#hcg diet
vanbruck · 2 years
Hit me up for your orders
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
7/29/22 wt 247
Today was better. Reading my old posts really lifted my fucking spirits.
I have come so far. So motherfucking far.
For one thing- I quit smoking. Woot.
For another thing- I quit drinking. 7 months down. Holy shit.
I have been losing weight. Holy shit! Wooo!
Here are some meals and snacks. Missed some fruit and snacks but all in all a good day.
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aswesawitblog · 5 months
Too Fat to Travel: How We Lost 170 Pounds of Weight
Dang, I griped to myself, the airlines sure have shrunk the plane seats. I guess that’s so they can squeeze more people into every plane. I can’t even cross my legs sitting here. Sheesh.
Travel is only fun if you’re healthy. When you’re fat (or overweight, if you prefer to be PC), climbing stairs takes more effort, walking uses more energy, and you avoid mirrors and photo ops. And you sure don’t want to be squeezed into a child-size seat at 30,000 feet for hours on end. Ugh.
But that’s not the worst of it: Dan developed DVT on our trans-Pacific flight to Bali. Deep vein thrombosis is a life-threatening condition. The blood clot in his leg lasted for weeks, I was freaking out, and he didn’t feel like going anywhere. Way to ruin an adventure, right?
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Table of Contents  show 
Denial is not just a river in Egypt
It’s not as though we didn’t know we were overweight. That much was obvious, duh. I could pretend that the airplanes and clothing companies had resized, but I knew it was me.
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So how fat were we?
Dan was carrying 120 extra pounds around. My size 16 clothes were getting tight and I was at least 50 pounds heavier than I had been in college.
Over the years we had tried “eating right,” Weight Watchers, Atkins, Nutrisystem and more. We had moderate success and made many lifestyle changes, but nothing lasted. We were still too big.
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How it all started
It all began in Panama when I found a doctor who was willing to work with me to solve my weight issue. Fluent in English, he had trained and worked in the United States but had returned to his homeland. He had tired of battling insurance companies and he wanted to get to know his patients and dig into their lifestyles to find what might be causing their issues. Back in the US, he had to move patients along because he needed the revenue to cover his overhead.
Anyway, after the usual medical workup and blood tests, he gave me a series of options to try. One by one I tried them. Long story short: nothing was working and I was getting desperate. I finally decided to stop resisting the medical weight loss protocol he had been recommending.
Who would blame me?
I had read on the internet that the protocol was dangerous, and I believed it. (If you hear something enough times, does that make it true?)
My favorite excuses were:
I don’t like being hungry.
I like food and I’d be watching Dan enjoy whatever he pleased.
Cooking is Dan’s therapy and muse. He has claimed the kitchen as his domain.
But if I didn’t bite the bullet and do that I would continue to gain weight. I really had little choice.
Support is essential.
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I’m not sure what made him decide to join me, but minutes into hearing about my program, Dan was using the word we instead of she.
Maybe it was the incredible results we could expect: as much as a pound of weight loss per day, or the fact that it was a long-established medical protocol, or that we only had to be on the most restrictive part of the diet for a month.
Or maybe it was because of that DVT or that he suspected his body might be pre-diabetic.
Whatever the reason, we both decided to go for it.
FAQs about the HCG Diet
How does HCG work?
Our doctor was extremely clear: This is not a diet, it’s a bona fide medical protocol that has been around for over 50 years. It was developed by a British military doctor, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, he said, so treat it as such and take it seriously.
>> The HCG diet protocol does not allow cheating. At all. <<
At the heart of the program is a natural hormone that is produced during pregnancy called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). HCG is what makes it possible for a woman to deliver a healthy baby … even if she has morning sickness the whole time and can barely eat a thing.
The theory is that HCG causes the brain to trigger a release of fat stores.
Although HCG is naturally produced only by pregnant women, it has the same effect on everyone, both men and women. When administered in very minute doses and coupled with a very low calorie diet, people routinely lose between 0.5 to 1 pound per day, often more. His patients who have used it swear that it is the only program where they have been able to keep the weight off afterward.
But is the HCG diet safe?
I am embarrassed to admit that I could have been thin years ago—if I’d done my own research. Instead I blindly believed what I had read—that this is a dangerous way to lose weight because no one can live on 500 calories a day.
