#haribo’s dumb shit
haribojam · 1 year
Anyways here’s a silly monkees reference from the cartoon
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know folks!
hi tess!! yay! 🎉
1. spending time with my boyfriend and doing dumb nerd shit
2. images of Gerard
3. getting to watch new episodes of interview with the vampire wow wow wow
4. haribo gummies
5. nature walks
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selfcarecap · 3 years
I read your blurb where Peter sees the reader in a bathing suit for the first time but it‘s with her family. How about him seeing her in a bathing suit for the first time where they‘re alone like at Tony Stark‘s pool or something (I live for when you write awkward Peter btw (so, canon Peter))
warnings: peter staring at your tits, and we have a little nip slip? 🥲🥲🥲🥲🤧 but it’s just in front of Peter(...), mention of foods (gummy bears lmfao), this is …
-this is a repost of an old fic-
You’re so excited that you get to spend a day at the pool inside of a multi-million dollar building with your best friend, that you nearly forget that Peter has never seen you in anything but oversized t-shirts.
The only bikini you have at home is a little small.
Your tits look great.
And that‘s the problem.
You know Peter‘s going to stare at them. And you know it will get your hopes up when really he doesn‘t like you like that and he just likes tits.
You sense the smell of chlorine mixed with something expensive and forget about your dilemma for a second. You and Peter are all alone at the pool and there’s relaxing music playing somewhere.
Peter quickly glances at your legs when you take off your trousers, but your shirt goes all the way down to your mid-thighs now anyway.
“I brought gummy bears, by the way,” Peter says, opening his bag of Haribos.
“Cool,” you say but you’re just looking at the clear water, “When are we going into the water though?”
“Whenever you want”, he says as he starts eating his beloved gummy bears. Nothing can distract him when he has his gummy bears, so you start undressing.
Your breath is shaky as you pull your shirt over your head and your eyes go to your chest immediately, making sure your bikini top is covering everything it’s supposed to.
Peter’s already looking at you. He’s silent and when you look over he’s bringing his empty fingers up to his mouth and bites into his finger. “Ow,” he says quietly, realising there’s no gummy bear in his hand to bite into instead.
He gazes up at you again, looking away quickly when your eyes meet.
You clear your throat, “So, you coming?”
Without waiting for an answer, you walk towards the pool, forgetting that you’re blessing Peter with the sight of your ass. You hear another “ow” and can only assume that Peter’s looking at you and accidentally bit into his finger again.
You ignore him and slowly make your way into the water, enjoying how it envelops your whole body.
A few seconds later there’s a big splash as Peter jumps into the pool next to you. Now that you’re in the water he can’t see your body that well and he’s calm again.
You’re in the pool for what feels like hours and everything’s normal between the two of you.
That’s until Peter looks at your chest, “You have um..”
You look down and notice that your bikini has slipped on one side and your nipple is completely exposed.
You adjust your top as quickly as possible and you want to disappear. “You didn‘t see anything,” you say, your face burning.
“I mean I did. But you don‘t have anything to worry about. You look ho— great. Great.”
“God, Peter please. You‘re making this weird.”
“Can‘t I compliment my friend?”
This is exactly what you were scared of. He‘s staring at your boobs, even telling you that you look great but in the next sentence calls you his friend.
For a second it’s all too much for you, Peter constantly giving you mixed signals when you know he just likes you as a friend.
“You know it‘s not easy being your friend when you say shit like that,” you say, getting out of the pool. You change into your shirt without drying off and pull your bikini top off from underneath.
Peter’s right behind you a moment later, “No, wait. What did I do? I‘m sorry if that was a dumb thing to say. I didn‘t mean it in a weird or creepy way. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” he says sincerely.
“That‘s not it. You always say shit like that. You say that I look pretty this, I look beautiful that, you even say my fucking tits look great and then you expect me to believe that you just want to be friends? One second after you‘ve told me how good I look? I never hear you telling Ned or any of your friends for that matter how good they look. So why do you do it with me?”
His eyes don’t meet yours, “I... don‘t know how to... flirt.”
You look at him, not quite sure what he means.
He throws his arms in the air and sits down, defeated.
“I like you. But I don‘t know how to tell you that I like you. Genuinely, I have no idea. How can I tell you how much I love your smile, or how you have the weirdest but also best taste in music out of anyone I‘ve ever met. And how cute you look while you laugh, and that you‘re the best at cheering me up and being there for me when I‘m feeling down. Not to mention that cute thing where you smile at yourself when you pass a mirror. How do I tell you that I think you deserve all the smiles in the world and that you don’t deserve a single moment of sadness.”
Your heart swells and tingles shoot through your whole body at his words.
“Just like that,” you say.
“What?” He croaks, eyes red.
“That‘s exactly how you say it.” You want to sit down next to him, but there’s no room so you go for his lap instead and kiss him immediately.
His hands go to your waist, pulling you closer as his lips press against yours.
Peter’s wet swim shorts rub against your thighs and the wetness from his chest stains your shirt even more. Just as you’re getting into the kiss he leans back, away from you. “Too much,” he says, and your heart sinks.
“Sorry uh—”
“You just kissed me, you‘re very close and you‘re not wearing anything underneath your shirt. So..”
You grin as you realise he means he’s positively overwhelmed and get off of him.
Peter makes room for you to sit next to him and rests his hand on your hip, arm wrapping around your waist.
You hear a loud rustling and then Peter offers you gummy bears.
You giggle and kiss his cheek, sharing gummy bears with him and enjoy that you can finally love Peter how you’ve always wanted to.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 10 (Branjie) (and background everyone) - Ortega
a/n: omg HIIIIII hihihihihi i’m SO SORRY for the update gap fam, i started back at work and have been crAzy busy ever since! however i tried to make this chapter one that was worth the wait…….insert one thousand eye emojis if ya know what i mean. hope u enjoy!
fic summary: Strictly Come Dancing enters its 18th series and its producers, after being goaded by a rival dance show on its inclusivity, commission it to be an all-female cast. Unlike Akeria who’s just here to bone her potential dance partner, dancer Vanessa is ready to act like a professional.
And then TV presenter Brooke Lynn walks into the rehearsal room.
20th November 2020
Vanessa is giggling as Akeria sits with an enormous plastic bag of snacks in front of her on the hard plastic train table. She’s looking at them with the long-suffering eyes of a wearied mother, casting her hands over them as if she doesn’t quite know where to start. She finally picks up a bag of chocolate buttons, stands up in her seat and yells out into the train carriage.
“Okay, whose are the buttons?”
“Oh! Those are ours. Thanks, Kiki,” Jan stands up from the two-seater she’s got beside Jackie and behind Vanessa and Brooke, leaning forward over them to grab the snacks.
“Strawberry laces?”
“Mine!” Crystal cries happily, leaning over Gigi from the table seat they’re sharing with Jaida and Yvie opposite them. She snatches the sweets out of Akeria’s hand and follows it up with a thank you.
“Barbecue Pringles- wait, that’s Yvie’s,” Akeria immediately cuts herself off, leaning over the aisle of the carriage and handing Yvie the tube.
“I’m nothing if not predictable,” she shrugs, ripping off the plastic covering and the paper on top to grab a crisp and then offer one to her dance partner.
“Tangfastics?” Akeria yells out. There’s a pause where nobody claims them. Akeria gives a long-suffering roll of her eyes and yells a little louder. “Tangfastics?!”
Vanessa watches Monique give a jolt in the two-seater she’s sharing with Monet. “Shit, sorry Keeks, that’s ours!”
(Vanessa suspects that Monique’s delay in hearing her snack might be because of the way Monet’s got her hand resting on her thigh and had been whispering something to her moments before, but she’ll park that for now, use it to make fun of her at a later date.)
“God damn, stop gazin’ in Monet’s eyes for two whole seconds,” Akeria teases her, to a hoot of laughter from the other girls and a glare from Monique herself.
“Can’t help it that they’re so dark and intoxicating,” Monet pipes up with a dramatic gesture. Asia yells at her to shut up from over her headrest. A little further down the carriage, Vanessa can see a businessman shaking his head in despair.
“Gigi, that’s your fruit platter,” Akeria hands the tub across the aisle, already able to tell the model’s choice of snack. Vanessa silently takes the bags of Starbursts and chilli heatwave Doritos that she’d asked Akeria to pick up for her and Brooke respectively. “Whose are the Haribos?”
There’s another silence. Vanessa has to hold in her laughter at Akeria’s growing frustration. “Girls, I swear to Jesus, y’all cannot send me to the shop to grab all your motherfuckin’ snacks and then not claim ‘em! Who ordered the goddamn Haribos?!”
Asia blinks suddenly, looks up from her phone and tugs Akeria’s sleeve. “Bitch! Those are ours, we got them! Sit your dumb ass down!”
