#hazel azazel
kdds-posts · 1 year
She's thankful for bringing back her parchments, but she burnt most of them.
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haanahaki · 2 months
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Silly art for a video
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kit-williams · 2 months
Azazel rework: Sick Thoughts
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The dreaded Azazel rework this is also probably going to be a multiple part thing for him. Azazel was one of the first boys I wrote about and compared to the others his was the weakest and also personality wise he was lacking. I had felt no real love for him Sooooooo he got an update. With a much better personality that will actually allow him to stand up with the rest of the boys and make him a unique yandere/character.
Tag List: @thevoidscreams @barn-anon @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty
@bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
Dramatis Personae
Dark Angel Chaplain Azazel Erros (Ah-zay-zell is how I pronounce it)
Imperial Guardswoman: Lilith "Puppy" Morningstar - long raven hair, olive skin tone (think Italy or Spain), bright Hazel eyes, athletic build but still feminine, hair is kept in a military style bun.
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Azazel Erros sat in the back of the tank, right by the rear door, ready for any ill fate that would befall him and his temporary companions. His eyes scanned the bodies in the back... the way they all pressed up against each other like rabbits in a warren to keep warmth and he was a fox that had managed to squeeze himself in there... it reminded him of an old tale his mother had told him of anthropomorphized animals overcoming their nature to be better. Regardless they had picked up Azazel not long after he had given his dead brothers their last rites.
He remembers the way the tank rolled up and it was her voice and her shy temping smile that greeted his eyes out from under that flak helmet. They too had met an ill fate like he and his battle brothers had... their transport having been shot down and this small group was the survivors fighting their way back to the front, like good mortal troops.
His enhanced eyes focused on the movement in the corner as they called her a puppy but he saw through her guise of being a snake. He watched her rifle through the bag that they found in the middle of nowhere, full of useless expensive baubles, hardly worth a second look in his opinion. However, he watched how her the green in her hazel eyes glittered in the sunlight as she claimed ownership over what no one else wanted.
Azazel saw the smiles on their lips as she looked so happy at her spoils. But now he was watching her tucked away by the tank shells in her claimed dark space in the womb of the tank... he watched her face light up by a weak light. The small bit of light allowed his eyes to see the color of her face and other small details with his enhanced sight, she looked around like a sinner in church making sure no one was bothered by her light... and then the small giddy smile that graced her lips and the way the light danced in the green flecks of her brown eyes.
Frivolous nonsense, he thought as she made faces in the small mirror and preened at her appearance. It reminded him of the few unfortunate run-ins he had with the nobility... always fawning over themselves. Azazel should have returned to a meditative prayer but his eyes focused in on the small tube of lip paint... it was a ripe red color... it reminded him of a fruit and it made his tongue move in anticipation at the juice of it meeting his own. He watched Puppy apply it precisely to her bottom lip in the trundling vehicle. Azazel watched as she pulled her lips in, over her teeth, rubbing her lips together... he heard the soft pop of her lips parting. The soft smile on her lips as she now had the lip paint on her top lip.
Azazel felt his breathing hitch for a moment... the breath tightening in his chest... he was holding it in... as his eyes locked onto how full her red lips looked. How she was unaware of his voyeuristic watching, him a Dark Angel's Chaplain, the way she pursed them and touched up a spot to make sure her upper lip was the same red as her bottom. She turned her head from side to side, continuing to purse her lips occasionally, as he could tell she was enamored with the red of her lips.
Azazel tried to let out the breath he was holding as she grabbed one of the artillery shells and his mouth opened slightly, hidden by the skull mask of his helm, as she kissed the cold metal making an audile muwah noise... no doubt leaving behind a red colored impression of her lips on the metal. His mind drifts back to one of those unfortunate moments he had to meet nobility... the way the man had those same sorts of impressions upon his skin and clothes and the scent of an unknown female. The amorous evidence of lustful inhibitions... he watches her smile at her work as she puts the shell back. Azazel is certain that the red of her lip paint would leave a mark on his skin... leaving a trail of them behind on his flesh... as her mouth trails down his body... leaving her marks.
Azazel blinks and softly grunts and moves slightly as he breaks himself out of these thoughts. He ignored the discomfort between his legs... banishing her from his thoughts though failing as his eyes looked over to her and could see how she looked over at him, the small light closed up, with a guilty look on her face... like a sinner. The look that tells him that she acts as if she did something wrong... something she wasn't allowed to do.