That’s not strictly true, our doctor said. We’re not talking about a low calorie diet here, it’s a low intake program. HCG merely helps the body access its fat stores. You get all the extra calories you need from the fat you already have.
HCG works exactly the same as every other diet. You eat fewer than your required calories, and your body makes up the difference by feeding on your excess fat.
Where can you buy HCG?
Ultimately, we figured out that we could save a bunch of money buying it online. It's easiest to buy it as a kit so you have everything you need. That's what we did.
How do you take HCG?
You may have heard of homeopathic HCG drops, which are taken under the tongue three times a day. That’s how we started – and they work – but it’s hard to find them in the U.S. anymore. (Want to know why? Follow the money.)
Anyway, our doctor found he had better results with regular injections, so we switched to shots. Once daily is easier than remembering to take a medication 3 times a day. We had better results and it was far more convenient. Plus, surprisingly, those diabetic syringes are painless. (Who knew?)
What can you eat on the HCG diet?
In the strictest stage of Dr. Simeons’ protocol (what is known as Phase 2), food options are limited. You are permitted selected meats, 4 fruits and about a dozen vegetables, but no fats or sugars. One grissini or melba toast is allowed per meal – lunch and dinner only. You don’t eat breakfast, but you can have coffee or tea if you wish.
You might think it could be boring but no – Dan appreciated the challenge to get really creative with seasonings and prep methods. Anyway, we could tolerate our limited food choices because it was only temporary.
As for exercise, walking is permitted but not heavy exercise. That’s fine with me, ha-ha.
Fortunately, the HCG diet has recently been updated to incorporate advanced research in low-carb/ketosis dieting, caloric ratios and basic food chemistry. They call it HCG 2.0. We think it is a smarter way to lose – not to mention much easier to do. Coconut oil and stevia are permitted in limited amounts, more vegetables have been incorporated, and your daily calories can be incresed a bit.
You can even exercise, within reason. The fastest and most effective method is high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
How is the HCG diet different from a regular diet?
According to our doctor, there are two big differences between losing weight with HCG vs. other diets:
HCG curbs your appetite.
You lose weight faster, which keeps you motivated to stick with it.
When I heard that, I nearly cheered out loud. Woo-hoo! If I’m not hungry and see results, I can do this!
Why don’t more doctors recommend HCG?
Our doctor left his U.S. medical practice because he said it was too heavily controlled by insurance and Big Pharma. And then he gave me something to think about:
Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry. Heavy people rely on medications for weight-related illnesses, while diet pills and shakes are often made by pharmaceutical corporations.
Ask yourself: Who stands to lose if a weight loss program works too well? How far would you go to protect your source of income?
Our weight loss results
Boosted by the information he gave us, we were convinced it was worth a try. Once our doctor recorded all our baseline measurements (bone density, fat, muscle, etc.) with a machine, we left his office with the booklet outlining the protocol and the homeopathic medication we’d be taking for the next 40 days.
As required, we weighed ourselves daily. Over the next 40 days, I lost an average of 0.4 pounds/day and Dan lost twice that. (Unfair how men always lose so much faster!) But who cares? I was excited: 18.2 pounds lighter in just 40 days!
We did a few more rounds of the protocol while we were in Panama, but to be honest we got lazy and stopped paying attention to our intake. We had read that the protocol resets the body’s “set point” and thought we could eat anything we wanted to without gaining any weight.
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Here we go. Again.
Take it from us: It’s hard to lose weight when you’re traveling all over the globe. (You have to try the local foods, right?) By March 2014, I was back where I started and Dan was at least 30 pounds heavier as well. We agreed that it was time to get serious about keeping the weight off.
As I researched the protocol further, I discovered something important. Dr. Simeons was incorrect: It is actually possible to stay on the protocol for more than 40 days without developing a resistance to HCG. (I guess it stands to reason: Pregnant women have HCG in their bodies the whole time, don’t they?) We also learned how to correctly monitor our weights afterward so the fat doesn’t return in apocalyptic proportions.
When we returned to the U.S. after being overseas for three years (read about how we were kicked out of Ecuador here), we decided to stay put for a while and work to get down to our ideal weights.
We devoted ourselves to staying on the protocol for as long as it takes. And that’s how we’ve finally reached our weight loss goals.
