Alright, that’s enough outta you,” he closed the gap and quickly, yet softly kissed you. Now it was your turn to freeze for a moment before returning the kiss. This felt like a fever dream to both of you. You’ve both changed so much since sophomore year, but it was still so hard to fathom that you two were starting to become a thing.
Do you find this happens all the time? Crutual point one day becomes a crime. And I’m not the kind that likes to tell you just what I want to do. I’m not the kind that needs to tell you, oh
And the two of you kept switching between dancing and talking for the the entire rest of the album. Your favorite album which was quickly becoming Steve’s favorite album. Or maybe it had been his favorite album for some time now.
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lostfracturess · 9 days
omg nici i just read s&c and wanted to share my thoughtss w you <33
i freaking loved reader’s lil mental breakdown er i guess intrusive thoughts at the beginning during the aneurysm surgery, it was so realistic for the thought process as someone kind of derailing and when she came to the realization that she might be just as much of an adrenaline addict as satoru is i was GAGGED…like satoru really is getting inside her head (and i was doubly gagged when i realized SHE was literally inside someone ELSE’s head mid surgery) and idk if that was meant to be intentional or not but idc good grief you’re a genius nici i can’t praise you for it ENOUGH
Yet, with each precise maneuver, the thrill intensified. There was a sick satisfaction in holding that much power, in the knowledge that one wrong move and this fragile existence could be snuffed out in an instant.
i also LOVED this part so so so much. it’s no secret that surgeons are often to most egotistic n narcissistic people out there, and the way you describe it here, of a person having the control over a person’s life and how instead of frightening, sometimes that’s exhilarating in a self affirming way…love it. and then when you said too bad it wasn’t enough of a thrill for satoru…GAGGED AGAIN. but it’s curious too how you also mentioned he has no control over his own life, despite having so much control over others as his profession as a surgeon. i’m just— god ALL the parallels within such a short amount of time i am so fucking BLESSEDDD
AHHHH i had it spoiled in an ask you answered that suguru had feelings for reader and omg 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 ok i love s&c gojo but im SORRYYYY NICIIII I JUST THINK S&C SUGURU IS THE MAN FOR MEEE 😫😫 my heart really broke for reader though, where she was so close to helping someone she loves but suguru got in the way of it all. but i also understand suguru, bc he’s known gojo so long, i wonder if he just thinks gojo is beyond help at this point
There were other battles to save your strength for. And the battlefield of Satoru's furrowed brow and those piercing blue eyes that bore into you was a battlefield that already took all your strength.
im gonna CRYYY also omg if gojo knew about her fathers death day n thats why he wanted to push it back…i will be so soft aaa. WHY IS HE ALSO THE PERFECT MAN i cant i mean i guess he’s not PERFECT perfect but idc i can fix him i swear xD no but seriously having two hot doctor men lookin out for meeee 🤞🏼😫 reader failing those classes is also such a mood LOL. reader’s panic attack was also so well written omg.
Hypocritical, maybe, after your breakdown, but you didn't want his protection, not in this way. You wanted to fight your own battles, for better or worse. Stubborn pride — a desperate denial of how the grief, the unrelenting struggle, chipped away at you.
i LOOOOVE reader’s personality so fucking muchhh. she always stands up for herself even after pitfalls and shortcomings n i love that it’s not a delusional confidence but a self aware one.
"I know," he said, burying his face against his shoulder for a moment. "Just because we can't be together...It doesn't mean I've stopped loving you."