The girls all roar with laughter as Akeria sheepishly sinks back into her seat. Vanessa can’t help but give a little bounce in her seat from excitement because they’ve made it; she’s off to Blackpool with a girl that likes her back, her two best friends, and the rest of the dorks they’re sharing the competition with. They’ve got a Cha Cha Cha this week which they’ve practised, polished and perfected, and Vanessa can feel a little bite of excitement to the cold air which makes her think maybe…maybe this week it’s their time to get a few more tens and perhaps be top of the leaderboard this week. She’s confident, and she knows Brooke is too. They chatted through their thoughts about the week ahead when Vanessa walked Brooke to the tube station the night before, and her heart still gives a little excitable thud when Vanessa remembers the way they’d stolen a kiss in the dark just beside the entrance.
Whatever it is they are feels like one of the fairytales Vanessa used to watch when she was little on VHS tape, the ones she used to rewind the moment they were done to go all the way back to the start. She and Brooke are still focused on the competition obviously, so for now they’re still content with stealing kisses behind the scenes of It Takes Two, going for dates that aren’t really dates and are more mid-rehearsal lunches, long and lingering goodbye cuddles where Vanessa rests her head against Brooke’s chest and wishes she was going home with her instead of to her own empty flat. It’s nameless and exciting and a bit of a foray into the unknown, only Vanessa knows it’s not really so much of an unknown because she trusts Brooke, she knows she likes her back and how much she’s devoted to her. It’s the way Brooke nuzzles against Vanessa’s hair and mutters a compliment about how talented she is, or the way she’ll stop mid-kiss to just murmur about how beautiful Vanessa is against her lips, or the way she links their pinkies together midway through a rehearsal break and shyly comment on how lucky she is. It all makes Vanessa’s heart feel huge and light and fast in her chest, a helium balloon filled with butterflies.
“Guys! Train selfie!” Crystal cries suddenly, jolting Vanessa out of her daydream. Vanessa leans onto the middle of the table to squeeze herself into shot and yelps when Brooke tugs her back.
“You just totally Mike Wazowski’d me!”
“Oh like anyone could miss you in any photo, fuckin’ lil miss beanstalk bitch!” Vanessa teases her, the girls all laughing in response.
“So funny that half your fans think you’re datin’. You two fight like cat an’ dog on the daily,” Asia rolls her eyes and snorts. Vanessa feels her body spark with electricity as Brooke takes her hand under the table and squeezes it a couple of times in secret.
She feels guilty as she looks to Akeria who’s raising her eyebrows at her, still very aware of her crush. It’s not that Vanessa has kept things secret from her and Monique intentionally. It’s just that she and Brooke have been so wrapped up in each other and their rehearsals, not to mention the fact that they haven’t had a girls’ night in forever. Vanessa resolves to tell them this weekend, having to bite back a smile as she thinks about their potential reactions.
“Guys, get in the fucking selfie already! My arm is hurting!”
Vanessa leans back into Brooke’s chest and feels something in her ribcage blossom as Brooke puts her arms around her in a hug for the photo.
The train starts moving and all the girls give an excited squeal of delight which makes two old ladies a few seats down look at them all suspiciously. There’s a flash of recognition in their eyes after a second and their attitude changes, judgemental eyes becoming kind. Vanessa wonders if it will ever fully sink in that she’s ‘famous’, a public figure. Right now it just feels as if she’s going on some big mad girls’ weekend away with her second family and a girl she really fucking likes.
The evening is mostly taken up by the train ride, all the girls having rehearsed during the day and trundled their suitcases to the train when they were done. Yvie vlogs, Crystal and Gigi chatter excitedly, and Akeria and Asia bicker about who’s eaten the most buttons. Vanessa and Brooke for their part hold hands underneath the table, share little smiles that speak both volumes and a thousand words, and flirt just enough to make Vanessa’s heart beat out her chest but not enough to arouse suspicion. All the while they speed past towns that she’s never heard of and will never visit, blurs of green and grey shrouded in the dark of the Autumn night sky.
The train doesn’t go all the way to Blackpool so they have to change at Preston, which Vanessa knows nothing about other than the fact it’s got a train station. The girls find the platform for their connecting train and mill about, stopping once to take photos with an adorable little Strictly fan who can’t be more than eight years old. Vanessa chats away with her way more than the other girls do because the little girl’s dark hair, nut brown skin and huge brown eyes make her miss her own little cousins back in Puerto Rico. She asks her about school, and if she dances, and what she wants to be when she grows up.
When the girl replies, “a dancer like you”, Vanessa almost tears up.
She tells her not to give up on her dreams- because it’s what eight year old her would’ve needed to hear- and then waves her and her Mum goodbye. By the time she’s finished chatting and she turns back around, Brooke is waiting for her with a little smile on her face.
“What? What’s that look for?” Vanessa laughs a little. She wants nothing more than to wrap her arms around Brooke’s waist in a hug but the platform is busy and the other girls could see them.
“Nothing. Just you’re really cute with kids.”
Vanessa smiles bashfully, looks to the ground. When she looks up again Brooke has come a little closer to her. Vanessa pouts as she very gently threads the tips of their fingers together, the closest they can come to holding hands in public.
“I wanna kiss you so bad right now.”
“Let’s do it,” Brooke giggles quietly, a little sparkle in her eyes. “Let’s just start making out and watch how the girls react. Yvie would put it in one of her fucking vlogs.”
“Storytime- my Strictly co-stars just kissed?” Vanessa jokes, and Brooke wheezes a laugh which in turn makes the other girls turn round. Vanessa immediately drops their hands as Asia eyes them both with suspicion.
Brooke looks back at her and Vanessa can feel her pulse speed up at the adoration that’s in her eyes. “You look so good today, let me take a candid that’s not really a candid.”
“A plandid,” Vanessa shrugs back, then screws up her face. “I look like shit though. I sweated all my makeup off in rehearsal, my skin’s all dry from that train heater an’ I’m wearing sweatpants I’ve owned for six years.”
“Still cute though,” Brooke winks, and Vanessa tries to suppress a smile as she relents, shakes her hair out and looks down the platform. She’s surprised to find the train making its way up the tracks and after a second she leaps back, grabbing her suitcase and Brooke’s arm and yelling to the other girls.
It’s only when they’re on the train again when she gets an Instagram tag and realises that Brooke managed to take the photo, and she has to admit she doesn’t look too bad. She’s confused, though, when she sees what Brooke has captioned it.
bhytes: sls 🧡
Vanessa looks quickly at Brooke before tapping out a message to her.
V: what’s sls mean??? x
She watches Brooke’s reaction in real time as she receives the message. Her eyes widen a little and a pink blush appears on her cheeks, almost as if she’s been caught at something. Vanessa watches her fingers hover over the screen, typing against the air as she tries to figure out how to reply. Eventually, Vanessa’s phone buzzes again.
B: Oh I meant to type sis!!!! Silly typo x
Vanessa narrows her eyes- she’s not buying that for a second. Sure enough as she goes back to Brooke’s Instagram page there’s a small “Edited” beside her caption, and it now reads what Brooke had just told her she’d allegedly meant to type. Feeling a little guilty for snooping, Vanessa scrolls through the comments- there’s one from Yvie already, and another from Jackie, and some from Brooke’s friends and colleagues of course, but eventually she reaches the fans.
branjie2020: SHE EDITED IT IM-
strictlybranjie: Brooke we see u girl
brookelynnbites: not little mix secret love song…………
Intrigued, Vanessa looks up the lyrics and instantly she knows why Brooke had been shy with her. Now blushing herself, Vanessa puts her phone face down on the table and loses herself in thought. She thinks about the lyrics. Why can’t I say that I’m in love…it’s just a song, Brooke probably just meant the sentiment generally, but still. Vanessa can’t help but wonder if maybe they could make something of whatever it is that they are, a fling between two members of a TV show. Maybe they’ll be together when this is all over, and maybe…well. Vanessa hasn’t told anyone that she loves them like that since Kameron, and it would be a big deal if she said it to somebody else again. She’s not falling for Brooke yet; that would be ridiculous, especially given that they’ve not even so much as seen each other naked, but all Vanessa knows is that she really likes her, cares for her so much that it almost scares her, and whenever she’s around Vanessa feels as if she’s levitating.
Vanessa puts her jacket over her lap and wordlessly takes Brooke’s hand underneath it. She doesn’t miss the smile on Brooke’s face when she squeezes it reassuringly.
They all eventually reach Blackpool, the windy seaside weather and the sound of the seagulls greeting them as soon as they’re out of the train station. Their hotel isn’t far from the Tower Ballroom and Vanessa’s glad that they’re not staying at some run down B&B although the BBC, always eager to cut costs wherever they can, has booked them all in with each other in twin rooms. Vanessa isn’t mad about that. Admittedly after that moment they had in Brooke’s dressing room last Saturday she’s been thinking ever since about how she could engineer some form of sequel. She’s narrowed it down to finding an excuse to crawl into Brooke’s bed at night, bullshitting something about it being too cold in her own and how it would be so much warmer if they just slept together. That’s if she needs to be subtle, of course. Knowing how Brooke had practically slammed her against her dressing room door last week there’s probably not going to be much need for subtleties.
“I hope you don’t snore,” Brooke laughs, rolling her suitcase out of the lift and onto the carpet of the hotel corridors. Vanessa lets out an incredulous snort.
“Bitch! Do I seem like the kinda girl who snores? I’m insulted.”