The following year saw us do three rounds of HCG and we were thrilled with the results. Between us, we lost close to 170 pounds and haven’t regained it since. At 120 pounds lighter, Dan jokes that he almost lost his wife!
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The hidden benefit no one talks about
Remember that I mentioned daily weigh-ins? The goal is to stay within two pounds of your last dose weight every day for the rest of your life. (There are ways to correct it, but that’s beyond this article.) As you enter the final, maintenance phase of the diet, you will reintroduce one food every day or two and monitor how your body responds on the scale the following day.
Through reintroducing foods one by one, I have learned which foods my body can handle and which ones it doesn’t like. When I eat wheat, for instance, my belly will quickly pooch from bloat and the numbers on the scale will rise by at least two pounds for a couple of days.
I had an aha moment when I realized that. Now, I can make informed, conscious choices: Do I really want that bread/pastry, or not? Sadly, it looks like I have similar reactions to rice and oats, so gluten-free may not be enough. But at least I know.
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Side effects from our HCG diet
Whoever said that rapid weight loss can be dangerous needs to back that up wth facts. People have been doing this protocol for over 7 decades and no one has died from following the program correctly.
Seriously: it’s more dangerous to remain fat.
When we began this journey, we got winded and broke a sweat just walking a mile. Now, we easily cover 4 miles in an hour. I am far happier—and healthier—than I was in the 170’s. And I’m not done yet; I’ve set a new goal. As for Dan, friends tell him he looks like he did in high school … and he has no more DVT or sugar shakes to worry about.
That was expected, but other side effects surprised us:
Going without sugar has retrained our taste buds. Things that once tasted yummy now taste way too sweet.
Drinking water has become a habit.
We’ve learned that coffee without cream doesn’t taste too bad.
We became aware that boredom and stress are triggers. We no longer head straight to the refrigerator to deal with them.
We have more energy.
Now, how good does that feel?
Our friends have noticed.
Friends often ask about our weight loss. We can tell who is ready to shed some pounds by how they react to our answer. We get the gamut, everything from “I can’t live without bread for a day” to “I want to do that!”
What about you – do you need to have your bread or are you ready to do this? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
Resources for losing weight with HCG
If you're considering the HCG diet, here's what you need to do:
STEP 1: Start by reading the original medical paper that Dr. Simeons wrote: Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity.
STEP 2: Decide if you want to do it yourself or get help. Either way, you can buy real HCG only by prescription.
Find a doctor. Many physicians offer the HCG diet protocol, but if your doctor doesn't feel comfortable with it, you can easily find clinics and doctors who do. Just be aware that some of them charge outrageous prices for dedicated HCG programs.
Do it yourself. If you want to do the HCG diet on your own and have done your research, go for it! Like us, you can get support and buy everything you need online. 
STEP 3: Get support.
Facebook. Join an HCG Facebook group or two. Members share tips, recipes, ideas, victories and advice. Ask questions. (Of course you can ask us questions too, silly!)
Podcasts. we learned a lot from Colin F. Watson's HCG Body for Life podcast (we listened on iTunes). Maybe start with this recording: HCG Body for Life Phase 1 & 2. (We listened to all of them, mostly while driving.)
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thehcginstituteusa · 10 months
Buy Lipotropic Injections to Burn Body Fat| The HCG Institute 
At the HCG Institute, you can buy lipotropic injections to burn body fat, increase energy, and lose weight effectively. These injections help catalyze your body's metabolism of fat and carbohydrates to realize your weight loss goals. So, consult us today!          
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slimtox · 1 year
HCG Diet
The HCG diet is a weight loss plan that involves taking the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) while following a very low calorie diet (VLCD). The theory behind the HCG diet is that the hormone HCG can help suppress appetite, increase metabolism, and promote fat loss. The diet typically involves a strict calorie limit of around 500-800 calories per day, along with HCG supplements in the form of injections, drops, or pills. For more details call us at 1300 285 367
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vibesofbeauty · 2 years
"Keep Going With Flowing"
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ajithkumarsblog · 2 years
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ruleswim55 · 2 years
An Inside Analysis Of Useful Systems For best diet for weight loss
These Tips Can Help You Lose Weight And Look Great!
