#harsh realm
spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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x-files-scripts · 2 years
The X-Files: I Want to Believe
Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Deleted scene:
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Harsh Realm crossover:
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robustcornhusk · 8 months
friend's run took them through "normal town"
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cold-violet · 1 year
I hope everyone is having a good week. It sucks because I'm starting to feel sick all over again.
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scifipinups · 1 month
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Rachel Hayward Harsh Realm (1999)
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un-naturalworld · 2 months
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thekingk0ng · 6 months
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thatbabeingodofwar · 1 year
this is a peak bedroom core song. blow this up guys. this band deserves some love and shit.💞
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effiesectu · 2 years
Hello, World!
Trying out the tumblr thang, more updates on here soon!
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spectrum-color · 10 months
One of the most frustrating things for me in Tawny Man (and honestly beyond) is how Fitz acts like he was victimized by Burrich in him marrying Molly and raising Nettle as part of their family.
He refuses to acknowledge that it is primarily his own fault, because he refused to accept their marriage or let Molly exist in his life as anything other than his idealized mommy-wife, so he let them believe that he was dead until he had no choice. He also won’t pin any blame on Molly because he doesn’t want to risk the fantasy of his dream girl who will fix all of his problems and replace what he lost when he was abandoned to the Farseers as they live happily ever after in a pastoral nuclear family. That leaves Burrich as the villain who stole his family from him, because that allows him to deflect the consequences of his own choices onto a more convenient target (it also means he doesn’t have to really think about the way Burrichs attempts to instill shame and fear over his Wit were abusive because he can redirect the anger he feels over it toward a safer topic.) Burrich was the closest thing Fitz ever had to a father but he doesn’t even bother to mourn him when he dies because he’s too busy relentlessly pursuing his widow against her wishes in an attempt to relive his adolescence.
It is all very believable and true to Fitz’s character (he is often a victim, but he also leans on that as a crutch so he doesn’t have to take responsibility or own up to his decisions,) but oh my god it is so so annoying.
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mumpsetc · 2 years
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I Knew You In the Harsh Realm
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spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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Look if I don't point out Terry O'Quinn's Harsh Realm's look at least one more time then what's the point
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labyrynth · 10 months
hey full offense: if you go on essay length tirades about how terrible, horrible, no-good, very-bad a character is and you start talking like all those “canon jiang cheng” shitbags insisting that “i like the CANON version of this character, and all you pathetic woobifying FANON losers need to SHUT UP AND DEAL WITH IT. what I say is CANON.”
get off your fucking high horse. you’re down here playing in the dirt like the rest of us, don’t pretend otherwise. go shit on your own parade if you’re so fucking desperate to be an asshole.
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The roan was a pleasure to bestride.
I did not leave the stables at a gallop, though I had that desire in my heart. No. I rode like a man on a pleasant and casual errand, a bemused look on my face. I nodded graciously to the guards who bade Prince FitzChivalry a good day as he rode out of the gates. I took the road that led away from Buckkeep Town toward the River Road. Even there, I set an easy pace. I could feel my horse's impatience. She sensed my desire for speed and was very willing to deliver it to me.
Soon, I promised her.
We will run and then we will fight! As one!
My heart smote me. Unfaithful.
Unfaithful to whom?
Horse. I am sorry. I did not mean to start this. This is not a good bond for me.
I am not "horse". I am Fleeter.
I held stillness. She did not.
I have waited for you for a long time. Five humans have claimed to own me, but none did. And all of them, I think, knew that. Why else would they sell me for money, as perfect a mount as I am? They could not buy my heart and so they sold me again and again. And then you saw me and in that moment, you knew I was for you. In two strides you claimed me and we both know that was right and is right. Do not say to me that you can undo what is done.
I guarded my thoughts. I did not want this attachment. There could not be this attachment. I groped within me for my wolf, for Nighteyes, but nothing stirred. (...)
What is your name?
I breathed out slowly.
I feel the shape of it in how you think. Must I guess it?
I heard the sound of galloping hoofbeats behind us. Horses. More than two. Move to the side of the road and be unworthy of notice. Even before I tugged the reins, Fleeter had moved to the side of the road and slowed. She was too swiftly becoming attuned to me. Setting her aside from me was like trying to be rid of a feather with honey-sticky fingers.
So you are Changer?
No. This can't be allowed. I blocked myself from her.
Fool's Quest, by Robin Hobb (Fitz and the Fool Trilogy #2)
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blurryfaace · 1 year
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childofaura · 1 year
How do you feel about Resplendent Nino?
Ah... people are going to hate me for this, but I'm not a huge fan of Nino's Resplendent.
So Resplendent Nino is drawn by Sakura Shiori:
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Incorporation... Look, I know I said Embla incorporation is hard. But I have issues with this outfit. The choice of light blue and white for her gown are more reminiscent of Askr than Embla. It looks too cheery for an Emblian mage outfit. Plus the cape looks like Askr wear, not Emblian! Like yes you can see those lighter capes on Bruno and Brave Veronica, but they're usually pulled back so that they don't overtake the whole outfit. Here the blue and cream really work against the Embla aesthetic. They're trying too hard to hold onto Nino's color scheme, and it's detrimental to the outfit.
That said, the art itself is super cute, the posework is good and it's a shame Shiori's only drawn Nino and baby Mia.
I'd say Embla actually does fit Nino. She previously worked under Sonia, and she was supposed to be an assassin, so putting her under the formerly antagonistic Emblian Empire is a good fit.
Overall, I'd sadly have to give this Resplendent a 6/10. It needs a lot of work in the incorporation department.
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