magpiewords · 6 years
Group Chat Headcanons
Tony is the king of double texting. He will send fifteen text in a row. He never sends a snapchat without a geo-filter or sticker on it.
Rhodey uses proper punctuation and capitalization. He is the only one to do so. He is the most likely person to use all caps though.
Sam is the only other one to use capitalization but that’s because he hasn’t turned off that part of autocorrect on his phone. Like Tony, he says a lot. Unlike Tony, Sam will do it in one huge paragraph of text.
Bucky uses emojis. All. The. Time.
Thor picked up text talk way faster than anyone expected. He’s bordering on 1337 speak now and it’s kind of weird.
Steve cannot figure out emojis no matter how many times they’re explained to him. He has the best snapchats tho. He is also the most likely person to accidentally text the group when he means to text one person.
Clint is the second most likely person to do this. He is also second most likely to use all caps.
Natasha exclusively uses the group chat for jokes. She has never once sent something serious. The chat is rarely used for serious things anyway, but when Sam’s planning dinner or Thor is telling dramatic tales of his travels, she’s just radio silent.
Bruce constantly loses his phone. Tony figured out how to put the full OS in watch form, but he still sometimes loses that. Bruce never types with the watch, so he just lurks in the chat.
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ir0nshield · 8 years
Stony Prompt #53
Anonymous sent: “ I'm having a bit of a bad day, and would really appreciate some fluff (whenever you're available of course). How about Tony is actually super ticklish, and Steve finds this out by accident one day. AFTER though, he makes it a personal mission to find out as many of Tony's ticklish spots as he can, to get more of those adorable giggles out of his boyfriend.”
First, Greyface, I hope your day got better ;3;) Second, I apologize for taking so long- work’s really getting to me and while it’s fun, it’s also exhausting ahjfkghj
Here you go though, ticklish!Tony and a nice extra of Fluff for you<3
It happens as an accident. Steve catches Tony one morning, innocently intending to grab his boyfriend by the waist and draw him in for a hug. But the reaction he gets when his fingers poke Tony's side is different from what he expected.
Tony cringes away with a sound that's half a gasp, half a choked giggle, before he whirls around to glare at Steve – Steve, who is stunned by the noise he's just heard.
“Don't”, Tony growls, when Steve's smile grows and grows until it threatens to split his face. “Don't you dare. Steve Grant Rogers, I swear-”
Steve pulls him close and kisses him.
Of course that's not the end.
Steve is aware he made a very precious discovery. Tony is ticklish, at least right there above his hip and Steve can't help but wonder if his lover has any other ticklish spots.
So he makes it his personal mission to find it out.
The next time he tries something is when they are cuddled up on the couch. Tony's head rests on his shoulder and Steve feels a wave of fondness wash over him whenever he gazes at the relaxed, peaceful expression his boyfriend sports. Tony looks thoroughly comfortable.
Steve's got his arm around him, tightening just a little.
Tony hums and presses closer, not expecting anything, so Steve moves his fingers a little and probes at Tony's ribs.
The reaction comes instantly. Tony gasps and, when Steve doesn't stop but pokes him again, lets out a startled laugh.
Soon enough, Steve has Tony curled into a ball on the couch, arms wrapped around his chest in a vain attempt to protect himself. And he is laughing, giggling, really. Steve is mesmerized by the sound; it's so beautiful and he falls in love all over again at the way Tony's face lights up as he laughs.
“St- Steve- Steve!”, his lover gasps, breathless. “S-Stop it-”
Steve does pause, grinning at Tony, who glares at him. His cheeks are flushed and his eyes, warm and brown, sparkle with hidden amusement.
“Asshole”, Tony grumbles, but his lips curve up. Steve kisses the smile right off, hands now moving up to caress Tony's shoulders and tangle in his hair.
“You never told me you were ticklish”, Steve mumbles between kisses. He goes down willingly when Tony pulls him, careful not to crush his boyfriend with his weight.
“'s because you'd abuse this knowledge”, Tony accuses. He raises an eyebrow at Steve as if to dare him to argue, but Steve only ducks his head with a rueful expression.
The blond steals another kiss. “It makes you laugh”, he defends. “And I love it when you laugh.”
Tony gives an theatrical groan, pretending to be annoyed.
“Ugh, there you go, being all sappy.” His boyfriend pushes him off and gets up from the couch, stretching. It's just enough to make his shirt ride up, to expose a patch of olive skin and-
Tony squeaks when Steve grabs him once more and tickles him, his giggles soon dissolving in a string of curses.