Are you procrastinating when it comes to losing weight? Are you intimidated by the amount of information out there and unsure which to trust? Well, you've come to the right place. Get started with the tips and information given in this article. A good way to lose weight is to always eat a well-balanced breakfast. It's no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After eating a quality breakfast, you'll have more energy to perform that workout later in the day. You should never skip breakfast. Don't just rely on your scale as an accurate portrayal of your program. As you lose weight you're also going to build up muscle and muscle weighs more than fat does. So after a while you might notice your weight level off or even go up a bit. Instead you should take your measurements as well. This way if your weight does level off for a while you'll be able to see that you're still getting thinner. Make sure that you eat breakfast every morning. Research has shown that people who eat breakfast each morning take in fewer calories during the day than those who do not eat breakfast. Since the primary part of weight loss is burning more calories than you take in, the less you take in the better. When weight loss programs begin a weight loss program, it is a good idea to remove all foods from your home that you do not want to consume while dieting. Get rid of sweets and salty snacks especially. This eliminates temptation, making it much easier for you to stick to your diet and reach your weight loss goals. Health is more important than losing weight. It might surprise you, but a focus on healthy food can be a very positive thing. Stay healthy and you will feel great when you engage in your weight loss program. Some diet plans do not work because they expect too much from you. However, making a gradual change to a healthy way of living, will eventually result in losing the excess weight. Drink coffee to suppress your appetite. Some people think that drinking coffee speeds your metabolism. Studies have found that this might not be entirely true. It does, however, work to suppress hunger and food cravings. If you are worried about your caffeine intake, try drinking decaf instead. It has the same benefits. If you wish to lose weight, you should reduce your daily consumption of fates and sugars. A healthy amount of fats and sugars is required, but it is already contained in the food that you should eat. You should stay away from pop and energy drinks, sweets and fast food. As your weight loss continues, go through your closet and donate clothes that are now too large for you to Goodwill. This is a positive way to recognize progress, and it can boost your enthusiasm for working hard. This can help keep you motivated. Next time you eat out, try asking for half your meal in a to go box before it's even served. Most restaurants have portion sizes that are more appropriate for two or three people, and by eating half of your meal and getting the other half in a to go box, not only will you be cutting your calories in half, but lunch for the next day is already taken care of! Do your weight training exercises in order. This will help build more muscle. Use your smaller stabilizer muscles first by doing dumbbells and then the barbells. The small muscles will get tired before your larger muscle groups. After you do these exercises, move onto the machines, these require less help from the smaller muscle groups as your body starts getting tired. Keeping a journal or a diary is a great way to keep track of your diet. Some of the benefits of writing things down include: knowing what you like to eat, knowing which foods are not working for you, and looking back periodically to see how far you've traveled on this weight-loss journey. Find ways to improve your activity levels while at work. Many jobs require a great deal of sitting and promote a sedentary attitude. If you have errands in the office that need to be run, try to do them yourself. All of those little bursts of activity can really add up at the end of the day. Eating nuts is an excellent weight loss trick. Nuts will help you to stay full and satisfied. When you are hungry for a snack, nuts are the best choice. If you tend to get bored eating the same thing often, you can soak nuts in water to give them a different texture. The best way to lose weight and maintain it is to treat yourself from time to time. If you are really craving something "u0093 if you deny having it "u0093 it will make it harder for you to stay happy with your weight loss program. Instead, eat these treats in moderation, and as they are meant to be eaten - as treats! Is it are to say 'no' to food? Try weight loss supplements! This may be helpful if you are the type of person who never feels full. Most of the supplements on the market today are made to suppress hunger - so you are less likely to eat as much. This is very helpful if you are prone to snacking between meals a lot. Don't go on a crash diet! The best way to keep your metabolism running smoothly is to eat small meals spaced throughout the day. When you deprive yourself of food or eat meals irregularly, your body tries to conserve energy by slowing your metabolism, meaning that you won't be burning off as many calories. Take some snacks to work. This will keep you from asking your colleagues for their unhealthy snacks or buying something from a candy machine. You can bring small bags of soy chips, dried fruits or almonds for instance. Even if these snacks are healthy, do not eat them more than once a day. Use a fork that is bigger. If you are eating from a larger plate using a fork that is bigger will help with the amount of food you consume. If you use a smaller fork, you may be inclined to eat more because you may feel you aren't making a dent in your food. The tips from this article should help you lose the weight the right way! Do not despair if your weight loss results aren't instant; achieving your desired weight takes time. Just remember to keep going. If you stick with your plan, you will lose weight.