im gonna CRYYYYYYYY why dont u just RIP MY FUCKIN HEART OUT INSTEAD i physically felt this in my chest. omg their conversation here was so aghshdhdjd the ANGST. reader saying she didnt deserve what satoru did to her broke me. but i also love how sorta soft soken this convo is? no yelling at one another, or screaming, or insults that cut deep bc they know eachothers insecurities. its just so in contrast to what we saw w them in the last chapter and i think it’s nice they have this range of communication but also it shows just how exhausted the two of them are because of all the failed history btwn them ahhhhhh. also i cackled so hard when gojo said i love u but reader said i hate u pls xD they are so iconic
omg maki is a real one frrr she is a NO BULLSHITTER 🤞🏼🤞🏼i loved the convo reader had w her friends!! and the line ab the heart holding onto hope even when it’s not the most rational was so raw n real. i’m glad reader at least has different perspectives
i freaking love the science jargon so damn much omg 🙏🏼😫 i have forgotten absolutely everything from my degree but it slowly comes back to me when i read s&c and that makes me so excited. i swear when im a doctor someday imma come back n read s&c and be like gat dayum nici really did her damn research!! xD no but just in general i think the glioblastoma research is really interesting bc its such a challenging cancer to target and has such high mortality rate, BUT ALSO the thing they’re talking ab with the t-cells to create a fake immune response to attack the tumor cells (im assuming thats what theyre talking ab lol) is so cool and i think thats the basis of immunotherapy which actually has really promising clinical trials going on rn for cancer treatment which is so super excitinf!! would i sound lame if i asked you for the papers you looked through for this chapter xD ALSO BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER MENTIONED LETS GOOO genuinely one of the coolest fuckin things in biochemistry PLS AND THE CYTOKINE STORM NIKI PLEEASEEEE NEVER STOP W THE MEDICAL JARGON IN S&C IF THE MEDICAL JARGON HAS NO FANS IM DEAD its genuinely so interesting i get to learn ab breakthrough oncology research AND i get to fuck my fave?!! 😫🙏🏼 god bless u fr
edit: PLS YOU GAVE THE DOI BAHAHA also sorry i just saw u said not to interact w the science material LOL my bad i am just so excited rn i miss studying so bad
side note i love when ur satoru goes “ha?” like he’s so sexy for that and it’s so incharacter for him PLSLDFJH also damn he called us stupid woman AND reckless idiot in one chapter ✋🏼😔 like ok damn im dumb what about it?!?!????!??🤨🤨awwiie stopp im so soft for gojo rn he’s like practically cradling her to sleeeppp 😭😭😭 also PLSSS reader sleepily chanting the research is so real bahha like when u pull an allnighter for an exam n only have like a couple hours to sleep
nooooo omg reader visiting his grave is so sad :( and the fact she never even got to say GOODBYE…..im so sad. i love the underlying theme of grief in this chapter and also ADORE the depth you’ve given to reader sm. coming back here after reading the author’s note—PLSSS do not hesitate or worry to ass depth to the reader’s character!! i get the same way in my writinf where im like oh its an x reader no one cares to read ab the reader’s backstory but no it adds sm more to the story and only strengthens the narrative as well as the romance n connections within the story!! like bae if u want me to have a traumatic past then i’m here for it xD
omg the interaction w readers mom was going so well n cure n then i audibly gasped when she switched from sweet faced to rude at the mention of the research. its so sad how her mother is in denial, but i love how theres a contrast in the different ways that people grieve in a family. “i know she lost her husband, but i lost my father. i was grieving too.” AHHHH this is so painfully good, i love it <33 i really do love how reader chose herself in the end. learning to care for someone that is grieving i think can turn into codependency really fast, and i admire she took a step towards her career rather than staying back in a place that wasn’t healthy for her. but obv i feel for the mom too, it mustve been really hard to be left alone like that. i hope she can work her relationship out w her mom :””) i love everything satoru is saying to her rn, he’s so incredibly emotionally mature, and i really understand why reader believes in him n wants him to be better. he’s a great man that just needs a little bit of saving 😭❤️
OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHH the scene w satoru’s ROMANTIC SOLILOQUYYY my fucking heart he is so bridgerton man coded 🙏🏼😭 like the part where he talks about hsi HEART and his SOUL like DAMn thats on par w anthony’s speech to kate YOU ARE THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE AND THE OBJECT OF ALL MY DESIRESSS 😫😫🤞🏼🤞🏼 i need this man so bad omg shonda rhimes NEEEDSS to adapt s&c pls i’ll pay from my own pocket xD also reader randomly coming up w a breakthru for her research while she’s gettin the most romantic speech or her life is so fuckin funny n she’s so real for that AHAHAH and the futon bit was sooo cute
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I FREAKING LOVE THIS PART i love a little age gap romanceee n this was soooo hehehehe 🥴🤭 like yesss bb do declare how you have more wisdom on meeee now pls fuck me 🤞🏼😫
ughh the way he’s so domestic w reader’s mom is giving HUSBAND VIBESSS LIKE HELLOOOO THAT’s ur MOTHER IN LAW RIGHT THERE. also aw he convinced her mom to try therapy?? i fucking cant 😭 he is just 10/10 man in this chapter i want to sobbb when is it my turrnnn i want to marry him so bad
wow i loved this chapter!! so much happened and it was all just S tier writing, S tier dialogue, S tier everything. i loooved the constructive conversations in this one, w reader’s friends, and w suguru, and w the mom, just soooo much about all the characters relationships w one another revealed in such subtle n powerful ways. HONESTLYYY i think this is my FAVORITE chapter of s&c so far, so marvelous :””) thank you SO much nici for all your hard work n care n effort you put into this story, you’re such a queen. much love from me ❤️
okay first, sorry for the late response, but i wanted to have enough time to reply to your message with the same amount and detail that u spend to send me this incredibly sweet message bc u deserve it !! you know, u have no idea how happy this makes me :'')) (but like as a writer yourself, you know the feeling when your heart is basically exploding we you see others obsess over small details in your writing like yourself, right ?? it's really the best feeling ever) <33
when she came to the realization that she might be just as much of an adrenaline addict as satoru is i was GAGGED…like satoru really is getting inside her head
yees, she slowly loses her own mind hahaa. and i wanted to show it there a little bit, that she slowly comes to the realization, that her motives why she does this medical thing might not be as altruistic as she thought and maybe she is just a little bit more like satoru than she wants to admit, oh myyyy hehe.