“No, that’s true. I need to worry about you talking in your sleep instead. The loudest girl in the fucking cast,” Brooke laughs, Vanessa kicking a leg forward to knock Brooke’s suitcase off-balance as revenge. Even though it wobbles on its wheels, Brooke is undeterred. “I’m going to be trying to get to sleep and just as I think I’m drifting off all I’ll here is…AN’ FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT!”
“Shut up,” Vanessa giggles, giving Brooke a push as they both arrive in front of the hotel room door. Brooke presses the key card to the pad and walks in first, and Vanessa is too busy struggling with her case to gauge her reaction at first. That is until Brooke turns around from the spot she’s rooted to in the middle of the room.
Vanessa frowns. She doesn’t really know why Brooke’s grown so awkward and quiet all of a sudden until she takes three steps forward and can see their room properly.
‘Oh’ is right. Because there, in the middle of their room, is a double bed. No, not double. King-sized, a king-sized fucking bed that’s probably the size of a small country village and is just for the two of them. All Vanessa’s plans go out the window because this is…new, and unknown territory. A quick makeout session in Brooke’s dressing room is one thing but the two of them haven’t even stayed over at either of their flats yet, they’ve never shared a bed in any context before. Vanessa bites her lip.
“Well…” Brooke says finally, trails off. Vanessa realises that she’s not going to finish her sentence.
“Um. I can go down and get ‘em to change it?” she offers, regretting it as soon as she’s said it because despite it all being new territory she’s not exactly opposed to it.
“No! No, it’s fine,” Brooke says- a little too quickly, Vanessa thinks, which causes her to suppress a smirk and try not to let her thoughts get carried away. “I mean, we’re both adults, it’s fine. Plus it’ll probably be comfier, right?”
“Yeah. Sure, right,” Vanessa nods and agrees, trying not to seem too eager.
It’s late by that point, so the pair of them unpack, trying to chat easily but the elephant in the room shaped like a king-sized bed is still very much present. Vanessa showers before bed and changes into her pyjamas, a little embarrassed at how scruffy her small black cami top and mid-length bottoms are. When Brooke comes back from her own shower, though, already changed into her pyjama set, Vanessa’s mouth dries up. She’s dressed in a matching set made up of a little pink satin shirt and shorts, the black cording at the hem of which is only drawing Vanessa’s eyes to Brooke’s thighs and not at all helping the bed situation.
Brooke clearly sees her looking and raises an eyebrow. “Cute, right?”
Vanessa snaps out of her daze. “What?”
“The pyjamas. They’re from like…Asos or Missguided or something? One of them,” she replies, hopping into bed and under the covers on the other side. Vanessa inches away from her a little, careful not to make their bodies touch because this is different to dancing and it’s not as simple as just being able to wrap her body around Brooke’s or make some stupid move because there’s no performance high or adrenaline or alcohol, it’s just…them. The pair of them in the same bed with the silence of the room surrounding them and the dark of the night outside hidden from view by the blinds Vanessa pulled down. As Brooke gives her a quick kiss and leans over to her side of the bed to turn the light off, she gives a quick look back to Vanessa.
“Night, babe.”
Vanessa gives a small, nervous smile back as she says goodnight. They shuffle under the covers to get comfortable and the silence falls again. Vanessa should say something, do something, reach out and take Brooke’s hand or lean in again. But everything is new and different and the time just isn’t right and she has no idea if Brooke even wants to go there with her yet, so instead she closes her eyes and attempts to sleep.
But in the morning, things are different. The moment Vanessa stirs she can tell there’s something in the air. She blinks open her eyes, the sun peeking through the slats of the blinds already too bright. That’s not it, though. That’s not what’s different.
And then as she gains a little bit more consciousness it hits her like a ton of bricks.
Brooke’s leg is thrown over her thigh, her arm around her waist, and her body is pressed up against hers. Vanessa feels a little tingle flash between her legs. For one thing, it’s cute that Brooke’s sought Vanessa out to cuddle during the night- whether she was asleep or awake for that decision Vanessa doesn’t know, but it’s nice either way. But on the other hand, Brooke’s little satin shorts have risen up to expose most of her thigh, and it’s not helping Vanessa think rationally right now.
Slowly, Vanessa starts tracing soft patterns on Brooke’s arm in a bid to wake her up: little figures of eight, then her name, then love hearts because if Brooke’s asleep she can’t work out that that’s what they are. Brooke’s leg shifts against her, and Vanessa can feel a heat against her thigh which she can’t decide whether or not helps or worsens the situation she’s in. Just then, she feels Brooke’s thumb give a little movement, a small stroke against the skin of Vanessa’s stomach where her cami top has risen up during the night. When her thumb moves again, Vanessa knows she’s woken up.
Neither of them have spoken yet and Brooke’s still stroking at her stomach, so Vanessa shuffles back in her arms just in case she’s still half asleep. She hears Brooke give a stifled yawn on the pillow behind her, hears her breathing shallow out. She’s awake, so Vanessa can take things up a gear. She moves her fingers from her arm to Brooke’s thigh, keeping her touch light and gentle as she traces a little patch of skin just at the outside. She feels Brooke shift against her in response, tries not to think too much about her thighs or what’s in between them because she knows she’ll overwhelm herself, flip round to straddle her and end up begging her to make her come apart. This moment is good. It’s gentle and tense all at once, the pair of them just touching and teasing each other, a mutual understanding even though nothing’s been said. This is different to last night- there’s no awkwardness, there’s no tentativeness, there’s just Brooke’s body wrapped around Vanessa’s and there’s only so many places that situation can lead.  
Vanessa feels Brooke press a small kiss to her shoulder blade and it makes her heart flutter, a hummingbird caged in her ribs. Brooke’s fingers trail a little higher to stroke under the material of her top and Vanessa feels herself melt. She wiggles in Brooke’s lap, knowing how it’ll drive her crazy given the amount of comments the girl’s made about how much she loves her ass and how completely obvious she’s made it. In response, Vanessa feels Brooke sigh against her neck, kissing it once, twice, three times.
Vanessa feels her resolve cracking so she traces a little higher on Brooke’s leg, decides to break the silence. She tries to keep the smirk out of her voice but it’s hard when Brooke bucks against her thigh again. “Good morning.”
Brooke gives a little whine against her neck which makes Vanessa press her thighs together, raising her own hips in an attempt to gain some sort of friction. “Morning.”
Vanessa presses her lips together in a suppressed smile, her next move falling into place in her head. “Y’know, I think I’m gonna get up an’ start gettin’ ready.”
“No,” Brooke whines, the arm around her waist pulling her closer, and Vanessa can hear the pout in her voice. She feels Brooke rub against her thigh again and it’s almost impeding her ability to think straight at this point.
She’s having fun winding her up though and she knows she’ll be able to have Brooke begging for her if she keeps it up, so she attempts to turn around a little to face her. She can’t really manage it, but she doesn’t mind too much. She just wants to see Brooke’s face when she delivers her next line, keeps her tone light and ever-so-slightly mocking. “Why not, boo?”
Vanessa decides to shuffle round, can hear Brooke whine in frustration now that she no longer has something to grind against. When she sees Brooke blushing, biting her lip with her hand now pressed between her thighs, it’s the hottest thing Vanessa has seen in probably years.
Brooke’s still not answered- instead she’s trying to shuffle close to Vanessa, presumably to kiss her, but Vanessa’s enjoying her moment of being in charge, so she lays her hand against Brooke’s chest to stop her and narrows her eyes. “Uh-uh. You gotta tell me why I shouldn’t leave this bed.”
Brooke only blushes harder, and Vanessa’s knocked for six. Brooke is actually shy. This confident, stone-cold goddess is getting embarrassed at the prospect of talking dirty to Vanessa in bed.
Vanessa’s brain is hotwiring.
“Don’t go quiet on me, princess,” Vanessa murmurs, bringing her other hand down to stroke at Brooke’s exposed skin again, this time against the visible strip of her inner thigh. “Can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me what it is.”
“Please…kiss me, fuck-”
Brooke’s barely got the words out when Vanessa bridges the gap between them, meets Brooke’s lips with her own and kisses her softly and gently. She knows Brooke wants more, knows she’s getting herself worked up beside her but Vanessa’s enjoying having the power for now because knowing Brooke it won’t be long before she tries to take it back. When Vanessa pulls away Brooke is pouting, all disappointed that Vanessa’s lips are no longer on hers. Vanessa hears Brooke give a little gasp and then a whine as she takes her hand, the one Brooke’s grinding against, brings it out from between her thighs and places it by her side. There’s an unspoken rule between them that Brooke’s not allowed to replace it.
“Please, ‘Ness,” she pouts, and Vanessa would find it cute if her hands weren’t trailing up and down her waist. Brooke paws at her, needy and desperate, stops to rest her hands on her ass.
“You’re so polite. Such a good girl for me,” Vanessa praises her, kissing her pouty lips and delighting in the way Brooke moans against her. Vanessa strokes her hair with the hand she’s not propping herself up with and she can tell Brooke wants it somewhere else.
“Please,” Brooke says again, her eyelids heavy and her pupils blown. Vanessa feels herself give a small laugh.
“I don’t know what you want, baby.”
