#hc s5
kojitheopossum · 10 months
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reject humanity be reclaimed by the growth and rot
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bakedtato223 · 1 year
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Silly gooses :P
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voiarc-draws · 7 months
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hermit horror week day 3; season 5
chasing glory
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manyminded · 10 months
worm man please come back from the war
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theimpishknight · 8 months
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Goretober! I’ll he (trying) to do a hermit for every prompt, so,
Day 1. : disembowelment - BdoubleO
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nikiferous · 10 months
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some wtgfs scribbles and doodles
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cactuupng · 2 months
I've been REALLY enjoying Mumbo's videos where he just... builds
Listen I love building time-lapses as much as the next person, but seeing him go through his thought process, make mistakes, change ideas midway and just TALK through it while building is SO nice, especially to someone who isn't that much of a builder themselves (aka me)
Also seeing him improve in building SO much in the past few years has been amazing to see
Basically what I'm trying to say it I love Mumbo Jumbo and his newest video was 11/10 would recommend
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wheatnoodle · 1 year
i hope s5 gives unnamed freak a name. that’s so fucked up of them. he’s in the show just as much as gareth and jeff and yet he’s the only one without a name?? even jason’s friend andy got a name! but here’s the one fat kid in the show that they aren’t going to even give a name and instead list as “unnamed freak”.
he has lines! and nobody, not even his supposed friends in the show, mention his name once. they said “let’s be body inclusive yet still show he’s not really a character!”
so, here’s some of my hcs for unnamed freak.
-his name is grant vanderburg
-he’s in the same grade as jeff and takes honors and ap courses for anything science and history
-grant sucks at math, but luckily that’s where jeff is great so he gets help from him at lunch sometimes
-he is the only person able to physically hold eddie down when he’s all wired up
-was on the wrestling team in middle school
-grant has a girlfriend named jessica who’s in the chess club and the mathletes and they’ve been dating since 7th grade
-he has an older sister, gwyneth, who’s 10 years older, married, and has two kids (he’s an uncle to his niece, 4, and his nephew, 3)
-grant’s dad passed when he was 2 while serving in the military so he has no memory of him and has been raised by a single mom
-his mom is AWESOME, she’s a chef at a restaurant up in indy so she’s constantly bringing home leftovers and sending grant to his friends with tupperware of home cooked meals
-grant was named after his dad and used to want to go into the army to follow him before he started to distrust the government come 8th grade
-his bass came from his grandfather on his dad’s side who, despite living across the country, would fly over and help out as much as he could when things got too much for beth (his mom)
-if music doesn’t work out, he’s considered being a pilot or going to work with his mom in the restaurant business
-he’s the friend that waits for you to tie your shoe while everyone else keeps going on ahead
-sometimes jessica will play a campaign with them and she crushes absolutely everyone involved
-he 100% has a pet lizard named henrietta and is allergic to dogs
-also has a peanut allergy
-he is just as important as the rest of his friend group
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byler-alarmist · 7 months
Idk why, but I have this S5 headcanon of Byler having some emotional climax, maybe in the UD, and then waking up in this lush and verdant paradise.
Like a version of the UD that's green with gold light streaming in from above the trees, where all the demo-creatures are just big flowers and the bats are like, butterflies or something. Instead of a nuclear winter- blue wasteland with mutated creatures, it's a peaceful place full of non-irradiated vegetation.
(yes, this is partially because of Byler blue + yellow and together they are the key, but also I just think it'd be so nice to see them off in their own little world for a minute where everything is safe and beautiful)
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celestiarambles · 9 days
this is so random but i suddenly remembered @turtlethebean ’s headcanon of carmen being filipina-american, so as a filipina myself here are some headcanons about carmen being half-filipina:
- while her family would visit america from time to time, carmen actually studied and lived in the philippines up until high school, then she moved to america for college.
- in the philippines we’d have these major journalism competitions called press cons/press conferences, and they’d start from districts, divisions (cities), regions and finally nationals. carmen definitely competed in those kind of competitions as a photojournalist and as a tv broadcaster. she even ended up in the nationals once.
- she knows how to speak in bisaya (a filipino language)
- one of the reasons why she’s so impatient all the time is because of filipino time. (a negative filipino aspect where filipinos would arrive WAY later than the agreed time)
- she used to play chinese garter (a filipino game where you have to crosswire over a garter without touching it and the garter would get higher and higher) a lot as a kid, and she’s REALLY good at it.
- she likes to wear jackets even if the weather’s really hot.
- like most filipinos, she can actually sing a little, but she doesn’t like showing it. ever.
- one of the beauty standards here is straight hair, so there were always some peers that would tell carmen to straighten her hair. she would just promptly tell them to fuck off.
- she loves mangoes, especially with bagoong. (fermented fish/shrimp paste)
- one of her guilty pleasures is watching filipino dramas. she’d sometimes watch some even when she had already moved away from the philippines for fun.
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singt0me · 9 months
nandor found the djinn lamp when he was human
nandor used the djinn lamp when he was human
nandor doesn't remember ever using the djinn lamp before finding it again centuries later amongst his gold
the djinn went back into his lamp sans one wish and slept for centuries until his master woke him up again (finally)
nandor can't remember which wife he loved the most
nandor forgot which wife he loved the most
nandor met guillermo for the first time when he was human
guillermo left nandor for the first time 700 years ago in Al Qolnidar 
nandor made a wish to the djinn when he was human, heart broken, and wished he would forget guillermo. and if he sees him again he will forget him, again
the djinn snapped his fingers and guillermo was gone from nandors heart and memory
the djinn's magic made it so that every hundred or so years guillermo turns up again
and nandor loves him and forgets him, over and over, as was his wish
guillermo was the wife nandor loved the most.