She waits watching him with those big eyes of hers like some small cat hiding in the dark. She soon pulls out the light again and returns to preening herself in her dark corner and Azazel licks his teeth as he watches. He watches her adjust how she sits... how she curves her spine in a posture he only knows being called "sitting pretty". He remembers hearing guardsmen talk about the harlots seeking their thrones. He remembers watching how they would advertise themselves without saying a word to the men... pure body language between the two parties so that no one was "soliciting" and no one was being "solicited" out in the open anyway. He wasn't uneducated at why he wanted to have her nor how he wanted to have her... he most certainly wanted her to sit like that in his lap and feel what she was causing. Would the little temptress play coy? Feigning her innocence and trying to act all puppy-like? He bit his bottom lip as he focused on how she brushed something powdery on her cheekbones.
She batted her lashes at herself in her small mirror but for Azazel, it could have easily been to him... he was waiting for her signature wink to him whenever she was attempting to flirt with him. He wasn't dumb to her attempts as she would try and his reply was to ignore her or if she was unlucky she would be reprimanded by her superior and would return to her professional demeanor. But, oh! How he could tell she was trying to coil around him... unable to stop herself from making such overly flirtatious advances. I'm sorry about Puppy... she's overly friendly... Her superior had told him in private after one of her attempts had fallen flat. She was too sweet for her own good... getting too familiar with others too quickly... she was clearly a risk... and Azazel knew what dangers she was unknowingly courting.
"Why are you here?" Azazel remembers asking her when they had finally gotten a moment alone together... those moments were few and thankfully regretfully far between Her hazel eyes looked over at him as he watched her throat bob as she drank from her canteen.
"My Lord?" She looked up at him and he could hear the simple accent she did her best to hide, but her eyes spoke of confusion and he watched her lick her lips nervously when he did not reply, "To serve the Imperium." It was at that moment that Azazel was thankful that guard uniforms turned the wearer into an androgynous blob of pockets and flak armor plates.
"You are unlike many I've worked with." He probes gently knowing he doesn't have to push too hard to get her to say something she shouldn't.
"Oh." She said in a way that Azazel couldn't read if it was disappointment or surprise but either way, he still got what he wanted when she opened her mouth again, "Well it was this or sex work." She says with a shrug as she gives him a harlot's grin at her confession to the Chaplain. Oh how often she bit her tongue wanting to add more like the harlot she was... unable to keep quiet for her own good and always eager to gossip confess to an ear willing to listen and give her attention beyond asking what her prices were. However, those cheeky comments always involved some sort of implication of her willing to try and bed him... to be a sort of relief.
He exhaled hard within his helm as he knew how if he was younger, long before he was a Brother Chaplain, he would have and at times did jump at such opportunities. Tasting and partaking in some sins firsthand... and he used the knowledge he gained when he repented and became a Brother Chaplain. Yes, his younger and wilder ways had been repented for... that was before he met her... he had been free of temptation for so long! But again... when this Puppy smiled at him and let her flirtatious tongue waggle at him. Azazel was frustrated at the fact that he was suddenly feeling such a stirring in his loins by her. Other women of higher station had equally been as stupidly bold as her but it was only her that was getting such a reaction from him!
Even though his eyes were closed for those moments lost in memory to ignore his desire and to try and reign his mind back in to continue to focus on prayers. It was his preternatural senses that told him that someone was in his space. His eye lenses were dark so it wasn't a stretch for them to mistake it as him sleeping. When his eyes opened he could see her right there. He watched the way her eyes darted over his faceplate... as she was leaning in to see under his hood.
The brief panic in her eyes as a hard jolt nearly makes her lose her footing and send her crashing into his lap... but unfortunately she recovers. He hears her soft exhale of relief, his smile on his lips as it's unfortunate how he watched her make a fool of herself all the same. She crouches beside him hugging her knees as she looks over his rosarius beads and other visible trinkets tied to him... I could kill her... he thinks to himself... be rid of these wicked temptations from this snake. But, lo! How being so close... he could see how her lips were painted such a deep red color... like the skin of an apple.