“You know what I want, fuck,” Brooke whines, her eyes fluttering closed. She thuds her head against the pillow in frustration, grabs at Vanessa’s ass in an attempt to pull her closer.
“You want me to touch you?” Vanessa murmurs, and Brooke nods her head frantically in response. She trails her hand down Brooke’s neck and down her chest, stops when she sees Brooke’s nipples poking through the satin fabric of her pyjama top. Vanessa bites her lip as she flicks her thumb against one, squeezes her thighs together for the hundredth time when she hears Brooke let out a moan. She teases her slowly and gently, can feel her own breathing deepening as Brooke writhes against the sheets. Brooke’s hand drifts from Vanessa’s ass to the waistband of her own shorts and Vanessa stops touching her, moving her hand to her wrist instead.
“You want me to just sit and watch you touch yourself? Sit here on the bed with you fuckin’ yourself with your fingers instead of letting me fuck you instead?” Vanessa asks her, making sure to keep a warning tone to her voice as she draws away. Brooke whines, instantly ripping her hand out from between her legs and pulling Vanessa close with it instead.
“No, baby, I’ll be good.”
“You gonna be good for me?”
Vanessa feels sorry for her at this point so she lies on her side against the mattress, tucks herself in beside Brooke and traces the skin just above the waistband of her shorts. Brooke is letting out a litany of whines as Vanessa inches her hand under the material, stops and presses a gentle finger against Brooke’s slit. Vanessa feels herself gasp as she feels how wet she is already, slick against her finger and dripping on the inside of her thighs.
“Fuck,” Vanessa whispers, leans in to kiss Brooke’s neck. She’s managed to find herself an actual Aphrodite and she’s never felt more religious in her life. She tilts her head as she slides a finger up to brush against Brooke’s clit, eliciting a gasp from Brooke who bites her lip and squeezes her eyes shut. “What would people say if they knew that Brooke Lynn Hytes, confident, boss-ass, sex-on-legs bitch, turns into a lil’ whiny, bratty, needy princess when she wants to come so badly?”
“Vanessa, please,” Brooke practically sobs in response. Her hips lift high off the mattress as Vanessa rubs little circles against her. Vanessa desperately wants to feel how wet she is again but she’s wondering if she can wind her up even more, so she moves her lips up to whisper in Brooke’s ear.
“Remember when I sent you that message by accident?” Vanessa asks, her voice a low murmur. Brooke hisses in response and Vanessa sees her grab a fistful of the duvet.
“Shit, you know I got myself off to the thought of you lying in bed all wet and needy after you had that dream,” Brooke gasps out, and Vanessa’s eyes fly open in shock. If Brooke didn’t have her knees bent and propped up then she would probably straddle her thigh and try to ride it until she came because God, the idea that Brooke touched herself thinking about her in the morning and then came into the studios and acted as if it had never happened with her afterwards is just too much. Almost as a reward for the information Brooke’s just given her, Vanessa slides a finger inside her and hears Brooke moan in response.  
“Y’know you were the girl from the dream,” Vanessa drops her lips down to Brooke’s neck, kissing it hot and slow as she slides a second finger into Brooke and presses the rest of her hand gently against her clit. Brooke gives a gasp that’s almost sacrilegious.
Brooke is writhing beside her, frantic and desperate and frustrated and Jesus fucking Christ if Vanessa couldn’t just come from the sight of that alone. “Tell me. Tell me what happened.”
So Vanessa whispers in Brooke’s ear about how she’d kissed her, how Brooke had told her how much she’d wanted her, how Vanessa had begged her to touch her and how Brooke had got her off through her underwear, and she hears Brooke gasp and moan and whine in response to each new revelation. Vanessa fucks her gently with her fingers and Brooke is so wet around her that it’s sending her into a frenzy herself. Suddenly, Vanessa has an idea.
“And you told me you thought I would taste good,” Vanessa tells her, tipping her head up a little to gauge Brooke’s reaction.
“Fuck…want to taste you so bad,” Brooke pleads.
All her shyness seems to be gone now that she’s riding Vanessa’s fingers desperately, and even though Vanessa thought shy Brooke was cute, this version of Brooke- the Brooke that knows what she wants, the Brooke that’s loud and vocal and messy- is her favourite. Vanessa gently removes her hand from between Brooke’s legs, ignoring the nearly apocalyptic whine Brooke lets out in response to the lack of contact, and takes Brooke’s hand from where it’s still digging into the duvet. Vanessa shifts a little, spreads her own legs as she guides Brooke’s hand between them, and her heart is almost beating out of her chest as Brooke eagerly brushes two fingers over her, hears her gasp as her fingers slide up her slit easily from how wet she is.
Brooke’s fingers feel like heaven as they push softly inside her, pumping gently, and Vanessa’s moan is cut off by Brooke’s lips against hers. Brooke’s kisses are slow and wet and she teases Vanessa’s tongue with her own as Vanessa bucks her hips underneath her. For a moment, her plan to make Brooke come is thrown into disarray as she thinks maybe she could just lie here and let Brooke tease her and finger her until she does instead.
“Oh my fuckin’ God you feel so good,” Vanessa whispers out in one breath, the way she sounds so broken already making her blush and bite her lip. Brooke’s gaze is dark- she’s watching the way Vanessa bucks her hips up to meet her fingers as they slide out of her, greedy and desperate just like Brooke had been.
“So wet and I never even touched you,” Brooke whispers, the little bit of awe in her voice sending Vanessa into the stratosphere. “You got this worked up over me?”
“You should see how good you look when you wanna come so bad,” Vanessa murmurs back, turning to watch as Brooke takes her fingers and wraps her lips around them, slides them into her mouth and sucks on them.
Every single time Brooke does something new Vanessa thinks it’s the sexiest thing she’s ever seen, so the fact that Brooke’s no longer touching her isn’t helping at all. Brooke’s a goddess though and she wants to worship her properly so Vanessa leans over her, doesn’t even bother trying to manoeuvre around the waistband of Brooke’s shorts this time and instead just trails her fingers up Brooke’s inner thigh, moves the material to one side and teases her again with her fingers. She rubs gently against Brooke’s clit and can hear her breathing coming in short gasps, knows she’s close so Vanessa kisses her, deep and fiery and hot, then murmurs against her lips as Brooke’s hisses and whines get increasingly louder.
“You know once you come I’m gonna let you do whatever you want to me.”
Brooke gasps and Vanessa watches her eyes roll back into their sockets. “Fuck, I’m gonna get you back for teasing me so fucking bad you won’t be able to sit right for a week never mind fucking dance- ah!”
Brooke’s reacted to Vanessa pulling her hand away. Vanessa’s making sure her eyes are dark, giving Brooke a warning. “Is that trash talk, or are you gonna be good for me?”
“Please, Vanessa!” Brooke nearly yells into the room, and Vanessa thinks that perhaps she’s put the poor girl through enough so she replaces her fingers, works Brooke’s clit until she’s gasping beside her, little shudders racking her body.
“‘Ness, I’m gonna- ah!”
As Brooke comes, Vanessa crashes their lips together, and the sound of Brooke’s muffled whines gives her a better high than any drug ever could. When she’s sure Brooke’s finished Vanessa leans back against the mattress, exhausted. Her left side is practically numb from propping herself up, her neck is tense and her right hand is aching but fuck if that hadn’t been the best sex of Vanessa’s life and she hasn’t even come yet.
“You good?” Vanessa asks Brooke once she’s got her breath back. Brooke is on her back, her eyes wide and staring up to the ceiling, her hair plastered all over her face and her chest shiny with sweat. Vanessa watches as she moves her mouth once, twice, trying to come up with something to say and failing.
“I don’t have any words,” she finally says, and Vanessa bursts out laughing beside her. Brooke giggles, then suddenly scowls, reaches behind her head for her pillow and thumps Vanessa with it.
“Hey! What the fuck was that for?”
“You were so mean!” Brooke half-pouts, half-laughs and she leans over Vanessa, cages her in with her arms. Even after sex she still looks incredible in her pyjamas, and Vanessa finds herself rubbing her thighs together, trying and failing to find something to rut against. Brooke obviously notices this and Vanessa watches the little flash in her eyes as she grabs Vanessa’s wrists, pins them above her head in one swift motion.
Vanessa almost dissolves.
“You know I’m used to being in charge, right? That was very out of character for me,” Brooke cocks an eyebrow at her. Vanessa smirks back at her, anticipation building low in her stomach at the thought of Brooke bossing her around and roughing her up a little.
“Well then maybe you need to put me in my place.”
When Brooke straddles her, leans down and meets her lips in a kiss, Vanessa feels as if she’s made entirely of embers and flames. She pulls away and Vanessa realises that she’s tugging her pyjama bottoms off so Vanessa brings her knees up to her chest to help make things easier. Once they’re off Vanessa’s heart crashes against her ribcage as Brooke takes her legs and spreads them apart quickly, her palms holding Vanessa’s thighs down. As Brooke leans between her thighs Vanessa tangles one hand in her hair, her heart rate rising in anticipation as she feels herself throb. She waits for the contact of Brooke’s tongue, tipping her head back against the pillow.
It doesn’t come. Instead, she hears Brooke’s voice.