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owldiet · 13 hours
Discovering Nutritional Excellence: Omaha Diet Near Me
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In the heart of Omaha, amidst its vibrant community and bustling streets, lies a treasure trove of culinary delights waiting to be explored. But amid the plethora of dining options, there's one that stands out for its dedication to health and wellness: the Omaha Diet.
The Omaha Diet isn't just a meal plan – it's a lifestyle choice that promotes holistic well-being through nutritious, locally sourced ingredients and mindful eating practices. Whether you're a seasoned health enthusiast or simply looking to improve your dietary habits, the Omaha Diet offers something for everyone.
One of the key principles of the Omaha Diet is its emphasis on fresh, whole foods. From crisp vegetables and succulent fruits to lean proteins and whole grains, every meal is carefully crafted to provide a balanced mix of nutrients that nourish the body and fuel an active lifestyle. And with a focus on locally sourced ingredients, you can feel good about supporting local farmers and businesses while enjoying delicious, wholesome meals.
But the Omaha Diet isn't just about what you eat – it's also about how you eat. Mindful eating practices, such as savoring each bite, listening to your body's hunger cues, and eating without distractions, are encouraged to promote a healthy relationship with food and prevent overeating.
Luckily, finding Omaha Diet-friendly options near you is easier than ever. With a quick search for "Omaha Diet near me," you can discover a variety of restaurants, cafes, and meal delivery services that cater to your dietary preferences and nutritional goals. Whether you're dining out with friends or enjoying a cozy night in, there's no shortage of delicious and nutritious options to choose from.
So why wait? Embark on a journey to nutritional excellence with the Omaha Diet and experience the transformative power of healthy eating right in your own backyard.
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dealsarehere · 3 months
Official HCG Diet Plan Promo Codes And Discount Codes - DEALSisHERE.Com
Official HCG Diet Plan Promo Codes and Discount Codes
Find the latest Official HCG Diet Plan discount codes and coupon codes here. Buy for less!
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Which diet plan works best for losing weight?
It usually is difficult to lose weight, along with for lots of people, it requires a variety of regular planned activity, a healthy diet, and perhaps, a bit more assistance. Having good cause, food supplements to get fat reduction have grown throughout level of popularity throughout recent years. These types of dietary supplements can assist throughout rising rate of metabolism, lessen craving for food, and supply important vitamins which a person'azines diet regime could possibly be lacking in.
Most of us understand that on a diet might be a challenge knowning that once in a while your body require a bit more guidance to obtain the wanted outcomes. We've compiled a listing of the superior food supplements to get fat reduction like a result. Depending on its efficaciousness, superior, along with safety, these types of dietary supplements have been carefully chosen. Our company offers the actual answers you must get rid of fat, improve rate of metabolism, or lessen appetite. And so let'azines begin to do each of our leading methods of the optimum supplements to get fat reduction with out further ado.
A couple of essential concerns have although picking out the right supplement to get fat reduction. Deciding on a supplement that is the two safe and effective ought to are available first here learn BioSource Complex Diet Drops.
Despite quite a lot of controversy adjoining this specific HCG fat reduction strategy, many people imagine it to be the very best because of specified significant strengths revealed by supporters.
The subsequent are one of the main the best-selling hcg diet drops declines or HCG alternate system for weight reduction, in addition to limiting bad diet regime, and minimize usage of ingredients along with refreshments that creates an increase in weight, along with inspiring the actual intake of vegatables and fruits:
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
Mornin Thoughts
I've spent some time up this morning. I started work at 8 or so. I took the dogs on a walk for my breai before some breakfast.
I've kind of been thinking about what my goals are and what I need to put into practice on a daily basis to make a calorie deficit happen.
The fact of the matter is it's not super easy for me. I love to exercise and unfortunately what I've noticed is that exercise really spikes my appetite and it just gets to the point where I have uncontrollable hunger. In order to get into a calorie deficit I need to stop that process from happening. I do need to find non exercise ways to spend my time and I also need to find ways to destract myself-- Because my mind is on food continually.
So, with those goals in mind, I'm going forward forward. I am still doing the HCG diet, rogue style. I'm using a drops system. Here's to completing a first full week on this plan.
Yesterday's 5 miles of biking was good.
Also- stop hoarding low calorie food. Use that for your meals!
I need to find the balance! Balance balance balance!