it’s no secret that surgeons are often to most egotistic n narcissistic people out there, and the way you describe it here, of a person having the control over a person’s life and how instead of frightening, sometimes that’s exhilarating in a self affirming way…love it.
think it's kind of unrealistic to say they just do it because they're altruistic, and i think it also has something to do with canon satoru, like he enjoys the thrill of combat and so does s&c satoru with like the thrill of surgery (and s&c reader too).
and then when you said too bad it wasn’t enough of a thrill for satoru…GAGGED AGAIN. but it’s curious too how you also mentioned he has no control over his own life, despite having so much control over others as his profession as a surgeon.
yeesss !! loved that part too <33 i think that's also why he clings to his surgeries and addiction so much, bc it gives him some illusion of control even tho it's like the exact opposite.
ellie, stay strong for our blue eye princess !!! don't let yourself get distracted !!! ahhhhh !!!
my heart really broke for reader though, where she was so close to helping someone she loves but suguru got in the way of it all.
yes, it must have felt like the biggest betrayal. like, of course suguru had only good intentions but when u fight so long for someone to finally trust you, for him to accept your help and then it gets snuffed out in an instant ?? must feel devastating.
but i also understand suguru, bc he’s known gojo so long, i wonder if he just thinks gojo is beyond help at this point
yes, he does think that.
i LOOOOVE reader’s personality so fucking muchhh. she always stands up for herself even after pitfalls and shortcomings n i love that it’s not a delusional confidence but a self aware one.
ahhh, that makes me so happy !! i never know how readers react to it, and if it makes sense to others, so i'm SO GLAD that you understand what i wanted to transpire with her personality :'')) <33
omg their conversation here was so aghshdhdjd the ANGST. reader saying she didnt deserve what satoru did to her broke me. but i also love how sorta soft soken this convo is? no yelling at one another, or screaming, or insults that cut deep bc they know eachothers insecurities.
i LOVED writing this conversation !!! like it's so vulnerable it had me clutching my heart while writing ngl. reader understands him so deeply that she is so soft with him, despite her anger that is still very prominent there, but she swallows that anger to not force him to apologize to her or hurt him even more.
like she has every right to do so, and still chooses different. but then again, the anger is still there and she needs to say it one time, that she is indeed hurt and that it was indeed unfair of him.
but also it shows just how exhausted the two of them are because of all the failed history btwn them ahhhhhh.
yeeess, they are so exhausted at this point, it breaks my heart (i'm the author i know, this is my doing lol).
i freaking love the science jargon so damn much omg 🙏🏼😫 i have forgotten absolutely everything from my degree but it slowly comes back to me when i read s&c and that makes me so excited. i swear when im a doctor someday imma come back n read s&c and be like gat dayum nici really did her damn research!! xD
oh god ellie, you know more about this than i do, so please don't dwell too much on the medical details here because i'm 100% sure they don't make any sense ahahhah.
would i sound lame if i asked you for the papers you looked through for this chapter xD
noooooo, we love a curious mind ahhhh !!! but yeah, i wrote the DOI of the paper in the chapter notes hehe <33
ts genuinely so interesting i get to learn ab breakthrough oncology research AND i get to fuck my fave?!!