“You know, maybe I’m tired now after you played with me so much earlier. Maybe I just need to go back to sleep.”
Vanessa brings her head back up in shock and looks at Brooke’s face. She’s got a glint in her eye and a smug smile on her lips and Vanessa has never wanted to kiss the smirk off her face more. As much as she thinks the girl is a goddess, there’s no way she’s giving her what she wants that easily. “Uh-uh. I ain’t beggin’ you, Brooke.”
Brooke raises her eyebrows lazily, lightly scratches her nails down the insides of Vanessa’s thighs and in turn making her rapidly regret her last comment because she knows she’s going to be yelling Brooke’s name in probably a matter of minutes once she puts her mouth on her. “That’s some awfully big talk from someone who moments ago was trying to grind against air.”
“But I know you wanna feel how wet I am an’ hear what I sound like when I’m about to come,” Vanessa whispers, bucking her hips up because Brooke’s touching every little bit of her except the place she needs the contact most and it’s starting to kill her very slowly. “You want me ridin’ your face.”
Vanessa sees Brooke blink slowly, the composure and power she’s just built up wavering just a little. Then she makes eye contact again, presses kisses up Vanessa’s inner thigh that make her feel as if she’s burning up.
“Yeah,” Brooke murmurs against Vanessa’s skin, punctuating her sentence with kisses. “But I also know that I want to hear you beg me for it, and you’re not going to come until you ask me nicely.”
“Fuck,” Vanessa whines, letting her head thud against the pillow. She regrets teasing Brooke so badly. Actually she doesn’t at all, but her behaviour is coming back to bite her and it’s not fun. She’s shocked into a gasp as Brooke licks up her slit, the contact gone almost as soon as it’s there. “Brooke, baby, c’mon, this ain’t fair.”
“Is it not? I think it’s perfectly fair,” Brooke laughs softly and traces patterns into her inner thighs that make Vanessa want to scream. “I had to be a good girl for you, now you have to be one for me.”
“Honestly you could be doing whatever you want to me right now an’ all you want is for me to say fuckin’ please?” Vanessa hisses, frustrated and incredulous and ready to fucking explode.
“I want you to be good for me. Good girls use their manners.”
As if to drive her point home Brooke kisses up her thigh and then licks against her again, too much and not enough all at once. Vanessa needs Brooke’s mouth and her tongue and her lips and so her resolve cracks all too quickly like a sheet of ice.
“Okay, okay, okay, God fucking damn it…please, Brooke.”
“Can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me what it is,” Brooke replies instantly. The bitch is using Vanessa’s own words against her for her own gain and it’s infuriating Vanessa as she bucks her hips in the air, writhes against the mattress.
“Want you to use your mouth, fuck, please.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
All at once Vanessa feels as if she’s been shot out of a cannon because when Brooke’s tongue finally licks at her clit slowly and gently Vanessa thinks she’s ascending to heaven at about a million miles per hour. When Vanessa brings her hand back to tangle in Brooke’s hair, Brooke takes her wrist and holds it down with one hand, putting her even more in control. Vanessa can still use her hips though and she does exactly what she said she was going to do- rides Brooke’s face as her tongue brings her closer and closer to the edge and makes her even more wet than she’d been in the first place. Vanessa would probably feel embarrassed at how much she’s writhing and whining and moaning underneath Brooke if her mouth didn’t feel so fucking perfect, and with every flick and swirl of her tongue Vanessa feels more and more like a raging fire that needs to be put out.  
“Brooke Lynn, fuck, you’re gonna make me fuckin’-”
Brooke’s nails dig into her thighs as Vanessa comes with a loud cry, the blaze burning her up finally extinguished. Vanessa sinks back into the pillows and Brooke simply relaxes with her head against Vanessa’s stomach. It makes her wish that they could just spend all day in their hotel room and learn each other’s bodies, figure out everything the other likes in the space of a single day.
“Wish we didn’t have to get up,” Brooke sighs against her skin, presses a kiss to her stomach which makes it flutter. Vanessa smiles lazily, laces their fingers together which makes Brooke smile in turn. Brooke’s voice is soft as she keeps talking. “So was that, um…good? For you?”
Vanessa starts giggling, gives Brooke a gentle kick with her foot. “Jesus, dare you to sound any more like a 19 year old boy who just lost his virginity.”
Brooke gives an offended cry, plants her lips to Vanessa’s stomach and blows a giant raspberry against her skin that makes her howl with laughter and curl in on herself like a woodlouse.
Vanessa fights through her laughter. “Oh my God okay, okay! I’m sorry. Of course it was good, fuckin’ amazing. The whole fuckin’ buildin’ prolly knows how good it was, think I damn near yelled the place down.”
“Not entirely great for the whole keeping-us-on-the-down-low thing, though.”
“I guess you’d know, havin’ just spent a decent amount of time on the down low,” Vanessa wiggles her eyebrows and causes Brooke to yelp a laugh.
Charmed by the other woman’s reaction, Vanessa gently slides herself out from underneath her and steals the duvet to wrap around herself as she crosses the short distance to the window and pulls the string on the blinds to open them up. She smiles as she’s greeted by the seafront view: the sea icy but blue under the sunny November sky, the golden sand of the beach, the little rattle of the tram that’s making its way along the waterfront. The smile is still on Vanessa’s face as she turns to take in the sight of Brooke still splayed out on the mattress. She’s got that post-sex glow with the light hitting her toned skin and her hair all messed up around her face like a scribble of a halo.
Vanessa feels a tug on her heart, a longing even though she knows Brooke is hers.
“Welcome to Blackpool, baby. Let’s get those tens.”
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jamesdeerest · 4 years
1, 34, 43 with james if you’d like 🌻💓
one: “maybe we should just kiss to break the tension”
thirty four: “you probably hate me now…” “aw no, i’ve hated you since we met”
forty three: “hypothetically speaking, would you, or would you not, accept my hand in marriage?” “y/n we’re not even dating?”
“You’re such a cocky arse, Potter!” you hissed, getting right in his face as you shot daggers at him. 
“See, you say that, but the way you’re blushing makes me think that I have something to be cocky about, no?” James smirked, eyeing your flushed cheeks which flushed even further at his comment.
“It’s from the game, you twat. Unlike some people, I take being Quidditch Captain seriously!”
James snorted. “But not seriously enough to get your team to win. Y/N, I’m not letting you back out now. A deal’s a deal.”
You gritted your teeth, trying to stop your hands from squeezing around the Gryffindor’s neck. “Fuck off with your deals, Potter, I’m not doing it.”
James slid in front of you, grabbing your shoulders. “Okay, first off, yes you are, and secondly, what’s got you so grumpy, Y/N?” At your silence, he gasped. “Is it us? You know what, I think we’re finally on the same page: maybe we should just kiss to break the tension, you know?”
Your jaw dropped, and you smacked him round the head. “Serious question, Potter, what drugs are you taking?!”
James pressed a hand to his chest in mock offense, shaking his head. “No drugs, Y/N. Just sexy juice every morning. Speaking of juice, I will see you tomorrow in the Great Hall. 8:30. Don’t be late.”
You had a permanent scowl on your face the next day from the minute you woke up, dreading what was to come. Ignoring your roommates’ questions, you steeled yourself for the inevitable humiliation.
James’ eyes lit up as you entered, and your mood only worsened at the inevitable butterflies that sprang up at his smile. You resignedly walked over to where he was sitting, grabbed a jug of water and his spoon, and whacked them against each other until the whole hall was silent, looking at you expectantly.
You then turned to James, getting down on one knee, and producing a box with a Haribo ring in it. “Hypothetically speaking, would you, or would you not, accept my hand in marriage?” You asked, forcing yourself to look into his stupid handsome smirking face.
James gasped, pressing his hands to his cheeks. “But, Y/N, we’re not even dating?”
The hall erupted in laughter, and you stood up, cheeks burning, glaring at him until everyone returned to their conversations. Fighting back the tears that threatened to fall, you shoved the cardboard box into his chest. “Happy now?” you snarled, before turning around and storming out, breakfast the last thing on your mind. 
James raised an eyebrow, before turning around and sitting down, only to be whacked on the shoulder by first Remus, then Sirius. “Ow! What the hell was that for?!”
Remus groaned, rolling his eyes. “How dumb can you get? She likes you, you dumbass, everyone knows that, and then you just humiliated her in front of the whole school.”
James’ eyes widened. “She likes me?! Y/N hates me, anyone could tell you that. I think I’d notice if Y/N liked me.”
Sirius snorted. “James, you’re the most oblivious idiot I’ve ever met. I’m not surprised she likes you, considering you’re bloody flirting with her all the time.”
James stared at him, taken aback. “With Y/N? No, I’m always flirting with Lily.”
Peter sighed in frustration. “Prongs, you just ask out Lily to annoy her. Anyone can see how you smile when Y/N comes in the room.”
James paused, thinking about it, before realising. “Oh, shit. I’ve gone and fucked everything up, haven’t I?”
Remus patted him on the shoulder. “What’re you going to do about it?” James nodded, and stood up, before Remus tugged his sleeve. “Tip: check the Astronomy Tower.” James nodded gratefully, and ran out the hall after you, clutching the stupid cardboard box in his hand.