His throat felt tight as he suddenly desired her to be foolishly brave. To watch her climb into his lap and leave a deep red mark upon his armor... or perhaps she would be bold enough to leave such a mark on the off-white cloth of his hood... batting her eyelashes and feigning how it got there... or maybe she would save them the scandal of their dalliance being exposed by hiding it in the hollow of his throat. How he stared at her eyes staring up at him as once again she was looking at his faceplate... kneeling beside him... his discomfort had yet to go away... would she be lurid enough to leave markings smeared across the skin of his stomach and smeared around his-
Azazel bit back a frustrated noise as he forcibly stopped those thoughts as she walked away and he could no longer see her plump bottom lip. Azazel would need to, at the very least, require the attention of a serf when he returned to the rest of his brothers. Being away from her should be enough to fix it...
He tries not to think about the next morning during their morning meal the spots of lipstick she had missed wiping off... and the faded blush on her cheeks... he tries not to think about her pressing a kiss... to the hollow of his throat like a wilting maiden... he hardly notices the way she starts to eat up his thoughts... God Emperor help him.
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latenightswithdoom · 29 days
(Organized Alphabetically for ease of use.)
Avatar: Aang, Asami, Azula, Katara, Korra, Sokka, Mei, Toph, Zuko
Ben Ten: Ben, Gwen, Kevin
Beastars: Haru, Jack, Juno, Legoshi, Louis
DC: Barbra Gordon, Barry Allen, Beast Boy, Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Clark Kent, Clara Kent, Cyborg, Damian Wayne, Diana Prince, Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Jessica Cruz, Johnathan Kent, John Stewart, Lady Shiva, Pamala Isley, Raven, Selena Kyle, Sierra Hall, Starfire, Stephane Brown, Talia Al Ghul, Tim Drake, Wally West
Disney: Anna, Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Elsa, Gaston, Honeymarren, Jasmine, Moana, Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Tiana
Edgerunners: David, Lucy, Rebbeca
Gravity Falls: Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica, Wendy
Helltaker: Asmodeus, Azazel, Beelzebub, Helltaker, Judgement, Justice, Loremaster, Lucifer
Helluva/Hazbin: Adam, Angel Dust, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Blitzø, Charlie, Chaz, Husker, Lilith, Loona, Lucifer, Lute, Mille, Moxxie, Octavia, Stella, Striker, Vaggie, Velvette, Verosika, Vortex, Vox
Incredibles: Bob, Dash, Helen, Tony, Violet
Invincible: Debbie, Eve, Immortal, Kate, Mark, Omni Man, Rex
Kim Possible: Ann, Bonnie, Jim, Kim, Monique, Ron, Tim
Legend of Zelda: Ganon, Link, Zelda
Mario: Bowser, Daisy, Peach, Rosalina
Marvel: Ben Grimm, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Drax, Felica Hardy, Gamora, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, Jean Grey, Jennifer Walters, Jessica Drew, Johnny Storm, Jubilee, Logan, Mary Jane Watson, Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales, Mystique, Natasha Romanov, Nebula, Peni Parker, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Reed Richards, Rio Morales, Scott Summers, Steve Rogers, Susan Storm, Thor, Tony Stark
Miraculous: Alya, Adrien, Chloe, Marionette
Miss Kobyashi’s Dragon Maid: Elma, Kobyashi, Lucoa, Tohru
Murder Drones: J, N, Tessa, Uzi, V
Overwatch: Ana, Ashe, Brigette, Cassidy, Doomfist, DVA, Echo, Emily, Hanzo, Genji, Kiriko, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Pharah, Ramattra, Reaper, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Solder 76, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zarya
Owl House: Amity, Camila, Eda, Edric, Emira Hunter, Luz, Willow, Vee
RWBY: Adam, Alyx, Blake, Cardin, Ciel, Cinder, Coco, Dove, Emerald, Flynt, Fox, Ghira, Glynda, Hazel, Ilia, Ivori, Jacques, Jaune, Jessica, Junior, Kali, Kobalt, Leo, Lewis, Lil Miss Malachite, May Marigold, May Zedong, Mercury, Neo, Neon, Neptune, Nolan, Nora, Oscar, Ozpin, Penny, Port, Pyrrha, Qrow, Raven, Ren, Roman, Roy, Ruby, Russel, Sage, Salem, Scarlet, Summer, Sun, Tai, Theodore, Velvet, Weiss, Whitley, Willow, Winter, Yang, Yatsu
Scooby-Doo: Daphne, Fred, Scooby, Velma
She-Ra: Adora, Catra, Glitter
Sonic: Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Sonic, Tails
Spy x Family: Lloyd, Yor
Star Wars: Ahsoka, Anakin Skywalker, Asaji Ventress, Ben Solo, Bo-Katan, Cal Kestis, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Padame Amadala, Sabine Wren, Shami Skywalker
TCOAAL: Andrew Graves, Ashley Graves, Julia, Renee Graves