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side note i love when ur satoru goes “ha?” like he’s so sexy for that and it’s so incharacter for him PLSLDFJH also damn he called us stupid woman AND reckless idiot in one chapter ✋🏼😔
i can imagine him so vividly like that !! with his dumbfounded face, mouth hanging open, then he slowly raises an eyebrow and be like haaaa ???? and in his mind he is already undressing and fucking you rough lol.
i love the underlying theme of grief in this chapter and also ADORE the depth you’ve given to reader sm.
so happy to read this :'')) <33
PLSSS do not hesitate or worry to ass depth to the reader’s character!! i get the same way in my writinf where im like oh its an x reader no one cares to read ab the reader’s backstory but no it adds sm more to the story and only strengthens the narrative as well as the romance n connections within the story!! like bae if u want me to have a traumatic past then i’m here for it xD
ohhh and i'm happy to read we're on the same page with this !!
i love everything satoru is saying to her rn, he’s so incredibly emotionally mature, and i really understand why reader believes in him n wants him to be better. he’s a great man that just needs a little bit of saving 😭❤️
yeess, he's such a GREEN FLAG, he just a bit stupid and insane and an addict, but i mean ??? how can u not love him when he says things like that ??? ahhhh
OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHH the scene w satoru’s ROMANTIC SOLILOQUYYY my fucking heart he is so bridgerton man coded
this was his big ass bridgerton moment yeess hahaha. we love a man pathetically in love with his woman <<3333
also reader randomly coming up w a breakthru for her research while she’s gettin the most romantic speech or her life is so fuckin funny n she’s so real for that AHAHAH and the futon bit was sooo cute
priorities i mean ??? satoru can wait ahahha
I FREAKING LOVE THIS PART i love a little age gap romanceee n this was soooo hehehehe 🥴🤭 like yesss bb do declare how you have more wisdom on meeee now pls fuck me 🤞🏼😫
same girl, same !!! like, yes please tell me how the world works, bc i'm too stupid for it, but beware if you ever mansplain anything to me i'll kill u (and now choke me pls). <33
wow i loved this chapter!! so much happened and it was all just S tier writing, S tier dialogue, S tier everything.
ahhhhhh !! thank you so so much again for sharing your thoughts and emotions while reading the chapter, your insightful analysis mean so much to me :'')) i hope u find money on the pavement this week, i'm manifesting this for u !! <3 love you !!
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An Eternity With You
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«Chapter 3»
Warnings: Arguements (All Four) Physical Injuries (Arthur to Gerald and Reader) Hurt no Comfort (Gerald and Reader) Smoking (Felix) Mention of Sex (Idk Anymore)
Authors note: Who wants to see Felix be absolutely an depressed twink? Also sorry i havent been active, been very busy and also writers block, i wrote the plot as i go, this story is now a joint story between me and becca because i want to have the most people enjoying my/our writing
Written by: V1vian and @fckedupnerd aka Becca
You were walking with Gerald towards a bakery that has caught your eye since dating him, still unaware of the secret relationship between him and the chocolate cartel, the winter air made the coat you borrowed from him all the more cozier, though Gerald seemed uneased passing by the Galarie Gourmet buliding, "Hey, are you okay...?" You asked him "Oh yes am fine, just a bit cold from the air" He shook it off. You suspected something else but didnt want to push any furthur, you arrive home safely and without issue, you kiss him goodbye and he walked back to the Galarie Gourmet, alone in your apartment, you wonder what made him so uneased
Meanwhile Gerald was just returning to the vault, Arthur and Felix stared at him, wondering why he was so late, he was always the earliest out of all of them, theres no way he woukd be caught in traffic or be late because of getting food so why is he late now? "Well Gerald it seems like youre late, care to explain?"