After running up the stairs to the tower, he stopped at the top, panting, before spotting your shoes peeking out the doorway. He cautiously walked in. “Y/N?”
Your eyes widened, and you attempted to stand up, but he forced you back down, sitting next to you on the floor.
He grabbed your hand, fiddling with the cardboard box in his other. “Hey.”
You snorted, furiously brushing away a tear. “Hi.”
The silence choked the room for a moment, before you tugged your hand away from his. “Look, James, why are you here?”
He sighed, reaching to grip your hand again. “Look, I know you probably hate me now…”
You scoffed, pulling your hand away more forcefully. “Aw, no, I’ve hated you since we met.”
James raised an eyebrow at you. “Well, we both know that isn’t true.”
You froze. Fuck. “What are you talking about, James?”
For once in his life, James had the good sense to backtrack. “Okay. It’s not returned on my end. I, for one, quite like you.”
You laughed bitterly. “Really.”
James nodded, with a rare sincerity. “In fact, I would go as far to say that I like like you.”
You choked on air, staring at him in disbelief. “Pardon?”
“I said, I would go as far to say that-”
“You like me?!” 
James nodded. “So you did hear. On that note,” at this, he crawled in front of you, opening up the little cardboard box with the Haribo ring still inside, “would you do me the honour of accompanying me to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
You stared at him, blankly. “But- what about Lily?”
James shrugged. “What about Lily? I liked her once, but after that it was just about the chase. Sirius said it, I smile when you enter the room. I look forward to us arguing about the smallest things, because I love to hear your voice. And as much as I like playing you in Quidditch, I like it more when I’m not playing, because then I can focus on you. I really like you, Y/N, and I’m sorry it took me so long to realise it. So, I offer you this humble Muggle sweet in the hope that it will convince you to go on a date with me, which thinking about it is a bit of a shit idea, but-”
James stopped his tangent when you reached out, and slid the ring onto your finger, giving him a small smile, before getting up and holding out your hand to him. “Come on, loverboy. I haven’t had breakfast.”
James held up your hand as you entered the hall together, his mere presence drawing eyes to the two of you. “She said yes!” he yelled, before wincing as you landed a sharp jab to his ribs. “Careful, Y/N, people will think you don’t like me.”
“Fuck off, Potter.”
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woahwizzie · 4 years
sanders sides secondary school au??
I love me a good high school au, I really do, but when I have no idea what’s going on because I’m British and our school systems are nothing alike, its mildly off-putting. So I present to you, a secondary school au! I’ll come up with a plot eventually but rn this is what y’all get. Let it be known that I don’t proofread ever
they’re all year 11, so 15-16
logan: took triple science, geography, german, and computer science. look at my boy getting his e-bacc I’m so proud
patton: took childcare, art, geography, and dance
roman: took drama, history (because they don’t make musicals about geography), art, hairdressing
virgil: took drama, art, music, and French. He took 3 arts so he has a metric tonne of coursework and hasn’t slept for four years
janus: took philosophy and ethics (that shit is his jam(us)), drama, dance, triple science
remus: took art, childcare (to everyone’s shock and mild fear), triple science, german
pairings: intrulogical, royality, anxeit
royality would be the ones constantly making out, y’all know the ones don’t pretend you don’t
intrulogical is the pair that everyone thinks will end horribly but they actually have a very stable relationship thank you very much 
anxeit is constantly doing dumb shit together, smoking on the field, hopping the fence over to the graveyard and popping to nisa for haribos at lunch, setting off the fire alarms during class etc 
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friskbeet · 4 years
[ID: a series of Hazbin Hotel written story on Youtube:
Charlie yawned loudly as she slowly walked into the hotel lobby, a cup of hot cocoa in hand. She rubbed her eye and sat on the couch, grabbing the remote off the table. She silently thanked Alastor and his redesign of the hotel. A new couch and television was more than needed but she was still grateful. 
 She flipped through some channels and blinked at the front of the hotel on the news, the bright 'Hazbin Hotel' sign on the screen. Straightening up, she smiled widely and turned up the volume. 
And then, Katie Killjoy began speaking. 
 Katie had that wide, toothy grin on her face as she spoke, papers gripped tighty in her hands. "And onto our latest news, it seems Hamburger Hotel is slowly gaining traction!" 
 Tom laughed, shaking his head. "No, no, it's called Trashbin Hotel, Katie!" 
 Katie merely laughed, a short, grating noise. "It's definitely Choking Hazard Hotel." 
 Tom waved his hand. "More like Hazbin Hotshit." 
 Katie grinned. "What did Bob call it last night? Shitfuck Manor? Shitbin BnB? Shartbin Motel?”
 Tom laughed, leaning back in his chair. "It's more like the Hotel That Has."
 Katie's head tilted to the side, her neck snapping loudly. "Has what, Tom?" 
Tom snickered. "Herpes! Might as well rename it Herpes Hotel!" 
 Katie laughed, shkaing her head slightly. "Well it is quite the Garbagebin Hotel!" 
Charlie sunk down into the cushions as she listened to them insult the hotel. Hagbin Hotel, Hazy Hopscotch, Radio Trashbin, Horseshit Hootel, Hazeebie Hotel, Hoo Hah Hot-Hell Motel, Haribo Hotel, Buttbin Hotel were few amongst the many others. She was nearly in tears and her hot cocoa had gone cold by the time Vaggie wandered out. 
 Vaggie frowned as she looked between Charlie and the television and sat down, gently hugging her shoulders and guiding the mug out of her hands to set it on the coffee table. "Oh no, what's wrong, sweetie?" 
 Charlie sniffled and hugged her waist, tucking her face in Vaggie's shoulder. "They're being so cruel." 
 Vaggie kissed her temple and looked up at the television, frowning as she rubbed Charlie's back. 
Katie and Tom were currently talking about the residents. And they were having fun, that was for sure. 
 Katie was currently talking. "Oh, they all look like eyebleeding neon demons! Especially, oh, what's the ugly little minions name? Niffty?" 
 Tom cackled, shaking his head. "Oh no, you definitely mean the whore spider who does crack. Angel Cake?"
 Katie snickered. "Oh yes, Angelo, the 'Spidie-Man'. It's not a mystery if the whole place is infested with STD's!" 
 The camera man audibly laughed and then called out, "How about that ugly manager? Vannie? Valian? Viagra?" 
 Katie grinned, leaning in with her chin in her hands. "Oh, yes, Valerie, Venus, Valentine, Vionna, Virge, Valian, whatever the ugly little moth is called. She can absolutely rot for all anyone cares!" 
Tom nodded. "It's really a mystery why Charlotte doesn't just dump her for someone better." 
 Katie snorted, rolling her eyes. "Oh, yes, Charlotte. Lucifer knows she's probably sucking on that stupid bean pole predatory eye bleeding bitch Asslester's cock. He could choke on his dumb fork antlers." 
 Tom sipped his coffee, sighing softly. "She must be sleeping with Alan Staron for him to willingly help her. No one gets a demon like him just by being 'cute'!" 
 Katie twitched. "Uh huh, cut to commercial!" 
 Vaggie turned off the tv as the news ended, frowning as Charlie sobbed loudly into her shoulder. "Oh, babe, I'm so sorry. They're shit reporters anyway." 
Angel Dust frowned deeply as he lingered in the doorway, all of his arms crossed. "They're lower than shit, honestly. C'mon, Charlie, perk up. It's weird, seein' you cry like this." 
Charlie clung to Vaggie, practically wailing. Vaggie held her tightly and rubbed her back, gently swaying her side to side. Angel shifted and sat on the arm on the couch, awkwardly patting Charlie's back. 
Charlie sniffled as she slowly calmed down, rubbing her eyes. "Let's get cleaned up and get ready. Hopefully we'll get some new guests!" 
 Vaggie smiled softly, lightly kissing her. "Let's do it, babe."
End of ID]
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highdwightofmylife · 4 years
which killers do you think are fond of sweets and which killers do you think dislike sweets? (also those that like sweets what do you think their favorite sweets are/were)
Killers And Sweets
Evan / Trapper is not a fan. They’re too sugary. Just not fun. 
Max / Hillbilly has never really… Tasted ‘em. They’re a luxury he never really had access to. If you introduce them to him now, the taste of the sugar will really confuse him. A few more tastes later, and… Boy’s hooked. If you thought he went fast normally, this boy fucking straight up becomes a blur. Sugar highs are real, and you find that out with Max. He will eat anything with sugar on now. Anything. You could put sugar on a stick and this boy will fucking swallow the whole thing.
Philip / Wraith used to occasionally eat lollipops on the job back when he was… Human. Imagine him strollin’ round the gas haven with a lolly hanging outta his mouth. His favourites are apple! And he really like the sour ones! 
Sally / Nurse doesn’t really care. She’s more into things like cakes than actual… Sweets. She won’t say no if you offer her liquorice though. 