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voiarc-draws · 7 months
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Hermit Horror Week Day 2; Environment
anyone else remember the jungle? cause I remember the jungle
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raayllum · 4 months
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I do find it funny (bc it is ultimately a minute / nonsense detail) that Soren takes his hand off of Rayla's back the second Callum surfaces
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sskk-manifesto · 11 months
Not to stan Akutagawa on main but I've missed his voice so much
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locusfandomtime · 8 months
Okay so with the new Hermitcraft Modded series (Vault Hunters), we gotta collectively decide as a fandom:
Are we going to tag posts relating solely to hermit vault hunters under the main hermitcraft tag? Perhaps start using a “Hermitcraft Extended Universe” tag?
What tag(s) are we using for hermit vault hunters itself? I’ve seen “hcvh”, “hermit vault”, “hermit vault hunters”, “hermitcraft vault hunters”, etc.
Not as necessary, but what are we saying the “lore” for this series is? Just the Hermits chilling, playing a game in their spare time? Kidnapped and put on that island by some malicious force telling them they must finish in 100 days? Complete alternate universe? Wait until we get more info? I’d just like to see what everyone else is headcanoning!
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redr0sewrites · 10 months
Aaravos x reader Hcs
here r some aaravos hcs bc i am in pain i wrote this with killer cramps while running on 4 hrs of sleep and an energy bar so i cant promise this will be good.
🥀CW: fluffiness, teasing, smut, thigh riding, subby aaravos, oral (reader receiving), hair pulling?, wax play, overall filth
🥀minors dni with nsfw part
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after being trapped in the mirror for so long, aaravos is severely touch starved
whether u two are in a romantic or platonic relationship, your personal space is his personal space as well (unless u tell him to leave you alone, but even then he'll still probably tease)
He is the type to just walk up to you and rest his arm on your head
he is TALL
if you are short (like me) and you ever need to reach something up high, this man practically materializes behind you to grab it for you he will hold it above his head and giggle while you struggle but will eventually give it to you
i feel like hes the type of person to enjoy slow and "elegant" music he would love my way by frank sinatra you can not tell me im wrong bc im not
aaravos will pull you into a slow waltz at random times
he enjoys the arts, and i feel like he would enjoy painting and doing sketches of you
he LOVES it if you play with his hair, just run your hands through it and he will literally melt
if you can do pretty hairstyles or braids he will be very content in relaxing while you do his hair
aaravos definitely enjoys reading, and would totally read to you if you asked (he would tease u a little tho but thats ok)
"do you really enjoy my voice that much, little star?"
he has the most stunning laugh
normally he just lets out small chuckles or smirks but the first time you make him genuinely laugh you just sit there in awe
he is ✨fabulous✨and takes forever to get ready
the type to arrive fashionably late (he will make an effort to arrive on time for dates tho)
hes a total drama queen and will make a huge deal about kissing you
he acts all confident but in reality is ridiculously nervous when he first met you
you were the first person to truly capture his heart and he doesn't want to fuck it up
he knows he isnt the most easy person (elf??) to love but will make an effort to be better for you
he prefers to listen in conversation rather then talk alot, however if you ask him about something hes interested in or ask him a magic question or something he will gladly talk for hours
enjoys holding your hand, you two are practically linked at the waist
he worries more then he lets on and will enchant little objects and give them to you for protection when he isnt't around
whether you are with him before or after his imprisonment, he is EXPERIENCED
he likes positions where he can be close to you such as missionary, but also likes you on top of him/riding him
if you pull his hair or his horns he will immediately submit
he likes to use his size to his advantage and pin you down
really into biting and marking, esp after his imprisonment, he wants everyone to know your his
whether your human or an elf, he will overstimulate you
he can go for hours
i feel like he would prefer giving to receiving, he will eat you out or suck you off for HOURS until you are whimpering for him to slow down
if you have boobs, he will mark them and play with them there is no question
he is 1000% into wax play he can make his hands really hot or cold and the sight of u with wax slowly dripping down your chest makes him feral
wouldnt mind if you did the same to him 👀
i feel like he would be super into it if you rode his thigh, he would be mocking you the whole time but it would turn him on sm
"you couldn't wait at all, hmm? is your pretty little cunt/cock really so needy that you had to be this impatient? acting like a bitch in heat, covering my thigh with your slick. your going to have to clean up your mess dear~"
he gets pissed if he asks you a question and you dont respond
super into eye contact during sex, he thinks its very intimate and attractive
your pleasure ALWAYS comes first with him, he will make you come at least twice before coming on his own
i dont think he would be super into causing you a lot of pain, like i dont think he would want to hurt you alot but will pinch and occasionally slap if your into that
super into being in pain for himself though
edge him until hes sobbing, then overstim him until his thighs are shaking
cover them in marks, he will admire them later
overall a very attentive and sensual lover, but definitely has a dirty side<3
can you tell i have an obsession? lmao. i tried to make this super gender neutral, lmk if there are any mistakes! reqs are open, im considering getting into writing some more
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