“Steven Grant-”
He doesn't get further than this, cut off by Steve's fingers probing at his stomach next.
They end up chasing each other all the way to the bedroom, where Steve traps Tony on the bed, with mischief sparkling in his blue eyes.
Tony resigns to his fate with a sigh before he pulls Steve in for a long kiss.
Find it on ao3
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dksartz · 8 years
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Comfortable, content, happy Tony.
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lenalawlipop · 8 years
Stony Prompt #17
Check out @ir0nshield ´s version in her blog or ao3
Check out the rest of my fills at ao3
Prompt: “Does it require pants?”
Steve blinked, turning his head to a side and looking at his boyfriend. He was walking out of the shower, a towel around his waist and another one over his head. The numerous red bruises around his body made the super soldier blush, but Tony seemed to pay them no mind at all.
"What?" he finally managed, after somehow tearing his eyes off his boyfriend. Tony smirked, knowingly.
"I said, does that require pants? I feel lazy today."
"W-well, I mean, not necessarily, we're just gonna watch a movie..." he watched Tony's smirk grow bigger "Are you really going to...?"
"This is my tower, Steve, I can go around naked if I so choose"
"Right. And you choose to, because..."
"Feel like it" 
Choosing himself to not question Tony's logic anymore, he shrugged and put on his own clothes. Truth be told, there was probably no one awake or walking around the tower at all, not at this hour of the night, anyway, and Tony's floor was more often than not completely deserted, too. With that in mind, Steve merely observed as the genius put on a pair of black boxers and walked out of the room, preceding him into the hallway and leading the way to another room. He didn't bother him as he watched him operate the computer in silence, and when the movie began, Steve dimmed the lights, beckoning Tony into his arms, to which the genius happily obliged. They both sat in the middle of a pile of cushions in the back of the room, specially made for this purpose. Steve had to admit, this room was actually quite comfortable.
Tony's skin was still warm from his shower, and his hair was still somewhat damp, and Steve quickly realized what Tony's intentions had been from the start as a small shiver ran through him when Tony's fingertips, tender from the prolonged exposure to water, grazed his abs just under the hem of his shirt. He smiled under his breath, and he knew Tony was smiling too. Determined not to give into his boyfriend's plans, he kept his eyes on the movie, doing his very best to ignore the sweet caresses on his skin, which only went further and further as time passed by. 
As much as he'd love to say he lasted until the very end, by the time the movie ended, both of them were already half tangled into each other, hands exploring, mouths not quite kissing, but breaths mingling with each other in sensual gasps whenever one of them found a new spot that could potentially reduce the other to a puddle in the floor. 
"The movie is over" opening his eyes to look into Tony's, he arched an eyebrow.
"I know. I really liked that last scene with the persecution. Very thrilling, although throwing a car over your head is not very realistic for a normal person..." Tony's eyes were suspicious.
"You had seen this movie before" he accused. Steve smiled with a hint of malice.
"I seem to recall you being very busy during that scene" Steve closed his eyes again, a quiet hum leaving his throat as Tony roamed his hands around the super soldier's back, nails marking the skin ever so slightly.
"I can multitask, Tony. You, on the other hand, have definitely seen this movie before" Steve almost chuckled when he saw Tony's nearly offended look.
"Oh really? Then by all means, multitask around this and lead the way back to our room, will you?" and then a pair of lips pressed against his, and before Steve could react, he got himself a handful of Tony, arms and legs surrounding him. Needless to say, soon enough neither of them was thinking about multitasking. At all.
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nim-lock · 8 years
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For my darling wife @destroyedparadise234, who really wanted “Tony with a chicken.” Happy Valentine’s Day. 
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WinterIron Fluff Idea #1
As a Stony, Winteriron, and Stuckony shipper, and Tony fan I am in so much pain rn I need like 309742 gallons of fluff so here’s a WinterIron fluff fic idea
Imagine Bucky living in the tower with the rest of the Avengers, trying to readjust to living in the 21st century. And while it’s a difficult process, it’s getting better. The whole team is great, Tony in particular makes sure to not treat him like he’s made of glass, something Bucky is infinitely grateful for, and through all their playful bantering and late-night conversations when Bucky’s having trouble falling asleep and Tony’s awake in his lab anyway, Bucky grows incredibly fond of Tony.