Zootopia: Bellweather, Bogo, Bonnie, Fennec, Judy, Lionheart, Nick
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stanfordprepped · 7 months
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He's on the run. They all are, because they have to be. Because if any hunters saw what they were, what they had done, they would be next on the chopping block. It was getting harder and harder to avoid Dean and Bobby, or any other hunter connections for that matter. But what was Sam really expecting when they were traveling in one little group? It was like they had neatly wrapped themselves in one little package, complete with a bow should anyone find them. But who else did the special children have to trust but each other? Part of Sam so badly wanted to go home. But if he did, what would become of the rest of the special children? He couldn't risk it. If Azazel wanted someone to lead, he would. Though not in the way the demon wanted. Sam would guide them, lead them to salvation rather than destruction. That was going to take time. And with the last activity they all had partaken in, it was going to change the views of anyone they encountered. It was just a taste, but they had all learned what a little demon blood could do. How it could boost the abilities they had. Sam didn't know what to do with that knowledge either. Which was what had him pacing outside the cabin they were all staying at in the middle of the night. That was until he heard the sound of twigs snapping underneath boots. "...Shit....!" Had they been found? Every nerve in the hunters body stood on edge, hazel eyes desperately searching every shadow to see who had intruded upon their makeshift safe house.
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creepycassidy · 2 years
Character Request List… (so far)
The Black Phone
The Grabber
Alternate Universe Albert
Jurassic Park
Ian Malcolm
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Sweeney Todd (HCs only)
Matt Hooper
The Thing
RJ MacReady
Jeepers Creepers
Darry Jenner
Near Dark
Diamondback (maybe)
Pet Sematary
Victor Pascow
Outlast + Whistleblower + Outlast 2
Richard Trager
Jeremy Blaire
Eddie Gluskin
Miles Upshur
Waylon Park
Blake Langermann
Left 4 Dead 2
The Arcana
Julian Devorak
Count Lucio
Red Dead Redemption 2
Josiah Trelawny
Albert Mason
Micah Bell
Kieran Duffy
Saints Row 1, 2, 3, & 4
Matt Miller
Johnny Gat
The Umbrella Academy
Klaus Hargreeves
Doctor Who
The 9th, 10th, 12th, and 14th Doctor
John Smith!10
Captain Jack Harkness (Maybe?)
Rose Tyler
The Toymaker
Dean Winchester
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Jacques Snicket
Monty M.
Count Olaf (don’t make me regret adding this, ya’ll)
Esmé Squalor
Night At The Museum
Lancelot (?)
Until Dawn
Josh Washington
Sam Giddings
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kdds-posts · 1 year
Time to post something new after more than half a decade
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haanahaki · 7 months
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High Priest Hazel “Azazel” Everhart
He/Him • 17 • 5’2” • Ashion
Species: Human/Angel
Occupation: High Priest of Ashion
Sexuality: Polyamorous Bisexual
Gender: Cisgender Male
The son of a lord in Ashion, his mother is unknown to him. (Hint hint it’s the Queen of Ashion)
Due to his occupation and how strict it is, he doesn’t have many friends or chances to spend time with them, but he cares a lot for Cindra, who he tends to vent frustrations to, and has romantic affections towards Lynx, despite knowing he can never be with him.
His hands have sun brands scarred into them as a requirement of becoming the High Priest. He’s had this occupation since 10, and did not willingly choose it. If he sins, the marks burn. Some examples of sins are:
Consuming alcohol
Falling in love
Being lazy
The last High Priest, Vontas, left a lasting impact on his life. Despite being very cold towards him, he cared about her and was traumatized when he believed she passed away.
Hazel adores birds of every kind, and keeps books on them. He has a garden in his church full of different Ashion birds that he takes care of. He also loves to read poetry, as well as wrote it. Hazel prefers to read it though, as he gets tired of writing all the time.
Hazel is very soft spoken and obedient when it comes to those that are superior to him, but he harbours deep anger towards the Queen and all those that mistreat him.
The Queen hates Hazel, going as far as calling him the wrong name and making his life miserable. Jesper and Adonis follow in her footsteps and mistreat him as well, due to their own reasons.