Herman / Doctor is like Philip, in the fact that lollipops??? They’re his jam. He adores them. All flavours. He literally always has one on him at any given time. He’s become the master at ripping the wrappers clean off with his teeth. He’s low-key addicted to them now. Once downed a surivor, leaned over them, asked them if they wanted a lollipop. Dwight, very confused, squeaked out yes, not wanting to offend him. Herman casually unwraps it for him and hands it over. “Open wide,” he says. Dwight, scared out of his wits, obeys. Herman puts the lolly in Dwight’s mouth. And then fucking mori’s him. 
Lisa / Hag doesn’t like ‘em. She doesn’t like the sweet taste. She prefers something way more… Meaty. And even before she became what she is today, she didn’t really have access to really sugary stuff.
Demogorgon doesn’t give two shits. This thing. This dude. This absolute unit. He’d eat a fucking license plate if you threw it at him. Taste means nothing. It’s just insatiable hunger. You know those article stories about sharks being found with fucking all sorts of random shit in their stomachs? That’s Demo.
Michael / Shape is sweet fiend. No sweet is safe around this man. He doesn’t eat proper meals and when a burst of energy presents itself, of course he’s going to take it. The taste of sugar fuels him. He will snatch sweets out of your hand. He raids cupboards of houses he unlawfully enters. If there is a sweet in the area, he will find it. Likes chocolate things the most though.
Danny / Ghostface is a big fan of sweets, but in controlled quanities. He isn’t going to binge on them. He likes jelly sweets the most, and you can often see him chewing on ‘em as he reads or flips through his pictures.
Frank / Legion will inhale an entire bag of sweets within a minute and then complain that nobody is sharing with him despite the fact he probably ate the majority of their share too. Sour sweets and beer is his jam. 
Susie / Legion adores lollipops. So much. Also marshmallows. Also chocolate. Okay, she’ll eat everything. Fight her. She’s the person that’s eating a lollipop with a glass of juice or soda beside her and you see her pause, think… And then dip her lolly into the drink just to see how it tastes.
Julie / Legion is queen
Joey / Legion likes chocolate most. Curled up on a couch playing dumb retro games with a chocolate bar hanging out of his mouth. that’s his vibe.
Anna / Huntress is not a big fan, but if you give her a sour sweet, you’ll get to watch a very delayed reaction. Like a cat licking ice.
Adiris / Plague has no idea what the fuck sweets are. And if you introduced her, she’s not a fan. It’s too much for her taste buds. Can’t vibe with it. Can tolerate very plain cake, but… Not sweets. Maybe a haribo you’ve somehow sucked the taste out of. Don’t ask.
Rin / Spirit is big fan! Loves ‘em. Hours of studying with a bag of sweets hidden in a desk. 
Kazan / Oni never really had ‘em. But he will be super curious if you give them to him now! He’s down to try anything! Don’t give him anything sour though. Don’t. He reacts… Very poorly. You might get punched as an accidental reaction to the sour.
Caleb / Deathslinger doesn’t care and doesn’t want ‘em. Not a fan. They’re tolerable, but he ain’t liking them. You can, however, convince him to get hooked on those candy cigarettes. 
Kenneth / Clown sometimes mixes sherbet with alcohol for no reason. If you ask him he’s like “gives it a kick”. He looks coked up to all hell sometimes but it’s literally just. White sherbet. 
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narryblossom · 5 years
12 for the surprise dabble!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a kind of sad one!!!!! dang!!!
“Oh, Niall’s coming, by the way.”
Harry freezes, his fingers stilling in the murky sink water as he searches for the last dirty spoon.
“Is he?” he asks softly. His voice is tense and it hardly comes out at all, but Gemma, standing just beside him, still hears.
“Yeah. He said his flight got cancelled ‘cause of the snow so he couldn’t make it home. I told him he was more than welcome to come see us; he’s gonna be here around six.”
Harry takes even breaths, trying way too hard to seem casual as he finally grabs the spoon and scrubs it slowly.
“Why were you even talking to him?”
“I just mean, like, how did it come up? Like, did he just call you out of nowhere, or…?”
“I was friends with him, too, Harry,” Gemma says. She tries to make Harry look at her when she takes he spoon from him, pausing so that they’re both holding on at the same time, but he refuses to meet her gaze.
“I know,” he mumbles, pulling the plug out of the drain. He watches the water spiral away and just hears Gemma over the gurgle as she walks away to put the spoon in the drawer.
“He was asking after you. He does sometimes.”
“Me?” Harry asks, moving full speed again as he turns around to pursue Gemma out of the kitchen. “Why didn’t he just ask me?”
“You don’t answer his messages.”
“I don’t get his messages.
“He still sends them,” she says, stopping at the bottom of the stairs to turn and look Harry in the eye now that he was finally interested. “It’s not his fault if you don’t check them.”
Harry shrugged one shoulder awkwardly. “He’s set as priority, I dunno why I wouldn’t get messages from him.”
“Well you’ve got plenty of time to figure it out in your email settings before he gets here.”
Harry feels guilty when Gemma walks away ‘cause he knows he gets all of Niall’s messages– the notifications for them, at least, but he always swipes them away so they don’t clog up his screen and then he never remembers to check them. He used to get lots of them, but they’re not so common anymore.
Harry sits in the living room and searches his apps for messages from Niall until his mum gets home from work. There’s a few posts in his Instagram inbox, some DMs on Twitter, a couple hundred notifications for the One Direction Whatsapp group, and Harry’s personal email has an entire folder of messages from Niall, most of them already opened from past holidays and events, but any sent this summer and on all sit unopened.
Anne’s home right at 3:30 like usual, and Harry greets her at the door with a hug like he did when he was in primary school; Anne doesn’t ask questions, of course she doesn’t. She’s just happy her son is finally home for a holiday.
“Niall’s coming over later,” he tells her, and she already knows.
“He told me this morning. I told him he’s always welcome round our house; he’s like a second son to me.”
She goes into the kitchen to check on the roast she told her kids to start that afternoon, and Harry follows at her heels.
“You talk to Niall behind my back, too?”
“Behind your back, love?” she asks in such a tone that Harry doesn’t even have to look at her to know that her eyebrows are raised. “I didn’t know I was doing anything behind your back. You and Niall are friends, aren’t you?”
Harry steps back, shuffles over to the fridge to see what alcohol is available for him to drink himself through tonight, and doesn’t answer his mum’s question.
“What?” he asks, turning around.
“Why wouldn’t you be friends with Niall anymore? You were mad about him when you were in a band together.”
“Mum, I wasn’t mad about him–”
“Oh, you know what I mean.”
But that’s the thing, though. Harry was mad about Niall, wasn’t he? And who’s to say it won’t all come rushing back the second Niall pulls him in for a tight hug and he smells so good and feels so warm that Harry doesn’t wanna let go.
The words bubble up in his chest, like Harry wants to come clean and tell his mum right then and there that he actually was mad for Niall, like in love with Niall, especially toward the end, but he can’t make himself do it ‘cause one she knows– or at least when her suspicions are confirmed– there will be no way anyone can hide it from Niall when he’s right in front of them.
Instead Harry goes upstairs to take a shower, and by the time he’s out after belting several lovesongs later, it’s already nearly five.
Harry sits around in his room, one towel around his waist and one around his head, for another twenty minutes deciding what to wear, before he finally just pulls on fitted black sweatpants and a nice looking sweater over one of his branded t-shirts. He can’t put too much work into his outfit just because Niall is coming over, but he still wants to look nice so Niall might look at him and think he’s grown up well since the last time they really got to sit down together for more than a passing hello at festivals and concerts.
“Haribo, come help us finish dinner,” Gemma says from the other side of his bedroom door, and even after Harry crosses the room to leave, she’s still standing there.
“Ahh, casual but put together, I see. That’s a nice approach; I’m sure he’ll like it.”
“What? I’m not doing anything for him, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Mhm,” she smirks, “I’m sure. C’mon then, you’ve gotta finish the bread.”
Harry does finish the bread, which really only involved putting it in the oven to let it bake for the last half hour before Niall comes over. Harry spends the whole time pretending like his heart isn’t pounding in his chest, but it absolutely does. He sings Christmas songs with his family and dances around and loses himself for a little while until the doorbell rings and then his mouth dries up so fast he nearly chokes.
“Why don’t you go answer it, Harry?” Anne suggests, and Harry agrees and runs to the door– in a nonchalant way, of course. Totally. Completely like the nonchalant way he throws himself at Niall and hugs him tight as soon as he sees him.
“Hazza!” Niall says, hugging him back tightly. “It’s so good to see you, man! What have you been up to?”
“Sitting around writing songs, you know. Nothing much.”
“Nothing much?” Niall asks, pushing Harry back to an arm’s length. “Nothing like co-chairing the Met Gala or being a Gucci model or being a producer of a TV show or anything. Nothing much,” he laughs, and Harry laughs too because everything feels easy with Niall.
“Come in,” Harry says, wrapping his arm around Niall’s shoulders, “Mum and Gemma are excited to see you.”
“What, you’re not excited to see me?” Niall jokes, closing the door behind him and kicking off his boots by the door.
“I am,” Harry chuckles, “very much so.”
“Good.” Niall wraps his arm around Harry’s back and they walk together to the kitchen.