But while Tony isn’t afraid to verbally spar with Bucky, Bucky notices that Tony has never made any sort of physical contact with him. 
He’s seen how much Tony touches everyone else; he’s seen the way Tony and Clint fist bump after either of them pull off a particularly cool looking move during a mission, how Tony tends to clap his hands on Bruce’s shoulders, even massaging them a little if Bruce feels particularly stressed. He’s seen the bear hugs and cheek kisses he gives Thor, he’s even seen the adorable little secret handshake Tony and Nat have when they think no one’s looking. And he’s definitely seen the way Tony clings onto Steve like a tired Koala when Tony’s too sleepy to carry himself to his own room after an inventing spree, or the way Tony tends to curl up into Steve’s chest when they’re all together hanging out in the living-room and Tony wants to take a nap. (“Bucky are you sure you’re ok” “What? I’m fine, Steve.” “Bucky, you’ve been glaring at me for 10 minutes straight.” “I’m not glaring. I just forgot to blink.” “Bucky.”)
And Bucky’s a bit hurt at first when he realizes it. He thinks that maybe Tony doesn’t like him as much as the others and doesn’t want to touch him, or even worse- that he’s afraid of him. Steve of course tells him that that can’t be any farther from the truth, that Tony wouldn’t have offered him his home, wouldn’t have let Bucky roam freely into his lab so many times if Tony was scared of him or didn’t like him. So the next morning when he runs into Tony in the kitchen after a rather restless night (because even though he knows Steve is probably right, he still couldn’t get any sleep from how much this bothered him), he decides he needs to confront Tony about this.
And by confront, he means mope on the kitchen island while Tony makes coffee.
And because he is very sleep deprived, and because Tony’s shirt is riding up a bit on his side, he decides to just wing it and gently poke Tony’s side because there’s no way Tony would be this open, this vulnerable in front of him if he was scared of him.
And Bucky’s heart breaks a little when Tony suddenly jumps away as if he’s been burned, mentally cursing himself out because now he’s done it, he’s ruined everything that’s been building up between them all because he couldn’t stop himself from poking Tony when it’s so obvious Tony doesn’t want to touch him—
But then he hears the softest little giggle, and moves so that he can see Tony’s face and sees Tony biting his lower lip to stop himself from laughing more. And Tony tries to school his features, but as soon as he sees the look on Bucky’s face, he instantly becomes incredibly confused/concerned because “????? I’ve never seen anyone look so relieved from tickling me Bucky are you ok???”
And Bucky tries to explain to him, that he thought that- he was afraid, when Tony jumped away as soon as Bucky touched him- God, he was so worried—
And it’s not coming out smoothly, not smoothly at all, but Tony understands. Boy, does Tony understand, and he instantly pulls Bucky into a hug because I’m so sorry, I had no idea. I’m not afraid of you, or don’t want you to touch me, or anything you were thinking in that overly greasy head of yours, and that he just never touched Bucky like he touches the other team members because he wasn’t sure if Bucky would be comfortable with that. And Tony cuddles himself into Bucky’s chest because all his teammates are ridiculously tall, okay, but it's alright because Bucky nuzzles his nose into Tony’s hair and wraps his arms around Tony’s waist, and everything feels so incredibly comfortable and right.
…And then Bucky continues to run his fingers along Tony’s sides because ticklish, giggly Tony is amazing.
(And also because his hair is not greasy, thank you very much.)
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magpiewords · 6 years
Sugar and Snow
This was way too much fun to write. Text-talk style is my guilty pleasure. The title isn’t my best, but half the story is about a ski trip and half of it is about sufganiyot.
It was the sixth night and no one was home. Steve shouldn’t have been surprised, they were all busy people. The fact that nothing alien or super powered had threatened the world in the past few weeks was a miracle all on it’s own. He was grateful for the peaceful days they had together, but he was left wanting more as he stood alone in the kitchen, mading a single sandwich out of leftover brisket. There weren’t even any latkas left to heat up, and he really didn’t feel like making more if he was just by himself.
He was on the last bites of his sandwich when his phone buzzed. A lone text message from Tony. [check snapchat]
Steve was just happy with was in actual English instead of whatever amalgamation of emojis the genius was prone to communicate with. Bucky had picked up on that new language fast enough, which seemed to give everyone else clearance to speak solely in pictures on the team group text. They were having so much fun and Steve didn’t have the heart to tell them he felt left out.