He is autistic!
Secretly the cousin of Tamare and Ezra!
Due to being the son of the Queen, he has an uncontrollable power to see the future.
Extremely sleep deprived and anxious due to his job
He has a pet bird named Ceridwyn, the Queen burned her wing when she was flying and she fell down into Hazels garden, so now he takes care of her
Sometimes sins on purpose to make his scars burn just to feel something
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schneezburger · 3 years
Hazel Azazel art dump!
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roksim · 6 years
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Warmups! The cool female character is Hazel, a person from DA I am a fan of!                    
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malecficlibrary · 7 years
Heirlooms by BiconBane*
Part #4 of the BAMF Prince of Hell High Warlock series
Chapters: One-Shot Genre: Canon AU Length: Under 5K Rating: Mature Secondary Characters: Azazel, Catarina Loss, Clary Fray, Jace Wayland Secondary Pairings: None Themes: 2x11, Alec POV, Angst, Battle Couple, Cat-Eyed Magnus, Established Relationship, Family, Hazel-Eyed Alec, Hurt & Comfort, Injured Alec, Injured Magnus, Injury, Magnus POV, Protective Magnus
Magnus can hear Alec’s cries as the dirt of Dudael swirls around them. They’re distant, but wracked with pain, and Magnus will always hear Alec when he calls.
He runs a thumb over the ring he had stored away in his pocket before leaving his loft. A last resort, a desperate measure. Magnus hears Alec beg him to put a stop to this, and through eyes blurry with pain, he can see Azazel stalk towards him. He doesn’t hesitate slide the ring on his finger.
Magnus feels it like fire, first. It pours through his body like lava running down a volcano. He closes his eyes, bearing the pain, and waiting until the fire settles into his veins and becomes nothing but pure power.
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Okay but I love the idea of Azazel and Raven coming over for a family dinner, but Juliette invited Winston and Hazel too JUST for the drama to ensue and Eiji just sighs cause his wife is so dramatic
Juliette: Hey father, can you pass me the salt?
Azazel and Winston: *both reach for the salt and glare at each other*
Azazel: Since when were YOU her father?
Winston: She’s literally made of my DNA
Juliette: Unfortunately
Azazel: I treated her better than you ever did, and I’m her ex boyfriend from college’s dad and a literal demon, you’re just some rich white guy who used her as a punching bag
Winston: I never did!
Azazel: Oh AND you’re a liar?! COME HERE PUNK
Raven casually as Azazel teleports Winston somewhere: So Juliette, how’s the company? Jean’s been raving about your new perfume line
Juliette: Really? I thought Jean Grey was too good for me
Raven: Honey, she said she’s a better telepath than you and she’s right
Juliette: Yeah but she didn’t have to be so rude about it
Eiji sipping his wine: Cause you’re an absolute sweetheart or something-
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m0onbunnie · 4 years
Star Fragment sinopse + All my characters
Star Fragment tell a story about 5 idiots trying to get the fragments of a magical crystal shooting star to remove the strange Ares curse from Rose Sapphire
The story also tells about the whole main cast trying to survive from the curse, trying to not get insane and solve all the mysteries behind the curse, the city and their own pasts
(this part is very big so i put the keep reading)
■Main Charaters■
■The rest of the main cast■
■minor characters■
■Dead characters■
■pet(?) Characters■
Star(not a pet but plush)
■Gods and demigods■
Meep, Yuki, Hana and Scarlet(demigods)
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haanahaki · 7 months
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Backtrack - Borrowed Time: Chapter 2
Backtrack Masterlist
Series Summary: What if you were the one Dean came to instead of Lisa? Rewrite of “Swan Song” and some of S6.
Word Count: 1598
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader
A/N: Chapter 2′s song: Composed by Mutemath.
Winchester Fantasies’ Masterlist
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You cautiously approached the door, another thudding knock sounding out in the silence. You glanced out the peephole. The head of a man was visible through the hole, but you couldn’t make out anything definite.
You stepped away, worrying your lip. You didn’t usually answer the door to strangers. You still weren’t an outgoing person, plus nowadays you couldn’t really trust anyone. You started to turn away from the door, but something stopped you. You didn’t know what it was, but you found yourself going back to the door and opening it.