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thehcginstituteusa · 10 months
Get Methylcobalamin Injections for an Adequate Vitamin Intake 
If you plan to buyvitamin B12 methylcobalamin injections, the HCG Institute is the right platform for your needs! The tissues can better absorb Methylcobalamin injections for use by the liver in carbohydrate metabolism.
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Read Full Article: HCG Diet: Hype vs. Reality, How to Lose Weight Safely
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ajithkumarsblog · 2 years
10 Reasons to Use HCG Diet | Weight Loss Clinic | CWLC
10 Reasons why you should try HCG Diet
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by Anand Thakkar, MD. ~
There are so many weight loss programs these days. With everyone coming up with diet plans, we can’t be quite sure about the right weight loss plan for us. It is always best to consult with an expert before choosing a diet plan. Having said that, let us see one of the best forms of Diet which helps in tremendous fat loss, the HCG diet.
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, it is the process where injections of HCG hormones are given which provides a calorie restriction that helps you focus on your calorie deficit and lose fat. So here are 10 reasons why you should try out the HCG diet.
1. Burns fat (adipose tissue)
When you inject HCG (human chorionic gonadotropic hormone) into your body, it forces the body to burn this tissue called adipose, which is fat. A proper calorie diet along with this HCG injection can help you lose about a half to a pound every single day.
2. Full body weight loss
With HCG injection, you will get to experience losing fat in all parts of the body. Chin, neck, arms, thighs, neck wherever your body has stored weight, HCG will burn the fat. HCG also helps you reduce fat in areas where it is not usually possible in regular dieting.
3. Reduces fat, preserves muscle
One of the many advantages that you can get out of an HCG diet plan is that it focuses on reducing fat without affecting the muscles. Most of the other diet plans will not only burn fat but also reduce muscle mass. The worst part is that the fat returns before muscle once you stop the diet. There is no such problem with the HCG weight loss plan since it targets only fat.
4. Improves metabolism
While you are on a low-calorie diet, you tend to have hunger pangs. You may feel like eating and you will never get the feeling you are full. You may get the urge to eat and the weight loss plan eventually fails. With HCG, your body uses the stored fat and improves your metabolism.
5. Limits appetite
One of the many reasons a low-calorie diet plan fails is because of the appetite. When your calorie intake is less, you always feel hungry and end up eating more while you are on a diet. And it becomes a never-ending cycle. Since HCG is an appetite suppressant, you don’t feel hungry. You are not short of nutrients as well since you get them from the stored fat.
6. Energetic while on the diet
You often feel a lack of energy, fatigue, hunger, and irritation while you are on a low-calorie or very low-calorie diet. You feel hungry but you cannot eat which can cause frustration. HCG injection triggers metabolism and helps you keep your energy levels intact.
7. Less calorie intake
While you are on an HCG weight loss diet plan, the number of calories you consume will drop. With HCG injections, you will be able to easily stick to the diet plan because of its enhanced metabolism in the body.
8. Regulates Hormones
You may have tried different diet plans & weight loss programs but still struggled to lose weight and never found out why. There are high chances that it could be because of hormonal imbalance. HCG injection will restore your hormones and chances are your weight loss struggle will become less of a struggle.
9. Improves stamina
With any weight loss program, your ability to physically exercise increases and you start breathing freely. With HCG, your stamina and the strength to do physical activity improve to a higher level because it preserves your muscle mass.
10. Fast results
While other diet plans take time to work in your body, the HCG diet and weight loss plan work much faster. There is no need for heavy exercise or workouts. A simple calorie diet along with HCG can do magic in your weight loss goal. Without changing much of your lifestyle, you can lose about 25 to 30 pounds every month.
So there you have it, the top 10 reasons why you can choose the HCG diet for your fat loss journey. That being said, you need to be taken through that process in the best way possible and who is better than the Chicago Weight Loss Clinic to get you through that hurdle. So what are you waiting for, fix an appointment and start your weight loss journey now!
For more :
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Importance Of Liposuction Specials In Houston
Removing of unnecessary fats from your body is important, Liposuction can give you the most significant outcomes. Contact Rodriguez Rejuvenation, for fat removal treatment, it will help you permanently remove fat-storing cells. Liposuction specials in Houston are an effective treatment for removing fat. Professionals will determine the best suitable process for you to remove fat.
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