“Something smells fantastic in here, ladies,” Niall says, leaving Harry’s side to hug Anne and Gemma, mumbling nice hellos against their cheeks. Harry feels lonely as soon as Niall isn’t beside him and knows immediately that he is so fucked.
Even so, Harry only does a few embarrassing things that night, like force his way to sit beside Niall even if someone was already there, over excitedly insist that he was on Niall’s team when they played Scrabble, and maybe or maybe not get a bit too wine drunk and suggest that Niall stay the night in Harry’s room since Harry hung mistletoe over his bed “if you know what I mean.”
Luckily Anne wasn’t in the room for that last one, and Niall just laughed and laughed without saying much.
“I oughta be getting home,” Niall says far too soon, peeling a very cuddly Harry off of him. “It’s getting a bit late and– you know.”
“But you could just go in the morning,” Harry says, grabbing Niall’s hand.
“Why don’t you walk me out to my car, H?” Niall suggests, wiggling his hand free.
“But I don’t have shoes on.”
“Well,” Niall drawls, “why don’t you put shoes on while I go tell your mum and your sister goodbye?”
“Good idea,” he nods.
Harry’s still struggling to get his arm in his coat when Niall meets him by the door. Niall helps him with only a tiny chuckle and even zips the coat all the way up to his throat for him.
“It was good to see you, Harry,” Niall says as they head out the door.
“You too,” Harry nods. “Really nice seeing you.”
“I’m still in town for a few more days if you wanna meet up again. I keep trying to talk to you, but I guess you’re not getting my messages.”
“I’m bad at replying ‘cause I don’t know what to say,” Harry actually says out loud despite the fact that he meant to keep it in his head.
“Why wouldn’t you know what to say?” Niall asks as they crunch across the salted driveway to Niall’s car.
“I’m nervous.”
“Why are you nervous?” Niall laughs. “It’s just me, Harry. You’ve said dumb shit to me for years.”
“I know but, like… It’s different.”
“Why is it different?”
“‘Cause I don’t know what to say around you anymore.”
“H, I’m still me–”
“I know. That’s why it’s hard, ‘cause you’re you and I like you.”
“What, so you wanna impress me or something? You do that every day, H. You’re like the best person I know; you’re making everyone else look bad.” Niall laughs and leans on his car even though it’s so cold that they can see their breath in clouds between them. Harry just digs his hands into his pockets and shrugs.
It’s probably not the right time to tell Niall how he feels about him, Harry thinks. “Probably never will be.”
“Never will be what?”
“The time to tell you how– oh, I– um…” Harry stutters, completely blanking on what to say. Niall watches him expectantly, but when Harry doesn’t say anything else, he stands up with a small sigh.
“It’s really cold. I should be going.”
“Yeah… I should go back inside.”
“Give us another hug, then,” Niall says, pulling Harry in by his shoulders.
“I miss you,” Harry sighs.
“I miss you, too, H. Call me sometime.”
“I will,” Harry promises, and he hopes it’s a promise he won’t break.
“Love you,” he adds.
“Love you, too, buddy,” Niall says.
Harry doesn’t have it in him to say more.
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25thjuly · 6 years
Questions Part 1 (26/01/2018)
angel; favorite album of all time?
Halsey’s Badlands & Room 93. Post Malone’s Stoney. Lil Soda Boi’s From Me, with Love. The 1975′s ILIWYS. Lana Del Rey’s Born To Die (paradise edition). 
honey; are you a very affectionate person?
God no, i hate people touching me. I can only hug other people and even then its awkward and uncomfortable. I only like hugs from one person when i’m sad because i know a bitch comforting me. Other than that, don’t touch me, don’t look at me either.
moonlight;  do you enjoy museums?
Yeah lol, the last time i went was when i was 16 though. I didn’t go to college because i was having a breakdown about Allison Argent’s Death. There was obviously other things in the mix but that was what hurt me, still does to be honest. We went to the one in town and they thought my brother was my dad. There was a name in the book that said Nigel with no explanation so we came up with a theory that it was a ghost. It was a fun day, but now i remember how sad i was, so im sad now. 
roses;  what does love feel like to you? describe it!
Love feels.. sad in a way. Not in a all the time way, because that’s not really love. But you’re sad to be away from them, you feel down at the thought of losing them, but you don’t believe they’ll hurt you. If you think they will, either go to therapy because that’s not healthy, or leave the relationship if its just that person. Whatever, i’m sidetracked, but basically it makes you feel warm. Like you know how the sun feels when you’re in your back garden and its summer, and the sun is setting. Its like that, but in your heart. It feels like how happy i am, when i see the moon. It feels safe, it feels good. You just know when it hits and you’re so happy and you just smile thinking about them you know!? I’m probably not making sense but i know what i mean.
shimmer; zodiac sign?
I’m a Leo but that will never really change. I feel like i’m lowkey cancer though if i could choose. Or at least i’m a Cancer-Leo cusp. Not that astrology is real but idk its fun to read sometimes. I did a buzzfeed quiz about which sign is your soulmate? and i got Capricorn. I feel like that is accurate though. I think i’m meant to end up with either a Capricorn, or an Aries.
princess; have you ever been to disneyland? if so, favorite ride?
I haven’t, no. I used to want to go once when i was a kid because i saw an advert for it. My family never really went on vacations, and if we did it would be in the country. We couldn’t really afford it. It makes me sad to say that because my family are wonderful, though i may not always get on with them, i do love them. When i say it makes me sad i mean that I wish we could’ve travelled but we were too poor. People talk about their family vacations with such pride and i never got to do that, and it felt like i missed out, and when i told them my family and I don’t go on vacations, they always looked at me in pity. It made me feel bad about myself, like why couldn’t i go, what did i do wrong? why was my family seen as less because we don’t have money? Being poor as a kid does shit to you. No-one ever really talks about it but its sad. My family didn’t have it bad or anything, we lived in a okay town, in a nice, but old, neighbourhood. We were lucky in the sense that we had a home and that we had each other. But growing up i was always scared of being homeless and starving. I see the way people treat the homeless and it breaks my heart. My dad would always treat me with food, and cheap clothes as i was growing up. I don’t know whether it’s a i want you to have what i never had growing up, or if it was a you’re my only daughter and i want to spoil you, or it was a you’re being bullied at school and if i buy you a bag of haribos, maybe it wont hurt you thing. (It did hurt me by the way).
cherry; have you ever been to a psychic?
I haven’t and i can’t say i ever will. I did write a script about this fake psychic when i was like 17, it was really political and was about cultural appropriation and systematic racism. My teacher was political also and we had the same-ish views, so i knew she’d read it and enjoy it.I was really political when i was 16-18. I got tired of constant debates. It’s draining after a while. I think i was really into politics because i was trying to figure out my sexuality, and it helped to know there was a whole community of lesbians/bisexual women who were passionate and caring so i merged myself in them. But back to psychics, i don’t really think their is psychics. I mean i remember this post i read on tumblr when i was like 12 or some shit and it was talking about how we’ve lived life before, but when we die, we meet god, and we live another life. Basically every human on earth, is the same soul, but obviously with different opinions/backstories. It blew my mind and i still think about it to this day. What i’m trying to say is you know when we get deja vu? it’s like that but we know the memory that were going through again, because we saw it as a different person in that situation. it probably is dumb and as far as incorrect as possible, but its a fun theory about life i guess.
magic; favorite film?
My favourite film would be Golden Compass. I saw it when i was like 8 and i was obsessed. The main girl, Lyra, was 12 and i was (looking back) in love with her. No doubt. Her and Pam the ferret i think it was, were who i wanted to be (and be with). i saw it with my parents and i got it on dvd. I had a little compass toy that i loved so much and i’m still sad that i got rid of it. We (me and my parents) did this test online, about what is your daemon, which is like this little animal that lives with you, and you’re soul connected i believe, and whatever pain each other feels, you both feel it. I remember getting a spider, and it ran across the screen and i wet myself (not literally) i was terrified i hate them so much. Never did that quiz again.
starlight;  have you ever written a love letter?
I have i guess? I used to write letters to my first girlfriend because she lived far away and idk it was cute to me. I love getting letters that people have wrote. I wont tell anyone that but i really do. I want someone i love to write me one deep down. However, i would say i have, i used to write her stories as well. they were about her being a princess, and it was quite cute, probably not good writing at all though.
velvet; do you enjoy horror films?
Yes! dear god yes! I was obsessed with them you have no idea. Right, so when i was 17 for my first project in my class i was writing a horror movie script, blah blah blah, i watched horror movies for research (that’s how kind my teacher was) and i couldn’t stop. I was watching one a day at least and it was so good. Even the bad ones were entertaining. I stopped after a while though because i was really paranoid someone was following me, and every time i walked around a corner/opened a door, i braced myself for there to be a murderer standing their, ready to kill me. That’s i think when i knew it wasn’t good for me. Can’t tell when anything else is though.
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haribojam · 4 months
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I KNOW I DID THIS MEME ALREADY but this one fits better
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haribojam · 1 year
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Butch actually looking cute instead of doing his default serious or smug face 24/7
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haribojam · 6 months
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haribojam · 1 year
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Bisexual Wally goes hard
Feel free to screenshot
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haribojam · 1 year
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haribojam · 1 year
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