You peeked out before swinging it open wide. You stepped back, your jaw hanging slack. “Oh, my god,” you breathed, your stomach dropping and goosebumps rolling across your skin. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” he said, a thin-lipped smile crossing his plump lips. “It’s safe now,” he said with a forced chuckle and a half-hearted shrug.
Your eyes fluttered at the memory of his promise all those years ago. You swallowed and sent him a small smile before stepping back and gesturing for him to come inside. He gave you another smirk, looking to the ground and stepping over the threshold of your apartment.
You made your way into the living room before stopping and turning to face him again. The silence was awkward as you studied one another carefully. “So,” you finally said, your hands slapping against your thighs as you slowly lowered yourself to the couch.
Dean cleared his throat, hurrying to take the recliner across from you. “So,” he said, his voice so much deeper than when he left. But you guessed that wasn’t anything to be surprised about. It had been ten years after all.
“What are you doing here?” you asked softly.
Dean’s Adam’s apple bobbed and he looked to the ground. He was silent for a few moments, and you wondered if he would even explain his sudden reappearance when he glanced back up, tears in his eyes. “There’s…” he started, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat once more before trying again. “There’s a lot to tell you. But...what you need to know right now…. Um…. Sammy’s...he’s...he’s uh…. He’s dead,” he finally said bluntly, not finding an easier way to say it.
You stared at him in silence, searching his eyes for any hint that he was joking. He wasn’t, you realized with a sinking heart as a tear unwittingly slipped down his cheek before he viciously swiped it away.
“What?” you asked, your voice betraying your utter disbelief. You shook your head, turning your gaze away from Dean before looking back at him, his expression unchanging. You thought about the innocent, intelligent, and endearing boy with a heart of gold and a smile that could light up a room. In the time you’d known Sam, he’d become more of a brother to you than Leah had ever been a sister. It was impossible to imagine Sam not being there, and tears pricked the backs of your eyes at the realization that he wasn’t.
“Wh...what happened?” you asked, your turn for your voice to quiver.
Dean licked his lips and rubbed his hands across his thighs nervously. “Well…. Uh,” Dean began before he huffed and shook his head, running a hand over his face. “Fuck, (Y/N). There’s been so much shit happening since I last saw you. My life has been a literal shitshow. I wanna tell you everything, but…. I don’t know if you’d even believe me if I did.”
You tilted your head, giving him what you hoped was an encouraging look. “Try me, Dean. I’ve seen some pretty unbelievable shit in my time.”
You watched as he pursed his lips and carefully contemplated your words. It gave you time to really study him. His face was harder, the lines around his mouth and running across his forehead more pronounced like he’d seen more hardship than should be bearable, and his eyes were tired - not like he needed sleep, although he probably could use a good twelve hours of shut eye, but like he carried the weight of the world. And you couldn’t help but wonder just what he had endured since he left. 
“I don’t even know where to start,” Dean said with a harsh chuckle.
“How about the beginning?” you asked gently.
Dean nodded, his eyes drifting as he revisited his memories. “Well…. After we left….” He proceeded to tell you everything, starting with why he, his dad, and Sam had had to leave so abruptly; to John and his obsession with finding The Yellow Eyed Demon, the demon who had killed his wife; Sam’s psychic abilities; Azazel and his plans for Sam and several other kids with abilities; Ruby, and Sam’s addiction to demon blood, and Lucifer’s release; and finally ending with Sam saying yes to Lucifer and throwing himself and Michael into the pit.
Your mind was spinning when Dean finally finished speaking and you opened and closed your mouth several times as you sought to find the right words to say. “I...I, uh…. Um, wow,” you finally breathed. 
“You don’t believe me,” Dean stated, voice monotone. “Shit, I knew this was a mistake coming here,” he added, quickly getting up from the recliner. “I’m sorry I even came. It looks like you have a real nice thing going here, (Y/N), and I hope you have a great rest of your life.” He turned towards the door and hurried over to it. 
“Wait!” you finally got out past the shock of everything. Dean paused just as his hand landed on the doorknob. “Wait,” you implored again, this time softer.
He didn’t turn back to face you as you made your way over to him. “Dean,” you said, stepping up behind him and placing your hand on his shoulder. You gripped his bicep when he didn’t respond, gently turning him to face you. His expression was hard and emotionless, but his eyes held what could only be desperation. 