Snapchat wasn’t as bad. It took him a little longer than everyone else to figure out, but once he did, he loved it. It was still more pictures than words, but it was pictures of real life. Usually it was selfies or sneaky pictures of Clint asleep at a stakeout. The stickers were really fun and everyone seemed to enjoy the drawings Steve could create after Natasha had given him a stylus.
He opened the app, noticing several notifications waiting for him on the team thread. A video of Sam walking past some birds on his way to meet with an advisor for his master’s degree, a series of photos in which Bucky braided Thor’s hair, and finally, one photo from Tony.
The geo-filter said Los Angeles in a fancy type, and the image was of a giant donut sign above a building. The caption must have been what he wanted Steve to see.
The rest of the picture was filled with heart-eye emojis and what looked like water droplets. Steve chuckled to himself and snapped a photo of his open palm. It only took a minute to doodle a cartoon donut on the image.
[I would love one.]
Tony didn’t reply for a while, but Steve had already put his phone away and made himself comfortable in the living room. Everyone else had missions and meetings and “Thor’s never been skiing so we’re going upstate for the day”, but Steve had things to do too. Important things like…
Well, he had his sketch book and some podcasts. That was fine.
It could have been five minutes or a few hours, but Steve’s phone turned on and didn’t seem to stop. He scrambled to pull it out of his pocket; it would only go off like this if he was getting a phone call which probably meant villainy had finally stopped taking a vacation. If that was the case, though, wouldn’t Jarvis be alerting him too?
Instead of a phone call, he was rapidly getting a string of text messages.
TStark: buck how could u fail us like this???
Bucky: wut im skiing i literally did nothing
Widow: winter soldier sucks at winter sports btw
Bucky: fuck off
Hawkeye: haha i want pics
TStark: no shut up
TStark: steve’s never had Sigmund Freud
TStark: i mean stuff and yaks
TStark: autocorrect bullshit i cant do this while flying
Col.Rhodes: We talked about this
TStark: S U F G A N I Y O T
Widow: omg bucky how could u
Steve had barely caught up with the string of texts when his snapchat notified him again. It was from Natasha’s account, but someone else was filming. Likely Thor, if the camera half being covered by a thumb was anything to go by. The video featured Natasha and Bucky, both on skis at the bottom of a slope they must have just come down. With one solid shove, she pushed him into a snow bank. There was shouting and laughter before the video cut out.
Bucky: tony i need a new phone tash got snow in mine
TStark: haha nice
TStark: but seriously
TStark: every1 get home asap so we can eat these
Hawkeye: dont u have an AM meeting tomorrow?
Col.Rhodes: Pepper is not going to be happy about this.
Another snapchat notification, this time with a photo taken from the Iron Man armor’s outside cameras. Tony didn’t just have a box of donuts, he had a crate, carrying it on the suit’s shoulders like he would carry building materials. The photo was surrounded by thumbs up emojis and a small bit of text in the corner. Steve leaned in, just barely reading it before the image timed out.
[I told Sir that I do not approve]
Steve chuckled again, glancing up at the ceiling. “He giving you too much trouble, Jarvis?”
“At least I got him to stop texting and flying. The trade off is I have to type his messages for him. And he is very particular about the placement of those emoticons.” The AI sounded the closest Steve had ever heard him to exhausted.
Another video came in, this time from Sam. The camera was facing him as he walked across campus.
“I was in a meeting,” He sounded furious, but it was too over the top. Steve knew what a truly angry Sam sounded like, so this must be played up for a joke. “In a meeting with my graduate advisor and my phone sounds like the end of the world. She asks me if it’s Avengers business and I have to look her dead in the eye, with all you still texting me, and tell her to ignore it.” The camera rapidly moved as Sam seemed to throw up his hands. “Now she thinks I value my studies over saving the world and you know what, right now I think I do!”
The video ended, followed with a short text message.
Falcon: You guys suck
The rest of the team replied with a series of different emojis, ranging from laughing symbols to something with birds that was probably a Falcon related joke Steve didn’t quite get.
Falcon: T I want those donuts when I get home
TStark: what’s that birdy? i should go faster??
Jarvis: Sir is already breaking several interstate flight regulations, please do not encourage him.
Col.Rhodes: damnit sam
Widow: save some for us!
“Iron Man should be landing at the tower in fifteen minutes.” Jarvis reported. Steve could hear the coffee machine in the kitchen start to power up. “Mr. Wilson will be arriving in twenty. Agent Romanoff, Sergeant Barnes, and Thor are leaving the ski lodge and are due home in just under two hours.”