"Well the café i go to didnt open yet and there was a new perdon there so i had to explain my order, anyways i got food" He held out the takeout orders, hoping and praying he hid the fact he was just out with you well enough so they dont know about his affairs, he feels extremely gulity about it, but he still holds them to his heart dearly, they eat...well Arthur and Gerald, Felix didnt touch the food and only drank his black coffee because of his own ED, but the two of them didnt push, they both know he'll throw a hissy fit at them, though its a bit pathetic really
Days went on with you and Gerald going out in secrecy
He always had an excuse to them, believeable enough so none if the other two knows about his affairs, well except Felix, he was being irrational and decided to follow Gerald, it wasnt a good idea sure but they have also done much more illegal things, so he followed the two of you quietly, disturbed he was having an affair, he was seething in jealousy by you, unable to believe such a petite woman would catch his heart, it made him go to Arthur and tell on him, by the time Gerald came back, they were already glaring at him, he knew he couldnt hide it any longer, so happens you followed him into the vault by secret
"I cannot believe you Gerald, after everything we've done for you?!" Felix yelled in anger "Its not like you helped me in my buisness either, Fickelgruber!" "How dare you use my last name you foul git! You-" Arthur split them apart "Thats enough of you Felix" He glares at Gerald "Though that doesnt excuse you from the conversation"
"Its still a fact you are incredibly lazy and an idiot at most, you cant even do anything without someone saying it!" Gerald rolled his eyes
"Youre the one to talk, youre bossing everyonr around like puppets!" He rebuttles
"Thats because you and Felix cant do anything in buisness, sure both of you are creative but you especially have no knowledge of putting it into action!" Your jaw drops at the sight, but you stay hidden for now
"Oh thats strong coming from you, you know nothing of anything else BUT buisness!" Felix yells
"Big talk from someone who pukes himself to death!" Gerald argues
"You have no say in this when you cant even do things correctly, not even helping your own mistress! All you can do is throw money at them!" Arthur yells at Gerald loudly
You tried to sneak away but Felix spotted you "And YOU, you can only pay rent because of his pathetic ass being your sugar daddy!" You gasped
"At least i dont use Gerald as a servant!" You yell at Felix "Oh please, dont even look decent for how much money he gives" Arthur said as he gestures to your clothes
"And you! You cant even go for what? A day without yelling at him from what i can tell! And at least i actually have a sense of fashion, not just "i am rich" as my whole personality!"
"Well you can hardly tell what a privliege is, and all you can do is whine to Gerald for money!" Felix spits out in jealousy
"Stop talking, you cant even feed yourself properly, Felix, Talk when you can actually take care of yourself, at least shes healtheir than you! Am surprused you can even do sex when youre a twig!" Gerald yells back
"AND you cant even go for one week without sex with Arthur!" You say with pure sass "And you! You may be strong but your ego is as week as Felix's self esteem! Gerald has every right to have an affair with your toxic asses!"
Arhur slaps you in anger, leaving a mark as red as a cherry, Gerald slaps Arthur back for hurting you. He slaps Gerald back much, MUCH harder, drawiing blood from a cut on his cheek, Felix crosses his arms and smirks in victory. You help Gerald get out of the vault, none of you speak afterwards except you and Gerald, the other two's whereabouts are unknown, Gerald is too hurt to care.
Previous Chapter
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 year
okay i need to yell about the current charlos worldstate because im thinking so many insane and beautiful things rn but basically
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okay okay rambling under the cut
LIKEEEEEEE idk obvs i am sad for the rarris and i want them to do well but its times when the failure appears that reminds me of whyyyy i find charlos so interesting
like they truly do have such a charming dynamic, they have fun together they laugh they find a lot of similarities in one another, and we joke we joke about how charles is like the nagging girlfriend at times and carlos the playfully bullying boyfriend its qualities that when we push into the more like. chaotic and bad side of the ship thats just so WOW
like we already see this weekend a bit of heat from charles that bit of annoyance but hes too polite too nice you get bits of passive aggression here and there he is so housewife coded....
so much of why i like charlos is in all honesty like. using one another as a channel for the frustration towards the team. solace in one another, someone else who UNDERSTANDS, who gets the way youre feeling towards the car towards the team etc etc etc... and it can be so sweet and soft and caring and it can also be sooo toxic and codependent and strange
i love a ship that feels like an uncomfortable marriage but theyre staying together because thats what they committed to. because theyre perfect for each other, duh. he understands what no one else does.
just like picturing charles after he spins out, just waiting watching and brewing full of just. annoyance and shame and sadness and anger but charles doesnt blow up, charles looks pitiful, just a race incident, no one to blame. (no one but himself of course the voice in the back of his head says) and carlos has it all on his shoulders the rest of the way. just trying to get something, anything for the team and he does. until he doesnt and again its not fair none of it's fair and he cant do anything lest it gets worse and they both fail in such spectacularly different directions and if that doesn't describe them so well what does.