“Dean,” you whispered, reaching up and brushing your fingers against his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch. He reached out, his own fingers ghosting across your waist. “I believe you,” you said softly. His eyes shot open in shock and he searched your face as if he didn’t fully believe you. But then his shoulders slumped as if a little of the weight he’d been carrying had been lifted. His eyes filled with tears and before you could register what was happening, his arms were around you, his face buried into your neck as he sobbed. 
You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him even closer. You moved your hand up his neck, running your fingers through his hair soothingly and stroking the back of his head. He continued to cry, gut-wrenching sobs that wracked his entire frame. He was broken. That much was evident, and with each tear that fell and seeped into your shirt, your own heart broke a little more.
You awoke the next morning to a heavy weight on top of you. You cracked your eyes open to find Dean sprawled out on top of you, arms wrapped around you and face buried in the side of your neck. 
You smiled, loving the feeling of having him here with you again after so many years, even if his reappearance was marked by heartache and pain. You moved your hand up to the back of his neck, carding your fingers gently through the hair at the base of his skull. 
He shifted slightly but didn’t wake up so you continued your soft movements, just enjoying the moment as light from the rising sun filtered through the shades at the window. 
You thought over everything he had told you the night before, still trying to wrap your mind around the fact that nothing in his life had ever been normal, not even in that summer of ‘98. To some people what he had divulged would have sent them running for the hills, but you’d seen and experienced enough weird and unexplainable things in your life that had left you more open-minded than a lot of people. 
Dean stirred, bringing you out of your reverie as he took in a deep breath. He raised his head to look at you, his eyes puffy from deep sleep but looking more rested. “Hey,” you said gently, running your fingers through his hair as he rested his chin on your chest. 
He smiled softly, staring into your face. His gaze darted to your lips and back up to your eyes before he slowly leaned forward, pausing for only a moment before completely closing the distance. His lips were just how you remembered them, plump and soft albeit a bit parched. 
You smiled when he pulled away, his chin coming back to rest on your chest while you continued your earlier ministrations. “I missed you,” Dean murmured, his fingers running lightly over your hip. “Every damn day.”
“I did, too,” you admitted. “There’s not been a single moment in the last ten years that you weren’t on my mind.”
Dean sent you a weak smile, his eyes holding something akin to remorse. “There were so many times I wanted to come back for you,” Dean said. “But I couldn’t. Not when I knew I’d only be putting you in danger.”
“I know,” you said, leaning forward to brush a kiss across his forehead. “But you’re here now. And even though it took awhile for you to get back to me, I wouldn’t trade this for the world.”
Thank you for reading! If you liked what you read, let me know!! ❤❤
***Please do not share my content on any other platform without my consent.
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Twisted Wonderland OC - Quentin Nighy-Sallow
Hello Twisted Wonderland Fandom, a while ago I made Quentin after bingeing through a bunch of Twisted Wonderland videos that appeared on my feed on most of my social media when TW had just come out. And then proceeded to develop her a lot as time went on, but I've been really, really nervous to post about her because I really don't want to bother people with my OC stuff if they don't care about OCs. But then recently people have been posting about their Ramshackle Dorm OCs, which gave me courage to post my own OC, who is from Ramshackle Dorm. So, thank you to those people! (I'm sorry, I don't want to tag people as the blog starts.) So, here I am. Making a blog about my OC stuff. 
If you don't care about OCs, I'll put a read more here. I think it works on Mobile too, if not, I'm sorry Mobile users!