“You work way too hard, Jarvis.” Steve slid his phone to silent, knowing Jarvis would tell him if there was anything important, and went back to sketching.
“Captain, you have no idea.”
Exactly fifteen minutes later, Tony was on the landing platform outside the tower windows. He all but dragged the crate into the kitchen, opening it and pulling out smaller cardboard boxes. He walked into the living room with a spring in his step, pastry in one hand, cell phone in the other.
“Those don’t look like your usual donuts, Tony.” Steve said. It looked more like a small cake with powdered sugar on top.
Tony didn’t say a word, just kept the camera on Steve as he shoved the pastry in the soldier’s face. Steve took a bite, jelly gushing around the sides as flavor overwhelmed his senses. His eyes must have been comically wide as Tony started laughing before lowering his phone. A few seconds later, as Steve was cradling the donut to prevent any jelly or crumbs from getting on the couch, his own phone went off. He let out a sigh, half annoyed despite the something warm curling inside him, knowing the rest of the team would get to share the moment of his first sufganiyot with him.
<prev> <next>
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ir0nshield · 8 years
Stony Prompt #51
Anonymous sent: “Nobody ever told Tony that they loved him. Literally nobody. Even the people who do love him (I think) like Pepper and Rhodey, never told him that they loved him. It really does hurt him, to never hear a simple 'I love you' especially since he says it to everyone who he loves. And the team figures that out after years of living with him. They start telling him they love him all the time like "morning tones, i love you" or "you hungry? we love u" and Tony is really confused, but happy.”
Halfway through I realized that I may have gone off-track with this buuuuuuuuut- it’s a whole truckload of Tony fluff, and I think we need this right now.
Thanks for the Prompt and I hope you enjoy this!
To say that Tony is surprised when it first happens is an understatement.
When he shuffles into the kitchen one morning, sleep-mussed and not quite awake yet, a mug is pressed into his hands. Tony’s attention focuses solely on the coffee and he practically purrs in delight.
What stops him in his tracks and snaps him out of his sleepy haze, however, is the voice telling him: “Good morning, Tony. I love you. Enjoy your coffee.”
He blinks, the mug frozen halfway to his lips. Tony swears he can see a flash of red hair disappearing but-
Why would Natasha tell him she loved him?
It must be a dream, Tony decides. People don’t just tell him they love him. People tell him his flaws, they tell him everything that he does wrong, they tell him very clearly how much they hate him, despise him, how he’s arrogant and self-obsessed and only ever caring about himself.
But they do not tell him “I love you”.
He writes it off as a sleep-induced hallucination and focuses on his coffee.
The second time it happens, he has been awake for about 30 hours. There had been a conversation with Bruce that had sparked an idea and Tony is practically buzzing with energy, he can’t stop.
He doesn’t notice the door to the lab sliding open. He misses Steve’s “Hey, Tony”.
He only reacts when the scent of strong, black coffee hits his nose and Tony moans. He makes grabby hands at Steve until the blond is close enough to give it to him, greedily taking a sip. It’s hot and perfect and Tony closes his eyes in bliss, noticing finally how his exhaustion is catching up on him.
Steve’s still standing by his side, blue eyes trained on him. Tony raises an eyebrow. “Anything I can do for you?”
Steve gives him a crooked little smile. “No. I just wanted to bring you the coffee… and maybe tell you to get some sleep. You’ve already been up for too long, shellhead.”
Tony rolls his eyes, but maybe he’ll actually do this. He is tired, after all. “Fine, mother hen. Let me finish this coffee and give me one more hour and then I’ll sleep. Happy?”
Steve grins. With a pat on Tony’s shoulder, he turns to leave – and he’s almost out of the door when Tony hears him say: “Sleep well later. Love you.”
Tony whips around so fast his neck hurts, but Steve’s already gone and- This can’t have happened, right? Surely this has been Tony’s imagination, his own tired mind playing tricks on him. Because there is no way in Hell Steve Rogers would tell him that he loved him.
It can’t be a hallucination or a dream, Tony thinks, because it happens again. Clint talks to him about some arrow design he had in mind and of course Tony, always striving to provide the team with new and better gear, goes to build it.
He doesn’t expect anything in return; it may sound a little upsetting, but Tony is used to doing things for others and not even hearing a ‘Thank you’.