The idea of finding comfort in one another against mutual failing, really being them taking out the frustrations on one another. Tell yourselves you just need a rough fuck to feel better but both knowing............charles knowing its punishment, its get better, its be smarter, it hurts and he should say something but be wont because he needs to be BETTER. and for carlos its release but not comfort its release in the way smashing in a window is, slashing a tire, screaming expletives at a retail worker who cant talk back, its taking back some scrap of power to make up for it all. and they tell themselves it helps, they come, they lay in each others arms afterwards and they do it again next time they fail. same failed strategy same failed result.
just a cycle of using each other for harm and calling it comfort but not knowing how to go on without it...its reliable thats for sure 👬 and you push down the guilt or the shame of what you did you ignore the bruises and the words you said and the things you begged for and pretend you dont hold it against him in any way but youve learned nothing can truly be trusted around here!!!! but thats a failure you'll reach when you get to it for now youre apart you'll lick your wounds and come back smiling hand in hand laughing at each others jokes staring lovingly at his smile running your fingers through his hair and for a while the car wont matter until it does . amen.
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x-galactic-star-x · 1 year
i just imagine a small idea with Cayde
this is gonna be a little messy but bear with me
also this is gonna be sad so just saying
mention of dying
Stuck together
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lets say, you are dying. you followed Cayde wven tho you dont have a light as he had to got to the one place where exos are born and broken.
he went with Banshee to discover sometging and you sneaked after them.
they got surprise Vex attacked and cause they didnt tought that you were there they didnt planned to hwar someone beinf shot at and injured badly.
you are no guardian, you dont have any other chance, or resurect. you have one life.
he hated this. he was actually mad at you but the worry was stronfer as he held you.
Banshee evwn as he was forgetful he kbow what he doing most of the time, as he told them there is a chance to save you.
you might not like it but there is no time to loose.
as they ran around the place Banshee found the machine that could help.. but the problem is, there isnt any functional shall nearby and the closes to them might be way too far and it would be too late to get.
while you are slowly loosing sight and concousness Cayde lied you down on the table..
then everything went dark with the voice of Cayde and Banshee yelling..
suddenly you wake up.. gasping. . where are you? what happene? why is it so cold? is it cold? warm? you dont know and as you looked around you saw a guy with spikes on his head.. it feels like you know him.. he's talking to you.
he telling you to breath.. breath? ok ok breath.. but then you looked down.
this isnt your legs.. you slowly turn around and saw.. you.. on the table.. with weird helmet with a lot of vires on your head.
but.. what? you look down and you slowly realize..
"CAYDE?? WHAT? What happened to me??!?" you shouted in a panic as Banshee tried to calm you down.
"kiddo i need you to listen to me-"
he tried but cling to your gear.. Cayde's gear.. fuck how did this happened??
"Hey hey hey. listen to me sweetheart-" you gasped as you backes away into the corner of the room and curled up in a ball. you can hear Cayde..
"Listen... its all right ok? Banshee have everything under control. we managed to save you, ok?" he spoke in your head as you tried to catch your breath.. even tho you dont exactly need it anymore but its a comfort..
"listen.. we will fix this we will help you but for now you suck.. with me.. and in my body." you want ro cry.. but you cant ahed tears.. not anymore.. you want him near.. but he is near he's literally with you.. but you want his arms around you... like it was used to be..
"Cayde.. im.. this is wrong.."
"i had to save you somehow.."
"i want you here.."
"im right here."
"you know what i mean."
".. i know sweetheart.. i know.."
you felt your body goes numb as all you can do is watch.. as he took control.
"we'll fix this.. i swear."
i would say it would be the same as uploading an exo mint to another, and honestly i just imagined that as a human you would be 100% be rly panicky if you are suddenly in the same body as your lover/best friend..
and the lonely feeling about wanting to bw in their arms but you cant.. cause you are in the same body.. but its just not the same.
he wont be able to play with your hair or mess it up like he used to and he cant rly cuddle up with you until you get your own body..
my brain just kept imagining someone else panicing in Cayde body as they freaking out being in his body and controlling it.. like it felt wrong. that its not them.