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[Credit to Picrew, this one specifically now that I found it!: https://picrew.me/image_maker/43383, I would draw her but the app I use keeps crashing so I'll do it when it gets its crap together]
Full Name: Quentin Nighy-Sallow (neé Desmona)
Nickname(s): Quarry (By her friends from her homeland and Night Raven College, late game by the first year squad, Kalim, Lilia, Silver, Cater and Trey), Stingray (by Floyd), Le roi guērisseur (by Rook, before the game starts), Le roi millieu (by Rook) Reine de l'espoir (by Rook, late game), Little Rabbit (by Oberyn), Auntie/Piblingie (by her neiflings) 
Twisted from: Morgan Philips [from Enchanted]
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 18
Birthday: July 20th
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 5'7''5 or 171.45 cm
Eye Color: Hazel-Brown
Hair Color: Blonde-Brown with two Black streaks 
Homeland: Providence of the Former Kingdom of Analasia
Family: Mother and Father (Executed), Older Sister [Faustina Desmona/Opal] (Estranged, later Reunited and currently working on their relationship) Older Brother [Rasul Desmona] (Cause of Death Unknown) Amiel, Eadwine, and Azazel (Spouses) 
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: Second Year (held back a year due to leaving school to settle a political uproar)
Class: 2-A, Student no. 16
Occupation: Dorm Head/Diplomat/Scholar/Noblewoman
Club: Literature Club
Best Subject: Magical Creatures and Herbology
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Mostly Left)
Favorite Food: Any Homemade foods
Least Favorite Food: Leftovers/Scraps/Moldy Foods
Likes: Reading, Taking Care of People
Dislikes: The Staff and Dorm Leaders giving her work, Calls from Certain People
Hobby: Reading in the Library
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Unique Magic: 'Jar of the Heart' - Quentin goes into a mode [for lack of better term] where she can see a jar that tells her things about person without any research or prior knowledge about the person. Such as, a person's background, family and family history, personality, and how powerful/dangerous they are from how the jar looks and seems to be made of. But most importantly, she can tell a person's Blot level represented by ink in a person's jar. She cannot change the jars or the ink inside in anyway, she can only see them and move it closer so she can see it better. She cannot she her own jar. You can tell when she goes into her 'Jar Seeing Mode' as she calls it because her eye color changes colors constantly and she seems like she is hallucinating.
Talent: Knowledge about Mana and Magic
Personality: Quentin tends to do things at her own pace unless you ask her for help because she is a nice person deep down, but because of her time at NRC, she's just learned to be independent rather then help others. But she hides a friendly and fun person to be around, despite her pessimistic, passive-aggressive and selfish prick like impression most people get from her. She is a mother figure to her dormmates, a good ally to those she considers allies and a formidable enemy. However, because of her background, she has lots of issues and is judgmental towards everybody. She also tends to be negative and disgenious because of her inability to trust others.
Background [Will Make a More Detailed Post about Backstory, Because it's Long and Detailed, So Here's a Shortened Version]: 
Born and raised in Andalasia, a once picture perfect country in shambles due to political strife between the upper and lower class, to the noble family of Desmona. She grew up without much intraction with the peasant class, due to fears of her being killed. She grew up with the other nobleman and royals being taught a lot and seemingly given whatever her family could until her older sister  Faustina ran off and married a Fey, which was a catalyst for the lower class and caused her parents be executed when the people demanded repercussions for her eldest sister abandoning the kingdom. Leaving Quentin and her older brother Rasul to fend for themselves as a noble house. Which, despite the sudden change and problems it brought, worked out. Her older brother died under mysterious circumstances that Quentin refuses to talk about, which caused her to be in a very bad depression for a long time which she was brought out of by her wife and husbands. When she was searching through her brother's things, she found an acceptance letter into Night Raven College, which should have been impossible due to the royal family's insistence on not a single nobility leaving the country. Quentin managed to convince the royal family to let her go to NRC, which worked through a lot of convincing and a lot of non-disclosure agreements. She tried very hard to hide herself in the student body of NRC, even disguising herself as a boy to blend in, but when she got there was almost immediately singled out as the only person in the old Ramshackle dorm and being Andalasian, despite her best attempts at trying to blend in. She was treated not so great by the staff and dorm leaders who used her as a gopher despite supposedly being on a similar level despite being a first year until she eventually got sick of their treatment of her and she snapped at them which caused most of the staff and dorm leaders to realize this girl was a lot more meets the eye, even being a first year. And, other than meeting a few of her friends she has at NRC, nothing much happened until about halfway through her second year, when she was called out from NRC suddenly by the Andalasian royality. And, she answered it to come back to her country in shambles and demanding her dead. And, she was basically handed over by the upper class to the lower class to be executed under charge of betraying the country. And, she was almost executed on live television because of the lower class believed Quentin was that bad of a traitor before she Overblotted and almost wiped out her country in the process. It took a full month for neighboring countries to figure out how to stop her, figuring several things about Overblotting in the process. She was in a full-blown coma for a month after she Overblotted and Andalasia was put under investigation for claims Quentin made when she Overblotted, which where true. The royality of Andalasia was eventually put under the custody of a shady organization that researches Overblots. When Quentin woke up, she was basically treated like a child or a monster in an isolated faculty, which she hated more than anything else but she learned to accept and deal with until the next school year rolled around, and she was able to go to NRC thanks to lots of convincing from many people. 
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