So when he hands a set of new arrows to Clint, Tony thinks the archer will run off immediately to try them out.
He does not expect Clint to slap him on the back with a big grin and tell him: “Thanks man! I love you”, before dashing off.
Tony…. Tony honestly doesn’t know what to do with this. It happens twice, it’s a coincidence; but it happens three times and you have a pattern.
He furrows his brows and thinks hard. What has changed that three people of the team suddenly decide it’s time to tell him ‘I love you’? No one has ever done that before and-
Oh, that thought hurts more than it should. Tony tries to think back and remember an occasion where he’s heard these words. Where they meant something and were not just whispers during a moment of passion that held no meaning.
He disappears down in his workshop again but gets no projects done. Tony keeps thinking about what has happened. Why are his teammates suddenly acting like this? Sure, he has become quite affectionate with all of them but that had to happen eventually. They’ve been a team for three years now, fighting and living together.
Tony cares about them all and he tells them so. He remembers that he has told every single one of his teammates that he loves them already. He’s told Rhodey. He has told Pepper, too. But none of these people, Tony realizes with a sinking feeling in his stomach, has ever said it back.
Until now.
It happens more frequently. And it always leaves Tony stunned and flustered but happy.
So happy.
He never recovers fast enough to say anything back, but it’s nice to hear these words so often and at the most random times. Sometimes it’s over breakfast (“You hungry, Tones? I love ya”), sometimes it’s after he’s finished another upgrade (“That is so cool! Thanks man, I love you!”).
Tony has thought he’s past the blushing but apparently, these three simple words still get his cheeks to heat up.
He lets it go on, expecting it to blow over sooner or later. Maybe Steve has given the others a lecture about treating Tony better; it’s nothing that hasn’t happened before so the effects of that will die down soon.
Except they don’t. Three weeks have passed and the others still tell Tony randomly that they love him. And by now he wants to know why.
So he waits for the next movie night, then tells JARVIS to pause the movie and marches into the room. Arms crossed over his chest, he looks the assembled team over and raises an eyebrow.
“So, why are you doing this?”, he wants to know.
Steve looks at him confused. “Doing what?”
“You know what! The whole- the whole ‘I love you’ thing. What is this about?” Tony taps his fingers against the reactor, eyes flicking to each member of the team.
Natasha looks mildly amused, if the restrained little smile she wears is any indication. Thor… Thor looks strangely hurt, as if it pains him to hear Tony ask this question. Bruce sports a similar expression, while Clint just shakes his head.
When Tony looks back at Steve, the blond’s eyes are soft and gentle. He pats the spot next to him.
“Sit down, Tony. I’ll explain.”
The brunet stares Steve down but eventually sighs and does as he’s told. Immediately, Steve wraps an arm around his shoulder and pulls him against his side. To his surprise, Natasha casually curled closer too, fitting herself against Tony’s other side.
The whole team suddenly huddles around him, all of them piled over each other and Tony feels heat rising to his cheeks. This- This is ridiculous, he should-
“Sometimes I think we don’t appreciate you enough”, Steve murmurs softly and Tony goes very still. “You do so much for us. For anyone you meet. You care and you give everything you have and… well…”
“We noticed something”, Natasha continues. Tony licks his lips, not moving. “We noticed that you tell us you like us, but we didn’t tell you in return. So we investigated.”
Clint, sitting behind Tony on the back of the couch, briefly ruffles Tony’s hair. “Guess what we found out. Asked your girl, she said you told her you loved her but that she never got the chance to say it back. Same for your sidekick.”
“Rhodey’s no one’s sidekick”, Tony mutters automatically but he curls in on himself, trying to make himself smaller.
“Tony”, Bruce speaks up softly and the brunet feels fingers on his knee. “We appreciate you. And we thought it was good to let you know about that. Tell you daily, so you’ll believe it.”
Strangely enough, Tony does believe them. He sinks deeper into Steve’s embrace, returns the gentle squeeze of Natasha’s hand around his and hides the few tears that he can’t hold back, but he’s smiling so hard his cheeks hurt. 
Find this Prompt on ao3
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dksartz · 8 years
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Tony is so happy he made Steve laugh!
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maplerosekisses · 9 years
Steve and Tony having slow, lazy Christmas morning sex. Go.
I like the implication that this would even be an option in any sort of canon setting. 