but anyway, enjoy this idea, i dunno if i should take credit of it cuz im sure someone else tought about this idea already
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localgardenweed · 22 days
About to lose my shit over my shitty Algebra teacher cause i think he’s the devil incarnate cause he doesn’t respect kid’s 504 plans, there is this kid who may not always show up to class on time for some reason im not sure why but they try their best to catch up and work hard and they asked to send over and take the recent test they missed in a certain classroom and he was like “No you cant, you have to show up tomorrow in here to take it” when literally in their 504 plan says they can take it in that room no one can force them to take it in their classroom, but DOES HE CARE??? NOOOOOO. I think he was just trying to be tough or smth god knows what cause he has a huge ass power complex like dear god dude we get it you were a army guy but is yelling at teens really what you wanna do to feel that high of power again?? The kid then complained to the school and he got a ass whooping but sadly not fired and then the next day was pissed as hell and took it out on all of us 😍
he doesn’t care to actually help students at all, he just gives up on them if they don’t understand the first or barely the second time and tells em to basically fuck off and find someone else to explain it and i get it teaching is hard you might not be able to get everyone to understand BUT ITS LITERALLY HIS GO TO RESPONSE WHEN YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SMTH IN HIS SHITTY RAPID FIRE EXPLANATION WHEN HE JUST JUMPS FROM THING TO THING WITH NO VISUAL OR EVEN SENSE CAUSE WTF HOW DID YOU GET THAT ANSWER HELLO?? SLOW DOWN?? We were going over the study guide and he started doing a question and then realized half way it was “too hard” to do on the board so he gave up and kept going to the next question and a kid at my table who didn’t do that part pf the study guide cause they dont know how asked “Can you go over that please i don’t understand it” and his response was “im not going over it just to fill it in” and the kid said “im not asking to just fill it in im asking cause I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT” and guess what. HE DIDNT DO IT HE JUST IGNORED THEM AND KEPT GOING. YOUR STUDENT IS ASKING FOR HELP AND YOU AINT DOING SHIT. HELLO??? AND THIS ISNT THE FIRST TOME HE ALWAYS PULL THIS SHIT ALL THE TIME, GOD FORBID YOU ASK A QUESTION MORE THAN ONCE THATS TOK SCARY AAAHHHHH.
I hope all his classes fails and they fire his ass cause omg there has never been anything positive said about this man that isn’t from favorites/people who already are godly at math. The average student who’s had him HATES HIM.
Im really debating like cussing him out Thursday after my final cause i cant just walk away and act like it was a okay class no he needs to get fucking humbled at least see what he does is harmful and shitty and douchey. I dont care if i get in trouble im not gonna go down like this so many kids in that class have struggled cause of his ass not doing his job. And sure some of there are rowdy and sure some are a bit off task but that doesn’t give you the right to abandon them. If i ever kicked my own bucket he would be 5 of my 13 reasons why.
#localgardenweed#the weed is rambling#i wish upon his downfail almost daily cause like i feel like a death wish isnt good enough thats the easy way out#i need his ass to think and contemplate what he does and reevaluate his lfie#he needs to get off his fucking imaginary throne and look at what he actually does as a teacher#i know teaching is hard and now pays next to nothing but he just doesn’t do his job and if he wants to keep it shit better start changing#there are other teachers in the same topics that do swimingly not to compare but i have to for him#they are patient they give their kids resources like idk FULL WORK ON ANSWER KEYS#that was my biggest ick with him he never posted answe keys with the work hust answers#i know he probably did it to avoid ppl cooying but also screwed over kids who need to see what went wrong with their work#also minor complaint but he used the math textbook for ‘notes’ and YOU KNOW HOW SMALL THE SPACE IS YO WRITE IN THOSE???#WHY IS ALL THE WORK IN THERE WHY DO YOU DO THIS#HE SAID HE DID WORKSHEETS LAST HEAR AND I TOOM A SUGH OF RELIF THINK WE WOULD TO BUT NAHHH HERE IS THE GIANT ASS BOOK THAT WILL GUVE YOU#BACK PAIN AND ALSO IM NOT GONNA SAY PAGE NUMBERS IMMA SAY TOPIC HEADERS#WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT#Thats also a minor complaint but i knew shit was gonna be rough when he said the chapter names and not page numbers#so much time was lost trying to find the oage in the book#also kinda important not really but there were only 5 girls in that class including me#in a room of like 19#…IM JUST SAYING#he did treat my table a little shit which was coincidently all girls#coincidence? yeah probably but ya know.#he mostly ignored the girls unless they were the 2 kids at my table cause they actual spoke up#but he ignored them too so ya know#i may be over thinking it but if he did get fired for sexism ya know i wouldn’t be surprised#school if you’re reading this know that yeah im pissed at him and yeah i do want to talk in student services i think its for the best
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