There are Christmas morning traditions that involve pancakes and cinnamon rolls and presents, and if Steve and Tony don’t show up on time, someone will start banging on their door (they know better than to barge in, but they won’t give them any peace, either). They tried it once, but didn’t get past the making out and wandering hands before Natasha was knocking on the door and telling them Thor and Sam would steal their breakfasts if they didn’t show soon. So Steve sighed and rolled off of Tony because they COULD just skip it, but they can have sex any time, while Clint’s holiday breakfasts only happen a few times a year. 
Any AU where they have kids is also a no, for self-explanatory reasons.
But imagine like, a college AU or newlyweds AU, where they have plans with friends for the afternoon but they spend Christmas morning in their little apartment under a pile of blankets and if they want to have coffee and Christmas candy for breakfast at 10am, there’s no one to stop them, so they sleep in and drift awake together, and they’re both feeling too sleepy and lazy for anything fancy so it’s just them moving against each other slowly under their blankets, sharing sleepy lovesick smiles between kisses and sighs.
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nim-lock · 8 years
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Happy domestic superhusbands being in each other’s space. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
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chorus-the-mutate · 9 years
MCU Headcanons
. Tony Stark will usually wear suits to work but there are days where he's just too exausted(being a superhero and all)so he'll email Bambi Arbogast and tell her to spread the news that it's casual Friday, no matter what day of the week it is . Clint met his wife Laura after she already had two kids but since he ended up loving them as his own he decided to adopt them just after he and Laura got married . Whenever Natasha visits Tony he always asks where her mini me(Ava Orlova) is every time without fail . Steve is funniest when he doesn't try, those quips are just some random thoughts bouncing around in Steve's had but when he consciously tries to impress someone he gets all nervous . Bruce has that same love of glass figurines he does in the Avengers Assemble tv show . Thor will still throw his glass to the floor on occasion, usually when he's excited . Sam and Natasha will go to the movies together just to see bad horror movies and laugh their assess off . Clint has to show both Wanda and Vision the wonders of hot chocolate and eggnog . Steve and Bruce will sometimes meditate together when things get too stressful . Whenever Thor and Loki fight Thor brings up the fact that magic is girly since Loki used to think that as a child . Tony accidentally finds an RPG game one day when he's bored and ends up becoming one of the best players there which peeves Peter Parker off since he loses the occasional battle to Tony
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billandpotts · 9 years
guys just imagine thor being all excited introducing jane to the rest off the but she's all nervous she's going to come off across as star struck and she doesn't want to embarrass herself buuuuuuut its all ok because as soon as she gets through the door tony and Bruce just jump up and start fangirling over how much they love her work and she suddenly feels so happy and starts chatting to them whilst thor just stares at her completely proud and smitten
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electricitylingerss · 9 years
Happy Headcanon #4
I like to think that Thor and the Hulk are BFFs. I’m picturing sparring and stress relief that has to take place in the middle of nowhere due to how much property damage they would cause. And then chilling in front of the TV to wind down, both totally entranced by all the trashy programmes. And then I imagine the Hulk slowly turning back into Bruce as he relaxes on the sofa. He falls asleep snuggled up next to Thor with a smile on his face. 
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Cute Stony Ideas 3 & 4- Outing & Animals
Imagine a nosy paparazzi asking Tony what he truly thinks his greatest accomplishment in life is, and Tony answering without thinking, "Making Captain America cream his pants using only a feather while dressed up as a flamingo," because he's so sleep deprived.
And Steve’s not sure whether he wants to die because Tony just accidentally outed them to the whole world like that, or because it's actually unfortunately very very true.
Imagine Tony secretly dreams of hoarding cute fluffy animals.
Literally every time Tony finds a stray after a battle, Steve has to bodily carry Tony away from taking the little fluff home. But when one day, Tony sees a nest of mostly hatched duck eggs, but arrives just in time to see the last egg hatch and the little duckling all alone by herself, Tony is completely gone for the duckling.
Steve's just like, "Tony, you know the ducks are the ones who are supposed to imprint, right? Not you?"
But Tony's having none of that and takes the duckling home. She sleeps on Steve's side of the bed that night.
(That's ok with Steve, though. He just cuddles really close to Tony that night so they're only occupying one side of the bed.)
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magpiewords · 6 years
The final chapter of my Hanukkah series is here! I struggled with the title, but I thought the line in chapter two was fitting. The story is mostly the team celebrating, but addresses the fact that their Jewishness, though not always in the forefront of their lives, has always been with them.
If you’d rather read on tumblr, here’s a link to the beginning!
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